PENDOZI LOG - West Kelowna Yacht Club
PENDOZI LOG WINTER 2014/2015 Inside this issue… Martinis & Mistletoe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 10 New year’s Eve Party. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 11 Kettle Campaign. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 13 Kids Christmas Party. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 15 PENDOZI LOG W E S T K E L OW NA YAC H T C LU B If Undeliverable Please Return To: W E S T K E L O W N A YA C H T C L U B 4111 Gellatly Road • West Kelowna, B.C. • V4T 2K2 Phone: 250-768-5472 Fax: 250-768-8972 Email: Website: 2 014 / 2 015 F L A G O F F IC E R S W E L C OME NE W ME MB E R S FULL Jeff and Simone Peterson Carol and Joseph Ward Commodore. . . . . . . . . . . Brian Jamieson. . . . . 250-707-2017 Vice Commodore. . . . . . . . Darcy Detlor. . . . . . 250-768-1878 Rear Commodore. . . . . . . . Al Patterson. . . . . . 250-769-7154 Rear Commodore. . . . . . . . Assisting Al James. 250-768-3781 Past Commodore. . . . . . . . Martin Gerard. . . . . 250-768-0338 Staff Captain (acting). . . . . John Hudson . . . . . 250-768-3536 2 014 / 2 015 DIR E C T O R S Bar Director. . . . . . . . . . . . Gail James. . . . . . . 250-768-3781 Bar Director. . . . . . . . . . . . Assisting Gayle Hudson.250-768-3536 Harbour Master. . . . . . . . . Terry Jaggers. . . . . 250-317-7646 PARKING Vehicles parked in WKYC parking spots without window stick will be towed. Please come into the office or the bar and get yours. Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . Scott Thresher . . . . 250-768-8570 Advertising/Log. . . . . . . . . Tom Cole . . . . . . . . 778-754-2221 Entertainment Director. . . . Pat Pope. . . . . . . . . 778-755-0183 Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Ouimet Lost in the Moorage Basin Please notify the office if you have lost something in the moorage basin. Things do surface and we never know who they belong to… PAGE 2 Director at Large . . . . . . . . Marilyn Hogan. . . . 778-754-0293 Office Manager I am available from 9am until 1pm Monday to Friday. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please feel free to call me at 250-768-5472 or e-mail the club at Kathy Gabelhei PENDOZI LOG W E S T K E L OW NA YAC H T C L U B words from the WHEELHOUSE Commodore’s Report T hanks to all members who were able to attend the WKYC Annual General meeting in late October. It was a well attended meeting with some healthy discussion. Next year we hope to have the AGM even earlier so that members who travel south can also attend. There were a few approved changes made to our Constitution as follows: Limiting Social memberships to 25 or 10% of the number of regular members whichever is greater; The introduction of a Corporate membership; and the increase of member house accounts to $200.00 and Corporate member house accounts to $800.00. If you wish further information on these changes please contact Kathy. Other key messages related to those attending were with respect to membership; infrastructure replacement; volunteering. profitability; and During the past 12 months we have had 48 new members join the WKYC. This brings our membership to about 200 as compared to 183 this time last year. I am very pleased with this increase as it provides more revenue needed for infrastructure improvements. I ask all members to talk to potential new members and encourage them to join the WKYC. Renovations to the clubhouse are complete for now and during 2015 we will be replacing the deck and docks ‘A’ and ‘B’. Further dock and finger replacements will be necessary during the following years and your executive will be proposing options to enable these dock replacements for membership approval later in 2015. In order to afford these improvements we will be exercising care to ensure that all functions and events, where possible, continue to make a reasonable profit and are well attended. This brings me to the last message concerning volunteerism. The WKYC has been successful for the past 52 years due to a very robust volunteer membership. I want to thank all members who continue to volunteer and encourage all members to participate in at least one or two functions during the year. It is a lot of fun and very rewarding! I want to thank Martin Gerard for his efforts during the past two years as Commodore and those Directors who have also contributed in the past and to welcome those that have agreed to join us this year. I am thrilled with our new Executive! I am looking forward to being your Commodore and hope that together we can retain our status as the best yacht club on Okanagan Lake! Brian Jamieson COMMODORE PAGE 3 Experience the Dockside Difference For over 50 years, Harris Flotebote has led the way in pontoon construction. The Sea Ray 300SLX — smoothest ride on the water! BC‘s Trusted Source for New and Used Boats, Trailers, and Parts and Service 770 Finns Road, Kelowna, BC • 1.800.663.4737 • 250.765.3995 PENDOZI LOG W E S T K E L OW NA YAC H T C L U B Vice Commodore’s Report G reetings from your new VC. It’s rewarding to be part of an organization that is moving forward. Perhaps the days when there were lots of young boomers buying boats are past, and membership is not what it was then and before the Great Recession. But, membership is only one measure of an organization. Marty took the club in a new direction and I look Harbour Master’s Report N ow that winter is here, there’s going to be a lot of activity in the basin. A and B docks will be getting replaced with concrete docks and will be a huge improvement over the dated wooden ones. Next spring will likely see a large amount of slip changes similar to this past spring, I’ll do my best to accommodate all the requests I get from all of you, that being said I do have to get as many feet of hull into each slip that I can to help drive revenues from forward to helping Brian continue with the improvements. Although I have no aspirations to be Commodore, I believe that my almost 30 years’ experience in running a small business will help. Growing with limited resources is our goal, but with new A&B docks as a start, and expansion in the future, the spirit of the club is healthy and thriving. Say hello if I’m in the pretty blue sailboat at the end of Dock C. That’s me. Cheers! Darcy Detlor VICE COMMODORE the moorage. There will still be events going on at the club over the winter, watch your emails for information on Christmas and New Year’s Eve events. I’d like to wish all of you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from my family to yours. Be safe have fun and we’ll all be boating in just a few short months Terry Jaggers HARBOUR MASTER Rear Commodores’ Report A t the writing of this log Docks A and B are being dismantled all cleats removed and stored and electrical made safe. The new docks will be constructed off premises over the winter and installed in the spring ready for a new boating season. The new docks are concrete construction for more stability and longevity. We will update on the progress as it becomes available. Al James & Al Patterson REAR COMMODORES PAGE 5 PENDOZI LOG W E S T K E L OW NA YAC H T C LU B Maintenance Report Carla and I are looking forward to all the upcoming events. Check your calendars and lets have some fun. As this is the last log report for 2014 we wish you all a safe and Happy Holiday season. All the best in 2015. A s the new director for this term I’ve been asked by Dave Rose past director, to thank everyone who participated at the October Fall Clean Up. A great deal was accomplished and a good time had by all. The meal that followed was awesome! Great job everyone. As you should all be aware by now, the Roses are off on an adventure of a life time and we wish them all the best. A big thanks to Dave for your service. BON VOYAGE to Dave and Mary Rose! They are off on an adventure of a life time. Thanks Dave for all your hard work and your immediate attention when needed. Best wishes to you both! PAGE 6 As your new maintenance director please report any concerns to the office or myself. Thank you Scott Thresher DIRECTOR OF MAINTENANCE W E S T K E L OW NA YAC H T C L U B PENDOZI LOG If you missed the Halloween Party on November 1, you missed a great time. Special thanks to Al and Donna Wyatt and their team of volunteers for the fabulous meal and a fun evening. PAGE 7 PENDOZI LOG W E S T K E L OW NA YAC H T C LU B • Small Business Specialist • Personal Tax Preparation • Reasonable Rates • Personalized Service Audit 25 Years with Revenu e Canada In order to expedite faster response’s to member questions, comments or suggestions, we have now added a new email connection to the director who is responsible for each department on the board. Instead of calling the office and then having Kathy relay the information to the appropriate director, please now feel free to email the director in charge directly. ED SCHNEIDER AND ASSOCIATES Ed Schneider BBA ~ THE TAX GUY 250.707.2036 1.877.494.7639 Please note: We have ONLY 1 disabled/ handicapped parking spot. Anyone parking there is required to display a disabled parking placard. text gaurd Call us before CRA (Revenue Canada) calls YOU! NOTICE TO MEMBERS bleed crop Income Tax Causing You Sleepless Nights? Providing Quality Boat Repairs for Over 27 Years. > Scratches, chips, gelcoat and fiberglass repairs. 940 Alsgard Street, Kelowna > Complete re-finishing including striping & decals. The Boat Repair Specialists > Insurance claims welcome. Ph: (250) 765-1722 PAGE 8 Richard Montgomery Lawyer 410-1708 Dolphin Ave. Kelowna BC V1Y 9S4 T-250.980.3361 F-250.868.9011 Business Law Real Estate Wills, Trusts, & Estates PENDOZI LOG W E S T K E L OW NA YAC H T C L U B 2015 St. Ives Resort on the Shuswap 1 Bed + Loft May 23th-30th for rent $700.00 per week May 30th-6th These Three weeks only June 6th-13th St Ives Resort on the Shuswap is a Silver Crown Resort and received the RCI Hospitality Award. Whether you enjoy the speed and exhilaration of water skiing, a peaceful early morning fishing trip or walk on the beach, St Ives can make your holiday dreams come true. Amenities: Clubhouse, Games room, BBQ pit, Sandy Beach, Boat Moorage ($35.00 a week) Playground, Satellite TV and Internet access Sleeps 5, Three single beds in the loft and 1 Queen in bedroom. One pet allowed Fee $75.00 per week Call or email Gayla 250-768-9096 250-878-6301 If you book through the resort the fee will be $940.00 per week Google “St. Ives Resort on the Shuswap” for more pics and info PAGE 9 PENDOZI LOG W E S T K E L OW NA YAC H T C LU B West Kelowna Yacht Club’s Annual Friday, December 12th at 6:30pm Bring an appy and come enjoy an evening of Christmas Cheer! Please bring an unwrapped gift or non-perishable food item for the food bank. PA GE 10 Bring an appy and come enjoy an evening of Christmas Cheer! PENDOZI LOG W E S T K E L OW NA YAC H T C L U B 79 $ TICKETS: per couple Music by Moni Funk Cocktails 6pm ~ Dinner 7pm ~ Dance 9pm Don’t miss this fabulous evening! P A G E 11 PENDOZI LOG W E S T K E L OW NA YAC H T C LU B West Kelowna Yacht Club is a great place to hold any party. These pictures were taken at a recent wedding at WKYC. Look how beautiful it can become. P A G E 12 W E S T K E L OW NA YAC H T C L U B PENDOZI LOG PA GE 13 PENDOZI LOG W E S T K E L OW NA YAC H T C LU B For All Your Boating Needs! Sales · Services · Parts · Accessories ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Summerizing Certified Marine Mechanics Official Xcursion Luxury Fiberglass and Gel Coat Repair Pontoon Boat Dealer Cut/Wax/Polish Detailing Custom Biminis and Canvas Covers Short and Long Term Storage Valet service (have you on the Water in Mins!) Snacks, Ice and Day Parking for Vehicle and Trailer (Located Across from Yacht Club) ¾ Rentals (Boats, Seadoos, Kayaks, SUP’s, Water Skis, Wakeboard, Surfboards, Tubes, life Jackets) ¾ Marine Rescue: Out of gas? Dead Battery? Give Us a Call!! Contact Info Office: 250 769 0008 Storage Yard: 250 878 1999 1345 Industrial Road, West Kelowna PAGE 14 PENDOZI LOG W E S T K E L OW NA YAC H T C L U B West Kelowna Yacht Club Annual Children’s Christmas Party Sunday, December 7th 1:00pm - 3:00pm Santa Claus is coming to Town! WKYC is having a Christmas Party for children of ALL ages. Come join us for games, goodies and lots of FUN! This is a free party, but please RSVP by Wednesday December 3rd Please call the office at 250-768-5472. There might even be a visit from someone special! ….. Who could that be???? All members are welcome to come down & see the kids enjoy! P A G E 15 PENDOZI LOG W E S T K E L OW NA YAC H T C LU B Actual ad size Save a tree… (A Division of Fransen Insurance Services Ltd.) Offering Clients A Wide Variety of Insurance Underwriting Services Specializing in Insurance Covering: • High Valued Homes • Commercial / Residential Course of Construction • Commercial Buildings • Business Enterprises • Homeowners / Condominium Owners • Tenants / Rentals • RVs / Trailers • Boats / Personal Watercraft "Covering Your Insurance Needs From Top To Bottom" Contact: Office: Fax: 250-707-2100 250-707-2101 Have your log sent to you As an Independent Insurance by email! Brokerage, we offer our clients only personalized attention bu If you are interested in receiving access to a variety of Insurance Underwriting Services. We are your copy of the Pendozi Logto check bywith multiple insurers offer policies that best suit you email only, please let us know.individual We wants, needs and circumstances. Homeowners, Renta will be happy to take you offCondominium theCourseOwners, Tenants, of Constructi Business & Boat Insurance are mailing list and save a tree. areas that we work with. TOLL FREE: 1-877-SEA-2SKI (1-877-732-2754) Sign:________________________________________________ Date:_______________ House Accounts with the advertisement and understand that this is how it will appear in the magazine and that further changes cannot be made. CELEBRATING (This will sit adjacent December to your ad) ONLY) YEARS Serving the Interior of B.C. (4-26-11) Editorial WILL NOT BE INCLUDED E IT HAS NOT YET been provided on behalf of Tony Franzen. • Quality Full nterested in including an editorial, please send it to us immediately. Colour Printing Same great people Same quality printing Same great customer service! • Digital Colour Printing • Colour & High Volume Copies • Banners & Signs • Graphic Design • Wide Format (up to 54” wide!) • And much more! is here and this is your last month to use your house money. If you haven’t used it up by December 31, you will lose it. But don’t fret, there are still a couple functions coming up. Check the calendar for upcoming Christmas events. Don’t forget, the bar is still opened Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights from 5-11pm. Come visit us at one of our new locations! KELOWNA 778-484-7676 PENTICTON 778-476-7226 #102 - 1262 St. Paul Street EMAIL: #102 - 380 Okanagan Avenue East EMAIL: Order online and more at PA GE 16 PENDOZI LOG W E S T K E L OW NA YAC H T C L U B Office Manager’s Report Want to Advertise your Business in the Pendozi Log? Pendozi Log Advertising Prices Full Page ~ $60.00 + gst A s we all say… Where did the year go? Here we are a few short weeks away from Christmas. In the next day or two, you will be getting your 2015 invoices for membership fees. Please remember, it is due on January 2. If you are away, make sure you have left me a postdated cheque or a visa/ mastercard number. December is going Attention: Please remember to have your membership card available when attending other clubs. Also please remember to sign in at any club including ours! to be a busy month here at the Yacht Club. Lots of Christmas parties from other companies planned including the club’s Martini’s and Mistletoe on December 12. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Kathy Gabelhei OFFICE MANAGER Half Page ~ $35.00 + gst 1/3 Page ~ $25.00 + gst 1/4 Page ~ $20.00 + gst Business Card ~ $12.00 + gst Phone 250-768-5472 for more information. Ray’s Prop Repair 11124 Bottom Wood Lake Road Winfield, B.C., V4V 1V8 Shop Phone 250-766-2482 Cell Phone 604-750-0103 Summer Hours: Thurs – Mon 9am – 5:30pm Power Tech! Stainless Steel & Aluminium Quicksilver Props & Accessories Other Marine Parts & Used Props HOW MUCH IS TS Rope Work We are able to take care of most of your rope needs YOUR HOUSE WORTH? Call 250-859-1747 to book your complementary evaluation today. Carney Neave 250-868-4987 PAGE 17 PENDOZI LOG W E S T K E L OW NA YAC H T C LU B Entertainment Director’s Report Photo to come H ello everyone this is my first report as your entertainment director. I am looking forward to this roll and the challenges that I hear come with the position. We have several functions coming up. The first is the Grey Cup party on November 30th starting at 2:00 p.m. This should be a fun filled afternoon so plan to come out and enjoy a beverage some chili and the game. As we go into December there is Martinis and Mistletoe on December 6th followed by the children’s Christmas party on December 7th at which I understand Santa will be making an appearance. MOVE LIST 2014 1 2 3 4 5 O'Neill Jamieson Rose Gough Miller 6 7 8 9 10 Bizovie Baxter Boswell Sookochoff Hetland Winter Bar Hours Thursday. . . . . . 5-11pm There is also the New Year’s party that is being planned and more information will be provided in the future regarding this event. As we are a social club if anyone has any ideas for future events that they would like to see please let myself or Kathy know and I can bring them forward to the board. Let’s try to make this a fun filled year with lots of events that people will attend and be a part of. Thank you to all the volunteers that helped out with the events over the last year as it is membership involvement that truly makes our club a success. 11 12 13 14 15 Schultz Maloney Playford J. Ray Dash/King Friday. . . . . . . . 5-11pm Saturday. . . . . . 5-11pm Club Access to Washrooms is available from 7:00am to 11:00pm. Pat Pope ENTERTAINMENT DIRECTOR WAIT LIST 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sistonen Hancock Summers Jaggers, D Mueller/Cote Mueller Shaw 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Campbell Sehn Larson, Dean Copping Metcalf Herman Reiter 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Fader 16 Tomalty Milicevic/Yeulett Young Austin Ward Petersen Please be advised: All water outside the Pendozi is non potable. NOTE: Please try to take your garbage to the Regional barrels just outside of the gate. It helps save on our garbage disposal! PA GE 18 REMINDER: No animals in the Clubhouse at any time. No animals on the deck when food is being served (Health Dept. rules). Animals are to be leashed at all times and please scoop the poop. PENDOZI LOG W E S T K E L OW NA YAC H T C L U B FOR MEMBER S ONLY CLASSIFIED ADS Deadline: 2nd Tuesday of the month Personal Ads: Free (until further notice) Fax: 250-768-8972 Email: BOAT S & O T HER I T EMS FOR SAL E OR REN T Deep keel sail boat cradle 22' O’Day Sailboat For Rent all steel construction, ideal for sail boat storage/maintenance/repairs. Asking $1150 Can be seen on Castanet Contact Jorgen 250-763-0459 c/w galvanized trailer, 5 sails, 6 HP Yamaha O/B. Fully equipped, new cushions. Good condition. $6700. OBO 250-962-4966 Laser 28 – “Number Cruncher” Sea Ray 2005: 22 ft bowrider, Double axle deep keel sailboat trailer to club members and associates for taking sailboat out of water for servicing or moving from A to B. Two tonne capacity. Sailboat cradle to members and associates for storing or servicing of sailboats. Call Jorgen Hansen 250-763-0459 In immaculate condition with numerous expensive upgrades, Number Cruncher is the perfect cruiser/racer sailboat. Very competitive with a PHRF of 150. One of the very few 28 ft boats that is also a comfortable family cruiser with 5’10” headroom, galley, head, sleeping for 5, a huge wet locker and so on. Brand new interior. Equipped with roller furler, lazy jacks, etc. to make it easy to handle with a small crew. Impressive set of sails. Great value. Phone 250-494-9176 or email for extensive details (too many to list here). Sea Ray Sundancer 230 Well maintained Express Cruiser Excellent good looking vessel 305cu in V8 Merc Cruiser only 698 hrs Lorance Fish finder/depth sounder, marine (VHF) radio High end AM/FM stereo/disk player, alcohol stove, ice box, sink, enclosed head. Full surround canvases and covers, lots of storage spaces. Includes heavy duty, easy to load Shorelander dual axel trailer, with 4 new tires, new trailer jack, new carpeted sliders and rollers Boat is currently on the trailer. Asking $23,500 Contact Phil Girard 250-961-9252 swim deck, wakeboard tower & racks, 350 Magnum Mercruiser 300HP inboard, dual props, trim tabs, PS, Sirius AM/FM CD, extra speakers, bimini, all covers. Professionally winterized & summarized yearly. Shorelander tandem trailer with brakes, fold away hitch. $29,000 ~ 250-768-5607 See photo on bulletin board. 1998 Maxum SCR Cabin Cruiser - 32 ft. 425 hours, twin 5.0L vortex Brovo 2 Legs, Loaded; Fridge, Stove, Microwave, VHF, Guest Battery Charger 15 Amp, Sleeps 6, Comes with Tri Axle Trailer & More, Very clean & in excellent condition, Fresh Water Only Asking $53,000 (reduced from $65,000) Vivian Parenteau & Henry Van Druten • Phone 250-767-2433 Northwest 21 Sailboat 22 feet, sleeps 5, pop-top - standing head-room @ moorage, 4 sails, swing keel, 7.5 Merc. outboard with long shaft, excellent condition. $5,000.00 Phone Brian @ 250-768-4687 or cell @ 250-317-0390 10lb Down Rigger Balls $35.00 each or 4 for $100 Call Jack @ 250-769-1904 2004 Crownline bowrider w/ ez loader trailer, 5.0 mpi 22 ft w/ wakeboard tower, full history $21K Garry @ 778-754-0293. 1993 20 ft Wellcraft Nova 202 Spyder with Cuddy Cabin 230 HP Mercruiser inboard/outboard with low hours. Great Condition. C/w 1993 EZ Load tandem trailer. Asking $14,000.00 OBO. See in slip F10. Would consider old car, old truck or motorcycle in trade. Call 250 769 1282 or email if you called before about trading an old car please call again. 2000 CAMPION ALLANTE 705i SC 2010 Volvo 5.7 Gi (300 HP) DP Price: $30000 Specs: LOA: 26’ Beam: 8’6” Weight: 4550lbs Fuel Cap: 262L Deadrise: 18 degrees Capacity: 7 Bow Anchor Rope Locker. Acrylic Bimini Top w/ Curtains & Sloper. Tandem Axle trailer w/ Brake. This Boat has been well cared for and is in great shape. Low hours on motor and hull. Please contact MIKE with your inquiries and / or photos as many available at PA GE 19 PENDOZI LOG W E S T K E L OW NA YAC H T C L U B DECEMBER 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 2 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 3 4 Bar Open 5-11 PRIVATE FUNCTION PRIVATE FUNCTION 7 8 9 10 Kids Christmas Party 1-3pm 14 11 Bar Open 5-11 PRIVATE FUNCTION 15 16 17 18 Bar Open 5-11 PRIVATE FUNCTION 21 22 23 24 25 CHRISTMAS DAY CLOSED PRIVATE FUNCTION 28 29 30 FRIDAY SATURDAY 5 6 12 13 19 20 Bar Open 5-11 Bar Open 5-11 SPECIAL FUNCTION PRIVATE FUNCTION Bar Open 5-11 Bar Open 5-11 Martinis & Mistletoe PRIVATE FUNCTION Bar Open 5-11 PRIVATE FUNCTION 26 BOXING DAY CLOSED Bar Open 5-11 27 Bar Open 5-11 31 New Year’s Eve JANUARY 2015 SUNDAY NOTE: Please make sure to check the bulletin board for upcoming event posters from all the Yacht Clubs. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 4 5 6 7 NEW YEAR’S DAY CLOSED 8 11 12 13 14 15 PRIVATE FUNCTION 18 19 20 21 26 27 PRIVATE FUNCTION Bar Open 5-11 PRIVATE FUNCTION Bar Open 5-11 Bar Open 5-11 24 Bar Open 5-11 30 Bar Open 5-11 10 17 23 29 Bar Open 5-11 Bar Open 5-11 Bar Open 5-11 28 3 16 22 SATURDAY Bar Open 5-11 Bar Open 5-11 PRIVATE FUNCTION PRIVATE FUNCTION 25 2 9 Bar Open 5-11 PRIVATE FUNCTION PRIVATE FUNCTION FRIDAY Bar Open 5-11 31 Bar Open 5-11 Bar Open 5-11 Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am - 1pm PAGE 20
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