junior school - Tatachilla Lutheran College
junior school - Tatachilla Lutheran College
Term 3 | Week 2 | Friday 31 July 2015 from the PRINCIPAL “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Both the lives of our students and staff and of the people in the local communities, have been enriched through this partnership. Colossians 3:17 ESV Welcome to Term 3 as we gather and commence the second half of our year in hope and purpose through engaging teaching and learning. I pray that all students, staff and families had a blessed holiday and a time to focus on personal goals for Terms 3 and 4. SERVICE AND MISSION One of the Strategic Directions of the College this year is to develop a culture of service within our student body, where participation and engagement amongst the community is lived out in action within local, national and international settings. I thank Mrs Dolores Amos, Mr Greg Hettner, Pastor Jon Goessling and Miss Mem Ingoldby for attending and leading our students in this rich learning experience. Thank you also to Ms Elizabeth Ingoldby for her support and attendance, Mrs Sarah Lush and Mrs Narelle Mistiades for their coordination prior, during and after from ‘base camp’ here at Tatachilla. In the recent holiday break a group of students and staff again returned to the community of Ampilatwatja and surrounding communities in the Northern Territory. This partnership, now in its third year, has allowed our students to develop a deep appreciation for Indigenous people and cultures. COLLEGE TOUR Please join us at one of the upcoming College Tours: FRIDAY 14 August 9.30am - middle/senior school tour Register your interest today THURSDAY 5 November 6.30am - college twilight tour To find out more about enrolling your child or to book your place at our college tour email: enrol@tatachilla.sa.edu.au or visit our website Extending our service learning internationally, a further group of students and staff will travel to Cambodia at the end of the term to undertake our first service learning experience in this area of South East Asia. The momentum and preparations are entering final stages for this group. We pray for them as they continue to consider the learning opportunities that await them. INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS Next week we welcome students and staff from Toryo High School, our Japanese sister school. It is always a great delight for our community to welcome the group each year. My gratitude is extended to families from across the College who have volunteered to billet students for the duration of the week. Students will be involved in classes across the school, developing a deeper understanding of Australian culture and schooling. On Wednesday morning, our Middle and Senior School Chapel Service will acknowledge and welcome our friends. I encourage members of our community to join us for this special time in welcoming the students and staff from Toryo. from the PRINCIPAL YEAR 12 FORMAL At the end of Term 2, the Year 12 students had their annual Formal with students, and staff, presented in an adornment of fine wear! The behaviour, attitude and engagement of the evening was commendable and it was a pleasure for me to see the rich partnerships that not only exist amongst the cohort of students but between students and staff. Thank you to Miss Lauren Busch as Year 12 Coordinator for her organisation of this event which is always held as a special memory for our students. COLLEGE WIDE ACTIVITIES As always, the College is abuzz with activities throughout this term. Students in the Middle and Senior Schools have begun the subject selection process for 2016, a range of year level camps will occur in the Junior School in the coming weeks, PISA testing will occur, Year 10 Work Experience, Student Led Conferences and Parent-Teacher Interviews to name but a few. Staff will also gather on Friday 4th September for a Spiritual Retreat. This will be a student free day; please note in your calendars. We give thanks for the blessings of a new school term and for the many gifts and skills that have been showered upon us individually and collectively. May God be with you in the coming term. Mr Cain McDonald Principal from the head of MIDDLE SCHOOL YEAR 8 & 9 SUBJECT SELECTION PROCESS FOR 2016 Thank you to the many parents and students who attended the Year 8 and 9 Subject Selection Evening for 2016 on Tuesday 28 July of this week. If families were unable to attend this evening then a Subject Selection guide, form and online preference process was sent home in the post. If you have not received this information please contact the College Reception as soon as possible. The Subject Selection Form and print out of the online preference are due to Home Class Teachers by Wednesday 5 August (Week 3). If you have any questions about the Subject Selections process, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Home Class Teacher, Year Level Coordinator or myself for further information. A new term brings an opportunity for all of our students to stop and reflect upon their achievements throughout the year so far and the way they have used their strengths and talents they have been given. We look forward to a new semester of learning, growing and achieving, and may the words from Philippians 4:13 give us all strength and purpose; ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’ Sarah Hoff-Zweck Head of Middle School from the MIDDLE SCHOOL CELEBRATING STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS This week the Middle School joined together to celebrate student achievements in an Awards Assembly. We thank the many parents who were able to come and join in these celebrations. We were proud to present awards to the following students who were nominated by their teachers and congratulate them on their achievements. Top of the Subject Award Awarded to the student who has gained the highest grade in a subject across their year level Christian Studies Yr 7 Jay Van Dam Yr 8 Tully Doddridge, Lindsay Clifton Yr 9 George Taylor, Amy Gore Mathematics Yr 7 Luke Goodieson Yr 8 Arseny Galliamov Yr 9 Gerhard Kotze (L1), Todd Martin (L2), James Rogers (L3) Science Yr 7 Talena Harris Yr 8 Phebe Mooney Yr 9 Ella Tonkin English Yr 7 Leesa Trembath Yr 8 Bethany Joyce Yr 9 Lydia Dowie Humanities Yr 7 Leesa Trembath Yr 8 Isadore Glockner-Karo Yr 9 Ella Tonkin Japanese Yr 7 Hannah Rowan Yr 8 Brianna McIver Yr 9 Lauren Hamill Physical Education Yr 7 Lachlan Bellen Yr 8 Teah Charlton Yr 9 Annabel Crawford Drama Yr 7 Ben Shute Yr 8 Nicholas Elton Yr 9 Mitchell Pearsons Art Yr 7 Hannah Rowan Yr 8 Arseny Galliamov Yr 9 Eliza Rowan Music Yr 7 Lucy Newman Yr 8 James Lawton Yr 9 Eliza Rowan Design Technology Yr 7 Ava Willington Materials Technology Yr 8 Kiara Upitis Yr 9 Lucy Raper Systems Technology Yr 9 Emily Dunbar Digital Technology Yr 9 Mitchell Pearsons Media & Multimedia Yr 8 Tully Doddridge Yr 9 Tobias Turner Home Economics Yr 8 Maddisan Seeley, Jessica Allan Food Technology Yr 9 Amy Sherriff Fashion and Design Yr 9 Holly Zadow Academic Excellence Award Awarded to students who have received 5 A grades or more and the remaining subjects received B grades Year 7: Brooke Archbold, Skye Carter, Jessica Crabb, Alexandra Denton, Tyla Ebert, Lily Flude, Paris Hickling, Kathryn Jellicoe, Grace Last, Rohan Minniss, Lucy Newman, Halle Njoroge, Tyla Pyman, Hannah Rowan, Jessica Swayn, Leesa Trembath, Jay Van Dam, Ava Willington Year 8: Jessica Allan, Jade Benn, Zack Bertossa, Teah Charlton, Lindsay Clifton, Brieena Comis, Lily Daniell, Tully Doddridge, Emily Dunbar, Emily Fehrmann, Ella Flanagan-Sjoberg, Arseny Galliamov, Isadore Glockner-Karo, Nathan Hooper, Tahlia Jameson, Noah Jordan, Bethany Joyce, Jasmin Klaassen-Thomas, Bailey Kuijpers, James Lawton, Will Layton, Christina Liapis, Jasmin Lyons, Ben Martin, Dante McDonald, Brianna McIver, Phebe Mooney, Eloise Morriss, Kane Nelson, Dakota Oniszk, Jacinta Paardekooper, Jai Robinson-Prince, Airlie Schirmer, Maddison Seeley, Aneka Spoor, Jake Thyssen, Jacinta Trebilcock, Joe Vile, Grace Watson, Sarah Williams, Charli Zimmer Year 9: Oscar Anthoney, Chloe Bagshaw, Lochlan Bradley, Charlotte-Jane Baker-Simpson, Jessica Bullock, Tess Cross, William Gomer, Nikki Gore, Mitchell Pearsons, Lucy Raper, Eliza Rowan, Amy Sherriff, Jake Shirvington, George Taylor, Ella Tonkin, Tobias Turner, Kiara Whellum Academic Endeavour Awards Awarded to students who have displayed outstanding application to their studies Year 7: Patrick Lange, Mitchell Livingston, Janette McDonald, Georgia Moro, Keanu Price, Declan Stevens, Shannon Thomas, Marc Williamson Year 8: Aiden Buitenga, Xabian Cederblad, Olivia Chaplin, Kayla Georgeson, Madeline Pagon, Samuel Reynolds, Mia Roach Year 9: Jack Brunton, Jack Burns, Erin Collins, Harrison Crawford, Emma-Lee Evans, Gemma Fakes, Dylan Fountain, Ashley Goodieson, Deannah Haddy, Ellie Hargreaves, Jordon Kotowski, Alison Kyle-Little, Calista MacDonald, Henry Mathews, Aimee Ollerenshaw, Sophie Pozzebon, Kate-Marie Richards, Cerys Trubshaw, Reece Vidler from the head of JUNIOR SCHOOL WELCOME BACK STAFFING NEWS Welcome back to all as we begin this second half of the school year. In particular, we welcome Bailey Baldock and his family to our community. Mr Prenzler and the Year 4 students will be making sure that Bailey soon feels at home. The advertising for a new Head of Junior School began during the holidays. In addition, there are other positions in the Junior School to be confirmed as people on leave indicate their intention to return and current contracts come to an end. This process will begin shortly. It is a while since I have constructed a message to the Junior School families, but I am looking forward to spending the rest of the year in the partnership which I have enjoyed immensely over the years and which will come to a close at the end of the year. A sincere thank you for the good wishes and messages of welcome that came my way during my transition time at the end of last term. The new playground area is an obvious change that I noticed, but even more so, the growth of the students. It has been great to see their smiling faces again. THANK YOU It is indeed a blessing to have an amazing staff team who are gifted in so many areas and who have been willing to take on added responsibilities during my absence. I am also thankful that we have people who fill the gaps as others step up. While we may prefer to minimise any staffing disruptions, we are fortunate to have had replacement staff, in all instances, who are competent, familiar with our school and who are known by our students. While I particularly thank Mrs Thelning, Mr Prenzler, Mrs Hern, Mrs McRae and Mrs Gricks, all of the Junior School team have stepped up at various times. We welcome Mrs Edwinna Lee as the Japanese teacher for the remainder of the year. Mrs Lee has been a teacher at Tatachilla for a number of years. Please keep Mrs Thacker in your prayers as she continues her treatment. We look forward to welcoming her back later in the year. HOME LEARNING Constant evaluation and review is a part of the continual improvement process in many organisations, including Tatachilla Lutheran College. Over the past term or so, the Junior School staff has been reviewing the issue of set home learning, commonly referred to as homework. Home learning was reviewed in 2009 and then again as part of the questionnaire for parents late last year. It has been interesting to compare parent thoughts from those two surveys. We have modified our Home Learning Policy based on a larger pool of research from a number of sources, together with the input gleaned last year from parents. I intend to provide families with a summary of the revised policy in the next few weeks. Every blessing to you all. Neil Borgas Head of Junior School from the JUNIOR SCHOOL YEAR 1 - HISTORY CLASS During Term 2 the Year 1’s learnt about things from the past as part of their history unit. We looked at different household goods and how they have changed over time. One of the highlights was a visit from a representative from the Australian Museum of Childhood who brought in an amazing array of toys from the past for the children to explore. They had a fantastic time using toys like giant dominoes, puppets, puzzles, musical instruments and arcade style games. They talked about what they were made from and how they have changed over time. All the children thoroughly enjoyed this hands-on experience. To finish off our history unit, we had a dress up day and went back in time to explore what school was like fifty years ago. Our “Headmaster”, Mr McDonald came and told us the school rules and we did activities like it was in the olden days. Helen Dorling & Lauren Neumann Year 1 Teachers DONATIONS NEEDED Donations of wool, tomboy stitch dolls, knitting needles and crotchet hooks are required for the Junior School winter indoor activities. If you are able to help please send any donations to the JS SSO at the College. WOOLWORTHS EARN & LEARN When you shop at Woolworths you can collect Woolworths Earn & Learn Stickers. There’ll be one sticker for every $10 spent. Once completed, simply place the Sticker Sheet in the Collection Boxes around the College. new zealand SNOW TRIP Tatachilla’s bi-annual snow trip was held during the July holidays. Eighteen students and four staff got to experience some of the best snowfields New Zealand has to offer. The trip started off with some sleepy-eyed students as they had to catch the 6.00am flight out of Adelaide airport which required a wake-up time of 3.30am for most but, as soon as we boarded our flight Melbourne, all students became wide awake with excitement and anticipation. Our time in Melbourne flew by and before we knew it, we were on our direct flight to Queenstown. As the sun began to rise during our flight, the New Zealand coastline came into full view. It was amazing to see the sun glistening over the coastline and the snow-capped mountain ranges. As we landed and then exited the aircraft the New Zealand’s frosty air hit us. It was like we’d just walked into a freezer! Upon arrival in Queenstown we were taken to our luxury lake front accommodation. All students quickly unpacked their gear and were eager to have dinner and explore the town. It was quickly agreed that Queenstown was a beautiful and magical place. After the visit into town, it was time to go back to the hotel for an early night. Everyone slept well after our huge day. The first two days were spent on the ski fields at Coronet Peak. This was a great place to learn to ski and board as it had a good magic carpet facility and an easy green run for beginners. After two days and lessons, most students felt confident enough to take the chairlifts up to the green run. Brooke Hamilton attempted to conquer her fear of the mountain and after only two days challenged her boarding skills down a blue run and lucky for her there was plenty of snow around to ice her sore derrière. Day three of our trip began with an extreme high-speed jet boat ride. The highly skilled Shotover Jet Boat drivers navigated through a tight canyon and gauges, only narrowly missing the canyon walls around them. Later in the day we caught a cable cart to the Queenstown lookout to go luging and enjoy a hot drink. Isaac Freeman, Tyru Fawcett, Edan Garner and Kelly Ryan used this opportunity to get an extra adrenaline fix and go bungy jumping. Our last three days of skiing were spent at the Remarkables, one of the most popular mountains due to long easy runs and the progressive board park. Mr Neumann enjoyed using his GPS watch to calculate distance travelled and top speed while skiing and raked in a top speed just shy of 60km/h down the ‘Sugar Bowl’. Our time spent in New Zealand will be an experience the students will never forget. Whether it was the chance to travel overseas for the first time, eating at the famous Fergburger, being scared out of their skin at the Fear Factory or skiing and boarding in New Zealand. We look forward to returning to New Zealand in 2017. Dan Ruiz Snow Trip Coordinator ampilatwatja NORTHERN TERRITORY During the July school holidays I had the pleasure of being involved in the NT Mission Trip 2015 and travelled with staff and students to several Aboriginal communities in NE Northern Territory. Historically, TLC has been involved in many practical tasks at Lutheran Churches under the Finke River Mission banner, with the majority of work being undertaken at Ampilatwatja (pronounced, ‘Umbludderwitch’). This year’s focus was ‘enhancing relationships’, as well as undertaking basic maintenance of church sites. What an amazing and life changing experience! Much time was spent sitting quietly, sharing cups of tea and skills with the local community. The females of our group were honoured to go on a bush food and medicinal plant tour with the local women, eating roo tail and bush potato and sitting in the red soil painting on canvas, t-shirts and cards. Students spent many hours ‘developing relationships’ with laughing children: kicking footballs, creating loom bands, face painting, dancing and other fun activities. Much entertainment was had by those who frequented the dump to collect ‘useful’ resources to fix the fence and paint the donger. The Church was also cleaned out at Pastor Frank’s request. Amongst the many donations given to the community were musical instruments. This bringing out a shared love of music with both cultures. A local man, Peter even picked up some new guitar skills thanks to Poppy Fitzgerald and Ben Robinson. A bilingual Sunday service was led by Pastor Jon and Pastor Frank, with our remarkable students creating beautiful music for those celebrating mass. We were delighted by the impromptu soirees and poignant singing in language by a small group of passionate Aboriginal women. Other memorable experiences from the trip included: • • • • • • • • • star gazing on beautiful clear but cold nights a sunrise tour of Kings Canyon toasted marshmallows and potatoes cooked in open fires meeting the amazing skilled craftsman, Martin and purchasing weapons he had painstakingly carved 4WDing to the beautifully unique Palm Valley with the ancient red rock back drop against the palms an emotional visit to Hermannsburg vegetation changes as we travelled the country challenging discussions and debriefing as a group and the feeling of being grubby and exhausted. There are probably words to describe the experience, however they seem trivial and paltry. In particular, I thoroughly enjoyed the sharing time with these wise and respectful women. There may have been a language barrier at times, yet there were many common topics amongst us including plants, faith, songs and family. The trip was a tremendous success and a life changing experience. It was a privilege to be involved in the 2015 Mission Trip. The visit deepened the existing relationship between Tatachilla Lutheran College and the Ampilatwatja (and neighbouring) community. Dolores Amos eco NEWS In Week 8 and 9 of Term Two the whole of junior school participated in our annual National Tree Day for Schools activities, once again held in the EcoClassroom. The younger classes buddied up with an older class which was a wonderful opportunity for new friendships to be made. Although the weather was cool, the rain stayed away and we all rugged up warm and had a great time. Approximately 700 trees, shrubs and grasses were planted. An amazing group of Middle School students volunteered to be student leaders and moved mountains of mulch, assisted the younger students with their planting, dug lots of holes and hammered in the stakes. The leadership and maturity shown by these student leaders was awesome and we would like to say a big thank you to Jake Shirvington, Lochy Bradley, Jack Burns, Mitchell Pearsons, Lucy Newman, Paris Hickling, Kathryn Jellicoe, Tilly Symonds and Christina Liapis. This year saw the exciting first planting in the new expansion to the EcoClassroom. This new development, in the paddock adjacent to the EcoClassroom will contain Greybox vegetation, grass and shrub lands and a bird hide. Grey box plant associations were once predominate in this area but are now under threat, so this new area will be a positive step to reintroducing native flora and fauna of this important ecosystem. Over the term break paths were laid in this new area and fencing will soon be erected. To date funding has been obtained from Onkaparinga Council’s Environment Grant ($1500.00) and from Go Greener Grants ($1000.00) TREES FOR LIFE –WILLUNGA TFL Willunga meets in the EcoClassroom at 7:30pm on the first Wednesday of the month. All are welcome. A variety of interesting and informative speakers present throughout the year on a range of environmental issues and topics. Wed 5th August: ‘Recycling Revolution’ presented by Lynda Wedding, a Waste and Recycling Officer with the City of Onkaparinga. Gone are the days when rubbish was just ‘rubbish’! Wed 2nd September: ‘Moorunde Wildlife Reserve: saving wombat habitat in the Murray Mallee’ presented by Peter Clement, the President of Wombats SA (Natural History Society of SA). For further information on the EcoClassroom or any of TLC’s environmental initiatives and programs please contact Kristy Burns or Karen Lawrence (Monday to Thursday) on 83274408 or eco@tatachilla.sa.edu.au from the ARTS 20TH ANNIVERSARY PERFORMING ARTS SHOWCASE - TLC MAJOR MUSICALS RETROSPECTIVE 1995 - 2005 Inviting Staff and Students, Parents and Old Scholars who have been in a TLC Musical to join the singing group for the TLC major musicals retrospective 1995 - 2005 to be performed as part of the 20th Anniversary Performing Arts Showcase in the Hopgood Theatre on Monday October 26th 2015 with songs, soloists & archival videos from: 1997 Boop Boop Be Do 1999 Bye Birdie 2001Oliver! 2003 Fiddler on the Roof 2005 The Sound of Music 2007 Seussical 2009 The Wizard of Oz 2011Pippin 2013 Joseph & the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat 2015 Annie Get Your Gun SENTIMENTS EXHIBITION Elaine Cheng (2012), invites the Tatachilla community to her SALA exhibition, Sentiments, August 2nd - September 20th, 2015 at Magpie Springs, 1870 Brookman Rd, Hope Forest, Willunga. Opening hours - Friday, Saturday, Sunday, public holidays 11am-5pm. The official show opening will be held on Sunday 2nd August at 2:00 pm with Katie Cavanagh, the Digital Media Coordinator of Flinders University. Please feel free to bring a picnic and come early with your friends and family, it would be an honour to have you there! Free entry. Wine and snacks will be available, please RSVP for catering purposes. RSVP via yilan.cheng@live.com You can join for all the musicals or just the ones you were in. MUSIC EXAM RESULTS Rehearsal/Reunion/Afternoon Tea will be held on Sunday 25th October, 2:30pm at TLC. Practice mp3s available. Congratulations to the following students on their recent exam results: Contact Greg John by emailing gjohn@tatachilla.sa.edu.au or by phoning 0405 053 331 for more information or to register your interest. Eliza MacDonald-Hall, Grade 6 Piano (AMEB) – ‘A’ Charlotte Baker-Simpson Grade 3 Piano (AMEB) – ‘A’ Kimberley Howlett Grade 2 Piano (ANZCA) – ‘Pass’ Zac Nicol Grade 1 Piano (ANZCA) – ‘Honours’ around the college SPORTS REPORT YEAR 8/9 GIRLS NETBALL On Wednesday 22nd of July our Year 8/9 Netball Team travelled to Blackwood High School to compete in the second round of the Pool A Knockout Competition. The girls played Heathfield in their first game for the day. It was a tightly contested game with many intercepts occurring for both teams. Alicia Watt’s experience under pressure and accurate goal shooting kept Tatachilla in the game. Charli Zimmer worked tirelessly in GA and combined well with Alicia in goals. Sarah Wright (WD) kept her opponent working hard for each pass and managed to get her hands on the ball for some intercepts. In the second half, Nasiyah Turner (GS) came on and provided some extra height in the shooting circle. Our centre court of Lucy Raper and Annabelle Crawford consistently provided strong drives and beautiful passes into the goalies. Tatachilla managed to hold on for a one goal win 31-30. In the second game, Tatachilla played Blackwood. Once again the game was very competitive with all girls working hard to maintain possession and put defensive pressure on every pass. In this game, the strength of our defence was evident in the number of turnovers created by our defenders Shenay Walker (GD) and Heidi Smith (GK). Tahlia Jamieson (WD) was also able to put pressure on many of the passes going into the goal circle. By half time, Tatachilla were 7 goals up. Blackwood fought hard to get back and managed to get within one goal. Abbey Bartle played a strong game in C and then WD providing some extra height and drive down the court. Our team’s versatility enabled us to play Lucy Raper in GA and Alicia Watt in GS, both handling the shooting pressure extremely well and continually moving and providing options in our attacking end. Tatachilla managed to capitalise on Blackwood’s mistakes and win the game 25-20. Thank you to Tess Cross and Tasha Jacobs for assisting with scoring and umpiring on the day. The girls have been training hard and are looking forward to the finals held on Monday, Week 4. Tonia Fielke and Jay Leech Team Coaches SAPSASA STATE CARNIVALS REPORTS – ONKAPARINGA SOUTH Congratulations to all athletes who participated in recent SAPSASA State Carnivals. They were great representatives of the schools in the SAPSASA Onkaparinga South District. All showed enthusiasm and true sportsmanship in a enjoyable week of competitions. The support and assistance of families added to our successes. BOYS SOCCER: Well done! The team finished second in Division 2. Our thanks to coach Mike Woolford. As RunnersUp, our Boys Soccer Team will be promoted to Division 1 in 2016. Thank you to All Saints School for the use of the soccer pitch during team preparation. GIRLS SOCCER: Third in Division 2. A fine result in a very even competition. Thanks to coach John Hargreaves. We appreciated the use of the Seaford Rise Primary School soccer pitch for team preparation. BOYS HOCKEY: The first-ever Onkaparinga South boys team were great competitors, their enthusiasm overcoming inexperience in hard-fought matches. Thanks to Coach Joel Mastroyannis. The use of Willunga Primary School and the Aldinga Bay Hockey Club grounds were appreciated. GIRLS HOCKEY: Our hockey girls placed fifth overall after many exciting matches. We were pleased to have a full squad of girls and the services of coach Deidre Mastroyannis. Congratulations to selected State Team Representative Lily Cazzolato. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS Congratulations to the following students on their results: Luke Francis recently competed in the SA State Short Course Swimming Championships achieving the following medals - Aged Champion & Gold Medalist; 100m Backstroke, 200m Backstroke, 100m Individual Medley. Aged Sliver Medalist: 50m Backstroke. Aged Bronze Medalist: 200m Freestyle, 400m Freestyle. Open A Final: 50m Backstroke, 100m Backstroke, 200m Backstroke. LachIan Barker has recorded the best average score of any SA golfer aged under 18 from tournaments during the past year. Lachlan is one of three southern residents to win a July School Sports Award, sponsored by Messenger and is now in the running to win the annual title, to be announced at a gala event at Adelaide Oval in November. Lewis Abdul has been selected to represent Australia as a member of the Australian Youth Life Saving Team to compete at the 2015 International Youth Surf Rescue Championships at Messenger Community News - Southern Times Messenger - 15 Jul 2015 - Page #11 Page 1 of 1 Maroochydore in September. celebrating TWENTY YEARS 2015 marks the 20th anniversary of Tatachilla Lutheran College. Tatachilla opened on 29th January 1995 with 67 Year 8 students and 7 staff. The College has come a long way since its humble beginnings, with currently over 1100 R-12 students and 135 staff. The college also boasts an array of modern facilities and extensive grounds. In honour of this milestone year the College will be hosting a celebratory weekend and invites the whole community - Old Scholars, Parents and Friends of the College to join us in the celebrations. TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY GALA BALL a n n i v e rs a ry Gala a ball n n i v e rs a ry a n n i v e rs a ry G ala Gala ball ball SATURDAY 19 SEPTEMBER Doors open 6.30pm for 7.00pm start Tatachilla Lutheran College // 211 Tatachilla Road $120 per person (all inclusive) - tables of ten Live entertainment by ‘The Flaming Sambucas’ Three course dinner and drinks // Variety of live and silent auctions Bookings online at www.trybooking.com/GZLP For more information contact Kay on 8323 9588 SATURDAY 19 SEPTEMBER Doors open 6.30pm for 7.00pm start SATURDAY 19 SEPTEMBER Tatachilla Lutheran College // 211 Tatachilla Road SATURDAY 19 SEPTEMBER Remember this is a party and it just would not be fun without everyone there... Come and enjoy a night of wonderful music and celebration. You will be taken back to the roaring twenties as you enter the giant marquee. You will be entertained by the TLC Jazz Band whilst you enjoy a delicious three course dinner by local chef Todd Steele and refreshments including wines provided by our major sponsor Fox Creek Wines. Throughout the night you will also be able to view the array of auction items available for purchase. Later in the evening you can dance the night away to the sounds of one of Adelaide’s favourite bands ‘The Flaming Sambucas’. Tickets are the all inclusive price of $120.00 per person (tables of 10). Bookings can be made either online at wwwtrybooking.com/GZLP or by phoning the College on 83239588. If you would like to register as a table captain please phone Kay Digby on 8329 4411. A party is not a party without people! Doors open 6.30pm for 7.00pm start $120 per person (all inclusive) - tables of ten Tatachilla Lutheran College // 211 Tatachilla Road $120 per person (all inclusive) - tables of ten Live entertainment by ‘The Flaming Sambucas’ Three course dinner and drinks // Variety of live and silent auctions Bookings online atbywww.trybooking.com/GZLP Live entertainment ‘The Flaming Sambucas’ Fordinner more and information on and 8323silent 9588auctions Three course drinks //contact VarietyKay of live Bookings online at www.trybooking.com/GZLP For more information contact Kay on 8323 9588 COMMUNITY SERVICE & FAMILY FUN DAY Its our birthday and you’re invited... SUNDAY 20 SEPTEMBER Celebrations will begin at 10am with a community church service including a 20th Anniversary Choir and Band to be held in the TLC Multi-Purpose Facility Gym. This will then be followed by a Family Picnic Day where families are encouraged to bring along their picnic rugs, chairs and baskets and enjoy fellowship with each other on the Junior School Oval. A giant sausage sizzle and refreshments will also be able available for purchase. SUNDAY 20 SEPTEMBER Service starts at 10.00am in the Tatachilla Multipurpose Facility Gym Followed by the Family Picnic Day 211 Tatachilla Road McLaren Vale SA Bring your own picnic, rugs and chairs // Giant sausage sizzle and drinks available on the grounds for purchase SUNDAY 20 SEPTEMBER For more information contact Kay Digby on 8323 9588 Service starts at 10.00am in the Tatachilla Multipurpose Facility Gym Followed by the Family Picnic Day 211 Tatachilla Road McLaren Vale SA Bring your own picnic, rugs and chairs // Giant sausage sizzle and drinks available on the grounds for purchase For more information contact Kay Digby on 8323 9588 Cutting of the giant birthday cake and an array of old fashioned games and fun will close out the day and the weekend. For more information about these events or to register your interest of involvement in the 20th Anniversary Choir or Band please contact Kay Digby at kdigby@tatachilla.sa.edu.au A party is not a party without people! SUNDAY 20 SEPTEMBER Service starts at 10.00am in the Tatachilla Multipurpose Facility Gym Followed by the Family Picnic Day 211 Tatachilla Road McLaren Vale SA Bring your own picnic, rugs and chairs // Giant sausage sizzle and drinks available on the grounds for purchase For more information contact Kay Digby on 8323 9588 As part of the 20th Anniversary Celebrations Southern Theatre and Arts Supporters (STARS) presents A Sparkling Symphony IN THE VALE Sat 3rd October 7.00pm TATACHILLA LUTHERAN COLLEGE Strauss Serenade for Winds Op 7 Luke Dollman Conductor JS Bach Violin Concerto In E Major Lucinda Moon Baroque Violinist Beethoven Symphony No 6 (Pastoral) Host Julie Howard ABC Classic FM TICKETS $45 - inc. welcome drink. Doors open 6pm Book at www.stars.org.au or at McLaren Vale & Fleurieu Visitor Centre calendar DATES Term 3 - Week 3 Term 3 - Week 4 Term 3 - Week 5 3-10 August Toryo Japanese Sister School Visit Monday 10 August Yr 7 2016 Information Evening JS Chapel 17-18 August Yrs 1-6 Professor Maths Incursion Monday 3 August JS Chapel Yr 12 P/T Interviews Yr 9 Solo Challenge Information Night Tuesday 4 August Yr 12 Early morning PE Practical MS Year level Meeting SS Assembly Wednesday 5 August 7-12 Chapel SATAC Evening Policies, Procedures & Development Meeting, 7pm Friday 7 August Yr 12 Crave Seminar Day JS ALWS Awareness Day SSSSA Surfing Competition Tuesday 11 August Yr 12 Early morning PE Practical MS & SS Year Level Meetings SS Guest Speaker Presentation Monday 17 August JS Chapel 12-13 August SS Course Counselling Interviews Tuesday 18 August Yr 12 Early morning PE Practical MS & SS Year Level Meetings Yr 10 Work Experience Induction Day Volunteers Workshop 12-14 August Yr 12 PE Camp 19-26 August Book Fair Wednesday 12 August Catchup Photo Day R-12 Chapel Yr 12 P/T Interviews Audit & Compliance Meeting Wednesday 19 August R-12 Assembly Challenge For Charity Day Thursday 13 August Combined Schools Strings Workshop Yr 12 English Comms. Excursion Friday 21 August Yrs R-3 Book Week Performance 20-21 August Yr 11 Leadership Camp Friday 14 August MS & SS School Tour, 9.30am Yr 12 Crave Seminar Day JS Assembly 211 tatachilla road po box 175 mclaren vale 5171 south australia | p 08 8323 9588 | f 08 8323 9788 | e tlc@tatachilla.sa.edu.au ABN 44 094 272 tatachilla.sa.edu.au
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