Aboriginal Career and Educational Development Inventory


Aboriginal Career and Educational Development Inventory
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Aboriginal Career and
Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
The following information has been compiled from websites of BC post-secondary institutions, private
training providers, and other sources. The programs listed in this document are not intended to be
exhaustive and are for informational purposes. If any of these programs are of interest to you and would
like to find out more information, please contact your local Community Navigator who can assist you
with researching program information.
Essential Skills & Readiness Programs .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Intro to Trades .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Machinery & Equipment ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Safety & Development Training ...................................................................................................................................................... 29
Entry Level/Industry Programs ....................................................................................................................................................... 45
Trades ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 50
Environmental Programs ................................................................................................................................................................ 94
Other Programs .............................................................................................................................................................................. 97
Training Providers ............................................................................................................................................................................. A
Resources........................................................................................................................................................................................... i
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Essential Skills & Readiness Programs
Aboriginal Centre for
Leadership and
Innovation (NENAS)
Aboriginal Training to Employment Program (ATEP)
North East BC
The ATEP Pre-employment Essential Skills training program is funded
through the Bladerunners Program through Aboriginal Community Career
Employment Services Society (ACCESS) and is designed to prepare
participants for entry into the labour force targeting the construction,
mining, and oil industries.
Web: http://www.nenas.org/nenas/#!/ilc
Aboriginal Centre for
Leadership and
Innovation (NENAS)
Innovative Driver Education Academy
North East BC
The Innovative Driver Education Academy (IDEA) program is delivered
within the Fort St. John urban area and has a mobile unit that can be
transported out to the surrounding communities. This program assists
individuals with obtaining driver’s licenses for the following: Class 1-7
(learners and novice).
Josie Gauthier
Web: http://www.nenas.org/nenas/#!/ilc/idea
Aboriginal Skills Group
Essential Skills 3G
The Aboriginal Skills Group's Essential Skills 3G is an online
career assessment tool. Combining interactive web-based
components with in-person contact, it can assess 8 of the
Essential Skills (ES) and compare the results against a list of
over 90+ occupations and careers, ensuring that either a
candidate is already work-ready or helping them to focus their
training. The tool also offers online ES assessment and
instruction (upgrading) focused on specific occupations (ES
Linden Pinay
Web: http://aboriginalskills.ca/essentialskills/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Aboriginal Training and
Employment Centre
Work Readiness Programs
ATEC offers two Work Readiness Programs, the first being the
Industry Specific Training designed for people who have a
Linda Fritz
foundation of employable skills, but lack industry specific skills
or certifications. These shorter term programs are target
specific employment sectors, such as hospitality or essentialskills@shuswapnation.org
construction.The second program is Pre-employment Training
which is designed for people who have not yet entered the
workforce or who have been out of the workforce for an
extended period of time. The Life Skills training in this
program will help clients to build confidence and set reachable
goals.Another key element of the Pre-employment Program is
evaluating the client’s Essential Skills.
Web: http://www.ateckamloops.ca/training.html
Essential Skills for Aboriginal
Employer Partner Program
Lower Mainland
An eight-week program that builds targeted foundational
workplace Essential Skills identified for specific employment
positions. Upon completion learners are provided interviews
for prospective hires with the Employer Partner.
Cori Thunderchild
604 521-5929
Web: http://esaf.accessfutures.com/
Essential Skills for Aboriginal
Employment and Training Competency
Lower Mainland
An eight-week program designed to build up skills to a level
where training or employment goals are achievable. Learners
Cori Thunderchild
engage in a guided program where they identify their skill gaps
604 521-5929
and work on essential skills activities that elevate competency
which supports success in training and/or employment goals.
Web: http://esaf.accessfutures.com/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Essential Skills for Aboriginal
Employment Essentials
Lower Mainland
A two-week targeted, structured and supported program
where learners gain job search skills that enable them to
effectively tap into the workforce.
Cori Thunderchild
604 521-5929
Web: http://esaf.accessfutures.com/
Employment Essentials Career Exploration
Essential Skills for Aboriginal
Lower Mainland
A two-week career discovery program, where learners identify
their career goals and make informed career decisions.
Cori Thunderchild
604 521-5929
Web: http://esaf.accessfutures.com/
Kermode Friendship
Kermode Driving Program
North West BC
The Kermode Driving Program hosts two different course offerings within
the program. The first course includes classroom training for a total of 10
hours followed by a class 7 written test. The curriculum is designed to build
confidence and understanding of iCBC regulations and prepare students for
the in vehicle portion of the required training. The second course offering is
the in vehiclé driver training. Taught by an iC8C accredited instructor, in
vehicle training client participation of 3 hours a week for a total of 12 weeks.
Cal Albright
Web: www.kermodefriendship.ca
Kermode Friendship
Kermode Jobhawk
North West BC
Job Hawk is an 8 week program that will go through 5 units focusing on
essential skill training and employment skills. Essential Skills will give you
the foundation for learning all the other skills needed for work, learning and
Jolene Wesley
Web: http://kermodejobhawk.ca/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Nicola Valley Institute
of Technology
College Readiness
The College Readiness program offers courses designed to help adults
obtain prerequisite skills for entry to NVIT career/technical and/or academic
programs. College Readiness is designed for the adult learner who did not
complete high school or who needs to review high school level academic
skills before advancing to post-secondary level study. Courses in the
program help students to develop skills in reading, writing, study skills,
mathematics and science at fundamental through provincial levels
(literacy/numeracy through grade 12).
Stefan Zabek
Web: http://www.nvit.bc.ca/programs/collegereadiness.htm
Nicola Valley Institute
of Technology
Employment Skills Access Program
The Employment Skills Access Program is designed to assist students in
acquiring Essential Skills for the workplace in British Columbia. The
John Chenoweth
program emphasizes the knowledge, skills, and standards relevant to both
Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal individuals, families, and communities. The
Employment Skills Access Program focuses on Aboriginal content in the jchenoweth@nvit.bc.ca
curriculum. It also includes First Aid, Serving It Right, Food Safety, Health
and Safety, and First Host. The program is ten weeks in length.
Web: http://www.nvit.bc.ca/programs/emsk.htm
Northern Lights
Career and College Preparation
North East BC
Career and College Preparation, or upgrading, courses are available to
students looking to: improve basic literacy in English, math, or computer
studies; upgrade to meet prerequisites for trades, vocational or university
programs; finish high school education and earn a diploma; attend only
part-time to accommodate family or work responsibilities; prepare for
employment, or upgrade to improve employment options; create a better
future for the student and his/her family; and achieve a personal goal.
Megan Bedell
Web: http://www.nlc.bc.ca/Programs/All-Programs-Alphabetical/Career-and-College-Preparation
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Northern Lights
Pre-Employment Workplace Essential Skills
North East BC
The Pre-Employment Workplace Essential Skills program offers prevocational training for youth and adults. The program includes the Test of
Workplace Essential Skills (TOWES) to assess the student’s essential skill
level and a variety of learning opportunities designed to increase literacy,
employability and essential skill levels of people preparing to enter the
Carole Taylor
866-463-6652 x.7576
Web: http://www.nlc.bc.ca/Programs/All-Programs-Alphabetical/Pre-Employment-Workplace-Essential-Skills
Community College
Office Essential Skills
North West BC
This program will provide students with the essential skills for entry-level
office careers. Participants will learn essential skills in customers service,
communication, business writing, time management, office environment,
accounting and computer skills. They will finish the program with job and
career skills.
Eleanor Caissie
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/cebsns-873-office-essential-skills
Community College
TOWES - Test of Essential Workplace Skills
North West BC
Northwest Community College is proud to be a designated provider of
TOWES Essential Skills services in British Columbia. TOWES stands for Test
of Workplace Essential Skills. It is Canada’s Essential Credential, a nationally
accepted test that measures essential skills in the workplace. The purpose
of the test is not to pass or fail; instead, it is to find your level of proficiency
in handling common tasks needed in the workplace. TOWES is not an
academic test. It will feel familiar as the tasks are just like situations you
encounter in the workplace everyday.
Lorrie Gowen
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/programs-courses/explore-our-programs/workforce-training-continuing-studies/towes-testessential
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Sprott Shaw College
Math for Trades
Math for Trades is a basic math refresher course based on the essential
numeracy skills required to be a Construction Electrician (NOC 7241). This
math course will assist students in building a foundation of math skills
required and related to various trade applications.
Web: http://sprottshaw.com/programs/faculty-of-trades-applied-technology/math-trades/
TRICORP Employment and Skills Training Services (TESTS)
TESTS is designed to help Aboriginal people prepare for and find highdemand jobs quickly, as well as keep them in the long term. All Aboriginal
people, regardless of status or location, may access its programs and
services, which include: skills development; training for high-demand jobs;
job finding; programs for youth; programs for urban and Aboriginal people
with disabilities; and access to child care.
North West BC
Bess Leeson
Web: http://www.tricorp.ca/index.php/tricorp_employment_and_skills_training_services_tests/
Tricorp Training and Employment Program
North West BC
This program was developed in partnership with the government and
Transcanada to provides participants with Essential Skills with a focus on on
personal growth. This program is delivered in cohorts and will include key
trainings such as WHMIS/Occupational Health and Safety/Bear Awareness.
as well as mock interviews.
Web: http://www.tricorp.ca/index.php/Home
Tricorp Training and Employment Program
North West BC
This program was developed in partnership with the government and
Transcanada to provides participants with Essential Skills with a focus on on
personal growth. This program is delivered in cohorts and will include key
trainings such as WHMIS/Occupational Health and Safety/Bear Awareness.
as well as mock interviews.
Web: http://www.tricorp.ca/index.php/Home
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Tricorp Training and Employment Program
North West BC
This program was developed in partnership with the government
and Trans Canada to provides participants with Essential Skills with
a focus on on personal growth. This program is delivered in cohorts
and will include key trainings such as WHMIS/Occupational Health
and Safety/Bear Awareness. as well as mock interviews.
Web: http://www.tricorp.ca/index.php/Home
Ts'zil Learning Centre
Lil'wat Access to Careers, Training, & Employment
Ts'zil provides a wide range of programs and support in the areas of
Literacy, Upgrading, Skills Training, Career Training, Trades,
Business, University & College Preparation, University Transfer,
Lil'wat Language & Culture, and much more.
Lower Mainland
Rachel Dan
Web: http://www.tszillearningcentre.com/
Community College
Aboriginal Gateways to Careers
Gateways is an online one-stop shop for students identify goals, examine
interests, explore career and education options, prepare a resume and
cover letter, and develop an action plan.
Tami Pierce
604.871.7000 x5048
Web: http://www.vcc.ca/programscourses/courses/career-gateways-aest-0101/
Vancouver Island
Foundations for Success
Vancouver Island
The Foundations for Success courses represent a pathway to the academic
success that a career can be built on. The program is composed of six threecredit courses designed to support students as they transition into postsecondary programs. Three credits from the Foundations Program may be
applied towards a VIU degree as an unassigned elective.
Web: https://www2.viu.ca/calendar/CareerAcademicPrep/foundationsforsuccess.asp
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Westbank First
Nation Employment
& Training Centre
Westbank FN Employment Readiness
Provides employment and training services to Aboriginal people including
resume writing, job counselling, referrals and more. Clients are status or
non-status who live on and off reserve demonstrating levels of Literacy and
Essential Skills from Level 1 to Level 3. Services include assessment of, and
training in Essential Skills to help clients meet criteria needed for
employment or training in specific occupations.
Jolene Esau
Web: http://www.wfn.ca/employtrain.htm
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Intro to Trades
Nicola Valley Institute
of Technology
Bridging to Trades
The Bridging to Trades program provides students with pre-foundational
training in several high-demand industrial trades. Students will also develop
necessary employment skills including resume writing, interviewing tactics,
and other job-search related tools. Throughout the 12 week program,
students will develop a sound understanding of workplace safety and gain
significant hands-on experience in each of the following four trades:
Electrical, Plumbing/Pipefitting, Machining/Millwright, and Welding.
Additional program content includes:Occupational First Aid Level 1,
Transportation Endorsement, Workplace Hazardous Materials Information
System (WHMIS). The Bridging to Trades program is delivered in a cohort
model with intakes in several communities throughout the province each
Chelsea Vaughan
Web: http://www.nvit.bc.ca/programs/bridgingtotrades.htm
Northwest Community
Intro to Trades
North West BC
The Intro to Trades program allows grade 10 students to try their hand at
a number of different trades in order to better understand what trades
Karen McMurray
could be a fit for them. In this 350 hour program students receive 80%
practical and 20% theoretical instruction in a variety of skilled trades
including carpentry, electrical, plumbing, mechanics, and welding. kmcmurray@nwcc.bc.ca
Students receive dual credit for this program with high school and college
credits. In this program students learn safe work practices, trades
terminology, basic hand skills, safe use of tools and equipment, a general
working knowledge of the trades and the path to an apprenticeship and a
career in the skilled trades.
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/program/intro-trades
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Prince George Nechako
Aboriginal and
Employment Training
Trades Access Program
North Central BC
Trades Access is a highly successful initiative with an overall successful
completion rate of 80%. Upon completing the TAP, the participants
Shelley Wall
continue to focus on their individualized action plans which may consist
of securing their adult dogwood certificate, completing college entrance
prerequisites, securing employment and / or all three (3) of the action shelleyw@pgnaeta.bc.ca
plans at once, which has occurred with many of the previous TAP
graduates. Program Modules- Each participant will complete the
following four program modules: Module I - Setting the Foundation:
Industry Soft Skills / Communication / Conflict Resolution / Time
Management/ Team Building / ITA - Trades Exploration / Resume
Development / Interview Skills; Module II - Industry Required Safety
Training: Safety Certificates include: OFA L1 + TE / Construction Safety /
Safety Gear; Module III - Essential Skills Building / Life Skills: Essential Skills
/ TOWES / Plato Online Training / Trades Math and English Instruction /
Life Skills and Personal Management Skills/College Entrance Prep.;
Module IV - Industry: Job Shadowing / Mentorship / Field Visits
Web: http://www.pgnaeta.bc.ca/departments/aboriginal-gateway-training-centre/trades-access-program
UA Piping Industry
College of British
Lower Mainland
Designed for high-school students who are interested in pursuing an
apprenticeship, and getting a head start on it while still attending high
school. ACE IT is an industry training program for high school students.
Through an ACE IT program, you can take courses that will give you both
high school graduation credits and a head start towards completion of an
apprenticeship program.
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/35
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
UFCW/ UA Piping
Industry College of
British Columbia
Discovery to Apprenticeship
Lower Mainland
This course is offered in conjunction with the UAPIC and UFCW. It's intent is
to expose young people, whom may not have completed high school (or
equivalent), to the skilled trades and a formal apprenticeship. Throughout
this course students receive both theoretical and practical experience with
electrical, carpentry, painting, plumbing, steamfitting, sprinklerfitting, and
welding. The intention is to provide a basic introduction to the trades,
equipping the individual with the knowledge of what the trades entail,
allowing him or her to make an informed decision on which career path he
or she wishes to pursue.
Nolan Eddy
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/32
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Machinery & Equipment
Aboriginal Centre for
Leadership and
Innovation (NENAS)
Heavy Equipment Operating Program
North East BC
Heavy Equipment Operating (HEO) Program – Program delivery within the
Fort St. John urban area and has a mobile unit that can be transported out
to the surrounding communities. The HEO Program is Industry Training
Authority (ITA) designated for Apprenticeship to Journeyman C or Q.
Theory, Simulator and Practical Training on: Loader, Grader, Excavator, Rock
Truck and Bulldozer.
Web: http://www.nenas.org/nenas/#!/ilc
Mobile Crane Operator - Hydraulic 80 Tonnes and Under
Lower Mainland
This 7-week apprenticeship follows the Industry Training Authority’s
program profile. The course consists of 3 weeks of Core Theory, 2 weeks of
Crane Theory, and 2 weeks of a Practical Lab. Upon successful completion
of the technical training exams, students will be required to complete work
based competencies that include sponsor attestation (logbook) and a BC
Certificate of Qualification Practical examination.
Marko Vicic
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/3670appr
College of New
Driver Training
North Central BC
The driver training programs at CNC include air brakes and commercial
driver’s licences for Class 1, 3. 4 unrestricted, 4 restricted, 4 or 5 with
endorsement 20/51.
Rachelle Munchinsky
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/CNC_Programs/class4_5_Nechako_PG.htm
College of New
Excavator Training
North Central BC
This program combines hands-on equipment operation with training in
an excavator simulator.You’ll also get the industrial certifications and
entry level service and maintenance skills you needto work as an
excavator operator.
Rachelle Munchinsky
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/CNC_Programs/excavatorPG.htm
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
College of New
Forklift Operator Certification
North Central BC
The Ives-certified instructors start with four hours of classroom
instruction including a review of safety and current forklift operating
regulations. This is followed by a practical hands-on session to reinforce
classroom lessons including pre-trip inspection, and an evaluation of
hands-on operation (operator certification exam). Successful
participants will receive a certificate valid for two years.
Lonnie Dupras
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/Assets/ContinuingEd/20152016+Courses+$!26+Programs/Forklift+Operator+Certification+Recertification.pdf
College of New
Heavy Equipment Operator
North Central BC
This course features 55 hours of classroom instruction, including a Level
1 First Aid and Transportation Endorsement, TDG, Fire Suppression, and
more. You'll also get 96 hours of hands-on experience, including
equipment maintenance, fuel spills training, and more.
Rachelle Munchinsky
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/CNC_Programs/HEOperator.htm
College of New
Mobile Crane (Hydraulic 80 Tonnes and Under)
North Central BC
This 7-week apprenticeship program consists of 3 weeks Core Theory, 2
weeks Crane Theory, and 2 weeks practical lab. Upon successful completion
of the technical training exams, students will be required to complete
defined work based competencies.
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/Mobile_Crane.htm
College of New
Scissor Lift Operator Certification
North Central BC
This course combines theory and practical training to ensure
safety is the number one priority. It includes a review of safety
and current equipment operating regulations with a written test,
followed by a practical hands-on session to reinforce the
classroom lessons. You will complete a pre-use inspection and an evaluation
of your hands-on operating procedures. Successful participants will receive
a three year certification.
Lonnie Dupras
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/Assets/ContinuingEd/20152016+Courses+$!26+Programs/Scissor+Lift+Operator+Certification+Recertification.pdf
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
College of New
Skid Steer Operator Certification
North Central BC
This course is designed to ensure that operator knowledge and
practical skills continue to meet current safety standards and
regulations. The skid steer course is ideal for all operators as it is designed
to reinforce the importance of proper handling
Lonnie Dupras
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/Assets/ContinuingEd/20152016+Courses+$!26+Programs/Skid+Steer+Operator+Certification+Recertification.pdf
Interior Heavy
Equipment Operator
Articulated Rock Truck (A.R.T.) Training
This course starts every Monday and runs for 3 weeks with 50 machine
hours and 110 total course hours. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is
provided to all students, includes hardhat, hi-vis vest, ear/eye protection &
gloves. Also included are four Standard Safety Tickets: WHMIS, PST/CSTS,
First Aid LVL 1 & Ground Disturbance LVL 2.
Mike Hansen
Web: http://www.iheschool.com/interior_heavy_equipment_school_courses.html
Interior Heavy
Equipment Operator
Excavator Training
This course starts every Monday and runs for 5 weeks with 115 machine
hours and 200 total course hours and deals with five weight classes, from 8
tonne to 30 tonne machines. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is
provided to all students, includes hardhat, hi-vis vest, ear/eye protection &
gloves. Also included are four Standard Safety Tickets: WHMIS, PST/CSTS,
First Aid LVL 1 & Ground Disturbance LVL 2.
Mike Hansen
Web: http://www.iheschool.com/interior_heavy_equipment_school_courses.html
Interior Heavy
Equipment Operator
Grader Training
This course starts every Monday and runs for 3 weeks with 50 machine
hours and 110 total course hours. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is
provided to all students, includes hardhat, hi-vis vest, ear/eye protection &
gloves. Also included are four Standard Safety Tickets: WHMIS, PST/CSTS,
First Aid LVL 1 & Ground Disturbance LVL 2.
Mike Hansen
Web: http://www.iheschool.com/interior_heavy_equipment_school_courses.html
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Interior Heavy
Equipment Operator
Heavy Equipment Operator Training
This course starts every Monday and runs for 10 weeks with 235 machine
hours and 380 total course hours and and includes training with excavators,
graders, dozers, loaders, ARTs, and RT Backhoe machines . Personal
protective equipment (PPE) is provided to all students, includes hardhat, hivis vest, ear/eye protection & gloves. Also included are four Standard Safety
Tickets: WHMIS, PST/CSTS, First Aid LVL 1 & Ground Disturbance LVL 2.
Mike Hansen
Web: http://www.iheschool.com/interior_heavy_equipment_school_courses.html
Interior Heavy
Equipment Operator
Loader Training
This course starts every Monday and runs for 3 weeks with 50 machine
hours and 110 total course hours. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is
provided to all students, includes hardhat, hi-vis vest, ear/eye protection &
gloves. Also included are four Standard Safety Tickets: WHMIS, PST/CSTS,
First Aid LVL 1 & Ground Disturbance LVL 2.
Mike Hansen
Web: http://www.iheschool.com/interior_heavy_equipment_school_courses.html
Interior Heavy
Equipment Operator
Rubbertire (RT) Backhoe Training
This course starts every Monday and runs for 3 weeks with 50 machine
hours and 110 total course hours. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is
provided to all students, includes hardhat, hi-vis vest, ear/eye protection &
gloves. Also included are four Standard Safety Tickets: WHMIS, PST/CSTS,
First Aid LVL 1 & Ground Disturbance LVL 2.
Mike Hansen
Web: http://www.iheschool.com/interior_heavy_equipment_school_courses.html
Professional Driving Program
North West BC
NEST and PHILCAN will be offering driving lessons or in-class lessons to
prepare you for your knowledge test. This is for Learners and Class 5/7 in
car lessons.
Francine Gurney
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Community College
Booklift (Aerial Telehandler Training)
North West BC
Boom lifts are also known as Aerial Lifts or Telehandlers. These telescopic
material handlers are used to reach places where standard forklifts cannot
go. This course will give operators an understanding of the physics
pertaining to boom lifts including the dangers inherent with reach-style
forklifts. It will also cover operator responsibilities and practical operation
of this equipment. Format is four hours theory and two hours of hands-on
Eleanor Caissie
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/cefaid-771-booklift-aerial-telehandler-training
Community College
Heavy Equipment Operator - Foundation Training
North West BC
In this 150-hour program, students learn correct industry terminology, how
to identify and classify machines and processes, and general engineering
principles related to road building and heavy construction, in addition to
approximately 15 hours on HEO simulators.
Kevin Jeffery
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/program/heavy-equipment-operator-foundation-training
Community College
Heavy Equipment Operator Technician - Apprenticeship
North West BC
The Heavy Equipment Operator Technician Apprentice program consists of
180 hours of training over five weeks, combining in-school training and
work-based, in-the-field practical experience. Students will be on-site,
operating heavy equipment and logging hours towards their apprenticeship
Kevin Jeffery
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/program/heavy-equipment-operator-technician-apprenticeship
O'Brien Training
1 Day: Construction or Forestry Equipment Operator
North Central BC
This 1 day program is designed for the client who has an equipment
operations background. The student's skills in operating mechanized
machines in a construction or forestry environment will be reviewed.
Based on the student's proficiency, they will be certified.
Web: http://www.obrientraining.com/courses/1-day-construction-or-forestry-equipment-operator/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
O'Brien Training
2 Day: Construction or Forestry Equipment Operator
North Central BC
This 2 day program is designed for the client who has an equipment
operations background. The student's skills in operating mechanized
machines in a construction or forestry environment will be reviewed.
Based on the student's proficiency, they will be certified.
Web: http://www.obrientraining.com/courses/2-day-construction-or-forestry-equipment-operator/
O'Brien Training
Advanced Combination Construction Course
North Central BC
This five week course (depending on days per week of training) is
designed to certify any student on 3 machines and give an introduction
to one more machine. The practical portion of this course consists of
machine orientation, preventative maintenance and operation at our training@obriengroup.ca
fully operational construction site. Based on the student's proficiency,
they will be certified upon review on 3 machines.
Web: http://www.obrientraining.com/courses/advanced-combo-construction-course/
O'Brien Training
Aerial Lift Course
North Central BC
Up to 5 students can be accommodated at one time. Our Aerial Lift
training course is designed to provide operators with a deep
understanding of Health & Safety Standards, Procedures for Safe
Operation and Preventative Maintenance. Our instructors are certified to training@obriengroup.ca
train on various aerial lift machines including Boom and Scissor lifts.
Certification through our course consists of classroom theory, a written
test and real world hands on experience. The course is comprised of
various multimedia presentations and lectures and reinforced through
workbooks and classroom discussions.
Web: http://www.obrientraining.com/courses/man-liftscissor-lift/
O'Brien Training
Canada Safety Council ATV Course
North Central BC
The CSC Certified All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Operator course is designed
to provide students with a solid foundation of knowledge and real world
experience in order to safely operate and maintain all-terrain vehicles in
various outdoor environments.
Web: http://www.obrientraining.com/courses/canada-safety-council-all-terrain-vehicle-atv/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
O'Brien Training
Combination Construction Equipment Operator
North Central BC
This 4 week program is designed for the novice operator. The classroom
portion of this course consists of safety awareness, regulatory training
and compliance training. The practical portion of this course consists of
machine orientation, preventative maintenance, and operation at our
fully operational construction site. Based on the student's proficiency,
they will be certified upon review.
Web: http://www.obrientraining.com/courses/1-week-construction-or-forestry-equipment-operator/
O'Brien Training
Combination Forestry & Construction Equipment
North Central BC
This 5 week program is designed for the novice operator to assist
students in learning the skills needed to operate both forestry and
construction equipment. By taking this course the student will be a
valuable asset to any employer in either industry. The student will have
the choice of one piece of forestry equipment and the choice of either
Excavator or Dozer in construction to be certified in. Based on the
student's proficiency, they will be certified upon review.
Web: http://www.obrientraining.com/courses/combo-forestry-and-construction-operator-c/
O'Brien Training
Combination Forestry Equipment Operator
North Central BC
This 6 week course is designed to certify the student on two forestry
machines of their choice. The two certifications will give the student the
competitive advantage in obtaining employment in the Forestry Industry.
Based on the student's proficiency, they will be certified upon review.
Web: http://www.obrientraining.com/courses/combo-forestry-equipment-operator/
O'Brien Training
Construction Equipment Operator
North Central BC
This four week program is designed for the novice operator, needing
more machine hours. The student will gain confidence in operating the
machine of choice through machine orientation , preventative
maintenance and operation at the Construction site. Based on the training@obriengroup.ca
student's proficiency, they will be certified upon review.
Web: http://www.obrientraining.com/courses/construction-equipment-operator-long-course/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
O'Brien Training
Counterbalanced Forklift Course
North Central BC
The Counterbalanced Forklift training course is designed to provide
operators with a deep understanding of Health & Safety Standards,
Procedures for Safe Operation and Preventative Maintenance in various
industrial environments. Certification through our course consists of
classroom theory, a written test and real world hands on experience. The
course is comprised of various multimedia presentations and lectures
and reinforced through workbooks and classroom discussions.
Web: http://www.obrientraining.com/courses/counterbalanced-forklift/
O'Brien Training
Forestry Equipment Operator
North Central BC
This is a four week course (depending on days per week of training)
designed for the novice operator. The classroom portion of this course
consists of safety awareness, regulatory training and compliance training.
The practical portion of this course consists of machine orientation,
preventative maintenance and operation at our forestry site. Based on
the student's proficiency, they will be certified upon review.
Web: http://www.obrientraining.com/courses/forestry-equipment-operator-course/
O'Brien Training
Individual Construction Machine Certification (Short
North Central BC
This two week course is designed to fit your budget and timeline! This
course will provide students with the skills necessary to safely operate
one piece of Construction Equipment. The students skills in operating
mechanized machines in a construction environment will be reviewed. training@obriengroup.ca
Based on the student's proficiency, they will be certified upon review.
The course includes 2 compliance safety tickets of choice.
Web: http://www.obrientraining.com/courses/individual-construction-machine-certification-short-course/
O'Brien Training
Introduction to Construction Equipment Operator
This one week program covers basic machine maintenance and operation
as well as safety and regulations. This course is an introduction only and
does not include certification.
North Central BC
Web: http://www.obrientraining.com/courses/intro-construction-equipment-operator-training/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
O'Brien Training
ITA Construction Course
North Central BC
This foundation Training is intended to serve as a pre-employment
program for those wishing to enter the road building and heavy
equipment industry. Heavy Equipment Training will leave you with the
ability to operate heavy machinery universally for all manners of heavy
construction, earth moving, road building, mining and forestry projects.
Web: http://www.obrientraining.com/courses/ita-construction-course/
O'Brien Training
Premium Forestry Equipment Operator
North Central BC
Much like the 4 week program but with more machine hours. This course
will give the student additional experience and training they will need in
order to secure employment in the Forestry industry. The student will
have the choice of one piece of forestry equipment and the choice of training@obriengroup.ca
either Excavator or Dozer in construction to be certified in. Based on the
student's proficiency, they will be certified upon review.
Web: http://www.obrientraining.com/courses/premium-forestry-equipment-operator/
O'Brien Training
Sideboom Training Course
North Central BC
This one week course is designed to provide theory and practical training
in all aspects of machine operation and maintenance of the Sideboom.
Once this course is successfully completed, students will receive a BC
certification of completion and be ready and able to start working in the training@obriengroup.ca
Oil & Gas industry. This course is also a prerequisite course for the
Simulated Pipeline course, which teaches all aspects of Construction of a
Web: http://www.obrientraining.com/courses/sideboom-operator/
Taylor Professional
Air Brake Course (20 Hour)
North Central BC
Air endorsement for your Class 2, 4, or 5 licenses recommends enrolling in
the 20 hour air brake course which includes a practicum and pre-trip
Web: http://www.taylorprofessionaldriving.com/courses/air-brake-courses/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Taylor Professional
Class 1 Training : Basic Driver Program
North Central BC
This 48 hour program addresses the correct and safe method of operating
a tractor-trailer unit and includes the ICBC road trip testing time. The
student trains in a full size highway tractor and a loaded trailer equipped
with a thirteen or fifteen speed road ranger style transmission.
Web: http://www.taylorprofessionaldriving.com/courses/basic-driver-program/
Class Four Driver Program : Unrestricted and Restricted
Taylor Professional
North Central BC
This program addresses the correct and safe method of operating Class
Four Vehicles and has no minimum number of hours of instruction
required. This program prepares you for the road test at the Motor Vehicle
Branch. The Average time spent in this type of training is 4-8 hours taylor@obriengroup.ca
depending upon the type of driving the client plans on doing. The client is
responsible for supplying a vehicle for the grade of license applied for.
Web: http://www.taylorprofessionaldriving.com/courses/class-four-driver-program-unrestricted-and-restricted/
Class One Training : Advanced Driver Program
Taylor Professional
North Central BC
This program is a Class One 76 hour driving program that includes Hours of
Service regulations will be reviewed as well how to accurately complete
and maintain a driver's logbook, a visit the government weigh scales,
Certified Air Brake Training, and 60 Hours Class One Driver Training.
Web: http://www.taylorprofessionaldriving.com/courses/advanced-driver-program/
Class One Training : Development Driver Program
Taylor Professional
North Central BC
Hours of Service regulations will be reviewed as well how to accurately
complete and maintain a driver's logbook. Drivers also visit the government
weigh scales.Certified Air Brake Training and Class One Driver Training are
also included.
Web: http://www.taylorprofessionaldriving.com/courses/development-driver-program/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Taylor Professional
Class One Training : Premium Driver Program
North Central BC
This program is a Class One 88 hour driving program that includes Hours of
Service regulations will be reviewed as well how to accurately complete
and maintain a driver's logbook, a visit the government weigh scales,
Certified Air Brake Training, and 72 Hours Class One Driver Training.
Web: http://www.taylorprofessionaldriving.com/courses/class-one-training-premium/
Taylor Professional
Class Three Advanced Driver Program
North Central BC
This 48 hour course addresses the correct and safe operation of a Class
three (3) tandem/tridem axle truck preparing the student to work in
various fields including gravel truck, vacuum truck, garbage or recycling
trucks and many more areas. 32 hours Class Three driver training (highway taylor@obriengroup.ca
truck). Training will be in a full size highway tractor with a thirteen or fifteen
road ranger style transmission. The student will learn the timing of shifting
up and down, the art of observation, road position and pre trip inspection
along with other details in preparation for their road test at the motor
vehicle branch. This course also includes the date of the road test through
Web: http://www.taylorprofessionaldriving.com/courses/class-three-advanced-driver-program/
Taylor Professional
Class Three Driver Program
North Central BC
This 40 hour course addresses the correct and safe operation of a Class
three (3) tandem/tridem axle truck preparing the student to work in
various fields including gravel truck, vacuum truck, garbage or recycling
trucks and many more areas. 24 hours Class Three driver training (highway taylor@obriengroup.ca
truck). Training will be in a full size highway tractor with a thirteen or fifteen
road ranger style transmission. The student will learn the timing of shifting
up and down, the art of observation, road position and pre trip inspection
along with other details in preparation for their road test at the motor
vehicle branch. This course also includes the date of the road test through
Web: http://www.taylorprofessionaldriving.com/courses/class-three-driver-program/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Taylor Professional
Class Two Driver Program
North Central BC
This 18 hour course addresses the correct and safe operation of a Class two
(2) vehicle such as a school bus, special activity bus and those vehicles
included in class 4 licensing. Training will be in our 72 passenger school bus
with standard transmission and air brakes. The student will learn the timing taylor@obriengroup.ca
of shifting up and down, correct and safe operation of a school bus, pretrip inspection, along with other details in preparation for their road test at
the motor vehicle branch. This course includes the date of the road test
through ICBC.
Web: http://www.taylorprofessionaldriving.com/courses/class-two-driver-program/
Taylor Professional
Combination: Class One/Log Hauling Course
North Central BC
This four week program is a 126 hour driving program includes 16 hours of
Certified Air Brake Training, 50 hours of off highway and highway Log Truck
Driver training, and 60 Hours Class One Driver Training (Highway Truck).
Web: http://www.taylorprofessionaldriving.com/courses/combination-class-onelog-hauling/
Taylor Professional
Combination: Class One/Low Bed Driving
North Central BC
This four week program is a 126 hour driving program includes 16 hours of
Certified Air Brake Training, 50 hours of off highway and highway Low Bed
Driver training, and 60 Hours Class One Driver Training (Highway Truck).
Web: http://www.taylorprofessionaldriving.com/courses/combination-class-onelowbed/
Intro to Log Hauling and/or Lowbedding
Students have the option of dividing their training hours between log
hauling and lowbedding or focusing all hours in one area. Number of
hours are determined on student need. Instruction includes topics
like: Loading of Logs and Equipment; Load security and safety for
single trailers or combination units; Highway/mill scale etiquette and
safety procedures; 2-way Radio use and etiquette; and On-board
Taylor Professional Driving
North Central BC
Web: http://www.taylorprofessionaldriving.com/courses/intro-log-hauling-andor-lowbedding/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
13 Week Multi Heavy Equipment Training Program
Taylor Pro-Training
North Central BC
This course prepares students to gain an entry level position in the
construction or oil fields with 160 hours of Excavator training and 100
hours divided amongst the Grader, Dozer, Loader and Backhoe. The
training will consist of the following: Pre and Post Inspections as well info@taylorprotraining.com
as the required daily, weekly, general maintenance and servicing the
machine the student is operating; Ditching; Road building and
preparation; Sloping; Building site preparation; and Cutting Grade.
Students will be building rock retaining walls as well as learning to
prepare a site for landscaping.
Web: http://www.taylorprotraining.com/course_detail.php?id=42
15 Week Multi Heavy Equipment and Class One
Driver Training Program
Taylor Pro-Training
North Central BC
15 Weeks in Multi Equipment training with a Class One Driver Training
program is for the student that wants to enhance his/her
employability. This program consists of 180 hours of Excavator
training and 60 hours divided between the Grader – Dozer – Loader. info@taylorprotraining.com
The One-on-One Class One Driver Training can be either before or
after your Heavy Equipment Training.
Web: http://www.taylorprotraining.com/course_detail.php?id=29
21 Week Heavy Equipment Apprenticeship Training
Taylor Pro-Training
North Central BC
This program trains students in 4 modules of the ITA Foundation
program, as well as the ITA HEO Technician program, and 9 weeks of
Hands-On Equipment training. The Foundation theory modules are
Industry Orientation and Overview, Tools and Equipment Operations info@taylorprotraining.com
and Maintenance, Civil Engineering Principles, and Worksite
Preparation. The Heavy Equipment Operator Technician component
consists of in class equipment operating principles as well as exposure
to each type of equipment. The Practical in-equipment training is
hours credited to the student's Apprenticeship. This gives students
knowledge and skill for an entry level position in the construction
field. Certificates included in this program are Ground Disturbance
Level II, WHMIS, Traffic Control, and First Aid Level I.
Web: http://www.taylorprotraining.com/course_detail.php?id=26
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
6 Week Excavator Operator's Training Program
Taylor Pro-Training
North Central BC
Training will consist of the following: Pre and Post Trip inspections as
well as the required daily, weekly, general maintenance and servicing
of the machine the student is training on; Ditching; Road building and
preparation; Sloping; Building Site Preparation; Cutting Grade. info@taylorprotraining.com
Students will be building rock retaining walls as well as learning to
prepare a site for landscaping. The student will also be trained outside
of the work site in the following courses: First Aid - Level I; WHMIS;
CSTS; and Air Brake Endorsement.
Web: http://www.taylorprotraining.com/course_detail.php?id=27
7 Week Excavator / Motor Grader Training Program
Taylor Pro-Training
North Central BC
This program will consist of 200 hours of Excavator Operators training
and 80 hours of Motor Grader training to prepare the student to gain
an entry level position in the construction or oil field. Students will
learn about building rock retaining walls as well as learning to prepare
a site for landscaping.
Web: http://www.taylorprotraining.com/course_detail.php?id=30
8 Week Multi Heavy Equipment Training Program
Taylor Pro-Training
North Central BC
The 8 Week Multi Equipment Training Program consists of 160 hours
of Excavator training and 60 hours divided between the Grader,
Dozer, and Loader. In preparing the students to gain an entry level
Excavator position in the construction or oil field, the student will also info@taylorprotraining.com
gain an introduction to Grader, Dozer and Loader. The students will
also be trained outside of the work site in the following courses: First
Aid - Level I; WHMIS; CSTS; and Air Brake Endorsement.
Web: http://www.taylorprotraining.com/course_detail.php?id=28
Class Four (Restricted or Unrestricted )
Taylor Pro-Training
North Central BC
The Class Four Driver Program was developed to train drivers in the
correct and safe method of operating a Class Four vehicle that
transports passengers. The average time spent in this type of training
is 4-8 hours depending upon the type of driving the client plans on
Web: http://www.taylorprotraining.com/course_detail.php?id=41
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Taylor Pro-Training
Class One 88 Hour Program
North Central BC
This is a three week Class One Driver Training program that includes :
16 hours Air Brake, Theory 20 hours "Rules of the Road" , Theory 16
hours "Active Observation in Truck", and 36 hours "Behind the Wheel"
Web: http://www.taylorprotraining.com/course_detail.php?id=46
Class One Advanced Professional Driver Training
Taylor Pro-Training
North Central BC
This four week Class One Driver Program with Mountain Training is for
the student that wants more than to just have a Class One license. This
is a career building program that includes Air Brake theory class and
the ICBC administered exam; “Rules of the Road” theory classes; Oneto-One driver training; and Mountain driving.
Web: http://www.taylorprotraining.com/course_detail.php?id=33
Taylor Pro-Training
Class One Basic Driver Program
North Central BC
The student trains in a full size highway tractor equipped with a
standard transmission and a loaded trailer. The student learns the art
of observation, road position and the pre-trip inspection prior to their
Road Test at ICBC. This training time averages 28 hours including the info@taylorprotraining.com
Road Test.
Web: http://www.taylorprotraining.com/course_detail.php?id=37
Taylor Pro-Training
Class One Professional Driver Program
North Central BC
This is a three week Class One Driver Training program that includes
Air Brake theory class and the ICBC administered exam; “Rules of the
Road” theory classes; and One-to-One driver training.
Web: http://www.taylorprotraining.com/course_detail.php?id=34
Taylor Pro-Training
North Central BC
Class Three Driver Program
Class Three Driver Training is for drivers that wants to learn the correct
and safe operation of a tandem axle truck. The student trains in a full
size highway tractor with a standard transmission.
Web: http://www.taylorprotraining.com/course_detail.php?id=36
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Taylor Pro-Training
Class Two Driver Program
North Central BC
This program is for persons wanting a license to drive Bus.
Web: http://www.taylorprotraining.com/course_detail.php?id=35
UA Piping Industry
College of British
Forklift Awareness
Lower Mainland
This forklift safety training program is designed to meet the needs of the
counterbalanced, sit-down, rider type lift truck operators, regardless of
brand. The course is ideal for all operators as it is designed to reinforce the
importance of proper forklift safety and handling techniques. Training is
either 1 Day (8 hours) for Experienced Operators and 2 Day (16 hours) for
Novice Operators.
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/98
University of the
Fraser Valley
Crane Operator Program
Lower Mainland
The Crane Operator program includes two levels, Crane Operator Level B
and Crane Operator Level A, each taking four weeks to complete. After eight
weeks, you are fully prepared to write your Level A Certification exam to
become a certified crane operator and write your Level A Certification
assessment. When you pass the assessment, you become a certified Stiff
Boom 40 Tonnes & Under operator with no restrictions.
Karen Massier
Web: http://www.ufv.ca/continuing_studies/courses/trades-and-technology/crane-operator/
University of the
Fraser Valley
Forklift Truck Certification
Lower Mainland
This course will provide you with an understanding of the current
regulations governing fork lift truck operations, types of forklift trucks, preshift inspection, fuel types and handling of fuels, and safe operation of a
forklift truck. Practice time will be available to assist you to meet basic
operation skill levels. Students who successfully complete the course will
receive a certificate valid for two years.
Karen Massier
Web: http://www.ufv.ca/continuing_studies/courses/trades-and-technology/forklift-truck-certification/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Road Building & Heavy Construction Equipment Operator
Vancouver Island
Vancouver Island
This program will grant graduates a Vancouver Island University Road
Building & Heavy Construction Equipment Operator certificate with a
Backhoe, Dozer, Excavator, Front End Loader, Articulated Rock Truck,
Grader, or Articulated Rock Truck/Front End Loader specialty, as well as ITA
Heavy Equipment Operator Foundation and Technician certification. The
program is delivered by instructors in classrooms at our Heavy Equipment
Operator site, as well as on-site training in the operation of heavy
equipment. Instruction will be classroom, lab and shop with experiential
components and may use online components. This program provides
students with the knowledge and basic skills that will help them to
apprenticeship or help them to be successful as they continue directly into
Joe Skipsey
Web: https://www2.viu.ca/heo/RoadBuilding.asp
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Safety & Development Training
Transportation of Dangerous Goods
Vancouver Island
The Transportation of Dangerous Goods training course is designed to
provide participants with the skills and knowledge required to safely ship,
receive, handle, and transport shipments of Dangerous Goods for
Transport. This 1 day training course will ensure participants deal with
Dangerous Goods shipments, according to the current Transportation of
Dangerous Goods (TDG) Clear Language Regulations.
Web: http://bchazmat.com/safety-training/transportation-of-dangerous-good-surface/
Vancouver Island
Course content includes WHMIS background and legislation, proper use of
labeling and product warning identifiers, description and interpretation of
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) / Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), worker
training requirements and supplier/employer/worker responsibilities.
Web: http://bchazmat.com/safety-training/whmis-basic-course/
British Columbia
Construction Safety Training System
The Construction Safety Training System (CSTS) is an essential element of
training for all employees (new and old) on construction worksites,
supervisors, health and safety representatives, and those business owners
who seek to improve health and safety in their workplace. The course is
available online and may take 5-9 hours in total. If you do not have a
computer with Internet service available for use at home, some of the BCCA
regional associations have services available at their offices during business
hours. This program is separated into 15 modules, each of which include a
study session, review and test. The online program allows students to work
at their own pace, using the videos and interactive modules to explore a
variety of issues and scenarios.
Bruce Lund
Web: http://www.bccassn.com/page/Construction%20Safety%20Training%20System%20(CSTS-09).aspx
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
College of New
Confined Space Awareness
North Central BC
This course includes confined spaces definition, hazard recognition and
control, conducting hazard assessments, roles and responsibilities,
planning, training requirements, personal protective and rescue equipment,
record keeping and evaluation.
Lonnie Dupras
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/Assets/ContinuingEd/2015-2016+Courses+$!26+Programs/Confined+Space+Awareness.pdf
College of New
Liquefied Petroleum Gas or Compressed Natural Gas
North Central BC
If you work or plan to work with LPG/CNG systems, the BC Safety Authority
requires that you successfully write and pass a qualifying examination. This
course covers the theory of safety, installation, components, and
troubleshooting for automotive alternative fuel systems. After completion,
you must register with the local BC Safety Authority office to write the exam.
The approximate cost of the exam is $295 which is not included in the
course fee.
Lonnie Dupras
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/Assets/ContinuingEd/20152016+Courses+$!26+Programs/Liquefied+Petroleum+Gas+or+Compressed+Natural+Gas.pdf
College of New
Rigging and Lifting
North Central BC
This course provides vital information for those assisting or working around
lifting operations. Specific topics include hoisting and rigging hazard
recognition, knots, lifting hardware, materials, hand signals and working
load limits. Information covers lifts using large fix-tower cranes and knuckle
and telescoping boom trucks. It is an awareness course designed for
employees that work directly or around lifting operations. Sponsored by
TransCanada; this course is free of charge. Seats are first-come, first-served.
Maximum 16 participants.
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
College of New
Scaffold Awareness and Inspection
North Central BC
You will receive training on rules, regulations and guidelines, definitions and
terminology, scaffold foundations and support, platforms, hazards and
competent inspections.
Lonnie Dupras
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/Assets/ContinuingEd/20152016+Courses+$!26+Programs/Scaffold+Awareness+and+Inspection.pdf
College of New
Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG)
North Central BC
This is a required course if you handle dangerous goods, transport
dangerous goods to final destinations or if you load/unload shipments of
dangerous goods. You will receive a Transportation of Dangerous Goods
certificate that is valid for three years. Sponsored by TransCanada; this
course is free of charge. Seats are first-come, first-served. Maximum 16
College of New
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems
North Central BC
WHMIS provides information on hazardous materials used in the workplace.
It will cover classification and symbols of hazardous materials, labels,
material safety data sheets and worker education and training.
Lonnie Dupras
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/Assets/ContinuingEd/20152016+Courses+$!26+Programs/Workplace+Hazardous+Materials+Information+Systems.pdf
CWB Group
Basic Welding Inspection
It covers visual inspection, radiography, magnetic particle (MPI), ultrasonic
(UT), liquid penetrant (LPI) and acoustic emission. You will be able to
understand the basics of inspection methods and interpret the information
provided by an inspector on a weld inspection report.
Web: https://www.cwbgroup.org/education/courses/basic-welding-inspection
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
CWB Group
Engineering Drawings, Basic Joints and Preparation for
This course is designed to give you an overview of engineering drawing and
reading blueprint. You will develop an understanding of the basic joints and
weld types used for welded connections, become familiar with welding
terminology, cutting and preparation of joints, as well as with the various
methods used by fabricators and manufacturers.
Web: https://www.cwbgroup.org/education/courses/engineering-drawings-basic-joints-and-preparation-welding
CWB Group
Health and Safety
This course is designed for Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC)
members, Managers, Shop Supervisors, and welders who want to increase
their knowledge and compliance of welding health and safety codes,
standards and best practices.
Web: https://www.cwbgroup.org/education/courses/health-and-safety
CWB Group
Inspection Methods
This course is designed to provide a more detailed review of surface,
radiographic and ultrasonic inspection methods. Many welding
professionals will be introduced to these methods of inspection during their
careers and this course will give the user a firm understanding of how they
are applied, what discontinuities can be detected and what techniques can
be employed for various applications.
Web: https://www.cwbgroup.org/education/courses/inspection-methods
Introduction to Basic Joints, Symbols, and Preparation for
This course covers material introduced in Module 2 and Module 3. It is
designed to teach the basic language of welding symbols used by all levels
within a fabricating environment. It will give you the understanding and
knowledge to create and interpret welding symbols for fillet welds, groove
welds, plug and slot welds, as well as spot, seam and stud welds. Symbols
for brazing and non-destructive examination symbols are also reviewed.
CWB Group
Web: https://www.cwbgroup.org/education/courses/introduction-basic-joints-symbols-and-preparation-welding
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
CWB Group
Materials and Processes
This detailed training course will provide NDT technicians and Quality
Control personnel with an extensive and thorough understanding of the
production, composition and properties of metals. Knowledge obtained in
this course will enable personnel to be prepared not only for industry
requirements but also for the examinations required for the NDE disciplines
requiring a knowledge of materials and processes, in accordance with the
requirements of CAN/CGSB-48_9712-2006.
Web: https://www.cwbgroup.org/education/courses/materials-and-processes
CWB Group
Radiographic Inspection
This online course is designed to provide a more detailed review of the
radiographic inspection process. Many welding professionals will be
introduced to this inspection method during their careers and this module
will give the user a firm understanding of how it is applied, what defects can
be detected and what techniques can be employed for various applications.
In addition, the basic safety practices are also reviewed.
Web: https://www.cwbgroup.org/education/courses/radiographic-inspection
CWB Group
Surface Inspection
This course is designed to teach the application of surface inspection
methods and the types of discontinuities that they can detect. You will
develop a sound understanding of the principles of Liquid Penetrant (LPI),
Magnetic Particle (MPI) and other methods such as Eddy Current and Leak
Testing used to inspect welds.
Web: https://www.cwbgroup.org/education/courses/surface-inspection
CWB Group
Ultrasonic Inspection
This course is designed to provide a more detailed review of the ultrasonic
inspection process. Many welding professionals will be introduced to this
inspection during their careers and this course will give the user a firm
understanding of how it is applied, what discontinuities can be detected and
what techniques can be employed for various applications. There will be an
introduction to critical parameters for successful application.
Web: https://www.cwbgroup.org/education/courses/ultrasonic-inspection
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Electrical Energy Training
Electrical Safety for Trades Workers
All BC
Learn the basics of how electricity behaves and how to spot overhead
and underground hazards. Find out how to plan your work and carry
it out in a safe manner. Discover what to do if your equipment
contacts a power line. Learn how to meet WorkSafeBC requirements
for working near high-voltage lines. This 2 hour presenter-led training
includes a PowerPoint presentation and videos. The purpose of this
training is to teach trades workers about electricity, how to recognize
electrical hazards, and what to do if they, or their colleagues, make
contact with electrical infrastructure or need to escape from an
energized area.
Web: http://eetg.ca/training/trades-workers/
Hazard Management
North East BC
Learn how to develop a hazard management system, which includes;
hazard identification, risk assessments, and the hierarchy controls.
Material will also cover the understanding of legal expectations for
due diligence for hazard management and will review key federal, customerservice@enform.ca
provincial and local regulatory requirements that pertain to the
Hazard Management System (HMS).
Web: http://www.enform.ca/training/courses/detail/11909/hazardmanagement?course=Course+Title%2FKeywords&locationId=6&=&startDate=&=&endDate=
Introduction to OH & S Legislation Training
North East BC
This awareness course familiarizes participants located in AB, BC, SK
and MB with the structure of Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S),
and enables them to identify and locate the statutes and regulations
that apply to their worksite and organizational activities.
Web: http://www.enform.ca/training/courses/detail/11923/introduction-to-oh-s-legislationtraining?course=Course+Title%2FKeywords&locationId=6&=&startDate=&=&endDate=
North East BC
OSSA Basic Safety Orientation (BSO)
The half-day interactive training session is designed to actively
engage participants, with an emphasis on taking personal
responsibility for workplace safety.
Web: http://www.enform.ca/training/courses/detail/11979/ossa-basic-safety-orientationbso?course=Course+Title%2FKeywords&locationId=6&=&startDate=&=&endDate=
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Safety Program Development
North East BC
Learn the fundamental elements of developing and implementing a
Safety Management System (SMS) that meets the criteria of the
Enform Health and Safety Certificate of Recognition (COR) Audit
Protocol. This course is required for the COR Program, and the Small
Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR), and it is also the first
step for small employers intending to enter in the MECOR auditing
process on their way to achieving a large employer COR.
Web: http://www.enform.ca/training/courses/detail/9012/safety-programdevelopment?course=Course+Title%2FKeywords&locationId=6&=&startDate=&=&endDate=
Contract and Commercial Management Fundamentals
Vancouver Island
This program focuses on delivering contemporary best practices
information which will equip the student to participate effectively in the
contract process and does so in a manner which the student will find
interesting and immediately useful in their personal and professional life.
Web: https://www.imtarc.com/training-and-education/course/contract-and-commercial-management-fundamentals
Leadership Skills: Coaching and Mentoring in the
Industrial Environment
Vancouver Island
This two-day workshop is designed to help participants understand the
concepts and elements of coaching and mentoring. Industry is experiencing
an unprecedented influx of new workers as it expands and scales up to meet
the demand for new construction and maintenance work. It is imperative
for workers at all levels to communicate effectively, resolve conflict an take
advantage of coaching and mentoring opportunities in the context of the
unique culture of the industrial marine workplace.
Web: https://www.imtarc.com/training-and-education/course/leadership-skills-coaching-and-mentoring-in-the-industrialenvironment
Leadership Skills: Conflict Resolution in the Industrial
Vancouver Island
This two-day workshop is designed to help participants identify and use
effective strategies for conflict resolution. Respect and trust are at the heart
of effective conflict resolution and those core concepts are reinforced
throughout the training.
Web: https://www.imtarc.com/training-and-education/course/leadership-skills-conflict-resolution-in-the-industrialenvironment
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Risk Management and Incident Investigation
Vancouver Island
This two-day interactive course is aimed at office and shipboard personnel
who have responsibility for safety. Delegates will be shown how to carry out
operational risk assessments and incident investigations.
Web: https://www.imtarc.com/training-and-education/course/risk-management-and-incident-investigation
Safe Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
North West BC
This course provides the participant with a comprehensive overview of the
properties of LNG, and safe handling of LNG. Visual demonstrations are used
to ensure participants have an interactive and experiential learning of LNG.
Students will complete live demonstrations using LNG or LIN.
Web: https://www.imtarc.com/training-and-education/course/lng-princerupert
Safe Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Lower Mainland
This course provides the participant with a comprehensive overview of the
properties of LNG, and safe handling of LNG. Visual demonstrations are used
to ensure participants have an interactive and experiential learning of LNG.
Students will complete live demonstrations using LNG or LIN.
Web: https://www.imtarc.com/training-and-education/course/lng-vancouver
Supervisor Training
Vancouver Island
This workshop will give you the information you need to help you prepare
to become a supervisor or upgrade your skills as a current supervisor. Join
us and learn about some of the challenges of the job so you have a better
understanding of how to deal with and manage the day-to-day activities of
the supervisor’s life.
Web: https://www.imtarc.com/training-and-education/courses
Community College
Camp Operations
North West BC
The Camp Operations program combines the practical and technical skills
training necessary to build and maintain temporary camps that are used in
remote work sites in industries such as exploration, forestry, and guide
outfitting. Training consists of classroom learning and hands-on field
experience where students work together to safely and efficiently build and
maintain a fully operational camp.
Danielle Smyth
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/programs-courses/nwcc-schools/school-exploration-mining/school-exploration-miningcourses-programs
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Community College
Confined Space Hazard Awareness
North West BC
Accidents in confined spaces may be rare but they can result in severe injury
or death. The majority of deaths in confined spaces are caused by hazardous
atmospheres such as toxic gases or lack of oxygen. The remaining deaths
are the result of physical hazards where a worker may be crushed, buried
or struck by falling objects. This course will be of interest to employers,
owners, managers, supervisors and joint committees in workplaces where
there are confined spaces. However, employees ultimately have to be
aware of the conditions that they are working in as well.
Eleanor Caissie
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/cefaid-823-confined-space-hazard-awareness
Community College
Fire Suppression
North West BC
The Wildfire Act of BC states that anyone working on an industrial activity
in the forest within one kilometer of a fire must report it and take preventive
action. And WorkSafeBC states that anyone taking such action must be
certified. This course provides that mandated certification with training that
includes fire-line safety, fire behavior, and water delivery using portable
pumps and gravity systems.
Eleanor Caissie
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/cefaid-741-s-100-fire-suppression
Community College
Ground Disturbance
North West BC
Participants gain an understanding of the necessary approvals/crossing
agreements and regulations necessary before creating a ground
disturbance. They learn to create a plot plan/site drawing, gain an
understanding of line locating and learn about types of exposure.
Participants will also learn how to do a back-fill inspection, as well as how
to use permits and conduct pre-job meetings. Emergency response plans
and what to do in case an underground facility is contacted are also covered.
Eleanor Caissie
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/cefaid-840-ground-disturbance
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Community College
H2S Alive
North West BC
The H2S Alive program prepares workers to recognize hydrogen sulphide
hazards, as well as perform basic rescue during an H2S incident. The course
combines theory and practice with each student using detection equipment
and breathing apparatus, and performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Upon successful completion, each candidate will be issued an H2S Alive
certificate from Enform. This certification is valid anywhere in the world for
three years.
Eleanor Caissie
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/cefaid-733-h2s-alive
Community College
Insulation Testing for Electricians & Maintenance
North West BC
This 4 hour course introduces the tradesperson or technician to the
powerful system diagnostic functions of a modern Insulation Tester
(Megohmmeter). The simplicity of operation, yet powerful functionality of
the tool are demonstrated. Insulation tester functions are demonstrated
and used by the participant.
Eleanor Caissie
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/cetrad-791-insulation-testing-electricians-maintenance-technicians
Community College
Petroleum Safety Training
North West BC
The Petroleum safety training course provides guidelines for safe practices
while working on a petroleum site. An oil refinery or petroleum production
plant must follow certain safety rules aimed at preventing major disasters.
This course covers what procedures to follow after accidents, as well as safe
handling rules for various petroleum products. Also covered is proper safety
gear for workers, petroleum regulations, hazard recognition and control,
safety communications and work procedures.
Eleanor Caissie
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/cefaid-778-petroleum-safety-training
Community College
Specialized Chainsaw Safety
North West BC
This is an introductory course that includes classroom instruction and
practical experience. Personal protection, chainsaw handling and safe
practices are covered. Regular chainsaw maintenance, troubleshooting and
minor onsite repairs are also covered.
Eleanor Caissie
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/cefaid-724-specialized-chainsaw-safety
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Community College
Spill Response
North West BC
This field course deals with prevention and response of the release of
petroleum hydro-carbon into the environment. It also cover chemical
characteristics and behaviour of fuel in addition to safety.
Eleanor Caissie
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/spill-response-0
Community College
Transportation of Dangerous Goods
North West BC
Comply with Transportation of Dangerous Goods regulations. This course is
designed for people who handle and/or transport dangerous goods by land
and rail. Successful participants receive a certificate from Danatec.
Eleanor Caissie
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/cefaid-714-transportation-dangerous-goods
Community College
North West BC
WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) is
information and training in the safe handling, recognition, storage and
disposal of controlled products (hazardous materials). Emergency
procedures, as well as an understanding of the risk and necessary
precautions, will help prevent workplace injury or loss of life.
Eleanor Caissie
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/cefaid-744-whmis
Okanagan College
Basic Drafting
Drafting is the language used in the construction industry for
communicating ideas and instructions. The construction drawings are
used for selling and building those ideas. Most construction and
presentation drawings today are done on computers but the initial
ideas and concepts are still sketched out by hand. An understanding of
hand drafting is still important to a drafter/designer. This introductory
course will outline some of the basic techniques and terminology used
for hand sketching and basic drafting. The student will be expected to
complete sketching exercises and a final project. This course will be
completed by hand, not with a CAD software program.
Web: http://www.okanagan.bc.ca/Programs/Areas_of_Study/distance-education/Courses___Programs/Basic_Drafting.html
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Okanagan College
Occupational Health & Safety Certificate
This fully online, part-time program provides the knowledge and skills
required for a career as a health and safety professional. Learn to
Mary Kline
develop and manage a health and safety system. Gain the skills to
facilitate a workplace that takes a team approach to health and safety by
reducing the human factor in accidents.
Web: http://www.okanagan.bc.ca/Programs/Areas_of_Study/cs/allcertificates/Occupational_Health___Safety_Certificate.html
Selkirk College
BC Electrical Code
Divided into 10 lessons and 10 assignments our BC Electrical Code course
offers you access to tutorial help. You'll learn about the fundamentals of the
rules and regulations governing Canadian electrical work, installation and
the calculations you'll need.
Web: http://selkirk.ca/program/bc-electrical-code
Southern Interior
Construction Safety Training System
Making sure that construction worksites are as safe as possible begins with
providing basic safety training to all employees. CSTS-09 is an online workerspecific safety program acknowledged industry wide as an excellent
learning tool for individuals who are either new to the construction industry
or have not had formal safety training. The CSTS certificates DO NOT EXPIRE
and are VALID in BC, ALBERTA and the REST of CANADA.
Leanne Hendrickson
Web: http://www.sica.bc.ca/page/individual.aspx#.VfDWT5VRHIV
Thompson Rivers
Arc Flash Safety Workshop
Arc Flash Training Workshop designed for front line workers responsible for
electrical systems in the CSA Z462-12 electrical safety standard. Students
will gain a full understanding of hazards encountered while operating or
maintaining electrical installations in the low voltage (below 750 volts) class
including a full understanding of the arc hazard categorization, appropriate
personal protective equipment selection and safe work procedures. This
one day workshop is designed to assist organizations to identify shock and
arc flash hazards and prevent injuries and incidents associated with those
Marie Weisbeck
Web: http://www.tru.ca/trades/constudies/trades_electrical/tradescontinuingstudieselectrical.html
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
UA Piping Industry
College of British
Construction Safety Training System
Lower Mainland
The Construction Safety Training System (CSTS) equips workers with
practical skills and proven prevention strategies to stay safe on the job
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/52
UA Piping Industry
College of British
Foreman's Certification
Lower Mainland
The UA Foreman Certification Programme will prepare Journeyperson
workers to take leadership roles in working with crews of industry workers
to lead them in completing work for contractors by providing them with the
initial supervisory skills they need to complete the requirements of the
position. This programme will provide a foundation to enable workers to
continue their development for supervisory roles, and to enhance
opportunity for further advancement in supervision for contractors. This
programme can also be utilized for Apprenticeship training in leadership
development for the future.
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/83
UA Piping Industry
College of British
H2S Alive
Lower Mainland
This one-day course is intended for all workers in the petroleum industry
who could be exposed to hydrogen sulphide (H2S). The primary focus is to
provide generic H2S course content to help workers work safely in and
around H2S environments. The course covers the physical properties and
health hazards of H2S, how to protect oneself and basic rescue techniques.
Each student is required to operate a self-contained breathing apparatus
and a detector tube device, and to perform CPR and rescue lift and drag
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/55
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
UA Piping Industry
College of British
PCST (Pipeline Construction Safety Training)
Lower Mainland
This course has been designed to educate the worker on relevant Health
and Safety issues by taking the worker through the entire pipeline
construction process, from beginning to end. This course will provide
workers with the tools to help them become aware of the health and
safety requirements, learn how to assess hazards and understand basic
safety requirements on a pipeline jobsite.
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/53
UA Piping Industry
College of British
Steward Certification
Lower Mainland
The UA Steward Training Program will prepare Journeyperson workers
to take leadership roles in working as a Union representative to lead and
in completing the work of the UA and protecting its jurisdiction in the
workplace. This program is designed to prepare the Steward for their
role as Leader and explain methods for working with management and
membership towards a more productive jobsite.
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/97
North Central BC
Occupational Health and Safety Certificate
UNBC’s Continuing Studies Occupational Health & Safety certificate
offers a variety of courses to expand your knowledge and opportunities
Lesley Anderson
for success in this exciting industry. Courses include such topics as
workplace hazards analysis & risk assessment, injury prevention,
legislation, safety inspections, fire safety, and emergency preparedness lesley.anderson@unbc.ca
and response.
Web: http://www.unbc.ca/continuing-studies/occupational-health-and-safety-certificate
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Wildlife Danger Tree Assessor Certificate: Forest
Harvesting and Silviculture Module
North Central BC
This 2-day classroom and field course trains participants to identify
wildlife trees and assess steps necessary to ensure worker safety and
Lesley Anderson
habitat protection when operating around wildlife/dangerous trees.
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to
identify potential habitat, determine which trees are safe and dangerous
in various settings, determine if dangerous trees should be removed or
modified, and establish no-work zones. This program is applicable to all
work activities in forested settings including harvesting, silviculture, and
Web: http://www.unbc.ca/continuing-studies/wildlife-danger-tree
Wildlife Danger Tree Assessor Certificate: Parks and
Recreation Module
North Central BC
This course is developed and designed specifically for parks, recreations
sites, and other municipal settings where there may be exposure to
Lesley Anderson
potentially dangerous trees. Participants will learn how to identify
wildlife and dangerous trees, and determine steps necessary to enhance
worker/public safety and habitat protection when operating around lesley.anderson@unbc.ca
wildlife/dangerous trees. This 2-day course combines both classroom
sessions and field practice in a local park or municipal setting. Upon
successful completion of this course, participants will be able to identify
potential habitat, determine which trees are safe and dangerous in
various settings, determine if dangerous trees should be removed or
modified, and establish hazard zones.
Web: http://www.unbc.ca/continuing-studies/wildlife-danger-tree
Wildlife Danger Tree Assessor Certificate: Wildland Fire
Safety Module
North Central BC
This 2-day training course provides information and technical
procedures for assessing tree hazards and establishing appropriate safe
Lesley Anderson
work practices in situations where there is potential exposure from
dangerous trees to workers involved in wildland firefighting. It also
provides information on habitat quality which can be used to retain
some high-value wildlife trees where opportunities exist to assess both
tree hazards and wildlife tree habitat value (ie, in sustained action fires
where there is sufficient time to assess wildlife tree habitat
components.) This course primarily focuses on worker safety and tree
defects which are visually inspected and rated as having "high defect
failure potential".
Web: http://www.unbc.ca/continuing-studies/wildlife-danger-tree
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
University of the Fraser
Electrical Code
Lower Mainland
This 60-hour course provides a thorough review of the main sections of
the 2012 Canadian Electrical Code, emphasizing BC amendments,
bulletins, and regulations of the Safety Standards Act and Safety
Standards Regulations. The course is designed for electricians and
apprentices planning to upgrade their knowledge of the code and for
those that are planning on writing the Field Safety Representatives
Exams. The course and instructor are recognized by the Electrical Safety
Karen Massier
Web: http://www.ufv.ca/continuing_studies/courses/trades-and-technology/electrical-code/
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
For employees and employers, this course covers WorkSafeBC
requirements for workplaces. Topics include terminology, legal
requirements, routes of entry of chemicals into the body, labeling,
Material Safety Data Sheets, and responsibilities of employers and
employees. Learn how to apply the system to your work environment
University of the Fraser
Lower Mainland
Karen Massier
Web: http://www.ufv.ca/continuing_studies/courses/trades-and-technology/whmis/
College of New
Forest Industry Safety Training
North Central BC
Improve your employability in the forest industry. Choose from industryapproved courses such as Fire Suppression, First Aid, Log Scaling and
Grading, and Chainsaw Safety.
Rachelle Munchinsky
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/CNC_Programs/FIST.htm
College of New
Industry Training
North Central BC
Courses are constantly being developed in response to community
needs. Therefore, the list presented here is only a sample: Excavator
Rachelle Munchinsky
Training, Culturally Modified Trees, Hoisting and Rigging, Fall Protection
Awareness, All-Terrain Vehicle Rider course, Pre-Foundation-Level
Trades Math. For the most up-to-date list of what’s currently available, munchinskyr1@cnc.bc.ca
or to have a custom training package delivered at your facility, please
contact your local campus.
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/CNC_Programs/IndustryTraining.htm
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Entry Level/Industry Programs
Aboriginal Skills Group
LNG Pre-Apprenticeship Training
Lower Mainland
The LNG Pre-Apprenticeship Training program consists of getting all
safety certificates, PPE, Core Carpentry, and Essential Skills. A portion of
the training will happen at an LNG storage site and will also include visits
to other sites from energy and engineering companies.
Linden Pinay
Web: http://aboriginalskills.ca/training/
BC Hydro
Communications Protection & Control Technologist
All BC
The Communications, Protection and Control Technologist Trainee program
is open for applications once per year, between November – January. The
program commences in June-July. As a successful trainee applicant, your
CPC career begins with 48 months of on the job technical training including
6 months of in school technical training, various in-house classroom training
courses, self-study assignments and annual written and practical exams.
When you graduate, you can apply for Communications, Protection and
Control Technologist positions in BC Hydro at one of 32 Communications,
Protection and Control headquarters throughout B.C
Web: https://www.bchydro.com/careers/students_grads/technologist-trainee-programs/CPC_technologist_trainee.html
Construction Estimating
Lower Mainland
Construction estimators require an understanding of the construction
process, technologies, business, and relationships within the industry. They
James Iversen
are responsible for preparing and pricing tender packages to obtain
construction contracts for their companies to keep them in business, and
keep them profitable. The Certificate in Construction Estimating will give james_iversen@bcit.ca
you the essential skills necessary to work as a junior to intermediate
estimator in a building and/or civil construction firm. With this foundation,
graduates will have the ability to meet the growing demand for skilled
construction estimators.
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/6530cert
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Construction Operations
Lower Mainland
BCIT and the Vancouver Regional Construction Association (VRCA),
have teamed up to offer a multi-level, part-time studies training
Beverly McQuarrie
program for people who wish to enter the construction industry and
for people already in the industry who wish to enhance their career
potential. The Construction Operations program consists of 6 core beverly_mcquarrie@bcit.ca
courses of 18 credits and 6 credits of approved electives.
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/7720acert
Construction Supervision
Lower Mainland
The Construction Supervision program consists of nine courses:
Construction Documents and Contracts, Basic Project Management
Beverly McQuarrie
Skills, Technical Writing/Interpersonal Skills, Basic Construction Design
Principles, Construction Materials and Assemblies, Computer
Applications in Construction, Safety Legislation, Environmental beverly_mcquarrie@bcit.ca
Legislation, and Construction Estimating. These courses build on the
previous ones by introducing more comprehensive and complex
issues. Students receive an Associate Certificate upon successful
completion of the program
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/7730acert
Roadworks Maintenance
Lower Mainland
Courses include Public Works Operations, Roadwork Maintenance, and
Municipal Plan Reading.
Pam Dade
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/5620000000#overview
Security Systems Technician
Lower Mainland
The program is divided into two levels. Level 1 deals with basic
installation techniques and the theories and codes which govern the
security industry. Level 2 involves installing and troubleshooting
complete alarm systems and advanced security equipment. This level
includes a mandatory four-week work experience practicum with a
licensed alarm company.
Marko Vicic
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/2595certts#entry
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Nicola Valley Institute of
Office Administration Certificate
This program is to develop office administration skills and provide the
necessary administrative skills to provide administrative support at the
Bev Currie-McLean
entry level. It is designed for persons who want to upgrade their office
skills for certification and those entering the office workplace for the
first time. It is ideal for individuals who do not have previous education bcurriemclean@nvit.bc.ca
or background in computing. This program is offered over two
consecutive terms or seven months.
Web: http://www.nvit.bc.ca/programs/officeadministration.htm
Northern Lights College
Oil and Gas Field Operations
North East BC
The Oil and Gas Field Operations program was developed at the request
of local industry to address present and projected shortages of skilled
workers in this field. Students are trained to become professional and
technically knowledgeable individuals for the oil and gas industry.
Terry Beaton
Web: http://www.nlc.bc.ca/Programs/All-Programs-Alphabetical/Oil-and-Gas-Field-Operations
Community College
Administrative Professional
North West BC
The Administrative Professional program teaches you essential skills
including how to work in a modern professional office, how to maintain a
professional image, personal and professional ethics, communication
essentials, technology basics, records and financial management, event
planning and travel, and how to advance your career.
Eleanor Caissie
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/cebsns-950-administrative-professional
Community College
Administrative Professional with MC Office Specialist
North West BC
This program teaches the key skills you need to become an Administrative
Professional and prepare you for the Microsoft Office Specialist Certification
Exams in Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook and Access. You will learn
essential skills including how to work in a modern professional office, how
to maintain a professional image, personal and professional ethics,
communication essentials, technology basics, record keeping and financial
management, event planning and travel, and how to advance in an
administrative career.
Eleanor Caissie
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/cebsns-951-administrative-professional-mc-office-specialist-2013
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Community College
Fast Track to Oil & Gas
North West BC
A one-stop shop approach will put you on the fast track to acquiring the
certificates required to work in this industry. After completing the following
courses you will be prepared for entry level employment in the Oil and Gas
Industry. Courses covered: Fall Protection, Rigging and Lifting Safety, S-100
Fire Suppression, Confined Space & Hazard Awareness, OFA Level 1,
Transportation Endorsement, WHMIS, Transportation of Dangerous Goods,
Petroleum Safety Training, H2S Alive, Spill Response, Ground Disturbance,
Specialized Chainsaw Safety, Construction Safety Training System, Forklift
Operator Certification, Industry Awareness Oil & Gas, and Career Awareness
Oil & Gas.
Eleanor Caissie
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/cetrad-787-fast-track-oil-gas
Community College
Mining Exploration & Natural Resources Field Assistant
North West BC
This 14 day course prepares students for entry-level fieldwork in a variety
of natural resource industries with a focus on activities in mining,
exploration, natural resources and environmental monitoring.
Danielle Smyth
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/programs-courses/nwcc-schools/school-exploration-mining/school-exploration-miningcourses-programs
Northwest Community
Oil Refinery Operations
North West BC
The Oil Refinery Operations Online Training Program will prepare you for
an entry-level career as an oil refinery operator. Across North America
Meredith MacLeod
there are thousands of oil refineries that are operated by oil refinery
operators. Oil refinery operators are highly paid and enjoy a stable work
environment, and there’s an ongoing need for entry-level personnel. This
online certificate program is offered in partnership with major colleges,
universities, and other accredited education providers.
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/cebsns-774-oil-refinery-operations
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Northwest Community
Traffic Control Flagging
North West BC
This course is required for those monitoring, controlling and directing
traffic in and around maintenance and construction areas. It provides indepth coverage of the skills and information needed to become a qualified
traffic control flag person. Successful completion of class participation and
examination result in a British Columbia Construction Safety Alliance
(BCCSA) certificate valid for three years, and become part of a provincial
database that documents trainers and Traffic Control Persons.
Eleanor Caissie
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/cetran-704-traffic-control-flagging
Community College
Workforce Exploration Skills Training (WEST)
North West BC
Join WEST and learn the skills to become employed in the minerals and
natural resources industries. This 32-day training program will build your
skill-set through hands-on training delivered in a camp-based environment.
Danielle Smyth
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/programs-courses/nwcc-schools/school-exploration-mining/school-exploration-miningcourses-programs
O'Brien Training
Simulated Pipeline Training
North Central BC
This three week program is designed to teach all aspects in constructing
a pipeline. The key components of this course will include the uses,
phases and tasks used in building a pipeline. At the end of the course,
students will have the knowledge and confidence to work on a pipeline training@obriengroup.ca
construction site and be more successful in obtaining employment in the
Oil & Gas industry. This course needs a minimum of 6 students to run.
Web: http://www.obrientraining.com/courses/pipeline-construction-course/
Selkirk College
Plant Operator
This 24-week program (18 weeks on-campus + 6 week practicum) prepares
you for entry level positions as a plant operator. You'll gain knowledge and
develop the skills required to operate, monitor and troubleshoot control
equipment and processing units found in most industrial settings. You'll
learn about industrial plant functionality and gain a critical understanding
of plant systems, process fundamentals, and plant operations.
Web: http://selkirk.ca/program/plant-operator
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Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Aboriginal Centre for
Leadership and
Innovation (NENAS)
Transition to Apprenticeship Program
North East BC
Transition to Apprenticeship program, which includes Essential Skills for
Apprenticeship, Apprenticeship Exploration, Trades & Apprenticeship
Training and Apprenticeship placement.
Web: http://www.nenas.org/nenas/#!/ilc
Aboriginal Centre for
Leadership and
Innovation (part of
North East Aboriginal Trades Training (NEATT)
North East BC
The NEATT Program is designed to train and prepare participants for entry
into a trades career through a Pre-Apprenticeship and/or Apprenticeship
Web: http://www.nenas.org/nenas/#!/ilc
BC Wall & Ceiling
Wall and Ceiling Installer Program
Lower Mainland
A Wall and Ceiling Installer will learn to assemble and install non-load
bearing steel studs, interior and exterior gypsum products, suspension
systems for metal lath and plaster, backer board and rainscreen systems for
exterior stucco products, acoustical, metal linear and specialty ceilings, as
well as windload and axial load bearing steel stud systems in residential,
commercial and highrise construction in conjunction with composite floor
systems. Wall and Ceiling Installer is a Red Seal trade. It consists of 4 levels
of in-school training, totalling 420 hours of instruction and 150 hours of selfstudy. In addition, to qualify for certification, one has to complete 4,500
hours of work in the trade:
Web: http://www.bcwca.org/trades/wall_and_ceiling_installer
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Boilermaker Foundation
Lower Mainland
Students will gain the full range of knowledge and skills required to fit,
install, assemble, erect, repair and maintain a wide variety of vessels, tanks,
towers, hoists and other structures, as well as ancillary equipment and
fixtures made of metals and fibreglass materials. Possible work sites include
pulp mills, refineries and hydro-electric projects
Bill Watkins
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/1450ttcert#overview
Carpentry Framing and Forming Foundation
Lower Mainland
Training prepares students for entry-level employment in the carpentry
trade. Basic theory and related information along with hands-on shop
practice enable students to become competent in basic carpentry tasks. The
Program consists of 2 courses: Carpentry Framing and Forming Level 1
covers all the technical material included in the first level of carpentry
apprenticeship in-school training and supplements it with more extensive
practical experience. This course prepares students for entry-level
employment with contractors working in residential construction; and
Carpentry Framing and Forming Level 2 covers all of the technical material
included in the second level of carpentry apprenticeship in-school training
and supplements it with more extensive practical experience. This course
prepares students for entry-level employment with contractors working in
commercial construction.
Marko Vicic
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/1560ttcert
CNC Machinist Technician
Lower Mainland
BCIT is the largest provider of CNC machinist education and training in the
province of BC. The program uses the latest technologies in education to
combine theory and practical lessons in a work like environment. After
completing the Machinist Foundation or CNC Machinist Technician
program, students can complete an apprenticeship in the Machinist Trade.
After the completion of your training and a passing grade on the
interprovincial exam, you will receive the B.C. Certificate of Apprenticeship,
the B.C. Certificate of Qualification, and the Interprovincial Standard
Endorsement, also known as the Red Seal.
Marko Vicic
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/1525ttdipl
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Construction Craft Worker
Lower Mainland
A Construction Craft Worker installs utility piping, places concrete,
constructs roads, performs selective demolition, performs underground
work, assists skilled tradespersons such as Carpenters, Bricklayers and
Cement Finishers in construction activities, helps Heavy Equipment
Operators secure special attachments to equipment, guide operators in
moving equipment and perform laboring activities at construction sites.
They are employed by a wide variety of general contractors, municipalities,
and oil and gas companies.
Marko Vicic
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/3890appr
Electrical Foundation
Lower Mainland
This program provides graduates with the theory and practical skills
necessary to enter the electrical trade. The electrical worker plans,
assembles, installs, tests, repairs and maintains electrical equipment and
systems in commercial, industrial and marine facilities.
Marko Vicic
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/1760ttcert
Electrical Foundation
Lower Mainland
This program provides graduates with the theory and practical skills
necessary to enter the electrical trade. The electrical worker plans,
assembles, installs, tests, repairs and maintains electrical equipment and
systems in commercial, industrial and marine facilities.
Marko Vicic
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/1760ttcert
Lower Mainland
Gasfitter apprentices must have mechanical aptitude, manual dexterity, and
the ability to read and understand complex instructions and to do careful
and exacting work. They must be good with numbers and have sufficient
physical strength and stamina to lift heavy materials and stand for long
periods. The apprenticeship process requires time spent training on the job
and in the classroom. A gasfitter apprentice must complete a two-year
program including 3,360 workplace hours and 360 in-school hours of
training. After completion of training and achievement of a passing grade
on the B Gasfitter exam administered by the B.C. Safety Authority, a B.C.
Certificate of Apprenticeship will be awarded.
Ron Stewart
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/3300appr
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Heat and Frost Insulator
Lower Mainland
The Heat and Frost Insulator program at BCIT is your starting point to a
challenging, fulfilling and monetarily rewarding career. Heat and frost
insulators fabricate and install various types of insulations on pipe, steam
systems, storage tanks, Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
systems and refrigeration systems. In institutional and industrial
applications, insulators install fire stop and fireproofing materials and
soundproofing. They also fabricate and install weather vapour barrier
jacketing, on piping systems and equipment. The apprenticeship process
requires time on the job and in the classroom. The apprentice must
complete a four-year program including 5,920 workplace hours and 480 inschool hours of training, plus two at-home training packages.
Marko Vicic
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/3800appr
Industrial Electrician
Lower Mainland
The 40-week Industrial Electrician Apprenticeship program will prepare
qualified, skilled and job-ready apprentices for various industries. The
program will produce graduates skilled in the application, installation,
repair, and calibration and tuning of electrical equipment and control
devices used in a variety of industrial sectors. Graduates will have the
knowledge and the hands-on experience in all areas of computerized
control, programmable logic controllers and electrical devices. The program
will aim to respond to the growing need of highly skilled apprentices in
industries such as LNG, pulp and paper, mining, utilities plants, shipbuilding
among others.
Marko Vicic
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/3770appr
Industrial Electrician
Lower Mainland
The 40-week Industrial Electrician Apprenticeship program will prepare
qualified, skilled and job-ready apprentices for various industries. The
program will produce graduates skilled in the application, installation,
repair, and calibration and tuning of electrical equipment and control
devices used in a variety of industrial sectors.
Marko Vicic
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/3770appr
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Industrial Instrumentation
Lower Mainland
Industrial instrumentation mechanics install, repair, maintain, replace,
calibrate and program all process monitoring and/or control instruments,
including indicators, recording devices, control loops and computers. These
instruments may be pneumatic, hydraulic, electronic, electrical,
mechanical, nuclear, optical or chemical, and include signal transmission,
telemetering and digital devices in industrial operations. The Industrial
Instrumentation Mechanic apprenticeship process requires time spent in
training both on the job and in-school. An industrial instrumentation
mechanic trainee must complete a four-year program, including 6,000
workplace hours and 1,200 in-school hours of training. After completion of
training, a passing grade on the interprovincial exam will result in the B.C.
Certificate of Apprenticeship, the B.C. Certificate of Qualifications, and the
Interprovincial Standard Endorsement, also known as Red Seal.
Marko Vicic
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/3760appr
Industrial Instrumentation & Controls Technician
Lower Mainland
Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control Technicians apply, install,
repair, calibrate and tune those measurement and control instruments that
are applied to industrial manufacturing processes. Students will learn
computerized control, programmable logic controllers, and microprocessor
instrumentation. These job skills are essential for continued future
employment in instrumentation.
Marko Vicic
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/2945dipma
Ironworker - Reinforcing
Lower Mainland
"Ironworker – Reinforcing" means a person who places and secures rebar in
form work. They work on foundations, walls, slabs, and may prefabricate
columns and zones. They also carry, cut, sort, and site bend rebar and other
materials used in reinforcing various concrete structures. The total amount
of in-school training for an Ironworker - Reinforcing apprenticeship is 420
hours. There are two levels of training; each level is seven weeks in length.
Bill Watkins
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/3015appr#overview
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Ironworker Foundation
Lower Mainland
Structural ironworkers erect structural steel girders, plates and columns,
and join them permanently to form a framework or a completed structure.
Work is usually broken down into various phases with separate crews, such
as the raising gang or the high-tensile bolt gang. The workers are usually
interchangeable on all phases of work except for welding, an activity which
requires additional training. Workers with the crew are usually designated
according to the work they do: bolter-up, connector, hooker-on or rigger,
rod man, welder, sheeter and curtain wall.
Bill Watkins
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/2000ttcert
Ironworker Generalist
Lower Mainland
An ironworker welds, burns, rivets, drills, fits and fabricates structural
shapes and plates in the erection of structural steel for buildings and
bridges. Duties include rigging, placing machinery and the detailing, placing
and tying of reinforcing steel. The apprenticeship process requires time on
the job supplemented by in-school training. An ironworker apprentice must
complete a three year program including 4260 workplace hours and 600 in
school hours of training. Level 1 – 300 hours (10 weeks) or completion of
the Ironworker Foundation program (23 weeks); Level 2 – 180 hours (6
weeks), this level is under review by the ITA; and Level 3 – 180 hours (6
weeks), this level is under review by the ITA. After completion of training, a
passing grade on exams will result in the B.C. Certificate of Apprenticeship,
the B.C. Certificate of Qualification, and the Interprovincial Standard
Endorsement, also known as Red Seal.
Bill Watkins
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/3860appr#overview
Machinist Foundation
Lower Mainland
A machinist sets up and operates all machine tools such as lathes, milling
machines, saws, grinding machines, drilling and boring machines, precisionmeasuring tools, hand and power tools. Increasingly, these machine
operators use computer numerical controlled machines. Machinist
operators must have an understanding of the fundamentals of
mathematics, metallurgy, and mechanical engineering drawing, and must
be in good physical condition to work around the machinery.
Marko Vicic
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/2175ttcert#overview
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Metal Fabricator
Lower Mainland
Fabricators build products using Steel, Aluminum, Stainless Steel and
various other alloys. The need to maintain design efficiencies for weight and
strength continually challenge the fabricator to work with lighter materials
and more complex shapes to achieve the desired product. An excellent
example of how much the industry has evolved can be seen by looking at
what has happened to the design and Fabrication of bicycles. These used to
be made of heavier sections in order to maintain strength, now we are
seeing bikes made significantly lighter and yet capable of much higher stress
Bill Watkins
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/4410appr
Piping Foundation
Lower Mainland
The Piping Foundation program prepares students for entry-level
employment in the piping trades: plumbing, steamfitting, gasfitting, and
sprinklerfitting. By experiencing all four trade specialties, students will be
prepared to make an informed decision about which career path best suits
them if they decide to pursue an apprenticeship. The knowledge of various
piping trades also increases their employment opportunities.
Ron Stewart
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/2390ttcert#overview
Lower Mainland
In BCIT's Plumbing Apprenticeship program you'll learn a variety of tradespecific topics, enabling you to install, maintain and repair piping systems
that carry a wide variety of fluids used in residential, commercial and
industrial settings according to the BC Plumbing Code.
Ron Stewart
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/4150appr
Power Engineering
Lower Mainland
The program is divided into two levels. Classroom activity consists of
lectures, demonstrations, audiovisual presentations and exercises that
provide practical working knowledge of plant systems. Power plant tours,
extensive workshop and power plant laboratory experience are provided to
reinforce theoretical concepts, develop manual skills and familiarity with
power engineering techniques.
Marko Vicic
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/2410ttcert#overview
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Lower Mainland
A steamfitter/pipefitter installs, alters or repairs steam and hot water
boilers and systems for the generation and conveyance of steam and hot
water and process piping systems in industrial projects or manufacturing
plants. The apprenticeship process requires time on the job and in-school
training. A steamfitter/pipefitter apprentice must complete a four-year
program including 5,620 workplace hours and 780 in-school hours of
training. After completion, a passing grade on the interprovincial
examination will result in the B.C. Certificate of Apprenticeship, B.C.
Certificate of Qualification, and the Interprovincial Standard Endorsement
also known as the Red Seal. A Gas B Certificate from the B.C. Safety
Authority is issued to steamfitters who pass the exam in the last level (fourth
year) of their apprenticeship training.
Ron Stewart
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/4400appr#contacts
Welder Foundation
Lower Mainland
Our Welder Foundation program is designed to develop the fundamental
skills and knowledge required for initial employment in the welding
industry. Once your in-school training is completed a job experience
requirement must be completed before certification can be awarded
through the Employment Training Branch of the BC Ministry of Advanced
Education, Training and Technology.
Marko Vicic
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/2835cert
CDI College
Construction Electrician Foundation
Lower Mainland
The Construction Electrician Foundation program is designed to prepare
students for positions as apprentice electricians with companies that
perform residential electrical work. Students learn in the classroom, lab and
workshop using materials and resources found on the job. In addition to
math, physics and fundamental electrical concepts, students learn about
heating, lighting and alarm systems. They also learn to interpret sketches,
use a range of tools, test equipment and follow the Canadian Electrical
Code. Safety regulations, WorkSafeBC protocols and even effective career
strategies are also covered. Students will also learn all of the general area
competencies required for work-based training and Level 1, understand the
apprentice pathway to certification, and be prepared to write the ITA exam
for Level 1 at the conclusion of the technical training.
Web: http://www.cdicollege.ca/programs-and-courses/construction-electrician-foundation-bc/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
College of New
Carpentry Apprenticeship
North Central BC
Apprenticeship technical training is designed for students who are working
in the industry and have been registered as an apprentice through the
Industry Training Authority. CNC offers all four levels of technical training
for the Carpentry program.
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/Carpentry_Apprenticeship.htm
College of New
Carpentry Foundation
North Central BC
This 21-week program introduces the carpentry trade and prepares
students for apprenticeship positions or employment in residential,
commercial, light industrial or heavy construction.
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/Carpentry.htm
College of New
Diesel Engine Training
North Central BC
This course will teach you about the new technological advances in the
automotive industry. It will cover domestic diesel engines, evolution of
automotive applications, gas vs. diesel, glow plug systems, supply fuels, low
and high pressure systems and much more.
Lonnie Dupras
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/Assets/ContinuingEd/2015-2016+Courses+$!26+Programs/Diesel+Engine+Training.pdf
College of New
Electrical Apprenticeship
North Central BC
CNC offers all four levels of technical training for the Electrician program.
The first two levels of the program may be used for either the Construction
Electrician or Industrial Electrician apprenticeship program.
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/Electrical_Apprenticeship.htm
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
College of New
Electrical Foundation
North Central BC
This 20-week program is the first step for those who are interested in
becoming electricians. The program provides the skills and theory needed
to obtain an apprenticeship or other work in the field. In this course you will
learn to assemble, install, test, troubleshoot and repair electrical wiring, and
control devices such as switches, relays, and circuit breaker panels. There
are also practicums available that involve installing wiring in houses and
commercial buildings for worthy causes.
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/Electrical.htm
College of New
Heavy Mechanical Trades Apprenticeship
North Central BC
In the Heavy Mechanical Trades apprenticeship program you will master
mechanical linkages as well as sensitive electronics such as microprocessor
controls that help diagnose problems and perform tests. CNC’s program
offers you a unique opportunity to earn dual trade tickets in a combined
heavy duty and commercial transport program. CNC offers all levels of
technical training for the Heavy Duty Mechanic and Commercial Transport
Mechanic program.
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/Heavy_Duty_Commercial_Transport_Apprenticeship.htm
College of New
Heavy Mechanical Trades Foundation Program
North Central BC
This 36-week program covers safe work practices; preparing for
employment; work practices and procedures; heavy duty wheeled
equipment and attachments; track machines and attachments; wire rope
and winches; hydraulic systems; hydraulic brake system; airbrake systems;
alternate brake systems; air operated systems; diesel engines; electrical and
electronic systems; spark ignition systems;mechanical diesel fuel systems;
and power train components.
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/Heavy_Duty_Mechanics.htm
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
College of New
Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) Apprenticeship
North Central BC
In the Industrial Mechanic apprenticeship program, you'll learn the skills to
maintain, install, and repair stationary industrial equipment such as pumps,
tanks, conveyors, furnaces and generators. You'll be able to detect
malfunctions, adjust machinery, repair defective parts, fabricate parts as
needed, and use programmable logic controls.
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/Industrial_Mechanic__Millwright__Apprenticeship.htm
College of New
Industrial Mechanic (Millwright)/Machinist Foundation
North Central BC
This 22-week program gives students basic skills and knowledge in both the
millwright and machinist trades. It covers all requirements for a first-year
apprentice in both trades, as well as topics from other years to give students
the skills needed to be successful in this industry. Successful graduates of
this course will receive accreditation as first-year apprentices for the
educational part of both the millwright and machinist trades.
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/Industrial_Mechanic_Machinist.htm
College of New
Machinist Apprenticeship
North Central BC
This Machinist Apprenticeship program will prime you for a thriving career
in a diverse and profitable industry. With your Red Seal certification
achieved through this program, you'll be prepared to work in manufacturing
plants for machinery equipment, auto and aerospace parts, or in sawmills,
pulp mills, rail yards, and more.
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/Machinist_Apprenticeship.htm
College of New
Metal Fabrication Apprenticeship
North Central BC
Apprenticeship technical training is designed for students who are working
in the industry and have been registered as an apprentice through the
Industry Training Authority. CNC offers three levels of technical training on
a rotational basis. Topics covered: Safe work practices, Trade Math
problems, trade tools, shop equipment, burn and weld metals, reading
drawings, material handling equipment, structural layout techniques, plate
and structural patterns, surface preparation and finishing methods, plate
and structural sections.
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/Metal_Fabrication_Apprenticeship.htm
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
College of New
Metal Fabrication Foundation
North Central BC
Learn to build, assemble and repair products made of steel or other metals
for use in a wide variety of manufacturing and construction industries,
operating specialized metalworking machines.
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/Metal_Fabrication.htm
College of New
Piping Foundation
North Central BC
This unique 25 week foundation-level program prepares students for entrylevel employment in four piping trades: Plumber, Steamfitter/Pipefitter,
Gasfitter, and Sprinkler System Installer. The program is a mix of both
hands-on and classroom training and allows students to gain experience in
four similar trades in one program. Upon successful completion of the
Piping Foundation Program students will receive credit with ITA for Level 1
of all four trades allowing you to seek an apprenticeship in the trade that
best fits your career goals and interests. With the planned expansion of the
liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry in Northern BC it is expected that the
region will see an increased demand for skilled workers in the piping trades.
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/piping-foundation.htm
College of New
Plumbing Apprenticeship
North Central BC
Apprenticeship technical training is designed for students who are working
in the industry and have been registered as an apprentice through the
Industry Training Authority. CNC offers three levels of technical training for
the Plumbing program on a rotational basis.
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/Plumbing_Apprenticeship.htm
College of New
Plumbing Foundation
North Central BC
This 26-week course offers classroom work and hands-on practical sessions
in the community to use your skills during construction projects. You'll use
a variety of materials and construction methods along with specialized
systems such as medical gas, irrigation and fire protection.
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/Plumbing.htm
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
College of New
Power Engineering 3rd Class
North Central BC
The goal of this program is to develop greater expertise by building on your
knowledge gained in the Power Engineering, Fourth Class certificate. As a
third-class power engineer you could operate and maintain power (steam)
plants in a host of settings from sawmills and pulp mills to hospitals and
recreation centres. You'll cover nine topics in this 25-week third class
program: Applied mechanics; thermodynamics; chemistry; boiler codes;
electrical and instrumentation theory; pumps; boilers; prime movers; and
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/Power_Engineering_3rd_Class.htm
College of New
Power Engineering 4th Class
North Central BC
Fourth class power engineers look after power plants in sawmills, pulp mills,
hospitals, refineries, refrigeration plants – even in breweries and hockey
arenas. Class four provides you with the practical and technical training to
operate and maintain power plants.
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/Power_Engineering_4th_Class.htm
College of New
Small Engine Repair
North Central BC
More than ever, small engines are playing a bigger role in our day to-day
lives. Whether it’s a 2-stroke or 4-stroke engine, having a basic
understanding of operation and troubleshooting
characteristics can save everyone both dollars and frustration. If you want
to do your own maintenance and have some understanding of how your
equipment operates you'll benefit from this course. You're invited to bring
a project of your own for troubleshooting or repairs (keeping in mind that
this is a short course).
Lonnie Dupras
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/Assets/ContinuingEd/2015-2016+Courses+$!26+Programs/Small+Engine+Repair.pdf
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
College of New
Welding Foundation
North Central BC
You'll learn a range of welding technologies and techniques that are
essential to the industry, including flame cutting, brazing, and soldering.
Completing the program can lead the way for jobs in construction and
metal-working, in roles such as a production or maintenance welder.
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/Welding.htm
College of New
Welding levels 1-4
North Central BC
Apprenticeship technical training is designed for students who are working
in the industry and have been registered as an apprentice through the ITA.
CNC offers all four levels of technical training for the Welding program.
Shannon MacKay
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/programs-courses/welding-levels-1-4.htm
CWB Group
Introduction to Steel and Welding Metallurgy
This course covers how steels are made, the microstructures that make up
steels, how heating and cooling affect the properties of steel and how steels
are classified. This is the foundation of other metallurgical principles needed
to understand how steels react to welding. You will be able to understand
the effects of welding on metals and the various metallurgical phenomena
that occur in welds.
Web: https://www.cwbgroup.org/education/courses/introduction-steel-and-welding-metallurgy
CWB Group
Welding Processes and Equipment
In this course you will get a firm understanding of the five main welding
processes, the equipment and how operating variables affect their
operation. Also covered are other processes such as plasma arc, laser and
electron beam welding to give you a broad understanding of the welding
and joining available for all types of fabricators and manufacturers.
Web: https://www.cwbgroup.org/education/courses/welding-processes-and-equipment
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Electrical Industry
Training Institute
(EITI) Global
Certified Utility Arborist Apprenticeship Program
Lower Mainland
A Certified Utility Arborist is a person who undertakes any work required to
prune or clear vegetation in proximity [defined as a distance of three meters
or less from a primary conductor with a voltage of 750 volts or higher] to
energized electrical equipment, structures and conductors or who in the
course of utility line clearing operations, prunes, falls or removes trees
which could come into contact with energized power lines. The program is
structured to provide both in-school and work-based training with two
correspondence courses also being required. To be successful an apprentice
must complete a total of 2387 hrs of on the job related work with not less
than 1200 hours of these hours working in close proximity to high voltage
Web: http://www.eitiglobal.com/Certified_Utility_Arborist.html
Glazier Apprenticeship Training Program
Fenestration Education
Society of BC
Lower Mainland
FEN-BC offers training in Levels 1-3, teaching students about safe work
practices, use tools and equipment, organize work, perform
fundamental glazing tasks, and fabricate and install commercial systems.
Apprenticeship training is for those currently working in the industry,
and who are indentured into a formal agreement between the employer
and the Industry Training Authority. Students must have a valid Trade
Worker Identification Number and Apprenticeship number. If you are
not currently employed in the glazing industry, FEN-BC / GCABC can
indenture you. This is applicable for Level 1 training only. This will ensure
that you are eligible to apply for an apprentice number with the Industry
Training Authority (ITA).
Web: http://www.fes-bc.org/content/view/education-fes-glazierapprentice-overview
Women in Trades Training Initiative
Lower Mainland
The Women in Trades Training initiative helps eligible women kick start
their trades career. Programs are delivered through various service
providers in BC and include introductory trade training, foundation
programs, essential skills, safety training, and technical training.
Web: http://www.itabc.ca/women-trades/programs
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Kwantlen Polytechnic
Carpentry/Building Construction
Lower Mainland
The Foundation program is 24 weeks and prepares students for
employment as a carpenter apprentice. Students will develop practical
skills through an organized approach to safety, building codes and the use
of hand and power tools. Practical projects are performed in indoor and
outdoor environments to provide opportunities to erect, install, maintain
and repair structures and components of structures made of wood, wood
substitutes and other materials. At the end of the Foundation program
students will write the Carpentry Level 1 exam. Students who complete
the Foundation program and exam are eligible for ITA credit in Carpentry
Level 1 apprenticeship and 450 work-based hours. The Carpentry
apprenticeship requires apprentices to complete four levels of in-school
technical training, each 6 weeks in length, and 5000 work-based training
hours all designed to meet the competency standard and profile defined
by industry.
Wayne Andrews
Web: http://www.kpu.ca/calendar/2015-16/trades/carpentry/carpentrybuildingconstruction-cit.html
Kwantlen Polytechnic
Construction Electrician
Lower Mainland
This 24 week program prepares students for employment as a
construction electrician apprentice. Students will acquire breadth of
Karen Dumaresq
knowledge and develop the necessary habits concerning safety, time and
materials management, hand tools and power tools. Various practical
projects are performed in a shop environment to enhance students' skills karen.dumaresq@kpu.ca
in lay out, assembly, installation, testing, troubleshooting and repairing
electrical wiring, fixtures, control devices and related equipment in
buildings and other structures. Students who complete the Foundation
program are eligible for ITA credit in Construction Electrician Level 1
apprenticeship and 350 work-based hours. KPU delivers in-school
technical training for Electrical apprenticeship levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. The inschool technical training for each level is 10 weeks in duration and
includes an end of level examination.
Web: http://www.kpu.ca/trades/electrical
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Kwantlen Polytechnic
Lower Mainland
This 21 week program prepares students for employment as a Mason
(Bricklayer) apprentice. A masons' work can be laying a simple wall or
Karen Dumaresq
installing an ornate exterior on a high-rise building. Students will learn to
read blueprints, building codes, industry safety requirements and
guidelines for handling hazardous materials. Practical skills are enhanced karen.dumaresq@kpu.ca
as students perform outdoor projects utilizing power and hand tools,
material moving, constructing simple and ornate walls utilizing a variety
of materials such as brick, concrete, glass block, terra cotta and stone. At
the end of the Foundation program students will write the Masonry Level
1 exam. Students who complete the Foundation program and exam are
eligible for credit in Masonry Level 1 apprenticeship program and 400
work-based training hours. The requirements for completing an
apprenticeship as a bricklayer is 5000 hours of on-the-job training and
five weeks of technical training in levels 1, 2 and 3.
Web: http://www.kpu.ca/trades/masonry
Kwantlen Polytechnic
Metal Fabrication/Fitter
Lower Mainland
This 23 week program students prepares students for employment as a
metal fabricator apprentice. Students learn the interpretation of
Karen Dumaresq
technical drawings and layout of metal components, cutting, burning,
sawing, shear, punching, drilling, and shaping of those components,
through to assembly and welding or fastening to create the finished karen.dumaresq@kpu.ca
product. Practical projects are performed in a shop environment to
develop the necessary habits concerning safety, time management,
machinery, materials, and work skills necessary for the trade. Students
who complete the Foundation program are eligible for ITA credit in Metal
Fabricator Level 1 apprenticeship and 450 work-based hours.
Web: http://www.kpu.ca/trades/metal-fabrication
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Kwantlen Polytechnic
Millwright/Industrial Mechanic
Lower Mainland
This 24 week program prepares students for employment as an Industrial
Mechanic (Millwright) apprentice. To support career success, students learn
trade attributes and employability skills, critical core knowledge, academic
components and essential skills. Students are provided ongoing
opportunities to apply the practical skills taught throughout the program in
hand, power and machine tool use, and perform various shop projects in
stationary industrial machinery and mechanical equipment maintenance,
troubleshooting, overhauling and installation. At the end of the Foundation
program students will write the Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) Level 1
exam. Students who successfully complete the Foundation program and
exam are eligible for ITA credit in Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) Level 1
apprenticeship and 425 work-based hours.
Brian Myette
Web: http://www.kpu.ca/trades/millwright
Parts, Warehousing, Logistics & Distribution
Kwantlen Polytechnic
Lower Mainland
This 20 week program prepares students for employment in the parts and
service industry. Utilizing various computerized software applications,
Karen Dumaresq
students will become knowledgeable in various techniques in inventory
management, ordering, billing, identification, processes, and customer
service skills. Students will be provided opportunities to apply the
practical skills taught throughout the program supporting the Cloverdale
campus Auto Service Parts Department. At the end of the Foundation
program students will write the Parts & Warehouse Level 1 Certificate of
Qualification (COQ) exam. Students who complete the Foundation
program and COQ exam are eligible for credit in Parts or Logistics Level 1
apprenticeship program and 300 work-based training hours.
Web: http://www.kpu.ca/trades/automotive-warehousing
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Kwantlen Polytechnic
Lower Mainland
This 21 week program prepares students for employment as a plumber
apprentice. Students will develop the necessary habits concerning
Karen Dumaresq
safety, time and materials management, hand tools and power tools.
Practical projects are performed in a shop environment to enhance
students' skills in installation, pipe repair and maintenance, fixtures and karen.dumaresq@kpu.ca
other plumbing equipment used for water distribution and wastewater
disposal in residential, commercial and industrial buildings.Students who
complete the Foundation program are eligible for ITA credit in Plumber
Level 1 apprenticeship and 375 work-based hours.
Web: http://www.kpu.ca/calendar/2015-16/trades/plumbing/plumbing-cit.html
Kwantlen Polytechnic
Welding Foundation
Lower Mainland
Welding Foundation is a 28 week program that prepares students for
employment at the entry level. Students will develop the necessary skills
and knowledge to work safely and effectively using a variety of welding
processes and procedures. Welders operate welding equipment to weld
ferrous and non-ferrous metals. At the end of the Foundation program
students will write the Welder Certificate of Completion exam. Students
who complete the Foundation program and exam are eligible for ITA credit
in Welder Level 1 and Level 2 apprenticeship and 300 work-based hours.
Al Sumal
Web: http://www.kpu.ca/trades/welding
Electrician Pre-Apprenticeship Program
Nicola Valley Institute
of Technology
This 24-week program provides students with the necessary skills to seek
employment as an apprentice electrician. The program exposes the
John Chenoweth
student to aspects of residential, commercial and industrial systems in this
trade with a focus on developing practical skills. The curriculum follows the
B.C. Ministry of Advanced Education guidelines for the first-year in-class
components of the Electrician Apprenticeship, which includes installation
procedures in compliance with the Canadian Electrical Code for residential,
commercial and industrial.
Web: http://www.nvit.bc.ca/electricianpreattenticeship.htm
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Plumbing and Piping Trades Certificate
Nicola Valley Institute
of Technology
This 25-week (750 hour) program takes a student with little or no previous
experience in the piping trades and supplies them with the necessary skills
John Chenoweth
to seek employment in industry as an apprentice Plumber,
Domestic/Commercial "B" Gasfitter, Steamfitter/Pipefitter or Sprinkler
System Installer. The program exposes the students to aspects of jchenoweth@nvit.bc.ca
residential, commercial and industrial piping systems in these trades with
a focus on developing practical skills. The curriculum follows the British
Columbia Industry Training Authority guidelines for the first-year in-class
components of apprenticeship training for Plumber, Domestic/Commercial
"B" Gasfitter, Steamfitter/Pipefitter and Sprinkler System Installer, which
includes installation, repair and maintenance procedures in compliance
with the applicable codes and standards. Upon successful completion of
the program, students will receive Level 1 technical training credit toward
an apprenticeship in the aforementioned four trades. This gives the
successful students the opportunity to experience a number of trades
without having to commit to one in particular and, upon completion, have
the choice to pursue one or more career paths.
Web: http://www.nvit.bc.ca/plumbingpipingtradescertificate.htm
Nicola Valley Institute
of Technology
Residential Construction Foundations
This 24-week program provides students with the necessary theoretical
and practical knowledge to seek employment as an apprentice carpenter
John Chenoweth
in the construction industry. The program introduces students to all
aspects of the trades including the use of hand tools, portable power tools,
and other equipment used by carpenters. Through the construction of a jchenoweth@nvit.bc.ca
residential wood-frame project, students are given the opportunity to
work with a variety of materials used by carpenters including lumber, panel
products, concrete, fasteners and hardware. The focus is on developing
practical skills for the construction workplace.
Web: http://www.nvit.bc.ca/residentialconstruction.htm
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
North Island College
Carpentry Foundation
Vancouver Island
This 24-week Carpentry Foundation program is the standard provincial
program for entry into the carpentry trade and is well-recognized by the
residential and commercial building industries. During the program,
graduates develop the carpentry skills and knowledge needed for
employment in the construction industry. The program follows the BC
Provincial Apprenticeship Level 1 program competencies, while also
providing significant time for practical hands-on skill development.
Successful graduates of the program will receive an NIC Carpentry
Foundation certificate.
Student Services
Web: http://www.nic.bc.ca/program/carpentry_foundation_certificate
North Island College
Electrical Foundation
Vancouver Island
The Electrical Foundation program, which consists of two blocks of training,
provides you with strong technical knowledge while developing the
fundamental skills that electricians require. During the first 8-week block,
you gain generic trade skills and knowledge, preparing you for further study.
In the second block, which lasts for 16 weeks, you will participate in an
enhanced year one Electrical apprenticeship training session. Here, you will
develop both the theoretical and practical skills required of a first-year
apprentice. You will learn the safe and correct use of common hand tools,
power tools, and other equipment used in the trades, with particular
emphasis on use in the electrical trade. You will also learn basic theoretical
and practical knowledge of residential and commercial wiring techniques;
theoretical and practical knowledge of electrical codes; and a
comprehensive knowledge of many of the electrical components used in the
Student Services
Web: http://www.nic.bc.ca/program/electrical_foundation
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
North Island College
Vancouver Island
Heavy Mechanical Foundation
The entry-level curriculum is a base of knowledge that is common in the
four heavy mechanical trades (Heavy Duty Equipment Technician, Truck and
Transport Mechanic and Transport Trailer Technician, Diesel Engine
Mechanic) thus allowing successful graduates to pursue a career in either of
the four trades. To ensure curriculum remains current and relevant for new
employees, NIC is advised by an active local industry advisory committee.
Students gain skills to inspect and determine the extent of service required
to repair heavy trucks, commercial trucks, buses, diesel engines, transport
trailers, cranes, graders, drills, bulldozers and other heavy equipment for
proper performance. Students learn essential skills in shop safety, work
habits, and caring for tools and equipment. Modules cover rigging, loading
blocking and moving loads; using hoses, fasteners and fittings; welding;
winches and working attachments; brakes; hydraulics; fuel systems;
electrical systems; and internal combustion theory, to name a few. Students
are also familiarized with record keeping, writing service reports, and using
trade-specific software and using trade specific software
Student Services
Web: http://www.nic.bc.ca/program/heavy_mechanical_foundation
North Island College
Industrial Automation Technician Diploma
Vancouver Island
Students take three courses in Instrumentation and process control, two
courses in programmable logic controllers, two courses in electrical power
and power electronics, and one course in each of Auto-Cad, industrial
control of chemical processes, fluid power and data acquisition. Each course
uses state-of-the-art technology and equipment, including industrial robots.
An intensive hands-on lab program is supplemented with industry-relevant
field trips. Students are introduced to the types of specialty equipment
typically used in the industrial automation industry. These include
instrumentation and process control systems, programmable logic
controllers (PLCs) of all types, variable frequency drives or inverter drives,
human machine interfaces (HMIs), fluid systems including hydraulic and
pneumatic positioners and drives, robotics and controls, and
microprocessor operated equipment of many different types. Computers
are used to interface with all of these systems and equipment.
Student Services
Web: http://www.nic.bc.ca/program/electronics_technician_industrial_electronics_specialty
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
North Island College
Metal Fabrication Foundation
Vancouver Island
The Metal Fabrication Foundation program offers pre-apprenticeship
training in metal fabrication but is also for welders who wish to broaden
their skills for employment in this Red Seal trade. Metal fabricators build,
assemble, and repair products made of steel and/or other metals for use in
a wide variety of manufacturing and construction industries. They must be
familiar with the properties of metals and know how to operate specialized
metalworking machines. Students will learn the principles, knowledge and
skills involved in metal fabrication. During the 23-week program, students
will develop advanced skills and acquire the basic knowledge necessary for
employment as an entry level metal fabricator. Students at the Campbell
River campus have the option to complete both the Metal Fabrication
Foundation Certificate and the Welder C Technical Training in an
accelerated 10 month period.
Student Services
Web: http://www.nic.bc.ca/program/metal_fabrication
Plumbing & Piping Foundation
North Island College
During the Plumbing & Piping Foundation program, students will complete
many theoretical and practical exercises, from work site safety through
advanced trade related skills. Classroom theory, with a combination of
practical exercises, will enable students to reach the skill level needed to
work in one of the trade areas mentioned.
Student Services
Vancouver Island
Web: http://www.nic.bc.ca/program/plumbing_and_piping_entry
Welder Foundation
North Island College
North Island College follows the new provincial Welding training program
introduced by the ITA as of January 2014. The 28-week Welder Foundation
program covers Level One and Level Two Apprenticeship technical training.
On completion, students will write the ITA standardized level exam for a
Certificate of Completion. Successful students will also receive a North
Island College Welder Foundation certificate.
Student Services
Vancouver Island
Web: http://www.nic.bc.ca/program/welder_foundation
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Northern Lights
Automotive Service Technician – Foundation
North East BC
Automotive Service Technicians examine, test and repair the parts,
components and systems on cars and light trucks, often using
Stan Kachmarski
computer-ized diagnostic equipment. They reassemble and test repaired
items against manufacturer standards, as well as perform preventative
maintenance such as wheel alignments, oil changes and tune-ups. skachmarski@nlc.bc.ca
Automotive Service Technician is a nationally designated trade under the
Inter-Provincial Red Seal program.
Web: http://www.nlc.bc.ca/Programs/All-Programs-Alphabetical/Automotive-Service-Technician-Foundation-Trades
Northern Lights
Carpentry Foundation Level 1 (Enhanced)
North East BC
Carpenters perform all work connected with the assembly and erection of
falsework and forms for concrete, wood and metal frame construction.
They install interior and exterior finishing metals for residential,
commercial, and industrial projects, following plans and specifications and
local building codes. Other trade skills include layout, rigging/signaling,
cutting/welding and the erection and dismantling of scaffolding. The
Carpentry Foundation Level 1 (Enhanced) program provides students with
theoretical and practical instruction through a variety of projects including
stairs, forms for concrete, framed floors, walls, and roofs. Students spend
approximately 70 per cent of their time in practical skill development
building a construction project from start to lock-up stage
Ryan Mayoh
Web: http://www.nlc.bc.ca/Programs/All-Programs-Alphabetical/Carpentry-Foundation-Residential-Const-Level-1
Northern Lights
Carpentry Foundation Level 2 (Enhanced)
North East BC
Carpenters perform all work connected with the assembly and erection of
falsework and forms for concrete, wood and metal frame construction. They
install interior and exterior finishing metals for residential, commercial, and
industrial projects, following plans and specifications and local building
codes. Other trade skills include layout, rigging/signaling, cutting/welding
and the erection and dismantling of scaffolding. The Carpentry Foundation
Level 2 (Enhanced) program builds on the skills learned in the Level 1
program, while introducing students to finishing work and rigging/hoisting.
Ryan Mayoh
Web: http://www.nlc.bc.ca/Programs/All-Programs-Alphabetical/Carpentry-Foundation-Residential-Const-Level-2
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Northern Lights
Electrician Foundation Trades Training
North East BC
Foundation Trades Training and Level 1 Apprenticeship prepare students for
entrance into the field of Electrician (Construction). Hands-on exercises
directly relate to the workplace and graduates of the program receive credit
for Electrical Level 1 technical training and 350 work-based hours towards
completion of Electrical Apprenticeship certification
Andrew Amboe
Web: http://www.nlc.bc.ca/Programs/All-Programs-Alphabetical/Electrician-Foundation-Trades-Training
Northern Lights
Heavy Mechanical Trades – Foundation/Level 1
North East BC
The Heavy Mechanical Trades program replaces the program formerly
called Heavy Duty/Commercial Transport Technician, as per new guidelines
from the Industry Training Authority. The new Heavy Mechanical Trades
program includes the following four trades: Truck and Transport Mechanic
(Commercial Transport Vehicle Mechanic); Heavy Duty Equipment
Technician; Diesel Engine Mechanic; and Transport Trailer Technician.
Doug Haycock
Web: http://www.nlc.bc.ca/Programs/All-Programs-Alphabetical/Heavy-Duty-Comm-Transport-Tech-Foundation-FSJ
Northern Lights
Industrial Instrumentation Mechanic – Foundation
North East BC
Industrial Instrumentation Mechanics install, repair, maintain, and adjust
instruments used to measure and control industrial processes such as pulp
and paper manufacturing and petrochemical production. They diagnose
faults and perform preventative maintenance by inspecting and testing the
instruments and systems in use. These types of instruments are typically
used for controlling factors such as: flow of gases or liquids; temperature of
materials or stages of a process; pressure maintained during a process, or
level of a material used or created during a process
Robert McAleney
Web: http://www.nlc.bc.ca/Programs/All-Programs-Alphabetical/Industrial-Instrumentation-Mechanic-Foundation
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Northern Lights
Millwright (Industrial Mechanic) Foundation Level 1
North East BC
The Millwright Foundation Level 1 (Enhanced) program consists of Level 1
technical training in addition to practical and essential skills related to the
Millwright (Industrial Mechanic) Apprenticeship program. Successful
graduates receive Level 1 technical training credit and 425 work-based
hours credit towards completion of the Millwright Apprenticeship program.
Millwright is designated as Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) under the InterProvincial Red Seal program.
Russ Haugen
Web: http://www.nlc.bc.ca/Programs/All-Programs-Alphabetical/Millwright-Foundation-Trades-Training
Northern Lights
Plumber Foundation Level 1 (Enhanced)
North East BC
Plumbers select the type and size of pipe required for a project and
measure, shape, and join pipes according to the appropriate specifications.
Plumbers use a variety of materials and construction techniques, including
copper, steel, and plastic pipe. Plumbers may also make use of other related
skill sets, such as a familiarity with basic welding and electrical work and a
limited amount of gasfitting work. The Plumbing Foundation Level 1
(Enhanced) program consists of Level 1 Apprenticeship technical training in
addition to practical and essential skills related to the Plumber
Apprenticeship program. Students who complete the Plumbing Foundation
(Enhanced) program receive credit for 375 work-based hours toward
completion of Plumbing Apprenticeship.
Tim Roberts
Web: http://www.nlc.bc.ca/Programs/All-Programs-Alphabetical/Plumber-Foundation-Trades-Training
Northern Lights
Welding Foundation Trades Training
North East BC
Students in the Welder Foundation program will learn how to work safely
and effectively in industry and perform a variety of welding processes and
procedures. Individuals completing this program will be better prepared to
find an employer sponsor and secure an apprenticeship. Students will write
the ITA Certificate of Qualification exam.
Robert McAleney
Web: http://www.nlc.bc.ca/Programs/All-Programs-Alphabetical/Welding-Foundation-Trades-Training
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Northern Lights
Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician
Vancouver Island
Students explore the theory supporting wind turbines and the practical
maintenance procedures required to maintain turbine output. Upon
completion of the program, students are prepared to enter the field as wind
turbine technicians, or to progress to higher levels of certification in the
Robert McAleney
Web: http://www.nlc.bc.ca/Programs/All-Programs-Alphabetical/Wind-Turbine-Maintenance-Technician
Community College
Carpentry - Apprenticeship Level 1-4
North West BC
Apprentices complete a four-year, four-level program that includes 6,480
workplace and 720 school training hours. Each year, NWCC offers four levels
of Carpentry apprenticeship technical training. Each level of technical
training is six weeks long.
Kevin Jeffery
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/program/carpentry-apprenticeship-level-1-4
Community College
Carpentry - Foundation
North West BC
The full-time, 20-week program is based on a major practical project such
as building a foundation and house frame using standard platform or timber
frame construction. Other projects may include building garden sheds,
garages, small cabins and other small structures. Students must be prepared
to participate in class projects in an outdoor environment.
Kevin Jeffery
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/program/carpentry-foundation-training
Community College
Electrical - Apprenticeship Level 1-4
North West BC
Indentured apprentices combine on-the-job training with formal classroom
technical skills at NWCC to earn journeyperson classification. Level 1-4
apprenticeship technical training is offered concurrently, with 10 weeks of
instruction per level. Upon successful completion of all four levels and
appropriate time in the trade, the student may be eligible to write the Interprovincial exam in Electrical.
Kevin Jeffery
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/program/electrical-apprenticeship-level-1-4
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Community College
Electrical - Foundation
North West BC
The full-time, 24-week program is competency based. The program delivers
the complete theoretical and practical outcomes of the provincially
accredited Level 1 Electrical Work Apprenticeship program.
Kevin Jeffery
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/program/electrical-foundation-training
Community College
Heavy Duty Equipment Technician Foundation
North West BC
ITA has approved a new apprenticeship training model for the Heavy
Mechanical Trades. Effective September 1, 2014 the new apprenticeship
training model will begin to replace the existing Heavy Duty Equipment
Technician (HDET), Truck and Transport Mechanic (TTM), Diesel Engine
Mechanic (DEM) and Transport Trailer Technician (TTT) training and
certification models. The full-time, 36-week program is competency-based
covering all theory and practical components for a complement of valuable
technical skills.
Kevin Jeffery
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/program/heavy-duty-equipment-technician-foundation
Community College
Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) - Apprenticeship Levels
North West BC
NWCC offers all four levels of apprenticeship training. To be eligible for
apprenticeship training you must be registered as an apprentice with the
Industry Training Authority.
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/program/industrial-mechanic-millwright-apprenticeship-levels-1-4#program-outline
Northwest Community
Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) - Foundation
North West BC
The full-time, 20-week program is competency based, covering all the
theory and practical components necessary for the first-year
apprenticeship theory. Courses include Introduction to Trade and Safe
Work Practices, Measurement and Layout, Hand Tools and Shop
Equipment, Trade Math and Science, Metallurgy, and how to Cut, Weld,
Braze and Solder Metals.
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/program/industrial-mechanic-millwright-foundation-training
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Northwest Community
Natural Gas Plant Operations
North West BC
The Natural Gas Plant Operations Online Training Program provides you
with the knowledge and skills you'll need to begin an exciting career in
Meredith MacLeod
natural gas plant operations. This is a user-friendly program, designed for
people who have no prior exposure to technical aspects of hydrocarbons,
energy, or industrial processes. No prior science or math education is
necessary; the program includes all of the necessary basic science and
technology elements.
Web: http://careertraining.ed2go.com/nwcc/training-programs/natural-gas-details?Category=sustainable-energy-green
Okanagan College
Students enrolled in the 30-week (900 hours) Carpentry/Joinery
program will learn the skills required to seek employment in the
trades of carpentry and joinery. They will develop the skills
needed to begin working as carpentry or joinery apprentices.
Graduates of this program will receive credit for Level 1
Apprenticeship technical training for both Carpentry and
Joinery and may also be granted practical credit from the
Industry Training Authority.
Sara Cousins
Okanagan College
Electrician Apprenticeship
In this 4-year apprenticeship, the apprentice works in industry
and attends school for 10 weeks each year. These four 10 week
blocks of technical training and 4 years of on the job training will
progress the apprentice through the full spectrum of learning
required to become a Qualified Electrician.
Sara Cousins
Web: http://www.okanagan.bc.ca/Programs/Areas_of_Study/trades/Apprenticeship_Programs/programs/electrician.html
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Electrician Pre-Apprenticeship Program
Okanagan College
This 24-week program provides students with little or no previous
experience in the electrical trade with the necessary skills to seek
Sara Cousins
employment in that industry as an apprentice electrician. The program
exposes the student to aspects of residential, commercial and industrial
systems in this trade with a focus on developing practical skills. The scousins@okanagan.bc.ca
curriculum includes installation procedures in compliance with the
Canadian Electrical Code for residential, commercial and industrial
systems. The program may include an additional 12-week co-op work
term, however graduation from the program is not contingent on
finding work placement and not all sections will be offered with a work
term option. Graduates of this program receive credit for Level
1apprenticeship technical training and may also be granted practical
credit by the Industry Training Authority.
Web: http://webapps-5.okanagan.bc.ca/ok/Calendar/ElectricianPreApprenticeship
Okanagan College
Residential Construction Foundations
This 26-week (900 hours) program provides students with the necessary
theoretical and practical knowledge to seek employment as an
Sara Cousins
apprentice carpenter in the construction industry. The program
introduces students to all aspects of the trades including the use of hand
tools, portable power tools and other equipment used by carpenters. scousins@okanagan.bc.ca
Through the construction of a residential wood-frame project students
are given the opportunity to work with a variety of materials used by
carpenters including lumber, panel products, concrete, fasteners and
hardware. The focus is on developing practical skills for the construction
workplace. Upon successful completion of this program, graduates will
receive Level 1 technical training credit and 450 work-based -hours
credit towards completion of the Carpenter Level 1 apprenticeship
Web: http://www.okanagan.bc.ca/Programs/Areas_of_Study/trades/departments/Construction_Foundation/rescon.html
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Pacific Vocational College
Lower Mainland
Offering technical training for gasfitting levels 1 and 2,
students are prepared for: Planning, designing, installing and
servicing natural and propane gas systems; Installing and
repairing gas appliances such as ranges, dryers, barbeques,
furnaces, boilers and fireplaces; Blueprint reading, drafting
and sketching; Working with steel, copper, brass, stainless
steel, aluminum; Working with valves, controls, fittings, pipe
and tubing; Installing and repairing underground gas mains;
Installing and testing electrical wiring for gas appliances,
Reading gas metres; and Selecting and installing propane
Web: http://www.pacificvocationalcollege.ca/programs/gasfitting
Pacific Vocational College
Lower Mainland
Offering technical training for plumbing levels 1-4, students
will learn to: Plan, design, install and services many different
types of piping systems; Install plumbing water supply,
drainage and fixtures, hot water heating systems, natural gas admin@pacificvocationalcollege.ca
and propane systems; Blueprint reading, drafting and
sketching; Works with pipe – brass, copper, steel, cast iron,
aluminum and many different plastics; Work with valves,
controls, fittings.
Web: http://www.pacificvocationalcollege.ca/programs/plumbing
Pacific Vocational College
Lower Mainland
Offering technical training for sprinklerfitting levels 1-4,
students will learn: Installation of piping systems designed to
protect life and property from fire; Blueprint reading, drafting
and sketching.Selecting and installing piping materials, admin@pacificvocationalcollege.ca
fittings, hangers and supports; Work with various types of
piping materials – steel, plastic, copper and cast iron; and how
to Weld, thread, and glues pipe joints.
Web: http://www.pacificvocationalcollege.ca/programs/sprinklerfitting
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Pacific Vocational College
Lower Mainland
PVC only offers level 1 for steamfitting. This program prepares
students to: Plan, design, install and service many different
types of commercial and industrial piping systems; Install,
alter or repair steam and hot water boiler systems; Blueprint
reading, drafting and sketching; Work with pipe – steel,
stainless steel, titanium, copper, fiberglass and many different
types of plastic; Work with valves, controls and fittings;
Measure, cut, thread, groove, weld, solder, bend and
generally fasten, assemble and install pipe; and Install and
repair piping in mines, dams, power plants, oil refineries, pulp
and paper mills, chemical plants and on ships.
Web: http://www.pacificvocationalcollege.ca/programs/steamfitting
Roofing Contractors
Association of BC
Architectural Sheet Metal Worker
Lower Mainland
The Architectural Sheet Metal Worker program is designed for those
working to develop the product knowledge and skills to prepare, repair and
fabricate components for; metal roofs, metal walls and other exterior wall
products, composite panels insulation, membranes and waterproofing,
ventilators and curbs, flashing gutters, downspouts, louvers, soffits,
skylights and metal doors.
Kimberley Aubert
Web: http://www.rcabc.org/education-training/apprentice-training-programs-2/
Roofing Contractors
Association of BC
Roofer, Damp & Waterproofer Program
Lower Mainland
This course provides training in all aspects of roofing, damp and
waterproofing from damp proofing of foundations, ponds, bridges and
floors, to all types of flat and sloped roofs, such as tile, slate, composite
wood, metal tile, modified bitumen, thermoset, thermoplastic, built up
roofing, insulation, and vapor barriers. This course also includes instruction
on safe working procedures, tools and equipment, torch safety, first aid, fall
protection and WHMIS.
Kimberley Aubert
Web: http://www.rcabc.org/education-training/apprentice-training-programs-2/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Seabird College
Welding Foundations
Lower Mainland
This 34-week program is designed to provide foundations training
for welding with additional specifications for pipefitting and
Rose Nijkamp
steamfitting. The welding portion of the program will occur at
Seabird Island utilizing Thompson Rivers University mobile welding
unit and the pipefitting/steamfitting aspect of the program will rosenijkamp@seabirdisland.ca
occur at Thompson Rivers University.
Web: http://www.seabirdisland.ca/page/welding-foundations-program
Selkirk College
Carpentry Apprenticeship
Selkirk College delivers all four levels of Carpentry Apprenticeship Technical
Training to registered carpentry apprentices (unregistered apprentices are
admitted to levels 1 - 3, space permitting). Each level of training consists of
a full-time (30 hours per week), six-week (seven-week as of January 2016),
on-campus program of study. Activities include classroom sessions where
as an apprentice you will learn theoretical principles of carpentry, and shop
sessions where knowledge is put to use in the mastery of practical skills.
Web: http://selkirk.ca/program/carpentry-apprenticeship
Selkirk College
Carpentry Foundation
his 24-week program prepares learners for entry level positions as
apprentice carpenters with home builders or building contracting
companies involved in residential, commercial, or industrial construction.
Students earn credit for the Level One technical training component of the castlegarce@selkirk.ca
carpentry apprenticeship as well as advance credit for 450 work-based
hours of the practical on-the-job component of an apprenticeship.
Web: http://selkirk.ca/program/carpentry-foundation
Selkirk College
Electrical Apprenticeship
Each level of training consists of a full-time, ten-week, on-campus program
of study. Activities include classroom sessions where as an apprentice you
will learn theoretical principles of electricity and applied concepts of the
Canadian Electrical Code. Laboratory sessions provide apprentices with the castlegarce@selkirk.ca
opportunity to observe electrical phenomena and reinforce learning.
Web: http://selkirk.ca/program/electrical-apprenticeship
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Selkirk College
Electrical Foundation
This 24-week program prepares learners for entry level positions as
apprentice electricians with contracting companies involved in residential,
commercial, and industrial construction and maintenance work.
Web: http://selkirk.ca/program/electrical-foundation
Selkirk College
Heavy Mechanical Foundation
This nine-month program prepares students for entry level positions as
apprentices in four trades: Truck and Transport Mechanic, Diesel Engine
Mechanic, Transport Trailer Technician and Heavy Duty Equipment
Technician. Students engage in a variety of classroom and shop activities. castlegarce@selkirk.ca
They learn theoretical principles of vehicle mechanics in the classroom.
They apply their knowledge in the shop where they perform numerous
diagnostic procedures, preventative maintenance procedures, removals,
repairs, and installations of components on trucks, commercial transport
vehicles and heavy equipment.
Web: http://selkirk.ca/program/heavy-mechanical-foundation
Selkirk College
Metal Fabricator Foundation
This 23-week program prepares learners for entry level positions as metal
fabricators employed in fabrication shops associated with manufacturing,
shipbuilding, forestry, mining, construction, transportation and oil and gas
Web: http://selkirk.ca/program/metal-fabricator-foundation
Selkirk College
This 36-week program prepares learners for entry level positions as
apprentice millwrights (Industrial Mechanic) and as apprentice machinists
with manufacturing firms and resource development firms.
Web: http://selkirk.ca/program/millwright-machinist
Selkirk College
Trades Discovery Program for Women
This program is an opportunity for women to explore the trades with handson experiences and exposure to a variety of worksites and employers.
Web: http://selkirk.ca/program/trades-discovery-program-women
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Selkirk College
Welding Foundation
Welder Foundation is a 28-week introductory program that prepares
learners for entry level positions as apprentice welders in most sectors of
the economy including manufacturing, construction, transportation,
resource extraction, and resource development. Students engage in a
variety of classroom and shop activities. In the classroom, they learn
theoretical principles of welding. Shop sessions provide the opportunity to
learn processes and master practical welding skills.
Web: http://selkirk.ca/program/welding
Sheet Metal Workers
Training Centre
Sheet Metals Apprenticeship
Lower Mainland
The Sheet Metals Works Training Centre Society provides training for
Apprenticeships Levels 1-4.
Jud Martell
Web: http://www.smwtcs.ca/index.html
Souther Interior
Petroleum Safety Training 2.0
Petroleum Safety Training 2.0 (PST) is an introductory course for all
employees working in the petroleum industry. The course provides a
general introduction and overview of health and safety hazards and how to
control them so that work can be completed safely. It discusses the legal
framework that employers must follow and focuses on workers and
employers responsibilities with respect to health and safety at work.
Leanne Hendrickson
Web: https://www.sica.bc.ca/page/calendar/ezlist_event_5f65ebfc-da28-4759-8bcc-a45e4f100ec8_f=f4565001-eff4-45ea945f-911b31e38ca5.aspx#.VfDWWpVRHIV
Sprott Shaw College
Construction Electrician
Lower Mainland
Sprott Shaw offers accelerated theoretical and hands-on training
component for Levels 1-4 of the Construction Electrician Apprenticeship.
Web: http://sprottshaw.com/programs/faculty-of-trades-applied-technology/construction-electrician-level-1/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Sprott Shaw College
Electrical Foundations Program
Lower Mainland
The Electrical Foundations Program includes Level 1, which is the first year
theoretical and hands-on training component of the four-year
apprenticeship program. Upon successful completion of the diploma
requirements, students will receive certification and a total of 350 hours
towards their apprenticeship.
Web: http://sprottshaw.com/programs/faculty-of-trades-applied-technology/electrical-foundations/
Trowel Trades
Bricklayer Mason
Lower Mainland
Students will be taught how to: prepare surfaces to be covered; mix
ingredients (like mortar or cement); caulking; placing damp proofing; laying
bricks, stone or similar materials; and installing firebricks to line chimneys,
furnaces, kilns and boilers.
Web: http://www.ttta.ca/Bricklayer_Classes_1.html
Trowel Trades Training
Cement Mason
Lower Mainland
In the Concrete Finisher (Cement Mason) Program students will learn how
to: finish concrete construction (by trowel or float or other processes);
sack, chip, rub, grind and cure by compounds in concrete finishing work;
drypack, grout and finish in connection with setting machinery, such as
engines, generators, air compressors and tanks.
Web: http://www.ttta.ca/Cement_mason_classes.html
UA Piping Industry
College of British
Class A Gas
Lower Mainland
The Class A Gas course is at UAPICBC on demand, either full-time during the
day or part-time in the evenings. By taking this course you will be prepared
to write the examination to qualify for the Class A Gas Fitter Certificate of
Qualification. In order to be eligible, you must have a minimum of two years
field experience as a Journeyperson with a Class B Gas Fitter Certificate of
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/92
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
UA Piping Industry
College of British
Class B Gas Certification
Lower Mainland
The Class B Gas certification is offered in conjunction with level four
technical training within both Plumbing and Steamfitting. Some topics
covered include: Common fuel gases; Size gas piping systems; Gas burners;
Venting systems; Basic electricity; Control systems; and Troubleshoot
electrical circuits with meters and test lights.
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/91
UA Piping Industry
College of British
Cross Connection Certification
Lower Mainland
Cross Connection Control is the science of separating potable water supplies
(such as drinking water) from non-potable sources (such as wastewater
systems). Certification is included as part of your technical training in Level
3 of Plumbing, Sprinklerfitting, and Steamfitting. This class is for individuals
who do not have any Cross Connection experience and would like to obtain
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/84
UA Piping Industry
College of British
Introduction to Construction
Lower Mainland
An introduction course for individuals considering a career in construction.
Through this six week course students will be exposed to a variety of
construction, metal, and piping trades.
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/96
UA Piping Industry
College of British
Medical Gas Training
Lower Mainland
In medical gas training you will be exposed to the specific aspects of medical
gas installations, pertaining specifically medical gas code CSA Z7396.1.
Practical projects revolve around brazing and destructive testing.
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/93
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
UA Piping Industry
College of British
Piping Foundation
Lower Mainland
Piping Foundation is an 18 week level one common-core technical training
course, blended with essential skills training, for plumbing, sprinklerfitting
and steamfitting; with the requirement for students to choose which trade
to specialise in at roughly the mid-way point through the programme. Upon
successful completion of this training, apprentices are awarded with a
certificate of completion by the Industry Training Authority in level one
Piping Foundation in the trade of their choosing.
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/36
UA Piping Industry
College of British
Piping Opportunities for Women
Lower Mainland
Women interested in entering the piping trades are eligible to take this
exploratory course and gain exposure to plumbing, sprinklerfitting,
steamfitting, and welding. Upon successful completion of this six week
course, students are then able to make an informed decision of which
discipline to pursue a career in. Supports are available to those who qualify,
in the form of: coveralls, work boots, transportation expenses, childcare
costs, meals, and counselling services.
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/31
UA Piping Industry
College of British
Plumbing Apprenticeship
Lower Mainland
UAPIC delivers four levels of technical training for the plumbing
apprenticeship. The programme will be delivered in a variety of formats
combining in-school and work-based training, all designed to meet the
competency standards and profile as defined by the industry.
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/37
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
UA Piping Industry
College of British
Sprinklerfitting (System Installer) Apprenticeship
Lower Mainland
There are four levels of technical training for the Sprinklerfitting
apprenticeship. The program will be delivered in a variety of formats
combining in-school and work-based training, all designed to meet the
competency standards and profile as defined by the industry.
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/38
UA Piping Industry
College of British
Steamfitting Apprenticeship
Lower Mainland
There are four levels of technical training for the steamfitting
apprenticeship. The program will be delivered in a variety of formats
combining in-school and work-based training, all designed to meet the
competency standards and profile as defined by the industry.
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/39
UA Piping Industry
College of British
Welder Level 3
Lower Mainland
A Welder completing this level will have the training and capability to weld
ferrous and non-ferrous metals in all positions, on both plate and/or
pressure piping using shielded metal arc (SMAW), gas tungsten arc (GTAW),
and flux core arc welding (FCAW) processes. The pre-requisite for this
training is: successful completion of Welder Foundation or of Welder Levels
1 and 2 as well as 3,000 hours of work based training. Students also require
an employer/sponsor.
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/81
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
UA Piping Industry
College of British
Welding Foundation
Lower Mainland
The Welder Foundation program is the entry level program for this trade.
Completing this program permits you to weld in the construction and
metalworking industries. Training consists of learning to weld various steel
and aluminum parts using shielded metal arc (SMAW), gas metal arc
(GMAW), and flux core arc welding (FCAW) processes, in the fabrication,
construction, erection, and repair components of structures, in plate and
structural applications. A portion of this program is offered online through
our E-pprentice flexible learning module. The recommended pre-requisite
for this training is completion of Grade 12 or GED. Minimum requirement is
Grade 10 completion, including English, Math and Science 10.
Kelly Sinclair
Web: http://www.uapicbc.ca/?q=node/80
University of the
Fraser Valley
Carpentry Apprenticeship Program
Lower Mainland
The Carpentry Apprenticeship program consists of four levels of training,
with six weeks of in-school training in each of the four levels. You attend a
six-week training program each year. Classes are scheduled in the daytime
and include both theory and practice. The program prepares you to write apprenticeship@ufv.ca
the Interprovincial Examination leading to final certification.
Web: http://www.ufv.ca/apprenticeship_training/program-description/carpentry-/
University of the
Fraser Valley
Carpentry Program
Lower Mainland
UFV’s Carpentry program will prepare you for entry into the carpentry trade
and the provincial apprenticeship program. Sample topics include: Reading
and interpreting drawings; Site and building layout; Building concrete
forms; Framing a building; and Finishing internal and external details.
Web: http://www.ufv.ca/carpentry/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
University of the
Fraser Valley
Construction Electrician Program
Lower Mainland
The Construction Electrical certificate program covers the basic concepts of
safety, code electrical construction and maintenance. Basic skills learned
include: Commercial-type wiring methods; Polyphase systems; Power
distribution systems; Industrial electronics; and Introduction to rotation
electrical equipment.
Web: http://www.ufv.ca/electrical/
University of the
Fraser Valley
Electrician Apprenticeship Program
Lower Mainland
The Electrician Apprenticeship program consists of four levels of training,
with ten weeks of in-school training in each of the four levels. You attend a
ten-week training program each year. Classes are scheduled in the daytime
and include both theory and practice. The program prepares you to write
the Interprovincial Examination leading to final certification.
Web: http://www.ufv.ca/apprenticeship_training/program-description/electrical-work/
University of the
Fraser Valley
Essential Welding Skills
Lower Mainland
This is an introductory course designed for the beginner and also for those
wanting to improve current knowledge and skills for employment. Topics
include all-position welding with most common electrodes and the safe
operation of oxy-fuel cutting equipment. It is strongly recommended for
Agriculture students and is a good introduction to the welding trade for
those considering the full-time certificate program. Fee includes supplies
and gloves.
Karen Massier
Web: http://www.ufv.ca/continuing_studies/courses/trades-and-technology/welding/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
University of the
Fraser Valley
Power Line Technician Foundation Program
Lower Mainland
The Power Line Technician (PLT) program at UFV is a pre-apprenticeship
program that provides you with the basic skills necessary to enter the
workplace as a power line worker. Power line technicians build and maintain
overhead and underground power transmission and distribution systems.
They erect and maintain electrical poles, towers, and guy wires, and install
or repair live-line wiring. The program covers the activities and core skills
required of a level 1 power line technician, and includes both theory and
outdoor performance-based exercises. The hands-on training is delivered in
collaboration with highly experienced instructors from Electrical Industry
Training Institute (EITI Global). During the program’s last week, an on-site
job fair will provide you with the opportunity to meet employers, make
connections, and demonstrate your skills.
Karen Massier
Web: http://www.ufv.ca/continuing_studies/courses/trades-and-technology/powerline-technician/
Vancouver Career
Carpenter Foundations
Lower Mainland
Vancouver Career College’s Carpenter Foundations program prepares
students for employment in the construction industry, working for
companies involved in residential construction. Working in the classroom,
lab and shop, students learn about safe work practices, building science,
codes and bylaws as well as using a range of tools and shop equipment. They
also develop effective reading, documentation and mathematics skills that
they'll use on the job. Students have the opportunity to put their training to
use during a field study, gaining hands-on experience under the supervision
of a carpenter. After successfully completing the technical training and inschool assessments, students are eligible to write the standardized
carpenter exam through the Industry Training Authority and pursue a
carpentry apprenticeship.
Web: http://www.vccollege.ca/programs-and-courses/carpenter-foundations/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Vancouver Career
Construction Electrician Foundation
Lower Mainland
Vancouver Career College's Construction Electrician Foundation program
prepares students to enter an electrical apprenticeship with the skills and
knowledge they need to succeed. This intensive program teaches students
the principles of electrical work and about common topics like heating,
alarms and lighting. Students learn essential math and physics, equipment
testing, electrical code, interpreting sketches and power tool use. Safety
practices and regulations are also covered and students learn about
Workers' Compensation Board and Safe Work Practices.
Web: http://www.vccollege.ca/programs-and-courses/construction-electrician-foundation/
Vancouver Career
Construction Electrician Level 1
Lower Mainland
The Construction Electrician Level 1 program teaches students the electrical
theory they need to advance in their apprenticeships. The aim of this
program is to provide learners with the necessary skill and knowledge
required to maintain employment as an electrical apprentice. The program
builds on students' understanding of safety and rigging techniques,
electrical circuit concepts, and construction and circuit drawings. Students
will build their computer skills, be introduced to solid-state components
using a variety of power supplies, and examine and design the internal
circuitry of galvanometers, ammeters, voltmeters, watt meters, watt-hour
meters, and ohmmeters.
Web: http://www.vccollege.ca/programs-and-courses/construction-electrician-level-1/
Vancouver Career
Plumber Foundation
Lower Mainland
Vancouver Career College's Plumber Foundation program is for students
who need to build their skills in order to find an apprenticeship in this highdemand field. This intensive program teaches students the core subjects
they will need in plumbing jobs. Students are introduced to applicable math
and science subjects, plumbing materials and tools, and piping systems.
Students are taught how to build and repair a plumbing system, as well as
learning safety measures and Workers' Compensation Board and Safe Work
Practices. After their classroom and lab courses, students will gain first-hand
plumbing experience as part of a field study placement.
Web: http://www.vccollege.ca/programs-and-courses/plumber-foundation/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Vancouver Island
Aboriginal Construction
Vancouver Island
The Aboriginal Construction Program provides an opportunity to gain skills
and knowledge that give a head start in the construction industry with the
benefit of learning coastal First Nations construction history and methods.
Developed in consultation with the coastal First Nation's communities this
program is designed for aboriginal learners with components that include
recognition of cultural issues regarding education and traditional
construction as well as skills development in areas such as mathematics and
Jessie MageeChalmbers
250-743-4325, local
Web: http://www.viu.ca/calendar/TradesAppliedTech/aboriginalconstruction.asp
Vancouver Island
Heavy Mechanical Trades Foundation Program
Vancouver Island
This 10-month Heavy Mechanical Trades Foundation Program prepares
students with the skills and knowledge they will need to find a position as a
Heavy Duty Equipment Technician, Truck and Transport Mechanic, Diesel
Engine Mechanic or Transport Trailer Technician Apprentice. The program
covers the required aspects of highway-type trucks and buses, bulldozers,
loaders, excavators and earthmovers, including shop equipment, safety,
mechanical reasoning, air and hydraulic brake systems, power transfer
systems, gasoline and diesel engine systems, and basic welding.
Joe Skipsey
Web: https://www2.viu.ca/heavyduty/ContactUs.aspx
Vancouver Island
Welder Fitter
Vancouver Island
This 12 week program teaches students to lay out and fit structural steel,
plate and sheet fabrication, working from blueprints or shop drawings.
Welder Fitter is also offered as a Welder Foundation/Welder Fitter
combination of 40 weeks.
Michael Hallam
Web: https://www2.viu.ca/welding/
Vancouver Island
Welder Foundation Program
Vancouver Island
The Welder Foundation program is taught in a modular format, with
practical and related knowledge modules. Once employed and registered
Michael Hallam
in the Welder Apprenticeship program, the student will receive credit for
Level 1 and 2 technical training and 300 work based training hours.
Students are then eligible to register for Level 3 technical training where Michael.Hallam@viu.ca
they can achieve Red Seal certification.
Web: https://www2.viu.ca/welding/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Environmental Programs
Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Techniques
Vancouver Island
Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Techniques – SCAT training are 3-day long
comprehensive courses that provides a systematic and standard way of:
Measuring oiled shores; Determining the best treatment options;
Applying cleanup constraints to reduce further harm; Obtaining
stakeholder/agency agreement on when a shore is considered clean; and
Managing and presenting field data for decision making.
Web: http://bchazmat.com/safety-training/shoreline-cleanup-assessment-techniques-scat-training-course/
First Nations Youth Natural Resources Training Program
Blue Collar
North Central BC
The First Nations Youth Natural Resources Training Program is a work and
training opportunity for First Nations youth who are interested in future
employment in the natural resources sectors. The program has a
structured environment for graduates to develop their own unique
Jeff Lutes
Web: http://www.firstnationsyouthnrtp.com/Default.aspx
Nicola Valley Institute
of Technology
Environmental Resources Technology
The Environmental Resources Technology program ensures graduates are
well rounded in natural resource sectors including forestry, fishery
enhancement, environmental assessment, mining and grassland ecology.
This generalist approach gives students various career paths they can
travel within the natural resources sector.
Darrell Eustache
Web: http://www.nvit.bc.ca/programs/environmentalresourcestechnology.htm
Community College
Environmental Monitor Assistant Program
North West BC
Tailored to the needs of Northern BC, this innovative 320 hour training
program prepares students for entry-level fieldwork with a focus on
environmental monitoring. This program is offered on contract.
Danielle Smyth
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/programs-courses/nwcc-schools/school-exploration-mining/school-exploration-miningcourses-programs
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Senior Certified Sustainability Professional
Northwest Community
North West BC
The Senior Certified Sustainability Professional Online Training Program
will prepare you for an exciting career as a leader in the green-collar
Meredith MacLeod
economy. As a certified sustainability professional, you'll be responsible
for setting the course and coordinating an enterprise's sustainability
strategy. You'll start by learning the basics of green purchasing. Next
you'll cover corporate social responsibility, and carbon strategies. You'll
also explore environmental accounting, green transportation, and
sustainability consulting.
Web: http://careertraining.ed2go.com/nwcc/training-programs/sustainability-professional?Category=sustainable-energygreen
Selkirk College
Integrated Environmental Planning
This nationally-accredited Integrated Environment Planning (IEP) diploma
program offers a diverse and complementary set of courses that prepare
you for career oriented professional opportunities in land use planning,
environmental management and environmental technology.
Web: http://selkirk.ca/program/iep
Environmental Monitoring Certificate
North Central BC
This program targets those individuals looking for the skills and
knowledge to obtain employment as Environmental Monitors on one
Lesley Anderson
of the many industrial projects and activities occurring throughout
B.C. Some of the courses included in the program: Legislation, Policy,
and Permits; Environmental Protection Plans; Cultural Resource lesley.anderson@unbc.ca
Management; Spill Response Plans; Aquatic Monitoring; and
Construction Activities in Sensitive Areas.
Web: http://www.unbc.ca/continuing-studies/certificates
North Central BC
Land Reclamation Certificate
This ten-day reclamation course presents several concepts to provide
a comprehensive introduction and applied overview of reclamation
Lesley Anderson
techniques, technologies, and biological relationships. Each day of the
module-based course is a building block for subsequent days, with a
balance between classroom and field.
Web: http://www.unbc.ca/continuing-studies/land-reclamation-certificate
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Wildlife Monitoring Certificate
North Central BC
This certificate will help anyone gain the skills and knowledge to
obtain an entry level position as a Wildlife Monitor. Warning - this
Lesley Anderson
career is not for the faint of heart - participants must be physically fit
and comfortable being around predators to succeed in this awesome
career. Topics covered: PAL; Predator awareness; Deterrent / Firearms lesley.anderson@unbc.ca
/ procedures Training; Wildlife Risk Assessment; ATV Training;
Helicopter Safety; Plant Ecology; Field Mapping; and Pipeline
Construction Safety Training.
Web: http://www.unbc.ca/continuing-studies/certificates
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Other Programs
Pump Maintenance
Lower Mainland
The Pump Maintenance certificate includes courses in Introduction to
Public Works Operations, Valve Operation and Maintenance, and Water
Pump Station Operation and Maintenance.
Pam Dade
Web: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/5615000000#overview
Ch'nook Indigenous
Business Education
Ch’nook Aboriginal Management Certificate
Lower Mainland
The Aboriginal Management Certificate Program adopts a hands-on
approach to understanding how to describe and think through a business
model for your business idea, council or economic development
corporation. Participants will develop an understanding of four main
areas of a business: customers, the business offering, the business
infrastructure and its financial viability.
Danielle Levine
Web: http://www.sauder.ubc.ca/Programs/Chnook/Students/Aboriginal_Management_Certificate_Program
College of New
BC Hydro Electric Utility Fundamentals
North Central BC
This online course introduces you to the basic concepts required to
understand and explain the systems that generate, deliver, and sell
electrical power. The course provides an overview of BC Hydro’s business
model and covers the following topics: a review of math and physics;
understanding electricity, power control and transformation, a detailed
look at utility activities; and understanding consumer power
Lonnie Dupras
Web: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/Assets/ContinuingEd/20152016+Courses+$!26+Programs/BC+Hydro+Electrical+Utility+Fundamentals.pdf
Douglas College
Essential Skills Practitioner Training Certificate
Lower Mainland
The Essential Skills Practitioner Training (ESPT) Certificate Program is
the first of its kind in Canada. The online program is designed for
Cat Adler
career developers, employment counsellors, educators, workplace
trainers and human resources professionals so they can effectively
assess and enhance the Essential Skills of their clients
Web: http://www.douglascollege.ca/~/media/9434D95D69D64414B9FA8D2E493DD676.ashx?la=en
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
GMG Consulting
Aboriginal Negotiation Training
All BC
This negotiation training program is particularly beneficial for
Aboriginal populations dealing with Aboriginal land and title rights,
and the right to participate meaningfully in industrial and commercial
developments. The training maximizes positive outcomes for
Aboriginal people as they build new, equitable and more prosperous
relations with governments, industry and other stakeholders. This is
not solely an academic training. It is based upon an applied, handson negotiation training model, targeted to front-line, Aboriginal
decision makers.
Marc Storms
Dry Dock Training
Vancouver Island
The course is presented through classroom lectures, student participation
in projects and practical application exercises. The course addresses the
deck plate level of practical operation needed by the dock operator and
the universally accepted mathematical calculations required to carry out
operations in accordance with established sound engineering practices.
The course has accreditation with the Society of Naval Architects and
Marine Engineers (SNAME) and the Royal Institution of Naval Architects
(RINA). The course curriculum includes Dry docking terminology,
Calculations, Vessel stability, Dry dock planning, Dry docking procedures,
Lay period, Undocking procedures, and Incidents/accidents.
Web: http://imtarc.com/training-and-education/courses/
Planning & Scheduling in the Shipbuilding and Repair
Vancouver Island
This course will prepare you to develop project schedules for new ship
construction and ship repair projects. You will learn to identify and value
critical path and float, use standard scheduling terminology, update and
track project schedules, intricacies of resource loading and levelling,
prepare performance reports, and use earned value management to
identify changes.
Web: https://www.imtarc.com/training-and-education/course/planning-scheduling-in-the-shipbuilding-and-repairindustry
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Nicola Valley Institute
of Technology
Business Administration
Business Administration provides programs designed to assist individuals
and communities to meet the leadership and management challenges of
business and Aboriginal self-sufficiency and self-government. Students
will be: equipped with a combination of general organizational
knowledge, and specific technical analytical and management skills;
encouraged to develop a management style consistent with traditional
and/or current Aboriginal values, beliefs, cultures and customs; enriched
with the practical knowledge that comes from working in Aboriginal
organizations; and qualified to transfer certain courses into advanced
studies of management and business in a variety of university degree
Matt Pasco
Web: http://www.nvit.bc.ca/programs/businessadministration.htm
North Island College
Marine Training
Vancouver Island
NIC’s qualified, professional instructors will prepare you to write the
Transport Canada exams for certification in the following: Fishing Master
IV, Master, Limited (60 GT), Small Vessel Operator Proficiency (SVOP),
MED A’s, ROC-M, and ROC-MC. Some marine courses utilize a multifunction simulation system giving students the opportunity to practice
ship maneuvering and navigation from the safety of a classroom setting.
The TRANSAS simulators use programs unique to the BC coast and are the
only simulators of their kind in use on the North Island.
Student Services
Web: http://www.nic.bc.ca/program/marine_training
Northern Lights
Power Engineering and Gas Processing
North East BC
An entry-level program that provides graduates with training in 4th Class
Power Engineering, 160 hours of firing time on the NLC Boiler, and all four
levels of Gas Process Operations (GPO). Students will qualify for the BC
Safety Authority Provincial Examinations by successfully completing Parts
A and B of the 4th Class Power Engineering component of the program.
The focus of the program is to provide students with the practical skills
needed to function effectively in the industry. This program is driven by
the needs of the oil, gas, pulping, and other industries requiring 4th Class
Power Engineer certification
Robert McAleney
Web: http://www.nlc.bc.ca/Programs/All-Programs-Alphabetical/Power-Engineering-and-Gas-Processing
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Community College
Level 1 Programmable Smart Relays Programming &
Integration Training
North West BC
The first level introduces basic programming elements and builds on
combinations of these elements. Logic combinations are covered and
then introduced to real world control scenarios. Internal or “auxiliary”
relays are used in motor control and sequence control circuits. The
student will learn about control voltage and I/O requirements. Circuits
will be connected by following schematic diagrams in each exercise. The
importance of circuit logic behavior by viewing in monitoring mode is
stressed in this level.
Eleanor Caissie
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/cetrad-793-level-1-programmable-smart-relays-programming-integration-training
Community College
Proposal Writing
North West BC
Are you trying to obtain grants from government or foundations for your
organization? If so, this is the course for you. Learn handy tips from a
successful proposal writer.
Eleanor Caissie
Web: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/course/cebsns-703-proposal-writing
NRT Navigator
Transformations Program
North Central BC
A program for individuals wanting new skills and tools to create
a life they love by self evaluation, action learning exercises,
leadership development, addressing addictions issues, obtaining
better communication skills, better understanding of self,
developing active listening skills, skills on how to build a
healthier community. 2 follow up sessions are also provided on
more self learning and how you can promote a healthier lifestyle
and community. To provide continuous support - the facilitator
provides a 9 week follow up plan to keep participants engaged.
Tara Alfred
O'Brien Training
Telehandler Certification
North Central BC
Certification through our course consists of classroom theory, a
written test and real world hands on experience. The course is
comprised of various multimedia presentations and lectures and
reinforced through workbooks and classroom discussions.
Web: http://www.obrientraining.com/courses/zoom-boom/
Last updated: December 18, 2015
Aboriginal Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Selkirk College
BC Low Energy Code
Divided into 5 lessons and 5 assignments our BC Low Energy
Code course offers you access to tutorial help. You'll learn about
the fundamentals of the rules and regulations governing Low
Energy electrical work and installation.
Web: http://selkirk.ca/program/bc-low-energy-code
Geographic Information Systems - Advanced Diploma
Selkirk College
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a highly valued workplace asset
with industries increasingly needing GIS experts. With our Advanced
Diploma and Bachelor's Degree programs, we prepare you to be GIS
Analysts, Applications Specialists, Spatial Data Managers, Project and castlegarce@selkirk.ca
Land Managers, where you'll analyze geospatial data, build
comprehensives databases and find solutions to challenging questions.
Web: http://selkirk.ca/program/adgis
Selkirk College
Refrigeration Plant Operator
A comprehensive ten-unit course approved by the BC Safety Authority
taught entirely through distance education and online learning. This
course is one of the requirements needed to challenge the Refrigeration
operator's certificate of qualification. BCSA Refrigeration Operator castlegarce@selkirk.ca
examination as set forth by the Standardization of Power Engineers
Examination Committee of Canada (SOPEEC). The practical qualifying
experience is described in the B.C. Power Engineers, Boiler, Pressure
vessel and Refrigeration Safety Regulation (BCSA).
Web: http://selkirk.ca/program/refrigeration-plant-operator
Last updated: December 18, 2015
First Nations Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Training Providers
Aboriginal Skills Group
2446 Falcon Way
Tsawwassen, BC V4M 4G4
BC Wall & Ceiling Association
Unit #112 - 18663 - 52nd Ave
Surrey, BC V3S 8E5
Aboriginal Centre for Leadership and
9824 98A Avenue
Fort St. John, BC
BCHAZMAT Management
#6 – 10114 McDonald Park Rd.
Sidney, BC, V8L 5X8
Aboriginal Gateway Training Centre
198 Kingston Street
Prince George, BC, V2L 1C3
British Columbia Construction Association
401 - 655 Tyee Rd
Victoria, BC V9A 6X5
ACCESS Trades Program
106-100 Park Royal South
West Vancouver, BC V7T 1A2
British Columbia Institute of Technology
3700 Willingdon Avenue
Burnaby, BC, V5G 3H2
ATEC Kamloops
144 Briar Avenue
Kamloops, BC V2C 1C1
Cando (Council for the Advancement of Native
Development Officers)
9635 – 45 Avenue
Edmonton, AB, T6E 5Z8
First Nations Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
CDI College
4351 No 3 Road, # 180
Richmond, BC, V6X 3A7
#2060, 9600 - 93rd Avenue
Fort St. John, BC V1J 5Z2
Ch'nook Indigenous Business Education
441 – 2053 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2
Essential Skills for Aboriginal Futures
604 521-5929
Suite 201, 681 Columbia St.
New Westminster, BC, V3M 1A8
Coast Salish Employment & Training Society
201-5462 Transcanada Hwy.
Duncan, BC V9L 6W4
Fenestration Education Society of BC
20351 Duncan Way
Langley BC, V3A 8S5
CWB Group
8260 Park Hill Drive
Milton, ON L9T 5V7
100 Maplebank Road
Esquimalt, BC, V9A 4M1
Electrical Energy Training Group
Unit 304 – 20644 Eastleigh Crescent
Langley, BC, V3A 4C4
Interior Heavy Equipment Operator School
#2- 10058 HWY 97 North
Winfield, BC, V4V 1P8
Electrical Industry Training Institute Global
Unit 304 20644 Eastleigh Cres.
Langley, BC, V3A 4C4
IUOE Local 115
4333 Ledger Avenue
Burnaby, B.C. V5G 3T3
First Nations Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Kermode Driving Program
3313 Kaium St.
Terrace, BC V8G 2N7
Northern Lights College
11401-8th Street
Dawson Creek, BC, V1G 4G2
Kitimat Valley Institute
1352 Alexander Ave
North Island College
1685 South Dogwood Street
Campbell River, BC V9W 8C1
Métis Employment & Training BC
30691 Simpson Rd
Abbotsford, BC, V2T 6C7
O’Brien Training
1320 2nd Avenue
Prince George, BC V2L 3B5
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
4155 Belshaw Street
Merritt, BC V1K 1R1
Nuu-chah-nulth Employment & Training
4090 8th Avenue
Port Alberni, BC, V9Y 4S4
200-4355 Mathissi Place
Burnaby, BC V5G 4S8
North Vancouver Island Aboriginal Training
1211 Cypress St.
Campbell River, BC, V9W 2Z3
Northwest Community College
5331 McConnell Ave
Terrace BC V8G 4X2
3966 2nd Avenue, PO Box 3606
Smithers BC V0J 2N0
331 Larch Street
Alert Bay, BC, V0N 1A0
First Nations Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Pacific Vocational College
4064 McConnell Drive
Burnaby, BC V5A 3A8
Sheet Metal Workers Training Centre Society
19077 95A Ave
Surrey, B.C. V4N 4P3
Prince George Nechako Aboriginal and
Employment Training Association
198 Kingston St.
Prince George, V2L 1C3
Southern Interior Construction Association
#104-151 Commercial Drive
Kelowna, BC V1X 7W2
Roofing Contractors Association of BC
9734 - 201 Street
Langley, BC V1M 3E8
Sprott Shaw College
3216 Beta Avenue
Burnaby, BC, V5G 4K4
Saanich Adult Education Centre
250-652-2214 x 238
7749 West Saanich Road
Brentwood Bay, BC, V8M 1R3
Squamish Nation Trades Centre
3-1500 Railway St,
North Vancouver, BC, V7J 1B5
Seabird College
2895 Chowat Rd,
Agassiz, BC V0M 1A0
Taylor Pro-Training
2654 Norris Road
Kelowna BC V1X 7L9
First Nations Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Taylor Professional Driving
1320 2nd Avenue
Prince George, BC V2L 3B5
University of Northern BC
3333 University Way
Prince George, BC, V2N 4Z9
100 Grassy Bay Lane, P.O. Box 339
Prince Rupert, B.C., V8J 3P9
University of the Fraser Valley
5579 Tyson Rd
Chilliwack, BC, V2R 0H9
Trowel Trades Training Association
12309 Industrial Road
Surrey BC, V3V 3S4
Urban Native Youth Association
1618 East Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC, V5L 1S6
Ts'zil Learning Centre
367 IR #10, PO Box 232
Mount Currie, BC V0N 2K0
Vancouver Career College
230 - 13401 108 Avenue
Surrey, BC, V3T 5T3
#101, 1658 Foster's Way
Delta, BC, V3M 6S6.
Vancouver Island University
900 Fifth Street
Nanaimo, BC, V9R 5S5
544 Columbia Street
New Westminster BC V3L 1B1
Westbank FN Employment & Training Centre
1900 Quail Lane
Westbank BC V4T 2H3
First Nations Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
ITA Essential Skills Assessment Tools
Industry Training Authority (ITA) Essential Skills is a website tool that features; Essential Skills profiles for
60 trades-related occupations; built-in ES assessments of reading, document use and numeracy skills;
immediately available individualized test results that highlight skills and gaps; individualized learning
plans that links to learning resources including an option to access PLATO. The website also includes a
“how to video” and user guides for use of the website and how to view and understand assessment
results and learning plans. In addition the site provides specific information for Aboriginal People
seeking training/ employment in the Trades.
Web: www.ita.essentialskillsgroup.com/
Essential Skills On-line (ESKILON)
Eskilon Learning Solutions provides web-based tools and award-winning instructional resources for
young adult/adult education and training. Essential Skills On-line (ES) is an e-learning program designed
to help learners develop the Essential Skills they need for the jobs they're seeking.
Web: www.eskilonlearning.ca/
◦Essential Skills Assessments TOWES
Test of Workplace Essential Skills is an internationally recognized test that evaluates competencies in
three Essential Skills (Reading Text, Document Use, Numeracy)
Web: www.towes.com/en/home/home
KHAN Academy
Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization to provide free, world-class education for
anyone, anywhere. The organization produces micro lectures in the form of YouTube videos.
Web: www.khanacademy.org/
Skilled Trades Employment Program (STEP)
STEP is geared towards helping individuals who have minimal experience in the trades and those
wanting to enter the trades, to find employment. STEP has 13 offices throughout the province connects
employers and job seekers every day.
Web: www.stepbc.ca/
First Nations Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Aboriginal Student Transition Handbook
Despite many attempts by public institutions to increase the enrolment and success of Aboriginal
learners, Aboriginal post-secondary enrolment and success rates still lag behind those of other
Canadians. This handbook was created to help answer some of the questions and to prepare Aboriginal
learners on concerns and struggles of Indigenous students who are currently enrolled in, or have
graduated from a post-secondary institution. This handbook covers a wide variety of topics including:
finding suitable childcare in a urban setting; accessing affordable housing; and, meeting people in an
unfamiliar city.
Web: iahla.ca/research/aboriginal-student-transition-handbook
Stepping Stones Certificate in Community Capacity Building
Stepping Stones Community Capacity Building Certificate is designed for Aboriginal people who want to
expand their skills, share them with others, and make a positive difference in their rural
communities.The program is offered in partnership with an Aboriginal community or organization. The
curriculum is available in an interactive, online setting. A community-based mentor will guide
participants through the program.
Web: www.sfu.ca/continuing-studies/programs/stepping-stones-certificate-in-community-capacitybuilding-for-rural-aboriginal-communities/overview.html
Essential Skills Investigation (ESI) DVD Media Tools
ESI DVD media tools were created to spread awareness of Essential Skills in a creative and humorous
manner. ESI DVD media tools follow the format of a Crime Scene Investigation, introducing the concept
of Essential Skills quickly and allowing participation at a new level. Facilitator Guides are available for ESI
II and ESI III and can be used by a variety of groups (depending on needs) to enhance the delivery of the
DVD and expand the learning process. These tools are being used by educators, trainers, and facilitators
to introduce the importance of integrating Essential Skills into the workplace. They are available through
the BC Aboriginal Essential Skills Guiding Team.
Web: www.urbanspiritfoundation.com/store/
CAMERA - Communications & Math Employment Readiness Assessment
Uses authentic workplace documents to give a 'snapshot' of learners skills in: Reading Text; Document
use; Numeracy; and Writing Skills. 2 day training requirement for Assessors.
Web: www.ptp.ca/publications/camera/
First Nations Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Common Assessment of Essential Skills
Practical assessment tool for basic literacy skills based on the Ontario Literacy and Basic Skills
Framework & HRSDC's Essential Skills framework.
Web: www.lleo.ca/col/cabs_online.html
Measure Up
Meaure Up provides an opportunity to practice three essential skills needed in all types of occupdations.
Web: www.skillplan.ca/measure-up
SkillsZone is where learners and teachers can find games, resources and tools linked to Essential Skills
and work habits.
Web: skillszone.ca/
Essential Skills Self-Assessment for the Trades
Complete this self-assessment to learn about your Essential Skills strengths and areas for improvement.
This self-assessment includes statements that describe common trades-related tasks for the nine
Essential Skills.
Web: www.edsc.gc.ca/eng/jobs/les/tools/assessment/es_self_assessment_trades.shtml
ESPORT: Essential Skills Portfolio
ESPORT is an Essential Skills assessment and planning tool to help people prepare for entry level
occupations. ESPORT with PLATO Essential Skills Online offers a supported learning program tailored to
each of over four hundred occupations.
Web: www.esportfolio.com/
Canadian Language Benchmarks
The CLB-OSA is an online self-assessment tool for people who are interested in assessing their English
Literacy. These tests are based on the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) and will assess your
language proficiency in reading and listening.
Web: www.clb-osa.ca/
First Nations Career & Educational Development Inventory
List of Essential Skills, Trades and Other Programs
Essential Skills for Piping
It’s important to integrate the essential skills into the trade-specific curriculum as much as possible. This
website will provide you with many resources to do this and support you in your efforts to, in turn,
provide a more practical learning experience for your students.
Web: esp.uapicbc.ca/?q=instructors/you