Security in action


Security in action
Hygiene scores go up; infection
rates go down / Dave’s Desk, 3
Hospital boards honored
for contributions / 3
The William W. Backus Hospital
VOL. 44, NO. 30
Windham Community Memorial Hospital •
JULY 24, 2015
Security in action
Windham Public Safety reacts
tactfully to ‘bomb’ threat
Windham Public Safety Officers Doug Tourigny,
left, and Brad Waite discovered an inert ‘bomb’
in a vehicle parked near the hospital's Emergency Department.
Bike patrol back at Backus
Backus Public Safety Officer
Geno O’Reilly, is on the road five
days a week as part of the
Backus bike patrol.
A weekly newsletter for East Region employees, volunteers, patients and friends.
July 24, 2015
Gift Shop
Items of the Week
Backus Maintenance Department
electricians Gill
Dupere, left,
and Dave Nye,
check electrical
panels in one
of the main
rooms at the
Energy, Focus bracelets
Small, medium and large sizes..
Thank you for your support
On Friday July 17, the Windham Hospital Healers, Relay for Life team raised
$456 at its annual fundraiser. Thank you to all that helped by baking, donating, working or buying items.
Remember you can still join the team or donate to a team member by going
to Every little bit helps. Thanks!
— Bobbie Maschka, Team Captain
A helping hand
MagneTrim magnetic bracelets for
carpal tunnel, tendinitis, arthritis
and more for sale now in the Auxiliary to Windham Hospital Gift Shop.
MON. - WED. / 9:30 A.M. – 7:30 P.M.,
THURS. - FRI. / 9:30 A.M. – 6:30 P.M.,
SAT. / 9:30 A.M. – 4 P.M., SUN. / 1 – 4 P.M.
MON. - FRI. / 9 A.M. - 4 P.M.
Backus cardiac support group meets Aug. 12
The Backus Cardiac Disease support group will host its next session on
Wednesday, Aug. 12, from 6-7 p.m. in the hospital’s library.
The support group is open to anyone who needs support in managing cardiac disease. If you have questions, please call 860-889-8331, ext. 2128.
The group meets on the second Wednesday of every month.
Upcoming Auxiliary
vendor sales
About HospiTell
HospiTell is published each Friday by
the Communications Departments of
The William W. Backus Hospital and
Windham Hospital. Employees, medical staff and volunteers can have HospiTell e-mailed to their homes by
sending a request to
To submit news:
Fax: 860-892-6964
Deadline: Wednesdays at noon
Backus: Tupperware will be the featured dealer for the next Backus Auxiliary vendor sale Friday, July 24,
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the MOB/cafeteria alcove. Items include storage
and picnic supply containers and more.
Bag Ali will be the featured dealer for the next Auxiliary
to Windham vendor sale Tuesday, Aug. 11, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in
the atrium.
All sales by each auxiliary benefits the host hospital!
July 24, 2015
Success achieved with all hands on deck
Dear Colleagues,
I want to thank Windham and Backus staff
members who are
washing their hands
before and after they
enter patients’ rooms.
Through mid-month,
our hand hygiene compliance rate stands at
an impressive 91%.
We are sustaining the
great gains we have
made in the past year
or so, and there is now
data that show our hand hygiene efforts are paying off.
Overall, Hartford Health Care has
exceeded 90% compliance for seven
straight months, and during that
time, our hospital-associated infection rate has declined by 27%. This is
national best practice, and, even more
importantly, is no doubt saving lives.
To people who don’t
work in our profession,
this kind of accomplishment sounds easy. We
know that is not the case.
This is hard work, and requires a level of focus and
dedication to patients that
doesn’t happen by accident.
I witnessed this firsthand two weeks ago, when
I visited another Connecticut hospital for the birth of
my newest grandson. (Yes,
I am a very proud grandpa.) I was appalled to see that almost no one was
washing their hands when they entered and exited rooms.
I couldn’t help but ask why they
weren’t taking this most basic precaution. The nurse didn’t really have a
good reason, except to say it was not
top of mind, although she knows it is
the standard.
And there’s the differentiator. We
have a standard that gets measured,
and shared. So it’s a standard that
matters. Now we see the direct correlation to infection reduction — the
“north star” of our whole mission:
putting patients first, keeping them
This visit to another hospital made
me appreciate even more the great
work to improve hand hygiene that
we are doing in the East Region and
throughout our health system. It also
solidified my belief that we can reach
100% compliance — there is no reason
we can’t, especially if we are putting
patients first, always.
That’s all for now,
Hospital boards honored for volunteer service
courage and a commitment to movTo recognize decades of service
ing forward… we are building a new
by board members, picturesque
kind of healthcare delivery system.”
fountains will be installed near the
Following a video presentation
front entrances of both Windham
that included words of thanks from
and Backus hospitals.
staff and community members, HHC
The announcement of the LeadEast Region President Dave Whiteership Fountains project was made
head thanked all current and former
at a joint board recognition event
board members, which span many
held Wednesday night at the East
decades at both organizations, for
Region Support Services Office on
their incredible time commitments
Stott Avenue in Norwich. The event Backus and Windham board members
and guests watch a video honoring
and deep-rooted support of their
marked a change in Board goverpast and present board members for
hospitals, and the community memnance going forward, with a retheir
service to the hospitals and the
bers who rely on them for care.
gional board made up of Natchaug,
“I have had the privilege to serve
Backus and Windham community
on many community boards,” Whitehead said. “But I often
members going forward.
say that if you want to see volunteerism at the top of the
Hartford HealthCare President and Chief Executive Offipyramid, come sit in a hospital board room. I can’t thank
cer Elliot Joseph praised the boards for their commitment,
you enough.”
compassion and courage — which includes making tough
Whitehead explained that the leadership fountains will
decisions during rapidly changing times in healthcare.
“So many hospitals across the country have been waver- celebrate a proud past and a new future. The projects are
expected to be completed this spring.
ing,” Joseph said at the event. “You have shown vision,
July 24, 2015
First responders to be honored at Tigers game
Windham Hospital EMS Program Manager Bill Muskett
and Backus EMT/ED Tech Teri Westervelt will throw out
the ceremonial first pitch at the Connecticut Tigers game
at Dodd Stadium in Norwich on July 31.
The minor league team is honoring EMT, police officers,
fire fighters and other emergency workers during First Re-
sponders Night at the ballpark directly across from the
East Region Support Services Office at 11 Stott Ave.
All first responders can get a reserved ticket ($9 value)
and a food voucher redeemable for a hot dog, bag of chips,
and bottled Pepsi product ($5 value) for a total of just $7 at
the Dodd Stadium box office.
Windham cancer support group
Windham Hospital hosts a weekly cancer support group on Wednesdays
from 5:30 - 7 p.m. in the Johnson Room off the main lobby. Pre-registration is
preferred. For more information or to pre-register, call 860-456-6770 or 855494-INFO.
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As I join my husband out west, I
would like to express my deepest appreciation to all of the Backus employees that I have worked with over the
many years. No matter where you
worked, you have always made it easier on me to get the job done. The
success of the Trauma Program is because of all of us, not one particular
Every outreach program that has
been sponsored by the Trauma Program is a credit to many and I would
like to thank everyone for their time
and efforts in contributing to its success.
Thank you all for your support.
God bless and stay safe.
— Gillian Mosier Schaff, RN MSN
Trauma Program Manager
Auxiliary mini-golf
tourney is Sept. 19
( 8
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Goodbye and
thank you
=, - .
The Backus Hospital Auxiliary will
host its 12th annual Mini Golf Tournament on Saturday, Sept. 19 at the
Knolls and Holes Course at Odetah
Camping Resort in Bozrah. Registration starts at 10:30 a.m. with the tournament kicking off at noon. Awards
will be presented at 2 p.m. The event
includes live and silent auctions, refreshments and a buffet.
Tickets are $75 per participant. Players must be 21 or older to attend.
July 24, 2015
Public Safety bike patrol back at Backus
Thanks to the work of the Backus Public Safety H3W
workgroup, bike patrol has returned to the hospital campus.
Backus Public Safety Officer Geno O’Reilly — who is a
certified as a bike patrol officer and was a member of the
patrol when it was discontinued about five years ago —
began his two-wheeled watch on July
10. Backus bike patrol will continue
on a trial basis during the 2:30-11
p.m. shift five days a week.
Backus Public Safety Manager Dave
Guiher says the effort is aimed at making public safety officers even more visible in the Backus parking areas.
“Employees — not only public safety employees —
wanted the bike patrol to return because of its versatility
and because the bikes can maneuver much better than a
vehicle in our parking areas,” said Guiher. “The bikes give
us more coverage in the parking lots which is especially
important during shifts changes when it’s dark out. So far,
the patrol has been very well received”
Safety Officer Geno
is on the
road five
days a
week as
part of the
Backus bike
Guiher adds that no bikes had to be purchased for the
initiative because public safety was able to use the mountain bikes that were already in storage from the past patrol effort. He says bike patrol will continue into the fall
(weather permitting) and that if it’s successful could be
expanded to cover the day and overnight shifts in the
Officers up to task as ‘bomb’ threat ends harmlessly
Being a hospital public safety officer can be a dangerous job. But coming face-to-face with a World War II
era aircraft bomb probably isn’t in the
job description. That’s exactly what
happened in the parking lot outside
of the Windham Hospital Emergency
Department on the night of July 21.
Luckily, the situation had a happy
During his routine patrol at about
10:30 p.m., Public Safety Officer Brad
Waite noticed an SUV with its windows down in the parking lot off of
the Emergency Department. Because
of the threat of rain, Waite approached the car to see if he could
find out more information about the
driver to notify them about the open
windows. As he got closer to the vehicle, Waite saw what appeared to be
an old aircraft bomb and a car battery
in the back of the SUV. Waite called
in Public Safety Officer Doug Tourigny
to verify.
“At first I told him I thought it was
A World War II era bomb casing
was spotted in the back of an SUV
parked in a Windham Hospital lot.
Security staff followed the proper
safety protocol and it was determined the relic was actually a lawn
ornament that was to be sold for
scrap metal.
an oxygen tank or a tank for arc
welding. But then I saw the fins on it
and I said, ‘Are you kidding me. That’s
a bomb,’” said Tourigny.
Waite and Tourigny — both military veterans — immediately contacted Willimantic Police. After
investigating at the scene police and
hospital public safety ordered all cars
removed from the area and created a
secure perimeter. Next, the team
called in a bomb expert from the
Connecticut State Police who determined that the three foot long, one
foot wide object was in fact a World
War II era bomb. Luckily, it was inert
and police removed the hollow relic
from the vehicle and took it from the
Public safety officers and police
were able to determine that the antique bomb belonged to a patient on
the 4 Shea unit.
“When Brad and I talked to the patient and told him there was a problem with his vehicle, he laughed and
said it was just a lawn ornament that
he planned to sell for scrap metal,”
Tourigny said.
See BOMB, page 8
Fourth hip and knee
surgical event July 29
Backus Café Menu
Backus’ free community talks on MAKOplasty technology for hip replacement and knee resurfacing procedures have been so popular, a fourth event has
been added.
Orthopedic surgeons William Cambridge of New
London County Orthopedic Surgery and Scott Stanat
of Norwich Orthopedic Group will conduct another
free community education event on Wednesday, July
29, 6-8 p.m. in the Backus Hospital main lobby conference rooms at 326 Washington St. in Norwich. Refreshments will be provided. Call 860-892-6900 to
Backus Hospital is the first hospital in Eastern Connecticut to offer the MAKOplasty® robotic procedure
for partial knee resurfacing and total hip replacement procedures using the RIO® Robotic Arm Interactive Orthopedic System.
RIO is a surgeon-controlled robotic arm system
that enables accurate alignment and placement of
July 24, 2015
EAG weekly prize winner for July 24
n Regina Mosley — CONNCare
Call Cathy Saunders at ext. 2105 to collect your prize.
from the
Discount movie tickets
n Discount Lisbon Landing Digiplex movie
tickets are available through Cathy Saunders
in Diagnostic Imaging or Donna McLaughlin in
Food and Nutrition. The theater has recently
changed hands and is now CarMike Cinemas, and we are
pleased to offer the tickets for $7.50.
About the EAG
n The EAG is a small team of employees who plan and
coordinate fun and discounted activities for all employees. Contact the group by e-mailing Donna McLaughlin
chef's choice / stuffed shells with marinara / soup du jour / broccoli / garlic bread
SUNDAY, July 26
chef's choice / crispy chicken on a pretzel roll / soup du jour / malibu blend vegetables / french fries
MONDAY, July 27
ENTREES: mediterranean chicken with tomato, olives and artichokes / ritz baked haddock / eggplant rollettes / SOUPS: chicken noodle / cream of vegetable / SIDES:
bermuda blend vegetables / crinkle cut carrots / mashed potatoes / garlic bread
TUESDAY, July 28
ENTREES: grilled chicken with watermelon and feta salad / american chop suey /
pork stir fry / SOUPS: beef barley / tomato bisque / SIDES: normandy blend vegetables / herbed cauliflower / jasmine rice
July 29
ENTREES: turkey gobbler wrap / sweet and sour chicken / pesto crusted cod /
SOUPS: tomato florentine / potato leek / SIDES: broccoli spears / mexican style corn
/ basmati rice / french fries
ENTREES: philly cheese steak / BBQ chicken thighs / ham and cheddar scalloped potatoes / SOUPS: pasta fagioli / creamy asparagus / SIDES: caribbean blend vegetables
/ brussel sprouts / french fries
FRIDAY, July 31
ENTREES: build your own baked potato / seared mahi mahi with avocado salad /
baked manicotti / SOUPS: rhode island clam chowder / hearty beef vegetable /
SIDES: green beans / sicilian blend vegetables / wild rice pilaf / garlic bread
DAILY FARE: A variety of hot paninis, cold wraps and pizza specials are available on a rotating basis
The Backus cafeteria is open daily from 6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Hot food is served from 6:30 - 10:30 a.m.; 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.; and 5 - 6:30 p.m.
July 24, 2015
Great care during
knee surgery
Recently, I had a total knee replacement. Dr. Stanat — thank you so much,
you are the best. I would also like to
thank all of the staff in Same Day Surgery, Operating Room, PACU, PCT and
Anesthesiology. Your knowledge, teamwork and skill were very reassuring. I
appreciated the concern for my comfort
and safety as this was my first major
Amy thank you for the relaxation
techniques. The nurses on A-4 explained everything to me and made my
stay very pleasant. Thank you physical
therapy and thanks to Wendy for making arrangements for a walker and
home health care.
I have always been proud to say I work
at Backus and all of you reinforced that.
— Carla Jordan, RN,
Clinical Analyst ITS
The Windham
Birthing Center
team continued
their presence
at Willimantic’s
Third Thursday
Festival on July
16. Staff members from the
center have
been handing
out information
and promotional items at
each event
since May.
ENTREE: fiesta cod / lemon parmesan chicken cutlet / SOUPS: chicken and rice / soup
du jour / SIDES: cheddar mashed potatoes / mixed vegetables / SANDWICH: fresh
mozzarella and spinach panini
TUESDAY, July 28
ENTREE: jamaican spicy beef patty / baked stuffed shells / garlic bread / SOUPS:
loaded baked potato / soup du jour / SIDES: rice and beans / mexicali corn / SPECIAL:
baked nachos topped with diced tomatoes, scallions and shredded cheese
July 29
ENTREE: general tso’s chicken / pork lo mein / egg roll / SOUPS: tuscan white bean
with escarole / soup du jour / SIDES: white rice / sweet and spicy green beans /
SANDWICH: roast beef and cheddar grilled panini
ENTREE: vegetarian enchilada bake / taco bar / SOUPS: minestrone / soup du jour /
SIDES: tater tots / wax beans / SANDWICH: build your own burger bar
FRIDAY, July 31
ENTREE: loaded baked potato bar / SOUPS: new england clam chowder / soup du jour /
SIDES: baked potato / broccoli / SANDWICH: pesto chicken panini
ENTREE: meat loaf with gravy / SOUP: chicken noodle / SIDES: mashed potatoes /
mixed vegetables / SANDWICH: deli buffalo chicken panini with lettuce, tomato and
blue cheese dressing
SUNDAY, Aug. 2
ENTREE: baked manicotti / SOUP: beef vegetable with lentil / SIDES: seasoned curly
fries / baby carrots / SANDWICH: pulled pork grilled panini
BREAKFAST: Served weekdays only and includes a variety of hot items including oatmeal, cream of wheat,
yogurt bar, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, homefries and a breakfast sandwich (Selection varies by day)
Sumner Cafeteria Menu
MONDAY, July 27
The Sumner Cafeteria open from 6:30 - 10:30 a.m.; 11:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.; 2 - 2:30 p.m. and 3 - 6:30 p.m.
Hot food is served from 6:30 - 9:30 a.m.; 11:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.; and 5 - 6:30 p.m.
July 24, 2015
General Store is a free classified ad section for the benefit of
East Region employees, retirees, medical staff and volunteers.
We welcome your submissions by the hospital Intranet, fax (860-892-6964), mail or by e-mailing
The deadline for submissions to be included in each Friday’s HospiTell is Wednesday at noon.
HospiTell will include community events for not-for-profit organizations based in eastern Connecticut that are open to the
public and free of charge. We do not accept ads for real estate, firearms or personal ads. Please do not list hospital phone numbers or
hospital e-mail addresses for responses. You must submit your item weekly if you want it to appear more than one week.
To have HospiTell e-mailed to you, or for questions about the General Store, please call Ginny James, Backus Corporate
Communications, at 860-889-8331, ext. 4211, or e-mail her at
BOYS CLOTHES — Good condition, 12
pairs of shorts size 5-6, 20 short sleeve
shirts size 6-7, two sets of long pajamas size 8, 16 long sleeve shirts size 58, swim shorts size 5, swim shirt size
7, tank tops size 5-6. Entire box for
sale as is $30. Call or text 860-9177713.
MISC. ITEMS — Full size antique
metal bed with rails, $100. Queen size
sleigh bed with rails, $200. Camping
cot, $5. Seat from a horsedrawn
buggy, $100. Vanity. Call 860-9080161 and please leave a message.
MISC. ITEMS — Shasta camper, 19
feet long, fully loaded, great condition.
Wurlitzer piano, music cabinet, 200
pieces of old sheet music. Generator.
Call 860-822-8578.
— Five foot by 4 foot by 40 inches, excellent condition. Call 860-887-8463.
through Aug. 9. Call Joyce at 860-6429988 for more information.
STS. PETER & PAUL CHURCH — Vendors wanted for the Kris Kringle Fair,
Saturday, Nov. 14. $25 per table. Call
FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED — Waterford Country School Foster Care is
seeking full-time and part-time foster
families. Find out how you can make
an impact on the life of a child in the
community. WCS Foster Care provides
free training and licensing, 24hour staff support and a substantial
monthly reimbursement. Call 860886-7500, ext. 170.
and Craft Exhibit and Sale at the
Finnish American Heritage Society) is
seeking artists and crafters for a Saturday, Oct. 3 event at the Finnish Hall,
76 North Canterbury Rd., Canterbury.
Indoor/outdoor spaces, $30 (postmarked on or before Friday, July 31),
free admission, handicapped accessible. Call 860-974-2760 or email
Family needs donations of school supplies and boy’s size five to six clothes,
shoe size 12, large teen shirts, size 36
pants, size 10 sneakers. Call 860-8897243.
THE LEBANON LIONS CLUB — Looking for Crafters and Artisans for this
year’s Lebanon Country Fair Aug.7
CLASSES — Tuesday and/or Thursday,
July 28 and 30, 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the
Mohegan Park pavilion in Norwich.
Cheryl Hughes will guide the evening
practice. Four days is $35 for residents, $45 for non-residents. Walk-ins
are $10.
5K & FUN RUN — Saturday, July 25
starting at 8 a.m. at 59 Lyme St., Old
Lyme. Event is free, pre-register online
at, donations accepted at
the event. View for more information.
July 31, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 1,
9 a.m.-2 p.m., at St. Mary’s Church/St.
Joseph School, 70 West Main St., Baltic.
Seeking donations of furniture, household items, clothing, sporting goods,
outdoor, toys, linens, etc. Call 860822-6378.
Aug. 1, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 174 W. Town
St., Norwichtown. Exhibitors, tag sale,
vendors, children’s games, silent auction, live country music, country store,
win ribbons and cash prizes.
CLASSIC CAR & TRUCK SHOW — Saturday, Aug. 8, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Holy
New Martyrs Church, 364 Canterbury
Tpke., Norwich. Trophies awarded,
admission is one perishable food item
to benefit the St. Vincent DePaul soup
kitchen, DJ music, vendors, tag sale.
HILL — Saturday, Aug. 29, 6 p.m. at 454
Cassidy Hill Road, Coventry, CT. Benefiting Relay for Life of greater Windham. $25 per person, $30 at the door,
$40 per couple. Call for tickets 860456-6797.
FALL FESTIVAL — Thursday, Sept. 10,
9 a.m. to 4 p.m., yard sale and family
closet. Friday, Sept. 11, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
and Saturday, Sept. 12 from 9 a.m. to 7
p.m., yard sale, family closet, needlework, baked goods, general store,
games food, silent auction, books,
CD’s, DVD’s, major raffle begins at 7
p.m. on Saturday. All will be held at
Saint Joseph Church, 11 Baltic Road,
LEE MEMORIAL CHURCH FUNDRAISERS — One pound pecans from Georgia, $12. Streak-less cloths, $3, no
chemicals, just water, reusable, polishes. Proceeds benefit the church.
Call 860-822-6595 or 860-908-9797.
Leaps Together, Ledyard is a small
family-oriented center proudly providing outstanding early education in
Ledyard Center. Now Enrolling for
openings in our Fall programs, beginning Monday, Aug. 31. Full day and
shortened day preschool program options, after school programs, specialized services. Visit and mention
this ad and we will apply a $100 discount to your second month’s tuition
payment for all new full time September enrollment. Call 860-381-5537 for
a tour.
ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL — Accepting registrations for the 2015-2016 school
year. 10 School Hill Road, Baltic, full
day pre-kindergarten for children who
will be 3 and 4 years of age by December, grades kindergarten through
eighth grade available. Call 860-8226141 or email sistermarypatrick@
from page 5
Police assured the man that he
wasn’t in any trouble but that the old
bomb had to be removed.
“I’d like to commend Brad and
Doug for calmly and effectively handling the initial response to this tense
situation. They demonstrated their
HRO principals with clear communication and attention to detail,” said
Regional Director of Public Safety and
Emergency Management Andrew
Ellis. “Thank God this worked out
perfectly and there were no major issues. But, staff should take comfort
in knowing that we have people looking out and are doing the right thing
to make sure our patients, staff and
community are safe.”
Windham Manager of Public Safety
Patrick Turek agrees.
“I couldn’t be more proud to be a
part of a team that is constantly looking out for the safety of our patients,
visitors and staff,” Turek said.
Even though the situation ended
safely, Tourigny says it’s one of the
most bizarre things he’s ever encountered on the beat.
“It’s up there. Top five definitely,”
Tourigny laughed.

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