Operative Technique
Operative Technique
BMR OPTECH Bone Marrow Regeneration Preparation For Bone Marrow Aspirate Collection A Scrub Nurse or Theatre Assistant should prepare the following items on a sterile tray: Items Required: • • • • • • • • BMR Kit 20ml Syringe Skin Prep Swabs Small Mallet Steri-strips Adhesive film dressing 0.5% Chirocaine Using the 60ml syringe from the kit, draw up 3.5ml of Anti-Coagulant (ACDA) from the Vials in the kit. You must now prime the needle: Remove the inner trochar of the bone marrow aspiration needle by twisting the middle section of the handle then pulling this upwards. Inject 1ml into the top of the needle, which will run completely through. Now replace the trochar. Remove BMR Chamber from packet. Skin Prep 0.5% Chirocaine Bone Marrow Aspiration Needle Small Mallet Adhesive Film Dressing Steri-strips 60ml Syringe 20ml Syringe Swabs Sterile Drape 1. Locate the Iliac Spine If the patient is placed in the supine position feel to locate the ASIS. If the patient is in the lateral position, locate the PIS. Mark it with a marker and penetrate the skin with the bone marrow aspirate needle. Gently advance the needle with a rubber mallet ensuring the correct trajectory until the tip penetrates cancellous bone. Remove the inner trochar to expose the syringe port. Attach the 60ml Syringe and gently apply suction while twisting the T-handle 90 degrees in either direction until bone marrow aspirate enters the syringe. 2. Aspirate Bone Marrow Fill 60ml Syringe until the 35ml mark. Once the syringe contains Bone Marrow Aspirate (BMA), it should be gently swayed in a figure of 8 movement to ensure ACDA mixing. 3. Infiltrate Local Anaesthetic Infiltrate local anaesthetic and close the wound with steri-strips and a film dressing 4. Introduce Bone Marrow Aspirate into BMR Chamber The BMR chamber should be foil side up. Open the air vent by lifting up one of the opaque white rubber caps. Remove the white cap at the bottom of the chamber by twisting. The 60ml syringe can then approach from underneath the chamber and attach to the bottom of the chamber by the luer lock. Inject BMA (Max 35ml). Reapply the white cap with a twist until an audible click is heard. Now close the opaque rubber cap and ensure both are repositioned correctly. ENSURE THAT THE CHAMBER REMAINS WITH THE FOIL SIDE UP. DO NOT TURN THE CHAMBER UPSIDE-DOWN UNTIL INSTRUCTED. 5. BMR Chamber 1st Spin Weigh the BMR Chamber on the weighing scales and make the same weight counterbalance by filling the loan chamber with sterile fluid. Place the BMR chamber into the centrifuge foil side up and place the counter-balance chamber directly opposite. Check the chambers can both swing to a full horizontal position by gently tipping the foil side of the chambers towards the centre of the centrifuge. If the chamber is catching on the centre frame you can rotate the foil portion of the chamber in a clockwise direction which will reduce the overall height of the chamber. Spin @3200 rpm for 5mins. 6. Isolate Buffy and Plasma Layers After spinning remove the chamber with great care so not to mix the layers. If the layers are accidently mixed repeat the 1st spin step. The BMA is now separated into three distinct layers (top to bottom); Plasma, Buffy Coat and Red Blood Cells. Screw bottom of the BMR chamber anti-clockwise to push the middle layer ‘buffy coat’ up into the middle (Plasma) chamber. Turn lower section anti-clockwise. Plasma Layer Buffy Layer RBC Layer Once Buffy Layer has moved up into the middle chamber stop turning the lower chamber. Buffy Layer must be at this exact level 7. Isolate Buffy/Plasma Layers Now turn the upper half of the BMR chamber clockwise by grasping the highest red ring with your thumb and forefingers, and holding the middle and lowest red rings stationary with your other hand. Turn the upper chamber clockwise until it will turn no further (approx. 15 turns) You will see the white locking bar move downwards into the top of the RBC chamber. The buffy coat and plasma layers are now isolated from the RBC layer. TAKE CARE NOT TO OVER TIGHTEN 8. Set the BMA Concentrate Volume KEEP THE CHAMBER FOIL SIDE UP FOR THIS STEP Holding onto the upper red ring, turn the foil topped portion of the chamber anti-clockwise until the inner white base reaches the 2 CL line. Gently swirl together the Buffy and plasma layers to mix them. 9. BMR Chamber 2nd Spin Replace the BMR chamber into centrifuge foil side down for the 2nd spin; 2300rpm for 5mins 10. Close Off BMAC Chamber KEEP THE CHAMBER FOIL SIDE DOWN FOR THIS STEP Now place one hand on the opaque rubber valves and one on the lowest red ring. Turn the lowest red ring clockwise until it will no longer turn. You will see the white locking bar move downwards closing off the opening between the plasma and the BMAC. Peel off the silver foil and using a syringed needle, draw off the BMAC. 11. Mix Artelocollagen and BMAC Aspirate 2-5ml of BMAC in a separate 10ml luer lock syringe. Mix artelocollagen with BMAC using a 3-way tap. Mix syringes approximately 16 times until the artelocoallagen and BMAC is thoroughly mixed. 1 2 12. Preparation of the Fracture Site for Injection Under image intensifier localise the fracture site. Take a white needle (size 19) and connect it to a 10ml syringe with luer lock. Enter the fracture site percutaneously. Once the needle position is confirmed remove as much fibrous tissue as possible with the tip of the needle to create space for the injection of artelocollagen and BMAC (if available for ease of injection, use a specially designed syringe driver). On occasions, it may be necessary to enter the fracture site from different directions to achieve circumferential access. Keep the white needle in place and remove the 10ml syringe. Now connect the prepared 10ml syringe containing the artelocollagen/BMAC mixture and gently inject into the fracture site. 13. Apply a Pressure Dressing To prevent outflow of the mixture, apply a pressure dressing with a wool and crepe bandage. Mobilise and weight bear according to the stability of the fracture fixation to the discretion of the treating surgeon. Discovery Park, Innovation House Ramsgate Road, Sandwich, Kent CT13 9FF +44 (0) 1227 469 691 info@unitymedica.com www.unitymedica.com