chamber notes - Alpena Chamber of Commerce
chamber notes - Alpena Chamber of Commerce
CHAMBER NOTES Alpena Area Chamber of Commerce 235 West Chisholm Street Alpena, MI 49707 989.354.4181 (f) 989.356.3999 By serving its members, the Alpena Area Chamber of Commerce actively champions economic development and the advancement of the community’s quality of life. July 2013 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 86 Alpena, MI 49707 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED IN THE SPOTLIGHT Larry’s Collision opened in the 1970’s and was purchased by Joseph Landry in the early 1990’s. After his retirement Todd Spigelmyre and Russ Brandel purchased the business keeping the name Larry’s Collision, a trusted name in the community. Larry’s Truck Stuff was added in 2011. Todd and Russ have worked in the collision field for over 28 years. They offer state of the art auto body and collision repair, a complete line of vehicle accessories for all cars, SUV’s and trucks, as well as trailer hitches and Reflex spray-on bed liners. Larry’s Collision and Larry’s Truck Stuff continue to expand their services and as always stay loyal to, and serve the community, to their fullest. They are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and can be reached at 989.354.5577, via email at or you can find them on Facebook. 2013 CHAMBER BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Chad Esch - Bannan Funeral Home; PastPresident: Ben Young - Young Appliance Co.; President Elect: Luciana King - Zolnierek Insurance; SecretaryTreasurer: Dave Szydlowski - NEMROC; Directors: Brian Bartosh - Top O’ MI Insurance; Trina Gray - Bay Athletic Club; Jay Johnston - Walgreens; Bernie Lamp - Straley, Ilsley and Lamp; Elaine Orr - Alpena Power Company; Shawn Shankie - Days Inn; Matt Waligora - Panel Processing CHAMBER CALENDAR OF EVENTS They are motivated by meeting new people every day and seeing the enjoyment on a customer’s face after they complete a body shop job or install a vehicle accessory on their new car, SUV or pickup. Treating customers like they would want to be treated is what they always strive to do at Larry’s Collision and Larry’s Truck Stuff. For ribbon cuttings and event details, contact the Chamber at 989.354.4181 or visit With recent renovations to both buildings and a new asphalt parking lot, they are proud to be both now and in the future a part of the Alpena Area Chamber of Commerce and serving this community. July 2013 3 - Ambassador meeting, 8:00 a.m., CDB 4 - Lafarge 4th of July parade; fireworks at dusk 9 - Economic Development Board meeting, 7:30 a.m., CDB 16 - Military Support reception 6:00 p.m., Alpena Sanctuary Inn, $10 per person, RSVP required to the Chamber 19 - Good Morning Alpena event, 7:00 a.m., Brown Trout Big Tent, $8 per person, RSVP required to the Chamber 23 - Military Support reception, 6:00 p.m., Alpena Sanctuary Inn, $10 per person, RSVP required to the Chamber 30 - Military Support reception, 6:00 p.m., Alpena Sanctuary Inn, $10 per person, RSVP required to the Chamber Zolnierek Insurance Agency started in 1976 by Len Zolnierek at his residence. Many customers have relaxed in the Zolnierek family room until Len was able to assist them with insurance needs. Len Zolnierek started his career as an Independent Claims Adjuster and eventually developed the Agency to a full service organization in response to claimants continually asking his advice. August 2013 1 - Government Relations meeting, 7:30 a.m., CDB 7 - Ambassador meeting, 8:00 a.m., CDB 9 - FLOG Fest 13 - Economic Development Board meeting, 7:30 a.m., CDB 22 - Lt. Gov. event - 5:00 p.m., look for a special invite in your mail/email *there is no regular Chamber Board meeting in July; the August date was conflicting with another meeting and will be res-scheduled at a later time As an independent insurance agency, they offer the full services of an insurance agency. They write all lines of personal insurance needs including auto, home/mobile home, recreational vehicles, motorcycle, boat, life, and annuities. On a commercial basis, they do businesses, contractors, group health, group life, disability, bonds and commercial auto to name a few. They feel their biggest service is the service they provide to the community. They are not just an insurance agency, they are an agency that takes the time to determine what coverage's are best for their customers. Customers are not just a name or policy number at their agency! Len’s daughter, Luciana King, joined the agency in 1977 and is working to continue the Zolnierek Insurance legacy by providing insurance services to customers throughout Michigan. They take pride in the fact that every policy is written correctly and within the appropriate guidelines. Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday with evening and Saturday time available by appointment. Emergency phone numbers are also available. Find them at, call them at 989.354.3131 or visit them at 1105 W. Chisholm Street. A unique fact about the Agency is that they own their own fire truck. In 1994 the Agency purchased a 1942 Mack Fire Truck that was destined for a collectors warehouse in Bay City. It comes out on sunny days for parades and some funeral processions for local firefighters. Their small but dedicated staff includes Traci Zolnierek, Office Manager, Theresa Barnard, Personal Lines Agent and Vicki Piontkowski, Customer Service. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Indian Trails, Inc. 109 East Comstock Street Owosso, MI 48867 989.725.5105 Greene Financial Inc. 111 E. Chisholm Street Alpena, MI 49707 989.354.0757 State Wide Real Estate of Alpena, Inc. 1100 W. Chisholm Street Alpena, MI 49707 989.356.2142 235 W. CHISHOLM STREET . ALPENA, MI 49707 . PHONE: 989.354.4181 . FAX: 989.356.3999 . WWW.ALPENACHAMBER.COM IN THIS ISSUE... MTG Tips: The Case for Integration Integration of credit card processing into your business platform Home Depot customer service strikes again! The Amazing Chamber Ambassadors Additional Chamber Reminders: FLOG Fest is August 9th Grub Crawl is September 19th The Lt. Governor for Michigan will be here for a visit with Chamber Members on August 22nd Way to Go Alpena! Fireworks Grand Total... The Amazing Chamber Ambassadors Once again we have exceeded our fireworks goal for a grand total of $27,500. It was amazing to see so many involved this year - making donations, hosting a fundraisers, buying buttons, and more. Other communities ask us how we do it. We tell them we can do anything with the amazing support we have from the people of the Alpena area! Now that you have read biographies about all of our Ambassadors (in our newsletters over the past several months), here is a photo of the (almost) entire group. Benefits include: Transactions are handled seamlessly within your system workflow. You save time by eliminating the need to switch between your business and processing systems. You can eliminate some of the error that inherently comes with duplicating tasks and having to key things in more than once. Reduces cost because there is no need for extra equipment. Can make it easier for you to access information, generate reports and manipulate data. Can streamline the process of training employees. Donations that come in after this point will be put toward next year’s fireworks. $5,500 of this year’s total raised will go toward the HOG Rally fireworks on July 27th (shot off from the same location as the 4th of July fireworks). The 4th of July fireworks will be on the 4th of July at dusk. Last year we spent $20,500 for the 4th of July fireworks, this year we will add $1,500 to that. When considering integrating, be sure you are using an integrated payments solution from a PA-DSS (Payment Application Data Security Standard) certified vendor. This ensures that all exchanges of payment data are secure and PCI compliant with PCI security standards, which mandate that businesses safely encrypt and store PIN numbers, CVV2 numbers and magnetic stripe data. Customer Service Recognition Pictured starting in the front row, left: LeAnn Schultz (Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union), Jimmy Dean (MI Thrifty), Kim LaBrecque (Thunder Bay Accounting), Chris Coultes (NEMCSA), Tara O’Donnell (Alpena Agency), Kerrie Kamyszek (NEMCSA), Laura Lancewicz (The Alpena News), Alisha Bouchard (Alpena Chamber). Second row, left: Arielle Jasmin (BCBS), Ashley DeFisher (Alpena Chamber), Mari Crow (Century 21 Crow Realty), Jean Bauer (TBNMS), Michelle McEwen (PNC Bank), Laurel Nowak (ARMC), Pam Richardson (Star Staffing), JoAnn Dehring (First Federal), Carl Hatala (CRTC), Dave Zeller (Alpena Agency), Patrick Heraghty (Midwest Transaction Group), Barb Skaluba (Hometown Realty). Back row, left: Joey Jackson (Industrial Image), Carolyn Daoust (ACC), Julie Ferguson (Financial Services of N. MI), Kathy Himes (City of Alpena), Nick Wiser (Neiman’s), Lesslee Dort (Alpena DDA), Jackie Krawczak (Alpena Chamber). Missing from photo: Don Cantle (Family Enterprise Embroidery), Bruce Johnson (WATZ) and Liz Smigelski (AAA). Integration is a way to incorporate your credit card processing tools in with your business platform, eliminating the need for two separate procedures on different equipment. If you are looking to streamline your business management software, integrating credit card processing into your existing business workflow can be a time and money saving option. Integration uses technology to drive business efficiency. There are a couple of potential issues with integration: If your systems are interconnected and something goes down, so too will your ability to run transactions until the problem can be resolved More complicated process for PCI-DSS compliance than with a traditional terminal. In the near future, merchants can expect to see enhancements in mobile payment processing and support, enhanced reporting capabilities and marketing and loyalty tools. Contact our Lansing office with any questions you may have on how these systems can work for you: 1.888.599.2209. You should be proud of your work on this. It is a perfect example of what happens when the entire community comes together toward a single goal. EXCEPTIONAL This month’s exceptional customer service recognition again goes to the team at The Home Depot. A customer purchased a product that wasn’t working as expected. This was a large item, and the customer was pleased to learn that the store was willing to send someone to pick up the old one and drop off a new one. When the times weren’t working out with the customer’s schedule, Home Depot staff offered a different solution instead of asking her to change her schedule to fit theirs. The customer was very pleased with her experience and commented, “I really appreciate the great level of customer service they gave me. It is hard to find that these days.” Congratulations to the team at Alpena’s Home Depot for their commitment to providing exceptional customer service! If you experience exceptional customer service, let us know so we can recognize that business and enter them into the running for our annual Outstanding Customer Service Award presented at the Chamber dinner held each year. The Ambassadors do a tremendous amount of work for the Chamber, the business community and the community at large. They are responsible for Chamber events (FLOG Fest, Annual Dinner, Grub Crawl, ribbon cuttings, and more), they raise the majority of funds for the fireworks, participate with the Chamber’s entry for the Lafarge 4th of July and Bolenz Jewelry Holiday parades, and much, MUCH more. Just like we couldn’t exist without our members, we couldn’t exist without the strength and support of our Ambassadors!