Prince of Peace News -


Prince of Peace News -
Prince of Peace News
Volume LV, Issue vi
“Partnership in the Gospel”
“I thank my God in all my remembrance of
you, always in every prayer of mine….,
because of your partnership in the
gospel...” Philippians 1:3-5
june, 2015 Anno Domini
symbol of the called and ordained servants of
God’s Church. He will not baptize or speak
the words of institution over the elements of
Christ’s body and blood in Holy Communion.
Generally speaking Vicar and Pastor will
serve worship together with one leading the
liturgy and the other giving the sermon. Vicar
Rockhill is required to preach a minimum of
one sermon a month. Vicar will occupy the
office next to Pastor’s office in the church.
I genuinely believe this experience
will be beneficial to Prince of Peace. It will
allow us to have another set of hands to visit
our members, lead our chapel services for
school and daycare, and reach out to the
visitors who attend Prince of Peace. I also
anticipate expanding our scope of service by
leading chapel at Lutherwood and
participating in other Lutheran ministries
within this geographic area.
Finally, we will be confronted with a
decision in a few short months as to whether
we will attempt to continue this ministry for
the following year. Currently, we have
generous members donating their resources
to allow us to pay for this vicar. The cost
approaches $40,000.00 by the time you
combine meager salary, health benefits and
business expenses. It was reported that 21
families participate in donating to this ministry
and we will be asking ourselves if this is
something we will want to continue to support
in the future. I pray this will be the case, and
we will do all in our power to keep this
ministry in the future with the specific goal of
expanding God’s kingdom through the
preaching and teaching of God’s Word. May
our good and gracious Lord send His Holy
Spirit upon Prince of Peace and this ministry
that we may grow with God’s blessings. May
the Lord bless our seminaries as they train
the next generation of Pastors. May our
church body send men into the Universities
and Seminaries to become Pastors in the
LCMS. To God be the Glory.
July 1st Prince of Peace will be
welcoming another “partner in the Gospel.”
Vicar James Rockhill and his family including
his wife Michele and 3 children Eliza (5);
Hattie (2) and Abner (10 months) will be
working among us at Prince of Peace.
Vicar Rockhill is a student at
Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort
Wayne, Indiana. As a part of his education
he is assigned a year of vicarage placement
to experience congregational life. Pastor
Janssen will be an adjunct educator for the
Seminary as his vicarage supervisor,
evaluating his strengths and weaknesses.
He will be evaluated as to his suitability to
serve as a pastor in the LCMS by Pastor
Janssen along with the members of Prince of
I was asked by a congregation
member, “What is our role in this vicarage
assignment?” My response was “attend
worship and Bible Study.” Get to know the
family and welcome them into your home. As
a congregation, it is our role to encourage
Vicar Rockhill in the functions of congregation
life. I still remember my vicarage in Young
America, Minnesota. It was a wonderful time
to experience leading worship and Bible
study. It is my prayer that this will be a
wonderful experience for the Rockhill family
as well.
Vicar Rockhill will be able to do
everything a pastor does EXCEPT pronounce
absolution and administer the sacraments. If
you recall, the words of absolution state: “as
a called and ordained servant of the Word, I
forgive you all of your sins in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Vicar Rockhill will not be ordained until he is
Your servant in Christ,
“called” by a congregation to serve them in
Pastor Nathan Janssen
Word and Sacrament Ministry. He will not be
eligible for a call until he completes his
seminary education. He will not wear a stole
when he leads worship, since the stole is a
3496 E. Morgan Street
Martinsville, IN
Church: 765-342-2004
School: 765-349-8873
Daycare: 765-342-2220
Fax: 765-813-0036
Meet our staff:
Pastor: Rev. Nathan Janssen
Newsletter Editor: Mrs. Beth Wallis
Director of Youth Ministries:
Mrs. Sharon Raney
Church & School Secretary:
Mrs. Sharon Raney &
Mrs. Beth Wallis
Preschool Teacher: Mrs. Denise Lester
Preschool Aide: Donnett Roth
Daycare Director: Mrs. Brenda Frederick
Asst. Daycare Director: Mrs. Cindy Rogers
Inside this issue:
Official Acts
Those Serving
Church Attendance
Altar Flowers
Mystery Dinner Recap
3 Green Marshmallow
June Celebrations
Directory Changes
4 Daily Bible Reading
Youth Group Notes
Thank You
College Students
Summer Sunday School
5 Sermon Texts &
Advertise w/POP
Golf Outing
Concordia Programs
Caregiver Needed
6 Kroger Rewards
Orphan Grain Train
June Calendar
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church e-mail:
May, 2015
Brooklyn Baker, 5/9/2015
June 27/28
Those Serving at
Church Attendance
at Prince of Peace for
April—May, 2015
April 4/5
April 11/12
April 18/19
April 26/27
Average for month
May 2/3
May 10/11
May 16/17
May 23/24
May 30/31
Average for month 158
Altar Flowers
June 6/7
June 13/14
June 20/21
Page 2
Andrew & Kapiolani Janssen’s Anniversary
Pastor & Donna Janssen’s Anniversary
Larry & Patty Polster in honor of Ava’s
Birthday and of their 23rd Anniversary
In honor of Linda Abel’s Birthday
of Peace
6/6 Randy Kath
6/7 Fred Ruf
Christopher Roth
Mike McKowen
6/13 David Hutton 6/14 Kevin Raney
Benjamin Janssen
6/20 Sam Rinehart 6/21 Greg McKelfresh
Larry Polster
Mike Myntti
6/27 Dale Knuteson 6/28 Tim Janes
Rick Rivard
Sunday 7
Sunday 14
Christina McKowen
Levi Johnson
Annabelle Cleary
Hannah Raney
Joanna Lamberson
Brady Mann
Levi Johnson
Cavan Montgomery
Sign up today for 2015 Altar Flowers. See the sign-up
sheet in the Narthex. Members will donate $25.00 to the
church when they have signed up for flowers on the altar. If
a member would like to donate flowers from their own
flower garden or desires a different florist, please contact Theresa
Hawkins, 765-342-3236 and the Church office.
Sunday 21
Report on 2015 Mystery Dinner:
6/6 Abel,
Bob & Tish
6/13 Brown,
Leroy & Naomi
6/20 Dobbs,
6/27 Edson, 6/28
Steve & Chris
Thank you to all that made the Mystery Dinner such a fun evening!
Collected was:
Individual Ticket Sales
Matching Funds from our Local Thrivent Chapter
$ 300.00
Thrivent Action Team Visa Card
$ 250.00
Total Income
$250 Thrivent Action Team Visa Card for food
$ 250.00
$300 Donation to Youth Group for being servers
$ 300.00
$178 Balance for Cost of Food over gift card
$ 178.00
Total cost
$ 728.00
This leaves a profit of $822.00. We extend a sincere thank you to
Thrivent for making this a profitable adventure. With the $822.00 we are
purchasing some kitchen equipment for Luther Hall then we will be on
the search for an eight rack, used convection oven for Luther Hall. This
piece of equipment can be used for cooking and or holding food. It will
be an asset any time we have a church meal.
Also for those of you asking about the Green Marshmallow Salad.
The recipe came with the play and is listed on the next page of the
Sunday 28
Altar Guild
Laurie Johnson & Lucy Rike
Polster, Larry &
Queck, Marc & Judy
Rinehart, Jean &
Taylor, Sherri
Rick & Marty
6/7 Laurie Johnson & Annabelle Cleary
6/14 Katie Pratt & Jessica McKowen
6/21 Grace & Hannah Raney
6/28 Karen Sundell & Michelle Engelsen
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church e-mail:
Page 3
Happy Birthday
Green Marshmallow Salad
1 package (3.4 ounces) instant pistachio-flavored pudding mix
1 carton ( 8 ounces) frozen whipped topping, thawed
2 tablespoons salad dressing or mayonnaise
1 can (16 ounces) fruit cocktail, undrained
1 can (8 ounces) crushed pineapple, undrained
2 cups miniature marshmallows
In a large bowl, combine pudding mix, whipped topping and salad dressing;
mix well. Fold in remaining ingredients. Leave in bowl or spoon into individual
serving dishes. Serve chilled. 6-8 servings.
POP to Honor Graduates!
Best Wishes to All!!!
On Sunday, June 14, the congregation will honor the following graduates with a
cake and punch reception in the narthex immediately following worship.
Abi Gasparovic:: Graduating from Owen Valley High School on June 6th and
will be attending IUPUI in the fall.
Tyler Hickey: Graduating from Mooresville High School then will be going into
the workforce and is considering Ivy Tech in the fall.
Jessica Hunt: Graduating from Martinsville High School then will be pursuing a
Purdue degree in computer graphics technology through IUPUI.
Benjamin Janssen: Graduating from Martinsville High School then will be
attending Concordia University Chicago located in River Forest, Illinois. He is
enrolled to receive a Pre-Seminary Degree along with a Non-Profit, Business
Degree. After Concordia, Chicago, Benjamin anticipates attending Concordia
Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Katie Pratt: Graduating Martinsville High School then will be heading to the
University of North Dakota to study aviation.
Lyna Rinehart: Graduating from University of Phoenix with a M.B.A. with a
concentration in Accounting.
Joy Sheldon: Graduated from Purdue University in May, 2015 and will be going
to Indiana State University for graduate school in Safety Management.
Dayna Collett
Molly Will
Gerry Wernert
6 Wilma Daily
Abby Travers
Shelby Jenkins
7 Becky Rodenbeck
10 Taylor Otte
11 Tatum Long
12 Cliff Nehus
14 Suzie Shinkle
Adam Satter
15 Ed Halas
17 Mary Ellen Waltz
18 Brady Mann
20 Allison Woody
21 Ryan Frederick
23 Leroy Brown
Vicar James Rockhill
24 Kaitlyn Morris
25 Pastor Nathan Janssen
26 Linda Abel
27 Katherine Satter
Bob Harrison
28 Paula McKay
Kristie Elkins
Christopher Lamberson
Jason Bolton
29 Hanna Martin
30 Bill Cardwell
Fred Riffel
Happy Anniversary
Directory Additions and Corrections:
Bob & Sharon Bruhn: Home 765-356-8396
Sheila Everhart: 520 Balliere Dr, Martinsville, IN 46151
Ryan & Morgan Frederick: 3385 Jordan Rd, Martinsville, IN 46151
James & Michele Rockhill, Eliza, Hattie & Abner: 7290 W Deaver Rd,
Columbus, IN 47201. Home: 812-657-6160; James Cell: 812-603-0097
Scott & Karen Sundell: Effective 5/16/2015, 200 Jackson St, Apt 424,
Columbus, IN 47201, 812-799-1119
Bob & Carol Swann: PO Box 594, Mooresville, IN 46158 (10600 N Vista Ridge
Ln, Mooresville, IN 46158), 317-483-3322
Todd & Beth Bylsma
Rusty & Shana Hunt
David & Sharon McPike
Scott & Karen Sundell
Andrew & Kapiolani Janssen
Mark & MaryLou Peden
Steve & Joyce Collins
Dr. Martin & Katie Luther (1525)
Nathan & Donna Janssen
Pete & Doris Petersen
Erv & Marilyn Bultman
David & Kristie Elkins
Mike & Elisabeth Lanam
Muggs & Pat Gasparovic
Patton & Jennifer Surber
Robert & Angie DeBaets
Stan & Zoy Beck
George & Christine DeVincent
Gabriel & Lyla Britton
Matt & Kerry Waite
Terry & Brenda Frederick
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church e-mail:
In 2015 we suggest reading the Bible in chronological order again, sequencing
events and books as they occurred in real time.
Psalm 119:89-176
Proverbs 1-3
Proverbs 4-6
Proverbs 7-9
Proverbs 10-12
Proverbs 13-15
Proverbs 16-18
Proverbs 19-21
Proverbs 22-24
1 Kings 5-6,
2 Chronicles 2-3
12 1 Kings 7,
2 Chronicles 4
13 1 Kings 8,
2 Chronicles 5
14 2 Chronicles 6-7,
Psalm 136
15 Psalm 134, 146-150
16 1 Kings 9,
2 Chronicles 8
17 Proverbs 25-26
18 Proverbs 27-29
19 Ecclesiastes 1-6
20 Ecclesiastes 7-12
21 1 Kings 10-11,
2 Chronicles 9
22 Proverbs 30-31
23 I Kings 12-14
24 2 Chronicles 10-12
25 1 Kings 15:1-24,
2 Chron. 13-16
26 1 Kings 15:25 16:34, 2Chron. 17
27 1 Kings 17-19
28 1 Kings 20-21
29 1 Kings 22,
2 Chronicles 18
30 2 Chron.19-23
Thank you to all of you who participated in and contributed to our
fundraiser. It is humbling to see such an outpouring of generosity from
our church family. The kids were thrilled to be able to engage with
everyone in this way to earn their own way to camp. Thank you so
The Satter Family and the Guinn/Willoughby Family
Summer Sunday
Calling All College Students!
Welcome home for the Summer! It
will not be long until you will be
heading to school or back to school.
The Church office is interested in
receiving your college mailing
addresses so we can stay in touch.
When you know your college address
for 2015-2016, please provide that
information to the Church Office.
Thank you!
Beth and Sharon
Be sure to join us for an
exciting, new Sunday school
program throughout the
summer months each week at
9:00 a.m. Summer is a
wonderful time to allow your
child’s faith to build & flourish!
Youth Group Family Fun Day—July 19 @ Waite’s Lake
Join us for an afternoon of summer fun at Waite’s Lake on Sunday,
July 19, from 12:30-3:30 p.m. We’ll welcome Brady Mann, our newest
YG member, enjoy a pitch-in lunch, play games, and of course, swim!!
Watch for details soon on what to bring! All YG members and their
families are welcome to attend.
Page 4
Youth Group Notes
The POP Youth Group is open to all
youth in Grades 7-12. We usually meet
the first Sunday of each month. If you
are interested in further details about
the activities listed below, please
contact Sharon Raney (765-516-4108).
Youth Group Activities MARK YOUR CALENDARS
Youth Group Meeting—The June Youth
Group meeting will be Sunday, June 14,
immediately following worship in the Youth
Group room. Please note this is the
second Sunday this month due to VBS on
June 7. We’ll have pizza and drinks;
parents are welcome as well.
Open Youth Group Room, every
Wednesday from 4:00-6:00 pm—
Come hang in the YG room with us. Get
your homework done, play some video
games, a round of ping pong...there’s
always something to eat, tunes to listen
to… Friends are always welcome!! Last
Wednesday of each month (June 24) will
be movie day!
Golf Outing—June 5: Have you
contacted your assigned business and/or
church member to contact regarding
sponsoring a hole on the Men’s Club
Scholarship Golf Outing on Friday, June
5? Time is running out; don’t delay! If you
are a Youth Group member or a current
college scholarship recipient, you should
make every attempt to be present at the
Outing on June 5. Plan to arrive at
Martinsville Golf Club NO LATER than 8:00
a.m. that day. Mrs. McKowen will take
pictures to send as thank yous to our
sponsors, you may be asked to help with a
few jobs, and then you will be free to leave.
Contact Mrs. Raney if you have any
Holiday World—June 22: Conquer the
new Thunderbird coaster with your YG
friends as we travel to Holiday World on
Monday, June 22. Not a roller coaster
enthusiast? Holiday World has plenty of
fun options, including Splashin’ Safari!
Information with details on cost and
departure times was placed in your church
mailbox. Please complete the bottom of
the form & return to Mrs. Raney NO
LATER than June 7.
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church e-mail:
Page 5
What’s Coming from the Pulpit at Prince of Peace
Sermon texts and themes for the Sundays in June are as follows:
June 6/7
Genesis 3:8-15
“God’s Early Morning Walk In The Garden”
June 13/14
Mark 4:26-34
“Growth Potential”
June 20/21
Mark 4:35-41
“From Fear to Faith”
June 27/28
Mark 5:21-43
“From Laughter to Amazement”
Advertise with Prince of Peace!
Roger Chambers, Carpentry Etc., LLC, 765-352-1915
Angie DeBaets, Sewing & Alterations/Hats Created,
Terry & Brenda Frederick,
Martinsville Driving Academy, 765-342-8900
Mike Hickey, Hickeys Painting,
Neill Hully, Hully Electrical & Handyman Services,
765-516-3518; 765-341-0351
Dr. Shana Hunt, Crosstown Eyecare, 765-342-5497
Andrew Janssen, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, 765-346-0502
Benjamin Janssen, Odd Jobs, 765-346-2050
Dan & Karel Lamberson, Aquatic Designs, 317-996-3106
Chris Mariner, House Cleaning, 765-352-1778
Stan & Beth Mattila, ACE Hardware
Whitney Mattila, Illustrator/Artist,
Wendy McKelfresh-Jensen, Carpenter Realtors,,
765-349-0549 or 765-346-1463
Catherine McKowen, Photography by Catherine,
Catherine McKowen, Cakes by Catherine, 317-716-2236,
Sheet cakes, cupcakes and simple layered cakes at a
reasonable price
Jessica McKowen, Babysitting, 765-342-4570
Mike McKowen, Domino Security Technologies,
Grace Raney, Babysitting, 765-349-9844
Jessica Roth, Designer Nails, Jamberry Consultant,
Aldona Rusenas-Reid, Thrivent, 812-822-0259
Lyna Rinehart, Home Based Child Care, 765-349-9137
(Jessica Roth is a new advertiser this month.)
Prince of Peace has their own “Occupation/Business
Directory”. If you are interested in being listed in the
Newsletters, upcoming Directories, and perhaps even on
the Website, please contact the Church Office,
765-342-2004. This will give our members a place to turn
first when searching for business services. Handymen are
welcome to list their specialties, too.
Golf Outing! June 5th, 9am-Noon Five more of our
high school grads are heading for college! Abi
Gasparovic, Tyler Hickey, Jessica Hunt, Benjamin
Janssen and Katie Pratt are heading off in the fall.
Through funds raised through the Golf Outing, these
student will be able to get a scholarship each of the four
years! Do you know what they have to do to get the
scholarship—go to church!! So your support of the Golf
Outing helps our college kids by encouraging them to
attend church during the sometimes turbulent years of
college! So see Bob Yocum and be a golfer, a hole
sponsor, or a GOLD sponsor and contribute to this worthy
cause. The youth group and other youth ministries are
also helped through this event, as we are saving for the
2016 LCMS Youth Gathering which will be in New
Concordia theological seminary
programs offered
Attention all high school students! Concordia Theological
Seminary in Fort Wayne offers two summer programs.
The first, Christ Academy-High School, is for high school
men who are considering the vocation of the Office of the
Holy Ministry. It is from June 14-27. The second, Phoebe
Academy-High School, is for high school women who are
seeking a better understanding of the role of a deaconess
in the church. It is from July 9-12. The POP church office
has all the details if you are interested in either program.
Please contact us for more information.
Christian Lady Needs Caregiver:
Lady lives in Foxcliff South, is wheelchair bound with
Parkinson Disease. Has an RN through the week that will
train anyone lacking experience. Need coverage across
the weekend from 9am-10pm. Perhaps it could be
arranged with multiple persons. Willing to pay a competitive wage to a reliable, compassionate person. Ideal
source for part time earnings or to supplement current
earning. Prior experience would be splendid.
Contact: Phil@812-340-0801.
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church e-mail:
Page 6
Thank you for
At the beginning of 2015,
Kroger launched its new
Community Rewards Program.
We have received checks for the first quarter of 2015.
The school received a check for $698.87, and the Youth
Group received a check for $458.88! Thank you to those
who registered their Kroger Plus Shopper’s Cards to
benefit these two groups! If you have not registered your
card, please consider doing so. It’s quick, easy, and
really helps! Encourage your family and friends to
register their cards as well. A paper explaining how to
register your card is on the welcome center in the narthex,
or there is a link on the POP
Again, thank you for registering your card, and keep
Orphan Grain Train
Be sure to mark you calendar for Sunday, July 26. The
Orphan Grain Train
Indiana Branch will be hosting an OPEN HOUSE. They
are making progress on the Jonesville Warehouse,
209 S Jackson, Jonesville, IN. They are moving ahead
full steam! Please go to, click on Regional
Locations, click on Indiana and then scroll down to the
pictures of what’s happening. Thank you for all you have
done and continue to do for Orphan Grain Train Indiana
First Tuesday Coffee,
Tuesday, June 2nd, 6-9am—
Greeting our daycare parents with a
smile and an invite to a church event
is what First Tuesday Coffee is all
about. Would you like to join Rita
Chambers and help? Once a month
is all it takes to help with this great
outreach. Please see the Church Office if you can help,
Are you ready? “Camp Discovery” VBS begins Sunday,
June 7, at 6:00 p.m. and ends on Thursday, June 11! A
light, cold-sandwich meal will be offered each
evening during VBS in the lower level of the school
beginning at 5:30 p.m. All children registered for VBS are
invited to join us at worship on Sunday, June 14, to sing
some of our songs we learned throughout the week!
Thank you to all who have volunteered to help with
Vacation Bible School. Our final training for ALL VBS
volunteers will be Monday, June 1, at 7:00 p.m.
Donations for VBS Sponsor-a-Child continue to pour in
and will be accepted throughout June. Thank you to all of
our generous donors!
Not able to volunteer for VBS but still want to help out?
We traditionally provide our adult and teen volunteers with
a special dessert each night to help thank them for all of
their hard work. If you’d like to help out, please see the
sign-up sheet in the Narthex or contact Laurie Johnson @
765-346-6885 or email
Merlin & Doris Petersen are celebrating
their 50th Wedding Anniversary this year.
On June 14th their children are hosting
an Open House at Pete & Doris’ place,
3510 W. Nolans Trail, Martinsville, from 2
to 4 p.m. Please join them in marking this
special event.
Earth and All Stars
Knowledge and truth!
Loud sounding wisdom!
Sing to the Lord a new song!
Daughter and son!
Loud praying members!
Sing to the Lord a new song!
He has done marvelous things.
I too will praise Him with a new song!
“Honor your
father and
Prince of Peace Church e-mail:
"Come Grow With Us"
Coming Events to Note on Your Church Calendar
1—VBS Volunteer Training
2—1st Tuesday Coffee
5—Men’s Club Golf Outing
7—VBS begins!
14—Youth Group Meeting
21—Father’s Day
21—Summer Begins
22—YG to Holiday World
28—Choir Rehearsal
1—Choir Rehearsal
4 - Independence Day
7—1st Tuesday Coffee
8—Choir Rehearsal
12—Vicar Rockhill Welcome &
Pastor Knuteson’s 50th year
19—YG Family Picnic
31—Morgan County Fair begins
4—1st Tuesday Coffee
10— PreSchool &
PreKindergarten Parent
Orientation/Open House
17 - School begins for PreK
18 - School begins for PreS