Upcoming Shoots - Crew Calls - East Bridgewater Community
Upcoming Shoots - Crew Calls - East Bridgewater Community
EBCTV is located within East Bridgewater Junior-Senior High School at 143 Plymouth Street. Our mailing address is: EBCTV 175 Central Street E. Bridgewater, MA 02333 The Station is open Monday though Friday from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Tues/Weds/Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. East Bridgewater Community Television Newsletter December 5, 2014 New Programs Playing this week: *Animal Adventures - Channel 98 *Board of Selectmen - Channel 6 *Thanksgiving Day Football Game Vs. Rockland - Channel 98 *EB Vikings Vs. Abington Playoff Football Game - Channel 98 Our phone number is 508-378-4298 and our e-mail contact is: Anne@ebctv.org Russ@ebctv.org Our website can be found at: www.EBCTV.org DID YOU KNOW? Upcoming Shoots - Crew Calls It is FREE to become an EBCTV member! We offer individual, family or organizational memberships, and you Event: can download the membership form directly from our website. Date/Time: Interested in producing a show here Crew Call: at EBCTV? Please call us and set up an appointment to work out the details. Type: This is available to all E.B. residents! Have a message you’d like to post Location: on our Community Bulletin Board? Drop us an e-mail and we will be happy to post notices of upcoming events for any Non-Profit Organization. We can Event: even train you to post your own notices Date/Time: on our user-friendly bulletin board system! Crew Call: The Multi-media Club is offered after school to all students in the E.B. Type: Junior-Senior High School and has no fees! Open to 7th through 12th grades! Location: Christmas Parade Saturday, December 6 8 a.m. On location shoot E.B. Town Common High School Winter Concert Wednesday, December 10 6:30 p.m. Studio Shoot EBCTV Studios EBCTV Newsletter - Page 2 Upcoming Shoots - Crew Calls Event: School Committee Date/Time: Thursday, December 11 Crew Call: 4 p.m. for setup; 7 p.m. for meeting Type: In studio shoot Location: EBCTV Event: Christmas at the Library Date/Time: Sunday, December 14 Crew Call: 1:30 p.m. Type: On location shoot Location: E.B. Public Library Event: Ghost Chronicles Date/Time: Wednesday, December 17 Crew Call: 6:30 p.m. Type: In studio shoot Location: EBCTV Event: Two Tones Christmas Special Date/Time: Thursday, December 18 Crew Call: 1:30 p.m. Type: On location shoot Location: E.B. Public Library December 5, 2014 News & Notes *We will be welcoming some new, and some returning, volunteers in the next season of the Senior Abatement Program! We cannot say thank you enough to all the volunteers who are assisting currently, and also have in the past, as without them we would be severely short-staffed. Our volunteers make it possible to cover more events with greater ease! Training & workshops at EBCTV Orientation The Orientation covers all the rules & procedures for the facility, a question and answer period and tour of the facility. This course is a pre-requisite for any of the courses offered below. Basic Field Production Learn how to use an HD video camera; lighting; sound equipment and how to use special microphones. Basic Studio Production Teaches the fundamentals of Basic Television Studio Production on our state-of-the art equipment! Learn how to operate a studio camera; how to direct a TV Show; studio sound equipment; microphones and graphics. Adobe Photoshop Learn all the tricks to manipulatin digital photos. Students may bring in their own digital photos or regular photos (which can be scanned) and have hands-on activities with the computer. Computer Editing Classes Individual classes are now available on a regular basis to all EBCTV members by appointment with the instructor. We offer training on Apple computers utilizing Final Cut Pro, Soundtrack Pro and Motion Graphics. Channel Listings To view the listings for Channels 6, 9 and 98, please visit www.EBCTV.org and click on the “Schedule” Tab EBCTV Newsletter - Page 3 What’s Been Happening This Week? Events from this past week: Art Exhibit of Robert Kindelin’s photography; on location with Two Tones; and the Lighting of the Common. December 5, 2014 EBCTV Newsletter - Page 4 December 5, 2014 The Multi-Media Club The Multi-Media Club assisted recently with the Lighting of the Common! Thank you to Zack and one of our Summer Camp members, Karyl! Here are some pics from recent events:
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