Nya Magic! 6 kommer ut HT 2010


Nya Magic! 6 kommer ut HT 2010
Nya Magic! 6 kommer ut HT 2010
Med nya Magic! 6 fullbordas 'mellanstadiedelen'
av Magic!-serien. Elevpaketet innehåller Classbook,
Workbook, Word Trainer och cd-rom – en enastående
kombination av tryckt och digitalt material, som hjälper alla i klassen att uppnå bästa möjliga resultat.
Här får du ett smakprov på Classbook samt en översikt av de andra komponenterna. För mer information,
välkommen att kontakta:
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Ingrid Fröhlich
Shutterstock 20, 29, 51
David Cook 24
Barry Robson 34
Graham Kennedy 40
Edith Rote 48
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förbjuden. Sådant avtal tecknas mellan upphovsrättsorganisationer och huvudman för utbildningsanordnare t.ex. kommuner/univer-sitet. För
information om avtalet hänvisas till utbildningsanordnarens huvudman eller BONUS-Presskopia.
Den som bryter mot lagen om upphovsrätt kan
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fängelse i upp till två år samt bli skyldig att erlägga ersättning till upphovsman/rätts­innehavare.
Denna trycksak är miljöanpassad, både när det
gäller papper och tryckprocess.
Art.nr 31901 (avser Elevpaket, inkl Magic! 6
Workbook, Magic! 6 Word Trainer)
ISBN 978-91-44-XXXXX-X
© 2005, 2010 Författarna och Studentlitteratur AB
Upplaga 2:1
Printed by Pozkal, Poland 2010
Detta ingår till varje elev vid
beställning av Magic! 6 elevpaket:
Sju units: en introduktion och sex teman.
• Units 1–5 innehåller bl.a. avsnitt ur
Penguin Readers. Magic! kan kompletteras med Magic! Class Library med de
fem Penguin-böckerna.
• I varje unit finns ett antal olika svåra
kapitel där nivån anges av antalet röda
bollar – en, två eller tre.
• I slutet Magic Pages, med bl.a.
grammatik, nyttiga fraser, bildsidor
mm. (Ingår ej i smakprovet.)
• Alla övningar finns i häftena
Workbook och Word Trainer.
Steady, Go!
When I Study …
Study Tips
Ten Magic Memory Tips
Why Learn English?
• Övningar till samtliga texter och
• Workbook är ett förbrukningshäfte
som kan beställas separat i 10-pack till
lågt pris – eleven kan således få skriva i
och behålla sitt exemplar.
word trainer
• Träning av de viktigaste glosorna i
vikordlistor och korsord.
• Planeringsverktyg för eleven ingår.
• Installeras hemma hos eleven. Även
många föräldrar uppskattar:
– inläsningar av alla texter
– alla hörövningarna
– ord- och stavningsträning med
inläst uttal
– grammatikövningar
– korsord mm
–självtest på alla units
When I Study …
Harry (GB), Kylie (Aus), Kate
(USA) och Gopal (India)
väcker intresset för hela den
'engelska världen'.
1 notebook,
1 calendar,
1 alarm clock,
a little time to yourself.
When I study (I do, honestly!) I always use my computer. I write
essays, do projects and I also use online dictionaries. That works for
When I study French, I always listen to French songs. That helps
me remember how to say the words. And I can sing and learn at the
same time. Great!
I like to use a pencil and paper when I study. I bought this really
neat notebook in New York City and I use it in English. We write all
kinds of essays.
I always study with a friend. We meet an hour before cricket practice
and go through our homework together. Schoolwork is a lot more
fun if you can do it with a friend!
Study Tips
Get a notebook and bring it to school every day.
Write down the homework you have to do.
Clear your desk. There should be nothing on it
but a calendar and your schoolbooks.
Decide a certain time for your homework. Set an alarm
clock and when it goes off, go to your desk and sit down.
At your desk. Before you do anything else, check what
you have to do and write the deadlines on your calendar.
What do I have to do for tomorrow?
Do the homework for tomorrow. Then check your calendar
and decide what to do next. You are the boss!
Planeringsschema för
varje kapitel finns i häftet
Word Trainer, som ingår i
Ten Magic Memory Tips
Use your
1 Making
Use new words
about yourself.
chapter 1
Elliot Meets E.T.
Collect words
in groups.
Think in pictures.
E.T. – The Extra-terrestrial
chapter 2
Draw pictures of
new words.
E.T. Time to Go Listening
Make fun rules.
chapter 3
Jen Has Changed Schools (Sniff, Sniff)
School in the USA
Find similar words
in your language.
Stick notes with
words in unusual
Make wordmaps.
Write down new
words in your English
Antalet röda bollar
visar svårighetsgraden
på respektive text.
Fler hörövningar finns i
Workbook. Eleven kan lyssna
på samtliga hörövningar och
texter på datorn.
Elliott Meets E.T.
E.T. – The Extra-Terrestrial
Antalet röda bollar
Read the dialogue and practise more in Workbook.anger textens
Läs dialogen och öva mer i Workbook.
Elliott and E.T. are standing under a tree.
Hello. What’s your name?
Yes, name. You know.
My name’s Elliott. So
what’s your name?
I don’t have a name.
You don’t have a name? You’re kidding!
Everyone has a name.
I don’t. Where I come from we don’t
have names.
So where do you come from, then?
(pointing) Up there.
What – in a tree? You live in a tree?
(pointing again) No. Up there!
You mean – from the sky?
Yes – from another planet. Home!
Another planet? So, you’re... you’re...
From outer space – what you on Earth
call an extra-terrestrial.
Wow! Hey, that’s really cool! An ex...
an ex... Hey, I can’t say that word. I know I’ll just
call you E.T. for short.
Yes, that’s your name on Earth – E.T.
E.T.? My name is E.T. And your name is Elliott?
That’s it! You’ve got it! Welcome to Earth, E.T.!
En styckeordlista finns här till varje
sida och en alfabetisk ordlista finns
längst bak.
De viktigaste glosorna till varje kapitel
övas i Word Trainer och på datorn.
The spaceship came slowly down to Earth. It was
round and beautiful, and its lights shone warmly
in the night. The door opened and the extra‑terrestrials walked out. They were small and fat so
they couldn’t walk fast.
They looked around them at the plants. The
extra‑terrestrials often came to Earth. They loved
plants. They talked quietly to them, and then
they took them home.
The night was dark. The spaceship stood in a
forest and the visitors worked quietly. But some
men heard the spaceship come to Earth. They
were scientists and they wanted to find it. They
got in their vans and drove to the forest.
Eleven kan lyssna
One extra‑terrestrial spoke some kind words to
på alla texterna på
datorn, hemmaaoch
i tree, and then pulled it from the ground.
He loved Earth. He was millions of years old and
he knew the plants well. He wanted to know the
people, too. But that was difficult. Earth people
didn’t really understand extra‑terrestrials.
The old visitor walked away from the spaceship. When he walked past a friend, warm red
lights shone from their hearts.
The extra-terrestrial walked to the end of the
forest. The yellow lights of a small town shone
through the trees. Who was inside the houses?
What did Earth people do in them? This was the
extra‑terrestrial’s last night on Earth and he wanted to know. On the trip back through space, he
could tell his friends about Earth people.
He found a road and walked across it. It felt
strangely hard under his feet and he couldn’t walk
fast. Then, he heard his friends in the spaceship.
“We’re leaving. Come back,” they called.
The extra‑terrestrial listened. No, he had more time. He was near
the town now and his heart-light shone again. He felt excited. He
could talk to the Earth people. He could teach them.
Then, his friends called again from the spaceship.
“They know we’re here. It’s dangerous! It’s dangerous! Come back!
We’re leaving now!”
The old visitor felt it, too—he had to go. He couldn’t run fast. He
turned back, but there were a lot of cars on the road. They went very
fast and their lights shone in his eyes. He couldn’t see. He ran into the
forest, through the trees.
“This way, this way . . .“ the plants told him.
There was the spaceship. A friend stood in the open door. The
extra‑terrestrial ran as fast as he could. He could see his friend’s
“Where are you?” it called.
“I’m coming, I’m coming . . .” he answered, and he ran out of the
Then, the little extra‑terrestrial felt something in his heart. He was
afraid. He ran quickly. He saw the beautiful lights of the spaceship—
above him, in the dark night sky. It flew up and up. He looked sadly
at it. His friends were in that spaceship, and he was a long, long way
from home.
E.T. Time to Go
Eleven kan lyssna på
alla hörövningarna
på datorn, hemma
och i skolan.
Use the drawings to retell the story.
Använd bilderna för att återberätta historien.
Här presenteras den aktuella Penguinboken. Magic! 6 Class Library innehåller
alla fem böckerna samt en ordlista –
ett enkelt sätt att ge kompletterande
läsning på rätt nivå.
About the Book
E.T. is the little visitor from the stars
who comes to earth. E.T. finds Earth
interesting, but he wants to go home.
Can his new Earth friend, Elliott,
help him? This is a famous story and a
famous movie.
Jen Has Changed Schools
(Sniff, sniff!)
School in the USA
Four types of schools
The School bus
Back in school! Fall is here and I miss my friend, Jenny. This year
we were allowed to change schools if we wanted to, so Jenny decided to go to a music school. We don’t live near each other, so I
don’t get to see her after school either. We chat on msn and try to
get together at weekends. But it’s hard, really hard to stay friends
with someone you don’t see everyday! I miss U Jen!!!!
But I also have some new friends. I met Gopal in New York
City a while back. He’s from India. I also met Kylie from Australia and Harry from England. I have them all on Facebook. Kylie
has some great pictures – she’s singing in a show – all glitter and
glamour. Not like my boring life right now – just school work
and more school work!
There are four types of school in America
– Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior High
and High School. The school years are
called grades.
• School buses are yellow.
• Twenty-two million ­students take the
school bus in America.
• American school buses take you from your
house to school.
My best friend Jen
Elementary Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6 six years old
seven years old
eight years old
nine years old
ten years old
eleven years old
Junior High
Grade 7
Grade 8
twelve years old
thirteen years old
High School
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
fourteen years old
fifteen years old
sixteen years old
seventeen years old
Sports in school
• In America, kids play mostly basketball,
baseball and American football.
• At school games there are cheerleaders.
They wear the school’s colours.
want some more?
October 31 is Hallowe’en. In
America and Britain people
buy pumpkins. They cut a face
in the pumpkin to scare evil
spirits. On Hallowe’en night,
children wear costumes and go
trick-or-treating. They go from
house to house and people
give them sweets and chocolate. If the children don’t get
chocolate and sweets they play
a trick! At Hallowe’en, Americans buy 2 ­billion dollars
worth of sweets and chocolate
for children.
2 Hollywood,
chapter 4
Going to the cinema
The Earthquake
chapter 5
The Earthquake Listening
chapter 6
All about California
chapter 7
I Love Cricket and Films
Travel Diary – Bridget in Goa
The Earthquake
Going to the Cinema
Gabriel loves Silvia, but Silvia loves Marco.
Marco wears expensive clothes and drives a
fast car. He is more exciting than Gabriel.
Then, one evening, at 8.27 p.m., something terrible happens. It changes the
Varje unit inleds med
lives ofaneverybody in the city. Where are
en dialog, med
and Gabriel? Where is Silvia’s motknytning till
her? And what will happen to Silvia? The
Earthquake is an exciting story of young
love in very dangerous times.
Two Tickets
Read the dialogue and practise more in
Läs dialogen och öva mer i Workbook.
Would you like to go to the cinema?
What night?
On Thursday.
On Thursday? Yes, OK. What film?
How about the new James Bond film?
Yes, that sounds good. What time?
Well, there’s 5.30 or 7.30.
Let’s go at 5.30.
Yes, OK.
Great! See you on Thursday, then.
Gabriel had a kind face and intelligent
brown eyes. He usually had a friendly
smile. But there was no smile on his face
today. He wasn’t happy.
“I’d like to be as rich as Marco,” he
thought.“ But I’m only good old Gabriel. Silvia likes me. I know she does. She
thinks I’m kind and nice. But she thinks
I’m boring, too. Boring old Gabriel,
that’s me.”
Gabriel had two tickets for a film.
There was a red rose on the table in his
sitting-room. He took the rose and the
tickets and went out.
An hour later, Gabriel arrived at the door
of Silvia’s flat. When she opened the
door, she didn’t smile at him.
“Oh, hello, ” she said. “What, er … ?”
“Don’t you remember, Silvia?” said
Gabriel. “It’s Sunday evening. We’re going
to the cinema. I’ve got the tickets. It’s that
great new film. You said …”
“What do you mean?” said Silvia. “I
can’t go out with you this evening. I’m
busy. I don’t remember …”
“But I called you on Thursday!” Gabriel
said. “You wanted to come!”
Silvia pushed her beautiful dark hair
out of her eyes. She didn’t look at Gabriel.
“Oh dear,” she said. “That was stupid of
me. I’m really sorry. Please don’t be angry,
Gabriel. Come back tomorrow. We’ll go
to the film tomorrow.”
She began to shut the door.
“Silvia,” Gabriel said angrily, “you’re
going out with Marco! I know you are! I
want to tell you something about Marco.
He’s rich, but he’s a bad man. You’re being
stupid, Silvia.”
He stopped. Silvia wasn’t there. “I’m
talking to the door,” he thought angrily.
He looked at the rose in his hand. Then
he threw it onto the ground.
Behind him, he heard a quiet laugh.
He turned. There was a man on the stairs.
His clothes were expensive, and there
were twenty red roses in his hand. It was
“Oh dear, Gabriel,” Marco laughed. “Is
she busy tonight? Doesn’t she want to go
out with you? I’ll try now. Perhaps she’ll
go out with me.”
En röd boll
= lättast.
The Earthquake
Gabriel didn’t answer. He walked quickly away and went down to the
It was a hot Sunday evening. There was no wind. A lot of ­people were
in the street. They sat in the parks and drank in the cafés. Young men and
women talked and laughed. Gabriel didn’t want to look at them. He felt
too unhappy.
He took out the two tickets.
“I paid for them,” he thought, “and it’s a wonderful film. I’ll go without her! I’m not going to think about Silvia Delgado. I’ll go and see the
film, and I’ll enjoy it.”
The Plaza cinema was a big, old building in the centre of town. The
doors weren’t open, so there were a lot of people outside. Gabriel waited
with them.
When the doors opened, people went quickly inside to the ticket office. But Gabriel had his ticket, so he waited outside.
It was 8.27 p.m. And at that minute, the earthquake happened.
Use the drawings to retell the story.
Använd bilderna för att återberätta historien.
About the Book
Gabriel loves Siliva, but Siliva loves Marco. Marco wears expensive clothes and
drives a fast car. He is more exciting that
Gabriel. Then, one evening, something
terrible happens. It changes the lives of
everybody in the city …
All About California
National Park
California is the third largest state in
the United States. It has a population
of about 30 million people – the
largest state population in the US.
In fact, 12% of all Americans live in
California. The state capital is Sacramento.
In 1848, a man called James Marshall found
gold in a river. This started the California gold
rush. One man who was successful in California
was Levi Strauss. Instead of digging for gold he
started making clothes for the gold diggers. That
was the start of blue jeans.
California has the tallest trees in the
world – the redwoods. The largest
are over 2,000 years old. The General Sherman sequoia tree in Sequoia
National Park is the largest living
thing on earth. It weighs 1,400 tons
– the same as nine blue whales or 360
t al
r a
C o
National Park
the pacific
Size and Population
Palm Springs
Los Angeles
San Diego
San Francisco has 40 hills and is famous for the
cable cars that climb them. The most famous
building is the Golden Gate Bridge, which
opened in 1937. In 1906 there was a very big
earthquake in San Francisco in which threequarters of the town was burnt down. In fact,
the earthquake was so strong that it was felt all
the way to Los Angeles, 400 miles away!
In 1939, two young engineers, Bill Hewlett
and David Packard, arrived in Santa Clara and
started work on an electronics project. HewlettPackard is now a very big computer company
and Santa Clara (now called “Silicon Valley”) is
the computer centre of the USA.
The movie industry
In Los Angeles, the climate (lots of sunshine)
and the scenery (lots of beaches, mountains
and desert not far away) are perfect for making
movies. Filmmakers started arriving there in
1910 and Hollywood was soon the movie centre
of the world. Today, Hollywood is not what it
was and you do not see film stars ­walking up
and down the streets any more. But Los Angeles
still has a lot of money and glamour. People like
to look at the mansions and exclusive shops of
Beverley Hills.
want some more?
I Love Cricket and Films!
Travel Diary – Bridget in Goa
My team won the final of the Calcutta Schools
Cup this year! Can you believe it!? We practised
so hard! I cycled to cricket practice almost every
day of the week. But it paid off and now we’re
the champions. So now I’m taking it a bit easy
with training – for a while, anyway. But only for
a while as we do want to win the cup again next year.
So last night, my friend Avinsch and I took it easy. We watched
a British film on DVD called Slum Dog Millionaire. Have you ever
heard of it? It’s about this boy who gets to compete in Kaun Banega
Crorepati – Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? He wins a million rupees,
but people think he cheated because he’s poor. I liked the film but my
father told me that many people in India didn’t like the picture it gave
of Indians Tonight we’re going to the cinema to see a Bollywood film.
What’s a Bollywood film? Well, I found this information on the
Day 1: Monday 16 January
Got up really early to get to Manchester airport by 6 a.m. It
was already crowded when we got there. So a long wait to
check in and to get through security. I was so glad when we
finally got onto the plane. Then I started wondering what I’d
forgotten. Suntan oil? Bikini? Not to worry, there are probably lots of shops in Goa. It was a 10-hour flight, but I slept
most of the time. Arrived in Goa at 11 a.m. local time.
Above: a cricket batsman
Right: A cricket ball is very
hard, weighs 160 gr. and is
7,5 cm in diameter
Bollywood is the largest film producer in India and one of the largest in
the world. The name is a mix of Bombay and Hollywood and Bombay is where
many of these films are made. About 200 films are produced in Bollywood
every year and the language in the films is usually Hindi. There is singing and
dancing in the films and 68,000 have been produced since 1931.
Some Bollywood stars become real megastars. When the actor
Amitabh Bachchan was hurt shooting the film Coolie, over 100,000
people gathered outside the hospital. The police had to redirect traffic
because of the crowds! Amitabh Bachchan even has a temple named
after him in Calcutta!
Today Bombay – the largest city in India – is usually called Mumbai. Bollywood may be biggest but lots of films are produced in other
parts of India as well. The different states make films in their own
language and there are over 1,000 film premieres in India every year.
Tre röda bollar
= svårast.
Day 2: Tuesday 17 January
Feel a bit jet-lagged today. It was hard to stay up late last
night, so I woke up very early this morning. The weather here
is fantastic – hot and sunny even in the middle of January!
Bet it’s cold and wet in Manchester!
We’re going straight to the beach today after breakfast. Can’t
wait to dive into the sea! The guide on the airport bus told us
that Goa was a Portuguese colony and was only taken over
by India in 1961. That’s why so many buildings here look
European. In fact, there’s a big Catholic church quite near
our hotel. But according to Hindu mythology, Goa magically
appeared when the God Vishnu fired his arrow into its sands.
Maybe that's why Goa is so heavenly!
Day 3: Wednesday 18 January
No problems talking to people here. Nearly everybody can
speak English. But most of the tourists in Goa are from other
parts of India. Wonder if Harry’s friend, Gopal, has ever been
Spent most of the day on the beach again. Why not? The
beaches here are absolutely fabulous – and clean. Not like
Blackpool! Spent my time swimming, sunbathing and
reading. I’m getting nice and brown already.
want some more?
Day 4: Thursday 19 January
Day 6: Saturday 21 January
Today we visited the Dudhsagar Waterfalls. Really impressive! It’s one of the
biggest in India. We had to walk the last
bit, though. But once there, you could go
for a swim in the water. Guess if I did! But
watch out for the monkeys! They’re really
cheeky and one stole a bag of fruit from
an old women on our bus! She screamed!
Time to write postcards. I bought Harry
two computer games at the market yesterday. They were so cheap! Pirated copies
maybe? I also bought five Bollywood films.
I love all that music and dancing – and
romance! Awesome!
Mum bought a couple of handbags, a small
wooden statue, a cotton hammock and a
‘copy’ Rolex watch for Dad. I wonder if
she’ll ever use the hammock?
Day 5: Friday 20 January
The food in Goa is delicious, with lots of
dishes to choose from. Fish curry and rice
is my favourite so far. But it’s a bit spicy,
so you need to drink lots of water with it!
Off to the ‘night market’ tonight to do
some shopping with Mum. We’ll go there
by rickshaw. Mum’s a real ‘shopaholic’!
Day 7: Sunday 22 January
Time to go home! Boo hoo! Feel really sad
to leave. It’s been a great holiday. Just wish
it was longer. Our bags are packed and
we’re in the hotel lobby now, waiting for
the airport bus. I look a bit different from
when I left home, though. I’ve got lots of
freckles, but also a really nice suntan. Wonder if Harry will notice?
Goodbye Goa! Goodbye sunshine and welcome back to cold, wet Manchester!
3 London on
the Menu
chapter 8
At the Internet café
Mr Bean in Town
chapter 9
Mr Bean in Town Listening
chapter 10
London Sights
Kerry's Blog
chapter 11
Jimmy and George
What Do the British Eat?
Seaside market in Goa
the Internet Café
Read the dialogue and practise more in Workbook.
Läs dialogen och öva mer i Workbook.
Jan is visiting London. He goes into an Internet café
near Leicester Square.
Jan: Good morning. I want to check my email.
sir. Use that computer over
there – number 10.
Jan: Number 10? Thank you.
Manager: Certainly,
Jan sits at his computer and checks his email. He starts
to feel hungry. He goes up to the manager again.
Jan Excuse
Jan: Do
Manager: Yes?
you have anything to eat or drink?
Manager: Yes, sure. To eat we’ve got some rolls and
sandwiches and sweets and chocolates, of
course. And to drink, there’s Coke, Fanta,
Sprite, water…
Jan: What sort of sandwiches have you got?
Manager: Well, there’s cheese and cucumber…
cheese and ham… cheese and bacon…
Jan: I’ll have that, please – cheese and bacon.
Manager: Do you want brown bread or white bread?
Jan: Brown bread. please. And a Coke.
Manager: Normal or diet?
Jan: Normal, please.
Manager: Right, That’s £4.50 altogether. I’ll bring
them over to you.
Jan: Thank you.
Mr Bean in Town
The manager came to his table.
“Are you ready, sir?” he asked.
“Yes,” said Mr Bean. He put his
finger on the menu. “I’ll have that,
The manager looked at the menu.
“The steak tartare, sir.
Yes, of course.”
“Yes,” said Mr Bean. “Steak.”
The manager took the menu
and went away.
Mr Bean sat and looked round the
There were a lot of people in the
room. There was a man and a woman at the next table. They ate and
Suddenly, a waiter arrived at Mr
Bean’s table with a bottle of wine.
“Would you like to try the wine,
sir?” he said.
“Oh, yes please,” said Mr Bean.
The waiter put some wine in Mr
Bean’s glass and Mr Bean had a
drink. It was very nice! He smiled,
and the waiter tried to put more
wine into the glass.
Of course, the waiter was right.
First, the customer tries his wine.
When he is happy with it, the waiter
gives him more wine. But Mr Bean
didn’t know this, and he quickly put
his hand across the glass.
“No, thank you,” he said. “I don’t drink when I’m driving.”
The waiter looked at him strangely – and walked away. He
didn’t say, “Why did you try the wine when you didn’t want it,
you stupid man!”
Mr Bean took the knife from the table and started to play with
it. He pretended to be a bad man. He pretended to push the
knife into somebody. But he didn’t really want to kill anybody, of
course. It was a game.
The woman at the next table looked at him angrily, and Mr
Bean quickly moved the knife. Next, he hit the glasses and plate
on his table with it. Ping, ping, ping they went! And after a minute, he played the song “Happy Birthday” on the glasses. He smiled
and thought, “I’m very clever!”
But the woman at the next table didn’t think, “That’s clever!” or “Oh
yes, that’s funny!” She thought, “That man’s really stupid!” And she
looked hard at Mr Bean.
Mr Bean put the knife down and looked at his nakin.
“It’s a very nice napkin,” he thought.
The waiter saw Mr Bean looking at his napkin. He didn’t say anything,
but suddenly – flick! – he opened it for Mr Bean.
“That’s clever,” thought Mr Bean. “I’ll try that!”
And he began to move his napkin. Flick! Flick! Flick!
Suddenly the napkin flew out of his hand. It flew across on to the next
table. The woman at the table looked round again. But Mr Bean pretended not to see her. His face said, “It’s not my napkin!”
A minute later, the waiter arrived with his food. There was a large
cover on the plate and Mr Bean couldn’t see the food. But he gave the
waiter the money on the table.
Customers don’t usually give a waiter money when he arrives with the
food. But the waiter didn’t say anything. He took the money and put it
in his jacket.
Mr Bean was happy. “I’m doing everything right,” he thought.
Mr Bean in Town
Use the drawings to retell the story.
Använd bilderna för att återberätta historien.
About the Book
Mr Bean doesn’t understand the world. In the restaurant, he
orders some food he doesn’t like, so he tries to hide it in very
strange places. Then Mr Bean goes to the launderette. What
happens? He loses his trousers, of course!
London Sights
Kerry's Blog
Welcome to my blog! My name’s Kerry
and I’m fifteen years old. I live in London with my mum, my dad and my
sister, Elesha. In my blog you’re going to
read about me and what I do in my spare
March 22 11.00 am
Oh, I just love the holidays! My mum
and dad are from Jamaica – from Kingston. So in the school holidays in the
summer, we always go there to see our family. My family history is very important
to me. I love Jamaica – I love everything
about it – the food, the people, the music... And next weekend that’s where I’m
going to be! I’m so excited! I just can’t
wait to get there!
See ya! xoxo
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Comments: Jamaica? Lucky you! I’m so
jealous! I want to go there too. Isn’t there
room for me in your suitcase? I was in
New York City a couple of months ago,
so I shouldn’t complain. But I still wish I
was going with you.
March 21 9.15 pm
Such a fun day
Today I went to the cinema with my
friends. Going to the cinema is one of the
things I love doing in London. We have
so many cinemas to choose from! Other
things I love about London are all the parks,
leisure centres with swimming pools, theatres and museums, there. Anyway, we saw
the movie ‘’Jaws’’, today. It was great! They
showed it at a retro festival in Clapham. We
all dressed up in clothes from the 70s. It was
really cool! I love my friends, they’re such
fun to be with. What’s so great about them
is that we all have the same interests, such as
clothes, shopping and of course – boys! I’m
going to listen to some music now. After
seeing Jaws I feel in a 70s mood, so I’m
going to put on one of Mum’s CDs – her favourite singer, Bob Marley. I’d like to go out
for a walk later, but, as usual, it’s raining
outside. Typical London weather! See you
later! xoxo
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March 20 8.30 pm
Happy again
Forget what I wrote a couple hours ago.
My mum and I are friends again now. To
be honest, I really like my mum – she’s
great! She does everything for me. She’s
always helpful, cooks nice food and gives
me hugs all the time. My dad isn’t too bad
either. He’s always telling me what to do
in school. But I know it’s just because he
wants the best for me, so that’s OK. I’ve got
a younger sister too – Elesha. She’s thirteen
years old and we’re very close. I’ve also got
an older brother – Jerome. He doesn’t live
with us, but he always makes a big fuss of
me when he calls round to see us. He also
tells me not to be so cheeky.
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March 20 6.10 pm
So annoying
I’m so angry right now! We’ve got some
“house rules” in my family. You know, the
usual sort of thing: I must always be home
on time, I must help with the household
chores, I mustn’t watch TV until I do all
my homework and I mustn’t spend too long
on the phone. Well, when I got home from
school today, my friend, Leila called me and
we started talking. The trouble is, I was still
talking when my mum came home. She
went mad! “Girl, why are you on the phone
instead of doing your homework!” she
screamed. I know I should have hung up a
long time ago, but I forgot. I hate getting
yelled at – it makes me so angry. So now
I’m in a really bad mood!
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Jimmy and George
I’m Jimmy Beech. I want to be a footballer.
This is my story.
Let me show you my scrap-book. It’s got
the reports and photos from all my matches.
See that photo on the front page?
North Park Juniors was my first team.
I was playing for them when the
scout came from Manchester
United. That’s me in the number
seven shirt. Don’t laugh. I know the haircut
is a bit odd. But I was only nine when it was
taken. Mum took me to get my hair cut. I’m
fourteen now. I get my own hair cut these
I scored four times the day the scout came.
His name was Mark. We all knew who he was.
Everyone wanted to do well. This was Manchester United. Clubs don’t come bigger than
Man U’s always been a part of my life. For
as long as I can remember. My dad’s a fan. So’s
my mum. Even my sister lives Man U and
she’s weird. She’s a Goth and she looks like a
There’s posters of all the Man U players
all over my room. I’ve even got the ones
from the old days. My favourite players
are the ones who wore the number seven
shirt for United – Georgie Best, Bryan
Robinson, Eric Cantona, David Beckham,
Christiano Ronaldo. They’re my heroes.
You’ll think this is stupid, but I talk to
them. I’ll pretend I can really see them. It’s
as if they’re standing right in front of me.
Sometimes it feels as if they’re talking
back to me. I ask them to give me advice,
most of all when things aren’t going well.
Things didn’t start tot well the day
Mark came to see me play for the first
time. Mark’s the scout from Man U –
remember? I was so exited I could hardly
move. My legs felt like jelly. Every time
I got the ball it ran away from me. Every
time I tried to shoot it got stuck under my
feet and I almost tripped over. Even when
I did get a shot on target, it was really soft.
It just rolled into the keeper’s hands.
I started to lose my temper. I used to do
that when things were going badly. I got
angry with myself. Then I started to get
angry with everyone else. I saw Dad shake
his head. If I carried on like this, our
coach would take me off.
I had to do something. So, just like I
said, I pretended one of those old Man U
players was right there next to me. So I
talked to Georgie. That’s Georgie Best.
Georgie, I need help. This is my big day
and I’m playing like a muppet!
George told me to forget about the
scout. He told me to show what I could
The next time I got the ball, I did what
he said. I kept my eye on the ball. I didn’t
look at Mark. I didn’t look at Dad. My
mind was on the game and nothing else. I
weaved this way. I weaved that way. I made
space for myself. When I saw the goal
between two defenders, I shot. The ball hit
the net. Sweet!
I scored three more times after that. The
best one was when my best mate Carl rolled the ball into the box. I leaned forward
and kept my head down. Then I struck the
ball with the inside of my foot. It flew past
the keeper like a bullet and the net rippled.
Mark went over to Dad at the end of
the match. He asked if I wanted to go for
a trial.
want some more?
4 Airborne
What Do the British Eat?
Traditional food
It really depends on what part of Britain you’re from and how
healthy you want to be! Traditionally, a British person's dinner
would be meat (often in a pie), potatoes and vegetables. Many
still eat a traditional Sunday lunch, for example roast beef and
Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes, vegetables and gravy. Yorkshire pudding is not really a pudding but a sort of pancake
made from eggs milk and flour, baked in the oven. Instead of
beef, you can have chicken, turkey, pork or lamb. But Britain
is such a multicultural society nowadays that almost any type
of food could be British! Curry, pasta and pizza are some of the
most popular foods.
chapter 12
A ‘Full English Breakfast'
Britain’s favourite
food in 2010
1 Chinese
2 Indian
3 British
4 Italian
5 Thai
6 American
7 Mexican
8 Japanese
9 Greek
10 French
For breakfast, many people have toast or cereal with orange
juice, tea or coffee. Some may make fruit smoothies and some
(very few nowadays!) may have a full English breakfast of
fried eggs, bacon, baked beans, tomatoes and mushrooms and
maybe even black pudding, which is made from sheep's blood.
The 'national takeaway'
Apollo 13 Part 1
Apollo 13 Part 2
chapter 13
Apollo 13 Listening
chapter 14
Harry the Computer Nerd?
chapter 15
I Was Ameila Earhart, Fearless Flier
For many years England's national takeaway food was fish and
chips, which is fish fried in batter and served with lots of chips.
But fish and chips are becoming less popular, and nowadays
British families are more likely to get an Indian or Chinese
take-away or a pizza instead.
I’d Love to Be an Astronaut
Holidays in Space
As for desserts, there are so many! Apple crumble, apple pie
with custard, ‘spotted dick’, trifle, steamed pudding, jelly,
cheesecake, fruit salad, ice-cream... the list is never-ending!
I’d Love to Be an Astronaut
Apollo 13
Read the dialogue and practise more in Workbook.
Läs dialogen och öva mer i Workbook.
Harry and his friend, Bridget are talking after school.
Harry: Did you ever see the film Apollo 13?
Bridget: No, I don’t think so. Why?
Harry: It is really good. It’s about three astronauts on their
way to the moon when they have an accident.
Bridget: So what happens – do they get back to Earth again?
Harry: Yes, in the end. But they could have died. It’s a true
Bridget: Really?
Harry: Yes, it happened in 1970.
Bridget: That’s a long time ago!
Harry: Yes, it is. (pause) Do you know, I’d love to be an
astronaut. That must be really exciting.
Bridget: Oh, I couldn’t be an astronaut.
Harry: You couldn’t? Why not?
Bridget: Because I’m scared of flying.
Harry: Oh, I see. So what would you like to be, then?
You know, if you could have any job in the world?
Bridget: Any job? (thinking) Maybe … a scientist. Yes, a
scientist! That must be really interesting.
Part 1
July 20, 1969
The lunar module was on the
Moon. Astronaut Neil Armstrong
came out of the door and looked up
into black space. He looked down
at the gray rocks. The Moon waited.
Slowly, he moved down the stairs.
When he got to the bottom, he stopped. Then, he carefully put his foot
down on the ground. He was the first
man on the Moon.
Three hundred and twenty
thousand kilometers away on Earth,
people watched Neil Armstrong on
television. They l­aughed and shouted.
A man was on the Moon!
Jim Lovell sat in front of his television with his wife and children.
“I’m not the first man on the
Moon,” Jim said to his son Jeffrey.
“But I will go there.”
Jeffrey was only five years old and
he was excited. “Look at the rocks,
Dad!” he shouted. “Look at the moon
“I see them Jeffrey,” Jim answered.
Jeffrey’s sisters – Susan and Barbara – and his fifteen-year-old brother
Jay ­watched too. They saw a second
astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, come out of
the lunar module. He stopped at the
top of the stairs, then he too climbed
down to the Moon.
Jeffrey looked at his father. “Are
you really going to the Moon?” he
Jim smiled. “Yes, I am. But I went
before, remember? I was on Apollo 8.
We only went round the Moon on
that trip – we didn’t walk on it. But
when I go on the Apollo 14 trip, Fred
Haise and I will walk on the Moon.”
“When will you go?” asked Jeffrey.
“Neil Armstrong is on Apollo 11,”
said Jim. “Pete Conrad will go on the
next trip. Alan Shepard will be on
Apollo 13. After that, I’ll go on Apollo
“And will you bring me a moon
rock?” Jeffrey asked.
Jim smiled. “I’ll try.”
“Really?” asked Jeffrey.
Jim put his arm around his son.
“Yes,” he answered. “I will bring you
a moon rock.”
Apollo 13
Part 2
Thursday, April 2, 1970
Jim didn’t have to wait for Apollo 14 – the
plans for the Apollo trips changed. Astronaut
Alan Shepard had a problem with one of his
ears and he couldn’t go on Apollo 13. So Jim
Lovell took his place.
“It’s my time now,” thought Jim. “I’m
going to the Moon.”
Jim wasn’t the only astronaut on Apollo
13. The other men were Fred Haise and Ken
Mattingly. Ken was the c­ ommand module
pilot and Fred was the lunar module pilot.
They had important jobs. The command
module was the Apollo astronauts’ home
for the long trip from Earth, and the lunar
module took the astronauts down to the
It was now nine days before the
trip. The three astronauts were inside
the ­command module simulator. They
­watched the controls in front of them.
“OK, Ken,” said a controller at Mission
Control. “You’re the command module
pilot. Can you dock Odyssey to Aquarius?”
“Yes, sir,” answered Ken.
On the controls in front of him, there
was an X and a picture of the lunar module. Ken had to get the X over the picture.
That way, the lunar module and the
command module could dock. This
was important. The lunar module
was behind the command module
when Apollo 13 left Earth. In space,
the astronauts had to move it. They
could only go from one module
to the other module when the two
modules were nose to nose.
Fred watched the numbers on
the c­ ontrols.
“Houston, we’re at thirty meters
now,” he said into his radio.
The picture of Aquarius slowly
moved close to the X.
“You’re looking good,” Mission
Control said.
“We’re at twenty meters, Houston,” said Fred.
The mission controllers were in
­another room. One of them turned
away from his radio.
“Let’s make things difficult for
him,” he said to another man.
The other man smiled and pushed a control.
Suddenly, the lunar module on
the controls moved quickly to the
“We have a problem,” said Ken.
He tried to move the picture of
Aquarius back to the X. “I’m losing
“It’s going to the right,” said Fred
Haise. “We’re moving away.”
Ken tried again.
“No, now it’s OK,” he said.
“We’re OK.”
Fred watched the numbers.
“Three meters,” he said.
There was a noise.
“Houston, we did it!” Ken shouted.
“Good job,” said Mission Control. “You men are quick.”
But Ken wasn’t happy. “I want to
do it again,” he said.
Jim looked at him. “Again?”
“It has to be right,” Ken answered. “I was slow. I don’t want any
problems in space.”
Jim smiled. Ken always worked
hard in the simulator. Sometimes
Jim and Fred stayed and worked
with him. But not tonight.
“I’m tired,” said Jim. “And I’m a
better pilot when I’m not tired. I’m
going home to my family.”
Apollo 13
About the Book
Apollo 13 is an exciting movie and a true story!
It is Monday, April 13, 1970 and Apollo 13 is on its
way to the Moon. Suddenly, something goes wrong.
The ship loses power and oxygen. Will the astronauts
get to the Moon? And will they get home again?
Use the drawings to retell the story.
Använd bilderna för att återberätta historien.
Harry the Computer Nerd?
I play computer games for about three and a half hours a day!
Don’t tell anyone, though! Mum calls me a ‘computer nerd’. But
secretly, I think she likes me being at home instead of out somewhere – because when I’m out, she always worries.
Why do I play so much? I need to gear up – that’s what most
computer games are about. To gear up can take about ten hours
so it takes a lot of hard work. Yes, I work hard with online games.
Maybe more than with schoolwork, if I’m honest! Mum says I'm
lazy but I don't think so!
My online character in the game I play is Shadowslicer – I really like the name – I
made it up myself. He takes part in different raids together with other players. On a raid
you can win gear like shoulder pads or you can even win a horse or an ostrich to ride on.
When you go on a raid, all the players have to start at the same time. I might have to
skip dinner to take part – Mum hates that! And a raid can last several hours.
Last night, a German guy was playing with us. His English wasn’t that good. I tried
talking to him using an online dictionary. It worked quite well! Playing with people from
different countries makes me want to study languages, believe it or not!
Lots of my classmates play with me. So in a way, we meet after school to play together.
Last night I won a fire horse! That made me feel really great!
want some more?
I Was Amelia Earhart,
the Fearless Flier
Holidays in Space
Now, in 2035, holidays in space are quite common, but it
wasn’t always so. It all started back in 2010 when Sir Richard Branson and his company, Virgin Galactic, presented
Virgin SpaceShip (VSS) Enterprise to the world. The first
flight was planned for some time in 2011.
In 1937 my plane disappeared mysteriously
over the Pacific Ocean – that’s how most people
remember me. But by then I was already the
world’s most famous female pilot. In 1928 I
became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic
Ocean. I was only a passenger on that flight, but
my name appeared in newspapers and people called me “Lady Lindy”.
My dream was to follow Charles Lindbergh’s
example and cross the Atlantic alone. I wanted
to do it for fun, but I also wanted to prove that
a woman could do it. I began my solo flight on
May 20 1932 – exactly five years after Lindbergh
started his flight. I took off from Harbour Grace,
Newfoundland, in Canada, at 7.12 p.m. in my
bright red Lockhead Vega plane. For several
hours I flew at 12,000 feet, watching the sun set
and the moon come up over the clouds. But my
altimeter failed, so I had to guess how high I was
flying. I had other p
­ roblems too. I ran into a very
bad storm that battered my plane for more than
an hour. Ice formed on the wings, sending me
into a spin where I dropped a few thousand feet!
Later I looked out of the cockpit window and
saw flames s­ hooting out of the plane’s engine. A
fuel leak inside the cabin dripped gasoline down
the back of my neck. But I flew on and nearly 15
hours after starting the flight, I ­landed in a field
in Northern Ireland. A ­surprised farmer asked,
“Have you travelled far?” When I told him I
came from North America he said, “Holy Mother of God! That’s a long way!”
Richard Branson, interviewed in 2010
‘I’ve dreamed of going into space ever since I watched
the first moon landing back in 1969,’ said Branson to the
people gathered there. ‘And I know there are thousands
of people who would love to go into space – to be able to
look out of the window and see how beautiful Earth looks
from there. It’s hard to believe that only 450 people have
been into space – that’s including all the Russians, all the
Chinese and all the Americans put together. I hope to take
maybe 1,000 people into space in the first 12 months.’
‘How will we do it? First, another aircraft will carry the
VSS Enterprise
VSS Enterprise up to 20,000 metres. From
there the Enterprise will continue to a
height of 110 km – about ten times as high
as a regular passenger plane!’
‘Up there,’ says Branson, ‘the six passengers will undo their seatbelts. There are
enormous windows, for them to look back
at the Earth. They can also float around and
become astronauts!’
The first passengers will be Branson, his
wife, his mother and his children. After just
a few minutes in space, the Enterprise will
glide back to Earth and land – where it
began its trip – in New Mexico.
So far, about 300 people have booked
and paid for the trip into space, while
thousands of others have placed their
names on the waiting list.
To start with, each ticket costs
‘But what we want to do,’ said Branson, ‘is to make space travel cheap enough
so that hundreds of thousands of people
will be able to try it.’
And that means flying about ten times
as high as a regular passenger plane! Anybody afraid of heights?
Each spaceship will carry two crew members and six passengers.
The carrier plane is called WhiteKnightTwo
Each ticket will cost $200,000.
Here’s a quick guide to the trip:
1VSS Enterprise leaves WK2.
2It climbs to 360,000ft (110km)
3Passengers get about 5 minutes
4The Enterprise glides back to Earth
5 Deep Water
chapter 16
Questions, Questions
chapter 17
Jaws Listening
chapter 18
Ten Things You Didn't Know
About White Sharks
chapter 19
Alone at Sea
In the Spotlight
Mia and the Jellyfish
Richard Branson
Questions, Questions!
Read the dialogue and practise more in Workbok.
Läs dialogen och öva mer i Workbook.
rian is only seven. He’s talking to his mother/
Brian: Dad (/Mum), can I ask you a question?
Mum/Dad: Yes, of course you can. You can ask me
Brian:: Dad, why do birds fly south in winter?
Mum/Dad: Why do birds fly south in winter?
That’s a good question.
Brian:: So? Do you know the answer?
Mum/Dad: No, sorry, I don’t.
Brian:: Oh! OK. … Dad, why doesn’t Germany
have a king?
Mum/Dad: Why doesn’t Germany have a king?
Another good question.
Brian:: So do you know the answer this time?
Mum/Dad: No, I’m afraid I don’t.
Brian:: Oh! OK….Dad, do they celebrate
Christmas in India?
Mum/Dad: You mean like we do with Santa Claus
and everything?
Brian:: Yes, do they?
Mum/Dad: Well, I’m sorry. I don’t really know.
Brian:: Oh! OK. … Dad, do you mind me
asking you all these questions?
Mum/Dad: Of course not! How will you learn if you
don’t ask questions!
The shark moved through the night water without a sound. It
swam towards the shore with its eyes and mouth open.
Between the sea and the shore was a long beach. Behind that
beach there was a house, with lights in its windows.
The front door of the house opened, and a man and a woman
came out. They stood for a short time and looked at the sea.
Then they ran down to the beach.
The man sat down and closed his eyes. The woman smiled at
him and said, “Do you want to go for a swim?”
“You go on. I’ll wait for you here.”
She began walking out towards the sea. The water came up
round her feet. It was a warm June night, but the weather felt
The woman called back. “Come and have a swim with me!”
But there was no answer from the man.
She ran into the sea and soon the water was up to her head.
She began to swim.
The shark was a hundred metres from the beach. It could not
see the woman – it could not see anything in the dark water –
but it felt the sea move. It turned towards the shore.
The woman swam away from the beach. After about a hundred
metres she began to feel tired and stopped for a short time.
Then she turned and began swimming back to the shore.
The shark moved closer to the woman. For the first time she
felt afraid, but she did not know why. She looked up and saw
the lights in the house. She was about seventy metres from the
shore. She began to swim faster.
The shark was now above the woman, about fifteen metres
from her. Suddenly, it dropped down to the left.
The woman felt something hit her right leg. She put her hand
into the water and tried to find her foot. Then she cried out.
The shark turned and then turned again. This time it attacked
the woman from below. It swam up fast and pushed her out of
the water.
The shark carried the woman away in its mouth. It came up out of
the water and then went under again. A short time later, it began
swimming away from the shore.
The man opened his eyes. It was dark and he felt cold. He stood up
and began to dress. It was then he saw the woman’s shoes on the
beach. He picked up the shoes and walked back to the house.
The door to the woman’s room was open, and the light was on. But
she was not there.
There were two more rooms in the house. The man opened the door
of the first bedroom and went across to the bed.
The man in the bed opened his eyes, “What?”
“It’s me, Tom. I think there’s something wrong. Where’s Chrissie?”
“I thought she was with you.”
“No, she isn’t. I can’t find her. She’s not in the house and she’s not
on the beach.”
Jack sat up and turned on a light. He looked at his watch. It was five
in the morning. “I’ll phone the police,” he said.
About the Book
Amity is a quiet town near New York. One night a
woman goes for a swim in the sea. The next morning
somebody finds her body on the beach. Brody is the
Amity policeman. He thinks there’s a killer shark out
there but the important people don’t listen to him.
Use the drawings to retell the story.
Använd bilderna för att återberätta historien.
Ten Things You Didn’t Know …
… About White Sharks
1 A great white shark loses and replaces thousands of its teeth during
its lifetime. Its upper jaw has 26 front-row teeth, the lower has 24.
Behind these are replacement teeth.
2 Great white sharks are the only sharks that can hold their heads
out of the water. In that way they can look for prey. But they always attack from underneath.
3 The movie Jaws – about a great white shark – cost 8 million dollars
to film, but made 260 million dollars. Not bad for a story about a
4 Great white sharks can swim through the water at 70 kms an hour.
That is 8.5 times faster than the top Olympic swimmers. One
shark swam from California to Hawaii – 2,400 miles – in 40 days.
5 Great white sharks usually eat seals and sea lions but bottles,
lobster traps, even tin cans have been found in the bellies of great
6 Great white sharks have ears, perhaps to hear the splashing of a
wounded fish.
7 Great white sharks’ bodies are warmer than their surroundings.
Their bodies can be 27ºF (15°C) warmer than the water. This helps
them swim faster and also digest their food faster.
8 A pregnant white shark can carry as many as 14 babies in her body.
9 A great white shark isn’t all white. It has a pale belly and a dark
charcoal grey back.
10 Great whites are not really man-eaters but man-biters! In many
known attacks the shark has “only” taken a bite from the swimmer.
Alone At Sea
Can you imagine spending three months alone
on a boat in the middle of the biggest oceans of
the world? That's what Ellen MacArthur did.
Ellen is from Devonshire in England and she
became the youngest person – only 24 years
old – to sail around the world in the Vendee
Globe yacht race.
Alone and scared
Ellen wasn’t completely alone. She had a
computer on her boat. But life on the boat
was very difficult. Ellen had to sleep as little
as possible, so she trained herself to sleep
little and often. The sails of her yacht weighed as much as Ellen and she had to change
them about ten times a day. Once she woke
up 15 metres away from an iceberg. Another
time she had to climb the mast during a storm.
What Kept Ellen going?
Ellen had made up her mind not to lose. And
she didn’t. She finished second after 94 days, 25
minutes and 40 seconds at sea, after starting out
on November 5, 2000.
Her return to land
The hardest thing was to part with her boat
– the Kingfisher.
In February 2005 Ellen set a world record for
sailing single-handed round the world.
want some more?
In the Spotlight
Mia and the Jellyfish
Ohhh! Kate likes my pictures on Facebook. That’s
cool! Yes, I do love singing and dancing and performing. I just love having an audience and people
looking at me. My father says that my ego’s too big.
But that’s not true!
Some people are at the centre of things all their
life and really are important. For example I saw this
movie about Queen Vicktoria – Young Victoria it was
called. Victoria became queen of England in 1837 at
the age of 18. Everyone said that she was too young,
but she didn’t think so. She started young and stayed
a long time! In fact, she was queen for 67 years and
7 months! Nobody has ever been on the throne for
as long as that! While she was queen, Great Britain
was more powerful than ever, before or since. Victoria married a German Prince – Prince Albert – and
together they had nine children!
I really liked the film because it was based on a true
story. What I didn’t like about it was that it sometimes felt like a history lesson. But in a way that’s good
because you can learn something new by watching a
good movie.
Mia wanted to try out the game as soon as
she got home. She went to her room and
took her GameBoy down from the shelf.
She loaded the new game. Would it work
after it had got wet? But she didn’t get the
chance to find out because her mum called her, just as she was about to turn on her
She dropped it on her bed and went
It was nearly half an hour later when at
last Mia could go back upstairs. Her mum
had wanted to check her spelling homework
and then Mia had to set the table for lunch.
When, at last, she was back in her room, she
was really angry to see that the GameBoy
and her new game had gone.
“Zak!” she hissed. “Just wait till I get my
hands on him! I’ll kill the little pest…!”
Mia stomped into Zak’s room. Yes, the
GameBoy was there alright, just as she’d suspected. It was lying on Zak’s bed. But there
was no sign at all of her little brother. He
had been playing the game. The GameBoy
was still on and it felt warm.
Mia looked at the screen. There was
an underwater scene with seaweed and
fish. Well, at least the game worked. That
was good. She sat down on Zak’s bed and
pushed her thumbs down on the controls.
It looked as if this was one of those games
where there was no person to move about. It
was as if everything was happening to you,
the player. She’d played plenty of games like
that before.
Kylie and Victoria
Biography of Queen Victoria
24 May 1819
Victoria was born
20 June 1837
She became Queen of the United
Kingdom (Great Britain and
28 June 1838
She was crowned. She was the
first monarch to live in Buckingham palace.
10 February 1840
She married Prince Albert.
21 November 1840
Her fIrst child was born. Victoria
and Albert had nine children and
42 grandchildren.
14 December, 1861
Prince Albert died. Queen Victoria
always wore black after that date.
1 May 1876 Queen Victoria took the title
"Empress of India"
22 January 1901
Queen Victoria died. Her son
Edward became King Edward VII.
She moved her thumb over the cross
direction controls, while pressing the A
button so that she weaved in and out of the
plants. Should she catch or dodge the fish
that came onto the screen now and then?
She decided to play safe and dodge them for
the moment.
She moved faster as she got used to the
game. Now she was racing across the sea floor. She jumped over any rocks that blocked
her way. It was easy and fun. There weren’t
any dangers, just a few obstacles. That’s how
it seemed anyway.
But then she saw the jellyfish.
want some more?
6 A Country's
chapter 20
What’s It Like in Texas?
The United States Part 1
The United States Part 2
chapter 21
chapter 22
New World Icons
They were falling through the water
ahead of her like purple parachutes. Mia
knew she had to dodge them. Jellyfish
stung. If she bumped into one of them,
they would take away some of her power.
They might kill her. She didn’t know how
poisonous the jellyfish were. She didn’t
want to find out.
She waited till the first lot of jellyfish
had dropped and vanished. Then she
sprinted as fast as she could. She froze
when the next lot of jellyfish fell, then
dodged them too. One nearly got her, but
she took a step back just in time.
At last, she was past the jellyfish. She
saw in the sea ahead of her some kind of
wreck. Perhaps it was an old ship, full of
treasure … that would be cool.
She was really into the game now. She
could feel the cold water against her skin.
She could taste its saltiness. She could
see … a boy! He was standing on the old
ship, waving at her. She stopped, amazed, confused.
It was Zak ... and behind him … was
a giant octopus! Its tentacles were reaching out towards Zak.
Mia tried to shout a warning, but her
cry was lost in bubbles.
The tentacles closed around Zak.
There was nothing Mia could do.
An instant later, Zak and the octopus
vanished into the wreck.
A Letter to My Cousin
What's It Like in Texas?
The United States
Read the dialogue and practise more in Workbook.
Läs dialogen och öva mer i Workbook.
The United States of America (the USA or US) is the fourth biggest
country in the world. It is more than 4,000 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west.
When it is seven o’clock in New York, it is only four o’clock in Los
Washington DC is the country’s center of government. But the
country’s fifty states all have governments too.
Kate and Kylie are skyping each other.
Texas is called the Lone Star
State. This is its flag.
Kylie: Guess what? My best friend at school is going to the USA in the
summer – to Texas.
Kate: To Texas! For how long?
Kylie: About two weeks, I think.
Kate: That should be fun!
Kylie: So what’s it like in Texas? Is there anything interesting to see there?
Kate: Yes – lots! She must go to Houston and visit NASA. And she can
also visit San Antonio – where the famous Battle of the Alamo
took place.
Kylie: OK, I’ll tell her that. She likes history. What’s the weather like in
Texas then?
Kate: Oh, it’s very hot – hot and humid!
Kylie: She won’t mind! I just wish I was going with her.
Kate: Yes, me too, Then you could come and see me in Boston!
Kylie: Yes, one day! I still can’t believe we all met up last year in New
Kate: Yes, that was so cool. It was really magic!
Davy Crockett died at the
Battle of the Alamo.
Part 1
The First People.
The first people came to America from Siberia. They moved south and
east from Alaska into the new country. Now we call these people “Native Americans”.
The New World.
In 1492, Christopher Columbus came to America from Spain. More
Europeans followed. Spain and France were most interested in the
“New World”. Later, Britain was interested too. In 1587, the British
built a town, Jamestown, in Virginia.
Columbus’s Mistake!
Columbus wanted to find India, but he arrived at a place near America. Because of Columbus’s mistake, some people use the word “Indians” for Native Americans.
A Free Life
In 1620, 102 people came to America from England. In America their
church could be free. The first ship was the Mayflower. It ­arrived at
Plymouth Rock in the northeast. Now people call six of the states in
the northeast “New England”.
A Country is Born
Many people from Britain lived in the east of the country. These Americans paid money to Britain, but they wanted to be really free. They
fought a war and the Americans won in 1776. In 1789, George Washington was the new country's first president. There were thirteen states
in the new country.
The United States
Part 2
Go West!
In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson bought a lot of
land from France – west of the Mississippi River to
the Rocky Mountains. Then the US was bigger. Many
people wanted to go west to a new life, but it was hard
The new life in the West was also the end for the way
of life of many Native Americans. For years the government moved them from place to place. Each time, their
land was smaller and smaller.
Sometimes the Native Americans fought, but the
United States was stronger. In 1890, Americans killed
more than 200 Sioux people at Wounded Knee in South
Dakota. Black Elk, a young Sioux, wrote, “A people’s
dream died there. It was a beautiful dream.”
North and South
By the 1850s, the North and South of the country were
different. The North had many cities and towns. It was
richer. The South had many farms. Slaves from Africa
worked on those farms. But many people in the North
did not like this. In 1861, there was a war between the
North and the South. More than 600,000 Americans
died before the war ended in 1865. The North won
under President Abraham Lincoln. After the war, there
were no slaves in the US.
A famous face
Today Americans can
remember their first
president when they
look at a dollar.
“I know,” laughed Betty. “Everything’s going
to be wonderful.”
Clara and Betty work in the
home of the Blake family. Although
Clara is not unhappy there, she
dreams of a better life far away in
another country.
Clara came home late that evening.
“You look happy,” said Betty. “Did you find
work at the Adelphi?”
“The Adelphi?” Clara laughed. “No, Betty, I’m
not going to work at the Adelphi. I’m going to
America. I’ve got a job with a family in New
York. I’m sailing in three weeks.”
"Clara!” said Betty. "You can’t!”
"Why can’t I?” asked Clara.
"You don’t have any friends in America,” said Betty.
“I don’t have many friends here,” said Clara.
“You’re my only friend. My parents are dead.
Anyway, I want to travel and see the world.
I want to have some fun.”
Betty looked worried. “But you will be a
servant in America, Clara,” she said.
“Yes, but after two years I’ll be free,” said Clara.
“And then – oh, Betty – I’m going to work hard and have a home
of my own. I’m going to meet new people and do what I like. Everything …”
Three weeks later, the great day came. Betty
went with Clara to the ship. Clara had only a
small bag with a few clothes in it. They were a
present from Betty.
The Adventurer was an old ship and it was
very crowded. Hundreds of people were waving
to their friends on board. Some were laughing,
others were crying.
“Goodbye, dear Betty,” Clara said, “and
thank you.”
“Goodbye, Clara,” said Betty. “You’re very
brave. You do something first and think about
it afterwards. But I’ll tell you one thing – your
life will never be boring!”
Quickly she pushed a little purse into Clara’s
“You’ll need some money,” she said. “Pay me
back when you’re rich!”
“Betty,” said Clara. “I can’t ...”
But Betty had gone.
Clara stood still for a moment. There were
tears in her eyes. She wanted to run after Betty.
Suddenly, there was a loud noise. It was the
ship’s siren. It was time to go on board. Clara
ran onto the ship and started to push her way
along the crowded deck. Then, she heard her
name: “Clara Summers! Clara Summers!” …
New World Icons
Homer J. Simpson
Homer Simpson is the star of one of the most popular TV shows in the world and is the dad of the
Simpson family. He’s 36 years old and works as a
safety inspector at Springfield Nuclear Power factory.
Homer loves sitting on the sofa, watching TV and
drinking beer. He also loves eating doughnuts.
Homer is a bit stupid and lazy so why do people
love him so much? Because he’s just a normal family
man. In fact, Matt Groening, the man who created
The Simpsons, based Homer on his own dad!
The initial 'J' stands for Homer's middle name,
which is Jay! The jay is a large and greedy garden
bird. Homer maybe doesn't know this.
Some Homer quotes:
‘To Start Press Any Key. Where's the ANY key?’
‘Operator! Give me the number for 112!’
‘English? Ha! Who needs that? I’m never going to
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe was born Norma Jean Baker and is
one of the true Hollywood icons. Sadly, her life was
very short and she died in 1962 at the age of 36.
In spite of her world-wide fame, life was never easy
for Marilyn. Her childhood was tragic, she spent a
lot time in different foster homes and she never felt
safe and happy.
In 1945, her picture appeared in the magazine Yank
which was also the start of her modelling career.
Then she was spotted by Ben Lyon, an executive of
a big movie company. Norma Jean
became Marilyn Monroe. Not only
did she change her name, she also
dyed her hair and became a blonde.
At first, Marilyn was always cast as
a ‘dumb blonde’. So, to get other
parts she left Hollywood and went
to New York to study acting at the
Actors’ Studio. It paid off. She was
praised for her performance in Bus
Stop and won a Golden Globe
Award for her part in Some Like it
Hot. Her face started to appear on
the covers of major magazines.
Marilyn was married three times,
first, at age 16 to the 'boy next door'
and later to baseball star Joe diMaggio.
Her third and last marriage was to the
writer, Arthur Miller in 1956. They
separated in 1961. On 5 August 1962,
she was found dead at her home in Los
Angeles. The official cause of death was
suicide from an overdose of sleeping
pills, but there are many theories about
what really happened. In 1973, Elton
John wrote a song to Marilyn called A
Candle in the Wind. The first words are
'Goodbye, Norma Jean’.
Sitting Bull – a Great
Native American
Sitting Bull was born in 1834 in South
Dakota. He lead the Sioux Indians both
as their holy man and warrior chief. He
was originally called ‘Jumping Badger‘,
but was given his new name when he killed a bison at the age of fourteen.
He was the leading warrior in his tribe
and famous among his own people, the
Sioux indians and among other Indian
tribes. He lead the Sioux to many victories against other tribes. As time went
by, Sitting Bull came to understand how
badly the Indians who lived in reserva67
tions were treated by the white man. So he
decided to protect his people against them.
He played an important role at the battle of
Little Big Horn in 1876, bringing together
the Sioux and the Cheyenne tribes to fight
against the American army. Thousand of
Native Americans had left the reservations
to follow Sitting Bull and together they
won this great battle. The Americans soon
fought back, but Sitting Bull refused to
surrender. Instead he led his tribe to live in
In 1881 he returned to life on a reservation
in the U.S and toured with Buffalo Bill’s
Wild West Show. In 1890 he was involved
in a fight and was shot dead by a police officer. A sad end for a great leader.
Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey was born poor and black in
Mississippi in 1954, when poor and black
meant no flush toilets, no shoes, and no
real chance to get ahead in the world.
And yet, by the age of 17, she was working
as a reporter for a local radio station. She
was intelligent and quick and good with
words. At 19, she was a TV news presenter
in Nashville. In 1984 she moved to Chicago and started a morning TV talk show
which rose to number one in the ratings
within a month!
Oprah Winfrey's show went national in
1986, and, just as in Chicago, it became
the number one show almost immediately.
It has been the top-rated daytime talk show
want some more?
ever since. Oprah's interview style is ‘televised therapy’.
Oprah is the first black American woman
billionaire, and reportedly makes about
half a million dollars a day from her TV
show alone. She owns or co-owns the Oxygen Network, O magazine, her own Harpo
Studio, Harpo Productions, Harpo Films,
Harpo Print, and Harpo Video. Harpo is,
of course, Oprah spelled backwards!
Oprah Winfrey announced several years
in advance that her show would end in
2000… then 2006… and then 2008, even
though in 2004, she signed a contract
guaranteeing her through the 2010-2011
season, which will be her show's 25th year
on air. Not bad for a poor black girl from
the south!
A Letter to My Cousin
My dear cousin Chat,
I am writing my letters in English because when you come to this
country to live, you must speak good English. When I first came
here I did not speak good English. I said all the wrong words. It
was very embarrassing. I had a face that was red all the time.
I do not want you to make the same mistakes. My friend, Sam, will
help you.
And you will come soon, Chat. Do not give up hope. One day you
and your father will join my family in this wonderful country.
I will tell you of my house. I live on the top floor, the 15th floor of
a beautiful tower block. It is a penthouse apartment and the tower
block is right in the middle of the city. We have a balcony and a
fantastic view. From our balcony we can see the river as it opens
out into the sea. They call this city “the dear green place”, and
when you come you will see why. There are trees and grass and
parks all around us.
We have a bathroom and a kitchen in our house. The only thing I
don’t like is that I have to sleep in the same room as my little sisters. This is not good. Their bedroom is painted in pink. Yuk! I’m
a boy. Boys do not sleep in pink bedrooms. And my sisters fight all
the time. They throw things at each other. Last night a flying hairbrush hit me on the head.
Since I have come to this country, I have learned that I do not
like fighting. My friend Sam has made me see that fighting does
not get you anywhere. It is better to try to be friends with people.
Sam lives on the tenth floor of this same tower block. He goes to
the same school as I do. In fact, he is in the same class. This is the
same school you will go to when you come here. Our teacher is Mrs
Hart. She is a very good teacher, but she shouts a lot. I must go
now. Or I will be late for class. And Mrs Hart shouts very loud if we
are late. I will write again soon.
Your cousin, Omar
want some more?
Later …
“Are you ready for school?” my father shouts. I put the letter into the
envelope and it goes into my bag.
“I’m ready, father,” I tell him.
My father was a doctor back in my country. But the government said
he was looking after the wrong people and put him in prison. Here in
this country he can't work at all, until they decide if we can stay. That
makes my father very sad. He likes to work. I pray every night that we
won't be sent back. I'm afraid about getting sent back. If we stay, then
my father will be a doctor again, he says. And I know he will. My father
can do anything. He got us here to safety, didn't he?
I meet Mrs Brown as I wait for the lift. Mrs Brown lives next door to
us. She does not smile. She never smiles. Her face is set like a stone.
“Good morning,” I say, as I always do.
She turns up her hearing aid. She's as deaf as a doorpost, Sam says. I
don't understand why people here say this. You expect a doorpost to be
deaf. It doesn't have ears, does it? English is a very funny language.
“Did you get your toilet fixed?” she snaps at me.
She must see that I don't understand at once. She speaks slowly as if
I'm very stupid.
“Your toilet was blocked. Have you had it fixed?”
Now I understand. I nod. “Yes, Mrs Brown. Our toilet works fine.”
I’m thinking how kind she is to ask. Perhaps she was ready to let us, our
whole family, use her toilet.
I should know better by now.
Mrs Brown begins to speak to the invisible friend she always has by
her side. The friend she always talks to but who no one can see. “What
do you think of that! I've been waiting six months to get my sink unblocked, and they get their toilet fixed, just like that!”
She snaps her fingers in front of my face.
I almost tell here that this isn't true. My mother's been moaning for a
long time about the toilet. But Mrs Brown is still talking to her pretend
friend. The invisible one.
want some more?
“They got a fridge for nothing, didn't they?” she says to this
I know she isn't talking to me but I answer her even so. “Yes,” I
tell her. “People have been very kind.”
“Ha!” she says. “I had to buy my fridge. Always the same. I have
to work for everything and you get it for nothing.”
I worked out long ago that Mrs Brown is as daft as a brush. That's
how they say it here. “Daft as a brush.” I don't know why. Brushes
aren't any more daft than any other tool around the house. Why
don't they say “daft as a dustbin”? I don't understand. English is very
difficult to learn.
All I wish now is that the lift would hurry up. Mrs Brown scares
At least today the lift's working. It arrives at our floor and the doors creak open. I step inside. Mrs Brown does not. She decides to go
back to her own flat and moan to someone else about her sink that's
blocked. I'm glad to see that she takes her invisible friend with her.
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Useful phrases, Numbers
Weight and length
Days, weeks, holidays etc
How to write a news story
Grammar, Picture pages
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