karta SLO


karta SLO
Dostop: Izhodi{~e je Dom Trilobit, ki se nahaja v Javorni{kem Rovtu. Pri vo`nji skozi vas na
ostrem levem ovinku opazimo smerokaz za Dom Trilobit v smeri naravnost po makadamski
cesti dobrih 600 m.
Vzpon: Pri Domu Trilobit krenemo proti severovzhodu po ozna~eni stezi proti Medjemu
dolu. Sprva hodimo po gozdu, vi{je nadaljujemo po delno zara{~enem svetu do kotla v
zgornjem delu Medjega dola, imenovanega Rida. Nadaljujemo po njegovem ju`nem robu
in po kraj{em vzponu skozi ru{nato pobo~je pridemo na Kamnitnik in goli~ave Bel{~ice. V blagem
po{evnem pre~enju pobo~ja dose`emo vrh Vajne`a.
Te`avnost: nezahtevno (I)
Nadmorska vi{ina: 1776 m
Izhodi{~e: Plav{ki Rovt (900 m)
Vi{inska razlika: 875 m
Dol`ina smuka: 1,8 km (zahodna smer) / 2,7 km po pa{niku (vzhodna smer),
1,2 km po gozdni vlaki, 2,3 km po gozdni cesti
Lega: ju`na
Spust: Spust lahko poteka v dveh smereh. Prva je po smeri vzpona, pri ~emer se za ceno
nekaj ve~ zavojev lahko manj po{evno spustimo na dno planine in se nato povzpnemo na
Kamnitnik, od koder nadaljujemo proti Medjem dolu. Tu je potrebno biti pozoren na plazove
na obmo~ju Ride, v spodnjem delu pa smu~anje po gozdu zahteva precej iznajdljivosti in izku{enj.
Druga smer spusta je z vrha Vajne`a do Kamnitnika, s katerega pa se v primerjavi s smerjo vzpona
usmerimo nekoliko bolj levo na Hra{ensko planino. Od tam preko strmega spusta, ki ga je priporo~ljivo
raje prepe{a~iti, dospemo na planino Stamare, ki jo pre~kamo in v njenem zahodnem delu nadaljujemo po gozdu do izhodi{~a.
Dostop: V Plav{kem Rovtu nadaljujemo skozi vas do parkiri{~a na kri`i{~u gozdnih cest,
ki se nahaja 500 m po koncu asfaltirane ceste. ^e sne`ne razmere na gozdni cesti omogo~ajo varno vo`njo, lahko nadaljujemo 1,4 km do samotne kmetije Zakamnik ali od tam
{e slab kilometer po levem odcepu do Rogarjevega rovta.
Vzpon: S parkiri{~a krenemo po zgornji gozdni cesti, kjer po slabem poldrugem kilometru
pridemo do kmetije Zakamnik, tam se usmerimo levo v smeri Dovjega in po slabem kilometru pridemo do Rogarjevega rovta, kjer z gozdne ceste zavijemo desno na kolovoz, ki
preko travnika vodi v gozd in strmo proti Hru{~anski planini. Do nje prispemo po dobre pol ure hoje,
kjer si ob pastirski ko~i lahko odpo~ijemo. Pri pastirski ko~i izberemo smer pristopa na vrh.
Zahodni pristop je kraj{i in bolj strm. Za pastirsko ko~o se usmerimo neposredno proti severu v strmo
pobo~je in se dr`imo zahodnega roba pa{nika do manj{ega sedla, od koder nadaljujemo po grebenu
in po uri dose`emo Hru{ki vrh.
Druga (vzhodna) smer je nekoliko dalj{a in bolj polo`na. Od pastirske ko~e na Hru{enski planini nadaljujemo po ravninskem delu pa{nika proti vzhodu, kjer nato po kraj{em pre~enju gozda in vzponu po
pa{niku dose`emo sedlo Ro`ca. Na sedlu se obrnemo proti zahodu in se po grebenu povzpnemo na
vrh. Celoten odsek prehodimo v dobri uri.
Smu~anje na obmo~ju Jesenic ima velik pomen v slovenski smu~arski zgodovini, saj so ob vle~nici v
^rnem vrhu, ki je bila z letom izgradnje 1947 prva v Jugoslaviji, trenirale prve generacije smu~arskih
olimpijskih reprezentanc takratne Jugoslavije. ^lani Smu~arskega dru{tva Jesenice, ki so trenirali na
[panovem vrhu, so v 50-ih in 60-ih letih igrali vodilno vlogo na dr`avnem nivoju.
Spust: Do pastirske ko~e na Hru{~anski planini lahko smu~amo po obeh smereh vzpona ne glede na smer vzpona, od ko~e do izhodi{~a pa po smeri pristopa - po gozdni vlaki
in cesti.
• Smu~i{~e [panov vrh
^asovni potek:
Plav{ki Rovt - Zakamnik: 30 min
Zakamnik - Rogarjev rovt: 30 min
Rogarjev rovt - Pastirska ko~a na Hru{~anski planini: 30 min
Pastirska ko~a na Hru{~anski planini - Hru{ki vrh (zahodna smer): 1 h 15 min
Pastirska ko~a na Hru{~anski planini - Hru{ki vrh (vzhodna smer): 1 h 30 min
Spust: 1 h
Dostop: Izhodi{~e se nahaja na parkiri{~u ob panoramski tabli v sredi{~u Planine pod
Golico. ^e cesta dopu{~a varno vo`njo, lahko nadaljujemo do kmetije Menten ali pa avto
pustimo nekje vmes.
Vzpon: Z osnovnega izhodi{~a krenemo proti kmetiji Menten. Od parkiri{~a po dobrih 100
metrih zavijemo levo proti cerkvi Sv. Kri`a, pod katero zavijemo desno. Ko pridemo do
potoka, nadaljujemo ob njem po makadamski poti in po okoli 700 metrih pridemo do
propadajo~e kmetije Menten, kjer je tudi stara karavla. Tu potok pre~kamo in se vzpnemo po kolovozu
ob vzhodnem robu travnika. Ko dose`emo gozd, nadaljujemo po kolovozu in po 10 minutah prispemo
do gozdne ceste, ki jo zgolj pre~kamo in nadaljujemo po{evno navkreber proti zahodu. Na tem odseku
je orientacija zahtevna zaradi {tevilnih gozdnih vlak. Kmalu dose`emo sedanjo markirano pot in ji sledimo do spodnjega dela pa{nika, Molzi{~a. Od tam sledimo kolovozu proti pastirski ko~i na Petelinu, do
katere je od Molzi{~a dobre pol ure. Od pastirske ko~e do vrha lahko sledimo vzhodni ali zahodni
smeri. Vzhodna se nadaljuje po desnem delu pa{nika do grebena Javorja, od tam pa po grebenu do
vrha Kleka. Zahodna smer pelje po levem delu pa{nika proti sedlu Ro`ca, od tam pa proti vrhu, vendar je pot zaradi ru{evja ote`ena. V obeh primerih pot med pastirsko ko~o in vrhom traja dobro uro.
Spust: Do pastirske ko~e na Jeseni{ki planini nam {iroki pa{niki omogo~ajo prosto izbiro
smeri smu~anja. Da se izognemo smu~anju po kolovozu, se pred pastirsko ko~o usmerimo levo, kjer lahko {e okoli 500 m smu~amo po pa{niku (na dnu pa{nika se usmerimo
skrajno levo), nato pa po kolovozu, po katerem smo se vzpenjali, do Molzi{~a in nadalje skozi gozd po
smeri pristopa. Na travniku nad Mentnom lahko nadaljujemo ob desnem bregu potoka, kjer preko
travnikov s kratkim vmesnimi prehodi skozi gozd in pre~enjem manj{ega poto~ka prismu~amo do hi{
in ceste. Do izhodi{~a je {e kratek vzpon od dna doline mimo cerkve.
^asovni potek:
Planina pod Golico - Menten: 30 min
Menten - Molzi{~e: 1 h
Molzi{~e - pastirska ko~a na Petelinu: 30 min
Pastirska ko~a na Petelinu - Klek: 1 h
Spust: 1 h 15 min
Foto: Simon Bakovnik
• Stru{ka (Belska planina)
Gora je med doma~ini v nasprotju z imenom na
kartah bolj poznana kot Belska planina ali Sve~ica. Gre za {irok masiv med skupino Golice in
Stola, katerega neizraziti vrh je kopasti Veliki vrh
(1943 m). Blaga pobo~ja planine omogo~ajo turno smuko tudi v ~asu, ko je na strmej{ih turah {e
nevarno. Osnovno izhodi{~e za turo je Javorni{ki
Rovt, ~eprav si redni turnosmu~arski obiskovalci
izhodi{~e ob dobi prevoznosti gozdne ceste
za~etno to~ko obi~ajno prestavijo na Kri`ovec.
Te`avnost: delno zahtevno (II-)
Nadmorska vi{ina: 1943 m
Izhodi{~e: Javorni{ki Rovt (975 m)
Vi{inska razlika: 970 m
Dol`ina smuka: 1,7 km po pa{niku, 2,5 po kolovozu, 4 km po gozdni cesti
Lega: jugozahodna, ju`na
Foto: Simon Bakovnik
• Klek
Hru{ki vrh is situated between the better known
peaks, called Dov{ka Baba and Klek rising over
the Hru{~anska planina mountain pasture. It is
possible to descend from the summit on either
side, while skiing on the middle slope is discouraged due to the danger of avalanches and
gravel scree that is free of snow very early in the
season. The starting-point for ski-touring depends on the snow conditions and the passability
of the forest roads in the lower parts of the
mountain. In optimal conditions, it is possible to
start the tour in the village of Plav{ki Rovt, whereas, in poor snow conditions a secluded farm called Zakamnik
located higher up the mountain is accessible by car or you can even drive further up and reach Rogarjev rovt.
• tekme dr`avnega in mednarodnih prvenstev v hokeju na ledu
(spored na spletni strani Zavoda za {port)
• mednarodno tekmovanje v umetnostnem drsanju Triglav Trophy (v mesecu aprilu)
• Kegljanje na ledu
Keglja{ki klub Jesenice svojo dejavnost opravlja `e 60 let. Svojo dejavnost opravljajo v [portni dvorani
Podme`akla. [portna panoga je primerna za tekmovalno in rekreativno dejavnost za vsa starostna obdobja. Kegljanje ima zimsko sezono na ledu in poletno sezono na asfaltu. Tekmovalni {port poteka v treh
disciplinah: mo{tvenem tekmovanju (ekipa {teje 4 tekmovalce), bli`anju in zbijanju na cilj in metu na daljavo. Rekreativni {port pa v mo{tvenem tekmovanju (ekipa {teje 4 tekmovalce).
Difficulty: easy (I)
Altitude: 1776 m
Starting-point: Plav{ki Rovt (900 m)
Altitude difference: 875 m
Length of the downhill descent: 1.8 km (west direction) / 2.7 km across the pasture
(east direction), 1.2 km by the forest sledge, 2.3 km by the forest road
Position: south
Zavod za {port Jesenice, [portni park Podme`akla
Telefon: 04 586 33 64
Internet: www.zsport-jesenice.si, e-mail: zsj.jesenice@siol.net
Access: When you access Plav{ki Rovt, continue on towards the car park by the forest road
crossing which is located 500 metres away from the asphalt road. If snow conditions allow a safe
drive on the forest road, you can drive on for 1.4 km until you reach a secluded farm called Zakamnik and then turn left and drive for less than a kilometre when you will reach Rogarjev rovt.
• tekme za dr`avno prvenstvo v kegljanju na ledu in mednarodno tekmovanje
za pokal mesta Jesenic v mesecu marcu
Ascent: Leave the car park and take the upper forest road and after about a kilometre and a half
you will reach the Zakamnik farm, then turn left in the direction of Dovje and in less than a kilometre
you will reach Rogarjev rovt. At Rogarjev rovt turn right, leave the forest road and continue walking
up the lane leading you across the meadow into the forest where the lane begins to ascend steeply towards the
Hru{~anska planina mountain pasture. After a good half-hour's walk you will reach Hru{~anska planina, where
you can rest next to the shepherd's cottage. Then you can decide on the direction to reach the summit.
The access from the western side of the mountain is shorter, but steeper. Go behind the shepherd's cottage
and face directly towards the steep slope at the north and keep to the west boarder of the pasture until you
reach a smaller saddle. Then continue walking on the crest and after one hour you will reach Hru{ki vrh.
The second (east) direction is somewhat longer, but less steep. Leave the shepherd's cottage at the Hru{~anska planina mountain pasture and continue on the flat part of the pasture towards the east, where you will
reach the Ro`ca saddle, after a short walk through the forest and a climb up the pasture. After reaching the
saddle, face east and ascend up the crest to the top. The whole section can be crossed within a good hour.
• Odprto drsali{~e
^asovni potek:
Javorni{ki Rovt - Rida: 2 h
Rida - Kamnitnik: 45 min
Kamnitnik - Vajne`: 1 h 15 min
Spust: 1 h 30 min
Na obmo~ju ob~ine Jesenice se nahaja smu~i{~e [panov vrh. Spodnja postaja se nahaja
v Planini pod Golico na nadmorski vi{ini 981 m
(ob glavni cesti skozi naselje), enosede`nica
pa nas prepelje na [panov vrh na vi{ini 1361
m. Smu~i{~e se je na dana{nji obseg raz{irilo
leta 1964, ko je bila zgrajena sede`nica, ki
prenovljena leta 2004 obratuje {e danes. Sede`nica z dol`ino 1660 m ima zmogljivost
400 oseb/uro in ima vmesno postajo nad
smu~arskim domom ^rni vrh. Trenutno smu~i{~e obsega 12 ha smu~i{~ z 5 km prog, te`avnost smu~i{~ pa je lahka do srednja. Smu~i{~e v
zimski sezoni obratuje med 15. decembrom in 31. marcem vsak dan od 9. do 16. ure, oziroma se
obratovanje prilagaja trenutnim sne`nim razmeram. Ob smu~i{~u so na vseh treh postajah odprte
okrep~evalnice, kjer se lahko pogrejemo s toplim ~ajem ali okrep~amo z malico. Prijetno smuko nam
polep{ajo tudi lepi razgledi na zasne`ene Julijce in Karavanke z vrha [panovega vrha. Aktualne informacije o sne`nih razmerah in cenah smu~arskih kart dobite na kontaktnem telefonu smu~i{~a.
Smu~i{~e [panov vrh
Telefon: 04 580 04 04
Internet: http://www.zsport-jesenice.si, e-mail: zsj.jesenice@siol.net
• Pustni smuk za trofejo Svinjska glava
- Kdaj: pustna nedelja
- Kje: ob Smu~arskem domu ^rni vrh
• Veleslalom rekreativcev za pokal [panovega vrha
- termin ni dolo~en, informacije na Zavodu za {port Jesenice
Drsali{~e se nahaja v Podme`akli na Cesti 1.
maja 124. Do njega pridemo po cesti, ki povezuje Jesenice in Podko~no po desnem bregu
Save Dolinke.
Drsali{~e je urejeno v primeru nizkih temperatur. Je ograjeno, osvetljeno in opremljeno z
opremo in ozna~bami za hokej. Dimenzije drsali{~a so 40×20 m. Na njem je mo`no rekreativno drsanje ali rezervacija drsali{~a za organizirane skupine. Med drsanjem se lahko okrep~ate v bli`njem Roli baru. V poletnem ~asu je na istem
drsali{~u mo`no igranje inline-hokeja. Cene, rezervacije in vse dodatne informacije so na voljo na telefonski {tevilki skrbnika drsali{~a.
Descent: It is possible to reach the shepherd's cottage at the Hru{~anska planina by skiing down either side of the mountain, regardless of where you have climbed, and further
from the cottage towards the starting-point by skiing down the track you have previously
climbed, namely the logging track and the road.
Aleksander Jernejc
Telefon: 041 668 290
E-mail: sandi.jernejc@volja.net
Trail duration:
Plav{ki Rovt - Zakamnik: 30 minutes
Zakamnik - Rogarjev rovt: 30 minutes
Rogarjev rovt - shepherd's cottage at the Hru{~anska planina: 30 minutes
Shepherd's cottage at Hru{~anska planina - Hru{ki vrh (west side): 1 hour and 15 minutes
Shepherd's cottage at Hru{~anska planina - Hru{ki vrh (east side): 1 hour and 30 minutes
Descend: 1 hour
• Odprto drsali{~e
Turisti~nega dru{tva
• Klek
Klek is a summit above the Jeseni{ka planina mountain pasture offering wide ski slopes due to its vast
pastures at the upper part. What makes this tour difficult is its demanding orientation and skiing
through the forest. The starting-point to Klek is Planina pod Golico and if snow conditions are good
you can even start skiing in the centre of the village, next to the Menten farm, or on your way over there.
V Planini pod Golico na parkiri{~u poleg panoramske table v sredi{~u vasi v zimskem
~asu Turisti~no dru{tvo uredi manj{e ograjeno drsali{~e, kjer je mogo~e rekreativno drsanje. Drsali{~e je urejeno le v primeru nizkih
temperatur in je primerno predvsem za otroke. Drsanje je na lastno odgovornost, vstopnine ni (prostovoljni prispevki).
Difficulty: easy (I)
Altitude: 1753 m
Starting-point: Planina pod Golico (950 m)
Altitude difference: 800 m
Length of the downhill descent: 2.7 km across the pasture,
2 km by the forest road/through the forest
Position: south, south-east
Turisti~no dru{tvo Golica
Telefon: 04 586 31 78 (TIC Jesenice)
Internet: www.tdgolica.com
Access: The starting-point is the car park by the panoramic sign board in the centre of
the Planina pod Golico valley. If the road has been cleared, you can continue on towards
the Menten farm or leave the car somewhere in-between.
• Naravno drsali{~e Pristava
Ascent: You begin at the starting-point and continue on towards the Menten farm. A good hundred metres away from the car park turn left towards the St. Cross Church and turn right below
the church. After reaching the stream, continue on the macadam trail along the stream and after
around 700 metres you will reach the decaying farm house called Menten, which is also the location of an
old frontier guardhouse. Here you will cross the stream and ascend up the lane along the east border of the
meadow. After reaching the meadow, continue walking up the lane and after 10 minutes you will reach a forest road, which you have to cross and continue walking on the path going uphill towards the east. This section is very demanding for orientation due to numerous logging tracks. You will soon reach the present
marked path and follow the path until you reach the lower part of the meadow called Molzi{~e. From there,
continue on the track towards the shepherd's cottage at Petelin, located a good half an hour from the
Molzi{~e pasture. You can ascend to the top of the mountain from either the west or the east direction. The
east path continues on the right hand side of the meadow towards the Javor crest, and then along the crest
up to the summit of Klek. The west path goes along the left part of the meadow towards the Ro`ca saddle,
where it continues towards the summit, but the path is difficult to cross due to the dwarf pine trees. There is
a good hour's walk from the shepherd's cottage and the top of the mountain, regardless of the selected path.
V Javorni{kem Rovtu poleg Doma Pristava ob dolgotrajnih nizkih zimskih temperaturah zamrznejo
jezerca v Zoisovem parku, kjer je mo`no rekreativno drsanje. Drsali{~e je primerno predvsem za
otroke. Drsanje na jezercih je na lastno odgovornost, vstopnine ni.
TIC Jesenice
Telefon: 04 586 31 78
Internet: www.jesenice-tourism.net,
e-mail: tic.jesenice@siol.net
Tradicija sankanja v vaseh pod Golico je zelo stara in je nastala iz potrebe po prevozu doma~inov v dolino
na delo ali v {olo pozimi, ko so bile poti zasne`ene. Iz tega se je rodilo rekreativno sankanje, ki je na poteh
v Karavanke zabavalo Jeseni~ane, kmalu pa je preraslo tudi v tekmovalni {port.
• Sanka{ka proga
Savske jame
Nahaja se v Planini pod Golico. Do nje prispemo po glavni cesti skozi naselje mimo zaprtega hotela Belcijan do konca asfaltirane ceste,
kjer nadaljujemo naravnost. Do izteka proge
prispemo po dobrih 100 metrih makadamske
ceste. Sanka{ka proga na obmo~ju Savskih
jam je bila vzpostavljena v 70-ih letih prej{njega stoletja, obnovljena pa leta 1975 za potrebe evropskega prvenstva leta 1978. Na progi
tekmujejo ~lani Sanka{kega kluba Jesenice.
Naravna sanka{ka proga v Savskih jamah poteka po gozdni cesti v dol`ini 1034 m. Vzdr`evana je od
decembra do sredine marca, seveda odvisno od vremenskih razmer. Mo`no je rekreacijsko sankanje. V ~asu interkontinentalnega pokala od 15. do 25. januarja rekreativno sankanje ni mo`no, saj je
proga pripravljena za tekmovanje v sankanju na naravnih progah, katerega se udele`ujejo klubi iz
razli~nih dr`av sveta.
Zavod za {port Jesenice organizira tudi sankanje na progi za ve~je skupine ali nudi mo`nost izvedbe
{portnega dne za {ole. Za informacije pokli~ite Zavod za {port Jesenice (04 5884 662).
Sanka{ki klub Jesenice
Telefon: 041 885 200
Internet: www.zsport-jesenice.si
• Interkontinentalni pokal v sankanju na naravnih progah - 3. vikend v januarju
S krpljanjem kot {portom oziroma rekreativno dejavnostjo se ukvarja vedno ve~ ljudi, ki odkrivajo lahkotnost sprehodov po
sne`ni odeji brez utrujajo~ega ga`enja in
udiranja sne`ne skorje. Izjemno je priljubljeno zaradi nezahtevne tehnike in raziskovanja zimske neokrnjene narave, ki je
nedostopna drugim priljubljenim zimskim
Na obmo~ju ob~ine Jesenice se nahajajo
obmo~ja, ki so primerna za krpljanje. Na
obmo~jih rovtov in pa{nikov pod najvi{jimi
vrhovi (Rogarjev rovt, Martin~ev rovt,
Mentnovo polje, okolica [panovega vrha, Pusti Rovt, Dobravski rovti, Pristava) in povezovalnih
gozdnih cest je obilo mo`nosti za kraj{e ali dalj{e krpljarske sprehode po zimski pokrajini, za bolj
zahtevne krpljarje pa so idealni tereni za krpljanje na pobo~jih in grebenih Hru{~anske in Jeseni{ke planine, sedlu Ko~na, na Belski planini in Vajne`u. Krplje so lahko tudi pripomo~ek turnim
deskarjem za vzpon na `eleni vrh.
V primeru neizku{enosti ali poznavanja terena vsem krpljarjem priporo~amo, da se poslu`ijo
usposobljenih vodni{kih slu`b.
Access: The starting-point is the Pristava mountain hut located at Javorni{ki Rovt. If the
forest road is safe, you can spare yourself a short 3 kilometre walk and later a less interesting downhill descent across the forest road by continuing towards Kri`ovec (1222 m),
where you can park on a larger area next to the crossing of four forest roads.
Descent: Wide pastures spreading towards the shepherd's cottage at Jeseni{ka planina
mountain pasture offer a wide choice of ski runs. To avoid skiing across the track, turn left in front
of the shepherd's cottage and continue skiing for a good 500 metres across the meadow (at the
bottom of the meadow turn sharply right) and then on the track, you have previously climbed, towards
Molzi{~e and further through the forest in the direction of the starting-point. After reaching the meadow above
the Menten farm, you can continue along the right bank of the stream and continue skiing across the meadows and short forest trails and a small stream to arrive directly in the vicinity of the houses and the road. To
reach the starting-point you have to make a short climb from the base of the valley and pass the church.
Trail duration:
Planina pod Golico - Menten: 30 minutes
Menten - Molzi{~e: 1 hour
Molzi{~e - shepherd's cabin at Petelin: 30 minutes
Shepherd's cabin at Petelin - Klek: 1 hour
Descent: 1 hour and 15 minutes
• Stru{ka (Belska planina)
In contrast to its official name used on the maps, the mountain pasture is known to the locals as the Belska planina mountain pasture or Sve~ica. This is a wide mountain range between Golica and Stol with a
less pronounced peak Veliki vrh (1943 m). The less steep mountain slopes enable ski-touring when the steeper slopes are too dangerous. Javorni{ki Rovt is the starting-point for this tour; although, ski-tourers who
are regular visitors to this location, select a starting-point at Kri`ovec provided that the forest road is passable.
Difficulty: medium difficult (II-)
Altitude: 1943 m
Starting-point: Javorni{ki Rovt (975 m)
Altitude difference: 970 m
Length of the downhill descent: 1.7 km across the meadow, 2.5 km by the lane,
4 km by the forest road
Position: southwest, south
Ice-skating also has a long-standing tradition in the town of Jesenice. Ice hockey plays the largest
part among sports on ice, since the first ice hockey enthusiasts already started to train at the outdoor
ice-rink at Podme`akla before World War II and the first team was created in 1940. In the 1950s, the
Jesenice hockey team started their way to the top by winning the Yugoslav National Championship
in 1957 for the first time and have won the championship a further 22 times until Slovenian independence in 1991. In the 70s, the indoor hall of Podme`akla was built. Until 2008, the Jesenice icehockey team has won the Slovenian National Championship six times, and have been very successful in the Austrian Ice-Hockey League. Beside the ice-hockey club, an ice-skating club was founded
at the beginning of the ice-skating history of Jesenice, whose members are involved in figure skating.
Many inhabitants of Jesenice also engage in recreational ice-hockey or just ice-skating. Besides the
Podme`akla Hall, the area of Jesenice municipality offers other ice-skating possibilities on smaller icerinks, suitable for less demanding ice-skaters.
Ascent: At the Pristava mountain hut turn towards the east and follow the path through the
forest, and after a short walk you will reach the forest road. There, follow the signpost
towards Kri`ovec, where you arrive after a short 3 kilometre walk on the main forest road. At
Kri`ovec, turn sharp right on the forest road towards Pusti rovt mountain meadow (the only road closed
with a barrier). Cross the Pusti rovt mountain pasture to the other end and continue walking on the forest road. After a good 100 metres turn right and continue along the new logging track (also closed with
a barrier) towards the mountain. After a little less than an hour's walk you arrive at the shepherd's cottage at the Belska planina mountain pasture. At the cottage, turn northeast towards the top of the mountain pasture and continue your walk across the pasture. When you arrive near the top of the mountain
pasture, follow the deep gully which facilitates your passage through the dwarf pines, due to which orientation becomes more difficult. At the top of the mountain pasture, there is an amateur radio receiver.
Descent: Descend to the shepherd's cottage in the same direction as you came and continue on the path leading towards the mountain pasture. You can avoid a long detour
towards the west by turning left from the path and start descending by the gully towards
Pusti rovt, however, this path will require you to turn a few times while in the forest. At Pusti rovt continue by the forest road, where you previously arrived, towards the starting-point.
• Podme`akla Hall
The hall is situated within the Podme`akla Sports Park on the right bank of the Sava Dolinka River. The
simplest way to reach the park is by following the road which turns north at the crossroads with traffic lights next to the Jesenice railway station and which leads you through an underpass under the railway station to Podme`akla.
The construction of the hall began in 1954 as an outdoor ice skating rink, in 1966 they added the north
gallery, in 1972 they constructed a roof, and in 1978 finally completed the building, as we know it today.
The gallery by the ice skating rink can host 4,500 spectators. The hall is intended for training activities
and competitions for the Jesenice Hockey Club, the Jesenice Ice-Skating Club and the Ice Bowling
Club. Furthermore, the hall offers recreational ice-skating and the reservation of the entire hall for
organised groups. The hall is run by the Jesenice Institute for Sport. The price list and timetable is available on their webpage.
Trail duration:
Javorni{ki Rovt - Kri`ovec: 1 hour
Kri`ovec - Pusti rovt: 30 minutes
Rogarjev rovt - shepherd's cottage at the Belska planina: 1 hour and 15 minutes
Shepherd's cottage at Belska planina - Veliki vrh: 45 minutes
Descend: 1 hour and 15 minutes
• Vajne`
Jesenice Institute for Sport, Podme`akla Sports Park
Telephone: +386 4 586 33 64
Webpage: www.zsport-jesenice.si, E-mail: zsj.jesenice@siol.net
Vajne` is the highest mountain within the Jesenice municipality. It is the peak rising above the rocky slopes
of Bel{~ica in the west part of the Stol mountain chain, which is covered in snow longer than any other
mountain in the Karavanke Mountains due to its southwest position. Due to the unfavourable skiing
ground in the lower part of the mountain, the vast plains at the upper part of the mountain are pretty
secluded in the winter time.
• Hru{ki vrh
Zavod za {port Jesenice, [portni park Podme`akla
Telefon: 04 586 33 64
Internet: www.zsport-jesenice.si, e-mail: zsj.jesenice@siol.net
Foto: Petra Klinar
Foto: Matja` ^elik
Hru{ki vrh le`i med turnim smu~arjem bolj
poznanima vrhovoma Dov{ka Baba in Klek
nad Hru{~ansko planino. Kopast vrh ponuja
spust na obe strani, medtem ko smu~anje
po osrednjem pobo~ju zaradi nevarnosti plazov in hitro kopnega gru{~natega meli{~a
odsvetujemo. Izhodi{~e turnega smuka je
odvisno od sne`nih razmer in prevoznosti
gozdne ceste v ni`jih legah. V najbolj optimalnih pogojih lahko za~nemo v vasi Plav{ki
Rovt, ob pomanjkanju snega pa se lahko pripeljemo tudi vi{je do samotne kmetije Zakamnik ali celo vi{je do Rogarjevega rovta.
The Karavanke Mountains, due to their lower elevation, less precipitous slopes and favourable sunny position with a beautiful view over the Julian Alps and Ljubljana Basin, are a very popular destination for half or
one day long tours also among less demanding skiers. The rocky peaks in the west part of the Karavanke
Mountains, together with the peaks of the Jesenice municipality, offer wide ski slopes although they soon
become clear of snow due to their sunny position, therefore the peak of the season starts in the winter time,
when the Julian Alps are not accessible for ski-tourers due to safety reasons. The most often visited peaks
by the ski tourers in the Jesenice municipality are Hru{ki vrh (1776 m), Klek (1753 m), Stru{ka (Veliki vrh, 1944
m) and Vajne` (2104 m). All the above peaks are accessible from the Jesenice municipality and are connected
with the ski-touring area that spreads between the Dov{ka Baba (1896 m) and Stol (2236 m) mountains.
The tours in the Karavanke Mountains accessible from Jesenice are defined as easy or semi-difficult, which
means that they are suitable for beginners and less experience ski-tourers. Since ski-touring is a free time
activity stressing the importance of the genuine contact with nature, the ski-touring tracks are not marked.
Ski-tourers are only provided with a map including the description of the tracks, whereas less experienced
are advised to engage a ski guide.
In perfect snow conditions, the best starting-points for ski-tourers are the villages at the base of mount
Golica (Plav{ki Rovt, Planina pod Golico and Javorni{ki Rovt) that are accessible by regularly maintained
roads; however, in poor weather conditions in the lower parts of the mountain, the starting-points are relocated to the upper areas of the mountain which can be accessed by forest roads, normally not maintained
in the winter time. This pamphlet offers tour descriptions starting from their basic positions accessible in
any snow conditions, since driving on forest roads can be very dangerous, especially in the winter time,
and is done on your own risk. Higher starting-points are suggested only as an alternative in poor snow conditions on lower slope positions.
Ski-tourers on their way to the suggested tracks are warned to pay attention to the weather forecast and
snow conditions. For practical instruction for ski-touring and detailed description of the tracks we recommend you read the following:
• Igor Jen~i~, Slovenija - turnosmu~arski vodnik (Ski touring Guide - Slovenia). Sidarta, 2002
• Andra` Poljanec, Turni smuki (Alpine Ski Touring). Mountaineering Association of Slovenija, 2003
• Notification pamphlet - risk assessment. Mountaineering Association of Slovenija
Dvorana stoji v [portnem parku Podme`akla
na desnem bregu Save Dolinke. Do nje najla`e pridemo po cesti, ki ob semaforiziranem
kri`i{~u ob `elezni{ki postaji Jesenice zavije
proti severu in nas v podvozu pod `elezni{ko
postajo privede do Podme`akle.
Izgradnja dvorane se je za~ela leta 1954 kot
urejeno drsali{~e na prostem, leta 1966 je bila
dograjena severna tribuna, leta 1972 je dobila streho, dana{njo zunanjo podobo pa je dobila leta 1978. Tribune za gledalce ob hokejskem igri{~u
sprejmejo 4500 gledalcev. V dvorani potekajo treningi in tekme Hokejskega kluba Jesenice, Drsalnega
kluba Jesenice, Keglja{kega kluba na ledu. Poleg tega so vrata dvorane obiskovalcem odprta za rekreativno drsanje ali rezervacijo celotne dvorane za organizirane skupine. Z dvorano upravlja Zavod za {port
Jesenice. Cenik in termine za drsanje si lahko ogledate na njihovi spletni strani.
Foto: Matja` ^elik
Te`avnost: delno zahtevno (II-)
Nadmorska vi{ina: 2104 m
Izhodi{~e: Javorni{ki Rovt (939 m)
Vi{inska razlika: 1165 m
Dol`ina smuka: varianta A: 2,2 km po pa{niku, 1,1 km po ru{evju, 2,7 km po gozdu
varianta B: 3,3 km po pa{niku, 1 km po ru{evju, 2 km po gozdu
Lega: jugozahodna, zahodna
• Hru{ki vrh
Te`avnost: nezahtevno (I)
Nadmorska vi{ina: 1753 m
Izhodi{~e: Planina pod Golico (950 m)
Vi{inska razlika: 800 m
Dol`ina smuka: 2,7 km po pa{niku, 2 km po gozdni cesti/gozdu
Lega: ju`na, jugovzhodna
^asovni potek:
Javorni{ki Rovt - Kri`ovec: 1 h
Kri`ovec - Pusti rovt: 30 min
Pusti rovt - pastirska ko~a na Belski planini: 1 h 15 min
Pastirska ko~a na Belski planini - Veliki vrh: 45 min
Spust: 1 h 15 min
Vajne` je najvi{ji vrh ob~ine Jesenice. Predstavlja vrh nad golimi pobo~ji Bel{~ice v zahodnem delu pogorja Stola, na katerih se zaradi
jugozahodne lege sneg obdr`i dlje kot drugod
v Karavankah. Zaradi smu~arsko neugodnega terena v spodnjem delu so {irne planjave v
vr{nem delu pozimi precej neobljudene.
Tudi drsanje ima na Jesenicah bogato zgodovino. Najve~jo vlogo med {porti na ledu ima hokej, saj so
se prvi hokejski navdu{enci na odprtem drsali{~u v Podme`akli urili `e pred 2. svetovno vojno in leta
1940 sestavili prvo mo{tvo. V 50-ih letih se je za~el vzpon jeseni{kih hokejistov, ki so leta 1957 prvi~
osvojili jugoslovansko dr`avno prvenstvo in to do osamosvojitve Slovenije leta 1991 ponovili {e 22-krat.
Medtem so v 70-ih dobili {e pokrito dvorano Podme`akla. Do leta 2008 so Jeseni~ani {e 6-krat osvojili
slovensko dr`avno prvenstvo, v zadnjih letih pa uspe{no nastopajo tudi v avstrijskem hokejskem prvenstvu. Poleg hokejskega od samega za~etka drsanja na Jesenicah deluje tudi drsalni klub, katerega ~lani
se ukvarjajo z umetnostnim drsanjem.
Tudi sicer se na Jesenicah mnogi rekreativno ukvarjajo s hokejem na ledu ali zgolj drsanjem. Za manj
zahtevne je na obmo~ju ob~ine Jesenice poleg v Dvorani Podme`akla mogo~e drsanje tudi na manj{ih
drsali{~ih, ki vam jih predstavljamo v nadaljevanju.
• [portna dvorana
• Vajne`
Turne smu~arje, ki se podajajo na predlagane ture, opozarjamo, naj upo{tevajo vremenske in sne`ne
razmere. Za prakti~na navodila za turno smu~anje in detajlne opise poti priporo~amo literaturo:
• Igor Jen~i~, Slovenija - turnosmu~arski vodnik. Sidarta, 2002
• Andra` Poljanec, Turni smuki. Planinska zveza Slovenije, 2003
• Opozorilna zgibanka - ocenjevanje tveganja. Planinska zveza Slovenije
Klek je vrh nad Jeseni{ko planino, ki s svojimi pa{niki ponuja vsaj v vr{nem delu {iroka
smu~i{~a. Najbolj te`aven del ture je zahtevna orientacija in nato spust skozi gozd. Izhodi{~e je Planina pod Golico, glede na sne`ne
razmere pa lahko za~nemo v sredi{~u vasi,
pri kmetiji Menten ali na poti do tja.
Spust: Po smeri vzpona se spustimo do pastirske ko~e, nadaljujemo po poti na planino.
Dolg ovinek proti zahodu lahko skraj{amo s spustom levo s poti po `lebu proti Pustemu
rovtu, vendar zahteva tudi nekaj vijuganja po gozdu. S Pustega rovta do izhodi{~a nadaljujemo po gozdni cesti, po kateri smo se vzpenjali.
• national and international ice-hockey championships (the timetable is available
on the webpage of the Institute for Sport)
• international figure skating competitions called the Triglav Trophy (in April)
Difficulty: medium difficult (II-)
Altitude: 2104 m
Starting-point: Plav{ki Rovt (939 m)
Altitude difference: 1165 m
Length of the downhill section:
A version: 2.2 km across the pasture, 1.1 km across the dwarf pine, 2.7 km through the forest
B version: 3.3 km across the pasture, 1 km across the dwarf pine, 2 km through the forest
Position: southwest, west
• Ice Bowling
The Jesenice Bowling Club has been carrying out its activities for 60 years in the Podme`akla Hall. This
type of sport is suitable for competitive and recreational sportsmen of every age. Bowling can be played
on ice in the winter time and on the asphalt surface in the summer time. The competitive sport is carried out in three disciplines: team competitions (each team consisting of 4 competitors), curling and distance throwing, and recreational sports in team competitions (each team consisting of 4 competitors).
Access: The starting-point is the Trilobit mountain hut located at Javorni{ki rovt. When
driving through the village you will notice a signpost for the Trilobit mountain hut that points
straight up the macadam road and drive on for a good 600 metres.
Jesenice Institute for Sport, Podme`akla Sports Park
Telephone: +386 4 586 33 64
Webpage: www.zsport-jesenice.si, E-mail: zsj.jesenice@siol.net
Ascent: At the Trilobit mountain hut turn in the southeast direction and follow the marked
track toward Medvedji dol. First walk through the forest, then continue on by the partly overgrown surface until you reach a round valley surrounded by the steep slopes, called Rida, in
the upper part of Medvedji dol. Continue walking along the valley's southern edge and after a short climb
through a grassy slope you will arrive at Kamnitnik and Bel{~ice barren land. By crossing the gently inclined
slope you will reach the Vajne` mountain peak.
• national ice bowling championship and international championship for the
Jesenice Municipality Trophy in March
Descent: You can descend the mountain in two directions. First is descending down the same
path you have climbed, where you can do a few extra turns and descend down a less steep
inclination towards the bottom of the mountain, and then climb Kamnitnik, where you can continue your journey towards Medvedji dol. You have to pay attention to the avalanches in the surroundings of
Rida and in the lower part of the mountain, skiing demands a great deal of ingenuity and experience.
According to the other direction, you descend from the top of Vajne` towards Kamnitnik, but turn slightly left
towards the Hra{enska planina, as compared to the ascending direction. Then continue descending across
a steep section, where it is advisable to pass on foot, and you will reach the Stamare mountain pasture.
Cross the mountain pasture towards its west
part and continue through a forest until you
reach the starting-point.
Trail duration:
Javorni{ki Rovt - Rida: 2 hours
Rida - Kamnitnik: 45 minutes
Kamnitnik - Vajne`: 1 hour
and 15 minutes
Descent: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Skiing in the Jesenice area is of great importance within the Slovenian skiing history, since the first generations of the Olympic ski teams of former Yugoslavia trained below the ski lift at ^rni vrh which was
the first ski lift in Yugoslavia, build in 1947. The members of the Jesenice Skiing Society, that trained at
[panov vrh, were the leading national team back in the 1950s and 60s.
• [panov vrh ski slope
[panov vrh ski slope is located in the area of Jesenice municipality. The lower station is located at Planina
pod Golico at an altitude of 981 m (along the settlement's main road), a single ski lift takes you to [panov
vrh at an altitude of 1361 m. The ski slope gained its present appearance in 1964 when a ski lift was constructed which was renewed in 2004 and is still operating today. The 1660 m long ski lift can transport
400 people per hour and has an intermediate station located above the ^rni vrh ski lodge. The present
ski slope spreads over 12 ha of ski slopes with 5 km of tracks whose difficulties range from easy to medium. In the winter time, the ski slope is opened from 15th December to 31st March, everyday from 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m. or open according to the snow conditions. Along the ski slope, there are refreshment bars at
every station, where you can warm yourself with a hot cup of tea or if you are hungry, have some lunch.
The pleasant skiing is further embellished by beautiful views from the top of [panov vrh over the Julian
Alps and Karavanke Mountains covered in snow. For up-to-date snow condition information and ski ticket prices contact the ski slope's information office.
[panov vrh ski slope
Telephone: +386 4 580 04 04
Webpage: www.zsport-jesenice.si, E-mail: zsj.jesenice@siol.net
• Mardi Gras Alpine Skiing for the Svinjska glava Trophy (Pig's Head Trophy)
- Time: Mardi Gras Sunday
- Location: by the Ski House at ^rni vrh
• Giant Recreational Slalom Skiing for the [panov vrh Trophy
- The time is not yet set, for more information contact the Jesenice Institute for Sport
• Outdoor ice-rink Jernejc
The ice-rink is located in Podme`akla at Cesta 1. maja 124. It can be accessed by the road that connects Jesenice with Podko~na on the right bank of the Sava Dolinka River.
The ice-rink is arranged only when the temperature is low. It is enclosed, illuminated and furnished with
ice-hockey equipment and markings. The ice-rink measures 40 × 20 m. It can be used for recreational ice-skating or can be used by organized groups upon advance reservation. There are also refreshments available in the nearby Roli Bar. In the summer time, the same ice-rink can be arranged into an
in-line hockey field. The price, reservations and additional information are available on the telephone
number of the ice-rink's groundsman.
Aleksander Jernejc
Telephone: 041 668 290
E-mail: sandi.jernejc@volja.net
Foto: Simon Bakovnik
Vzpon: Od Doma Pristava krenemo proti zahodu, kjer po poti skozi gozd po nekaj 10
metrih dose`emo gozdno cesto. Na njej sledimo smerokazu za Kri`ovec, kamor pridemo
po slabih 3 kilometrih hoje po glavni gozdni cesti. S Kri`ovca zavijemo ostro desno na gozdno cesto proti Pustemu rovtu (edina z rampo). Planino Pusti rovt pre~kamo vzdol`no, na drugem koncu
spet nadaljujemo po gozdni cesti, s katere po dobrih 100 metrih skrenemo desno in nadaljujemo po
novozgrajeni vlaki na planino (prav tako zaprta z rampo). Po slabi uri hoje prispemo do pastirske ko~e
na Belski planini. Pri ko~i se preko pa{nika usmerimo severovzhodno proti vrhu. Pod vrhom se dr`imo
globljega `leba, ki omogo~a prehod skozi ru{evje, zaradi katerega zna biti orientacija zahtevna. Na vrhu
stoji radioamaterski zabojnik.
Foto: Petra Klinar
Karavanke so zaradi svoje nekoliko ni`je, vsaj na slovenski strani
manj prepadne oblike in ugodne prisojne lege z lepim razgledom
na Julijske Alpe in Ljubljansko kotlino priljubljen cilj za pol- ali
enodnevno turo tudi za manj ekstremne turne smu~arje. Poleg
tega so vrhovi v Zahodnih Karavankah, kamor spadajo tudi vrhovi
v ob~ini Jesenice, goli in nudijo {iroka smu~i{~a, zaradi svoje
prisojne lege pa so hitro kopni in je zato vrhunec sezone `e v
zimskem ~asu, ko so Julijske Alpe zaradi varnosti za turne smu~arje {e nedostopne. Najbolj obiskani vrhovi s strani turnih
smu~arjev v ob~ini Jesenice so Hru{ki vrh (1776 m), Klek (1753
m), Stru{ka (Veliki vrh, 1944 m) in Vajne` (2104 m). Vsi so dostopni z obmo~ja ob~ine Jesenice in se navezujejo na turnosmu~arsko obmo~je med Dov{ko Babo (1896 m) in Stolom (2236 m).
Ture v jeseni{ki del Karavank so ovrednotene kot nezahtevne do
delno zahtevne, kar pomeni, da so vrhovi primerni tudi za za~etnike in manj izku{ene turne smu~arje. Ker turno smu~anje predstavlja prosto~asno dejavnost, pri kateri se poudarja pristen stik
z naravo, zanj ni predvidenih ozna~b v naravi. Turnim smu~arjem
ponujamo le karto z opisi poti, manj izku{enim pa priporo~amo najem vodni{ke slu`be.
Ob idealnih sne`nih razmerah izhodi{~a za turne smu~arje predstavljajo vasi pod Golico (Plav{ki Rovt,
Planina pod Golico in Javorni{ki Rovt), do kamor so ceste tudi redno vzdr`evane, ob pomanjkanju snega v ni`je le`e~ih predelih pa so izhodi{~a vi{je in dosegljiva preko gozdnih cest, ki v zimskem ~asu
praviloma niso vzdr`evane. V tej zlo`enki turnim smu~arjem predstavljamo ture iz osnovnih izhodi{~, ki
so dostopne ob vsakr{nih sne`nih razmerah, saj je vo`nja po gozdnih cestah {e posebej v zimskem
~asu nevarna in na lastno odgovornost. Vi{je izhodi{~e ponujamo le kot alternativo v primeru slabih
sne`nih razmer za smu~anje v ni`jih legah.
Foto: Simon Bakovnik
Dostop: Izhodi{~e je Dom Pristava v Javorni{kem Rovtu. ^e gozdna cesta omogo~a varno vo`njo, si slabe 3 kilometre pe{a~enja in kasneje manj zanimive smuke po gozdni cesti
prihranimo z nadaljevanjem vo`nje do Kri`ovca (1222 m), kjer na ve~jem prostoru ob
kri`i{~u {tirih gozdnih cest lahko pustimo svoje vozilo.
Outdoor ice-rink, run by the Golica Tourist Society
At Planina pod Golico next to the panoramic sign board in the centre of the village, the Tourist Society
arranges a smaller enclosed ice-rink offering recreational ice-skating. The ice-rink is arranged only
when the temperature is low and is especially suitable for children. Skating is only at your own risk and
is free of charge (voluntary contributions).
Golica Tourist Society
Telephone: 04 586 31 78 (TIC Jesenice)
Webpage: www.tdgolica.com, E-mail: info@tdgolica.com
Natural ice ring Pristava
At Javorni{ki rovt, next to the Pristava dom mountain hut, when the temperature is very low over a long
period, the small lakes in the Zois Park freeze and are suitable for recreational ice-skating. The ice-rink is
especially suitable for children. Ice-skating on the small lakes is done at your own risk and is free of charge.
Jesenice Tourist Information Service
Telephone: 04 586 31 78
Webpage: www.jesenice-tourism.net, E-mail: tic.jesenice@siol.net
An increasing number of people who have discovered the ease of strolling across the blanket of snow
without tiresome trudging and sinking into the snow crust, take part in snowshoe walking as a sports
or recreational activity. This sport is extremely popular due to its easy technique and the ability to
explore the intact winter countryside, which cannot be discovered by any other popular winter sport.
The Jesenice municipality area encompasses many areas suitable for snowshoe walking. The area of
grassy slopes and meadows located beneath the highest peaks (such as Rogarjev rovt, Martin~ev rovt,
Mentnovo polje, the surroundings of [panov vrh, Pusti Rovt, Dobravski rovti, Pristava) and connecting
forest roads offer many opportunities for shorter or longer snowshoe walks across the winter landscape, and for more demanding ones, the perfect areas for snowshoe walking are located on the
slopes and crests of the two Alpine pastures, Hru{~anska and Jeseni{ka planina, Ko~na saddle, the
alpine meadow called Bel{ka planina and Vajne`. Snowshoes can also serve as a requisite for ski-tourers to climb to the desired peak.
To those less experienced snowshoe walkers, we recommend engaging a tour guide.
Viktor Ruard je zgodovinska osebnost tega
Villages at the foot of the Golica mountain have a very long sledding tradition that began in the winter
time when locals had to go to work and school in the valley, even though all the roads were completely
covered in snow. This was later transformed into recreational sledding that took place on the track
towards the Karavanke Mountains and was at the beginning done especially for the amusement of the
inhabitants of Jesenice, but soon it became a competitive sport.
• Savske jame sledding trail
The trail is located at Planina pod Golico. It can be accessed by following the main road thought the
settlement, past the closed Belcijan Hotel and straight to the end of the asphalt road, where you continue straight on. After following the macadam trail for about 100 metres, you arrive to the track's finishing line. The sledding trail at the Savske jame area was set out in the 1970s, and was restored in
1975 for the purpose of the European Championship in 1978. The track is used for the Jesenice
Sledding Club competitions.
The natural sledding track at Savske jame is arranged on the forest road and is 1034 m long. The track
is maintained from December to the middle of March depending on the weather conditions. It is also
used for recreational sledding. During the time of the Intercontinental Trophy that takes place from the
15th until 25th January, recreational sledding is temporarily unavailable, because the track is prepared
for the sledding competition on the natural tracks with the participation of sledding clubs from different countries from all over the World.
The Jesenice Institute for Sport also organizes sledding for larger groups and sports days for schools. For
further information contact the Jesenice Institute for Sport on telephone number +386 4 588 46 62.
Jesenice Sledding Club
Telephone: +386 41 885 200
Webpage: www.zsport-jesenice.si
• Intercontinental Sledding Trophy on natural tracks - the 3rd weekend in January
obmo~ja, ki je ostal v spominih Jeseni~anov kot
prijazen brkat gospod, lastnik rudi{~a Savske jame
in blejskega gospostva. Pod njegovim preudarnim
in marljivim vodstvom so Savske fu`ine do`ivele svoj
zadnji razcvet. Viktor Ruard je prispeval svoje posestvo
kot dele` k Kranjski industrijski dru`bi - predhodnici
@elezarne Jesenice, ki je bila dolga desetletja gonilo gospodarskega razvoja
Zgornjesavske doline. V spomin na njegova prizadevanja je postal maskota
turisti~ne ponudbe ob~ine Jesenice.
Viktor Ruard is a historic person of this area who remained in the memory
of the inhabitants of Jesenice as a pleasant gentleman with moustaches the owner
of the of the Savske jame mines and a member of Bled soverenity. The ironworks
“Savske fu`ine” mines prospered for the last time under his considered and diligent
leadership. He contributed his estate to the Industrial Society of Carniola the
predecessor of @elezarna Jesenice (The ironworks of Jesenice), which became a
driving wheel of the economic development of Zgornjesavska dolina (The Upper
Sava Valley) for many decades. To the memory of his endeavours, he became a
mascot of the tourist offer of the Jesenice Municipality.
in Jesenice Municipality
Winter Sports
v ob~ini Jesenice
Zimski {por ti
Pozdravljeni, ljubitelji snega in ledu!
Zlo`enka, ki jo pravkar prebirate, vas vabi na Jesenice in v njihovo okolico tudi v zimskem ~asu, ko lahko
na zasne`enih poljanah, zaledenelih povr{inah aktivno pre`ivite dan ali cele po~itnice. V jeseni{kem
koncu se je pozimi `e nekdaj veliko dogajalo, saj ima mesto z okolico bogato zgodovino na podro~ju
zimskih {portov. Jesenice so domovina slovenskega hokeja, kjer se v hali Podem`akla `e vrsto desetletij kalijo najbolj{i slovenski hokejisti, najdemo pa tudi manj{a rekreativna drsali{~a, kjer lahko preizkusimo svoje drsalke. Poleg tega je na smu~i{~u [panov vrh `e leta 1947 delovala smu~arska vle~nica,
prva v takratni Jugoslaviji, ob kateri so se rojevali prvi slovenski tekmovalni smu~arji, ki so nas zastopali
na olimpijskih igrah. Danes lahko zavijugamo po urejenem smu~i{~u s sede`nico. Pozabiti ne smemo
tudi na bogato tradicijo sankanja v teh krajih. Iz potrebe doma~inov po prevozu iz vasi pod Golico v
dolino pozimi je sankanje pre{lo v {portno dejavnost na sanka{ki progi v Savskih jamah, ki je ena izmed
redkih tekmovalnih prog na Slovenskem. Karavanke nad Jesenicami nudijo {e manj zahtevne turnosmu~arske smeri po neokrnjenih zasne`enih pobo~jih Kleka, Belske planine ali Vajne`a, nekoliko ni`je
sredogorje pa je primerno tudi za vedno bolj raz{irjeno obliko rekreacije - krpljanje.
Pester nabor raznovrstnih oblik rekreacije v zimskem ~asu ponuja nekaj za vsakega - od pravega zimskega gorskega vzpona na Vajne` s spustom na turnih smu~eh do spro{~enega drsanja na jezercih
Zoisovega parka.
Greeting, snow and ice lovers!
The pamphlet in front of you invites you to visit Jesenice and its surroundings in the winter time, when
the snowy slopes and frozen surfaces offer you the possibility to fill your day or even your whole holiday with sporting activities. Jesenice has always been a very eventful place in the winter time, the city
and its surroundings having a long tradition in the field of winter sporting activities. Jesenice is the
homeland of Slovenian ice-hockey, which for decades has produced the best Slovenian ice-hockey
players at the Podme`akla Hall, and is also the home of many smaller recreational skating rinks where
you can put your skates to the test. In 1947, there was a ski lift constructed at the [panov vrh ski
slope, the first in the former Yugoslavia, and was also the place were the first Slovenian competitive
skiers, competing for Slovenia at the Olympic games, were born. Nowadays, we can ski on well prepared ski slopes with a ski lift. We must not forget to mention the rich sledding tradition of this area.
The necessity for transporting local people from the village under Golica into the valley in the winter
time introduced sledding as a sporting activity that takes place on the sledding track near the Savske
jame, one of the few sledge racing tracks in Slovenia. The Karavanke Mountains rising over Jesenice
also offer ski touring tracks that spread across the snowy slopes of Klek, the Belska planina mountain pasture or Vajne`, for less demanding skiers; whereas the range of not so high mountains is suitable for snowshoe walking that is becoming more and more popular.
Everyone can find something in a wide variety of different winter recreational activities - from genuine
winter mountain climbing to Vajne` and ski touring down the mountain, to relaxed ice-skating on the
small lakes in the Zois Park.
Naro~nik projekta / Party ordering the project:
Ob~ina Jesenice / The Municipality of Jesenice
Cesta `elezarjev 6, SI - 4270 Jesenice
Internet: www.jesenice.si; e-mail:
Vodenje in izvedba projekta /
Project management and performance:
RAGOR - Razvojna agencija Zgornje Gorenjske /
Development Agency for Upper Gorenjska
Spodnji Plav` 24e, SI - 4270 Jesenice
Internet: www.ragor.si; e-mail: info@ragor.si
Text / Text: Klemen Klinar
Prevod / Translation: Leemeta
Kartografija / Cartography: Klemen Klinar
Fotografije / Photography: Petra Klinar, Simon
Bakovnik, Matja` ^elik, Zavod za {port Jesenice
Oblikovanje / Design: Jamaja, Maja Rostohar
Tisk / Print: Medium d.o.o.
Naklada / Circulation: 3500
Foto: Simon Bakovnik
Map of Winter Sports in Jesenice Municipality
Karta zimskih {portov v ob~ini Jesenice

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