In This Issue - Archbishop Hannan High School


In This Issue - Archbishop Hannan High School
In This Issue:
from the Principal’s Desk | Alumni News | Curriculum Corner
Hannan Way
The Hannan Way ...
On The Cover
A Quarterly News Magazine for and about the
Senior class football players pose with
Archbishop Hannan High School Community
Fr. Charles as they prepare for their
“State Runner-Up” season.
Table of Contents ...
From the Principal’s Desk................................... 2
The Experience at the Dome.............................. 3
Curriculum Corner............................................... 4
Testing: An Important Part of the College
Preparatory High School.................................. 5
Annual Report...................................................... 7
2013-2014 Hannan Annual Fund........................ 8
2012-2013 Hannan Annual Fund........................ 9
2012-2013 Hannan’s Annual
Crimson & Navy Gala & Auction..................... 10
2012-2013 Hawk Walk Campaign
“Celebrating the Past, Paving the Future”..... 11
Hannan Blackfriars Present
“Our Town” Fall Production............................ 12
Hannan Students Are Active All Year Long...... 13
New Clubs Active at Hannan............................ 14
Lets All Cheer for the Hawks............................ 15
Hawkettes Dance Their Way to a
Successful Year............................................... 16
Alumni – The Backbone of an Institution......... 17
Winter Sports Show Promise for the Future.... 18
Charity Leads to Perfection.............................. 19
Need to Fill Page............................................... 20
Back Cover
Bryce Ducorbier, Ashley Mentel, Alexis
Keppel, Peyton Balisteri, and Sonni
Oswald enjoy a moment together before
the rush of Open House.
Edited by Nancy Baird
Assistant Principal/Alumni Director
Archbishop Hannan High School
Pictures by Jill Hogan
Registrar/Special Events Coordinator
Archbishop Hannan High School
Contributions to Archbishop Hannan High
School are tax deductible under Section
(501) (c) (3) of the U.S. Tax Code.
Copyright 2014 Archbishop Hannan High
School - All rights reserved
Archbishop Hannan High School
Page 1
From the Principal’s Desk
In spite of what seems to be a never-ending winter, even for those of us here in the South, March is here.
With it is the beginning of spring (we hope). For those of us in the academic world, spring brings with it a
time to begin closing the current academic year and planning for the next. As I look forward to this month
and the coming spring, I am excited and slightly overwhelmed at the many momentous events happening
within the next few months. They provide us with opportunities to celebrate the accomplishments of the
past and plan to for Archbishop Hannan High School’s future success.
The AdvancED External Review Team will be visiting Archbishop Hannan High School March 18th and 19th
as part of our five-year accreditation process. Our school community has worked diligently over the last
two years examining every aspect of school life, in an effort to ensure we are providing every student with
a superior Catholic, college preparatory education. The benefits from full participation in this process go
far beyond receiving our accreditation. The knowledge and insight we have gained throughout the selfassessment, as well as the External Review Team recommendations, will provide us with a blueprint for the
next five years. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in this very lengthy,
but important process. I am especially grateful to our Academic Dean, Dr. Donalyn Hassenboehler for all
her hard work and countless hours coordinating and chairing the process.
Within a few weeks, students will begin the course selection process for next year. Ensuring that every
student has selected the right courses is integral to his or her learning and academic success. Parents
will receive an email with a PDF attachment containing the Course Request Form, a description of all the
courses, and specific instructions regarding course selection. The Guidance Counselors will then meet
with all students to review their course requests and their transcripts. Our academic team is committed to
making sure every student is placed in the courses and level most appropriate to his or her ability.
The annual Gala Auction is just around the corner, scheduled for March 29 at 7:00 PM. With a theme
of “Fun on the Bayou,” it looks to be the best Gala in the school’s history. The Gala is our primary
fundraiser. Our budgeted goal for this year is $60,000. In order to reach this goal, we need every member
of the Hannan family to come together and support the school. Please consider a corporate/individual
sponsorship or donating an item to the auction. I also ask you to make plans to attend the Gala. Tickets
are $65. Information on sponsorships, donations, or ticket purchases is available online or by contacting
Mrs. Jill Hogan at or 985-249-6363.
Finally, with May less than two months away, graduation day draws near. Regardless of whether you are
a graduating senior or a member of the school staff, the next 10 weeks elicit a range of feelings. For the
graduating seniors, there is an almost palpable sense of excitement
as they begin to embark on this new stage of their lives. The faculty
and staff beam with well-earned pride about the part they played in
the formation and education of these young adults. At the same time
there is always the sense of sadness that comes when we have to say
goodbye to the people we love as we move on to new challenges.
Yes, spring has certainly sprung at Archbishop Hannan High School.
Like everything else in the spring season, it calls all of us to prepare for
new beginnings.
Fr. Charles Latour, O.P.
Page 2
Hannan Way
The Experience at the Dome
By Coach Pat Lambert
The journey to the Dome started long before the year started. It actually began four years ago when the
current juniors and seniors were eighth and ninth graders.
In 2010, I was given the opportunity to become the head football coach at Archbishop Hannan High
School – a decision that I will remember the rest of my life. Getting the chance to coach a group of
young people who played the “game” the right way was an honor. The boys played the game the way it
was intended to be played. Through a lot of hard work and pride, we set a goal as a team that we would
finish our journey together in the Superdome in the state finals.
The year 2013 would become the best year for Archbishop Hannan High School football ever! With wins
over 3A, 4A, and even 5A schools in the first three games, and multiple district wins for the first time
since moving to the Northshore, we knew this year would be special.
Making the state playoffs was an honor in itself, but when we won, it was not just one, but three! WOW!
Beating the #1 team in 2A in the semi-finals seemed like a dream. For the first time in the school’s
history, we, Archbishop Hannan High School, would be in the State Championship Game.
The current seniors will always be known as the first ones to “get to the dome.” All fifteen seniors
played a huge part in our team making it there. The men on defense, Zack Castellucio, Jack Witte, Tyler
Shelton, Roosevelt Smith, Bruce DiMartino, Austin Breazeale, and Adrian LaPeyronnie will always have
a place in school history for the semi-final win against Episcopal as they allowed only seven points to a
team averaging thirty-eight points per game throughout the season.
The offense with Kyle Sewald, Jack Witte, Jake Doran, Nathan Fouquet, Korey Zeigler, Austin Burgess,
Teddy Hutton, Michael Froeba, and Jason Brooks will always be remembered for averaging over thirtyfive points per game and outscoring our district teams.
I will always remember Thanksgiving week when the players who didn’t have to come to school until
3:15 were waiting by the locker room at 8:00 AM to watch film and get ready for their game that Friday.
Above all, I will remember how happy the coaches, students, and parents were when we made it to
the Dome. What a great way for my seniors to finish it out – especially when they… “Started from the
Archbishop Hannan High School
Page 3
The Curriculum Corner
Homework = Work Done at Home
At Archbishop Hannan High School, we have no doubt as to the
value of homework as independent practice of concepts taught
directly and with guided practice during class. But homework
can also be a reading/writing assignment that gives students
some prior knowledge of the concepts that will be taught when
they go to that class next. More recently some of our teachers
have “flipped” certain lesson plans, with the students watching
a video directly teaching a concept (sometimes by the teacher)
or an explanation of how to solve a certain type of math problem.
Then during the next class the teacher works with the class
doing the independent practice that would have traditionally
been done alone as homework. “Flipped classrooms” are highly
endorsed in the educational literature, especially for science and
math instruction.
We do caution our teachers that homework should never be
“busy” work. If the teacher can assure that students will learn a
concept by applying it to twenty problems, then there is no need
to assign thirty. However if the problem needs more practice
before the concept becomes part of long term memory and
understanding, then the teacher assigns what is required. Based
on his/her experience, the teacher makes that call as to how
much practice is needed.
We encourage teachers to assign long-term assignments,
real-life learning, and experiential projects. Adolescent
students, naturally programmed for procrastination, are
provided intermittent benchmarks and grades during long term
assignments. Otherwise, children will be scrambling at the last
minute and perhaps losing necessary sleep to accomplish
what they were given weeks to accomplish. Allocating time and
planning are accompanying skills taught and learned through
these multiple-week projects. Your children should no long send
you to the drugstore on Sunday night for a poster project due
Monday; we have eliminated posters and shoebox dioramas as
project assessments because they are not rigorous high school
displays of knowledge.
The Faculty/Staff Handbook challenges teachers to assign
homework with impact because it serves a number of important
academic and pedagogical purposes:
“Fosters a sense of personal responsibility for ones growth and
development, provides opportunities for independent, learning,
reinforces the idea that the learner has a responsibility to “do
something” in order to learn, assimilates, comprehends, applies,
analyzes, synthesizes, and evaluates what has been studied,
helps the student develop independence and value for learning
outside what is presented in class.”
How much time should be spent with homework? Again quoting
from the Faculty/Staff Handbook: “Homework assignments
should take no more than 30 – 40 minutes in preparation for
Page 4
each class meeting in grades 11 and 12, and 25 – 35 minutes
in preparation for each class meeting in grades 9 and 10.
Assignments in PRE-AP/Honors and Advanced Placement
courses have additional expectations.”
The Parent/Student Handbook reflects the same time parameters
stated in total hours per night: “Homework assignments should
average two and half to three hours of study per day for
students in grades 11 and 12. Students in grades 8 -10 should
expect between two and a quarter and two and a half hours of
homework each evening. Assignments in Honors/Pre AP and AP
courses have greater expectations. Parents are reminded that
the student who is absent for a legitimate reason must arrange
with his or her teacher to complete any written assignments and
tests given during the period of absence.
In an ASCD article by Cathy Vatteroff “How to Guide Parents in
Homework Help,” she gives the following suggested guidelines
(designed for all grade levels):
“Parents are encouraged to …
• Ask their child about what the child is studying in school.
• Ask their child to show them any homework assignments.
• Assist their child in organizing.
• Help their child formulate a plan for completing homework.
• Provide an appropriate space for their child to do
However, as students become more independent learners in the
high school grades, many of these functions should be assumed
by the student.
And finally, the establishment of Homework Hall every afternoon
after school demonstrates how integral Archbishop Hannan High
School believes homework is to over-all teaching and learning.
Students are not given the option to avoid doing homework; it is
part of the learning. If a student does not submit homework timely
or completely, the teacher assigns the student to Homework Hall
that very evening to complete that work.
Too often we observe students doing homework before school,
during earlier classes, or at lunch for afternoon classes. Such
hurried environments do not allow the ultimate benefit of
independent practice or preparation. Sometimes students
claim they did not take the required books/notebooks home.
Therefore, all students should write assignments in their daily
Agendas (That is why we require them.) When students go to
their lockers at the end of the day, a glance at their Agendas will
inform them which books to bring home.
Homework is work done at home.
Hannan Way
Testing: An Important Part of the College Preparatory High School
By Christine Haney
Archbishop Hannan High School offers a rigorous college preparatory curriculum that prepares its graduates for
admissions to a wide range of colleges. In addition to a student’s high school transcript, colleges also require ACT or
SAT scores to determine whether the student is an acceptable candidate.
How do we help our students obtain the right knowledge and skills to be successful in high
school, college, and career?
In order to assist our students in preparing for the college admission process, we administer a practice version of the
ACT to eighth graders, freshmen, and sophomores each year. The ACT program is based on the following:
ACT’s College Readiness Standards
College Readiness Standards are detailed, research-based descriptions of the skills and knowledge associated with
students’ abilities as they progress through school.
ACT’s College Readiness Benchmarks
While the College Readiness Standards describe the skills students are likely to have, ACT’s College Readiness
Benchmarks measure college readiness through performance on EXPLORE®,
PLAN®, and the ACT® test.
Common Core State Standards
ACT is a valuable partner in—and advocate for—the Common Core State Standards Initiative. ACT has played a
leading role in developing the Standards through longitudinal research and their own College Readiness Standards,
on which EXPLORE and PLAN are based. The Common Core State Standards Initiative has adopted ACT’s definition
of college and career readiness.
The EXPLORE and PLAN help 8th graders, freshmen, and sophomores discover a broad range of options for their future.
These tests also prepare students not only for their high school coursework, but for their post–high school choices as
well. It marks an important beginning for future academic and career success. Through EXPLORE and PLAN, students’
strengths and weaknesses can be identified early in their educational development, when they have the greatest
opportunity to establish a four-year program of studies that will help them achieve their career and educational
goals. EXPLORE and PLAN also include a career exploration component that stimulates students’ thinking about
future plans and relates personal characteristics to career options.
Archbishop Hannan High School
Page 5
Testing : Family and The Hannan Annual Fund
The Hannan counselors visit our students
through their theology classes. Each student
receives a copy of his/her score report and
career exploration results.
The counselors
assist our students with interpreting their scores
and discussing how they can use these results
to best prepare for next level test. The students
have an opportunity to discuss their academic
strengths and the relationship between their
college readiness and the interest inventory
results. The counselors also introduce the TOPS
Scholarship Program at this time. Graduates
of Louisiana high schools are encouraged to
continue their post secondary education in the
state of Louisiana by offering TOPS scholarships
to assist with the cost of tuition. Students are
informed that ACT and SAT scores, in addition to
their core grade point average, are also used to
qualify for TOPS. In order to earn a TOPS scholarship, graduates must earn a 2.5 grade point
average in their core courses and a minimum of an ACT composite score of 20.
The SAT also offers our students an opportunity to practice. The junior students at Hannan take
the PSAT in October. The score reports are also distributed and explained to the students during
the month of January through their theology classes. Much like the results of the EXPLORE
and PLAN, the juniors receive their PSAT score report with a prediction of how they might
perform on the SAT exam. Although the PSAT program does not include an interest inventory
or career exploration component, the counselors take the opportunity to discuss the necessary
strengths and scores required when considering specific careers. The counselors also discuss
the range of SAT scores required by the colleges across the United States.
The goal of the Archbishop Hannan counselors is to prepare our students to enter into
a competitive college admission process. The ACT program offers students who take the
EXPLORE and PLAN a glimpse of “college selectivity”. College selectivity is the “applicationto-admit ratio,” or the number of students admitted compared to the number of students who
applied. A college that is considered highly selective will require a higher ACT composite score.
It will also require a high GPA including honors level and advanced placement courses. The
faculty of Archbishop Hannan High School follows a rigorous college preparatory curriculum
that does include honors and advanced placement courses. With the commitment of our faculty
and the support of our parents, Archbishop Hannan students are well prepared to compete for
admissions to some of the most selective colleges in the United States.
Page 6
Hannan Way
Annual Report
By Lindsay Wagner
Tuition and Fees
$107, 550
$108, 275
$115, 620
Plant Operations and Maintenance
Student Activities
$251, 507
Student Services
$24, 950
Marketing and Admissions
$62, 064
$3, 246, 523
Enrollment & Registration Fee
$1, 275
Cost to educate each student
Total Tuition paid
Archbishop Hannan High School
Page 7
2013-2014 Hannan Annual Fund
By Lindsay Wagner
This year’s Hannan Annual Fund, “We Believe”, is underway and gaining great success! Since the start of the campaign in early
November, we are well on our way of reaching our goal of 100% participation and $253,080 in gifts and pledges. The faculty and
staff would like to thank those who have helped Archbishop Hannan thus far by donating to the Annual Fund. This campaign cannot
be a success without the belief and faith from our faculty and staff, parents, guardian and grandparents.
For more information on how to make a tax-deductible donation to the Hannan Annual fund, visit or
contact Lindsay Wagner, Director of Development, at
Giving Levels
Archbishop Hannan Society
Principal’s Circle
Caritas Club
1987 Club
Heritage Hall
Gap Givers
Crimson Club
Navy Club
Hawk Society
Archbishop Hannan Society
Steve Hoover
Caritas Club
Charles Daniel
1987 Club
Tom & Duan Calvert
Steven Decker
Charles Foy
Greg & Peggy Johnson
Walter Mader
Adam Rodgers
Gap Givers
Hugh & Rhonda Bagby
Matthew Hunt
Penny Kelley
Devona Knower
Scott Seiler
Dale & Lee St. John
Crimson Club
Jennifer Capritto
Yvonne Gelpi
Daniel & Deanna Hollander
Frederick & Tammy Keppel
Nedra Lacour & Merrill Schiro
Roy & Donna Mancuso
Albert & Susan Pappalardo
Lain & Nicole St. Paul
Bruce & Michelle Rivers
Navy Club
Martin Balisteri
Daniel & Andrea Durey
Father Frank Giroir
Christine Haney †
Thomas Huck†
George Isa
Michael & Jill Kilbride
Randy Kramer
Rachel Latuso
Joel & Gia LePere
Sherri Pitre
Robin Rodriguez
Kelly Schlenker
Tristan & Tina Schultis
Catherine Shepard
Heritage Hall
Lesli & Jonathan Bolner
Mike Cameron
Timothy Frank
Monique Fury
Kyle & Colleen Heinold
Lisa LeBlanc
Mark Roycroft
Page 8
Hawk Society
Beth Alford†
Timothy Anger†
Charles & Nancy Baird†
Leila Benoit†
Steven Bradley†
Camille Brennan†
James & Dana Burke
Mathieu Cheranfant†
Joan Dittman†
Wendy Gallo
Jenny Geesey†
Sherie Gioe†
Rouge Helmer†
Adam Kelley†
Kelly Maurice
Nathan & Lori Pennison
Ashley Puntilla†
Steve Shepard†
Theresa St. Mary †
John Thacker†
Katherine Weaver
Susan Yates†
† Denotes Faculty & Staff
Hannan Way
2012-2013 Hannan Annual Fund
By Lindsay Wagner
The Hannan Annual Fund is Archbishop Hannan High School’s annual drive with the present parents as the principal
participants. The funds from this drive satisfy the financial gap between the tuition and the actual yearly cost of
educating each student. The faculty and staff can’t express their gratitude enough for your commitment and belief in
Archbishop Hannan High School!
Giving Levels
Archbishop Hannan Society
Principal’s Circle
Caritas Club
1987 Club
Heritage Hall
Gap Givers
Crimson Club
Navy Club
Hawk Society
Archbishop Hannan Society
Ashton & Martha Noel
1987 Club
Hugh & Rhonda Bagby
Thomas Calvert
Charlie Durand
Gerard Gianoli & Mary Lee Cherry
Jacqueline Guillot
Lee St. John
James Whitworth & Donna Hillis
John & Sheri Williams
Heritage Hall
Shawn & Jeanne Caillouet
Jennifer & Keith Fecke
Gavin & Monique Fury
Gap Givers
Patrick & Marlene Bossetta
Lindsey & Gail Cooper
Robert Foley
Matthew & Sondra Hunt
Claude & Melanie Lagalante
Adrian Lapeyronnie
Gregory & Suzanne Leighton
Scott Seiler
Darlene & Thomas Sens
Banyon & Brandy Tuminello
Crimson Club
Daniel & Denise Bailey
Alexis Ducorbier
Timothy & Mary Frank
James & Peggy Harrison
Daniel & Deanna Hollander
Stephen & Penny Kelley
Tammy & Frederick Keppel
Nedra Lacour
Ian Magruder
Cheryl Malkemus
Tonya McDonald
Daniel & Laurie O’Rourke
Christopher & Tina Sewald
Traci & Jared Shaw
Shannon Summersgil
Paul & Debbie Thompson
Navy Club
Brian & Chretien Cochran
Steven Condon
Jennifer & Timothy Cordes
Brian & Nadine Donadieu
Brian & Elizabeth Forjet
Wendy Gallo
Mercedes Harvey
Kirk & Nicole Heidel
George Isa
Susan & John Jordan
Janelle & Ranson Lanier
Vincent & Jan Lobue
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morton
Shonni & Frederick Oswald
Albert & Susan Pappalardo
Catherine Shepard
Robert Shepard
Gari St. Philip
Sean & Amy Walleck
Hawk Society
Marion Albares
Cheryl & Bryan Barre
Brian & Paige Bennett
Meredith & Jeffery Bush
Mary Cooper
Gregory & Gretchen Graziano
Shannon Manson
Robert & Lana Palermo
† Denotes Faculty & Staff
Archbishop Hannan High School
Page 9
2012-2013 Hannan’s Annual
Crimson & Navy Gala & Auction
By Lindsay Wagner
The Crimson and Navy Gala and Auction began 21 years ago to raise funds to directly benefit the instructional program
and the financial assistance program of Archbishop Hannan High School. Each year, approximately 24% of Archbishop
Hannan students receive some form of financial assistance. The success of last year’s auction, “Escape to Paradise”,
could not happen without the support of alumnae, families, and friends of Archbishop Hannan.
Crimson & Navy Gala Special Donors
American Bank & Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hoover
Mrs. Rhonda Babgy – Humana Health Plan
Mr. John Jordan – Jordan Technical Services, LLC
Mrs. Torry Ballard – New Orleans Brew
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Keppel
Mr. Paul Ballard – WOW Café & Wingery
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lacour
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bonner
Mr. and Mrs. Bret Laurent
Bruno Brothers Management
Mr. Stephen Little – Certified Air
Mr. Bryan Brown – First Bank & Trust
Mr. Walter Mader & Ms. Catherine Deano
L. Buller – Banner Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Manguno
Ms. Kathy Burkhardt – Burkhardt’s A/C
Ms. Diana Matherne – Compass Capital Management
Fr. Ronnie Calkins – Mary Queen of Peace Catholic
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McDonald
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Montz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Calvert
Mr. Ashton Noel – NOLA Lending
S. Childress – Resource Bank
Mr. Mike Rase – Paretti Family of Dealerships
Community Care Hospice
Ms. Sarah Russell – Lakeview Regional Medical Center
Dudley Downing – Ross Downing Buick GMC Cadillac
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Seiler
Mrs. Alexis Ducorbier – Alexis Ducorbier Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Sens
School Time
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durand
Ms. Michelle Sierra – Dynamic Physical Therapy
Dr. Charles Foy
Mr. and Mrs. Banyon Tuminello – Tuminello Therapy
Dr. Gerard Gianoli & Dr. Mary Lee Cherry
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pastorello
Msgr. Frank Giroir – St. Anselm Catholic Church
Dave Peterson – Ponseti’s Shoes
Mr. and Mrs. James Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Schwartz III
Mr. and Mrs. David Hausknecht
Mr. and Mrs. Dale St. John
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Helton – Gulf Mechanical Company
Ms. Jenny Volz – S & W Wholesale Foods, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Alexis Hocevar
Mr. John Zollinger – Home Bank
Page 10
Hannan Way
2012-2013 Hawk Walk Campaign –
“Celebrating the Past, Paving the Future”
By Lindsay Wagner
The Hawk Walk Campaign is Archbishop Hannan High School’s engraved brick campaign to raise additional funds for
Hannan athletics. These engraved brick pavers will be placed at Hawk Field and will serve as a daily reminder of all
those Hawk fans who support our school. The faculty and staff of Archbishop Hannan would like to thank you for your
donation and demonstrating your Hawk pride!
William Billingsley
Father Raymond Guillot
Jimmy & Julie Hingle
Shirley Hunt
Tammy Keppel
Karen Kiesel
Adrian Lapeyronnie
Ian Magruder
Tonja McDonald
Lisa Morton Russell Palazzolo
Jacob Schaefer
Thomas Schauer
Rolla Schwartz
Kim Scoggin
Darlene Sens
Connie Thompson
Marika Warner
Archbishop Hannan High School
Page 11
Hannan Blackfriars Present
“Our Town” Fall Production
By Adolfo Rodriguez
The Archbishop Hannan High School Blackfriars presented Thornton
Wilder’s iconic ‘Our Town’ this past November as part of their 2013-2014
season. This production represents the second straight year that the
Blackfriars have undertaken a major dramatic work in the fall, with ‘Our
Town’ following ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’. The play centers around the
lives of the residents of Grover’s Corners, a small New Hampshire town,
over a period of about 10 years after the start of the 20th century. In
particular, the play focuses on the eldest children of two families, Emily
Webb (daughter of the town’s newspaper editor) and George Gibbs (son
of the town’s doctor). ‘Our Town’ is a complex work which Wilder hoped
would highlight the difficulty people have in embracing the uniqueness and
beauty of each day, focusing instead on life’s trivialities. If this seems like
a tall order for a high school production, the challenge was ably met by the
cast, featuring over 20 students representing all grades. The production
was staged in its traditional minimalist fashion at St. Joseph Abbey and
Seminary College in Covington, continuing a very blessed partnership
between the two institutions.
The cast, like last year, featured many Hannan newcomers as well as
veteran Hawks. 9th graders Camille Bechac and Isabel Boner were
wonderful in the roles of the Stage Manager and Emily Webb, respectively.
Steven Wozniak and Anthony Doyle, veteran Blackfriars (as veteran as a
Junior and Sophomore can be), continued their strong dramatic showings
as George Gibbs and Frank Webb. Making his stage debut, senior Brent
Powell excelled as town policeman, Constable Warren.
The Blackfriars’ season will continue this spring with a collection of
comedic one-act plays, to be staged in the Hannan gym. These hysterical,
short plays will feature another large cast of students, as Hannan’s Theatre
program continues to grow steadily. In fact, in conjunction with Mr. Thomas
Braud, the new director of Hannan’s Choral program, the Blackfriars plan
to produce their first musical in the spring of 2015. The choice of musical
for this highly anticipated event? The quirky Broadway classic, ‘Little Shop
of Horrors’.
It’s an exciting time to be a Hannan Hawk who has any interest in theatre,
as the program continues to grow in scope and in ambition. Stay tuned for
more exciting theatrical developments!
Page 12
Hannan Way
Hannan Students Are Active All Year Long
By Charles Baird
On October 31st the entire student body showed their support for Mary Byrd Perkins Breast Cancer Society of St. Tammany Parish
by donning the color “PINK.” Sponsored by the Student Council as one of their fundraisers, a total of $516.00 was collected for the
cause. Student Body President, Ms. Shelby Rase, and Father Charles Latour presented the check to Mrs. Leslie Landry at our PINK
Pep Rally. A great time was had by all as the students competed for the spirit stick, which was won by the juniors.
Twelve Hannan Student Council delegates traveled to Wade Hampton High School in South Carolina for the annual SASC convention
in November. While there, they campaigned for the national office of SASC Secretary, received 3 awards, shared student-led
strategies, and brought home new ideas to implement at Hannan. All 17 southern states were represented with the largest number
of delegates coming from South Carolina and Louisiana.
In December, the students sponsored Teacher Appreciation Week. Monday the teachers were treated to donuts and coffee in
the morning, Wednesday the teachers received fruit and vegetable trays, snacks, and many other delicious goodies, and Friday
each staff and faculty member received a Christmas bag filled with treats, stuffed animals, and candy cane pens. We love our
The Sisterhawk Club fundraised through a “Tacky Sweater” dress down day and took pictures of students with Santa at lunchtime.
All proceeds went directly to purchasing materials to make blankets for those in need. The annual “12 Days of Hannan” took place
in the darkness of the gym. (We lost electricity right before the show!) Father Charles proclaimed “the show must go on” and it did.
Through many hilarious student-led jokes and teacher-led jokes, the student body, parents, and guests filled the gym with laughter
and the lights came back on too as we reached the 12th day of Hannan.
The Student Council moderators are currently working on team building amongst the grade levels at Hannan not only through the
competition of spirit points and rewards, but most recently through the LOOP Ropes Course. The senior class was the first to
attend. This activity split the students up and challenged them with team competitions on the ground, on low ropes, and by the
end of the program up high onto high ropes too. Overall, we were very pleased with the event and results of this program and will
continue to utilize ROPES as a building block of our Hannan Family.
In January, Student Council hosted the winter sports pep rally acknowledging the players in boys/girls soccer, boys/girls basketball,
and boys/girls power lifting. Twelve student council members presented their skit of “the Hannan Factor” starring “One Direction.”
Those same students traveled to Grace King High School representing Hannan at the 64th Annual LASC Convention over MLK
weekend. At the convention they received four awards and campaigned for state vice-president, missing the opportunity by only 6
votes. Great job! Congratulations to Keighley Kelley who was voted in as District II President.
Several Campus Ministry students attended the “March for Life” in Washington, D.C. and represented Hannan as we fight for the
repeal of Roe vs. Wade. Our students joined hundreds from around the Archdiocese of New Orleans in support of anti-abortion
Sophomores recently participated in the Sudden Impact field trip that teaches young students about destructive decisions and the
consequences that follow such choices.
Archbishop Hannan High School
Page 13
New Clubs Active at Hannan
There are several new clubs on campus this year. We invite all interested students to see the club
moderators for more information.
Liturgical Band
Liturgical Band is a club that allows students to use the their musical talents to help lead the school in worship at
school Mass. Although this is the first year of the Hannan Liturgical Band, the group has grown both musically and in
student participation. The future of the group seems to be very promising; with an increase in student involvement, we
hope to become school leaders through our music. Moderator: Mr. Thomas Braud
Sisterhawk Club
The Sisterhawk Club is new this year and is open to all girls on campus. The club provides a place for young women
to gather and discuss issues pertinent to being a woman of God in today’s society. The club is just beginning and our
goal is to start meeting more regularly this semester, with “lunch bunch” meetings every Friday and then a monthly
regular meeting (divided up 8th-9th graders, and then 10th-12th graders).
The club sponsored their first fundraiser in December in which students paid $1 to wear a tacky sweater to school.
Students were also given the opportunity to take pictures with Santa at lunch. All proceeds were used to purchase
materials for our first service project which will be making blankets for babies in the NICU at local hospitals. Moderators:
Mrs. Laura Rudiger and Ms. Leila Benoit.
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Hannan Way
Let’s All Cheer for the Hawks
By Theresa St. Mary
It’s been an exciting year for the Hawk Cheerleaders. Led
this year by Captains Erica Compagno and Morgan Manfre,
we have accomplished many of the goals we set during
summer camp. Our year began at Summer Camp at the
Beach Club in Gulf Shores, AL. We worked very hard and
were able to bring home a multitude of new routines that
were both entertaining and challenging.
This football season was one that the girls will not soon
forget. Going far into the playoffs and being presented
with the opportunity to cheer on the field in the Superdome
was exciting and memorable. Being on the field in the
Superdome enabled the team to realize how incredible
the building truly is. After performing for the alumni at the
reception, the team stepped on the field. Attempting to go
about the pre-game as usual was difficult as we watched
the Hannan fans fill the massive Superdome. How proud
we were to have the best fan base in the State! Although
the game did not turn out in our favor, we are forever proud
and grateful for Coach Lambert and his team of Hawks for
leading us on such a great adventure!
With basketball in full swing, and spring fast approaching,
Hannan Cheer looks to plan for the 2014-15 school year
with gusto! Tryouts for the new squad have been set for
the week of March 18-21. Each day begins at 3:30 P.M.
and ends at 5:30 P.M. . . . The new squad members will be
posted on the school website by 9:00 P.M. on March 21.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate
Archbishop Hannan High School
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Hawkettes Dance Their Way
to a Successful Year
By Lindsay Wagner
Beginning the new school year with the biggest team in the
history of Archbishop Hannan High’s Covington campus,
Hawkette team members knew this year would be full of
excitement and memories. The 2013-2014 award winning High
Kicking Hawkettes are led by senior officers, Shelby Rase
(captain) and Victoria Brackett (co captain).
The new season for the dance team kicked off preparing for the
Universal Dance Association (UDA) elite, convention summer
camp in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The team was able to learn
new material and bring a home routine for evaluation. While at
camp, all fourteen girls received the highest superior ribbons
on individual dance evaluations. The team also received the
highest superior ribbon and outstanding evaluation in the home
routine. Senior officers Shelby Rase and Victoria Brackett were
chosen as All American dancers and were invited to participate
in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade in New York City.
Football season is by far the busiest time of the year for the girls.
Besides practicing three days a week and taking a technique
class together, the team looked forward to Friday nights as
they supported the football team into victory and performed the
special halftime show. Because of the football team’s exceptional
season, the girls were able to be part of something that will
forever be a memorable moment in the school’s history – the
football state championship. The team was able to perform on
and off of the Superdome football field the entire game. Senior
captain Shelby Rase says it was “one of the best experiences
of my life and highlight of my senior year.”
After football season winds down, the team switches gears
and dives head first into competition season. In January, the
Hawkettes competed at the UDA Louisiana State Championship
in Hammond, Louisiana. The team competed in the Varsity
division and placed 2nd in the jazz category.
This year’s dance season is rapidly coming to an end, and the
young team is looking forward to their future goals. Tryouts
for the 2014-2015 team will be held on March 11th, 12th, and
13th in the school’s gym. Check out for a
tryout packet and information regarding tryouts. Please contact
head coach, Ms. Lindsay Wagner, at
for any questions.
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Hannan Way
Alumni – The Backbone of an Institution
By Nancy Baird
People may often wonder, “Why do schools put so much
time and effort into cultivating relationships with students
who have already graduated?”
Well, the answer is simple. Students, both past and present,
are what any school is about. Yes, it is true that faculty and
staff are important as well; however, students-whether they
are current or past-forever hold a very unique role.
Schools change. Leaders come and go. Faculty and
staff retire or leave for other opportunities. Some small
changes occur throughout the years. And in Archbishop
Hannan’s case, schools even move.
But through all of these changes of leadership, faculty,
and even buildings and locations, a strong school can
remain true to the core beliefs and attributes established
from the very beginning. And they can do this through a
strong alumni base.
Alumni serve many roles in schools, and have a very
treasured spot in the hallways of Archbishop Hannan High
School. Our main hallway, “Heritage Hall,” is a tribute to
our alumni. And because of our unique history, our alumni
are needed now more than ever. Why? Our alumni are
responsible for sustaining important Hawk traditions,
motivating younger Hawks to achieve excellence,
volunteering to show the “Charity Leads to Perfection,”
modeling how a Hannan graduate lives his/her life, and
keeping the spirit alive through their participation in
Take time this year to visit and become reconnected to
Archbishop Hannan High School.
Many of the traditions you grew up with have been
sustained-Olympic Night, Homecoming Bonfire, Ring Day
parade, Spirit Week, Senior Trip to Disney, The Hannan
Way, the Auction, etc.
Active alumni participation indicates that past graduates
feel they had a quality education and experience in
school. The more alumni participation a school has, the
more successful the school will be. Keep the Hannan
spirit alive and reconnect with us. You can reconnect on
our website under the alumni link. Visit us any day-you do
not need an appointment. Get back to your Hawk roots.
You’ll be glad that you did.
Alumni in the News
David DeHarde ‘11 – a junior at Langston University was
named to the Central States Football League all conference
team and recently named special teams player of the year.
His ultimate goal is to play for the NFL.
Anthony Ryan ‘13 – was recently named as a member
of the elite “Honor Guard” as part of his duties in the Air
Archbishop Hannan High School
Page 17
Winter Sports Show Promise for the Future
By Joe Hines
Boys’ soccer finished its second season of varsity
a tough district. The Hawks are playing with only one
competition and showed vast improvement under new
senior on the roster and often take the court with a
head coach Chris Penton. Seniors Austin Burgess, Edward
combination of freshmen and sophomores. Coach Senna,
Dittman, and Will Fogle led the team.
Coach Daniel and Coach Ventura saw improvement each
time the Hawks took the court and are looking for big
Girls’ soccer finished their record setting season with a
things in the future for the Hannan basketball program.
record of 16-5-2, were eliminated in the Quarter Final round
by #2 seeded Newman High School, and finished ranked
Girls’ basketball finished with a record of 12-13 and 3-5 in
7th in the state. The team was led by Meghan Reilly, Lizzie
district. The team is young with only one senior (Kirsten
Frank, Estefania Harvey, and Hannah Duplechain. Coaches
Howell) on the roster. Besides Howell the team was lead
Jerry Kennedy and Pat Wells expect big things from next
by Megan Baker, Megan Reilly, Rachael LePere and Reilly
year’s team as the Hawks have nine starters returning.
Roberts. Rachael LePere reached the 1000- point mark
for her career and looks forward to next year to add to
Boys’ basketball finished the season with three wins in
that total.
Page 18
Hannan Way
Charity Leads to Perfection
By Anthony Doyle, Sophomore
When he became the bishop of Washington D.C., Archbishop Philip M. Hannan chose his episcopal
motto from a passage by St. Paul, “Charity leads to perfection.” The Latin translation Caritas
Vinculum Perfectionis was written on his crest and later on his school’s crest. Now, 57 years after
first using that motto, those words have become an integral part of a Hannan man’s or woman’s
core beliefs.
But what does this motto mean to Hannan Hawks? There are those who believe that our motto
means exactly what it says.
“To me, it means doing good deeds leads to God, who is perfection,” says eighth grader Michael
“It means doing God’s work,” comments Sophomore Braelyn Leggett. Gabby LeBlanc, also a
Sophomore, adds, “It means being called to do charity and
God’s work, which ultimately leads us to perfection.”
Librarian Ms. Yates explains, “Perfection is unattainable, but
every act of charity leads us closer to that unattainable goal
of perfection.”
There are also those students who believe Archbishop
Hannan’s motto has a different meaning.
Junior Mollie Messina says, “It means to be the best person
you can be, you need to put others before yourself.”
Freshman Maddie Foley reflects, “It means that to live
like Jesus, we must give ourselves fully, every day, and
constantly humble ourselves to serve others. We have to love
unquenchably—love until it hurts and then some, because
when we give of ourselves, we become closer to God and
closer to who we are meant to be.”
No matter how Hannan Hawks interpret the meaning of the
school’s motto, it is clear that Archbishop Philip M. Hannan’s
motto choice was an excellent one that continues to lead his
students to perfection as it will for many years to come.
Archbishop Hannan High School
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on the
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Hannan Way
Calendar of Events
March 29, 2014
Crimson and Navy Auction
April 2-6, 2014
Grad Bash Senior Trip
April 12, 2014
Junior/Senior Prom
April 18-25, 2014
Easter Holidays
May 1, 2014
Senior Crawfish Boil
May 2, 2014
P 985-249-6363
May 13, 2014
Baccalaureate Mass
F 985-249-6370
May 16, 2014
Project Graduation
May 19-23, 2014
Final Exams
71324 Highway 1077
Covington, Louisiana