RUNE 2013 - Lorien Trust


RUNE 2013 - Lorien Trust
Dates and Hosts
RUNE 2013
Number 36
Version 1.1
Spring Moot
3rd May—6th May 2013
Hosted by the Tarantulas Faction.
24th May—27th May 2013
Hosts To Be Confirmed
Summer Moot
2ndAugust—4th August 2013
Hosted by the Harts Faction at Selby
within the Duchy of Winchester
23rd August—26th August 2013
Hosted by the Unicorns Faction at the
Island of Grind
Lorien Trust
RUNE 1113 AF
Lorien Trust
2 Jubilee Park
DE11 7NZ
Telephone 01283 220 737
Lorien Trust
Title Says
textOnline booking for New Players.
If you are new to the LT system visit the website and
click the 'Register' button on the ‘User Login’ side
panel (left hand side). Follow the instructions to
create your account. Once you have registered you
can create a character.
The New Player Guide can assist with your character
creation which is available to on the publications
Welcome to the Lorien Trust 2013 season. We have
page of the website. If you are still unsure on any
been working hard to launch both our online booking
creation details you may email the Lorien Trust office
system and our new database. We are sorry for the
on and we will gladly
delay in both booking and the publication of RUNE.
assist you.
As a reward for your patience, if you book by the first
deadline (4th March) you will gain 20 OSP’s extra
Pricing for 2013.
instead of the 10 when booking the multi event deal.
We have placed a £5 rise on the pre-booking price
for the Summer Moot to cover increases in everyday
Booking for 2013.
administrative costs.
As our online booking facilities are now live you can
A full list of 2013 Lorien Trust event prices and multi
either book online or download the booking pack
event deals can be found in this RUNE, the booking
(available on the website) and post in if you wish.
pack and the events section of the website. We have
clarified the ruling on the payment for 16 year olds.
Online booking for existing players.
To qualify for the 7-16 multi deal you must be under
Visit the website and click the 'Register' button on the 16 at the first event you are attending.
’User Login' side panel on the left and follow the
onscreen instructions to retrieve your existing
Offers And Discounts.
customer record. The system will ask for some details
We will continue with our special offers for New
and pair them with those held on the database. Once
Players (50% off first event. More info can be found
our system has found your customer and character
in our New Player pack.) We confirm we are still
details you will need to authorise and confirm they
continuing with our Introduce a friend offer. For
are correct. Once this process has completed you can
every new player you introduce we will credit you 10
book for LT Events, check your character and your
OSP’s (Max 50 OSP total) when they give your name
OSP count.
during the booking process.
Dear Player,
Information in Rune is taken in good faith/correct at time of printing, but may be subject to change.
RUNE© 1998-2013 Merlinroute Ltd. LT Dragon head Logo is Trade Marked. All rights reserved. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted by any means, without prior written permission from
Merlinroute Ltd or in accordance with the provisions of the, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of
any licence permitting copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Except for any required copies of the
event booking form included within this publication. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this
publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.
Lorien Trust
Volunteering for setup and takedown.
textGroup packs and Group Registration.
We are looking for enthusiastic new or former set up
All groups need to be registered with Game Control.
people to assist with set up and or takedown before
Group size is a minimum of 3 or more. Group
and after each main event, we will even feed you.
members who pre-book may get rewards. These
OSPs, IC Cash and other rewards are available to
rewards vary year on year. The more people you
those who volunteer. (These rewards depend on
have in your group the more rewards you may
amount of time volunteered.) Last year, many first
receive. These packs are handed out via your faction
time helpers were amazed just how much work goes
command at The Gathering of Nations.
into setting up and running our events. The saying is
very true, “many hands make light work”. If you are Note: If your character does not have a group, you
will be assigned to that factions default group (e.g
interested in volunteering please email the Lorien
people of the Harts or people of the Dragons). This
Trust office with details of your availability.
default group receives no group rewards.
Identifying / Discern wounds.
There has been some confusion about the
A message from your Traders’ Liaison:
‘Identifying wounds’ skill found on page 12 of the
We are proud to host a large selection of traders
Rulebook. Formerly known as ‘detect wounds’ is now
selling a large variety of wares, form bespoke
called ’Discern wounds’. A new definition to this rule
handmade furniture to everyday LARP essentials.
is as follows.
If you are new and interested in trading at Lorien
Trust events and wish to get in touch please contact
This ability is available to characters with either the
us at We can discuss your
Character Skill Healing or Physician. Using this skill
requirements and suitability and email you the 2013
requires 3 seconds of concentration, while holding
Traders’ Guide.
your primary hand 2" (approx. 5cm) away from a
single target, and stating "Discern Wound, Poison,
A Big Thank You.
Pattern Effect or Disease" (The new vocal)
After many chats with my staff I would like to give all
customers a really big thank you, on their behalf, for
If the target is alive then the ability reveals:
making the events what they are and giving the staff
The number of hits remaining on each location and
a reasonably easy time of it. Try not make it too easy
the maximum they can be restored to. It will also
for them (or they will want to go out and play too!)
reveal the presence of any of the following effects on
the target: Disease, Decay, Fatal, Petrify, or Poison.
Last year I saw a new and improved level of support
In the case of Fatal it will also reveal the specific
from team members across the board. All their
location(s) affected. No further information will be
continued efforts and determination to provide you
the customers with the biggest, best and safest Live
If the target is dead then the healer of physician can Action Role Play events in the country. I would like to
use the above vocal to also detect that they are dead take this opportunity to thank every one, who helped
or played in 2012.
and no further information is given.
Andy King
What to bring
Titleto an event
What to bring.
All Lorien Trust main events are camping-based
weekends generally running from Friday to Monday
(Sunday at Summer Moot). As such it is important
that you bring the correct equipment, clothing and
money with you.
You will need a sturdy water proof tent to sleep in,
along with enough bedding to keep you suitably
warm. Your tent should be big enough for yourself
and any kit or equipment you bring. Spare tent pegs
and guy ropes are useful.
Personal clothing and items.
Don’t forget to bring any medication you require,
contact lenses (including spares), wash kits, towels,
sun lotion, insect repellent and sufficient funds for
the event. Although we provide toilet rolls, a pack of
your own isn't a bad idea. We would advise you to
bring spare clothes along with warm and weather
proof items, extra socks are always useful (even in
the summer it can get quite cold and damp during
the night). We recommend suitable footwear be
worn due to uneven ground. A torch and tent lighting
(including spare batteries) are advised.
Barbecue equipment is allowed, but must not sit
directly on or cause damage to the ground. If you are
using the ‘instant’ tray type you must place the tray
on a sand pile or stone slab. If you are unsure please
check with the Event Support Team.
Fire Safety recommends that naked flames should
not be used inside a tent as this greatly increases the
level of danger.
Once used, BBQ waste should not be disposed off
until it has been doused with water and left for a
minimum of 24 hours before bagging and disposal.
Gas canisters.
Customers with canisters must store and dispose of
them as per the manufacturers’ instructions. Do not
dispose of gas canisters in the site skips. Customers
must take these to a Recycling Centre or return your
empties to your gas suppliers.
Character costume.
Every character needs a costume. This does not have
to be expensive. Charity shops are a great way to pick
up a bargain bit of kit. Character race may determine
any phys-reps you require (E.g. an elf needs elf ears)
It may also determine your style of dress. Curtains
make fantastic cloaks. Your character may want some
weaponry. All weaponry and armour must be LARP
usable. Every item gets checked at the beginning and
during each event. It is advisable to check items that
have been stored overwinter. If you have any issues
or queries on the suitability of your LARP weapon you
may contact the office. Alternatively you may visit
Weapons Check at the main gate or Event Support at
any time during the events.
What if I forget something?
If you do forget anything ASDA Supercentre is a ten
minute drive away. Its postcode is DE21 7LW. There
are many local stores in the village of Spondon.
Caravans/Camper vans.
If you want to bring a caravan, camper van or trailer
tent to the events, there may be limitations to where
you can park and camp. Please see the Gate Staff.
Don’t forget your ticket, character card. Keep these
handy as it will speed up the Gate process.
When you
Title arrive
Have your ticket ready.
textDropping off kit at camp.
Upon arrival you must visit the entry gate before
going to your Faction camp. At the gate you must
produce your ticket to check in with your ticket, or if
you have not pre-booked, pay. You will then receive
your wristband, which must be worn at all times
during the event. The gate will also have a site map
indicating the layout of the event and the direction of
your faction camp. At the gate you can find the main
weapons check point. They will inspect your items for
suitability of use. Items that fail this check must be
returned to vehicles and are not permitted for use at
any time during the event.
You may, weather permitting (ground in good
condition) drive onto the camping field for up to a
maximum of 30 minutes to unload. All vehicles must
then be returned to the car park. If the weather is
bad and we do not allow you to drive onto the
camping field we will try our best to provide a trailer
service / fun bus to ferry your kit to your Faction.
Parking is only permitted in the car parks. Park
sensibly and use caution whilst in the car park. Leave
plenty of space around marked or obvious roadways
and do not block other people in. They may be on
We try to keep the Gate open as long as possible for call. Remember to remove all valuables and close all
your convenience. Should you arrive when the gate is windows. All vehicles are left at owners risk.
closed please check the notice/map board and report
to Event Support (see map) who will be happy to
Setting up your tent.
book you in and issue your wristband.
Please leave a space between tents. Tents must not
Arriving / Leaving by public transport.
Please ensure you are dropped of at the Lorien Trust
event gate (and not Locko Park entrance gate).
If you are arriving/leaving by train or bus into Derby
there are Taxis at the station. We recommend 75
Taxis, they are offering all Lorien Trust customers a
£10 fixed fee when travelling between Derby Station
and Locko Park. If you wish to contact them, to book
in advance or order a minibus call 01332 757575 or
visit Prices with other Taxi firms
may vary.
block any paths, access points or emergency roads.
Do not pitch tents near a fire container (risk of fire)
or cross your guy lines with those around you. If you
are unsure where to pitch tents, check with your
faction command team or other LT staff. Tents
blocking any of the above-mentioned areas or
outside of an allowed camping have to be moved.
Do not camp under trees.
Please be aware that many of the trees in Locko Park
are old, and in bad weather are prone to shedding
branches unexpectedly, for your own safety, do not
camp beneath them.
Arriving / Leaving By Car.
Your rubbish.
Speed limit/Signs.
There is a speed limit for all vehicles of 10 m.p.h. on
Locko Park roads and 5 m.p.h. while on gravel or
grass tracks. You must obey all site direction signs.
Avoid littering of your rubbish or spell cards. Please
bin bag all your rubbish and dispose of it in the skips
provided. If you required extra bin bags they are
available from Event Support.
Event Support
Title & Safety
Toilets and washing facilities.
textCampfires and firewood.
We provide toilets, (both multi bay and Tardis) and a A number of campfire containers will be provided
limited number of showers. We try to place these as within faction/camping areas (subject to the LT site
practically as we possibly can. Please keep these
rules). A stock pile of firewood (used pallets). Be
facilities clean and leave them as you find them. If
careful of nails. Firewood must be broken into
using a chemical “tardis” toilet, use the flush/pump
lengths less than 2 ft. long, please do not overfill the
handle before and after use. Due to placement of
containers and always keep a full container of water
some tardis units we will be unable to light them at
night. Previous attempts to light Tardis style toilets
resulted in a large amount of lighting units going
Lost Property at events.
missing. Event Support will be holding an amnesty for The LT handles lost property according to the policy
any returned tardis lighting.
Standpipes can be found in the main field and around Any lost property found must be taken to the Event
the edge of the camping areas. The water comes
Support Point, (please inform them where you found
direct from the water mains.
it) Items will then be stored in a monitored area until
Catering, & Bar.
Any items of clothing/weapons that are found to be
A range of catering units provide a good selection of broken or wet/soiled, will be disposed of after that
hot & cold food and drinks. Some serve vegetarian
event if they not collected.
food. A fully licensed bar marquee will provide a
Any small valuable items, such as rings, watches,
range of alcoholic and soft drinks, during licensing
phones etc. will be taken back to the Lorien Trust
hours each day and until 6 pm on the last day of the office between events.
event. Alcoholic beverages will not be sold to any
Any other items such as weapons, tankards, and the
person under 18. Please help us keep the bar tidy.
like will be put into storage and will be available at
the next event. All lost property will be kept for one
LT Shop.
year, if they unclaimed, they will be disposed of or
The LT shop sells snacks, sweets, chocolate bars,
sold with the proceeds going to charity.
toothbrushes and other items. The shop also sells hot Our referees and other volunteers do scour the
and cold drinks, which includes hot chocolate.
battlefield after large fights checking for lost items,
however, given the size of the area being searched,
please allow an hour or so before coming down to
A selection of traders selling a wide variety of goods see if your lost item has been handed in.
attend our events. These range from bespoke hand
crafted furniture to LARP clothing, armour, costumes, Shock News! It rains in Britain.
masks, face-paints, LARP usable weaponry, trinkets,
We can be at the mercy of the weather, it never
leatherworking materials and much more. Some
seems to stop play though. In the event of an shower
traders will take custom orders. Why not take the
long enough to rust your armour we do provide
opportunity to have a truly personalised one of kind covered areas. Our theme and guild marquees are
weapon or costume made at the beginning of the
150ft long and will shelter you. Alternate shelter can
year ready for The Gathering!
be found in the bar, faction command or group
Waste Disposal.
Bins are located though the main areas and skips are Game Control.
located around the site. Event Support will gladly
Game Control is where you go for any in-game, rules
provide you additional bin bags free of charge if you or character related issues. Their staff will assist in
run out. Locko park is a wonderful country estate, so solving or answering your questions.
lets all keep it rubbish free.
The LT Event Support Team.
textChildren at LT events.
Event Support can be found next to Game Control.
We pride ourselves on running a family friendly
Support staff, both male or female, are available 24
event. Lorien Trust Kids Plot is run by a qualified
hours a day for the duration of the events. If you
social worker and teachers. All kids plot team
have a non game related problem or issue, this is
members are either DBS (Formerly CRB) checked by
where you should go. Event Support have a number ourselves or supervised directly by those who are.
of different vehicles for use on site as emergency and In addition we have a Child Protection Policy in force
site work vehicles. Please keep an eye out for them, which extends to all staff who come into contact with
and give them right of way.
children. This Child Protection Policy is registered and
approved by Derby County Council and is available
on written request.
First Aid.
Qualified First Aiders, male and female, are available Kids Plot is an integral part of the overall World plot.
As a result of this family interaction is highly
24 hours a day as part of the Event Support staff.
encouraged. Children can relate to adult world plot,
Medical information given to Event Support Team
just as adults can relate to children’s plot. We accept
will be treated in the strictest of confidence, unless
kids of all ages, with reduced rates for under 16’s and
needed by Ambulance or other medical personnel.
under 7’s are admitted free of charge. We also have
a quiet camp available for parents with new-born, or
The First Aid Post is part of the Event Support team
younger children if requested.
but is situated in its own tent for privacy.
Event Support Staff also deals with;
All of your lost and/or found property.
The issuing of supplementary bin bags.
Customer feedback.
Any site, facilities or service issues.
Any fire or other site safety issues.
Reporting out of character (Real Life) Incidents
Missing children (all children should be aware this is
the meeting point if they get lost)
Report emergencies, to LT staff or to Event Support.
Emergency response vehicles.
Your personal safety and wellbeing at LT events are
our highest priority.
LT staff have to be able to respond to any emergency
as quickly as possible and may involve the use of an
Emergency Response Vehicle. Please clear a path to
allow them access to any part of the site. (Flashing
lights and sirens may be used).
Fire precautions & regulations.
Keep a large container of water near to a fire in case
of emergency. Fires are only permitted in authorised
fire containers and when lit must never be left
unattended. The last person to leave the fire
container must make sure it has been properly
If you see any fires that are not within a proper fire
container or barbecue, please report it immediately
to any LT staff with a radio. Unattended fires will be
In the event of a Fire, follow these instructions:
1. Keep calm.
2. Raise the alarm with the LT, giving the fire’s
3. Alert other people in the area.
4. Evacuate the area where the fire is and move
directly to your faction assembly point.
5. Do not collect any of your belongings.
6. Do not return to the area of the fire until
informed by a member of the Lorien Trust
Emergency Team or member of the Fire Brigade (if
attending) that it is safe to do so.
Event Pack Information
Directions to Locko Park
Game Rules & other publications
The basic versions of our Rule Book V3.0, Guide to Occupational skills V3, and addendums are available for
you to download directly from the publications section of The website also offers a
brief online history of Erdreja and a good introduction to the various factions and guilds.
Your Event Pack
Once we have received your booking and payment we will then process your order and will send you your
event pack. We aim to have dispatch this to you within 21 days. Your event pack will contain your entry
ticket with event stubs (dependant on events booked), character card and in-character money. Please note
we arrive on site approximately 10 days before an event between events and 10 days after. The turnaround
of your booking pack may be delayed during this period as we are operating from the event site and not the
office. If after 21 days you have not received your event pack, please email
Non-Transferring Tickets.
Your ticket for Lorien Trust event(s) is non transferable, if you are unable to attend a specific event, you may
cancel your booking up to 4 weeks (28 days) prior to that event. You must return your booking pack to the
Lorien Trust office to qualify for your refund. Your money will be refunded less a £10 administration fee.
Cancellations within 28 days of that event will not be refunded. If you booked a Special Offer, the same 28
day rule applies for refunds and any discounted special offer price for the event combination will also be
removed from the refund. Refunds will only be issued once we have received your returned booking pack via
the post. Please note your ticket counts as proof of purchase.
Arriving Early
Many of you prefer to arrive on the Thursday of an event, to set up your camp. If you do arrive early please
remember, the following applies:
1. Please remember the gate opens from 2 pm on the Thursday of that event.
2. A fee of £10 will be charged on the gate for the extra night’s camping at each event.
Please note children under the age of 16 will not be charged for the extra night’s camping fee, at any event.
You are unable to pre-book your early arrival and the fee for this must be paid on the gate.
Going Home
All event activities officially finish no later 5 pm on the last day of each of the events.
All customers must then be off site by 8 pm.
If there is considerable action still occurring you may not be permitted to relocate your vehicle on site to
collect your belongings.
Please make sure your camping area is clean and tidy. We ask that all customers leave in an orderly and
courteous manner. We wish you a safe journey home.
Directions from the M1 travelling North(Junction25).
Directions from the M1 travelling South (Junction28).
Come off M1 at junction 25, signposted Derby and take the first exit,
A52 towards Derby. Follow A52 until you hit a built up area, take the
exit for Spondon, just prior to flyover. Then at the roundabout take
the sixth exit towards A52 Nottingham and stay in the left lane.
Follow the road to the left in front of the Methodist Church and
continue onto Lodge Lane. Follow the road to the right onto Sitwell
Street. At the first mini roundabout take the first exit and at the
second mini roundabout take the second exit onto Moor Street. Go
straight on this road until it turns into Dale Road and then continue
straight on until you have left the village. Turn left just after the
restaurant on right hand side of the road. There will be signs marking
the entrance at this point.
Come off M1 at Junction 28, signposted Ripley. Take A38 towards
Ripley, Belper and Derby. At Little Eaton roundabout, take the first left
onto Alfreton Road, to Derby. Straight over the next three roundabouts. At the Pentagon roundabout, take second exit up onto A52
towards Nottingham. Take the exit for Spondon and stay in the
middle lane until you reach the roundabout. Then at the roundabout
take the third exit towards A52 Nottingham and stay in the left hand
lane. Follow the road to the left in front of the Methodist Church and
continue onto Lodge Lane. Follow the road to the right onto Sitwell
Street. At the first mini roundabout take the first exit and at the second
mini roundabout take the second exit onto Moor Street. Go straight
on this road until it turns into Dale Road and then continue straight on
until you have left the village. Turn left just after the restaurant on right
hand side of the road. There will be signs marking the entrance at this
2013 LT Main Events
2013 LT Main Events
Spring Moot 2013
Summer Moot 2013
When: The Early May Bank Holiday Weekend.
Friday 3th May - Monday 6th May 2013.
When: The 1st (full) Weekend in August.
Friday 2nd August - Sunday 4th August 2013.
Event Host: Tarantulas
Event Host: Harts
The Spring Moot is the first main event of the year. You have the opportunity to discuss your overwinter
feats of strength and valour or be mesmerised by the tales of others who attended the many sanctioned
The Summer Moot is the third main event of the year. At this time the Harts council are being secretive
as to what they have planned. Although, Rumours of unrest are abound.
You can visit the theme area to watch a ritual, visit your guilds to renew your memberships or continue
your part in the intricate and on-going negotiations between groups and other nations.
The Gathering of Nations 2013
This is an ideal time to visit the Traders and see what new stock has arrived, place your custom order
ready for The Gathering. You may also want to start creating your teams, securing the strongest and the
bravest for the upcoming Great Erdrejan Fayre.
Friday 23rd August - Monday 26th August 2013.
The Great Erdrejan Fayre
When: The Spring Bank Holiday Weekend.
Friday 24th May - Monday 27th May 2013.
Event Name: I can’t believe its not Orcus and Spittal
The Great Erdrejan Fayre offers the opportunities for champions and underdogs to participate as equals
in a grand tournament with various competitions, tantalising games and unique activities in which to test
your resolve, valour, honour and aptitude. The Erdrejan Fayre is usually a light-hearted event with a
uniquely relaxed feel. The style and flavour varies year on year, dependant upon where it is hosted and
the Guilds assisting with the planning.
You may be a part of a team upholding the respect of your Guild, the tenacity of your Group, the spirit of
your Faction or the courage shown from a team of unlikely members. Strange, wonderful and at times
bizarre prizes may await the participants, runners up and winners. Who will become the champion of the
Should you decide not to take an active part within the tournament games themselves, you can always
support your team and rally their spirits or you can immerse yourself in the on going plot and other activities and games available.
When: The August Bank Holiday Weekend,
Event Hosts: Unicorns
All Factions and Guilds are formally invited to attend at the Wellspring of Fortune on the Mauritanian
Island of Grind
The Gathering is the Lorien Trust’s biggest main event each summer season. Faction and Guild plots,
politics, trading, merriment, rituals, skirmishes, monsters and so much more. As well as a number of
mass skirmishes and epic battles.
Many long years of history has now passed, including diverse conflicts of interest, near end of world
disasters and minor land disputes. The Gathering Treaty and various pacts has managed to keep the
Heartland Nations together, sometimes only by a thread, but they have still held.
The Gathering of 2013 (1113A.F.) will be held at on the Island of Grind. Past Gathering themes have
included the Underdark Cavern in 1999, the Pyramid in 2000, the Ice Cavern in 2001, the Gothic Tower in
2002, the Lava Lake in 2003, the Cathedral in 2004, the Lantian Villa in 2005, the Dragon’s Cave located at
Helenica in 2006, the Dwarven forges near to Igneous in 2007, the Great Library of Knowledge in 2008,
the Temple of Solitude in 2009 , the Ziggurat of Tenkswatawa in 2010, Babylon in the ‘Hanging Gardens’
2011 and the Island of Orkneyja in 2012. What will this year bring?
This year will be no exception; we are working hard and hope to have some great surprises to make The
Gathering 1113A.F another event to remember.
The Diary of Ivor Diedagen
Wow, my first event! So excited, I sent off my booking pack and received my event pack. A ticket into a
new world where I can leave reality behind and escape into a colourful, rich an in depth world. I can’t
wait to walk amongst the Beastkin, Elves and Dwarves!
All my friends say that I am full of keen, whatever that appears to be. I have done lots of reading, read
the rules, from cover to cover (twice!) AND I’ve scoured the website so I know which guilds I want to join,
and which I want to avoid. Apparently I need to make some gold first, a guild joining fee keeps out the
riffraff I guess. I even asked on the forum if the was a quick way of making money, I wonder why I didn't
get a reply?
Thursday night was good, though I did notice not everyone was wearing their “kit” - How bizarre! I did
find out that trying to be IC on a Thursday night does lead to considerable mockery. Never mind though,
it made me a new group of friends—now I feel all warm and Fozzy.
Well I am now playing a human, apparently the “green skins” makeup makes me itch. I packed all my
stuff but forgot my sleeping bag. Thankfully someone has given me their spare!
I got IC killed on my first evening, Apparently I was the first character death of the event! Brilliant! I had
just been down to the guild house to get my power cards when I dropped them all in the mud, I picked
them up I bumped into someone wearing all black, I was followed for a while and then before I knew it I
had been “Jobbed” - I did wonder how I earned money from it but I realised it was the other way around
and lost what little gold I had.
I went with the Ref to games control and got a replacement character. As I was in the queue another
person overheard and felt sorry for me, they gave me some of their gold! I was well impressed! I was
actually starting to earn gold! It was getting dark, so I headed back to my faction, sitting under one of the
huge trees on the way back, when someone said “Pst. I’ve got a surprise for you”. Before I knew it I was
down again, only this time it was my new friends from the bar. Within minutes another Ref turned up
(these guys get everywhere!) and apparently I made a new record, First AND Second character death of
the event! (I'm still waiting on my gold reward) Once again I had lost what little gold I had. I have now
named my new replacement character “lucky”, I wonder if that will help?
The Diary of Ivor Diedagen
I spent the evening sitting around the campfire, I heard many tales and great deeds that adventurers
have done, people single handed taking on the Balrog, defeating Kings and Queens of old and hunting
the fabled ‘moon on a stick’ - this must be a very powerful item. They kept saying the Balrog was only a
baby—whatever that means. I thought I had better get some sleep as daylight was coming and I seem to
have morning dew on my nose.
I decided to try some monstering with my faction, they said it would help me understand some of the
rules that I didn’t quite grasp. (I knew this was next to Game Control, its almost like a second home!) I
entered the monster room to see a hub of activity with people being made-up or briefed (sometimes
both at the same time). I got to wear some awesome kit and practise with different weapons—I kept
dropping the long one. I got to fight against loads of players of all different strengths; I was getting spells
and rocks thrown at me left, right and centre. Our monster ref (No. 37) was really understanding, not
only did I remember him from the big tree but he remembered me. I got a bit tired when an invisible
person ran up to me with a bottle of water! Fighting as something else with different skills really helped
me understand a bit more of the game, which broadened my own character ideas. Its defiantly worth
giving it a try, although I don't think ill be King for a while yet! Wahoooo! Monsters get paid.
I decided to explore more of the main area and look around the traders. I saw much activity of very posh
looking characters and cheering from one of the tents. Upon entry I was frisked, and eagerly shown to a
table where everyone else was looking at me strangely and looking at me to do something. Hmm, maybe
I should have asked what was going on. Now I know a hard 16 saw my monster earnings disappeared.
Interesting day - recapping of the many varied and wonderful people I met this weekend I thought it was
about time to find out what was going on in the giant tent. I wandered in and wow—its like another
world in there! I made my way to where a group of people were “doing stuff” and wondered why they
were all leaving the tent, all I heard was bells! I thought the opposite of living was dead—now I know
there is a WHOLE new category. Good News! Game Control now know my name. They have the layout
set out so right, everything is so close to Game Control.
The rest of the weekend went without much of a hitch, from now on just call me the mocked picnic
eating murderous hunter, with tendencies to raw meat, and a fascination for instruments that go DONG!
Yours Ivor Diedagen
A Letter From The Watchers Council
To The Peoples of Erdreja
An Announcement From Aneirin (Formerly Don Corrado)
On a personal level I offer this piece of information for those
truth he never truly existed as he was a fiction created by necessity. I
As some of you may be aware we have now been wandering around Erdreja going to many of her
Wellsprings. What you may not be aware of is why we have done this and why we have gone to
them in the order we have.
I and others have had conversations with a number of people who are relatively clueless as to why
this has happened. To those people I hope to give some answers and to alleviate misconceptions
along the way.
am Aneirin, or if you wish Aneurin, dependant on whether you use the
modern or ancient form of the name. I am not Sicilijan even though I
who may be disquieted or concerned over a pronouncement I made on
Ustica a few months ago. I am not dead! I did say Corrado is dead. In
have lived there for a very long time. I am third generation Fey and
have lived many ‘human’ lifetimes as many different humans and as
some other elder races by using glamour. If you would like some further
information please speak to me in person and I will share what little I
know of what I ritually forgot.
This will have no effect on my duties as a Watcher of Erdreja I
am the same personality as I always was but now, no longer within the
confines and constrictions of the Sicilijan way of life. I have relayed
this fact to the Island Council and they have given me the honour of
the status of a Maestro upon Sicilija. If you are unsure what this means
please ask me and I will be happy to explain.
In knowledge , faith and hope,
Aneirin (formerly Don Corrado)
Yes, we didn’t go to many of these Wellsprings in the past and left them well alone as they
were and are VERY dangerous.
Yes, a lot of them have moved.
We take great precautions to make sure that Wellsprings are not abused and that in turn
the flows of power in a ritual do not become so much that they start ripping apart peoples
patterns. That is part of our job as Watchers.
Yes there is a reason why we are going to each Wellspring in turn, the reason is simply that
each Wellspring needs to be keyed in to the area they are now situated and they require an
additional aspect. This is the part that ritualists and contributors take a part in, as they will
decide via the rituals they perform what this will be. An example of this is that as a result of
the rituals that were performed in the Wellspring of Spirit, now has a secondary alignment
of Theology.
There is also the growth of both the individual and nations respectively as the travelling
around Erdreja has made us think about how we are a part of this world we live on. We are
learning much about where we came from and in some cases how our races have, are and
will develop over time leading in some cases to ‘Awakening’ and al that that implies.
The decision of where we might go next year in terms of Wellspring will be determined at
the Gathering of Nations. Each year Erdreja provides a choice of possible Wellsprings and
the ritualists and contributors during the Gathering make a choice between these two. This
decision can be made either consciously or unconsciously.
An example of how this decision is made: Reality and Spirit were a choice a few years back and
many people chose not to make a mention of which Wellspring they wanted. So the rituals they had
done made the decision. The majority of the ritual groups performed Incantation and therefore
Spirit based rituals and very few even hinted at Reality so the choice of Spirit was made. The
choice of Fortune for this year was made by the same process. It is possible to make a conscious
decision and some groups have done this. Simply state in the ritual which Wellspring you would
prefer. If you are unsure about which Wellsprings are available for choice speak to the Watchers
of Erdreja at the Gathering and we will let you know.
Personal Details
Character Information
(Complete sections in full)
Spring Moot, Great Erdrejan Fayre, Summer Moot & Gathering
Player ID:
(Please leave Blank if unknown)
First Name/s:
Lammie supported Race
Supported Race
Last Name:
Date of Birth:
Character Name____________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Name:
Lammie ID
Character Skills: Your have 16 points to spend on skills.
Body Development 1
Incantations 1*
Body Development 2
Incantations 2*#
Power [1/2/3/4]
Large Melee Weapon Use
Ritual Magic [1/2/3]
Projectile Weapon Use
Contribute to Ritual
Missile Weapon Use
Shield Use
Sense Magic
Light Armour Use
Potion Lore
Medium armour Use
Poison Lore
Heavy Armour Use
Healing 1*
Healing 2*#
Recognise Forgery
Spellcasting 1*
Bind wounds
Spellcasting 2*#
*= You cannot have a level 1 & 2 skill from the same magic skill type.
#= You cannot have more than 1 magic skill at level 2 or above.
Free basic skills for every character. Medium & small melee weapons, Literacy, Numeracy & Map
reading Theses skills will not appear on your character card.
Please list all OSP skills you have purchased for this character.
Current Purchased OSP skills
Emergency Contact Number:
Please tick box to receive all future LT updates electronically
Help us to help the environment by receiving paperless publications
Have you joined / visited the Lorien Trust forum.
Pre-book OSP Purchases:
Were you introduced by a friend (Please advise friends name below)
How did you find us?
Group Name
2) Medical Details: allergies / medical conditions
Group Leader (O.O.C)
Faction ( Please tick only one box. If you do not tick a box, one will be chosen for you.)
Information is stored confidentially in a database. Registered on the Data Protection Register
Events, Cost and Declaration.
Lorien Trust Payment Details
Event Prices 2013
All bookings must be received by the Lorien Trust, prior to the event deadline you are
booking for. Discounts for multiple events are shown in (Multi event offers). If you do not
wish to pre-book you can pay on arrival at each event (see Gate column). If you wish to
arrive early (Thursday from 2pm) there is a £10 on the gate fee for the extra night.
Event Booking Prices
Spring Moot
Great Erdrejan Fayre
Summer Moot
Gathering of Nations
Children 7-16 years old
This section must be fully completed by the person paying by credit/debit card, Postal Order or
Personal/Business cheque.
Your Payment:
(Please tick appropriate boxes below for your payment type)
Your credit/debit/cheque details:
Lorien Trust ‘declined cheque policy’:
In the event of a customers cheque being declined by their bank due to a lack of funds The Lorien
Trust will normally charge a further £10.00 administration fee.
House Number
Children under 7 years are FREE, Children 7-16 are £15 per event (£50 for all 4). All children must
be accompanied by a paying parent or guardian. To qualify for the 7-16 multi-deal you must be
Credit/debit Card Number:
Valid From
Multi event offers
1st This multi offer is only available until 4th March 2013.
Pre-book all 4 events by this date and save £30 against the second deadline price. You will also
receive a bonus of 20 OSPs added to your account.
2nd These multi offers are only available until 31st March 2013.
Pre-book all 4 events by this date and save £20. Pre-Book the Spring Moot & GEF and save £10.
3rd This multi offer is only available until 30th June 2013.
Pre-book Summer Moot & Gathering by this date and save £10.
Spring Moot, Great Erdrejan Fayre, Summer Moot & Gathering
£195 (Save £30)
Spring Moot, Great Erdrejan Fayre, Summer Moot & Gathering
£205 (Save £20)
Spring Moot (SPM) & Great Erdrejan Fayre (GEF)
£110 (Save £10)
Children's multi event booking offer (7 to 16 years old)
Summer Moot (SUM) & Gathering (G)
£ 50 (save £10)
£105 (Save £10)
Card Issue No. (Where Applicable)
3 Digit Security Number (Located on reverse of card)
I authorise you to debit my credit/debit card for the amount of:
I enclose my Cheque / Postal Order payable to :Lorien Trust
If writing a cheque on behalf of someone else enter
your name here
Cardholders Signature
The information I have supplied in sections of this form is an accurate account of my details and
that I have not falsely supplied any information on these sections.
I have read and I agree to comply with and be bound by the Terms and Conditions, rules and
regulations of the Lorien Trust and accept that the Lorien Trust organisers and their staff cannot
be held responsible for any injury, damage or loss howsoever caused during, or as an incidental
result of its events.
Signed: ________________________________________________
Expires End
Name in full as shown on
This form must be signed, unsigned forms will not be processed and will be returned.
If you are under 16 years of age this form must be signed by your parent or guardian.
Cardholders Name
Rules & Regs of Lorien Trust
Site Rules of Lorien Trust & Locko Park
Site Rules Of Lorien Trust.
1. You agree to comply with and be bound by the LT game rules. LT’s decision is final in all disputes concerning the game rules.
2. The LRP (Live Role Playing) hobby involves the use of specially manufactured LRP weapons. All participants at LT events agree that LRP weapons may be used on them during active participation. Do not play
the game if you do not agree to be struck with such weapons. Anyone found using an LRP weapon in a
dangerous manner will be warned of their actions and any further incidents of this may lead to them
being expelled from the event. Metal or other non-LRP weapons Must Not be brought to LT events.
Reasonable camping knives are permitted but can only be used in your camp and Must be kept in your
tent. The LT reserve the right to confiscate/ban, any weapon or any item of equipment it deems to be
unsuitable or inappropriate. Any confiscated item Must be collected from the security point, prior to you
leaving the event. Any uncollected items will be kept for a maximum of one year after the event and
may then be disposed of.
3. The LT will inform the authorities if anyone is discovered breaking the law.
4. The LT will charge you for the repair or replacement value of any LT property that you have lost, damaged, vandalised or destroyed.
5. Our gate issued security wristband Must be attached to your wrist upon entry and then worn at all times
during that event.
6. No Pyrotechnics (fireworks/bangers) will be allowed to be brought into any LT event by players. Any
player found using/having them will be expelled from the event and banned.
7. No naked flames must be used under canvas or inside tents. All cooking stoves must be at least 4ft away
from any flammable surface or tent canvas. Please make sure the ground is not being damaged by your
fire. If needed please ask Event Support for sand to be used to help prevent such damage.
8. No Radio transmitting equipment, scanners, or disruptive electrical equipment can be used without the
prior written consent of the LT.
9. No child under 16 will be permitted to take part in any large battles.
10. Any player caught cheating will be warned. If they persist in cheating they will be penalized and may, as
a last resort, be expelled from the event.
11. Please remember that we are running family events, with children in attendance. As such, you are expected to maintain a reasonable standard of decency, both physically and verbally. Remember that
Lorien Trust LRP events are there for you to have fun at.
Spirit of the game
All participants at Lorien Trust events are required to uphold the spirit, not just the letter, of the rules.
Referees and Marshals can only make decisions based on the information at hand. The ultimate aim of live
role-playing is to have fun. Role-playing a character in such a way as to deliberately upset others OOC is not
within the spirit of the rules. The Lorien Trust would like to ask all participants to leave OOC disagreements
with other people outside the event.
1. Vehicles without official site access are restricted to the players' car parks only. Any vehicle obstructing
access in these areas or found outside of the permitted areas may be removed. You may only use the
camping drop off points for a maximum of 30 minutes. Ask gate staff.
2. Do not leave valuables visible in your vehicle. All vehicles are parked at the owner's risk Leave a note and
write just the driver's Player ID number (found on your character card) in a visible place on the dashboard of the vehicle. If you are the driver and paid on the gate, tell the gate staff. They will take your
details down on a ticket stub. Display the issued ticket.
3. Caravans and motor homes may be brought to the events. However owners must get prior permission
from the Lorien Trust and may have certain restrictions on where they can park.
4. The LT staff area is Out of Bounds to players unless accompanied by an LT staff member.
5. No combat may take place in OOC areas (Toilets, Event Support, Game Control, Monster Room and Car
Parks). No mass combat may take place in these In Character areas; Trade stands, Guild tent, Bar, Caterers and any area displaying a sign stating this rule.
6. The backs of the Trade stands and traders’ car park are Out of Bounds to players unless accompanied by
a trader or a Lorien Trust staff member.
7. No trading/peddling will be permitted without a valid Lorien Trust trading licence.
8. Be Aware. At LT events, special effects are regularly used which include loud sounds, strobe and UV
lighting and smoke machines. These can be hazardous to you if you suffer from a medical condition that
may be affected by these effects. Also Note. Pyrotechnic effects that create very loud output are used.
These may cause you a sudden shock or surprise.
Site specific rules to Locko Park.
1. Remember Locko Park is part of the countryside and Must be treated with respect. Use common sense
keep it tidy and leave it as you found it.
2. No animals are permitted at events, except for Guide Dogs with prior permission from LT.
3. Weather permitting, a set amount of fire containers will be provided per faction/camping area. Braziers
and barbecue equipment can be brought to the events but Must Not damage or burn the ground.
Ground fires are not permitted. Don't empty fire remnants onto the grass. Fires Must Never be left unattended and Must have a large container of water nearby.
4. Areas marked 'No Entry' or 'Out of Bounds' Must Not be entered by any person. If for any reason you
need to retrieve something from these areas, you must first find a member of Lorien Trust staff. They
will then retrieve it or accompany you into the area.
5. Locko Hall, the surrounding buildings and ornate gardens are strictly Out of Bounds. Do not enter any of
these areas under any circumstances.
6. The lake is strictly Out of Bounds. This area is very dangerous. Stay out!
7. Do not damage the plant life, climb or damage trees or collect any loose fire wood. No posters or flyers
may be attached to any tree, fences or structure on Locko Park.
8. Any fields containing livestock or growing crops are Out of Bounds unless you are crossing them whilst
accompanied by a Lorien Trust staff member.
9. When driving through the site you must obey the 10 M.P.H. speed limit which is in effect for all nonemergency vehicles and all road signs and instructions from Lorien Trust staff. Only use the marked site
entrances and exits that are allocated for your use.
10. You Must clear up, bag and tie your rubbish before you leave the site. Keep the site, especially the camping and main field areas, tidy during the event.