New Player Starter Pack


New Player Starter Pack
Version 1
Lorien Trust
New Customer Pack
Dates and Hosts
Spring Moot 2nd May—5th May 2014
Hosted by the Viper Faction and the Militia Guild.
Great Erdrejan Fayre
23rd May—26th May 2014
Hosted by the Power Guilds of Erdreja.
Summer Moot
1st August—3rd August 2014
Hosted by both the Dragons Faction and the Bards
22nd August—25th August 2014
Hosted by the Lions and the Jackals Factions
Lorien Trust
2 Jubilee Park
DE11 7NZ
Telephone 01283 220 737
Events and Prices
New Player Starter Pack
Welcome to the Lorien Trust Live Ac on Role Play system. New Player Discounts Pricing New customer are customers that have not previously a ended a Lorien Trust Event. This deal only applies to people over 16 years of age. Children under 16 will require the normal We are glad you have decided to join us at the events. The dates of our 4 main events are booking form. These prices are only available via pre‐booking. On the gate prices will be shown on the front of this booklet. If you require further informa on on our game word charged at the current rate shown in RUNE (Available form the publica ons part of the web‐
please browse the website which contains a basic overview of each fac on, guilds and some site). Please note if you pre‐book both Spring Moot + GEF New Customer deal you will not of the game world history. Our publica ons sec on has a copy of the rules, rules addendums be eligible for the Summer Moot + Gathering New Customer Deals. Remaining event cket and OSP guide (Occupa onal Skills Guide). or entry prices will be as shown in RUNE of this year. "Live role‐play events, run by live role‐players for live role‐players". All our events are outdoor camping events. The pre‐book price list for new players is as follows. All New Customers receive a star ng discount on their first pre‐booking (Please see table), plus an in game incen ve (of 50 OSPs) to help you develop your character. If you wish to book, either print off this pack, fill it in and send it to the office or you can book online. Visit the website and click the 'Register' bu on on the ‘User Login’ side panel (le hand side). Follow the onscreen instruc ons to create your own account. Once you have reg‐
istered you can create a character. The remainder of this book should assist you in crea ng your first character however, If you are s ll unsure on any aspect of character crea on you may email the Lorien Trust office on and we will gladly assist you. If you do not wish to create your character at the me of booking, we will bank your OSPs and they will be available for later use. An Introduc on to CS, OS & OSPs Although the abbrevia ons CS, OS & OSPs can be confusing at first each is it not as complex as it seems. Each customer creates one character. Each character can spend up to 16 points on Character Skills (CS). These broadly determine the type of character you play (EG a healer would choose the Healing CS and an Warrior would choose Armour Use & Body Development CS as one of their main CS skills.). To supplement these CS a character can buy Occupa onal Skills (OS) by spending Occupa onal Skill Points. (OSPs) These Occupa onal Skills allow you to create an extra depth to your character, these reflect your background and knowledge of the game world. For example the OS Revive costs 10 OSPs and allows the healer be er heal‐
ing. An explana on of all OS skills can be found within Occupa onal Skills Guide. Before 28th February 2014 Before 31st March 2014 Before 30th June 2014 Spring Moot £27.50 £30.00 Great Erdrejan Fayre £27.50 £30.00 Summer Moot £25.00 £25.00 £27.50 The Gathering £27.50 £27.50 £30.00 Spring Moot + Great Fayre + £175.00 (Excludes mul ‐deal OSP BONUS) £185.00 £75.00 £85.00 £75.00 £80.00 Events Summer Moot + Gathering Spring Moot + Great Fayre Summer Moot + Gathering OSPs are earned by a ending events. New Customer Booking Pack Page 2 Personal Details
Character Information
(Complete sections in full)
This is the New Player booking pack designed for new customers only. Please complete the mul ple sec ons on the booking form. As a new customer your first event/s will be priced as listed on page 2. Please indicate on page 5 which events you wish to a end. Put the relevant price from page 2 on the payment details sec on. Personal Details (PLEASE COMPLETE FULLY IN INK AND BLOCK CAPITALS) Last Name: Date of Birth: Address: D D M M Y Y Male Female (Leave blank if no postcode) Phone/Mobile: Mobile Phone: Emergency Contact Name: Emergency Contact Number: Beastkin (We will send your Tickets here) County: Postcode: Country: e‐mail: Character Race (Please tick one race type) Olog First Name/s: Character Name____________________________________________________________
Drow Dwarf Halfling Elf Umbral Human Fey Character Skills: Your have 16 points to spend on skills. Body Development 1 4 Body Development 2 Ambidexterity Large Melee Weapon Use 8 2 2 Projectile Weapon Use Missile Weapon Use Shield Use Light Armour Use Medium armour Use Heavy Armour Use Healing 1* Healing 2*# 4 1 2 2 3 4 4 8 Incantations 1* 4 Incantations 2*# Power [1/2/3/4]
Ritual Magic [1/2/3]
8 (2/4/6/8) (2/4/6) Contribute to Ritual Invocation Sense Magic Potion Lore Poison Lore Cartography Evaluate Recognise Forgery 1 3 1 3 4 1 1 1 Spellcasting 1* 4 Bind wounds 1 Spellcasting 2*# 8 Physician 2 *= You cannot have a level 1 & 2 skill from the same magic skill type. #= You cannot have more than 1 magic skill at level 2 or above. Free basic skills for every character. Medium & small melee weapons, Literacy, Numeracy & Map
reading Theses skills will not appear on your character card. Please go to the next page to spend your 50 OSPs on the skills shown. If your 50 OSPs are not spent, they will be saved and available to spend at a later me. If you do not wish to select your group or fac on at this me one will be chosen for you Group Name Group Leader (O.O.C) Were you introduced by a friend? (If applicable: advise friends name below) How did you find us? Uruck Faction ( Please tick only one box. If you do not tick a box, one will be chosen for you.)
Bears Informa on is stored confiden ally in a database. Registered on the Data Protec on Register Lions New Customer Booking Pack Page 4 Dragons Tarantulas Gryphons Unicorns Harts Vipers Jackals Wolves New Player Starter Pack
New Player Starter Pack
New Player name: Referring Players name: Character name: Referring Character Name: Select your Occupational Skills totalling up to 50 OSPs by marking with X next to the cost. Character Skills (CS) Occupa onal Skill (OS) Required REQUIRED CS: Healing/Spellcas ng/Incanta on CS: Light/Medium/Heavy Armour Use CS: Spellcas ng/Incanta ons Occupa onal Skill (+ 4) Spell Cards Appren ce (X) Armour Mastery Armoursmith Appren ce Bowyer Appren ce Cast High Counter Magic Conceal Item Cost 10 10 20 10 20 30 20 X CS: Contribute to Ritual CS: Poison Lore CS: Po on Lore CS: Poison/Po on Lore CS: Incanta on CS: Healing CS: Bind Wounds/Physician CS: Healing Contribute to Second Ritual Create Poison 1 Create Po on 1 Create Reagent Dedicated Follower Detect & Remove Beguile Discern Ancestral Being Discern Daemonic Being Discern Elemental Being Discern Pa en Type Discern Unliving Forensic Analysis General Knowledge (x) Hand of Nature Heal Alien/Aberrant Pa en Herb Lore 10 20 20 10 30 20 30 30 30 10 30 30 10 20 30 10 CS: Spellcas ng/Sense Magic Iden fy 20 Character Skills (CS) Occupa onal Skill (OS) Required REQUIRED Occupa onal Skill CS: Healing Immune to Disease Immune to Distract & Confusion Immune to Fear Immune to Fumble Immune to Lethal Alchemical Poi‐
son Immune to Repel CS: Incanta on Last Rites Locate CS: Healing/Spellcas ng/Incanta on Perform Transport Rite Cost 30 30 10 10 X 40 20 10 20 10 CS: Light/Medium/Heavy Armour Use CS: Healing CS: Ritual Magic CS: Healing/Spellcas ng/Incanta on CS: Shield Use CS: Spellcas ng/Incanta on CS: Physician Quick Armour Repair Revive Rite Master Scholar (X) Scribe Scroll Shield Mastery Sleepless Chan ng Surgeon Tracking 10 10 10 20 20 30 20 20 10 CS: Light/Medium/Heavy Armour Use Transcend Armour Translate Named Script Trap Lore Transvers Fac on Wards Weaponsmith Appren ce 20 10 30 30 10 CS: Incanta on Wedge Mastery 10 If you have any ques ons or queries about your booking please contact us at New Customer Booking Pack Page 3 Events, Cost and Declaration.
Lorien Trust Payment Details
Event Prices 2014
All bookings must be received by the Lorien Trust, prior to the event deadline you are
booking for. Discounts for multiple events are shown in (Multi event offers). If you do not
wish to pre-book you can pay on arrival at each event however you will not receive any
discount on the gate ticket price. If you wish to arrive early (Thursday from 2pm) there is a
£10 on the gate fee for the extra night, this is not discounted for new customers.
Please tick the relevant box for the relevant
GATE SPM GEF SUM GATH event you are booking. As a new customer you
£70 are entitled to a 50% discount to your first event.
A full description and breakdown of prices can be
£70 found on page 2 of this publication. We advise
£60 customers to book in advance to achieve the
greatest saving against our on the gate prices.
£70 Savings shown against the relevant Gate prices.
1st This mul offer is only available un l 28th February 2014. Pre‐book all 4 events by this date for the total price of £175. (Saving £95) 
2nd These mul offers are only available un l 31st March 2014. This sec on must be fully completed by the person paying by credit/debit card, Postal Order or Personal/Business cheque. Your Payment: (Please ck appropriate boxes below for your payment type) Your credit/debit/cheque details: Lorien Trust ‘declined cheque policy’: In the event of a customers cheque being declined by their bank due to a lack of funds The Lorien Trust will normally charge a further £10.00 administra on fee. House Number Credit/debit Card Number: Valid From Name in full as shown on Credit/debit Card Postcode Expires End Pre‐book all 4 events by this date and save £85. Pre‐Book the Spring Moot & GEF and save £55. Card Issue No. (Where Applicable) 
3 Digit Security Number (Located on reverse of card) I authorise you to debit my credit/debit card for the amount of: £ I enclose my Cheque / Postal Order payable to :Lorien Trust £ th
3rd This mul offer is only available un l 30 June 2014. Pre‐book Summer Moot & Gathering by this date and save £50. 1st
Spring Moot, Great Erdrejan Fayre, Summer Moot & Gathering
Spring Moot, Great Erdrejan Fayre, Summer Moot & Gathering
Spring Moot (SPM) & Great Erdrejan Fayre (GEF)
£ 85
Summer Moot (SUM) & Gathering (G)
£ 80
If wri ng a cheque on be‐
half of someone else enter your name here (IN BLOCK CAPITALS) Signature: This form must be signed, unsigned forms will not be processed and will be returned. The informa on I have supplied in sec ons of this form is an accurate account of my details and that I have not falsely supplied any informa on on these sec ons. I have read and I agree to comply with and be bound by the Terms and Condi ons, rules and regula ons of the Lorien Trust and accept that the Lorien Trust organisers and their staff cannot be held responsible for any injury, damage or loss howsoever caused during, or as an incidental result of its events. Signed: ________________________________________________ Date_____/_____/2014 Cardholders Signature Cardholders Name (IN BLOCK CAPITALS) New Customer Booking Pack Page 5 Rules & Regs of Lorien Trust
Site Rules of Lorien Trust & Locko Park
1. You agree to comply with and be bound by the LT game rules. LT’s decision is final in all disputes concern‐
ing the game rules. 2. The LRP (Live Role Playing) hobby involves the use of specially manufactured LRP weapons. All par ci‐
pants at LT events agree that LRP weapons may be used on them during ac ve par cipa on. Do not play the game if you do not agree to be struck with such weapons. Anyone found using an LRP weapon in a dangerous manner will be warned of their ac ons and any further incidents of this may lead to them being expelled from the event. Metal or other non‐LRP weapons Must Not be brought to LT events. Rea‐
sonable camping knives are permi ed but can only be used in your camp and Must be kept in your tent. The LT reserve the right to confiscate/ban, any weapon or any item of equipment it deems to be unsuita‐
ble or inappropriate. Any confiscated item Must be collected from the security point, prior to you leaving the event. Any uncollected items will be kept for a maximum of one year a er the event and may then be disposed of. 3. The LT will inform the authori es if anyone is discovered breaking the law. 4. The LT will charge you for the repair or replacement value of any LT property that you have lost, dam‐
aged, vandalised or destroyed. 5. Our gate issued security wristband Must be a ached to your wrist upon entry and then worn at all mes during that event. 6. No Pyrotechnics (fireworks/bangers) will be allowed to be brought into any LT event by players. Any player found using/having them will be expelled from the event and banned. 7. No naked flames must be used under canvas or inside tents. All cooking stoves must be at least 4 away from any flammable surface or tent canvas. Please make sure the ground is not being damaged by your fire. If needed please ask Event Support for sand to be used to help prevent such damage. 8. No Radio transmi ng equipment, scanners, or disrup ve electrical equipment can be used without the prior wri en consent of the LT. 9. No child under 16 will be permi ed to take part in any large ba les. 10. Any player caught chea ng will be warned. If they persist in chea ng they will be penalized and may, as a last resort, be expelled from the event. 11. Please remember that we are running family events, with children in a endance. As such, you are ex‐
pected to maintain a reasonable standard of decency, both physically and verbally. Remember that Lo‐
rien Trust LRP events are there for you to have fun at. Spirit of the game All par cipants at Lorien Trust events and required to uphold the spirit, not just the le er, of the rules. Referees and Marshals can only make decisions based on the informa on at hand. The ul mate aim of live role‐playing is to have fun. Role‐playing a character in such a way as to deliberately upset others OOC is not within the spirit of the rules. The Lorien Trust would like to ask all par cipants to leave OOC disagreements with other people outside the event. Site Rules Of Lorien Trust. 1. Vehicles without official site access are restricted to the players' car parks only. Any vehicle ob‐
struc ng access in these areas or found outside of the permi ed areas may be removed. You may only use the camping drop off points for a maximum of 30 minutes. Ask gate staff. 2. Do not leave valuables visible in your vehicle. All vehicles are parked at the owner's risk Leave a note and write just the driver's Player ID number (found on your character card) in a visible place on the dashboard of the vehicle. If you are the driver and paid on the gate, tell the gate staff. They will take your details down on a cket stub. Display the issued cket. 3. Caravans and motor homes may be brought to the events. However owners must get prior permission from the Lorien Trust and may have certain restric ons on where they can park. 4. The LT staff area is Out of Bounds to players unless accompanied by an LT staff member. 5. No combat may take place in OOC areas (Toilets, Event Support, Game Control, Monster Room and Car Parks). No mass combat may take place in these In Character areas; Trade stands, Guild tent, Bar, Caterers and any area displaying a sign sta ng this rule. 6. The backs of the Trade stands and traders’ car park are Out of Bounds to players unless accompanied by a trader or a Lorien Trust staff member. 7. No trading/peddling will be permi ed without a valid Lorien Trust trading licence. 8. Be Aware. At LT events, special effects are regularly used which include loud sounds, strobe and UV ligh ng and smoke machines. These can be hazardous to you if you suffer from a medical condi on that may be affected by these effects. Also Note. Pyrotechnic effects that create very loud output are used. These may cause you a sudden shock or surprise. Site specific rules to Locko Park. 1. Remember Locko Park is part of the countryside and Must be treated with respect. Use common sense keep it dy and leave it as you found it. 2. No animals are permi ed at events, except for Guide Dogs with prior permission from LT. 3. Weather permi ng, a set amount of fire containers will be provided per fac on/camping area. Brazi‐
ers and barbecue equipment can be brought to the events but Must Not damage or burn the ground. Ground fires are not permi ed. Don't empty fire remnants onto the grass. Fires Must Never be le una ended and Must have a large container of water nearby. 4. Areas marked 'No Entry' or 'Out of Bounds' Must Not be entered by any person. If for any reason you need to retrieve something from these areas, you must first find a member of Lorien Trust staff. They will then retrieve it or accompany you into the area. 5. Locko Hall, the surrounding buildings and ornate gardens are strictly Out of Bounds. Do not enter any of these areas under any circumstances. 6. The lake is strictly Out of Bounds. This area is very dangerous. Stay out! 7. Do not damage the plant life, climb or damage trees or collect any loose fire wood. No posters or fly‐
ers may be a ached to any tree, fences or structure on Locko Park. 8. Any fields containing livestock or growing crops are Out of Bounds unless you are crossing them whilst accompanied by a Lorien Trust staff member. 9. When driving through the site you must obey the 10 M.P.H. speed limit which is in effect for all non‐
emergency vehicles and all road signs and instruc ons from Lorien Trust staff. Only use the marked site entrances and exits that are allocated for your use. 10. You Must clear up, bag and e your rubbish before you leave the site. Keep the site, especially the camping and main field areas, dy during the event.