celebrating but also struggling through life
celebrating but also struggling through life
CELEBRATING BUT ALSO STRUGGLING THROUGH LIFE November has traditionally been the month to remember our loved ones and to be thankful for all that we receive from the good Lord. So, let’s be nice, kind , and respectful to one another as Jesus would like us to behave. Be tolerant of everyone’s opinions, except the devil’s and let us try harder and better to be not so critical of one another. Here is what I’m trying to say: Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “Whenever God sculpts an artist He gathers the chips that fall, And out of them He sculpts a critic, And that should explain it all.” Monks live very austere lives. But there was a time when they observed a strict rule of silence. In one Monastery a monk was allowed to say only two words every five years, and those would be to the abbot. After his first five years of silence, one monk said, “Food cold.” At the end of five more years he said, “Bed hard.” Finally, after his fifteenth year in the monastery, he said, “I quit.” “I’m not surprised,” said the abbot. “All you’ve done is criticize since you got here.” Nathaniel Howe said, “The way of the world is to praise dead saints and to persecute living ones.” Pastor Robert E. Luccock said in one of his sermons: “Want to know what whaling is, eh? Clap an eye on Captain Ahab young person, and you will find he has only one leg. Want to know what following Jesus costs? Clap an eye on Jesus Himself, and you will see Jesus has the prints of nails in His hands and a spear wound in His side. It is enough for the disciple to be like his or her teacher, and the servant to be like His Master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign those of his household? So how are we to ignore that what they did to Him they would also do to us? Will we be delivered up to councils, flogged even in the holy places, dragged into corridors of power to bear testimony for or against Jesus’ sake? There must be some mistake. These seem like relics of the first century, something obscene but obsolete like the rack and the screw of later persecutions. Surely we can find some way to abate this cost. After all these years haven’t all those Christians made it less costly for us now? A persuasive procession of witnesses across the centuries gives a convincing answer to that question: A.D. 29, Jesus in Jerusalem; A.D. 64, Paul in Rome; A.D. 1431, Joan of Arc at Rouen; A.D. 1498, Savanarola in Florence; A.D. 1553, Servetus in Geneva; A.D. 1556, Thomas Cranmer in Oxford; A.D. 1638, Anne Hutchinson in Boston; A.D. 1945, Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Flossenberg; A.D. 1965, James Reeb in Selma; A.D. 1968, Pastor Martin Luther King in Memphis; A.D. 1975, martyrs in Soweto, South Africa. We’d better believe Jesus who prepares His disciples saying, when they persecute you, not if. They did and they will!” In the Christian Science Monitor magazine, the following was reported: “A well-known and respected doctor in Boston, a Dr. Everett, was criticized in the local press. An indignant Bostonian asked him what he was going to do about it, demand a published apology or file a law suit for damages? Dr. Everett’s response: ‘What should I do? My dear sir, I’ll do nothing. Half the people who read that paper never saw the article. Half of those who read it do not understand it. Half of those who did understand it did not believe it. Half of those who believed it were of no consequence anyway.’” We are here on this earth to praise the Lord Jesus Christ and to help Him build the Kingdom of God. Being critical of one another will not do any good.God deserves better from us. This congregation needs to show more unconditional love and forgiveness to and for one another. Let’s work on that! See ya!! The Rev. Stephen C. Rust, Senior Pastor 3 1 20 Visit our website 1at www.MacedoniaLutheran.com Macedonia October November 1-3 our Lutheran 3-5 graders will Church be attending BYG (Building Youth2013 Groups) weekend at Camp Agape. We will meet at the church at 6:00 p.m. having already eaten dinner. Please be sure to have your permission slip and health form. We will be returning around 2:30 on Sunday. Luther League will meet November 3 from 6:00-7:30. On Nov. 8-9 Luther League will be attending the Eastern Cluster Retreat at Good Shepherd in Raleigh. On Saturday we will be going to Camp Agape to help with their hike-a-thon. Cost is $10. Details about this event will be published in the bulletin as they become available. On November 7 at 8:00 p.m. everyone is invited to go with us to Elon University where Lost and Found will be in concert. We will meet at Elon Community Church at 7:45 p.m. The cost is $5.00. Luther League will be delivering pumpkin bread at Twin Lakes on November 17. after delivering pumpkin bread we will be going to CiCi's pizza for dinner. Please bring money to pay for your dinner. Luther League will be meeting on November 24 from 6:00-7:30. We would like to thank Macedonia Lutheran Church for the opportunity to attend the Building Youth Groups weekend at Camp Agape. We had the opportunity to grow closer to God and our friends during the weekend. Thank you, Daniel Thigpen, Sean Your child’s safety is Easter important to us. One of the ways we try to ensure your child’s safety is to have two adults present at all times at all youth activities. We need your help for this to happen. We would like parents to take turns helping to chaperone each activity. For those who are helping out at Luther League you can combine the night you provide a meal with the night you chaperone. To make this as easy as possible we will be using the website volunteerspot.org. The website at a glance will be able to let you know what dates are available to sign Adorable! up for, it will then send an email confirming what you have signed up for and it will send a reminder email two Cherub Choir days before the event. As with any new technology there may be a learning curve with it, so please bear with us Homecoming 2013 during this time of transition. 2 POINSETTIAS 2013 If you would like to purchase Poinsettias for the beautification of our Sanctuary, Nave and Narthex for Christmas services, you may do so either in honor or in memory of loved ones. The cost is $9.00 per plant. Please tear out this form, fill out the appropriate information, include your payment and put everything in an envelope and drop it in the offering plate or bring it by the church office. Payment must accompany order. Make your check payable to Macedonia Lutheran Church and please mark that it is for Poinsettias. The deadline is Sunday, November 24, 2013. In honor of: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ In memory of: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Given By:____________________________________________ Total:__________________________________ Thanksgiving Eve Worship & Pie Fest We gather in our sanctuary on Wednesday, November 27 at 7:00 p.m. First Communion will be celebrated with the congregation on Sunday, November 17 at the 10:30 service. Amelia Barnwell, Sarah Jane Price, Zane Van Fleet, and Walker Black will be celebrating their First Communion with Jesus and the rest of us! to celebrate Holy Communion. We ask each family who comes to bring a bag of groceries to place in front of our sanctuary altar. All foods will be donated to Allied Churches! At 8:00 p.m. we gather in Luther Hall after worship to enjoy our 9th Annual Thanksgiving Pie Fest. Every family make your favorite pie or buy one and bring it. We will have milk and coffee to drink and cool whip and ice cream to add to your pie. Come for great pie and super fellowship! 3 Music Ministry News & Important Dates The Evangelism Committee asks Macedonia members to remember the following people and their caregivers in their prayers. Nursing or Assisted Living Facilities Members: Mark your calendars now! The Christmas Pageant is coming! December 15, 4:30 p.m. Rehearsals begin November 1! See Joy Rust to secure your schedule! Billie Cooke Room 104 Blakey Hall Margaret Foster Room 308 Twin Lakes Health Care Ruth Gambee Room 278 Twin Lakes Health Care Lib Jones Room 213A Golden Living Centers Virginia Simpson Apt. 308 Twin Lakes Assisted Living Mary Ella Wolfe Room 108 Twin Lakes Memory Care Louise Dodson Room 202 Twin Lakes Memory Care Ginny Nygren Room 111 Twin Lakes Memory Care Ann Kreyling Room 214 Twin Lakes Assisted Living Marina Wilder Room 261 Twin Lakes Health Care Betty Johnson Room 209 Twin Lakes Assisted Living Visits would be enjoyed by many of these, but please check before visiting. If you know of those whose names should be added to this list, please call the church office at 227-5554. Your help would be appreciated. Dr. Clyde J. Christmas, III & Pastor Stephen C. Rust Homecoming 2013 Reformation Ringers - Homecoming 2013 Mark Your Calendar - Invite Your Friends! The Queen City Ringers will be at MACEDONIA on Sunday, January 12 at 4:00 p.m. This outstanding handbell group comes from Charlotte. They will play a variety of music, including Christmas music. They performed at Macedonia two years ago and received rave reviews. Make plans now to attend on January 12, 2014 4 Building on Faith with Habitat For Humanity Macedonia has partnered with Twin Lakes Community and three other congregations to build our 5th Habitat for Humanity home. We will need volunteers for the early framing part of construction between November 2 and Chrismas. Macedonia will need 4 volunteers for each of the following dates: Saturday, November 2 Saturday, November 16 Saturday, December 7 • • • • 8:00 - 11:30 8:00 - 11:30 8:00 - 11:30 The site will be at the corner of Sidney St. and Long St. in Burlington. Volunteers must be 16 years of age or older. Ladies welcome. Consider making this a family project. No experience necessary. All that is needed is a willing heart and hands. After Christmas there will be new schedule and other opportunities to volunteer for the completion phase. This is a great opportunity to help a deserving family and participate in Christian fellowship for a common cause. Please visit the display table in the narthex for schedule openings or contact John Pertschi for more details. John Pertschi 336-516-1461 or johnpertschi2468@traid.rr.com Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 3! Set your clocks back an hour on Sunday, November 3 at 2:00 a.m. Don’t be late, or you will be early for church on Sunday! ON SALE NOW!!!! Octoberfest in November!! November 23rd CHOIR REHEARSALS: 4:30 - Chrismon Making Sunday - 4:45 p.m. – Youth Handbells (grades 6-12) Sunday – 5:30 p.m. – Youth Choir (grades 6-12) Tuesday – 5:30 p.m. – Cherub Choir (ages 3 – grade 5) Tuesday – 7:35 p.m. – Reformation Ringers (adult handbells) 5:30 - Meal We are combining our popular Octoberfest with our equally as popular Chrismon making event. Come one and all for this exciting, fun fellowship gathering. In order to make sure you are all fed well and enough Chrismon kits are ordered, please purchase your tickets in advance either from the church office or from Barbara Lilienthal. Tickets are $5.00 per person, children under 10 are free. Wednesday – 7:30 p.m. – Chancel Choir (adult choir) Menu will be traditional German Oktoberfest fare. Special music will be on hand for your enjoyment. 5 `xÅÉÜ|tÄá Listed below are gifts received since October 2013 Designated for Honorarium - General Fund: In honor of Virginia Simpson’s 100th Birthday by: Mr. & Mrs. Fred Jones Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hambright In honor of Terry Woodings by: Mrs. Kathryn Terry 11/05 11/06 11/07 11/08 11/09 11/10 11/11 11/14 11/15 11/16 11/17 11/29 In memory of Kermit Hiller’s Birthday by: Mrs. Beverly Hiller Designated for the Prayer Shawl Fund: In memory of Patty Misenheimer by: Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Bozeman Designated for Pastor’s Discretionary Fund: In memory of Dwight Apple by: Mr. & Mrs. Jim Honeycutt Designated for the Memorials - Chrismon Fund: In memory of Betty Riggsbee by: Macedonia Lutheran Church - Circle #2 Designated for Honorarium - Sound System Fund: In honor of Virginia Simpson’s 100th Birthday by: Macedonia Lutheran Church Ladies Bible Class Macedonia Lutheran Church Circle #4 Homecoming 2013 11/20 11/23 11/25 11/26 11/27 11/28 Designated for the Light the Cross Fund: Hayden Honeycutt Dr. Jerry Tolley Kay Bowman Anna Gagnon Charlie Harris Larry Dettman Don Honeycutt Peter Gunyan Shannon Lynch Helen Frenke Theresa Greene Grover Moore Angie Gilliam Jessica Walker Cheryl English Sue Parks Abbie Cary Maren McDermott Sylvia Wells Karen Bass Hugh Parks Alan Cox Marie Hambright Jennifer Walker Frank Rhue Ellen Greeson Lettie Carlson LeeAnn Humphrey Sandra Bryant 6 Macedonia Care Ministry Many Opportunities to Care Many Opportunities to Receive Care Many Opportunities to Serve and to be Served HELPING HANDS TEAM Provides light, short term assistance with home/yard repair to parishioners. To request assistance or to join the team (men and/or women) please call either of our Team Coordinators. Team Coordinators: Bill Poovey 336-675-7972 John Pertschi 336-516-146 TRANSPORTATION TEAM HEALTH /WHOLENESS MINISTRY Will provide transportation to worship and other church events to congregational members unable to drive. Fitness Class Currently seeking team members and STEPHEN MINISTRY also one or two people—men and/or women to serve as team coordinators . Stephen Ministry is grounded in Jesus’ command to love one For questions or to join the team another. Through one-to-one caring phone, text, or email to and confidential relationships, those Gail Pertschi, 336-269-4193, who are hurting receive the love gailpertschi3579@triad.rr.com. and care they need to support them. Who Can Benefit? PRAYER MINISTRY Prayer Group -meets Mondays, 9:30-10:30AM, Rm. 10. Prayer requests via phone, text, or email to Gail Pertschi, 336-269-4193, gailpertschi3579@triad.rr.com Led by Pastor Suzanne Shoffner. Currently in session. Stay tuned for information on next class. Want to Know More? Call a Stephen Leader Pastor Rust Melinda Menz Gail Pertschi Frank Rhue Anyone going through difficult times who needs someone to care, listen and share God’s love with them on a one-to-one confidential basis. 336-227-5554 336-270-6627 336-269-4193 336-584-9308 L.E.A.F. MEALS It’s that time of the year again! The school year is gearing up! Macedonia, along with Holy Comforter Episcopal Church, provides home-cooked meals for the L.E.A.F. organization at Elon University. L.E.A.F. stands for Lutherans, Episcopalians And Friends, and meets weekly on Sundays. Worship begins at 4 p.m. and the meal is served at 5 p.m. We provide a meal for 25-30 students, delivering it by 4:45 p.m. on Elon's campus. The students serve themselves and clean up so you do not need to stay (unless, of course, you want to do so). It can be a family, several families, a committee, a circle, a choir -- anyone! If you want to help but don't have a "buddy" to work with, let us know and we'll form a group for you! We now have 2 more meals to provide during the first semester (four dates have already been claimed): November 17 and 24. Please check your calendar and let us know which Sunday you are able to help. Let either of us know - we are happy to sign you up for a Sunday! Thank you, Yvonne White and Joy Rust 7 Macedonia Evangelical Lutheran Church 421 West Front Street Burlington, NC 27215 Telephone 336-227-5554 October 18, 2013 Dear Macedonians, As many of you know, it is our tradition to collaborate with Holy Comforter Episcopal Church and Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church to provide Christmas presents for Alamance County children living in foster homes. For those of you who are new to this project, here’s a brief overview. The children on the attached list are placed in foster homes for reasons of abuse, neglect, broken homes or parents who are unable to care for them. Foster care is considered a temporary arrangement until such time as families can be rehabilitated or until the child can be adopted or placed in a more permanent situation. Minimal funds for their care are provided by the state, but no money is allotted for toys or special occasions. Our three churches do our best to fill this void. These children truly need our love and support. The children’s wish lists are divided among the three churches. We are responsible for providing a memorable Christmas for all the children on our list. Please review the enclosed list and consider providing for one of the children or perhaps you may want to buy one or more items and combine efforts with another family or group. No gift is too small when given with love. Remember, this is a “WISH LIST” of things they WANT and like all children, they write them all down and hope. We do for them as we do for our own—the best we can. It’s important, however, to tell us specifically what you plan to buy so we don’t duplicate efforts. If you cannot shop, a cash donation is certainly appreciated. Any amount is gratefully received and will be pooled with other contributions to provide for the children. If you have access to special items such as socks, stocking stuffers or any items we can use, please let us know. We ask that you make your selections by Sunday, November 17 and call Vicky Hunley at 584-3407 to confirm your selection. We have a sheet outlining the specifics about labeling, dates and so forth. Just stop by and see one of us at the angel tree in the Narthex. We’ll be there before and after the services the next few weeks. Gift Drop Off date by November 24, 2013 (church office). If you have questions, please feel free to call. Please mail checks payable to: “Foster Children’s Christmas Fund” c/o Vicky Hunley, 406 Neese Drive, Burlington, NC 27215. Donations are welcome anytime, but requested by December 1. We are truly thankful for the generosity of our congregation who has supported this ministry through the years and we’ll look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, 336-214-5557 Vicky Hunley, Kay Johnson, Shawn Easter, Connie Poovey & Stephanie Braxton Foster Children’s Christmas Committee “When I was in want...my needs were supplied by the people who came from Macedonia.” 2 Corinthians 11:9 8 Church First Name Name 1 M Miracle D.O.B. Age Race Sex Special Requests 12/11/1999 13 10 2 M Nikolas 12/20/2003 Sibling--Madison (same foster home) B W Size/Description F Our Moment One Direction body lotion Red & Black Jordans Size 6 (boys youth) American Eagle light blue skinny jeans Size 3 Jordan bookbag Regular Black & White Nike high tops Size 6 (boys youth) Black & White low Converse Size 6 (boys youth) Lola leggings--black Size 3 (Aaeropostal) M Art set Bicycle Action figures--Safari sets, military sets Remote control car Nintendo 3DS games Pokemon, any others Ninja play sets 3 M Madison 12/6/2005 8 Sibling--Nikolas (same foster home) W F Bicycle Barbie, clothes, pool Art set Remote control car Nintendo 3DS games Barbie dress up head 4 M Stephanie 1/1/2002 12 W F Hair dryer Nail polish Long sleeve shirts Winter coat Size Medium (junior-girls) Size Medium (junior-girls) Games for PSP player 5 M Javier 10/6/2010 Sibling--Jesslyn (same foster home) 3 H M Spiderman toys Jeans Size 3T & 4T Tennis shoes Anything Spiderman or Cars 9 Size 8 1/2 & 9 Toddlers Church First Name Name D.O.B. Age Race Sex Special Requests 6 M Jesslyn 11/7/2006 7 WH F Jeans Sibling--Javier (same foster home) Shirts Size/Description Size 6 (Junior) Size 6/7 or 7/8 (Junior) Princess toys or anything Princess Barbie dolls 7 M Diore 11/24/2009 3 B M Tonka trucks (push kind) Siblings--Drekarie & Victoria (same foster home) Fire truck Bicycle with training wheels & helmet Thomas train track (toddler) Kidproof camera Clothing Size 3T (pants & shirts) Shoes Size 9 1/2 2 B 8 M Drekarie 2/5/2011 M Tricycle Siblings--Diore & Victoria (same foster home) Tonka trucks (push kind) Cars/trucks with noise Toy vacuum cleaner Playskool Little People Town Clothing Size 2T Shoes Size 8 1/2 9 M Victoria 11/6/2008 5 B F Bicycle with training wheels & helmet Siblings--Drekarie & Diore (same foster home) Doc McStuffins doll Barbie dolls & accessories Tea set or plastic food set 10 M Zoey 5/28/2013 7 mo W Clothing--pants & shirts Size 5 Boots or tennis shoes Size 11 1/2 wide F ABC Adventure Fun Playskool Shoes Size 6-9 months Go Baby Go Silly Sounds Frog By Fisher Price Teach Me Baby First Numbers Activity Book Animal Activity Puzzle By Fisher Price Little People Toys--any kind Bowls, spoons By Fisher Price 10 Will be eating first foods by Christmas Church First Name Name 11 M Thainia D.O.B. Age Race Sex Special Requests 6/30/62000 13 B Size/Description F i-POD Makeup kit Crackle nail polish 13 M Destiny 6/15/1995 18 B Musical jewelry box /jewelry Rings, bracelets, necklace Cowgirl boots Size 9 Jeans, denim capris Size 6 (girls junior) Big hair bows/shirts Size S/M (Junior) F East Carolina University Zip up hoodie Size Medium (ladies) Walmart gift card Victoria Secret gift card Forever 21 gift card Destiny lives out of town--attends ECU Red Van's shoes LA Candy Series & The Fame Game Series Charlotte Rousse gift card Size 9 (ladies) By Lauren Conrad (books) After the beautiful homecoming service, a wonderful luncheon served in the newly renovated Luther Hall! 11 MACEDONIA LUTHERAN CHURCH TREASURER'S REPORT GENERAL FUND September 30, 2013 (Over) Current Year Annual Under Month To Date Budget Budget BEGINNING BALANCE (23,616.19) $ 100.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 23,752.79 195,668.36 347,539.00 1,735.44 18,824.84 28,000.00 9,175.16 18,002.24 155,791.11 214,153.00 58,361.89 5,350.20 56,965.78 84,383.00 27,417.22 17.99 222.72 1,300.00 1,077.28 Total Worship and Music 1,026.76 5,623.17 10,240.00 4,616.83 Christian Education 1,006.44 2,174.55 4,600.00 2,425.45 1,000.00 907.31 (151,870.64) DISBURSEMENTS: Benovelence Total Staff Salaries Total Property & Managing Total Social ministry Fellowship - 92.69 Stewardship - 369.91 383.00 13.09 Youth and Recreation - - 2,850.00 2,850.00 Evangelism - - 630.00 630.00 347,539.00 107,474.23 Total Unbudgeted Disbursments Total Disbursements ENDING BALANCE (783.34) (18,077.28) 26,355.73 221,987.49 (26,219.13) (26,219.13) ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING November 24, 2013 All confirmed members in good standing are asked to gather in the Sanctuary at noon. 12 Operation Christmas Child! It's Macedonia's third year participating in Operation Christmas Child. Last year, we were able to collect 85 shoeboxes, and this year, let's reach that goal of 100 and give Christmas presents to even more kids in need! So far we are about a third of the way towards our goal, and we desperately need your help. You can help by donating shoeboxes, items, or you can give a monetary donation since it does take 7 dollars to ship each shoebox. Any checks towards shipping need to be made out to "Samaritan's Purse" with OCC written in the memo line. There are boxes to collect donations, one in the Narthex and one on the back of the stage, for your convenience. Shoebox labels and information about the items can be found in the bulletin, the table in the narthex, or the table across from the office. Donations need to be turned in by Friday, Nov.15th at 5pm. If you have any questions, please contact Kari Spencer at 336-684-6120 or email her at kmspencer0016@gmail.com. Remember that we are blessed, so let's bless others, and thank you for your support of this wonderful ministry! 13 SERVICE SCHEDULES FOR November 2013 Acolytes 11/3 11/10 11/17 11/24 Kari Spencer Sarah Bass Taylor Easter Joshua Price SERVICE SCHEDULES CONTINUED November Ushers Dale Greeson- Chief , Brett Bass - Asst Chief Charlie Harris, Frank Rhue, Danny Van Fleet, Brant Adkins, Randy Hunley, Jacob Adkins, Aidan Gibson, Dylan McGuire Macray Braxton Bailey Claypool Ethan Russell Dylan Easter Communion Assistants (8:15) 11/3 Sandee Jackson 11/10 Estelle Petersen 11/17 Mel Petersen 11/24 Frank Rhue Schedules for November Communion Preparers & Assistants (10:30) 11/3 Yvonne White Sharon Walker 11/17 Barbara Lilienthal Brant Adkins 11/24 Barbara Lilienthal Jacob Adkins Crucifers 11/3 11/10 11/17 11/24 Dust Covers 11/3 11/10 & 11/17 11/24 Men of Macedonia, Men in Mission will meet Thursday, November 7, at 6:00 p.m. The N&N’s WILL MEET November 13 at 8:00 AM. Hannah Thigpen Maddie Bass Will Ingle Max Menz Macedonia’s turn for the Alamance County Meals-on-Wheels is November 18-22. Dave & Diane Robinson Sharon Walker, Heilig Barnwell Debbie Gunyan, Beverly Hiller Circle #1 - will meet Tuesday, November 5, at 9:30 a.m. at the church. Greeters 11/3 Pat Jones, Ellen Greeson; Bob & Millie Miller 11/10 Betty Lentz, Linda Peterson; Wayne & Ibby Bozeman 11/17 Max & Betty Sigmon; John & Xylda Gee 11/24 Mike & Melinda Menz; Steve, Heilig, & Mac Barnwell Lay Readers (8:15) 11/3 Cheryl English 11/10 Christine Perry 11/17 Clay Hemric Circle #2 - will meet on Thursday, November 14, at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Connie Poovey. We will be having a grandmother shower for Yoko Moore. Circle #3 - will meet , on Wednesday, November 6, 10:00 a.m. at the home of Sharon Walker, 826 Warwick Ct., Burlington, Sadie Hatley has the program. (10:30) Brant Adkins Janet Meisenbach Christine Adkins Circle #4 - will meet on Monday, November 11, 2:30 p.m., at the church, Bobbie Gregoris will lead the program. Children’s Message 11/10 Chrissy Adkins 11/24 Pastor Rust Circle #6 - will meet on Sunday, November 3, at 8:00 a.m. at The Par k Restaurant. Nursery 11/3 Kim Riggs Darcy, Jacob Adkins 11/10 Melinda Menz, Taylor Easter 11/17 Beth Van Fleet, Maura Easter 11/24 Kim Black, Aidan Gibson Circle #7 - will meet on Sunday, November 3, at 6:00 p.m. at Sal’s. WELCA Board will not meet again until January 2014 Sound System 11/3 & 11/10 John Gee 11/17 & 11/24 Randi Dunn 11/27 Frank/Usher 14 15 17 Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost First Communion Sunday 8:15 AM Worship/Communion 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship/Communion 4:45 PM Youth Handdbells 5:30 PM Youth Choir 6:00 PM Luther League 24 Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost 8:15 AM Worship/Communion 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship/Communion Noon Annual Congregation Meeting 4:45 PM Youth Handbells 5:30 PM Youth Choir 6:00 PM Luther League 10 Sunday School Bible Presentation Care Giver Appreciation Sunday World Hunger Sunday Night Shelter Meal (Circle #7) Care Giver Appreciation 8:15 AM Worship/Communion 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship 5:00 PM First Communion Class Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost 3 ALL SAINTS’ SUNDAY 8:00 AM Circle #6 8:15 AM Worship/Communion 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship/Communion 4:45 PM Youth Handbells 5:30 PM Youth Choir 6:00 PM Circle #7 6:00 PM Luther League NOVEMBER 3 Sunday 8 Pageant Rehearsal Begins BYG at Agape 1 Friday 7:00 PM Crossways II #37 6:15 PM Brownies/Girl 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Scouts 10:30 AM WELCA Board 5:30 PM Cherub Choir 7:00 PM Confirmation 7:35 PM Reformation Ringers 21 20 6:15 PM Brownies/Girl Scouts 7:00 PM Circle #2 14 Oktoberfest 4:30 PM Chrismon Making 5:30 PM Meal 5:30 PM TLC Annual Meeting 26 5:30 PM Cherub Choir 7:00 PM Confirmation 7:35 PM Reformation Ringers 25 9:30 AM Weekly Prayer Group 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM Thanksgiving Eve Service & Pie Fest 27 28 29 OFFICE CLOSED November 28 & November 29 Happy Thanksgiving 30 23 10:00 AM Chrismon Workshop 16 Luther League Retreat 9 Y 2 Saturday 22 15 6:00 PM Men of Macedonia Luther League 6:15 PM Brownies/Girl Retreat Scouts 7:00 Concert for Youth / Elon 7 Thursday 19 8:00 AM N & N’s 1:00 PM Sewing Group 6:00 PM Fitness Class 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 13 10:00 AM Circle #3 4:30 PM First Communion 6:00 PM Fitness Class 6:00 PM Stephen Ministry 7:00 PM Crossways II #36 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 6 Wednesday Meals on Wheels –November 18-22…Meals on Wheels –November 18-22…Meals on Wheels November 18-22 18 9:00 AM Good Shepherd Kitchen 9:30 AM Weekly Prayer Group 6:30 PM Taize Healing & Prayer Service 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 9:30 AM Weekly Prayer Group 5:30 PM Cherub Choir 7:35 PM Reformation Ringers 2:30 PM Circle #4 6:00 PM Executive Committee 6:30 PM Boy Scout Family Night 7:00 PM Church Council 12 9:30 AM Circle #1 6:00 PM Care Ministry 7:00 PM Social Ministry 9:30 AM Weekly Prayer Group 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 11 5 Tuesday 4 Monday THE MACEDONIAN 16 Macedonia Lutheran Church 421 West Front Street Burlington, NC 27215 Ph. 336-227-5554 Website: www.MacedoniaLutheran.com Email: office@macedonialutheran.com Church Senior Pastor—Rev. Stephen C. Rust Visitation Pastor—Rev. Suzanne Shoffner «mail_to» «addr_line1» «addr_line2» «city_state» «zip_code» «special» Macedonia Lutheran Church Senior Pastor: Rev. Stephen C. Rust is available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week by calling the church office (227-5554), or after hours, his home phone at 585-0666. Visitation Pastor: Rev. Suzanne Shoffner (524-4188) Office Manager: Mrs. Cindi McCarthy Office hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday NOVEMBER 2013 Deadline for December 2013 December - 11/15/13