
JUNE 1, 2006 – MAY 31, 2007
Anti-Dote Intergenerational Violence
Prevention Program participants
Since 1991, CWF has focused on creating long-term change for women and girls through our leadership, knowledge and resources.
We’ve come a long way since our first year’s granting total of $40,000, and this past year has been a true testament to our growth:
we awarded over $2-million in major grants to 73 initiatives across Canada, and in small grants to 451 shelters for abused women
we raised more than $1-million for women’s shelters and violence prevention programs through Shelter from the Storm, our
national fundraising and awareness campaign dedicated to ending violence against women
we presented four regional Economic Development Skills Institutes to learn and share best practices for moving low-income
women out of poverty
we hosted two more successful “Women Play BIG” women and philanthropy conferences in partnership with Play BIG
we completed our first year of granting for the pilot phase of the Girls’ Fund and have been hearing great news about the impact of
our funding
This report gives us a chance to look back at the year with pride and renewed commitment, and to celebrate our partners: the
corporations, individuals and foundations that are helping to create long-term change; and the grant recipients who are transforming
the lives of women and girls every day. It’s your effort and commitment that reminds us there’s nothing we can’t achieve together for
women and girls in Canada.
As we move into a new year of leading change in
the lives of women and girls, we look forward to
the continued pleasure of your company and the
power of your support.
Deborah Bartlett
Margot Franssen
Beverley Wybrow
Executive Director
We invest in the power of women and the
dreams of girls. We raise money for
programs that enable women and girls in
Canada to become more self-sufficient and
that create opportunities so women and
girls can reach their true potential.
We are the only national foundation that
helps women and girls reach their full
economic and social potential in Canadian
society. Through our work, Canada will
reach its true potential as women and girls
reach theirs.
Money granted to women’s organizations:____________________________ $2,311,245
Charitable program-related expenses: __________________________________ $922,284
Charitable ratio: ____________________________________________________________78%
Initiatives funded: ___________ 73 major initiatives and 451 small grants to shelters
Provinces and Territories served: ______________________________________________ all
Organizations we worked with: ________________________________________ over 700
Donors who invested in women and girls through CWF: ___________________ 3,501
Volunteers who supported CWF: ____________________________________________ 333
CWF-supported initiatives go through a
rigorous grant selection process which is
informed by a national strategic
framework on each issue we fund.
Applications are screened by a national
panel of experts and community leaders,
and initiatives that promise the greatest
long-term impact are selected. Last year,
CWF awarded $2,311,245 in grants to 73
such programs (in addition to 451 small
grants awarded to shelters).
Actua Girls’ Club participants
property of Actua, 2007
Girls’ Clubs: $50,000 over two years
Actua offers excellent programs in
science and technology to children. The
National Girls’ Program gives girls the
opportunity to experience the wonders of
science, engineering and technology in a
positive, all-girls environment, through
summer camps, girls’ clubs and
workshops. Girls learn more about the
world around them, increase their skills
and confidence, and meet new friends.
This grant will strengthen and expand
Girls’ Clubs at three sites in Halifax, NS;
Saskatoon, SK; and Victoria, BC.
“We know from experience that the most
effective approach to supporting girls
and nurturing their potential is to
provide ongoing positive activities in
safe, all-girls environments. We are
thrilled to have established a partnership
with Canadian Women’s Foundation
and are grateful for the investment they
have made to provide girls across
Canada with hands-on experiences in
science and technology.”
Jennifer Flanagan
President and CEO, Actua
Gabriola Island, British Columbia:
Gabriola Island is a semi-isolated, rural
community off the coast of mainland BC.
Through the “Violence Prevention and
Response Team” PHC provides crisis
response and safety initiatives for women
at risk of experiencing violence. The
program aims to increase access to
services for those at risk, raise community
awareness of violence against women,
and develop strategies to help women
rebuild their lives after experiencing
violence. CWF’s grant will help PHC
increase the capacity of their drop-in
women’s centre and develop a
comprehensive crisis response plan. This
program is expected to serve 50 to 100
“Demand for services on the island has
been overwhelming the capacity of many
organizations, including ours, to meet
needs. This grant will help coordinate a
more formal framework of support
services for women & children in our
community, allowing us to be more
efficient, focused and cost-effective.”
Deborah Ferens
PHC Board Member
Canadian Women’s Foundation ensures
your contributions fund the initiatives
that make the most difference in the lives
of women and girls in Canada. Below are
examples of the ground-breaking work
you have helped us to fund.
Nanaimo, British Columbia: $235,200
over five years
WE FEAST (Women’s Entrepreneurship,
Food Enterprise and Skill Training
Program) is a self-employment training
program for unemployed or underemployed women. Participants learn how
to develop sustainable, food-related
businesses and products that can be
marketed at farmers’ markets, craft fairs,
or other public events.
“Developing an idea into a successful
program is like making an amazing
meal: first, the right ingredients must be
present. Canadian Women’s Foundation
has provided us with the key
ingredients: funding, support,
encouragement and most importantly,
belief in our organization. In turn, we
have been able to provide women with
the tools and support needed to make
positive changes in their lives.
“The multi-year funding from CWF has
assisted Nanaimo Foodshare to grow
from a fledging non-profit society to a
vibrant social and community
development organization!”
Jessica Chenery
WE FEAST Coordinator, Nanaimo Foodshare
Medicine Hat, Alberta: $20,000
“Musasa House Second Stage Program”
works with women and children to help
them understand the causes of family
violence, heal from abuse and make
positive changes in their lives. This twophase, intensive support program
includes services such as legal counsel,
transportation, education, parenting and
skill development. Support and
counselling is available for children to
teach them healthy ways to deal with
anger and anxiety, inform them about
safety planning, and help them to resolve
behavioural problems resulting from
exposure to violence.
SINCE 1991
CWF has granted
$12-million to
825 initiatives
that are working
to end violence
against women,
move low-income
women out of poverty
and build strong,
resilient girls.
Whitehorse, Yukon: $20,000
“Outreach to Young Women at Risk”
helps young women who are substance
users and who have experienced
violence. Support is provided through a
weekly drop-in service in partnership
with the local women’s centre, and the
“No Fixed Address” outreach van. A
female counsellor provides young
women with support, counselling and
information to encourage positive life
choices, harm reduction and safety. The
outreach van allows her to connect
directly with young women and
encourage them to access support
services. The weekly drop-in provides
information, support, counselling and
referrals. Women are also provided with
a hot meal, shower, and activities.
At least 200 women are expected
to participate.
Aurora, Ontario: $50,000 over two years
Drummondville, Québec: $20,000
Girls Inc. of York Region is dedicated to
inspiring all girls to be strong smart and
bold, and offers a range of programs at
sites throughout York Region. CWF’s grant
supports SMART Girls, a program focused
on science, math and technology, which
also integrates leadership, economic
literacy and physical activity.
“Mission Possible” is a sexual assault
prevention program for girls, aged 14 to
15, in the area of Nicolet-Yamaska, a
community where no sexual assault
centres exist. Participants work on
building self-esteem and critical thinking
skills to prevent sexual assault and
ultimately, become agents of social
change in their community around the
issue. Up to 40 girls are expected to be
involved. CWF’s funding is being used to
support a project coordinator.
“The grant from Canadian Women’s
Foundation allows Girls Inc. of York
Region to go into communities that have
no access to services, and deliver quality
programs to young girls who need them.”
Sarah Breese
Program Coordinator
Girls Incorporated of York Region
“The best part of Girls Inc. programs is
that they are a gathering of girls only.
We get together, talk together and the
leaders teach us exciting new things that
we never knew.”
Girls Inc. Participant
Carleton Place, Ontario: $23,000
“Support Groups for Mothers and
Children” helps women and children
rebuild their lives after violence. The
child and youth support groups, designed
for different age ranges, teach conflict
resolution skills, safety plan development
and facts about abuse. Participants also
explore their feelings through art, roleplaying and discussion.
The support groups for mothers, whose
children are participating in a group,
provide an opportunity to share
information and resources, gain
confidence in parenting skills and learn
about custody and access issues, safety
for children and self-care. Seventy
participants are expected to be involved
over the course of a year.
Lachute, Québec: $241,651 over
five years
The Community Loan Fund for Women
promotes financial independence of
women and their families by offering selfemployment training to 140 women
starting small businesses. Participants are
given individual coaching, technical and
financial support as they develop their
business plans.
Fredericton, New Brunswick:
$145,505 over three years
This innovative province-wide initiative
sends four students from up to 16 schools
to a Making Waves Weekend Retreat
where they participate in activities,
workshops and facilitated group
discussions about relationship violence.
Topics include healthy relationships,
recognizing abuse, media awareness,
gender stereotypes, self-esteem,
prevention of sexual assault and effective
communication. Participants then work
on an action plan and develop awareness
activities that they can run with students
at their own schools.
Making Waves is one of four groundbreaking initiatives to receive a multiyear teen violence prevention grant from
CWF. Each program, which represents a
different approach to helping youth
develop healthy relationships, has been
granted funding over three years. In the
third year, grantees will participate in a
cross-Canada learning road show to
share knowledge and establish best
practices for addressing violence
prevention with teens.
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia: $20,000
“Healing the Bruises” provides
counselling and therapeutic intervention
for children who have witnessed abuse.
The program also provides healthy
parenting techniques for mothers so they
can effectively re-embrace their parenting
role (which is often dismantled by
violence). CWF’s grant is being used to
help fund a full-time child and youth
December 6th vigil, Montréal
photo by Antoine Rouleau
This year CWF awarded 57 violence prevention grants to initiatives in shelters and
community organizations across Canada (including second-year funding for four
ground-breaking teen violence prevention programs). Guided by our national
strategic framework on violence prevention, CWF gives priority to women and
girls who face multiple challenges: many of the programs work with rural,
northern, Aboriginal, immigrant and refugee women or girls, Black women and
women of colour, women with disabilities and Deaf women, older women, and
street-involved women or girls. And in the area of teen violence prevention, CWF
funds programs that educate both girls and boys about violence and developing
positive, healthy relationships.
Violence Prevention Grants at a Glance
“Women are the heart and soul of most of
our families and our communities. They
deserve our best efforts to protect and
promote their well-being. That’s why
everyone at Hbc, as well as our
customers, store associates and vendors,
believes in CWF and their fight against
domestic abuse. Each year, we raise over
$500,000 nationally and partner our
stores with a women’s shelter in the
local community.”
Jerry Zucker
Governor & CEO, Hbc
Thirty seven grants were awarded to programs that are helping to heal and rebuild
the lives of women who have experienced violence and children who have
witnessed abuse.
Sixteen grants were awarded to programs that teach girls and boys how to establish
healthy relationships and prevent violence from occurring in their lives.
Four multi-year grants (in their second year of funding) were awarded to programs
that use a variety of delivery methods to understand the best approaches for
teaching teen girls and boys how to prevent violence. In year three, grantees will
participate in a cross-Canada learning event to share knowledge and best
practices with other programs.
“The Royal LePage Shelter Foundation is
proud of our nine-year partnership with
Canadian Women’s Foundation.
Strategically, CWF helps us make informed
decisions about how best to support
violence prevention in Canada in an effort
to create real social change. At the
community level, Royal LePage agents
work with CWF to directly support
shelters in the communities they serve.”
Phil Soper
President & CEO, Royal LePage
Selecting the Most Promising Approaches
to Breaking the Cycle of Violence
CWF is delighted to announce that SWOVA, one of our four multi-year teen
violence prevention grant recipients, was selected as a world-wide “Good Practice”
by UN-Habitat, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, for its awardwinning “Respectful Relationships” program. It was one of 329 programs from
around the world chosen to be featured on the UN-Habitat Best Practices Database.
CWF is completing research on how our
grants, and the application of the
Sustainable Livelihoods model, are helping
low-income women out of poverty. The
results will be used to measure our success
to date and to guide future grant-making
and policy work. We will also share best
practices with organizations across Canada
that work with low-income women. In
addition, the research will provide in-depth
portraits of women whose lives have been
changed through CWF-funded programs.
“Canadian Women’s Foundation is helping
to improve the lives of women and girls in
communities across Canada by funding
programs that enable them to reach their
full economic and social potential. CIBC
is proud of its support of Canadian
Women’s Foundation’s Economic
Development Collaborative Fund, which
offers low-income women an opportunity
to build a brighter future for themselves
and their families.”
Gerald T. McCaughey
President and Chief Executive Officer, CIBC
“Ricki’s is proud to support Canadian
Women’s Foundation in its efforts to
provide women with the skills and
training they need to become financially
independent. Our End Poverty for Women
campaign provides employees and
customers the opportunity to share in this
commitment – and to make a real
difference in the lives of women and
children in our communities.”
Gerry Bachynski
WE FEAST “Taste of Things
to Come” event participant
photo by Kelly Picard
About Sustainable Livelihoods
Through our research and work in economic development, CWF learned that a
woman’s transition out of poverty has common and identifiable stages that can be
supported through a holistic, asset-based approach. Working together with
evaluation consultants Eko Nomos and our economic development grant
recipients, the Foundation developed “Sustainable Livelihoods”, a framework for
moving low-income women out of poverty while building on all aspects of their
lives. Adapted from an international model, Sustainable Livelihoods identifies five
asset areas that characterize the capabilities and resources women require as they
move out of poverty. Emphasis is placed on identifying strengths rather than
deficits, and women are provided a guide as they develop a plan to enhance the
asset areas which need the most development. Sustainable Livelihoods also
provides an excellent foundation for researching and assessing program results
because of its people-centred, positive, holistic, and outcome-oriented approach.
President, Ricki’s
Photo property of Alice Housing, 2007
How the initiatives you’ve helped us to fund have changed the lives of women and girls...
“The confidence and self-esteem I have gained from being a part of this program has changed my life. I used to have no selfesteem and would never pick up the phone. Now I am answering phones every day and enjoy speaking to new people. I am a
better person, a better mother and I have a whole new attitude about life.”
“The program is so much fun and has shown me that I am a leader and I should believe in myself.”
“As the bits and pieces come together I feel as though the challenges have helped to sharpen my mind and I feel confident that I
am fulfilling goals I have set for myself. I have also come to recognize where some of my weaknesses are. I knew they were there,
I just didn’t have the circumstances or opportunity to acknowledge what or where they were. Better yet, in those weak areas, I
know who to access, to lighten the load. Not only have you renewed a confidence in me, there is a spark reignited...”
“I learned that you can get help if needed: you are not alone.”
“Not only did you give us the tools to write a business plan; by encouraging us, keeping us busy, focused and accountable, you
also skillfully but gently gave us the push to take that leap.”
“At the beginning of the program, when you asked the girls to describe what a leader looked like, without exception, it was ‘a man
in a suit who was the boss’. At the end of the program it was their grannies, their moms, their teachers and themselves.”
“When I first came to this agency, I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted to do with my life, I only knew that I wanted to be
safe. If not for their help and support, I can assure you that I would not be writing this letter today.”
“I love my new life and it just keeps getting better. I am learning about healthy relationships and boundaries so that I never have to
put up with being abused again.”
photo by Robert A. Taylor
“RBC had a shared vision with Canadian Women’s Foundation
to build resiliency in girls and help them reach their potential.
Together RBC and CWF have strategically invested to bring this
vision to life and have been joined by other wonderful
partners. RBC is proud to continue our decade-long
relationship with CWF and our investment in the Girls’ Fund.”
Stephen Voisin
Executive Director, RBC Foundation
“Recognizing women who take on leadership roles in their
communities is important to TD. Combine this with programs
that remove barriers, helping women and girls become a
positive force in society and CWF becomes a natural fit for us.
We believe that by empowering women to help others
improve their lives, we are in turn investing in stronger families
and communities, now and in the future.”
Colleen Johnston
Chief Financial Officer, TD Bank Financial Group
“I feel passionately that every woman and child deserves to live
free from the fear of abuse. It is a fundamental human right,
and yet so many are deprived of that right. Moreover, the costs
to society of abused women and children are staggering: for
treatment, shelter, education and lost productivity.
Canadian Women’s Foundation plays a critical role in stopping
the cycle of abuse through strategic and effective funding of
research, programming and support for women and girls all
across the country. CWF gives them back their future. I
applaud CWF and support their work. Please join me!”
Gail O’Brien
Leadership donor, Calgary
“Scotiabank is very proud to continue our support for the great
work performed by Canadian Women’s Foundation.
We thank the Foundation for its impressive contribution
to our community and for making a difference in many
women’s lives.”
Sylvia D. Chrominska
Executive Vice President,
Human Resources and Public, Corporate and Government Affairs
“McCarthy Tétrault is a proud supporter of CWF. We recognize
the significant work of the Foundation in helping girls and
women to overcome many challenges and reach their full
potential. Our firm is committed to the advancement of women
and we are pleased to be associated with an organization that
shares this goal and promotes it in the wider community to the
benefit of many.”
Kirby Chown
Ontario Regional Managing Partner, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Atlantic Economic
Development Skills Institute
This past year CWF presented four Economic Development
Skills Institutes in regions across Canada (instead of one
National Institute). The forums were developed in response to
regional issues that are impacting the women’s economic
development sector, and are an opportunity for organizations to
increase their effectiveness by sharing and learning from each
other’s experiences and celebrating each other’s successes.
Attendees heard guest speakers, participated in workshops and
gathered in provincial roundtables to discuss local issues and
policies that are impacting women’s economic development.
Topics included financial literacy for women, engaging diverse
communities of women, public policy, growing a successful
social purpose enterprise, and the effectiveness of selfemployment training.
“I take away inspiration, validation, excitement, renewed
energy, renewed acquaintances, new ideas and understanding.
This was by far one of the most useful conferences I’ve ever
Atlantic Skills Institute Participant
“I’ve found so many great examples of women’s economic
development programs. I can hardly wait to incorporate them
into my work.”
Western Skills Institute Participant
Atlantic Region: 16 organizations & 32 participants
16 organizations & 35 participants
British Columbia: 50 organizations & 80 participants
Western Region: 26 organizations & 55 participants
To be held in October 2007
Canadian Women’s Foundation makes
sharing knowledge and resources a priority
so that the many organizations working to
change the lives of women and girls in
Canada have the best possible tools to help
them achieve their vision. Below are some
examples of our work in this area.
Once a year CWF invites the Girls’ Fund grant recipients to
come together and share success stories, discuss evaluation,
and benchmark the best approaches to building resiliency in
girls. One exciting result from the 2006 meeting was the
development of a new partnership and program between two of
the organizations we fund: The St. John’s Boys and Girls Club
(one of the local sites of the CAAWS “On the Move” program)
and ACTUA (science and technology-based programs for
youth). The two groups are now working together to give lowincome kids in St. John’s, Newfoundland the opportunity to
attend science camp.
Following the success of the first Women Play BIG in Toronto in
early 2006, CWF and Play BIG presented a second and third
Women Play BIG in Calgary and Toronto. The two-day
conference is a forum, for leading women philanthropists, on the
most effective strategies for expanding the influence of their
money and creating long-term social and environmental change.
Guests participated in workshops and panel discussions, and
heard inspiring stories from others who are leveraging their
capital for social good. Speakers included Helen LaKelly Hunt,
Helen Zukerman, Aviva Zukerman Schure, Nancy Coxford,
The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain, Martha Burton and
Carol Newell.
Play BIG is an initiative founded by Vancouver-based
philanthropist/investor Carol Newell and philanthropic
consultant Marian Moore to help other major wealth-holders
accelerate the conscious and strategic use of their capital to its
best advantage in helping to shape a healthy world.
An incredible team of corporate partners,
volunteers and individual donors came
together for a third year to raise over $1million for Shelter from the Storm, CWF’s
national fundraising and awareness
campaign, dedicated to ending violence
against women. Funds raised from the
campaign supported shelters for abused
women (and their children) across Canada
and community prevention programs that
are breaking the cycle of violence.
Winners and HomeSense
Rogers Media (Chatelaine, Flare,
Today’s Parent, LouLou, Enfant Québec,
Maclean’s, MoneySense, Profit,
BMO Financial Group
All the radio stations that made the radiothon happen:
- 98.1 CHFI, Toronto
- Clear FM, Vancouver
- LITE 96, Calgary
- 107.7 The River, Lethbridge
- 102.3 Clear FM, Winnipeg
- 96.7 CHYM FM, Kitchener
- 105.3 EZ Rock, Sudbury
- 105.3 Kiss FM, Ottawa
- The Coast FM, Kincardine
Royal LePage
Astral Media
CBS Outdoor
Metro News
SAS Institute (Canada) Inc.
Lia Grimanis
Bernard Florence and Calgary Jewellery
And all of the generous individual donors
across Canada - thank you!
Winners and HomeSense alone raised $675,000 through the sale of Shelter from the
Storm t-shirts and decals, and through “Shop ‘til it Stops”, a shopping event in which
a percentage of May 10th sales from all stores were donated to the campaign. They
also matched listener donations during “Winners empower hours” on the national
Shelter from the Storm radio-thon.
BMO Financial Group accepted donations
at every banking branch across Canada
throughout the campaign. On May 10th,
they sold decals in all branches and
matched radio-thon listener donations
during “BMO empower hours”.
The May 10th radio-thon was broadcast
by Rogers Media radio stations across Canada (and one independent station in
Kincardine, ON) and aired interviews with survivors, experts and community leaders
while encouraging listeners to donate.
Thanks to the success of this year’s campaign, and the support of other amazing
corporate and individual donors who contribute to our violence prevention work,
we were able to provide funding for 57 violence prevention programs, totalling over
$1.1-million, and donate $573,000 to shelters for abused women across Canada.
To everyone who gave shelter from the storm and helped stop violence against
women, your contribution has brought us one step closer to breaking the cycle of
abuse and ending violence against women for good.
“Winners and HomeSense were honoured to be national sponsors of Canadian
Women’s Foundation’s Shelter from the Storm campaign for a second year, and
were thrilled to lead the campaign to its million dollar milestone in 2007. Our
company, associates and customers are committed to exceeding fundraising
goals in the future and, ultimately, ending violence against women.”
Michael MacMillan
President, Winners Merchants International
Billboard donated by
Astral Media
“At BMO Financial Group promoting
physical and emotional wellness is a high
priority. We understand that healthy people
and communities are fundamental to a
strong society. Together with Canadian
Women’s Foundation we are dedicated to
ending the cycle of violence against women
and girls and are a proud sponsor of the
Shelter from the Storm campaign. The
proceeds of this campaign offer financial
support to shelters for abused women and
their children across Canada and supports
prevention programs that are breaking the
cycle of violence, and most importantly
delivering hope for brighter futures.”
April Taggart
Vice President, Talent Management and Diversity,
HR Division, BMO Financial Group
“CWF is an exceptional organization with a
clear mandate and a measurable impact.
Rogers Media is honoured to be part of its
effort to end violence against women. On a
personal level, I find working with CWF
immensely satisfying: as a member of the
Shelter from the Storm steering committee I
am continually inspired by the energy,
smarts and ability of this talented group to
bring together a campaign that resonates so
highly with the people and organizations
who donate. I know that our efforts are
truly making a difference in the lives of
women and their children across Canada.”
Ildiko Marshall
Publisher, Today’s Parent
VP, Rogers Consumer Publishing
Over the last year, more than 3,501
individuals and corporations invested in
changing the lives of women and girls by
helping us to support hundreds of
organizations across the country.
Strong women. Strong children. Strong
communities. It all starts with generous
supporters like you!
Total revenue received in fiscal year ________________________________________ $4,117,613
Add revenue deferred from prior year ______________________________________ $740,221
(Generated in 2006-2007 fiscal year and designated for programs/events in 2007-2008 fiscal year)*
Current assets ______________________ $1,100,917
Investments __________________ $1,371,270
Capital assets (net of
accumulated amortization) __________ $368
Total assets ___________________ $2,472,555
Accounts payable
and accrued liabilities ___________ $59,874
Grants Payable ________________ $828,402
Deferred revenue _______________ $488,800
Total liabilities _______________ $1,377,076
Net Assets
Endowment reserve ___________ $1,046,596
Operating reserve ____________________ $48,883
Total liabilities
and reserves _______________________ $2,472,555
Deduct revenue deferred to next year ____________________________________ - $488,800
(Generated in 2006-2007 fiscal year and designated for programs/events in 2007-2008 fiscal year)*
Transfer to Endowment _____________________________________________ $219,753
Transfer to/from Reserves ____________________________________________ $14,553
Revenue available for distribution after transfers __________________ $4,134,728
Total expenses ____________________________________________________________________ $4,128,915
Grants & charitable program-related expenses ________________________ $3,233,529
Operating expenses ___________________________________________________________ $505,759
Fundraising expenses __________________________________________________________ $389,627
Excess of revenue over expenses after transfers_______________________$5,813
*Revenue is recognized in the year when the expense for which it was generated occurs.
Grants and
CWF’s Calgary
Volunteer Committee
Deborah Bartlett
Roslyn Bern
Anuradha Dugal
The Hon. Madam
Justice Gloria J. Epstein
Margot Franssen
Julie George
Patt Lenover-Adams
The Hon. Margaret
Norrie McCain
Carol McKeen
Mary Mowbray
Carol Oliver
Diane Redsky
Carol Rock
Kristen Tynes
Bartlett Consulting; Co-President, Canadian Women’s Foundation, Calgary, AB
Leacross Foundation, Chelsea, QC
Special Gifts Officer, Development, Alumni and University Relations, Faculty of
Medicine, McGill University, Montréal, QC
Superior Court of Justice, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, ON
Co-President, Canadian Women’s Foundation, Toronto, ON
Community Volunteer, Calgary, AB
Executive Director, Violence Intervention Program Southeast Saskatchewan Inc.,
Estevan, SK
Philanthropist and former Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, Toronto, ON
Associate Professor; Director, QAAP, School of Business, Queen’s University,
Kingston, ON
Vice President, Colliers International, Toronto, ON
Community Investments and Partnership Associate, United Way of Calgary,
Calgary, AB
Director of Programs, Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre, Winnipeg, MB
Rural Vision Community Economic Development Consulting, Stratford, ON
Public Affairs Officer, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS
Sally Armstrong
Pat Baxter
Reva Bomberry
Cleta Brown
Lucille Bruce
Chandra Budhu
Mary Chrow
Kiki Delaney
Suzanne Fong
Rhonda Ford
Helen Gougeon
Christine Hart
Shira Herzog
Valerie Hussey
Michele Landsberg
Daurene Lewis
Carol Loughrey
Lorna Marsden
Rishma Mirshahi
Karen Mitchell
Janet MacInnis
Nancy Ruth*
Andrea Ou-Hingwan
Brigid O’Reilly
N. Jane Pepino
Dorothy Reitman
Kay Sigurjonsson*
The Hon. Mira Spivak
Elizabeth Stewart*
Charlotte Thibault
Paula Thompson
Maxine Tynes
Linda Ungar
Brenda J. Vince
Julie White*
Joy Williams
Susan Woods*
Sheila Zittrer
Helen Zukerman
Canadian Women’s Foundation is led by an
exceptional team of volunteers from across
the country. Thank you to our Board of
Directors, Council of Advisors, committee
members and the many individuals who
support our mission, for donating your time,
skills, knowledge and financial support.
“I am a firm believer that educating a
woman of any race or any economic
status is a practical and positive step
toward her empowerment and ability to
make healthy change for herself. As a
board member, I know that CWF shares
this philosophy, and the fact that it is a
research-based foundation makes it a very
easy fit for my charitable giving dollars. I
made the choice to become a Canadian
citizen a few years ago: one way for me to
embrace this privilege is through my
support of a national foundation that I
truly believe is making a difference for
women and girls across our great country.”
Julie George
CWF Board Member and Leadership Donor, Calgary
*CWF Founding Mother
Generous individuals, corporations and
foundations made it possible for us to grant
over $2-million last year to life-changing
programs for women and girls across the
country. Together, we’re investing in the
power of women and the dreams of girls!
Canadian Women’s Foundation thanks all
of our generous supporters. This list represents
those donors who made a gift between
June 1st, 2006 and May 31st, 2007.
An asterisk (*) indicates five or more
consecutive years of financial support.
Catalyst ($100,000+)
BMO Financial Group *
Hudson’s Bay Company
(Hbc) and its family of
stores; the Bay, Zellers,
Home Outfitters, Fields
and Designer Depot *
Ricki’s (Comark Inc).
RBC Foundation *
Royal LePage Shelter
TD Bank Financial Group
Winners and HomeSense
Changemaker ($50,000+)
L’Oréal Paris *
The Body Shop*
Toronto CREW *
Visionary ($25,000+)
McCarthy Tétrault Foundation
Leadership ($10,000+)
Corus Entertainment*
Edelman Canada
Ernst & Young LLP *
Home Depot Canada
SAS Institute (Canada) Inc.
White Ribbon Campaign
Innovator ($5,000+)
Capital International
Jays Care Foundation
Mercer Human Resource
Trailblazer ($1,000+)
Aqueduct Foundation
Birks & Mayors Inc.
Canadian Association of
Women Executives &
Community Development
Elementary Teachers’
Federation of Ontario*
Fidelity Investments
Canada Ltd.
First Manhattan Consulting
Open Solutions Inc.
Queen’s Executive
Development Centre
RMA - Toronto Chapter
Shimmerman Penn LLP
Starbucks Coffee Canada
Vanguard ($500+)
Alberta Human Rights and
Citizenship Commission
Burgundy Asset
Management Ltd.
CIBC Aventura Rewards
Ending Relationship Abuse
Society of BC
General Electric Canada
Imaginus Canada Limited*
Purolator Courier Ltd.
Friend ($1-$499)
Association of Corporate
B. A. Robinson Co. Ltd.
BC Cancer Agency
Bentall Capital Limited
CEIU Western Regional
Women’s Conference
Gap Foundation Gift Match
Geophysical Exploration &
Development Corporation
In the School of Life - N.S.
Gill Productions
Lesillu Production
Mulmur Publishing Inc.
National Film Board of
North-End Construction Ltd.
On the Mark, The Learning
Experience Company
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt
Scientific Atlanta, Inc.
Sidney L. Secter Professional
Silver Pony5 Inc.
Women’s Executive
Catalyst ($100,000+)
George Cedric Metcalf
Charitable Foundation*
The Ontario Trillium
Changemaker ($50,000+)
Roslyn Bern
Ann Southam*
Zukerman Family
Visionary ($25,000+)
Kiki Delaney*
Lynda Hamilton*
Tides Canada Foundation
Social Justice Fund
Nancy Coxford*
The Honourable Margaret
Norrie McCain*
The Sanderling
Leadership ($10,000+)
Anonymous - Calgary
Anonymous - Toronto
Sonia Baxendale
Nani Beutel
Paulette Bourgeois
Sandra Faire
Dr. Lori Egger & Steve Laut
The Honourable Madam Justice
Gloria J. Epstein
Margot Franssen & Quig
Julie G. George
Karen Green
Shirley Greenberg
Lia Grimanis
The Joan and Clifford Hatch
Foundation & Mary
Susan Hawkins
The Haynes-Connell
Foundation at the Toronto
Community Foundation
Carolyn Richardson Hursh
Valerie Hussey*
Susan Latremoille
Ann Leese & Irwin
Ann McCaig
Kelly E. D. Meighen
Jo-Ann Minden*
Florence Minz
Margaret Newall
Carol Newell
Cathy Spoel
Susan Storey
Annette Verschuren
Julia West
Sally & Donald Wright
Innovator ($5,000+)
Anna Brojde
S.M. Blair Family
Debra Campbell &
Barbara Lefcoe
Teri Currie
Tracy Ewing
Margaret Light
Nancy MacKellar
In Memory of Judith Teller*
Mark & Susan Tiffin
CWF 100 ($2,500+)
Mary S. Aitken
Maria Antonakos*
Bluma Appel
Etta Arbeiter-Jacobs
Gail Asper
Doreen Babcock & Kathryn
Mona Blair Bandeen C.M.*
Deborah Bartlett & Murray
Barbara Bernstein
Peggyann Boudreau*
Martha Butterfield*
Cole/Cynthia Bygrove
Penny & Arnie Cader
Anne Marie Canning
Susan Carrigan
In memory of Angela
Caruso, In honour of
Stephanie Caruso
Jane W. Cayley
Sylvia Chrominska
Brenda Clark*
Rayner Conway
Sherry Cooper
Linda G. Currie
Joanne Cuthbertson &
Charlie Fischer
Irene J. David*
Anne (Swain) Davis
Catherine Daw
Honor De Pencier
Carol Denman*
Mary R. Di Salvo & Tatiana
in Memory of Maria Di
Salvo & Lila Russell
Joanne Dunbar
Joanne Fletcher
Suzanne Fong*
Ashley & Jewell
Jean M. Fraser
Leslie Gales
Bryna Goldberg
Helen M. Graham
Maxine Granovsky-Gluskin
& Ira Gluskin
Betty Anne Graves
Kelly Gray
Riva Grinshpan
Mary B. Hallward
Milton & Ethel Harris
Family Foundation
Naomi Harris
Jan Hatanaka
Jane Helmstadter
Pamela Huff
Kathryn Jenkins
Colleen Johnston
Samantha Kane
Paddy Kress
Lianne La Valley
Nancy Laurie
Susan Leslie
Judy Lewis
Ana P. Lopes
Lisa Lyons
Elizabeth MacDonald
Marion MacKenzie*
Molly Marrack
Ildiko Marshall
Fionnuala Martin, In
Memory of Aoife Martin
Wendy Matheson
The Honourable Margaret
Norrie McCain*
In honour of Eleanor &
Martha McCain
Lorna & Jim McCubbin
Carol McKeen
Virginia McLaughlin
Louann Messary
Mary Mowbray*
Shelley Obal
Patricia O’Malley*
Jennifer Pagnutti
Barbara Palk
Patricia Pape
Maureen Parkinson
Nancy Pencer
Jane Pepino*
Megan & Brian Porter
Frances Price
Jacqueline Pyke & Norma
The Rabideau/Bode Family
Cyril & Dorothy, Joel & Jill
Reitman Family
Tannis Richardson
Linda Robinson
Gretchen Ross
Rubin Thomlinson LLP
Brenda Rusnak
Deborah Scott
Carole Sherkin
Helaine Shiff on behalf of
the Hadesh Foundation
Susan Shirriff
Mary Sinclair
Diane Sinhuber
Karen Sinotte
Sheila Smith
Sonja Smits
Victoria Sopik
Carole Sterling
Kathleen Stewart
Lorna E. Sussman
Mary M. Thomson*
Dawn & Jack Thrasher
Jennifer Tory
Tough & Podrebarac LLP
Brenda Vince*
Marnie Walker
Ann Watterworth*
Deborah Weinstein
Suellen Wiles
Jan Winhall
Beverley Wybrow*
Phyllis Yaffe*
Trailblazer ($1,000+)
Julianne Adam
Roxanne L. Anderson*
Heather Baker*
Paul Beattie
Marjorie Blankstein
The Lawrence and Frances
Bloomberg Foundation
Peggy Boyd*
Mary Ann Crichton*
Patricia Culver
Doone Estey
Mary Susanne Lamont
Eleanor McCain
Cheryl McEwen
Ian & Becky McKinnon
Dawn McNaughton
Carol Oliver
MaryAnne Pahapill
Liz Rykert
Aisla Thomson*
Gai Ward
Julie White* & Ross
Peter & Anne Wightman
Vanguard ($500+)
Jill L.B.H. Andrew
Irene Bailey
Pat Baxter
Karen Boersma*
Lindsay Cader
Raquel Cader
R. Caruso
Sandra Chiovitti
Joanne Clemente
Claire Crooks
Beverley Dales*
Audrey Davidson
John & Patti Duhault
Barbara Edwards*
Leslie Gage*
Diane Ganong
Joan Garson
Amy & Ryan Gibbons
Deborah Gillis
Sharon Giraud
Jane Glassco*
Donna Goldenberg
Chanel Grenaway*
Katherine Gurney*
Richard Hobley
Marie Holland
Kelly Jack
Colleen Johnson
Roxann Linton
Elizabeth Lorimer
Janet G. MacInnis
Linda MacKay
Anne Marie Morello
Connie McCulloch
Leigh Naturkach
Sheila Norman
Craig Noble
Annette Oelbaum
Brigid O’Reilly*
Kristin Pass*
Janet Pearson
Valerie Pringle
Asha Deu Raheja*, in
honour of Lalit Deu
Sarah Ruddle
Carol Seljak
Deborah Siegel
Catherine Tile
Robyn Trott
Joan Vanduzer
Marcia Visser
Katherine Vyse
Cindy Wagman
Susan Woods*
Friend ($1-$499)
Alice Abbott
Paula Agulnik
Ailsa Airth
Soraya Ali
Diane Altwasser
Joan Andrew
Denise Arsenault
Tina Arvanitis
Tovah Attar
Heather Bailey
Marilyn Baillie
Beth Bandler
Donna Baptist*
Henry Barkin
Christopher Barltrop, FCA
Valerie Barr
Jorden Bartlett
Andrea Batten
Ronald Beben
Barbara Bees
Andrea Bellefeuille
Ginny Bellwood
Phyllis Benedict*
Penny Bethke
Ann Beynon*
Anu Bidani
Mary Blair
Allison Blunt
Suzanne Bond*
S. Bourne
Dorothy Bowman
Johanna Braden*
Sharon Bradley
Doris Bradley
Helen Breslauer
Linda Briskin*
Donna Brown
Michelle Brownrigg
Anita Bruinsma
Kate Brundage
Yvette Bruneau
Charles Bryant*
Bridget Buchanan
Chandra Budhu
Terry Burns
Sherry B.
Paul Butler*
Alison Calder*
Jean Campbell
Jayne Campbell
Ellen Campbell
Emma Campbell*
Suzanne Carre
Ann E. Carson
Maria Casano*
Andrea Casciato
Mary-Jo Case
Carol Cash
Lisa Casonato
Sofia Cescolini
Sandy Chadwick*
Simon Chamberlain
Laura Chambers
Michael Chen
Malcolm Cheng*
Janet Christensen*
Carole Clapperton*
Michelle Clarke
Shirley Cleave*
Kareen Colbert*
Heather Cook*
Karen Corden*
Terry Coventry
Carol Cowan
Robert & Mary Crawford*
Nikita Crook
Heather Crosbie
Diane Crossley*
Margaret Daly
Maureen Dancy*
Rita Davies
Minda Davis*
Renée Davis
Jocelyne Daw & Kate Page
Joan Deleuze
Maria Dewaele
Lilly Di Massimo
Sherry Dickert
Paula Dill
Charmaine Courtis Dimick
Marilyn Dixon*
Catherine Doherty*
Shannon Doherty*
Anne Doiron
Daphne Dolan
S. Dorskind
Simone Douglas
Alison Douglas
Linda S. Dranoff
Anuradha Lisa Dugal
Judith Dunbar
Brian & Janice Dunk*
Nancy Dupuis
Brian Dusting
Joanne Dworkin
Tina Dzuricky
Sharon Déoux*
Megan Easto
Lonti Ebers
Julie Elizabeth
Amanda Ellis
Andrea Englert-Rygus
Ingrid Enhagen
Joan Fletcher
Moira French
Beverly Frizzell
Sandra Fry
Brenda Gefucia*
Louise Giannini
Alexander Gibb
Virginia Gillham
Janet Gilmer*
M. Girard
Kathy Glazier
Lynne Golding
Della Golland
Norma Goodger*
Dominic Goveas
Robert Graham*
E. Marion Greene*
Wendy Gross*
Helen Gurney*
Karen Haber
Arthur Hammond*
Sharon Hampson
Douglas Hancey*
Christine Hanlan*
Mary Ann Hanson*
Martha Hartwick
Kerridwen Harvey*
Douglas Harvey
Darlene Harvey
Maureen Hastie
Debra Hayward
Susan Heim
Glynis A. Henry
Julie Herczeg
Susan Himel
Sheherazade Hirji
Geneva Hirsch*
Barb Hoar
Cheryl Hochman
Ellen Hoffmann*
Catherine Holman
Christopher Holz*
Gail Hooper
Betty M. Horton*
Iris Horton*
Jennifer Huggins
Lorna Hughes
Patricia Jackson
Rose-Anne Johnson
Patrick Johnston & Ron
Kenneth Jones
Kathleen Jones-Lepidas*
Miriam Kantor
Odie Kaplan*
Helen Kearns
Lynne Kearns
Lisa Keats
Lynda Killens & Emille
Mary Killoran & Douglas
Jacqueline Kirk
Doreen Kissick
Pat Krajewski
Myra Krangle
Ann Kurdyak*
Dorothy Lackstone*
Alfred G. Lam
Elaine Landry
Michele Landsberg
Toni Latario
Judith Lawrence*
Beverly Lemire
Patt Lenover-Adams
Barbara Lent*
Melanie Lessard
Roslyn Levine
Mary Lou Levisky
George Lewis
Shinta Liauw
Susan Linton*
Abby Lippman*
Jeffery Lipton*
Julia Lisetto
Leslie Listro
Yvonne Llewellyn
Gloria Loree*
Carol Loughrey*
Helena Lourenco Dorata
Lisette Lu
Dawn Lubinsky*
Karen Luttrell
Brenda Jean Lycett*
Marion Lynn
Joan MacCallum*
Stanley Macdonald*
Catherine MacKay*
Denyse Mackey
Carol MacLeod*
Flora MacQuarrie*
Narchieka MacRae
Beth Malcolm
Shirley Anne Malloy
Lori Maloney
Jane Marlatt
Deborah Martin
Marian Martin
Louise Mayer
Robin McCleave
Laura McCormack
Lori McDonald
Bruce McFarlane
Pegasis McGauley*
Margaret McGovern*
Heather McGregor*
Mary McIllwraith
D.Clare McKenney*
Ron McKerlie
Jeanne McLeod
Bill McNeely
Marilou McPhedran*
Don L. McRae*
Marsha Melnik*
Donna Messary
Annette M. Messer
Judith Michael*
Joy Mighty*
Maryse Migué
Lesley Millar
Kelly Miller*
Lesley L.N. Miller
Ruth Miller
Jannie Mills*
Andrea Minden
Helen Mitsopoulos
Douglas Moberg
Mary Ellen Montague
Louise Moody
Rona Moreau*
Barbara Morris
Patricia Morrison*
Catherine Morrissey
Jane Mowat
Janet Murray
Matthew Nanni
Edgar Nelson
Edith Neufeld
N. Nishimura
Tanya Nordhoff
Lorraine Norwood*
Bill Nutson
Grace Olds*
Zoe Oreck
Lynne Oreck-Wener
Claire Osgood*
Donald Ostrom
Leonard Raslawski
Lola Rasminsky
Karobi Ray
Diane Redsky
Ann Reed*
Gail Revitt*
Gregory Richards
Margaret Ringland*
Diana Rivington
Sharon Robbins
Diane Robertson
Suzanne Rochford
Carol Rock*
Dorothy Rosenberg
Deanna Rosenswig
Jane Rounthwaite*
Catherine Russell
Nancy D. Ruth
Nancy Rutherford
Michelle Ryan
Carol Ryder
Joanne Saliba
Mary Ann Sanderson
Susan Savage*
Lynda Savoie
Pamela Scott
Patricia Scott
“Since 2001, for International Women’s
Day, L’Oréal Paris has been paying
tribute to women and celebrating their
achievements and passion with an
awareness and fundraising campaign
that supports Canadian Women’s
Foundation. Through this initiative, we
are proud to help low-income women
establish economic stability for
themselves and their children, and to
transform the lives of thousands across
Canada. L’Oréal Paris is pleased to work
together with the Foundation in
investing in the power of women and
the dreams of girls.”
Anik Gagnon
Brand Communications Manager – L’Oréal Paris
Eda O’Sullivan
Sibylle Otto
Lou Pamenter
Janice Paskey
Harriet & Sidney James
Patricia Pass
Joan Patterson
Anne Patterson
Penny Patterson*
Barbara Payne
Deirdre Pearson
Jessica Pelt
Leslie Penney
Bernardine Perreira
Dorothy Peterson*
Ron Philipp*
Susan Phillips
Scott Pigeau
Harvin & Rachel Pitch
Dorothea Pitt*
Wendy Pitt-Brooke*
Sylvia Pivko*
Bluebell Planck*
Glen Pleshko
Colleen Pollreis
Alison Pond
Charmaine Pope*
Patty Porretta
Debra Porter
Gail Posen*
Nancy Post
Erica Pratt
Holly Price
Helen Prinold
Konrad Radacz*
Lee Ramsay
Ram Selvarajah
Karen Setter
Marsha Sfeir*
Frances Shaver
Betty Ann Sherwood
Carmela Simpatico
Krista Skalde
Lisa Slan
Gillian Slaughter
Laurie Sloan
Louise Smith*
Susan Smith*
Pamela Smith*
Marguerita Smith
Sandra Smith
Marie Smith
Kelly Smith
Cathy P. Snyder
Thelma Sookman
Patricia Southern
Elizabeth Squissato
Beverly Stager
Mary Lou Stanton
Rodeen Stein*
Anne Stenhouse
Marlene Stephens*
Elizabeth Stewart*
Marylou Stirling
Diana N. Stott*
Janet Stubbs
Beverly Suek*
Dorothy Sullivan*
Marlanne Sutcliffe
Chiara Switzer
Raza Syed
E. Cindy Szczeqlik
Janice Tait
Elizabeth Taylor*
Franceen Taylor*
Tanis Taylor*
Pamela Terry*
Sheena Thadhani
Risa Thau*
Edlira Thoma*
Caroline Thomas
Linda Thompson*
Derek Thompson
Keith Thomson
Pamela Thomson
Rona Tietolman
Mar Win Tin*
Anjum Tobaccowala
Alison Tortorice
Elmer & Audrey Tory*
Teresa Toten
Mary Ellen Trimble
Marilda Tselepis*
Kristen Tynes
Mary Vachon
JoAnne Villeneuve
Diane Visentin
Saapje Vreeken
Natalie Vukovich
Patricia Waite
Lois J. Walker
Evie Wallace
Wendy Walters
Terry Ward
Germaine Warkentin*
Wendy L. Warren
Barbara Watson*
Karen Webb
Lisa Weir*
Judy Weisgarber
Doug Welwood
Jill Whaley
Heather White
Bev Whitney
Jane Wilkinson
Joy Williams*
Marigold Wilson
Carol Ann Witt*
Heather Woltman
Mary Wood
Ruth G. Woods
Julia Woods
Kathryn Wortsman
Wendy Wright
Sheila Zittrer
Queen’s Chapter,
Friends of CWF
Anuradha Lisa Dugal
Jenny Hoshoian
Heather Woltman
In Honour of...
Maria Antonakos’ wedding
Marie-Beath Badian
Donna J. Baptist
Caroly Bembridge
Shanon Bernard
Nani Beutel
Elizabeth Bohnan
David Burleigh
Mary O. Carrigan
Anna Chard
Dr. George Christakis
Kevin Christie
Lisa Chu
Patty Cleall
Lory Corso
Catherine A. Delaney
Teresa Dias
Paula Dixon
Kristine Drakich
Lori Egger
The Honourable Madam
Justice Gloria J. Epstein
Margot Franssen
Alda Futado
Daniel Gervais
Lia Grimanis
Lynda Hamilton
Carley Hay
Eva Hepditch
Rose Horowitz
Diane Horton
Wendy Horton
Ericka Ho-Sang
Lani Johnson
Sheranne Johnston
Marja-Liisa Kontinnen
Patricia Lang
Marguerite Latibeaudiere
Wendy Lawrence
Una MacNamara
Ellen Macro
Margie Manwaring
Angie Marier
Chris McDermic
Bertha Mendleson
Jennifer Moore
Carla Morse
Bernie Morton
Linda Northwood
Carol Parker
Helen Prinold
Caroline Pukall
Connie Rehaume
A Calgary Auto Leader Ltd
Abeelock Service
ACE INA Insurance
Bank of Montreal Kincardine Branch
Barry Financial Inc
Berek Enterprises
Blistex Corporation
Bo Bebe Store
Brecas Management
Commercial Alcohols
Comtel Marketing
Concord Well Services
Crewson Corners
Décor Building Restoration
Develco Realty Services
Dicon Display Inc.
Direct2User Inc.
“As part of our corporate pro bono
program, Edelman has made a global
commitment to advancing universal
girls’ education. We have been
looking to partner with an organization
that supports this mission, and are
thrilled that CWF has accepted our
offer of assistance.
We are very excited about our
partnership, and are looking forward to
providing public relations counsel to
help them bring attention to the Girls’
Fund. Edelman is inspired by the work
CWF does to improve the lives of
Canadian girls and we are committed to
helping them achieve their goals.”
Freda Colbourne
Chief Executive Officer, Edelman Canada
Anne Rhinehart
Joysanne Sidimus
Elizabeth Stewart
Nan Stewart
April Taggart
Quig Tingley
Katherine Vyse
Enid Williams
Stacy Yew
Sheila Zittrer
Women & girls everywhere
Reena & Zaheeda, Shelina
& Sara, Amanda & Janis,
In Memory of...
Doris Anderson
Oliga Alvarez
Agnes Benidickson
Keith Brown
In memory of June
Callwood from Lynda
Carole Cayenne
Rita Ann Dzialik
Lisa Gilmer
Paula Menendez
Winnifred Robertson
Judith Teller
Gorson Watkin’s mother
Campaign Partners
BMO Financial Group
Rogers Media
Winners and HomeSense
Dr. Michael A. Varelas
Medical Services
E & E Parker Plumbing Inc.
F.R. Fedosenko
Construction Ltd.
Fernandes Information
Management ltd.
Five Star Printers
Foster Hardware Inc.
Fred’s Towing Staff
Freedom 55 FinancialHeather Padfield
Garson Glass & Screens
George A. Gray Customs
Broker Ltd.
Go Glass & Accessories
HDB Flooring Brokers
Health Sciences
Association of Alberta
High Point Environmental
IGM Machine Parts
Manufacturing Ltd.
Investors Group Financial
Services Inc.
Kavin’s Kosher Meats &
Deli Ltd.
Kej Carpet Installation Ltd
Kincardine Real Estate Ltd.
KSI Sign Systems Inc.
Larry Kinlin & Associates
M. T. C. Computers
Mancini Heating & Air
Conditioning Ltd.
Martin Newby Consulting
Maxan Dry Wall Ltd
Memorial Chapel Brooklin
- Funeral Directors
Newmarket & Area
Newcomers Alumni
Northern Voice & Data
Orenda Connections
Permicom Permits Services
Pinetree Capital Ltd.
President Grey - Bruce
Labour Council
Prince of Peace Catholic
Royal LePage Exchange
Realty Co.
SAS Institute (Canada) Inc.
Shoppers Drug Mart
Soroptimist International of
Southwynn Homes Ltd.
Sport Stitch Ltd.
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Sublime Styles
Workers Union
The Hodsoll Family
The Powerline Group
The Women of Eleven
Joseph Fashion
The Yonge Street Players
Theatre School
Tidy Gardens Landscaping
Touched By Switz
Valenard & Associates Inc.
Video Group Canada
Wyntech Services
1132286 Ontario Limited
Judith Abbott
Karen Abel
Darlene Abraham
Debra Abraham
Olivia Abreu
Lynn Acton
Julianne Adam
Lula Adam
Angela Adams
Gladys Adams
Maureen Adams
Norris Adams
Steven & Noris Adams
Laurel Adamson
Patricia Adamson
Sandy Adler
Stanley Adler
Cheryl Adomantis
Joanne Aitchison
Janet Aitken
Linda Aitken
Gayle Akerman
Rezzan & Hal Aktulga
Dieubon Aladin
Danni-Sue Alderson
Juanita Aldrige
Ingrid Ali-Sheike
Caroline Allard
Catherine Allen
Dena Allen
Joan Allen - Calgary
Joan Allen - Toronto
Jo-Anne Allen
Zehra Allibhai
Althea Allick
Zulfiquar Alli-Shaw
Azeema Ally
Wendy Alpaugh
Deb Alston
Patrice Alynn Hunter
Roger Amelotte
Anita Amos
Evelyn Anderson
Kim Anderson
Linda Anderson
Pamela Anderson
Sheri Anderson
Linda Anderton
Susan Andres
Chantal Andrews
Diane Andrews
Shirley Angulo
Shahab Ansari
Maria Antonakos
Shelley Applebaum
Angela Aprile
David Arbuthnot
Rita Arbuthnot
Robert Arch
Donna Arcieri
Kelly Areshenko
Asiya Arif
Barbara Armstrong
Brian Armstrong
Leanne Armstrong
Rosanne & Phil Armstrong
Janet Arnoldi
Ginny Arnott-Wood
Anique Asher
Denise Ashman
Dorothy Aspinall
Lee Ann Atkins
Ginette Atkinson
Lynne Aube
Rosanna Audino
Karen Austerverry
Diana Austin
Elizabeth Austin
Marianne Avery
Jan Aylsworth
Barbara Azzopardi
Downa Babott
Patsy Badali
Susan G. Baddeley
Beth Bailey
Francine Bailey
Melanie Bailey
Marline Baird
Debbie Baker
Nicole Balan
Yen Balawender
Catherine Balfour
Jeff Balin
Jennifer Bamber
Rosemary Banting
Donna Baptist
Denise Barilrooney
Catherine Barker
Maureen Barker
Karen Barkley
Stella Barna
Connie Barrans
Anna Barrett
Brian Barrett
Gisele Barrow
Rosemary Barthello
Erin Bartlett
Dabika Basdeo
Vince Basile
Ube Baubhinas
Janice Baverman
Roberta Beach
Judy Beardwood
June Beaton
Carol Beattie
Catherine Beatty
Debbie Beaunoyer
Estella Beck
Dawn Beckles
Deloris Beech
Perrin Beer
Karlene Behamie
Martin Belanger
Michelle Belanger
Elaine M Benham
Chris Bennell
Helen Bennett
Jill Bennett
Tracy Bennett
Doreen Benteau
Shirley Berdahl
Meigan Bergen
Michelle Bernick
Catherine Bertolo
Lor Bertolo
Sylvie Berube
Sabine Liva Berzina
Louise Besserer
Denise Best
Susan Best
Nani Beutel
Sacha Bhandal
Sandy Biback
Mali Bickley
Geoff Biddell
Camilla Bignell
Lauraine Bilodeau-Brown
Pauline Bingham
Durmati Biran
Laura Bisson
Doreen Bissonnette
Brian Black
Noreen Hilbig
Rosemary Blois
Anne Bloom
Jane Boag
Kathy Bobett
Larry Bochner
Megan Bockus
Sandra Bocuus
Stewart Boecker
Sharlene Boevingloh
Pam Bohning
Carol Bohren
Zina Bolak
Lianne Bonneville
Kim Bonoho
Pamela Boojawon
Susan Bools
Ivo Borin
Margaret Borneman
Michaul Boroditsky
Linda Borsato
Deanna Bortolotti
Janice Bortoluss
Natalia Botelho
Angela Both
Peggyann Boudreau
Marta, Paulina, Dominika,
Zoe & Mackenzie Boughs
James Bovie
Cheryl Bower
Shirley Bowles
Tammy Bowman
Joan Bowness
Nancy Boyce
Jaye Boyer
Darlene Boyle
Joyce Bradbeer
Jane Bradford
Diana Bradley
Marcia Bragg
Sandra Brain
Cathy Branch
Deborah Brander
Valerie Brandman
Gloria Breen
Lou Breithaupt
Nancy Bresinger
Donna Galbougis
Linda Brillinger
Bob Britton
Lorraine Britton
Pam Brockway
Elizabeth Brogan
Joanne Brook
Barbara Brookes
Nicole Brooks
Sandra Broomfield
Angele Brost
Laurie Brough
Steven Broughan
Dale Brown
Duncan Brown
Jennifer Brown
Joanne Brown
Karin Brown
Karyn Brown
Linda Brown
Marjorie Brown
Sharon Brown
Robert Brownie
Shannon Brunner
Susan Brunton
Faye Bryant
Cynthia Bryce
Cathy Bryson
Pat Brzezinski
Wendy Buba
Carolyn Buck
Brenda Buckle
Mona Buckmiller
Lin Budd
Terry Linda Bubge
Janet Buehlow
Ann Buller
Doug Bundock
Ruth Burgess
Teresa Burkhardt
John & Ann Burkitt
Cliff Burko
Greg T Burnand
Christine Burnel
Brenda Burnett
Brenda Burns
Susan Burns
Sherry B.
Joan Burton
Sherry Burton
Karen Busman
Charlene Butcher
Anne Butler
Joan Butler
Nelia Butler
Sandy Butler
Dennise Button
Rose Marie Buzzelli
Katherine Byford
Dorothy Cabbot
Tracy Caines
Anne Marie Caister
Ryan Caldwell
Maureen Caldwell-Mackay
Natalie Campbell
Andrea Campbell
Bernice Campbell
Howard Campbell
Janice Campbell
Kathryn A Campbell
Linda Campbell
Maureen Campbell
Meghan Campbell
Novelette Campbell
Wendy Campbell
Susan Canakis
Joan Candow
Laurie Cantwell
Daniel Cappe
Melissa Cappe
Stephen Cappe
Teresa Caprarella
Kim Capri
Teresa Caprin
Sheila Caputo
Karen Caradonna
Sylvie Cardinal
Eugene Cardinal Jr
Pat Carey
Stephanie Carisse &
Andree Faurnier
Evelyn Carleton
Elizabeth Carlyle
Joanna Carmeiro
Angie Carnegie
Jennifer Caro
Terri Carolo
Paula Carpy
Marny Carr
Sharon Carr
Bev Carroll
Kathleen Carson
Margaret Carter
Colleen Cartier
Marlene Carvalho
Julia Casha
Cecilia Casuso
Linda Catt
Lise Chabot-Fieseler
David Chai
Wendy Chalmers
Michelle Chan
Gordon Pharmacy
Bruce Chapman
J Chapman
Kathy Chapman
Karina Chatur
Tai Chau
Cecilia Chensee
Roger Chernuck
Juliette Ann Chestney
Donna Cheung
Bonnie Chim
Linda Chipping
Joanne Chisholm
Katherine Chisholm
Norma Chittenden
Sharon Cholowsky
Kathy Chong
Rita Chong
Freda Chopping
Carmen Chouinard
Jaime Chow
Giorgette Christian
Edmund Chung
Jennifer Church
Rose Ciccone
Maryann Cinanni
Maria Circerii
Christine Cirka
Stella Cito
Jamie Civiero
Kelly Clark
Heather Clarke
Michelle Clarke
Trevor Clarke
Eva Clement
Joanne Clemente
Doris Edwards
Margaret Cleveland
Dan Cline
Linda Clulow
Anne Marie Clune
Consuelo Co
Fred Cockburn
Brandi Cockerton
Sheryl Cohen Shecter
Leslie Colaco
Rocchina Colangelo
Leslie Colazo
Amanda Colina
Carol Collier
Matthew Collinge
Annabelle Collins
Joan Collins
Korinne Collins
Linda Collins
Michele Collins
Mary Colman
Valerie Colosimo
Bonnie Colwell
Katy & Scott Commodore
Karen R. Conrad
Rosa Conrad
Kathy Constantinou
Delores Cook
Pam Cook
John Cooke
Steven Cooke
Sue Cooke
Sandra Cookes
June Cooley
Joyce Coolmal
Alisa Cooper
Brian Cooper
Timothy Cooper
Melanie Copp
Ellen Corbin
Robyn Cordner
Jackie Corker
Chris Corlett
Debra Cornelson-Buddo
Anne Marie Cortese
Marilyn Couinge
J.C. Olivera
Elizabeth Counsez
Paul-Andrew Cousineau
Vicki Cousins
Laura Cousley
Karlene Cowan
Kris Craig
Christine Crampton
Cindy Crawford
Janice Crawford
Diana Creagh
Pam Crego
Cassandra Crepin
Susan Crisp
Valerie Crisp
Judith Crocker
Susan Croft
Beverley Crompton
Jacqueline Cronin
Sarah Cross
Debbie Crowder
Kathy Croxall
Afrodite Cruz
Tom Cryer
Anne Cummings
Maureen Curran
Ralph Curran
Jamce Curtis
Debbie Cuthbertson
Astrid Cutler
Fred Cuvelier
Nicole Dakin
Jennie Dale
Mary Daley
Sandra Dalton
Melody Daly
Ann Dalzell
Jennifer D’Angelo
Verne D’Angelo
Kerstin Daniels
Victor Dann
Barry Dashner
Martin Davidson
Patsy Davidson
Carol Davies
Kelly Davies
N. Dale Davies
Cindy Davis
Janet Davis
Jennifer Davis
Valerie Davis-Kelly
Brian Dawson
Kimberley Dawson
Roxane Dawson
Sandra Dawson
Michelle D’Costa
Joanna De Girolamo
Antoinette De Jager
Celine De Sa Buckley
Yvonne De Wit
Sharon Dealrymple
Maryann Dean
Danile Dearaujo
John DeBiasio
Marjorie Decaire
Cindy DeCruyenaere
Kelly Defeo
Ann DeJonge
Kerry Delanney
Rita Delaurentis
Anita Delbel
Rose Delgiudice
Sue Deluca-Elgresley
Elise Denis
Brenda Dennis
Donna Denton
Chantal Desjardins
Kathy Desmond
Helen Desreux
Jessica Deutsch-Goulet
Giszaine Devdaisrois
Gale Dhaliwal
Janice Di Cresce
Pina Di Giandomenico
Doreen DiCorrado
Florence Diehl
Mary Diiorio
Leara Dimtriou
Angela Dispalatro
Krystyne Dmuchowski
Lynh Doan
R. Dobrev
Tracy Dodds
Martha Doherty
Doretta Dolson
Kelly Dominato
Katie Donnelly
Patricia Donoghue
Paul Doo
Jane Doody
Jackee Dookin
Geri Dornford
Paul Dornford
Joanne Double
James S. Douglas
Jean Douglas
Mary Doyle
Maureen Doyle Schock
Carolyn Draginov
Donna Dressler Mund
Maggie Drickbil
Dawn Drinkle
Malin Drolet
Carmie Drum
Elma D’Silvan
Ginette D’Souza
Karen D’Souza
Guy Ducharme
Margaret Ducon
Sandra Duden
Judith Dunbar
Lori Dunbar
Elisabeth Duncan
Irene Duncan
Richard Dundy
Wendy Dunn
Hong Duong
Malvina Dupont
Glena Durisin
Isabelle Dusastre
Joyce E Dushney
Joanne Dworkin
Irene Dyer
B. Irene Dziedzic
Joan Ea Lucle
Jennifer Earle
Allan Ebedes
D. Edgar
Barbara Edwards
Terri Edwards
Wendy L Edwards
Barb Ehman
Isaac Ehrlich
Theresa Elhatton
Anita Elkin
Helen Ellement
Rick Ellerton
Elaine Elliott
Peter & Donna Ellis
Dee Ellis
Frances Ellis
Olive Ellison
Derek Ellmore
Karla Emeno
Kimberley Emery
Heather Emslie
Brian Endacott
Brenda Eng
Ann Eros
Carol Escler
Susan Eskdale
Carol Evans
Fiona Evans
Kristen Ewen-Piche
Annae Eyk
Sharon Fabourim
Clara Fabrizi
Judy Fairbanks
Linda & Carol
Franka Fantauzzi
Suzana Fantin
Farima Faria
Michelle Faria
Vicki Farrell
Darlene Farren
Fiona Fatijewski
Anne Fattouche
Nora Fedchenko
Donna Fedosoff
Donna Fedran
George Fedrigo
Rob & Marianne Fedrigoni
Lorraine Feischl
K. Ferguson
Elsie Ferguson
Vina Ferguson
Chiara Fergusson
Anita Fifield
Ana Fijan
Patricia Filion
Johanna Finch
Leila Findlay
Elyse & Emilie Fisher
Irene Fizzell
Roberta Fleck
Judy Fleischacker
Barbara Fleming
Judy Fleming
Donna Flow
Chantelle Flowerday
Jane Flynn
Dawn Foote
Karen Forest
Sandee Forfar
Janet Forrester
Sylvie Forte
Doug Fox
Nikki Francies
Jennifer Frank
Margot Franssen
Linda Fraser
Marilyn Fraser
Gail Freckleton
Karin Fredrich
Evelyn Freeburn
Lynn Frenette
Leslie Fryer
P. Fryers
Olga Fulep
Adriana Fuliere
John Fuller
Elizabeth Gajardo
Ben Galbraith
Julie Gale
Natasha Galea
Christine Gallagher
Delores Gallagher
Dylan A. Gallagher
BJ Gallant
Ralph Gallup
Patricia Gamboa
Margaret Garatt
Karen Garbe
Marjorie Gardiner
Linda Gardiner
Lynn Gardner
Sharon Gardner
Janine Garnett
Judy Gates
Sandra Gatti
Margot Gaudreau
Linda Gauthier
Mireille Gauvin
Rose Gedz
Lisa Geiger
Trudy Gelber
Karen Genoway & Rick
Vivian George
E. Leigh Geraghty
Barbara Gerard
Giselle Geslitz
Shiraz Gheyara
Ashley Gibbons
Bertha Gibbons
Olivia E. Gibbs
Judith Gibson
Judy Gibson
Marlene Gibson
Sharon Gibson
Suzanne Gignac
Martha Gilbert
Wendy Gill
Rosemary Gillanders
Susan Gillespie
Doug Gillies
Linda Gillis
Dorothy Gillis
Judi Gimenez
Genevieve Giroux
Annette Giuesipe
Bonnie Gladstone
Karen Glassow
Anne Gloger
Nancy Gloger
Lynne Godefroy
Nancy Goheen
Karen Gold
Anna Gomes
Samantha Gomez
Willie Gomez
Isabel Gonealzes
Lisa Goodfellow
Patricia Goodings
Brenda Goodsell
Muriel Goodwin
Susan Gordan
Margaret Gosar
Brother Kevin Goss
Theresa Goss
Joanna Gostola
Prakash Gowd
Max & Janine Grace
Mary Grace
Gord Graham
Mary Rose Graham
Michael Graham
Barbara Gravel
Fred Gravel
Patrick Gray
S. Elaine Gray
Kira Greasley
Margherita Greco
Anne Green
Arlene Green
Bill Green
Katrin Greenhall
Isobel Greig
Angel Grenier
Carolyn Greszczyszyn
Lia Grimanis
Phyllis Grimsditch
Mariola Gristi
Kathy Guido
Chris Guilbeault
Doug & Rachel Gunn
Beverley Guthrie
Jola Gutter
Olcay Guvenal
Barbara Guzick
Gloria Haanen
Tom Haar
Joan Habinski
Monika Hager
Robin Haggar
Lynn Haines
Cathy Chong
Liliane Hajjar-Randell
James & Melanie Hall
Denise M. Hall
June Hall
Karyn Hall
Makia Hall
Sinead Hall
Sue Hall
Tim Haller
Swedini Halliday
Dawn Halliwell
Brenda Hamilton
Faye Hamilton
Melody Hamilton
Cheryl Hamm
Katherine Hancharuk
Tammy Hangs
Bernabette Hanlon
Urmilla Hardeen
Jacqui Hardtke
Linda Hardy
Anne Harper
Jade Harper
Josephine Harper
Joyce Harper
Pavlette Harper
Judy Harquail
Christine Harris
Jo-Anne Harrison
Sharon Harrison
Beata Hart
Margaret Hart
Paula Hart
Wayman Harten
Susan Hartwell
Darlene Harvey
Ruth Hashimoto
Beverley Hatcher
Marnel Hatt
Margaret Haughton
Anne-Marie Hauzar
Michele Havens
Susann Haw
Heather Hayes
Pat Hayes
Debra Hayward
Gerry Hayward
Barbara Hazlewood
Dave Hearpif
Vivienne Heath
Filomena Heaver
Susan Hefferman
Beverley Heilbrom
Maggie Heilemann
Adva Heler
Julie Hellard
Michelle Hembruff
Jo-Ann Henderson
Joan M Henry
Cathleen Herian
Donna Herman
Beverly Heron
Helen Herscu
Pamela Hesse
Donna Hewey
Karen Heyman
Linda Hibbert
Yelitza Hidalco
Wendy Hilborn
Geraldine Hilchey
Sheila Hildebrandt
Adrienne Hill
Gail Hillock
Joanne Hiscock
Shelagh Hislop
Cheryl Hochman
Diana Hodge
Kathryn Hodsoll
Lynda Hoff
Flora Hoffman
Carolyn Holland
Deanna Holt
Christopher Holz
Mary Ann Honig
Jane Hooey
Wendy Hopkins
Brenda Horan
Gail&Ted Horobin
Maria Horvath
Bess Houlw
Sandra Houston
Shannon Howatt
Jan Howells-Laurie
Jodie Howes
Sherry Hu
James Hubbard
Joan Hudson
Brenda Huebner
Linda Hufford
J. Hughes
Lorna Hughes
Natasha Hull
Dennis Humphrey
Kim Humphries
Sandra Hunchak
Maria Hundeck
James Hunt
Patricia Huntington
Anna Huston
Christine Ilott
Gisella Imbrogno
Jennifer Immerson
Bruce Ing
Susan Ingram
Barbara Ann Ingratta
Pat Insanally
Zadiha Iqbal
Jackie Irvine
Janet Isaac
Yves Isabelle
Loreta Iuliani
Brenda Jackson
Bonnie Jacobs
Ronald Jacobson
Claire Jafine
Anar Jamal
Anne James
Jayne James
H. Margaret Jamieson
Merrill Jamieson
Patricia Jamieson
Nicole Janisse
Patricia Jansen van Beek
Alanna Janssen
H. Keith Jarianse
Jason Jarvis
Alia Jebo
Miranda Jeffrey
Sharon Jenner
Donna Rose
Lynn Jermyn
Sharon Jewan
Viviana Jimenez
Marion Joffe
Eric Johanson
Krishendaye Johnie
Liz Johnson
Peter Johnson
Cristine Johnston
Denise Johnston
Roselyn Johnston
Tammy Johnston
Edna Johnston-Earl
Donna Jolliffe
Barbara Jordison
Renee Jourdain
Derek Jubb
Richard Jubinville
Valerie Jurkowski
Jane Kaake
Monique Kack-North
Tanya Kahanoff
Kendra Kahnapace
Norma Kamin
Krista Kamuski
Kim Kanerva
Payal Kapur
Elke Kareckas
Isik Kayhan
Jan Keast
Lori Keay
Holly Kee
Donna Keen
Tiffany Keim
Susan Keller
The Cookie Shoppe
Organic Bakery
Brian Kelly
Catherine Kelly
Ken Kelly
Mary Kelly
Pamela Kempthorne
Doug Kennedy
Kathy Kennedy
Linda Kennedy
Louise Kennedy
Margo Kennedy
Richard Kennedy
Hope Kenney
Tammy Kerman
Alfred Kerperin
Danielle Kerr
Lori Kerrigan
Jane Kerrigan-Brownrige
Say Kerr-Stewart
Mary Kesner
Marilyn Kielly
Sandie Kilian
Camille & Steve Kim
Allison Kin
Chris King
Karen King
Nancy King
Theresa Kirck
Susan Kiselewski
Susan Kiss Kiss Family
Benita Kitchen
Melody Klassen
Lauris Kleven
David Klimitz
Holger Kluge
Mary Kneale
Carolyn Knight
Sharon Knight-John
Deborah Kochhar
Lorraine Koenen
Janne Kofter
Judy Kohls
Judy Kohn
Charlene Kolla-Aebig
Judy Komn
Sandra Konowaluk
Jennifer Kos
Debra Kostianiuk
Joan Kramer
Cheryl Krepel
Rita Kuchirka
Pamela Kudrasovs
Kuhn Family
Heather Kurtin
Justine Kutlay
Lidia Kwiatkowska
Jeff Kwok
Leigh Ann Kyte
Suzanne La Pointe
Sarah La Rose
Clairette Lachance
Erica Lachapelle
Kimberly Lacourse
Carol LaGreca
Eric Laing
Claire Laise
Karen Lambert
Linda Lambert
Heather Lamont
Michelle Lamos
Lori Lancaster
Beverly Landen-Zynoberg
Joanne Landry
Sharon Landry
Linda Lange
Margraet Langlams
Don Langley
Shawn Lanouette
Lorena Lanzarotta
Elizabeth LaPlante
Marella Larocque
Andree Larose
Natalie Lassard
Sheila Laurien
Ian Law
Cherry Laxton
Linda Lazaron
Penny Leckie
Deborah Leckman
Janice Ledyard
Lucia Lee
Young Lee
Peter Lees
Irina Lefterova
Jeannette Leftly
Martin Leible
Lourdes Leite
Elaine Lemieux
Margaret Len
Ana Lenco
Deborah Leslie
Theresa Less
Diane Letellier
Marilyn Levine
Ruth Levkoe
Nancy Levy
Marilyn Lewin
Pat Lewis
Susan Libbey
Marylin Liittle
Laruel Lindsay
Robin Lindsay
Sabrina Ling
Nellie Linhares
Marion Linkert
Sharon Lipman
Kim Lipscombe
Julia Lisetto
Tammi Lisson
Sonja Litner
Susan Little
Shirley Litvatck
Teresa Lo
Michael & Dale Lobsinger
Katherine Lockett
Sylvia Loewen
Cathy Loitsch
Mary Lomas
Kathy Long
B. Longmore
Bunnie Looby
Denise Lotocki
Mindy Louis
Leanne Lowry
Judith Ludlow
Brenda Lukacsy
Debbie Lund
Grethe Lund
Valerie Lundgren
Karen Macaulay
Elizabeth MacDonald
Jean MacDonald
Bob MacDonald
David Macdonald
Karen MacDonald
Kathleen MacDonald
Stephen MacDonald
Dana MacDonell
Norman MacEachern
Linda Macgregor
Lynda MacInnes
Heather MacIver
Nancy Mackay
Pamela Mackenzie
Susan MacKewicz
Ross Mackie
Patti MacKinnon
C. A. Maclean
Susan Macleod
Dianne & Pat MacMaster
Helen MacMillan
Michael MacMillan
Susan MacMillan
James MacNeil
Judy MacNeil
Catherine MacNeill
Heather Macquarrie
Cheryl Madden
Debbie Madsen
Indira Maharaj
Patricia Maheral
Arlie Mahood
Nataleigh Tiahnybok
Valerie Makeeff
Patoonporn Makmanee
Nick Malfara
Teresa Malfara
Mary Mallette
Marsene Maloney
J. Anthony Manastersky
Antonetta Mancini
Carmela Mandarano
Myra Mandel
WC Potts
Wendy Manderson
Rose Mangialardi
Kerri Mann
Dave Mannette
Renee Manning
Mary Mansour
Winston Mapp
Marie Marceau-Sone
Vito Marchese
Grace Marchione
Gwyneth Marcoppido
Wayne Marcus
Ray & Barb Marier
Taunya Mark
Laura Markley
Peter Maropakis
Barry & Johanne Marshall
Douglas Marshall
Ildiko Marshall
Teri Martinson
Robert Martz
Vernalee Mason
Greg Masse
Linda Mather
Ann Matthews
E. Kathleen Matthews
Mary-Lou Matthias
Colette Mattieu
Joanne Mattine
Joanna Maund
Jane May
Joy Maye
Marie Mayo
Mario Mayo
Sylvia McAllister
Phyllis McBride
Alana McCabe
Alex McCartney
Michelle McClean
Barbara McConnell
Corinne McCorkle
Connie McCulloch
Keith P. McDermott
Bill McDiarmid
Amanda McDonald
Barbara McDonald
Marion McDonald
Craig McDowell
Anne McEachnie
Jackie McEwan
Debbie McGee
Dianne McGillis
Cynthia McGiverin
Tracy McGrath
Leonard McGuire
Jeff McGurk
Rosemarie McHugh
Anna Mary McIlwain
Brenda McIntosh
Heather McIsaac
Michelle McKechnie
Annette McKellar
Kelly McKeown
Patricia McKeown
Randall McKeown
Donna McKerrell
Chris & Kim McKibbon
Maura McLaren
Joyce McLean
Patricia McLeod
Louise McLinden
Leo McManus
Cathy McMaster
Tracy McNairn
Sally McNeely
Kathy McNeil
Pam McPhail
Diane McPhee
Barbara McQuarrie
Laurie McVictor
Brenda Medjuck
Mariane Medley
Brooke Meeker
Donna Meffe
Joy Mehta
Christine Melanson
Richard Mellin
Monelle Mendelson
Mary Lou Mendyk
Kimberly Mercer
Donna Merkley
Rosemary Merrall
Kip Merriam
Alina Meufeld
Judy Meyer
Rose Micallef
Tasha Michael
Joyce Michalchuk
Peter Michelle
Angela Middleton
Gail Middleton
Glynis Middleton
Barbara Miehaud
Joel Miles
Gary Millage
Kim Millan
Kathryn Miller
Lynn Miller
Meredith Miller
Sylvia Miller
Donna Milligan
Donna Mills
Karen Mills
The Mirabella/Siddall
Denise Miron
Virginie Misseri
Nisha Mistry
Elizabeth Mitchell
Jan Mitchell
Sharon Mitchell
Mary Mitropoulos
Laara Mixon
Mizzi family
Houman Mobarrez
Susan Mocsan
Elizabeth Moes
Paul Moffat
Barb Moffatt
Rashiba Mohamedali
Heather Moir
Carolyn Molinari
Ann Moniz
Caroline Montgomery
Elizabeth Montgomery
Lucia Moody
Dawn Moore
Diana Moore
Elizabeth Moore
James Moore
Judy Moore
Jean Moosajee
Caroline Moran
Susan Morefield
Carlline Morgan
Elizabeth Morgan
Yvonne Morier
Laura Morin
Sandra Morphew
Heather Morris
Jillian Morris
Michael Morris
Bradley Morrison
Doris Morrison
Lorraine Morrison
Nancy Morrison
Tina Morrison
Howard Mortley
Jessie Moscovitz
Karen Moskal
Deanne Mount
Susan Mowatt
Wilma Moyes
Susannah Moylan
Joan Mulle
Michael Mulville
Carol Munce
Helga Mundt
Nancy Murdoch
Alma Murrill
Chris Muto
Catherine Mwanza
Christina Myndio
Mark Nagy
Robyn Nash
Joy Nastaskin
Salim Nathoo
Fran Nault
Mario Nazzocchi
John Neill
Shari Nemirov
Mark Nethery
Kathleen Neufeld & Shawn
Pat New
Shelley Newman
Diana Newton
Hazel Newton
F. Ho Ng
Christina Nichol
James Nicholas
Jenny Nicholson
Nancy Nicol
Tammy Nicoll
Ada M Nikoras
Wendy Noakes
Linda Noble
Barbara Ann Nolet
Pearl Norman
Joan Norris
Lynn Northwood
Melissa Novak
Brenda Nugent
Diana Nunes
Julie Nunes
Samantha Nunn
Megan E Nutis
Ellen Nuttall
Jo C. Nuttall
Debbie O’Brien
Anne O’Connor
Daniel O’Connor
Mary Ann O’Connor
Francine Odette
Kathryn Ogiltree
Audrey O’Handley
Trisha O’Keefe
Susan Okom
Jackie Olfert
Carrie Oliver
Laura Olmstead
Anne-Marie OlmsteadWilcox
Jill Olson
Rose O’Mahony
Lynda Onderisin
Diane O’Neill
Sorina Oprea
Andrea O’Reilly
Glen & Melorie Ormiston
Clare Ormston
Norma Oro
Bonnie Orr
Sally Osborn
Nancy O’Shaughnessy
Salema Osman
Deborah Osrye
Frances O’Sullivan
Louise O’Sullivan
Mary O’Sulllivan
Audrey & Laury Otis
Dawn Ott
Shandra Oudit
Judy Owen
Kathy Owen
Kathleen Pack
Don Padgett
Yvonne Paech
Anita Paget
Steve Palmer
Ascenza Palmieri
Shanti Panday
Douglas Parise
Kathy Parker
Lansa Parker
Lesley Parker
Sharron Parsons
Sonia Paré
Kristin Pass
Barb Passmore
Jirina Pastorek
Leena Patel
Preeya Patel
Kent Paterson
Gladys Patino
Krisitna Patsula
Mary Patterson
Yvonne Patterson
Zarine Pavri
Murray Payne
Luch Pazmino
Barbara Peacock
Dawn Pearce
Frank Pearce
Barbara A. Peard
Kari Pearson
Winsome Peirre
Antonietta Pellegrino
Lynn Pelleun
Tanya Pelosi
Gary Peltz
Sharron Penaligon
Sandra Penny
Betty Peralta
Pamela Pereira
Debra Perkins
Kendra Perkins
Cathy Perks
Jo-Ann Perks
Debbie Perron
Kathleen Perrone
Adele Perry
Patricia Pestano
Pauline Petek
Peter, Bobby, Charlotte &
Jennifer Peters
Susie Petrini
Gus Petsoulas
Bruce Pettit
Denise Pettitt
Margaret Phicklett
Mary & John Phillips
Susan Phillips
Beatrice Phomin
Elizabeth A Piche
Nicole Piche
Denise Piech
Wayne Piehl
Anestsia Pierre
Donna Pierson
Debbie Pilon
Sarah Pimentel
Annie Pineda-Gleeson
Robert Pinsonneault
Lucina Pinto
Gabriella Piotto
Diana Pitour
Joyanne Plaxton
Glen Pleshko
Stephanie Plet
Lilly Pliakes
Michelle Pluim
Annette Pohlmann
Rachelle Poirier
Judith Pomassi
Jennifer Pon
Laura Poon
Katharyne Popoff
Donna Porsche
Helen Posluns Kerbel
Brian Post
Dianne Post
Lori Poulton
Carol - Lynn Power
Judy Power
Leslie Powers
Rose Pratt-Nixon
Carole Prest
Mike Preston
Leslie Prince
Marilyn Prole
Leslie Prosser
Carol Proud
Julie Prud’Homme
Addie Pryce
Catherine Pryce
Mary Psihopedas
Darya Pylypiak
Margaret Quan
Lynne Quattrociocchi
Ginger Quinn
Nancy Quinn
Sandra Radchenko
Margerat Radley
Janis Rae
Bobbie Rae Messom
Dr. Kimit & Linda Rai
Megan Rainey
Karen Rallis
Joan Ralphs
Charles Ramcharan
Anjani Ramcharan-Shirley
Brenda Rampulla
Alison Ramsley
Annabelle Ramsook-Salick
Andre Rancourt
Tanya Ratte
Mary Rauchfleisz
Susan Ravenhill
Laara Raynier
Alicia Raynor
Pat Reed
Wendy Reed
Kayla Barela
Elaine Reid
Janet Reid
Pauline Reid
Susan Reid
Patricia Reilly
Pat Reily
Diane Relyea
Jessica Renyolds
Lillian Repka
Felicia Rerrie
Dan Resmer
Shirley Revitt
Sylvia Ricciardi
Vickie Riccio
Mirella Riccmio
Gary Richards
Pat Richards
Catherine Richardson
Lynn Richardson
Kathleen Richardson &
Keith Wagner
Jerril Richert
Betty Richmond
Judi Richter-Jacobs
Jane Riddell
Wendy Ridding
Murray Rideout
Betty Lou Riewe
Anna Rinaldo
Jo-Ann Ritche
Edward Rivera
Tara Roach
Judie Roberge
Diane Robert Shaw
Brenda Roberts
Helen Roberts
June Roberts
Norlan Roberts
Zora Roberts
Barbara Robertson
Robin Robertson
Tyler Robertson
Barbara Robinson
Linda Robinson
Pat Robinson
Rebecca Robinson
Barbara Robitaille
Joanne Robson
Lynda Robson
Suvarna Roche
Renee Rochon
Jennifer Rodgers
Sharon Rodkin
Hazel Rolfe
Maria Romanec
Giselle Romano
Enid Rose
Thelma Rose-Barrett
Law Offices of Avra Rosen
Maryon Ross
Mirella Ross
Nadine Ross
Bogdan Roua
Tammy Routliffe
Ith Roveche
Kathleen Rowe
Paul Roy
Andrew Ruddle
Sarah Ruddle
Jane Rudolf
MaryAnne Rudy
Esther Rupnarain
Janice Russell
Linda Schatzker
Angela Schmidt
Brenda Schneider
Patricia Schneider
Paula Schnoll
Eva Schorer
Beverly Schroeder
Louise Schulte
Cathy Schweers
Jacqueline Scott
Laura Scrivener
Stephanie Sealy
Beatrice Sebastian
Lauren & Dorothy Seeds
John Seesink
Frank Seibert
Penny Sellars
Constance Sellen
Jane Seltzer
Judy Semple
Erika Senek
Andre Serre
“The Body Shop is extremely proud of
our over 12-year partnership with
Canadian Women’s Foundation. We are
particularly excited this year to launch
a brand new product that we anticipate
will generate real engagement with our
customers. The special-edition Stop
Violence in the Home Hi-Shine Lip
Treatment not only feels and looks
great, the funds it will raise have the
power to make an incredible difference
to the lives of the women and children
that the CWF supports. We look
forward to building on the success of
the wonderful partnership we share
with the CWF in this coming year.”
Laine Ferguson
EVP Canadian Operations, The Body Shop
Lindsey Russell
Carolyn Russo
Joseph P. Russo
Ian Ruthven
Narlina Rutka
Stephanie Rutledge
Antoinette Ryall
Anne-Marie Ryan
Cyndi Ryan
Gale Ryekman
Jacquelyn Saad
Linda Saad
Lori Saar
Ann Sabetti
Beverley Sabourin
Cathie Sabourin
Ronnie Sacks
Wendy Sagan
Rochelle Sampson
Dave Samson
Saverina Sanchez
Sandy Sanderson
Josie Sandhu
Catherine Sandilands
Raji Sanghera
Linda Sarracini
Susan Sarrasin
Josee Sarrazim
Sherry Sartorelli
Sharon Sasaki
Andrea Saslove
Daniel Saucier
Olive Sauer
Colleen Saunders
Sandi Saungeis
Stephanie Savoury
Mary Sawyer
Rosanne Sayewich
Brian Scandregt
Irene Scanlon
Lydia Scarff
Kathy Schacter
Amir Shabbar
Marilyn Shabot
Tamara Shack & co-workers
Bimal Shah
Sandra Shanab
Deborah Shank
Julie Shannon
Berta Shauber
Judy Shaughnessy
Annette Shaw
Dawna Shaw
Marilyn Shaw
Rob Shaw
Deborah Sheeny
Alia Sheikh
Sarah Sheikh
Darlene Shelton
Andrew Shen
Audrey Shepherd
Emily Sophia Shepherd
Tracey Sheppard
Tricia Sheridan
Betty Shields
Cindy Shoemaker
Kim Shore
Debbie Shortreed
Karen Shortt
Stephen Shub
Helen Shulist
Kathy Shworak
Debbie Sicoli
Sandy Siggner
Corinne Silbernagel
Pat Silcox
Lynne Silman
Camille Silver-Bowerman
Cecile Silvestri
Susan Simmons
Pamela Simpson
Rita Simpson
Susan Simpson
Gillian Sinclair
Indra Singh
Sabrina Singh
Mira Sirotic
Miracle Solutions
Carole Sivanich
Sue Slater
Janet Sledmere
Tara Sly
Winifred Smalls
Carl Smith
Chad Smith
Christina Smith
Cindy Smith
Helen Smith
June Smith - Calgary
June Smith - Goodwood
Lori Smith
Louise Smith
Lynn Smith
Marion Smith
Mike Smith
Ron Smith
Sheila Smith
Shirley Smith
Sylvia Smith
Valorie Smith
Wyn Smith
Penny Smith-Steinman
Janie Smyth
Jeff Smyth
Gordon Snee
Connie Snieder
Elizabeth Snowden
Flora So
Ken So
Natalia Sohetsky
Sonia Sohi
Arella Sohn & Buck
Eula Solen
Shawnne Soong
Myra Sooper
Phil Soper
Carmen Soranno
Donalda Sousa
Chris Southam
Ann Southam
Kenneth Southwick
Claire Southworth
Brent Spaith
Robert Spall
Jennifer Spallin
Jill Speedie
Elizabeth Speight
Susan Spicer
Liz Spittal
Lubke Sporry
Susan Sprague
Joanne Spurrell
Linda Squires
Brenda St. Jean
Barbara Stadnyk
Gloria Stalzer
Vicki Stamml
Barb Standen
Karen Stanley
Kim Stark
Clare Starrett
Diane Stecher
Shahdokht Steel
Eleanor Steinberg
Wendy Stephens
Catherine Stephenson
Kimberly Stephenson
Erica Stern
Cynthia Stevens
Gennie Stevens
Helene Stevens
Peggy Stevens
Cindy Stewart
Joan Stewart
Fern Stimpson
Josie Stina
Isabel Stitale
Lorraine Stockley
Jordan Stoddard
Robert Storey
Wilma Stoyanoff
John Strba
Kevin Stromberg
Linda Strome
William Stuckey
Juell Paul Sue-A-Quan
Beverly Suek
Monica Sulz
Narinder Sundar
Soryel Sunderji
Anne Sutherland
Joanne Swackhamer
Sharon Swain
Angie Swartz
Colleen Sweeney
Ghislaine Switalsky
Richard Sylvester
Agatha Szin
Afsaneh Tabassian
April Taggart
Connie Tagseth
Terry Tait & Mary Addison
John Tam
Darlene Tamagi
Bun Suon Tan
Rita Tan
Jo-Anne Tario
Lina Tasca
Carolyn Tateishi
Tamara Taub
Caron Tauber
Karen Taylor
Maria Taylor
Marni Taylor
Robert Taylor
Joann Taylor-Ryan
Laura Templeton
Christina Templetow
Pamela Terrance
Lou Anne Tesch
Darlyne Tessier
Mardi Teteris
Betty Thiessen
Heather Thiffault
Pat Thody
Edlira Thoma
Margaret Thomas
Anne-Marie Thompson
Caroline Thompson
Christina Thompson
Sharon Thompson
Gillian Thomson
Pam Thomson
Courtney Thorne
Elaine Thorne
Linda Thuler
Anne Tibbitt
Friend of Margot
Anthony Tintinalli
Marilyn Tobin
Grace & Ophir Toby
Desni Toffanello
Willa Tomshak
Jo-Ann Totzke
Kurt Town
Victoria Townend
Carol Townley
Brian Track
Cathie Traill
Thi Tran
Susan Traviss
Sylvie Tremblay-Minor
Rhonda Treminskie
Colleen Tripp
Lianna Trottier
Robyne Trudel
Carol Tsarbara
Helle Tupholme
Jacqueline Turbull
Helene Turgeon
Sharon Turner
Shirley Twerdun
Andrea Tyrrell
Gregory Tzemenakis
Halina Urlich
Susan Vaile
Patricia Valenet
Wendi Valere
Robert Vallance
Hedy Valler
Micheline Valliere
Catherine Van Der Eyken
Jutta Van Huss
Peter Van Schaik
Brian van Zanden
Penny Vanboxtel
Laura Vanderkruk
Margo Vanderland
Peter Vanes
Lynne Vanhamme
Theo Vankooten
Kathy Vankoughnet
Beth Vardon
Gini Vassidy
Lynn Vecchiarelli
Peter Veerman
Josie Vella
Jacynthe Venne
Emiie Vergara
Helen Verwey-Mason
John Vesso
Noreen Vida
Monica Vidal-D’Erman
Shirleen Vieira
Susan Vieneau
Lucie Vignola
Linda Villanova
Guy, Darlene, Jacqueline &
Phillip Villeneuve
Zhe Ving
Jennifer Vinotte
Mary Vlastakis
Maria Voutsinas
Katherine Vyse
Mary Waddell
Stanley Waese
Janet Waisglass
Patricia Wait
Jean Waldner
Greg Walker
Lynne Walker
Katherine Walkty
Natalie Wallach
Dave Walsh
Miriam Walsh
Ying Wang
Kimberley Warburton
Racheal Ward
Diane Wardrope
Monika Warner
Nancy Warren
Elspeth Wash
Jane Waterfall
Connie Watkinson
Janet Watson
Lynn Watson
Paula Watson
Kim Watt
Joan Way
Margaret Webert
Cathy Webster
Jone Webster
Deb Weekes
Shelley Weinreb
Danielle Weisbrod
Donna Wells
Vernon & Charlene Wells
Lynn- Raquel Welsh
Adria Wereszczynsky
Meredith Westgate
Judy Whale
Rosa Wharton
Laurie Wheeler
Nancy Whipp
Annette White
Eileen White
Nancy White
Sally White
Joanne Whitehead
Les Whitehead
Laurne Whitley
Laura Lee Whitlow
Linda Whitman
Dara Lee Whitmore
Toby Wickham
Susan Wieczorek
Brian Wieland
Barbara Wilcox
Shelley Wilde
Donna Wilkie
Vera Wilkins
Shelagh Wilkinson
William Will
Beth Williams
Bruce Williams
Lynn Williams
Mary Williams
Susan Williamson
Deborah Wilmot
Cindy Wilson
Karen Wiltshire
Karin Woltes
Lan Wong
Marguerite Wong
Wendy Wong
Cheryl Wong-Barrett
Etel Heaslip
Leslie Wood
Pat Wood
Sandrah Wood
Anthony Woods
Donna Woods
Genevieve Woolley
Sue Worrall
Barbara Worthington
Peggy Wyatt
Beverley Wybrow
Linda Yager
Zaleeka Yasin
Tina Yavari
Linda Yeh
Lin Yeomans
Catherine Yeroshenko
Carolyn Yetman
Debbie Young
Doreen Young
Karen Young
Leah Young
Nancy Young
Paula Young
Louisa Yue-Chan
Marianne Zagar
Sharon Zaharko
Verna Zanardo
Elizabeth Zanerro
Deborah Zarichney
Gregg and Jamie Zaun
Rena Zayit
Gloria Zbryski
Marla Zeidenberg
Cheryl Ziebart
Pnina Zilbernan
Patricia Zimmerman
Biana Zorich
Geraldine Zurosky
In Honour of...
Someone who cares
daughter Julie Crowe
Jocelyn Juriansz’s dad, Garth
Wanda MacNevin
Marie Ryan
Christina Sun & in memory of
Helen Sun
Zenovia Tene
In Memory of...
Husband, Joe
Jane Gravelle
Clara Harrington
Lyallen Hayes
Maria Markovic
Winnifred Robertson
Helen Sun
Laura Wilson
Ontario Women’s Directorate
Dr. Lori Egger & Dr. Beverly
Bennett Jones LLP
Eventplan Coordination &
Management Inc.
$25,000 Presenting Sponsor
Hudson’s Bay Company (Hbc)
and its family of stores; the
Bay, Zellers, Home Outfitters,
Fields and Designer Depot
$10,000 Supporting Sponsor
Bell Canada
Fairmont Hotels & Resorts
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
Professional Breakfast Table
Table Purchasers (2+ tables)
BMO Financial Group
Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Ernst & Young LLP
PwC Management Services LLP
RBC Commercial Markets
Richardson Partners
Financial Ltd.
Table Purchasers (1+ table)
AGF Management Limited
Accessorize in Canada
Aird & Berlis LLP
Alliance Atlantis
Communications Inc.
Anne Marie Canning
BDO Dunwoody LLP
BMO Retail Investments
Blaney McMurtry LLP
Burgundy Asset Management
C.A. Delaney Capital
Management Ltd.
CIBC World Markets Inc.
The Canadian Institute of
Chartered Accountants
Cavalluzzo Hayes Shilton
McIntyre & Cornish
The Co-operators
Corus Entertainment Inc.
Elementary Teachers’
Federation of Ontario
Ericsson Canada Inc.
Fidelity Investments Canada
Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP
Gardiner Roberts LLP
Grant Thornton LLP
The Home Depot Canada
The Honourable Margaret
Norrie McCain
IBM Canada Ltd.
The Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Ontario
Ivanhoe Cambridge
Johnson & Johnson Medical
The Honourable Justice
Gloria J. Epstein
Kids Can Press Ltd.
Lawyers’ Professional Idemnity
Lynda Hamilton
M. Marketing/Chad
M.S. Lamont and Associates
Mary Mowbray - Colliers
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Miller Thomson LLP
Minden Gross Grafstein &
Greenstein LLP
MintoUrban Communities Inc.
Nani Beutel
National Bank of Canada
Ogilvy Renault LLP
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Procter & Gamble Inc.
RBC Asset Management Inc.
RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Rubin Thomlinson LLP
Russell Reynolds Associates
SAS Institute (Canada) Inc.
Suncor Energy Inc.
Susan Shirriff
TD Canada Trust
TD Canada Trust, e Bank
TD Mutual Funds
Teradata Canada, a division of
Thornton Grout Finnigan LLP
Torys LLP
Toyota Canada Inc.
Wachovia Capital Finance of
Women in Nuclear Canadian
Table Purchasers (1/2 table)
Cossette B2B Business to
Business Marketing
Dorothy Greenaway &
Associates Inc.
Freedman & Associates
Girls Incorporated
Heenan Blaikie LLP
Ontario Secondary School
Teachers’ Federation
Open Solutions Inc.
Thomson Nelson
Platinum Sponsors ($5,000)
Oxford Properties Group
Cushman & Wakefield LaPage
The Altus Group Ltd.
Ivanhoe Cambridge
Govan Brown & Associates Ltd.
Hallmark Housekeeping
Services Inc.
HOK Canada
Impact Cleaning Services Ltd.
Jesslin Interiors
Korn Ferry Canada Inc.
Manulife Financial
Maxim Group General
POI Business Interiors
Raymond James
RBC Royal Bank
RiskCheck Inc.
SCI Interiors
Seabourne Real Estate Services
Standard Life
Stikeman Elliot
Strathallen Capital Corp.
The Office Source Inc.
TMP Consulting Engineers
Torys LLP
TransGlobe Management
Trillium Architectural Products
Vanbots Construction
Wall-Tech Restoration Inc.
Yolles Partnership Inc.
Bronze Sponsors ($500)
Avison Yonge Commercial Real
Estate Inc.
B/H Design Consultants Inc.
Beacon Group Real Estate
Services Inc.
Blake, Cassels & Graydon
“CWF’s commitment to addressing the
challenges that face women and girls in
Canada strengthens our society as a
whole. As a donor, I’m offered a
meaningful way to help women and
girls achieve healthier lives and brighter
futures, and to give back to my whole
Kelly Jack
Vanguard donor
Gold Sponsors ($2,500)
Edgecombe Realty Advisors
Greenferd Construction Inc.
Marsh Canada Limited
Morguard Investments
Solucore Elevator Solutions
TD Securities Inc.
The Cadillac Fairview
Corporation Ltd.
Silver Sponsors ($750)
Apollo 8 Maintenance Services
Arturus Realty Corporation
CB Richard Ellis
Canderal Stoneridge Equity
Group Inc.
Colliers Macaulay Nicolls Inc.
Daoust Vukovich LLP
Dorsay Development
Dreschel Business Interiors
Dundee Realty Management
Epic Realty Partners Inc.
Fengate Property Management
First Canadian Title Insurance
First Capital Realty Inc.
Golder Associates
Brigholme Interiors Group
Brookfield Properties Ltd.
Carma Industries Inc.
Clayton Research Associates
Curran McCabe Revindrann
Ross Inc.
Edge Hardware Inc.
Figure 3 Network
Gervais Harding and Associates
Hurley Corporation
Impark Services
Intercon Security
Jermark Plumbing &
Services Ltd.
MacKenzie, Ray, Heron &
MAD Elevator Fixtures
Mole White & Associates Ltd.
Northam Realty Advisors Ltd.
OMNI Facility Services Canada
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Realster Management
Rutherford International ESG Inc.
Rycom TPM Inc.
S & R Flooring Concepts Inc.
Sky-Reach Window Cleaning
Space Database Inc.
Stadia Industries Ltd.
TD Canada Trust Multi Unit
Residential Mortgages
The Michael Thomas Group
The Sorbara Group
W.P. Osborne
Emerald Sponsors ($350)
Boldstar Infrared Services
Bredan Elevator Consultants
Danny Klempfner
Halsall Associates Ltd.
ICICI Bank Canada
Minden Gross Grafstein &
Mohawk Group
RealNet Canada
Technisigns Inc.
Viana Roofing
Catalyst ($100,000+)
Astral Media
Rogers Media *
• Chatelaine
• Today’s Parent
• Lou Lou
• Maclean’s
• MoneySense
• Enfant Quebec
Visionary ($25,000+)
Hudson’s Bay Company (Hbc)
and its family of stores; the
Bay, Zellers, Home Outfitters,
Fields and Designer Depot *
L’Oréal Paris *
Leadership ($10,000+)
Alliance Atlantis
Communications Inc.
Edelman Canada
Osler Hoskin & Harcourt LLP*
Innovator ($5,000+)
CBS Outdoor
Morris Group International
Trailblazer ($1,000+)
CIBC Wood Gundy
JDP Computer Systems*
Solutions 360
REHA Enterprises Ltd.
Christina Gapic Photography
Vanguard ($500+)
Magnotta Winery Corporation
Friend ($1-$499)
Accessorize Canada
Hume Imaging Inc.*
Kids Can Press Ltd.*
133 Richmond Street West,
Suite 504
Toronto, Ontario M5H 2L3
Toll free: 1-866-293-4483
TTY: 416-365-1732
Fax: 416-365-1745
Charitable Registration Number: