View and print our Retired Leaders Fund brochure


View and print our Retired Leaders Fund brochure
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At Hokyoji, one can touch the roots of a practice passed
down for centuries, a practice established by its founder,
Dainin Katagiri-Roshi, and carried forward by Dokai
Georgesen, a dharma heir. This legacy can be seen and
felt in the dovetailed beams of the hand-built zendo, or
I will fill out the authorization form at for an
automatic monthly fund transfer.
m I will set up an automatic payment
with my own bank.
m I will send a monthly check.
Yes! I want to give to the Retired Leaders Fund!
I'm pledging at the following
level of support:
m I’m enclosing a one-time donation
of $_­­_­­_____________.
Thank you for your gift of support!
Please return this form to Hokyoji at 2649 County 5 • Eitzen, MN • 55931
City:State: ZIP:
About Hokyoji
the pine groves planted by early practitioners, or just the
feeling in the air as you walk in this nourishing natural
setting. The ground of the community, and all that it
means, is the day-to-day and year-to-year cultivation
of the land, the facilities and the practice that we have
2649 County 5 • Eitzen, MN • 55931 •
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Caring for
a beloved teacher
Dedicated support,
carefully managed
How to give
To give to the Retired Leaders Fund, please choose
The Retired Leaders Fund provides long-term financial
Tomoe-san’s support is provided through the Retired
the level of support that best fits your life, and fill out
support to Tomoe Katagiri, widow of Hokyoji founder
Leaders Fund, established to provide retirement sup-
and return the form on the reverse side of this trifold.
Dainin Katagiri. Many people know Tomoe-san as the
port for teachers or their spouses employed by Min-
We particularly encourage setting up an automatic
widow of our founding teacher, but fewer know that she
nesota Zen Meditation Center during its developmental
monthly fund transfer; automatic payments allow for
is an accomplished master of traditional Buddhist sew-
period under its founding abbot, Dainin Katagiri. To
the most precise management of the fund and the most
ing, handed down from before the time of Dogen-zenji
that end, Hokyoji organizes and conducts an annual
predictable level of monthly support for Tomoe-san.
in the 1200s. While residing in San Francisco during
pledge campaign and monitors both the amount and
Plus, you’ll never have to worry about forgetting to
the 1960s, with
status of pledges made and fulfilled, as well as the level
send a monthly check! Please visit
of support Tomoe-san needs. Existing donors receive a
for the authorization form, or you may set up your
watching over
yearly reminder of their pledges, and the support base
payments with your own bank.
their small chil-
is expanded as new donors are identified and contacted
dren, she learned
about opportunities for giving. Committee delegates
this ancient style
meet regularly with Tomoe-san to review her needs and
of Buddhist
ensure an adequate level of financial support. All money
sewing from her
donated to the Retired Leaders Fund is kept in its own
teacher, Eshun
bank account and is not used for any other purpose.
At 80 years of age, she continues to teach this sewing
practice both in the Twin Cities area and beyond. We are
lucky to have this great Buddhist teacher in our lives.
The Retired Leaders Fund
The committee represents a variety of sanghas within
Katagiri roshi’s lineage.
• Tim Burkett
• Joen Snyder O’Neal
• Ken Keiyu Ford
• Michael O’Neal
• Dokai Georgesen
• Henry Panowitsch
• Steve Hagen
• Byakuren Judith
• Ragir
• Myo-On Susan
• Hagler
• Teijo Munnich
• Norm Randolph
• Shoken Winecoff
Of course, one-time donations in any amount are
always gratefully accepted as well.