Kentucky Vaulting Cup - American Vaulting Association


Kentucky Vaulting Cup - American Vaulting Association
October 2009
Megan Benjamin on Lanson 16
Photo: Alex Thomas
One Star Compulsories
by Suzanne Detol - page 4
The Vet Check
by Adrienne Stang - page 6
Cross Ties
by Alicen Divita - page 8
Compulsories: Timing Problems
by Julie Divita and
Suzanne Detol - page 9
Kentucky Vaulting Cup
by Kerith Lemon - page 20
2010 AVA Membership Early Renewal Campaign!
Julie Divita
Renew via your club or as an individual by January 1, 2010 and
receive an exclusive USA Alltech FEI World
Equestrian Games vaulting trading pin!
All of these membership levels qualify for the early registration bonus:
Youth Member ($50)
Recreational Youth Associate Member ($15)*
Adult Member ($50) Contributing Member ($100)
Benefactor Member ($300) Life Member ($750)
American Vaulting Fan ($25 for 5-year membership)*
Great level to sign up relatives & friends (nice holiday gift idea)
* Members at these levels
may not compete in any AVA
recognized events.
Notes from National Office
Individuals: If you were a member in the past couple of years be sure to click the RENEW button and
NOT the NEW MEMBER button. If a renewing member registers as a new member, that member will
appear in the AVA database twice and have two different AVA numbers. Make sure to renew with exactly
the same name spelling as before. If you can’t remember your password, please contact the National Office
( and we will send it to you.
Clubs: When renewing members, if a vaulter does not appear on your club list but may have been a
member with a different club, please contact the National Office. To avoid duplications in the AVA data
base, please do NOT add renewals as new members. Please do NOT add your club as a NEW CLUB. This
may result in the loss of your historical data. If you cannot remember your club password or have any questions about registrations, contact the National Office. We are here to be of service to you.
2009/2010 AVA Officers and Board of Directors
Newly Elected/Re-elected Board Members (Two-Year Terms) Officers
Linda Bibbler (VP Competition)
Julie Divita (VP Members)
Kelley Holly (Exec VP) Jodi Rinard (Treasurer) Darla Ryder (VP Education) Richard VanVranken (VP Development) Board Members
Kim Beisecker Megan Benjamin Carol Beutler Craig Coburn Suzanne Detol Priscilla Faulkner Virginia Hawthorne Yossi Martonovich Patti Skipton Robert Weber Continuing Board Members
(One Year Remaining)
Sheri Benjamin (President) Robin Bowman (General Secretary) Board Members
Jessica Ballenger William Brown Merry Cole Sydney Frankel Rick Hawthorne Cambry Kaylor Amy McCune Marianne Rose Regional Supervisors
Connie Geisler (Region I) Carolyn Conner (Region II) Penny Maydak (Region III)
Noel Martonovich (Region IV) Elizabeth Brigham (Region IX) Jane Egger (Region X) The new members will take office November 7th, 2009.
Vaulting World
October 2009
Table of Contents
Membership Renewal Campaign
Julie Divita.............................................. 2
2009-2010 AVA Board of Directors.............. 2
One Star Compulsories Suzanne Detol......... 4
Annual Meeting Penny Maydak.............. 5
Nationals 2010 Linda Bibbler................. 5
The Vet Check Adrienne Stang..................... 6
Cross Ties Alicen Divita............................... 8
Compulsories: Got Timing Problems?
Julie Divita and Suzanne Detol............... 9
Foreign View of Nationals Joanne Eccles.. 10
Hosting Europeans Benefits All
Anne Revoullois..................................... 12
North American Young Riders Championships/
Results Kerith Lemon............................ 14
Meet Shawn Ricci, 2009 National Silver Men’s
Champion.............................................. 16
Meet Tasha Thorner, 2009 National Silver
Women’s Champion.............................. 17
I Longed for Two Star Compulsories Today
Jodi Rinard............................................ 18
Kentucky Vaulting Cup/Results
Kerith Lemon......................................... 20
Region II Championships Results............... 27
AVA Directory............................................. 31
Calendar of Vaulting Events....................... 32
In the August issue of Vaulting
World, at the top of page 12, I
published a picture of this tiny
tot. Her name is Lucy Roher of
Blue Star. Her mother says,,
“She lives and breathes horses!
She has so much fun vaulting!”
– Ed.
If you have any changes or corrections to your mailing address for Vaulting World, are having problems receiving your issues, or wish additional copies please contact
the AVA National Office at 8205 Santa Monica Blvd., #1-288, West Hollywood, CA 90046-5912 or phone 323-654-0800, fax 323-654-4306 or email nationaloffice@ The mailing lists are generated by the National Office where extra copies of Vaulting World are kept.
Vaulting World is published by the American Vaulting Association. Mail all submissions for publication to: Vaulting World, 11845 Skyline Blvd., Los Gatos, CA
95033 or email
Deadlines are: November 1 for publication December 2009; January 1, 2010 for publication February; March 10 for publication April, July 1 for publication August;
September 1 for publication October.
Vaulting World display ad rates (full color) are $15 per column inch, $125 for one third page, $150 for one half page and $250 for full page. Submit information/
check payable to “AVA” and mail to Vaulting World, 11845 Skyline Blvd., Los Gatos, CA 95033.
No part of this publication may be reproduced either in whole or part without written permission. To join the AVA, visit -->join us.
Copyright by American Vaulting Association 2009.
Printed by Modern Litho Print Co. 800-456-5867 • Editor/Production: Marianne Rose 408-867-1789,
Copy Editing: Sheri Benjamin 408-872-1562, Julie Divita 650-216-6072, Kate Dalby 703-203-5796
Vaulting World
October 2009
One Star Compulsories
Suzanne Detol
With the adoption of One Star Compulsories for our
beginning level vaulters, a short article is perhaps pertinent.
Why did the AVA vote to adopt these
compulsories? What are the advantages?
Isabelle Parker, coach of Woodside Vaulters, was one of
the strongest proponents for the adoption of these compulsories. After working with the One Star Compulsories for a
year, I have asked her to give her insight on the benefits of
these exercises.
• One Star Compulsories focus on the fundamentals of
the exercises
• In particular, vaulters work on clicks instead of scissors
and flank. This allows them to learn about using the
horse and their own core strength before they complicate the movement with turning, piking, etc. Because
of this, we should see better scissors and flanks down
the road because the One-Star Compulsories will have
taught them to do correct swings first.
• One Star Compulsories are easier on the horse. The
flight exercises tend to be harder for the horse when
they are done incorrectly. The one star exercises land
in the most simple and controlled position
• One Star Compulsories are competed (in team) internationally. This opens up more opportunities for our
vaulters to compete overseas before they are Two Star
experts. This will most likely improve our involvement
in the sport, especially in team competition and in male
The Europeans have seen great improvement/success with
“retention” of athletes. Competing at One Star level gives the
athletes the motivation to keep vaulting and competing when
the Two Star event seems like a distant prospect.
In addition, from working with the One Star Compulsories myself – teaching my own vaulters the new exercises,
I have found that the vaulters themselves love them. They
are just plain fun!
Teaching the fundamentals – easier on the horse -- and
fun? What more can we ask for?
Woodside vaulters Katarina Nibbi and Tessa Divita
performed One Star compulsories on Giovanni at Nationals.
Photos: Primo Ponies
Please review the AVA Rulebook description of One Star compulsories:
Appendix D, page 96-97. Also review Rules for Vaulting, page 40-41, 53-54,
57-58. Note that all references to Copper and Trot within the Rule Book and
Guidelines are now One Star.
Vaulting World
October 2009
AVA Annual Meeting
March 4-7, 2010 • Portland, Oregon
Nationals 2010 • July 29-August 1
Earl Warren Showgrounds
Santa Barbara, California
Penny Maydak
Registration and more details will be posted soon
at See page 2, August
2009 issue of Vaulting World.
Information (schedule, forms, releases, housing, stabling, amenities, etc.) will be posted on the AVA website
by Jan. 1, 2010.
Entries by will be posted
on CompWeb by May 15
Deadline for Entries
June 29
Order of Go will be
posted online July 10
Newly Confirmed Activities
Acro-balance class which will teach
vaulters how to use body mechanics to balance
each other in double and triple exercises.
Cross-training with balance boards and
other equipment by Andrea Brown, certified
Clinics for individuals and small groups on barrels
Coaches Panel – back by popular demand
– an opportunity to discuss with some of our
leading coaches how they view and teach vaulting.
Open Judges Forum (Friday 1pm -7pm) this is your opportunity to ask the judges questions.
A safety and accident prevention
workshop hosted by Kim Deaver
(entries may warrant changes)
Main arena will be generally for freestyles.
Secondary arena will be generally for compulsories.
Wednesday, JULY 28
• Vet Check
• Coaches Check-in
• Coaches Meeting
Thursday, July 29
• Para Nationals (Novice
Classes for handicapped/
challenged vaulters)
National Festival (Unrecognized classes: Horse - Preliminary Trot, Tiny Tots, Walk Team, California Gold;
Barrel - Open, Preliminary, Trot, Tiny Tots, Family Barrel
Freestyle, Team Barrel Freestyle, Open Doubles, Trot
Doubles, Trot/Canter Doubles, Gambler’s Choice. If
you have an idea for a fun class that your vaulters would
enjoy in the National Festival, please contact Connie Geisler (
If entries warrant, some USEF/AVA classes will be run
in the afternoon
Meetings will be held at the Monarch Hotel and
Conference Center (
Art Museum
Friday, July 30
AVA and USEF Classes
AVA and USEF Classes
AVA Board Meeting
Sunday, August 1
USEF Classes
The AVA and USEF Classes will be:
TEAMS: A Team, B Team, C Team, Trot Team
INDIVIDUALS: Gold, Silver. Bronze, Copper, Trot
2-PHASE: Open, Preliminary
Please review the AVA rule book for C
Team, Copper and Trot. Note that all
unrecognized classes at trot and below
levels will run as Copper and Trot.
Watch for more details
in future issues of
Vaulting World, www.
and AVA Blasts.
Vaulting World
Saturday, July 31
October 2009
The Vet Check
The purpose of the inspection is to ensure “fitness to compete”
are necessary and leather gloves are helpful. All
clothing should be clean and unwrinkled. Longeing
attire is also appropriate. Long hair neatly pulled
back or in a bun gives one a more professional appearance. Hats and sunglasses are allowed when
Adrienne Stang
The Horse
The horse should be in good condition, well
muscled, eyes alert and coat shiny. Plan to arrive
well in advance of the vet check in order to water,
exercise and groom the horse properly. Feet should
be trimmed or shod within a reasonable time before
the competition. The vet may ask you questions
about obvious scrapes or injuries. Know your horse
so you are able to answer any questions from the vet.
The Course
Rules call for an indoor or outdoor course 50
meters in length with markers at the beginning and
at the turn. Usually cones are used but plants are
also good markers. The surface must be firm, level,
clean and not slippery. If the competition surface
is used, it must be rolled firm. If asphalt is used, it
should have a layer of sand to prevent slipping. Dirt
roads may be used but must be swept free of rocks.
The horse must be clean and well trimmed. Its
mane must be braided or roached. If roached it
should not be too long – a roached mane does not
mean a Mohawk. Braids should be small and neat
as in hunter style. The tail looks nicer if braided but
that is not required. The horse’s feet should be clean
and hoofs may be treated.
The Procedure
The purpose of the inspection is to ensure “fitness to compete”. At the FEI level (VLTR Art. 726),
the Veterinary Delegate and a member of the Ground
Jury will inspect the horses. At USEF (VA 113) and
AVA (Art. 107) level, the Veterinary Delegate and
two members of the Ground Jury will inspect the
horses. The Panel will approve the surface on which
the inspection takes place. The Veterinary delegate
will give his recommendation to the panel, which
will make the decision to accept, not accept or refer
to the holding box. In the holding box, the Examining Veterinarian will observe the horse and report his
findings to the Veterinary Delegate for re-inspection.
Re-inspection may be done at this time or at the end
of the vet check.
The horse must be presented in a vaulting bridle
with reins. The horse number must be attached on
the right side. Make sure leather and bit are spotless. No leg wraps, boots or crops are allowed.
The Handler
The handler’s clothing should be business-like
and appropriate for horse sport – neither too dressy
nor too casual. Jeans and t-shirts are considered
too casual. Logos on clothing should be small and
are usually on the left front of the shirt. At the FEI
level, the maximum size allowed is found in GR Art.
135. Clean leather shoes or boots in good condition
Vaulting World
October 2009
The handler enters when announced, stops at the beginning of
the course and stands in front of the horse holding one rein on each
side about a foot from the bit. The handler should greet the Panel
and answer any questions. No other conversation is permitted.
The Veterinary Delegate will walk around the horse to carry
out a brief visual inspection. Be prepared to answer any questions
he may have about your horse. Palpation of a limb is allowed if
deemed necessary but other clinical tests may not be performed at
this time.
At the Vet’s signal, walk on the left side of your horse holding
a loose rein. When you are halfway to the turn, pick up a lively
trot. Walk around the turn to your right (clockwise)! You may
raise your left hand to the horse’s eye to help turn him. Resume
with a lively trot up the right side past the Vet. Halt at the entrance
and wait for the decision to be announced.
The Panel will announce their decision and there is no appeal
against this decision. If the horse is sent to the holding box, the
Examining Vet will work with you and report to the panel when the
horse is ready for re-inspection.
NOTE: If you are serious about earning the Osierlea Award (given for
excellence of presentation at the vet check), you and your horse must
be groomed to perfection. In addition you must show your horse like a
professional and that means a knowledgeable, confident demeanor while
moving in step with your horse at all times. Horse must not break from
the required gait and should proceed on a very straight line. I believe
practice is necessary to achieve this level of professionalism. Many
horses and longeurs were turned out beautifully at our Nationals but the
movement through the course without a fault from entrance to exit was
done by only one team and they were the winners. Congratulations to
Pacific Coast’s Poppy Coulter and Cheval for winning the 2009 Osierlea
Award and showing us true excellence!
Page 14 - Karin Schmidt with Caspar. Page 15 top left - Emma Sely with Vermeer,
Jessica Ballenger with Lanson 16, Olivia Swan with Sir James and Sunny Boy; top right
- Yossi Martonovich with Oliver; middle top - Devon Maitozo with Paladin; middle
bottom - Jennifer Williams with Pete; bottom - Noel Martonovich with Sargent.
Photos: Primo Ponies
Vaulting World
October 2009
Cross Ties
This is the first in a continuing column focused on
vaulters. The question for this issue was, “What
do you do to keep fit and cross train at the end of a
competition season?”
Time to Rejuvinate
Your body obviously needs rest after months and
months of training and competing, but it’s also very
important to give your mind (and even soul) time to
reenergize. This is when I usually fall in love with
vaulting again.
Often, when I am training during the “season,”
I push myself really hard all the time. I have specific
numbers or times that I am trying to beat so I know
that I am improving and working hard. During this
“off” time, however, the process of exercising becomes something I really enjoy. Rather than suffering through 30 minutes on the treadmill with specifically calculated incline and speed changes, I’ll meet
up with a friend and go for a run through the hills of
Berkeley. Ironically, I’ll often end up working harder
because I am listening to my body and pushing when
it tells me to, but then backing off when I feel I need
to. This is something that I am trying to bring into
my workouts all year. Whatever you do, make sure
that you are listening to your body and most importantly, having a good time.
Learn Something New
Its fun to be a vaulter because you can try other
things. Our sport is so demanding that often we
can walk into a yoga, pilates, dance (you name it, –
whatever sounds interesting) class and already be a
level above beginning. Take advantage of this! For
example, I learned through doing crew, that cardio
is actually a really important part of my training. I
found it makes me more flexible and, more importantly, I don’t get tired while practicing. Maybe I
don’t need to be able to go at full power and speed
for seven minutes straight in order to perform my
one-minute vaulting routine well, but because I can. I
am able to practice more and much more efficiently.
It makes a big difference when you’re getting on
the horse for that final round at practice, still energized and able to focus on what you’re doing versus
completely winded and exhausted, thinking about
how long of a nap you’re going to take when you
get home. I have also found that the core strength
and body control developed in gymnastics, yoga,
dance, bar method and other similar classes are key
to becoming a better vaulter. Teach your brain a new
way of connecting with your body. Experiment and
see what works!
Photo: Alex Thomas
Alicen Divita
I don’t really have a specific
training regimen for the off
season, but that is exactly the
point. The time right after the
last competition of the year is fun
because I always do something
new. The point is to take the focus
off of vaulting and do a sport or
activity that I’ve been wanting to
do but couldn’t before.
Vaulting World
October 2009
Cross Ties
On August 22, 2009 Kenny Geisler
and Kalyn Noah were married by
Scott Seely at Montara Beach in
Montara, California.
The vaulting community came out
in force to celebrate the joining of
these two vaulters in their lifetime
Pas de Deux.
Schedule Your Training
If you look at your training schedule over a year,
starting right after the last competition and ending
at that point the following year, you should be going
from more general fitness narrowing down to more
specific, vaulting related training. You can start by
spending more time outside of vaulting, getting
stronger and increasing your general fitness in the areas which need work. Find something in which you
are going to really be able to push yourself because,
if you’re not enjoying the process, you will likely
not be inspired to improve. Once you’ve found an
activity you enjoy, the motivation to work hard will
come naturally.
More Resources
Here are some links for training studios that I
recommend. Many of these have multiple locations.
If you search online for a general type of exercise,
you’ll be sure to find some good places in your area.
Yoga Source:
Funky Door (Bikram only):
Yoga Works:
Photo: David Thrasher
Bar Method
Vaulting Exhibit at the KHP
The Dailey Method:
The Bar Method:
Bree Krebel
Bluegrass Vaulters, in collaboration with the Kentucky Horse Park, is organizing a vaulting exhibit.
The exhibit is under construction and will feature a
vaulting barrel, vaulting videos playing on a monitor, posters, pictures and educational information. We
have two glass cabinets to showcase special vaulting
memorabilia and products.
We are currently looking for items that could be
used for the exhibit:
Vaulting surcingles, bridles, whips and other
Vaulting tack and accessories
Vaulting shoes and unitards/leotards
Posters and pictures
Items with sentimental value (for example: a unitard worn at an international event) are preferred.
If you have items that you would like to loan or
donate to the vaulting exhibit please contact: Bree
Krebel, 838 E High St. #171, Lexington, KY 40502,
Tel: 859-577-0023, email: bluegrassvaulters@gmail.
com Please email before you send anything. Items will
be accepted until January 15th.
San Francisco Circus School
Thinking Body, Dancing Mind: Taosports for
Extraordinary Performance in Athletics, Business,
and Life by Chungliang Al Huang, Jerry Lynch
The New Toughness Training for Sports: Mental
Emotional Physical Conditioning from One of the
World’s Premier Sports Psychologists by James E.
Yoga Journal: If you don’t feel like subscribing to
the magazine, check out the website.
For inspiration, motivation, answers to questions
about fitness etc:
Vaulting World
October 2009
Compulsories: Got Timing Problems?
Maybe this will help:
Julie Divita and Suzanne Detol
• The vaulter must go out to the horse within one
minute after the bell has been run. The penalty
is disqualification. (RB Art. 603.7.q)
• TW (time wasted) means that the vaulter took
too long to actually get on the horse. (RB Art.
603.1.c.1) The vaulter must begin the mount
within two strides between taking the grips and
vaulting on. If the mark TW is on the score
sheet, it means a penalty of up to two points was
taken off of the mount score.
• The mill is done in a four-count rhythm. The
mill will receive timing faults (T–) for each leg
pass out of a four-count rhythm, including the
dismount. (RB Art. 603.1.b.3) It is possible
to receive five timing faults (Team competition,
with the dismount after the mill). T–3 would tell
you that the vaulter had three timing faults in the
• TW (time wasted) before beginning the scissors
or in between the first half and second half of the
exercise. Sitting too long. (RB Art. 603.1.c.1).
• The seat must begin within two strides after the
mount, or the vaulter may get a penalty.
• SL (Slow) or TW (time wasted). See above for •Stand
TW (time wasted) waiting too long to begin the
description and where to find it in the Rule Book.
stand. (RB Art. 603.1.c.1)
• NH (not held). The seat must be held for four strides.
NH (not held) for the four full strides that is required.
Anything less than four strides results in a one
Count does not begin before the vaulter has assumed the finished position (arms out).
point penalty. (RB Art. 603.1.b.1) For example,
NH-2 means the vaulter only held the exercise
for two strides, so received two points off. NOTE:
The count does not begin until the vaulter’s arms
are extended out into the finished position.
• TW (time wasted) before beginning the flank or
in between the first half and second half of the
exercise. Sitting too long. (RB Art. 603.1.c.1).
• NH (not held). The flag must be held four strides
To understand the judge’s hieroglyphics, review
the AVA Rule Book, Chapter VI, Art. 601 for the
judging code. Most abbreviations are included
in that list.
or receives a penalty of one point off for each
missing stride. (RB Art. 603.1.b.1) (The count
does not begin until both the vaulter’s arm and
leg are extended out into the finished position.
Vaulting World
October 2009
A Foreign View of Nationals
competitions but even
It was very exciting
those who weren’t
for us to fly from Scotland
involved with Sarah
to America to compete
or her club would
at your National Chamcome and say “hi”
pionships. Though we
and make sure we
only had a week between
were ok and enjoyreturning from Germany
ing the competition.
and going to Kentucky, we
It really did make us
had been looking forward
feel welcome.
to Kentucky all summer.
We were able to
We had no expectago up to see the WEG
tions. All we saw was the Espoir Ardent supported Joanna Eccles at Nationals 2009.
arena. Hopefully
Photo: Primo Ponies we will be competprize list and, from the
look of it, there were an incredible number of vault- ing there next year! The arena itself is lovely. I can
ers and a variety of classes which we don’t have at
only imagine what it will be like next year
home. We definitely have fewer advanced vaulters
filled with people. The atmosphere will be awesome.
at our championships but many walk vaulters. In
On Saturday morning we arrived early so we
Britain there are no trot classes and our championcould watch some of the morning classes – just in
ships last one or two days.
time for a prize giving mid-day. We were a little
We arrived a couple of days early to see the place unsure whether this included us. At home we
and meet Sarah d’Auriol’s horses on which we had
don’t have a prize giving after Round I so it was a
arranged to compete. The competition arena was
nice surprise. Even better – I got a ribbon too! We
good – not all that different to ours. On the first day thought the commentator was especially good and
the surface seemed challenging but it was the same
had a lot of fun facts and comments for the audience.
for all. We were thrilled to be allowed to compete.
I think we gained a great deal from seeing how
It was nice to be able to watch the other classes.
your national championships are run in comparison
We had to ask Sarah some questions about unusual
to ours. Obviously the sport is larger and has been
(for us) activities such as the horse and vaulter
going for longer in the States but there is always
warm-ups. The trot classes were brilliant to watch
something we can learn.
but it was strange to see a competition at the trot.
All in all it was a great competition. There was
Working with a new longeur was a little strange
nothing we could fault. From our point of view it
to begin with. We had to build a relationship with
was really well organized. Thank you for making
Nicole quickly. We just forgot about the horse and
us feel so welcome. Dad was also very grateful for
concentrated on the vaulting – and I think she did
being allowed to clerk for Sue Detol for the week.
the opposite! We were lucky they let us compete on I think he gained a lot from it and certainly came
Espoir. He was brilliant.
back enthusiastic every night. Should anyone come
Everyone at your championships was so friendly to compete in Britain we hope that they would have
to us. We already knew some people from European just as good a time and feel as accepted as we did.
Joanne Eccles
Vaulting World
October 2009
Hosting Europeans Benefits All
Anne Rouvillois
Timberlane Vaulters had an idea last year for getting desperately needed help.
It had been suggested that a newer club get help from an older established club
for both horse and vaulter training – but who would want to come to Grand Rapids, Michigan and stay for five weeks? How could we ever afford to pay for a
high-level USA vaulter to spend that time with us?
vaulters that applied turned out to be the two vaulters that eventually came to Michigan!
As in any type of foreign exchange there is
always the possibility that personalities clash or that
expectations differ from the reality experienced.
Our coach spent many hours going back and forth
with the two perspective vaulters by email and
Facebook to make sure that each side had as much
information about the other as possible: family lifestyles, draft horses for vaulting and their hopes and
expectations in general.
Last April we put the word out to higher level
European vaulters to come and work with our team
and our horses in exchange for room and board and
a chance to experience the USA! Since our coach
is married to a Frenchman, we decided to start our
search in France. With the help of one of our AVA
international judges who had just returned from a
competition in Saumur, France, we found a French
vaulting website. We posted an ad describing what
we were looking for and what we were able to offer
and received responses immediately. The first two
Charlotte Rimaud and Cleone Fritsch from France join in the fun with USA vaulters Sasha Rouvillois, Fine Hoetzel and Cecilia Rouvillois
Photo: Sammie Rouvillois
Vaulting World
October 2009
Hosting Europeans Benefits All
A Match Meant to Be
In our case we are happy to report that it was a match
meant to be! Not only did the two French vaulters get along
well with their host family but they trained and worked
with our vaulters, bringing new knowledge, discipline and
conditioning ideas. They helped our vaulting horse accept
vaulting mounts more calmly. They were encouraging to
our longeurs, kind and accepting of our draft horse and had
fun practicing moves that their Warmbloods back home
might not have readily accepted. They were also able to
give us their expertise and advice in helping try out perspective higher-level vaulting horses.
The summer dates that the vaulters were available happened to coincide with our AVA/USEF National Championships. They accompanied our team, helped coach our kids
and were able to borrow horses and compete – an absolute
dream come true for them both!
Timberlane Vaulters greatly benefited from this wonderful summer exchange and intends to stay in contact with
their new French counterparts! Who knows - WEG 2014
just happens to be in Normandy, France!!!
Cleone Fritsch performed with Espoir Ardent at Nationals.
Photo: Primo Ponies
See All the Scores
To get scores for any event that
is scored in the CompWeb system
as soon as scores are entered:
-->select the event you want
-->select your club from the list
-->input the password/code your
club was given to do entries (ask
your coach or club manager)
-->select the class and judge you
wish to see.
If you want to see just the results:
-->log in with your AVA ID and
-->select year and event
Vaulting World
Let us
design and
your uniforms
for the all-important
2010 season!
Vaulting team uniforms
and practice wear
measured to fit
design your own or
use our artists
prototype and
sizing kit available
Made in the USA!
October 2009
North American Young Riders Championships
with Rubin
Wick with
Kerith Lemon
American vaulting crossed another milestone this summer, participating for the first time ever in the Adequan FEI North American
Junior and Young Riders Championships, the premier equestrian
competition in North America for junior and young riders, age 14-21.
Young equestrians come from the United States, Bermuda, Canada,
Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean Islands to vie for Championships in the three Olympic equestrian disciplines of show jumping,
dressage, eventing and, since last year, reining. The competition is run
under rules of the FEI (Federation Equestre Internationale, the international governing body for equestrian sport).
The NAJYRC began in 1974 as an eventing challenge between the
United States and Canada. A dressage championship was added in 1981
and show jumping was added in 1982. The first complete Young Riders
championship was held in British Columbia, Canada in 1982.
This year, through persistent and multiple years of relationship
building by Jan Weber, AVA lifetime member and former board member of both the AVA and the USEF, vaulting was invited to hold an
exhibition competition during the event, along with endurance riding,
another FEI discipline.
This competition exceeded all expectations, It was so exciting
to watch our vaulters make friends with and compete alongside
equestrians from so many other disciplines.
Jan Weber
Alexandra Thrasher
with Lanson 16
Vaulting World
Alex Thomas
More than a dozen high-level vaulters and their equine partners
from both the United States and Canada came to the Kentucky Horse
Park in Lexington to compete in both the One Star and Two Star events.
All vaulters participated in opening and closing ceremonies alongside the other equestrian disciplines and each vaulter received a special
shirt from Ariat to commemorate their time at the event.
Many dignitaries were present to show their support for the NAJYRC event, including USEF President David O’Connor, USEF CEO
John Long, and Kentucky Horse Park Director John Nicholson. The
event held such international importance that HRH Princess Haya Bint
Al Hussein, the President of the FEI and a member of the IOC (International Olympic Committee), traveled to Kentucky all the way from
Dubai especially to attend the event.
John Long and Princess Haya even made a special trip to the
Kentucky Horse Park’s Van Lennep Indoor Arena to watch the daylong
vaulting competition. Competitor Megan Benjamin, 21, noticed the
duo just as she was running into the arena. “Emma (Seely, her coach
and longeur), Sunny Boy and I were just entering the competition area
when I glanced up in the stands and there’s the USEF CEO and the
President of the FEI, watching,” said Benjamin. “Talk about a little
extra pressure!” The 2006 WEG women’s vaulting gold medalist is
a member of Princess Haya’s seven-member FEI Athlete’s Council,
which includes one representative worldwide from each FEI discipline.
October 2009
North American Young Riders Championships
Benjamin Vaults to Victory
By the end of the day, Megan Benjamin vaulted her way to victory in the
CVI** Women’s event with a flawless technical test together with her equine
partner Sunny Boy, a 12-year-old Dutch Warmblood owned and longed
by Emma Garrod Seely. She solidified her lead with stunning artistry and
powerful gymnastics moves in the freestyle test. She is a member of the
Mt. Eden Vaulting Club in Saratoga, California.
“I’m excited that vaulting is a part of Young Riders this year; it was
an honor to win the inaugural presentation of our sport at such a
prestigious show,“ Benjamin said. “During the past
five days I’ve been in equestrian heaven, and I am in
awe of all the young talent across the disciplines.”
The CVI** Men’s event title went to Patrick
Stevens vaulting with Caspar, longed by Julie Divita.
Steven’s display of strength and harmony with his horse,
a nine-year-old Hanoverian, won him high marks from
the judges in both his compulsory and freestyle tests. He
is coached by Jennifer Lauzze, and is a member of the
Woodside Vaulting Club in Woodside, California.
In the CVI* event, Yvonne Greenen of Woodside Vaulters and Joey Gadd of Mt. Eden Vaulters each claimed gold
in the women’s and men’s classes respectively. Greenen performed with
Pepper Jack, a 15-year-old Thoroughbred/Percheron, longed by Divita. She
is a member of the Woodside Vaulting Club in Woodside, California and is
coached by Jennifer Lauzze. Gadd is a member of the Mt. Eden Vaulting Club
in Saratoga, California and is coached by Emma Seely. He vaulted with Sir
James, a six-year-old Thoroughbred/Percheron longed by Olivia Swan.
For more information on NAJYRC, go to Megan Benjamin on Lanson 16
North American Young Riders
July 22, 2009 • Lexington, Kentucky
Judge: Craig Coburn (FEI C)
Participating Nations: Canada, USA
Individual Events
Two Star Technical Test - Women
Photo: Alex Thomas
Ali Divita, Woodside.....................................................8.140
Annalise Vanvranken, Shooting Stars..........................8.125
Megan Lanfri, Woodside..............................................7.945
Katharine Wick, Woodside...........................................7.865
Alexandra Thrasher, Mt. Eden.....................................7.685
Hannah Marland, Canada............................................7.510
Cassidy Palmer, Half Moon Bay..................................7.410
Elizabeth Brigham, Great Falls....................................6.820
Two Star Technical Test - Men
1. Patrick Stevens, Woodside - Loreander, Julie Divita...5.860
2. Gabe Aniello, Woodside - Caspar 128, Julie Divita......5.750
Annalise Vanvranken, Shooting Stars - Gambol,
Richard Vanvranken.....................................................8.290
Megan Benjamin, Mt. Eden - Sunny Boy, E.Seely.......8.020
Alexandra Thrasher, Mt. Eden - Lanson 16, Mary
Megan Lanfri, Woodside - Lorino, Julie Divita..............7.650
Ali Divita, Woodside - Lorino, Julie Divita.....................7.500
Katharine Wick, Woodside - Lorino, Julie Divita..........7.210
Cassidy Palmer, Half Moon Bay - Hudson, J.Palmer...7.120
Hannah Marland, Canada - Ruben, Becky Marland....7.100
Elizabeth Brigham, Great Falls -Caspar 128, J.Divita..6.160
Ali Divita, Woodside - Lorino, Julie Divita.....................8.780
Katharine Wick, Woodside - Lorino, Julie Divita..........8.520
Megan Benjamin, Mt. Eden - Sunny Boy, E.Seely.......8.500
Megan Lanfri, Woodside - Lorino, Julie Divita..............8.240
Annalise Vanvranken, Shooting Stars - Gambol,
Richard Vanvranken.....................................................7.960
Hannah Marland, Canada - Ruben, Becky Marland....7.920
Cassidy Palmer, Half Moon Bay - Hudson, J.Palmer...7.700
Alexandra Thrasher, Mt. Eden - Lanson 16,
Mary McCormick..........................................................7.700
Elizabeth Brigham, Grt Falls - Caspar 128, J.Divita.....7.480
1. Yvonne Greenen, Wdside - Pepper Jack, J.Divita.......6.622
2. Kyra McCarty, Mt. Eden - Vermeer, Emma Seely........6.522
3. Laura Yelavich, Mt. Eden - Vermeer, Emma Seely......6.433
4. Katrina Nibbi, Woodside - Lorino, Julie Divita..............6.355
5. Anna Erickson, Warm Beach - Praise, Patti Skipton....6.278
6. Danielle Rynning, Warm Beach - Praise, P.Skipton.....6.244
7. Kathryn Jaggers, Woodside - Pepper Jack, J.Divita....6.211
8. Jessica Bentzen, Canada - Ruben, Becky Marland.....6.100
8. Julia Plungy, Woodside - Lorino, Julie Divita...............6.100
10.Grace Koz, Woodside - Pepper Jack, Julie Divita........6.044
11.Kimberly Barnes, Warm Beach - Praise, P.Skipton......5.967
12.Jamie Wantland, Warm Beach - Praise, P.Skipton......5.755
13.Stephanie Schade, Mt. Eden - Vermeer, E.Seely........5.589
14.Raven Schmidt, Canada - Lady Mae, T.Denault..........4.478
1. Megan Benjamin, Mt. Eden..........................................8.260
1. Kimberly Barnes, Warm Beach - Praise, P.Skipton......7.740
Two Star Freestyle - Women
Two Star Overall - Women
Vaulting World
Two Star Freestyle - Men
1. Patrick Stevens, Woodside - Loreander, Julie Divita...7.600
2. Gabe Aniello, Woodside - Caspar 128, Julie Divita......6.780
Two Star Overall - Men
1. Patrick Stevens, Woodside..........................................6.730
2. Gabe Aniello, Woodside...............................................6.265
One Star Compulsories - Women
One Star Freestyle - Women
2. Danielle Rynning, Warm Beach - Praise,
Patti Skipton.................................................................7.360
3. Yvonne Greenen, Woodside - Pepper Jack,
Julie Divita....................................................................7.320
4. Kathryn Jaggers, Woodside - Pepper Jack, J.Divita....7.220
5. Anna Erickson, Warm Beach - Praise, Patti Skipton....7.020
6. Jamie Wantland, Warm Beach - Praise, P.Skipton......6.840
7. Kyra McCarty, Mt. Eden - Vermeer, Emma Seely........6.680
8. Jessica Bentzen, Canada - Ruben, Becky Marland.....6.280
9. Laura Yelavich, Mt. Eden - Vermeer, Emma Seely......6.140
10.Grace Koz, Woodside - Pepper Jack, Julie Divita........5.820
11.Stephanie Schade, Mt. Eden - Vermeer, E.Seely........4.400
12.Raven Schmidt, Canada - Lady Mae, T.Denault..........4.180
One Star Overall - Women
1. Yvonne Greenen, Woodside........................................6.971
2. Kimberly Barnes, Warm Beach....................................6.853
3. Danielle Rynning, Warm Beach...................................6.802
4. Kathryn Jaggers, Woodside.........................................6.715
5. Anna Erickson, Warm Beach.......................................6.649
6. Kyra McCarty, Mt. Eden...............................................6.601
7. Jamie Wantland, Warm Beach.....................................6.297
8. Laura Yelavich, Mt. Eden.............................................6.286
9. Jessica Bentzen, Canada............................................6.190
10.Grace Koz, Woodside..................................................5.932
11.Stephanie Schade, Mt. Eden.......................................4.994
12.Raven Schmidt, Canada..............................................4.329
13.Katrina Nibbi, Woodside...............................................3.177
14.Julia Plungy, Woodside................................................3.050
One Star Compulsories - Men
1. Joey Gadd, Mt. Eden - Sir James, Olivia Swan...........6.078
One Star Freestyle - Men
1. Joey Gadd, Mt. Eden - Sir James, Olivia Swan...........5.840
One Star Overall - Men
1. Joey Gadd, Mt. Eden...................................................5.959
October 2009
2009 USEF/AVA National
Silver Men’s Champion
Shawn Ricci
31 years old
Shawsville, VA
In two years of
vaulting earned:
Bronze Medal
with Honors
Silver Medal
Most Enjoyable
Part of Vaulting:
Photo: Primo Ponies
2009 USEF/AVA National Silver
Women’s Champion
Tasha (Tashi/Tash) Thorner
13 years old
Aptos, CA
Mt. Eden Vaulting Club
Started vaulting at age five
with Kitchy Burdette
Training Technique:
Stretch constantly Most Enjoyable
Part of Vaulting:
Working with the team
Continue improving,
qualify for WEG
2007 third place Copper
Overall at Nationals,
2008 National
Champion Bronze,
2009 National
Champion Silver
and A-Team National
Champions, 2009.
Photo: Primo Ponies
I Longed for Two Star Team Compulsories Today
what matters in vaulting and in life and we all had
fun doing it. Special thanks to Kenny Geisler for the
brief pep talks as he was preparing to approach the
horse. They allowed me to continue breathing. Mt.
Eden won the compulsory round – icing on the cake.
Jodi Rinard
7/30/09 – Day One
I longed for two star team compulsories today.
This seems like an ordinary activity for a vaulting
competition until you know the rest of the story.
The Mt. Eden Sun Team, coaches, and horses are
a terrific group and I really appreciated the opportunity to work with them. They were scheduled to
vault on their regular horse and unexpectedly needed
a last minute change. That term, “last minute,” was
very descriptive.
My horse, Sampson, was available and had some
team experience so, shortly before their scheduled
go time, they asked one of my vaulters if they could
borrow him. She responded, “sure, go ahead and
tack him up, I will find Jodi.”
And so the fun began…
Sampson and I thought we were done for the
day, so all Sam’s gear and all my clothes had been
sent back to the hotel. The stewards (and everyone
else) were looking for me as I was wandering the
arena. I had started down the stairs when Tom Sayles
stuck his head in the stairwell and said, “Jodi, the
stewards are looking for you.” That sentence was
enough to remove five years from my life!
All the scenarios running through my head were
immediately bad. I figured my horses were loose,
sick, dead, or disqualified. I hurried with my monthold baby in my arms, back to the horses. I was quite
relieved to discover no one was hurt but, “could I
please longe now?”
“Sure, I’d love to, but I have no clothes, no whip,
no side reins, and Sampson doesn’t have a bridle.”
Then something amazing happened – a credit to the
team that is the entire AVA. Chelsea took the baby
and took good care of her. Emma Seely loaned me
jeans and a jacket and someone loaned me boots. I
still don’t know whose boots they were but thank
you. Erik Martonovich of Big Horse Productions
loaned us a bridle that fit, bit and all. How many
horse events have you been to where the competition
loans you a bridle? I have no idea where the side
reins and the whip came from but they worked too.
The Mt. Eden Team put together an amazing
performance that left many of us in tears on an
amazing horse that none of them had ever worked
with before. They showed strength, flexibility, and
gratitude in the face of adversity. They showed us all
Vaulting World
7/31/09 – Day Two: More adversity.
Longeing for team compulsories is one thing.
Team freestyle requires a whole new level of horsemanship skills and teamwork. It is ironic that shortly
after Thursday’s vet check Emma and I had been
chatting about the stresses freestyle longeing presents. She noted that vet check was the most nervewracking part of the competition followed immediately by longeing for team. Little did I know…
Once again the Mt. Eden team displayed tremendous
strength, skill, and heart. They truly are world-class
Sampson has been carrying our C Team for
almost two years. Carrying an A Team requires an
October 2009
Jodi Rinard and Sampson with the Mt. Eden Sun Team at the Kentucky Cup
additional level of balance, steadiness and consistency that Sampson is still acquiring. Nonetheless
he worked very hard and did a good job, if not as
perfect as we all strive for. The team proved to be
true professionals and made the horse and our sport
look wonderful despite a few unsteady spots. The
bad news for the day: one missed dismount resulted
in a minor injury for one team member. I was very
glad to hear that she will heal and even happier to
hear that she will be back.
Jodi shares in the joy
when the scores
are posted.
Photo: Primo Ponies
The vaulters were now more familiar with Sampson and he with them. He was learning their weight
shifts and I was learning their routine well enough to
assist him when needed.
Once again Sampson and the Mt. Eden team
proved their strength. The team freestyle went practically flawlessly. It was a huge improvement over
Friday’s performance. It was a testament to teamwork that included not only the vaulters, horse and
me but also the coaches and, in some ways, the audience and everyone at the CVI. It included everyone
that encouraged us and supported us and whomever
loaned me boots on Thursday.
I offer my congratulations to the Kentucky Cup
Champion Mt. Eden Sun Team and to everyone who
made the event a success. Congratulations also to the
Woodside Team, Erik Martonovich, and Badge who
displayed similar strength, flexibility, and strong
performances on a borrowed horse.
I will always remember this opportunity and I
will leave this competition with many new friends
and wonderful stories and memories. My thanks to
all of Mt. Eden, the AVA, and especially to Sampson
who came through with flying colors in a tight spot.
8/1/09 – Day Three
The team had no goes on Saturday. They immediately went to work to integrate alternate Kenny
Geisler into the team freestyle for the final performance. This required not only vaulting practice but
also the creation of whole new uniform. We had a
precious additional 20 minutes of horse practice time
allowed. You would be amazed what can be accomplished in 20 minutes by dedicated and focused
8/2/09 – Day Four: The Results
The team freestyle round II was a chance to pull
it all together. On Thursday I hardly had time to be
nervous. I spent half the night and all morning with
butterflies. My high school gymnastics coach taught
me that, “Butterflies in your stomach can be good
if you teach them to fly in formation.” We would
soon see if I could focus those butterflies in the right
Vaulting World
Photo: Primo Ponies
October 2009
Kentucky Vaulting Cup
Mt. Eden Sun
Team with
Kentucky Vaulting Cup Event Success Paves
Way For 2010 World Equestrian Games
Kerith Lemon
Vaulters, coaches, longeurs and horses from
eight countries descended upon the Kentucky Horse
Park to participate in the 2009 Kentucky Vaulting
Cup, the official test event of the 2010 Alltech FEI
World Equestrian Games. The wonderful week of
vaulting included both CVI One Star and CVI Two
Star events, giving the public a great introduction to
this beautiful sport. From July 30 to August 2 more
than 2,200 people attended the event or watched the
online streaming video and more than 300 volunteers helped the staff produce the competition.
A Taste for What’s To Come
The test events for the World Equestrian Games
were specifically designed to be a dry run for next
year’s World Championships. It gave both competitors and the organizing committee the opportunity
to work out any kinks so that the games will run
The Kentucky Vaulting Cup week kicked off
with a welcome event for the event Officials who
were toasted by discipline manager Kersten Klophaus
and the WEG Foundation’s CEO, Jaime Link. They
enjoyed time in one of the indoor arena’s new VIP
skyboxes, complete with a full kitchenette and reserved
seating – making for the best view in the house.
WEG Competitions Director Kate Jackson said,
“We are so excited to have you all be the first vaulters in the new indoor arena.”
Dazzling Competition
Vaulters from Canada, Denmark, Italy, South
Africa, Australia, Argentina, China and the United
States participated in the CVI One Star and CVI Two
Star competitions with events for teams, individuals
and pas-de-deux. Many of the athletes that participated in the test event had also competed in previous
World Equestrian Games as well as National and
World Championships.
The Mt. Eden Vaulters, of Saratoga, California,
took top honors in the Kentucky Vaulting Cup CVI
Two Star events. Megan Benjamin won the women’s
division, Kenny Geisler won the men’s division, and
the Mt. Eden Sun Team won the team division.
Megan Benjamin and equine partner Sunny
Boy, coached and longed by Emma Seely, earned
their division’s top scores in all but the first phase of
Vaulting World
Woodside Two
Star Team
with Badge
October 2009
Kentucky Vaulting Cup
the four phases and climaxed the Kentucky Vaulting Cup in the final freestyle with the competition’s
highest score. Her overall score put her ahead of
Mt. Eden teammate Mary McCormick and Shooting
Stars’ Annalise VanVranken.
Kenny Geisler, of Sunnyvale, California, won all
four phases of the men’s competition to finish ahead
of Mikkel Vandrup of Denmark. Geisler’s freestyle
was nearly flawless as he demonstrated strength and
control. Geisler’s regular mount was unable to compete so he shared Hudson, longed by Jill Palmer,
with third-placed Kristian Roberts, 16, of Moss Beach,
California. Roberts is from the Half Moon Bay
“I had a great performance, and I couldn’t have
done it without Hudson,” said Geisler.
In the CVI Two Star competition Mt. Eden Sun
Team’s solid performance earned them a victory
over the Woodside Vaulters. Mt. Eden had a last
minute horse change, gaining permission to vault on
Jodi Rinard’s Sampson just minutes before the first
compulsories go when their team horse did not look
sound in the warm-up arena. (See story on page 18)
Cassidy Palmer, of Half Moon Bay, California,
and Marisa Hamar, of Visalia, California, were the
winners of the CVI Two Star Pas de Deux. Although
they live several hours apart, they put together an
enjoyable performance to the Beach Boys’ classic
song Surfin’ USA.
The Kentucky Vaulting Cup also hosted a CVI
One Star event. In the men’s individual competition, Joey Gadd from Mt. Eden held his place in the
top spot through the second round, putting in strong
performances with his horse Lanson 16, longed
by Jessica Ballenger. Shawn Ricci of equiBalance
vaulters in Shawsville, Virginia took second and
Clay Thomas of Balance Vaulters in Newton, Virginia took third.
The CVI One Star women’s competition proved
to be tough but the top ladies held their ground to
remain on the podium after Round II. Rachel Bublitz
of Golden Gate Vaulters in Golden, Colorado with
her equine partner Oliver, longed by Yossi Martonovich, didn’t let up as she grabbed the top spot with
a three tenths of a point lead over Kyra McCarty of
Mt. Eden who moved up to second. Kathryn Jagger
of Woodside Vaulters took third.
Woodside One
Star Team with
Cassidy Palmer and
Melissa Hamar Pas de Deux
with Hudson
Mt. Eden
Eclipse Team
with Sir James
Vaulting World
October 2009
Kentucky Vaulting Cup
but soft enough to make for safe landings. The Ottosport footing is a special mixture of three types of
local sand and a felt textile imported from Germany.
Yang Ling Beisecker representing China told us,
“I think it’s an amazing competition arena and everyone here has been so nice and welcoming. It has
been especially fun meeting all the competitors from
other countries; it’s a wonderful atmosphere here.”
The team division wrapped up with Woodside
putting in a strong freestyle performance and taking
the top spot as they performed with Giovanni. Mt.
Eden’s Eclipse team, vaulting with their horse, Sir
James, took second.
Everyone enjoyed the National pas-de-deux
class. Elizabeth Brigham and Anna Thomas took
first with their performance on Janyck. Tessa Divita
and Christine Herrmann took second on Pepper Jack.
A Well-Oiled Machine
The World Equestrian Games Foundation is
preparing to host the largest equestrian festival that
the United States has ever seen. Being that this is
the first time that the Games are being held outside of Europe, the Foundation watns to make sure
everything is top notch. The test event required
much advanced planning and the Vaulting Organizing Committee made sure
that not a single detail
was overlooked. The six
member OC oversaw every
aspect of the competition.
Kersten Klophaus, the
Vaulting Discipline Manager, worked directly with
the WEG Foundation to
coordinate all areas of the
Vaulters Love the New Arena
Vaulters from around the world agree that the
new indoor arena at the Kentucky Horse Park is
just amazing. From the atmosphere to the footing,
they just can’t wait for the 2010 Alltech FEI World
Equestrian Games.
Laura Loonstein from Italy said,
“The new arena is so inspiring. It makes
you want to do your best. This competition is exciting. It will be a great venue
for WEG in 2010.”
The vaulters love that the footing is
wonderful for their horses - very supportive with a touch of spring. These
are exactly the same qualities that make PdD
it great for the vaulters as well - hard
enough to get a great spring for mounts
Elizabeth Brigham/
Anna Thomas National
Pas de Deux
with Janyck
with Sunny
Kenny Geisler
with Hudson
Vaulting World
October 2009
Kentucky Vaulting Cup
Rachel Bublitz with Oliver
Mikkel Vandrup with Smokin’ Joe
Joey Gadd with Lanson 16
Jan Weber oversaw the competition details,
Linda Bibbler the arena, Kathryn Dennison the
volunteers, Lucinda Faulkner the special events
and Kerith Lemon the public relations. Each of the
committee members ensured that every competitor,
horse and volunteer would have the best experience
On the final day of competition, the Kentucky
Vaulting Cup did a live video stream direct to
the European Championships Final Awards Ceremony in Malmo, Sweden. KVC announcer Brian
O’Connor invited all of the European Vaulters to
come to the World Equestrian Games next year and
gave them a glimpse of the new arena.
The event could not have been pulled off without
hundreds of volunteers. A huge “thank you” goes to
the 300 volunteers that helped make the Kentucky
Vaulting Cup a success. From arena crew to runners
to hospitality and ushers, the competition would not
have been a success without them.
The World Equestrian Games will be broadcast
on NBC Sports, which marks the largest commitment to network coverage of any equestrian sport in
U.S. television history. The 2010 Games are expected to have a statewide economic impact of $150
million, and current sponsors include Alltech, Rolex,
John Deere, Ariat International, Inc and Rood and
Riddle Equine Hospital. Tickets go on sale September 25 at
Looking Forward To Next Year
A Multi- Media Experience
The Kentucky Vaulting Cup was truly a multimedia experience. To make sure that everyone
around the world had a chance to see everything
that was happening at the competition, a website
was created for spectators to tune into the live video
stream, check out event photos, find starting order
lists, results and read blog coverage of all of the
Press from around the region attended the event,
taking the opportunity to learn more about vaulting
and become the “expert” for their media outlet. Top
placing athletes attended press conferences at the
end of each competition day and provided quotes on
that day’s competition.
Vaulting World
with Lanson 16
October 2009
Noah with
Lanson 16
Kentucky Vaulting Cup
Kentucky Vaulting Cup
FEI Recognized
July 30-August 2, 2009
Lexington, Kentucky
Judges: Gaby Benz (Italy), Craig Coburn (USA),
Suznne Detol (USA)
Jochen Schilffarth
Participating Nations: Argentina,
Canada, China, Denmark, Italy,
Republic of South Africa, USA
Team Events
Two Star Team Comp. RI
1. Mt. Eden Sun Team, USA Sampson, Jodi Rinard....... 6.143
2. Woodside Vaulters, USA Badge, Erik Martonovich... 5.111
Two Star Team Freestyle RI
1. Woodside Vaulters............ 6.569
2. Mt. Eden Sun Team........... 6.186
Two Star Team Round I
1. Mt. Eden Sun Team........... 6.164
2. Woodside Vaulters............ 5.840
Two Star Team Freestyle RII
1. Mt. Eden Sun Team........... 6.860
2. Woodside Vaulters............ 6.469
Two Star Team Overall
1. Mt. Eden Sun Team........... 6.512
2. Woodside Vaulters............ 6.154
One Star Team Comp. RI
1. Mt. Eden Eclipse Team, USA Sir James, Olivia Swan..... 6.252
2. Woodside Vaulters, USA - Giovanni, Krista Mack............. 5.477
One Star Team Freestyle RI
1. Woodside Vaulters............ 5.687
2. Mt. Eden Eclipse Team..... 5.220
One Star Team Round I
1. Mt. Eden Eclipse Team..... 5.736
2. Woodside Vaulters............ 5.582
One Star Team Freestyle RII
1. Woodside Vaulters............ 6.298
2. Mt. Eden Eclipse Team..... 6.098
One Star Team Overall
1. Woodside Vaulters............ 5.940
2. Mt. Eden Eclipse Team..... 5.917
Pas de Deux Events
Two Star Pas de Deux I
1. Cassidy Palmer/Marisa Hamar,
USA - Janyck,
Alison Gieschen................ 6.717
Two Star Pas de Deux II
1. Cassidy Palmer/
Marisa Hamar.................... 6.869
Gabe Aniello with Caspar 128
Two Star Pas de Deux Overall
1. Cassidy Palmer/
Marisa Hamar.................... 6.793
National Pas de Deux
1. Elizabeth Brigham/Anna
Thomas, USA - Janyck,
Alison Gieschen................ 6.431
2. Christine Herrmann/Tessa
Divita, USA -Pepper Jack,
Jennifer Arntsen................ 4.779
Individual Events
Two Star Comp. RI - Women
1. Mary McCormick, USA - Lanson
16, Jessica Ballenger........ 7.826
2. Megan Benjamin, USA Sunny Boy, Emma Seely... 7.781
3. Shannyn Poer, USA - Giovanni,
Krista Mack....................... 7.463
4. Annalise Vanvranken, USA
-Palatine, Devon Maitozo.. 7.270
5. Kalyn Noah, USA -Lanson 16,
Jessica Ballenger.............. 7.063
6. Katharine Wick, USA - Lorino,
Julie Divita......................... 6.833
7. Megan Lanfri, USA - Lorino,
Julie Divita......................... 6.796
8. Hannah Marland, CAN - Rubin,
Becky Marland.................. 6.756
9. Mary Garrett, USA - Palatine,
Devon Maitozo.................. 6.670
10.Marisa Hamar, USA - Hudson,
Jill Palmer.......................... 6.581
11.Tisa Dobin, USA - Palatine,
Devon Maitozo.................. 6.389
12.Cassidy Palmer, USA - Hudson,
Jill Palmer.......................... 6.322
Vaulting World
13.Elizabeth Brigham, USA Ashlea, Wayne Beisecker.6.078
14.Kathryn Gieschen, USA
-Janyck, Alison Gieschen.. 5.933
15.Kristy Nicolo, USA -Oliver,
Josef Martonovich............. 5.911
16.Alisa Porter, Canada - Mtn View
Comet, Erik Martonovich... 5.837
17.Yang Ling Beisecker, CHI Ashlea, Wayne Beisecker.5.430
18.Alissa Feudo, USA -Beau Mond,
Katie Flannagan................ 4.885
8. Kalyn Noah....................... 7.368
9. Marisa Hamar.................... 7.029
10.Shannyn Poer................... 6.840
11.Tisa Dobin......................... 6.634
12.Kathryn Gieschen............. 6.480
13.Elizabeth Brigham............. 6.052
14.Yang Ling Beisecker......... 6.029
15.Alisa Porterada................. 6.003
16.Hannah Marland............... 5.975
17.Alissa Feudo..................... 5.930
18.Kristy Nicolo...................... 5.887
1. Megan Benjamin............... 7.993
2. Mary McCormick............... 7.527
3. Annalise Vanvranken........ 7.520
4. Cassidy Palmer................. 7.273
5. Mary Garrett...................... 7.173
6. Katharine Wick.................. 7.067
7. Marisa Hamar.................... 6.993
8. Shannyn Poer................... 6.900
9. Tisa Dobin......................... 6.900
10.Kalyn Noah....................... 6.627
11.Megan Lanfri..................... 6.587
12.Kristy Nicolo...................... 6.580
13.Hannah Marland............... 6.473
14.Elizabeth Brigham............. 6.360
15.Yang Ling Beisecker......... 6.300
16.Alisa Porterada................. 6.280
17.Alissa Feudo..................... 6.127
18.Kathryn Gieschen............. 6.027
1. Megan Benjamin............... 7.974
2. Mary McCormick............... 7.826
3. Shannyn Poer................... 7.463
4. Annalise Vanvranken........ 7.270
5. Kalyn Noah....................... 7.063
6. Katharine Wick.................. 6.833
7. Megan Lanfri..................... 6.796
8. Hannah Marland............... 6.756
9. Mary Garrett...................... 6.670
10.Marisa Hamar.................... 6.581
11.Tisa Dobin......................... 6.389
12.Cassidy Palmer................. 6.322
13.Elizabeth Brigham............. 6.078
14.Kathryn Gieschen............. 5.933
15.Kristy Nicolo...................... 5.911
16.Alisa Porterada................. 5.837
17.Yang Ling Beisecker......... 5.430
18.Alissa Feudo..................... 4.885
1. Megan Benjamin............... 7.887
2. Mary McCormick............... 7.677
3. Annalise Vanvranken........ 7.395
4. Shannyn Poer................... 7.182
5. Katharine Wick.................. 6.950
6. Mary Garrett...................... 6.922
7. Kalyn Noah....................... 6.845
8. Cassidy Palmer................. 6.798
9. Marisa Hamar.................... 6.787
10.Megan Lanfri..................... 6.692
11.Tisa Dobin......................... 6.645
12.Hannah Marland............... 6.615
13.Kristy Nicolo...................... 6.246
14.Elizabeth Brigham............. 6.219
15.Alisa Porterada................. 6.059
16.Kathryn Gieschen............. 5.980
17.Yang Ling Beisecker......... 5.865
18.Alissa Feudo..................... 5.506
1. Kenny Geisler, USA - Hudson,
Jill Palmer.......................... 6.644
2. Kristian Roberts, USA - Hudson,
Jill Palmer.......................... 6.400
3. Erik Martonovich, USA -Smokin’
Joe, Noel Martonovich...... 6.244
4. Mikkel Vandrup, DEN -Smokin’
Joe, Erik Martonovich....... 6.015
5. Gabe Aniello, USA -Caspar 128,
Krista Mack....................... 5.670
6. Patrick Stevens, USA -Caspar
128, Krista Mack............... 5.430
1. Megan Benjamin............... 7.993
2. Mary McCormick............... 7.907
3. Annalise Vanvranken........ 7.703
4. Kalyn Noah....................... 7.343
5. Katharine Wick.................. 7.327
6. Mary Garrett...................... 7.183
7. Cassidy Palmer................. 7.130
8. Megan Lanfri..................... 7.123
9. Marisa Hamar.................... 6.690
10.Shannyn Poer................... 6.673
11.Hannah Marland............... 6.623
12.Tisa Dobin......................... 6.300
13.Kathryn Gieschen............. 6.060
14.Elizabeth Brigham............. 5.790
15.Alisa Porterada................. 5.613
16.Yang Ling Beisecker......... 5.417
17.Kristy Nicolo...................... 5.333
18.Alissa Feudo..................... 5.333
Two Star FS RI - Women
Two Star Round I - Women
Two Star Tech.Test RII-Wmn
Two Star FS RII - Women
1. Megan Benjamin............... 8.127
2. Mary McCormick............... 8.033
3. Cassidy Palmer................. 8.020
4. Annalise Vanvranken........ 7.753
5. Mary Garrett...................... 7.747
6. Megan Lanfri..................... 7.620
7. Katharine Wick.................. 7.460
8. Kalyn Noah....................... 7.393
9. Marisa Hamar.................... 7.367
10.Shannyn Poer................... 7.007
11.Tisa Dobin......................... 6.967
12.Kathryn Gieschen............. 6.900
13.Yang Ling Beisecker......... 6.640
14.Alissa Feudo..................... 6.527
15.Kristy Nicolo...................... 6.440
16.Alisa Porterada................. 6.393
17.Elizabeth Brigham............. 6.313
18.Hannah Marland............... 5.327
Two Star Round II - Women
Megan Benjamin............... 8.060
Mary McCormick............... 7.970
Annalise Vanvranken........ 7.728
Cassidy Palmer................. 7.575
Mary Garrett...................... 7.465
Katharine Wick.................. 7.394
Megan Lanfri..................... 7.372
Two Star Overall - Women
Two Star Comp. RI - Men
Two Star Freestyle RI - Men
Kenny Geisler................... 7.313
Kristian Roberts................ 7.000
Mikkel Vandrup.................. 6.793
Gabe Aniello...................... 6.380
Patrick Stevens................. 6.320
Erik Martonovich............... 6.313
Two Star Round I - Men
Kenny Geisler................... 6.979
Kristian Roberts................ 6.700
Mikkel Vandrup.................. 6.404
Erik Martonovich............... 6.279
Gabe Aniello...................... 6.025
Patrick Stevens................. 5.875
Two Star Tech. Test RII-Men
Kenny Geisler................... 7.180
Mikkel Vandrup.................. 6.407
Kristian Roberts................ 5.817
Gabe Aniello...................... 5.573
Erik Martonovich............... 5.307
Patrick Stevens................. 5.153
Kenny Geisler................... 7.320
Mikkel Vandrup.................. 7.140
Kristian Roberts................ 6.973
Erik Martonovich............... 6.853
Gabe Aniello...................... 6.607
Patrick Stevens................. 6.573
Two Star Freestyle RII - Men
Two Star Round II - Men
Kenny Geisler................... 7.250
Mikkel Vandrup.................. 6.774
Kristian Roberts................ 6.395
Gabe Aniello...................... 6.090
Erik Martonovich............... 6.080
Patrick Stevens................. 5.863
Two Star Overall - Men
Kenny Geisler................... 7.114
Mikkel Vandrup.................. 6.589
Kristian Roberts................ 6.548
Erik Martonovich............... 6.179
Gabe Aniello...................... 6.058
Patrick Stevens................. 5.869
One Star Comp. RI - Women
1. Rachel Bublitz, USA - Oliver,
Josef Martonovich............. 6.300
2. Kyra McCarty, USA - Vermeer,
Jessica Ballenger.............. 6.300
3. Karly Frankel-Newman, USA
-Cheval, Poppy Coulter..... 6.289
4. Laura Yelavich, USA - Vermeer,
Jessica Ballenger.............. 6.248
5. Kathryn Jaggers, USA - Pepper
Jack, Jennifer Arntsen....... 6.156
October 2009
Kentucky Vaulting Cup
6. Yvonne Greenen, USA - Pepper
Jack, Jennifer Arntsen....... 6.115
7. Grace Koz, USA - Pepper Jack,
Jennifer Arntsen................ 6.096
8. Laura Loonstein, Italy - Cheval,
Poppy Coulter................... 5.822
9. Brittany O’Leary, USA - Cheval,
Poppy Coulter................... 5.822
10.Danielle Rynning, USA - Praise,
Patti Skipton...................... 5.807
11.Jessica Bentzen, CAN - Rubin,
Becky Marland.................. 5.796
12.Gabriela Echegaray, ARG Lanson 16, J.Ballenger..... 5.778
13.Jennifer Daniels, USA Vermeer, J.Ballenger......... 5.696
14.Jamie Wantland, USA - Praise,
Patti Skipton...................... 5.689
15.Anna Erickson, USA - Praise,
Patti Skipton...................... 5.681
16.Haley Hanson, USA - John Boy
Joe, Erik Martonovich....... 5.607
17.Annie Young, USA - Bolero,
Alison Gieschen................ 5.544
18.Imogen Baxter, RSA - Oliver,
Josef Martonovich............. 5.481
19.Chelsey Wierks, CAN - Lady
Mae, Tamea Denault......... 5.478
20.Kimberly Barnes, USA - Praise,
Patti Skipton...................... 5.463
21.Tauren Deluca, CAN - Lady
Mae, Tamea Denault......... 5.341
22.Mackenzie Jassowski, USA Mtn View Comet, Erik
Martonovich...................... 5.293
23.Lauren Berger,USA - Ashlea,
Wayne Beisecker.............. 5.278
24.Courtney Madden, USA Sampson, Jodi Rinard....... 5.219
25.Mikalah Bowman, USA Flash, Noel Martonovich... 5.189
26.Alexandria Jaynes, USA Praise, Patti Skipton.......... 5.148
27.Molly Hakoplan, USA - Beau
Monde, Katie Flannagan... 5.148
28.Lisa Zielenske, USA -Bordeaux
Imperial, Rosanna Lamb... 5.074
29.Chelsea Dodson, USA -Amidala, Jodi Rinard............... 5.000
30.Laura Jassowski, USA -Mtn
View Comet, Erik Martonovich...
31.Heidi Maloy, USA -Bordeaux
Imperial, Rosanna Lamb... 4.604
32.Raven Schmidt, CAN - Rubin,
Becky Marland.................. 4.600
33.Rhiannon ArneySchultz, USA Flash, Noel Martonovich... 3.959
One Star FS RI - Women
1. Rachel Bublitz................... 7.387
2. Kathryn Jaggers................ 6.820
3. Anna Erickson................... 6.667
4. Annie Young...................... 6.573
5. Kyra McCarty.................... 6.540
6. Grace Koz......................... 6.493
7. Alexandria Jaynes............. 6.460
8. Yvonne Greenen............... 6.373
9. Jennifer Daniels................ 6.333
10.Kimberly Barnes................ 6.300
11.Jamie Wantland................ 6.153
12.Imogen Baxter................... 6.067
13.Danielle Rynning............... 6.033
14.Karly Frankel-Newman..... 6.020
15.Gabriela Echegarayen...... 5.900
16.Laura Yelavich................... 5.893
17.Laura Jassowski............... 5.647
18.Mikalah Bowman............... 5.353
19.Mackenzie Jassowski....... 5.313
20.Laura Loonstein................ 5.300
21.Molly Hakoplan................. 5.293
22.Brittany O’Leary................ 5.227
23.Haley Hanson................... 5.187
24.Heidi Maloy....................... 5.153
25.Rhiannon ArneySchultz..... 5.080
26.Chelsea Dodson............... 5.000
27.Tauren Deluca................... 4.980
28.Chelsey Wierks................. 4.833
29.Lauren Berger................... 4.753
30.Courtney Madden............. 4.580
31.Jessica Bentzen................ 4.553
32.Lisa Zielenske................... 4.400
33.Raven Schmidt.................. 4.253
One StarRound I - Women
1. Rachel Bublitz................... 6.844
2. Kathryn Jaggers................ 6.488
3. Kyra McCarty.................... 6.420
4. Grace Koz......................... 6.295
5. Yvonne Greenen............... 6.244
6. Anna Erickson................... 6.174
7. Karly Frankel-Newman..... 6.155
8. Laura Yelavich................... 6.071
9. Annie Young...................... 6.059
10.Jennifer Daniels................ 6.015
11.Jamie Wantland................ 5.921
12.Danielle Rynning............... 5.920
13.Kimberly Barnes................ 5.882
14.Gabriela Echegarayen...... 5.839
15.Alexandria Jaynes............. 5.804
16.Imogen Baxter................... 5.774
17.Laura Loonstein................ 5.561
18.Brittany O’Leary................ 5.525
19.Haley Hanson................... 5.397
20.Mackenzie Jassowski....... 5.303
21.Mikalah Bowman............... 5.271
22.Laura Jassowski............... 5.248
23.Molly Hakoplan................. 5.221
24.Jessica Bentzen................ 5.175
25.Tauren Deluca................... 5.161
26.Chelsey Wierks................. 5.156
27.Lauren Berger .................. 5.016
28.Chelsea Dodson............... 5.000
29.Courtney Madden............. 4.900
30.Heidi Maloy....................... 4.879
31.Lisa Zielenske................... 4.737
32.Rhiannon ArneySchultz..... 4.520
33.Raven Schmidt.................. 4.427
One Star Comp. RII-Women
1. Rachel Bublitz................... 7.073
2. Kathryn Jaggers................ 6.953
3. Kyra McCarty.................... 6.947
4. Annie Young...................... 6.880
5. Anna Erickson................... 6.767
6. Yvonne Greenen............... 6.560
7. Grace Koz......................... 6.480
8. Jamie Wantland................ 6.307
9. Laura Yelavich................... 6.253
10.Danielle Rynning............... 6.100
11.Alexandria Jaynes............. 6.067
12.Imogen Baxter................... 5.953
13.Karly Frankel-Newman..... 5.940
14.Mikalah Bowman............... 5.880
15.Haley Hanson................... 5.847
16.Kimberly Barnes................ 5.807
17.Laura Jassowski............... 5.807
18.Gabriela Echegarayen...... 5.773
19.Laura Loonstein................ 5.593
20.Jennifer Daniels................ 5.547
21.Mackenzie Jassowski....... 5.447
22.Heidi Maloy....................... 5.413
23.Brittany O’Leary................ 5.400
24.Lauren Berger................... 5.133
25.Chelsey Wierks................. 5.107
26.Chelsea Dodson............... 5.093
27.Rhiannon ArneySchultz..... 5.067
28.Tauren Deluca................... 5.060
29.Lisa Zielenske................... 4.587
30.Molly Hakoplan................. 4.520
31.Raven Schmidt.................. 4.333
32.Courtney Madden............. 4.180
33.Jessica Bentzen................ 3.727
Grace Koz
One Star FS RII - Women
1. Rachel Bublitz................... 6.919
2. Kyra McCarty.................... 6.504
3. Laura Yelavich................... 6.493
4. Karly Frankel-Newman..... 6.315
5. Yvonne Greenen............... 6.144
6. Kathryn Jaggers................ 6.104
7. Annie Young...................... 5.978
8. Imogen Baxter................... 5.967
9. Grace Koz......................... 5.933
10.Laura Loonstein................ 5.874
11.Haley Hanson................... 5.848
12.Anna Erickson................... 5.800
13.Jennifer Daniels................ 5.752
14.Danielle Rynning............... 5.711
15.Jessica Bentzen................ 5.663
16.Kimberly Barnes................ 5.589
17.Brittany O’Leary................ 5.541
18.Mikalah Bowman............... 5.511
19.Jamie Wantland................ 5.467
20.Gabriela Echegarayen...... 5.448
21.Chelsey Wierks................. 5.411
22.Lisa Zielenske................... 5.374
23.Heidi Maloy....................... 5.356
24.Alexandria Jaynes............. 5.352
25.Courtney Madden............. 5.304
26.Laura Jassowski............... 5.296
27.Tauren Deluca................... 5.270
28.Lauren Berger................... 5.233
29.Mackenzie Jassowski....... 5.044
30.Chelsea Dodson............... 5.011
31.Molly Hakoplan................. 4.956
32.Rhiannon ArneySchultz..... 4.633
33.Raven Schmidt.................. 4.411
with Palatine
One StarRound II - Women
Imogen Baxter
of South Africa
with Oliver
1. Rachel Bublitz................... 6.996
2. Kyra McCarty.................... 6.726
3. Kathryn Jaggers................ 6.529
4. Annie Young...................... 6.429
5. Laura Yelavich................... 6.373
6. Yvonne Greenen............... 6.352
7. Anna Erickson................... 6.284
8. Grace Koz......................... 6.207
9. Karly Frankel-Newman..... 6.128
10.Imogen Baxter................... 5.960
11.Danielle Rynning............... 5.906
Vaulting World
October 2009
Kentucky Vaulting Cup
Continued from
previous page
12.Jamie Wantland................ 5.887
13.Haley Hanson................... 5.848
14.Laura Loonstein................ 5.734
15.Alexandria Jaynes............. 5.710
16.Kimberly Barnes................ 5.698
17.Mikalah Bowman............... 5.696
18.Jennifer Daniels................ 5.650
19.Gabriela Echegarayen...... 5.611
20.Laura Jassowski............... 5.552
21.Brittany O’Leary................ 5.471
22.Heidi Maloy....................... 5.385
23.Chelsey Wierks................. 5.259
24.Mackenzie Jassowski....... 5.246
25.Lauren Berger .................. 5.183
26.Tauren Deluca................... 5.165
27.Chelsea Dodson............... 5.052
28.Lisa Zielenske................... 4.981
29.Rhiannon ArneySchultz..... 4.850
30.Courtney Madden............. 4.742
31.Molly Hakoplan................. 4.738
32.Jessica Bentzen................ 4.695
33.Raven Schmidt.................. 4.372
20.Mikalah Bowman............... 5.483
21.Laura Jassowski............... 5.400
22.Mackenzie Jassowski....... 5.274
23.Chelsey Wierks................. 5.207
24.Tauren Deluca................... 5.163
25.Heidi Maloy....................... 5.131
26.Lauren Berger .................. 5.099
27.Chelsea Dodson............... 5.026
28.Molly Hakoplan................. 4.979
29.Jessica Bentzen................ 4.935
30.Lisa Zielenske................... 4.859
31.Courtney Madden............. 4.821
32.Rhiannon ArneySchultz..... 4.685
33.Raven Schmidt.................. 4.399
One Star Comp. RI - Men
1. George Joseph Gadd, USA Lanson 16, J.Ballenger..... 5.878
2. Shawn Ricci, USA - Rubin,
Becky Marland.................. 5.874
3. Clay Thomas, USA - Beau
Mond, Katie Flannagan..... 5.626
One Star Freestyle RI - Men
1. George Joseph Gadd........ 5.787
2. Clay Thomas..................... 5.100
3. Shawn Ricci...................... 4.907
One Star Round I - Men
1. George Joseph Gadd........ 5.833
2. Shawn Ricci...................... 5.391
3. Clay Thomas..................... 5.363
One Star Comp. RII - Men
1. Shawn Ricci...................... 6.148
2. George Joseph Gadd........ 5.815
3. Clay Thomas..................... 5.233
One Star Freestyle RII - Men
1. George Joseph Gadd........ 5.893
2. Clay Thomas..................... 5.313
3. Shawn Ricci...................... 5.167
of Argentina
with Lanson 16
One Star Round II - Men
1. George Joseph Gadd........ 5.854
2. Shawn Ricci...................... 5.658
3. Clay Thomas..................... 5.273
One Star Overall - Men
1. George Joseph Gadd........ 5.843
2. Shawn Ricci...................... 5.524
3. Clay Thomas..................... 5.318
One Star Overall - Women
1. Rachel Bublitz................... 6.895
2. Kyra McCarty.................... 6.573
3. Kathryn Jaggers................ 6.508
4. Yvonne Greenen............... 6.298
5. Grace Koz......................... 6.251
6. Annie Young...................... 6.244
7. Anna Erickson................... 6.229
8. Laura Yelavich................... 6.222
9. Karly Frankel-Newman..... 6.141
10.Danielle Rynning............... 5.913
11.Jamie Wantland................ 5.904
12.Imogen Baxter................... 5.867
13.Jennifer Daniels................ 5.832
14.Kimberly Barnes................ 5.790
15.Alexandria Jaynes............. 5.757
16.Gabriela Echegarayen...... 5.725
17.Laura Loonstein................ 5.647
18.Haley Hanson................... 5.622
19.Brittany O’Leary................ 5.497
with Smokin’Joe
WEG Tickets Go
on Sale 9/25/09
Yvonne Greenen with Pepper Jack
Amy Walker, World Games 2010 Foundation
Anna Erickson with Praise
All photos of the Kentucky Vaulting Cup are by
Primo Ponies Photography except as indicated.
Vaulting World
After years of planning, we are now
in the final stretch to the 2010 Alltech
FEI World Equestrian Games. The
world’s most prestigious equestrian
competition is coming to Kentucky in
2010 providing a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to see the best athletes in
the world.
Tickets for the Alltech FEI World
Equestrian Games go on sale September 25, 2009. All ticket sales will be
facilitated online at With eight world championships to be contested – more sessions
of competition than ever before – and
ticket prices as low as $25, there is
something for everyone.
October 2009
Region II Championships
t wa
nt t
e fu
After a challenging season
the vaulters of Region II came
together to enjoy the wonderful
facility and weather in
Watsonville, play on the
beach in Santa Cruz
and remember that
vaulting is for fun!
Region II Championships
USEF/AVA Recognized
August 6-9, 2009
Watsonville, California
Adrienne Stang (FEI O),
Emma Seely (AVA r),
Kitchy Burdette (AVA r),
Kelley Holly (AVA r)
Participating Clubs: Brookside,
Foxgrove, Gold Rush, Half Moon
Bay, Monterey Bay, Morning Star,
Mt. Eden, Nu Balance, Pacific
Coast, Phoenix, Showtime, Starlite,
Voila, Willow Tree, Woodside
Team Events
C Team Comp. (old style)
1. Morning Star..................... 5.894
C Team Freestyle
1. Morning Star..................... 6.340
C Team Overall
1. Morning Star Willow Tree.. 6.117
Vaulting World
Trot Team Comp. (old style)
1. Mt. Eden Trot Team........... 4.935
Trot Team Freestyle
1. Mt. Eden Trot Team........... 6.380
Trot Team Overall
1. Mt. Eden Trot Team........... 5.658
Prel. Trot Tm Comp. (old style)
1. Gold Willow Star............... 5.048
2. Tambourine....................... 4.829
3. Starlite............................... 4.400
Open Team FS at Walk
1. Tambourine....................... 7.180
2. Mt. Eden............................ 6.640
3. Starlite............................... 5.520
Pas de Deux Event
Emily Rose with Vinnie
Trot Pas de Deux
1. Jaclyn Hawks/Bali Solorzano,
Nu Balance....................... 5.633
2. Piper Frank/Josslyn Tonge,
Morning Star .................... 4.767
October 2009
Mary McCormic
with Wyeth
Region II Championships
Annike Heeter enjoyed
the scavenger hunt
Morning Star
C Team with
Mt. Eden
Trot Team with
Danny Boy
Continued from previous page
Individual Events
Gold Compulsories RI - Women
Mary McCormick, Mt. Eden - Wyeth, Poppy Coulter....8.619
Marisa Hamar, Showtime - Paradox, Ingrid Hamar.....7.982
Elizabeth Ioannou, Mt. Eden - Paradox, Ingrid Hamar.7.688
Katharine Wick, Woodside - Paradox, Ingrid Hamar....7.526
Mary McCormick, Mt. Eden - Wyeth, Poppy Coulter....8.430
Katharine Wick, Woodside - Sovira, Ingrid Hamar.......7.990
Marisa Hamar, Showtime - Sovira, Ingrid Hamar.........7.700
Elizabeth Ioannou, Mt. Eden - Sovira, Ingrid Hamar....7.610
Mary McCormick, Mt. Eden..........................................8.525
Marisa Hamar, Showtime.............................................7.841
Katharine Wick, Woodside...........................................7.758
Elizabeth Ioannou, Mt. Eden........................................7.649
Mary McCormick, Mt. Eden - Wyeth, Poppy Coulter....8.320
Elizabeth Ioannou, Mt. Eden - Sovira, Ingrid Hamar....7.995
Katharine Wick, Woodside - Sovira, Ingrid Hamar.......7.975
Marisa Hamar, Showtime - Sovira, Ingrid Hamar.........7.530
Mary McCormick, Mt. Eden - Wyeth, Poppy Coulter....8.490
Marisa Hamar, Showtime - Sovira, Ingrid Hamar.........8.080
Katharine Wick, Woodside - Sovira, Ingrid Hamar.......8.070
Elizabeth Ioannou, Mt. Eden - Sovira, Ingrid Hamar....7.940
Mary McCormick, Mt. Eden..........................................8.405
Katharine Wick, Woodside...........................................8.023
Elizabeth Ioannou, Mt. Eden........................................7.968
Marisa Hamar, Showtime.............................................7.805
Mary McCormick, Mt. Eden..........................................8.465
Katharine Wick, Woodside...........................................7.891
Marisa Hamar, Showtime.............................................7.823
Elizabeth Ioannou, Mt. Eden........................................7.809
Gold Freestyle RI - Women
Gold Round I - Women
Gold Technical Test RII - Women
Gold Freestyle RII - Women
Gold Round II - Women
Gold Overall - Women
Vaulting World
Gold Compulsories RI - Men
1. Eric Garcia, Tambourine - Sadie, Kelley Holly.............7.213
2. Kristian Roberts, Half Moon Bay - Cambria, S. Smith.7.175
3. Patrick Stevens, Woodside - Cambria, S.Smith...........7.063
Gold Freestyle RI - Men
1. Patrick Stevens, Woodside - Cambria, S.Smith...........7.300
2. Kristian Roberts, Half Moon Bay - Cambria, S.Smith..6.510
3. Eric Garcia, Tambourine - Tank, Kelley Holly...............6.190
Gold Round I - Men
1. Patrick Stevens, Woodside..........................................7.182
2. Kristian Roberts, Half Moon Bay..................................6.843
3. Eric Garcia, Tambourine...............................................6.702
Gold Technical Test RII - Men
1. Patrick Stevens, Woodside - Cambria, S.Smith...........6.955
2. Kristian Roberts, Half Moon Bay - Cambria, S.Smith..6.355
3. Eric Garcia, Tambourine - Tank, Kelley Holly...............5.790
Gold Freestyle RII - Men
1. Eric Garcia, Tambourine - Tank, Kelley Holly...............7.190
2. Patrick Stevens, Woodside - Cambria, S.Smith...........7.150
3. Kristian Roberts, Half Moon Bay - Cambria, S.Smith..7.120
Gold Round II - Men
1. Patrick Stevens, Woodside..........................................7.053
2. Kristian Roberts, Half Moon Bay..................................6.738
3. Eric Garcia, Tambourine...............................................6.490
Gold Overall - Men
1. Patrick Stevens, Woodside..........................................7.118
2. Kristian Roberts, Half Moon Bay..................................6.791
3. Eric Garcia, Tambourine...............................................6.596
Silver Compulsories RI
Kyra McCarty, Mt. Eden - Hay Boog, Mike Yelavich....7.150
Laura Yelavich, Mt. Eden - Hay Boog, Mike Yelavich..7.144
Makayla Clyne, Mt. Eden - Jacey, Mary McCormick....7.082
Karly Frankel-Newman, PacCst - Donatello, P.Coulter.7.038
Shannon Hoke, Tambourine - Sadie, Kelley Holly.......6.857
Brittany O’Leary, Pacific Coast - Donatello, P.Coulter..6.688
Rebecca Hambly, Morning Star - Dillenger, C.Conner.6.457
Silver Freestyle RI
Shannon Hoke, Tambourine - Tank, Kelley Holly.........7.050
Karly Frankel-Newman, Pacific Coast - Donatello,
Poppy Coulter..............................................................7.030
Brittany O’Leary, Pacific Coast - Donatello, P.Coulter..7.030
Laura Yelavich, Mt. Eden - Hay Boog, Mike Yelavich..6.620
Kyra McCarty, Mt. Eden - Hay Boog, Mike Yelavich....6.290
Makayla Clyne, Mt. Eden - Jacey, Mary McCormick....6.220
Rebecca Hambly, Morning Star - Dillenger, C.Conner.5.970
Karly Frankel-Newman, Pacific Coast.........................7.034
Shannon Hoke, Tambourine.........................................6.954
Laura Yelavich, Mt. Eden.............................................6.882
Brittany O’Leary, Pacific Coast.....................................6.859
Kyra McCarty, Mt. Eden...............................................6.720
Makayla Clyne, Mt. Eden.............................................6.651
Rebecca Hambly, Morning Star...................................6.214
Karly Frankel-Newman, Pacific Coast - Donatello,
Poppy Coulter..............................................................7.101
Kyra McCarty, Mt. Eden - Cambria, Samantha Smith..6.694
Brittany O’Leary, Pacific Coast - Donatello, P.Coulter..6.532
Laura Yelavich, Mt. Eden - Cambria, S.Smith..............6.519
Shannon Hoke, Tambourine - .Sadie, Kelley Holly......6.488
Makayla Clyne, Mt. Eden - Jacey, Mary McCormick....6.407
Rebecca Hambly, Morning Star - Dillenger, C.Conner.6.101
Karly Frankel-Newman, Pacific Coast - Donatello,
Poppy Coulter..............................................................6.860
Rebecca Hambly, Morning Star - Dillenger,
Carolyn Conner............................................................6.850
Laura Yelavich, Mt. Eden - Hay Boog, Mike Yelavich..6.750
Brittany O’Leary, Pacific Coast - Donatello, P.Coulter..6.740
Makayla Clyne, Mt. Eden - Jacey, Mary McCormick....6.660
Shannon Hoke, Tambourine - Tank, Kelley Holly.........6.590
Kyra McCarty, Mt. Eden - Hay Boog, Mike Yelavich....5.970
Silver Round I
Silver Compulsories RII
Silver Freestyle RII
October 2009
Region II Champs
Karly FrankelNewman with
Silver Round II
Karly Frankel-Newman, Pacific Coast.........................6.981
Brittany O’Leary, Pacific Coast.....................................6.636
Laura Yelavich, Mt. Eden.............................................6.635
Shannon Hoke, Tambourine.........................................6.539
Makayla Clyne, Mt. Eden.............................................6.534
Rebecca Hambly, Morning Star...................................6.476
Kyra McCarty, Mt. Eden...............................................6.332
Karly Frankel-Newman, Pacific Coast.........................7.008
Laura Yelavich, Mt. Eden.............................................6.759
Brittany O’Leary, Pacific Coast.....................................6.748
Shannon Hoke, Tambourine.........................................6.747
Makayla Clyne, Mt. Eden.............................................6.593
Kyra McCarty, Mt. Eden...............................................6.526
Rebecca Hambly, Morning Star...................................6.345
Silver Overall
Bronze Compulsories RI
1. Grace Robinson, Pacific Coast - Wyeth, P.Coulter......6.700
2. Mackenzie Jassowski, Gold Rush - Falcon, I.Hamar...6.238
3. Jacqueline Lobdell, Voila - Falcon, Ingrid Hamar.........6.225
4. Emily Hogye, Brookside - Hanson, Mona Hogye.........6.163
5. Nicole Gorman, Monterey Bay - Vinnie, Kristin Olson.6.163
6. Leah Sache, Morning Star - Dillenger, C.Conner.........6.100
7. Robin Todd, Morning Star - Dillenger, Carolyn Conner.6.038
8. Lystra Hobby, Tambourine - Tank, Kelley Holly............5.700
9. Ruby Robinson, Pacific Coast - Wyeth, P.Coulter........5.700
10.Olivia Merino, Tambourine - Tank, Kelley Holly............5.638
11.Emmy Weiner, Nu Balance - Rapier 9, Payge Galvin..5.375
12.Natasha Fabricant, Pacific Coast - Wyeth, P.Coulter...5.275
13.Miranda Prints, Nu Balance - Rapier 9, Payge Galvin.4.588
14.Delany Altman, Nu Balance - Rapier 9, Payge Galvin.4.350
15.Megan Grove, Phoenix - Belgarion, Danelle Grove.....2.850
Molly Hickman-Smith
and Annike Heeter joined canter
vaulter Kate Morse for a fun triple
Bronze Freestyle RI
1. Emily Hogye, Brookside - Buddy, Mona Hogye...........7.660
2. Mackenzie Jassowski, Gold Rush - Falcon, I.Hamar...7.160
3. Grace Robinson, Pacific Coast - Donatello, P.Coulter.7.000
4. Olivia Merino, Tambourine - Tank, Shannon Hoke.......6.740
5. Ruby Robinson, Pacific Coast - Vinnie, Kristin Olson..6.600
6. Jacqueline Lobdell, Voila - Falcon, Ingrid Hamar.........6.440
7. Robin Todd, Morning Star - Sparticus, C.Conner.........6.400
8. Leah Sache, Morning Star - Sparticus, C.Conner........6.160
9. Lystra Hobby, Tambourine - Tank, Shannon Hoke.......6.020
10.Natasha Fabricant, Pacific Coast - Vinnie, K.Olson.....5.960
11.Nicole Gorman, Monterey Bay - Vinnie, Kristin Olson.5.760
12.Emmy Weiner, Nu Bal. - Col. Mustard, M.Solorzano...5.740
13.Delany Altman, Nu Bal. - Col. Mustard, M.Solorzano..5.240
14.Megan Grove, Phoenix - Picasso, Danelle Grove.......5.000
15.Miranda Prints, Nu Balance - Rapier 9, Payge Galvin.4.380
Nick Fujii
with Tank
Bronze Round I
1. Emily Hogye, Brookside...............................................6.912
2. Grace Robinson, Pacific Coast....................................6.850
3. Mackenzie Jassowski, Gold Rush...............................6.699
4. Jacqueline Lobdell, Voila.............................................6.333
5. Robin Todd, Morning Star............................................6.219
6. Olivia Merino, Tambourine...........................................6.189
7. Ruby Robinson, Pacific Coast.....................................6.150
8. Leah Sache, Morning Star...........................................6.130
9. Nicole Gorman, Monterey Bay.....................................5.962
10.Lystra Hobby, Tambourine............................................5.860
11.Natasha Fabricant, Pacific Coast.................................5.618
12.Emmy Weiner, Nu Balance..........................................5.558
13.Delany Altman, Nu Balance.........................................4.795
14.Miranda Prints, Nu Balance.........................................4.484
15.Megan Grove, Phoenix................................................3.925
Bronze Compulsories RII
1. Grace Robinson, Pacific Coast - Wyeth, P.Coulter......6.438
2. Mackenzie Jassowski, Gold Rush - Falcon, I.Hamar...6.125
3. Nicole Gorman, Monterey Bay - Vinnie, Kristin Olson.5.963
4. Emily Hogye, Brookside - Buddy, Mona Hogye...........5.900
5. Robin Todd, Morning Star - Dillenger, Carolyn Conner.5.700
6. Ruby Robinson, Pacific Coast - Vinnie, Kristin Olson..5.550
7. Jacqueline Lobdell, Voila - Falcon, Ingrid Hamar.........5.538
8. Olivia Merino, Tambourine - Sadie, Shannon Hoke.....5.375
9. Natasha Fabricant, Pacific Coast - Vinnie, K.Olson.....5.325
10.Leah Sache, Morning Star - Dillenger, C.Conner.........5.288
11.Lystra Hobby, Tambourine - Sadie, Shannon Hoke.....5.238
12.Emmy Weiner, Nu Balance - Rapier 9, Payge Galvin..5.038
13.Miranda Prints, Nu Balance - Rapier 9, Payge Galvin.4.825
14.Delany Altman, Nu Balance - Rapier 9, Payge Galvin.4.813
Ellie Corbett
with Tanita
Bronze Overall
and Kim Dunham
with other Mt. Eden vaulters
performed a fun team freestyle
at the walk with Noah.
Vaulting World
1. Grace Robinson, Pacific Coast....................................6.713
2. Emily Hogye, Brookside...............................................6.574
3. Mackenzie Jassowski, Gold Rush...............................6.508
4. Jacqueline Lobdell, Voila.............................................6.068
5. Robin Todd, Morning Star............................................6.046
6. Nicole Gorman, Monterey Bay.....................................5.962
7. Ruby Robinson, Pacific Coast.....................................5.950
8. Olivia Merino, Tambourine...........................................5.918
9. Leah Sache, Morning Star...........................................5.849
10.Lystra Hobby, Tambourine............................................5.653
11.Natasha Fabricant, Pacific Coast.................................5.520
12.Emmy Weiner, Nu Balance..........................................5.384
13.Delany Altman, Nu Balance.........................................4.801
14.Miranda Prints, Nu Balance.........................................4.598
October 2009
Shannon Hoke
with Jewel
Region II Championships
Grace Robinson
with Donatello
Continued from
previous page
Copper Comp. (old style) Women (15)
1. Emily Rose, Monterey Bay.5.888
2. Jordyn McCarley, Mt. Edn.5.800
3. Kate Morse, Mt. Eden....... 5.675
Copper FS - Women (14)
1. Selina Thor, Morning Star.6.767
2. Emily Rose, Monterey Bay.6.650
3. Jordyn McCarley, Mt. Edn.6.600
Copper Overall-Women (14)
1. Emily Rose, Monterey Bay.6.269
2. Jordyn McCarley, Mt. Edn.6.200
3. Kate Morse, Mt. Eden....... 6.046
Copper Comp.(old style)-Men
1. Nicholas Fujii, Tambourine.5.200
Copper Freestyle - Men
1. Nicholas Fujii, Tambourine.6.150
Copper Overall - Men
1. Nicholas Fujii, Tambourine.5.675
Trot Comp. (old style) Women (13)
1. Anastasia Zenin, Mt. Eden.5.463
2. Giulia Corno, Mt. Eden...... 5.450
3. Tuesday Niess, Tamb........ 5.413
Trot Freestyle - Women (13)
1. Giulia Corno, Mt. Eden...... 6.117
2. Piper Frank, Willow Tree... 5.700
3. Anastasia Zenin, Mt. Eden.5.633
Trot Overall - Women (13)
1. Giulia Corno, Mt. Eden...... 5.784
2. Anastasia Zenin, Mt. Eden.5.548
3. Piper Frank, Willow Tree... 5.513
Trot Comp. (old style) - Men
1. Adrian Lee, Mt. Eden........ 5.125
Trot Freestyle - Men
Is there
any doubt
that Lola
Robinson is
having fun?
1. Adrian Lee, Mt. Eden........ 5.417
Trot Overall - Men
1. Adrian Lee, Mt. Eden........ 5.271
Preliminary Trot Comp.
(old style) - Women (21)
1. Bali Solorzano, Nu Bal...... 5.525
2. Elle Corbett, Gold Rush.... 5.400
3. Kristen Kuhn, Woodside.... 5.288
Prel. Trot FS - Women (21)
1. Josslyn Tonge, Mng Star... 6.417
2. Elle Corbett, Gold Rush.... 6.350
3. Haley Wood, Starlite......... 6.067
Prel. Trot Overall-Women (20)
1. Elle Corbett, Gold Rush.... 5.875
2. Josslyn Tonge, Mng Star... 5.728
3. Kristen Kuhn, Woodside.... 5.594
Robin Todd with Sparticus
Prel. Trot Comp. (old style)
- Men (4)
1. PJ Solorzano, Nu Bal........ 4.163
2. Tristan Martin, Tamb......... 4.075
3. Cruz Solorzano, Nu Bal.... 3.913
Preliminary Trot FS - Men (4)
1. Tristan Martin, Tamb......... 5.667
2. Jesse Traskin, Starlite....... 5.400
3. PJ Solorzano, Nu Bal........ 4.733
Pre. Trot Overall - Men (4)
1. Tristan Martin, Tamb......... 4.871
2. PJ Solorzano, Nu Bal........ 4.448
3. Jesse Traskin, Starlite....... 4.375
Tiny Tots Comp. (old style)
1. Annika Heeter, Mt. Eden... 3.957
2. Annika Essig, Willow Tree.3.714
3. Tallulah H-Smith,Mt.Eden. 3.600
Tiny Tots Freestyle
Rapier 9
1. Annika Essig, Willow Tree.4.667
Tiny Tots Overall
1. Annika Essig, Willow Tree.3.959
2-Phase Events
Prel. 2-Phase Team Comp.
Tristan Martin
with Moony’s
Super Sadie
Vaulting World publishes complete results for all USEF/AVA Recognized classes. Horses and longeurs are included if available. First
through third place winners in non-recognized classes are published.
The number in parentheses next to the name of the class indicates how
many (over 3) participants competed in that class.
Vaulting World
All photos of Region II
Championships are by
Primo Ponies Photography
Mt. Eden - Amadeus,
Olivia Swan....................... 5.072
Diana Thygeson
Jordyn McCarley
Megan Macinnes
Michelle Guo
Morning Star, Dillenger,
Carolyn Conner................. 4.984
Andrea Meislin
Robin Todd
Selina Thor
Alyssa Urban
Nu Balance - Rapier 9,
Michelle Solorzano............ 4.859
Emmy Weiner
Miranda Prints
Delany Altman
Payge Galvin
October 2009
Region II Championships
Prel. 2-Phase Team Brl FS
Open Doubles
1. Mt. Eden............................ 6.567
2. Morning Star..................... 6.433
3. Nu Balance....................... 6.400
1. Alyssa Urban/Andrea Meislin,
Morning Star..................... 6.900
Preliminary Doubles (11)
Prel. 2-Phase Team Overall
1. Jordyn McCarley/Michelle Guo,
Mt. Eden............................ 8.267
2. Miranda Prints/Delany Altman,
Nu Balance....................... 7.567
3. Kristen Kuhn/Julia Plungy,
Woodside.......................... 7.400
1. Mt. Eden............................ 5.820
2. Morning Star..................... 5.709
3. Nu Balance....................... 5.630
Trot 2-Phase Team Comp.
(old style)
1. Willow Tree Morning Star.. 4.850
Trot 2-Phase Team Barrel FS
1. Willow Tree Morning Star.. 5.767
Trot 2-Phase Team Overall
1. Willow Tree....................... 5.309
Barrel Events
Open Team Barrel Freestyle
1. Nu Balance....................... 7.267
2. Tambourine....................... 6.767
Trot Team Barrel Freestyle
1. Nu Balance....................... 7.267
2. Tambourine....................... 6.767
Open Triples
1. L.Sache/S.Thor/J.Tonge,
Morning Star..................... 7.233
2. K.Morse/C.Morse/E.Ioannou,
Mt. Eden............................ 6.600
Trot Triples
1. A.Lee/Molly H-S/G.Corno, Mt.
Eden.................................. 5.533
Trot/Canter Doubles (11)
1. Leah Sache/Josslyn Tonge,
Morning Star..................... 6.900
2. Brigitte Baradat/Piper Frank,
Morning Star..................... 6.133
3. Shannon Hoke/Arilyn Martin,
Tambourine....................... 6.133
Trot Doubles (4)
1. Olivia Fioretti/Samantha McCabe, Willow Tree............. 6.633
2. Jillian Hoglan/Savanah Hoglan,
Mt. Eden............................ 6.400
3. Michele Stahler/Anastasia
Zenin, Mt. Eden................. 5.800
Preliminary Trot Doubles (4)
1. Tuesday Niess/Jenna Bell,
Tambourine....................... 5.667
2. Tristan Martin/Arilyn Martin,
Tambourine....................... 5.500
3. Jasmine Love/Diana Trueblood,
Tambourine....................... 5.467
Prel. Barrel FS - Women (12)
Emily Rose, Monterey Bay.8.900
Emily Hogye, Brookside.... 8.167
Nicole Gorman,
Monterey Bay.................... 7.700
Preliminary Barrel FS - Men
1. Nicholas Fujii, Tambourine.5.700
Trot Barrel FS - Women (14)
1. Elise Owen, Foxgrove....... 6.667
2. Molly H-Smith, Mt. Eden... 6.567
3. Piper Frank, Willow Tree... 6.500
Trot Barrel Freestyle - Men
1. Adrian Lee, Mt. Eden........ 6.500
Prel. Trot Brl FS - Women (21)
1. Emily Hallett, Starlite......... 7.600
2. Kristen Kuhn, Woodside.... 6.767
3. Haley Wood, Starlite......... 6.533
Prel. Trot Barrel FS - Men (4)
1. Cruz Solorzano, Nu Bal.... 5.733
2. Tristan Martin, Tamb......... 5.533
3. Jesse Traskin, Starlite....... 5.200
Tiny Tots Barrel Freestyle
1. Annika Heeter, Mt. Eden... 5.467
2. Tallulah H-Smith, Mt. Edn. 4.933
3. Annika Essig, Willow Tree.4.633
Musicial Interp. Barrel FS (5)
Emily Hogye, Brookside.... 8.200
Emily Rose, Monterey Bay.8.067
Nicole Gorman,
Monterey Bay.................... 7.867
Jodyn McCarley and Michelle Guo
National Office: 8205 Santa Monica Blvd., #1-288, West Hollywood, CA 90046-5912 • Email:
Office Hrs: M/W/Th/F - 8am-noon; Tue. 8-10am/2-4pm PST • Ph: 323/654-0800, Fx: 323/654-4306 •
AVA PRESIDENT - Sheri Benjamin 408/872-1562,
EXEC. VP - Kelley Holly 707/665-9281,
VP DEVELOPMENT - Rick Vanvranken 609-442-1892,
VP MEMBERSHIP - Julie Divita 650-216-6072,
VP COMPETITIONS - Linda Bibbler 650/851-7751,
VP EDUCATION - Wendy Ware 503/628-0918,
TREASURER - Jan F. Garrod 408/741-1191,
EXEC. SECTY - Robin Bowman 303/978-1084,
Jessica Ballenger, Megan Benjamin,
Carol Beutler, Bill Brown, Rosie Brown, Merry Cole,
Suzanne Detol, Priscilla G. Faulkner,
Katie Flannagan, Sydney Frankel,
Rick Hawthorne, Virginia Hawthorne,
Cambry Kaylor, Devon Maitozo,
Yossi Martonovich, Amy McCune,
Marianne Rose, Bob Weber
REGIONAL SUPERVISORS: I - Connie Geisler 909/861-1564,; II - Fran Hoke 707/778-8707,;
III - Penny Maydak 503/703-9177,; IV - Jodi Rinard 303/931-7072,;
IX - Alison Gieschen 856/467-4511,; X - Jane Egger 269/782-3206,
NATIONAL OFFICE MANAGER: Craig Coburn 323/654-0800,
VAULTING WORLD EDITOR: Marianne Rose 408/867-1789,
ALUMNI: Mike Sisul 408-242-4892, • ANNUAL MEETING: Penny Maydak 503-543-8277,
AVA BLAST: Lynn Stevens 925-229-5344, • AVA HIGH POINT: Toni Amoroso 805/493-2268,
AWARDS: Carol Beutler 650/366-7527,
ATHLETES COUNCIL (Co-Chairs): Megan Benjamin 408/605-8447, Ballenger 831/227-3855,
COMPETITIONS SECTY: Suzanne Detol 503/357-9651, • CONSTITUTION/BYLAWS: Amy McCune 864-888-8649,
EDUCATION: Wendy Ware 503/628-0918, • FRIENDSHIP TEAM: Priscilla G. Faulkner 770/786-7283,
GRANTS: Jan Garrod 408/741-1191, • GRIEVANCE: Bill Brown 831/476-5901
HISTORIAN: Nancy Stevens-Brown 831/476-590, • HORSES: Yossi Martonovich 303/277-0356,
INSURANCE: Kelley Holly 707/665-9281, • MEDAL TEST SECRETARY: Suzanne Detol 503/357-9651,
NARHA: Rachel Markels-Webber 978/952-6787, • NATIONALS 2009: Marianne Rose 408/867-1789,
NOMINATIONS: Nancy Stevens-Brown 831/476-590, • PUBLICATIONS: Jan Weber 978/448-4193,
SAFETY: Kim Deaver 419/ 354-3997, • TECHNICAL ADVISOR: J. Ashton Moore 408/623-4446,
TECHNICAL COMMITTEE CHAIR: Suzanne Detol 503/357-9651, • TRADESHOWS: Jan Weber 978/448-4193,
VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION: Carol Beutler 650/366-7527, • WEBSITE: Eileen Jassowski 530-621-4911,
FEI Vaulting Comm. Chair: Emma Seely 408/868-9476,
USEF/Dir. of Vaulting: Pam Lane 908/326-1153, • USEF Vaulting High Perf. Com. Chair: Linda Bibbler 650/851-7751,
USEF Vaulting High Performance Committee Vice Chair: Craig Coburn 323/654-0800,
USEF Board Member: Linda Bibbler 650/851-7751,
USEF Board/Elected Athlete: Devon Maitozo 818/429-2115,
USEF Youth Council Member.: Megan Benjamin 408/605-8447,
USEF Vaulting Tech. Committee Co-Chairs: Craig Coburn 323/654-0800,; Suzanne Detol 503/357-9651,
USET Foundation Executive Director: Bonnie Jenkins 908/234-1251,
Vaulting World
October 2009
8205 Santa Monica Blvd. #1-288
West Hollywood, CA
Oct 24
Woodside Vaulters Fall Fest - Saratoga, CA. Contact Linda Bibbler:
Oct 25 Mt. Eden’s Halloween Fest - Saratoga, CA. Contact Marianne Rose: marianne_rose@worldnet.
Nov 7
(7-11am PST) AVA Board Conference Call Meeting. Contact Robin Bowman: thebowmans4@
Nov 7-8Region I Championships - Vaulting in Vegas, Las Vegas, NV. Contact Connie Geisler:
Nov. 21 Region II Clinics/Dinner/Awards - Petaluma, CA.
Contact Carol Beutler:
Nov. 21-22 Northwest Vaulting Conference - Chilliwack, BC,
Canada. Contact Barb Schmidt: charleyhorseranch
Jan 21-24 CVI** Leipzig, Germany. Contact Pam Lane:
Feb 6 or 13 Tambourine Barrel Fest - Petaluma, CA. Contact
Kelley Holly:
Mar 4-7 AVA Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. Contact Penny
Apr 2-4 CVI*,** Saumur, France. Contact Pam Lane:
Apr 2-4 CVI*, ** Pratoni del Vivaro, Italy. Contact Pam
May 14-16 CVI*,** Stadl Pura, Austria. Contact Pam Lane:
May 15-16 Garrod’s Spring Classic, Saratoga, CA. Contact
Marianne Rose:
May 21-24 CVI*,** Wiesbaden, Germany. Contact Pam Lane:
Jun 5-6 Woodside Spring Fest - Portola Valley, CA. Contact Linda Bibbler:
Jun 11-14CVI*,** Canada - Chilliwack, BC, Canada. Contact
Barb Schmidt: charleyhorseranch
Jun 25-27 CVI*,** Krumke, Germany. Contact Pam Lane:
Jul 3-4Region IX Championships - Lexington, VA. Contact Elizabeth Brigham:
Jul 8-11 Region II Championships - Grass Valley, CA. Contact K.Holly:
Jul 9-11 CVI*,** Aachen, Germany. Contact Pam Lane:
Jul 29-Aug1 USEF/AVA National Champs, Santa Barbara,
CA. Contact Linda Bibbler:
Sep 25-Oct 10 WEG Lexington, KY. Contact Pam Lane:
Oct 14-17 CVI*,** Salzburg, Austria. Contact Pam Lane:
Oct 14-17 CVI*,** Kiel, Germany. Contact Pam Lane: plane@
Oct 23 Mt. Eden’s Halloween Fest, Saratoga, CA. Contact
Marianne Rose: