Introducing Pastor Jeff Krogstad, Part 3 Claiming Calvary`s future


Introducing Pastor Jeff Krogstad, Part 3 Claiming Calvary`s future
July/August 2014
Introducing Pastor Jeff Krogstad, Part 3
Forging a future based on vision, unity & mobilization
In the last issue of Calvary Calls, we learned about the opportunities that have shaped Pastor Jeff’s ministry to this point. In this final
installment of introducing our new senior pastor to the congregation, we consider Calvary’s future and the ways that Pastor Jeff hopes to
lead us forward...
Waiting does not mean we should stand
A giant whiteboard now covers the west
still until it’s absolutely apparent where
wall of the senior pastor’s office. A previousGod wants to take us. Pastor Jeff points out
ly abandoned 11x14 sketchbook is filled with
there are some obvious things we can do in
copious notes and “mind maps”—diagrams of
the meantime that are certain “wins.”
lines, circles and words that help organize
“We can start reaching out in bold ways
information. There’s a calendar full of meetto draw others to Christ. We can pray,” says
ings with Calvary members, local community
Pastor Jeff. “We know God will honor that.”
contacts, and leaders of other churches and
It’s through this active waiting—doing the
mission organizations.
stuff we know God wants us to do—that the
It’s obvious that Pastor Jeff Krogstad is
vision will begin taking shape. We’ll notice
excited to lead us into the bright future that
areas in which the Holy Spirit is breaking
God has planned for Calvary.
loose—signs that will direct us where to
It’s also obvious that he is in the thick of
invest more of our energies and time.
discerning what that future will look like
A large sketchbook—originally used by his daughter Erica
in high school—contains notes and diagrams of the obWhat God has in store for Calvary is
as he becomes more familiar with Calvary
servations and ideas that Pastor Jeff has collected since
“active, moving and breathing, and a litand listens for the Spirit’s direction. But
being called as Calvary’s senior pastor.
tle hard to get hold of,” says Pastor Jeff.
there are three areas of focus that Pastor
“I’m impatient for it, but I know it’s worth
Jeff believes need attention right out of the
gate; clarity of vision, unity within the body
about how we can serve Jesus in serving our
and mobilization for the sake of mission
neighbor. And so on...”
Unity within the body
must serve as the foundation of our ministry
We also need to strengthen our sense of
Mobilizing for the sake of mission
There’s even more to consider from
Clarity of vision
“Satan is always going to try to divide
Revelation 5 when it comes to mobilizing for
“Vision is not about how many members
the church,” says Pastor Jeff. “We see it
the sake of mission.
we have, but instead how many disciples
“When we focus on Christ and stand shoulwe’re making,” says Pastor Jeff. “It’s not
For example, Pastor Jeff cites the first
der to shoulder with other people of another
so much a document as it is about pursuing
chapter of 1 Corinthians where it mentions
language, our hearts soften for them and we
God’s dream.”
that the leaders—
long to learn their language,” says Pastor
Pastor Jeff describes
Paul, Apollos and
this time at Calvary as a
Cephas—were put
Pastor Jeff has experienced this firsthand
Our future as a living church depends on:
season of “active waiton pedestals, so to
through the Manuelito Project, a ministry
• Clarity of vision.
ing.” It’s a time when
speak (verse 12).
organization in Honduras that offers a home
• Unity within the body.
we need to be getting
People claimed they
and other opportunities to children who
• Mobilization for the sake of mission.
ready for when God
followed these men
would otherwise be living on the streets. It
wants to move. It’s a
versus uniting under
compelled Pastor Jeff to learn Spanish so
time to be “radically
the name of Jesus
that he could speak personally with the kids.
dependent on the Holy Spirit” to arrive at
Christ. Paul dared to write that all Christians
“As I learn Spanish, the study and time it
clarity around God’s plans.
should be “be perfectly united in mind and
takes are worth the effort because I know
thought” (verse 10).
it’s for the sake of mission,” says Pastor
It’s easier said than done, but it’s what
Jeff. “I believe that God calls all of us to get
God desires for us. It’s both a corporate
command and a shared blessing.
Continued on page 2
“Imagine experiencing what the Apostle
John conveys in Revelation 5,” says Pastor
Jeff. “Imagine every type of people gathered around the throne of God, totally
table of contents
united because their focus is on Him. That’s
the kind of unity we want at Calvary—a unity
Worship....................................... 4
focused on Christ.”
Grow.......................................... 5
How do we honor and keep that focus? It’s
Serve.......................................... 6
about being intentional in our motives and
Mission & Outreach......................... 7
“It goes back to preaching; it’s about
Children’s Ministries........................ 8
whom the messages are directing us toward,
Youth Ministries............................. 9
not always about how to make our lives
Pastor Jeff continues to explore Calvary’s history, mission
work,” says Pastor Jeff. “Worship is not
and partnerships through conversations with Calvary
members, staff and community leaders, including Lee
Calendar & Resources.....................11
Blons (left), executive director of Beacon Interfaith
crowns at the feet of Jesus. Serving is not
Housing Collaborative (the parent organization of
about what we feel good about doing, but
Claiming Calvary’s future
Families Moving Forward).
Page 2
July/August 2014
Introducing Pastor Jeff Krogstad, Part 3
Continued from page 1
beyond ourselves and our own cultures.”
Once again, Jesus sets the example for
us, this time in Mark 5 and the story of the
Gerasene demoniac. A “good Jew” would
have never crossed over into Gentile territory and acknowledged a person in such
a terrible mental state... but Jesus did in
order to reveal His power and to share God’s
love for all walks of life.
“Jesus also wants us to reach beyond what
we think possible.”
A place to start, a common goal
So how should we start? During the month
of August, we will immerse ourselves in the
practical steps found in the book Just Walk
Across the Room by Bill Hybels (learn more
below). The goal during those four weeks
is to take genuine interest in others’ lives
and to begin “walking when the Spirit says
to walk, talking when He says to talk and
falling silent when He suggests you’ve said
“I can say with certainty that God desires
the people of Calvary to invite other people
to get to know Him,” says Pastor Jeff. “I’m
excited because it’s something we know we
should do but often don’t.”
Then we’ll pray; Labor Day weekend will
entail a congregation-wide focus on praying
for the upcoming Alpha Course (see more on
page 14).
Finally, we’ll practice by combining all of
our talents in presenting a huge fall Alpha
Course beginning Sunday, Sept. 14 (learn
more on page 16). We’ll use Welcome Day
on Sept. 7 to introduce our friends and family to Calvary and to Alpha. We’ll listen for
the Holy Spirit as He prompts us to just walk
The path to
“Just Walk Across the Room”
sermon series (August 2014)
Weekend of prayer (Aug. 28 & 31)
Invitational/informational event:
Welcome Day (Sept. 7)
Alpha Sunday & “Come & See”
Alpha Dinner (Sept. 14)
Alpha Course
(Sundays beginning Sept. 21)
across the street, just start a conversation
with the people next to us, just make a
phone call, etc.
“Yes, Calvary has done Alpha before, but
we have every reason to do it again, this
time with a common church-wide goal,” says
Pastor Jeff. “For those who have done Alpha,
we need to encourage others to try it, and
we need to step up into leadership ourselves. For those who haven’t experienced
Alpha, it’s a chance to know Jesus better
through an experience of Jesus-centered
community where no question, no objection
is too threatening.”
The months ahead will be nothing short
of helping God accomplish His dreams for us
and for the world.
“It’s a chance for all of us to walk alongside those who need Jesus and to pack this
place with people. It’s a chance to actively
wait, bearing fruit until God’s next assignment for us is revealed.”
“Just Walk Across the Room” to lead others to Jesus
August message series prepares Calvary for Alpha invitation
“If taking 10 steps across a room could
point someone toward faith, it might just
change the way you walk.”
This is the premise of Bill Hybels’ book
Just Walk Across the Room, which will be
Calvary’s focus in August. This won’t be
“just” another sermon series. We’re going
to be much more intentional about putting
our learnings into practice—the series will
prepare us to invite others to know Christ,
specifically through this fall’s Alpha Course.
There is no special method or process for
inviting others to get to know Jesus. Instead,
“all you need is a heart that’s in tune with
the Holy Spirit and a willingness to venture
out of your ‘Circle of Comfort’ and into
another person’s life.”
The series will entail weekly messages that get to the heart of relational
Calvary Calls is a bi-monthly publication of Calvary
Lutheran Church.
The mission of Calvary Lutheran Church is to lead
people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We
live out this mission through a commitment to Worship,
Grow and Serve.
• Worship - We worship to encounter the
life-changing presence of the Holy Spirit.
• Just Walk Across the Room
(July 31 & Aug. 3)
• Just Be a Friend
(Aug. 7 & 10)
• Just Tell Your Story (Aug. 14 & 17)
• Just Get Started
(Aug. 21 & 24)
In addition, weekly Bible studies will
help us dive deeper into the Scripture
passages and concepts behind each
• Thursdays, July 31-Aug. 21
7:30 p.m., Room N205
• Sundays, Aug. 3-24
8:45 & 10:10 a.m., Room N205
• Tuesdays, Aug. 5-26
6:30 p.m., Room N207
• Wednesdays, Aug. 6-27
1 p.m., Room N204
• Grow - We grow in our dependence on God’s Word and in
our effectiveness as disciples of the Gospel.
• Serve - We joyfully serve as the hands and feet of Jesus
by reaching out with impact and meeting others at their
point of need.
Visit to learn more.
Editorial Team
Dorree Adelmann
Barbara Farland
Debby Bromander
Sharry Hosfield
Dawn Dresser
MariKay Nelson
Sally Dominguez
Pastor Carol Skjegstad
Lora Edwards
Deb Wagner
Cindy Engelkes
Production & Design
MariKay Nelson
“The stakes are high. The implications are
eternal. And you may be only a conversation away from having an eternal impact on
someone’s life—if you will just walk across
the room.”
Visit for more
If you have a story idea or potential news item to share
in Calvary Calls, contact Barbara Farland at bfarland@ or 763.231.2967 at least six weeks in advance.
She’ll either direct you to the appropriate editorial team
member and/or provide guidance on how to best address
your news or idea.
We welcome your letters and comments!
Please e-mail
Calvary Lutheran Church
7520 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, MN 55427
Page 3 July/August 2014
From the Senior Pastor
Going into the world to be “fed”
Dear sisters and brothers at Calvary,
Have you ever heard someone comment
after worship, “I just don’t feel like I’m
getting fed.” It’s a frustrating feeling and a
common comment. But what if Jesus does
not intend for you to get “fed” in worship?
In John 10, Jesus describes himself as the
“gate for the sheep” and says that, through
Him, the sheep will “come in and go out and
find pasture” (John 10:9). The picture Jesus
is using here is that of a shepherd bringing
his sheep into the fold at night. The shepherd would lie down in the doorway of the
fold to keep the sheep from wandering away
and to keep predators and thieves from
entering. The fold was not a place to feed
sheep; rather, it was a place of rest. In the
morning, the shepherd would call his sheep
to himself and they would proceed out from
the fold into the hills where the sheep would
find grass. They “go out and find pasture.”
Is it possible we have misunderstood
where we’re supposed to be fed?
Jesus seems to be saying that we come
together in the fold (into worship) for rest,
renewal, equipping and encouragement,
and then we go out into the world to be fed.
Only newborns and sick sheep would be fed
in the sheepfold. The healthy sheep gained
their food as they were following the shepherd out into the world.
In another conversation in John’s gospel,
Jesus is talking to the woman at the well in
Samaria (John 4). While Jesus talks with the
woman, His disciples have gone into town to
buy food. When they return, they urge Jesus
to eat, but He says, “I have food to eat that
you know nothing about” (John 4:32). The
disciples are mystified. Then Jesus says, “My
food is to do the will of Him who sent me
and to finish His work.”
In the very next verse, Jesus says, “I tell
you, open your eyes and look at the fields!
They are ripe for harvest.” During August,
our worship as a congregation will focus
on what it means to “just walk across the
room” (see page 2). We will learn how to
invite others to know Jesus, which can be
as easy as walking across a room to start
a conversation. It’s asking people to tell
you their stories. It’s knowing how to share
your own story of Jesus in a concise, nonthreatening way. During August, we’ll spend
time in worship focused on how we can build
relationships so that we can invite people
we care about to know Jesus through the
Alpha Course starting in September. Inviting
someone to Alpha is a non-threatening way
to introduce them to Jesus!
I hope you will be praying and preparing,
asking God whom He has placed in your life
to invite to Alpha! Wouldn’t it be wonder-
Pastor Jeff Krogstad
Senior Pastor
ful if Calvary became a church of inviters, a
church of people eager to introduce others
to Jesus, a church where we get fed as we’re
out in the world doing our Father’s work? I’m
looking forward to seeing you in worship,
and going out into the world with you!
Pastor Jeff Krogstad
From the Council President
Dear friends,
Another glorious Minnesota summer is
here and outdoor worship has returned.
Calvary’s outdoor services are a perfect
opportunity to invite friends and neighbors
to join us for worship in Calvary Park.
Summer mission trips and adventures at
Camp Wapo are coming up, and Vacation
Bible School has just ended. Thank you to
all of the staff and volunteers who give so
generously of their time and energy to make
these faith-building events possible for our
children and teens.
Senior Pastor Jeff Krogstad is leading us in
positive steps toward Calvary’s future. This
fall, we will focus on a vibrant Alpha Course
and move Calvary toward becoming an inviting church that is known as a place where
Jesus is living and active, as well where people are welcomed into a growing relationship
with Jesus. Our fall Alpha focus will call each
one of us to use our gifts and abilities as a
way to help people meet Jesus for the first
As many of you know, Pastor Tacho
Domingez’s two-year call was set to end in
July. In May, the Church Council voted unanimously to bring a motion to a special congregational meeting to extend Pastor Tacho
a permanent call. On June 1, members also
voted unanimously to extend a permanent
call to Pastor Tacho. We are truly blessed
to have Pastor Tacho; his wife Sally; and
their family at Calvary. Their tireless work
is an asset, not only to our growing Spanish-
speaking service, but also to our congregation as a whole.
Chartered in Fall 2013, a special subcommittee of the Church Council is continuing
its examination of Calvary’s Church Council
structure and function—how to use the
Council effectively to serve the congregation and how to provide Council members
with a meaningful and positive experience as they serve. The subcommittee was
asked to survey former Council members,
church staff, and former and current congregational officers to gain a better understanding of the history of our Council, and
to explore governance structures of other
large churches. They meet regularly to pray,
discuss findings and determine next steps.
Internal interviews have been conducted,
and external church interviews are underway—the subcommittee hopes to share
complete findings and any relevant recommendations in September 2014. Meantime,
progress is being reported through Town Hall
Meetings, Atrium tables, Calvary Calls, etc.,
and the congregation is encouraged to share
their views at any time in the process. The
special subcommittee is comprised of current and former Church Council members:
Chris Gibson (chair), Keith Hanson, Heather
Hosfield, Todd Loncorich, Suzanne Miller, Sue
Mork, Jeff Pedersen, Jon Stepan and Rick
Former Interim Senior Pastor Bob
Cottingham and his wife, Sandi, have
returned to Minnesota after some time in
John Russo
Council President
Florida. Pastor Cottingham has returned to
Calvary for a few months on a part-time
contract basis to work on a number of special projects. One of those projects is Paint,
Pound and Praise. Pastor Bob and Facilities
Director Craig Rothfolk have started this
group that will mix fellowship, prayer and
light maintenance work on our building and
grounds this summer. No special skills are
Enjoy your summer!
John Russo
Council President
Page 4
July/August 2014
Meet the Calvary music department
9-11 Memorial Concert
Dan Oie
Director of Music &
Favorite Bible verse:
“Through Jesus let us
continually offer to God
a sacrifice of praise—the
fruit of lips that confess
his name. And do not
forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased”
(Hebrews 13:15,16).
Hometown/birthplace: Granite Falls,
Minn. (for the first 18 years of my life—my
favorite place in the state to visit)
Favorite worship song: “And All the
People Said Amen” by Matt Maher—it’s fresh,
catchy and invitational; it shows unity in the
Body of Christ and is full of Scripture.
Favorite hymn: “My Song Is Love
Unknown” (LBW #94)—it’s seven stanzas
journeying through Holy Week and the purpose of the cross; a deep text and available
with two beautiful English hymn-tunes.
Fun fact: I still ride my Fuji 10-speed
bike from college (original tires), mostly on
shorter bike trails around Hennepin County.
I also like solitary water places in a canoe or
Thursday, Sept. 11
7 p.m., Lake Harriet Bandshell
Lora Edwards
Music Administrative
Favorite Bible verse:
My favorite Bible verse is
one that I clung to during my son’s bout with
cancer—the words of
Psalm 50 comforted me:
“Offer unto God your
sacrifice of thanksgiving... ‘I will deliver
thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.’”
Hometown/birthplace: Mishawaka,
Ind.—a mile or so from Notre Dame where
my dad would take me to march behind the
band as they practiced out in a field before
game day.
Favorite worship song/hymn: While very
young, I sat beside my grandmother at the
piano, imitating her hands as they floated
over the keys and listening to her sing “Tell
Me the Stories of Jesus.” The rhythm less
important than the words, there was a grand
ritardando at the highest notes... I can imagine her singing them right now.
Fun fact: Since discovering “Veggie Tales”
when my two sons were young, I’ve been
known to watch one of their DVDs from time
to time for a pick-me-upper or to lend to
a young friend when I want to share God’s
love in a totally non-threatening, clever
and impactful way. Yes, there are talking and singing animated vegetables as
the characters! My favorite is “The Ballad
of Little Joe,” the story of Joseph—sold to
desperados by his brothers, later employed
by Potiphar, Dodge-ball City’s saloon keeper
(becomes employee of the month!), who
eventually saves the town from famine (by
storing up pizzas) due to his God-given talent at organization (“you should see his sock
drawer”). The moral: “And we know that in
all things, God works for the good of those
who love Him” (Romans 8:28). Try checking
out a copy at Calvary’s Library.
Anthony Jones
Modern Worship
Favorite Bible verse:
“Do not be anxious
about anything, but in
everything, by prayer
and petition, with
thanksgiving, present
your requests to God” (Phillipians 4:6).
Hometown/birthplace: Danville, Calif.
Favorite worship song/hymn: “All
the Poor and Powerless” by All Sons and
Daughters—this song is simple, uniting,
empowering. Brought me to tears the first
time I listened to it.
Fun fact: I cut off my dreadlocks myself in
September 2013. They were three years running and weighed almost 5 pounds.
Christy Jones
Modern Worship
Favorite Bible verse:
“The Lord your God is
with you; He is mighty
to save. He will rejoice
over you with gladness;
He will quiet you with
His love. He will rejoice over you with joyful
songs” (Zephaniah 3:17). I love the picture
of God “quieting us with His love” and the
fact that He sings to us!
Hometown/birthplace: Plymouth, Minn.
Favorite worship song/hymn: There are
so many! “Rescue” by Jared Anderson is
in the top five. “On Christ the Solid Rock
I Stand” is a favorite hymn; we sung an
arrangement at our wedding, and I wrote an
additional verse.
Fun fact: I’m currently in rehearsals for
“Sasquatched!”—an original musical about
Big Foot!
You can worship!
• Be a helper at Calvary’s Summer
Music news
Summer Music Camp 2014: “The Star Factor”
July 14-18, 9 a.m.-Noon
Noon performance: Friday, July 18
In its 14th year, Calvary’s Summer Music
Camp will host Calvary kids and friends in
a week-long camp of making music and
fun, while learning that each person’s role
is vital, whether on stage or in the Body of
Sign up your 2nd-6th grader today!
Helpers are also welcome to register. Go to for more details
and to register, or contact Lora Edwards at or 763.231.2956.
As a tribute to
the victims of the
attacks on Sept.
11, 2001, as well
as to first responders—both those at
Ground Zero and
Lake Harriet Bandshell
those from our
own communities—a 9-11 Memorial Concert
will be held at the Lake Harriet Bandshell.
This annual event brings together participants from all over the state to honor those
who died and who continue to put their lives
on the line for our safety and protection.
While some question how long the country
should continue to mourn the victims of the
attacks, others live with those devastating
images still fresh on their minds. We continue to hear comments like…
“I can remember exactly where I was—
folding clothes in front of the TV, watching
in horror and wondering whether I should
grab my kids from the street corner waiting
for the school bus to arrive.”
Others say it’s important to remember
because of the deep impact the attacks have
had on our country.
“It changed all of our lives—being
searched before attending a sports event
or scrutinized by fellow passengers as you
board a plane.”
Still others want to meet and remember
a moment when Americans overcame their
political differences to stand together as a
Whatever the motivation, as a community
of believers, Calvary members have a unique
opportunity to stand alongside those who
may be wondering why bad things happen to
good people. With the assurance from Christ
that God is bigger than any circumstance
and provides a way through this life to one
of eternal peace, we may be a messenger of
hope, whether through a smile, a comforting
hand or a personal story of faith.
This year’s 9-11 Memorial Concert will feature musicians from more than 50 religious
and civic, choral and instrumental groups.
You also can join with Calvary singers performing in the memorial chorus. Rehearsals
are set for Thursdays, Aug. 21 and 28;
Sept. 4; and Monday, Sept. 8, from 7 to
9 p.m. in Calvary’s Music Auditorium.
Register online at
Summer Music Camp participants practice all week to
present a special musical for family, friends and anyone
who loves great productions!
Music Camp, July 14–18. Provide
snacks, create props and help the
directors prepare for a live musical
performance. Contact Lora Edwards at or 763.231.2956.
• Invite a friend or neighbor for worship
with award-winning gospel singer Tonia
Hughes as Calvary celebrates America’s
birth on Thursday, July 3, and Sunday,
July 6.
• Be inspired through story and song as
the Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge
Choir testify to God’s saving power and
grace at worship on Thursday, July 24,
and Sunday, July 27.
Page 5 July/August 2014grow
From rodeo ministry to “What’s Next?”
A testimony by Calvary member Dave Garnett
I was raised on a farm in Central Iowa.
We never attended church so there was
no foundation about God, and I certainly
didn’t know how Jesus fit into the picture.
I believed that God existed, and made Him
fit what I decided He should be. (Romans
My dad didn’t like motorcycles, so we got
horses, not mini-bikes, which naturally led
to an interest in rodeo. When I was in my
twenties, I was talking with friends, and we
all decided to give rodeo a try, so I bought
the equipment, including a “bareback riggin.” They didn’t follow through, but I was
bullheaded and decided to enter some
rodeos myself. After a couple unsuccessful
years, another rider told me about attending a three-day rodeo school. I was a little
uncomfortable when I learned that it was
a Christian rodeo school. I thought I was an
okay person, but if they could help me ride
better, I would endure the Christian part.
My riding improved and I really enjoyed
the speakers. One of them explained that
in the original Greek, the word for “sin” is
derived from an archery term that means
“to miss the mark” and if our lives are not
perfect, we miss the mark. He pointed out
that the life of Jesus is the only one that has
an absolute bull’s eye. It doesn’t matter if
we think our lives are better than others’;
we still miss the mark and are separated
from God.
I learned that Jesus is God, and He came
to pay the penalty for my sin (Romans 3:23).
By putting my faith in Jesus, I could be forgiven of my sins and it was a gift (Romans
6:23). They gave us a booklet called “Total
Release Performance,” which is based on
Colossians 3:23. Rodeo cowboys have a reputation for enduring pain and riding while
hurt, but we are truly humbled by the cour-
Dave Garnett came to know Jesus through a Christian rodeo school.
age Jesus showed when he was scourged and
crucified. The world tries to present Jesus
as weak, but this just is not the case. If you
follow Jesus, He will give you the strength,
but His way is not Easy Street (Matthew
God is amazing and thinks so much bigger than we do. After I got home, I met with
the pastor of a church in the town where I
lived, and I was invited to be part of a small
group where I learned more about Jesus.
I tried to make my daily life an example
of Christ by helping others with riding tips
and sharing my faith, passing out over 100
New Testament Bibles with a cowboy on the
Men’s ministry
“rightnow” men’s DVD study begins July 16
Become a “trader” for Christ!
Jesus came to Earth with a purpose.
He fulfilled that purpose and left us with
a mission to impact our communities and
the world for Christ. We get the honor
of carrying out that mission in the world
In our consumer-driven society, it can
be challenging to lead people to give up
their personal agendas and comforts, but
we have the opportunity to help people
trade their pursuit of the American Dream
for a world that desperately needs Christ.
A “trader” is a new kind of missionary—not
defined by geography, but by a willingness
to be intentional with time, money and
passions. What is God asking you to trade
“RightNow” men’s
DVD study
Wednesdays, July 16-Aug. 13
6:30-8:30 p.m., Room N205
Facilitated by
Pastor Jeff Krogstad
in so that you can impact your community
and your world for Jesus Christ?
The church is God’s chosen tool to bring
the hope of Jesus to a desperate world.
Let’s ponder and pray together about how
God’s Spirit is calling men at Calvary to
trade in their own agendas and take up
the challenge of being traders. Come and
learn more of what it means to be a trader
in this five-week, video-based study. You
will be challenged and inspired by powerful speakers who lay out in plain language
what it means to follow Jesus.
Questions? Contact Joe Edwards at or 763.424.4135.
cover, available through the Cowboy Chapter
of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. I led
cowboy church services at rodeos whenever
possible and even returned to that rodeo
school as an instructor.
My wife and I joined Calvary a few years
ago, and we have enjoyed a variety of
classes to help us grow in our understanding
of God and how to serve Him better. Truth
Project, Personal Growth Workshops and
Alpha have all been great learning opportunities. With others from our Alpha group,
we began meeting as the “What Next?”
small group because we didn’t know what
was next for our lives. I believe that everyone can benefit from being in a small group
(Hebrews 10:24-25) because we all need the
encouragement we can only get in a small
group relationship. Through my small group
I believe God is showing me that I am not
done with the rodeo ministry, maybe as a
judge or an announcer. I would appreciate
your prayers that I will clearly see God’s
direction in this matter.
You can grow!
• Learn more about easy ways to share
your faith with others by joining a
“Just Walk Across the Room” study and
discussion group (see page 2).
• Enrich your worship experience by
inviting a friend to summer worship and
going over the message series questions
• Reach out to someone in need by
organizing a service project with your
family or small group.
• Plan ahead by prayerfully considering becoming an Alpha or small group
leader this fall (see page 16).
Page 6
Redeemer Center for Life
offers opportunities for good starts
Redeemer Center for Life focuses on
providing attainable housing, job growth
and youth development on the north side
of Minneapolis. Calvary has partnered with
Redeemer since its beginning in 1999.
Trevon Thompson grew up in North
Minneapolis and graduated from North
Community High School in 2013. Three years
ago, after his previous church closed, he
became involved with the Redeemer After
School (RAP) program and the Redeemer
JUMP Crew, a hip-hop performing arts
ensemble. This year, he began working at
Venture North Bike and Walk & Coffee as an
apprentice bike mechanic and barista.
Through working on constructing the
Glenwood House, Trevon became interested
in pursuing college and working in mechanical engineering or construction. This fall,
Trevon will take the next big step and move
into Redeemer housing through the Housing
and Transition (HAT) program. HAT aims to
provide a place to connect and ground transitioning young adults in the Redeemer community through mentorship and housing.
“It’s gonna be a lot of responsibility, living
on my own,” says Trevon. “But I’m looking
forward to meeting all the new people who
will live here this year.”
Trevon is ready to develop the next generation of young leaders in the neighborhood
through the apprentice program at Venture
North and the Redeemer Jump Crew “so that
they continue for a long time.”
Redeemer is also using the youth programs
that are in place to provide opportunities for
youth to develop leadership skills like Trevon
has demonstrated. They also look to create
a community for youth so they learn how
to live responsible lives, financially, healthwise and emotionally. To do that Redeemer
provides opportunities to strive, not just
Trevon Thompson took advantage of the opportunities
offered through Redeemer Center for Life. Today, he
looks forward to helping develop the next generation of
young leaders.
survive. One of those ways is to provide a
bike shop in the neighborhood, another is to
provide community time by offering healthy
cookouts once a week during the summer,
ending with the Block Party in August.
Calvary will be helping with a chicken
cookout on Wednesday, July 23. We need
your help to move the grill outside, start
the coals, grill the chicken, serve the food
and chat with the people who come to the
We will also be helping with the Block
Party on Wednesday, Aug. 20. There we will
serve the food and visit with the people.
If you are interested in either of these
events or have other questions, contact
Dawn Dresser at or
Partner spotlight
Families Moving Forward is coming back
Calvary will once again be hosting homeless families from Sept. 7-14. We will transform the rooms surrounding the Gym to
bedrooms for our guests. Every night the
families arrive at Calvary about 5 p.m. We
serve them dinner, then spend the evening
playing with the children and visiting with
the parents.
We need your help to set up the rooms,
cook and serve a kid-friendly meal, play
with the children, visit with the parents,
help with homework, stay overnight with
our guests, serve breakfast and/or help with
clean up.
Questions? Contact Dawn Dresser at or 763.231.2988.
You can serve!
• PRISM booth at the New Hope Farmers Market — July 12
• Redeemer Center for Life Cookout — July 23
• Redeemer Block Party — Aug. 20
• Salem Dining Hall at the State Fair — Aug. 21-Labor Day
• Families Moving Forward — Sept. 7-14
See page 13 for more details on these and other serving
July/August 2014
Volunteer spotlight
Paint, Pound & Praise
In the Old Testament, it was the
Levites who took care of the temple. In
the New Testament, it was the deacons.
Today it’s you and me.
If you have been looking for a place to
serve, but nothing seems to fit. This just
could be for you!
Our goal is to help the facilities staff
keep Calvary in tip-top shape. We’ll
paint, do small-to-medium repairs and
get at jobs that seem to just never get
We can save Calvary thousands of
dollars and get to know other Calvary
Come be part of Paint, Pound & Praise
one night a week for devotion, prayer,
coffee and a bit of satisfying work for
the Kingdom of God.
Interested? Contact Pastor Bob
Cottingham at
or 763.231.2957. A team is now forming!
Serve at the Salem
Dining Hall at the
State Fair
Every year for the past 15 years, our
partner Salem Lutheran Church opens
their dining hall at the State Fair. This
is one of only two church dining halls at
the fair. They are known for their egg
coffee and good home-cooked food. The
dining hall helps fund their youth programming and the general fund. It also
provides an opportunity to teach youth
how to be responsible for jobs and they
get to split the tips. The youth help out
by taking orders and serving food. The
dining hall provides an easy natural way
for youth and adults to work side by
For the past six years, Calvary members have helped staff the dining hall.
When Donna and Warren Tang are asked
why they do it, they say, “It is a fun and
easy way to help out one of our partners.
We volunteer about eight hours at a time
and we know it helps to fund the youth
programs at Salem Lutheran Church. We
know what youth programs meant to our
children and want others to have that
If you are interested in helping out at
the Salem Dining Hall at the State Fair,
contact Laura Vondelinde at The State Fair runs
from Aug. 21 through Labor Day. There
are two shifts a day: 1) morning and 2)
afternoon/early evening. Salem provides
entry to the Fair, so consider making a
day of it!
School supply collection
July 1-Aug. 31
When you are shopping, pick up some
extra school supplies to donate to PRISM,
Plymouth Christian Youth Center and the
Science, Engineering and Arts school.
Collection boxes are located inside the
north and south doors.
July/August 2014
mission & outreach
Page 7 Mission moment
Mission work means “mutuality” to Joe Turner
Hello from South Africa! My name is
Joe Turner and I graduated from Gustavus
Adolphus College with a degree in Music
in June 2013. My parents, Scott and Liz
Turner; my sister, Amy; and I have been
members of Calvary for just under 10 years.
Both my sister and I were confirmed at
I am currently serving in Mabopane,
South Africa, with YAGM (Young Adults in
Global Mission). What’s YAGM, you might
ask? YAGM is a program of the ELCA for
young adults. YAGM members are hosted
by companion churches in other countries
where volunteers typically spend their year
living among a Lutheran community, working and serving with them.
What do I do in Mabopane? I teach two
days a week in the local public school
(grades K-8) and two days in the local
crèche (daycare), and one day a week I
make house visits with two women from
my congregation to local people who suffer from HIV/AIDS. In my spare time, I sing
in two church choirs, participate in the
Youth League (church group for single young
adults) and enjoy time with friends and
my host family, particularly watching soccer. After school, I have been coaching a
Scrabble team, and I often play soccer with
the school kids in the school yard.
This year has been an incredible experience and journey. I have experienced struggles, joys, heartaches, and copious amounts
of love; moments of uncertainty, doubt, and
assuredness, leaving me with an experience
that has left and continues to leave a cosmic-sized place in my heart. The best word
to describe my experience is “mutuality.” I
have been called and sent to South Africa to
live in mutuality with God’s children. This
year has been surrounded by learning, sharing, aiding and growing with this community, as we both share God’s love with each
other and grow together as children of God.
Unfortunately, this year has not provided
me with any clarity towards my future;
it has actually done the opposite. I came
into the year with the intent of becoming
a teacher, but new opportunities, passions
and ideas have popped into the old head,
leaving me with questions about my future.
But while future plans are cloudy, I know
that this year will play a large role influencing my future.
From the life-long relationships, to the
families who have opened their hearts and
homes to me, to the strangers who have
become great friends, to the experiences
these eyes have seen, and the distance this
soul has traveled—my life has been completely changed by an incredibly powerful
Joe Turner is spending a year in Mabopane, South Africa,
through YAGM, an organization that helps young adults
serve Lutheran communities around the world.
and spiritually rewarding year.
“Kagiso ya Modimo e nne le wena!” in
Tswana. Peace of our Lord be with you!
To learn more about Joe’s year in
South Africa, visit his blog at or
YAGM’s Web page at
Missionary spotlight
An update from Tom & Mary Holman, Wycliffe Bible Translators
Tom and Mary Holman have worked with Wycliffe Bible Translators since 1981. They have served in Ghana and Nigeria as translation consultants. The
Holmans just returned from a trip to Nigeria, which has been in the news recently because of the abduction of girls from a secondary school in the northeastern part of the country. The translators they are training come from that area, which has brought home the urgent need for prayer and the Word of
God. For more information about their ministry go to The Holmans will speak at the men’s breakfast on Aug. 9
(see page 11).
bled by violence at the hands of a
Nigeria is a country rich in lanterrorist group in recent years.
guages. More than 500 are spoAs Mary worked with the Fali
ken by a population that’s half
team on Luke 6:35, she saw that
the size of the USA, and more
their translation of it was: “But
than 270 need the Scriptures. In
you, love those who do not love
recent years, efforts to provide
you…” In the NIV Jesus’ words are
translations for these languages
translated, “But love your enehave been intensified.
Tom and Mary Holman have
So what impact is Bible trans- been part of Wycliffe Bible mies…” Mary asked them if they
Translators since 1981.
had a more idiomatic way to say
lation having in Nigeria?
“enemies,” and one of the transRecently Mary and I were in
lators suggested the word “sussumu.” He
Nigeria to continue working with the Fali
explained, “‘Sussumu’ means ‘your adverand Sukur translation teams on the Gospel
sary,’ one who has done something bad to
of Luke. These men live in the northeastern
you.” So they substituted that word and
part of the country, which has been trou-
read the passage aloud again.
Then they started laughing because it
seemed so inconceivable. They explained,
“When our church members hear this, they
will marvel. They will ask, ‘How will I do
that? Does this mean that I am supposed to
love those who are terrorizing us?’”
These men had heard this verse all their
lives in the trade language of Northern
Nigeria and in English, but those translations had never reached into their hearts
and minds like their own did.
Mission partner
An update from Carmen Gronwolde, World Mission Prayer League
I am the North America Associate Director
for Peace Rehabilitation Center (PRC), a
Nepali charitable organization dedicated to
fighting and preventing sexual exploitation
and trafficking in Nepal. I recently spent
six weeks living with rescued girls at PRC’s
aftercare center outside Kathmandu. Once
again I was blessed beyond measure to see
how the Lord draws these girls into his loving arms and heals them mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually from trauma
none of us can even begin to imagine.
The life-changing work of Jesus was
evident in many ways each day but three
instances were especially powerful to me.
Bindu has been at PRC for three years and
gave her life to the Lord two years ago.
One of the traumas of her life was an abu-
sive father who physically maimed her. She
announced one morning that she had forgiven him and wants to go back to her village
and be a witness to her family.
Kalpana found out she was pregnant
after arriving at PRC and wanted to abort
the baby. Through the counseling of PRC
staff, she decided to have it, but after the
baby was born, she tried to kill her. Much
has happened in the two years since then!
Kalpana accepted Jesus and He replaced
the animosity she had towards her daughter with a deep love. What a joy it was to
watch her love and care for little Grace.
Ruth was sold by her husband, but before
that, she was complicit with him in a crime.
She arrived at PRC in the spring of 2013
and, one month later, she professed Jesus
Christ as her
Savior. Since
then the Holy
Spirit has been
at work and
she has decided she must
confess to the
authorities her
involvement in
the crime.
What testimonies to
2 Cor. 5:17,
“The old has
gone, the new
is here”!
Bindu participates in PRC’s
daily Bible study.
Page 8
children, youth & family
July/August 2014
Calvary parenting classes help create “magic” at home
Registration now open for 2014-2015 offerings
Calvary invests a lot in kids, and one way
we do that is by investing in parents. A variety of parenting classes are held throughout
the year to help families demonstrate the
fruits of the Spirit—“love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness and self-control”—that make happier homes and meaningful, faith-filled lives
all around (Galatians 5:22-23). Class topics
often revolve around communication, consumerism, values and effective discipline.
For instance, the “1-2-3 Magic” parenting class offers practical tips on helping kids
“stop doing what you don’t want them to
do… and start doing what you want them to
do.” Mark and Tami Decker, parents of Tryg
The Decker family (L to R): Mark, Haakon (age 1), Tami
and Tryg (age 3)
(age 3) and Haakon (age 1), attended the
“1-2-3 Magic” class last February.
“We are in the midst of challenging times
with two active boys,” says Tami. “The 1-2-3
Magic class provided tools to help us promote good behavior in our boys.”
The Deckers quickly realized that the good
behavior they desire from their sons has to
start with a concerted effort between Mom
and Dad.
“Attending this class fostered more communication about parenting between Mark
and me,” says Tami. “We have a better
understanding together of how we want to
raise and discipline our children.”
The couple also learned practical tips that
they carry into their daily lives together.
“The most memorable ‘lesson’ we took
away from the class is the importance of
‘keeping your cool’ as a parent when faced
with disruptive behavior and not letting
emotion take over.”
Over the coming months, the parenting class line-up will include “1-2-3 Magic”
(Sept. 10-24), as well as “How Much Is Too
Much?” (Oct. 1-Nov. 19) and “Parenting the
Love and Logic Way” (Jan. 7-Feb. 11). Each
class has a limited number of childcare
openings, so early registration is encouraged. Visit to learn
more and/or sign up.
2014-2015 parenting
Early childhood parenting classes
For families with infants to age 2½
Second and Third Sundays beginning
September, 10 a.m.
1-2-3 Magic
Wednesdays, Sept. 10, 17 & 24
6–7:30 p.m., Room N205
How Much Is Too Much?
Wednesdays, Oct. 1– Nov. 19
6:15-7:45 p.m., Room N205
Parent Education Night:
Katy Smith, 2011 Minnesota
Teacher of the Year
Tuesday, Nov. 11
6:15-7:30 p.m., Gathering Room/Chapel
Parenting the Love & Logic Way
Wednesdays, Jan. 7-Feb. 11
6:15-7:45 p.m., Room N205
For more information, visit
parenting; or contact Cindy Engelkes at
763.231.2970 or,
or Debby Bromander at 763.231.2948 or
Make a difference, leave a legacy through children & youth ministries
Would you like to make a difference in the lives of others? Do you
want to leave a legacy among future generations? Consider investing
in the lives of our children and youth by being a small group leader
for Grace Place, Confirmation or senior high. It’s a great way to live
out Calvary’s mission of leading people into a growing relationship
with Jesus Christ.
Sue Mork has served in Grace Place, Vacation Bible School,
Confirmation and senior high ministries over the last 16 years.
“Not only have I watched many kids grow in their faith, I have also
grown closer to God,” says Sue. “Calvary’s staff is very helpful in
giving encouragement and training so it makes leadership less scary!
I was certain God would keep me as a Grace Place leader forever
because I loved it so much, but He had different plans. He called
me into Confirmation leadership with a group of 13-year-old girls...
now I was nervous. As a group we grew very close... laughing, crying,
serving, trying to find God in the good times and bad times. Now we
continue to meet as senior high kids.”
Darrin and Lezlie Northagen like to walk side by side with their
children as they learn about Jesus. The Northagens have been small
group leaders for Grace Place, as well as Confirmation.
Sue Mork (back row, far left) says, “I was certain God would keep me as a Grace Place
leader forever because I loved it so much, but He had different plans.” Sue has since
become involved in Confirmation.
“As a family we often discuss the key points from lessons and
fun happenings as we carry on in our everyday lives,” says Lezlie.
“Leading a group is a great way to connect with other families at
Calvary. The staff make leading small groups fun and easy. Leaders’
guides are in place with questions to guide faith discussions. More
often than not, it’s the children and youth in the group who ask great
questions, which lead to meaningful conversations. It’s a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow in your own faith. I appreciate the
friendships with other leaders and sharing our learnings.”
If these stories tug at your heart, take that step of faith, trust in
the Lord and ask Him where He wants you to serve our children and
youth; call Calvary at 763.545.5659 to get started.
“He will do immeasurably more than all you could ask or imagine
according to His power that is at work within you” (Ephesians 3:20).
Lezlie Northagen (back row, center) has come alongside Confirmation students to make
a meaningful difference.
July/August 2014
children, youth & family
Page 9 Adapting & growing Calvary’s pre-teen ministry
Coming this fall at Calvary, we will continue to emphasize the importance of investing
in preteens. We see it as such a great opportunity to build a foundation of truth and
God’s Word into their hearts. At this age,
students are ready for something meatier
than elementary programming, but still are
at a different stage than junior high ministry.
We want to be strategic in the way we keep
them engaged and interested in God’s Word.
By the time 5th and 6th graders get to their
age, we want them to have their own youth
group that can model what junior high and
senior high ministries are like. It’s an
approach that will continue to set them
up to stay invested and involved in
the church as a whole. This will allow
them to get excited about their future
at Calvary. This will also enable them
to develop a sense of community with
those in a similar stage of life. We want
all of our students to feel a deep sense
of being connected to our church, and
we feel that creating a structure for
them to grow, engage and give can do
just that.
This coming fall, on Sunday
mornings, there will be programs
added and developed for this specific age group. Essentially, we want this
to become a community with whom they
grow in their faith over the next several
years. Along with Sunday mornings, we
will have community-building activities
such as retreats, game nights, sporting
events and activities, through the year.
We will host these activities to get the
students outside of their element and
into new places where they can develop
healthy ways of relating with others in a safe
We have experienced that it is important
for each student to have multiple adults
pouring into their lives. This is another step
to continue to build and impact our community in a positive way. We are excited for this
new opportunity to love and encourage our
preteens at Calvary… and we look forward
to your being a part of it! Watch for more
Unity & growth are goals of senior high ministries this fall
Many high school students are trying to
find out where they belong and what their
purpose is. One student shared she doesn’t
feel like she fits in anywhere and gets bullied at school. Another student shared that
he struggles with depression, while others struggle with not living up to perceived
But our senior high community strives to
be a place where each person belongs and
has a purpose. We want each student to
have an opportunity to grow closer to Jesus
and others. Our goal is to motivate students
to live out their identity in Christ in their
families, school and communities.
This past year has been focused on uniting all of our high school students, which
is what Wednesday nights this summer are
all about. Starting in September, our cell
groups and large group will all join together
on Wednesday nights, bringing all of our
high school students together—an important
move in realizing unity and growth among
our ministries.
Our students are incredibly gifted in a
variety of ways. Wednesday nights will be
filled with worshiping together, connecting,
meaningful messages, small groups and, of
course, food! Throughout the year, we will
also have service projects, activities and
senior high retreats, all with the purpose
of building community and bringing people
closer to God.
If you are interested in serving with our
high school students or signing up for a high
school small group, contact Becky Westgard
at or 763.231.2975 to
register. You can also register online at Our fall group kicks off
on Wednesday, Sept. 17.
Fall registration
Upcoming events
Hourly Childcare Center
Enroll now to reserve a place for your child (16 months-5 years). Flexible part-time
reservations. For more information, call 763.545.9042 or visit
Camp Wapo
• Family Camp — July 18-20
• Grades 2-3 — July 18-20
• Grades 4-12 — Aug. 3-8
Specializing in loving and learning among ages 2½-5 years. Discover our:
• Standards and developmentally based learning.
• Nurturing, individualized attention.
• Qualified, professional teachers.
• Christian environment.
Contact us today for a school visit. Contact or 763.545.5933.
Grace Place
For ages 3½-4th grade:
- Thursdays, 6:30 p.m.
- Sundays, 8:45 & 10 a.m.
For grades 5-6:
- Sundays, 8:45 & 10 a.m.
Register at
Confirmation (Wednesday Night Live)
Featuring weekly worship, small groups, retreats and more for grades 7-9. Register at
Senior High Ministry
Featuring great activities, vibrant Bible studies, awesome community and more for grades 9-12.
Contact Becky Westgard at or check out
Junior high
• Bunker Beach Wave Pool —
Friday, July 11
• Valleyfair — Friday, Aug. 15
Senior high
Wednesday nights - July 2-Aug. 27
• Senior Send-off —
Wednesday, Aug. 13
• Summer Wrap-up —
Wednesday, Aug. 27
These are just a few of the fun happenings occurring at Calvary this summer.
See page 12 for more details on these
and other events.
Page 10news
July/August 2014
Parish Nurse Susan Bonhiver highlights monthly blood pressure checks
blood pressure (see answers below):
1.If my blood pressure is too high, I will
be able to tell because I won’t feel
2.High blood pressure is a risk factor for
strokes, memory loss and heart attacks.
3.Parish nurses are available to check
blood pressures at Calvary once a
Susan compares the damage high blood
pressure silently can do to major organs
in the body over a period of time with the
damage we can do to spirit and even body
when we live apart from God.
If you would like to have your blood pressure checked by a parish nurse, come to
Room A119 (near the Chapel) on the third
Sunday of the month between 8:30 and
9:30 a.m. during the summer and from
8:15 to 11:15 a.m. September through May.
Visit for more
Endowment Fund supports Tiny Tim & Friends in Zambia
In 2010, Calvary’s
Endowment Board received a
grant request through board
member Sandra Johnson
from Tiny Tim & Friends
(TT&F). And so began a longterm relationship between a
church in Golden Valley and
those doing on-the-ground
ministry in the poorest parts
of Zambia.
TT&F operates in the center of the AIDS
epidemic, providing medical support, counseling, education services and nutritional
support to orphans, vulnerable children and
pregnant women suffering from the consequences of HIV. The Calvary Endowment
Outreach Fund seeks Christian ministries,
outside the walls of Calvary, whose aim
aligns with our mission statement—to lead
people into a growing relationship with Jesus
Christ—and in the intersection a beautiful
partnership is born.
Since the original grant request in 2010,
Calvary has contributed to adding electricity
to their school facility, providing a shelter
and generator for their chicken farm, funding the purchase and installation of solar
water heaters (to provide hot water to
TT&F’s Mother Theresa’s Home, where eight
nuns care for the poorest and most desper-
Parish Nurse Susan Bonhiver
Answers to blood pressure quiz: 1-F, 2-T, 3-T
Parish nurses are registered nurses who
minister to individuals and families in our
congregation using health education and
spiritual maturity to promote wellness of
body, mind and spirit.
Calvary has six parish nurses who volunteer their time and expertise as part of
the Caring & Health Ministry team: Lois
Bergquist, Susan Bonhiver, Cindy Eshelman,
Gail Hokemeir, Dawne Sipe and Linda Tracy.
At Calvary, a parish nurse will call you at
home after a hospitalization. They are available by appointment to guide you through
the Advance Care Planning process. Once a
month, parish nurses do free blood pressure
checks here at church.
Susan Bonhiver is one of the parish nurses
who does all of the above. Susan is a registered nurse who specializes in oncology at
Unity Hospital. She has recently completed
a week-long educational preparation program for faith community nurses through
Concordia College.
Susan offers this true/false quiz about
ately ill children) and providing baby delivery kits to
women who assist in delivering babies to decrease
the transmission of HIV/
AIDS at childbirth. Each
of these projects has provided tangible assistance
to TT&F and its mission to
touch the neediest children in this part of Zambia.
As a board member, Sandra kept a watchful eye for ministries that could benefit
from a grant from the Outreach Fund. Her
connection with TT&F’s home office in
Minnetonka, Minn., resulted in this great
opportunity for Calvary to support this work
half-way around the world. The Endowment
Board hopes that Calvary members will be
on the lookout for organizations and projects
where the Outreach Fund can be a resource.
Some criteria used when considering grant
requests include a Calvary connection, consistency with Calvary’s mission statement,
purpose of the request, plans for prudent
use of the funds and a preference to support projects or capital needs, rather than
operational expenses. If you have any questions or for application information, please
contact Liz Turner at or
Spanish summer outing
As we come into the summer months
and people tend to plan vacations and time
with family, Calvary’s Latino community
has the tradition of spending a day at Lake
Mille Lacs. Three years ago, Craig and Sandy
Peterson graciously offered to host families
who attend and are involved in the Spanish
worship service. Not only do they welcome
us to their cabin up north, but they also set
out the grills and inflatables down by the
lake, fill up the gas tank on their boat and
spend the day with us laughing and forming
friendships and memories that will last a
It’s an experience that has kept us coming back for three years now. This past year,
we reached full capacity on the beach with
105 people! This year, we may have to set a
limit because who knows how many people
will come! We are just grateful for the generosity and faithfulness of many people at
Calvary who make everyone feel welcomed.
This summer, we will be at the Peterson’s
cabin on Saturday, Aug. 9, for another memorable day of fun and fellowship.
Hospitality volunteer
picnic set for Aug. 20
Calling everyone who’s involved with
hospitality at Calvary… You’re invited to
a thank-you
and training
picnic on
Aug. 20, at
6:30 p.m. in
the Gathering Room. This is for ushers,
greeters, Welcome Desk assistants and
parking lot attendants. Please RSVP by
Sunday, Aug. 17, to Dorree Adelmann at or 763.231.2973.
New Care Card Ministry beginning in July
Do you like to create handmade greeting cards? Would you like to try it?
Join Calvary’s new Care Card Ministry and help share God’s love by creating handmade
greeting cards that will be sent to those in our church family who are struggling, grieving,
suffering or celebrating.
There will be two opportunities to see samples and make some cards. All materials and
creative guidance will be provided. Materials will be available to take and continue to create cards at home.
Join us on Monday, July 28, in Room N204 for one or both sessions: 9:30-11:30 a.m. or
6:30-8:30 p.m. Come whenever it works for you anytime during those two timeframes.
For more information, visit, or contact Mary Jo Peterson at or at 763.542.9365, or Cindy Engelkes at or at
July/August 2014
worship schedule
Calvary offers six weekly services in a variety of worship
styles and to accommodate all types of schedules.
Something for everyone!
8 a.m.
8:45 a.m.
10 a.m.
10 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
Traditional Service
Traditional Service
Contemporary Service
(outdoors through Aug. 31)
980AM Radio Broadcast
Contemporary Service
(outdoors through Aug. 31)
Spanish Service
6:30 p.m.
Contemporary Service
(outdoors through Aug. 28)
Radio & Online Listening
The 8:45 a.m. service is aired each week at 10 a.m. on radio
station KKMS 980AM. Missed a sermon? Visit to
watch or listen online, or to download Podcasts.
Holy Communion
All baptized Christians are invited to the Lord’s Table.
Children receive a blessing. Holy Communion and prayer
time are offered weekly. Full Communion during worship
services occurs on the first Sundays of the month.
Available for Thursday and Sunday worship services.
Many people are sensitive to perfumes and colognes. Please
refrain from wearing fragrances when you attend worship
out of courtesy for others.
Prayer & Healing Service
Monday, Aug. 18 (no service in July)
6:30 p.m., Chapel
We all have different kinds of hurts, pains and stress in our
lives. For some, it’s physical; for others, it’s emotional or
spiritual. If you are facing surgery or encountering brokenness, hurt and pain in your life, come to this special service
of healing and prayer. It will include worship and singing,
reading of Scripture, prayers, Communion, a short talk
about God’s healing power, and a time of personal prayer.
Contact: Pastor Carol Skjegstad,,
Alpha Prayer Gatherings
Tuesdays, July 8, Aug. 12 & 26
6-7 p.m., Chapel
Get together with current Alpha team members and
others to pray over our fall Alpha course. Contact: Dorree
Adelmann,, 763.231.2973, calvary.
Prayer Requests
You matter and we believe that prayer works—we’d love to
pray for you!
Use our real-time app - It’s real-time prayer for real
people! Use “The Table” app to ask for prayer right now
from anywhere... and to pray for others, too! It’s like
Facebook with a special prayer twist, plus it’s accessible
from your computer, tablet and/or cell phone—you name
it! Visit
Complete our online form - Your request will be shared
with our prayer chain, a group of dedicated Christians who
will surround you with prayer and respect your confidentiality. Visit
Come to worship - During worship, fill out a prayer
request card, which will be prayed over by our Prayer
Warriors. Or spend time in prayer with one of our prayer
team members after the service.
Call or write us - Call Calvary at 763.545.5659 or write
to us at Prayer Request, Calvary Lutheran Church, 7520
Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, MN 55427. Your request
will be shared with our prayer chain, a group of dedicated
Christians who will surround you with prayer and respect
your confidentiality.
Prayer Warriors
Are you a man interested in deepening your faith through
prayer? Become a prayer warrior! Prayer warriors pray
before and during each worship service for requests of
the congregation. Each prayer warrior commits to one
Sunday morning per month to pray over the pastors and
others involved in worship that day, and to devote one
hour of worship time to pray over prayer request cards.
Contact: Pastor Carol Skjegstad,,
Call 763.546.PRAY every day for a brief message of inspiration and prayer.
calendar & resources
Prayer Team
Offer personal prayer to those who attend worship. Members
of our prayer team are available at all worship services
at the front of either the Sanctuary or Chapel, and in the
Prayer Chapel. Contact: Pastor Carol Skjegstad, cskjegstad@, 763.231.2983,
special events & guests
Town Hall Meeting
Sunday, Aug. 3 (no meeting in July)
12:30 p.m., Gathering Room
An informal opportunity to hear from Calvary leaders and to
ask your questions.
Special Worship Guest: Tonia Hughes
Thursday, July 3
6:30 p.m., Calvary Park
Sunday, July 6
All worship services
Join award-winning gospel singer Tonia Hughes in worshiping God and celebrating America’s birth. Contact: Lora
Edwards,, 763.231.2956,
Special Worship Guests:
Minnesota Teen & Adult Challenge
Thursday, July 24
6:30 p.m., Calvary Park
Sunday, July 27
All worship services
Hear Minnesota teens and adults testify through story and
song to their freedom from addiction by the saving power
of Jesus. Contact: Lora Edwards,,
Hospitality Picnic
Wednesday, Aug. 20
6:30 p.m., Gathering Room
Calling all those who serve in the hospitality ministry! We’d
like to thank you and prepare you for the coming year
through a combination picnic and training session. This is for
ushers, greeters, Welcome Desk assistants and parking lot
attendants. Please RSVP by Sunday, Aug. 17. Contact: Dorree
Adelmann,, 763.231.2973.
New Member Dessert
Wednesday, Sept. 10
6:30-8 p.m., Gathering Room
Hear from our senior pastor, learn more about our ministries
and meet others interested in Calvary membership—on top
of enjoying some delicious dessert together. Please RSVP.
Childcare is provided for up to age 7. Contact: Dorree
Adelmann,, 763.231.2973, calvary.
adult education & group ministries
Sunday Morning Bible Study:
“Who Is Jesus?” (July) &
“Just Walk Across the Room” (August)
Sundays, 8:45-9:45 a.m. & 10:10-11:10 a.m.
Room N205
Join us for a special time of teaching, personal application
and discussion. Share your insights and learn from others
how to live out your faith. No need to sign up—just come!
Contact: Deb Wagner,, 763.231.2976,
DVD Study & Discussion:
“When God’s Spirit Moves” (July) &
“Just Walk Across the Room (August)
Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Room N207
Our DVD Study & Discussion series offers a new way to
explore the Bible and covers a variety of themes and topics.
Contact: Deb Wagner,, 763.231.2976,
Alpha Training
Monday, July 21
7-9 p.m., Room N205
For those who will be serving as small group leaders at this
fall’s Alpha Course. Contact: Dorree Adelmann, dadelmann@, 763.231.2973,
“Just Walk Across the Room” Study
Thursdays, July 31-Aug. 21
7:30-8:30 p.m., Room N205
Sundays, Aug. 3-24
8:45-9:45 a.m. & 10:10-11:10 a.m., Room N205
Tuesdays , Aug. 5-26
6:30-7:30 p.m., Room N207
Wednesdays, Aug. 6-27
1-2 p.m., Room N204
A DVD-based study that equips participants to have a fresh
understanding of what “evangelism” means and inspires
them to carry it out in their daily lives. Contact: Deb
Wagner,, 763.231.2976,
Page 11 “Tactics in Defending the Faith” Study
Wednesdays through July 23 (except July 2)
6:30 p.m., Room N005
A six-week DVD-based study filled with interactive exercises to help participants communicate the truth about
Christianity with confidence. Cost: $5 for materials. Contact:
Craig Anderson,, 763.559.9227,
Small Groups
Meet new friends and grow in your faith through fellowship, learning and service with others. Join a small group!
Contact: Deb Wagner,, 763.231.2976,
Planning Team Meeting
Saturday, Aug. 2 (no meeting in July)
8 a.m., Fireside Café
Have some ideas for events, projects, Bible studies or
other things that might interest men? Able to help with our
monthly breakfasts? Join us at our monthly planning team
meetings. Contact: Greg Thompson, mgmaple@comcast.
net, 763.228.1058,
Men’s Monthly Breakfast
Second Saturdays, July 12 & Aug. 9
7:45 a.m., Gathering Room
July: Job (Lesson 4 from the teaching series by Dr. R.C. Sproul
Jr.). Many of the questions we raise about God’s sovereignty
over human suffering are answered in Job. Though Job was
a godly and faithful man, he suffered to such a degree that
his name is forever associated with affliction and hardship. In
this message, Dr. Sproul discusses several highlights of Job’s
story to help us begin to recover a biblical understanding of
the reason for human suffering. August: “Discipleship and the
Word” with Tom and Mary Holman, Wycliffe Bible Translators;
the Holmans will talk about the need for Bible translation and
the impact it is having in Ghana and Nigeria. Contact: Joe
Edwards,, 763.424.4135,
“RightNow” Men’s DVD Study
Wednesdays, July 16-Aug. 13
6:30-8:30 p.m., Room N205
Facilitated by Senior Pastor Jeff Krogstad. In our consumerdriven society, it can be challenging to lead people to
give up their personal agendas and comforts, but we have
the opportunity to help people trade their pursuit of the
American Dream for a world that desperately needs Christ. A
“trader” is a new kind of missionary—not defined by geography, but marked by a willingness to be intentional with time,
money and passions. Come and learn more of what it means
to be a trader in this five-week video-based study. Contact:
Joe Edwards,, 763.424.4135,
Monday Night Men’s Group
Mondays, 6:30-8 p.m., Room N212
A men’s group that meets for fellowship, study, devotion and prayer. Contact: Jerry Nelson,,
Wednesday Morning Men’s Group
Wednesdays, 6:15-8 a.m., Room N201
A men’s group that meets for fellowship, devotion
and prayer. Contact: Pete Duelo,,
Thursday Morning Men’s Group
Thursdays, 6:45-7:45 a.m., Chapel Café
A morning Bible study for guys in the workforce. Contact:
Phil Bradbury,, 763.537.0328,
Friday Morning Bible Study
Fridays, 6:30 a.m.
Perkins (Louisiana & Hwy. 394)
Join us for early morning Bible study and fellowship. A great
way to start the day! Contact: Jerry Nelson, men@calvary.
org, 763.588.4922,
Prayer Warriors
Are you a man interested in deepening your faith through
prayer? Become a prayer warrior! Prayer warriors pray before
and during each worship service for requests of the congregation. Each prayer warrior commits to one Sunday morning per
month to pray over the pastors and others involved in worship
that day, and to devote one hour of worship time to pray over
prayer request cards. Contact: Pastor Carol Skjegstad,, 763.231.2983,
Continued on page 12
Page 12
Knitting & Crocheting Group
Fourth Mondays, July 28 & Aug. 25
7-8:30 p.m., Room N001
Do you knit and/or crochet? Would you like to make items
for those in need? Or come with your own craft project! Join
us for this monthly knitting and crocheting group! Contact:
Twyla Bredy, 952.942.6677,
Circles are groups of women who meet monthly, September
through June. New members are always welcome! Contact:
Cheri Almquist,, 763.231.2981,
latino ministries
Spanish Worship Service
Sundays, 11:15 a.m., Chapel
A weekly worship service for those who speak Spanish.
Fellowship follows each week in the Gathering Room.
Contact: Pastor Tacho Dominguez,,
Latino Grace Place
Sundays, 11:15 a.m., Luther Room
A special time of learning and fun for the children (ages
5-12) of Calvary’s Spanish-speaking community. Contact:
Sally Dominguez,, 763.231.2955,
senior high
Senior High Group
Wednesdays, July 2-Aug. 27
7-9 p.m., Student Underground
Senior High Group is all about growing closer to Jesus and
building a vibrant community of senior high students. It’s
an hour of passionate worship through music, relevant
teaching, crazy games and connecting with other teenagers. Senior High Group is the “front door” to our ministry—
perfect for inviting friends.
Florida Sharing Night (July 23) – Come hear stories, testimonies and funny memories from the Florida Conference.
Even if you didn’t go on the trip, you are welcome to
attend and bring a friend! Dinner provided.
Senior Send-off (Aug. 13) - Join us in saying goodbye to
our graduated seniors. We’ll put them in the “hot seat” as
we tell funny stories and give them encouragement as they
make this new transition in their life.
Summer Wrap-up (Aug. 27) – Let’s celebrate the end
of summer! We will play games, tell stories and worship
together. Food provided. Bring a friend!
Contact: Becky Westgard,,
Florida Conference
July 14-18, 2014
The Student Life Conference exists to help students know
Christ through His Word. Our goal is to elevate God’s Word
so that life-change can happen within the lives of teens.
Students will be challenged through engaging worship
from experienced worship leaders (Chris Tomlin and the
Passion Band), learning from sound biblical teachers (Louie
Giglio), building community through Bible study and growing discipleship-relationships with caring adults. Limited
spots remaining; first come first served. Contact: Becky
Westgard,, 763.231.2975, calvary.
Camp Wapo
Aug. 3-8, 2014
The ministries of Camp Wapo have one common purpose: to
provide opportunities for people, especially young people
in their formative years, to deepen their relationships with
Christ, the church and each other. This year’s camp theme is
“Be the Light! A study on Jesus’ life and how we can follow
His example of forgiveness, prayer, service and love.” Invite
your friends—all are welcome! Contact: Tim Balow, tbalow@, 763.231.2966,
junior high
Wednesday Night Live (Confirmation)
Wednesdays resuming Sept. 17
6:30-8 p.m., Sanctuary
Wednesday nights are designed to help junior high students
build healthy relationships with God, self and others. Come
experience worship, learn how God’s Word applies to our
everyday lives, play crazy games and connect with friends
in small groups led by caring adults. Register online for
2014-2015! Contact: Kathy Brown,,
calendar & resources
July/August 2014
Bunker Beach Wave Pool
New Child
For grades 6-8. We’ll head to Bunker Beach for a day of fun
in the sun! Wave pool, lazy river, pool basketball and more!
Come see if you can beat Josh in the pool’s rock-climbing
wall. Cost: $20 (includes transportation from Calvary). Sign
up online. Contact: Josh Williams,,
Safety Policy
Friday, July 11
10 a.m.-4 p.m., Off-site
Game Day
Friday, July 25
6-8 p.m., Student Underground
For grades 6-8. Come play games in the Underground and
eat good food. Free! Contact: Josh Williams, jwilliams@, 763.231.2972,
Camp Wapo
Aug. 3-8, 2014
The ministries of Camp Wapo have one common purpose: to
provide opportunities for people, especially young people
in their formative years, to deepen their relationships with
Christ, the church and each other. This year’s camp theme is
“Be the Light! A study on Jesus’ life and how we can follow
His example of forgiveness, prayer, service and love.” Invite
your friends—all are welcome! Contact: Tim Balow, tbalow@, 763.231.2966,
Youth Open Gym
Thursdays, Aug. 14-28
4-5:30 p.m., Calvary Gym
For grades 6-8. Come play some basketball with Josh
and other students from the area. Free! Contact: Josh
Williams,, 763.231.2972,
Friday, Aug. 15
9 a.m.-6 p.m., Off-site
For grades 6-8. Join other Calvary students and Josh for
a fun day at Valleyfair! Bring a bag lunch, swimsuit and a
friend! Cost: $35 (includes transportation from Calvary).
Sign up online. Contact: Josh Williams, jwilliams@calvary.
org, 763.231.2972,
Ultimate Frisbee & Grill-out
Friday, Aug. 29
5-7 p.m., North Parking Lot
For grades 6-8. Come celebrate the end of summer with
some ultimate Frisbee and grilling. Free! Contact: Josh
Williams,, 763.231.2972,
children under 12
Summer Music Camp:
“The Star Factor”
July 14-18, 2014
9 a.m.-Noon, Music Auditorium
Performance: Friday, July 18
Noon, Sanctuary
Join kids who have completed grades 2-6 in a real musical! Attend the 2014 Summer Music Camp and perform in
the production of “The Star Factor,” directed by Cheryl
Oie. Registration forms available online or from the Music
& Worship office and taken through the first day of camp.
Camp fee: $50. Contact: Lora Edwards, ledwards@calvary.
org, 763.231.2956,
Camp Wapo
July 18-20, 2014 (grades 2-3)
Aug. 3-8, 2014 (grades 4-6)
The ministries of Camp Wapo have one common purpose: to
provide opportunities for people, especially young people
in their formative years, to deepen their relationships with
Christ, the church and each other. This year’s camp theme is
“Be the Light! A study on Jesus’ life and how we can follow
His example of forgiveness, prayer, service and love.” Invite
your friends—all are welcome! Contact: Tim Balow, tbalow@, 763.231.2966,
Grace Place Leader Training
Tuesday, Aug. 26
7-9 p.m., Room N007
All Grace Place leaders are invited to review the curriculum
together and prepare for the coming year. Contact: Tim
Balow,, 763.231.2966,
Grace Place
Sundays resuming Sept. 7
8:45 & 10 a.m. (All ages – full hour)
Thursdays resuming Sept. 4
6:30 p.m.
(Ages 2½-Kindergarten – full hour;
grades 1-6 – worship release)
“Grace Place” is our version of Sunday school. All children
ages 2½ to sixth grade are invited! Grace Place occurs
September to May. Register online for 2014-2015! Contact:
Tim Balow,, 763.231.2966,
We celebrate your growing family and take joy in your new
arrival, recent adoption, etc. Interested in Baptism? See
the “Family & Parenting” section below. Contact: Debby
Bromander,, 763.545.9042.
To ensure that Calvary is as safe as possible for children,
we ask that you share in that responsibility. According to
Calvary’s Safe Haven policy, a parent or guardian should
accompany children up through grade 4 at all times when
on the Calvary campus, both indoors and outdoors. Visit for Calvary’s Safe Haven policy.
family & parenting
Baptism Information Class
(Infants & young children)
First Sundays, July 6 & Aug. 3
11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m., Room N008
We welcome infants, children of all ages and adults to the
Baptism font. These classes primarily focus on the Baptism
of infants and children. Contact: Debby Bromander,, 763.545.9042,
New Child
We celebrate your growing family and take joy in your new
arrival, recent adoption, etc. Interested in Baptism? See
above. Contact: Debby Bromander, hourlychildcare@calvary.
org, 763.545.9042,
If your child will be visiting the nursery regularly, please
complete the nursery registration form found at calvary.
org/nursery. We look forward to seeing you and your
child! Contact: Margaret Mahowald,,
early childhood centers
Pre-K Summer School
Two-week session:
July 14-17 & July 21-23
9 a.m.-Noon
For children entering Kindergarten in 2014 and 2015.
Features nature activities, art time, stories, games, freechoice time, music, snack and outside play. Bring a daily
picnic lunch for lunchtime with friends. Cost: $150. More
information—including registration forms—available at Contact: Becky Robinson, pre-k@calvary.
org, 763.545.5933,
Calvary Early Childhood Centers
Located on our church premises, Calvary Early Childhood
offers three educational/childcare options during the week
for your family. Our Childcare Center provides full-time
childcare (limited part-time) for infants through pre-K
(visit Our Hourly Childcare offers
short-term childcare—up to five hours daily—for toddlers
and preschoolers (visit And
our Pre-Kindergarten specializes in pre-K programs with a
Christian emphasis for ages 2½ to 5 (visit
music & worship
Summer Music Camp:
“The Star Factor”
July 14-18, 2014
9 a.m.-Noon, Music Auditorium
Performance: Friday, July 18
Noon, Sanctuary
Join kids who have completed grades 2-6 in a real musical! Attend the 2014 Summer Music Camp and perform in
the production of “The Star Factor,” directed by Cheryl
Oie. Registration forms available online or from the Music
& Worship office and taken through the first day of camp.
Camp fee: $50. Contact: Lora Edwards, ledwards@calvary.
org, 763.231.2956,
9-11 Memorial Concert Rehearsals
Thursdays, Aug. 21-Sept. 4 & Monday, Sept. 8
7-9 p.m., Music Auditorium
Join Calvary musicians and other Minnesotans in a performance at Lake Harriet on Monday, Sept. 11, in remembrance
of the victims of 9-11. Register online at
specialmusic. Contact: Lora Edwards,,
Choir Rehearsals
Lend your musical talents to our worship services and other
special musical events by participating in one of our adult
choirs. Contact: Lora Edwards,,
Adult groups (
Traditions Choir, Wednesdays resuming Aug. 27
7-8:30 p.m., Music Auditorium
Expressions Choir, Wednesdays resuming Aug. 27
6:15-7:45 p.m., Chapel
Continued on page 13
July/August 2014
mission & outreach
PRISM/Calvary Day at
New Hope Farmers Market
Saturday, July 12
7:30-10:30 a.m. or 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
42nd Ave. & Xylon Ave. N.
Share more about Calvary and PRISM with the farmers
market shoppers. The second shift will also help load up the
leftover produce and deliver it to PRISM’s cooler. Sign up
with Dawn. Contact: Dawn Dresser,,
Redeemer Cookout
Wednesday, July 23
5-9 p.m., Redeemer Lutheran Church
1800 Glenwood Ave., Minneapolis
Help serve a meal to the residents surrounding Redeemer.
We will grill chicken in the backyard and prepare a salad
from the garden. Contact: Dawn Dresser, ddresser@calvary.
org, 763.231.2988,
Redeemer Block Party
Wednesday, Aug. 20
5-9 p.m., Redeemer Lutheran Church
1800 Glenwood Ave., Minneapolis
Help serve food to about 500 people who make up the
neighborhood surrounding Redeemer. Contact: Dawn Dresser,, 763.231.2988,
Salem Dining Hall
Aug. 21-Sept. 1, 2014
State Fairgrounds
Help Salem Lutheran Church in North Minneapolis staff its
dining hall at the State Fair. It’s one of just two dining halls
serving good home-cooked food. Early morning and late
afternoon/early evening shifts available. Contact: Laura
School Supplies Collection
July & August
When you are shopping, pick up some extra school supplies
to donate to PRISM, Plymouth Christian Youth Center and
the Science, Engineering and Arts school. Collection boxes
are located inside the north and south doors. Contact: Dawn
Dresser,, 763.231.2988,
caring & health
Yoga Fitness Group
Mondays, 5:45-7 p.m.
See monitors for locations
calendar & resources
Hospital & Home Visits
To inform Calvary of a hospitalization or to request a home
visit, call 763.545.5659. Hospitals are no longer notifying
churches when their members are admitted for care.
Meal Ministry
Are you in the midst of a health crisis or a life transition?
Calvary’s Meal Ministry Team is ready to offer support
and encouragement by making and delivering a meal. To
request a meal or to volunteer for this ministry, contact
Cindy. Contact: Cindy Engelkes,,
support groups
Hope for Parents: Alanon
Tuesdays, 7:30–9 p.m., Room N004
For parents of children struggling with chemical addictions.
Contact: Gail, 763.544.2224.
Valley West Alcoholics Anonymous
Thursdays, 10-11 a.m., Room N204
For people struggling with alcohol and chemical dependency.
Contact: Ellen, 763.545.3302; or Arlie, 612.220.4418.
Suicide Survivors
First & Third Tuesdays
July 1 & 15, Aug. 5 & 19
7-8:30 p.m., Luther Room
For those who have lost a loved one by suicide. Contact:
Bev, 763-323-3178; or Mary, 763-267-7041.
Grief Support
First & Third Sundays
July 6 & 20, Aug. 3 & 17
11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m., Room N403
Spiritual support for people who have lost a loved
one. Contact: Cindy Engelkes,,
Caregiver Support Small Group
Second & Fourth Thursdays
July 10 & 24, Aug. 14 & 28
7-8:30 p.m., Luther Room
Are you involved in making decisions for a parent, spouse or
other family member? Join us for conversation, encouragement and support. Contact: Ginger Kothrade, ginger8982@, 612.282.0978.
Memory Loss Caregivers
Second Thursdays, July 10 & Aug. 14
10-11:30 a.m., Room N206
Support group for those who care for people with memory
loss. Facilitator trained through the Alzheimer’s Association.
Contact: Becky Clifford, 612.670.0296.
Join us for a time of stretching and exercise with a Christian
focus. Contact: Cindy Engelkes,,
Compassionate Friends
The Gathering
For parents and grandparents who are grieving the loss
of a child. Contact: Carol, 763.542.8528; or Monica,
Second & Fourth Thursdays
July 10 & 24, Aug. 14 & 28
10 a.m.-3 p.m., see monitors for locations
Social respite for people with mild to moderate memory
loss. Affiliated with Alzheimers Association and in partnership with Lyngblomsten. Assessment and pre-registration
required. Contact: Orlette Tatley,,
Blood Pressure Screening
Third Sundays, July 20 & Aug. 17
8:30-9:30 a.m., Room A119 (near Chapel)
Blood-pressure checks provided by registered nurses
of Calvary’s parish nurse team. Free and open to the
public. Contact: Cindy Engelkes,,
Care Card Ministry
Monday, July 28
9:30-11:30 a.m. and/or 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Room N403
Enjoy open time to create greeting cards for Calvary’s new
Care Card Ministry. All supplies will be provided. Beginner
card crafters welcome! Contact: Cindy Engelkes, cengelkes@, 763.231.2964,
Disabilities Ministry
Calvary is a welcoming place to people with disabilities.
To ensure that everyone can participate fully in worship,
Calvary features wheelchair accessibility, large-print bulletins, large screens to display song lyrics and liturgy, assistive
hearing devices to use in the Sanctuary, and an American
Sign Language interpreter at 10 a.m. on the second Sundays.
Need transportation? Do you qualify for Metro Mobility transportation? Request tickets from Judy, 763.595.9561.
Advance Care Planning Consultations
Parish nurses are available for individual consultations to
answer questions and/or to assist in completing a Health
Care Directive. Contact: Cindy Engelkes, cengelkes@calvary.
org, 763.231.2964,
Third Mondays, July 21 & Aug. 18
7-9 p.m., Room N004
Page 13 More Serving Opportunities
Whether you are looking for a one-time or ongoing serving
opportunity, we can help you find a just-the-right-fit experience, be it serving others outside the church or within the
Calvary community. Visit
More Giving Opportunities
Interested in offering financial support to Calvary’s ministries? We offer convenient and creative ways to give, including credit/debit card transactions, automatic withdrawal,
stock gifts and endowment funds. Visit
meals & refreshments
Gathering Grounds
Sundays, 8-11:30 a.m.
Enjoy café-like services every Sunday morning. Satisfy your
sweet tooth with freshly-baked treats and coffee.
Community Meal
Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Gathering Room
A free dinner for everyone every week at Calvary! Invite
others, and come and eat! Also seeking volunteers to
help serve—a great opportunity for individuals, families
and small groups. Contact:,
other resources
Calvary Center Cooperative
Located at 7600 Golden Valley Road—right next door to
Calvary—enjoy a carefree affordable senior lifestyle in the
heart of Golden Valley. Features chef-prepared meals, recreational programs, social events and transportation for shopping. Contact: Calvary Center Cooperative, 763.544.1090,
A columbarium is a group of small compartments or “niches”
designed to hold cremated remains. It’s a place of remembrance, contemplation, meditation and prayer. Reservations
are being taken for the existing outdoor columbarium,
as well as the future indoor columbarium. Contact: Lois
Palmquist,, 763.231.2985, calvary.
Located on the north end of the building, the Calvary Library
provides resources and support to individuals, classes, small
groups and service groups. Whatever your need—personal
growth, biblical history, etc.—we’re here to help you experience a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through the
resources of our library.
Budget Coaching
Free one-on-one financial guidance with trained volunteer
coaches—at no time will they try to sell anything. The
coaching program involves reviewing a spending evaluation
and getting help with balancing a budget. Contact: Brent
Henkelman,, 612.963.6909, calvary.
Primary & Secondary Infertility,
Infant Loss & Miscarriage
Faith-based support and resources for couples dealing
with infertility and infant loss. Contact: Daonna Start,
Adoption & Foster Care
Faith-based support for anyone who has been touched by or
is considering adoption or foster care. Contact: Lisa Krause,
serving & giving
Paint, Pound & Praise
If you are interested in a group that does construction work,
painting and Bible study, contact Pastor Bob to find out how
you can help with maintenance projects around Calvary.
Contact: Pastor Bob Cottingham,,
Gathering Grounds Team
Volunteers needed to serve treats and coffee on Sunday
mornings. Contact: Craig Rothfolk,,
Receptionist Volunteers
Be part of an important ministry assisting others and
answering the phone. Full training provided. Contact: Susie
Roberts,, 763.545.5659.
Hospitality Volunteers
First impressions are important! You can help by offering a
warm smile and handshake as a greeter, providing support
and assistance to worshippers as an usher, or directing
people to open parking spots in Calvary’s parking lots as a
parking lot attendant. Openings are available on Thursday
evenings and Sunday mornings. Contact: Dorree Adelmann,, 763.231.2973.
Volunteer for
Welcome Day!
Welcome Day is Sunday, Sept. 7, and
we all can take part—and have fun—in
welcoming friends, family and neighbors
to Calvary and in inviting them back for
the Alpha Course (see page 16). Sign up
online at or at
Calvary beginning in August. For more
information, contact Joanie Linnell at or 763.971.5943.
Page 14prayer
July/August 2014
New members
Interested in becoming a Calvary member? Visit; or
contact Dorree Adelmann at or 763.231.2973.
Mai Berg
Kathi & George Carden
Orin & Delores Erickson
Gloria Fey
Ryan Franz &
Julie Ofstedal
Terry & Jean Hayward
Courtney Johnson
Sharon & Tom Johnson
Charlie Soukup &
Cara Soper
Photo not
Allison Puppe
Brian & Karena Sweezy
Diane Zelich
Circling Calvary & community with
bold prayers
As Calvary prepares to have the largest
Alpha Course ever, many people have been
on their knees praying for Calvary to be a
place where the doors are opened wide to
welcome unchurched and “dechurched”
people in our community. We have also
been praying for God to use each of us
to be bold inviters and to give everyone
opportunities to invite people.
In his book The Circle Maker, Pastor Mark
Batterson focuses on the power of praying
bold prayers just like we have been doing.
We are not only to pray about something,
but also to circle it in prayer every day and
pray it through.
“Bold prayers honor God, and God honors bold prayers,” says
Batterson.“God isn’t offended by your biggest dreams or boldest prayers. He is offended by anything less. If your prayers aren’t
impossible to you, they are insulting to God. Why? Because they
don’t require divine intervention.”
As a church, we have been praying for God to use Calvary to reach
the lost, the seekers, the unchurched and dechurched people in our
community. We have been praying for at least 500 guests to attend
the fall Alpha course (see page 16). That’s a huge bodacious prayer—
we know that only God can make that happen! When we pray big,
bold prayers of faith that only God can answer, God honors those
fervent prayers.
Batterson’s book also talks about Honi the circle maker, who was
a first-century Jewish sage whose bold prayers not only ended a
drought, but saved an entire generation. Honi drew a circle in the
sand and prayed continuously from within that circle for God to save
His people from drought. Just like Honi, we will be “circling” Calvary
in prayer to save a generation as well.
On Labor Day Sunday, we as a congregation are going to circle
Calvary in prayer. We will gather outside between 11–11:15 a.m.
(right after the 10 a.m. service and before the 11:15 a.m. service)
and literally form a human prayer chain around the entire church
We will need lots of Calvary friends to join us in prayer that day.
It will take many hands linked together to form a circle around
the entire building. We are going to “circle” Calvary in prayer and
reclaim it as Holy Ground for God to use to reach people who do not
yet know Him. But that’s not all—we’ll also turn our circle outward
as we consider all the people God calls us to serve.
See you outside on Aug. 31 to “circle” Calvary and our community
in prayer!
You matter. Prayer works!
God asks us to pray for other people—not only within our church family, but also throughout
our local community and the world. Please include the following in your personal prayers...
Wyatt Ellsworth Neus
Noah Edison Orman
Madeline Ann English
Nina Louisa Farland
Claire Elline McDonough
John Marvin Paulson
Riley Alexis Nakibale Keise
Beckett Alexander Long
Michelle Patricia Zehrer Perez
Carolina Guzman Perez
Jordan Robert Plecko
Calvary staff
April 13
April 13
April 27
April 27
April 27
April 27
May 18
May 25
May 25
May 25
May 25
Harriet Joan Christine Tofte
Gloria Lorraine Johnson
Florence Louise Guntzel
Raymond L. Haagenson
E.I. “Ole” Olson
Sally Sleiter
Elaine Marie Erickson
April 15
April 23
May 12
May 19
May 22
May 23
May 30
Please pray for Senior Pastor Jeff Krogstad, as well
as Calvary’s entire pastoral and ministry staff. Visit for a complete list of names.
Church Council
Please pray for the 33 members of Calvary’s Church
Council. Visit for a complete list
of names.
Golden Valley, surrounding
communities & our nation
We pray for citizens, as well as government,
businesses, schools and other organizations serving
locally and nationally.
We pray for missionaries around the world, including
those receiving special support from Calvary.
Pastor Samuel & Teresa Canales (Mexico)
Pastors Neeraj & Nijhar Ekka (India)
Pastor Juan & Anne Fernandez
(Latin America)
Reid & Carolyn Lamphere (Worldwide)
Chuck & Cindy Lindquist (Worldwide)
Shahrazad Mohamed
(Twin Cities Somali outreach)
Needs of the world
We pray for those who are ill, grieving, unemployed,
poor, hungry, homeless, brokenhearted, lonely, fearful or enduring any other kind of difficulty.
Visit to pray for others not listed here and/or to ask for prayer. You matter. Prayer works!
Page 15
July/August 2014
Vacation Bible
School 2014
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Senior high graduates were honored at a baccalaureate service and brunch on June 1. Calvary congratulates all graduates, including the ones pictured here. Front row (L to R): Shawn Peterson, Kenton Leebens, Jared Taitt, Jonah Borowick, Andrew Birkeland, Siri Anderson, Jay Halverson, Grant Benthin, Brian Mozey; second row: Saul Eugene, Erin Clark,
Jenna Rathlisberger, Kelsie Ostdiek, Kirsten Pengelly, Casey Max; back row: Caitlin Hood, Laura Russo, Ellyn Adelmann,
Sydnie Erickson.
Alpha Course in full force this fall
Preparing for an experience beyond our imagining
Imagine welcoming hundreds of people to
search for answers—to ask the deep questions pressing on their hearts: Who is Jesus?
Why and how should I pray? Does God heal
today? How can we have faith?
Imagine inviting entire families to a warm,
welcoming place where they can enjoy a
free meal together and ponder the meaning
of life through thought-provoking talks and
small-group discussions.
Imagine being part of the Alpha phenomenon… which is coming to Calvary in full
force this fall! Our goal? To host more than
500 guests!
In addition to coming alongside your
friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc.,
in sharing the Alpha experience, perhaps it’s
obvious where God wants you to plug into
the “machine” of this church-wide, concerted effort. Perhaps you know you have
gifts in:
• Promoting the course
• Greeting
• Setting up
• Cleaning up
• Serving food
• Helping in the kitchen
• Preparing desserts
• Praying
• Offering media/audiovisual assistance
• Leading or supporting small groups
• Managing administrative details
• Singing or playing an instrument
• Assisting with children and youth
• Taking care of small children in the
On the other hand, perhaps you’re less
certain at this point how God plans to use
you in the Alpha Course. Don’t worry—
there are already ways that you can be
part of it:
1.There’s a lot of room for creativity. If
God eventually plants an idea on your
heart—even if it’s not mentioned in
the list above—let us know!
2.Take part in regular prayer meetings
where we’ll pray over all matters
around the Alpha Course, including
everyone’s role in it.
Imagine an Alpha Course… beyond our
imagining! Tell us how you hope to help in
your own special way—big or small, onetime or on a regular basis. Contact Dorree
Adelmann at or
Alpha Prayer Meetings
Tuesdays, July 8, Aug. 12 & 26
6 p.m., Chapel
(Also consider arriving at 5:30 p.m. to eat
with us at the Community Meal.)
Alpha Course
Sundays, Sept. 14-Nov. 23
5-7:30 p.m.
Learn more at