on Tuesday 6 October - Edmonton County School
on Tuesday 6 October - Edmonton County School
Issue 3 Autumn Term Friday 25th September 2015 on Tuesday 6 October Students will finish at 1.15pm so that we can prepare the school for our visitors. THE SIXTH FORM TEAM – HALF MARATHON! London Shine Walk The Sixth Form Team are walking a half marathon on Saturday 26 September! Mrs Excell Head of Year 12, Student Managers Mrs Wilkinson, Mrs Divine and Miss Halil, Mrs Smith from IAG and Miss Kaur the Cambridge Librarian will undertake the London Shine Walk for Cancer Research UK. We are walking through the night and start at 7.30 p.m. We start our walk at Southwark Park and finish at Old Billingsgate. It should be an interesting walk as we pass over Tower Bridge, The Gherkin, St Paul’s Cathedral, British Museum, Marble Arch, Holland Park, Royal Albert Hall, the V&A, Harrods (shame it will be closed), Buckingham Palace, Downing Street, Houses of Parliament, The London Eye, Globe Theatre and the Shard. By this time the end will be in sight ! If any of our kind colleagues would like to sponsor us, we would be so grateful. All funds raised go towards furthering research – every pound matters. See our page at this link! https://www.justgiving.com/PaulineWilkinson2015/ Mrs P Wilkinson Sixth Form Student Manager - Cambridge Campus Please reply to : Dear parent/carer, Education Welfare Service E-mail : EWS@enfield.gov.uk Phone : 020 8379 3745 Fax : 020 8379 3337 Date : 22/9/15 Re: Fast-track to Attendance In partnership with Enfield Education Welfare Service, EDMONTON COUNTY SCHOOL will introduce the ‘Fast-track to Attendance’ scheme for parents who fail to ensure that their children attend school regularly. This is an essential part of the government’s drive to improve educational achievement and ensure that all parents fulfil their responsibility to ensure regular school attendance. This letter is being sent to all parents so that the responsible majority are aware of the action that will be taken with respect to parents whose children are missing school. It is also, of course, an opportunity for some to make improvements before becoming involved in the process. If your child has good attendance (95% or above), then this process will not apply to you or your child, and you will be receiving this letter for information only. The following will then not apply to you: Parents whose children are failing to attend school regularly without good reason can face prosecution within twelve weeks of being informed that improvements need to be made. This can lead to a maximum fine of £2,500, up to three months imprisonment and a criminal record. Alternatively, parents can be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice of £60, rising to £120 if not paid within 21 days. This penalty is also applicable where parents take children on holiday without authorisation from their school’s head teacher and where there has been continued late arrival after the school register has closed. Another possible course of action is an application to the Family Court for an Education Supervision Order. In the first instance, you may receive a letter advising you of your child’s overall attendance percentage and advising you to ensure that his/her attendance improves. If no improvement is seen in the following weeks, you will be offered an appointment to attend a formal meeting to discuss the matter. If there is still no sustained improvement, you will be invited to attend a Court Assessment Meeting, where a decision on legal action will be made. During the fast-track procedure, your child’s absences will remain unauthorised unless medical evidence is provided should your child be absent through illness. What Can You Do to Help? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ensure that you develop a routine that allows your child to get to school on time in the morning and ready for learning. Make sure your child attends school each day and on time. Praise your child when attendance is good. If your child is sick or prevented from attending for any unavoidable reason, contact the school on the first day of absence. Speak to the school or Education Welfare Service if your child is reluctant to go to school for any reason. Seek permission from the school, giving details, well in advance if there is an important matter requiring your child to be absent from school. If you receive a letter, about your child’s attendance, do not ignore it. Failure to cooperate with the Education Welfare Service could result in the matter proceeding to the Magistrates’ Court more rapidly. If you have any worries/concerns please do not hesitate to contact the Education Welfare Service on 0208 379 3745 . Yours sincerely Sharon Clarke Deputy Service Manager Enfield Education Welfare Service. Family Support at ECS - every child and every parent matters Year 7 Book Club Is your son/daughter in Year 7? Do they like to read? Do they like to talk about books and films? If so, please encourage them to sign up for the Year 7 Book Club! On Wednesday 30th September from 3pm - 4pm we will be talking about Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and on Wednesday 7th October we’ll be watching the film to see how it compares. If your son/daughter is interested or would like to find out more ask them to go to the Bury or Cambridge library and speak to one of the librarians. HPV Vaccination Programme for Year 8 Girls The School Nurse will be offering the HPV vaccination to Year 8 girls on the dates below; an information leaflet and consent form will be sent home with your daughter. HPV1 - morning of 30th September2015 at Cambridge Campus HPV1 - morning of 1st October 2015 at Bury Campus HPV2 - morning of 12th April 2016 at Bury Campus HPV2 - morning of 13th April 2016 at Cambridge Campus Miss M Socrates - Bury Campus Miss H Kaur - Cambridge Campus 01/10/15 06/10/15 15/10/15 19/10/15 22/10/15 19/11/15 Welfare Assistants Bury & Cambridge Campus Year 9 Parents Curriculum Evening 6.00pm - 8.00pm Open Evening 5.30pm - 8.00pm Year 10 Parents Curriculum Evening 6.00pm - 8.00pm INSET DAY - SCHOOL CLOSED TO STUDENTS Year 7 Welcome Evening 5.30pm - 7.30pm Year 11 Parents Curriculum Evening 6pm - 8pm Cambridge Campus Bury Campus Bury Campus Cambridge Campus Cambridge Campus YOU’RE HIRED! YEAR 12 CV FEEDBACK AND MOCK INTERVIEW DAY For our first Enrichment Day of the year, all our Year 12 students arrived at school very smartly dressed as they took part in a morning to enhance their employability skills. Each had an individual mock interview with a professional employer during which they received feedback on a pre-submitted CV, and on their interview performance. We had representatives from 19 business organisations supporting us. All of them were very impressed with the students they interviewed and the students themselves all emerged feeling more confident about what they could offer in a workplace and more informed about how to project themselves in a very competitive job market. This is what some of our students said about their experience: Male 12D Interview with Ardmore Construction “My interview was with a lady from Ardmore Construction. I was a little nervous at first, but as the interview flowed I became more comfortable. I felt my interview was successful because I got helpful feedback on my CV and interview techniques. On my CV she said I should make it easier to read and list things in bullet points. Another good tip she mentioned was to answer the question directly without going off topic. I will remember this for my future interviews”. Seyit Bakirdag 12E “I was interviewed by a lady from Enfield Council. She was friendly to me and this immediately calmed my nerves. She checked over my CV and said I had a good layout and a lot of good points in it. She gave me tips on how to improve it. She said my interview skills were good but I needed to make eye contact when being spoken to and when answering questions. I really appreciated her help”. TAKE YOUR CHILD TO WORK DAY MONDAY OCTOBER 19TH We have had a few responses to this suggestion, explained in last week’s newsletter but it would be great to get some more. The workplace your child goes to doesn’t have to be with an immediate family member - just with any contact that you feel is responsible and you’d feel confident sending your child to. Aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters etc. Mrs M Smith IAG Coordinator WELL DONE to the Top 3 Point Scoring Students in each Phase: Week 14th - 18th September 2015 Transition Phase Middle Phase Upper Phase Sixth Form Tameisha Kayleigh Mathias Daniella Kyahni Nasima Lucy Erika Zilan Gedvile Rachel Kamil Jade Saima Mehmet Caitlan Curtis Aneesah Gamze Yasir Burhan Giorgios Arun Reza Chileshe Ring Dorcely Beqiri Maloney-Mighty Miah Miskin Liutikaite Salman Vicyte Boateng Hyla Dawkins Rahman Kafali Harrington Williams Zaman Sahan Dahir Ali Christodoulou Flora Gharehbaghi BURY Transition 3 BURY Transition 4 BURY Transition 4 CAMBRIDGE Transition 6 CAMBRIDGE Transition 6 CAMBRIDGE Transition 6 BURY Mercury 4 BURY Saturn 5 BURY Saturn 5 CAMBRIDGE Neptune 3 CAMBRIDGE Jupiter 4 CAMBRIDGE Mercury 4 BURY Mercury 8 BURY Neptune 6 BURY Mercury 8 CAMBRIDGE Mercury 6 CAMBRIDGE Saturn 8 CAMBRIDGE Mercury 8 CAMBRIDGE Year 12 C CAMBRIDGE Year 12 B CAMBRIDGE Year 12 G BURY Year 13 F BURY Year 13 C BURY Year 13 D TOP 3 FORMS FOR ATTENDANCE W/C 14th September 2015 1st – BT1 - 99.6% 2nd – CS8 - 99.5% 3rd – BT3 - 99% well done! Assembly Rota W/C 28st September 2015 Bury Campus Cambridge Campus Monday 28th September Jupiter House Transition Phase Tuesday 29th September Mercury House Middle Phase Wednesday 30th September Neptune House Upper Phase Thursday 1st October Year 11 only Year 11 only Friday 2nd October Saturn House Sixth Form
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