Saturn House Reward Trip to North Enfield Foodbank
Saturn House Reward Trip to North Enfield Foodbank
Issue 10 Autumn Term Friday 20th November 2015 Saturn House Reward Trip to North Enfield Foodbank On the afternoon of Wednesday 15th July seven students from Saturn House or the Transition Phase visited North Enfield Foodbank to present all of the donated food to the Foodbank, on behalf of Saturn House students from Bury and Cambridge Campus’s. While at the Foodbank students also had an opportunity to find out how the Foodbank works and were able to quiz the volunteers on their roles at the Foodbank. When food is donated to the Foodbank it is firstly weighed, and then the foods best before dates are then checked and stored according to date. When a person is referred to the Foodbank (by local services), they receive enough food to provide at least three days worth of meals. An example of a typical food parcel is evident in the photo of the green basket. The people are also given information on other local services and charities which could be of further assistance as well. While at the Foodbank, Saturn Houses food donation was weighed and we had collected a massive 78.2kg worth of food, which was a fantastic amount of food! Thank you to Mr Pomeroy for driving the minibus and attending the trip, to the students who attended: Tala Awatli, Hatice Baglan, Direnc Cifci, Naomi Cudjoe, Enkeleda Gjengaj, Xafsa Moallim and Daina Radu and to last year’s Cambridge Saturn 3 for their excellent effort as a tutor group and to all students and members of staff who donated food for the North Enfield Foodbank. Miss C Lipparelli and Mr D Pomeroy Head of Saturn House Edmonton County School Gospel Choir Gospel choir is on every Tuesday in Room 237 – Music room on Bury Campus Everyone welcome. 3.30 - 4.30pm Please see Miss Harper for further details Miss M Harper Music Department 24/11/15 Sixth Form Open Evening 6.00pm - 8.00pm 1/12/15 Community Christmas Party 4.00pm - 5.30pm 2/12/15 Talent Show 7pm 3/12/15 Year 12 and Year 13 Parents Evening 4.00pm - 7.00pm Bury Campus Cambridge Campus Cambridge Campus Cambridge Campus E C S Dear Parents/carer It is that time of the year where we roll out the telescopes and stargaze through the night sky. The Edmonton County Astronomy After School Club is up and running, we meet every Wednesday 3.30 – 5.30 pm at the Cambridge campus in Science room C140 (Old room 97 the bridge). It is a great opportunity to take your interest in the planets and stars further, using our resources, telescopes, binoculars we can hold observations of the night sky on site, using the remote John Moore’s Liverpool University telescope in the Canary Islands we can get even closer to planets, galaxies and stars by booking an observation slot. Of course there is lots of Science involved applied to astronomy and we will be doing that too. Next week, on the 25th of November, there is a full moon and depending on the weather we will have a chance to observe our closest celestial body, so come along but do bring your coats to keep warm! Mr L Blanco Resources and Technician Manager Sophie Castell, Branch Officer for Enfield NAS, will be our guest speaker on Thursday 26th November 2015. Sophie will be talking about the local services available to families and sources of advice that may be available. All welcome. Please contact Mrs Riley for more information: 07891271614 Mrs C Riley Family Support Coordinator Family Support at ECS - every child and every parent matters Celebrating Success in the Inclusion Faculty The Inclusion Faculty has been using educational trips to broaden the learning experiences of the students in the Foundation Learning classes. Since last year, exciting visits have been made to Capel Manor and the Dugdale Centre theatre. Here are the happy faces of some of our students and staff on one of these visits. Delil, Emre, and Mrs Fisher Glen, Sila and Justas Altan and Mrs Marra Abdi, Igor, Busra and Tyla In partnership with Southgate College, we offer a Level 1 Certificate in Catering as a Key Stage 4 option. The students get the chance to work in professional kitchens and with professional chefs while working towards gaining a recognized qualification Celebrating Success in the Inclusion Faculty On Wednesday the 11th of November 2015, PC Gazzard visited us to share tips on Personal Safety with the students. She discussed ‘Stranger Danger’ and gave examples of what can constitute an unsafe situation. PC Gazzard went further to explain that if you are in danger, please go to a Help Point (sign will be displayed on the window) where there are trained adults who can help. You can of course dial emergency line of 999. When it is not an emergency but you need to report an incident or an ongoing issue then the number to call is 101. Mrs M Hasnath-Karim Head of Inclusion Faculty OXBRIDGE WORKSHOPS YEAR 11 On Thursday 12th November, 10 of our Year 11 students attended a workshop at Highlands School all about applying to Oxbridge. Some of the myths about studying at Oxford or Cambridge were dispelled and students were told about the subjects available for study, how to make a good application, what A Levels to choose to enable good progression onto various courses etc. Some of the comments from the afternoon were; ‘This session was a real eye-opener’ ‘A really informative afternoon’ ‘ Lots of useful information about making a good application, writing a Personal SOCIAL MOBILITY PROGRAMME APPLICATIONS FOR STUDENTS IN YEAR 12 ARE NOW OPEN! The Social Mobility Foundation Programme offers academically able students from low-income backgrounds the chance to gain access onto university courses and gain relevant work experience in a wide range of career areas. Their programmes are carefully designed to open up professions for those with the ability to join them in the future, but without the means or networks to get there. They aim to give people a real insight into top professions and to provide them with the skills needed to achieve their aspirations. They select only those who meet their criteria to ensure that they are supporting those who need it most. Go to to find out more, or ask in the IAG Department. Applications for the next cohort close on December 21st 2015 at 9.00am SCHOOL LEAVERS If you are unsure about what you want to do after GCSEs or A levels there are alternative options for you to investigate. Listed below are just some of the websites that you can register with for free to find out about alternative opportunities, such as apprenticeships, school leaver schemes, sponsored degrees and more. has hundreds of apprenticeships, school leaver programmes, courses and training for school and college leavers. If you have left school, or are about to leave, gives you information and advice on the opportunities available to you, and provides you with an easy system to search and apply for the right vacancies to match your skills and interests. – explore careers and how to get in, with or without a degree. Work or university – how to find the best option for what you want to do. offers the chance to connect with great employers, access the best Apprenticeships and Traineeships and get on the right path for you. As soon as you sign up, your details become available to a range of training providers and employers, all with current vacancies ready and waiting. If there's a role that suits you, you’ll be contacted to arrange a quick telephone interview, and you’ll be given all the info you need to prepare for a possible face-to-face interview. The UK's leading school and college leaver site helping young people understand the variety of options that exist outside of traditional university such as apprenticeships, sponsored degrees, foundation degrees and gap years . Mrs M Smith IAG Coordinator Sixth Form Trip to Paris - 5th-7th November 2015 The Sixth Form is buzzing with excitement and fantastic memories of their trip to Paris last week. A mix of Year 12 and 13 students accompanied by a number of staff had an amazing if exhausting time! The itinerary devised by Miss Pelle was a well packed adventure for all. We travelled by luxury double decker coach and crossed to France on the Eurotunnel, a new experience for most students. We stayed at a very comfortable Ibis Hotel in central Paris and arrived late evening. After breakfast on our first day we had a trip on the Bateaux Mouche along the River Seine. We sailed along and saw Paris landmarks from a very different perspective. We were impressed by the flying buttresses on Notre Dame Cathedral, the magnificent sculptures and statues decorating the bridges and buildings with the Eiffel Tower ever present in the skyline on the journey. After lunch we visited the Chateau de Versailles with its beautiful golden railings. Students marvelled at the wonderful paintings and works of art in the many salons. History students were thrilled to be standing in Marie Antoinette’s bedchamber with its elaborate draperies and hangings, and the Hall of Mirrors with the beautiful chandeliers where the Peace Treaty of Versailles was signed on 28 June 1919 at the end of the First World War. On Saturday we departed early for a visit to Disneyland. Students were very excited and the sun shone in anticipation. Great fun was had by all on the various rides. Jon-Paul Lennard said “my favourite was the Aerosmith Rockin’ Rolling Roller Coaster”. Doukan Tutas said “I loved the Aerosmith Ride and the Tower of Terror was quite scary!” Aysel Karakas and Marziye Ozdemir both enjoyed the Disneyland Studio Experience, they said “it was really interesting and showed you behind the scenes and how everything works.” Many photographs were taken with team mascots and we played a French Quiz on the coach on the way home. Everyone had an amazing time - see pictures below and over! Dhyanna Desai, Megan Constant, Deljin Dhas and Leena Ramdehal with Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story Mirela Rexha and Olaf her team mascot Ben Smith sporting his Minnie Mouse ears Edmonton County Sixth Form Paris Trip 2015 Sixth Form Trip to Paris - 5th -7th November 2015 Students with their purchases after a visit to the Disney Store At the Palace de Versailles Students at the Arc de Triomph Mrs P Wilkinson Sixth Form Student Manager - Cambridge Campus Sixth Form Best Attendance W/C 9th November 2015 Cambridge Campus Bury Campus 12F 13B 100% 96.8% well done and keep up the good work!! Ms E Halil Sixth Form Attendance and Behaviour Officer SIXTH FORM OPEN EVENING 24th November 2015 6.00 - 8.00pm BURY CAMPUS UCAS APPLICATIONS AT EDMONTON COUNTY SCHOOL & STUDENT UNION ELECTION RESULTS It was a very difficult process in editing the videos for the Student Union applications, receiving and counting both Year 12 and Year 13 votes. We would like to say a big thank you on behalf of the Student Union to all the Sixth Form Student Managers and Mr McLean who spent hours preparing everything. We’re delighted to announce that the President of the Union this year will be Maryna Voloshyna, a very bright student from Year 12, who we expect great things from over the next two years. Well done Maryna and good luck in your role. This year Shannon Kearns will be the SU Press Officer. She will be responsible for keeping you all updated on events and important news throughout the year. We would also like to say an enormous well done to all the students who have sent off their UCAS applications so far. We're extremely proud of the 6th Form and our students who are applying to University and are looking forward to exciting opportunities after a fantastic year at Edmonton County 6th Form. We would like to say a special congratulations to Kayleigh, Mehmetcan and Taniya who were amongst the first to submit their applications via the UCAS process and have received offers from Lincoln, Kings College and UCL. Offers continue to come in from some of the most prestigious Universities in the country which really makes us excited for the Year 13 students. We’re really fortunate to work with some of the most aspirational and hardworking students in the borough. If we continue to take the advice from our teachers and prepare well for assessments and exams, the summer will have some fantastic results! Taniya Uddin Mehmetcan Goksungar Kayleigh Houlihan Mrs P Wilkinson 6th Form Student Manager - Cambridge Campus SIXTH FORM OPEN EVENING 24th November 2015 6.00 - 8.00pm BURY CAMPUS Visiting Professor of Criminology Addresses ECS 6th Form Students Dr Robin Fletcher, Associate Professor, retired Detective Superintendent with Metropolitan Police and currently, Principal Lecturer in Criminology at Middlesex University came to ECS 6th Form last week and spoke to our students about a career in Policing and its various entry points. He began by telling us that his four children were all previous students of Edmonton County School! Dr Fletcher told anecdotes of his time as a criminal investigator on major murder enquiries and brought with him a selection of old fashioned truncheons and hats that he wore during his different roles in the Metropolitan Police. He mentioned that in future it is likely that all recruits to the Police Force will need a degree in Policing and Criminal Investigation and more likely, master’s qualifications too. He suggested that students should also think about roles in large companies and organisations that have departments in criminal investigation and fraud where policing qualifications are required. He showed slides of old photographs and students were riveted by his stories and insightful information. Mrs P Wilkinson 6th Form Student Manager - Cambridge Campus Kenan Al Nayef and Kerem Erozkal are pictured with Dr Fletcher wearing his hats! Community Language GCSEs Is your child in Year 10 or 11 and you’re interested in them sitting a GCSE in their home language? If so, please get in touch with me or Ms Pelle. The exams all involve listening, speaking, reading and writing and will be sat here at Edmonton County School in the summer term, but some of the speaking exams might be at another Enfield School. The exam boards offer GCSEs in the following languages: Arabic Bengali Chinese Dutch French German Gujarati Italian Japanese Modern Greek Panjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish Turkish Urdu The deadline for entries is 1st February 2016 so please get in touch before that date. Ms G Boniface Examinations Manager WELL DONE to the Top 3 Point Scoring Students in each Phase: Week 9th November - 13th November 2015 Transition Phase Middle Phase Upper Phase Sixth Form Fariha Tameisha Hacer Amal Abigail Sevda Abdullahi Gulana Manisha Chloe Florent Mya Mehmet Ali Joycelyn Elif Eros Caitlan Abhid Stephen Zana Mert Wahidur Asisa Can Hoque Chileshe Dogan Mohamed Delong Mladenova Mahdi Sonmez Shabajee Timms Hyseni Chowdhury Kafali Boateng Tayar Achillea Harrington Islam Reid Rafiq Kilinc Rahman Osman Yumusak BURY Transition 1 BURY Transition 3 BURY Transition 3 CAMBRIDGE Transition 1 CAMBRIDGE Transition 1 CAMBRIDGE Transition 1 BURY Jupiter 3 BURY Saturn 5 BURY Saturn 5 CAMBRIDGE Neptune 3 CAMBRIDGE Jupiter 4 CAMBRIDGE Saturn 5 BURY Mercury 8 BURY Neptune 7 BURY Jupiter 7 CAMBRIDGE Jupiter 6 CAMBRIDGE Mercury 6 CAMBRIDGE Saturn 6 CAMBRIDGE Year 12 H CAMBRIDGE Year 12 D CAMBRIDGE Year 12 C BURY Year 13 A BURY Year 13 D BURY Year 13 E TOP FORMS FOR ATTENDANCE W/C 9th November 2015 BJ6 - 100% CJ4 - 100% BS7 - 100% well done! Mrs M Corfe - Attendance Officer Assembly Rota W/C 23rd November 2015 Bury Campus Cambridge Campus Monday 23rd November Transition Phase Transition Phase Tuesday 24th November Middle Phase Middle Phase Wednesday 25th November Upper Phase Upper Phase Thursday 26th November No Assembly 6th Form Friday 27th November 6th Form Year 10
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