February 2014
February 2014
From the Pastor’s Heart February 2014 A word of encouragement: I have been really excited to hear from the many of you who are reading along in the Bible. This is really great. I hope God is really blessing you. It has been a blessing to me to hear how God has spoken to you or how you’ve read something different. If you have slipped up and are a little behind, just read a little extra each day or read some in the morning and some in the evening. Before you know it, you’ll be caught up. Another possibility is to start right on today’s date and read from there and then read Genesis and Exodus next January. Why is it important for you to read the Bible? Here is a quote from Alistair Begg, “The Bible is the only source that contains the living Word of God and by hearing and studying the text exactly as it is written, the Holy Spirit works to open the hearts and minds of those who seek to understand what it says and what it means.” Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.” You can’t live on one or two meals a week, so you need to be in his word more than just at church. “Neglect your Bible and nothing that I know of can prevent you from error if a plausible advocate of false teaching shall happen to meet you.” J. C. Ryle As you look at the book of Leviticus, it may seem a little boring, but remember the Bible leads up to Revelation. Look at all the sacrifices that man had to make before Christ came and made the final sacrifice. It should add another dimension of thanks to your prayers because we no longer have to make such sacrifices. I just want to encourage and congratulate each of you that are continuing to walk through the Bible together. Here’s What’s Inside This Issue May God grant you a blessed month, Pastor Kevin 1 From the Pastor’s Heart Good News Blues 2 Poetry Corner Prayer Box Prayer of Jabez study Community Events Birthdays and Anniversaries 3 Crafters, Sewing, and Ceramics Baby Shower photographs Wednesday Dinner Menus 4 Off the BackBurner From the Driver’s Seat 5 Chapel Walls Help Wanted 6 Women’s Retreat MCC Financial 7 Suggestion Box Why only one heart? Cartoon Plant Sale Care and Share Truck for sale Bake Sale Welcome to worship 8 Church Missions Events Ladies’ Tea Samaritan’s Purse International Lines from the Library 9 Calendar The Good News Blues Band is returning to MCC March 16 6:00 - 7:00 Free concert Dance With Me Tonight Author: Kristi Day I want to dance with you for a lifetime Hold you close to my heart, Stop the hands of time Make the world give us a little more time. To feel our bodies close swaying together To music that only we can hear, Letting it sweep us into Heaven Come, dance with me there. A person’s most useful asset is not the head full of knowledge, but a heart full of love, and ear ready to listen, and a hand willing to help. Four-week study on Tuesdays starting March 11th 7:00pm \ Please keep these people in your prayers. Marissa Blanyer Shirley and Ron LaBuff The Lindstrom family Steve McDermott Mark and Shirley Payne Judy and Rich Regel & their family Babs Settles Ann Titlow Joni Silva Julia Titlow Dave York Some upcoming dates for Community Events Prayer of Jabez Bible Study Join Pastor Kevin while Pastor Jack Wright leads us through this study at the First Assembly of God Church (on Elliott Rd.) The Prayer Box Good News Blues Band Concert Sunday, March 16 6:00pm free Performance in the Church Hall of MCC Community Band Concert Thursday, March 27 7:00pm free Paradise, Oroville, and Chico Community Bands and the Paradise High School Band Performance at the Paradise Performing Arts building Ladies’ Nite Out Thursday, April 3 If you are interested, see Kevin for a free book. 6:00pm $7. Held in the Church Hall of MCC Paradise Community Chorus Concert Sunday, April 13 3:00pm $8. Performance at the Paradise Performing Arts building Birthdays These are special days for these friends. February Birthdays 18 Ann Titlow 21 Bob Thibault 24 Carol Stephens March 7 Bob Matta 4 Cheryl Dewell 8 Jeff Turner 6 Wes Bristol 19 Mark Payne 7 Geoff Kliefoth 20 Shirley Shipman 24 Pat Lattimore 2 Crafters and Sewing for Jesus and Ceramics Do you ever feel really good when something has been accomplished that is good? Well, our Carol Stephens and Sharon Henry have worked very hard to get our “Craft Closet” all in order. It looks so good. We can now find things to accomplish with our tasks of working for Jesus. Sewing is “now in session”, hopefully to get some clothes made for our needy children. We also will be making adult bibs to have on hand for those that would like to purchase them for friends and family. In the ceramic area, I hope to pour a mold I have that is a small vase. I have made them and then filled them with flowers from my yard. They make nice gifts when visiting someone in the hospital. When I have a supply, I will post that in our Pacesetter. In the craft area, we have come up with some items to make for our next sale (no date set as yet). This will coincide with the plants that we will be collecting for the plant sale. We are working on getting a flyer out to our community covering what we have to offer in the above ministries. We are hoping that some of our younger persons will become interested in exploring their gifts with us and do some creative fun things to share. Held February 1 for Petra and Aidan Russell ( photos by Susan York and Tom Driver ) Please keep us in prayer that that we will be in God’s will and be HIS faithful servants. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 NIV Members of a Christian Church should Love intelligently Love sacrificially WEDNESDAY DINNER MENUS Salad, bread, and dessert are always available to accompany the meal. A Vegetarian Option is almost always available and will be an offering similar to the meat dish. If you want the Vegetarian Meal, ask for it at the front of the serving line. February 26 March 5 12 19 26 April 2 chicken pot pie, salad, fresh bread baked potato and salad bar (Ash Wednesday) biscuits & gravy, sausage, scrambled eggs, hash browns, fruit Taco Bar salmon, Pasta Primavera, Asian Slaw, vegetables Baked ham, sweet potatoes, vegetables Love continually Love increasingly Love purposely Love deeply 3 Off the Back Burner Each year Magalia Community Church does a pancake breakfast before the Donkey Derby during the Gold Nugget Days held the last weekend of April. This year the Donkey Derby Pancake Breakfast will be on Saturday, April 26, from 7:00am to 10:00am. To do this breakfast, volunteers are needed to set up, cook the breakfast, clean and clean tables, and keep beverages, syrup, butter, napkins, and silverware filled. If you can help with the pancake breakfast, contact Paul Kliefoth at 872-9392. This event is a fundraiser for Magalia Community Church, and all proceeds help the church. Also, I would like to do a Salmon and Bean-feed on this event. Contact Paul if you are able to help with this event or have any ideas for a salmon-feed fundraiser. At the Wednesday Dinner, spills do happen at the tables during dinner. I have noticed napkins are being used to wipe up spills. When the tables are set up for dinner, blue towels will be placed on the tables to be used to clean up spills. W hite towels are for kitchen use only and are not to be used outside the church kitchen. The blue towels are to be used in the church areas other than the kitchen. As you know, we are baking bread for the Wednesday dinners. There is a need for loaf pans we can use to make loaves of bread. We need about twenty. All donations will be appreciated. Remember the first Sunday of each month there is a Breakfast Buffet provided by the church. If you would like to prepare your favorite breakfast dish on the first Sunday and share it with us, join us in the kitchen at 7:30am on the first Sunday. We would enjoy your help. Breakfast is served from 9:00am to 10:15am. Invite family and friends to our church on Easter Sunday to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. Come early and enjoy an Easter Morning Breakfast Buffet, provided by the church between the Sunrise Service and the 10:30 service. Do you understand what makes our food so special? It’s not years of practice. Anyone who has been in the kitchen can cook food that tastes good. What makes our food so special is our “Secret Ingredient”. That ingredient, which we put into everything we cook, is our heart and our love. You can’t but it or sell it, but you can give it. That is why our food is different. In His Service, Paul Kliefoth, chef From the Driver’s Seat Today’s word for us is “stewardship”. It may be the word for the entire year. You will hear about it from the pulpit and read about in the Pacesetter. You most certainly will read about it if you are reading the Bible in a year with the rest of us. God created the world and us. He gave us dominion over the creatures of the earth and this place we call Earth. He made us responsible for them and this planet. Simply put, we are stewards of all He has given us. Environmentalist will cheer this statement, but stewardship is much more involved than going green or protecting owls in the north woods. God has provided us with all things for His purpose and expects us to use all for His purpose, to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world, beginning where you are and spreading throughout the world. The Apostle Paul wrote two letters to Timothy explaining what Christians are supposed to be and how they are to act. He addresses the responsibilities of elders, deacons, teachers and most anyone who would accept a call to leadership. Although he does not call these principles “stewardship”, accepting a position as leader in the family of God instantly makes you a steward of God’s people, His church, His money, His property, your very life. These passages address how leaders are to behave so that God’s image is portrayed properly. Remember the song that Pastor Kevin sang last Sunday, “You may be the only Jesus a person may see”. Our behavior as leaders, Elders. Deacons, teachers or any one in leadership needs to glorify God. It isn’t easy; but as God’s stewards in leadership, it very necessary. Your leaders need your support and help; that’s your job. Together we can grow God’s family here on The Ridge and around the world. Continue to pray for your leaders and your brothers and sisters in Christ. See you in church, God Bless you All! Tom 4 Chapel Walls as told to Betty Hanner [ continued from last month’s issue ] The next few days were a flurry of activity for Sam. After spending a comfortable night, he decided to settle down in the shack and help around the little chapel, when he wasn't panning for gold or picking up odd jobs. It would take time to replace all he had lost in the robbery. He fashioned a hitching post for his horse, under a lean-to shelter he devised from sticks and pine branches. The fire pit was now quite serviceable, suitable for cooking, with logs close by to sit on. Then it was time to go back to the boarding house, where he had been staying before he was thrown from his horse. He went to claim the few possessions he had left there, especially what he called his "Sunday-go-tomeetin" clothes. They weren't really special, just clean and well mended with no obvious stains because they were seldom worn. He also needed his "grooming" tools. Once he had recovered his few belongings and they were all in place, he began to call the shack 'Home'. Although he didn't attend church often, he needed to let everyone at the little brown church know he was beholden. That Sunday as he stood before the congregation to thank them, Sam swallowed hard to ease the lump in his throat. He was a quiet man and not much of a talker, but he told them of his plans to tend to the Chapel as a way of thanking them. They had reminded him of his Christian upbringing. He said he would be coming to Church most every Sunday because he wanted to know more so he too could spread the Gospel and be a good example. He said he wanted to be more like them and quoted from the Bible Pastor Eli had given him, Romans 12:13, "Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality." Following the service the entire congregation greeted him, shaking his hand or giving him a hug. They even welcomed his dog, Ishi, saying he could to come to church as well. Without warning, Sam had a flashback of being thrown from his horse. He still couldn't remember how he got to the Chapel or who robbed him, but each time he had a flashback, he remembered a bit more. Surely he would soon remember it all, God willing … Tune in next month for more of Sam's story… Sound: We need a person or two who would like to learn about sound and who can help during the second service on Sunday. In order to learn the sound system, you must be available during the Thursday evening choir practice, which is usually from 5:30—7:00. Set-up: Are you able to move a chair or help clean a floor? The more people who can help, the less often any one person has to do it. Firehouse: We would like to organize the upstairs Firehouse storage. There is Christmas stuff, Easter stuff, materials, and lots of miscellaneous stuff up there. If any of it can be thrown away, that would be great. If there are less items there, and it is better organized, it would be less a fire or rodent hazard. We’ve gone through the Dogtown Faire room and the Crafter's closet. Let’s organize the upstairs, too. If any of these areas of service intrigue you, please contact Pastor Kevin or Rochelle Kelley. 5 Sisters in Service are considering holding a Women’s Retreat this year. We would like input from our women to express your interest in such an event. The retreat will be open to all women. If you have any interest in this, please complete this form and turn it in to the Church Office. Women’s Retreat - Please mark everything that fits for you. If the price was affordable --___ I might be interested in attending a women’s retreat. ___ I am very interested in a woman’s retreat. ___ A retreat does not sound interesting. My name ____________________________ I am most likely to attend a retreat that is (circle all that apply) 9:00 - 2:00 9:00 - 5:00 1:00 - 6:00 10:00 - 8:00 other _________________ 9:00am one day until 9:00am next day Noon one day until 9:00am next day Location: At MCC Retreat should be At a different church or other building I am willing to drive to get there Up to 20 miles Up to 50 miles MCC Financials A full financial report for the month of January is available for viewing in the Church Office. The following is a very brief summary. Balances Dec. 31, 2013 Checking 3254.37 Savings 276.04 __________ $ 3,530.41 INCOME: Donations 0 Tithes 4669.00 Offerings 266.21 Kitchen 1637.50 Loan 1500.00 Other income 370.00 TOTAL INCOME January At an actual retreat site Up to 30 minutes Up to an hour EXPENSES: Building Maintenance 381.26 Youth Ministry 48.17 Insurance 800.00 Utilities 1022.97 Kitchen 2277.06 Missions 250.00 Office 278.43 Salaries 4562.05 Ministries and special events 1029.42 Misc. 9.00 TOTAL EXPENSES Jan. $ 10,658.36 Balances Jan. 31, 2014 Checking 1038.72 Savings 276.04 _________ $ 1,314.76 $ 8.442.71 We ended the month with $ 2215.71 less than we started with — and we will have to repay the loan. Pg. 6 Suggestion box Have you noticed the gold-colored suggestion box in the Entry of the Church Hall? It’s located between the glass doors and the Office Door. Any time you are so moved, put a suggestion or a comment into the box. It’s there for anyone to use. We were given two hands to hold, Two legs to walk Two eyes to see Two ears to listen. We welcome you to join us on Sunday mornings and on Wednesday evenings for any of our services of praise and worship. We rejoice that we have the opportunity to join together as we celebrate the gift of living in our Creator’s world. We know we can laugh together, weep together, sing together, pray together, and worship the Giver of amazing grace. But why only one heart? St. Patrick’s Day Because the other one was given to someone for us to find. Bake Sale in the Church Hall Wednesday March 12 and Sunday March 16 Chapel fundraiser A 1999 Ford 250 truck with an extended cab and tool boxes in the truck bed has been donated to our church. We are offering it for sale. It’s in excellent condition. If you are interested in more information, contact Pastor Kevin. He has the details. In anticipation of another plant sale this year, you are encouraged to start rooting or repotting plants and collecting nice pots to donate. The past two sales have each raised over $100. It’s parked in our parking lot right now. Our Care and Share Food Pantry is almost always in need of donations of non-perishable food items. We also hand out individually-wrapped rolls of toilet paper and paper towels, disposable razors, soap, and small bottles of shampoo and shower gel. 7 Our Church Missions Events Homecoming Missions’ Faire May 18th September 7h Samaritan’s Purse International Do you know…. Saturday, March 22 1:00 - 3:00 in the Church Hall ............... Our theme this year is Spring, a Time of Renewal Our speaker will be a representative from the Magalia Beautification Association. We are asking those who attend to bring a packet of flower seeds to share. We will be issuing free tickets for this event. The tickets will be available through the church office. If you are unable to pick up your tickets, please call me, and I will set them aside for you. Come, and bring a friend. We always have so much fun at our Teas. If you have questions or comments, call me. Sharon Henry 327-7638 Please, if you plan to attend, pick up a free ticket so we will know how many tables and chairs to set. In cases of disaster . . . Fire, flood, hurricane, tidal wave, ice storm, etc. - Samaritan's Purse is one of the first helping agencies on the scene. When you give a gift to Samaritan’s Purse, you can be sure the funds are going to the cause that you intend. It’s not wasted on administrative fees. After sharing the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus said “Go and do likewise.” That is the mission of Samaritan's Purse — to follow the example of Christ by helping those in need and proclaiming the hope of the Gospel. I said, “Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the LORD, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you.” Hosea 10:12 NLT Lines from the Library Dear Readers, we received a wonderful set of books for our young people. A great big thank you for this donation! This set is full of helpful ways for young people to act and grow into responsible and caring adults. You will see titles like Handling Your Disagreements and A Kid’s Guide to Understanding Parents and You’re One of a Kind. Many useful ideas. Check these out, parents. Also, three DVD’s for kids. Two are songs; one has four movies. Plus a few new books for the “older” set. I notice the Library is being used by many for meetings as well as reading and finding that book for study or enjoyment. A real multipurpose place! Thank you all who make use of the Library. And for those of you who have kept a book or DVD too long: please return it so others can enjoy it, too. Thanks. Blessings, from Jean in the Library 8 Calendar Sunday Monday 2014 Tuesday Magalia Community Church Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 19 20 21 22 Sewing for Jesus 1:00—3:00 Dinner 5:30 Chapel 6:30 Women’s Bible Study 6:30 23 24 25 Ceramics & PraiseLines 26 Game Night and Potluck in the Hall 6:00 27 Sewing for Jesus 1:00—3:00 Dinner 5:30 Chapel 6:30 Women’s Bible Study 6:30 28 Game Night and Potluck 6:00 1 No Men’s Fellowship 2 Free Breakfast between services……... Sisters in Service 9:15—9:45am North Room 9 3 PraiseLines dancing 6:00 Bake Sale Prayer Corp 11:40 Good News Blues 6:00 17 Ceramics 10:00 PraiseLines 6:00 6 11 Missions Committee 5:30 in the Library 12 Sewing and Crafters 1:00—3:00 Dinner 5:30 Bake Sale Chapel 6:30 Women’s Bible Study 6:30 18 19 7 8 Game Night and Potluck in the Hall 6:00 Sewing for Jesus 1:00—3:00 Dinner 5:30 Chapel 6:30 Women’s Bible Study 6:30 PraiseLines dancing 6:00 10 5 Ash Wednesday Ceramics 10:00 Ceramics 10:00 16 4 13 14 Game Night and Board Meeting Potluck 6:00 7:00 All are welcome to attend the meeting. 20 Sewing and Crafters 1:00—3:00 Dinner 5:30 Chapel 6:30 Women’s Bible Study 6:30 21 15 No Men’s Fellowship - Easter Break - 22 Game Night and Potluck 6:00 Ladies’ Tea 1:00—3:00 The Pacesetter is now available on the internet. Go to the church’s website, and you can access our newsletters. Would you like to receive your monthly copy by email? If so, let the Office or Carol Stephens know, and it will be sent to you instead of a printed copy. MagaliaCommunityChurch.org 9 Caleb Roberts Magalia Community Church P.O. Box 165 Magalia, CA 95954 Our Goal To reach the lost Our Mission To minister with grace and truth Magalia Community Church’s monthly newsletter The Pacesetter Wednesday: 5:30 pm - Fellowship Dinner $5.00 ea. 6:30pm - Service and Study in the Chapel 6:30pm - King’s Kids Club in the Church Hall WEEKLY Sunday: 8:00 am - Worship and Celebration in the Chapel 9:15 am - Adult Bible Study 10:30 am - Worship and Celebration in the Church Hall Nursery Care (babies and toddlers) Children’s Church followed by Sunday School in the North Room (grades kindergarten –7) Senior Pastor, Kevin Lindstrom Convalescent Ministry, Pastor Isaac Rivera Magalia, CA 95954 13700 Skyway (530) 877-7963 magaliacommunity@sbcglobal.net web site magaliacommunitychurch.org Magalia community Church February 2014
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