May 2014 - Magalia Community Church
May 2014 - Magalia Community Church
From the Pastor’s Heart As we walk together through the Bible, we are currently walking through the Psalms. Some sing songs of praise, some call for the Lord to have mercy while others tell of God’s deeds and His works through His chosen people. This week we read Psalm 84. What a beautiful Psalm. My great desire for each of you would be that you would have the same longing for the Lord that the Psalmist had. 1 How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! 2 My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. 3 Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young— a place near your altar, Lord Almighty, my King and my God. 4 Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you. 5 Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. 6 As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. 7 They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion. I love to see all the phrases that have been turned into songs that we sing often. Are you ever praising His Name and giving thanks? Do you feel His strength? You can find it as you walk with Him. When you walk through difficult times (the Valley of Baka), do you find strength in Him? 10 Better is one day in your court than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. This is one of my favorite songs. It often brings me to tears. We enjoy our lives here, but I really look forward to that “One day.” One day we will be with Ron LaBuff and all the saints that have gone before us. In our Sunday services, we are talking about witnessing and how important it is to share His love with others. We are called to be His witnesses throughout the world. That starts right here. He will give you the strength. He will give you the words. You just need to have the joy and the excitement in your hearts. Call on the Holy Spirit and ask God to give you someone to talk to. 12 Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you. The mission field is great, the harvest is ready. Do you have the joy? Can you trust Him to guide you, give you strength, and give you the words? May each of you have a blessed month, Pastor Kevin May 2014 Here’s What’s Inside This Issue 1 From the Pastor’s Heart Prayer Corp 2 Bridal Shower The Prayer Box Remembering Ron LaBuff Care and Share Birthdays and Anniversaries 3 Lines from the Library Family Camp Wednesday Dinner Menus Ladies’ Bible Study 4 April Financials Sewing for Jesus, Ceramics, Crafters Off the Backburner 5 Ladies’ Nite Out A View from the Driver’s Seat 6 Chapel Walls Do you have picture frames? 7 Calendar Prayer Corp meets on the third Sunday of every month - in the North Room - following the second service. If you would like to be part of this prayer ministry, join them on any third Sunday. 1 The Prayer Box Rochelle Kelly and Scott Steinacker will be married in our Chapel on June 21 of this year. The ladies of Sisters in Service are planning a Bridal Shower for Rochelle so we can join together to celebrate her joy. \ Please keep these people in your prayers. Saturday, June 7 11:00 - 1:00 No-host lunch at Jaki’s Hilltop Restaurant in Magalia. Marissa Blanyer Shirley LaBuff and family Babs Settles Ann Titlow Leona DeLay Dave York Caleb Roberts Shirley Shipman Anna Dorado Rochelle Kelley & Scott Steinacker Bob Matta The Lindstrom family The Regel family Everyone is invited to contribute to a group gift for Rochelle. To donate, please give your financial gift to either Sandy Lindstrom or Carol Stephens. Your name will be listed on the group card. If you want to attend the shower/ luncheon, tell Carol Stephens (873-5233). The shower will be by reservation only. Donations and reservations must be in by Sunday, June 1, at Noon. (This gives us time to purchase the group gift and allows us to give the number of attendees to the restaurant. Remembering Ron LaBuff The Care and Share Pantry is open to those who want food and to receive donations on Tuesdays between 9:30 and Noon and Wednesday through Friday from 9:30 until 2:30. 1937—2014 Our dear friend, Ron LaBuff passed away peacefully at home on May 4. His memorial service was held the following Friday. 2014 Ron was an Elder of this church, a Bible study leader, a leader of the Prayer Corp, and a teacher for the Men’s Fellowship Bible Study. He also worked for many years with church financial records. He was a loving and caring man. Ron is survived by his wife, Shirley. Birthdays and Anniversaries January February March April Totals Requests for food 18 8 15 18 59 ________ __________ These are special days for these friends. June Birthdays May Birthdays # of people fed 65 24 54 86 229 David York 1 Dot Marler 14 Marlee Victor 27 Paul & Linda Kliefoth 10 Cory Moorhead 5 Linda Green 17 Shirley Payne 29 Ray & Lista Miller 21 Tom Driver 7 Daniel Johnson 20 Linda Kliefoth 24 Warren Vick 9 Caleb Roberts 25 Janet Rivera 9 Jim & Barbara Collins 11 Claudia Wilkins 26 Alex Russell 17 Mark & Shirley Payne 13 Kevin Lindstrom 27 Jim Collins 27 Celeste Schultheis 9 ♥ May anniversaries June anniversaries 2 Lines from the Library Dear Readers, I hope you are enjoying this beautiful Springtime! We do have some new books and a wonderful DVD “Jesus, He Lived Among Us” for you to use. The Gospel of John Fantasia Peter Pan I hope you will check for these. We want this library to be a blessing for all. But I also have a list of books that have been out for two months or more. I hope you will check and see if any of these are sitting forgotten on a bookshelf some place. These from the YOUTH SECTION School Jokes Lion Boy Herman the Great Boxcar Children Stuart Little Missing from the ADULT SECTION Danger in the Shadows by Henderson Private Justice by Blackstock Angels in the Snow by Carlson These Were God’s People by Martin Church Choir Mysteries Furlong Sophie’s Heart by Wick Xmas Angel and Xmas Promise, each by Kinkade The Women’s Study Bible by Nelson Blessings from Jean in the Library Family Camp will be held July 27 at Woodson Bridge RV Park. The second annual Talent Show will be held on Monday night. Camp sites are $29 a night. On-site RV Cabins are available for $75 a night. Family Camp is open to everyone singles, couples, families, old and young. Attend the whole time or part of the time. The location is about an hour’s drive from the church, near Corning. Call the office for more information. Missing DVD’s are WEDNESDAY DINNER MENUS Salad, bread, and dessert are always available to accompany the meal. A Vegetarian Option is almost always available and will be an offering similar to the meat dish. If you want the Vegetarian Meal, ask for it at the front of the line. May 21 Chicken strips, potato salad, Cole slaw 28 Potato and salad bar June 4 11 18 25 July Meatloaf, mashed potatoes with gravy Stuffed pepper with rice baked ham Potato and salad bar 2 Hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, Cole Slaw, beans Ladies’ Bible Study Ladies, the next Bible Study will start on Wednesday, May 14. We’ll gather in the Chapel at 6:30, then move to the library. This is another Women of Faith series study, titled “Knowing God’s Word”. We will be learning how to use the tools needed for studying the scriptures, using simple practical guidelines. Jean Hansen has class books for $8 each. 3 Magalia Community Church – INCOME & EXPENSE – April 2014 Balance as of March 31, 2014 Income Donations Kitchen Offerings Other Income Tithes Total Income Expense Bank Fees / Adjustments Building Maintenance Insurance Kitchen Ministries / Special Events Missions Utilities Wages & Salaries Total Expense Balance as of April 30, 2014 1,591.45 20.00 2,011.90 675.15 1,926.78 7,156.00 11,789.83 0.80 2,217.73 150.00 1,664.46 162.90 250.00 1,952.50 4,251.62 10,650.01 Net Income 1,139.82 2,731.27 SEWING FOR JESUS CERAMICS CRAFTERS What fun it is to receive handmade items from those working at home for our sale in July. Rita Reicker made the most beautiful “boas” in beautiful colors. We will be selling them for $10.00 each. Her hands must fly crocheting them, such fine intricate work. Thank you, Rita. Sharon D. will be finishing up shortly the size 4 outfits for some little girl in need. Tammie will be back with us after a much needed move. (She’s now living on the ground floor.) I will get her started on the adult bibs for our sale. Sharon H. is working on a child’s quilt and a stuffed bear to match. In the ceramic area, Sharon H. has finished her beaver and the gray squirrel for her yard. They are so cute. She will be helping me work on the small vases and other items to sell. Carol has been making a decorative storage box. It’s going to be really pretty once it’s done. Sharon Driver and Carol Stephens Off the Back Burner Do you know what makes our food so special? It’s our “Secret Ingredients”. The first two people to tell me (Chef Paul) what our two secret ingredients are will each win a Wednesday dinner for two. The white towels in the kitchen are for kitchen use only, not for wiping up spills or for cleaning tables or the restrooms. The reason for using only white towels in the kitchen is to keep the food from being contaminated. When food items are brought in for events at the church, please don’t leave the left-over food in the kitchen or the walk-in. All food items brought in should be taken with you when the event is over. The reason for this is to keep pests out of our kitchen. Sharon Driver and Sharon Henry work really hard each week cleaning the kitchen. Thank you, ladies, for keeping our kitchen clean and keeping the Health Department happy., There's a need for flooring in the storeroom and the Care and Share Room. If you have any tile or other flooring that you no longer need, consider donating it to the kitchen. Chef Paul 4 Ladies’ Nite Out June 5 “ It’s Menu: Middle Eastern Salad, chicken teriyaki, fettuccine with garlic butter, spring vegetables, challah bread, apple pie 6:00—8:15 pm a Small World After All ” Speakers: Sam Walker, Mary and Gary Shallenberger, Kathi Hiatt “Open Arms Touch Hearts” [ The menu features food items from around the world. Our theme focuses on communication and connecting with other people. ] Make your reservation by May 31 530- 327-7638 Special attraction: “Creating a World in Miniature” by members of the National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts Margaret Gordu and Carlene Brown Music: Aaron Sandquist, violinist A View from the Driver’s Seat So here we are in May, 2014. Mother’s Day is just past, and it was great to honor our mothers. God wants us to honor our parents. May brought us warmer weather with a little rain. May flowers are blossoming about. May also brought us a memorial service for a very special member or our church family, Ron LaBuff. He was an important member of God’s family here at MCC. I will miss him but know I will see him again. I call your attention to some scriptures that are very important. The first of these verses is found in Matthew 22:34-40: Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love you neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and Prophets hang on these two commandments.” The second group of scriptures that I will address is found in Matthew 18:15-17: If your brother sins against you go and show him his fault. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter maybe established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church, and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector. The reason I am quoting these verses is that at the Board of Directors meeting, May, 2014, a question was asked from the audience about why the suggestions that had been placed in the gold suggestion box had not been brought before the congregation. I answered the question. During the several months of the box’s existence, only five “suggestions” had been placed in the box. These were not suggestions but personal criticisms of Pastor Kevin. Each was considered by Pastor and the Elders, and as they were not suggestions for the church body, they were not brought to the church body. The last slip of paper deposited Easter Sunday was more than a minor criticism and prompted my sermon’s comments about Pastors, teachers or Elders did not put God in your heart, you do! It was very obvious that these last notes were not done in a Biblical way. The Elders decided that as the suggestion box is not Biblical and has been misused it would be removed. Suggestions are still welcomed. They should be brought to the Pastor, an elder or deacon, the office manager, or a Board Member. If you have a criticism or complaint about anyone, follow the words of Jesus in Matthew 18:15-17. A comment about anonymity was made at the meeting. Anonymity is not needed if we all follow Jesus’ words. Pray for one another and for our church. God bless and see you in church. Tom 5 Chapel Walls as told to Betty Hanner [ continued from last month’s issue ] Sam had taken to lingering after Sunday services to fellowship with other churchgoers. Pastor Eli and Myra, both natives of the ridge, shared some great stories of the area. Micah, a handyman and carpenter, often employed Sam's help on jobs too big to take on by himself. Sam was glad for the work, and was building a nest-egg to buy his own place. Thad and Susanna often invited him over for Sunday supper, and Sam would fix their fence or build a flower box. But this Sunday was the Decoration Day Church Social, and Sam was ready. He had a great appetite and was eager to sample the fare supplied by a church full of great cooks. There was fried chicken, potato salad, a huge pot of beans, several casseroles, and for dessert, Sam eyed the Lazy Daisy Cake. It wasn't long before the kids started a game of tag. The biggest kid of all was Thad. He was a responsible and a principled young man, but he was never any more serious than absolutely necessary. Thad loved kids, games, and magic, and Sam's dog, Ishi who was now friends with him. Ishi often found "treasures" that he brought to Sam or Thad and today was no exception. The game was well under way when Ishi came bounding up to Thad with a pair of handcuffs. Thad, fancying himself an equal to Harry Houdini, got what he thought was a great idea. He had learned how to pick the lock on handcuffs, so he challenged the kids to handcuff him to something he couldn't get out of. First they tried a wagon wheel, which he freed himself of in less than three minutes. Then they tried the railing on the Chapel steps. This time he got free even faster. Everything they tried had the same result, Thad freed himself with ease. Then they got the wise idea to take Thad into the woods and cuff him to a tree. They found just the right tree and made Thad hug it. Just as the kids got the cuffs on him they heard a noise. At first they thought it was just Ishi, but someone yelled, "Bear!" and they all scattered. They passed Ishi running to Thad as they were running out of the woods to the Chapel. Chaos ensued when they reached the Chapel as they all tried to relate the crisis at once. Ishi could be heard barking incessantly from the woods when Sam finally figured out what the kids were urgently trying to tell him. When Sam found him, Thad was still cuffed to the tree and Ishi was holding off the bear. Sam picked up two rocks and pounded them together to scare the bear while Thad worked on freeing himself. It was taking forever because Thad's hands were sweating and shaking. Just as the bear, intimidated by the barking and rock clanking, backed off and turned to go, Thad finally got loose. He let the handcuffs drop, and all three ran as fast as they could back to the Chapel. They all went inside the Chapel, fell on their knees and thanked God for deliverance and protection. Pastor Eli quoted Psalm 32:7: "Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance." Then they all sang "How Great Thou Art" and went home, safe and sound. Thad never messed around with handcuffs again. Tune in next month for more of Sam's story… Do you have any picture frames that you don’t need? Oval, rectangle, square. Crafters are doing a project that requires picture frames. We can use 4 x 8, 5 x 7, narrow and long, tall and not so wide, 8 x 10. They need to be in fairly decent shape. If the frame could be used if it were painted, we can take care of that. If you have any frames to donate, please bring them to the Firehouse during Crafters’ hours, or drop them off at the church. 6 Calendar Sunday Monday 2014 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 15 16 17 Finding Hope and Overcoming Depression 10:30am in the Library Game Night and Potluck in the Hall 6:00 22 23 Sewing and Crafters 1:00 Dinner 5:30 Chapel 6:30 Women’s Bible Study 6:30 18 Homecoming at MCC 3:30 potluck 4:30—6:30 sing-along to some of your favorite songs 25 Couples Encouraging Couples for Better Marriages 6:00—8:30pm in the Firehouse 19 26 2 27 8 Dinner 5:30 3 Ceramics 10:00 PraiseLines dancing 6:00 15 16 Couples Encouraging 6:00—8:30pm Ceramics 10:00 PraiseLines 6:00 24 Game Night and Potluck in the Hall 6:00 29 30 Finding Hope and Overcoming Depression 10:30am Game Night and Potluck 6:00 Chapel 6:30 Women’s Bible Study 6:30 Dogtown Faire planning meeting 5:00 4 5 Sewing and Crafters 1:00 PraiseLines dancing 6:00 9 28 Sewing and Crafters 1:00 Chapel 6:30 Women’s Bible Study 6:30 6:00 pm $7 10 11 12 Missions Meeting Sewing and Crafters 1:00 Care Net’s Baby Bottle fundraiser bottles are due back on Father’s Day 17 Dinner 5:30 Chapel 6:30 Women’s Bible Study 6:30 6 31 7 Game Night and Potluck 6:00 Dinner 5:30 Good News Blues 6:00 Couples Encouraging 6:00—8:30pm Finding Hope and Overcoming Depression 10:30am Chapel 6:30 Women’s Bible Study 6:30 PraiseLines dancing 6:00 Ceramics 10:00 ♫ Dinner 5:30 Ceramics 10:00 1 21 Sewing and Crafters 1:00 PraiseLines dancing 6:00 SIS 9:15am Breakfast 9:00—10:15 20 Ceramics 10:00 Magalia Community Church Finding Hope and Overcoming Depression 10:30am 13 14 Game Night and Potluck 6:00 Board Meeting 7:00 All are welcome to attend the meeting. 18 Sewing and Crafters 1:00 Dinner 5:30 Chapel 6:30 Women’s Bible Study 6:30 19 20 Finding Hope and Overcoming Depression 10:30am Game Night and Potluck 6:00 21 7 7 . 8 Magalia Community Church P.O. Box 165 Magalia, CA 95954 The Pacesetter Our Goal To reach the lost Our Mission To minister with grace and truth Magalia Community Church’s monthly newsletter Wednesday: 5:30 pm - Fellowship Dinner $5.00 ea. 6:30pm - Service and Study in the Chapel 6:30pm - King’s Kids Club in the Church Hall WEEKLY Sunday: 8:00 am - Worship and Celebration in the Chapel 9:15 am - Adult Bible Study 10:30 am - Worship and Celebration in the Church Hall Nursery Care (babies and toddlers) Children’s Church followed by Sunday School in the North Room (grades kindergarten –7) Senior Pastor, Kevin Lindstrom Convalescent Ministry, Pastor Isaac Rivera Magalia, CA 95954 13700 Skyway (530) 877-7963 web site Magalia community Church Mathew 4:4 that comes from the mouth of God.’ ” not live by bread alone, but on every word Jesus answered: “It is written: ‘Man shall May 2014 9 10
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