Pippin - Chardon Local Schools


Pippin - Chardon Local Schools
Rights obtained from
Music theatre
International (MTI)
Book by
Music & Lyrics by
Originally produced on the Broadway stage by Stuart Ostrow
Directed on the Broadway stage by Bob Fosse
The Ending Originally Conceived In 1998 By Mitch Sebastian
is presented through special arrangement with
Music Theatre International (MTI).
All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI,
421 West 54th Street, New York, New York 10019
Telephone: (212) 541-4684 • Fax: (212) 397-4684
A special thanks to Kerrigan Miranda for the fabulously creative T-shirt design.
We would also like to gratefully acknowledge the
Geauga Lyric Theater Guild & NDCL
For their generous contributions to our Make-up & Costume Department.
Director’s Note
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to a night of mystery, magic, and good oldfashioned existential angst.
Tonight’s musical has very little to do with the historical Pippin, the hunchbacked
first son of Charlamagne, who lived a life of ignominy and strife as the disinherited
and maligned offspring of a courtier in medieval France. Instead, the subject of
our musical actually has more in common with the young hippies and bohemians
of the era that birthed him. Pippin was written in 1972, and reflects all the zeitgeist
of that era both in its subject matter and musical style. Pippin, fresh out of the
University of Padua with big ideas about the world and even bigger ideas about
his importance in it, lives a restless life, always searching for higher meaning and
ultimate fulfillment. Of course, he finds a dead end down every new street. He
does so much striving to find out the secret of life that he ceases to actually live.
When he finally begins to see the reality in front of him, to accept life for what it is,
warts (or moles) and all, he’s older and worn, but also much wiser.
The 1970s are often derided as the “Me Generation,” an era in which “finding
yourself” became a fulltime occupation. Pippin is a perfect example of this brand
of self-absorption, experimenting and exploring every occupation, every pleasure,
every identity. Ultimately, he arrives at the end of his journey empty-handed. In
2014, we have inherited this worldview and mission; like Pippin, we often spend so
much time trying to figure out the secret, indulging our whims and egos, that we
often miss what’s right in front of us. But this story, of a young person who grows
older and wiser after trying on every hat he can think of, and who finally finds
himself on a bare stage bereft of glitz and glamour but comforted by unadorned
love, is a universal one. Like most of us, Pippin never figures out what he wants to
be when he grows up. Life takes him for a ride, and he experiences its pitfalls and
zeniths, its joy and anguish, and finds himself, in the end, happy, but not as a result
of anything he expected or planned for.
It’s heavy stuff for a high school musical, but a story that our students have
worked hard on and believed in for the past three months. As always, unforeseen
challenges have presented themselves, and we have done our best to avert and
surmount them; like the United States Postal Service, he have braved snow and ice
to bring you tonight’s show.
I would like to acknowledge the astounding efforts of our adult leaders: Mrs. Kerry
Allenby’s work with the costume department, Mr. Scott Brown with the stage and
art crews, Mrs. Ann Schmidt with the Props department, and Mr. Dean Carlo in
sound. I would like to acknowledge Mrs. Lisa-Marie French, our choreographer,
for her inspired staging and tireless efforts to make every aspect of the show
successful. We would all like to express our gratitude to the parents of cast and
crew members for supporting your children during this season of madness.
Like the tale of Pippin itself, this production has had its ups and downs, laughter
and sadness, triumphs and false starts. Here we are, on the stage, ready to perform
magic before your eyes.
Thank you for attending.
Brandon Lichtinger
Artistic Director
Production Staff
Music Director
Mr. Fritz Streiff
Artistic Director
Mr. Brandon Lichtinger
Mrs. Lisa-Marie French
Pit Band
Stage Crew
Mr. Scott Brown
Mrs. Melissa Lichtler
Makeup &
Mrs. Ann Schmidt
Mrs. Kerry Allenby
Mr. Fritz Streiff
Mr. Dean Carlo
Ms. Joy Tersigni
Director PA
Ali Nowac
Stage Managers
Dance PA
Eric Siktberg
Megan Kofol
Nate Miller
Lisa Poyar
Jeremy Bulton
The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this
production is strictly prohibited.
Please refrain from the use of all electronic devices during the
performance including texting.
Please be courteous to those around you.
We request that no flash photographs be taken
during the performances.
Senior Biographies
Samantha Baierl
Samantha Baierl has been a part of the drama program since her sophomore year. She was on
the Props Crew for “Brother’s Grimm Spectaculathon,” “The Wizard of Oz,” and “Spy School.”
Her senior year she joined the cast of “The Skin of Out Teeth” and “Pippin.” Besides drama,
Sam’s pastimes are playing guitar, running, and eating. She is a Varsity Basketball and Track
athlete, but injury-prone, tearing her ACL twice. Her favorite movie is Frozen. Her favorite song
is “How to Save a Life” by the Fray. Her favorite food is probably tacos. She sometimes goes
by the nickname Simba.
Hannah Bena
Pit Band is my favorite band in the high school. My freshman year I played French horn in “The
Secret Garden.” My sophomore year and junior year I played stand up bass in “The Wizard of
Oz” and “Thoroughly Modern Millie.” Finally, this year as a senior, I am playing electric bass in
“Pippin.” Next year I will be heading off to college to get a music education degree with my
French horn. To the pit: play your hearts out tonight! Enjoy these moments because pretty soon
they will be over. To the cast and crews: Break a Leg.
Natalie Clark
Natalie Clark is a senior this year at Chardon High School. She has been in pit band 3 of the 4
years she has been in high school. Natalie is very excited to make the music for “Pippin” this
year as she plays the oboe. Natalie would like to wish all of the cast and crews a great weekend
and is very excited for what she has in store for the future.
Jillian Cressman
Hello all! My name is Jillian Cressman and this is my fourth year in Drama. I started on Business
Crew in “The Secret Garden,” and I have been on Props Crew ever since. I love how each crew
and cast member crafts a unique element of each production, but we all come together in the
end to create something beautiful. I would like to thank my parents for their incredible support
of everything I do. Also, much thanks to the adult leaders who dedicate countless hours into
making these performances come to life.
Anna Cunningham
Throughout high school Anna has been involved in a long cumbersome list of various activities
that you probably don’t want to read. Also, she had been very involved in Drama. In the past
4 years and 8 productions, she has done Props Crew, Stage Crew, and been a part of the cast.
She would like to thank all of the adults willing to dedicate their time to this scruffy bunch of
hoodlums, and also thank all the upper classmen who acted as role models while making drama
an awesome place for her freshman self to have fun and feel at home.
Randy Davis
Hi! I’m Randon Davis, most know me by Randy. I am a senior from Chardon high School and
I plan on going to Kent State University for my college career for Business Administration
and Chemistry of some sort. I have been involved in drama for two years, first starting with
“Thoroughly Modern Millie” on Business Crew. This year, I am also on Business crew again!
My girlfriend, Alex Karr, and I have been doing a lot of background things for the musical that
make it the best it can be! I cannot wait for “Pippin” and I am very excited for the finished
performance. Break a leg, everyone!
Senior Biographies
Erika Ellman
All throughout high school, Erika has enjoyed going to all of the plays and musicals. Because
of being busy with other activities, she was unable to join drama club until her very last chance.
Although she wishes she had joined earlier, she is very happy working on Stage Crew with all of
her friends.
Alexa Fatheringham
Alexa Fatheringham has been a part of theater for all four years of high school. She has enjoyed
every moment she spent here in this old broken building. She would like to thank all the friends
she has made through these years. She can’t thank you enough for the laughs, the smiles, the
screw ups and the crazy times that only they know about. Alexa would also like to thank Mr. L
and Lisa-Marie for supporting her every step of the way. She would like to also thank them for
making it possible for her to move forward with her fellow theater kids to keep up with this no
matter what. Theater is the only thing that got her through high school and she is so thankful
she was able to have this experience. Stay Golden.
Tyler Ferguson
I’ve been in the pit band for the Spring Musical all four years of high school. 2011- “The Secret
Garden,” 2012- “The Wizard of Oz,” 2013- “Thoroughly Modern Millie,” 2014- “Pippin.” I enjoy
being a part of musicals and was also in the pit bands for the 2013 Rabbit Run production and
the 2014 Geauga Theater production of “The Sound of Music.” After high school, I plan to go to
college for music performance.
Mike Garlak
Hello, I’m Mike Garlak, and I am a guitarist for the pit band. I have been playing guitar for about
ten years now, but I still have a lot to learn. This is my first time ever being involved in a school
play, and I am excited to finally be active in one. I have always wanted to participate in a play,
and joining pit band was a perfect opportunity for me to do so.
Erin Grantham
Salutations! I’m Erin Grantham and I like Pina Coladas, getting caught in the rain, I’m not really
into yoga, I have about half a brain, I like making… wonderful memories at Drama for the last
three years! I’ve never had true experience of meeting such wonderful people! I was Art Crew
in “Brother’s Grimm Spectaculathon” and M&C in “Wizard of Oz,” “Spy School,” “Thoroughly
Modern Millie,” “Skin of Our Teeth,” and now “Pippin.” I have been Crew Coordinator for my
last two shows. Shout out to my beautiful M&C ladies and to Katie Goodge, I wish we could have
spent this last show together. Anyways I guess this is it. Good luck Cast & Crew!
Senior Biographies
Benjamin G. Harvey
Ben greatly enjoys acting in all its forms and variations! While he has only been going to Chardon
for his senior year, he has filled that time with as many activities as possible. Especially drama.
He has acted in the CHS Fall Play as the character “Henry,” as well as personally writing, and
directing, a one act titled “Time” for this year’s senior one acts. “Pippin” will be the only musical
of his high school career. He wishes that he could have just one more year of high school here
with the people he has grown to love so much. But alas, it cannot be. He sends his thanks to
one and all citizens of Chardon. His home. Thank you to Mom and Dad and his little brother Joel
(also in the musical), Mr. L, Mr. Streiff, Lisa-Marie, all the crews and his fellow cast, as well as
his coaches Mr. Wakim and Mr. Hartmann for teaching him discipline and tenacity to strive for
success, and to support and defend his team-mates and the people he cares about. Thank you
for making Ben’s senior year the best year of his life! =)
Alex Karr
I have only been involved in Business Crew for the “Pippin” production. However, I have worked
on Business Crew unofficially for years. I’ve gone to Chardon Schools since elementary school
when I moved into Chardon. I’m very excited that this year I can officially join Business Crew,
since other years I have been busy with other things that take up too much of my time. I want to
give a shout out to Ms. T for being the best coordinator I’ve ever known!
Nadine Kubiah
Hi, I am Nadine Kubiah, I am a Foreign Exchange Student from Germany and for this school year
2013/2014 a senior at Chardon High School. I have been in two musicals in Germany a couple
years ago, but this is my first American musical. I love being a part of the Cast and it is a great
experience with all the Drama people. My hobbies are dancing, shopping, and hanging out with
my friends. Viel Glück to everyone in the show, we will rock it.
Jessica Lane
Jessica has been involved with six productions during her time at Chardon High School. She
began in the Business Crew and then joined the amazing Props Crew where she has enjoyed
meeting new people and learning how not to burn yourself while using a hot glue gun. Her
favorite show was “The Wizard of Oz” sophomore year where every song got stuck in her
head for many weeks even after it ended. Jessica would like to thank her parents for always
supporting her as well as Mrs. Schmidt for putting up with the shenanigans of the Props Crew.
Enjoy the show!
Kaylee Ronschke
Kaylee has been apart of Business Crew for the fall plays and spring musicals since her freshmen
year. It has been an amazing experience, and she encourages anyone to get involved. Even
through the crazy, busy, and stressful schedule, it will be a great experience. The experience
will be unforgettable for not only Kaylee, but anyone who does drama. She will definitely miss
Business Crew after the musical finishes.
Senior Biographies
Eric Siktberg
I have been a part of Stage Crew for every play since freshmen year. I remember being a rookie
learning the ways of the stage and all the traditions of Park Elementary. Being able to work
my way up to Stage Manager has been quite the experience and I can’t believe it is coming to
an end. My words of advice to those still continuing their journey, through drama of Chardon
High School are make the best of the four years of high school and just know those four years
couldn’t have been better!
Peyton Tatonetti
Peyton Tatonetti has been involved in drama sine the beginning of her sophomore year. She
was in M&C for “Brother’s Grimm Spectaculathon,” “The Wizard of Oz,” and “Spy School.”
Peyton has also played a munchkin (The Lollipop Guild) in “The Wizard of Oz,” the Pearl Lady in
“Thoroughly Modern Millie,” and a variety of characters in “The Skin of our Teeth.” She cannot
wait to perform for you all in this exciting circus-themed musical and she hopes you all enjoy the
show! Oh and a big thanks to Mr. Streiff, Mr. Lichtinger, and Lisa-Marie for all that hey have done
for us drama cuties! They have truly made Peyton’s drama experience a memorable one!
Jimmy Uhland
This is my first year on Stage Crew helping with the musical. This is actually my first year being
in drama too. I’ve had previous commitments to Cross Country, Marching Band, and Track that
prohibited me from helping. I wish I could have done it every year. I’m so glad I decided to join
my senior year. Everyone is so awesome, one of the best decisions ever.
Crosby Craddock
This is Crosby’s first year in drama. She wants to thank everyone for accepting her weirdness
and laughing at her jokes. She loves you all so much.
Nate Miller
“I love lamp.”
Austin Linn
Austin Linn is approaching on his last run of shows in his high school career. Austin has been
involved in every show for all four years he has been in high school, and has been a drama officer
for two. As he approaches on his last show he just is grateful to the theater for the way it has
shaped him. Austin also has not fully come to terms that this is his last show, but he does know
two things. One Austin wants to make his family and directors more proud than they have ever
been. And two Austin wants to thank the people that have helped him most. One group is his
family. Austin wants to thank his Mom and Dad and sister Jaden for making it to every show,
supporting, pushing, and always being there for him. He would like to give a special shout out to
his Fishin’ Buddies Norma and Skip for making it to his senior show. The second group he would
like to thank is the directors. Austin cannot express enough how grateful he is to them and how
he hopes he makes them proud. Lastly Austin would like to thank his peers. Not just his drama
family, who he loves with all of his heart, but also Chardon High School. He wants to thank them
for the applause, the recognition in the halls, the memories, and the pats on the back. Austin, all
in all, is just grateful for it all. (that rhyme though)
Pit Band
Nikki Katzenstein
Tyler Ferguson
Kalli Weber
Michael Ricci
Megan Chapin
Taylor Vandenberg
Ryan Seabeck
Hannah Bena
Brigid Ibold
Matt Baron
Ashley Lingafelter
Jodi Gunther
Natalie Clark
Mike Garlak
Mr. Streiff
Mrs. Lichtler
The Cast
Leading Player…………………... Austin Linn*
Leading Player……….……….Sarah Jurgens
Pippin…………………..………….Matt Gittins
Charles……………….………….Brian Ferris*
Lewis………………………...Benjamin Harvey
Fastrada…………………….….Casie Griffis*
Berthe……………………………Kaitlyn Carr*
Catherine……………………...Flo Piotrkowski
Theo………………………………. Justin Lane
Dance Captains...Lisa Poyar & Jeremy Bolton*
Players (Ensemble)…...…………...Alex Owen
Alexa Fatheringham*
Allison Kofol*
Ane Maere
Bobby Bukovek
Brenna Carr
Brittney Wilson*
Courtney Kernc
David Nedrow
Emily Schaffer
Emily Washington
Frankie Pinckard Gianni McGuiness
Miranda Tommer Hannah Adkins
Nadine Kubiak
Isabella Baker
Natalie Bukovec
Jillian Cremeans
Peyton Tatonetti Joel Harvey
Weston Szalay
Ray Bender
Kayla Bolden
Sam Baierl
Matt Klingbergs
Sean Keegan
Sean Parker
Trevor Marthe
*Denotes member of the International Thespian Society, an honorary
organization for high school theatre students. The Society is committed
to the advancement of educational theatre, and to this end publishes
Dramatics Magazine, sponsors Thespian Festivals and theatre
workshops, produces educational materials, and provides college
scholarship opportunities for high school Thespians.
Business Crew
Brittany Knife (CC)
Kaylee Ronschke (CC)
Alex Karr
Randy Davis
Nellie Turk
Kara Altman
Chloe Luce
Ally Gutowski
Sound Crew
Zach Gartner (CC)
Raye Brenick
Stephanie Olivera
m & C
Erin Grantham (CC)
Halle Kevern (CC)
Katie Goodge (CC)
Alexa Walker
Brianna Fowle
Crosby Craddock
Emily Staffileno
Gabby Phillips
Haley Caldwell
Jackie Schlag
Juliana Meyers
Mary Weaver
Nicole Kreuz
Eric Siktberg (SM)*
Nate Miller (ASM)
Maria Mandato (ASM)
Annelise Radzin
Elizabeth Maier
Emily Geisheimer
Erika Ellman
Isabel Larkins
Jarred Karikas
Jimmy Uhland
John O’Brien
Markus Morris
Martina Fava
Patricia Cottrell
Shea Smoske
Sophia Strazinsky
Tim Decipeda
Anna Cunningham
Jessica Lane (CC)
Jillian Cressman (CC)
Ashley Konya
Elissa Peters
Emily Perko
Faith McGee
Hailey Tarbet
Kayla Seman
Megan Schlag
Morgan Geisheimer
Lights Crew
Ryan McDivitt (CC)
Evan Seabeck
Miranda Harper
Zack Keltner
Senior Shows
Freshman Year
Fall Play – Maybe Baby It’s You
One Acts – “Wish List” “Rhythm of My Heart”
“The Eliminator” “Dreamlovers”
“Blinding Date” “My Heart Will Go On”
“I Do, I Do” “Into the Fire” “Anniversary”
“Once Upon a Time” & “Heart to Heart”
Musical – The Secret Garden
Sophmore Year
Fall Play – The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon
One Acts – “13 Ways to Screw Up a College Interview”
“What You Need”
“How to Succeed in High School Without Really Trying”
“One Phrase, Three Words: I Love You”
Musical - The Wizard of Oz
Junior Year
Fall Play - Spy School
One Acts - — “Standardized Bees”
“Drugs are Bad”
“LARPing for Love and Friendship”
“Roll over, Beethoven”
Spring Musical - Thoroughly Modern Millie
Senior Year
Fall Play – The Skin of Our Teeth
One Acts – “Time”
“Rapunzel Uncut”
“Pixilated Portal”
“Pizza: A Love Story”
“Alice in Technoland”
Spring Musical – Pippin
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Wishes the