Press file of ARCACHON
Press file of ARCACHON
Dossier de presse de la ville d’Arcachon Press Book Of Arcachon Mairie d’Arcachon / City Hall Place Lucien de Gracia - 33120 ARCACHON - France +33 (0)5 57 52 98 66 Office de Tourisme / Tourist Office Esplanade Georges Pompidou - BP 151 33311 ARCACHON Cedex - France +33 (0)5 57 52 97 97 à vivre et à aimer... to live and to love... 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 z Arcachon, the city of 4 seasons z A heritage worth the detour z Arcachon, a haven of well-being z Naturally cultural Carte blanche for hustle and bustle z A thousand and one reasons to visit Arcachon z Arcachon, definitely an appealing town z Arcachon and its Bassin, what could be better ? z A strategic geographical location Le Moulleau Arcachon, the city of seasons 01 Marked by the imperial touch of Napoleon III, Arcachon has grown up unceasingly without breaking with its rich heritage or the quality of its environment. It lives on, ever transforming to the rhythm of the seasons. Spring town This district covers the Pereire and Abatilles areas. The Pereire family had a 41-hectare estate, of which only the stables in Parc Pereire Avenue remain. The estate was divided into lots in 1957. But in 1977, the area was improved and planted with several thousand pine trees to stabilise the coastal dune ridge. The Abatilles area takes its name from the Gascon word meaning “wooded dune”. It was formerly just a place name, then it became a forest preserve, and now it is a residential neighbourhood. It is also the site of the famous Sainte Anne des Abatilles spring. Rich in calcium and free of nitrates, its water was used in thermal treatments from 1925 to 1970. The Gironde’s only mineral spring is still being exploited and exported today. Summer town Until the turn of the 19th Century, Arcachon consisted of just a few cabins for fishermen and workers who collected resin from the pine trees on the shores of “La petite mer de Buch”. In 1823, a Breton seaman named François Legallais opened the first baths for wealthy customers. With thalassotherapy and climatotherapy, Archachon was then set to become a town of well-being and health. The fashion for bathing in the sea attracted royalty and celebrities, prominent families, artists and businessmen. Chalets and villas were built along the seafront foreshadowing the town’s summer area. That development marked the start of Arcachon’s increasing popularity. On the 2nd May 1857, Napoleon III signed an imperial decree recognising Arcachon as a commune in its own right. Autumn town Winter town Up to the end of the First World War, Arcachon was the second largest trawler port in France. There was intense economic activity in the area with the fishing companies and shipyards that prospered there until the early 1950s. Today, the area caters to leisure port activities, apart from fishing. Arcachon has been classified as a sailing centre since 1986. They took over the operation of the Bordeaux-La Teste line, which they extended to Arcachon in 1857. To make it profitable, they purchased 60 hectares of forest to create the winter town. It was a genuine “open air sanatorium”, where wealthy sick people went to benefit from the “balsamic, iodized ocean air” and the sweet smell of the pines. In the spring of 1862, streets and avenues were laid out and the casino and villas were built. Napoleon III stayed there on two occasions, in 1859 and 1863, placing Arcachon among the country’s top health resorts. In the late 19th Century, rich families and businessmen from Bordeaux built sumptuous villas in the winter town, putting it on the regional list of picturesque sights. It is made up of the Saint Ferdinand and Aiguillon areas and has a fishing port and a marina. In 1852, Emile and Isaac Pereire set up the Compagnie des Chemins de Fer du Midi (Southern Rail Company). It was created by two men from Bordeaux, Messrs Grangeneuve and Papin, who wanted to build a new health resort. After purchasing 32 hectares of land, they called on the architect Louis Garros to build a chapel that they entrusted to the care of the Dominicans. The area around Notre Dame des Passes was embellished with a square in 1933. A statue of the Virgin sculpted by Henri Carlier was erected in 1958. Now, Le Moulleau boasts a mixture of shops and cafes. Its pedestrian walkway, with a bronze canon from the battery installed by Napoleon I during the Continental Blockade along with its pier, make it an obligatory landmark. Let yourself be guided for a proper visit Taking time out for a visit with a Tourist Office guide is strolling between villas and forest, meeting oyster-farmers and, of course, indulging in the pure pleasure of discovery. Architecture 02 Arcachon is synonymous with beach. But why not make the most of your stay to discover its rich architecture and monuments, protected by a comprehensive heritage conservation policy? Three routes to discover a multifaceted place: the Winter town • Anecdotes of the Winter town architecture, • Audio tours, • The winter town from east to west. Nature (with a naturalist guide) • Trip to the dunes, • The secret life of the Pereire sand bank… A heritage worth the detour At the heart of the Aiguillon Let your steps stray to the Pointe de l’Aiguillon to discover the houses with red-tiled roofs and small verandas and to try some oysters. The Port of Arcachon awaits you nearby, with its food market and heritage quay where you can see the treasures of the Bassin’s nautical heritage: pinasses (long narrow flat-bottomed boats), sailing barges, dragon boats… Your gaze will certainly linger on the 42-metre-high bell tower of Saint Ferdinand Church. The inscription engraved on the bell of its main chapel inspired the first Mayor of Arcachon, Alphonse Lamarque de Plaisance, to make it the town motto “Heri solitudo, hodie vicus, cras civitas” (yesterday a desert, today a village, tomorrow a city). From the Autumn town to the town centre There are two routes back to the town centre. Take the pedestrian and cycle path along the beach, or discover the architectural heritage in the autumn district : the private mansions in Deganne Avenue, the “arcachonnaises” (Arcachon villas) of Dune Pontac… You can visit the Olympia Theatre or marvel at the Chateau Deganne before reaching the seafront and its famous Thiers pier. Then stop by Notre Dame, elevated to the status of basilica by Pope Pius XII. Backing on to the seamen’s chapel and founded in 1722, it houses a statue of The Virgin and Child found by the monk Thomas Illyricus. Close by is the Croix des Marins (seafarer’s cross) that fishermen saluted to invoke divine protection. In the Winter town Take a break in Mauresque Park. With four hectares of unusual plant species overlooking the town, it is a haven of peace. Then get your strength up to climb the Sainte Cecile belvedere also named observatory designed by the architect Paul Regnauld. It offers one of the most beautiful vistas over the Arcachon Bassin. architecture A CLOSE UP ON the of Ville d’Hiver Sea • Trip by pinasse on the Arcachon Bassin. Exclusive tours • Abatilles spring, • Behind the scenes of the auction. Tourist bus Towards Le Moulleau Visit the griffon at the Sainte Anne des Abatilles spring, discovered in 1923, to taste its water with acknowledged medicinal properties. Then, detour by the Notre Dame des Passes church in the Moulleau heights. Its mixture of Byzantine and Tuscan styles and the quality of its frescos make it unique. It houses one of the rare statues of The Virgin of Advent in France. Original architecture is the order of the day here. Neo-gothic villas sit alongside Swiss chalets, English cottages and colonial-inspired residences. Depending on style, they are called “innovations”, “follies” or “modest”. Despite this stylistic excess, the 215 villas scattered among the pine trees form an harmonious architectural heritage, unique in France, giving pride of place to gingerbread, bow-windows, polychromatic façades… • Arcachon City tour, • Oyster tour. Arcachon, respect for the environment Arcachon, a haven of well-being 03 Under the decisive influence of the ocean, with over 2000 hours of sunshine a year, moderate winds and rainfall and slight variations in temperature from one season to the next, the region basks in a microclimate all its own. That is why the founders of the town chose the site to turn into a city of health and well-being. It is also why thalassotherapy originated in Arcachon. Today, a stone’s throw from one of the resort’s most beautiful beaches, the town houses the only thalassotherapy centre in Gironde: a modern complex that provides quality innovative treatments. Likewise at the heart of Arcachon is the Abatilles mineral water spring, tapped at a depth of 472 metres and medically acknowledged as beneficial. Arcachon, the ple asure of sport To make the town attractive, developers have taken every interest in offering a wide variety of sports facilities since the late 19th century. Therefore, today, all sports are represented and promoted by particularly active associations. Each sport may be practised on unique natural sites: a veritable asset in favour of Arcachon. To be underscored alongside traditional sports facilities are: • A prestigious international golf course, • A renowned tennis club with 22 clay, hard surface, and indoor courts, • An equestrian centre, awith soughtafter competitions at the foot of the winter district, • An open air Basque pelota court. But the prime sports area is of course the beach! The Bassin itself is an extraordinary water sports stadium, a major yachting venue in France. Great skippers have made Arcachon their home base: Titouan Lamazou, Yves Parlier, Arnaud Boissières… All sailing enthusiasts can take advantage of the first class sailing centre. Renowned boat races such as the “18 hours of Arcachon”, the “Vasco de Gama Cup” and the “Prince of Asturias Cup” are the highlights of summer. The traditional sail regattas with flat-bottomed boats and barges and other one-design boats bring the Arcachon Bassin to life during the season alongside sailing regattas, rowing and even kite surfing competitions. Arcachon has several fitness trails and a vast network of cycle paths around the town. “Arcachon en Forme” is an original initiative aimed at offering every inhabitant the opportunity to keep fit throughout the year with free courses in pilates, taï-chi, jogging and weight training on Pereire beach in summer and indoors in winter. Arcachon is determined to conserve its territory through a firm policy of sustainable development: • Protecting its forest, under the guidance of the French Forestry Commission, with a plan for managing wooded areas, • Setting up one of the first shared electric transport networks, ého!, that won the French, Eco Actions award in 2003, • A plan to rehabilitate all public lighting to reduce energy consumption by 43% over 20 years while also improving lighting quality… Carte blanche for hustle and bustle Naturally cultural 04 Biolay, Véronique Sanson, Etienne Daho, Zazie, Jacques Higelin, Pierre Arditi, Michel Bouquet, Romane Bohringer, Claude Brasseur, Sylvie Testud, the Perm Ballet, Carolyn Carlson, Philippe Decouflé, the Cirque Eloize, the Cirque Romanes..., have appeared on this stage. As a publicly subsidised dance theatre, the Olympia is a regional benchmark for this discipline. Arcachon is distinguished by the vitality of its cultural and artistic scene which, over the years, has shaped the features of a dynamic town always ready to surprise. An ambitious cultural season All year round, in every corner and for all audiences, Arcachon offers a range of eclectic cultural events. At the heart of it all is the Olympia Theatre, which hosts a demanding cultural programme including theatre, humour, song, circus, and opera, among others. Many leading artists such as Philippe Torreton, Julien Clerc, Benjamin The Cadences Festival: live a passionate dance experience This cultural event marking the start of the season, Cadences presents some thirty shows, bringing together already established or budding international companies, world choreographies and premieres in Aquitaine. To combine the aesthetics of dance with the beauty of Bassin landscapes, the companies perform by day on the beach or in unusual places accessible by boat, as “choreographic ports of call”. In parallel, the Festival offers a rich programme of events, balls… The event takes place on the 4th weekend of September. Monumental sculpture Arcachon In spring the seafront becomes an openair museum for large-format sculptures by contemporary artists such as Toutain, Sahnes and Coutelle. Since 2011, the experience has been continued in the water, and from the seafront you can now admire the whale tail created by the sculptor Emmanuel Janssens Casteels. May La Plage aux Ecrivains (see opposite page) La Plage aux Ecrivains This is one of the most appreciated literary events of the pre-season. Its programme includes around thirty famous or budding writers, the beach, the Arcachon Bassin, encounters, readings on the sand, a giant oyster-tasting... Each edition sees the awarding of the Arcachon literary prize. Previous prize-winners include: Katherine Pancol, Anne Wiazemsky and Simonetta Greggio. June Since life in Arcachon does not end with the summer season, the town organises open-air events for everyone throughout the year. Traditional or new events, the key words are originality, sharing and fun. Jumping des Sables Meet the best horse riders in France over three days of competitions and watch the spectacular derby that takes place at low tide on Pereire Beach. Les Tchanquetas This festivity brings thousands of visitors to breakfast, dine or sample tapas in the enchanting setting of Pereire Beach. On Saturday evening you can admire the sailing boats dancing on the sea in the “18 hours of Arcachon” race. July / August Arcachon en scène National and international stars come to the Velodrome to give breathtaking open-air shows and concerts: Jamiroquai, Mika, Jacques Dutronc, Nicolas Canteloup, Sting… September European Heritage Days This is the opportunity to discover or rediscover all of Arcachon’s rich heritage. On the agenda you can visit: villas, the Olympia Theatre, the synagogue, churches, and enjoy exhibitions and concerts… Cadences (see opposite page) 14th and 15th August Fêtes de la Mer A two-day celebration of the sea and its traditions. It all starts with an enormous picnic on the beachfront. The following day, you can attend mass followed by a nautical parade, a traditional sailing regatta, concerts, fireworks… December Arcachon celebrates Christmas With an ice rink and gourmet-catered chalets, there is hustle and bustle throughout the month of December. But the high point, of course, is when Father Christmas arrives on the beach by boat. A thousand and one reasons to visit Arcachon 05 You can just lounge on the beach, but there are also activities to be shared with families, partners or groups, accompanied by a unique sensation of dolce vita. Arcachon, a beautiful breakaway Arcachon, the pleasure of taste To each his own beach Cycling as a way of life Leisure for all Accommodation Gastronomy Arcachon spells out seven kilometres of fine sand beaches right in the centre of town or edging into maritime parks. Each beach has its own character. Scene of the first sunbaths, the town-centre beach near shops and restaurants joins up with the Plage d’Eyrac, which extends up to the small sailing port. Bordered by a pedestrian walkway, sports facilities, a cycle path and lawns, the Pereire beach offers a unique vista over the Cap Ferret. The Arbousiers beach is the rallying point for hang-gliders and kitesurfers. The Moulleau beach in turn is the ideal place for swimming in the sea and enjoying ice-cream. With 15 kilometres of dedicated cycle paths, you can explore Arcachon in complete safety; along the seafront, to the edge of the forest… If you want, you can go on to the 150 kilometres of tracks circumscribing the Bassin, or take a boat to Cap Ferret to discover the peaceful charm of the peninsula. Water sports are the flagship leisure activity on the Bassin. Sailing, kitesurfing, stand-up paddle, dinghy sailing, kayaking and more are available at the Nautic Centre. But Arcachon also has international golf, a thalasso centre, a swimming pool, an equestrian centre, tennis courts, Basque pelota courts, beach clubs, open air entertainment for the young, a skate-park… enough to delight everyone. There are 27 hotels from which to choose a room with a sea view, or the serenity of the winter town, the relaxing atmosphere of a thalasso centre, the hustle and bustle of the town centre, or the authenticity of the port. B&B, holiday homes, rental properties, hotels, campsite, you will be spoilt for choice. To make things easier, you can consult hotel room availability at An essential part of Arcachon’s art of living, the gastronomy is the fruit of a subtle combination of food from the sea and the land. Here seafood, foie gras, fish and magret are given an Iberian touch and sublimated by the array of Bordeaux wine aromas. The culinary specialties (cuttlefish, tuna, red mullet…) follow the fishing seasons. But the chefs of Arcachon focus their attention on Bassin oysters, preparing them in endlessly creative ways: marinated raw, cooked in vegetable fondue, on brochettes, au gratin or stuffed, to delight all palates. Oysters are also eaten simply at the Let yourself be tempted by the idea of short breaks presented by the Tourist Office: thalasso, golf, water sports weekends. market, in oyster farmers’ cabins, plain or with crépinettes (flat sausages). Another place for gourmets: In summer, the Moulleau organic market attracts the principal local organic producers. Market The new market, conveniently located in the Halle Baltard in the town centre, holds the promise of a flavourful experience, full of colourful fresh produce. Wholesale fish merchants proudly display bass, sole and turbot fresh from the auction. The oyster farmers’ stalls brim over. Fruit and vegetables are displayed alongside Gascon produce and cheeses from the Pyrénées. It is a great place to linger and soak up the convivial atmosphere. Catering, a taste for novelty Food-wise, it’s all happening in the kitchens of Arcachon! There are plenty of good eating places to suit all tastes: bistros, brasseries, tapas bars… Some chefs are also getting regular mentions in the Michelin and Gault & Millau guides. Arcachon, definitely an appealing town 06 Arcachon is at the centre of an agglomeration community of 65 000 inhabitants with significant demographic and economic development. Less than one hour away from the Bordeaux metropolitan area, the town is easily accessible by road, rail and air. Arcachon is one of the French’s three favourite towns (Les Echos – July 2010) mainly because of its exceptional surroundings, but also because of its attractive facilities and services. Its economy is based on three pillars: • - Tourism, • - The port, maritime trades and nautical industries, • - Trade and industry. Tourism Leisure tourism Like its economy, Arcachon’s history is closely linked to tourism. In 2011, tourism brought in over 110 million euro, and the area is particularly popular with English, Spanish and Belgian tourists. There has also been a marked increase in tourism from Asia and Scandinavia. Tourist accommodation in Arcachon comprises 954 establishments (26 hotels, 3 holiday homes, 907 furnished accommodations, 15 B&B, 1 campsite and 2 group accommodations) adding up to a potential of 8 500 beds per day. Every year around 150 000 people visit the Tourist Office*** of Arcachon, which is the main office for the Arcachon Bassin and the second in importance for the Gironde, after Bordeaux. It will very soon be in the top category of Offices. The seaside resort oscillates between 12,000 inhabitants in winter (in addition to 4 000 school children and pensioners by day) to over 70 000 in summer, when the town has around 100 000 visitors per day. Business tourism The Conference Hall on the seafront has over 2 065 m2 of dedicated spaces for conferences, seminars... It has a 500-seat auditorium, a 500 m2 reception hall overlooking the sea, and 10 meeting rooms. The Olympia Theatre is also available for business tourism, with its felted surroundings, its 950-seat theatre and reception areas. All in all, Coca Cola, Aerospace Valley and the French Rugby Federation are among the many companies and organisations that have chosen Arcachon as the venue for their conferences. Its refurbishment in 2012 and the extension projects for the current casino are further arguments in favour of this type of development. Trade and Industry Arcachon has no less than 972 companies of which 616 are retail establishments and 101 are service companies. The comprehensive variety of business establishments is strengthened by renovation of the Aiguillon district, the restructuring of the town centre around a new market and 5 000 m2 of shops in an attractive and harmoniously designed space. Arcachon, strengthened by the presence of 26 public authorities, among them the Bassin subprefecture, also has numerous banks and service companies that are active participants in its economic dynamics. With the recent introduction of cutting-edge companies in the domotics, aeronautical and video animation industries, the town is clearly developing in the new technologies field. The nearby Megajoule Laser is a considerable asset in this area. The Port and the world of the sea The Port of Arcachon is the 14th largest fishing port in France, but the second in the value of its fisheries and is an undisputed element of the economy and the local heritage. It is the second largest sailing port on the Atlantic coast, with a surface area of 21 hectares, 2 600 berths and over 750 moorings ; it is the Bassin’s leading deep water port, and the first European port to obtain Q.S.E. certification (Quality-Safety-Environment). Fishing, oyster-farming, and the nautical industries punctuate the life of the port. With its 350 metres of quays and ultramodern facilities, 2 000 tons of fish are landed at the port each year. The sailing port, in turn, has created many jobs in the nautical industry, where development is linked, among others, to the construction of next-generation boats. The South Bassin Agglomeration Community has undertaken to reflect on the creation of an Initiatives Hub for Maritime Design Industries Its first act is the forthcoming launch of a “Clean Boat” with environmentfriendly propulsion, motor drive and hull. Moreover, the emergence of a maritime hub reorganising the commercial installations and portrelated and nautical activities will enable the Port of Arcachon to reinforce its role in the local economy. The Oceanographic Hub Project A European oceanographic hub will, in a few months’ time, reaffirm Arcachon’s university calling. It will be a scientific world benchmark in the different disciplines of oceanography. 07 Since nature does things well, it has put together a unique natural heritage around the restricted perimeter of the Bassin d’Arcachon. Arcachon and its Bassin, what could be better ? Two sensational places less than an hour away Around the Bassin Île aux Oiseaux and the Cabanes Tchanquées The Île aux Oiseaux fronting Arcachon may be discerned on the horizon. Surrounded by oyster beds, its surface area changes from 300 to 1 000 hectares depending on the tides. It is home to terns, curlews, and redshanks… People hardly ever go there. The famous Cabanes Tchanquées (cabins on stilts) stand proudly in front of the island like look-out posts. They get their name from the Gascon word “tchanques”, meaning the shoes used by farmers in the Landes region to walk across marshland. Dune du Pilat Between the maritime pine forest and the Atlantic Ocean, the Dune du Pilat is Europe’s tallest sand dune measuring 105 metres high, 2.7 km long and 500 metres across. It provides a stunning vista of the entrance to the Arcachon Bassin, the ocean and the Landes forest. Bordeaux Banc d’Arguin Gujan-Mestras: oyster ports Leyre delta The Banc d’Arguin marks the entrance to the Arcachon Bassin, facing the Dune du Pilat and the Cap Ferret headland. It is an enormous sand bank off the Girondin coast and a privileged meeting-place for amateur sailors and oyster farmers who have installed oyster beds there. It is a stopover site for many migratory birds. In the spring, it is shelter to Europe’s largest colony of Sandwich Terns. Regarded as the capital of oyster farming, Gujan-Mestras has seven picturesque ports: La Hume, Meyran, Gujan, le Canal, la Barbotière, la Mole and Larros, which is home to one of the great local shipyards and the Maison de l’Huître (oyster museum). Linking the Gascony forest to the sea, the River Leyre flows into the Bassin through a delta criss-crossed by channels. The place is studded with dragonflies and birds and the trees form green vaults. This natural heritage is among the richest in Southwestern France. Cap Ferret This 25-kilometre spit is a place of contrasts. On one side it has beaches that are battered by the ocean and the wind and on the other is the peaceful atmosphere of the Bassin, with its villages of oyster farmers, the Mimbeau canal, oyster beds and family beaches. Between the two are maritime pines. Rising out of the pines is a 53-metre lighthouse, offering a unique vista over the Bassin, the sand dune and the ocean. Le Teich: Bird Reserve It is a protected area of international importance for some species covering 120 hectares. Every year, 260 bird species - that is, 50% of European biodiversity choose to stop there between migrations to reproduce and feed. Domaine de Certes It is owned by the Conservatoire du Littoral (French agency for the conservation of coastal and riverbank areas) and covers almost 400 hectares. This unique place where land and water mingle is a vast mosaic of dikes, canals, wetlands, reed beds, fish reserves… It is also a place of privilege for migratory birds and waders. Wine capital of the world, Bordeaux has been a UNESCO world heritage site since 2007. With its 363 classified monuments, 18th-Century quays, parks, illuminated squares and cycle paths, there are a thousand and one ways to explore the town. Saint Emilion A World heritage site, Saint Emilion and its medieval village reveal numerous treasures - a monolithic church, Catacombs - along cobbled streets. It’s also the ideal spot for finding craftspeople, savouring macaroons and tasting Saint Emilion wines. BERLIN PARIS A strategic geographical location GENEVE ARCACHON BORDEAUX LONDON 08 Easy access • 15 flights a day Paris / Bordeaux, • Daily direct high speed connections to Paris, • By road on the N250 and the A63 motorway, • Regional Express Train link between Bordeaux / Arcachon (20 return journeys a day). PARIS NANTES LILLE PARIS STRASBOURG OCEAN •L ess than one hour from the metropolitan area of Bordeaux, • 50 minutes from Bordeaux-Mérignac international airport, • Two and a half hours from the Spanish border and first class ski resorts, • Three hours and forty minutes from Paris (high-speed train – 2 direct trains a day). When the high speed line opens in 2016, Arcachon will be only 3 hours away from Paris. BERLIN ATLANTIC Arcachon is ideally situated at: BRUSSELS MERIGNAC AIRPORT ARCACHON BORDEAUX BORDEAUX BILBAO LYON BARCELONA ARCACHON SPAIN TOULOUSE SEVILLE Further information Tourist Office*** travel advisors will receive you all year round. Depending on the season, your interests and what you want to do, the Tourist Office staff will help you design a stay to your taste. Tél. +33 (0)5 57 52 97 97 At the Tourist Office offers: • An extensive range of accommodation, • Themed holidays: cultural, gastronomic, well-being…, • Guided tours, • A variety of leisure activities, • Downloadable brochures and maps. GENEVA ROME Crédits photos : A. Vacheron, B. Bertin, K. Médina, J.-C. Lauchas, B. Ruiz-Siba, Mairie d’Arcachon, Thalazur. Conception réalisation : BILBAO
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