Catalogo_2010_ingles_vr.4.2_:Maquetación 1.qxd
Catalogo_2010_ingles_vr.4.2_:Maquetación 1.qxd
Portada_2011 vr.4.1:Maquetación 1 28/04/2011 14:01 Página 1 Spanish Nuclear Industry La Industria Nuclear Española La Industria Nuclear Española Spanish Nuclear Industry Portada_2011 vr.4.1:Maquetación 1 28/04/2011 14:02 Página 2 LEGAL DEPOSIT: CHLORINE FREE RECYCLED PAPER PRINTED IN: INO Reproducciones S.A. DESING AND LAYOUT: Domènech e-Learning · Multimedia, S.A. COORDINATION: Spanish Nuclear Industry Forum © 2011 by the Spanish Nuclear Industry Forum C/Boix y Morer, 6 28003 Madrid © 2011: Foro de la Industria Nuclear Española C/Boix y Morer, 6 28003 Madrid COORDINACIÓN: Foro de la Industria Nuclear Española DISEÑO Y MAQUETACIÓN: Domènech e-Learning · Multimedia, S.A. IMPRESIÓN: INO Reproducciones S.A. PAPEL RECICLADO DEPÓSITO LEGAL: Sponsored by ICEX Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade Index Presentation ...................................................................... 3 Introduction ...................................................................... 5 Electricity utilities ENDESA, S.A. .......................................................................... 10 Gas Natural Fenosa S.A. ............................................................ 12 Hc Energía, Grupo EDP ............................................................... 14 IBERDROLA, S.A. ........................................................................ 16 Nuclear power plants Almaraz I y II ........................................................................... 26 Ascó I y II ................................................................................ 18 Cofrentes , Iberdrola S.A. ............................................................ 22 Santa María de Garoña, Nuclenor S.A. ......................................... 24 Trillo ........................................................................................ 28 Vandellós II .............................................................................. 20 José Cabrera (pre-desmantelamiento) .......................................... 30 Fuel Enusa Industrias Avanzadas S.A. .................................................. 32 Equipment goods Equipos Nucleares S.A. .............................................................. Instalaciones Inabensa S.A. ........................................................ Ringo Válvulas S.L. ................................................................... Vector & Wellheads Engineering, S.L. .......................................... 34 36 38 40 Engineering and services ABB S.A. .................................................................................. 42 Applus S.L.U. ............................................................................ 44 Areva ..................................................................................... 46 Bureau Veritas ......................................................................... 48 COAPSA Control S.L. ................................................................ 50 Empresarios Agrupados (EA) A.I.E. ............................................. 52 GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy International Ltd. ................................. 54 Global Energy Services Siemsa, S.A. ........................................... 56 Grupo AMS............................................................................... 58 Grupo Copisa............................................................................. 60 Grupo Dominguis........................................................................ 62 Grupo Eulen.............................................................................. 64 Iberdrola Ingeniería y Construcción, S.A.U. ................................... 66 IDOM - Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Consultoría .................................... 68 Konecranes Ausió S.L.U. ............................................................ 70 Medidas Ambientales S.L. .......................................................... 72 Compañía Internacional de Protección, Ingeniería y Tecnología S.A.U - PROINSA .................................... 74 SENER S.A. .............................................................................. 76 Siemens S.A. ........................................................................... 78 SOCOIN S.L.U. ......................................................................... 80 Tamoin .................................................................................... 82 TECNATOM S.A. ........................................................................ 84 Técnicas Reunidas S.A................................................................ 86 Virlab S.A. ............................................................................... 88 Westinghouse Electric Spain S.A.U. .............................................. 90 Associations Anci, Asociación Nacional de Consultores Independientes ................ 92 Foro de la Industria Nuclear Española .......................................... 94 SEOPAN .................................................................................. 96 SERCOBE, Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Bienes de Equipo.. 98 UNESA, Asociación Española de la Industria Eléctrica ......................100 Presentation The Spanish Nuclear Industry Forum is pleased to publish a new edition of this industry catalog, whose main objective is to compile and present the characteristics of a consolidated industry and that is set to see growth in the coming years. Since the nineteen sixties, the nuclear industry in Spain has been developing its capacities maintaining a competitive position at world level.Thanks to these efforts, the Spanish nuclear industry may currently be said to participate in new reactor developments and the most advanced lines of research and to make use of the most up-todate techniques to respond to a growing market. The companies that are included in this publication have in common their dedication to the nuclear sector, in areas as diverse as initial and on-going training, construction of major components, engineering, nuclear fuel cycle and waste management. The situation of the emerging countries, especially in Asia, with energy consumption growth rates of close to 8% per year, makes it necessary to construct new nuclear reactors to satisfy part of its demand. To the obvious energy requirements should be added the increasing concern for the consequences of climate change and the measures to be taken to mitigate the emission of greenhouse gases, as well as the variability of fossil fuel prices. In this context, nuclear energy emerges as a technological, competitive and sustainable option for the production of electricity and as a guarantee of supplies, supporting compliance with Kyoto commitments. In Spain, the nuclear power plants produce 20% of the electricity we consume. The nuclear reactors generate the base power of the system, without interruptions, always respectful towards the environment, and at lower costs than other energy sources. The building and subsequent operation of the plants brought about the consolidation of the Spanish nuclear industry in all areas: building, engineering, consulting and services, that look towards a promising future that will not only allow for the expansion of the nuclear industry but also improve the competitiveness of the country's business fabric and bring added value to it. It is an honour for the Spanish Nuclear Industry Forum to present of this publication, in collaboration with ICEX, which illustrates the reality of a Spanish industry at the technological forefront, providing high added value and with an increasing international presence. We trust that this catalog will serve to promote and disclose the companies involved in nuclear activities. Mª Teresa Domínguez President, Spanish Nuclear Industry Forum 3 The Spanish nuclear industry contributes to the competitiveness of the country's economy. Its activity takes place within the framework of a growing international market. Introduction Society is constantly advancing towards a greater economic and social development. Globalization has encouraged relationships among countries in such a way that, nowadays and especially in the case of energy, it is no longer possible to establish national policies that do not take into account those in other countries. 20% of the world’s population consumes 80% of the energy resources. Almost a third of the world’s population, around two thousand million people, have no access to the transport and energy services that developed countries enjoy. The International Energy Agency estimates that the demand for primary energy in the world will increase by 50%, and the electricity demand will double up in the next fifty years. In order to fulfill this demand increase, in the next few years it will be necessary to promote the construction of nuclear power plants with advanced reactors, coal-fired plants with carbon capture and sequestration and renewable energy plants, so as to put together the most possibly balanced and sustainable mix. In the world there are over 440 nuclear reactors in operation in 30 countries with an installed capacity of around 370 GW, which is 10% of the world’s total electric generation park. They generate approximately 2,600 TWh per year, that is, they fulfill global electricity demand by 17%. Additionally, there is a clear support of nuclear energy: at the moment, over 65 reactors are under construction in 15 countries, another 90 are planned, i.e. programmed and with compromised financing, and 200 more are at the proposal stage. This means that, in the next 25-30 years, the world’s nuclear park is going to undergo a spectacular increase, contributing to a satisfaction of the environmental sustainability, guarantee of supply and competitive electricity production challenges. 5 In Spain the nuclear fleet, composed by eight reactors in six different sites, provides approximately 20% of the country’s consumed electricity, with less than 8% of the total installed power in the country’s electric generation park. Together, the Spanish nuclear power plants possess over 250 years of operative experience, having operated in excellent conditions during the last years and often being first on the lists of the world’s best performing plants. Their role is irreplaceable in the energy mix that supply the Spanish market, and they are a very important resource in the fight against the greenhouse effect and for the assurance of supply. NUCLEAR INDUSTRY IN SPAIN Spain first became interested in nuclear energy at the end of the 1940’s. 1951 saw the creation of the Junta de Energía Nuclear (JEN), initially dependent on the Government’s Presidency and afterwards on the Ministry of Industry and Energy. The JEN would be of great importance to the country’s nuclear development. After the “Atoms for Peace” speech by the United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower at the United Nations General Assembly in December 1953, the right climate was created to study the convenience of introducing nuclear energy to Spain. In 1964 the Nuclear Energy Law was approved, and in 1972 the Radioactive and Nuclear Sites Regulation was developed, afterwards revised in 1999. The security and regulation activities were entrusted to the Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (CSN) created in 1980, and the research and management of radioactive waste to the Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos (ENRESA) created in 1985. At the beginning of the sixties, with the stabilization plan and Spain’s incorporation into OCDE, the Spanish economy sped up its expansion, increasing energy demand. From 1960 to 1975 the energy demand grew at an accumulative rate of 11% per annum. In a situation of lack of gas and petroleum, with growing dependence on the latter and with the difficult and costly extraction of domestic coal, entrepreneurs and the Government considered accessing nuclear energy, still then at the early stages of industrial development, but nevertheless assuring to be the ideal complement to provide the basis for the load curve. Thus, the creation of Spain’s industrial nuclear structure began in the sixties, as a consequence of the decision to build the José Cabrera, Santa María de Garoña and Vandellós I nuclear power plants by major foreign contractors via the “turnkey” procedure. At this initial stage, the Administration actively promoted this industrial development, in order to create qualified jobs and because of the technnological advance that would no doubt contribute to the industry’s general betterment. 6 Introduction The next stage, in the seventies, saw the construction of the Almaraz, Ascó and Cofrentes nuclear power plants, this time utilizing contracting by components, which made the existing engineering and capital goods industries gain great importance, in already built sites but with modern methods adapted to the new concepts of safety guarantee. During the third stage, in the eighties, the Vandellós II and Trillo I nuclear power plants were built. At this stage, the Spanish nuclear industry reached its maturity with the construction of new build plants, both for materials and fuels, and the existence of a number of specialized services companies. The result of this process was the creation in Spain of an important technical and scientific community, located in public organizations and investigation centres, Universities, the operating nuclear power plants and the general industry. The eighties saw the moment of maximum activity of nuclear industry in Spain, providing jobs to over 20,000 people, among them over 5,000 highly qualified technicians. In addition to this, we must add approximately 100,000 more people in indirect jobs, from multiple goods and services companies. Nuclear power plants are based on complex technology, and they are intensive in capital but also in know-how. The widespread of this technology in several stages contributed to the creation of a solid industrial infrastructure, necessary to support the design, construction and exploitation of the plants, but also to develop other activities such as those related to fuel and the handling of radioactive waste. All this activity implied an important effort of technology assimilation and training for technicians and specialists, the result of which was a high-quality nuclear fleet, extremely expert operation teams and very high amounts of national participation in the construction of nuclear power plants, from the 40% total in the first sites to over 80% in the latter ones. The companies in the nuclear sector continue to support the engineering and components activities for repairs or modifications, fuel supply and inspection services during operation, as well as support services for refueling and radiological protection. Currently we still possess a basis of know-how, experience and means that will allow us to participate in nuclear programs at relaunching stages in several countries. It is thus quite obvious that, in the event of a re-activation of Spain’s nuclear program, we have a good infrastructure to successfully satisfy it. This fact has led Spain to be selected by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as an example of a country that had an exemplary nuclear programme of industrial promotion, for those countries that are currently launching their own nuclear programmes. The Spanish nuclear industry provides the engineering, equipment, construction and assembly, fuels, startup and services needed by nuclear power plants for their operation. All this industrial structure was put together during the plants’ construction and has 7 evolved along with the circumstances of each moment, incorporating new technologies adapted to the current needs and requirements. The Spanish nuclear industry is prepared for the international market, since in what concerns the construction of nuclear power plants all the technical structure of regulations, specifications, drafts, qualifications, performance, inspections and documentation corresponds to the global standards, and the companies are familiar with the clients and inspection agents as well as with the international methods. Additionally, many of them possess certification from the main classification entities. The companies acting in the nuclear field, besides the fuel cycle and waste management, are classified according to their specialities. Below is a brief explanation of the infrastructure created in Spain and its current potential, as an industrial nucleus for its necessary expansion in a globalized market: Electric companies, responsible for the construction of nuclear power plants and their operation, have expanded their activity to the study of optimization and operation, maintenance, equipment and procedural improvement management, fuel cycle handling, and development of new reactors. Nuclear system providers. In Spain a decision was made not to establish a systems company linked through licenses to any foreign supplier, which had meant that the industry was practically forced to choose one single type of reactor. International suppliers provided the 8 Introduction first “turnkey” nuclear power plants and nuclear steam generation systems for the consecutive nuclear power plants, and also granted the Spanish industry access to nuclear methods and standards. Nowadays they provide operation and maintenance support services and will certainly play a paramount role in the country’s future nuclear efforts. Engineering companies, making the most of their experience in the project and construction of thermal power stations, have generated an important capacity of nuclear power plant engineering, supporting the management of new build plant construction as well as the operation and management of operating facilities. From the beginning, Spanish engineering companies cooperated with leading foreign contractors. At the second stage the situation was inverted, being the Spanish companies the contractors for propietors, utilizing foreign companies for some time as consultants to afterwards assume total responsability. Equipment providers. This sector has been put together on the basis of the existing industry and the addition of new capacities, especially in the manufacturing of main equipment and turbine generators, but also of cranes, valves, tubes, boilers and accessories, heat exchangers, fuel manipulation machinery and a long etcetera of elements subject to strict quality assurance systems. An industry has been constituted that is able to supply most of the capital goods. Manufacturing and assembly companies had no difficulty in adapting to the new quality requirements. It is important to point out the locomotive effect that nuclear energy has had on the nuclear site assembly sector. On one hand, and as regards strictly nuclear industry, this pull brought about a qualitative change in issues such as quality and conformity assurance according to the special requirement regulations. On the other hand, it also had a positive effect on the dimensions of the equipments to assemble. This has very positive repercussions on other fields, including the deployment of renewable energies. Companies dedicated to specialized services, project and simulators supply, operator training, inservice inspection and support and exploitation improvement systems development, including among their clients all the Spanish nuclear companies as well as a great number of foreign organizations. The competitive and expert Spanish nuclear industry that is hereafter presented is a guarantee that nuclear technology in Spain is not only maintained but also in constant development to support the nuclear power plants currently in operation and to cater to a growing international nuclear market. March 2011 9 Endesa, founded in1944, is the leading company in the Spanish electricity market and the main private multinational electricity company in Latin America, with total assets of 62,588 million euros as of December 31st 2010. The company Enel holds 92% of the shares. ENDESA, S.A. Ribera del Loira, 60 (Campo de las Naciones) 28042 Madrid Tel.: +34 912 131 000 Fax: +34 915 638 181 Web: Business objective Services, products and technologies available ENDESA’s main business is the generation, transmission, distribution and marketing of electricity. The company also holds a relevant position in the natural gas sector, and undertakes additional services that add value to its basic business. ENDESA operates in the electricity markets of 10 countries on three continents and is the leader in Spain, Chile, Argentina, Colombia and Peru. The total workforce amounts to 24,000 people. Through its companies it controls more than 39,000 MW of installed capacity, with a generation amounting to 130,000 GWh and sales close more than 175,000 GWh to more than 25 million clients. ENDESA is a multinational, responsible, efficient and competitive company, commited to safety and security at the workplace, as well as to innovation and the environment. BRAZIL IRELAND • Endesa Fortaleza (100%) 2.332 MW • Cachoeira Dourada (99,61%) 2.665 MW • Cien (100%) InInterconexión Argent.-Brasil 2.1,000 km 2,100 MW • Ampla (91.93%) 2.2.5 mill.clientes • Coelce ((58.86%)) 2.3 mill.clients SPAIN & PORTUGAL CENTRAL AMERICA • Proyecto Siepac 111.1% • Endesa In11.7 mill.clients 2.22,577 MW COLOMBIA • Emgesa (48.48%) 2.2,895 MW • Codensa (48.48%) 2 2 5 mill.clients 2.2.5 ill li t PERU • Edegel (83.6%) 2.1,667 MW • Piura (60%) 2.133 MW • Edelnor (75.68%) 2.1.1 mill.clients CHILE • Endesa Ireland x(100%) 2 1 068 MW 2.1,068 ARGENTINA • Dock Sud (69.99%) 2.870 MW • Endesa Costanera (69.76%) 2.2,324 MW • El Chocón (67.67%) 2.1,328 MW • Edesur (99.45%) 2 2 3 mill.clients 2.2,3 ill li t • Yacylec (22.2%) 2.282 km, 507 Kv MAROCCO • Energie Electrique de Tahaddart (32%) 384 MW • Endesa Chile (59.98%) 2.2,895 MW • Chilectra (99.09%) 2 1 6 mill.clients 2.1.6 mill clients 10 Electricity utilities Activities and references Spain, Portugal and other countries (*) Endesa is not only the leading company in the Spanish electricity sector, is also the second largest operator in the electricity market Portuguese. Its electricity production in Spain and Portugal (including also the other businesses in Europe and Morocco) reached the 68,069 GWh in 2010. Of this amount, 66,299 GWh corresponded to Spain, 750 GWh and 1,020 GWh Portugal rest of the segment. Latin America (*) Endesa is the first private multinational electricity utility in Latin America and the largest one in Chile, Argentina, Colombia and Peru. It also participates in the interconnection that shall join the electric grids in Central American countries (SIEPAC). Nuclear Power Plants The Latin American electricity companies in which ENDESA has a shareholding totalled more than15,000 MW of installed power, with a production well over 67,000 GWh. Ascó I Ascó II Vandellós II Garoña Almaraz I Almaraz II Trillo Total Nuclear Nuclear energy in Endesa Over 40% of the total electricity generated by ENDESA in Spain is of nuclear energy, making them the first Spanish operator with 3,7000 MW installed power. ENDESA permanently strives for excellence in the management of its nuclear power plants. It is commited to a safe and reliable long term exploitation. It is also committed to the environment, both from the social and the environmental viewpoint, promoting growth in the areas where it is present. *NOTE: Data as of December 31, 2010. Company key figures Results as of December 31st 2010 (€ million) Net profits 4,129 Net Benedit (EBIT) 5,031 Operating result (EBITDA) 7,474 Revenues 31,177 Production (GWh) 130,485 Sales (GWh) 175,217 Personnel 24,732 Endesa is the greatest producer of nuclear energy in Spain, with 47% of installed nuclear power. 11 % Power (MW) ENDESA 1,033 1,027 1,087 466 1,050 983 1,066 6,650 100 85 72 50 36 36 1 Participation ENDESA (MW) 1,033 873 783 233 378 354 11 3,397.4 Gas Natural Fenosa, S.A. Headquarters: Plaça del Gas, 1 08003 Barcelona Tel.: +34 902 199 199 Gas Natural Fenosa is one of the leading multinational companies in the gas and electricity field. Present in over 23 countries, it has over 20 million clients. It is the greatest integrated gas and electricity company in Spain and Latinamerica, leading the commercialization of natural gas in the Iberian peninsula and the energy distribution business. La Coruña office: Avda. Arteixo n º171 15007 La Coruña Tel.: +34 981 178 700 Madrid offices: Avenida de América, 38 28033 Madrid Tel.: +34 902 199 199 Avda. de San Luis n º77 28033 Madrid Tel.: +34 915 676 000 Web: Business objective Besides Spain, Gas Natural Fenosa has important production centres in serveral countries such as Mexico, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica and Kenya. Following the recent acquisition of the electricity company Unión Fenosa, Gas Natural Fenosa has achieved its objective of integrating the gas and electricity businesses into a single company with extensive experience in the energy sector, capable of efficiently competing in energy markets that are subject to a process of increasing integration, globalisation and competitiveness. Gas Natural Fenosa, present throughout the entire value chain of natural gas, is a referential operator in the Atlantic and Mediterranean basins. It manages a portfolio of LNG and natural gas supplies of over 30 bcm, participates in 3 regasificators and 2 liquefaction plants, and works on different projects throughout the value chain of natural gas that will reinforce its long term positioning. Services, products and technologies available Gas Natural Fenosa participates throughout the world in businesses related to primary energy production and generation, distribution and commercialization of natural gas and electricity. Gas Natural Fenosa’s energy mix is rich and diversified, including combinated cycles, hydraulic, nuclear, carbon fuel and renewables. 12 Electricity utilities Activities and references Gas Natural Fenosa promotes best practices in the management of energy infrastructures, balancing its actions with concern for the environment and sustainable development. As regards the standard regime, the company currently owns a 13,7 GW park, provided by generating plants with the following technologies: hydraulic, nuclear, carbon, fuel oil and combinated gas cycles. Gas Natural Fenosa’s electricity generation activity in Spain incluyes electric generation in standard regime, and in special regime via renewables. As to renewables, the company’s generating capacity in Spain currently reaches 949 MW. In the rest of the world, the company has an electric generation capacity of 2,668 MW, mainly concentrated in its combinated cycle installations in Mexico. Gas Natural Fenosa leads the natural gas distribution market in Spain through 10 distribution companies that operate in 13 autonomous regions, and 2 merchandiser. In the Spanish electricity market, the company has over 3,5 million customers and is, according to the National Energy Commission, the third largest operator in the sector. Company key figures In 2010 Gas Natural Fenosa obtained a net revenue of 1,201 million euros, and a consolidated EBITDA of 4,477 million euros. At the end of 2010 the company provided jobs to 18,778 workers all over the world. 13 HC Energía is composed of a group of companies mainly destined to the production, transmission and distribution and marketing of electricity. It is part of a broader energy group, the EDP Group, whose vision is set on being a global energy company, an aim that materializes through Naturgas Group (gas business development) and Edp Renováveis (renewable energy development), both companies in which HC Energía also participates. Since 2006 the shareholder structure has remained constant, being the EDP Group the majority shareholder with a stake of 96.6%; the rest belongs to Cajastur (3.13%) and to its treasury stocks. HC Energía, Grupo EDP Plaza de la Gesta, 2 33007 Oviedo Tel.: +34 902 830 100 Fax. +34 985 253 787 Serrano Galvache, 56 Edificio Encina Centro Empresarial Parque Norte, 2º planta 28033, Madrid Tel.: +34 902 830 100 Fax.: +34 914 316 520 Web: HC Energía’s headquarters are located in Oviedo, in the Spanish region of Asturias. Here it has 2,834 MW of installed power capacity and serves through its nework 88% of the region’s customers, representing approximately 91% of the total energy demand in Asturias. The company has also presence in Madrid, Valencia, Aragon and Catalonia. Bussines target Available services, products and technologies HC Energía, as an integral part of the EDP Group, has defined a long term growth strategy since 2005. The integration of HC Energía in the EDP Group in 2000 created a front line operator with a diversified generating capacity of 50,000 GWh, prepared to operate in the Iberian Market. HC’s thermal generation complemented EDP’s important hydroelectric generating capacity in Portugal. The EDP Group became the third operator on the Iberian Peninsula. HC’s participation in the Trillo Nuclear Power Plant provided EDP with a nuclear experience of the highest level. From 2006 to 2009, HC Energía’s strategy centered on the diversification of its energy mix through the execution of new combined cycles, and the expansion of electricity distribution networks. The year 2009 was the beginning of a new cost-effectiveness and optimization of the investments The EDP Group strongly backs renewable energy sources. In May 2004 it set up Neo Energía, a company jointly owned by HC Energía and EDP for the development of the renewables area. In 2008 Neo activities were transfered to EDPR. HC Energía’s generation park can be summarized by the following data: 3,845 2,540 1,535 1,711 433 166 Hydro-electric Natural gas Total Ordinary Regime Conventional Thermal Nuclear Total Special Regime (Renewables) (*) (*) Investments in Eolic Generation are made through EDP Renewables. 14 Electricity utilities Naturgas Energía Naturgas Energía is an integral energy group whose aim is to supply gas and electricity to businesses and individuals at competitive prices. For this purpose, it carries out the transportation and distribution of gas within a regulated market, as well as commercializing with gas and electricity. At the end of 2010, the Group had over 968,000 service points in the regulated market and served 823,000 gas customers and over than 102.000 electricity customers in the free market. Naturgas Energía’s own facilities are present in nine autonomous communities: Asturias, Cantabria, Catalonia, Castille and Leon, Extremadura, Madrid, Murcia, Navarra and the Basque Country. Its revenue in 2010 was 1,331 million euros, with a gas pipe network spanning over 10,000 kilometers. The company leads the gas market in Asturias, Cantabria, Murcia and the Basque Country ; It has over 400 employees and is integrated in HC Energía, of the EDP Group. EDP Renováveis EDP Renováveis is a world leader in the renewable energy sector. It operates in the most attractive markets and continues to expand its business to new areas on the globe. It is currently the world’s third largest wind energy company. Having undergone exceptional development in recent years, it is among the three international companies with the greatest growth in the area. On December 31st, 2010, the installed wind energy was of 6,437 MW at a world level. EDP Renováveis’ main shareholder is the EDP Group. Company key figures (EDP Group) EDP is Portugal’s greatest industrial group and one of the main European energy companies. Currently it is the third energy operator on the Iberian Peninsula, carrying out activities of generation, distribution and commercialization of electricity and gas both in Portugal and Spain. Besides its leading position in the Iberian Peninsula, the EDP Group also has significative presence on Brasil’s electric sector and, thanks to EDP Renováveis, in the United States and several European countries. 2010 15 Turnover (M€) 14,171 EBITDA (M€) 3,613 BDI (M€) 1,235 Employees 12,096 Installed potency (MW) 21,990 Iberdrola, S.A. C/Cardenal Gardoqui, 8 48008 Bilbao Telf.: +34 944 151 411 Nuclear Generation Division C/Tomás Redondo, 1 28033 Madrid Telf.: +34 915 776 500 Fax: +34 917 843 178 Web: Iberdrola is a private global company with experience forged over the span of more than one hundred years of history at the service of energy development, supply assurance, quality and innovation. Business objective Services, products and technologies available The Iberdrola Group distributes a total installed power of nearly 44,500 MW in a balanced, efficient and well diversified grid, guaranteeing its response capacity in any energy related matter. In addition to this, the Group’s pioneering and resolute support of cleaner generation technologies as well as its respect for the environment have consolidated Iberdrola as the world’s leading company in wind power. Its affiliate Iberdrola Renovables, in the stock market since 2007, already has over 12,000 MW of installed power. Slovakia Germany Hungary Turkey Lithuania Poland Sweden Ukraine Latvia Bulgaria The Netherlands Belgium Russia United Kingdom Canada Switzerland United States France Guatemala Mexico Qatar Portugal China UAE Spain Venezuela Italy Tunisia Bolivia Greece Austria Kenya Brazil Algeria Chile Albania Deregulated business Distribution Renewables Engineering Office Gas storage 16 Romania Egypt Electricity utilities Activities and references The company’s geographical presence is mainly on the Atlantic area: Europe, United States and Latin America, which are the markets where it plans to continue growing in the next few years. Iberdrola is the leading Spanish energy company, has positioned itself as one of the main operators in the United Kingdom after the merger with Scottish Power, which was completed in 2007, and is also taking important steps towards its consolidation in the United States – in 2008 it purchased Energy East, now known as Iberdrola USA. Iberdrola will continue to encourage its international expansion, its growth in the areas of clean energy and distribution grids and the ongoing improvement of its efficiency, the axes of its activity for the upcoming years. In this regard, it plans to accumulate an 18,000 million euro investment in the 2010-2012 period. Company key figures Following the strong growth and internationalization process that begun in 2001, Iberdrola is today one of the world’s five main electricity utility companies with stock market capitalization, with activities in 40 countries and four continents, nearly 32,000 workers and close to 28.5 million clients. 17 Asociación Nuclear Ascó - Vandellós II, A.I.E. Apartado de Correos, 48 43890 L'Hospitalet de l'Infant (Tarragona) Tel.: +34 977 818 800 Fax: +34 977 818 720 In 1998, as a result of a merger between the companies that independently managed the Ascó and Vandellós II Nuclear Power Plants, an economic interest group known as Asociación Nuclear Ascó-Vandellós II, A.I.E. (ANAV) was born. The rather similar technologies of both plants, and their relatively close locations led their owner utilities to integrate them in a common management company. ANAV’s work is committed to operating the Ascó and Vandellós II Plants safely, reliably, giving the environment its due respect and on a long term basis, so as to produce electric energy, an essential element for economic and social development. This commitment is expressed both by the group’s investments on the Plants to guarantee their safe and long term operationg, and by the direct activities on the field, acting to promote the economic, social and cultural development of the towns in the influence areas of both Plants. The staff working at the Ascó and Vandellós II Nuclear Power Plants play a fundamental role in the day-today routine of the sites. The sum of ANAV’s job positions and those of the stable cooperating companies amount to nearly 2,300, making this group an economic reference both in the province of Tarragona and in the whole of Catalonia. In this regard, recent studies carried out by the Economics Department at the Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona show that the economic impact produced by the activities of ANAV’s Plants and that of its workers multiplies by four the generation of wealth and jobs in Catalonia, an effect that is especially intense on the province of Tarragona, where the direct, indirect and induced effect from ANAV and its workers represents approximately 3% of the province’s Gross Domestic Product. ASCÓ NUCLEAR POWER PLANT The Ascó Nuclear Power Plant is located on the right bank of the Ebro river in the district of Ribera de Ebro, in the municipal area of Ascó in the province of Tarragona. Construction began in 1972 and 81% of the construction and equipment assembly work was carried out by Spanish companies. The Ascó Nuclear Power Plant has two pressurised water reactors (PWR), the cooling water for the two units being provided by the Ebro river. Technical Data Type of reactor Pressurised water reactor (PWR) Vendor Thermal power Westinghouse 2,940.6 MWt (Unit I) and 2,940.6 MWt (Unit II) Fuel Enriched Uranium Dioxide (UO2) No of fuel assemblies 157 Gross electrical power 1,032.5 MWe (Unit I) and 1,027.2 MWe (Unit II) Cooling Open circuit, Ebro river Initiation of commercial exploitation December 1984 (Unit I) and March 1986 (Unit II) Date of Current Operating Permit 1/10/2001 for a 10 year period Length of Cycle 18 months, both units 18 Ascó Nuclear Power Plant Avda. de la centrales, s/n 43791 Ascó (Tarragona) Tel.: +34 977 415 000 Fax: +34 977 405 181 Web: Nuclear power plants Unit I of the Plant, with a thermal power of 2,940.6 MWt and an electric output of 1,032.5 MWe, is the property of ENDESA, and initiated its commercial operation on December 10th 1984. Unit II, with a thermal power of 2,940.6 MWt and an electrical output of 1,027.2 MWe, is jointly owned by ENDESA (85%) and IBERDROLA (15%), and initiated its commercial operation on March 30th 1986. In recent years, both units at the Plant have recovered load factors over 90%, this of course depending on whether the necessary shutdowns take place during the year in order to reload fuel and carry out preventive maintenance activities. This evolution brings with it a progressive increase in investments and operation and maitenance costs, which in 2010 exceeded 90 million euros in investments destined to renew and update the Plant’s systems and equipment, so as to guarantee the safety and reliability of both units and the 170 millions in operation and maintenance costs. The Ascó Nuclear Power Plant has a staff of nearly 500 people, of which approximately half are university graduates. It must be added that the Plant has over 750 staff from stable cooperating companies and that during reload periods there is an addition of between 800 and 1,000 workers from around 35 local companies. The Ascó Nuclear Power Plant has initiated work on the future Information Centre that will open its doors in 2011. This Centre was designed as an interactive space for the diffusion of energy and the functioning of a nuclear power plant. The project responds to ANAV’s multiple goals to promote a public approach to energy and how nuclear power plants work, generating an added value that complements the offer of Ribera d’Ebre to attract visitors to the area and cater to the existing demand of visits to the Plant. Gross electricity production (GWh) 18.000 8,159.44 8,151.61 8,887.46 7,238.10 7,762.06 8,335.92 7,420.88 7,444.81 8,157.20 7,641.44 8,795.65 7,927.25 8,074.68 8,019.44 7,769.83 7,915.91 7,778.46 5,770.74 8,358.26 10.800 8,121.09 14.400 7.200 3.600 0 19 Asociación Nuclear Ascó - Vandellós II, A.I.E. Apartado de Correos, 48 43890 L'Hospitalet de l'Infant (Tarragona) Tel.: +34 977 818 800 Fax: +34 977 818 720 VANDELLÓS II NUCLEAR POWER PLANT The Vandellós II Nuclear Power Plant is located on the Mediterranean coast in the province of Vandellós II Nuclear Power Plant Tarragona, in the municipal area of L'Hospitalet de L'Infant and Vandellós, being the only Spanish Plant Apartado de correos, 27 that extracts the cooling water necessary for its operation from the sea. 43890 L'Hospitalet de l'Infant (Tarragona) National participation in the construction and supply of equipment for this Plant amounted to more than 89% of the total, the highest percentage achieved in Spain in this type of projects. The Plant has a pressurised water reactor (PWR) with a thermal power of 2,940.6 MWt and an electrical power of 1,087.14 MWe, and is jointly owned by ENDESA (72%) and IBERDROLA (28%). The Plant began its commercial operation on March 8th 1988. Technical Data Type of reactor Vendor Thermal power Fuel Pressurised water reactor (PWR) Westinghouse 2,940.6 MWt Enriched Uranium Dioxide (UO2) No of fuel assemblies Gross electrical power Cooling Initiation of commercial exploitation 157 1,087 MWe Open circuit, Mediterranean Sea March 1988 Date of Current Operating Permit 26/07/2010 for a 10 year period Length of Cycle 18 months 20 Tel.: +34 977 818 700 Fax: +34 977 810 181 Web: Nuclear power plants In recent years, the Vandellós II Nuclear Power Plant has recovered load factors over 90%, this of course depending on whether the necessary shutdowns take place during the year in order to reload fuel and carry out preventive maintenance activities. This evolution brings with it a progressive increase in investments and operation and maitenance costs. In 2009 investments exceeded 110 million euros, coinciding with the set up of a new safety cooling system and in 2010 they exceeded 80 million euros. As to the maintenance and operation costs, they are over 100 million euros per annum. The Vandellós II Nuclear Power Plant houses ANAV’s corporative headquarters. Between the Plant and the corporate services, the site has a workforce in excess of 1,000 people, of which approximately 480 are ANAV workers and nearly 550 come from stable cooperating companies. During reload periods there is an addition of between 800 and 1,000 workers from around 35 local companies. Currently, the Vandellós II plant does not have an information centre and all visitors are sent to Ascó, with the exception of the technical or institutional visits that are received at the Plant. Gross electricity production (GWh) 10,000 8,000 2,000 0 21 8,860.02 5,387.86 7,236.52 5,531.11 7,317.70 4,894.34 9,032.03 8,559.83 8,351.76 4,000 9,375.90 6,000 COFRENTES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant is property of the electric company IBERDROLA. It is located in the municipal area of Cofrentes in the province of Valencia, on the right flank of the Júcar river at the tail end of the Embarcaderos reservoir. It functions via a nuclear system of steam production composed by a BWR/6 type boiling water reactor, provided by the North American company General Electric Company, with a thermal power of 3,237 MWt and an electrical power output of 1,092 MW. The Plant is cooled by means of a closed circuit through two natural draft towers. Below is an operational diagram: Authorization for construction was granted in 1975, being connected to the national electric grid nine years later, on October 1984. Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant is currently the main electricity generating centre in the Community of Valencia, generating 34% of the produced energy and covering 31% of the demand (data from REE 2009). At the national level, the plant produces approximately 4% of the country's overall electricity. Along with its activity as one of the country’s most important electric energy production centres, Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant maintains a rather intense and important relationship with its social environment. It is noteworthy to mention the visits made to the Information Centre by diverse schools and associations, with an average of 4,000 visitors per year. The year round, non-stop operation of Cofrentes prevents the import of 14 million petrol oil barrels and the emission of 6,5 million Tm CO2 into the atmosphere. 22 Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant Nuclear Generation Division Tomás Redondo, 1 28033 Madrid Tel.: +34 915 776 500 Fax: +34 917 843 178 Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant 46625 Cofrentes (Valencia) Tel.: +34 961 894 300 Fax: +34 962 196 477 Web: Nuclear power plants Below is a graph with the annual accumulated production at the Plant: 10,000 9,000 8,000 9,549 8,048 8,156 6,240 9,219 7,030 9,148 8,293 8,188 8,587 7,715 7,772 8,473 7,163 7,971 8,484 7,261 7,264 8,028 7,276 7,338 7,318 7,418 4,000 7,172 5,000 6,929 6,000 6,398 GWh 7,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 During 2010, the Plant functioned nonstop the 365 days of the year, generating a final production of 9,549 million kWh, with a Load Factor of 99.82% and an Operational Factor of 100%. This data has become the Plant’s greatest historical production, above the annual production obtained in 2006 with 9,219 million kWh. As regards optimization and process enhancement, top priority attention is placed on site safety both from the nuclear viewpoint and that of risk prevention at the workplace, as well as of protection of the environment and strict compliance with nuclear standards and other applicable regulation. The Plant has a Management Plan that assures orderly performance in the areas of greatest trascendence for its correct functioning. This Plan currently encompasses 64 projects, 47 of which are prioritary action and the rest (17) ongoing action.The key elements that conform the Management Plan are People, Organization and Site.The interaction of all three is fundamental to reach the established goals. In May 2010, the specialized magazine Nuclear Engineering International published a world ranking of nuclear power plants based on their Load Factor in relation to their full functioning life. In this list, Cofrentes held position 47 (out of the 394 plants of which the magazine possessed enough data to ellaborate the list), with an accumulated Load Factor of 84.67%. At the end of 2009, a team from WANO (World Association of Nuclear Operators) composed by 22 international experts carried out at the Plant a test known as Peer Review. In these tests, voluntarily requested by the plants, experts compare the plants’ activities with the international standards of nuclear industry in order to identify areas that might be susceptible of improvement as well as the strongholds of the evaluated sites.The previous conclusions from the expert group endorsed Cofrentes’ high compromise with operative safety. Also in 2009 Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant held its second External Evaluation of Safety Culture, with methodology from Dr. Sonja Haber, and which was carried out by herself. This evaluation took place via documentary revision, polls, observations (of meetings and onsite) and interviews. The conclusion was that the Plant is responsible and efficient in matters of nuclear safety. Technical Data Type of reactor Supplier Thermal power Fuel No of fuel elements Gross electrical power Cooling System Initiation of commercial exploitation Date of Current Operating Permit Length of Cycle Boiling water reactor (BWR) General Electric 3,237 MWt Enriched Uranium Dioxide (UO2) 624 1,092 MWe Closed circuit through natural draft towers March 1985 20/03/2021 for a 10 year period 24 months 23 Nuclear Power Plant Santa María de Garoña, Nuclenor 09212 Santa María de Garoña (Burgos) Tel.: +34 947 349 400 Fax: +34 947 349 440 Web: SANTA MARÍA DE GAROÑA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT The Santa María de Garoña Nuclear Power Plant is located in the province of Burgos, on a meander of the Ebro river close to the town of the same name in the Tobalina Valley, at the tail end of the Sobrón reservoir. The Plant is the property of NUCLENOR SA (Iberdrola 50% and Endesa 50%), a company which started its business activity in 1957 and was a pioneer in Spain in the use of nuclear energy for electricity generation. The Plant has a boiling water reactor (BWR) with a thermal power of 1,381 MW and an electrical output of 466 MWe. The annual production of the Plant is equivalent to 30% of the electricity consumption in the Autonomous Community of Castilla and Leon, and to 7% of the Spanish nuclear production. The Garoña Plant prevents more than 2,5 million tons of CO2 from being released to the atmosphere every year. The results obtained during the operating lifetime of the Plant reflect a continuous improvement, since the last ten years show operating and electric grid connection factors of over 90%. Since the early days of operation, the managers of NUCLENOR have applied a policy of Plant technological upgrading and updating that has produced a substantial improvement in the site’s performance. Gross electricity production (GWh) 5,000 Technical data 4,000 3,837 3,580 4,021 3,482 3,842 3,680 4,050 3,742 3,995 2,000 3,588 3,000 1,000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Type of reactor Boiling water reactor (BWR) Vendor General Electric Thermal power 1.381 MWt Fuel Enriched Uranium Dioxide (UO2) No. of fuel assemblies 400 Electrical power 466 MWe Cooling Open circuit, Ebro river Initiation of commercial operation May 1971 Date of Current Operating Permit 06/07/2013 Length of Cycle 24 months 2010 24 Nuclear power plants Since 1996, Garoña has voluntarily undergone six independent international inspections to verify its operation. The results highlight the fact that the Plant is in excellent technical conditions and that all its personnel are committed to the safety and reliability of the Plant. As planned, in 2006 Nuclenor applied for the renewal of its operating license for a new ten-year period. The application was accompanied by a series of studies and analyses that justified Santa María de Garoña’s capacity for longterm operation in safe and reliable conditions. The Nuclear Safety Council issued a favourable report on June 5th 2009 to Santa María de Garoña’s application for a ten year renewal. However, according to the Ministerial Order of July 6th, the Ministry of Industry decided to renew the operating license only up until July 2013, declaring the termination of activities at the Plant on that date. On September 14th 2009, Nuclenor presented to Spain’s National High Court an appeal against the Ministry’s order, as it was understood that said order does not conform to law. Currently this appeal is underway and pending resolution. Nuclenor is one of the most important companies in the Autonomous Community of Castilla and Leon, thanks to its turnover – it is among the twenty largest companies in the Community – and to its human and material resources. More than 1,000 professionals, from Nuclenor and from over 50 collaborating companies, work at the site on a permanent basis. In 1992 the Plant’s Information Centre was inaugurated, with a view to informing the public on the activities in the facility. The Centre has a surface area of around 800 m2 and, since the beginning of its operation, has been visited by an average of over 15,000 people a year. Most of these visitors are high school and University students. 25 In November 1999, the owner companies of the Almaraz and Trillo Nuclear Power Plants constituted the Economic Interest Group "Centrales Nucleares Almaraz-Trillo, A.I.E" for the integrated operation, management and administration of both Plants, their shareholding in the ownership of the facilities remaining unaltered. With this decision, the owner companies (Iberdrola, Endesa, Gas Natural Fenosa, HC Energía and Nuclenor) reinforce their commitment to the safe and reliable operation of the two Plants and their confidence in nuclear energy within a diversified and environmentally friendly sector. The Group has a work force of 775 people (43% of which are advance degree graduates) , distributed between the headquarters in Madrid and the two sites: Almaraz with 391 workers (40% advance degree graduates) and Trillo with 304 workers (40% advance degree graduates). ALMARAZ NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Almaraz-Trillo Nuclear Power Plant Avda. de Manoteras, 46-bis Edificio Delta Norte, 3 planta 5ª 28050 Madrid Tel.: +34 915 559 111 Fax: +34 915 566 520 Almaraz Nuclear Power Plant Apartado de Correos, 74 10300 Navalmoral de la Mata (Cáceres) Tel.: +34 927 545 090 Fax: +34 927 545 090 Web: The Almaraz Nuclear Power Plant is located in the municipal area of Almaraz (in the province of Cáceres). The Plant site occupies an area of 1,683 hectares. The Plant is owned by Iberdrola by 53%, Endesa by 36% and Gas Natural Fenosa by the remaining 11%. Construction began in 1972 and 81% of the total plant construction and equipment assembly work was undertaken by Spanish companies. The Almaraz Nuclear Power Plant has two pressurised light water (PWR) reactors, each with a thermal power output of 2,947 MWt. Electric power amounts to 1,035.27 MWe in the case of Unit I and 980 MWe in the case of Unit II (Currently undergoing a power increase process to a level similar to that of Unit I). Each of the reactors has a three loop coolant circuit. Each loop incorporates a coolant pump and a steam generator. Both coolant circuits are housed in the respective containments of the two reactor buildings. The steam from the generators is channelled to the turbine building, which houses both turbine generator sets in one same room, albeit independently.The cooling system (common to both installations) is an open circuit from the cold source of the Arrocampo reservoir, built especially for this purpose. Technical Data Type of reactor Vendor Thermal power Fuel No of fuel assemblies Gross electrical power Net electrical power Cooling Initiation of commercial exploitation Date of Current Operating Permit Length of Cycle Pressurised water reactor (PWR) Westinghouse 2,947 MWt Unit I and 2,947 MWt Unit II Enriched Uranium Dioxide (UO2) 157 1,035.27 MWe Unit I and 980 MWe Unit II (*) 1,004.22 MWe Unit I and 955.70 MWe Unit II (*) Open circuit from Arrocampo reservoir May 1981 (Unit I) & October 1983 (Unit II) 8/06/2010 for a 10 year period 18 months, both units 26 (*) Unit II currently awaits the required tests for the authorized energy increase. This data is not available on the date of publication. Nuclear power plants Unit I entered into commercial service on May 1st 1981, followed by Unit II on October 8th 1983. The facility is designed to operate as a base load plant, i.e. without interruption, and is capable of ensuring an annual average supply of 16,000 million kWh. The Almaraz Nuclear Power Plant produces 8% of the electricity generated within the ordinary regime in Spain and is the electricity generating facility that has most contributed to the national grid throughout its history. In recent years, both Units have operated with load and operating factors in excess of 90%. Especially noteworthy is the fact that in 1998 Unit I obtained an operating factor of 100% and that in 2001 it achieved availability and load factors of 99.81% and 99.18%, respectively. In 1993 and 2002, Unit II achieved an operating factor of 100%. These results place Almaraz among the best in the world’s nuclear power plant fleet. The Almaraz Nuclear Power Plant has a work force of 391 people, 40% of which are university graduates, as well as the cooperation of highly qualified personnel from contractor companies.Training is a key factor for the constant improvement of safety, quality, efficiency and competitiveness. With a view to informing public opinion of the reality of its activities, the Plant has an Information Centre that began to receive visits in February 1977, four years before the Plant initiated its operation, allowing visitors to gain direct insight into what a nuclear power plant is and how it operates. Since it opened, the Information Centre has been visited by almost 600,000 people, the equivalent to 60% of the population of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura. Most of the visitors are students from institutes, schools and universities, the majority from this Community. Gross electricity production (GWh) 18,000 7,055 7,885 8,449 6,870 7,830 8,537 7,501 7,437 8,615 7,092 7,265 8,458 7,734 7,810 8,522 7,823 7,439 8,510 7,474 7,152 8,174 10,800 6,843 14,400 7,200 3,600 0 Unit II Unit I 1995 2001 2002 2003 2007 2008 2009 2010 003 2004 2005 2006 20 27 TRILLO NUCLEAR POWER PLANT The Trillo Nuclear Power Plant is located in the municipal area of Trillo (in the province of Guadalajara). The site of the Plant occupies an area of 545 hectares. The Plant is owned by the Spanish electricity utilities Iberdrola by 48%, Gas Natural Fenosa by 34.5%, HC Energía by 15.5%, and Nuclenor by 2%. Construction began in 1979 and 85% on a fully Spanish investment. The national engineering and equipment contribution amounted to 80%, with areas as important as civil works and assembly being entirely national. Almaraz-Trillo Nuclear Power Plant Avda. de Manoteras, 46-bis Edificio Delta Norte, 3 planta 5ª 28050 Madrid Tel.: +34 915 559 111 Fax: +34 915 566 520 The Trillo Nuclear Power Plant has a pressurised light water reactor (PWR) of 3,010 MWt, with an electrical output of 1,066 MWe and a three-loop coolant circuit, each of the loops incorporating a coolant pump and a steam generator. This circuit is housed in the reactor building containment. The steam from the generators is channelled to the turbine hall.The plant cooling system consists of a closed circuit with two natural draught cooling towers. Trillo Nuclear Power Plant Apartado de Correos, 2 19450 Trillo (Guadalajara) Tel.: +34 949 817 900 Fax: +34 949 817 826 Web: The Plant began commercial operation on August 6th 1988. It is designed to operate as a base load facility, i.e., without interruption, ensures an annual average supply of 8,000 million kWh and is the most modern plant in the Spanish nuclear fleet. The Trillo Nuclear Power Plant has a dry temporary storage facility in which part of its spent fuel is stored in hermetically sealed and shielded metallic casks. With its surface area of 2,280 square metres, this facility is designed to house 80 such casks. Technical Data Type of reactor Vendor Thermal power Fuel Pressurised water reactor (PWR) KWU 3,010 MWt Enriched Uranium Dioxide (UO2) No of fuel assemblies Gross electrical power Net electrical power Cooling Initiation of commercial exploitation Date of Current Operating Permit Length of Cycle 177 1,066 MWe 1,002 MWe Natural Draught Cooling Towers (Tajo River) August 1988 17/11/2004 for a 10 year period 12 months 28 Nuclear power plants During its years of operation, the Plant has operated with load factors in excess of 85%. Especially noteworthy is the fact that in 2005 the Plant achieved availability and load factors of 93.02% and 92.55% respectively, and an operating factor of 93.33%. The Trillo Nuclear Power Plant has a work force of 304 people, 40% of which are university graduates, plus the cooperation of highly qualified personnel from contractor companies. Training is a key factor for the on-going improvement of the levels of safety, quality, efficiency and competitiveness. The Trillo Nuclear Power Plant has an Information Centre that began to receive visits in November 1981, eight years before the Plant initiated its operation. This allows visitors to gain direct insight into what a nuclear power plant is and how it operates. Since it opened, the Information Centre has been visited by more than 350,000 people, most of them students from institutes, schools and universities in the Autonomous Communities of Madrid and Castilla La Mancha. Gross electricity production (GWh) 9,000 7,200 8,229 7,701 8,271 8,501 8,230 8,642 8,535 8,667 8,352 8,425 3,600 7,976 5,400 1,800 0 1995 22001 001 2002 2003 03 2004 2005 20 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 29 JOSÉ CABRERA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT The José Cabrera Nuclear Power Plant, better known as Zorita, is located in the municipality of Almonacid de Zorita, in the province of Guadalajara, although the village closest to the Plant is Zorita de los Canes. At 23:31 hours on April 30th 2006, the José Cabrera Nucler Powr Plant was definitively disconnecte from the power grid, in compliance with the order issued by the then Ministry of Economy on October 14th 2002. The Plant was in operation for 38 years, from 1968 to 2006. Following the shutdown of the Plant until the end of 2009, the José Cabrera Nuclear Power Plant carried out several activities leading to the adequacy and preparation of the installation for its definitive dismantling. Some of these activities worthy of mention are those related to the conditioning of the waste generated during exploitation, the unloading of irradiated fuel and its transportation in dry containers from the storage pool to the Individualised Temporary Warehouse located in the same area. On February 11th 2010, the Plant’s ownership was transferred to the waste management agency Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos (ENRESA), in order to carry out the Dismantling Plan and the Plant’s shutdown. This Plant, property of Gas Natural Fenosa, , constituted a technological milestone since it was the first nuclear power plant to be constructed in Spain. From the very start it operated with maximum guarantees of safety, respecting and caring for surroundings under the constant supervision of the Nuclear Safety Council. Zorita had a pressurised water reactor (PWR) with a thermal power level of 510 MWt and an electrical output of 150.1 Mwe. Construction began in July 1965 and the Plant began commercial operation in August Technical data Type of reactor Vendor Thermal power Fuel No. of fuel assemblies Electrical power Cooling Initiation of comercial operation Disconnection from the grid Pressurised water reactor (PWR) Westinghouse 510 MWt Enriched Uranium Dioxide (UO2) 69 160 MWe Tajo river. Forced draught cooling towers August 1969 April 30th 2006 30 Nuclear Power Plant José Cabrera 19118 Almonacid de Zorita (Guadalajara) Tel: +34 915 673 510 Fax: +34 915 673 500 Nuclear power plants 1969. This Plant, which like all nuclear power plants operated in base load mode, i.e., 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, has produced electricity for almost 38 years. During this time it produced a total 36,515 million kilowatts-hour, equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 25 provinces like Guadalajara. The annual average production of the Plant was around 1,100 million kilowatt-hours, this representing approximately 20% of the electricity demand of the Autonomous Community of Castilla – La Mancha or almost 75% of the electricity consumption in the province of Guadalajara. The results of the Environmental Management Programme during operation of the Plant show that the quality of the environment in the area surrounding the Plant has remained unaltered. Througout its operation, the Plant has also undertaken a series of activities aimed at favouring the socioeconomic, cultural and educational enrichment of the local population, via cooperation agreements with town councils and organisations in the area. Due to its being the first Spanish facility to use nuclear energy to generate electricity, theJosé Cabrera Nucler Power Plant has been a school for nuclear professionals and a source of experience for the sector. A highly qualified workforce has been continously trained, thus guaranteeing high levels of qualification and the updating of know-how. Thoroughout these almost four decades of operation, the Plant has provided employment for 300 workers directly and some 6,000 indirectly. Following shoudonwn of the Plant, 50 persons remain on site to carry out the pre-dismantling phase. 31 Enusa was set up in 1972 under the name of Empresa Nacional del Uranio, as part of an initiative that aimed to promote the nuclear component in energy development in Spain. Today it is Enusa Industrias Avanzadas, S.A., a public company whose 60% of shares belong to the State industrial holding company SEPI (Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales), which reports to the Ministry of Economy and the Exchequer. The other 40% belongs to the National Centre for Energy Related, Environmental and Technological Research CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas), which reports to the Ministry of Enducation and Science. Enusa Industrias Avanzadas S.A. Santiago Rusiñol, 12 28040 Madrid Tel.: +34 913 474 200 Fax: +34 913 474 215 Web: E-mail: Business objective Services, products and technologies available Enusa’s goal is to work towards an improvement in its competitiveness, thus maintaining the quality of its current production and the recognition shown by regulators, institutions and clients alike, as well as contributing towards the socioeconomic development of the areas wherein it operates. With its presence at the Juzbado manufacturing facility since 1985, Enusa’s fuel elements manufacturing plant is one of Europe’s most innovative, as it incorporates state of the arts technology that optimizes resources and protects the environment. The site has specialized, highly qualified staff that encompasses the entire fuel producing cycle: handling the enriched uranium supply and the components required for manufacturing, assembling fuel elements, developing equipment for the manufacture and inspection of PWR (pressurised water reactor, under license from Westinghouse), BWR (boiling water reactors, General Electric USA) and VVER (manufactured between 2001 and 2007 and destined for the Loviisa pressurised water plant in Finland). Enusa has three work centres and two industrial sites: The Juzbado fuel element manufacturing facility and an environmental centre in Ciudad Rodrigo, both in the province of Salamanca. Its headquarters are located in Madrid. 32 Fuel Activities and references Enusa is structured around three major lines of business: The Front End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: This is the company’s traditional and most important activity. It basically consists of providing the enriched uranium for Spain’s nuclear power plants, acting as a procurement centre for the country’s electricity companies.This includes the design and manufacturing of nuclear fuel in its factory at Juzbado (Salamanca), destined to national and foreign nuclear power plants. Enusa also renders engineering services in everything pertaining the management and optimization of the use of fuel in the reactor, and specialized service in the inspection, repair and handling of fresh and irradiated fuel at the plants. has developed an ambitious area of business in environmental management projects, structured around two areas of work: the restoration of disused uranium mines and the Environmental Technical Office. Enusa’s environmental activitiy is increased by the affiliate companies TECONMA (environment protection services and environmental impact reduction services through technologies applied to the conservation of the environment in civil works) and EMGRISA (industrial waste handling and treatment and characterization of contaminated waters and grounds). Additionally, the company has two minoritary financial participants, related to its main line of business: one is the European uranium enrichment consortium EURODIF, which exploits a uranium enrichment factory in Tricastin (France). The other one is the COMINAK corporation, which owns a mine and a uranium concentrate plant in the Republic of Niger. Industrial Shareholdings: Enusa’s acquired experience in the nuclear sector and its great technological potential have led the company to implement a diversification policy. As a result of this, it financially participates in industrial companies such as ETSA and Enusegur, (transport of hazardous or high responsibility goods) and Molypharma (radiopharmacy and the production of PET radiopharmaceuticals). The Environment: As a result of its long experience in the operation of mining exploitations, Enusa has acquired ample environmental know-how. Using this know-how and experience it These three affiliates, together with the parent company Enusa Industrias Avanzadas and the environmental subsidiaries, form the Enusa Group. tU equivalent 320 tU/year 260 tU/year 220 tU/year 160 tU/year National Export Company key figures Juzbado’s current production license is for 500 tons of enriched uranium a year. The accumulated production throughout the 25 years of Juzbado’s operation has been of 5,300 tons of enriched uranium, the equivalent to 2,000,000 GWh, an amount that would supply Spain’s entire electricity demand during 8 years. Currently, Enusa’s complete staff amounts to 613 workers (201 at the head office in Madrid, 387 at the Juzbado factory and 25 at the environmental centre in Ciudad Rodrigo). Since its beginnings, the Juzbado factory has provided over 17,000 fuel elements: 8,700 PWR fuel elements, 8,200 BWR fuel elements and 741 VVER fuel elements. Managers Master’s Degree graduates Bachelor’s Degree graduates Technical and administrative Qualified and subordinate workers As regards the staff’s qualifications, the structure is divided as follows: 33 10 208 51 191 153 Equipos Nucleares, S.A. (ENSA) was created in 1973 with the purpose of manufacturing primary circuit components for both PWR and BWR type nuclear power plants (NSSS): Reactor Vessel, Internals, Steam Generators, Pressuriser and Primary Piping. Equipos Nucleares, S.A. José Ortega y Gasset, 20 28006 Madrid Tel.: +34 915 553 617 Fax: +34 915 563 149 Factory: Avenida Juan Carlos I, 8 39600 Maliaño (Cantabria) Tel.: +34 942 200 101 Fax: +34 942 200 148 Web: E-mail: Business objective The company headquarters are in Madrid, housing the offices of the Chairman and the General Management, and the factory is in Maliaño (Cantabria), a town located to the south of Santander Bay and very close to the capital. From its very beginnings, ENSA was equipped with an adequate infrastructure for the areas of Design, Engineering, Quality Assurance, Inspection, Procurement, Projects and Manufacturing, as well as with a Laboratory and Workshop technically capable of undertaking the manufacturing of major components. The company was initially set up with both private and public shareholders and now belongs entirely to the State industrial holding company SEPI. Services, products and technologies available In 1980 a specific business area was set up to provide services to operating plants (assembly and maintenance). Part of this group was subsequently integrated into ENWESA, a mixed company with Westinghouse Technical Services, wherein ENSA is the major shareholder. The company was originally conceived exclusively for the supply of major components for nuclear power plants, but has since been driven by the market situation to evolve towards alternative products and to identify other areas of activity complementary to the manufacturing of large components for such facilities. Over the more than 35 years that have passed since its creation ENSA has supplied equipment for nuclear power plants of different design types (General Electric, Westinghouse, Framatome, Siemens...) throughout the world, with acknowledged quality levels. In some of these supplies, as well as in others where it has not intervened in manufacturing (such as General Electric’s ABWR and Westinghouse’s AP600), the company has participated in structural design calculation. Over the last 20 years, and in addition to the supply of primary circuit equipment (Vessel, Internals, Steam Generators, Pressuriser and Primary Piping), ENSA has provided a large number of Spent Fuel Casks (transport and storage) and Racks for the storage of spent fuel in the pools of nuclear power plants in Spain and abroad (USA, China, Great Britain, Korea, Finland, South Africa, Taiwan, Japan). ENSA holds ASME Code (N, NPT and NA seals), TÜV and ISO 9001 and 14001 accreditations, among others. 34 Equipment goods Activities and references manufacturing of components for research centres (CERN, UKAEA, EPRI, etc.), institutions (NASA, EURATOM, Max Planck Institute), offshore oil platform manufacturing, Technical Assistance Services to other companies, and especially for the last few years with the manufacturing of pressurised components for the chemical and petrochemical industry. ENSA has actively participated as the company in charge of part of the design in international projects for 4th Generation reactors. As regards fuel, the company has not been limited to manufacturing designs developed by others but has taken a highly significant qualitative step, developing and licensing its own designs for casks and racks, such as the transport and storage cask currently being used at the Trillo Nuclear Power Plant (DPT) and a transport and storage cask for Hitachi (licensed in Japan). Based on the experienced gathered from these developments, it is presently at work on the design of a new fuel cask for PWR nuclear power plants (ENUN-P), soon to be presented for licencing. In the nuclear field, ENSA's main product is steam generators, of which more than 100 of Westinghouse, Siemens and Framatome designs have been manufactured. The last deliveries were four steam generators for Diablo Canyon (USA), vessel internals for the Oskarshan and Forsmark nuclear power plants and the container lid for the Vandellós II nuclear Power Plant. In the replacement market, ENSA currently manufactures two generators for the American market (Westinghouse design), three generators and a pressuriser for Belgium (Framatome design). For new sites it is manufacturing four generators for the Chinese market (Westinghouse design) and three generators for the French market (Framatome design). There are also several orders to supply new components for the American market (Westinghouse designed AP1000 generators and General Electric designed ESBWR vessels). As to Racks for the pools at the plants, ENSA has provided this equipment to all the national plants (the last one was to Cofrentes NPP) and also to several foreign plants such as the ones in Olkiluoto (Finland), Lungmen and Kuosheng (Taiwan), Yonggwang (Korea) and Ling-Ao (China). Complementing the manufacturing activities, ENSA performs numerous assembly, maintenance and repair activities at operating nuclear power plants as well as the setup and assembly of some of the manufactured equipment. As to fuel containers, it is manufacturing six new DPT model containers for the Trillo nuclear power plant and 20 TN design containers for the American market. Nuclear activities have also been compatibilized with the Company key figures ENSA's turnover in 2010 amounted to almost 85 million euros, 84% of which related to exports. The company has a work force of almost 436 people, of which 55% are specialist operators and the rest technical personnel. 35 Instalaciones Inabensa, S.A. (Inabensa) was founded in 1994, although its history goes back over more than 60 years, as it is the historical heir of the businesses of the parent company set up in Seville in 1941. Instalaciones Inabensa S.A. has been involved in the nuclear sector since its very beginnings, with an extensive participation in the nuclear power plant construction programme. Instalaciones Inabensa S.A. Campus Palmas Altas Parcela ZE-3 (Palmas Altas) 41014 Sevilla Tel: +34 954 936 000 Fax: +34 954 936 005 Web: Business objective Services, products and technologies available Inabensa, a company dedicated to industrial engineering and construction for both the private and public sectors has, as regards the nuclear field, ample experience in activities as varied as major turnkey electrical and mechanical assembly packages as well as the manufacturing of safety-related equipment such as: control panels and consoles, auxiliary panels for reactor protection systems, sampling equipment, power and distribution panels, motor control centres, médium voltaje cabinets, isolated phase bus ducts, dry transformers and power electronics equipment. In order to ensure the highest levels of performance as regards quality, the environment and safety, Inabensa possesses Management Systems in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OSHAS 18001, PECAL 2120, ISO 17020, NQA-1:1994, 10CRF50 Appendix B, UNE 73401:1995, ANSI and ASME Code standards, among others. These are periodically audited, allowing for homologation and accreditation as a supplier of Nuclear Grade equipment, both safety class (Class 1E) and Commercial grade equipment, with GENE (General Electric Nuclear Energy) and the Spanish Nucler Power Plant Owners Group. Inabensa has a wide network of delegations in Spain and in several other countries, manned by highly specialised personnel. This allows the company to undertake projects regardless of geographical location. Furthermore, the Inabensa Manufacturing Division has two production plants in Seville, Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) and Tianjin (China), with a total constructed suface area of more than 60,000 m2, from where it carries out equipment design and manufacturing. The use of the most advanced manufacturing processes and tehcnology, including qualification testing in accordance with the standards applicable in each case (IEC, IEEE, NEMA, UDE, KTA, MIL, etc.), and applying the strictest quality controls and assurance to the manufactured products, enables Inabensa to offer the most adequate equipment and asemblies that meet the standards in force and optimally fulfill the clients’ needs. Despite the important freeze that has occurred world-wide in recent years in the construction of nuclear power plants, which has seriously affected all activities in this sector, Inabensa has maintained a highly specialised technical team as well as the appropiate homologations. This has placed the company in a position to continue offering overall solutions for the supply of safety-related and commercial grade equipment. This continuous contact with the most highly specialised companies in the nuclear field has allowed Inabensa to keep abreast of technological progress and to hold its presence in plants in Spain and abroad. 36 Equipment goods Activities and references Execution of design modifications both for Electricity and for Instrumentation and Control for plant improvements. Some recent ones worthy of mention are those related with the power increase, TEVA Refrigeration Project, replacement of loudspeakers and cooling towers (Almaraz I and II NPP’s). Execution of electric design modifications for various systems (Trillo NPP). The following works and supplies may be singled out from among our more recent references for the nuclear sector: Spanish NPP’s: Disassembly, assembly and testing of battery lines (Trillo NPP). Supply of three 10 kV Cells (Trillo NPP). Supply of spares (MCC and SD carriages, relays, cable, thermocouples, contactors, grounding clamps, etc.) (Trillo NPP and Ascó-Vandellós NA). Supply of 6,3 kV Cabins, Transformation Centres and A, B and N MCC carriages for the EJ Project (Vandellós NPP). Supply of manpower for rewiew at the plant and Control Room (Almaraz NPP). Supply and assembly of grouped phase bus duct for coupling to the new start-up transformer (Almaraz NPP). Supply of Force Centres and MCC power increase (Almaraz NPP). Supply of CF 2B1A Increase Column (Almaraz NPP). Design, manufacture and assembly of the Modular Electric Room for Cooling Towers, TC System (Almaraz NPP). Design, manufacture and assembly of the Modular Electric Room for Water Treatment (Almaraz NPP). Supply of 20 and 6,3 kV Cabisn, Transformation Centre, Project Teva (Almaraz NPP). Maintenance in Power Operation and in fuel recharges in the Electricity and Instrumentation and Control activities (Almaraz I and II NPP’s). Maintenance in fuel recharges in the Electricity and Instrumentation and Control activities (Ascó I and II, Cofrentes and Trillo NPP’s). Overseas NPP’s (ABWR type by GE Nuclear): Main Control Room Panels and Remote Shutdown Panels (Simulator, Groups 1 and 2). FMCRD Relay Logic Panels and Scram Solenoid Fuse Panels (Groups 1 and 2). Single HCU Scram Test Panels (Groups 1 and 2). Balance of Plant Liquid Sampling and Analysis Systems (Groups 1 and 2). Meteorological Control Panels. Numac Panels (Fiber Optic Panels, ATIP & MRBM Panels, PRM Panels, RCIS Panels – Groups 1 and 2). NMS Panels (Neutron Monitoring Systems Panels – Groups 1 and 2). Providing workforce for revision at the plant and Control Room. Overseas NPP’s (China Nuclear Power Engineering): Main Control Room Panels and Remote Shutdown Panels (Stimulator, Groups 1 y 2 for the Fuqing and Fangjiasan NPP’s). Company key figures In 2009 Inabensa has achieved sales in excess of 463 million euros, with a staff of more than 2,600 people, of which over 10% are graduates and post-graduates. 37 Ringo Válvulas,S.L.(RV) was founded in 2000 by the management and technical team of WALTHON WEIR PACIFIC,S.A., with the aim of continuing to manufacture high performance valves of all types and spares for use in the nuclear industry. Despite its short history, and thanks to a team of people with over 35 years of experience in valve manufactuing for the nuclear industry, RV currently holds over 95% of the supply share for the Spanish nuclear power plants, along with numerous supplies to plants in Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Slovakia, Rumania, Mexico, South Africa, Argentina and China. Ringo Válvulas, S.L. Polígono Industrial Empresarium Romero, 6 50720 Zaragoza Tel.: +34 976 454 940 Fax: +34 976 454 840 Web: E-mail: Business objective Available services, products and technologies The business objective of RV has been to meet the Spanish nuclear industry’s demand for valves and spares, guaranteeing equipment supply and providing high levels of quality and reliability. In this respect, RV is equipped with modern facilities adapted to the manufacturing needs of the nuclear market, and is capable offering a rapid and satisfactory response to its clients’ demands. RV manufactures all types of valves for the nuclear industry, both nuclear and non nuclear class. The design codes normally applied are ASME III, NB, NC and ND, AD-Mekblatter and RCC-M. RV has the most advanced desing programs, both 2D and 3D allowing to perform all type of mechanical, noise, fluid-dynamic calculations, making sure the suitability of that valves in severe aplications like in control valves. Thanks to our supply experience and references, RV has been able to access the nuclear valve export market, this has increased our backing and commitment to the nuclear sector and leading the company to consolidate a professional team with wide experience on the nuclear market. The production area includes the following products: Gate valves: both manual motor-operated and pneumatic. Globe valves for on/off services and regulation. Control valves. Check valves, including testable and assisted valves. Butterfly valves for applications such as containment and control room isolation. Diaphragm valves. Bellow seal type zero leakage valves. Ball valves, indlucing top entry and in-line removable types. Likewise, RV has diversified its range of manufacturing activities to include markets other than the nuclear sector, such as gas and oil transport and prospecting and the chemical and petrochemical industries, in all cases in relation to high performance valves. RV has also become a leader in this market being the only Spanish manufacturer having API 6A qualification. RV is located in Zaragoza. In September 2006, RV moved its production and management facilities to the Empresarium industrial estate, Zaragoza’s most modern and best equipped industrial zone, and now has a production area of 7,000 m2 and 1,000 m2 of office space. RV also supplies spares for maintenance activities during refuelling outages. Among the company’s most significant services are the performance of special calculations and tests for the qualification of designs, in collaboration with TECNATOM, S.A., and the dedication of conventional valves for use at nuclear power plants. During 2011, RV will double its productive capacity by increasing its installations to a total surface of 12,000 m2 and its office space to 2,500 m2.. RV is qualified in accordance with ISO-9001-2000, homologated in accordance with the European Pressure Vessels Directive 97/23/CE. As regards manufacturing of valves and related spares, it is approved by the Spanish Nuclear Power Plant Owners Group, the Federal Electricity Comission (Mexico), the Swedish Nuclear Power Plant Owners Group, the Chinese Nuclear Safety Council, SIEMENS Turbomachinery, Tractebel (Belgium), AREVA, the National Commission for Nuclear Activities of Romania, several Chinese plants and Westinghouse. 38 Equipment goods Activities and references Among RV’s most important references in the nuclear market, the following are worthy of mention: plants and important projects related to design changes at the Koeberg (South Africa) and Laguna Verde (Mexico) NPP’s. Supply of all the valves used in the construction of the new cooling system for Vandellós II NPP. In collaboration with its clients, RV’s activiy on the Spanish nuclear market has included the standardisation of valves commonly used during refuelling outages, such that the company is in a position to offer exceptionally short supply periods with full technical and quality guarantees for those products that are included within this standardisation. Supply of the control room isolation valves for Almaraz NPP. Supply of the control valve for the power increase project at Almaraz NPP. During 2010, RV has carried out the same work within the Swedish nuclear market, obtaining “TYPE APPROVAL” by INSPECTA for valves equal to or below 2”. Supply of Class I DN 250 and PN 250 gate valves and DN50, PN250 check valves for the Ringhals NPP (Sweden).This project also includes the manufacturing of numerous Classs II gate and check valves from DN 25 to DN 300. Supply to Alstom, Sweden, of valves for new turbine at Ringhals IV. This includes motor and pneumatic valves up to DN 500. Supply of different types of valves for the Döel and Tihanges NPP’s in Belgium. Supply of bellow seal type zero leakage globe valves for the NPP’s at Mochovce (Slovakia), Ringhals, OKG and Fosmark (Sweden) and Atucha (Argentina), as well as a substantial number of valves of all types to all the Spanish nuclear power Company key figures nuclear services and to valves to be used in the oil and gas markets). RV’s turnover in 2009 amounted to 28 million euros. In 2010, turnover has been 31 million euros. The target for the year 2011 is to be very close to 35 million. RV has a work force of almost 70 people, 25% of which are specialist operators, 15% administrative personnel and the rest highly qualified technical staff. The distribution of sales is approximately 25% in the Spanish market (Exclusively valves and spares for Spanish nuclear power plants) and 75% in exports (including applications relating both to 39 Vector & Wellheads Engineering, S.L. (Vector Valves) was founded in 2002 with the objective of becoming a leading manufacturer of all types of valves and related products used in the nuclear, petrochemical, thermal, oil and gas and process industries. Vector & Wellheads Engineering, S.L. Autovía Zaragoza-Logroño, km 13 Polígono El Águila, naves 103 - 105 50180 Utebo (Zaragoza) Tel.: +34 976 462 789 +34 902 196 092 Fax: +34 976 462 790 +34 902 199 132 Web: E-mail: Business objective Vector Valves provides an integral service covering the entire operational cycle of its valves and extending beyond the finished product itself. We offer our clients a complete technical assistance and engineering service, on-site start-up and maintenance services and parts machining. Finite elements analysis (FEA) tools are habitually used for the dimensioning and optimisation of mechanical elements, flow distributions, velocities and pressure drops (CFD), as well as for natural frequency and thermal transient calculations, among others. The Vector Valves headquarters are in Utebo (Zaragoza), a small town located very close to the capital. Our facilities, where all of our activities are carried out, amount to more than 2,000 m2. Our excellent Quality Assurance programme is certified under UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2000. All the aspects of our activity are based on strictly defined procedures that include ultrasonic inspection, X-ray, magnetic particle, photoelasticity and fire safe tests. Services, products and technologies available Our valves are designed in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Division 1, Sub-sections NB, NC, ND, Class 1, 2 and 3. Exploratory, thermal and radiation-induced ageing tests and qualification procedures are performed in accordance with ASME QME-1, IEEE 323, IEEE 344 and IEEE 382. Vector Valves stands out in three basic aspects: engineering, quality and service. Our Engineering Department will provide you with the best solution in the design of any type of valve for the nuclear industry. 40 Equipment goods Our Services Department is able to provide you with the highest levels of longterm service and technical support in the following areas: nuclear and thermal energy generation, gas, the petrochemical industry, oil rigs, cogeneration, etc. We have an expert team for equipment review, inspection, assessment, commissioning and start-up; maintenance programme consultation; predictive, preventive and corrective maintenance; resting and diagnosis. All the Spanish nuclear power plants are among our habitual clients, for example Trillo, Cofrentes, etc. Vector Valves participates in the design and manufacturing of valves for important nuclear projects, with the Nuclear Power Corporation of India being one of our most important overseas clients , specially on gate, butterfly and control valves of frozen seal design with remote operating controls for sodium-cooled pool type reactors in India. Activities and references This strengthens the position of Vector as a supplier of stateofthe-art technology valves for the most severe services. Vector Valves is a member of the Spanish Nuclear Society and an approved supplier for the Spanish Nuclear Power Plant Owners Group. Bellows sealed globe valve, 2"-1500#, Nuclear Class 1, for Nuclear Power Corporation of India. Control valve, 4"-2500#, Nuclear Class 1, pressurizer spray service, for chinese Nuclear Power Plant property of CZEC. Company key figures The turnover of Vector Valves for 2011 will amount to more than 10 million euros, with 80% coming from exports. The company has a fixed work force of 25 people, of which 50% are post-graduates, and highly qualified personnel, providing more than 30 years of experience in all valve supply, inspection and assembly processes. Vector Valves was incorpored to the Grupo Cuñado in October 2010. The Grupo Cuñado began activities in 1963, currently consists of 14 companies dedicated to the supply of pipes, valves and accessories in any type of industry. 41 Finite element analysis of natural frequency of vibration of a gate valve 8"-150#, for liquid sodium service. ABB is a leading company in electrotechnical and automation technologies that enables utility companies (electricity, gas and water) and industries to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact. ABB Group operates in around 100 countries, employing around 117,000 people. ABB S.A. C/ San Romualdo, 13 28037 Madrid Tel. +34 91 581 93 93 Web: E-mail: Business objective this division. In power generation, Power Systems offers complete systems for power plant electric balance for the complete control and monitorization of electric power generating plants of any type. As one of the world’s leading technology companies, we contribuye to improve the reliability of electric networks, assisting our clients towards an efficient use of electric energy, a productivity increase and a sustainable decrease in their environmental impact. Discrete Automation and Motion Via this division, ABB provides products, solutions and services that increase industrial productivity and energy efficiency. Its motors, generators, drives, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), power electronics and robotics provide power, motion and control for a wide range of automation applications. Services, products and technologies available ABB is organized into five divisions, each of which has a complete range of products, systems and services to cater to the needs of industries, utility companies and any other organisation that might require the most advanced electric and automation technologies in the market. Low Voltage Products The Low Voltage Products division manufactures low-voltage switches, control products, wiring accessories, enclosures and cable systems to protect people, installations and electronic equipment from electrical overload. Power Products Power Products are the key components to transmit and distribute electricity. The division incorporates ABB's manufacturing network for transformers, switchgear, circuit breakers, cables and associated equipment. Process Automation The main focus of this division is to provide customers with integral solutions for control and optimization of generating and industrial plants, increasing their productivity and reducing their electric consumption. Power Systems Power Systems offers turnkey systems and services for power transmission and distribution grids, and for power plants. Substations and substation automation systems are key areas in 42 Engineering and services Activities and references From our factories, we provide a wide range of equipment for nuclear power plants: Some of our projects developed over the past two years and currently: Potency, startup, auxiliary, distribution and generator neutral grounding transformers. Isolated and grouped stage busbars. Low, medium and high voltage generator circuit breakers and molded case switches. Isolating switches, lighting arrestors and measuring and protection equipment. Medium and low voltage cabins, engine control centers, potency centers and relays. Medium voltage motors and generators, protection and measurement equipment, regulation and generator exciter cabins, direct current panels, and a long etcetera. Transformer power increase at Almaraz I and II Nuclear Power Plants. Power increase of the isolated phase bus and related equipment at Almaraz I & II, Vandellós II, Ascó I & II and Cofrentes NPP’s. Supply of medium and low voltage switches (Almaraz and Cofrentes NPP’s). Supply and substitution of generator switches in Vandellós II and Cofrentes NPP’s. Supply of the main switches in Ascó I & II, Vandellós II and Cofrentes NPP’s. General electric maintenance services in Ascó I & II, Almaraz I & II, Vandellós II, Cofrentes, Trillo and Santa María de Garoña NPP’s. Update of medium and low voltage switches in Ascó and Almaraz NPP’s. Supply, assemby, substitution, tests and startup of power transformers at nuclear power plants in France: CNPE Civaux, Chooz, Saint Alban and Nogent. At ABB we also have an extensive service networks composed by experts dedicated to the repair, maintenance and improvement of our installed base of electric and automation equipment, operating under the strictest quality control systems. Company key figures ABB Group Over 117,000 employees in approximately 100 países. Turnover in 2009: 31,795 million US$. Listed in the Zurcí, New York and Frankfurt Stock Markets. ABB in Spain Over 2,469 employees in 2009. Turnover in 2009: 811 million euros. 43 Applus+ is one of the ten largest companies in the field of conformity assessment worldwide and the leading Spanish multinational in that area. Also, has leading positions worldwide in the areas of vehicle inspection and non-destructive testing, and is among the first in Europe in the areas of inspection, technical assistance and testing. Recognized and accredited by major organizations, Applus + is present in 5 continents, and provides services in more than 25 sectors and employs over 11,000 employees. Applus S.L.U. Campezo, 1 Parque Empresarial Las Mercedes Edificio 3 28022 Madrid Tel.: +34 912 080 800 Web: E-mail: Business objective Services, products and technologies available Our goal is to be the global technological reference point in conformity assessment and specific to product/process engineering. Group Applus+, that has an experience of over 25 years in the nuclear industry, offers the nuclear sector as a whole capabilities of testing, inspection, certification and technical assistance from its facilities, products and services with all the necessary official approvals. Our values are based on: Our capacity for adapting to our clients' needs. The objective quality of our products and services. Technological innovation orientated towards continuous improvement. Efficiency and profitability in all the business activities. A will to give service imbued in all employees. The promotion of dialog and commitment with the interest groups. Business development through sustainable growth. We offer our customers a highly specialized service. Our team of experts, with over 15 years of experience, can provide services in either mode of operation of a nuclear power plant (refueling outages, normal operation, commissioning or decommissioning) as well as all the companies related to the nuclear industry (manufacturers, suppliers, etc.) 44 Engineering and services We have various support tools (SIGRID, SALEM, STANDARD ...) and large capacity test (Applus+ has its own laboratories with more than 700 tests accredited by ENAC). Services Applus+ will conduct inspections of your facilities and our engineers will provide the technical assistance needed to improve your efficiency. Furthermore, our laboratories will perform testing and calibration services for our products and engineering services to improve them or designing new solutions. Complete support for Quality Assurance, audits, supplier evaluation, quality control, inspection at source all types of equipment and components, services independent inspection agency, Document Management (review and preparation of technical documentation), supervision in refills, etc. Technical advice to engineering and technical offices, obsolescence management, validation of parts and components (mechanical, electrical and instrumentation and control), diagnosis of valves, improving the reliability of equipment and components, life extension, civil engineering in general, etc. Specialized consulting services in Quality, Environmental, Occupational Risk Prevention, Safety, Information Technology, Human Factors, Help in the implementation of technical instructions, ISO 9000, 14000, 27000, EMAS, ... Training services in different areas. Testing services and technical assistance in the area of Fire Protection (NFPA's tests, materials characterization, etc) EMC, climatic tests, electrical, mechanical, acoustic, metal, etc. Company key figures Revenues: € 869 million. EBITDA: €138 million. Applus+ is integrated into the portfolio of The Carlyle Group, one of the biggest private equity firms in the world, managing over 75,600 million dollars. In addition is also owned by a local consortium led by Caixa Catalunya. 45 AREVA offers its customers solutions to produce energy with low CO2 emissions. The group has developed enough experience and expertise to become a key actor whose responsible development is framed within a perspective of continuous progress. AREVA C/Orense, 34 - 1ª planta 28020 Madrid Tel.: +34 917 027 163 / 78 Fax: +34 917 000 766 E-mail: Headquarters Address: 33 rue La Fayette 75009 Paris (France) Web: Business objective Available services, products and technology AREVA, the world’s leading company in nuclear energy, provides the electric sector a unique integral offer that covers the full stages of fuel, design and construction of nuclear reactors as well as the related services. AREVA follows a global model with a very pronounced vertical integration. Our activity extends from uranium mine exploitation to nuclear waste recycling and manufacturing and supply of mixed oxides fuel (MOX) for different types of reactors. Additionally, the Group intensely develops its activities in the field of renewable energy – wind and solar; bioenergies and hydrogen – so as to become, from now to 2012, one of the three world leaders in the sector. Our product catalogue includes design and supply of pressurised (PWR) and boiling (BWR) light water reactors to a maximum nominal power of 1,600 Mwe. AREVA’s 48,000 collaborators make a daily effort to develop the synergies between these two great solutions for energy production with low CO2 emissions and to provide to the greatest possible number of people increasingly safer, cleaner and more economical energy. 46 Engineering and services Maintenance, inspection, repairs, etc. services are part of our offer to our clients. Many of the main components, equipment and control systems are manufactured in our in-house facilities. Activities and references AREVA has built 102 nuclear power plants across the world. Our maintenance equipment usually manages reactors in over 30 countries. Over 130 operating reactors routinely utilize nuclear fuel manufactured by us. Company key figures Sales Revenue 9,104 M € +6.7% Backlog 44.2 Bn € +2.0% 883 M € +60% Net income Workforce (employees) 47,851 47 Founded in 1828, Bureau Veritas is a leading company in conformity assessment services applied to the fields of quality, health and safety, environment and social responsibility. Bureau Veritas Valportillo Primera, 22-24 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid) Tel.: +34 912 702 200 Fax: +34 912 702 299 Web: Bussines objective Our services to the nuclear sector The Bureau Veritas Group’s activities encompass inspection, auditing and certification of products, assets and management systems, based on voluntary or statutory standards. Bureau Veritas serves its clients throughout the entire life cycle of a nuclear site. Backed up by its large international presence and by a specific organization oriented towards this sector, Bureau Veritas assists its clients by providing services that cover the projects’ entire value chain, from environmental impact evaluation to dismantling. Recognized and accredited by major national and international organizations, Bureau Veritas is present in 140 countries through a network of 850 offices and laboratories all over the world. Additionally, it has over 48,000 employees and a current client base of over 370,000. Construction 1. Location selection Environmental impact evaluation. Impact modelling of the construction. Geotechnical studies. Assistance during the licensing process. In order to better serve its clients’ needs, Bureau Veritas is organized into seven lines of business: Marine, Industry, In-Service Inspection, Construction, Certification, Consumer Products and Government Services & International Trade. Each of these is directed towards a specific set of industries, offering a range of specific services designed to satisfy and match each need. 2. Design review Design verification. Conformity of data and calculations for the design and ellaboration of blueprints. Revision of risk analysis. Evaluation of design conformity in pressure and electric equipment according to the following standards and codes: RCC-M,YVL, ASME III,VIII..., ANSI-B31, French Nuclear Decree (NPE.12/12/2005*), IBR, etcetera. 48 Engineering and services Welders training and qualification. Health and Safety. Quality. Specific technical training. 3. Quality assurance Assistance in the implementation of quality assurance plans (IAEA GS/R3). Audits of the nuclear assurance management system (applicable IAEA and national regulations). Audits and evaluation of vendors and subcontractors. In-service 1. Regulatory Inspection Inspection of sites, systems and equipment according to the applicable regulation. 4. Civil works Civil work inspection trough verification of the available technical references. Inspection program, control plans and tests. Evaluation and assessment in the elaboration of studies and health and safety coordination plans at both the project and/or execution stages. Follow-up of the construction progress. 2. Non destructive tests Radiographic inspection, gammagraphy – radioscophy, X-rays – portable lineal accelerator, Digital RT. Ultrasound tests: eco pulses (detection and characterization), TOFD and phased array methods. Superficial flaw detection: penetrating liquids, magnetic particles, induced currents / Eddy currents. Leak tests, visual inspections (Endoscopes) and thickness measurement. 5. Equipment Evaluation of the specification conformity for subcontracted equipment and components and their fabrication procedures. Specific evaluation of management systems and subcontractor audits. Approval of forging and foundry in material production. Acceptance of materials. Evaluation of welding procedures and welder qualification. Reports and qualification of all operators and non destructive procedures. Supervision of the inspection, control plan and tests program. Second and third party Inspection in equipment manufacturing. Inspection of welding, thermal treatment,VT, RT, UT, PT, MT, ET, LT, and in final tests. Pre-service inspection. 3. Support in Programmed Outages Inspection. Realization of non destructive tests through VT, RT, UT, PT, MT, LT, ET techniques. Assistance to the quality assurance group. 4. Assistance throughout the operation Environmental monitoring: evaluation of radioprotection plans. Atmospheric emissions and air quality control. Evaluation audits of vendors and subcontractors. Management system certification. Training. Fuel Cycle Fuel inspection in export/import. Technical audit of waste reprocessing operations. Waste generators audit. Conformity certification of storage vessels. 6. Assembly Inspection during the equipment assembly: documentation revision and assembly inspection including welding. Non destructive testing. Witnessing at the acceptance tests. Dismantling Technical assistance to the dismantling quality assurance group. Assistance in and supervision of project management. Radio protection plans and studies. Safety and health. Assistance for waste management generated by the dismantling. Qualification of land transporters. Validation of the radioactive material transport systems. 7. Start up Inspection during the final equipment tests: documentation revision and protocols validation. Witnessing at the acceptance tests. Final documentation revision. 8. Technical assistance Design optimization and verification based on specifications. Assistance in defining verification and test programs. 9. Training Training in construction standards RCC-M, ASME III for nuclear complonents. National and local regulation. European Directives (PED) applicable to pressure equipment. IEC 61513 & 62138 and regulations applicable to instrumentation and control systems. Company key figures Since October 24th 2007, Bureau Veritas is a public company, listing its stock on Euronext Paris. In 2010 the Group’s revenue reached 2,930 million euros, representing a 10,6% increase from the previous year. 49 Coapsa cooperates with the nuclear industry in the goal of reaching greater competitiveness, thanks to a personalized and innovative integral service for the improvement of safety and efficiency. COAPSA Control, S.L. Sant Miquel de Toudell, 7 - Nave 10 Polígono industrial Can Mir 08232 Viladecavalls (Barcelona) Tel.: +34 937 330 725 Fax: +34 937 332 318 Web: E-mail: Services, products and technologies available Coapsa was set up in 1997, and in just one decade of existence it has made itself a name in the nuclear sector, thanks to the quality offered by its turnkey service, designed to cater each client’s needs: from the design, assembly and installation of solutions in industrial automation and equipment goods to the subsequent control, assessment and maintenance. Coapsa offers turnkey services with the purpose of facilitating things for its customers, supported by a wide variety of products for the industry’s different fields as well as by the necessary technology and know-how. Quality is assured. The company has received recognition by being granted the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008 certification. All processes take place according to the UNE-73401:1995 quality standards. Coapsa also provides these services to thermal power plants and port terminals and infrastrutures. Business objective Some of the services offered by Coapsa are: Coapsa’s main purpose of existence is to cooperate with the industry, especially the nuclear industry, which is over 50% of its business volume, in order to make it more competitive, more efficient and more innovative, and as well as to provide all the demanded security guarantees. In this sense, a highly trained human team is in charge of seeking the integral solutions that best cater to the specific needs as regards the control and automation of industrial processes and systems. Also, Coapsa is supported by a large network of collaborator companies specialising in complementary fields. All of this is done according to the highest quality and reliability standards for clients, at all time working with last-generation technology. Inverse engineering work, procuring and adapting current commercial items as replacements for obsolete elements. Enhancement and updating of elements and systems, replacing obsolete items with others of higher precision and reliability, among others: Speed regulation units for hoisting. Crane load weighing and limitation systems. Radio-controlled crane operating systems. Complete remodelling of gantry cranes for miscellaneous applications in the nuclear and industrial sectors, replacing all the drive elements and installations and fitting state-of-the-arts technology elements, thus achieving unbeatable accuracy and reliability for manoeuvres affecting vital elements (nuclear reactors, turbines, large coolant pumps, safeguards diesel units) and avoiding delays due to system faults and breakdowns. Coapsa is specialized in control systems for hoisting and handling equipment for heavy and special loads, such as heavy duty gantry cranes. In the nuclear sector they are experts at nuclear fuel handling systems such as refueling machines, manipulators, gantry cranes for the handling of spent fuel casks, polar cranes, etc. Implementation of positioning and anti-collision systems based on laser scanners, sonar,... In addition, it has consolidated experience in the port and harbor machinery markets, thanks to its renown habilities in handling containers and merchandise. They also enjoy notable recognition in the handling, control and monitorization of equipment for industrial processes, Low Voltage Distribution Centres, remote control systems for the handling of devices on suburban rail networks, etc. Study and implementation of systems complying with the Single Failure criterion for hoisting and maintenance items for the handling of "Heavy Loads" defined in Nureg-0612. Design and assembly of electrical equipment for different applications, in accordance with environmental seismic class specifications. Coapsa’s objective is, also to consolidate its excellent position in the national nuclear market, to continue growing in a sustainable way, extending and improving its services in order to cater to as many potential needs as possible, and in this way assist the sector in its advance towards greater innovation and efficiency. Support for critical path work during refuelling outages. As a supplier of goods and services for the nuclear market, Coapsa belongs to the Standardized Suppliers’ Registry “RePro”. 50 Engineering and services Activities and references Almaraz NPP, collaboration in changing equipment on the refuelling machines, fuel transfer channels and polar cranes in both groups. Coapsa has become referential in the nuclear field, which is why most of Spain’s power plants and their service companies trust Coapsa as a provider of goods and services. Some related examples are: Cofrentes NPP, adaptation of the 15 TN gantry crane in the fuel building to the Single Fault criterion. Trillo NPP, completely remodelling the 404TN gantry crane in the turbine hall and undertaking a series of improvements to the polar crane.There is constant support work throughout the year, especially during recharge times. In other industrial areas the following work is worthy of mention: GSI Grupo Acciona – 061 Medical Emergencies Service (SEM): Integrated energy management system for the new headquarters, including all low voltage distribution equipment and management of supply centres (company, safeguards groups, SAIs,...). José Cabrera NPP, complete reformation of the Omega gantry crane in the containment building in order to meet the requirements established for the handling of the spent fuel casks. Barcelona Metropolitan Railway: Programming and start-up of the remote control system for fixed facilities on various lines and stations. Vandellós NPP, manufacturing of the local command cabinets for the new essential services water cold source. Continuos maintenance and enhancement work on the plant gantry and fuel handling cranes at the plant. Continuous work at the main port terminals on the Mediterranean coast: Barcelona, Valencia, Tarragona, Algeciras and Marseilles. Ascó NPP, installation of two new 115 TN carriages and integral reformation of the bridge cranes at the fuel buildings in order to reach compliance to the Nureg-0554 regulation for spent fuel cask handling. Installation of a radio control system for polar crane handling. Continuous maintenance and support work. Company key figures The sales volume at the end of 2010 is close to 4 million euros. 50% of this amount derives from the nuclear sector. Personnel currently stands at 30 people, 12 of whom are university graduates in specialities in keeping with our activities, and 12 are specialist operators, with one person in charge of production, who carry out equipment assembly tasks. 51 Empresarios Agrupados (EA) is a private engineering organisation founded in 1971, with notable experience in Spain and abroad. Empresarios Agrupados (EA) A.I.E. Magallanes, 3 28015 Madrid Tel.: +34 913 098 000 Fax: +34 915 912 655 Web: E-mail: Business objective Activities and References EA offers services in consulting, project management, engineering, supply management, construction management, testing and commissioning, and support to facility operation in the sectors of electric power generation, space; defence; civil aviation and information technologies. Engineering Services in Nuclear Projects EA has been the lead or sole engineering organisation on six 1,000 MWe nuclear power plant projects in Spain in the areas of engineering, procurement, and construction and test management. It is currently providing engineering and operational support services for the eight operating nuclear units in Spain and to other nuclear power plants abroad, participating in their modernisation, upgrade, life management and regulatory compliance programmes. Services, products and technologies available EA is a power engineering company with an international profile and complete capabilities for developing large power generating plant projects. Its services include design feasibility studies; site selection and development; specification and evaluation of tenders for conventional and nuclear power plants; project management and risk assessment; project engineering and design; equipment and material production management; construction, test and commissioning management; support to facility operation and maintenance; quality assurance and quality control; decommissioning services; engineering services for spent fuel storage and management facilities; studies for facility licences and permits; etc. EA offers: Experience with different reactor types: • pressurised water reactors of American and European design (PWR) and of Russian design (VVER). • boiling water reactors of American design (BWR). • high temperature graphite-moderated gas-cooled reactors (PBMR) and boiling graphite-moderated water-cooled reactors (RBMK). Knowledge and experience in the integration of the great majority of nuclear technologies, NSSS main suppliers, and codes, standards and regulatory requirements in force in different countries. An important presence in Central European and Eastern countries through projects developed directly with utility companies, with EBRD funds or in the framework of the European Union PHARE and TACIS programmes, providing engineering services in relation to the VVER (440/230, 440/213 and 1000) and RBMK type nuclear power plants, and radioactive waste storage facilities. Consulting services for the preparation of feasibility studies, the drawing up of bid invitation specifications (BIS) and the evaluation of proposals for the construction of new NPPs. EA has carried out the engineering for power generating plants with a combined installed power of more than 40,000 MWe, with projects in Spain and in another 40 countries. EA is ranked among the Top 200 International Design Firms by the Engineering News Record (ENR). EA is independent of the Main Suppliers, with quality services recognised by the market and by numerous international organisations: IAEA, EBRD, European Commission, US NRC, etc. EA holds the ISO 9001:2008 and 14001:2004 certificates. EA has participated in the preparation and drawing up of the European Utility Requirements (EUR) for future nuclear power plants of evolved and passive designs in Europe. EA has participated in the Spanish Advanced Reactors project, contributing to the development of advanced, evolved and passive reactors with General Electric, in the ABWR, 52 Engineering and services Participation in all the Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA) for the Spanish nuclear power plants and in the shutdown mode PSA for Leibstadt NPP (Switzerland). Experimental qualification of the bubble condenser for VVER plants, with EU TACIS/PHARE funding. Basic engineering and preparation of the Safety Study for the design certification by the US NRC of the GE-Hitachi ESBWR reactor. Project Management Unit (PMU) leader in the site selection and licensing, preliminary detail design, safety studies and construction of the national facilities for final storage of low and medium activity wastes in Bulgaria. Active role in the PMU for decommissioning Bohunice NPP, Units 1 and 2, (Slovakia). PSA of Novovoronezh NPP (Russia), as leader of an international consortium. Participation in international consortia for the PSA of Balakovo NPP (Russia) and Kozloduy 3 and 4 (Bulgaria). Support to the PMU for modernizing Kozloduy NPP, Units 5 and 6 (Bulgaria). Engineering and supervision services in the decommissioning of CIEMAT nuclear facilities (Madrid). Participation in the engineering and design for the upgrade of Laguna Verde NPP Units 1 and 2 (Mexico). Collaboration with the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) in the optimisation of fire modelling methodologies in NPPs. SBWR and ESBWR projects, and with Westinghouse in the SPWR, AP-600, EPP and AP 1000. EA has participated in engineering and design services for the Lungmen NPP project (ABWR, Taiwan) as a subcontractor of GE. EA has an active role in the engineering and design of international nuclear R&D projects, within the V,VI and VII EURATOM framework programmes and outside of them, namely in: RAPHAEL, GFCR, ELSY, ESFR, LEADER and ADS projects, cooled by gas or liquid metal (sodium or lead). International transmutation and materials research projects, like EUROTRANS, CDT, MAX and IFMIF. Other projects, like HYTHEC and HYCYCLES, for the generation of hydrogen by thermochemical methods. R&D&I model (EPRI programme) used as the Reference Centre in numerous areas. JHR (Jules Horowitz Reactor) experimental reactor, for materials research. Nuclear fusion technology EA has been working on the development of fusion technology for over 15 years through a wide range of engineering and design activities for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). This work has been carried out under contracts with the EU and with the Spanish research institute CIEMAT. Currently, EA is carrying out the engineering of the ITER buildings and the complete power distribution system as a member of the ENGAGE consortium which was awarded with the Architect/Engineer contract for this project. Furthermore, EA is carrying out the engineering for other facilities related with fusion development like Technofusion, a project of the Madrid Regional Government. Recent projects in the nuclear area Thermal Power Uprating (9%) Engineering for Almaraz NPP Units 1 and 2, including support to the implementation of new main equipment and modification of plant control systems. Engineering of the substitution of the Process and Criteria Computers of Trillo NPP. Preparation of the feasibility studies, technology evaluations, technical requirements, bid invitation specifications (BIS) and evaluation manuals for several nuclear power plants in different European countries. Engineering and design services for GE for the Lungmen NPP Units 1 and 2 (Taiwan), 2 x 1350 MWe ABWR, including work in numerous engineering areas and disciplines. Engineering and design of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary of the pilot project of the high temperature heliumcooled Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR) in South Africa. Engineering services for the spent fuel storage facilities of the Trillo and Ascó NPPs. Company key figures EA currently employs a permanent staff of around 1,000 persons, of whom 65% are university graduates, covering a broad spectrum of engineering disciplines. 53 GEH is a world-leading provider of advanced reactors and nuclear services. Established in June 2007, GEH is a global nuclear alliance created by GE and Hitachi to serve the global nuclear industry. The nuclear alliance executes a single, strategic vision to create a broader portfolio of solutions, expanding its capabilities for new reactor and service opportunities. The alliance offers customers around the world the technological leadership required to effectively enhance reactor performance, power output and safety. GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy International Ltd. C/ Josefa Valcárcel, 26 28027 Madrid Tel.: +34 915 870 500 Fax: +34 915 870 514 Web: Business objective Power Reactor Innovative Small Modular reactor (PRISM) The PRISM is a reactor that uses liquid sodium as a coolant. This coolant allows the neutrons in the reactor to have a higher energy (sometimes called fast-reactors) that drive fission of the transuranics, converting them into short-lived "fission products." This reaction produces heat energy, which is converted into electrical energy in a conventional steam turbine. GEH offers customers innovative solutions that make nuclear energy the smart choice for a cleaner and more secure energy future. GEH is committed to serving the needs of customers, communities and the environment with a balanced portfolio of advanced technologies, trusted services and global energy experience for the world’s growing energy needs. Services, Products and Technologies available Global Nuclear Fuel (GNF) GNF is a world-leading supplier of boiling water reactor fuel, including uranium dioxide and MOX fuel and fuel-related engineering services. GNF operates primarily through Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas, LLC in Wilmington, N.C., and Global Nuclear Fuel-Japan Co. Ltd. in Kurihama, Japan. GNF continues to strategically expand the nuclear fuel cycle by offering customers an extensive portfolio of dependable and innovative fuel solutions. The GE and Hitachi alliance is recognized as the world’s foremost developer of boiling water reactors, robust fuel cycle products and highly valued nuclear plant services. Beginning in the 1950s, GE developed breakthrough light water technology with the Boiling Water Reactor (BWR). Since that time, GE has developed nine evolutions of BWR technology including the ABWR, the world’s first operational Generation III Class advanced light water design and, most recently, the ESBWR, our latest Generation III+ Class design that combines advanced safety features, improved economics, and new operational efficiencies. Nuclear Plant Services As nuclear plants get older and worldwide demand for cleaner energy increases, GEH offers a wide range of valuable services that can improve performance, increase power output and extend plant life. GEH provides the technical leadership and experience for all operational and expansion requirements. Nuclear Plant Projects Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR) The ABWR is the world’s first and only Generation III nuclear plant design in operation today, providing the benefit of a combined 20 reactor-years of operational experience. GEH’s first ABWR began commercial operation at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa in Japan, in 1996. Three additional ABWRs are operating in Japan with two more under construction in Japan, and two in Taiwan. The ABWR is licensed in the U.S., Japan and Taiwan. Performance Enhancement Programs Advanced products and services improving performance and safety, such as Plant Uprating and Optimization Programs, Lifetime Management, New Instrumentation and Control Platforms or the new Reactor Water quality surveillance program (WaterCare™.) Economic and Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR) The ESBWR is a GEH-designed Gen III+ reactor currently in the U.S. Design Certification process. Activities and References Although GEH has no production centers in Spain, GE has based its strategy on alliances with national partners with whom it has developed strong technology links. This has led to a framework of mutual benefits through which the Spanish industry has been able to participate with GEH many projects throughout the world. The alliances with the following companies are particularly noteworthy: This simplified design provides improved safety, excellent economics, better plant security, a broad seismic design envelope and operational flexibility that increases plant availability. ESBWR employs passive safety design features. It is a simplified reactor design, allowing faster construction and lower operating costs. 54 Engineering and services new ESBWR designs. It has also manufactured replacement components for delivery to operating plants. Empresarios Agrupados has collaborated with GEH in proposals and projects for new plants in several countries, with a wide range of scopes and has been the main project engineering firm for the Cofrentes and Valdecaballeros plants. They also participated in the certification efforts for the new ABWR and ESBWR designs. Since 1992, GE has had a Cooperation Agreement with TECNATOM, trough which the two companies have jointly developed non-destructive testing equipment and have participated in Inspection Services in more than 25 nuclear plants worldwide and in the design of Man-Machine interfaces for certain new reactor designs. As regard nuclear fuel, links with ENUSA date back to 1974 and since that time some 8,000 GEH design fuel assemblies have been manufactured for 13 BWR reactors in Europe. Since 1996, GEH has been commercializing Fuel and associated services for Europe through the Spanish company GENUSA, held jointly by GNFA and ENUSA. This high degree of participation by the national nuclear industry at world level should be valued especially in view of the fact that GE has access to a wide range of partners and suppliers on the five continents. This is clear indication of the capacities and competitiveness of the sector, which will be strengthened in future projects for new reactors across the world, some already under way. In the area of Reactor Components, ENSA has supplied several different items of equipment for the Lungmen ABWR project and in the near future will supply reactor vessels and fuel racks for the Company key figures GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) President and CEO: Caroline Reda. Chairman of the Board: Jack Fuller. GEH Headquarters: Wilmington, NC, USA. GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Canada President and CEO: Peter Mason. Headquarters: Peterborough, Canada. Global Nuclear Fuel President and CEO: Kevin Walsh. Headquarters: Wilmington, NC, USA. Other USA office locations: San Jose, CA;Vallecitos, CA; Canonsburg, PA. Other European office locations Madrid, Zurich, Stockholm. 2500 Employees. 55 Global Energy Services (GES), is an independent company operating at national and international levels that provides engineering, installation and maintenance services, and a leading operator in the field of energy services. The company was founded in 1982 and began to render services to nuclear power plants in 1994. Global Energy Services Siemsa, S.A. Ctra. Bilbao Asúa (Alto Enekuri) Pol. Fátima, Edif. Enekuri Mendi 48950 Erandio (Vizcaya) Tel.: +34 944 712 131 Fax: +34 944 712 130 Web: E-mail: Business objective Services, products and technologies available GES’ greatest concern is the safety of its workers, and for this reason it has designed the SAFEST plan, focused on on-going training, information and risk assessment.This plan has allowed GES to become one of the safest companies in the sector. Integral Project management (Engineering, Assembly and Maintenance). Turnkey construction of Energy Plants. Construction and maintenance of wind and Solar parks. The company headquarters are in Erandio (Vizcaya), with delegations in a number of Spanish cities. The company has also established itself in other countries, such as the United States, Mexico, Portugal, Germany, Italy Morocco or Poland. High and low voltage electrical assembly and maintnance. Instrumentation and control. Process analyser systems. Calibration laboratory. Training school. 56 Engineering and services Activities and references 2000 Creation of Gamesa Energía Servicios, a turnkey project management company (wind energy and combined cycles). The following are the main milestones in the history of GESGlobal Energy Services: 1982 Constitution of Siemsa Cataluña: Business group specialising in the rendering of integral technical services in the petrochemical sector. 1988 Constitution of Siemsa Centro: Beginning of activities in the area of engineering and instrumentation. 1991 Constitution of Siemsa Norte and entrance in Iberduero. Constitution of Siemsa Control y Sistemas: Automation activities. 2001 Initiation of assembly and maintenance activities for combined cycle plants. Important automation contracts for gasification plants. 2002-2005 International expansion: Portugal, Italy, Mexico and Germany. GES consolidates its activities in Mexico through new contracts with the company PEMEX. Strenghtened sector and market diversification. 1994 First contract with Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant: initiation and subsequent consolidation of services for nuclear power plants. 2006 3I, the leading European risk capital and investment company, acquires Gamesa Energía Servicios, which changes its name to GES – Global Energy services, with the aim of making it the consolidated leading operator in energy services. 1996 Initiation of activity in the field of analysers. Granted a turnkey contract for the supply of electrical and communications systems for line 1 of the Bilbao underground railway system. Merger with the services activity of Iberdrola and constitution of Siemsa Este. 2006 GES starts up its first wind power park in Poland, being in charge for the energy and execution of the civil work and electric infrastructure including substation. 2008 GES buys the German company WKA – Service Fehrman, dedicated to the maintenance and repair of rotor blades and with a staff of around 80 workers. 1996-1999 Geographical expansion in Spain: creation of the Siemsa Regional delegations in Galicia, Aragón, Castilla y León, Castilla La Mancha, Andalusia, the Canary Islands and Portugal. 2009 GES takes part in the assembly and maintenance of the Alpha Ventus, Germany’s first offshore wind power park. Beginning of the activity in the South American market with the maintenance of the Canela wind park in Chile. 2010 Expansion of solar activiy in Italy, France and United States. Company key figures 2010 Revenue (Million €) Staff members 57 Figures 530 4,000 Agrupación Empresas Automatismos, Montajes y Servicios, S.L. with anagram and trade name "Grupo AMS", is one of the companies distinguished from the sector of the Applied Engineering, opening its path in Sevilla 15 years ago, being nowadays its shareholder Grupo Aldesa. Grupo AMS is born as consequence of the integration of several companies with great experience acquired after 20 years of average and prestige in different industrial sectors. With these acquisitions the geographical coverage was extended to the entire of the national territory, and there was increased the offer of products and services, taking advantage of the synergies between the different group companies. Grupo AMS belongs to Grupo Aldesa, which places between 10 major groups of construction in Spain, after overcoming 1.100 millions of turnover in 2007, and the first one of ANCI's ranking (National Association of Independent Builders), of which it’s founding partner. In its 15 years of added experience, it has been capable of adapting to the new requirements of the market, overcoming the highest requirements of quality, safety and environmental respect and fulfilling the delivery times beyond the demanded. Grupo AMS began to give its services in Nuclear power stations (C.N Trillo, Almaraz,...) in the year 2007, being inscribed in the Record of External Companies of the Nuclear Security Council with nº 06/188878, going to have a presence of continued form in the nuclear sector with different auxiliary activities of maintenance and cleanliness. Business objective Grupo AMS dedicates its activity to the applied engineering, facilities and electrical assemblies of instrumentation and control and mechanics, telecommunications, automatic and, operation and maintenance of industrial and energetic plants, as well as industrial cleanlinesses and auxiliary services. The development of its activities is based on sectors as the energetic one (conventional and renewable), automotion, water and environment, food, pharmacist and telecommunications, beside increasing its presence in others as the tertiary sector and transport. Its geographical distribution reaches to the whole Iberian peninsula and islands, having developed also numerous projects in the international area (Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, France, Germany, Greece,...). 58 Grupo AMS Sede Central Bahia de Pollensa, 13 28042 Madrid Tel.: +34 913 834 110 Fax: +34 913 834 188 Web: Engineering and services Services, products and technologies available To offer the maximum quality of service always has been a priority aim of Grupo AMS, especially in a sector as demanding as the nuclear one, for what, following this commitment of quality, it has well-established a system of Integrated Management composed by ISO 9001 for quality, the norm ISO 14001 for environment and the procedure OHSAS 18001 for prevention of labor risks. Grupo AMS has the necessary own resources for the development of all its areas of activity: Multidisciplinary ENGINEERING that allows to attack of coordinated and integrated form the totality of processes derived from its activities. WORKSHOPS distributed geographically and for activities from which the implantation in work of the equipments is facilitated. STORES provided with the necessary materials and supplies to give immediate response to our clients. EQUIPMENTS OF PROCESS of last generation that help to improve the productivity, delivery times and quality of our works. PROFESSIONALS of all the disciplines located along the whole national and international territory who guarantee each and every of the services. Activities and references The principal activities that Grupo AMS develops are: Company key figures Grupo AMS is formed by 1.120 persons, of which, 1% they are managerial, 2% intermediate controls, 14% qualified engineers, 17% assistants and professionals and 66% personnel of operations. Grupo AMS has a volume of appellant turnover of 120 million Euros, possessing a share capital of 32 million Euros. 59 Energetic and Industrial Projects by means of contracts EPC. Energetic Management. Electrical Facilities and Instrumentation and Control. Mechanical Assemblies. Process automation. Development and system implantation of control. Operation and Maintenance. Technologies of the Information. Manufacture of Panels. Industrial Cleanlinesses. Auxiliary Services. The activity of COPISA Group is supported by a long and fruitful experience. Its history of efforts and achievements is held by an efficient working method, by being answerable to their clients at all times and by taking into themselves the goal of social development. Grupo Copisa Pl. Europa 2-4. Torre Copisa Tel.: +34 934 930 100 Fax: +34 934 930 136 Web: E-mail: Business objective Activities and references The group’s main goal is to sustain the excellent values acquired throughout their 50 years of existence. Since 2008, it has led a swift internationalization that carries this compromise beyond the national frontiers. The basis of this expansion is the solidity of international activities in the fields of civil work, building, industrial projects and concessions. The beginnings of the company belong to the historical electrification process in Cataluña, led in the fifties by FECSA. In 959, this company promoted the creation of Constructora Pirenaica S.A., COPISA, born with the mission to carry out some work for FECSA at the Arán Valley. Shortly afterwards, and very near to that area, in the Cardós Valley, COPISA initiated an enormous hydroelectric complex. Over the span of 15 years, the company destined very large amounts of human and technical resources to all the constructive aspects of this project, consolidating it as one of the most experimented firms in works of large complexity and magnitude. Services, products and technologies available Currently, the COPISA Group embraces five areas of action: Infrastructures – carrying out civil works and building projects (COPISA). Industrial – including design, construction, assembly and the maintenance of all types of plants and sites(CPI COPISA INDUSTRIAL). Concessions – from construction to the continued exploitation of buildings and sites, infrastructures, hydraulic services and environmental maintenance. Real estate – promoting the real estate sector. Material and pavement – activities that support construction. COPISA enhances its specialization in the field of energy with important milestones such as nuclear power plants. The most important and significative buildings of the total of each group were contention, auxiliary, control and turbins. ASCÓ NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, GROUPS I-II OWNER: GROUP I – FECSA / GROUP II – A.N. ASCÓ PERIOD: 1973-1983 VANDELLÓS II NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OWNER : A. N. VANDELLÓS II PERIOD: 1977-1988 CPI COPISA INDUSTRIAL has been involved in important projects of assembly, installation and maintenance, both for public and private clients. Today, CPI COPISA INDUSTRIAL’s constant presence in these different sectors is structured and canalized via the Projects, Assemblies, Maintenance and Line Works divisions. Projects – Customised solutions with a global compromise. Assemblies – Professional cualification, compromise with terms and strict homologation. Maintenance – Quality of response and presence in a wide range of actions. Line Works – Line efficiency and guarantee. Some of the most outstanding projects are: 60 Engineering and services MAINTENANCE ASCÓ I AND II NUCLEAR POWER PLANT: MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY ASCÓ I / II NPP – VANDELLÓS II NPP Work type: pipes and nuclear and conventcional supports in the following buildings: Containment Building (ASME II), Penetrations to the containment building (NSSS) (ASME II), Turbine Building (ASME B31.1 and B31.2), Diesel Building (ASME III) and Control and auxiliary Building (ASME III). 1.983 – 1987: Civil work, Electric maintenance, Mechanical maintenance, Scaffolding. 1987 – 1993: Mechanical maintenance, Electric maintenance (systems and lightning), Scaffolding. 1993 – 1996: Mechanical maintenance, Electric maintenance (systems and lighting), Scaffolding. 1996 – present: Electric maintenance (systems and lightning). Work type: pipes and supports, circulating water and cooling water system. Mechanical assembly of NSSS and other nuclear equipment: Reactor vessel and head, steam generators, pressuriser, cooling valves, equipment access door, Diesel generator. CENTRAL NUCLEAR VANDELLÓS II: 1996 – present: Electric maintenance (systems and lightning). In addition to the nuclear sector, CPI COPISA INDUSTRIAL has ample experience in other areas, refineries and petrochemicals, gas, electric generation, etc. Some referential examples are: Mechanical assembly of conventional equipment: Condenser, Condenser valve, steam reheater, turbine. Manufacturing and assembly of structures in the turbin buildings, as well as Liner assembly in the contention building. Mechanical assembly of Hydrocracker Cartagena (Repsol Petróleo). Mechanical assembly of C.T.C.C. Besós 5 (Técnicas Reunidas – Endesa). Mechanical assembly of C.T.C.C. Maasbracht in the Netherlands (Alstom Power). CCR 3000 pph module Project (Uop – Pemex). Sinés Crude refinery unit project in Portugal (Galp). Saidia Turnkey purifier conduction network project (Onep). Paterna pipeline – South stage Tivissa (Enagas). Burgos Pipeline – South stage Villapresente (Enagas). Framework agreement for industrial connections and variants (Gas Natural). Recently, substitution of the Heat Sink (Project EJ – stage II) for the Vandellós II NPP and beforehand, the repair of the jacketed pipes in the EF System. Company key figures The COPISA GROUP has a staff of approximately 2,300 workers, whose average age is 41 and who are highly qualified and specialized. As regards qualifications they are distributed as follows: 21% master’s and bachelor’s degree graduates, 21% administrativetechnical and 58% qualified personnel. The COPISA GROUP’s turnover in 2010 was 740 M€, the distribution being 72.43% COPISA, 20.81% CPI COPISA INDUSTRIAL and 6.76% rest of activities. 61 Grupo Dominguis is one of the group leaders on the Spanish market with more than 75 years of experience in providing industrial services to the energy, nuclear, chemical, petrochemical, metallurgical, shipping, airport, building and food industries, both to private enterprises and public entities. Grupo Dominguis Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas, 58 Sorolla Center, Local 10 46015 Valencia Tel.: +34 963 540 300 Fax: +34 963 540 320 Web: Industrial cleaning, radioactive decontamination and radiation protection: Lainsa, Hervi. Business objective Over the last five years, Grupo Dominguis has been expanding operations to the international market, currently being present in various countries, with the objective of providing services to its customers in the different geographical areas where they operate, so fulfilling the growth objectives of the group. Radiological, nuclear: Maintenance and decontamination, Support services to refuelling task, Dismantling of nuclear and radiological facilities. Radiation Protection services and External Personnel Dosimetry Servive: Training, setting up radioactive facilities, Support to operating radioactive facilities, Consultancy on Risk Prevention in radioactive facilities, Data protection, Medical X-ray facilities. Services, products and technology The group, through its different specialised areas, focuses its services on the following disciplines, developed and directed by highly specialised companies in each service area. Industrial: Industrial cleaning, Pre-operational cleaning, Sludge dehydration, Cleaning of hydrocarbon storage tanks, Specialised cleaning services. Surface Treatment: Revanti, GTS, Satma, Hervi. Passive fire protection, Recovery of equipment and machinery, Application of special paving, Treatment of concrete, Protection of underground pipes, Automatic and semi-automatic abrasive blasting, Shot peening, Metallization by ArcSpray (Tirant 3® system). Logistics: Strategic and tactical outsourcing, Maximising work flows, Product handling and movement, Stock management, Packing and packaging management, Order preparation, Merchandise loading and unloading operations, cost analysis and cost reduction. 62 Engineering and services Operation and maintenance in the solar power industry: Laitu Solar. Technology consultancy, R&D +i: Titania Valent® Technology: Automatic system for cleaning Parabolic Collectors in Thermosolar Power Plants. Control and supervision of industrial processes, Predictivepreventive maintenance, Technological development and innovation. Maintenance: Industrial cleaning, Systems maintenance, First emergency response team. Activities and references Services of decontamination, cleaning and maintenance in: Spain: Almaraz, Asco, Cofrentes, Garoña (reloading), Trillo, Vandellós Nuclear Power Stations. France: Civaux, Golfech Nuclear Power Stations. Mexico: Laguna Verde Nuclear Power station. Dismantling: Andújar Uranium Factory (FUA), Ciemat facilities, Vandellós I NPP, Arbi Experimental Reactor, Zorita NPP. Support to Radiation protection in JRC Ispra (Italy). Chemical cleaning of Steam Generators in EDF (Homologation process). Cross Under Metallization in Laguna Verde NPP. Chemical cleaning: Solarca. Chemical maintenance cleaning, Cleaning of working furnaces, Cleaning of combined cycle power plants, Steam and air blowing, Cleaning with explosives. Emergencias: Lainsa SCI. Fire brigades: Intervention in emergencies (fires, chemical risk, salvage and rescue, etc.). Salvage and rescue emergency drills. Basic life support ambulance service. Consultancy: Drawing up and implementing self-protection and emergency plans. Audits and adaptation to regulations of: buildings, facilities and fire protection systems. Maintenance: authorised Installer and Maintainer of Equipment and fire protection systems. Training: Prevention, safety, extinction and fire-fighting. Search, salvage, rescue, and maritime security. Handling and transport of hazardous merchandise. Organisation and undertaking of emergency and evacuation drills. Crisis management. Company key figures Turnover (aggregate): 96 mill.€. Nº of employees: 1,400. Head Office: Valencia. International presence: France, Portugal, Italy, United Kingdom, Mexico, Brazil, Qatar, Singapore, Morocco. 63 EULEN is the pioneer company in the cleaning sector, with more than 48 years of experience that clearly point to its professionalism and specialisation in all the activities involved in this field. The company belongs to the EULEN Group, the leader in Spain in the rendering of general services to companies. The company is present in 12 countries: Spain, Portugal, USA and nine Latin American countries: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic and Uruguay. Grupo Eulen Headquarters: Gobelas, 25-27 Urb. La Florida. Edificio EULEN 28023 Madrid Tel.: +34 902 355 366 Web: Business objective Cleaning and decontamination of buildings, floors and walls in controlled zones. Cleaning of air-conditioning ducts. Cleaning and decontamination of installations and equipment. Cleaning and decontamination of components, tools, utensils, etc. Cleaning of Vessel Bolts and SG's. Declassification of materials and scrap. Waste conditioning and drumming. Support during outages and refuelling. SAS installation and conditioning. Filtration of refuelling cavity water. Establishment and logistics in passageways. Hydrodynamic cleaning. Cryogenic cleaning. Cleaning of heat exchangers, condensers, water boxes, pumps, tanks, intakes and supplies, etc. Industrial logistics and support. Interventions in decontamination operations in incidents with radioactive sources (recovery companies, steelyards). Fire protection services. Since the constitution of the company the objective of EULEN has been to offer a professional response to the specific needs of society and of the business world. In this respect, the adaptation of new technologies and the specific training of the company's professionals result in high quality services, such as the ISO 9001, the ISO 14001 environmental standard and the OSHAS 18001 of safety in the work for Labor Risks Prevention. The headquarters of the EULEN Group are in Madrid, and it also has delegations in all the Spanish provinces, included Ceuta and Melilla, USA, Portugal and Latin America. Services, products and technologies available EULEN offers an ample presence and experience in the rendering of all types of services at nuclear power plants and radioactive facilities, the following being especially significant: 64 Engineering and services Equipment and Technology Eulen has also provided services to Enresa and Enusa, among others, intervening in radioactive decontamination tasks at both recovery and iron and steel companies in collaboration with PROINSA, an EULEN Group company. As regards the services provided by EULEN in the nuclear sector, the company possesses the following equipment: Mixed suction and impulsion equipment. Solids suction equipment. High pressure hydrodynamic equipment. Specific equipment for the cleaning of air ducts. Cryogenic cleaning equipment. Specific equipment for the cleaning of vessel bolts and housings and SG bolts. Other sectors and references (only a few are quoted): Energy: Endesa, Gas Natural, Unión Fenosa, Nuclenor, Enagas, Iberdrola. Iron and Steel industry: Arcelor, Sidenor, Megasa. Petrochemical industry: Repsol, Cepsa, Petronor. Industrial: Utisa, Fertiberia y Asturiana de Zinc, Grupo Losan, Gamesa, Siemens. Automobiles: Fasa Renault, Opel, Seat, Valeo, Grupo Antolín. Transport: Aena, Renfe, Adif, Metro Bilbao. Hospitals: Grupo Quirón, Sanitas, Andalusian Health Service (SAS), Health Service of the Principality of Asturias. Agriculture and foodstuffs: Grupo Sada, Grupo Siro, Grupo Coren. Pharmaceutical industry: Glaxo, Ipsen-Pharma. EULEN also has an extensive range of industrial cleaning machinery for activities in other sectors. Activities and references Nuclear Sector: EULEN has been carrying out activities in this sector for more than 30 years, during which it has performed the services described above for the Santa María de Garoña, Ascó I and II, José Cabrera, Almaraz and Trillo Nuclear Power Plants. At certain of these plants the company has performed services during both construction and operation. Company key figures The EULEN Group has a workforce of 82,086 people in those countries in which it is present.Turnover in 2009 amounted more than 1,307 million euros. 65 IBERDROLA Ingeniería y Construcción (IBERDROLA Ingeniería) was constituted as a private single-entity limited company (SAU - Sociedad Anónima Unipersonal) at the end of 1994, as a result of the integration of the engineering capacities and resources of IBERDROLA Group. Iberdrola Ingeniería y Construcción S.A.U. Avenida de Manoteras, 20 28050 Madrid Tel.: +34 913 833 180 Fax: +34 917 133 291 Web: E-mail: Business objective Activities and references IBERDROLA Ingeniería y Construcción is one of the major energy engineering companies in the world in electric generation, networks, renewable and nuclear energy. The Company belonging to IBERDROLA GROUP offers a wide range of services in both domestic and international market with leading position in development of big projects in energy field and use of innovative technologies for the design and optimization of all production and logistics processes. The accredited management capacity, flexibility and solvency of the teams that made the IBERDROLA installations a reality allow the company to undertake projects of any dimension and nature in its fields of activity. The following may be singled out as examples of activities performed in recent years at both the national and international level: Cofrentes NPP: Power uprate to 110 and 112%; Replacement of main condenser; Replacement of cooling tower fill; Replacement of main transformers; Implementation of noble metal injection system; Operating cycle of 24 months; Diagnosis of AOV and MOV valves. The services of IBERDROLA Ingeniería y Construcción cover project management, design, supply management, construction and assembly of power facilities and transmission of electric power, as well as engineering services of operational support and implementation of operation activities and maintenance of facilities designed and constructed by the Company. Trillo NPP: Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA); Replacement of cooling tower fill; Diagnosis of AOV and MOV valves. With a view to meeting the demands of its clients, IBERDROLA Ingeniería currently has offices in Madrid, Bilbao and Valencia, in Spain, and in Mexico, Brazil, Poland, Italy, Hungary, Russia, England, Scotland, Germany, Greece, USA, Romania, Portugal overseas, as well as branch offices in Venezuela, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates (Dubai and Fujairah), Bulgaria, Slovakia, Kenya, Albania, Latvia and Lithuania. Almaraz NPP: Reliability analysis; Maintenance rule; Diagnosis of AOV and MOV valves; Assembly and commissioning of cooling towers of the new TCB refrigeration system and auxiliary towers of TCA system; Full Structural Weld Overlay at Units 1 and 2. Garoña NPP: Plant lifetime extension project; Replacement of a start-up transformer. Services, products and technologies available In the area of nuclear generation, IBERDROLA Ingeniería offers a wide range of products: engineering and construction of new nuclear power plants; modernization of operating plants; accelerators and fusion and dismantling of nuclear facilities. The services cover both conceptual and basic engineering, including the definition of systems and processes, such as integral projects and operational support. Thanks to the work performed at Spanish nuclear power plants, and also in recent years in countries such as France, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine and Bulgaria, among others, IBERDROLA Ingeniería possesses a multidisciplinary engineering and services team that is highly specialised in different technologies in the nuclear field (pressurised water and boiling water reactors), with a significant number of specialists carrying out their activities at the nuclear power plant sites. 66 Engineering and services ENRESA: Dismantling plan for the José Cabrera Nuclear Power Plant; Dismantling project for the Vandellós I Nuclear Power Plant; Establishment of a physical and radiological inventory of generic BWR type reactor materials; Technical assistance to Radiation Protection Service of CIEMAT. CFE: Power uprate to 120% of Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant (Mexico). EdF: Design and supply of heat exchangers; chain filters for the pumping station and demineralizers; Pré-rejet system; filtration and water purification system and electrochlorination system at Flamanville 3 NPP (EPR type); Replacement of filters at Blayais NPP; Severe accident analysis (France). EC TACIS Programme: On-site assistance at Khmelnitsky (Ukraine) and Kola and Novovoronezh (Russia) Nuclear Power Plants; Study of the influence of neutron irradiation on the properties of VVER reactor internals materials (Russia); Replacement of thermal insulation of the primary loop of Unit 3 of the South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant (Ukraine); Technical, scientific and organizational support to SE-STC of Energoatom (Ukraine); Supply of an incineration facility for Zaporozhye NPP (Ukraine). AREVA NP: Engineering support in performance for Olkiluoto 3 project. ITER/F4E: Support in the area of electrical, mechanical and safety engineering of components for the ITER fusion reactor; Engineering and manufacturing of toroidal fields coil winding packs for ITER reactor. Eletronuclear: Inspection and maintenance work during the refuelling outage; Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) Level I for Unit 2 of Angra Nuclear Power Plant; Steam generators replacement and Full Structural Weld Overlay at Unit 1 of Angra Nuclear Power Plant (Brazil). EC: Support for the radiological protection service and physical and radiological characterisation of the shutdown nuclear facilities at JRC-Ispra (Italy). BERD: Management of the dismantling project for Units 1 and 2 of Bohunice V1 Nuclear Power Plant (Slovakia); Supply of a facility for treatment and conditioning of solid radioactive wastes for Kozloduy NPP (Bulgaria). EnergoNuclear: Owner’s engineering of Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant (Rumania). Rosenergoatom: Efficiency Improvement of Unit 5 of Novovoronezh NPP (Russia). Slovenske Elektrarne: Replacement of the condenser tube bundles and MSRs at Units 3 and 4 of Bohunice V2 Nuclear Power Plant (Slovakia). Company key figures The Company has a workforce of 2,370 people, with 25% undertaking their activities in 30 abroad countries where IBERDROLA Ingeniería is developing its projects. In 2010 company´s turnover amounted to 1,145 million euros, with almost 80% coming from exports. 67 IDOM is an independent engineering company founded in 1957. Production centers Madrid office: Monasterio del Escorial Nº 4 28003 Madrid Tel.: +34 914 441 150 Fax: +34 914 473 187 Barcelona office: Gran Vía Carlos III, 97 08028 Barcelona Tel.: +34 934 092 222 Fax: +34 934 111 203 Bilbao office: Avda. Lehendakari Agirre, 3 48014 Bilbao Tel.: +34 944 797 600 Fax: +34 944 761 804 Valencia office: Pintor Adrián Aldecoa, 1 01008 Vitoria Tel.: +34 945 143 978 Fax: +34 945 140 254 IDOM – Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Consultoría Av. Monasterio de El Escorial, 4 28049 Madrid Tel.: +34 914 441 150 Web: E-mail: Web: Business objective Available services, products and technologies The professional services provided by IDOM cover practically the entire range of industrial and technological activities. Its organizational structure offers a wide range of technical and management services. Two outstanding aspects of IDOM are its capacity for integration and its demonstrated experience in maintaining specific relations with each client for each project. This is what makes IDOM the ideal company for handling multidisciplinary projects with the guarantee of success. "Turnkey" services We offer integral solutions for the implementation of structures, systems or components at nuclear and radioactive facilities. We assume both technical responsibility and overall management of project implementation. We work with contracting models that are truly suited to each client’s needs. Engineering Projects: We work with the nuclear o radioactive facility client on creating a project definition, drawing up design specifications, performing detailed engineering and licensing calculations for new components. We act as site engineering in the operation of plants and facilities in the nuclear sector. The company has offices in several Spanish cities: Barcelona, San Sebastián, Valencia, Zaragoza, Seville, Granada, Pamplona, Palma de Mallorca, Santiago de Compostela and Madrid; and also in Brussels, Bucharest, Casablanca, Lisbon, London, Mexico D.F., Minneapolis, Richmond, Sao Paulo, Caracas and Valencia (Venezuela). Specialist consulting: Ageing management (10 CFR 54). Licensing support calculations, use of specialist software: ABAQUS, ANSYS, FLUENT, GOTHIC, NASTRAN, PAMCRASH,... Analysis of pathologies. Seismic safety. Safety with respect to external events: explosions, toxic releases, impacts, wind, flooding,... The range of technical areas in which IDOM provides services may be summarised as follows: Engineering Civil Arquitecture Engineering Advanced Analysis Roads Transport Energy Railways Urban Development Industrial Engineering Environment Telecommunications Combined cycle power plant of Bahía de Bizkaia.IDOM function: "turnkey" service. 68 Hydraulic Projects Sustainability Transport Integrated services Corporate Turnkey Finance Services Management Project & Consulting Construction Territorial Management Management Innovation Logistic and Operations Information Systems Consulting Engineering and services Assessment of an Olkiluoto fuel element drop over spent fuel racks. IDOM function: specialized consultancy. Activities and references IDOM currently works for most of the Spanish nuclear power plants in complex turnkey projects, in engineering support for the documentation required for design modifications and in the renewal of operation permits. Some activities that have been carried out are: Replacement of the final heat sink at Vandellós II NPP. Turnkey project. Improvement of the assistance in the of the control room habitability system in Garoña NPP. Development of new methodologies of seismic analysis at NPP. IAEA’s EBP-Kashiwasaki-Kariwa EBP Project. Seismic and structural calculations for the TOKAMAK building. Substitution of components for the Fire Protection system Garoña NPP. Engineering and asembly of a sludge treatment line Garoña NPP. Detailed review of the effects of ageing on safety-related components at the S.M. Garoña, Almaraz and Trillo NPP’s. Development of IPEEE and its updates for Ascó, Vandellós II and Cofrentes NPP’s. Application of the GOTHIC thermohydraulic code to the essential water system at Vandellós II NPP. As regards the non nuclear industry, IDOM stands out for its activities of great responsibility such as the turnkey project of the Combined Cycle thermal power plant in Bahía Bizcaia or for the excellence of its professionals, who are capable of answering to clients from the most demanding sectors (petrochemical, aeronautics...). Replacement of the ultimate heat sink in Vandellós II N.P.P. IDOM function: "turnkey" service. Company key figures IDOM is an independent professional engineering services company. In its half century of existence, it has serviced over 4,000 clients and taken part in over 15,000 projects all over the world. IDOM brings together more than 2,000 professionals, working at 30 offices in Spain and abroad. 69 Konecranes is a world-leading lifting equipment manufacturer serving manufacturing and process industries, nuclear industry, shipyards and harbors with productivity enhancing lifting solutions and services. We have all the resources, technologies and attitude to deliver our customer promise – Lifting Businesses™. Konecranes Ausió S.L.U. Crta. Sant Hipolit Nº 16 08500 Vic (Barcelona) Tel.: +34 938 860 422 Tel.: +34 902 419 420 Fax: +34 938 860 878 Web: E-mail: Business objective For over 80 years, we have been dedicated to improving the efficiency and performance of businesses in all types of industries. And we have done this by continuously providing products and services people can trust. When you choose Konecranes, you acquire a unique source of global experience and knowledge combined with local know-how to empower your lifting solutions and increase your productivity. the world service Konecranes-supplied equipment and that supplied by other manufacturers. Close to 1.6 million customer contacts annually give us an excellent opportunity to understand the real-life needs of our customers. Material-handling systems are an integral part of our customers’ processes, which is why our expertise in areas such as automation can play a key part in helping them improve their productivity. To further enhance our capabilities here, we streamlined our operations in this area in 2009. Services, products and technologies available Product research and development plays an important role in turning our mission of “We are not just lifting things, but entire businesses” into reality. Although cost savings and adapting Konecranes’ capacity to market needs were typical of 2009, we continued to invest in product development to extend our product and service offering and improve both our own productivity and that of our customers. 50 Years of Nuclear Experience Our half-century of nuclear experience includes supplying a complete range of heavy capacity and long span nuclear polar cranes, and to date we have supplied over 100 nuclear fuel handling and fuel transfer machines. We meet the most stringent nuclear quality requirements.* Further, we are members of key regulatory and advisory groups including the ASME NOG-1 committee, which set standards for the design of lifting equipment operating at nuclear facilities. As the world’s pioneer in lifting technology, we make innovative use of the latest technology in our equipment solutions and service offering. The Group spent 22€ million on research and product development in 2009, equivalent to 1.3 percent of net sales. Complete Life-Cycle Support Our service contract base covers more than 360,000 pieces of equipment and represents an important source of input for product development work. Over 3,000 service personnel around We understand that a crane is always part of something bigger. To complement our nuclear handling equipment our expertise also 70 Engineering and services includes comprehensive life-cycle services, from installation, startup, testing and engineering, to preventive maintenance, revisions and modernizations. We are global specialists dedicated to ensuring that your facility is operating at peak efficiency. Additionally, many of our customers have found significant advantages in working with a single nuclear handling equipment provider. heavy loads, ports, intermodal terminals, shipyards, and bulk material terminals. Products Industrial cranes, including standard duty cranes, heavy duty cranes and workstation lifting systems such as load manipulators; components including wire rope hoists, crane kits, electric chain hoists, manual hoists and accessories; nuclear cranes; port cranes and lift trucks. Activities and references Market position The world’s largest supplier of industrial cranes. Worldwide leader in explosion-protected crane technology. Global leader in EOT cranes for process industries and shipyard gantry cranes. Global supplier of cranes and lift trucks for container handling and heavy unitized cargo and bulk material unloading. Service Business Area Service offers service and maintenance solutions for all industrial crane brands, for port equipment and machine tools. Konecranes has 485 service locations across 43 countries. Products Inspections, preventive maintenance programs, repairs and improvements, on-call services, spare parts, modernizations, special services such as operational services and consultation. Annual production More than seventy thousand cranes, wire rope hoists and electric chain hoists. And approximately one thousand heavy-duty cranes, hoist trolleys and heavy-duty lift trucks. Market position Clear market leader in crane service with the world’s most extensive crane service network. Service contract base More than 370,000 units are under maintenance contract, of which approximately 25 percent are manufactured by Konecranes. Equipment Business Area Equipment offers pre-designed components, cranes and material handling solutions for a wide range of industries, including process industries, nuclear industry, industries handling Company key figures Key figures Orders received, MEUR Orderbook, Dec. 31. MEUR Sales total. MEUR Operating profit, excl., restructuring costs. MEUR Operating margin excl., restructuring costs % Operating profit. incl. restructuring cost. MEUR Operating margin incl. restructuring costs % 2010 2009 1,536.0 1,348.9 756.2 607 1,546.3 1,671.3 115.1 118.8 7.4 7.1 112.4 97.9 7.3 5.9 Key figures 2010 2009 Profit before taxes. MEUR 111.3 88.6 Net profit for the period. MEUR 78.2 62.3 Earnings per share. Basic. EUR 1.35 1.08 Earnings per share. Diluted. EUR 1.34 1.08 Gearing % -3.8 -19.1 Return on capital employed % (R12M) 24.2 19.3 9,739 9,222 Personnel on average 71 Medidas Ambientales, S.L. Medidas Ambientales was created in 1996 as a radiological analysis laboratory. From that time until the present the company has undertaken a process of diversification of the services it provides, with a view to guaranteeing to its clients the sustainable management of its activities. Medidas Ambientales has a 50% shareholder, Nuclenor, which itself has two 50% shareholders: Iberdrola and Endesa. The remaining 50% belongs to the Eulen Group, a leading services company. Offices: Gobelas, 25 - La Florida 28023 Madrid Tel.: +34 916 313 905 Laboratory: Bº Villacomparada, s/n 09500 Medina de Pomar (Burgos) Tel.: +34 947 191 400 Web: Business objective Subterranean Water Surveillance Plans Our business objective is to respond to all our clients' needs in relation to environmental matters. Radiological Consulting on Waters: The need to implement radiological controls (determination of remaining beta activity, total alpha, tritium and total indicative dose) is also applicable to water for human consumption, in accordance with Royal Decree 140/2003. Comply with the legislation and provide advisory services in all aspects relating to the environment. Optimise its internal and external management activity, in order to turn potential environmental difficulties into opportunities. Strengthen its corporate image and commitment to the social environment, in order to become part of sustainable development. Radiological Consulting on Foodstuffs and Soils Technical Training Courses Available services, products and technologies Environmental Consulting Medidas Ambientales is functionally structured in two major lines of business: Radiological Consulting Environmental Radiological Surveillance Plans (ERSP): The objective of an ERSP is to determine any possible increase in radiation levels and in the presence of radionuclides in the environment as a result of nuclear power plant operation, with a view to assessing the radiological impact of such facilities. This programme is carried out on different exposure routes (direct radiation, air, deposition, water and foodstuffs). We process approximately 8,700 samples per annum, and according to IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) in 2009 we are among the world’s best laboratories in gamma spectroscopy. 72 Soil Management. Analysis of Environmental Risks. Diagnosis of Air Quality Inside Buildings. Analytical Control of Residual and Human Consumption Waters and Legionnaire's disease. Development of Minimisation Plans. Environmental management and quality system Auditing Service. R&D on environmental aspects, such as study and detection of the zebra mussel in its different phases of development. Training and course delivery. Engineering and services Medidas Ambientales has a Quality System in accordance with the UNE - EN - ISO 9001 standard and Technical Competence accredited by ENAC in accordance with UNE - EN - ISO/IEC 17025, and participates in and leads benchmarking programmes with different organisations and institutions. Activities and references Currently we render Radiological Consulting services in all operating sites in Spain, as well as during the dismantling of the José Cabrera Nuclear Power Plant, specifically in the control of subterranean waters. Our compromise to continuous improvement allows us to have the best available technology for the global realization of our work. Environmental Consulting services are provided both to public administrations and to private firms. Company key figures The key to achieving our objectives is in the competence and professional involvement of the personnel participating in the management of the projects, 65% of our work force being postgraduates. Income Evolution of the percentage increase in income 73 The Company was set up in 1984 and belongs to the Eulen Group, where it is integrated in the Services Programme Cleaning Product. The Company's services, backed by more than 20 years of experience, are designed for the Nuclear Power Plants and their Regulatory Body (Nuclear Safety Council) and other major companies in sectors such as the iron and steel industry, the chemical industry, hospitals, etc. Compañía Internacional de Protección, Ingeniería y Tecnología, S.A.U - PROINSA Gobelas, 25-27 - La Florida 28023 Madrid Tel.: +34 916 310 433 Fax: +34 916 310 434 Web: E-mail: Bussines objective Since its creation, the objective of the company has been to collaborate with the Spanish industry and with official institutions by providing specialist services, mainly in the areas of radiological protection and the environment. Training on Radiological Protection. The PROINSA headquarters are in Madrid, and the company also has work centres in Tarragona, Burgos and Cordoba. Furthermore, given that it belongs to the Eulen Group, it also has offices throughout the country allowing it to provide correct attention to its clients. Radioactive facility supervisors and operators. Management and operation of medical and/or dental radiodiagnosis facilities. Other specific radiological protection courses. Nuclear and radiological emergencies. Environmental radiological surveillance services. Control and tracking of environmental projects. Protocol on collaboration in the surveillance of metallic materials. Control and prevention of Legionnaire's disease. Management of industrial wastes. Services, products and technology available PROINSA is authorised by the Nuclear Safety Council as a Radiological Protection Technical Unit (RPTU) providing protection against Ionising Radiations. PROINSA is included on the official registers of Plague Control Establishments and Services of the different Autonomous Communities and is authorised to deliver Training Courses on the Performance of Hygiene-Medical Maintenance Operations at Installations implying the Risk of Legionnaire's Disease. This authorisation has allowed the company to specialise over the years in the rendering of radiological protection and environmental services, which may be classified as follows: All the activities performed are included in the Quality Management System, certified by Det Norske Veritas (D.N.V.) in accordance with the ISO-9001:2000 Standard, and in the Environmental Management System, also certified by D.N.V in accordance with Standard ISO-14001:2004. Radiological Protection at Nuclear Power Plants. Services during normal operation. Services during refuelling outages. Services during dismantling. Radiological Control and Protection at Radioactive Facilities. Radiological control. Documentary preparation and arrangements. Advisory and management services with respect to the public administrations. 74 Engineering and services Activities and references Throughout its history, PROINSA has provided permanent support for the radiological protection (RP) services of the Ascó I and II, Vandellós II and Sta. Mª de Garoña Nuclear Power Plants during normal operation (closed RP shifts, instrumentation, etc.), as well as RP support during refuelling outages at these same Plants and at the José Cabrera, Cofrentes and Trillo Plants. As regards services during nuclear and radiological emergencies, PROINSA is the leading company and has been contracted by the CSN since 1998. It has actively participated in all the important events that have occurred in the country, prior to and following the signing of the Protocol for collaboration in the surveillance of metallic materials. Our clients include Egmasa, Siderúrgica Sevillana, Aceralia, Nervacero, etc. It also provides specific radiological protection services for other clients, such as ENRESA and CIEMAT. The company has collaborated with all the Spanish nuclear power plants in areas relating to their environmental radiological surveillance plans, and also with the Trillo Plant in the tracking of ecosystem in the area surrounding the plant. Since it was set up, PROINSA has rendered services to medical and non-medical radioactive facilities, offering maximum scope and advice on RP matters. Our clients in this area include Ibermutuamur, Siemens, Smurfit, Unión Española de Explosivos, etc. As from 2002, the company has carried out Legionnaire's disease control and prevention activities and high-risk installations and has delivered training courses in this area. Our clients include Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa, Michelín España, Accor Hoteles, Aena, etc. The company has also delivered all types of courses on Radiological Protection, including both the regulated courses for the personnel of radioactive facilities and other specific courses for nuclear power plants and subject-specific courses for different official institutions. Company key figures The company's billing amounts to some 6 million euros annually. Number of employees Post-graduates Graduates Technical personnel 125 23 3 99 75 SENER is a private engineering, consultancy, systems integration and turnkey construction company that was set up in 1956. Bilbao Division: Zugazarte, 56 48930 Las Arenas (Vizcaya) Tel.: +34 944 817 500 Fax: +34 944 817 501 Madrid Division: Severo Ochoa, 4 Parque Tecnológico de Madrid 28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid) Tel.: +34 918 077 000 Fax: +34 918 077 201 Barcelona Division: Provença, 392 08025 Barcelona Tel.: +34 932 283 300 Fax: +34 932 283 316 Valencia Division: Avellanas, 14 46003 Valencia Tel.: +34 963 394 290 Fax: +34 963 394 300 SENER S.A. Web: E-mail: Sevilla Division: Torneo Parque Empresarial Biología, 12 - Ed. Vilamar, 2, 5ª 41015 Sevilla Tel.: +34 954 975 900 Fax.: +34 954 460 975 Foreign offices: Lisbon, Buenos Aires, Mexico D.F., Okayama, Warsaw, Algiers, San Francisco and Abu Dhabi Business objective Available services, products and technologies The historical development of SENER has seen the company participate in and acquire important experience of a wide range of fields, from the design of ships (where it began) to space projects and including nuclear facilities, refineries, big infrastructures, etc. The most significant services provided are as follows: feasibility studies; basic engineering; detailed engineering; systems integration; production engineering; integrated logistical support; turnkey projects; integral project management; procurement and quality; construction and start-up management and complete EPC services; CAD/CAE/CAM systems; and the design, development and production of actuation and control systems. SENER is recognised today as the leading Spanish multidisciplinary engineering company and stands out for its independence, its capacity to innovate and the high quality of its products. SENER undertakes engineering and participates in turnkey projects for processing and electricity generating plants, especially combined cycle, cogeneration, thermo-solar and nuclear installations. Energy generation and its efficient use, along with the design and optimisation of chemical and industrial processes are areas in which SENER has achieved an excellent reputation. Nowadays the company has offices in Spain - Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Sevilla and Valencia. As part of an intensive internalization process of its activities, SENER has opened offices in Lisbon (1991), Buenos Aires (2002), Mexico City (2006), Okayama (2006),Warsaw (2007), Algiers (2008), San Francisco (2008) and Abu Dhabi (2009). In addition to projects relating to nuclear power plants, SENER has supplied nuclear engineering services in Spain for the Nuclear Safety Council and, in relation to all the Spanish plants, for ENRESA, JEN/CIEMAT, etc. Outside Spain SENER's references in the nuclear field include work for the DOE, the OECD, the European Commission and numerous missions for the IAEA, etc. Attention should be brought to the work performed over the last years for the ITER project, as a participant in the European Consortium EFET. In parallel to the above, a set of highly intensive tasks have been carried out over the last years for analysis and assessment of the site proposed for ITER in Vandellós, with CIEMAT as the client. Also noteworthy are various studies performed recently in relation to spallation facilities and transmutation systems, as well as the participation in several nuclear projects of the VII Framework Program of the EU. Cofrentes nuclear power plant. 76 Engineering and services Activities and references The activities performed may be grouped in the following four major areas: Power and Process. Space, actuation and control systems, aeronautics and vehicles. Civil works and architecture. Marine. As regards specifically nuclear experience, SENER has supplied or supplies engineering services for the following Spanish nuclear power plants: Lemóniz 1 and 2 (PWR). Cofrentes (BWR). Valdecaballeros 1 and 2 (BWR). Sta. María de Garoña (BWR). Almaraz 1 and 2 (PWR). Ascó 1 and 2 (PWR). Sayago (PWR). Santillán (BWR). Racks in the Santa María de Garoña nuclear power plant. The last two of these projects were interrupted during the engineering and design phase and subsequently cancelled without an operating permit being obtained. It is important to point out that the type of contract established in the main NPP projects in Spain has paved the way for the extensive participation of the engineering firms in all activities, areas and disciplines: finite elements analysis of structures and components, seismic design, calculation in accordance with ASME III for vessels, piping and supports, the routing of safety-related cables, instrumentation and control, radiological protection engineering, fuel handling and waste treatment and storage systems, site engineering, licensing, testing and start-up, etc., naturally along with project management, procurement, quality assurance, etc. Change of the steam generator of the Almaraz nuclear power plant. Overseas, SENER has supplied engineering services for the following NPP projects: SENER has also worked for the nuclear component manufacturing industry, the most important example being the factory of EQUIPOS NUCLEARES, S.A. in Santander, for which SENER carried out the initial technical and economic feasibility study and site selection and acted as the consultant of the Owner. Laguna Verde 1 (BWR), in Mexico. 2nd NPP group programmed in Mexico (2,400 MW), subsequently abandoned. Chashma (PWR), in Pakistan. Company key figures Turnover Turnover Export Staff 937 M€ 68% 4,943 77 Siemens is a German company founded by Werner von Siemens in 1847 and set up in Spain since 1895. For Siemens the sustainability is the cornerstone of its values. Siemens carries out its activity in order to improve the progress of the future generations and, as an integrated technology company, it takes advantage from any opportunity to promote the sustainable development of the societies where it is established. Nowadays, Siemens organizes its activity in three sectors: Industry, Energy and Healthcare and answers to the current megatrends: urbanization, climatic change, demographic change and globalization. Siemens, S.A. Sede central Ronda de Europa, 5 28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid) Tel.: +34 915 148 000 Siemens, S.A Centro Tecnológico y de Servicios Parque Empresarial La Carpetania Avda. Leonardo Da Vinci, 15-17-19 Getafe (Madrid) Tel.: +34 915 148 000 Web: E-mail: Bussines objective Nuclear: Siemens supplies Conventional Islands (CI) for the nuclear power stations. Siemens scope for Conventional Islands starts with supplying the CI Component Package and CI Turbine Package and is available up to the CI EPC Turnkey Package. Siemens' mission is to generate increasing and sustainable value, innovating in the technological, management and social environment, and to contribute in an essential way to the success of its customers and in the improvement of the society. Its corporate values are: responsibility, excellence and innovation. Transmission: Reliability transformers and innovative systems for the transport of energy in a safe and efficient way. It is remarkable the HVDC Plus technology. Services, products and technologies available Renewable: Wind power plants are among the most reliable ones in the world, big photovoltaic projects and modern technologies for solar thermal plants. Siemens is world leader in turbines for solar thermal power stations. Siemens is the company with the widest portfolio of products, solutions and services for the sectors where it operates. Every day two billion people use its products and services, likewise it has the widest green portfolio all over the world and it owns 14,000 active patents in this type of products. Distribution: Components and facilities of medium voltage and efficient solutions for the energy automation, as well as services for electric power facilities and networks. Smart Grid, intelligent supply network that makes possible the real time communication between consumers and utilities. In the same way it allows to optimize the energy consumption according to environmental criteria and /or price. Available technologies for the Energy sector The Siemens Energy sector offers efficient answers for the whole set of the energy conversion chain, from generation, up to the transport and distribution, oil and gas. Oil and Gas: Solutions for the exploration, production and processing of oil and gas and applications for oil & gas pipelines, FPSO, refineries, cogeneration and compression in the industrial environment. Service: Maintenance services as well as operation and maintenance of plants, equipment (turbines and generators) for utilities, Oil&Gas sector, and for the industry in general, with high levels of reliability, profitability, efficiency and sustainability. Fossil generation: Innovative technologies allow to generate more electricity with less fuel, based on coal and gas, and to reduce the CO2 emissions. 78 Engineering and services Activities and references Siemens collaborates with Universities and RD state projects, education and corporate social responsibility. 60% in a combined cycle. It generates 375 MW operating in simple cycle and 530 MW in combined cycle. The trust of the customers in Siemens's green portfolio has allowed the achievement of a business volume of 28 billion Euros in 2010. Across its division of Solar power Siemens collaborates into several solar thermal projects at a national and international level. It supplies from individual equipments up to the global solution. The modernizations realized in coal thermal power stations have allowed performances of 47%, which means the reduction of high quantities of CO2. 9,000 MW installed in wind farms suppose an annual saving of 8 million tons of CO2. Siemens is a world leader in offshore business with floating wind turbines that generate high seas electricity, more than 220 meters depth. The new gas turbine SGT5-8000H, installed and in commercial operation in Irsching (Germany) reaches an efficiency higher than Company key figures Siemens has supplied for the nuclear sector 28 turnkey conventional islands with a total of more than 30 GW. Also it has modernized and paid service to 63 additional facilities during the last forty years. Likewise it has provided with equipments, maintenance services and modernizations to several Spanish nuclear power stations. Siemens AG has 405,000 employees in 191 countries. In fiscal 2010, revenue totaled €76 and net income €4.1 billion. In Spain in fiscal 2010, Siemens Group revenue totaled 1,697 million Euros. The company has 3,681 people that develop their labor principally in the sectors Industry, Energy and Healthcare. During 2010, Siemens has invested 3,800 million Euros in RD. More than one billion in products related to Environment and has registered 35 daily patents. Siemens takes part in the project of underwater electrical interconnection between the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, and in the new project of electrical interconnection between Spain and France. 79 SOCOIN, a private company founded in 1989, belongs to the Spanish energy group GAS NATURAL FENOSA, which is present on the gas and electricity markets in 13 countries. SOCOIN S.L.U. Parque Empresarial La Finca, Edificio 5 Pº Club Deportivo, 1 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) Tel.: +34 912 578 000 Fax: +34 912 578 001 Web: E-mail: socoin@ Business objective The company offers integrated high added value solutions in the energy field, relating to the design, development, construction and operation of electricity generating facilities and to electricity and natural gas transmission and distribution. Our methods and quality procedures, along with the use of stateof-the-art engineering and modelling tools, allow us to achieve significant improvements in the safety, reliability, availability and processes of our clients' facilities, in compliance with regulatory requirements. It provides a wide range of products and services, including "turnkey" projects. One of SOCOIN's relevant activities is the performance of nuclear projects. The Nuclear Division carries out significant work in this field, developing process technologies that have been applied satisfactorily to major nuclear installations. It is also a technological centre of reference in the areas of human factors, accident analysis, radwaste and radiological protection. The company's headquarters are in Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid. SOCOIN is also permanently present in Guatemala, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama and Egypt through its subsidiary companies. Services, products and technologies available The company's capacities and know-how, based on its wide experience in the operation of nuclear power plants and in engineering support, cover the following areas and products, in which it provides project management support, consultancy, engineering, licensing and training: SOCOIN brings its clients the capacity and experience of a major engineering company and an efficient multidisciplinary consultancy firm, based on the definition, development and performance of major projects. 80 Engineering and services Nuclear Safety and Licensing Radiological Protection Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) and its applications. Reliability and risk assessment. Lifetime management. Operating experience and root cause analysis (HPES and MORT). Human Factors Engineering and the Safety Culture. Cost-benefit analysis based on PSA. Licensing Support. Radioactive Waste Nuclear Engineering Thermohydraulic analysis. Neutron calculations. Accident analysis. Full and partial scope simulators for engineering support and training. Fuel management. Operational support. Design modifications. Waste management. Decontamination and declassification of materials. Volume reduction and recycling. Chemical and radiological characterization. Waste Management Plan and associated documentation. Dismantling Project management. Basic and detailed engineering. Licensing documentation. Plant radiological characterisation. Disassembly, dismantling and material and waste management plans. Environmental impact studies. Irradiated fuel management. Individualised Temporary Storage (ITS) facility for spent fuel and high level waste. Operation and Maintenance ALARA studies. Environmental radiological surveillance programmes. Radiological reports. Shielding calculation. Emergency plans. Dosimetry and contamination dispersion models. Operating support. Simulation and modelling. Design of modifications. Normal and emergency operation and accident response Procedures and Guidelines. Activities and references SOCOIN's strategy is based on the quality of the services it provides. Our professionals possess the experience required to manage projects on both the national and international markets. All activities are performed in close collaboration with the continuous participation of our clients and partners in order to adapt to their needs. Our most significant clients in the nuclear field are: In Spain: Nuclear Power Plants (José Cabrera, Trillo, Almaraz, Vandellós II), Nuclear Safety Council (CSN), Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos (ENRESA), UNESA. Overseas: Bohunice NPP (Slovakia), South Ukraine NPP, Dukovany NPP (Czech Republic), Kozloduy NPP (Bulgaria). Company key figures In view of the above, SOCOIN may be considered as being a specialist in the integral management and performance of high-tech projects. SOCOIN is made up of a team of more than 500 professionals, most of which are senior graduates, experienced in management and execution of large power projects worldwide. 81 The Tamoin Group was set up in 1956 and carries out its activity in the industrial assembly and maintenance sector, as well as in energy engineering. Tamoin Avda. Ribera de Axpe, 47 48950 Erandio (Vizcaya) Tel.: +34 944 356 550 Fax: +34 944 247 849 Web: E-mail: Business objective The Tamoin Group is a company that is in evolution and that is currently an industry leader highly specialised in the rendering of industrial services, especially the assembly and review of rotary equipment and specialist engineering services. The Group organises its activities around different companies covering the lines of business through which it operates on the market: The company's headquarters are in Erandio, Vizcaya. It also has work centres in Madrid, Puertollano (Ciudad Real), Cartagena (Murcia) and La Pobla de Mafumet (Tarragona), in Spain, and in Lisbon. Services, products and technologies available Although particularly involved in the electricity and petrochemical-refining industries, the Group is present in most industrial sectors: The company carries out its activity in the industrial assembly and mechanical maintenance sector, participating in the construction of a large number and wide variety of installations for various industrial sectors. Tamoin Tamoin Tamoin Tamoin Power Services (TPS). Construcciones Mecánicas (TCM). Mantenimientos Especiales (TME). Energías Renovables (TER). Refineries and petrochemical facilities. Chemistry and gas. Electricity generation (nuclear, thermal and hydroelectric plants). Metallurgy, the iron and steel industry and shipbuilding. Foodstuffs, paper and cellulose. Automobile industry. The services performed by the Tamoin Group are structured around different lines of business that embody its wide experience of the mechanical assembly and maintenance sector, as well as participation in important projects in the area of energy engineering services. 82 Engineering and services Activities and references Over the last six decades Tamoin has contributed to the performance of many of the most emblematic industrial projects and engineering works carried out at national level in the electricity, refining and petrochemical sectors. The activity of the Group in the electricity-generating industry is structured around the following lines of business: Assembly of Rotary Equipment - Gas and Steam Turbines. Maintenance of Rotary Equipment: Mechanical maintenance of steam and gas turbines, generators, auxiliary systems and other rotary equipment. Valve maintenance and engineering services (review, repair and diagnosis). Review and calibration of piping supports (rigid and flexible). In the nuclear sector it has performed valve review, repair and engineering services for important clients, among them the following: In Spain: the Nuclear Power Plants of Almaraz I and II, Cofrentes, José Cabrera, Santa María de Garoña, Trillo I,Valdecaballeros I and II, Vandellós,... From the operational point of view, this area includes the two following Business Units: Turbines (assembly of combined cycle gas and steam turbines) and Reviews (review of turbines and other rotary equipment during scheduled plant outages). Overseas: the Nuclear Power Plants of Beznau (Switzerland) and Doel IV (Belgium). At international level the company has collaborated in projects for plants in Germany, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Ecuador and Mexico, among others. Company key figures The TAMOIN Group has a workforce of 569 employees, highly qualified for the performance of assembly and maintenance tasks and the rendering of engineering services. 83 Workforce: 569 Engineers and Technical Staff 29 Works Managers and Foremen 44 Team Managers and Skilled Workers 496 TECNATOM S.A. Avda. Montes de Oca, 1 28703 San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid) Tel.: +34 916 598 600 Fax: +34 916 598 677 The limited company TECNATOM is a private engineering firm that has provided services in the nuclear sector since it was set up in 1957. The company is currently owned by the Spanish electricity utilities with assets in the country's nuclear power plants. Central Catalonia Monturiol, 11 Polígono industrial Les Tapies L'Hospitalet de L'Infant (Tarragona) Tel.: +34 977 041 710 Fax: +34 977 041 723 Web: E-mail: Business objective Services, products and technologies available TECNATOM's main activity centres on the rendering of component inspection and structural integrity services, the training of operations personnel on full scope simulators and plant operating assistance engineering. As the Electricity Industry's Technology Agent, it actively tracks the plants overall in order to interpret their short, medium and long-term needs, analyse trends, identify technology offers and optimise these for application to the safety and operation of the Spanish NPP's. TECNATOM supplies high-tech services and products with a high technological content, frequently designed and developed inhouse, adapted at all times to the needs and requirements of the different clients and markets, and possesses state-of-the-art mechanical, electronic and data-processing design resources and programmes, the following being especially significant: Training Centres: Operating Processes Technology Training Centre [equipped with full-scope simulators replicating the control room of pressurised water (PWR) and boiling water (PWR) reactor NPP's and Interactive Graphics Simulators (IGS) for nuclear, thermal, combined cycle and hydroelectric plants]. Systems and Components Maintenance Training Centre (equipped with a hydraulic loop and actual equipment for practical training). Non-Destructive Testing Training Centre. The company has two centres in Spain, the headquarters in Madrid and a centre in Catalonia. Furthermore, as part of its technology and market diversification strategy, in January 2004 the company acquired the French non destructive testing company Metalscan, with headquarters in Saint Rémy, Chalon sur Saône, (France) and undertook the leadership of a new French company, M2M, with headquarters in Chatenoy le Royal (France), created jointly with the companies Metalscan, Euraltech, CEA Valorisation (French Atomic Energy Commissariat) for the development and commercialisation of ultrasonic Phase-Array inspection systems. Inspection Systems: Robot-operated systems for the inspection of industrial components. Semi-automated systems for the inspection of industrial components. Additionally, in 2007 TECNATOM created, along with the Chinese company CNPRI (China Guandong Nuclear Power Company Research Institute), the company CITEC for the rendering of inspection services in the growing Chinese market. The provision of inspection equipment, technology and procedures for this new company has been done by TECNATOM. Laboratories: Non-destructive testing technique development laboratories. Calibration laboratory for electronic measuring equipment for flow, temperature, etc. Enclosure and component leak and leaktightness testing. Laboratories for the development and manufacturing of nondestructive testing sensors. LOCA chamber for the qualification of nuclear power plant equipment and instruments. 84 Engineering and services power plant projects, first in the passive AP600 and SBWR designs (the latter allowed TECNATOM to achieve an important presence in the two ABWR groups of the Lungmen NPP project in Taiwan), AP1000, ESBWR and Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR) projects as well as the "Jules Horowitz" research reactor (JHR) in France. Equipment development and manufacturing: Mechanical inspection equipment. Control systems of robotic equipment. Adquisition systems and ultrasound and induced current data evaluation. Total scope simulators and graphic simulation systems. Maintenance aid systems. Currently, TECNATOM participates in the design and supply of advanced control rooms in six nuclear power plants in China and the United States, as well as in the design of the control room for the two new reactors to be built in the South Texas Project nuclear power plant in the United States. Activities and references The company's most significant activities are: Training Centres; Simulation and Simulators; Inspection and Operations Engineering; Inspection and Testing Services; Equipment Design and Development; Spares Managements; Radiological Protection; Laboratories; Safety Management; Advanced Reactors (Research and Fusion). The new jet services include three lines: Operation Engineering and Control Room Design. Training Plan Design, Personnel Trainning and Exploitation Support. Development Simulator and Simulation / Codes. TECNATOM carries out projects in over 30 countries, both in Spain and in the United States, Japan, France, Sweden, Finland, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Russia, Ukraine, Eastern European countries, etc., its working methods having been validated by different clients and regulatory authorities at international level. The consequence of these contracts represent TECNATOM’s consolidation as an international reference for the realization of digital control room design and construction projects. In this regard, TECNATOM is also actively participating in the great international fusion project ITER, as well as for other fusion sites and laboratories. These include the development of the factory inspection technology for the vacuum vessel. As part of the company's diversification efforts, important breakthroughs have been achieved in the development and manufacturing of inspection equipment and information technology in the aerospace and petrochemical fields. Its active role in international nuclear projects over the past fifteen years has allowed TECNATOM not only to maintain but also adapt its technological capacities to a very demanding environment. Also noteworthy is the company's keen interest in future developments, embodied in its participation in advanced nuclear “With more than 50 years of experience, TECNATOM has made quality one of the basic principles of its activity, in the understanding that quality is a cultural phenomenom that translates into excellence.” Company key figures Staff: The company's turnover in 2010 amounted to 97,100,000 €. Post-graduate TECNATOM has a work force of 780 people, approximately 62% of which are highly qualified post-graduates. 85 780 (62%) Graduate (12%) Technical specialists (19%) Technical and Administrative Support (7%) Since 1959, Técnicas Reunidas (TR) has designed and constructed more than 1,000 industrial plants in more than 50 countries. Over the last 30 years, 70% of TR's revenues have come from international activities and more than 75% from major turnkey projects. Técnicas Reunidas S.A. Arapiles, 13 28015 Madrid Tel.: +34 915 920 300 Fax: +34 915 920 321 Web: E-mail: Business objective Services, products and technologies available TR is a general contractor on the international engineering and construction market for electricity generating plants (nuclear, conventional coal, fuel and gas-fired, combined cycles, renewable energies and cogeneration plants), for oil and gas installations and infrastructures. TR is one of Europe's leaders in the design and construction of oil and gas facilities and electricity generating plants, and one of the leaders at world level in the refining sector. TR has been heavily involved in electricity generating plant design and construction for the last 40 years, and particularly in relation to nuclear power plants, in which it has participated since the beginning of the 2nd phase of the Spanish nuclear programme in the early 1970's. TR is one of the founder partners of Empresarios Agrupados, in which it has a 43% shareholding. TR offers a complete range of technical and management services in the areas of industrial and electricity generating plant engineering and construction. The services may be rendered as refundable or turnkey projects or by way of other formulae demanded by the client. TR is independent of all technology vendors and all industrial or electricity generating companies or groups. TR is traded on the Madrid Stock Exchange and is part of the Ibex35. TR’s experience in the integration of its services guarantees project performance on time and on cost, with the highest levels of quality and safety. The TR headquarters are in Madrid and the company has permanent offices in China, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Kuwait, Chile, United Kingdom, Mexico, Argentina, Russia, Algeria, Egypt and Iran. TR has wide experience of electricity generation in all types of plants: 86 Nuclear power plants. Conventional thermal power plants (coal, fuel and gas). Combined cycle plants. Hydroelectric stations. Cogeneration plants. Thermal and photovoltaic solar plants. Biomass plants. Fuel cells. Engineering and services Activities and references technologies. TR has provided engineering and operating support services for the aforementioned plants and for all the other nuclear groups operating in Spain. In the area of conventional thermal generation, TR has carried out numerous projects for new thermal power plants in Spain and overseas, fired by regular coal, hard coal, anthracite, lignite, fuel, gas and biomass, and covering a wide range of boiler types, combustion technologies, as well as the main suppliers of boilers and gas and steam turbines. TR has provided engineering services, equipment supply and operating support services for numerous nuclear power plants and projects in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, USA, Italy, Finland, Turkey, the former Republic of Yugoslavia and Taiwan, as well as for all the VVER and RMBK plants in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Lithuania and Russia. TR also participates in the ngineering and licensing process of certain advanced reactor developments (Generation III and III+). TR also participates in the development of new technologies for electricity generation, such as coal or oil residue gasification with combined cycles, advanced reactors, fusion facilities and molten carbonate fuel cells. In the nuclear generation sector TR has participated in the engineering, supply and construction of six 1,000 MW groups in Spain, using GE BWR and Westinghouse and Siemens PWR TR also has experience in the management of radioactive waste, spent fuel storage facilities and plant dismantling projects and services. Company key figures Highlight The following table summarises TR's most important recent financial data: 2010 (M€) 2009 (M€) Var. (%) 5,730 2,771.4 162,9 5.9% 136.2 4,820 2,643.3 155.9 5.9% 141.3 18.88% 5.2% 4.5% Backlog New Revenues Operating Profit Margin Net Profit TR employs over 5,500 professionals. 87 -3.6% VIRLAB is a private vibration and shock test lab. It was built in 1976 and belongs to the group URBAR INGENIEROS, S.A., the mother company, manufacturers of vibrating machinery since the fifties. Our laboratory has been certified to carry out seismic qualification tests, firstly by the Ministry of Industry and Energy since 1981 and secondly by RELE, the Spanish Test Laboratories Network, from 1986. Currently, VIRLAB is qualified to carry out vibration and shock tests according to what is indicated in its certification no. 54/LE131 from July 1st 1993, issued by ENAC, the National Accreditation Body, and which replaced RELE in the mid-nineties. Virlab, S.A. Polígono Industrial de Asteasu Zona B, Pabellón 44 201259 ASTEASU Tel.: +34 943 691 500 Fax: +34 943 692 667 Web: (Laboratorio VIRLAB) E-mail: Business Objective Since its creation in 1976 to the present day, the laboratory’s goal has been to maintain and improve its installations so as to provide a better service to the Spanish nuclear industry, but not giving up the opportunity to make it profitable. For this reason we have had to diversify with other sectors such as railroads, wind power, the military, etc. Since its foundation to the current year 2011, ours has been the only national laboratory homologated by the Quality Guarantee Group of Owners of Spanish Nuclear Plants in order to carry out seismic simulation tests on Class 1E equipment, which are those that, in case of earthquake, must guarantee the following: Reactor emergency shut-down. Isolation of the Containment Building. Reactor Nucleus cooling. Heat extraction from the Reactor and the Containment Building. Any other function that might be essential to prevent significant leaks of radioactivity to the environment. Services, products and technology available Our laboratory has a total of four vibrating tables, two of which are oleohydraulic, designed and manufactured in collaboration with URBAR INGENIEROS; the other two being electrodynamic. The main characteristics of our vibrating tables are the following: In this context, despite the Nuclear Moratorium established in Spain in the mid-eighties, which paralyzed the construction of five reactors with the subsequent reduction in testing activities, VIRLAB’s propietary group, URBAR INGENIEROS, was confident in its laboratory and maintained its activity. Biaxial EDB 250x250 • 2500x2500 mm, 2 x 150 kN • ± 125 mm • 800 mm/s • 6 g’s • 0,1 a 200 Hz 88 Biaxial EDB 120x120 • 1200x1200 mm, 2 x 100 kN • ± 125 mm • 1000 mm/s • 10 g’s • 0,1 a 150 Hz Engineering and services Monoaxial electrodynamic, LDS 824 LS • 750x750 mm, 27 kN • ± 19 mm • 1,78 mm/s • 60 g’s • 1 a 3200 Hz Activities and References Monoaxial electrodynamic, LDS 650 • 2.2 kN • ± 12.7 mm • 1.54 mm/s • 100 g’s • 1 a 5000 Hz The main activities of our laboratory may be divided into two sectors: Seismic qualification tests: Nuclear power plants. Non nuclear thermal power plants. Electricity substations. Other plants with seismic requirements: regasification, etc. To carry out the tests, both vibratory and shock, we have a total of twenty-four piezoelectric accelerometers, as well as a laser sensor, four vibration controllers, two Data Acquisition and Processing Systems with a maximum capacity of up to 55 channels; two registers of up to 24 channels each and two seven and four channel vibration analyzers. Vibration and shock tests: Railroad sector. Automotive sector. Aerospace sector. Military sector. Other sectors. As regards the laboratory’s references in respect to Nuclear Industry, they may be divided into two areas: Nuclear power plants: Companies: EUROPE: Spain: Asco, Cofrentes, Vandellos, Trillo, Almaraz, Garoña, Zorita, Valdecaballeros, Lemóniz. France: Cadarache, Chooz, Flamanville (EPR). Finland: Olkiluoto (EPR). Belgium: Tihange, Doel. Italy: Cirene, PEC Project, Brasimone, Alto Lazio, Trino Bercellese. SPAIN: TECNATOM ABB BABCOCK POWER ESPAÑA CYMI INABENSA JEMA OBEKI ARTECHE AMERICA: Mexico: Laguna Verde. USA: Prairie Island, Zion. Cuba: Juragua. FRANCE: CEGELEC (Cooperation agreement). (Transformers, electric engines,…). (Valves). (Electric panels). (Electric apparels: CCM, MT Cabins, BT Panels, …). (SAI, Converters, Rectifiers, …). (Electric engines). (Relays). (Security lighting equipment, Fire detectors,...). TYCO (Valve actuators). HAZEMEYER (Engine Control Centres). POWER ALSTOM (Electric panels). SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC (Electric panels). SPIE TABLEAUX (Electric panels). ASIA: India: Tarapur, Kudankulam. China: Ling Ao, Lungmen, Guang Dong, Tianwan. Korea : Yonggwang. AFRICA: South Africa: Koeberg. 89 telephone, Westinghouse is a multinational company whose main objective is to supply nuclear technology and services. In 2007, Westinghouse joined the Japanese group Toshiba, reinforcing its nuclear vocation. Through its own technological development and several acquisitions, Westinghouse is nowadays able to work with PWR, BWR, Magnox, VVER and AGR technologies. Westinghouse Electric Spain S.A.U. Padilla, 17 - 3ª Planta 28006 Madrid Tel.: +34 912 106 410 Web: Business objective Fuel: Westinghouse provides nuclear fuel and all the engineering services related to operating nuclear power plants. From its factories in the United States, Sweden, United Kingdom and Japan, and its agreement with ENUSA, Westinghouse is capable of providing fuel to power plants of all commercial technologies in any country. Additionally, in collaboration with Toshiba it can supply enriched uranium. As well as this,Westinghouse carries out all the necessary fuel inspection and repair services for their operation. Westinghouse is wordly organized through a matrix structure into four product lines (Services, Fuel, Automation and New plants) and three areas (America, EMEA and Asia). This way it fulfills its vision of developing locally applied global solutions. Services, products and technology available Westinghouse’s product lines are as follows: Services: Westinghouse provides different types of solutions and services to practically all reactors in operation. It offers a compromise of safe and efficient operation of nuclear power plants throughout the world. Some of the services it provides are: Automation: Westinghouse owns technology and instrumentation and control products for both protection and plant reactor control systems. Additionally, Westinghouse designs, supplies and installs instrumentation and control systems for the rest of the plant. The effort currently being made by plants towards digitalization of control systems is especially significant. In this respect, Westinghouse stands out as a pioneer with its Ovation platform. Recently it acquired a company that provides solutions to the digitalization of protection systems. Reactor-related engineering, such as support to systems operation, safety evaluations, accident analysis or power uprates. BOP engineering. Design, supply and replacement of nuclear components. Design modifications. Engineering and dismantling activities for nuclear and waste management facilities. Outage and maintenance services, such as reactor services, fuel handling or inspections. Supply of spare parts. 90 Engineering and services Activities and references Westinghouse’s presence in Spain began in the mid-sixties with the supply, under a turnkey contract, of the José Cabrera Nuclear Power Plant to the electric company Unión Eléctrica Madrileña. Already in 1972 Westinghouse had its own office in Madrid, and since then its presence has been permanent and active in its service to the Spanish nuclear power plants. In 2001, Westinghouse acquired Initec’s nuclear division, thus expanding its business in Spain. Nowadays, Westinghouse has 400 employees in Spain in three locations: Madrid, Vandellós and Hospitalet de L’Infant. New plants:Westinghouse contributes to the nuclear renaissance with AP1000, its III+ Generation reactor. AP1000’s technology is the only one under construction that complies with the basic requisites of this new generation of reactors: passive security, simplification of systems, greater efficiency and modular construction. Since 2006, four AP1000 reactors are under construction in China and another four in the United States since 2009. Making use of the experience obtained by Initec in building Spanish plants, Westinghouse’s office in Madrid actively participates in the detail engineering of the AP1000 reactor for the aforementioned countries. Westinghouse is developing new versions of the AP1000 and has initiated several development projects for a new small modular reactor. In addition to this, Westinghouse cooperates with Toshiba in the deployment of its ABWR reactor in the United States and Europe. Several Spanish companies have purchased Westinghouse’s technology while at the same time becoming its associates both in Spain and in other European countries. Among them are ENUSA, ENSA and TECNATOM. Company key figures Today it has over 15,000 employees, spread over 17 countries and giving service to a fleet of over 300 nuclear power plants of all technologies located in practically every country that utilises nuclear energy to generate electric energy. 91 Anci, Asociación Nacional de Constructores Independientes Pº de la Castellana, 119 - 2º dcha. 28046 Madrid Tel.: +34 915 550 539 Fax: +34 915 554 005 Web: E-mail: ANCI, National National Association of Independent Construction Companies, groups together twenty-five of the main construction companies in Spain, with activity both inside and outside the country. Objective ANCI promotes collaboration and solidarity among its member companies, in the interests of everyone, not only the associates themselves but also the Construction sector as a whole, thanks to aiming at maximum transparency in the awarding of contracts for Public Works and encouraging equal opportunities for companies, avoiding practices that may constitute barriers to free competition. ANCI was set up in 1997 as a new voice towards the Public Administration –a main client of its members– and towards other economic, political and social authorities, in order to meet the need of adapting the organizational structure of the construction sector to the new scenario created by the political, administrative and territorial changes of the country, and also with the objective of promoting competence. ANCI’s goal is to collectively represent its members and thus defend their interests in front of the Public Administrations, both nationally (Central Government, Autonomous Regions, Local Corporations) and internationally, as well as in front of any sort of public or private institution. ANCI has the determination to cooperate with public and private institutions, both national and international, in every matter that may result in sustainable economic growth, environmental improvement and RDI promotion. 92 Associations Association key figures Activities and references The current ANCI members are the following twenty-five Spanish companies, leaders in the areas of Construction, Infrastructure and Service Concessions, Infrastructure Conservation and Exploitation, Energy, Environmental Projects, Logistics, Engineering, Materials and supplies, etcetera: In order to fulfill its associate goals, ANCI carries out the following activities: Negotiations with the Public Administrations regarding any issue concerning the members as a group. Monitorization of the situation and trends in the Construction sector. Technical and legal consultancy, regarding any matter to the members’ common interest. Participation as a group in larger forums that may not be open to individual companies, as well as in trade fairs. Representation of members in case of disputes that might involve any risks for the sector. Provision of legal information, both national and international, which might affect the members. Support via acting as a leading voice in the face of public opinion whenever it is needed or advisable. Creation of workgroups to study any issue of special interest and / or offering business opportunities. As an association, ANCI belongs to: CNC, Spanish Confederation of Construction Companies, and also member of its Steering Board. CEOE, Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations, and also member of its Executive Committee. Spanish Road Association (AEC). Spanish Center for the Excellence and Knowledge of the Public and Private Partnership (CECOPP). APD, Association for the Management Progress. PTEC, Spanish Technological Committee of the Construction Sector. AENOR, Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification, as corporate member and member of the Advisory Board for the Certification of Construction Companies. New Economy Forum. Spanish Nuclear Industry Forum. Thyssen Bornemisza Museum, as corporate friend. GRUPO ALDESA CONSTRUCCIONES ALPI, S.A. ALTEC INFRAESTRUCTURAS, S.A. ASSIGNIA INFRAESTRUCTURAS, S.A. AZVI, S.A. BECSA BEGAR, S.A. BRUESA CONSTRUCCIÓN, S.A. CHM INFRAESTRUCTURAS CONSTRUCCIONES RUBAU, S.A. GRUPO COPASA COPCISA, S.A. GRUPO COPISA CYOPSA-SISOCIA, S.A. DETEA, S.A. EHISA (GRUPO ELECNOR) JOCA INGENIERÍA Y CONSTRUCCIONES, S.A. PENINSULAR DE CONTRATAS, S.A. PLODER UICESA, S.A. PROBISA TECNOLOGÍA Y CONSTRUCCIÓN, S.L. PUENTES Y CALZADAS GRUPO DE EMPRESAS, S.A. GRUPO ROVER ALCISA SANDO CONSTRUCCIONES SARRIÓN, S.L. SOGEOSA. SOCIEDAD GENERAL DE OBRAS, S.A. ANCI’s members carry out their activities nationally and internationally in various countries of Europe, America, Africa and Asia, with a consolidated presence through their delegations, affiliates and / or investees. With individual net revenues of between 100 and 1,500 million euros, the joint turnover of ANCI’s members surpassed 10,000 million euros in 2009, a figure that represents approximately 20% of the total national contracting volume in the sector, and a 1% contribution to Spain’s Gross Domestic Income. ANCI’s companies directly employ over 30,000 people. Vandellós II Nuclear Power Plant (COPISA work). 93 The Spanish Nuclear Industry Forum (Foro Nuclear) is a non profitmaking organisation that was set up in 1962 and that represents the companies involved in the nuclear industry (electricity utilities, services companies, engineering firms, equipment manufacturers, nuclear power plants, consultants…). The main mission of Foro Nuclear is to inform on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, normalize the nuclear debate in society and in the Spanish public opinion and support the long term operation of our nuclear power plants. Foro de la Industria Nuclear Española Boix y Morer, 6 28003 Madrid Tel.: +34 915 536 303 Fax: +34 915 350 882 Web: E-mail: Objective business opportunities, stimulating Spanish participation in congresses and exhibitions in Spain and abroad. Constituting a point of connection for the nuclear industry to promote the position of the sector with regard to national and international legislative proposals. The main objectives of Foro Nuclear are as follows: Coordination of activities aimed at informing, disseminating information and bringing together capacities for the achievement of the goals of the industry in relation to the peaceful use of nuclear energy. Strengthening the public image of nuclear energy, providing objective and timely information for the public on the reality of the sector. Representation of the nuclear industry before both national and international organizations and institutions. Promotion of education and training in subject areas relating to nuclear energy, in collaboration with other institutions. Collaboration with partner companies in the identification of Services, products and technologies available Foro Nuclear collaborates with the main national and international energy organisations and official bodies through Working Groups and Committees, for the performance of studies on specific energy issues or for the coordination of actions of common interest for its associates. 94 Associations Activities and references In complying with its objectives, Foro Nuclear carries out activities in the following fields: Documentation and Publications Extensive specialist library with books and publications on the nuclear sector available to the members of the Association. Coordination of a documentation centre covering demands for information from the members of Foro Nuclear and other entities. Production of publications on energy matters in general, and on nuclear energy in particular, aimed at different audiences. Drawing up of subject-specific works on current affairs, publication of technical and socio-economic reports. Support for the industry Coordination of activities of interest for the companies in the nuclear sector, organising their joint participation in Congresses and Exhibitions. Support for the sector companies in their international expansion through the production of reports, catalogues and other informative media on the capacity of the Spanish nuclear industry. Organisation of exchange missions between the companies of different countries, both in Spain and in the rest of the world. Centralising relations between the Spanish nuclear industry and the official organisations relating to their international commercial expansion. Promotion of business encounters between the companies of the nuclear sector, both in Spain and abroad. Training Ellaboration of interactive didactic material on the subject of energy, directed towards teachers and students via the educational website “Rincón Educativo”. Organisation of courses on energy issues for teachers and professors and delivered by experts in each area. Organisation of Annual Sessions on Energy and Education, aimed at professionals from the academic world and dealing with different energy-related current affairs. Organisation conferences on energy issues at schools, institutes, universities and local or professional associations. Organisation of visits to energy facilities. Organisation of a Competition for Schoolchildren on Energy and Education, with the participation of students from all levels of education. Preparation of teaching material on energy for the educational sector. Communication Dissemination of information for the public, in coordination with the communication policies of each of the members of the association. Continuous direct relations with the national and international media. Consolidation as an information source for journalists, communication centres and agencies on all matters relating to nuclear energy and its applications. Tracking and analysis of the information published in the media on energy issues. Channelling of subjects of interest for public opinion. Association key figures In order to cover the operating costs of its activity, the Spanish Nuclear Industry Forum, as a non profit-making association, derives its income from the fees paid by each of its members. 95 SEOPAN the Association of National construction companies, was founded in the year 1957 in Madrid. The founding companies were 32, even though along more than fifty years of existence, the number of member has changed, reaching 41 companies at the present time. The growing concentration process occurred in the last years has led into the creation of major contractors groups, with sound internal structures, high financial and technical capacity, competitive capability and international presence. At the present time, within SEOPAN there are ten powerful and diversified groups, true Spanish multinationals, which rank in many aspects in the first places within EU and world competitors. SEOPAN Serrano, 174 28002 Madrid Tel.: +34 915 630 504 Fax: +34 915 625 844 Web: E-mail: Objective Services, products and technology available Its objectives are the defense of common interest of member companies towards Public Administrations, institutions and society, as well as the representation of them all, both in Spain and abroad. SEOPAN activity concentrates in the ten major contractor groups, by turnover. Among the ten groups, seven are in the Stock Exchange (six in IBEX 35) and the other three are the major non stock Spanish companies in construction, concessions and services. SEOPAN participates in a wide number of institutions as the National Employers Confederation (CEOE), the National Construction Confederation (CNC), AENOR, the National Labour Foundation, the European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC) and the European International Contractors (EIC), among others. Construction activity of the ten major groups, as turnover, represent 58,9% of total annual production with a value of 36.888 million euro. A comparative analysis of the activity of ten major groups within SEOPAN is the following: Sales Etbida Activity SEOPAN G10 amount Construction 36,888 58.9% Concesions and services 22,135 35.3% Rest of activity Total SEOPAN G10 96 % amount Personnel % amount % 1,810 20.2% 94,404 21.1% 5,235 58.6% 339,550 75.8% 3,632 5.8% 1,894 21.2% 14,175 3.2% 62,655 100% 8,939 100% 448,129 100% Associations Activities and references Concerning labour and Ebitda, concessions and services activity of member major groups have a greater relevance than construction itself, a situation which is derived mainly from the clear world leadership position of those companies in the rankings published by the American review Public Works Financing related to world transport infrastructures under construction and/or operation since 1985. characterized by economic and financial great scope, technical difficulty and logistic complexity. Diversification and export activity, together with high technological capability and high financial solvency of those companies places them as world leaders in transport infrastructure concessions (roads, bridges, tunnels, railways, harbours and airports) by number of contracts under construction and operation since 1985 until October 2010 with an initial investment of more than 50 million US$. Among those 10 world leaders there are 7 Spanish companies, 6 of them SEOPAN members. All SEOPAN companies have implemented permanent programs oriented towards safety, risk prevention and training of own workers and subcontractors. SEOPAN member companies are oriented towards project builtin management- including financing, design, execution, operation and maintenance-, which allows them to reach successfully the challenge related with different infrastructure financing schemes. The Spanish companies among the top ten are: ACS/Iridium, FCC/Global Vía, Ferrovial/Cintra, Acciona, OHL, Sacyr and Abertis, the first six being SEOPAN members. High technical and innovative management, quality assurance, environmental, information and control systems application allows SEOPAN companies to handle great infrastructure projects, Association key figures PWF world ranking per number of concessions under tender/ construction/operation* Tender amount World total (35 companies) Spanish Companies (8) SEOPAN Companies (6) Construction and operation % amount Total % amount % 326 100% 664 100% 990 100% 152 46.6% 264 39.8% 416 42% 144 44.2% 217 32.7% 361 36.5% * Transport infrastructure concessions since 01/01/1985 until 01/10/2010 with an investment >50 million $. 97 SERCOBE is the National Association of Equipment Goods Manufacturers and was set up in 1964. The members of the Association are companies and groups involved in the design, manufacturing, maintenance, assembly and erection of equipment goods and industrial plants. SERCOBE, Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Bienes de Equipo Jorge Juan, 47 28001 Madrid Tel: +34 914 357 240 Fax: +34 915 770 910 Web: E-mail: Objective Services, products and technologies available The main functions of SERCOBE are to represent the equipment goods industry in its relations with the economic community in Spain and abroad, and to promote the export of equipment goods and industrial installations. The equipment goods manufacturing sector is clearly oriented towards exports, with 60% of its production going to foreign markets. SERCOBE collaborates in this export effort by driving the internationalisation of the sector companies through actions such as the following: The requirement of progress in quality and competitiveness of products and services is a constant in the work performed by SERCOBE, in which respect it provides continuous support for R&D&i, quality in production, safety and environmental protection. Identification and analysis of projects. Through our own offices and our network of agents and representatives, detecting and pursuing specific business opportunities. SERCOBE participates in several European Union consultation bodies and in the European Equipment Goods Sector Federations and is integrated in Orgalime, which brings together the European metal-mechanic and electro-technical industries. Selection of the most adequate manufacturers and collaboration in drawing up technical proposals and commercial solutions, defending these proposals jointly with the Spanish companies in both direct negotiations and international calls for bids. In these cases SERCOBE's interventions are complementary and the Association contributes with its knowledge of the local markets and conditions, although ultimately the decisions correspond to the companies themselves. In Spain, SERCOBE collaborates with the Public Administrations, especially with the Ministries of Industry, Tourism and Commerce; Economy and the Exchequer; Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and Environment, and with ICEX. It is a member of several of the Administration's consultation bodies linked to our activity and is integrated in the Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations (CEOE) and in Confemetal, in which it is part of their Management Boards, Commissions and Technical Committees, and Spanish and overseas councils of businessmen. 98 Associations Preparation of proposals, bringing together manufacturers of complementary equipments for contracting as package deals Management of consortium contracts. Incorporating of international consortia. Obtaining financing for international projects. Control of contracts performance. Organisation of technical sessions as well as outgoing and incoming trade missions. Promoting on-going technological progress, as a basic element for competitiveness. Promoting Quality and Excellence in Business to address the global market. Paying special attention to conservation of the environment. Collaborating in the on-going training of human resources, the company's most important asset. Strengthening ties with the European institutions and with Spanish and European Business Associations and Federations. Promoting cooperation between businesses, strengthening the cohesion of the sector and driving relations with investment sectors. Promoting the Standardisation and Certification of equipment and systems as an indicator of the quality and reliability of the products manufactured by the companies. Promoting the implementation of occupational risk prevention in the companies. Activities and references The activities of SERCOBE in Spain and in the European Union are oriented towards the following: Providing an accurate image of the sector it represents, in Spain and abroad. Cooperating in the establishment of a legal framework, promoting competitive business activity. Association key figures SERCOBE currently integrates 134 Individual Members, 7 Collective Members and three Special Groups, representing more than 600 companies with joint billing of more than 38,000 million euros per year and exports of more than 23,700 million euros per year. The personnel of the Association consists of thirty-one people. 99 UNESA was founded in 1944 as the company Unidad Eléctrica, S.A. In 1999 it became a Business Association that is defined as a professional, sector-based organisation that coordinates, represents, manages, promotes and defends the interests of its associate electricity companies. The members of the Association are: Endesa, Iberdrola, Gas Natural Fenosa, HC Energía and E.ON España. Four of them are the owners of the Spanish nuclear power plants. UNESA, Asociación Española de la Industria Eléctrica Francisco Gervás, 3 28020 Madrid Tel.: +34 915 674 800 Fax: +34 915 674 988 Web: E-mail: Objective Services, products and technologies available The objective of UNESA is to serve as an instrument and platform for dialogue among the different institutional and social stakeholders, with a view to developing policies of common interest at sector level, along with those other objectives pertaining to the Association in its representation of the economic sector in which it carries out its activity and with full respect for the freedom of its members to take their respective business decisions, within a framework defined by the standards governing open competition on the market. For the fulfilment of its associative ends, UNESA carries out the following specific services and functions: Collaboration with the Public Administrations, undertaking the institutional representation of the Electricity Industry at national and international level. Representation, promotion and defence of the interests of its members in all areas. Institutional representation of the Electricity Industry, defending the interests of the associated Companies before the Administration at all levels, jurisdictional bodies, Parliament, the political parties, trade union organisations and other public and private entities as might be considered appropriate. The General Assembly is the governing body of the Association, its management being the responsibility of the Board of Directors.The internal organisation of UNESA is structured around different subject areas, one of them being the Nuclear Energy Division. For the performance of its associative activities, UNESA is organised on the basis of different intersector working committees coordinated by the Management Committee, one of these being the Nuclear Energy Committee (CEN). Tracking of or participation in the drawing up of legal proposals or in the modification, development, study and analysis of the legislation relating specifically to the electricity industry and any other relating directly or indirectly to it. UNESA participates in the activities of a large number of organisations, such as the Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations (CEOE) and the Economic and Social Council. It is also present in the Spanish Electricity Market Operating Company (OMEL), in the grid operator Red Eléctrica de España S.A, on the Market Agents Committee (CAM) and in the consultation councils of the National Energy Commis-sion (CNE). 100 Associations The exercising of all types of legal and judicial actions, along with the formulation of verbal and written consultations before the Public Administrations and jurisdictional bodies at all levels, in representation of the interests of its members. Promotion and performance of all types of activities relating directly or indirectly to medicine, prevention and safety in the workplace in the electricity industry. Activities and references The drawing up of studies and reports on all matters relating to its purpose. Maintenance of the necessary relations with other national and international business organisations, Associations, Foundations, Federations and Confederations, especially within the framework of the European Union. Intervention, whenever requested by the member Companies, and without prejudice to the faculties of each such Company in this area, in collective negotiations and in the regulation of general working conditions between its members and the personnel employed by them, in accordance with the legal standards in force at each time. In the nuclear field, UNESA coordinates activities relating to nuclear safety and radiological protection, regulation, nuclear power plant operation, R&D activities relating to the safety and operation of these facilities and fuel and radioactive waste. The UNESA Nuclear Energy Division performs secretarial activities and provides support for the Nuclear Energy Committee. It also supports the CEN in tasks deriving from the activities of the liaison committees with the Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) and the national radioactive waste management agency (Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos - ENRESA). Furthermore, the Division performs activities relating to institutional and international relations in nuclear issues. On the international scene, the Spanish Electricity Industry participates in the work of the world's most important energy organisations through the UNESA Working Groups and Committees. As regards the organisations dealing with nuclear energy, mention may be made of the following: the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO), the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Promotion of the applications of electricity and the development of sector communication initiatives to promote dialogue between the Electricity Industry and different social groups and to promote the image of the Industry in the national and overseas media. Dissemination among the UNESA members of the information and documentation considered to be appropriate on aspects of interest relating to its purpose. Association key figures The work force of UNESA amounts to 75 people, half of which are technical graduates. 101 Catalogo_2010_vr.4.2:Maquetación 1 28/04/2011 14:34 Página 103 Spanish Nuclear Industry