Spring 2011 Annual Report


Spring 2011 Annual Report
Emma Goldman Clinic
227 North Dubuque Street
Iowa City, Iowa 52245-1714
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OCTOBER 1, 2009 - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
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A Feminist Approach to Health Care
Emma Goldman Clinic
Emma Goldman Clinic Annual Report 2010
2010 was a year filled with inspiration, collaboration, and celebration. We want to thank
all of our supporters, staff and board members. Your hard work and commitment helped
us to make a difference in the lives of over 4900 women and men from Iowa and the
We have been provided with opportunities to expand our networking and to deal with
issues that address the complexity of how women make decisions regarding their health
and reproduction. Our expanded website, Choice Alert list and Facebook page are reaching
women all over the world and becoming a powerful way for us to share information about
the Emma Goldman Clinic.
We have been privileged to form new, and to strengthen, old alliances. We have collaborated
to share experiences, to learn and to educate regarding the issues of justice, faith and
In January 2010, Loretta Ross was the keynote speaker for EGC’s Annual Choice Event.
Loretta is the National Coordinator of SisterSong, a national coalition of over 80 women
of color and allied reproductive justice organizations that explore Reproductive Justice
through the human rights lens.
For Reproductive Justice Activists, the primary difference between the reproductive rights
and health framework and the reproductive justice framework is that the rights and health
framework focuses on protecting individual rights and choices, while the reproductive
justice framework focuses on broader socioeconomic conditions and bringing about
structural change.
The Emma Goldman Clinic is a member of the Feminist Abortion Network. The Feminist
Abortion Network is an allied group of health care clinics that support the continued
success, excellence, and strength of feminist health care providers. In June, Co-Director
Jennifer attended a strategic planning and visioning retreat for FAN. Jennifer has been
elected the Secretary of the Board of Directors for this national organization.
We recognize these partnerships are a vital source of economic activity that is an important
aspect of a thriving community. The clinic is a unique facility providing services to clients
throughout the Midwest. Although we have a regional and local client focus, we have
always maintained a national presence.
During this year’s strategic planning process, board and staff spent time identifying the
things that make the Emma Goldman Clinic different from other community health care
Community is our strength. Community includes our location in Iowa, the clients we serve,
their families and you, our supporters. We are committed to providing personal, face to
face, and quality health care for our community. This is what makes the Emma Goldman
Clinic the The Clinic of Choice.
Thank you,
Ms. Ross also provided a Reproductive Justice 101 training for Women of Color, hosted at
the clinic that was well attended by community members, staff and board.
The clinic co-sponsored Rev. Rebecca Turner and Faith Aloud’s visit to Iowa City to provide
a training for staff and clergy on counseling women with religious and faith concerns. This
is important for the clinic because over 86% of women declare some religious affiliation.
Staff attended an in-service training to help abortion advocates respond to patients’
spiritual concerns. Additionally, EGC hosted an Open House for the community to meet
Reverend Turner, view Faith Aloud’s recently released DVD, and learn more about the
work Faith Aloud is doing to overcome the religious stigma associated with abortion.
Our Mission
Emma Goldman Clinic Annual Report 2010
The Emma Goldman Clinic is a not-for-profit independent organization founded in 1973 by
a group of women driven by feminist ideals. We exist to empower women and men in all
life stages through the provision of quality reproductive health care that includes abortion
services, gynecology services, safer sex promotion, and active education. We promote
respectful, client-centered and participatory health care through informed decision making,
client rights, advocacy and expansion, and support of pregnancy choices.
We strive to provide an environment in which diversity is acknowledged and celebrated.
We are actively committed to staff diversity in employment policies and practices. We
strive to increase economic, geographic, structural, and language accessibility for the
clients we serve through fundraising, outreach, and advocacy.
We offer non-judgmental, quality health care services. Our goals are inspired by our belief
in the larger ideals of feminist philosophy: political, economic, and social equality.
Emma Goldman Clinic
A Feminist Approach to Heath Care
227 N. Dubuque St.
Iowa City, IA 52245
send us an email to join our “Choice List” info@emmagoldman.com
Board of Directors
Raquel Baker
Amber Fricke
Lucie Gallo
Jessica Hook
Tena Kapp
Debora Liddell
1973 Jan. The United States Supreme Court
decision, Roe v. Wade, legalizes abortion.
Molly McAndrew
Shandhini Raidoo
Tara Shochet
Sophie Subbiah
Kathryn Trandem
Miriam Timmer-Hackert
1973 Sept. EGC opened its doors at 715 N. Dodge
St. and began offering abortions.
The Emma Goldman Clinic’s Strategic Planning for 2010 had near perfect attendance of
board and staff. We are no stranger to challenges, including competition, anti-choice
legislation, threats of violence, decreasing client numbers and dwindling funding. Our
strategic planning process was a conscious decision to focus on our strengths as an
organization and to build on those strengths, rather than reviewing the obstacles. This
process reinforced key concepts that we feel set us apart and make us unique:
feminism, advocacy, independence and networking.
We share these core values with 14 other feminist clinics across the country. We also
identified our organizational, our community and our health service strengths in an
attempt to articulate why we are the Clinic of Choice.
Here are just a few of those.
One on one personalized, client centered care.
We are proud that we continue to see each client individually and that the person that made
your appointment may also greet you when you come to the clinic. Emma clients make it
clear they desire a personal interaction and a face to face, one on one experience as they
contemplate the sometimes difficult decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive
health care.
Deep roots in our community
As a small, independent business, we spend more than half of or our revenue locally. We
bank at local banks, hire local accountants, advertise in local media, and require many
other local services that national corporations do not. We recognize these local partnerships
are a vital source of economic activity that is an important aspect of a thriving community.
Feminist Values that impact out client care and organizational protocols.
We believe that individuals are capable of making informed decisions about their health
care, and they deserve to do so in an atmosphere of dignity and respect and as active
participants in their care. This active participation extends to employees and how we
chose to work together.
“In the small business, you trust the personal, and in the large business you trust the
brand.” We will continue to do what we do best- TRUST WOMEN and offer the incredible
care we are known for and that make us the Clinic of Choice.
“ Once again I found myself overflowing with gratitude for your presence, for all the work all of
1976 Prenatal services and natural birthing classes
1978 Anti-abortion protesters appeared for
you do day in and day out, for the risks and responsibilities you take on because of your combegin.
the first time, one month later the clinic was
mitment to women’s health and well being.”
- EGC Client
Services & Subsidies
Emma Goldman Clinic Annual Report 2010
Subsidized Services
Providing quality health care services is a core component of the clinic’s mission statement.
We continue to strive to serve those populations that are traditionally underserved,
uninsured, and underrepresented.
Service #of Clients Subsidy
Abortion Subsidy
Gynecology Sliding Scale
Sexual Assault Survivor Services
African American Women’s Service Event
GLBT Service Event
Migrant Camp Worker Service Event
Walk-In Clinic
“We want to thank you for the physical and emotional care that you gave our daughter as
she made the tremendously difficult decision to terminate her pregnancy. Your support, wise
counsel, and non-judgmental approach were invaluable.”
-Parents of EGC Client
Health Services at-a-Glance
Specialty Clinics
Abortion Services
Each year in an attempt to serve
marginalized and uninsured clients,
we offer specialty clinics.
In 2010, we provided free services
for the regional migrant camps and
for GLBT persons during Pride
Month. This year we also
expanded our African
American Health Event
to include men.
In spite of numerous legislative
threats, we continue to offer the
high quality feminist abortion
provision we are known for.
In 2010, we saw an increase in
the number of women choosing to
have a non-surgical abortion.
Medical abortions are now
40% of all abortions
done at EGC.
We continue to respond
to a growing demand
for Trans Services,
including hormone therapy.
As part of a grant for HIV
testing, we were able to screen 83
clients. We also went into the bars
to have a HIV Happy Hour, where
we offered off-site screening.
Abortion Visits 1002
Walk in PregnancyTesting 142
Long Acting Reversible Contraception 223
Males 152
Trans Visits
Total Gynecology Visits 1763
Wellness Services
1983 Due to numerous requests for
information, the Clinic begins providing
service to women with Premenstrual
1985 Apr. EGC buys a new building and moves to
its current location of 227 N. Dubuque St.
1987 EGC offers AIDS testing and counseling.
Clinic Visits
1988 Cervical Cap is approved by FDA, EGC receives
national and international attention for its cervical cap
handbook and begins training cap fitters from around
the Midwest
“While my term of service to the
Board of Directors is over, Emma
is never far from my heart, and
is an organization I will support
until the day I die.”
-Natasha Wendt
Board Member and Development
Committee Member
”I choose the Emma Goldman
Clinic because I was really
in support of the feminist
philosophy and feminist care.
and because of my admiration
of the courage and tenacity of
the women who ran the clinic
and continue to run the clinic.”
-Marilyn Cohen
First Director of
Emma Goldman Clinic
“I wanted to be a part of a
community that would teach
me more about abortion and
reproductive rights and allow
me to explore how I felt about
reproductive rights. And when
you read Emma’s mission
statement you just fall in love.”
-Abigail Calvert
EGC social work practicum student
and patient advocate. 2008-2009
The thing to me that makes the EGC important
to Iowa City and unique in its services is
that it provides an array of services without
judgment, trusting women to make decisions
for themselves and supporting those
-Regina Bailey
Emma Goldman Clinic
1990-1991 Staff
Board Member 1995-1997
Emma Goldman Clinic Annual Report 2010
The Emma Goldman Clinic continues to offer education and practicum experiences for
students from colleges and universities in eastern Iowa. In addition to medical students,
we also train social work, women’s studies, medical assistant and nursing students . It is
an opportunity to expose them not only to abortion care, but to health care from a feminist
We continue to value our collaborative resources in the community. This year we have
partnered and worked with a variety of organizations including:
Camp Euforia
Iowa Abortion Access Fund (IAAF)
Iowa City Area Chamber of Commerce
Iowa City Pride
Iowa Wesleyan College
Johnson County Community Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (JCCAPP)
Kirkwood Community College
Rape Victim Advocacy Program (RVAP)
Summer of the Arts (SOTA)
United Action for Youth (UAY)
University of Iowa Fraternities & Sororities
University of Iowa GLBTU
University of Iowa Upward Bound
Women’s Resource and Action Center (WRAC)
Youth Leadership Program Cedar Rapids
Fees for services and contributions from donors allow us to continue to provide quality
feminist heath care.
Fee for Service
In-Kind Donations
Product Sales $2,673
Interest/Market Value Change
1990 New services: Morning After Treatment,
Therapeutic Massage, Problem Gyn, Lesbian Health
Day, joined National Women’s Health Network.
Access fund and Pledge-A-Picketer started.
1994 Honor Dinner launches Kretzschmar Education
Fund (1st Choice Dinner), EGC receives DHS grant
for teen pregnancy prevention, EGC receives EFA
grant for abortion loan fund. FACE becomes law in
1995 External Board of Directors 1996 Emma Goldman Clinic
appointed, had first meeting July website launched.
11th. Advisory Board becomes www.emmagoldman.com
new BOD. First Executive Director
is hired, October start.
1998 EGC begins offering male
services. Contracted with the UIHC
OB/GYN dept. to provide 1st and
2nd trimester abortions at EGC.
Community Building & Education
For over 35 years the Emma Goldman Clinic has been a place where members of the
community have found their voices. A piece of our mission is to educate, and as part of
that charge we offer the community access to educational events and services.
Throughout 2009-2010 we attended 35 events reaching over 1900 people. Among the
many tabling events, tours, and clinic fundraisers, we offered the Emma Goldman Clinic
Speakers Bureau. You asked and we listened, and now our presentations include a wider
variety of possible topics including GLBT Sexual Health and Pleasure.
Emma Goldman Clinic Annual Report 2010
The Emma Goldman Clinic hosted and participated in specialty
events and trainings that we made available to community
groups and individuals. The following are some highlights of these events.
Reproductive Justice Training
In conjunction with our annual Choice Event we hosted
a Reproductive Justice Training led by Loretta Ross,
founder and National Coordinator of SisterSong Women
of Color Reproductive Health Collective. Discussion
focused on the intersections of Environmental Justice
and Reproductive Health.
As a community clinic we see it as an important responsibility to provide current, accurate,
and comprehensive information regarding health and sexuality. Informed decision
making and communication skills encourage positive choices in sexual relationships and
help protect against abuse, exploitation, unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted
infections and HIV and Aids. Our educational events contribute to people’s positive
experiences with sexuality by enhancing their knowledge base and giving them a safe and
informative environment to explore attitudes and beliefs about sex, as well as moral and
social issues surrounding sexuality.
All people have a right to information about matters that affect them. We help meet the
needs of clients through education so that they can better understand and enjoy their
sexuality, sexual identity, relationships and intimacy.
a play by
Jane Cawthorne
“By talking about SEX we can reduce the instances of unintended pregnancy, STI transmission,
and encourage healthy relationships that foster safer sex practices. We all deserve the right to a
happy, healthy, sex life.”
-Susan EGC Staff
2000 Mifeprex is approved by the
Food and Drug Administration.
Emma Goldman Clinic begins
providing non-surgical abortions.
2001 First internet sale from EGC’s
website, and first internet donation
received from a new donor.
2003 EGC herstory book
Abortion Monologues
Emma Staff, Board Members, and Volunteers premiered
their performance of the Abortion Monologues telling
the thought provoking stories of womens personal
experiences with abortion. The portrayed characters
that challenged the audience to think about what they
believe about abortion and why.
Legislative Reception
Emma hosted a reception at the State Capitol for
Iowa Senators and House Members. The reception
highlighted how public policy affects reproductive
health care issues from our perspective.
2007 Begin offering HPV
2008 Begin offering LARC’s: IUC
& Implanon
2009 Begin offering Hormone
Therapy to Transgendered clients.
Thank You to Our Donors
Elodie and Sandy Opstad
In memory of Galen Opstad
Sam Becker
In memory of Doris Zimmerman
John Bollenbacher
Sabra and Brian Fleck
Janice Hanrahan Roemer
Gretchen Holt
Kay Johansen and David Osterberg
Debora Liddell and John Westefeld
Juliet Mattila and Robin Magowan
Jill and Finn Meadows
Ruth and Irvin Stein
Susan and John Strauss
Unitarian Universalist Society of Iowa City
Susan Wing
Jerry Zimmermann and Carolyn Brown
In memory of Doris Zimmerman
Alan Bergeron
Jackie Briggs
Lesley Goldberg
Jean and Jix Lloyd-Jones
Deborah Nye
Old Capitol City Roller Girls
Susan Orhon
Tanya Oyos and Steven Lillehaug
Jennifer and Darin Price
Linda and Peter Rubenstein
Julie and Carl Schweser
Tara Shochet
Elizabeth Slappey
Joy Smith and David Rust
Miriam and Kirk Timmer-Hackert
Colleen Weiland
Abortion Access Project
Molly Abraham and David Walz
Lee-Ann Allen
David Baldus
Susan Beckett
Ottilie Blodi
Diana Brayton
In memory of Nate Gottlieb
Ann Broderick
Jeanne Cadoret
Fredda and Richard Caplan
Allison Cole and Ajai Dandekar
Cornell College
Monique Dicarlo
Lorin and Dyanne Dudley
Lolly and Del Eggers
Sandra and Gerald Eskin
Ann Feddersen
Sherril and Charles Finney
Anne Frankel
Jan Friedman
Dolores Gutierrez
Nancy Hauserman
Judith Hendershot
Gay and Wayne Holstine
Jessica and Bill Hook
Jane and Louis Katz
Linda and Dick Kerber
Judith and William Klink
Sue and Robert Kretzschmar
Kubby Gyrls, Inc.
Chris Ledman
Kimberly Leslie
Claire and Louis Licht
Linda and Rick Maxson
Cynthia and Jonathan McCalmont
Linda McGuire
Jody McKee
John Menninger
Stephanie Morgan
Patricia Murphy
Margaret and Ted Nelson
Old Capitol Screen Printers
Dorothy Paul
Linda Paul
Marlene Perrin
Chris Peterson Brus
Mary Lou Prizler
In memory of Galen Opstad
In memory of Nate Gottlieb
Dr. Robert Rabinoff
Shelby Ramirez - Queer People of Color
Greg Reynolds
RoseWater Plumbers, Inc
Henry and Emaline Ruff
Gayle Sand and Jay Cayner
Becky and Yutaka Sato
Dawn Scott
Madeline Shea
Susan Shullaw
Vicki Solursh
Serena Stier and Steven Burton
Sharon Stubbs
The Soap Opera
Francine and Richard Thompson
United Way
Jami Wade
Ken Winokur
Barbara Work
Christopher Yopp
Dean Abel
Marva Abel
In memory of Doris Zimmerman
Stephanie and Winston Alnot
In memory of Doris Zimmerman
Sally and Garry Anderson
Adriana Andrus
Natoshia Askelson
Raquel Baker
Wendy Barth
Donald Baxter
Barbara Beaumont
Robert and Merrilee Beckman
Bellevue Health Center
Connie and David Berman
Cathy Berntsen-Fox
Jean Blair
Ginny Blair
Ann M. Bovbjerg
Phyllis and Richard Braverman
Alison Buck
Celia Burger
Celeste Campos
2010 Front desk security
Josephine and Cosmo Catalano
Laura Christensen
Sue Christiansen
Susan Craig
Judith Crossett
Julia Daugherty
Mel Dautremont - Alterations
Jane De Witt
Shari DeMaris
Harvey Diehl
Dianne Dillon-Ridgely
DJ Rinner Goldsmiths
Kris Dolgos
Madgetta Dungy
Donna Friedman Curry and David Curry
Heidi Galer
Lucie Gallo
Suresh Ganu
Lynn and Scott Garner
Kris Garrison
Mary Gilbert
Helen Goldstein
Kay Ellen Gustafson
Debra and Joel Hade
In memory of Galen Opstad
Hetty Hall
Ellen and Arthur Hartz
Rebecca and Robert Hegeman
Susy Hemphill
Candace Hemphill
Hills Bank
Lynne Hirleman and Calvin Coquilette
Home Ec. Workshop, LLC
Elizabeth Hooley
Linda and Nathan Hopkins
Jody Hovland and Ron Clark
S & S Customs
Judith and Richard Hurtig
In memory of Doris Zimmerman
Iowa Abortion Access Fund
Jane and Jim Jakobsen
Lois James
Susan Johnson and Ann Rhomberg
Laura Kaplan
Christine and Charley Kapp
Dave Kreiter
Karen Kubby
Lynette and William Lancial
Laura Lang
Paula Laube
Heidi Lauritzen
League Of Women Voters, Johnson Co.
Jennifer Lee
Vicki Lensing
Sylvia Lewis and Al Carr
Roxanne and Jeff Lindaman
Roger Lindsay and Jane Bocker
Susan and Philip Lutgendorf
Carol Ann Lynch
Janet Lyness
Diane Machatka
Helene Magruder
In memory of Galen Opstad
Emily Martin
Jean Martin
Karen Mason
Kelly Matthews
Jacque McClure
2010 Added a weekly Non Surgical
Abortion day.
In memory of Nate Gottlieb
Lorraine McCrary
Maureen McCue
Martha McDonell and Catherine Morrison
In memory of Galen Opstad
Marianne Michael
Gay Mikelson
Nancy Milio
Marc Mills
Deanne Mirr
Kathy Mitchell
Joan Molloy
Barbara Morck
Justin Murphy
In memory of Galen Opstad
Pauline Myers
Ginny Naso
Barbara and Harry Nevins
Amy Newton - Connections
Carrie Norton
Lynne Nugent
Polly and Armond Pagliai
Susan Perry
Sue and Jerry Protheroe
Quality Care
Quizer, Inc
Charles Read
Sue Riedl
In memory of Nate Gottlieb
Patty and David Riley
Russ’ Northside Service, Inc.
Sara Rynes-Weller
Scott Sand
Hutha and Robert Sayre
Sara and Yon Schoenmaker
Pamela and Gary Sejkora
Ann and Thomas Shires
James Sinclair
In memory of Galen Opstad
Jane and Laird Sloan
In memory of Galen Opstad
Laurie Smith
Penelope and Theodore Smith
Jill Smith and James Calkins
Sondra Smith and David Leshtz
Becky Soglin
Carol Spaziani
Duane C. Spriestersbach
In memory of Doris Zimmerman
Sally Stephenson and Kevin
Rebecca Stinson
Elizabeth and John Stratton
Joyce and Dick Summerwill
Eric Taubel
Joan Thaler
Judy and David Thayer
The Knitting Shoppe
Cindy Thompson-Adhikari
Katy Trandem
Annie and David Tucker
Alena Vazquez
In memory of Galen Opstad
Kathryn and Peter Wallace
Crystal and Lucas Weber
Gerald Wetlauter
Whitedog, Inc.
2010 Began providing conscious
sedation for 2nd trimester
abortion clients.
Doris Witt
Charlie Davidson
Women’s Resource And Action Center Tera Denial
Deborah and Rod Zeitler
Susan Deprenger
In memory of Nate Gottlieb
Up to $50
Danny DeVooght
Patricia Abram
Discerning Eye, Inc.
In memory of Galen Opstad
Kristina Dohm
Elizabeth and Kristopher Ackerson Patrick Dolan
In memory of Nate Gottlieb
James Duke
Nancy Cogan
Diana and Scott Duncan
Jan Ahlberg
Sue Dvorsky
Susan Ahrens
Mary Eckerman
Erin Alward
Julie Eichenberger
Susan and Jerry Anderson
Shelley Engman
In memory of Galen Opstad
Ann and James Estin
Jennifer Antill Wessling
Mark Farmer
Brandice Armstrong
Diane Finnerty
Elaine Ball
Eileen Fisher and Robert Garrett
Jennifer Bartlett
Lesanne and Jack Flieher
Peaches Bass
Sue and William Forde
Kate and Michael Baxter-Kauf
Edith Freise
Lynn Beghtol Hoff
In memory of Galen Opstad
In memory of Galen Opstad
Katherine Freund
Sarah-Marie Belcastro
Karole and Jim Fuller
Natalie Benway
Sue Futrell
Rebecca and George Bergus
Janice Gaumer and Richard Maynard
Linda Berman
In memory of Galen Opstad
Celia and Dale Bingham
Deborah George
Gail and Warren Bishop
Bonnie German
Sue Ellen Blackwell
Jane and Richard Gibson
Richard Blazek
Nancy Jo Goldsmith
Dixie Bond
Celeste Goodrich
Carol Booth
In memory of Galen Opstad
In memory of Galen Opstad
Ellen and Joel Gordon
Nada and Paul Bottke
Kathy Green and Stephen Meyer
Jerrie and Michael Bourgo
Amanda Greubel
Susan and Willard Boyd
Laurie Haag
Susan Buckley and Sue Cook
Helena Hadek and Jay Villwock
Carl Cambridge
Julia Hagen
Valerie and Eric Campbell
In memory of Galen Opstad
New Pionner Coop
Sharon Hamilton
Lee Carlson
Lena Hann
In memory of Galen Opstad
Allison Harkness
Cindy Carlson
Joan and John Hartung
In memory of Galen Opstad
In memory of Galen Opstad
Jeanette Carter
Nancy Heerens-Knudson and
Mary Kay Casey
Ralph Knudson
In memory of Galen Opstad
In memory of Doris Zimmerman
Rebecca and Jeffrey Cassat
Judie Hermsen
In memory of Galen Opstad
Karen Hetzler
JoAnn Castagna
Patricia and Dwight Hicks
Barbara Chadwick
In memory of Galen Opstad
K. Patricia Chong and Mark Gomez Char Hinrichs
Karla Cigrand
Jean and Albert Hood
Jennifer Clancey
Carol Horwitz
Ron Clark
Hospice and Pallative Care Assoc. Of Iowa
Lesley Clark
In memory of Galen Opstad
Lee Anna Clark
Tammy and John Hoyman
Megan and Andrew Cohen
In memory of Galen Opstad
In memory of Galen Opstad
Carrie Huberty
Marilyn and David Cohen
In memory of Nate Gottlieb
Kay and Nicholas Colangelo
Gene Jahncke
Linda and Bruce Coltvet
Lauri Jennisch and Warren Sprouse
Katherine and Robert Cook
Pat and Dwight Jensen
In memory of Nate Gottlieb
Kelly Johnson
Patricia Cooper
Jill and Grant Johnson
Theresa Croonquist
In memory of Galen Opstad
In memory of Galen Opstad
Janna Johnson
Gina Crosheck
In memory of Galen Opstad
May Crowe
Marlene Johnson
Kathlyn Cunneen and William Reisinger Amy Johnson Boyle
Casey Daley
Harriet and Daniel Johnson-O’Mara
Harriet Dattelbaum
Amanda Jones
In memory of Doris Zimmerman Steven Joy
Mel Dautremont
Cynthia Joyce
Dana and Scott David
Jean Justice
Brenna Davidson
Rehana Kaderali
2010 Updated client bathrooms.
Patricia and Verne Kelley
In memory of Galen Opstad
Paula Keeton and Kathleen Coleman
Jane Kelso
Roberta and Charles Kerr
In memory of Galen Opstad
Kathy Kikendall
Justin Killian
Claudia and John Knutson
Nan Kottemann
Anne Krewmer
Jill Kromminga
Marjorie and Samuel Kuperman
Terri Larson
Mildred Lavin
Susan Lay
David Leshtz
Linda and Samuel Levey
Jaclyn Libowitz
In memory of Doris Zimmerman
David Loebsack
Bonnie Rae Love
Hannah Maclaren
Kendra Malone
Eishita Manjrekar
Louise Manning
JoAnn and Mike Margolin
In memory of Doris Zimmerman
Susan Marks
Molly McAndrew
Judith McClymond
In memory of Galen Opstad
Pat and Ronald McDole
In memory of Galen Opstad
Katie McDonald
Melissa and Stephen McGuire
Janet McKee
Maggie and Heal McKnight
Scott McNabb
Julia and Phil Mears
In memory of Doris Zimmerman
Roberta Medford and John Queen
Mary Meggers
In memory of Nate Gottlieb
Sophie Metcalf
Carol and Butch Miller
Aletia Morgan and David Redlawsk
Keila Naparstek and Tom Hund
Emily Nau
Marla and Joseph Naumann
In memory of Galen Opstad
Johnna and Mark Neary
In memory of Nate Gottlieb
Kim Nguyen
Carol and Gerald Nordquist
Naomi Novick
Terri and Phillip O’Berry
Christine Ogren
Vicki and Lamont Olson
In memory of Galen Opstad
Clara and Yasar Onel-Zumthor
In memory of Doris Zimmerman
Jolene Orr
Elaine and Thomas Palmer
In memory of Galen Opstad
Sandy Pickup
Judy Polumbaum
Prairie Flour Bakery
Alta Price
Jessica Prody
Sue Protheroe
Herman Quirmbach
Elizabeth and Clark Raney
In memory of Galen Opstad
Vicki Rawson
Rebecca Reiter
Susan Rich
2010 EGC Volunteer gardeners
established flower beds around
In memory of Galen Opstad
Meredith Rich-Chappell and Andy Chappell
Andrew Robinson
Jill Rossiter and Dennis Lamport
In memory of Galen Opstad
Linda and James Rundle
In memory of Galen Opstad
Laurie Rychnovsky
Nadia Sabbagh
Jo Santiago
Nancy Saunders
In memory of Galen Opstad
Nathan Savin
Jane Scheer and Robin Hursh
Deborah and Robert Schultz
Herman Schwartz
Deb Scott-Miller and Keith Miller
Linda Severson
Jesse Singerman
Rina Sjolund
Jim Snitzer
Ida and Peter Sorensen
Susan and Eugene Spaziani
Barbara Spence
Diane Spielbauer
Katherine and Simon Stanfield
In memory of Galen Opstad
Alexandria Steele
Donna and Kent Stille
In memory of Galen Opstad
Jeanne Stoakes
Tess Stoffer
Ann and Shelton Stromquist
Sandi and Donald Struebing
In memory of Galen Opstad
Stuff Etc West Inc
Sally and Roger Stutsman
In memory of Nate Gottlieb
Renee Sueppel
Marlene and Kent Swaim
Ryan Swanek
Nancy and Keith Thayer
Diane Thomason
In memory of Nate Gottlieb
Deborah and Edwin Tierney
In memory of Galen Opstad
Mary Timmer
Jill and Michael Tomek
Grace Tully
Beth Van Zee
Marylee and Mike Vanderpool
In memory of Galen Opstad
Nancy and Kelly Walter
In memory of Galen Opstad
Christine and Jim Walters
Laura Watkins
Lisa Welch
In memory of Galen Opstad
Joseph Wenker
Jovanka and Thomas Westbrook
In memory of Galen Opstad
Terri Wiese
Jessica and Daniel Williams
Susan Wille and Larry Lacterman
Karen Witzke
Nancy Worcester
Marge Wright
Michael Wright
Julia Youngblut
Barbara Ziegler
Pam Zimmerman
In memory of Galen Opstad
Audrae Zoeckler
2010 EGC Co-director Jennifer
Price became Secretary of The
Feminist Abortion Network (FAN)