- Apostolic Christian Church of America
- Apostolic Christian Church of America
Vol. 71, #2 Feb. 2016 The heavens declare the glory of God; ... Psalm 19:1 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Walking in a Living Faith page 3 Monthly Sermon page 4 Ministry Program Updates page 6 The Challenge of Unmet Expectations page 8 Remembering Our Spiritual Heritage page 70 The Light of Hope page 71 To Our Readers Correspondence For March issue (news from Jan 16-Feb 15) Due: February 20, 2016 Whiter Than Snow For those of us in northern climes, it’s the season of cold and snow. Although I don’t always appreciate driving in snow or shoveling it, I do value how it reminds me of what Christ has done. As the hymn says “to those who have sought Thee, Thou never saidst No, Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” The Silver Lining 1523 County Road 400N Congerville, IL 61729 USPS 496780 Published Monthly by the Apostolic Christian Church of America As I look out at a landscape covered in a fresh blanket of snow, I marvel at the beauty and purity it gives to everything, including things that previously were quite unappealing (perhaps an ugly building, dead grass, or bare trees). That’s what Jesus’ blood can do for us. He covers our shame with a dazzlingly white robe of righteousness. Counselors: Rick Plattner, Jeff Grimm Official Apostolic Christian Church Website: www.apostolicchristian.org May we strive to keep it unspotted. In Christ, Send correspondence to: editor@acsilverlining.org Rick Plattner, along with Jeff Grimm, counseling elders (email is preferred) The Silver Lining 1523 County Road 400N Congerville, IL 61729 Ph: 309-657-4455 The Silver Lining subscriptions are due from the following churches: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Bay City Burlington Cissna Park Elgin, IA Kiowa Roanoke Taylor Winthrop Toledo SILVER LINING February 2016 at Roanoke, IL 61561 and additional Suggested donation: $18/subscription. post offices. The subscription rate is Send all payments to: Apostolic Christian Publications P.O. Box 52 Eureka, IL 61530 of address. Send both old and new Front cover: The Falls at Tangle Creek, Jasper National Park in Alberta by Bro. Keith Leman, Elgin, IL. Back Cover: Snowflakes by Sis. Julie Schmidt, Winthrop, MN 2 Periodical non-profit postage paid a donation. Send zip number with address. Remember to send changes addresses (with both zips). Postmaster send address changes to: The Silver Lining 1523 County Road 400N Congerville, IL 61729 Writings based on God’s Word Light from the Word Walking in a Living Faith beginning to end. “For therein is the righteousness of “Now the just shall live by faith” God revealed from faith to faith (from beginning to In our Apostolic Christian Church culture, we end): as it is written, The just shall live by faith.”8 We use the word faith in many different ways. In this live for Christ, we trust and obey Him, and we cling article, we will consider three common usages: our to His promises through whatever blessings, tests, or saving faith in Jesus Christ, walking by faith as trials may come our way. believers, and the practice of referring to our church Abraham’s strong faith was greatly tested when denomination as “our faith.” God commanded him to offer his only son Isaac as A true saving faith in Jesus Christ is the basis of a sacrifice. God told Abraham to go to Moriah, a our salvation. “Therefore being justified by faith, we journey of three days, to carry this out. On the way, have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: Isaac asked a question that must have increased the By whom also we have access by faith into this grace heaviness of Abraham’s burden, “behold the fire and wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?” 9 God.” 2 This faith—“wherein we stand”—is based Abraham relied solely on his faith in God to reply specifically in Jesus Christ’s shed blood as the that He would provide a lamb for the sacrifice. sacrifice for sin. “Even the righteousness of God which is Abraham’s faith and obedience were rewarded, but by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that not until he reached the ultimate point in his trial. believe…Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation God told him, “By myself have I sworn, saith the (atoning sacrifice) through faith in his blood, to declare LORD, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, not withheld thy son, thine only son: That in blessing I 3 through the forbearance of God.” will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy This saving faith must necessarily precede our seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is repentance and conversion as we begin our Christian upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of walk. Works alone, even when accompanied with our his enemies; And in thy seed shall all the nations of the best intentions, will never bring us salvation. “But we earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.”10 are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses We read in Hebrews that Abraham believed that are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our God was able to raise his son from the dead. “By iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.”4 “For if faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to and he that had received the promises offered up his glory; but not before God. For what saith the scripture? only begotten son, Of whom it was said, That in Isaac Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him shall thy seed be called: Accounting that God was able to for righteousness.”5 Our works (often referred to as raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he spiritual fruit in the Bible) will follow as the result received him in a figure.”11 and evidence of a saving faith. “For as the body Another Old Testament figure, the woman without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is Rahab, was a wonderful example of living by faith dead also.”6 Many other scriptures expound upon the and is listed in the “honor roll of faith” in Hebrews proper relationship of faith and works.7 11.12 Her faith journey began when she first heard This saving faith must grow into a living faith of the children of Israel crossing the Red Sea some that becomes an integral part of our lives from — Please turn to pg. 65 1 February 2016 SILVER LINING 3 Monthly Sermon Sermon by Bro. Warren Schlatter, Junction, OH 1 Chronicles 7:1-11 & Acts 6 I appreciate those words of introduction as we think about opening the Word together. We think about the fact that we don’t know what this next week will bring. Yet we’re thankful, aren’t we, for the Spirit of God that we depend on, that we found in the past to be so faithful to provide for us. It’s a part of God, and we’re thankful to know that He knows what will come in the lives of each one of us in the days that lay out ahead, however many those would be. He knows that also, how many they are. We open the Word together, this living Word that can provide for us in the time that we live in, and we know It has provided for those in the past who’ve looked into the wisdom that God has placed there for us. We can have a confidence if we’ve prayed that God will bless us as a group and individually. It’s hard sometimes for us to comprehend how He can do that, but we’ve seen it happen. So with that faith we trust and open the Word together again this morning. I don’t know how it is for you, but as we opened there in the Old Testament and read through the lists of names, some of them that are hard to pronounce and certainly that we don’t know very much about, sometimes I struggle to get a lot out of those chapters in the Word. We have some of that in this chapter in the New Testament also. Some of these names perhaps we don’t even read again in the Bible. Yet we know as we read through them that God has given us enough that we can understand the things that are the most important. I think the Apostle John, in the Gospel that he wrote, said there are many, many other things that could be written about just what Jesus did when He was here (St. John 21:25), but there’s enough that we can understand those things that are important. 4 SILVER LINING February 2016 One of those things that is important is we see that, despite the fact that in our limited ability we can’t know who all these people are and can’t really understand their lives in detail and where they fit into God’s plan, but God can. All the things of our life are important to Him. He’s not limited by the finiteness that we have as people. He’s able through the power of His Spirit and His Word to work in the lives of all mankind if there’s willingness. We read here in the book of Acts about this time in the early church after Jesus had come, had taught His disciples, had taught all those who were willing to listen about the Gospel, and about the need. If we think about what Jesus began to teach and what He instructed His disciples at the end, He told them to go out and preach the Gospel of repentance (St. Luke 24:47) — the fact that mankind has sin, that sin separates us from God, but God doesn’t intend for that to stay that way. He wants us to recognize our need for Him, to come in faith, to believe in Jesus Christ as we read here that they preached, and then to walk in faith in Him. It’s encouraging to me as we read this book of Acts that we begin to see that very simple message preached and people believe and come to faith. Then we can also see that for most of us, there are exceptions but for most of us, when we begin our walk of faith, God doesn’t choose at that time to take us out of this life, but He has work for us to do. The work of salvation in our hearts is His work, and He wants that for all mankind. So He has work for us to do to help others as we come in faith to follow Him. We can see so many examples in the book of Acts how that was lived out in the lives of those early believers. So there are things for us to learn from that. We can see here as the Word was preached that the number of believers increased. God added His blessing. God gave faith in the hearts of those that heard the Word. That in itself should encourage us. We can think back how Jesus sent out those twelve disciples, and in another place it tells us how He sent out seventy, two by two, and how they came back and were encouraged (St. Luke 10:1-17). They had that simple instruction from Jesus to go out, don’t take earthly preparation with them, don’t even take a preparation of message with them, but go out in faith and preach the Word. They came back and were amazed as they were obedient to that instruction how God blessed their willingness to serve. So we can see that here also. The number of the disciples was increased. Souls heard the message of salvation. They yielded their lives to it in repentance. The number of believers was multiplied. (v.7) The blessing of God was on those that were obedient to His instruction. We can also see that their lives then, just like ours today, still had challenges. There were those that believed the Word, that saw the need of their soul, but they also still had earthly concerns and needs. There were some that were widows, and if we think about the time that they lived in, we’re reminded of how good we have it in our time. There were probably those widows that had no close family, and what to eat from day to day was a challenge something that we hardly think of in the time that we live in. It was probably very real for them. There was an awareness in the church, wasn’t there, that those needs needed met. We’re reminded in that, aren’t we, that part of the work that we have to do as we’re here is to be God’s hands on earth. We could perhaps ask why. We know that all the things of God’s creation are at His disposal. He made all the things we see with His word. We could think how David wrote in the Psalms that the cattle on a thousand hills are God’s (Psalm 50:10). So we know that much the same way He could send an angel, and He did from time to time, to meet earthly needs, to bring messages. That’s in God power, but very often He instead chooses to use us in His work to speak the Word but also to meet the needs around us. We can see in the early church that they were reminded of that. It’s encouraging to see that they were willing to recognize that, as the number of disciples was multiplied and there were those that were added to the church, that God could use those numbers. God could use brethren that had different gifts in His service. We see it lived out here, but we could turn back just a few pages in the Word and see where there’s that instruction for us each one to recognize that God sets different gifts in the church. He gives some apostles and prophets and evangelists and pastors and teachers. (Romans 12:6-8, I Corinthians 12) He gives some that have gifts just like we read here to meet the needs in a physical way that people have. So I think God wants us to look. We can think back to Jesus’ teaching about the parable of the talents, those resources be they financial or gifts that we would have, and there are some that have talents to build things or fix things or we could go on and on with the very real things that are a part of our life, a part of our needs. God’s aware of all those. All of those are things that we can and He intends to be used to meet our own needs but also to meet the needs of others. We know that God wants us to keep those things in perspective. There were those that came to Jesus and they needed healing. As we think about those many different times, whether it was those that couldn’t walk or couldn’t see or couldn’t talk, Jesus met those needs. I don’t think we can find an example where the need was not met when there were those that came to Jesus. Yet it’s encouraging here also as we see this example that the church kept it — Please turn to pg. 66 February 2016 SILVER LINING 5 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus... – Colossians 3:17 Ministry Program Updates Jamaican Children’s Transitional Home Caribbean Committee A burden has been placed on the Jamaican HarvestCall missionaries and Caribbean Committee to establish a “safe place” for Jamaican children. Plans have begun with Jamaica CDA (Child Development Agency) to open a transitional home for babies (0-2) who need a temporary place to stay. Sis. Erin Davis plans to live in and provide a home where babies can be safe, loved and cared for, and stimulated properly in those first crucial months of life. Whether they need to stay for a few days, weeks, or months, a safe and nurturing place will be provided where they can be cared for until they find a long-term home. For a few years now, HarvestCall has been involved with a local children’s home in Mandeville, Jamaica. Comments are heard frequently from the manager, “we had to turn away 4 babies yesterday”, or “CDA called again and we had to turn away another baby”. Because there are limited homes that take babies, they must go to a hospital until a long-term home can be found. Children who arrive at the children’s home after time spent in a hospital struggle for weeks, months, and, sadly in some cases, years, to catch up for lack of love and affection during critical development months. Lord willing, our new transitional home will be a safe haven for these children. Please pray for the efforts of Sis. Erin and the Jamaican HarvestCall team as they are led to provide for these children. Your prayers and financial support are greatly appreciated. Donations can be made to the Jamaica-General Fund online or to the HarvestCall mailing address. 6 SILVER LINING February 2016 Dedicated Focus to Establish New Churches and Nurture Existing Ones Church Establishment Committee The charge given to HarvestCall by ordained leaders and the elder body is to, “enable the brotherhood to proclaim Christ and serve others beyond the capacity of the local church.” Recognizing that the church is the house of God, the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15), it is clear that establishing healthy churches is of primary importance. The Church Establishment Committee (CEC) was initially chartered by the Mission Committee and is transitioning into a cross-regional committee within HarvestCall with the primary responsibility to carry this out. The CEC has a dedicated focus to establish new Apostolic Christian Churches and nurture our smaller churches to fulfill the “Great Commission” of sharing the gospel and teaching the truth (Matthew 28:19). Fulfilling this charge will take everyone’s support and prayers as we enable brethren to proclaim the gospel to the lost, nurture the believers in the churches and demonstrate the love of Christ in our communities through deeds of compassion. The goal for new and existing smaller churches is for them to grow and become thriving churches that exalt Jesus through obedience to His commandments. Action: As you read through this article, reflect on how God is using your gifts and talents locally or at a distance to teach. How might He be calling you to assist in these efforts? Planting new churches Today, over 90 Apostolic Christian Churches are operational throughout the world. The international efforts to plant new churches in Magdalena and Ixtlan, Mexico with an intentional focus on outreach are an inspiration to the CEC. This same planting mindset will be used as we look to God for direction on a location to start a new church first in the United States. Then, other global locations will be considered with the help of the HarvestCall Regional Committees. Action: Pray for clear discernment for the brothers who are considering the locations to start a new church. Nurturing our smaller churches Many of our Apostolic Christian Churches today have fewer than 40 members and depend on national church support. Seventeen of our churches are receiving minister rotation support (and generally have less than 25 members). To help these churches grow, thrive and become self-sustaining, CEC members will come alongside local brethren to assess the needs of the congregation and assist in providing resources, tools and services to help them. A framework has been developed to assist our churches, and currently “pilots” are being undertaken in our St. Louis, MO and Austin, TX churches. Actions: Pray about opportunities to help in these two churches which are now coming through pulpit announcements and church bulletin boards. Learn more about bolstering efforts and the framework being used in these churches at www.harvestcall.org/plant-bolster-churches Key Attributes Needed for Healthy, Thriving Churches Through studying the scriptures and recent history of the start of our small churches, we believe four key attributes are needed for congregations to thrive and become self-sustaining churches – deep abiding love for God and each other, critical mass of believers, local ministry / leadership, common purpose or vision for outreach. These attributes will guide efforts to start new churches and nurture our smaller churches. Sub-committees comprised of local brethren and CEC members will be formed to focus on new and small church endeavors. Action: Engage in and support the vision of establishing our churches. Everyone is Called to Help Since Paul wrote “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase” (I Cor. 3:6), we all are called to help in the harvest fields. In Ephesians 4, some are called to be evangelists and apostles (setting up churches and reaching out to the lost) and some are pastors and teachers (counseling and nurturing spiritual growth). Some are called to be missionaries in foreign lands. Some are called to witness in Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth as outlined in Acts 1:8. Others are asked to show Christ’s love and confess his name in their communities. What gifts has God given you to further His Kingdom and help in our church planting and bolstering efforts? It will take all of us for these efforts to be successful. Pray for the work, move if you are called by the Lord, encourage others, visit small church congregations and give financial support. Action: Consider more ways to help on the “Opportunities in the Harvest” web page at www.harvestcall.org/opportunities-to-help Whatever God is calling you to do, move with urgency. The time is short. Jesus is coming back soon as he said in Revelation 22:7, “Behold I come quickly…” The fields are truly ripe for harvest. If you would like more information on our church planting and bolstering efforts or opportunities, Email us at CEC@HarvestCall.org. February 2016 SILVER LINING 7 The Challenge of Unmet Expectations “But we trusted…” Luke 24:21 Often reality does not line up with the expectations we had hoped for. These times of unmet expectations can be tremendously challenging. In the Scriptures we find ourselves in good company. On the road to Emmaus (Luke 24): The two hour stroll through the Judean hills was a welcome change. After all Cleopas and his companion had been through in the last week, this seven mile hike from Jerusalem to Emmaus could have been longer. To be sure, the events of this Passover week would take years to unpack. Jesus “was a prophet mighty in deed and word,” Cleopas asserted. He was the one who “should have redeemed Israel.” He and his companion agreed together, “We trusted!” “He should have!” Their sad countenance permeated their expressions and manners. Onlookers could detect their dejection. Raising Lazarus (John 11): The past four days were painful. Losing your brother to death was bad enough, but to be ignored by the One you adored made the pain unbearable. “If thou hadst been here,” Martha exclaimed to Jesus, “my brother had not died.” Mary sat grief stricken in her house, leaving the explaining to Martha. Mary loved the Lord deeply, more than most. Moses’ rejection (Deut. 3:25-26): Moses faithfully led the Israelites for over forty years, weathering rebellion, murmurings, faithlessness and cowardice. The joy of the Promised Land pressed him forward; a land flowing with milk and honey. Yes, a reward worth the struggle indeed. The pronouncement of judgment regarding his failure to speak to the rock when commanded came down like a gavel. “I pray thee, let me go over, and see the good land!” Moses pleaded. God replied, “Let it suffice thee; speak no more unto me of this matter.” Moses, Mary, Martha, Cleopas and his companion struggled as we all do – with unmet 8 SILVER LINING February 2016 expectations. “I expected my spouse… I trusted this leading to work out… I hoped my children… I envisioned my job… to be different, to be more, to be better.” Unmet expectations occur and can cause us to spin into confusion, invalidation, despondency, bitterness and doubt. We, like Cleopas, Mary and Moses sometimes raise our voice toward heaven and cry out, “If Thou hadst been here! I expected You to show up!” Unmet expectations are a type of ambiguous loss, a pain brought on by absence. The soul suffering from this loss grieves the reality that never was. For this reason we often cannot even put our finger on what exactly we are mourning. The loss of not having children, not being married, not being promoted, not having our prayer answered and so on are shrouded in ambiguous loss. The pain of unmet expectations is unique in that its reality grows gradually. The realization our expectation will not be met comes upon us like a dark cloud from off the horizon. We dread its possible approach, investing significant time and energy in worrying about the prospect. When and if it comes, we can deny its arrival. When did Cleopas and his companion come to grips with their shocked realization Jesus was not going to set up His kingdom on earth? Was it when events went terribly “wrong” in the garden? Did the dark cloud loom as Lazarus was struggling for breath? Moses tried to argue the cloud away. Ambiguous loss lacks closure and thus resolution. Many times this loss gives rise to disenfranchised grief – sadness that is unrecognized and/or unwarranted in the view of others. The view of our grief from the perspective of others is commonly, “Why are you grieving? You have nothing to grieve about.” Disenfranchised grief doesn’t have the luxury of clearly warranted pain, such as the loss of a loved one. It is often borne alone. A feeling of rejection in marriage proposals, miscarriage, unrealized hopes and unmaterialized dreams are examples of ambiguous loss that give rise to disenfranchised grief. At times like these we may exclaim with those of old, “But I trusted!” One will quickly realize the matter of unmet expectations lies in either the “meeting of the expectation” or the “expectation” itself. Furthermore, the responsibility of “meeting the expectation” is not wholly ours. A dozen factors which lie outside of our control can all have influence on this aspect. The “expectation,” on the other hand, is owned by the soul who possesses it. Therefore, we turn our gaze to our expectations. While we cannot escape having expectations, we can cradle them in a larger understanding. This understanding will give context to our expectations and a lens through which we can process meeting them. A few key points to consider: 1. Find meaning in God: We so easily search for meaning in our spouses, careers, children, possessions etc. What we possess should not impute or give meaning to the possessor. God has purchased us with His highest currency. He did so not out of obligation but out of desire. Our meaning is not a product of our environment, status or accomplishments. Our meaning comes down from Him on High. PRINCIPLE: The possessor imputes meaning to the possessed and God is our Possessor. 2. Understand the fallen state of the world: The curse of sin has touched every area of our lives. Mistakes and errors are common among us and in those things in which we invest expectation. In many cases, our expectations would have been met – if it were a perfect world. PRINCIPLE: Expectations do not naturally take into account the fallen nature of this world. 3. Have your identity redeemed: Jesus Christ has met all the expectations of the Father to redeem this world. His perfect payment was sufficient and adequate for our redemption. We who believe and have repented of our sin are hid and complete in Him (Col. 2:10, 3:3). PRINCIPLE: When God sees me He sees Christ. 4. Rest in hope: The gospel speaks hope into our situations. His “higher ways” have been the marks of His praise through the ages (Is. 55:89). Resurrection instead of healing for Lazarus, Savior of the world instead of King of the earth to Cleopas, and Heavenly inheritance instead of an earthly promise to Moses. PRINCIPLE: God’s expectations are better than ours, and His are always met. Throughout time, God has used unmet expectations in His workings with men. Our unmet expectations put us in a place to see God’s purposes more clearly. “And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?” Isaiah prophesied of the coming Messiah. “For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.” No doubt this prophesy mystified the hearer. It undershot the character expectations of the Messiah so much its revelation was missed by most. From the angels declaring the lowly birth of our Savior to the coming of the Spirit at Pentecost, man’s expectations have often been turned on their head, thereby righting themselves to the reality God desires. God understands unmet expectations. They are near to His heart. The grief associated with them might be hidden from others, but it is felt by Him. After all, Isaiah goes on to announce Jesus is “acquainted with grief ” – He has “carried our sorrows” and was “wounded for our transgressions” – all for our healing (Is. 53). Yes, God understands. And He cares. “My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.” Psalms 62:5 February 2016 SILVER LINING 9 Congregation Updates Apostolic Christian Home for the Handicapped www.achh.org The Word instructs us to care for those in need, to love those who are alone, and to see the needs of others before we see our own needs. ACHH exists in order to fulfill those commands. It takes a wide range of skills and a significant number of willing people to assure the work gets done. This month we would like to share some information about the employees of ACHH. We currently have about 325 employees with a wide variety of responsibilities. We are committed to providing high quality care to each resident that we serve. We provide such care 24 hours per day, 365 days a year. We look for dedicated and caring individuals to join our mission to serve individuals with an intellectual disability. We seek to offer competitive wages, an extensive benefit package and a pleasant Christian work environment. We believe God has raised up the people He has needed to serve in these positions and we believe He will continue to do so. We encourage people who feel this may be a calling for them, to contact us and explore this prompting. The positions at ACHH include a wide range of specific professions, specific talents, 10 SILVER LINING February 2016 and caring people. They range from executive management, middle management, specific professions, and a variety of department specialties: • Executive Leadership Positions • Management or Department Head Positions • Professions (Physical and Occupational Therapy, Social Work, etc.) • Registered Nurses (RN) • Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) • Direct Service Providers (DSP) • Case Managers • Education, Human Services • Dietary / Kitchen Staff • Maintenance • IT, Clerical • Accounting and Financial • Activity Staff Anyone with a specific degree or training or just an openness to serve can contact the Human Resource Director or administrative staff to discuss opportunities. We depend on the prayers of all our supporters to continue to lift up these employees to God in prayer so they can serve well and God would be glorified. He has faithfully provided good devoted staff in all of these areas. Our services are completely dependent on His continuing to provide people who want to serve Him by serving others. Gateway Woods Apostolic Christian Children’s Home Abby Greutman – Foster Care Case Manager Working with Gateway Woods foster parents has been amazing! It is really neat to see so many couples and singles with vast differences in backgrounds step forward in faith and take hurting and traumatized children into their homes and families. They show the children the love that Christ shows them. They rearrange their schedules. They sometimes stay up late into the night comforting their foster child. In some cases, these foster parents spend hours a month transporting the child to visitation with their biological parents and countless more hours in prayer. The healing and growth isn’t one-sided, however. I’ve seen God use fostering to grow the foster parents in love, grace, and patience just as often as I’ve seen Him use it to help the foster children. At times the foster children push their foster parents to the end of their rope— only for the parents to find that God has made their rope longer. I’ve seen God choose to use Sustaining Grace instead of Saving Grace, which has been amazing and humbling. I’ve seen God choose to say, “You aren’t enough to make it through this, but I AM.” Praise God for being forever faithful. News: Now that the Oak house renovation is finished and the house will soon be reopened, we have an increased need for Houseparent couples. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to serve! We are searching for a Summer Volunteer Coordinator for 2016. Please see the notice in this issue or contact Bro. Clint Plattner at clint. plattner@gatewaywoods. org or 260.627.0220 for more information. This is a great opportunity to impact the lives of the children on our campus! We are also searching for our Summer Education Intern and Top Quality Coordinator. Please see the notices in this issue or contact Bro. Adam McAfee at adam.mcafee@ gatewaywoods.org or 260.627.0220 for more information. This is a great opportunity to gain some experience while impacting our residents! We have a need to fill three career positions at Gateway Woods: several openings for Alternate Houseparents, one opening for an Assistant Houseparent, and one opening for a Communications Coordinator. For more information please see the notices in this issue or visit the Career Opportunities page on our website at www. gatewaywoods.org/careers. We trust that God will provide qualified, mature brothers and sisters who will serve Him in a ministry that is ‘Turning Lives Around’. Alabama, Athens Apostolic Christian Preschool Kalla Knobloch The themes for January were blue, community helpers, winter, and the New Year. We studied the letters N through Q this month. We’ve been taking every opportunity to get outside before colder weather hits. The kids have been great at helping with raking pine needles and picking up pine cones and sticks. We have also been asking our four and five year olds to be helpers for the two and three year olds by helping them with their coats. It takes more time, but the children are so proud of their hard work. 1 Corinthians 10:31 “Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” All of the classes have been busy getting back into the swing of things after Christmas break. We take a two-week Christmas break which takes time to get back into our school schedule and normal routines. We have been finding fun and new ways to work on our lessons. A fun way we have been working on our letters is by practicing writing them with shaving cream. Each child would get a pile of shaving cream sprayed in front of them and was responsible for spreading it out on the table and writing with it. It works great because it doesn’t stain clothes, it smells good, and slowly disappears the more it’s worked with. This also cleans the tables! The children could not wait for our PJ Party! We had the children come to preschool in their PJs and bring their favorite book and stuffed animal. Morning snack was popcorn and we had pizza brought in for lunch! The kids love any type of party and it helps break up the long winter season! Alabama, Athens Monica Price Not much newsworthy has happened here in Athens this past month, but we appreciate the slow times, too, as it gives us time to rest and renew our strength from our previous busy months. Many of us were traveling for the holidays and we had wonderful times being with family again. We were also thankful for safe travels. Sis. Joyce Ray has not been feeling well the past few weeks and others of us have passed around colds. The winter months seem to be the season for colds and flu, so during those months we are extra thankful for good health. Lately, I have been reminded about weakness. When we get February 2016 SILVER LINING 11 a cold/flu or have other health problems, no doubt we are physically weak, but what about our spiritual weakness? I, myself, have many weaknesses, but how easily pride slips in and instead of admitting my weaknesses, I put on a front and show those around me that everything in life is running smoothly. I am very thankful, however, that in God’s word we are told, “My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Cor. 12:9. What an amazing thought that God’s power shows up brightest in our weakness. Because of that, Paul was willing to gladly boast in his weakness! Instead of hiding our weaknesses, let’s allow God to use our weaknesses and show Himself strong. We would like to extend a welcome to anyone who would like to include Athens in their travels, especially if you are heading to the southern states for the winter months. Please feel free to visit us. If you would like to stay in our guest house, please call Rebekah Klaus at (815) 674-5411 for accommodations. Arizona, Phoenix Marge Lindenbaum “Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” Ps. 37:4 Has it hit you yet? Have you had your breath taken away at the unimaginable realization that God LOVES you? It really 12 SILVER LINING February 2016 is unimaginable – we have no concept of the magnitude of His love for us, or what that love entails. It is personal, practical and passionate. He thinks about us ALL THE TIME and wants to interact with us at every breath. When God gives an instruction, He provides the means for us to fulfill it. When we really begin to understand the love of God toward us, there is no way to avoid delighting in Him. The Spirit of God enters our heart and mind and, sooner or later, we come to know a love that is real and personal. The first time we whisper an urgent prayer that receives an immediate response, we might wonder if that was God or coincidence. The next time it happens, it seems less likely that it can be chance and we suspect, “That was You, right?” And eventually the time comes when there can be no doubt, and it feels like nothing we’ve ever experienced before. God is paying close attention to us and takes care of the minutest detail – because He LOVES us. To trust in Him is not to grudgingly agree to go wherever He leads; it is to know, without reservation, that He loves us more than anything; He desires our good and is able to happily accomplish it. When we can see His presence in everything good and His goodness in everything present in our life, it is recognition of His love. We must be delighted because He, in fact, has become the desire of our heart! Phoenix was, typically, busy this month with our wonderful winter guests and visiting ministers, including Elder Bro. Tom Klotzle (Sis. Jody, Altadena, CA), Bro. Jim Meiss (Sis. Candy, Bastrop, TX), Bro. Joe Klotzle (Sis. Sue, Altadena, CA) and Elder Bro. Nick Gutwein (Sis. Suzanne, Lafayette, IN). We appreciate the Word they brought to us, in the spirit of love. We bid farewell to our dear Brother Jim (Sister Lois Bauman) Beres after his long and courageous battle with cancer. Brother Jim is remembered for his reliable smile, no matter his circumstances, and his ability to capture the hearts of children (young and old). We also lost our Sister Ethel (Massner) Smith, who had been living in Fort Scott, KS for many years. Our condolences go out to her family and loved ones. She brought light and laughter to our congregation over the years she lived in Prescott and every time she returned to visit. We will miss them, rejoice in their victory in Jesus, and look forward to laughing with them again. We welcomed two new members to our fold, Sis. Kailey Wuethrich and Sis. Ginger Holland. We praise the Lord for their peace and for all they bring to our church family. “I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless; Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness. Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory? I triumph still, if Thou abide with me. Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes; Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies. Heaven’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee; In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.” -H. F. Lyte Arizona, Prescott Autumn Rokey The first month of the New Year has almost passed and 2016 is well underway. Prescott has finished our study of Romans and we have started the Crown Financial Bible study. In studying the scriptures about money, Col. 3:23, “Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not unto men,” is a wonderful reminder to recommit our lives, and all its little details, to God. New Year’s resolutions often are left unfulfilled when life gets busy. Yet, we are called to keep God at the forefront whether it’s doing the dishes, managing our money, going to work, or in any aspect of our daily life. Our prayers are with Bro. Rolf Kaeppler (Sis. Verna) as his only brother, Manfred Kaeppler, 84 yrs. old, of Muehlhausen, Thuer, Germany passed away on December 31, 2015. We are thankful for visiting ministers who continue to support our little church on Sunday’s. This past month ministers: Elder Bro. Herbie Knochel (Sis. Laurie), Bro. Mark Steffen, and Bro. Keith Hinrichsen (Sis. Tammy) all from Phoenix came to support us on Sundays. Thank you for your time and willingness to serve. Arizona, Tucson Dean and Jackie Knobloch There are some very common topics of conversation among a lot of people lately. It seems weather and politics are high on the list. We are so grateful to have a solid anchor in our daily life and future outcomes. Those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior of mankind know this truth: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever.” Hebrews 13:8. It would be wiser and more productive to dwell on this than any other topic known to man. We were privileged to have Elder Bro. Ben Wiegand (Sis. Michelle, Philadelphia) with us in December. We are always blessed by his words of encouragement. We have welcomed back a few of the returning winter visitors and are thankful for their faithfulness in attendance. May God be near all who travel our way to the warmer climate. Our prayers continue for all undergoing physical trials. We know many often rely on those prayers and so we want to be faithful in lifting up those who are brought to mind. California, Altadena/Los Angeles Kali Sauder There is a reason Jesus preached childlike faith. I caught a glimpse of the joy that must fill Christ’s heart when, recently, a Sunday School student had a “lightbulb” moment. In class we were talking about Jesus’ baptism, what baptism means, and what Jesus meant when He told Nicodemus he must be “born again”. Suddenly, her eyes lit up! “Oh! It’s like your heart is born all over again!” Many of us traveled to Phoenix for a special weekend of worshiping with that congregation. One of their own, and now one of our own, Kailey Wuethrich, testified of her heart being “born all over again” and was baptized. Since Kailey has been attending Biola University the past 2 years, we’ve immensely enjoyed her being with us on the weekends. Her baptism also served as a send-off. We lift her up in prayer as she travels to Jordan to study and serve abroad this semester. Her passion for lifting up the name of Christ is an example to us all! “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Matthew 28:19, 20 California, San Diego Annaleise Wagenbach On New Year’s Eve, Bro. Joe Klotzle (Sis. Sue, Altadena, CA) read from Genesis 1 about the creation of time. We were encouraged to use the time given by God in 2016 for His glory! Reflecting back over the year February 2016 SILVER LINING 13 2015, we are thankful to have experienced a year of growth with a few additions. In February, Bro. Brian Wagenbach and Sis. Annaleise Wagenbach were married. In August, we were blessed to add Bro. Doug and Sis. Tricia Banwart along with their twins, Arianna and Stryder, to our church family. Finally, in December we welcomed three sisters to the family of Christ: Sis. Sarah Fulop, Sis. Abby Fulop, and Sis. Sophia Dotterer. Our love and prayers are with Sis. Andrea Luthi and Sis. Marie Luthi as they remember their grandfather, Bro. Lloyd Luthi, who passed on to his reward. We are looking forward to our winter residents joining us for a few months, as we have indeed been blessed by their support and love over the years. If anyone is vacationing in the Palm Springs/Palm Desert area this winter, please feel free to contact Bro. Doug and Sis. Janelle Brewer at djbrewer2003@ gmail.com or 309-256-9606. We plan to have midweek services until the end of March. Also, if you know of anyone with church connections living in the area, we would also like to know about them so we can reach out to them. Let us all use the months, days, and minutes to glorify the Father. “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelations 4:11. 14 SILVER LINING February 2016 Colorado, Denver Naomi Wiegand, Tess Leman Greetings from Colorado! Bro. Jeff Bahr spent some time here recently and was willingly used to share the word. We appreciate hearing Bro. Jeff and the refreshing way he brings out truths from the Bible so that we all can relate and understand. We are excited to announce the birth of three new babies in our congregation. Connor Oak was born to Bro. Jake and Sis. Tifani Leman on January 16. Lennon Coal was born to Kevin and Kerry Haeflinger on January 20. Harper and Marley are excited to have a new little brother. Bro. Dan and Sis. Tess Leman welcomed Joanna Rae a few hours later. Sophia and Adam are also excited to have a new sibling. Thankful grandparents are Bro. Mike and Sis. Deb Leman (Denver), Bro. Jeff and Sis. Janice Bahr (Kiowa), Earl and Julie Haeflinger, Bro. Bill and Sis. Mary Berg (Bern) and Jan and Valerie Gutwein (Haiti). We as a church are rejoicing at the miracle of these new lives. We also want to announce that Demetrius Wiegand (Bro. Charlie and Sis. Naomi) has begun his walk with the Lord. Although he is repenting in the Bloomington church, we want to share this good news and encourage him in his new-found faith. Connecticut, Rockville Sheila Gerber, Lauren Gottier “That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” Ephesians 4:22-24 Our congregation was blessed to witness the marriage vows of Bro. Sam (Bro. Tim and Sis. Dana) and Sis. Leah (Bro. Ronnie and Sis. Sheila Gerber) Schneider. We were reminded in their marriage ceremony of the importance of a simple faith. We appreciated having Bro. Adam Luginbuhl (Sis. Jami, Philadelphia, PA) minister to us on New Year’s Day. He emphasized that there are times in our lives when we need to make changes in our hearts in order to be right with God. District of Columbia, Washington Henrietta Meyer While we are excited to meet new caretakers and renew friendships with returning ones in 2016, we didn’t have caretakers this month. Our members have taken their turns each week caring for the physical church. If you feel led to support one of our small churches, being caretakers here would be a wonderful way to do so. If you are interested and are free to spend 3-4 weeks in the DC area, please contact Sis. Doreen Steffen at dkgsteffen@gmail.com or 302-5406574. She reports there are a few months still available this year. Our ministers this month were Bro. Todd Sinn (Sis. Janet, Latty, OH), Bro. Mark Wettstien (Sis. Karen, LaCrosse, IN), Bro. Wayne Hartzler (Sis. Camille, Rittman, OH), and Bro. Duane Reutter (Sis. Kay, Rockville, CT). Other visitors this month were from Rockville, CT; Philadelphia, PA; Sardis and Columbus, OH churches. Winter brings smaller crowds visiting DC, giving visitors a chance to see exhibits at museums at their own pace. We usually don’t get as much snow and cold as the mid-west and what we get doesn’t last as long. If you are planning to visit Washington, D.C. area, please contact Bro. Joe and Sis. Holly Bohart at jbohart@ gmail.com or Sis. Henrietta Meyer at 703 904-8301 for assistance and to let us know how many to expect for Sunday services. Florida, Ft. Lauderdale Renee Mangold We were fortunate to have several visiting ministers this month. Sharing God’s word and fellowship were: Bro. Tom Bolliger (Sis. Jane) Tremont, IL; Bro. Virgil Metzger (Sis. Mary) Chicago, IL; Bro. Stephen Baner (Sis. DonnaLou) Gridley, IL and Bro. Dan Beer (Sis. Deb) Milford, IN. We are thankful for their efforts and pray that the Lord will bless them. Sis. Kayla Blunier of Eureka has relocated to Fort Lauderdale. We are delighted to have her as part of our church family and pray for God’s continued blessing as she makes this transition. Sis. Vi Gerber is back home after a stay in the hospital. We pray that God will strengthen her and give her grace, health and peace. Sis. Doris Huber is recovering well from a hip replacement. We pray that our Lord will continue to heal and strengthen her. Our winter residents are returning. We are enjoying this time of year with a fuller church and renewed fellowship with friends and brethren. Of course, all are always welcome to come and enjoy the sunshine and visit our Ft. Lauderdale church! Florida, Ft. Myers Dustin Hodel Psalm 133:1 “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” The snowbirds have arrived. Starting in January, our church attendance increases dramatically. As a year-rounder, and someone who did not have this phenomenon until I moved here, it can take some getting used to, but the thing that it always does is fill me with amazement and appreciation at the benefit of brotherly love. You see when the brothers and sisters from up north come to winter here, it changes the complexion of the church, but there is no drop-off in operating the church. People bring things for lunch and everyone gets fed. People sign up for duties that need to be done and things run smoothly. Brothers who can lead singing sit up with us song leaders and pitch in. This year we’ve even implemented afternoon Sunday school and people stepped up to teach it and give it a go. It has been a great example of how the body works together for the benefit of everyone. I hope and pray that all of our churches get to experience that on some level as well. If you are considering a move to the Naples/Fort Myers area and would like to talk to someone about it, please call Bro. Marvin Steffen at 239-353-0508. He will help you gather information on anything from serving in a small church to job opportunities and housing in the area. The New Beginnings of SWFL We are approaching another exciting time at The New Beginnings! One of our mothers, Valerie, is getting ready to graduate! We have been hunting for jobs and exploring areas for her to live as she gets ready to leave our program and spread her wings a bit. Times like these are exciting, yet breed a bit of apprehension as change is happening and the safety of being at TNB is not as close. The women who leave us are always a part of our family, but transitioning to independence is very important. Please join us in praying for Valerie as she looks to implement the things she has been learning on her own! Florida, Sarasota Mary & Vera Martin February is the month to celebrate love and certainly a time to reflect on the gift of love that our Savior continually bestows on us. Our church has once again become alive with activities as our northern winter residents return. February 2016 SILVER LINING 15 Our youth group had an invite-a-guest weekend and enjoyed the fellowship and the opportunity to meet new friends. Bros. Randy Mogler (Sis. Evie, Washington) and Tim Drayer (Sis. Gwen, Bluffton North) shared their time and talents with a Bible Study and the group took time to do a community painting project. We also appreciated our visiting ministers: Elder Bro. Wayne Banwart (Sis. Charlen, Champaign), Bro. Dennis Rassi (Sis. Diane, Austin), Bro. Curt Rassi (Sis. Kathy, Tremont) and Bro. Jeff Fischer (Sis. Gloria, Fort Scott) as they shared their time to minister to us. Georgia, Peachtree City/ Atlanta Lexi Knapp “Praise ye the Lord. Praise, O ye servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and forevermore.” Psalm 113:1-2 As we have started a New Year, we are praising God for His continual blessings! How precious it is to rest in Christ’s love and salvation now and in the years to come! We were so thankful to welcome Bro. John and Sis. Katherine Magnin (Indianapolis, IN) to Georgia in December. We are so blessed by their involvement in our congregation and wish them God’s blessings and grace on their new life in Georgia. Also, on December 20, Bro. Kevin and Sis. Erica Kipfer 16 SILVER LINING February 2016 welcomed Gabriella Hope into their family. Big sisters, Ellie and Charis, are excited for the new addition to their family. Her grandparents are Bro. Linn and Sis. Brenda Stoller (Peachtree City, GA) and Bro. Ron and Sis. Linda Kipfer (Bluffton, IN). Likewise, we would like to thank visiting ministers Bro. Ron Kipfer (Sis. Linda, Bluffton, IN) and Bro. Curt Rassi (Sis. Kathy, Tremont, IL). We were blessed and deeply appreciate their service to our church. If anyone is coming to the area, we would love to have you worship with us! Our address is: 202 Robinson Road, Peachtree City, GA 30269. However, please all ahead! (Tom Waldbeser 770.463.4788 or Richard Aberle 678.364.0507). For photos and additional information, visit our website at www.ptcacchurch.org. Haiti, Bonne Fin Hospital Lumiere our medical supplies. One of our blessings of living at the Hospital is to form relationships with people who come on work teams. Several of those who came on this work team had been to the Hospital before. It is encouraging to be able to continue these Christian friendships that have been formed. As we begin a new year, we look forward to what God will do and where He will bring us. Please continue to pray for the Hospital, the patients’ physical and spiritual healing, the missionary families, the staff of the hospital, and those who He may choose to lead here in the coming year. A new year also brings in a new name for the joining of our former ACWR and Mission Committee. The new name is HarvestCall, and reminds us as Jesus said, “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” Matt. 9:38 Rick and Komari Aberle, David and Janella Zimmerman Haiti, Les Cayes Christmas was a time of blessing for us. Some of our missionaries were able to travel back to the States over the holiday to be with their families. For those who stayed here, we gathered together as a missionary family to remember the birth of Christ. We enjoyed the time of sharing food, fellowship, and being able to enjoy the good weather in Haiti, even though we were away from our families. After the New Year, we had a work team come to help inventory Mike & Susie Walder This month we had a farewell singing for Robenson-n and Renee (Slagel) Leger as they felt that God was leading them to move back to Fairbury, IL. We will truly miss their smiles, words of encouragement, and spiritual gifts in our midst. We welcome them back any time. May God help them through the adjustment period they will experience with the culture switch, as well as the upcoming addition to their growing family! We also enjoyed the visits of two of our “college kids”. Bro. Evan Walder (Smithville, OH) and Bro. Alan Kaeb (Francesville, IN) were left behind when their families moved to Haiti. Thanks for the efforts of many who remember them while separated from us. To begin the 2016 team season, we appreciated the willing workers who arrived on the Ohio construction team. Team leaders included Bro. Ron Palitto (Akron, OH) and Elder Bro. Duane Farney (Croghan, NY). These brothers conducted a Wednesday night church service for us on our roof under the stars. May God bless them for serving both the Haitians and the missionaries while here. Bro. Ed and Sis. Julie Sanders (Alto, MI) joined the Ohio team that week, but did not return with them. They plan to remain here through the entire work team season to lend their skills and support. With Bro. Brent and Sis. Alisha Wagenbach being in the States as they expect their first child, the Sanders’ loving contribution is especially timely. We pray that God will bless and protect them through their term of service in Haiti. We would encourage you to review the positions available in Les Cayes posted in the back. These positions have been open for quite some time. If God is working in your heart, but you don’t feel exactly qualified, be assured that God is most interested in your availability. (God doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called!) The dictionary definition of a missionary is one who goes to a foreign land to share the gospel. The actual position is only part of the mission; the most important work is finding ways to share God’s Word which wakens the spiritually dead. We find that the Haitians really do respect the Bible and many need clear teaching. Will you go to a dying world? “Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” John 4:35 Illinois, Belvidere Krista Anliker, Shayla Steffen “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:10 Displaying serving love this month were visiting Elder Bro. Duane Rocke (Sis. Bonnie, Minneapolis, MN), Elder Bro. Paul Messner (Sis. Jan, Winthrop, MN) and Bro. Dean Messner (Sis. Wanda, Winthrop, MN). We thank them for their service in the ministry and for their willingness to do their part. “Seeds of goodness we are sowing In the hearts of men today. Bless it Lord that it may prosper, And bear fruit for harvest day. Hasten gladly to the labor, Consecrate to God your heart. Say this day unto your Savior, Lord, I’ ll gladly do my part.” Hymns of Zion, #46 vs. 1 Illinois, BloomingtonNormal Megan Kaeb, Sarah Maurer Happy New Year! We hope this year finds you and your family well, and we pray the coming year brings many blessings to you from the Lord. “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19. Our congregation is happy to welcome five new souls into our fellowship: Sis. Leah Monagle (Bro. Pete and Sis. Lisa), Bro. Travor and Sis. Haley Lehman (Bro. Andy and Sis. Jill), Sis. Alivia Stoller (Bro. Bruce & Sis. Mary, Princeville), and Bro. Harrison Martin (Bro. Brad and Sis. Kara). Special thanks to visiting ministers who shared the word with us this month. We appreciate the work of Bro. Howard Plattner (Sis. Kristen) from Alto, MI, Bro. Lynn Steiglitz (Sis. Leonda) from Leo, IN, and Bro. Nate Lehman (Sis. Yvonne) from Denver, CO. It was nice to spend baptism Sunday with many other visitors as well and worship our Lord for the great God He is. We rejoice to welcome new little ones into our church family as well. Bro. David, Sis. Tara Prevo, and big sister, Zaya, welcome Jack Robert into their growing family. Grandparents are Bro. Mike and Sis. Barb Prevo (Gridley) and Bro. Mike and Sis. Faye (Fort Lauderdale, FL). Dominic Israel was welcomed February 2016 SILVER LINING 17 into the hearts of Bro. Dustin and Sis. Elizabeth Rabe. His grandparents are Marcela Martinez (Magdalena, MX) and Bro. Derek and Sis. Julie Rabe. This past month has also brought the passing of loved ones. Sis. Wilma Knapp (Bro. Norval) was the mother of Bro. Charlie (Sis. Paula) and will be missed. Trayden Ryker and Collum Ronan entered into glory this past month as well and will be greatly mourned by their loving parents, Clark and Jessica Kaeb. Sadly, both infants were stillborn. Grandparents are Bro. Dave and Sis. Brenda Kaeb. “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” Matt. 5:4. Illinois, Bradford Roseann Stahl, Sandi Joos “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14 As we begin a new year, let us continue to press toward the eternal prize. We are thankful to be reminded in our sermons of that goal and those things that are needful. Our visiting ministers this past month were Bro. John Grimm (Sis. Julie, Columbus, OH), Bro. Scott Schambach (Sis. Hope, Elgin, IL), Bro. Ned Stoller (Sis. Heidi, Alto, MI), and Bro. Doug Brewer (Sis. Janelle, San Diego, CA). 18 SILVER LINING February 2016 As we begin the New Year, we welcome Bro. Kellan and Sis. Elizabeth Kershner to our congregation. They have moved from West Lafayette, IN. We pray that they will feel welcome and at home. We were happy to hear the engagement announcement of Bro. Andrew Klumpp (David and Barb) and Sis. Rachel Snodgrass (Bro. Wayne and Sis. Becky) from Iowa City, IA. We pray for the Lord’s blessings as they plan their life together. While some are experiencing joy in the New Year, others are experiencing sorrow. Linda Hoffman passed from this life on Friday, January 15. Our sympathy is extended to her children, Paula Gillespie and August Hoffman, along with her grandchildren. We also extend our sympathy to Bro. Dennis and Sis. Becky Pyles as his brother, Edward Pyles, passed from this life. Bro. Brandon Baer (Sis. Melissa) and Bro. Brad Kieser (Sis. Rachel) are our new ushers. Our new trustee is Bro. John Joos. We appreciate their willingness to serve. In the New Year, we were also blessed to have the Princeville congregation join us for a Sunday evening singing. We appreciate the efforts they made to be with us on a wintry evening. Illinois, Champaign Dona Fehr Greetings from Champaign! We congratulate Cortney Eisenmann (Bro. David and Sis. Jackie) in her recent engagement to Joshua Lanzona! We wish them God’s blessings as they begin planning for their future together. We would also like to extend our congratulations to Bro. David and Sis. Ethel Wiegand as they celebrate the birth of their new granddaughter, Sophia, born to Bob and Chiu Wiegand (Washington DC). We are thankful for the safe return of those who went to Reynosa, Mexico recently. The group of 19 worked on horses/ mules and carts of the garbage men as in the past few years. It is always a privilege to be able to help others, and often we return home feeling that we gained as much as we gave. Illinois, Chicago Diana Eisenmann Greetings from Chicago! We extend thanks to our visiting ministers, Elder Bro. Steve Ringger (Sis. Myra, Bluffton North, IN) and Bro. Nathan Rassi (Sis. Michelle, St. Louis, MO). In January, we again hosted the Elder Forums. It is always a blessing to our church. We thank all of these dear brothers for their time and effort in this important work. Sis. Betty Schlatter is the new Chicago church representative for the Highland Oaks Board. Bro. Ryan Eisenmann has accepted the position of trustee. We are thankful to all who are willing to serve in so many different ways! We offer prayers and condolences to Bro. Boyd Metzger and his family at the loss of his brother-in-law, Bro. Harold Witzig (Sis. Dorothy, Morton, IL). Illinois, Cissna Park Sandy Rudin, Pam Walder Bro. Dan Moser (Sis. Anne, Elgin, IL) shared New Year’s Eve service with us. On January 17, Bros. Jay Steffen (Sis. Melinda, Congerville, IL) and Dana Nieman (Sis. Lea, Remington, IN) served us on the pulpit. May our Lord bless these brothers for faithfully sharing God’s Word. Our sympathy and prayers are extended to Sis. Vi Greiner. Her sister, Mary Ann McGrew, passed away on January 2, 2016. Our dear elderly sister-in-faith, Helen Janssen, went to her eternal rest on December 28, 2015. She married Louis P. Janssen on June 20, 1959, and became the mother to three young children. Survivors include two sons, Darrel and Dennis Janssen, and one daughter, Linda Hudson. She will be missed among us. We recently held our annual business meeting. Sis. Cheryl Eisenmann and Bro. Joe Stuckel are new Sunday School teachers. Bro. David Maul will become a trustee. Bro. Tom Stock expressed his appreciation to all who willingly serve in various church duties. I personally want to thank Sis. Janie Waldbeser for faithfully being a Silver Lining reporter for the last three years. Bro. Ken Eisenmann spoke on True Contentment vs. False Contentment at our first Topical Bible Presentation of 2016. Lord, keep me always mindful of Your inevitable return. Thanks for the assurance that this world is not all we have, but that a blessed eternity awaits all who trust in Thee. Illinois, Congerville Erica Steffen “Many are the partings on earth below, Dear ones must say good-bye! But a glad reunion we then shall know In that blessed county where we cannot die. Many of them that sleep in the dust Shall awaken unto life and sing In the glorious resurrection of the just At the coming of our blessed Lord and King!” Hymns of Zion #195, vs 3 and chorus Our dear Sister Polly Schrock, departed this earthly life on December 24, leaving behind her husband, Bro. Roy. Although we will miss Sis. Polly’s presence among us, we look forward to the time when we will join her on that glorious day, united again in Heaven! In the meantime, our prayers and sympathies are extended to Bro. Roy and the rest of the Schrock family. Christmas is always a wonderful time when we are able to reconnect with family and friends that visit our church. Familiar faces, some that we have not seen for a while, bring such a joy to our hearts and a reminder of the special bond we have as brethren. We are thankful that several visiting ministers labored for us this month, as well. Bro. Brent Walder (Sis. Naomi, Rockville, CT), Bro. Ryan Schock (Sis. Melonie, Bloomfield, IA), and Bro. Randy Mogler (Sis. Evie, Washington, IL). The Lord always, has and always will provide! “…continue ye in my love.” John 15:9 Illinois, Elgin Amy Gasser Congratulations to Landon Kellenberger (Bro. Greg and Sis. Debbie), who recently graduated from Colorado State University with a degree in construction management. He is now back at home and working in the family business. Little Jakob Steffen (infant son of Daniel and Samantha) has been discharged from the hospital and is doing well at home. We extend sympathy to Mark and Rose Gerth in the passing of his father, Delmar Gerth of Montgomery, IL on January 16, after a brief illness. Several couples in our congregation are spending time in warmer climates this winter. We miss them and wish them safe travels until we meet again. “The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another.” Genesis 31:49 Illinois, Eureka Debra Blunier, Linda Rocke As we peer into the year ahead, 2016 seems to offer another chance February 2016 SILVER LINING 19 to begin again, and we resolve to do better. But always, we have to remember that we can only do this in the strength of the Lord and with His leading, or our efforts will be in vain, having as little result as all those millions of New Year’s resolutions made and discarded year after year by so many. Many of our recent sermons have centered on commitment, as God reminds us of the importance of cleaving to Him and to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Whatever the year brings, we are reminded to “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” Psalm 37:5 We were thankful to have visiting ministers bringing us the Word, including Bro. Don Manz (Sis. Connie, Junction), Bro. Randy Beer (Sis. Deb, Milford), Elder Bro. Duane Rocke (Sis. Bonnie, Minneapolis), Bro. Kent Getz (Sis. Betty, Elgin, IA), Bro. Craig Stickling (Sis. Jackie, Peoria), and Bro. Tony Manz (Sis. Denise, Junction, OH). God richly blesses us through all who serve us (and Him). Births: Timothy Joseph Wyss was born December 12 to Bro. Benjamin and Sis. Laurel Wyss. He is welcomed home by Lemuel, Gideon, Abigail, and Lydia. Andy and Sis. Liz Meeks have another granddaughter, as Grace Renee Eckert was born December 24. She is the daughter of Paige Cottingham, and sister of Hope. Deaths: Sis. Velma (Bro. Gerald, dec.) Leman completed her life’s journey December 29. 20 SILVER LINING February 2016 We extend our deepest sympathies to all her family, including her children: Bro. Mike (Sis. Kathy), Bro. Dale (Sis. Lezlee) of West Bend, Judy (Roy) Braker of Lamar, and Bro. Ed (Sis. Ruth). Sis. Barb (Ed, dec.) Meiss passed away January 14. We offer our deepest sympathy to our Elder Bro. Trent and Sis. Lucy Meiss and all their family. Her other sons are Ty (Sharon) and Tim (Susan), all of Eureka. We began the year by singing a farewell song to Sis. Kayla Blunier, daughter of Bro. Duane and Sis. Eileen. Kayla moved to Ft. Lauderdale, FL, January 5, and will attend church there. She will be missed, of course, but we are glad for the congregation she will join and the hospitals where she will work. The idea of commitment reminds us to follow wherever God leads, and to trust Him to bless our obedience. Hospitalizations: Seth Schumacher (Bro. Dale and Sis. Lavonne) was hospitalized, as were Bro. Duane (Sis. Eileen) Blunier and Nigel Meiss (Bro. Trent and Sis. Lucy), but all are home again and recovering well. We are thankful that Sis. Janel (Bro. Jason) Sanders and Sis. Ashley (Bro. David) Knecht are also recovering nicely. Note of Thanks: The family of Sis. Velma Leman sincerely thanks everyone for their many loving expressions of sympathy in the passing of our loved one. Your cards, visits, gifts, and prayers are deeply appreciated. May He richly bless you. Bro. Mike & Sis. Kathy Leman, Bro. Dale & Sis. Lezlee Leman, Roy and Judy Braker, Bro. Ed and Sis. Ruth Leman Illinois, Fairbury Angela Herr, Janelle Stoller “Word which God has spoken, Word of peaceful token, Gospel of the Lord! Fount of benediction, Comfort in affliction, Holy Spirit’s sword! Source of might, Of life and light! Joyful message of God given, Sent to us from heaven! The Gospel, Zion’s Harp #97, verse 1 Bro. Dale Stoller (Sis. Sandra) recently shared that he is planning to retire from the ministry at the end of January after 25 years of service on our pulpit. We appreciate his willingness to serve in the ministry and pray that God will richly bless him and his dear wife for their examples of faithfulness and labors of love. We were blessed to have several visiting ministers this past month. We thank Elder Bro. Duane Rocke (Minneapolis, MN), Bro. Dallas Massner (Burlington, IA), Bro. Matt Knapp (Peachtree City, GA), Bro. Dewayne Dill (Minneapolis, MN), Bro. Brian Waibel (Champaign, IL), Bro. Al Schambach (Remington, IN), Bro. John Steiner (Oakville-Mediapolis, IA), and Bro. Zach Anderson (Congerville, IL) for preaching the truths of God’s Word. On January 8, we gathered with the Forrest brethren to hear a presentation on Technology. We would like to thank Bro. Matt Kaufmann (Bloomington, IL) and Bro. Arlan Miller (Gridley, IL) for presenting to us on behalf of the Apostolic Christian Counseling and Family Services. We extend our sympathy to Sis. Laura Knapp in the death of her sister-in-law, Sis. Leanore Knochel (Bay City, MI), on December 20. Sis. Arlene Walter’s twin sister, Alene Perkins, passed away on January 15. Our thoughts and prayers have been with Sis. Arlene at this time of loss. CJ and Allison Kaisner welcomed Declan Ryan into their hearts and home on December 23. Brenna is his big sister. Bro. Jerry and Sis. Donna Kaisner and Dennis and Debbie Oakland are his grandparents. Kenton William was born to Bro. Blake and Sis. Kristin Zehr on January 11. Garrett is happy to be a big brother. Thankful grandparents are Bro. Quinn and Sis. Joan Zehr and Bro. Bill and Sis. Anna Schmidgall. In our prayers we often remember those who are dealing with infirmities of the flesh. Sis. Rosemary Hartman (Bro. John) and Sis. Ione Broquard (Bro. Don) are recovering from surgery. Liam Bunch (Curtis and Sis. Traci) and Sis. Pat Hartman recently spent time in the hospital. May God heal and provide for each one according to His will. Illinois, Forrest Carissa Knapp, Shannon Brown We were blessed with visiting ministers this month. We want to thank Bros. Mark Klaus (Sis. Rebekah, Athens, AL), Darren Fehr (Sis. Nora, West Bend, IA), Dale Frank (Sis. Christine, OakvilleMediapolis, IA), and Leland Plattner (Sis. Mary, Zapata, TX) for being willing to share God’s Word. Bro. Jeremy and Sis. Shara Leman welcome a new baby girl, Harbor Raine, to their family. Her older siblings are River, Madeira, and Finn. Grandparents are Bro. Ernie and Sis. Carol Leman and Bro. Dan and Sis. Kathy Banwart. Bro. Matthew and Sis. Katie Schneider are also blessed with a new baby girl, Lynsey Rae. Welcoming her home are siblings Lauren, Brett, Luke, Brenna, and Layna. Bro. Jim and Sis. Sandra Schneider and Bob and Sally Rinkenberger are the grandparents. We extend our sympathies to Bro. Mark and Sis. Laverne Aberle in the loss of her sister, Deloris Meiss. Our thoughts and prayers are with Sis. Dorothy Zimmerman who spent time in the hospital this month. As we start this New Year, the following verse comes to mind: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5&6 Let us be thankful and rejoice that we can look to Him and put our full trust in Him as the New Year unfolds. Illinois, Goodfield Kayla Wiegand, Melissa Rokey Our church family joyfully extends prayers for God’s blessing on two newly-married couples in our congregation. Congratulations to Pete and Jacey Hoekstra, and Bro. Will and Sis. Jamie Rokey, as they start their married lives together. It was a treat to see some of our missionary families home for Christmas. We enjoyed the time spent with Sis. Erin and Neiah Davis from Jamaica, and Bro. Kurt and Sis. Joan Plattner and their children from Haiti. We continue to be prayerful for them and Bro. Erik and Sis. Carrie Wiegand’s family in Zambia. The work on the fellowship hall addition and remodel is progressing well. We wish to thank all of the volunteers who have helped with this. Bro. Kenny Rokey (Sis. Phyllis) fell and broke his hip, requiring surgery and hospitalization. Ethel Finley recently was in the hospital with some health issues and is recovering at home. Morgan Rokey (Bro. Robert and Sis. Melissa) was hospitalized with pneumonia. Please keep these dear ones in your prayers as they heal. “O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home.” Gospel Hymns #693 Our hearts are filled with compassion for those in our congregation who have said goodbye to loved family members. We extend our sympathy to Bro. Alan and Sis. Joanne Roth at the passing of their son, Brett on February 2016 SILVER LINING 21 December 23. Continued prayers of grace and support are offered for the whole family, including Bro. David and Sis. Kasey, Jonathon and Kandace, and Lisa Roth. Sis. Polly Schrock, the mother of Chuck Schrock (Diane), passed away December 24. Please be prayerful for Chuck and Diane and their family. We express our appreciation to the visiting ministers who have spoken God’s word from our pulpit recently, including Bros. Rick Kaisner, (Sis. Michelle, Chicago, IL), Tim Hohulin (Sis. Cathy, Roanoke, IL), Brad Gudeman (Sis. Teresa, Bradford, IL), Tim Drayer (Sis. Gwen, Bluffton North), John Bradle (Sis. Jill, Roanoke, IL), and Steve Baner (Sis. DonnaLou, Gridley, IL). Illinois, Gridley Perry Klopfenstein “O, Saviour, might I thus as Thee, Likeminded, pure and humble be! With Thee, O Lord, I’ll walk aright, A child and servant in Thy light!” The Image of Christ, Zion’s Harp #164 Surely the author (who is unknown) was inspired, as an accurate description was given, as to how a believer is to conduct himself in walking aright: in a likeminded way, in pureness, and in humility. All three are critical in one’s quest to walking as a child and servant, in the Savior’s light. We are sorry to report the death of the father of Sis. Willow Gramm. The deceased was Bro. James “Jim” Beres, 80, of Phoenix. 22 SILVER LINING February 2016 Surely, we offer our sympathies to Sis. Willow and her husband, Bro. George, and family. We also note the passing of Byron L. Martin, 69, on January 19, 2016. He is survived by his wife, Sis. Carolyn “Katie” Aberle Martin, to whom he was married for 46 years. He is survived as well by two daughters, Heather (Justin) Meiss of Bloomington, Sis. Debra (Grant) DesCarpentrie, Normal; a son, Bro. Richard Martin (Sis. Jackie) of Gridley; two brothers, Stan (Karen) Martin, Omaha, NE; Sid (Nancy) Martin, Crystal Lake, IL; and six grandchildren, Emma and Sophia Meece; Samuel, Nathan, and Anna DesCarpentrie; and Brynn Martin. Byron was endeared to his family, and we enjoyed his presence at our congregation. The funeral of Sis. Barbara A. Funk Meiss, 92, of Eureka, was held at our church on the morning of January 18. Although she attended the Eureka church, she grew up in Gridley, and was buried in the Gridley cemetery. She is the mother of Elder Bro. Trent (Sis. Lucy) Meiss, Eureka, to whom we extend sympathies, along with his brothers, Tim (Susan) and Ty (Sharon) of Eureka. Ministering Bro. John Cottrell, Eureka, was here for the occasion. Sis. Ruth Rinkenberger is dealing with cancer and pain. Bro. Bob Hock is recovering from back surgery. Bro. Orlan Miller continues to receive cancer treatments. We pray for God’s healing power according to His will. As of January 1, 2016, our church listed 11 souls in varying stages of conversion. May God grant them grace and humility to walk as God would want them to walk in reflecting the change He has wrought in their hearts through our Lord Jesus Christ. Illinois, Morton Annette Tanner, Julie Bahr In the year 1913, our present church building was constructed and has served as an edifice to worship our Living God! Now as our new Morton church building is being constructed, our church family wishes to celebrate the treasured times of rich heritage and legacy with all those who have come to worship here! Everyone is welcome to join us in worship services and fellowship during the construction of the new edifice. Sunday morning singing service starts at 9:45 AM with the pulpit ministry beginning at 10:00 AM. Sunday afternoon singing begins at 12:00 PM and the service begins at 12:15 PM. Also ‘Legacy Hymn Sings’ have been planned to accommodate those who desire to join us singing praises together and then reminisce as they tour the 102 year-old building. The evenings of May 1, July 17 and October 2 are the remainder of the hymn sing dates that have been selected for this purpose. Those evenings each will begin at 6:30 PM. All who would have the desire to come, please know that you are most welcome! We appreciate our visiting ministers who come to share the Good News! Thank you Bro. Scott Schafer (Sis. Gigi, South Bend); Bro. Greg Rassi (Sis. Carla) and Bro. Matthew Rassi (Sis. Bridget) of Chicago; and Elder Bro. Steve Sauder (Sis. Mary, Tremont). Bro. Dave Obergfel of Peoria came to give our Wednesday Evening Family Worship topic “The Armor of God”- “Shield of Faith”! Bro. Dave reminded us of the scripture Ephesians 3:20 that is a promise to those of us who put on God’s Shield of Faith! Our prayer is that God’s comfort will be with those of our church family who have lost loved ones. Our sympathy is shared with Bro. Scott Sinn (Sis. Kay) in the passing of his father Carl Sinn, Tremont; and also to Bro. Roger Ackerman (Sis. Margie) in the passing of his sister, Diane Ackerman, from Michigan. Our love and sympathy is also shared with our Sis. Cheryl Wuthrich (Bro. Mark) in the passing of her dear mother, Sis. Polly Schrock (Bro. Roy) of Congerville. Sis. Sheri Daniel (Bro. Billy) has our love and prayers as her family grieved the loss of her father, Robert Warner, Morton. He is survived by his wife, Vicki, and a son, Scott (Debbie), along with his sister, Sis. Lynn Garber (Bro. Ralph). Our Bro. Harold ‘Bert’ Witzig entered his heavenly home and is rejoicing with the angels on high. A ‘beautiful farewell’ was expressed by the family He leaves. Surviving are his wife, Sis. Dorothy ‘Dort’, and his children, Ann (William) Troyer, Scott (Darci) Witzig, Gwen (Roger) Stuber, Bro. Phil (Sis. Cindi) Witzig, and Cindy (Will) Gomez. Isaiah David is the name chosen for the precious grandson of Bro. Bob and Sis. Jeannie Barth. Little Isaiah entered the home of Trevor and Dani Barth on December 15. Bro. Howard and Sis. Gloria Leman are blessed grandparents to a new baby girl, Haven Joy born to their son Bro. Darin and Sis Jessica Leman, Bloomington. Siblings of baby Haven are Ethan, Will, Micah and Hannah. December 22 Adam and Emma Bucher welcomed baby girl, Collette “Lettie” Marie. Thankful grandparents are Bro. Dana and Sis. Kris Taufer. Daniel Yaejung Park was born into the home of Sae Han and Summer Park, along with big sis, Abigail. Bro. Steve and Sis. Lynn Roeschley are the joyful grandparents. Illinois, Peoria Pam Fritzenmeier Two dear couples began their marriages on December 20. Here in Peoria, Sis. Danae Hoerr and Bro. Drew Martin, Princeville, were married. Parents are Bro. Don and Sis. Jackie Hoerr, and Bro. Alan and Sis. Janice Martin, Princeville. Bro. Craig Martin (Sis. Terri, Princeville) and Bro. Matt Kaufmann (Sis. Rebekah, Bloomington) shared from the pulpit on this special wedding day. Meanwhile, in Peachtree City, GA, on December 20, Sis. Elise Waldbeser was married to Bro. Isaac Funk. Parents are Elder Bro. Tim Funk (Sis. Debi) and Elder Bro. Tom Waldbeser (Sis. Susan, Peachtree City). Two ministers visiting family for the holidays shared God’s Word on December 27: Elder Bro. Paul Messner (Sis. Jan, Winthrop) and Bro. Rick Kaisner (Sis. Michelle, Chicago). Then on January 3, we celebrated another wedding, uniting in marriage Sis. Larissa Feucht and Bro. Tristan Herrmann, Princeville. Parents are Bro. Tim and Sis. Robyn Feucht and Bro. Roger and Sis. Darlene Herrmann, Princeville. Bro. Erik Givens (Sis. Debbie, Princeville) was here to share from the pulpit for their special day. Around and in-between all those weddings, we celebrated the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the dawning of a brand new year in which to serve Him. The annual Bible Class pancake and sausage fundraising supper was held at the Fellowship Hall January 9. The following evening was the monthly hymn sing, with Kindred Spirit present to sing with and for us. Please remember to pray for those suffering health issues. These include: Sis. Lois (Bro. Willis) Ehnle, Sis. Dot (Bro. John) Hoerr, Aleah Hartter (baby February 2016 SILVER LINING 23 daughter of Bro. Ben and Sis. Heidi), Sis. Nanette David, Mary Funk, Mary See, Rosalie (Bruce) Johnson, Andrea (Aaron) Staley, and Fede, Sis. Daniela (Bro. Zach) Knobloch’s brother. Bro. Harry (Sis. Loretta) Eisenmann passed away January 15 after a 15-year battle with cancer. He was the father of Sis. Michelle (Bob) Coburn, Sis. Patty (Bro. Chris) Kummer, John (Lynette) Eisenmann, and Beto (Laura) Ortega. We also think of those serving far from home at CVE in Magdalena and ask you to pray for them: Bro. Jonathan and Sis. Bere Aupperle, Bro. Jason Grassi, and Sis. Laura Ricketts. Following our annual business meeting, January 10, we held elections. Our new Sunday school teachers are Sis. Kathy Huthmann, Sis. Leah Ramseyer, Sis. Laura Streitmatter, Bro. Ben (Sis. Heidi) Hartter, Bro. Derek (Sis. Wendy) Menold, and Bro. Matt (Sis. Lisa) Waibel. We need to remember to pray for all our Sunday school teachers as they help parents plant the seed for the growth of our future church. Also we thank those serving on the various committees that keep our church functioning in godly order. Martinez (Sis. Keyna, South Bend, IN), Bro. Barry Dietz (Sis. Rachel, Bradford, IL) and Bro. Tyler Joos (Sis. Tanya, Bradford, IL). May God be their rich rewarder for their willingness to serve others. Bro. Bill and Sis. Kathy Stoller are thankful to be grandparents again. Bro. Jason and Sis. Rebekah Stoller (Washington, IL) are parents to a baby girl, Simona Ivory. Sunday, December 20 was the wedding day for Bro. Drew Martin (Bro Alan and Sis. Janice) and Sis. Danae Hoerr (Bro. Don and Sis. Jackie) of Peoria. May God’s blessings be on their marriage. Sis. Victoria Stoller (Bro. Bruce and Sis. Mary) and Bro. Cody Walburn of Bluffton, IN (Bro. Jim and Sis. Lora) were united in marriage on Sunday December 27. May God bless their marriage. The first wedding of this year was Bro. Tristan Herrmann (Bro. Roger and Sis. Darlene) to Sis. Larissa Feucht (Bro. Tim and Sis. Robyn, Peoria, IL). We wish them God’s blessings as they became one in the Lord. We welcome Sis. Larissa and trust she will feel at home soon. Tammy Wieland (Bro. Bob and Sis. Nancy) and Mary Beth (Curt) Wagenbach are both recovering from surgery. We pray Illinois, Princeville for God’s mercy and healing hand. Gloria White, Renee Herrmann Our sympathy and prayers Our visiting ministers this past are with Sis. Marie Menold in month have included Bro. Earl the passing of her sister, Sis. Ringger (Sis. Dixie, Gridley, IL), Helen Knapp. Bro. Nick Gutwein (Sis. Suzanne, Our business meeting was held West Lafayette, IN), Bro. Joshua the first Wednesday of the new 24 SILVER LINING February 2016 year. We are thankful for those who have served and completed their terms of duty. Let us be prayerful for those assuming new duties and responsibilities in the coming year. Illinois, Roanoke Barb Schwind, Judy Sauder Bro. Ken and Sis. Kathy Hodel welcomed a sweet, little granddaughter, Gloria Grace, born to Jeremy and Tammy Hodel of Morton on December 11. On December 22, Bodry William was born to Bro. Mark and Sis. Stephanie Rieke. Big sisters, Sophia and Avery, are thankful to have a baby brother. Grandparents are Bro. Steve and Sis. Shirley Leman and Dean and Julie Rieke of Jackson, MI. Sis. Mandy (Bro. Scott) Yordy and Sis. Bri, Chloe, and Gabby were home for few weeks over Christmas. They serve with MEBSH in Haiti. It was a blessing to have them home in Roanoke. Our love and prayers are with those in our congregation who recently lost loved ones. Bro. Jim Leman’s sister, Sis. Mary Ellen (Bro. Fred) Ringger from Gridley, Sis. Jennifer (Bro. Matt) Feucht’s grandma, Sis. Marguerite Stoller from Latty, and Sis. Emma Hoerr’s sister, Sis. Ethel Smith, from Fort Scott went home to be with the Lord. Sis. Helen Knapp passed away January 11. She is survived by a daughter, Barb (Dave) Rankin of Eureka; daughter-in-law, Sis. Carol Knapp; 7 grandchildren; 11 great grandchildren; 1 great-great grandchild; and sisters: Sis. Marie Menold (Princeville), and Laura Leuthold of Melbourne, FL. Sis. Helen was a loving mother and grandma. May the Lord comfort these families. We thank visiting ministers, who shared God’s Word with us: Bro. Mike Hohulin (Fort Lauderdale), Bro. Jeff Wiegand (Goodfield), Bro. Bill Wettstein (Eureka), and Bro. Matt Oesch (Alto). Bro. Marv and Sis. Michaleen Braker celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on December 26. Bro. Lyle and Sis. Mary Lou Martin celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on January 14. We rejoice with these couples and appreciate their example of faithful commitment and love. Ryan Knepp (Bro. Curt and Sis. Denise) was married to Taryn Kaiser (Bro. Fred and Sis. Chelly) of Morton on January 9. May the Lord richly bless this dear couple. Our prayers continue for Bro. Dennis (Sis. Rita) Schwind. Our congregation was invited to Morton church for a Legacy singing on January 10. On January 17, we witnessed the baptism of Bro. Tim Wettstein (Bro. Gary and Sis. Elna), Sis. Mary Kate Fowler, and Sis. Lydia Luginbuhl (Bro. Scott and Sis. Bev). We appreciate their testimony of faith and their love for the Lord. These young people are an encouragement to our church. Over Christmas vacation I visited an old friend. This remarkable woman, who turns 90 this month, runs 2 miles a day and participates in 5K Runs. I asked her how she does this. Her reply was, “I just get up every morning and run.” She’s determined not to quit because if she doesn’t continue she will lose the ability to run. She is persevering even with the obstacle of old age. I had to think about how we could apply this to our spiritual lives. There are many obstacles that tend to discourage us in our Christian walk — health issues, family problems, job concerns, grief, loved ones who are not walking with the Lord, financial problems, concerns for our country, but what a blessing it is if we get up every morning and run our spiritual race with the Lord. Persevere in reading the Word, praying, worshipping, serving, and fellowshipping to stay spiritually strong. Don’t quit! Finish strong! Isaiah 40:31 “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Illinois, Tremont Debbie Aberle, Janice Sauder With the holidays, a wedding, and a baptism this past month, we have enjoyed many visitors. Our visiting ministers include: Bro. Darin Massner (Sis. Twila, West Bend, IA), Bro. Dallas Massner (Sis. Christy, Burlington, IA), Bro. Stan Schambach (Sis. Norma, Prescott, AZ), Bro. Kevin Wulf (Sis. Annie, Morris, MN), Bro. John Steiner (Sis. Carol, Oakville/ Mediapolis, IA), Bro. John Bradle (Sis. Jill, Roanoke, IL), Bro. Virgil Kaeb (Sis. Suellen, Sarasota, FL), and Bro. Jon Zeller (Sis. Christine, Morton, IL). May God richly reward these dear brothers for their willing service. “Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.” Eph. 5:1-2 We rejoice with Bro. Gabriel and Sis. Mary (Wagenbach) Koch, as they exchanged vows of faithfulness to each other on January 3. Their parents are Bro. Nathan and Sis. Sandi Koch and Bro. Ron and Sis. Liz Wagenbach. May their continued walk in love be a blessing to all! We wish rich blessings upon Bro. Tim Schaefer and Sis. Dawn Massner in their engagement. Their parents are Bro. Maurice and Sis. Marge Schaefer and Bro. Dennis and Sis. Gail Massner (West Bend, IA). May their love for each other grow as they plan for their wedding. We welcome Bro. Jeff Kaeb (Bro. Dave and Sis. Barb) into the family of God, as he gave his testimony of God’s work of salvation in his life and was baptized. May Bro. Jeff continue to walk in love with his Lord and Savior. We extend our sympathy to Sis. Esther Musselman at the death of her sister, Sis. Velma Leman (Eureka, IL). We also pray for God’s comfort for Bro. February 2016 SILVER LINING 25 Karl and Sis. Velda Glueck, at the death of his sister, Rose Glueck (Morton, IL). There are always those who have health needs. We continue to pray for God’s healing hand and recovery on Sis. Marcella Steiner (Bro. Joe) and Les Burge (Pam). Our congratulations to Bro. Dale and Sis. Meg Koch at the birth of a son, David Edward. His three big sisters are Maria, Hanna and Eva. Tremont grandparents are Bro. Dave and Sis. June Koch. David was named for his greatgrandpa and grandpa! Our prayers go with Sis. Heather Steiner (Bro. Glen and Sis. Rachel, Winthrop, MN) as she has moved from Tremont to Dallas, TX to pursue her study of linguistics. May God bless her in this new endeavor! We’ll look forward to “catching up” when she visits in Tremont in the future. We also pray for Sis. Rebecca Koch (Bro. Dan and Sis. Julie) as she will be volunteering five weeks at Hospital Lumiere in Bonne Fin, Haiti. May God use her in His work! Illinois, Washington Kendra Funk, Patricia Knapp “The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever: the judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.” Psalm 19:7 We rejoice with Bro. Jason and Sis. Rebecca Stoller and the birth of Simona Ivory blessing their family, and to welcome her home are Sage, Clay and August. Grandparents are Bro. Wayne 26 SILVER LINING February 2016 and Sis. Gloria Laubscher (Cissna Park) and Bro. Bill and Sis. Kathy Stoller (Princeville). We thank each of the willing servants visiting us this month: Bro. Brent Kellenberger (Sis. Beth, Kansas City, MO), Bro. Joe Klotzle (Sis. Sue, Altadena, CA), Bro. Mark Klaus (Sis. Rebecca, Athens, AL), Bro. Matt Feucht (Sis. Jennifer, Roanoke, IL) and Bro. Wes Moser (Sis. Esther, Lester, IA). Indiana, Bluffton Suzie Fiechter, Kim Meyer There are times in all of our lives that we find ourselves in situations that are too big for us to handle. We may have expertise and experience. We may have wisdom. But this time, it’s too big. We are overwhelmed. We can’t do it anymore. This is just the situation in which the disciples found themselves in Matthew 8. They knew how to handle a ship in rough seas. They had done it before — many times. But this night, the storm was too rough. What was their response? They turned to Jesus. He calmed the sea and rebuked them for their small faith. They did the right thing — they called on the Lord. But they did it in fear. We have the same choice. Looking to Jesus is always the best thing to do in any circumstance, but do we go to Him in fear or in faith? Do we really believe that He is with us and will deliver us? Why are we fearful? I must confess that I easily profess my faith in Him, but often live in fear — fear of man, fear of circumstances beyond my control, fear of the future, fear for my children and grandchildren — the list goes on and on. I am learning that as I take everything to Him in prayer, as I spend time with Him, as I surrender myself to Him and obey Him, I trust Him more. I can more easily shake off the bondage of fear and keep my eyes upon Him, saying, “Thy will be done”. Our faith can be tested in times of death. We pray that Bro. Jay and Sis. Ronda Grube will trust the Lord to care for their family as they mourn the passing of their brother-in-law, Mike Raines. Bro. Craig and Sis. Jean Steffen and Bro. Duane and Sis. Karen Steffen grieve the unexpected loss of their brother, Randy. Sis. Luella Geisel (Bro. Vernon – dec.) went to be with the Lord. Her children are Tim (Donna) Geisel, Jeff (Denise) Geisel, Tadd (Heidi) Geisel, and Shauna (Rod) Roesler. May they feel the comfort of the Holy Spirit! Bro. Matt, Sis. Julie, Kayla and McKenna Freed were blessed with the birth of Colton Lee. His grandparents are Bro. Larry and Sis. Deb Reinhard and Bro. Tom and Sis. Kathy Freed of Indianapolis. Bro. Austin, Sis. Rachel, Lydia, Laura and Ellie Smith welcome a son and brother, Gerritt Edward, into their family. Bro. Larry and Sis. Deb Reinhard and Dave and Loretta Smith are Gerritt’s grandparents. Bro. Ron and Sis. Linda Kipfer are rejoicing with the birth of their granddaughter, Gabriella Hope Kipfer, born to Bro. Kevin and Sis. Erica Kipfer of Atlanta. Bro. Lynn and Sis. Brenda Stoller (Atlanta) are the maternal grandparents. Little Decklin Wayne Gerber surprised his parents, Bro. Kyle and Sis. Deone, and grandparents, Bro. Kent and Sis. Kim Gerber and Bro. Bob and Sis. Kim Maller. He was born about 3 months early, weighing under 2 pounds. Decklin is currently struggling in the NICU, as we pray for God’s will in the life of this precious family. As the world continues to look darker, we trust that God will bless these families with the courage and grace to raise these little ones to be mighty men and women of God. We are so thankful for our church’s practice of trusting the Holy Spirit to speak to us through ministering brothers. He is so faithful and we are so blessed! Bro. Tim Wiegand (Sis. Christa, Leo), Bro. Jerry Isch (Sis. Linda, Philadelphia), Bro. Joe Sprunger (Sis. Tara, Indianapolis), and Bro. Lynn Stieglitz (Sis. Leonda, Leo) ministered to us this month. Faith marriages are a witness of God’s care and involvement in our lives. Bro. Jesse Kaehr (Bro. Jon and Sis. Julie) and Sis. Lindsey Beeks (Bro. John and Sis. Laura, Bluffton North) have felt God’s call to marriage. As they put their trust in Him, we know He will lead them. We rejoice with Bro. Cody Walburn (Bro. Jim and Sis. Lora) and Sis. Victoria Stoller (Bro. Bruce and Sis. Mary, Princeville) as they were married in West Lafayette. Bro. Nathan, Sis. Rachel, Kaine, Halle, Layla, and Daisy Mueller are following God’s call to “make Jesus famous” in Papua, New Guinea. We held a sending service for them and commit them into the care and keeping of our Heavenly Father. We are humbled by the commitment of this precious family and pray they will continue to feel our love and prayers! “I know not what of good or ill may be reserved for me, Of weary ways or golden days before His face I see. I know not when my Lord may come, at night or noonday fair, Nor if I’ ll walk the vale with Him or “meet Him in the air”. But I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able To keep that which I’ve committed unto Him against that day.” Hymns of Zion # 109 Indiana, Bluffton North Corinne Stettner, Amy Moser This coming year, do not put your trust in the donkey or the elephant, but in the Lamb. We were grateful to have many visiting ministers with us this month. Bro. Jeff Waibel (Sis. Margo, Leo, IN), Bro. Tim Wiegand (Sis. Christa, Leo, IN), Bro. Stan Schambach (Sis. Norma, Prescott, AZ), Bro. Ron Messner (Sis. Pam, Washington, IL), Bro. Alan Schambach (Sis. Sarah, Remington, IN) were all kind enough to come and share God’s word with us. We thank them for their time. On December 19, our congregation was treated to the blessed story of our Savior’s birth through song. The Sunday School students did a wonderful job at our annual program. We thank them for their time and effort. Our Bro. Braden Isch had sinus surgery at Riley Hospital on January 7. We are very thankful that with God’s hand, the surgery was successful. Please continue to pray for our Sis. Terry Murray as she struggles with complications related to her long battle with cancer. We pray for her family and the doctors involved with her ongoing care. Indiana, Francesville Jacki Huber, Mildred Clauss As we begin the New Year, our thoughts are with many who are experiencing change in their lives. Two young brothers are spending a few months in other countries, and our prayers are with them. Bro. Evan Kaeb (Bro. Les and Sis. Christine) is participating in a study abroad program in China. Bro. Jonathan Pelsy (Bro. Roger and Sis. Lily) is in Uganda with a work opportunity. Sis. Glendoris Huber (our late Bro. Lester) has tender care from her daughter, Sis. Barb, along with hospice care. She is currently residing at Parkview Haven. Our thoughts and prayers are with them in the many changes of life. Their lives of service in the Lexington, KY area for 45 years with Bro. Lester, who has recently February 2016 SILVER LINING 27 gone home to be with the Lord, are so appreciated. We have been blessed with their presence in Francesville for the past few years. Bro. Jim Bogart (Sis. Eleanor) has been a surgery patient. We hope and pray that he has a good recovery. Bro. Paul Huber (Bro. Chad and Sis. Pam) and Sis. Talitha Fischer (Bro. Paul and Sis. Leanne, Leo, IN) were married on Sunday, January 3. We rejoice with them and pray that God will continue to guide their steps as they serve Him together. Three visiting ministers have blessed us with their presence and sharing inspiration from God’s Word this past month. Thanks to Brothers Andy Kaufmann (Sis. Marie, Bloomington, IL), Jeff Neihouser (Sis. Sue, Morton, IL), and Elder Bro. Nick Gutwein (Sis. Suzanne, West Lafayette, IN). At the ending of 2015, we enjoyed New Year’s Eve services and the annual New Year’s Eve program. We were comforted and encouraged by God’s faithfulness. Indiana, Indianapolis Nancy Pfeifer, Sandy Lichtle “...that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.” Gal. 4:5, 6 Alexander Edwin Wales born August 21, 2014 in Korea was brought home by Bro. Jonathan and Sis. Melanie Wales December 23. What a God-given Christmas present! Quoting from their 28 SILVER LINING February 2016 Christmas letter, “we are awed by the parallels to our own adoption as sons and daughters of God through Christ.” They had gone before a judge who confirmed they had met the child--as Jesus has met us. They promised to care for him, protect him and advocate for him, again as Jesus has and is for us. The new parents have a positive word picture to share with their new son. Grandparents are Donald Wales (Kansas City, KS), Sis. Carol Wales (Kansas City, KS) and Bro. Roger and Sis. Sue Levy (Denver, CO). We are also so thankful for the safe delivery of Maxwell James to Bro. Phil and Sis. Jaimie Bertsch on January 5. Grandparents are Bro. Lonnie and Sis. Patricia Bertsch and the late Rebecca Bertsch (Bluffton, IN) and Henry and Debra Oppermann (St. John, IN). We have the wonderful situation with the baby room overflowing. We started out this reporting period with Elder Bro. Wayne Banwart (Sis. Charlen, Champaign, IL) coming to share with our Bro. Ken Wuethrich in the reading of the Memorandum on December 20. We ended with the yearly business meeting on January 13. It’s like going to the doctor for a yearly checkup to make certain that all is well or find out where we need to change: one was for the spiritual aspects of our church and as individuals and the other for the physical aspects of our church. Aren’t we blessed to have a group of mortal men working together, each with a different situation and personality, looking for God’s direction, giving of themselves and their time. Thank you, brothers. God bless you all. When you get discouraged, I pray that someone will come to hold up your arms. As for the business meeting, it also touched on the spiritual side as well as the physical. What is our attitude toward our building? How do we approach the trustees with what we see as problems? What is our attitude toward coming to church? Do we rejoice about being able to worship God when we come into church? Do we encourage our children to clean up after themselves? Are we teaching them to be respectful of God’s house? With the blessing of 69 children in Sunday School, it sometimes becomes an issue. We actually divided the 3 and 4 yearolds into 2 classes. Fortunately we had an extra room that could be used! God provided again. I was so thankful for the Sunday School teachers when one explained how she made a work sheet that the children could use as they listened to the sermon. The parents could use it as a stepping stone to start a serious spiritual discussion. I don’t know why I am amazed at the talents that are distributed among our members. I sometimes forget that God has planted us to use our talents where we are so all the world will give Him the glory. It is always sad for the family of a loved one whom God has called home. Our prayers are with Bro. Scott Ringger (Sis. Becky) and Sis. Kate Levy (Bro. Scott) whose mother and grandmother, Sis. Mary Ringger of Gridley, IL, was called Home Christmas day. healing of others in our church family who have met with accident, and beseech the general health of all as colds and flu are upon us! Indiana, Lacrosse Indiana, Leo Meagan Frank, Julie Rocke Kirby Reutter On the morning of January 1, 2016, we were encouraged that the most important thing we could do in the coming year is to strengthen our relationships. We were inspired to first examine our relationship with our Heavenly Father, not to limit what He can do in our lives. His grace will then enable us to strengthen our relationship with those we meet each day, whether that be a family member, co-worker, or a “neighbor” on the side of the road. The Spirit spoke to us through several visiting ministers this month. We heartily thank Elder Bro. Ted Steffen (Sis. Sandy, Alto, MI), Bro. Jim Butikofer (Sis. Diana, Iowa City, IA), and Bro. Josh Zimmerman (Sis. Molly, Forrest, IL) for being willing to serve as His mouthpiece. Bro. Brendon & Sis. Sharla Messner recently laid to rest Bro. Brendon’s grandmother, Sis. Melva Messner (the late Bro. Roland) from Winthrop, MN. Our prayers are with the Messner family as they mourn their loss, but rejoice in her victory. We also pray for and rejoice in the recovery of two brothers who have had surgery this month, Bro. Glen Heinold (Sis. Sandy) and our Elder Bro. Curt Frank (Sis. Lyla). We give thanks for the safety and Perhaps I am too old-fashioned, or maybe too sentimental (or probably both), but I still can’t get over Christmas. I can’t get over an entire battalion of angels who saw no contradiction in announcing the peace—by disturbing the peace. I can’t get over poor jabbering shepherds—who couldn’t mind their own business and keep their comments to themselves. I can’t get over an old man who refused to die and an old woman who refused to leave the temple—just to see a barely-circumcised, poorlyclothed Baby. I can’t get over magi who crossed deserts and defied magistrates—just to visit a peasant family in a backwoods community. Some came from the sky, some came from the fields, some came from the temple, and some came from far-away exotic lands—but they all told the same story that never grows old! Has the story grown old to us? This month I couldn’t help but notice all of the ways the story is still being told…in our times! Here are just a few examples that crossed my path: Example One: “I am excited to announce the addition of Bro. Chad Heiniger to the Gateway Woods Development Public Relations team. Bro. Chad has accepted the full-time position of Development Coordinator and will be working remotely from his home in Elgin, IL. Chad and his wife (Sis. Heather) have been the Gateway Woods Church Representatives for Elgin the past four years. His passion for Gateway Woods and his personable nature will be a tremendous asset as he shares the ‘stories’ of Gateway Woods to our supporters. Please welcome Chad to our Gateway Woods Family!” Example Two: This was a latenight email I received from one of the House Parents. “Tonight, I spoke with [former Gateway resident] at Bdubs where we went for his Honor Roll dinner. He readily recognizes he is a sinner, that he has violated many of the 10 commandments, and that he should go to hell because of this. But he’s one of the first kids in awhile that has a hard time believing that faith in Jesus’ sacrifice, death, and resurrection can save him. I asked him if we got in a crash on the way back from Gateway if he felt, for sure, that he would go to heaven. He said, ‘I hope so.’ He said he has been praying for guidance and for God to work in different situations to his family. He said it’s weird to pray because there’s just silence— he doesn’t hear anything back. I empathized how weird it can feel to pray to God in faith and wonder if He hears at all. I told him that the way He speaks back to us is through the Bible, and that if we seek and pray for guidance, it can be found in His Word. Have lots February 2016 SILVER LINING 29 of hope for this young man…his heart seems softer than it maybe has ever been.” Example Three: “We would like to thank the church for their prayers as we made our quick trip to Uganda to meet our boys, Albert and Kumbo. God has been so good. Things moved very quickly and Uganda has granted us guardianship! We are now just waiting for an appointment with the US Embassy in Kampala. Once we have that appointment, we will head back to Uganda to bring our boys home!” Example Four: This was a texting exchange between a House Parent (HP) and Former Resident (FR). “FR: We had a Christmas program at my church. And some kids there sung a song. If you was there you would like it a lot. HP: What did they sing? FR: They sung Amazing Grace. It was food there too. HP: So glad to hear you and your mom are going to church! FR: I’m gonna be a Christian for sure now. HP: Praise God. When you are fully committed to Him, He is fully committed to you…John 17! FR: I wanna visit the Apostolic church again. I miss that place.” Example Five: “Many of you know Bro. Nathan and Sis. Rachel Mueller. They are former Gateway staff, and have been training and preparing to be missionaries to Papua New Guinea for years and the time has come for their departure. I just wanted to encourage everyone to be prayerful and supportive to a family we love very much and who have a real 30 SILVER LINING February 2016 heart for seeing God made known.” Example Six: (And I might be a tad partial to this example.) The story goes something like this: Antwerp High School’s beautiful Spanish teacher (don’t worry, I’m married to her) asked her semi-cooperative students to create a PowerPoint presentation which compares and contrasts Christmas customs in the United States versus Christmas customs in Mexico. After a little bit of research, one excited student exclaimed in surprise: “So the purpose of Christmas in both countries is to celebrate the birth of Jesus?” That’s when my beautiful wife received the following inspiration: “I don’t care about the differences between the silly countries. Just learn the Christmas story!” Just like the angels, the shepherds, the wise men, and the temple-dwellers, we all come from different places and stations. But it’s the same story! Let us please never (ever) let this or that difference among us get in the way of learning—and sharing—the Story of Stories! Indiana, Milford Minnie Beer, Pat Mikel One morning after an overnight snow, everything outside was covered in white glistening snow. The world looked so fresh, so clean, and so pure. What a reminder of what Jesus’s blood can do for each of us. “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Isaiah 1:18 Family gatherings over the holidays brought several visiting ministers. On December 27, Bro. Daron Price (Sis. Monica, Athens, AL), Bro. Marvin Hartzler (Sis. Sue, Rittman, OH), Bro. Ed Lester (Sis. Tricia, South Bend, IN) and Bro. Tom Troxel (Sis LuAnn, LaCrosse, IN) shared the pulpit. On New Year’s Eve, Bro. Daren Metz (Sis. Rita, Gridley, IL), Bro. Brett Lanz (Sis. Renee, Rittman, OH), and Bro. Chris Laukhuf ( Sis. Rachel, Latty, OH) labored on our behalf. We want to thank all of them for sharing the Word. We look forward to them returning soon. We are rejoicing with Bro. Larry and Sis. Melinda Gramm as their daughter, Nikola, has started her repentance. Our condolences go to Bro. Carlton Beer (Sis. Mary Ann) and Bro. Jesse Beer (Sis. Shirley) on the loss of their sister, Sis. Eunice Fiechter of Bluffton and to Sis. Minnie Beer (Bro. Nelson) on the loss of her brother, Walt Sinn. Our prayers have been with Sis. Carol Hurd as she awaits approval from the doctors for a hip replacement. May she feel our love and concern. On January 7, we held our annual business meeting. We appreciate all those who take on the many responsibilities to keep a church going and we are thankful for the financial support. Indiana, Remington Jenni Honegger, Marcella Tyler We were thankful to have Bro. Stan Schambach (Sis. Norma, Prescott, AZ) share the Word with us while visiting family in the area. We pray God will bless him for his willing service. We enjoyed a special New Year’s Eve service along with the Wolcott congregation. As we reflected back on the blessings and challenges of the past year and also look forward to what the Lord has in store for us in the coming year, we recognize and praise God that He has once more been faithful to us all. Lord willing, our Bible class and high school students from the young group are planning on a spring break work team trip to Magdalena to work at Casa Vida y Esperanza along with the Silverton Bible class. In order to raise funds for the trip, they invited many to a special Mexicanthemed meal at our Fellowship Hall. They decorated beautifully, served a delicious meal, sang praises to God in Spanish, and gave a heartfelt presentation on the children’s home. It was a fun evening to all who attended and we pray that their upcoming trip will be blessed and fruitful! This past week we held our annual business meeting and elections. We are thankful for those who have completed their terms and look forward to supporting in prayer those whose terms are just beginning and/ or continuing. Be assured that God sees the work each one does and will reward them for their continued faithfulness! Indiana, South Bend Joshua Martinez “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.” Ephesians 6:18 We pray for God’s healing hand on our Elder Bro. Curt Frank (Sis. Lyla, LaCrosse, IN) who recently had back surgery and Sis. Sharon Flis who is suffering from foot problems. We had a church potluck on January 3 followed by an all-church singing. The special occasion was a visit by Bro. Rob Parker, the Gateway Woods LARC Director, who updated us on his efforts in the South Bend area. “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.” Colossians 3:15 Indiana, Valparaiso Sherry Meiss Well, winter is upon us, though we don’t have the snow, we sure do have the bitter cold. Our pews are a little thin at this time of year, for all the snow birds have left and gone south and some of the others have been visiting their families. There is a saying, “absence makes the heart grow fonder”, and though this be true with our brothers and sisters, it is not with God. It is too easy to shut the blinds, lock the doors and close out the world. We must work hard and stay close in His word, keeping His commandments and doing His will. What helps us do this is God’s Love thru His word…John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. v.1:” Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.” We do pray for everyone to be safe, warm and comfortable. There have been many passings of our friends and acquaintances this month, which is bitter sweet. though we lose them here on earth and will never see them again in the flesh. We celebrate their life for they have gone on ahead of us to be with our Lord. We pray the families can reach out to God in their time of sorrow and feel His comfort. Matthew 5:4 “Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted.” We were all so happy to see our good friend Dave Kotzer in church with us! He is almost back to normal and getting around much better. Sis. Leona Bucher is recuperating from replacement surgery and would appreciate your prayers. Please keep Sis. Dawn Ailes in your prayers as well. She has been having trouble with getting her heart into rhythm and is apprehensive about the next step, if it comes to that. Our thanks for all the visitors that have shared their time in February 2016 SILVER LINING 31 worship with us this past month. It has been enjoyable sharing our time together. Don’t forget to pray for each other. If you are ever in the area, please know you are welcome to worship with us. We are just south of US Hwy 30 on IN Hwy 49. Indiana, West Lafayette Kris Widmer, Libby Wahl We closed the month of December, and the year of 2015, with weddings and a birth and much thanksgiving for the Birth of Births. On December 20, Sis. Janessa Wahl (Bro. Fred and Sis. Libby) shared life vows with Bro. Ryan Warren (Randy and Beth, Rensselaer, IN). Their home is Cincinnati, OH, for the next couple of years as Bro. Ryan completes schooling there. From our Purdue youth group, Sis. Victoria Stoller, Princeville, and Bro. Cody Walburn, Bluffton, were married as also were Bro. Paul Huber, Francesville, and Sis. Talitha Fischer, Leo. Please see their respective church reports for more information. Words cannot fully express the comfort of a supportive church family during life events. We pray for the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of these couples as they walk together as one. The birth of Logan Ryan Virkler was celebrated on December 22 by his loving parents, Bro. Paul and Sis. Miranda, and siblings: Ali, Dakota and Trae. We wish God’s best to 32 SILVER LINING February 2016 them as they add another seat at the table. Special thanks and prayers go to our ministers and elders who assisted on our pulpit this past month: Bro. Greg Lehman (Sis. Mary Beth, Wolcott, IN), Bro. John Lehman (Sis. Tamara, Wolcott, IN), Bro. Jim Plattner (Sis. Marlene, Princeville, IL) and Bro. Ron Messner (Sis. Pam, Washington, IL). With Bro. Ron’s visit came a moving update, in our fellowship room, of the current work and mission of Morton Apostolic Christian Services. “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40. As always, we so enjoyed having Bro. Blake and Sis. Tashi visit for the holidays. They were quite thrilled also to have some of our congregation visit them in Jamaica on a work team the first part of January. We regret we missed sharing in December our loss of Bro. Kellan and Sis. Elizabeth Kershner as their life path has taken them closer to employment. The Bradford, IL congregation will be most blessed with their presence. Thoughts on ‘letting go’. Surrender brings victory and a clearer understanding of who God is and His ability to do what He says. We see His power at work in and around us, and we will see His faithfulness as He accomplishes far more than we could ever imagine. -J. Doyon Indiana, Wolcott Beckie Lehman, Erica Blume We were blessed in December to witness our Sunday School children recite and sing of the Good News of Christ’s birth. They shared the truth of the Word proclaiming God’s love to us given in the form of a baby born so long ago. December 20 was the wedding day of Bro. Ryan Warren (Randy and Beth, Rensselaer) and Sis. Janessa Wahl (Bro. Fred and Sis. Libby, West Lafayette). We rejoice with them as they begin their life together. May God bless them as they seek God’s will together. Once again our church gathered together for our annual meeting. We are thankful to each of the brothers and sisters who are leaving a position after serving the church. We pray for God’s guidance for those who are assuming new roles as teachers, trustees or other various positions. Bro. Mike and Sis. Sherice Reinhard welcome a new little son into their family. Titus James joins Erica, Caleb, Bennett and Julia. It is always a joy to see a new little one at church. Benjamin and Brittany Lehman (Bro. Rob and Sis. Beckie) also rejoiced in the birth of a new daughter, Mia Elizabeth. Big sister Aria welcomed her home. We wish both of these families God’s blessings as they nurture new lives in their homes. Our prayers are with Winsford Wood and his family at the passing of his wife, Arlene Wood. The separation will seem as momentary when we see our loved ones in eternity, but the farewell is always difficult here on earth. We extend our sympathy. Iowa, Bloomfield Teresa Schock Traveling here and serving us on the pulpit were Bros. Don Steidl (Sis. Nan, Akron, OH) and Mike Grimm (Sis. Amber, Goodfield, IL). January 3, we welcomed Justin Birkner (Bro. Jeff and Sis. Angie) as our new brother-in-faith. Elder Bro. Brad Strahm (Sis. Michelle, Bern, KS) assisted with the testimony and baptism. Bro. Brad Funk (Sis. Laura, Garden Grove, IA) also shared in this special weekend. Elder Bro. Dan Kilgus (Sis. Jenna, Remington, IN) came for a weekend and helped with the reading of the memorandum. He then brought forth the Word on Sunday. May God bless all those that take time to come visit. Here in Iowa we are breathing a sigh of relief from the political attention, though it’s always interesting and thought-provoking. A phrase that comes to mind is, ‘Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about events, and small minds talk about people.’ Iowa, Burlington Ivy Steiner Greetings from Burlington! We recently held our annual business meeting and elections. We thank Bro. Mike Steiner, Sis. Mary Massner, Sis. Dixie Messner, and Sis. Monica Eisenmann for their past labors of love. Brother Leo Banwart is our new trustee, Sis. Melody Schulz and Sis. Janette Schulz are now on the kitchen committee, and Sis. Elaine Eisenmann is our new Silver Lining coorespondent. Sis. Elaine Eisenmann’s brother-in-law, Bro. Harry Eisenmann (Sis. Loretta, Peoria, IL), passed away January 15. Brother Harry was baptized in our Burlington church and worshipped with us for several years. Our sorrow and sympathy for his family is intertwined with joy for a victory won. Clay and Jessica Buster, along with Ayden and Ali, welcome a precious baby girl, Ayla Mae, into their family. Bro. John and Sis. Ingrid Buster are the happy grandparents. Iowa, Elgin Maria Rocke At our annual business meeting, we voted to change our Wednesday evening schedule. The monthly schedule will be as follows: 1st Wednesday – Sunday school activity, 2nd Wednesday – evening church service at 7:30 p.m., 3rd Wednesday – HarvestCall in the fellowship center at 6:30 p.m., 4th Wednesday – evening church service at 7:30 p.m. We trust this change and our efforts will be God-pleasing. Also, Bro. Kent Schupbach was voted in as the new trustee. We thank Bro. Jim Knobloch for his service as his term has now ended. Visiting us this month for church services was elder Bro. Wayne Grimm (Sis. Rose, West Bend, IA) and Bro. Jim Butikofer (Sis. Diana, Iowa City, IA). Iowa, Garden Grove Laura Funk Our visiting ministers this month were Bro. John Steiner (Oakville-Mediapolis, IA), Bro. Aaron Frank (Elgin, IA), Bro. Aaron Luthi (Lamont-Gridley, KS) and Elder Doug Schock (Bloomfield, IA). We are thankful for those who are willing to travel and share God’s word with us. Sis. Willa Clark and Sis. April Parmer have just returned from a trip to Israel. They have shared their pictures and some experiences they enjoyed. To think that these two dear sisters have walked and viewed where Jesus was born, preached, and died and the tomb where He was buried...I have no words. Amazing!! An angel visited a couple from our congregation this past Sunday. This couple and seven children were on their way to church when a tire blew and disabled their vehicle. An “angel” stopped and asked where they were going and if he could help. He loaned them his pick-up with 2200 miles on it. “Bring it back when you are done.” He didn’t even ask for their names! When the brother thanked him, he said, “You and I both know it is from Jesus.” Safe in the Arms of Jesus. February 2016 SILVER LINING 33 Iowa, Iowa City Diana Butikofer We rejoice with Sis. Rachel Snodgrass (Bro. Wayne and Sis. Becky) and Bro. Andrew Klumpp (Dave and Barb) from Bradford, IL on their engagement, which was announced Christmas Day. We pray the Lord will guide and bless them as they seek His will and plan for a life together. May the Lord bless Bro. Jon Pratt (Sis. Sharon, Valparaiso, IN) and Bro. Dale Wulf (Sis. Becky, Lester, IA) for visiting and preaching the Word this month. Iowa, Lester Audrey Metzger, Joyce Moser “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thess. 5:18 We listened gratefully at our New Year’s Eve service when Elder Bro. Rod read us the “statistics” for 2015. We were blessed to welcome five new babies into our church family. We also welcomed three new brothers and sisters-in-faith. We have several converts at this time, which is such a precious blessing to our congregation. We also had five deaths during 2015, but were reminded that each of those had made preparation for their souls to meet their Maker, so we could also be thankful for that. Two of our converts, Tyra Knoblock (Bro. Travis & Sis. Kathy) and Taryn Knoblock (Bro. Troy and Sis. Donna) have expressed that they feel God’s peace in their hearts. We rejoice 34 SILVER LINING February 2016 with them and pray for them to experience His continued grace in their lives. Our hospital patients this past month were Sis. Estelle Leuthold and Sis. Margene (Bro. David) Peasley, and Brayden (Ross & Heather) Metzger. We pray for the Lord’s strength and healing as they return home. Bro. Andy and Sis. Abby Knoblock welcomed their third son, Trevor Ray, on January 2. His big brothers are Tanner and Tyler. His grandparents from Lester are Bro. Terry and Sis. Elaine Knoblock. May the Lord bless and guide this young family as they raise this precious new blessing! Visiting ministers are always much appreciated. This past month, Bro. Kevin Wulf (Sis. Annie, Morris, MN) and Bro. Mark Schmidgall (Sis. Sally, MediapolisOakville, IA), were with us over Christmas. May the Lord bless them for their efforts on our behalf. Congratulations to Jim and Ronda Thielen on the marriage of Ronda’s son, Bro. Jesse TeSlaa to Sis. Kari Kuenzi, which took place in Silverton, OR, on January 10. We wish them all God’s rich blessings! We were glad that a nice number from Lester were able to journey to Oregon to witness their vows ! The annual church services at Clyde Park, Montana will be held the weekend of June 25-26, 2016. Please contact Bro. Gene Metzger at 712-472-2187 or Bro. Wes Moser 712-478-4622 with any questions, or email: wesmoser@juno.com, or gdmetzger@hickorytech.net. Iowa, Oakville-Mediapolis Kelsey Banwart, Tami Lanz On December 31, Tyler Gray and Amanda Little were united in marriage. Tyler’s parents are Bro. Sean and Sis. Valerie Gray. We wish them God’s nearness as they start their life together. We welcome two new baby girls to our congregation. On December 30, little Saylor Kate Wagenbach joined her parents, Bro. Reilly and Sis. Katie Wagenbach, and big brother Ellis. Her grandparents are Bro. Colin and Sis. Barb Wagenbach and Bro. Andy and Sis. Vicky Wiegand (Eureka, IL). Cecelia Elise Frank was born on January 4 to Bro. Brent and Sis. Bethany Frank. She is welcomed home by her siblings: Neil, Russ, Aiden, and Brielle. Her grandparents are Bro. Dale and Sis. Tina Frank and Roger and June Schulz. We are thankful for our many visiting ministers this month: Bro. Aaron Frank (Sis. Sharla, Elgin, IA), Bro. Greg Fehr (Sis. Denise, West Bend, IA), Bro. Michael Wagenbach (Sis. Erica, Wolcott, IN), and Bro. Phil Schulz (Sis. Kelli, Burlington, IA). May God bless them for their willingness to serve us. Iowa, West Bend Becky Virkler, Jenny Banwart We wish to thank Bro. Duane Metzger and his wife, Sis. Ruth, for all their labors in the ministry of God’s word as he announced his retirement. May God be their rich rewarder. Our Sis. Della Metzger has again spent time in the hospital. May God grant healing. Bro. Jim and Sis. Joan Wirtz rejoice in a new granddaughter, Sophia Elise, born to Matt and Bethany Kirk (Belle Plain, MN). Big sister Gabriella welcomes her also. May grace be given to raise up children in the way they should go! Our sympathy and love goes to Bro. Dale and Sis. Lezlee Leman in the passing of Dale’s mother, Sis. Velma Leman (Eureka, IL); Jim and Sherry Schmidt as Jim’s brother, Chuck Schmidt (West Bend), was laid to rest; and Bro. Dave and Sis. Kay Eisenmann as Dave’s brother, Bro. Harry Eisenmann (Peoria, IL), passed from this life. “Shall we meet beyond the river, Where the surges cease to roll? Where in all the bright forever, Sorrow ne’er shall press the soul?” Hymns of Zion #217 Our visiting ministers this month included Elder Bro. Paul Messner (Sis. Jan, Winthrop, MN), Bro. Clint Schmidt (Sis. Magdalena, Winthrop, MN), and Bro. Phil Schultz (Sis. Kelli, Burlington, IA).We were truly blessed by God’s Spirit working through these brothers. They reminded us that having the Holy Spirit leading our lives can be as natural as breathing, if we ask, seek and knock; and encouraged us to start fresh in this new year by not letting our old self rise up and laying our burdens at the cross. Japan, Tokyo Anna Inoue, Marie Inoue We welcomed the New Year with joy and thankfulness as we look forward to a new year of service to our Lord and Savior. Bro. Seth Bollier was our first visitor this year . He is a brother of our Sis. Anna Inoue. Her family and all of us enjoyed him as he was introduced to a new culture. We so appreciated his part in our afternoon Bible class and the thoughts he shared with us in Psalm 23 as Jesus, our true shepherd, leads and guides us. Our Bro. Teruo Sanada had a short hospital stay and is home again. We are thankful he recovered well and was back in church the following Sunday turning on heat and lights before others arrived. Another blessing was the visit of the Ito family of Shioda church. Bro Akihiro (Sis. Carrie) ministered to us concerning Saul’s downfall which began when he became proud and lost his humility. Bro. Akihiro related that this situation can also happen to us in this day and age. The kindly warning of watching and praying was given to all of us that we may face victory in humility instead of downfall with a proud heart. Kansas, Bern Tiffany Menold, Jill Meyer We are always thankful to have the Word of Life brought to us and appreciate the willingness of visiting ministers to serve us. Bros. Wayne Hartzler (Sis. Camille, Rittman, OH), Scott Aberle (Sis. Dorine, Washington, IL), Aaron Luthi (Sis. Maria, Lamont, KS) and Roger Aberle (Sis. LaVonne, Sabetha, KS) have helped in sharing the Gospel with us this month. Our sympathy and prayers are with Sis. Pearl Miller and her family in the loss of her sister, Sis. Ethel Smith of Fort Scott, KS. May God be their source of comfort during this time. The annual business meeting was held in January and our prayers go to all those who have been given a responsibility to help our church function as a body. As we begin a new year, we have no idea of what the Lord would have in store for each of us. May this song be as a prayer on our hearts, that each day we would serve Him more faithfully. “Now grant Thy godly light to me; Thy holy love instill! May envy, hate, and darkness flee; my heart with courage fill! O, give my faith its steadfastness in Christ, God’s Son, always, That fearless I His name confess, whatever foes may say! Grant that in hope I firm may be, humbly and patiently, That when all hath forsaken me, Thy grace my comfort be. Lord, let my heart Thy temple be the while I sojourn here, And then, through all eternity make it Thy dwelling there.” Zion’s Harp, #163, vs. 6-9 Kansas, Ft. Scott Karen Kellenberger “Chance has not brought this ill to me: It’s God’s hand, so let it be, For He sees what I cannot see. February 2016 SILVER LINING 35 There is a purpose for each pain, And He one day will make it plain That earthly loss is heavenly gain. Like as a piece of tapestry Viewed from the back appears to be Only threads tangled hopelessly; But in the front a picture fair Rewards the worker for his care, Proving his skill and patience rare. You are the Workman, I the frame. Lord, for the glory of Your Name, Perfect Your image on the same.” -Lettie B. Cowman Our dear Sis. Ethel Smith would have read this poem in her daily devotional for the date of her next birthday. Instead, it graced the front of her memorial pamphlet upon her succumbing to a quick illness. Our hearts go out to Sis. Ethel’s daughters: Deb (Jeff) McCoy (Fort Scott, KS), Pamela (Jimmy) Jackson (Redfield, KS), Paula (John) Read (Andover, KS); ten grandchildren; and 25 great-grandchildren as they bid farewell on this side of Heaven. Bro. Klint Beyer (Sis. Kara, Sabetha, KS) and Bro. Jeff Fischer supported Elder Bro. John Lehman (Sis. Connie, Bern, KS) in the January 19 memorial service. Sis. Ethel’s legacy of a life of service to her Lord and Savior could be summed up in two words – agape love. We appreciated the visiting ministers who shared the Word with us: Bro. Justin Moser (Sis. Robin, Altadena, CA) and Elder Bro. Randy Kellenberger (Sis. Karen, Kansas City, MO). Elder Bro. Gerry Hertzel (Sis. Ellen, Sabetha, KS) assisted Bro. Randy in reading 36 SILVER LINING February 2016 the memorandum of the general conference. We were blessed that he stayed for our Sunday service the following morning. Kansas, Kiowa Millicent Frieden, Janice Bahr 1 Peter 5:1 “Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.” This scripture speaks of the respect we should have for one another, but the lack of respect we see in our schools, our workplaces, ever our homes, is really sad. The bullying, backbiting, violence, domestic abuse we read about every day must make our God, who is the author of love and respect, very frustrated with this human race. May those of us who have taken on the name of Christ, and daily walk with God, be different than the world. May we show respect and love to our parents, grandparents, the elderly, our children, family, church family, friends, and even those who may not deserve our respect. May we teach respect to our children and grandchildren. May we bite our tongues against backbiting and verbal abuse. The saying (if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all) comes to mind. We are the light of this world. May our light ever reflect the God we serve, and show love and respect to those around us. Elder Bro. John Lehman (Sis. Connie, Bern, KS) shared a Sunday recently. Bro. John read the memorandum to our congregation. We are so blessed for our elder and ministering watchman, who care so much for the flock, and continually share the truths of the Gospel with us, that we may be warned to be faithful until the coming of the Lord. Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” This is our prayer for Bro. Jake and Sis. Tifani Bahr Leman, Aurora, CO, (Denver Church) who gave birth to a precious baby boy, Connor Oak Leman, January 16, 2016. Bro. Jeff Bahr (Sis. Janice, Kiowa, KS) and Bro. Mike Leman (Sis. Deb, Aurora, CO) are grandparents. Bro. Joe Frieden (Sis. Mildred, Kiowa, KS), Sis. Eileen Bahr, Gridley, KS, and Bro. Tom Leman, Aurora, CO are great-grandparents. May God bless Bro. Jake and Sis. Tifani as they treasure this precious new gift God has given them. To all who share in the Kiowa Manor Services, especially our children, thank you. Also, may we never forget to hold each other up in prayer for sickness, sorrow, pain, and also joy. We need the prayers of those we love. Kansas, Lamont-Gridley Dorene Metzger Bro. Lloyd Luthi (Joan, deceased) died peacefully at his home on December 20, 2015. His funeral was held on December 23. Bro. Lloyd was our oldest brother, passing away one month shy of his 88th birthday. Although in failing health for some time, Bro. Lloyd treasured assembling with his church family. The Sunday before he died, he was in church all day and went to the church supper following the all-church caroling. After the meal prayer, Bro. Lloyd reminded us that it was such a privilege to be able to fellowship in the Lord. One of his favorite songs was #164 in the Zion’s Harp, Image of Christ, which was sung at the funeral. Following Bro. Lloyd’s “tradition” a brother-in-faith asked for verse 9 to be sung, a wonderful memory of Bro. Lloyd. Our heartfelt sympathy goes to Elder Bro. Jay (Sis. Jane) Luthi, Jeanette Luthi (his main care-giver), Sis. Jill Luthi, and Jeri (Tom Knobloch) and their families. Sis. Eileen Bahr was a surgical patient. January 3, Bro. Jeff (Sis. Janice Bahr, Kiowa, KS) was our first visiting minister for 2016. He asked the question, “Would you liked to have been able to see Jesus with the compassion and care for the down and out, sinful, and prideful? I marvel at His caring for those who wanted and needed to change their circumstances. But Jesus also could call to task those who were judgmental, full of pride but sadly lacking in compassion.” January 10, we held our annual elections. How thankful we are for those who have served in various capacities and for those who are stepping up to serve now. January 6 was our first evening to begin listening to the cd’s of the Morris, MN conference. The word “Walking” is in each topic which indicates action. “Walking” then infers that each of us has work to do to bring a topic into being in our own lives. We live here on earth serving a loving and caring Heavenly Father. But He is also righteous and expects each of us to WALK circumspectly and in holiness. Pray for grace to WALK in the Light. Kansas, Sabetha Crystal Hartter, Dawn Strahm We are always thankful to have visiting ministers share the Word. Those who spoke the Word this past month were: Bro. Scott Aberle (Sis. Dorine, Washington, IL), Bro. Aaron Luthi (Sis. Maria, Lamont-Gridley, KS), Bro. John Baumgartner (Sis. Lori, Bern, KS), Bro. Seth Hartter (Sis. Brenda, Burlington, IA) and Bro. Dean Steffen (Sis. Carol, Belvidere, IL). Thankful for the safe and healthy arrival of Calvin Dale on December 30 are parents Bro. Jed & Sis. Whitney Hartter. Grandparents welcoming him are Bro. David & Sis. Beth Hartter and Bro. Rod & Sis. Arlene Grimm. May the Lord be with and guide them as they begin a new chapter in life. We rejoice with the angels when a lost soul answers the call to repentance. Kenton Fehr (Bro. Todd & Sis. Cynthia) has made a beginning in his walk with the Lord. May the Lord grant him much grace and mercy as he works out his soul’s salvation. May the Lord’s Healing hand be upon Bro. Harvey Wenger as he was a hospital patient this past month. We are prayerful for the elders as they gather for the mid-winter conference. May the Holy Spirit be among them in all that they do. Kansas, Wichita Max and Judy Reimschisel We’re thankful the Lord has given us another new year to share His word and love with others. “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Prov. 3:5-6 We were privileged to have Yuri and Camilla and their three children from Uzbekistan tell their story of coming to the United States. They were Muslim descendants and now are Christian. They told of their life of persecution by Muslims in Uzbekistan. The fact that the church is underground and Christians are not permitted to worship openly is a great concern. May we appreciate the freedom we have to worship freely today. Our visiting minister, Bro. Ed Fritz and his wife, Sis. Barbara, brought many good teachings and encouragement to keep the faith amidst the many trials of life. As we sang “God is our Refuge” from the hymn book, it brought many good encouraging thoughts. “God is our refuge and our strength, A very present help indeed; He in the time of trouble sends February 2016 SILVER LINING 37 His Grace to meet every need.” Hymns of Zion #4 verse 1 We are glad that Bro. Ed had a desire to again meet the young people he met when he was doing our parking lot project a couple of years ago. It is wonderful that relationships can be established and maintained through the years. We all have many fond memories of Bro. Ed. We’re glad that he could worship with us again and to meet his new wife, Sis. Barbara. Our sympathy and love goes to Paula and John Read in the loss of Paula’s mother Sis. Ethel Smith of Fort Scott, KS. Bro. Harvey and Sis. Ethel lived in Wichita with their family for many years before returning to Ft. Scott in 1971. January we’ve had the special blessing of having Bro. Marshall and Sis. Jan Heinold (Washington, IL) back for a short visit. It’s comforting to know they continue to love and support the church here in spite of living so far away. We are also glad to have Sis. Berta Gonzalez back in Ixtlán after an extended visit with her children in the US. There are several older brothers and sisters who would be thankful to be lifted up in prayer as they struggle with poor health, namely: Sis. Rosa Segura, Sis. Maria Pimentel, Sis. Carmen Cervantes, Sis. Luz Avina, and Bro. Francisco Rodriguez. Mexico, Ixtlán Renee Steffen, Heidi Kaeb Ruth Gerber “But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.” James 1:25 If you were to look at the monthly calendar of activities for the Ixtlán church, you might be surprised to see that there is some type of Bible study or home visit scheduled every day of the week. The brothers and sisters here have many opportunities to look into the law of liberty together and to help share it with the seekers. Our prayer is that we would all be doers of the work in every area of our lives. We always appreciate visitors that come to encourage our faith and to be an example to us. This 38 SILVER LINING February 2016 Michigan, Alto This last month here in Alto has been filled with so much emotion that it is difficult to know where to start or how to express the extreme highs and lows. Our hearts have been taken on the journey of the very joyous occasion of rebirth, the tender feelings of loving and welcoming a new baby, and the mixed emotions of saying farewell to our oldest beloved brother in Alto. I received a message early this past month announcing that Bro. Matt and Shelli Oesch became parents to their fourth child. Along with this message were two photos that touched me to tears. Three older siblings: Judah, Kirsi, and Fritz, who are known for their exuberant energy, were so tenderly loving on their new baby brother, Truman Ford. This brought to mind how gently and tenderly our Heavenly Father loves us. May this child-like love be an example to us of how we ought to love one another. “What a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see, and I look upon His face, the One who saved me by His grace; When He takes me by the hand, and leads me to the promise land, what a day, glorious day, that will be.” Gospel Hymns #831 At 100 years old, our beloved Bro. Lloyd Blough (Sis. Ella) was released from this earthly life to go home to meet his Lord and Savior. Bro. Lloyd with his quiet and gentle, but strong faith, will certainly be missed by all who knew and loved him. But we also rejoice with him as he enters eternity where joy never ends. “He said his last prayer. He walked his last mile. He felt his last pain. He had his last trial. Now he is singing. He’s finally won the race! No more tears, strife or sorrow. He sees Jesus face to face!” ibG.res Oh did the angels rejoice this past weekend, along with all of Alto church and many visitors, as we listened to the testimony and observed the baptism of our new Bro. Spencer Plattner (Bro. Howard and Sis. Kristen). The humble, honest, and open testimony of Bro. Spencer brought intense emotions to all who listened. Tears of joy, reality of grace, expressions of meek humility, and exhortation of the heart, brought a special bond of love to all who were blessed to listen through the child-like faith of a new-born babe in Christ. We were also blessed to have Elder Bro. John Lehman (Sis. Connie, Bern, KS) here this weekend to share the Word of Truth and help in this joyous occasion of welcoming a new soul into the body of Christ. Our prayers have been with many this past month. Those who were hospitalized, Sis. Jane Grawburg and Bro. Casey Banks’ mother (Sis. Nancy Banks, Columbus, OH), and others struggling with sadness, sorrow, trials, and tests of life. Our prayers go with Bro. Curt and Sis. Luanne Kaeb as they plan to spend the next three months in Texas and other southern states helping to build, rebuild, repair, and encourage those who’ve experienced disasters in recent years. Our prayers also go with Bro. Ed and Sis. Julie Sanders as they plan to spend the next four months in Haiti helping with construction teams. It is always with mixed emotions that we say farewell. We pray God will go with them, protect and guide them, but also be near their families back home. the time to visit me and for the cards, especially fellow believers. May the Lord bless all of you. I’m convinced that the healing hand of our merciful Father that because of your prayers that I am able to walk again. I am humbled and happy and grateful beyond my ability to express my feelings. May the love of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit continue to dwell in you. Thank you, Bro. Wes and Sis. Sue Michigan, Bay City Sarah Knochel “There’s a land that is fairer than day, And by faith we can see it afar; For the Father waits over the way To prepare us a dwelling place there.” Our prayers are with the family of Sis. Leanore Knochel as she received her heavenly reward on December 20. We want to remember her children: Sis. Eileen, Wayne, Bro. Jim (Sis. Kay), Jerry (Michelle), Patsy (Mike) Brock and Nettie. Sis. Leanore is also remembered by her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We want to remember those who have spent time in the hospital during the last month. Our thoughts and prayers are with Norm Andrzejewski (Sis. Linda) and Sis. Laura Wieland. Note of Thanks: We are thankful Bro. Jeff I would like to express my Waibel (Sis. Margo, Leo, IN) heartfelt gratitude to the church traveled to Bay City to spend time and friends for the prayers said for with his family for Christmas and me and my wife during my recent ministered the word on our behalf. sojourn of six weeks in the hospital Our annual Business Meeting and rehab. Thank you for taking was held on January 6. We are always thankful for brothers and sisters who are willing to help take care of the needs of the church. Those elected to new positions include Sis. Yvonne Arnold (Kitchen Committee) replacing Sis. Sue Steffen, Bro. Mike Ruegsegger (Trustee) replacing Bro. Gene Meylan and Bro. Brian Wieland (Sunday School Superintendent) replacing Bro. Jim Knochel. February is Bay City’s collection month for Silver Lining dues. Please place dues in the general fund and contact the correspondent with any address changes. Michigan, Detroit Manuela Denes After several balmy January days, we finally find ourselves experiencing the normally cold winter temperatures. No matter how cold it is, I always try to get out for a walk. I find the brisk, fresh quality of the air invigorating! Today’s walk somehow felt warmer because the sun was shining brightly up high with a blue sky. Listening to the weather man later in the day, I found it interesting to hear him say “don’t let that sun fool you, it is cold outside!” Why does it always feel warmer when the sun is out? It made me think how it’s the same when we have Jesus, the Light of the World in our hearts. Don’t we feel the same kind of warmth from His love as we do from the sun? He will keep us warm and lighten our path: “Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the February 2016 SILVER LINING 39 world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12 Several members of our church family recently experienced the loss of a loved one. We share in the sadness and offer our sympathy and love to Chuck Leman (Sis. Dot) on the passing of his sister, Sis. Mary Ringger (Bro. Fred) of Gridley, IL. Sis. Laura Plattner’s (Bro. Brett) grandfather, Bro. Lloyd Blough (Sis. Ella) was laid to rest in Alto, MI. Here in Detroit, we said farewell to Virginia Smiley, mother to Barb Maibach (Ben). May the Lord comfort these families during this time of loss, but keep the memories warm within their hearts! We extend a warm welcome to Doug Wagenbach from Tremont, IL (parents are Bro. Ron and Sis. Liz). We’re so happy to have him worship with us as he will be doing an internship in Rochester Hills, MI. Prayers for healing are extended to those who are in hospital or awaiting medical procedures. Bro. Hartzell Kaisner (Sis. Mary) has been readmitted to the hospital. Sis. Tiffany Wieland (Bro. Steve) will be having surgery later this week. May God keep you in His loving care and bring you back to us healthy and recovered! “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.” 1 John 5:14-15 40 SILVER LINING February 2016 Minnesota, Morris Minnesota, Morris North Amy Ekren, Heidi Pfaffmann Lois Schmidgall, Wanda Gramm Our congregation was blessed at the annual Christmas program with the telling of Christ’s birth by the Sunday school children. “Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.” Ps. 8:2 We pray for healing for our Sis. Joyce Moser (Bro. Bill) and Sis. Barb Schmidgall (Bro. Gilbert) as they recently spent time in the hospital. A blessed baby boy, Griffin Travis, was born to Bro. Travis and Sis. Rita Moser. Grandparents Bro. Lowell and Sis. Karen Moser, and Bro. Jerry and Sis. Linda Wulf are thankful for his safe arrival. May God be near to Leah Steiner as she was announced for peace and awaits baptism. “I could not go on without Him I know, The world would o’er whelm my soul; For I could not see the right way to go, When temptations o’er me roll. He whispers sweet peace to me…” He Whispers Sweet Peace To Me, Gospel Hymns #780 In 2015, our congregation had eight births, two funerals, two weddings, four converts and two baptisms. Praise God for all of the blessings this past year and for His love and continued guidance into 2016. Greetings from Morris North! Welcome 2016! “O love the Lord,all ye his saints: for the Lord preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer. Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.” Psalms 31:23-24 Our little church rejoiced with Kelsey Knobloch (Sis. Brenda), as she gave her testimony and was baptized the first weekend in January. We could feel the angels rejoicing and the Spirit of God moving, as we welcomed Sis. Kelsey as our Sister in Christ. Our church family is growing, as we welcome the two babies born. Lincoln Chase Knobloch, was welcomed into Bro. Damon and Sis. Stephanie Knobloch’s home. His excited siblings are: Sawyer, Lily, Maggie and Owen. Little Hezeki Tristan is a first born to Tristan and Jordan Feuchtenberger. May God bless these families. We were blessed to have our Elder Brother Earl (Sis. Dixie) Ringger, Gridley, IL, spend the weekend with us. The same weekend, we enjoyed having Bro. Glen (Sis. Rachel) Steiner, Winthrop, MN, and Bro. Mitch (Sis. Abby) Fehr, Morris Country Church. Thank you brothers for giving of your selves to further The Word. Many enjoyed an evening of making fleece blankets, as a HarvestCall project. Pray the blankets will warm the receiver and that they will feel God’s love wrapped around them. We extend a warm welcome to visit our church, if you are in our area. It may be cold in Minnesota…..but you will feel the warmth of The Spirit as you enter our church doors. Let’s move forward with Faith and Trust in God, this New Year. God is faithful! Minnesota, Winthrop Lindsay Schmidt, Becky Braulick “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 On December 19, our church enjoyed listening to our Sunday School children tell the miracle of the Christmas story of Jesus’ birth. May we remember to thank God for His wonderful Gift to us and that we’d be willing to accept it. “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2 Our heartfelt sympathy and prayers go out to Bro. Dean and Sis. Wanda Messner and LeAnn and David Rufener (Rittman, OH) in the passing of their mother, Sis. Melva Messner. Condolences go out also to their children and also to Sis. Melva’s siblings: Bros. Phil (Sis. Donna) Mogler, Howard (Sis. Lillian) Mogler, Sis. Leona Moser and Sis. Florence Knoblock and brother-inlaw, Bro. Frank Moser. “Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.” Psalm 31:24 It was so good to hear that Kent Rubendall (Vanese Isaacson) is doing so well that he has been released from the hospital and also that Bro. Roy Howk is healing and should be able to return home soon. Thank thee Lord for thy healing powers. We continue to pray for God’s comfort and presence with those battling cancer and any other health concerns. Notes of Thanks: I would like to thank everyone for all their prayers, gifts, visits and deeds of kindness shared with me over the last several months since my accident. I am improving daily, but still have lots of challenges. I still have lots to be thankful for. In Christian love, Sis. Georgia Messner The family of Sis. Melva Messner wishes to thank everyone for the love shown to them through cards, loving thoughts, visits, gifts and most of all prayers during our time of loss. May God bless each of you. Missouri, Kansas City Julie Webel Another year is behind us and we look forward with anticipation to see what the future will bring. As many think about diet and fitness goals, let us remember to evaluate our spiritual condition, which is most important to a healthy lifestyle. God first, always. We are grateful to the visiting ministers who served us from the pulpit this last month. Many thanks to Bro. Brad Strahm (Sis. Michelle, Bern, KS), Bro. Roger Aberle (Sis. LaVonne, Sebetha). May God grant healing to those who have lost loved ones and have suffered illness in the past year. Missouri, Lamar Venetta Banwart As we start a year, may we look to God for His help in guiding our steps and paths. Remember to pray for the leaders of our nation and also our church elders. We were blessed to have visiting brothers come and minister and feed us from God’s holy word this month. They were: Bro. Scott Wegman (Sis. Dawn, Taylor, MO), Bro. Bob Dotterer (Sis. Laura, Sardis, OH), Bro. Ron Isch (Sis Jane, Lamont-Gridley, KS), Bro. Chuck Kellenberger (Sis. Debbie, Elgin, IL), Bro. Dave Marquart (Sis. Lori, Taylor, MO). May God bless each one as they serve. Our hospital patient this month was Sis. Edith Hohulin. May God continue to grant her healing strength. We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to Bro. Dale (Sis. Corrine) Marti in the passing of his brother, Joe Marti (Evelyn). May God be near each family member in this difficult time. February 2016 SILVER LINING 41 Missouri, St. Louis Kary Mangers This month we had the opportunity to think about how God has gifted us to further the Gospel as we listened to the presentation of Spiritual Gifts – Understanding and Developing Spiritual Gifts. As believers, it is never the question of if we have a spiritual gift, but determining what it is and how best to use it. Thank you Bro. Chad Leman (Sis. Kim, Fairbury, IL) with the Church Assistance Committee for sharing this topic with us. As a church with many young children, we were blessed by the help of Bro. Chad and Sis. Lisa Massner and Sis. Jan Heimer (Taylor, MO) as they watched our children so we could have our focus on the presentation rather than maintaining the “joyful noise” I mentioned last month. It was truly a gift to parents. Thank you to our visiting ministers Elder Bro. Marvin Dotterer (Sis. Nancy, Forrest, IL) and Elder Bro. Kent Heimer (Sis. Jan, Taylor, MO) for sharing the gift God has given you as you shared His Word. We would again like to express our thanks to our visitors this past month. Missouri, Taylor Kathy Eberhardt Read Psalm 19. Look at God. Do you see Him? Elder Bro. Kent Heimer reminded us to remember God for every sunrise and sunset. Everyone gets to see the light - in every country and language. God has a plan for everyone! 42 SILVER LINING February 2016 Bro. Matt Kaufmann (Bloomington-Normal, IL) spoke to us on a Wednesday evening about sharing the gospel. Did you share the gospel today? First share the gospel with yourself. Think about what God is telling you as you read from God’s Word. Share with your spouse, children, family. Share with the brethren at church. The gospel protects us and is the greatest message of encouragement. Bro. Garrett & Sis. Courtney Yackley and Lyla were blessed with an addition to their family. Norah Grace Yackley was born on Sunday morning, January 9, 2016. Bro. Joe & Sis. Jerilyn Yackley are the local grandparents. When a Christian dies, precious is the Prize! Even though we are made sorry at the passing of Sis. Ethel Smith of Fort Scott, KS, on January 14, we are happy for the assurance of a better home awaiting. Two of Sis. Ethel’s sisters married Taylor brothers. We wish God’s comfort for Sis. Emma Hoerr and Sis. Ruth Hoerr and their families. New York, Croghan/ Naumburg Hope Graves We were thankful to have several families with young children with us for our New Year’s Eve potluck and singing. What a blessed way to start 2016! Our Elder Bro. Duane Farney brought in the New Year by joining a work team to Haiti. We were thankful to hear about his journey and the work that was accomplished. We are always thankful for their safe return! We are keeping Lois Cardinal in our prayers as she is undergoing medical treatments. Ohio, Akron Carla Miller Kierra Susan Gherian joined the family of Bro. Micah, Sis. Marcy, Zachary, Jenneka, Abel, Dayne, and Kyler on December 19. Her grandparents are Sis. Sharon Gherian (Bro. Paul, dec.) and Pete and Susan Van Wyhe (Lester, IA). Bro. Justin Miller (Bro. Roger and Sis. Dorina, Mansfield, OH) and Sis. Katie Palitto (Bro. Bryon and Sis. Lisa) were united in marriage on January 10. We are thankful for the ones who served in the ministry for their special weekend: Elder Bro. Mark Masters (Sis. Jeannine, Mansfield, OH), Bro. Curt Walter (Sis. Elizabeth, Mansfield, OH), and Bro. Bob Riggenbach (Sis. Lorie, Rittman). We are thankful for God’s provision for those who have been hospitalized recently: Bro. Eugene Pamer (Sis. Eleanor) and Bro. Andy Demrovsky (Sis. Vera). Ohio, Columbus Julie Grimm “Many, O Lord my God are thy wonderful works which thou hast done…” Psalm 40:5. We have witnessed God’s wonderful works in the form of provision of His Word, healing, and new life. We welcome and appreciate those that come to assist our local minister by serving us in the minister rotation. This past month Bro. Gary Maibach (Sis. Mary Ann, Smithville, OH) and Bro. Ron Kipfer (Sis. Linda, Bluffton, IN) willingly served our church. May God bless their labors to provide His Word. We have seen God’s healing hand on Sis. Nancy Banks who was hospitalized. We are thankful to the Lord for His safety, protection, and healing through time of illness. The wonder of new life was experienced in the family of Bro. Todd, Sis. Esther, Clayton, and Moriah Saurer. Preston Roger joined their family on December 31. We wish them godly wisdom to teach their children in the ways of the Lord. Thankful grandparents are Sis. Sue Saurer (Smithville) and Bro. Craig and Sis. Ruth Stoller (Latty). As we reflect on God’s wonderful works we can conclude: “ if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.” Psalm 40:5 word gives thee peace everlasting. He’ ll shield and defend His child to the end; No suff’ring or death shall appall thee. Keep Him for your gain, earth’s pleasures are vain; sweet rest is found only in heaven. In patience then bear all trial and care; above streams of bliss will refresh thee.” The Best Refuge, Zions Harp #46 This month has been filled with sorrow as two families have said good-bye to loved ones. Our prayers are extended to Sis. Sandra Manz (Bro. Paul) and her family as her father, Bro. Bob Ramsier (Sis. Inez, Smithville, OH) passed into eternity on December 17. We also pray for Sis. Cindy (Bro. Warren) Schlatter, Sis. Sandy (Bro. Neil) Stoller and Sis. Shelby (Bro. Sam) Manz as they lost their father, Bro. Walt Sinn (Sis. Renee, Latty, OH) on January 16. We are so thankful that death has no victory over those who are redeemed through Christ’s shed blood and that we have hope beyond this life! Bro. John and Trish Rose are thankful for a great-grandson, Jaice Oliver Oswalt, born to their grand-daughter, Chelsea Rose, on Ohio, Junction December 12. Jaice’s great-great Elizabeth Manz grandpa is Bro. Alvin Manz. “In sorrow and pain Thy trust We are sad to hear that Chuck do retain in Jesus the merciful and Sis. Linda Lord are leaving this Saviour. When burdened with area and moving to Columbus, care, when thou wouldst despair, OH. Although we will miss them, then call on thy loving Redeemer. we are thankful that they can live He’ ll lighten the load, and level closer to their children. the road and bear thee on hands of We held our annual business compassion. He’s gentle and kind, meeting on January 6. Bro. Roger rich blessings thou’ lt find; His Gasser has been selected to serve as our Gateway Woods Representative for the coming term. We thank Bro. Sam Manz for his years of service in that capacity. The past month has brought several visiting ministers to our congregation: Bros. Matt Manz (Sis. Deanna, Toledo, OH), Adam Uhler (Sis. Ann, Smithville, OH) and Ryan Schock (Sis. Melanie, Bloomfield, IA). May God bless them for their willing service in the ministry. Ohio, Latty Carmen Stoller, Mindy Stoller Greetings of love to all in this New Year! We have been reminded many times lately of the need to examine ourselves to be ready for whatever this year brings! In the last year, our congregation had 11 souls turn to Christ, 7 announced that they have found peace with God and man, 2 were baptized, 5 babies were born, we had 2 weddings, and 3 loved ones died. God has been faithful through it all and we are thankful! We’ve already experienced many blessings since last month. We were thankful that our Bro. Colin Klopfenstein (Bro. Leon and Sis. Deb) was announced for peace recently and was able to be baptized along with his siblings, Sis. Ann and Bro. Travis Stackhouse, and Sis. Natalie Sinn (Bro. Gary and Sis. Paulette). Our congregation was blessed to hear their testimonies and witness their baptism into the blood of Christ. We pray each one will February 2016 SILVER LINING 43 continue to find grace in their walk with the Lord. Our church voted in some new officers at our business meeting. New Sunday school teachers include: Bro. Ross Stoller (Sis. Joy), Sis. Jennifer Keysor (Bro. Chad), and Sis. Kim Miller (Derek). Our new church trustee is Bro. Lee Nuest (Sis. Paula). The kitchen committee welcomed Sis. LeAnn Schlatter (Bro. Gus) and Sis. Brenda McClure (Bro. Bill). Bro. Jordan Miller plans to start taking over our local HarvestCall coordination. We are thankful for each one that currently holds an office and those whose terms are ending. May God bless each one for their efforts for the house of the Lord! We continue to be thankful for visiting ministers each month! We appreciated the gifts each one brought, including Elder Bro. Ted Witzig, Sr. (Sis. Cindy, Morton, IL), Bro. Steve Stieglitz (Sis. Jane, Leo, IN), Bro. Greg Stieglitz (Sis. Lisa, Indianapolis, IN), Bro. Randy Gasser (Sis. Sue, Detroit, MI), Bro. Justin Koch (Sis. Marcia, Washington, IL), Bro. Dan Stoller (Sis. Deb, Remington, IN), Bro. Don Manz (Sis. Connie, Junction, OH), and Bro. Doug Harmon (Sis. Lanna, Toledo, OH). We also enjoyed the visit of retired Elder Bro. Ed Schwartz (Sis. Jeni, Bluffton, IN). Many prayers go forth for our messengers of truth who are called on to speak week after week! We said goodbye to our dear Sis. Marguerite Stoller (Bro. Delmar, dec.) on January 14. Our hearts go 44 SILVER LINING February 2016 out to the children: Bro. Ray (Sis. Carol) Stoller, Bro. Rod (Sis. LeAnn) Stoller, Sis. Mardel Dotterer (Bro. Robert, Rittman, OH), and Sis. Carol Eisenmann (Bro. William); as well as the many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We also lift up the family of Bro. Walt Sinn (Sis. Renee) who passed away January 16. His children are Bro. Todd (Sis. Janet), Bro. Bob, Sis. Kathy, Bro. Tim (Sis. Marlene), and three daughters from Junction: Sis. Cindy Schlatter (Bro. Warren), Sis. Sandy Stoller (Bro. Neil), and Sis. Shelby Manz (Bro. Sam). May the grandchildren and great-grandchildren also feel our prayers, and feel the blessing of a wonderful Christian heritage. What a blessing to have a hope of meeting again someday where there is no sickness or sadness! Also in our prayers are Bro. Ray Sinn (Sis. Ann) and his family, as he has been placed in hospice. Psalm 23:4 “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Gottschling, Jr. (Frieda). We also remember Bro. Nathaniel and Sis. April Ramsey in the loss of April’s grandmother, Sis. Marguerite Stoller from Latty, OH. May each one feel the peace and comfort of God’s Spirit as they bid farewell to their loved ones. Ohio, Rittman Julie Steiner, Maria Beery “Make me to go in the path of thy commandments; for therein do I delight.” Psalm 119:35 We often hear the phrase among our brethren that someone has “made a beginning”. This verse from Psalms takes another look at this phrase, “to make a beginning”. The Psalmist describes it from the first person view, the eyes of the person who is actually “making a beginning”. If we continue in God’s path, we will be blessed, “ for therein do I delight.” Bro. Jordan & Sis. Joy Stoller are thankful for their new daughter, Isabella Laniece. She is a precious gift from God, born not under their heart, but in it. As she adjusts to this new home, she is welcomed by big sister, Atiyah. Ohio, Mansfield Grandparents are Bro. Eric & Sis. Elizabeth Walter Melanie Stoller, and Bro. John & We were glad for two visiting Sis. Janice Rufener (Smithville). ministers this month. May God Two souls this month have bless Bro. Sam Schlatter (Sis. made a beginning in repentance. Linda, Junction, OH) and Bro. Many prayers over the past 70+ Marvin Zollinger (Sis. Pam, years were answered, when our Smithville, OH) for bringing the dear Betty Marquart (Walter) Word of Life to us. made her beginning. We rejoice Our sympathy goes out to Bro. with Tyler Atanasov (Bro. Novko Pete and Sis. Linda Webel in the & Sis. Julie), as he makes his loss of their brother-in-law, Martin beginning in repentance. Often, we view baptism as a goal, a pinnacle to reach. Recently, we were reminded that baptism is not a pinnacle in life, but rather a trailhead. It’s the beginning of the journey. The old brothers still say, “They made a good beginning, and we wish them a good end!” Six souls took this step of baptism this month. They are Bro. Jeriah Riggenbach (Bro. Bob & Sis. Lorie), Bro. Joel and Bro. Jesse Stoller (Bro. Eric & Sis. Melanie), Bro. Kenny Ramsier (Bro. Joe & Sis. Kendra), Bro. Connor Gasser (Bro. Mark & Sis. Jill), and Sis. Anne Beery (Bro. Aaron & Sis. Lynne). This past month, several of our loved ones spent time in the hospital. We pray for a healthy recovery to Sis. Velma Rufener (Bro. Elton), Bro. Ed Riggenbach (Sis. Anita), Bro. Mike Katanic (Sis. Heather), Bro. Connor Gasser (Bro. Mark & Sis. Jill), and Sis. Delores Bauman (Marion) who is spending the winter in Florida. We thank those ministering brothers who went forward to make a beginning, to offer a prayer, or to confirm the Word spoken from the pulpit. Thank you Elder Bro. John Jackson (Bay City, MI), Elder Bro. Steve Ringger (Bluffton North, IN), Elder Bro. Vic Bauman (Smithville, OH), Bro. Adam Uhler (Smithville, OH), Bro. Matt Feucht (Roanoke, IL), Bro. Todd Stoller (Latty, OH), Bro. Bill Brake (Sardis, OH), Bro. Nathan Rassi (St. Louis, MO), Bro. Randy Gasser (Detroit, MI), Bro. Doug Harmon (Toledo, OH),. Finally, we come to the end of life. The “beginnings” have ended. Yet, this final change is also the beginning of a new stage in life for their loved ones who remain. We extend our sympathy to Sis. Mardel Dotterer (Bro. Bob) in the passing of her mother, Sis. Marguerite Stoller (Latty, OH), and to Sis. Marie Bauman, Richard Bauman (Gladys), Marion Bauman (Sis. Delores), Kenny Bauman (Shirley), and Harold Bauman (Sharon) in the passing of their brother-in-law, Bro. Jim Beres (Sis. Lois, Phoenix, AZ). Ohio, Sardis Faith Beard, Joy Indermuhle The fall months brought much activity for our congregation, and following Christmas, we have enjoyed a slower pace. It is good to use this time for a refreshing of the mind and body. Our church family gathered for a soup supper, evening of activities, and singing on New Year’s Eve. We thank those who hosted our evening. January is the month for our annual business meeting. We thank our outgoing brethren for their service to our church: Bro. Jeb Joos, Bro. Anthony Amos, and Sis. Cyndi Figel. Those filling their positions are: Bro. Matt Brake, Bro. Andy Figel, and Sis. Kristy Joos. We give them our prayerful support as they take up the work they’ve been called to do. As part of our meeting this year, we discussed our hope to begin building our new fellowship hall as the Lord wills. New property for this building was purchased several years ago and in 2015 we were able to have the grading done to prepare for building. We trust God will continue to direct us as we look forward to this project. “Another year is dawning, Dear Master, let it be, In working or in waiting, Another year with Thee. Another year of service, Of witness for Thy love; Another year of training For holier work above.” Another Year is Dawning, Hymns of Zion, #150, vs. 1,4 Ohio, Smithville Kara Stoller, Millie Stoller Congratulations to Bro. Dan and Sis. Olivia Zollinger on the birth of their first child. A son, Alex Camden was born on December 31. Thankful grandparents are Bro. John and Sis. Marge Zollinger, and Bro. Ed and Sis. Laura Ramsey (Mansfield, OH). We also share in the joy with Sis. Sue Saurer (late Bro. Roger) on the birth of a grandson, Preston Roger. This precious gift arrived on December 31 to Bro. Todd and Sis. Esther (Columbus, OH) and to siblings, Clayton and Moriah. We are thankful to share the good news that Toby, Clark and Rosemary Stoller (Bro. Scott and Sis. Charlene) have each made the most important decision of life. They have turned their hearts to the Lord, repented, and accepted February 2016 SILVER LINING 45 the gift of salvation through Jesus. We rejoice with this family. Our hearts hurt for those that lost a dear husband, father and brother in recent days. Bro. Bob Ramsier (Sis. Inez) finished his race on December 17. We extend sympathy to his children: Sis. Sandra Manz (Bro. Paul, Junction, OH), Sis. Connie Maletich (Bro. Dave), Ronda Ramsier (Jack McGroder), Bro. Mark Ramsier (Sis. Alice, Sardis, OH), Bro. Tim Ramsier (Sis. Joni, Rittman, OH) and Sharon Floyd (Russell), as well as his two surviving brothers, Bro. Wallace Ramsier (Mansfield, OH) and Bro. Jim Ramsier (Sis. Dorothy). Many from our congregation have experienced recent hospital stays. We are so thankful at times like these for the gift of prayer - for access, through Jesus, to an almighty, all-capable God. Our thoughts have been toward Bethany Marty (Bro. Ed and Sis. Elaine), Bro. Herb Bauman, Bro. Myron Weber (Sis. Darlene), Sis. Delphine Nieman, Bro. George Schuster (Sis. Carol), Bro. Steve Bauman (Sis. Connie) and Sis. Jane Hartzler (Bro. Ken.) Thank you to visiting ministers Bro. Dana Nieman (Sis. Lea, Remington, IN) and Bro. Lucas Frank (Sis. Crystal, Detroit, MI). We hope all our visitors feel welcome to come back often. Ohio, Toledo Deanna Manz, Jenny Manz There was much excitement and thankfulness in the household 46 SILVER LINING February 2016 of Bro. Brad and Sis. Holli Shields as they welcomed Hannah Claire into their family on January 16. Delighted siblings are Isaac, Haven, Micah, Joseph, Titus, Lewis and Malachi. May the Lord bless each one as they adjust to the changes a new baby brings! We lift up our Sis. Clara Beard in prayer as she has spent time in the hospital. May God grant her healing according to His will. Ontario, Kitchener Johanna Fortenbacher “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself spotted from the world.” James 1:27 Some of us may not think twice about this verse until it hits home. Our widow, Sis. Margaret Fortenbacher, had a fall due to a heart condition and was in the hospital for a few days. Thank God she is well enough to be at home again, but is looking forward to getting better and especially coming to church again. We pray that God will heal her enough and we are looking forward to seeing her back. We had our Christmas supper and program and thank all the visitors who came. We appreciated the ministers that came here this month. They are: Bros. Warren Schlatter (Sis. Cindy, Junction, OH), Bro. Randy Gasser (Sis. Sue, Detroit, MI), Ned Stoller (Sis. Heidi, Alto, MI), Bro. Tim Ramsier (Sis. Joni, Rittman, OH). God bless you all for coming. Oregon, Portland Louisa Gallup On December 25, David Rumbold, 64, passed away just ten days after his wife had passed from this life as well. Like Debbie, David also had suffered from a chronic health condition for years. They had been married for 37 years. David was a Vietnam veteran and served in the army for a year. Our hearts and prayers go out to their children, Nicole (Dan) Hanke and Bryce, who have a heavy load of sorrow to bear within such a short time span. David was preceded in death by his parents, Bro. Paul and Sis. Ann. Beside his children, he is survived by his siblings: Sis. Judie (Bro. Ed) Knecht, Eureka, IL and Jerry (Sharon) Rumbold, Sherwood, OR; and also by his two granddaughters, Alera and Hailey (not just one granddaughter as I erroneously stated in the January article). May The Lord give them comfort and strength in the days ahead. Bro. Rollin Nussbaum became a grandparent for the first time, as his daughter, Addie, and her husband, Wes Kostellic from Naperville, IL, had their first baby, Lola Jane. We wish them much joy and health as they raise their little girl. And safe travels and a blessed time for Bro. Rollin as he plans to visit there. We offer our thanks to the visiting song leaders and ministers from Silverton, OR this past month. The ministers from there were: Bro. Don Sinn (Sis. Linda), Bro. Chris Kuenzi (Sis. Mary) and Bro. Harvey Kuenzi (Sis. Jennifer). You are all very much appreciated. Oregon, Silverton Kelsey Walder, Ann Kuenzi Bro. Kenton and Sis. Alicen Sinn have a new son named, William Thomas, born December 18. Big sister Olivia is quite excited, as well as her grandparents, Bro. Tom and Sis. Edith Sinn and Bro. Colin and Sis. Barb Wagenbach (OakvilleMediapolis, IA). We are encouraged to know that Jake Johnson (Damon and Alex) expresses he is at peace with God and man. We are so thankful for each soul that feels this beautiful gift from God. Bro. Lynn Kuenzi (Sis. Marilyn) has been in the hospital, but is thankfully now doing well. Our sympathy goes out to Jason and Carol Schurter and their family, as Carol has recently lost her mother. Prayers are desired for this dear couple. On an incredibly beautiful day, Sunday January 10, we witnessed the marriage of Bro. Jesse Te Slaa and Sis. Kari Kuenzi. May God bless them with joy and hearts that grow closer in His love. We are rejoicing that Ben Folia (Bro. Peter and Sis. Elizabeth) has decided to walk with the Lord. What a blessing when each one turns their heart over to Jesus. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Laura Isch We rejoice with Bro. Tyler and Sis. Mallory Lanz as they welcome Cameron John into their home. He was born on December 21. Thankful grandparents are Bro. John and Sis. Kay Lanz. On January 17, we held our annual church business meeting. It is a blessing to see how each one can be used by God for His glory and to further His kingdom! We know that the Lord has work for all who are willing. May God bless us all and remind us to do our best in whatever duties He has called us! Tennessee, Nashville Buck & Taunia Henry I was humbly reminded of “Love thy neighbor as thyself” as I counted the fifth time that a perfect stranger paid for my lunch in the last few months...4 times at drive thru’s and once at a sit-down restaurant! What an amazing feeling to get up to the register and hear the cashier say, “Your bill has already been paid!” In this world with so much unrest, hatred, and pain, it is so encouraging to feel the love of a good neighbor — love from even a perfect stranger! It reflects the way that Christ died for us while we were yet sinners — before we even knew Him, He paid our debt. There is still hope in this dark world and we can smile when we see people shining their light to help bless someone else’s day.... We feel Christ’s love. Let us so shine that men may see our good works and glorify our Father which is in Heaven. We are so thankful for the visiting ministers who traveled to serve us this month: Bro. Ed Fritz (Sis. Barb, Washington, IL), Bro. Dan Beer (Sis. Deb, Milford, IN), Bro. Samuel Schlatter (Sis. Linda, Junction, OH), Bro. Ned Bahler (Sis. Anna, Fairbury, IL). We were also blessed with visitors from Junction, Forrest, Fairbury, and Cissna Park. As a small church, we are privileged to be awakened to the importance of our brotherhood as a whole as we depend on the rest of the body for ministry, support, and growth. We would earnestly ask for your prayers as we seek to bear fruit in our communities and help spread the Good News of the Gospel of Christ. We welcome any who feel called to labor in a new area to consider Nashville. In the heart of the country, we have seen God’s heart and hand here as He opens doors and calls to all who will hear. May His name be glorified! If you are traveling to or through the Nashville area, please plan to worship with us. Often we gather on Saturday evenings for fellowship, and all are heartily welcome. Please contact us to confirm the schedule. Also, we typically meet on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 p.m. for call-in services and would welcome any midweek visitors. Contacts: Bro. Buck Henry 615-920-9584 buck@ forhisglorypublishing.com or Bro. Don Sauder 615-351-7734 don. sauder@juno.com. February 2016 SILVER LINING 47 The Nashville Guesthouse is available for free accommodations to all those traveling through. Please contact Bro. Buck for reservations. Texas, Austin Candy Meiss Sending our Love and Greetings from Austin! It is another beautiful day in Austin! It was a little chilly this morning at 39 degrees, but the sun is shining and it is warming up. Recently we have been blessed from the Word by the following visiting ministers: Bro. Mark Streitmatter (Bloomington-Normal, IL), Bro. Matthew Steffen (Sis. Deanna and children, Princeville, IL), Bro. Darren Plattner (Sis. Sue, Champaign, IL), and Bro. Marshall Heinold (Sis. Janice, Washington, IL). We are looking forward to visiting ministers in the following weeks from Minneapolis and Lamont-Gridley. We are thankful that the Austin congregation has been selected to work with the Church Establishment Committee (CEC), under HarvestCall. This committee has been developed to come alongside smaller churches like Austin to help facilitate becoming healthy, viable churches in areas such as: critical mass attendance, spiritual and relational vibrancy, and financial independence. Another exciting development for our Austin church is that HarvestCall has selected an area not far from our church for the winter work teams. We look forward to 48 SILVER LINING February 2016 opportunities provided by having volunteers come to Texas. We are thankful for families that are planning to move to Austin this year and ask for your prayers as they look for homes and jobs in the area. We love the children from Stony Point as they continue to come to church and learn about Jesus through songs, stories and crafts. They love the fellowship and food and it’s exciting to have them as part of our church family here in Austin. We are so thankful for our visitors and encourage everyone passing through to stop and worship with us! Please refer to our minister’s directory for directions and contacts. Texas, Dallas-Ft. Worth Services are generally being held the second Sunday of each month at the Holiday Inn Express, 4450 W. John Carpenter Freeway, Irving, TX. There are several singles and couples who gather and enjoy visitors. Please call ahead to verify. Bros. Wayne Banwart (217-493-2383), Leland Plattner (956-265-0351), or Dennis Rassi (512-321-2345). Texas, McAllen Kristi Plattner Serving us this past month were the following ministers: Bro. Dan Stoller (Sis. Debra, Remington, IN), and Bro. Barry Dietz (Sis. Rachel, Bradford, IL). We also appreciated retired minister Bro. Kenneth Dietz (Sis. Mardell, Bradford, IL) in assisting with the services. We enjoyed all those that came down to be with us. We bid farewell to Sis. Anni Davidovics as her travel assignment has now come to an end. We thoroughly enjoyed her fellowship. We welcome anyone coming to South Texas. If interested in housing on South Padre Island or in McAllen while visiting the McAllen area, please contact us for further details. Occasionally there is a schedule change, so if you plan to be with us on Sunday, please verify the date by calling the Plattner’s at 956-607-8329 or you may access www.harvestcall.org and view the updated minister rotation schedule. Sunday services are held at 10:30 and 12:30 at the Smart iStay Hotel, 1921 South 10th St. Please note that the name of the hotel is no longer Holiday Inn Express. Take the 10th Street Exit off I-83 and go 1½ blocks south. Please see the ministers’ directory for local contact information. Texas, Zapata Mary Plattner We offer many thanks to the brothers have who traveled to South Texas to share the Word. Bro. Barry Dietz (Sis. Rachel, Bradford IL) and Retired Minister Bro. Kenny Dietz (Sis. Mardell, Bradford, IL) spent a weekend with us. Bro. Wayne Fehr (Sis. Kathy, West Bend IA) retired elder, has arrived for the winter. Bro. Wayne has been serving on the pulpit when we have no visiting minister. Our thoughts and prayers go to Bro. Tom Schrenk (Sis. Joann, Alto, MI) who usually spends the winters with us where Bro. Tom serves on the pulpit. He has not been able to travel this year due to medical reasons. If anyone is coming to South Texas, please call and make plans to spend some time with us. Vermont, Clarendon Nathan and Miriam Reutter Writer’s block is a serious problem when a deadline is looming. The mental hesitation is paralyzing. The same can be said for the hesitation of the will and spirit. When there is a blockage of sin in a life, the spirit shrinks and the will recedes and a godliness block emerges. Then the deadline begins to appear: judgment day is coming. Oh what fear! But, then what refreshing when the wall of fear creating the blockage can be broken and spirit is once again free. The will becomes activated. Interest in God returns, and peace as a river flows through the soul. We have no visiting ministers to report this month, but the Word of God was preached and we were refreshed. We are grateful for those who have come at other times. But, we are especially thankful for Bro. Mark Hoffman, our home minister. Time and again he faithfully preaches the Word of God. Seven Laws of Dying to Self 1. When you are forgotten, or neglected, or purposely despise, and you don’t sting and hurt with the insult or the oversight but your heart is happy being counted worthy to suffer for Christ. That is dying to self. 2. When your good is evil spoken of, when your wishes are crossed, your advice disregarded, your opinions ridiculed, and you refuse to let anger rise in your heart or even defend yourself, but take it all in loving silence. That is dying to self. 3. When you lovingly and patiently bear any disorder, any irregularity, any unpunctuality, or any annoyance; when you stand face to face with waste, folly, extravagance, spiritual insensibility… and endure it all as Jesus endured it. That is dying to self. 4. When you are content with any food, any offering, any raiment, any climate, any society, any solitude, and any interruption by the will of God. That is dying to self. 5. When you never care to refer to yourself in conversation, or to record your own good works, or itch after commendation, when you can truly love to be unknown. That is dying to self. 6. When you can see your brother prosper and have his needs met, and can honestly rejoice with him in spirit and feel no envy nor question God, while your own needs are far greater and in desperate circumstances. That is dying to self. 7. When you can receive correction and reproof from someone of less stature than yourself, and can humbly submit inwardly as well as outwardly, finding no rebellion or resentment rising up within your heart. That is dying to self. Psalm 116:15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. February 2016 SILVER LINING 49 The News & Notices section of The Silver Lining provides a way for qualifying non-profit entities to make the brotherhood aware of church-related events, opportunities, needs, and services that would be of special interest to Apostolic Christian Church of America members and regular attendees. Email us at editor@acsilverlining.org for a copy of our advertising policy, which specifies who may advertise, sizes, file formats and deadlines. Congregation Updates News & Notices LISTEN TO SERMONS from over 30 Apostolic Christian congregations (and counting) on your smartphone, tablet or computer on the new sermon system CENTRAL also includes current and past issues of The Silver Lining On your mobile device • Download AC Central app from Google Play or Apple’s App store On your computer • Go to accentral.apostolicchristian.org or visit a specific congregation’s website If your church is considering making its sermons available online through AC Central, visit apostolicchristian.org/sermons to learn more or sign up. I Have Chosen You “Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. These things I command you, that ye love one another.” John 15:15-17 50 SILVER LINING February 2016 February 2016 SILVER LINING 50 Alternate Houseparent Couple Needed - Gateway Woods Houseparenting at Gateway Woods offers an opportunity for a couple, directed of the Lord, to come to work in a full-time on going ministry at Gateway Woods. Due to a change in staff, we have a need for an Alternate Houseparent couple. This position offers competitive wages and generous benefits and a close relationship with brothers and sisters whose hearts and lives are dedicated to a common mission with an eternal reward. If you feel the call to explore this possibility, please call one of the brothers listed below. “…there is absolutely a richness in serving as a family. We have been amazed in seeing how God’s Word holds true in any situation.” -Jon & Beth Ringger Clint Plattner Residential Program Manager PO Box 125, Leo, IN 46765 888.443.4283 clint.plattner@gatewaywoods.org Lynn Stieglitz Counseling Elder 15417 Doty Rd. New Haven, IN 46774 260.466.6712 lynnstieg@gmail.com Summer Internships Available – Home for the Handicapped The Home for the Handicapped is once again offering a summer internship program for college age students interested in pursuing a number of various careers. Possible areas of interest include social work, accounting, nursing, activities, maintenance management, and human resources. This would be a tremendous opportunity to learn more about the vision and mission of ACHH, be used in God’s service, and gain unique experience to aid in your future career. The program is flexible, so whether you are interested in investing two weeks, two months, or anything in between, we would love to hear from you. Accommodations and lodging may be available. If you have an interest, please contact: Jeremiah Psinas Human Resource Manager 2125 Veterans Rd. Morton, IL 61550 309-266-9781 jpsinas@achh.org February 2016 SILVER LINING 51 Education Intern Needed - Gateway Woods Gateway Woods is in need of a Education Intern for the summer. The Education Intern position offers the opportunity to grow deep relationships with Gateway Woods Staff, as well as the chance to grow as a teacher and spend a significant amount of one-on-one time with residents. If you feel the call to explore the possibilities and to have a positive impact in the lives of residents this summer, please call one of the brothers listed below: Adam McAfeeLynn Stieglitz Director of Education Counseling Elder PO Box 125, 15417 Doty Rd. Leo, IN 46765New Haven, IN 46774 888.443.4283260.466.6712 Adam.McAfee@gatewaywoods.org lynnstieg@gmail.com Summer Volunteer Coordinator Needed - Gateway Woods Gateway Woods is currently searching for a Summer Volunteer Coordinator. The Summer Volunteer Coordinator position offers the opportunity to grow deep relationships with fellow volunteers as well as Gateway Woods Staff and residents. If you feel the call to explore the possibilities, please call one of the brothers listed below: Clint PlattnerLynn Stieglitz Residential Program Manager Counseling Elder PO Box 125, 15417 Doty Rd. Leo, IN 46765New Haven, IN 46774 888.443.4283260.466.6712 Clint.Plattner@gatewaywoods.org lynnstieg@gmail.com Used Bible, Bible Story Book, and Song Book Distribution Used Bibles, Bible Story Books, Hymns of Zion, Zion’s Harp, Gospel Hymns, and Tabernacle Hymns are needed. AC Publications is now the collection center for your donated books. 651 E. Peoria St, Goodfield, IL 61742 52 SILVER LINING February 2016 February 2016 SILVER LINING 52 Top Quality Coordinator Needed - Gateway Woods Gateway Woods is in need of a Top Quality Coordinator for the summer. The Top Quality Coordinator position offers the opportunity to grow deep relationships with Gateway Woods Staff and summer volunteers, as well as the chance to spend a significant amount of one-on-one time with residents. If you feel the call to explore the possibilities and to have play a role in a group of residents lives this summer, please call one of the brothers listed below: Adam McAfeeLynn Stieglitz Director of Education Counseling Elder PO Box 125, 15417 Doty Rd. Leo, IN 46765New Haven, IN 46774 888.443.4283260.466.6712 Adam.McAfee@gatewaywoods.orglynnstieg@gmail.com Renters still needed for St. Louis Home near Church Within the St. Louis congregation, they are still praying that God will lead a family, couple or single(s) to relocate to the area and become part of their church family. A newly renovated, 3-bedroom home, that is located across the parking lot from the church, is available to rent immediately. Expressing Interest Anyone who is interested is encouraged to contact Ministering Bro. Loren Schrenk at 314.994.1944 or seeclear@swbell.net. Interested parties should have a: 1. servant heart - willingness to serve and support a smaller Apostolic Christian Church, 2. integrity - demonstrate high spiritual standards and be a committed Christ-follower, 3. willingness to support local church efforts (understand the current outreach efforts within the church and work with established brethren), 4. receive support from your local elder. If you e-mail, please include your name, contact information and a brief description of why you are interested (and feel that God is calling you to the area). Light from the Word Now available by downloadable PDF from the Apostolic Christian Publication website: www.acpublications.org After entering the website, click on the item located at the left hand frame entitled, “Light from the Word Reprints”. The entire set of editorials are available in a complete download (June 1987 to current). February 2016 SILVER LINING 53 Support the A.C. Home for the Handicapped An evening where you can sit back and enjoy the Musical Talent of the *Schrenk Sisters* *Heritage Gospel Quartet* *Illinois High School Choir* Saturday, April 30, 2016 @ Five Points, Washington, IL 6:00pm - 8:30pm Can’t Attend? Join us Live Streaming on the Internet @ www.midwestgospelsing.org *Free will offering - No ticket needed* worship / testimony / congregational singing / fellowship 54 SILVER LINING February 2016 Tennessee Fellowship Weekend Planned May 28-29, 2016 The Athens, Alabama church invites all to come and join them for the 2016 Tennessee Fellowship Weekend on May 28-29. Throughout the weekend, the theme will be centered on relationships — our personal relationship with Jesus and our relationships within our families, with brothers and sisters in our churches, our workplaces and communities. Ultimately, we want our relationships to reflect the love of Jesus and share His gospel message so that all may come to know him personally. New this year – On Saturday morning, we will be coordinating a work project locally for anyone who is interested and would like to come early. More details will be forthcoming. Beginning at 2 p.m., an auction will again be held at the Tennessee Fellowship Area followed by time to fellowship and eat supper. For the auction, donated items will be greatly appreciated. In the evening, enjoy congregational and special group singing and a speaker. On Sunday, worship with the Athens church beginning at 10 a.m. Afternoon activities resume at the Fellowship area at 3:30 p.m. and include singing, fellowship and a second speaker. We hope you will plan to attend this uplifting weekend filled with spiritual insights, fellowship and singing to glorify God. Reservations for overnight accommodations can be made at the hotels listed below. Additionally, there are electric and water hookups for campers at the Fellowship area. Contact Sis. Lisa Aschliman as listed below for more information. Choirs, Quartets and Ensembles – If any of you are interested in attending the 2016 weekend, please contact Bro. Phil Witzig as listed below. For questions, please contact any of the coordinators below. Also, please RSVP to any of the following names before Friday, May 6: Bro. Bruce or Sis. Lisa Aschliman – (260)824-5160 or bash412002@yahoo.com Bro. Phil or Cindy Witzig - 309.263.0152 or pwitzig@kuhlco.com Bro. Mark or Sis. Rebekah Klaus - 256.777.7777 or flyhi55@aol.com Bro. Daron or Sis. Monica Price – 256.445.2853 or daron.price@gmail.com Bro. Matthew or Sis. Kristy Moore - chewchew27@aol.com Sis. Gwen Leuthold - 615.969.0958 or leutholdg@aol.com Bro. Tom or Sis. Sue Waldbeser - 770.463.4788 or twald2010@att.net Tennessee Fellowship Area Hotels: Motel 6 (931)363-4501 Athens, Alabama Area Hotels Best Western (256)233-4030 Travel Inn (256)232-2704 Fairfield Inn (256)233-4530 Days Inn (800)329-7466 or (256)233-7500 Quality Inn (800)424-6423 or (256)232-0030 Hampton Inn (256)232-2377 Sleep Inn (256)232-4700 Super 8 (256)233-1446 Holiday Inn Express (800)465-4329 or (256)232-7931 February 2016 SILVER LINING 55 Communications Coordinator Needed - Gateway Woods Gateway Woods is seeking a brother or sister desiring to serve as the Communications Coordinator. This position is open to full-time applicants and offers the opportunity to use one’s creativity, organization and communications skills to further the ministry. If you are organized and able to meet deadlines, have strong communication skills, and are a motivated self-starter, please contact one of the brothers listed below for more information and a job description. Chad Kaeb Development Director PO Box 151, Leo, IN 46765 888.443.4283 chad.kaeb@gatewaywoods.org Lynn Stieglitz Counseling Elder 15417 Doty Rd., New Haven, IN 46774 Cell: 260.466.6712 lynnstieg@gmail.com Assistant Houseparent Needed - Gateway Woods Gateway Woods currently has an opening for a single sister to work in a full-time ministry with troubled children. The Assistant Houseparent position offers competitive wages and generous benefits and a close relationship with brothers and sisters whose hearts and lives are dedicated to a mission with an eternal reward. If you feel the call to explore the possibilities, please call one of the brothers listed below: Ed GrafLynn Stieglitz Executive DirectorCounseling Elder PO Box 151 15417 Doty Rd. Leo, IN 46765 New Haven, IN 46774 888.443.4283Cell: 260.466.6712 ed.graf@gatewaywoods.orglynnstieg@gmail.com 515 E. Highland Street, Morton, IL 61550 Tel: (309) 263-5536 Fax: (309) 263-6841 www.accounseling.org ACCFS has numerous resources to assist someone who is going through a wide range of hurts and emotions, from the pain of loss to worry, loneliness, anger, stress, and others. Each resource, either created by or reviewed by ACCFS staff, is meant to assist in identifying the challenges of these powerful emotions and in bringing our actions into obedience to God’s Word. For these resources, please visit our website at www.accounseling.org/hurtsandemotions. 56 SILVER LINING February 2016 House Parenting Opportunity at CVE in Mexico CVE endeavors to provide Life and Hope to emotionally wounded Mexican children within the context of a Christ-centered family campus environment. The ministry presently is seeking married couples or singles who are willing to answer the call and share their God-given spiritual gifts in the harvest as houseparents. Houseparents have the opportunity to live with the children, share the gospel through daily nurturing, and endeavor to help break cycles of abuse or neglect from which many have come. As one houseparent was quoted “To see the miracle that the Lord has done and is doing in the lives of hurting children has been one of the greatest blessings of our lives. It’s the fulfillment of our purpose here on earth, to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those that desperately need Him.” The CVE campus is located on the edge of Magdalena, MX and offers a secured 50-acre ranch inclusive of seven homes, a school, a church, and an active agricultural operation. Historically, many of the houseparents have been younger, but more experienced couples are also encouraged to seek direction to join the CVE ministry. Experienced parents often bring stability and a seasoned perspective. While knowing the Spanish language would be very valuable, it is not essential. The most important is having a desire to learn, both the language and the culture of the people we serve. Language training is provided. Please pray for CVE, their ministry to the children, and the community of Magdalena. Pray that God will raise up brothers and sisters to serve. If you have questions or interest please contact: Bill Schick at: cvemexico@gmail.com or Kirk Plattner at: kirk@acmission.org Bible Distribution: Sharing His Word in Love Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people. Psalm 96:3 Together we can provide Bibles for seeking people. This may be someone you attend school with, someone you work with, or someone God has shown you at a gas station. Bibles and approved Bible story Books are available. Carrying a New Testament to distribute can help you remember what our real task is. To order, contact: Apostolic Christian Church Bible Distribution 651 E. Peoria Street, Goodfield, IL 61742 Phone: 309-965-2141 bibledistribution@acpublications.org February 2016 SILVER LINING 57 Mexico Work Teams Location Magdalena Construction Year 2015 Nov 21 - 28 Location Location Magdalena Magdalena Construction Construction Year 2015 Year21 2016 Nov - 28 Jan 9 - 16 Location Magdalena Magdalena Construction Construction Year 2016 13 20 Feb9 6 - -13 Jan - 16 Magdalena Magdalena Construction Construction Feb - -13 Mar65 Feb 13 -12 20 Magdalena Magdalena Construction Magdalena Construction Feb Mar13 5 -- 20 12 Mar 19 - 26 Magdalena Construction Magdalena Reynosa Construction Construction Mar 5 - 12 Magdalena Construction Reynosa Magdalena Construction Construction Mar 19 - 26 Reynosa Construction Magdalena Magdalena Construction Construction Mar 19 - 26 Magdalena Construction Magdalena Reynosa Construction Construction Magdalena Construction Reynosa Magdalena Construction Construction Reynosa Construction Mar 26 - Apr 2 Magdalena Magdalena Construction Construction Magdalena Construction Magdalena Scheduling Questions? Construction Magdalena Construction Coordinator Coordinator Rod Schmidt Bruce Frank 303-718-1432 217-375-4346 rod.schmidt@watershedfoods.com bfrank@ksiconveyors.com Coordinator Coordinator Rod Schmidt Troy BruceLanz Frank 303-718-1432 217-202-5959 217-375-4346 rod.schmidt@watershedfoods.com troy@lanzinc.com bfrank@ksiconveyors.com Coordinator JonFrank Baner Troy Lanz Bruce 309-532-9435 217-202-5959 217-375-4346 bfrank@ksiconveyors.com jon.baner@gmail.com troy@lanzinc.com Mexico Work Teams Year 2015 Year Nov 212016 - 28 Feb 13 Jan 96 -- 16 Magdalena Magdalena Construction Construction Magdalena Construction Coordinator Rod Schmidt Updated 10/07/15 303-718-1432 Mexico Work Teams rod.schmidt@watershedfoods.com Location Location Magdalena Magdalena Construction Construction Construction Updated 10/07/15 Mar 19 - 26 Mar 19 - 26 Mar 19 - 26 Mar 26 - Apr 2 Mar 26 - Apr 2 Apr 2 - 9 Apr 2 - 9 June 4 - 11 Apr 2 - 9 June 4 - 11 Jun 11 - 18 June 4 - 11 Jun 11 - 18 Jul 2 - 9 Jun 11 - 18 Jul 2 - 9 Jul 9 - 16 Jul 2 - 9 Jul 9 - 16 Jul 9 - 16 Scheduling Questions? Scheduling Questions? Troy Lanz Gabe Meiss Jon Baner 217-202-5959 ISU 309-532-9435 troy@lanzinc.com 309-222-7819 jon.baner@gmail.com gabe.meiss@gmail.com JonGabe Baner Meiss 309-532-9435 Dean Sinn ISU jon.baner@gmail.com Silverton Bible Class 309-222-7819 503-873-4622 gabe.meiss@gmail.com Gabe Meiss deansinn@yahoo.com ISUDean Sinn 309-222-7819 Linc Rinkenberger Silverton Bible Class gabe.meiss@gmail.com Bluffton/BN Senior Class 503-873-4622 rinkfamily@adamswells.com deansinn@yahoo.com Dean Sinn 260-273-3566 Silverton Bible Class Linc Rinkenberger 503-873-4622 Greg Moser Senior Class Bluffton/BN deansinn@yahoo.com Roanoke Jr/Sr Sunday School rinkfamily@adamswells.com 309-923-5791 260-273-3566 Linc Rinkenberger gsmoser@frontier.com Bluffton/BN Senior Class Greg Moser rinkfamily@adamswells.com Joe Beer Jr/Sr Sunday School Roanoke 260-273-3566 Leo Bible Class 309-923-5791 jhbeer@gmail.com gsmoser@frontier.com Greg Moser 260-466-5461 Roanoke Jr/Sr Sunday School Joe Beer 309-923-5791 ChadBible Massner Leo Class gsmoser@frontier.com Taylor Bible Class jhbeer@gmail.com cmassner@yahoo.com Joe260-466-5461 Beer Leo217-440-9427 Bible Class jhbeer@gmail.com Chad Massner 260-466-5461 Jeff Stoller Taylor Bible Class Morton Bible Class cmassner@yahoo.com Chad Massner 309-202-6468 217-440-9427 Taylor Bible Class drjeff@stollerdds.com cmassner@yahoo.com Jeff Stoller 217-440-9427 Jim Rieker Morton Bible Class Peoria Bible Class 309-202-6468 Jeffdrjeff@stollerdds.com Stoller 309-231-7400 Morton Bible Class jrieker@sbcglobal.net 309-202-6468 Jim Rieker drjeff@stollerdds.com Benj Knapp Peoria Bible Class Washington Bible Class 309-231-7400 Jim Rieker knappfam6@gmail.com jrieker@sbcglobal.net Peoria Bible Class 309-208-7450 309-231-7400 Benj Knapp jrieker@sbcglobal.net Contact MikeBible Fiechter Washington Class mfiechter@onlyinternet.net knappfam6@gmail.com Benj Knapp 260-597-7330 309-208-7450 Washington Bible Class knappfam6@gmail.com Contact Mike Fiechter 309-208-7450 mfiechter@onlyinternet.net 260-597-7330 Contact Mike Fiechter mfiechter@onlyinternet.net 260-597-7330 Haiti Medical Work Teams Project Year 2016 Coordinator Capacity Bonne Finn, Haiti Jan 9 - 16 Lydia Bertschi 8 Hospital Lumiere Inventory Team 309-253-0402 Haiti Medical Work Teams lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Project Year 2016 Coordinator Capacity Bonne Finn, Haiti Jan Feb 9 13- -16 20 Lydia Bertschi 8 Hospital Lumiere 309-253-0402 Inventory Team General Medical lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Bonne Finn, Haiti Feb Mar 13 12 -- 20 19 Lydia Bertschi Hospital Lumiere 309-253-0402 General Medical Eye Specialty lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Bonne Finn, Haiti Mar Apr 912- -1619 Lydia Bertschi Hospital Lumiere 309-253-0402 Eye Specialty Dental Team lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Bonne Finn, Haiti Apr May 97 -- 16 14 Lydia Bertschi Hospital Lumiere 309-253-0402 Dental Cancer Team Screening lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Bonne Finn, Haiti May 7 --14 Jun 11 18 Lydia Bertschi Hospital Lumiere 309-253-0402 Cancer Screening Inventory Team lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Bonne Finn, Haiti Jun - 18 Jul 911 - 16 Lydia Bertschi Hospital Lumiere 309-253-0402 Inventory Team General Medical lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Bonne Finn, Haiti Jul - 16 Aug913 - 20 Lydia Bertschi Hospital Lumiere 309-253-0402 General Medical Well Child Visits lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Bonne Finn, Haiti Aug 13 - 17 20 Sep 10 Lydia Bertschi Hospital Lumiere 309-253-0402 Well Child Visits Cancer Screening lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Bonne Finn, Haiti Sep - 17 Oct 810- 15 Lydia Bertschi Hospital Lumiere 309-253-0402 Cancer Screening Dental Team lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Bonne Finn, Haiti Oct - 15 Nov 812 - 19 Lydia Bertschi Hospital Lumiere 309-253-0402 Dental NursingTeam Proficiencies lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Bonne Finn, Haiti Nov 12 - 17 19 Dec 10 Lydia Bertschi Hospital Lumiere 309-253-0402 Nursing Proficiencies Inventory Team lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Bonne Finn, Haiti Dec 10 - 17 Lydia Bertschi Hospital Lumiere 309-253-0402 Inventory Team lydiabertschi@yahoo.com HarvestCall Work Team Information We encourage anyone considering participating on a work team project to visit the HarvestCall website. Here you can review much content concerning upcoming projects, schedules, guidelines, waiver forms, travel and insurance information. For more information visit www.harvestcall.org/work-teams 58 SILVER LINING February 2016 8 8 8 8 8 Agricultural Les Cayes MEBSH/Ohio Les Cayes Construction MEBSH Haiti Support Les Cayes AWA Les Cayes Water Aid MEBSH/Bluffton Construction Les Cayes MEBSH/Silverton Construction Project Project Jan 2‐9 Nov 18 ‐ 23 Jan 8 ‐ 15 Dec 4 ‐ 11 Jan 29‐Feb 5 art.marlene.mueller@gmail.com Ron Palitto 12 330‐336‐5373 Jon Zeller ACWR‐CC Ronp@palittoconsulting.com 309‐266‐9009 jczeller1972@gmail.com Maurice Schaefer 4 309‐253‐9003 Lane Gerber 12 schaefs2@gmail.com 260‐241‐4099 lane.gerber@gmail.com Richard Kraft 12 503‐364‐3103 richard@kraftmasonryinc.com Coordinator Capacity Coordinator Capacity Haiti Work Teams ‐ Les Cayes Les Cayes Les Cayes SEED MEBSH/Ohio AWA Agricultural Construction Water Aid Year 2016 Year 2015 Feb 12‐19 Jan 2‐9 Nov 13 ‐ 20 Larry Kaufmann Ron Palitto Maurice Schaefer 815‐716‐6018 330‐336‐5373 309‐253‐9003 ljkaufmann@juno.com Ronp@palittoconsulting.com schaefs2@gmail.com 124 Feb 26 ‐ Mar 4 Les Cayes Jan 8 ‐ 15 Les Cayes Nov 13 ‐ 20 MEBSH/Roanoke AWA Haiti Trade Schools Construction Water Aid Vocational School Rich Bertschi Maurice Schaefer Andy Getz 309‐467‐2351 309‐253‐9003 574-870-5046 lemangm@mtco.com schaefs2@gmail.com andy@getzitdone.com 12 44 March 4 ‐ 11 Les Cayes Jan 29‐Feb 5 Les Cayes Nov 13 ‐ 21 Haiti Trade Schools MEBSH/Silverton SEED Vocational School Construction Agricultural Andy Getz Richard Kraft Art Mueller 574-870-5046 503‐364‐3103 608‐676‐4365 andy@getzitdone.com richard@kraftmasonryinc.com art.marlene.mueller@gmail.com 48 12 Les Cayes Les Cayes AWA SEED MEBSH Water Aid Agricultural Haiti Support March 4 ‐ 11 Feb 12‐19 Nov 18 ‐ 23 Maurice Schaefer Larry Kaufmann Jon Zeller 309‐253‐9003 815‐716‐6018 309‐266‐9009 schaefs2@gmail.com ljkaufmann@juno.com jczeller1972@gmail.com Les Cayes Les Cayes MEBSH/Peoria MEBSH/Roanoke MEBSH/Bluffton Construction Construction April 1 ‐ 8 Steve Leuthold Feb 26 ‐ Mar 4 Rich Bertschi Dec 4 ‐ 11 Lane Gerber 309‐645‐2208 309‐467‐2351 260‐241‐4099 sleuth@speerbank.com lemangm@mtco.com lane.gerber@gmail.com Apr 13 ‐ 18 Les Cayes March 4 ‐ 11 Project Year 2016 MEBSH Haiti Trade Schools Haiti Support Vocational School Les Cayes Jan 2‐9 MEBSH/Ohio April 19 ‐ 26 Les Cayes March 4 ‐ 11 Construction MEBSH AWA Maintenance Water Aid Les Cayes Jan 8 ‐ 15 AWA Les Cayes Water Aid MEBSH/Peoria Project JDV Construction Les Cayes Jon Zeller Andy Getz Coordinator 309‐266‐9009 574-870-5046 jczeller1972@gmail.com andy@getzitdone.com Ron Palitto 330‐336‐5373 Jon Zeller Maurice Schaefer Ronp@palittoconsulting.com 309‐266‐9009 309‐253‐9003 jczeller1972@gmail.com schaefs2@gmail.com Maurice Schaefer 309‐253‐9003 April 1 ‐ 8 JamaicaSteve Leuthold Work Teams schaefs2@gmail.com 309‐645‐2208 Year 2016 Coordinator Jun 10-18 Mark Lindberg Jan 29‐Feb 5 sleuth@speerbank.com Richard Kraft Year 2016 815-641-9065 Coordinator MEBSH/Silverton 503‐364‐3103 Dumay Jan 12-19 Mark.Lindberg@Hyatt.com Neil Bahler Les Cayes Apr 13 ‐ 18 Jon Zeller Construction richard@kraftmasonryinc.com Lifeline 1-815-848-3861 MEBSH 309‐266‐9009 Kingston Jun 18-25 Rick Plummer Construction/Concrete nbahler@gmail.com CCCD Haiti Support 419-399-4226 jczeller1972@gmail.com Les Cayes Feb 12‐19 Larry Kaufmann Dumay Jan 19-26 replum@windstream.net Darren Fehr SEED 815‐716‐6018 Lifeline 1-815-674-9363 Les Cayes April 19 ‐ 26 Jon Zeller IfAgricultural you are interested in sponsoring a ljkaufmann@juno.com work team to Jamaica Construction/Concrete dkfehr@maxwire.net MEBSH 309‐266‐9009 contact Loren Dettwyler at lmdettwyler@gmail.com Maintenance Les Cayes Feb 26 ‐ Mar 4 Rich Bertschi Dumay Jan26-Feb 2jczeller1972@gmail.com Paul Zimmerman Haiti Lifeline Work Teams 1-815-848-2173 309‐467‐2351 Lifeline MEBSH/Roanoke Construction/Concrete Construction Project Year 2016 Feb 12-19 2-9 Dumay Jan Les Cayes March 4 ‐ 11 Lifeline Haiti Trade Schools Construction Construction/Concrete Vocational School Feb 19-26 9-16 Dumay Jan Lifeline Les Cayes March 4 ‐ 11 Construction Construction/Concrete AWA Water Aid Dumay MEBSH/Peoria Dumay Construction pallan2@frontier.com lemangm@mtco.com Coordinator Reuben Stork Neil Bahler Andy Getz 1-217-898-3436 1-815-848-3861 574-870-5046 rdstork_85@yahoo.com nbahler@gmail.com 12 12 4 4 12 Capacity 40 12 Capacity 12 ACWR‐CC Latty Mansfield 12 SS 12 12 1212 Capacity 12 4 Medical Teams: Physicians, surgeons, anesthesiologists, pharmacists, laboratory techs, radiology techs, ultrasound techs, occupational and physical therapists, nurses and other specialists who are willing to assist with general medical and surgical care are invited to participate on weeklong medical teams. See the current schedule (including dates for 2016). Construction Teams: Electricians, cabinet makers, plumbers and carpenters are needed to continue the renovations. The work is great. This is an excellent opportunity to help in the work and become more familiar with the culture and Hospital Lumiere campus. See the current schedule. Church Ministers: The work at Hospital Lumiere is more than material and the needs are more than physical. The Hospital staff and the team workers understand the true objective is that all may come to know and glorify God through a born again life, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and living in obedience to the Bible. Apostolic Christian Church ministers are needed to assist in this role as they accompany medical and construction teams to Hospital Lumiere. Team ministers coordinate daily devotions and provide spiritual support for the team members, hospital staff, patients and their families. For more information contact Rich Bertschi at 309-467-2351 or hospitallumiere@harvestcall.org andy@getzitdone.com Matt Kinsinger Darren Fehr 1-847-774-4015 1-815-674-9363 Maurice Schaefer steffenstrahm@comcast.net dkfehr@maxwire.net 309‐253‐9003 schaefs2@gmail.com Jan26-Feb 2 Paul Zimmerman Lifeline Les Cayes April 1 ‐ 8 Construction/Concrete 12 12 ACWR‐CC 4 Capacity Haiti Lifeline Work Teams CCCD Project 4 12 ACWR‐CC Haiti Volunteers Are Needed 12 4 12 Haiti Awareness Tours 1-815-848-2173 Steve Leuthold pallan2@frontier.com 12 309‐645‐2208 Reuben Stork sleuth@speerbank.com Feb 2-9 12 If you’d like to see the ministry of Hospital Lumière and other Haiti projects in person, but do not have Lifeline 1-217-898-3436 Construction rdstork_85@yahoo.com the time or desire to participate in a week-longACWR‐CC work team, please consider our new Awareness Tours. Les Cayes Apr 13 ‐ 18 Jon Zeller MEBSH 309‐266‐9009 These giveKinsinger interested parties12 the opportunity to meet our missionary families, learn Dumay are quick trips Feb 9-16that Matt Haiti Support jczeller1972@gmail.com Lifeline 1-847-774-4015 more about the hospital, see the completed renovations and work in process, and visit some of the other Construction steffenstrahm@comcast.net Les Cayes April 19 ‐ 26 Jon Zeller 12 are scheduled, as needed, based upon demand, currently HarvestCall projects in southern Haiti. These trips MEBSH 309‐266‐9009 the next two are scheduled for Mar. 4-9, and Sept. 24-28, 2016. Maintenance jczeller1972@gmail.com To learn more, contact: Rich Bertschi at 309.467.2351 or hospitallumiere@harvestcall.org or Rick Wuethrich at 219.863.4163 or rick@wuethrichfarms.com February 2016 SILVER LINING 59 Christian Guesthouse and Worship Services in Rochester, MN Accommodations for Mayo Clinic outpatients and families: Three bedrooms with private baths, laundry, kitchen and family room area. Sunday Service: Mid-week Service: (by request only) 10:00 AM and 12:30 PM For information and reservations, contact caretakers: Bro. Mark and Sis. Sandy Stork 4733 Birdie Lane NW, Rochester, MN 55901 (507) 288-0072 (held on 3rd Wednesday in Rochester area) For information, contact: Bro. Jim and Sis. Deb Tilbury (507) 281-2875 For church services schedule please visit www.acmission.org/minister-rotation Mature Mentors Needed – The New Beginnings of Southwest Florida Mentoring at The New Beginnings is a way for those who feel called to share God’s unconditional love with hurting single mothers and their children. The New Beginnings is looking for mentor couples who are outreach-minded and called by God to come join us in building relationships with these mothers. We currently are looking for a couple who are in their 50’s or 60’s to serve with us in Florida. We see a massive benefit to having mentors of all ages support the moms in our program, especially those who can fill a “Grandma and Grandpa” roll to these women who’ve never had grandparents. Please prayerfully consider this mission and helping single mothers. Contact us for more information concerning this opportunity. The New Beginnings 4810 Marine Dr., Cape Coral FL, 33904 Phone: 239.541.4312 | Email: thenewbeginningsofswfl@yahoo.com Interested in receiving a printed sermon? To order, contact: Printed Sermons P.O. Box 154, Forrest, IL 61741 (815) 848-5113 • printedsermons@gmail.com 60 SILVER LINING February 2016 Bible Studies offered by the Apostolic Christian Church Jesus the True Vine [1501] This Bible Study focuses on John 15:1-8 and is intended for a general audience. Price: $4.50 Communication in Marriage [1502] This is a Bible Study that is designed specifically for use by engaged or married couples. Price: $4.50 Who Is Jesus [1503] This Bible Study is for general use and is designed to encourage self-study by each participant as well as discussion within a group. Price: $4.50 The Second Greatest Commandment [1504] This Bible study seeks to illuminate our understanding of Bible teachings about interpersonal relationships. Price: $4.50 The Hand of God in the Life of Joseph [1505] We see the hand of God in the life of Joseph, which demonstrates how God’s goodness is active in the lives of his people. Price: $4.50 Salvation Bible Study [1510] This Bible study on Salvation is interactive with the Word of God. You will be looking up the answers in His Word to see what He says. Price: $4.50 NEW BIBLE STUDY AVAILABLE Church Establishment [1507] This Bible study explores the purpose and mission of establishing churches within the biblical mandates of the Great Commission as given by Christ. Price: $4.50 For additional information and ordering visit www.acpublications.org Apostolic Christian Publications - 651 East Peoria St., Goodfield, IL 61742 Patient Care Manager Needed at Hospital Lumiere ospital Lumiere is seeking a qualified person to be assigned as Patient Care Manager of the hospital in Bonne Fin, Haiti. This is full-time position. H management capability, be able to learn the Creole language, be a member of the Apostolic Christian Church and be willing to relocate to Haiti for a term of up to 5 years. Description The duties of Patient Care Manager include planning, supervising & training employees and coordinating & implementing programs of nursing care for all hospital patients. For more information contact: Robert Beebe Executive Director robert.beebe1@gmail.com 574-276-6748 Requirements Applicants should hold an RN degree and have at least 3 years of nursing experience, some www.harvestcall.org February 2016 SILVER LINING 61 Medical Director Needed at Hospital Lumiere If you are a licensed physician with a God-inspired desire to provide medical care and leadership in an under-served part of Haiti, this may be the opportunity of a lifetime. The Need A licensed physician is needed to replace our Medical Director, Dr. Lee Klopfenstein, when his term is completed in 2016. To fill this full-time position, one must have a U.S. medical license, be Board-Certified in some aspect of medicine or surgery, be a Believer in Jesus Christ, have experience a team of excellent Haitian physicians and surgeons, and oversight of the nursing, laboratory, radiology and pharmacy departments of this 120-bed full-service hospital and out-patient facility. For more information contact: Robert Beebe Executive Director robert.beebe1@gmail.com 574-276-6748 in leadership and management, be capable of learning the Creole language, and be willing to reside with your family on the Hospital Lumiere campus for up to five years. The position involves leading www.harvestcall.org Surgeon and Medical Physician Needed at Hospital Lumiere Hospital Lumiere in Bonne Fin, Haiti, a medical ministry operated by HarvestCall, is seeking the following: Surgeon A surgeon is needed immediately to provide professional and Christian oversight and management of the Surgery Department of Hospital Lumiere, and actively be involved in surgical cases in their specialty. The surgeon can be boarded in general, urologic, orthopedic or other surgical field. Medical Physician A medical physician with family practice, pediatrics, emergency, or other medical subspecialty experience is needed immediately 62 SILVER LINING February 2016 Both of these positions are fulltime, but can be adapted to accommodate a physician who is willing to reside on the campus part-time or for several weeks at a time. Please prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to serve in Haiti. to enhance the diagnostic and treatment capability of our Medical Department, provide education and mentoring of our Haitian medical providers, encourage patient-focused care and maintain our mission of quality care with Christian love. For more information contact: Robert Beebe Executive Director robert.beebe1@gmail.com 574-276-6748 www.harvestcall.org Openings at Cite Lumiere, Les Cayes, Haiti Mechanic, Construction Department Assistant The HarvestCall Caribbean Committee is seeking to fill several missionary positions based at the Cite Lumiere compound in Les Cayes, Haiti. The specific job description may vary depending on the applicant’s interests and skills. Help is specifically needed in the following areas: Equipment mechanic An equipment mechanic is needed in the Construction Department in Haiti to maintain the vehicles, generators, and construction equipment at Cite Lumiere and Bonne Finn, Haiti and order, purchase, and maintain inventory of parts to support the HarvestCall programs in southern Haiti. This position would also involve training and mentoring a Haitian assistant to provide future mechanical maintenance. The equipment mechanic would reside in the Cite Lumiere compound in Les Cayes and report to the Construction Operations Facilitator. The applicant should be experienced in mechanical maintenance. Construction Dept. Assistant An assistant is needed in the Construction Department at Cite Lumiere as the work has expanded for the program and related ministries. This applicant could be a single brother or couple. Skills that would be valuable in the ministry include: • Carpentry • Mechanical experience • Basic computer knowledge • Ability to work with all types of people and personalities All applicants must be a member in good standing of the Apostolic Christian Church, willing to learn Creole and relocate to Haiti for a minimum of 3 years, and have a heart to serve the Haitian people. If you feel led to serve or have questions, contact: Bro. Jon Zeller 309-208-0639 Jczeller1972@gmail.com www.harvestcall.org Morning Prayer Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee. Psalm 143:8 February 2016 SILVER LINING 63 SPONSORSHIP: Giving Children Hope for the Future Those in the child sponsorship program have several things in common. They are very poor, they desire to learn, and they have an undying soul. The goal of this program is to provide an education so these children can learn life skills to enable them to become more productive adults. In addition, its purpose is to present a spiritual opportunity to be exposed to the gospel message and eventually be called to serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children. Isaiah 54:13 To Sponsor a Child or School Fill out this form and send to the office. You'll be assigned a student or school and sent further information. Learn more about child sponsorship, including costs, at: harvestcall.org/child-sponsorship Name _________________________ q Mr. q Mrs. q Miss Spouse ________________________ Address _______________________ City ____________St ___ Zip _____ Home Ph ______________________ Cell Ph ________________________ Email _________________________ 64 SILVER LINING February 2016 Please check preference: q Haiti Student q Jamaica q Haiti School q Guatemala q Mexico q Zambia q Wherever needed If possible, I prefer: q Boy – Age q Girl – Age q No Preference Send to: HarvestCall Child Sponsorship PO Box 36 Morton, IL 61550 Phone: 309-266-6080 Fax: 309-266-5281 Email: childsponsorship@harvestcall.org www.harvestcall.org Continued Articles Walking in a Living Faith — Continued from pg. 3 forty years before they arrived at her hometown of Jericho. Though she was once a prostitute (harlot) in that pagan city, she became a believer in God. She had the faith to tell the Israelite spies, “ for the LORD your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath…And that ye will save alive my father, and my mother, and my brethren, and my sisters, and all that they have, and deliver our lives from death.”13 Rahab and her family agreed to stay in the house—located on the city wall— and remained there even when the walls came crashing down all around them. Because of her faith and obedience, she and her family were spared from the destruction of the city.14 She subsequently married into the lineage of Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father,15 evidence of her living and sustained faith in God. From these and other examples in the Bible, we see that a living faith brings a strong belief that what God has promised will certainly come to pass. Faith is a present day confidence of a future reality. Living faith, demonstrated by works, is empowered by God’s grace, which ultimately brings glory to His name. At times, we might find ourselves using the term “our faith” when we are actually referring specifically to our Apostolic Christian Church brotherhood. No doubt, this occurs because of the closely linked experiences in the church as we live out our life of faith here on earth. However, the expressions “the faith” or “our faith” in the scriptures never refer to a denomination or to a specific group of believers. Consider the following scriptures where confusion between “church” and “faith” could take place: 2 Cor. 13:5; Eph. 4:5-6; Eph. 4:13; Col. 2:7; 1Tim. 4:1; 2Pet. 1:1; Jude 3. The term “faith” in these scriptures always refers to a firm persuasion of the truthfulness of God, and especially reliance upon Christ for salvation. The intent is certainly not to diminish the importance of the church, which is the body of Christ,16 nor do we wish to reduce our love and appreciation for our beloved brotherhood. Rather, we desire to increase our understanding in order to avoid confusion and to encourage a scripturally accurate use of the word “faith.” May God grant grace that we may grow in our faith and trust in Him. (Footnotes) Heb. 10:38 2 Rom. 5:1-2 3 Rom. 3:22, 25 4 Isa. 64:6 5 Rom. 4:2-3 6 James 2:26 7 Rom. 4:1-8, Eph. 2:8-10, Gal. 3:6-18, James 2:17-26 8 Rom. 1:17 9 Gen. 22:7 10 Gen. 22:17-18 11 Heb. 11:17-19 12 Heb. 11:31 13 Josh. 2:11, 13 14 Josh. 6:23 15 Mat. 1:5 16 Col. 1:24 1 Now therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways. Haggai 1:5 February 2016 SILVER LINING 65 Monthly Sermon, continued — Continued from pg. 5 in perspective just like Jesus did. They came with this real need to meet the needs of the widows. The twelve Apostles said it’s most important that we continue to preach the Word, but at the same time, it’s important that these other needs are met (v.1-2). We can think how Jesus did much the same thing. A number of times those that came to Him obviously had a need. They couldn’t walk. They couldn’t see, and Jesus would start the conversation by saying, “Son, Thy sins be forgiven thee.” (St. Matthew 9:2, St. Luke 5:20) There were those around that it bothered. Some because they said why does this man think that He can forgive sins, but others would say they came with an earthly need. But Jesus pointed out in those situations that the need of our soul to find forgiveness for sins is the most important thing. We can see that the disciples who were with Jesus got that message also. That’s important for us to remember as well. God wants us to be used in His service — each one of us. He has something for us to do. That something will be different. For some it will be to preach the Word, perhaps in a way like the twelve Apostles did where they went to the temple or they went to a synagogue or wherever 66 SILVER LINING February 2015 that was called to be done. For others it might be like others we read of in the book of Acts like Ananias where we’re called to go one at a time, where God lays something, a need on our heart (Acts 9). For some it might be like we could read a few chapters about a woman named Dorcas who had gifts, and she individually went and helped those that had need of clothing or food or whatever the other things were that she served in a physical way (Acts 9). We know there were many, many others just like we could read those lists of names in the Old Testament that aren’t recorded in the Word, but they happened. They touched the lives of other people. But, in all those things it’s most important that first we’re at peace with God, that we’ve allowed Him to work in our hearts first to reconcile us to Him so that we can be prepared to be used in His service. He’s able to do that. We can see that here. He has those that are ready. Sometimes that call comes individually like some of those examples in the book of Acts, but sometimes that call comes through the church. So we read in this chapter that the church gathered together, and it doesn’t tell us here how they did it exactly. Perhaps in our time we have a vote, or perhaps we’re asked by someone in a leadership position if we’ll fill a need. That isn’t something new. We read about it here in this chapter. We read this list of names of those that the multitude chose, however that happened, to serve. I don’t know how it was for them. The Bible doesn’t really tell us here, but we can think, can’t we, of our own personalities. Sometimes we’re human. We think it would be easier to do this job, but that wasn’t what I was asked to do. Sometimes we look out and see another brother and say they certainly have a better talent in that area than I do. Why was I asked? Maybe you don’t struggle with those things, but I do. We know as we think about the Word that that’s probably not unique. All the things that come to us in life, we have an enemy of the soul that wants us to say you’re probably the only one. Yet the Word says the temptations that we face are common to man (1 Corinthians 10:13). So those were probably real things for them also, but we don’t read about that do we. What we read about was is that they were willing. They set them “before the apostles: and when they had prayed, they laid their hands on them.” (v.6) They committed this work to God because it was really His work in the beginning, His work in preparing these individuals to serve, His work to have the service done, His work to have the needs met in the church and the community where God had placed them. Again we can think about all the things that went on in those individual lives. They aren’t recorded here in the Word, but they were real. Perhaps brothers had to get down on their knees every morning and say, ‘I don’t know how I’m going to do this, but I know I’ve been asked to. I feel it’s the work of God’s Spirit through the church, and I trust that God will provide.’ We can think about all those things because they’re real. They’re things we experience in our lives, aren’t they? But, the encouraging thing to me as we think about those things, some of the behind-the-scenes details we might say that aren’t recorded in the Word but are very real, as they were done what do we read in summary? We read that “…the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.” (v.7) Again, we don’t read the why. We just get to read the summary there. I often wonder as we read passages like this in the Word, what touched the hearts of those that came in faith? We don’t know the answer to that question, and yet we can look around in our time and see, can’t we, that this amazing God we serve uses a lot of different ways to spread this message of love that He has for all mankind. Just as we all have different gifts and different responsibilities and different things that we’re asked to do, we can see that we’re impacted by different things and so are the people around us. I just wonder how many of this multitude of disciples that were multiplied greatly in Jerusalem were from the Apostles that spoke, were from those that observed as these seven brethren went about their responsibility to serve in a physical way, to go see what the needs were of the widows, to go search out in the church and in the community where there were those that needed help and served and loved like Jesus did. There were those that one at a time as God placed a burden on their heart of someone that had a need, went and served. We don’t know, but what we do know is that as there were those in the early church where God’s Spirit worked, it brought mankind to the knowledge that there was a Savior, that there was forgiveness for sin, that there was hope of eternal life — the same opportunities that we have today to spread from the Word of God and in many of the same ways. Then the last half of the chapter we read specifically about one of these men. Again as we think about the Word of God, no doubt there were similar situations, there were similar opportunities, there were similar tests. We could go on and on with all the things that we experience in life for these other brethren that were called to this service. But, here we read about one of them — Stephen. As he went about this responsibility that was given to him by the church, he ran into opposition. We shouldn’t be surprised as we consider the things that we read in the Word of God, if it will be that way in our lives as well because we have an enemy of our soul individually and an enemy of God’s work in general that’s out there. As we think about who God is, how He wants all mankind to be reconciled to Him, we also know we have an enemy of our soul that doesn’t want any one of us, individually or God’s work in general, to be prospered. So there were those that opposed Stephen. We read here there were those that came and when “they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake”, they lied about it, accused Him of things that He didn’t do, twisted the words that He spoke to make them as if they were something bad or evil or — Please turn to pg. 68 February 2016 SILVER LINING 67 Monthly Sermon, continued — Continued from pg. 67 wrong. They didn’t understand the Spirit that He was working under and for. That’s the way the enemy of our soul works, doesn’t he? We find different names for him in the Word — the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10). So in our own lives as we experience those things, we have the opportunity to look at them and think about some of the behindthe-scenes details that we get to see here in Stephen’s life. Sometimes when that resistance comes, it’s easy for us to say, ‘Where is God? This is His work. I’m trying to be faithful. Why are these things happening to me?’ But I find a lot of courage as we think about Stephen’s situation. Did God know what was going on in Stephen’s life? We have the blessing here to see the rest of the story, don’t we. We can turn to the next chapter and see the words that God gave Stephen to speak. We can see those words that were no doubt inspired by the Spirit. It didn’t change his circumstance. In fact, they picked up stones and took Stephen’s life. We also get to see that in that hour, in that trial, and not until that hour and trial, Stephen got to see the face of God. He got to see Jesus standing there to welcome him home. He got to 68 SILVER LINING February 2016 see the work that he was doing that the Spirit gave him to do was important and God was in it and had a purpose in his life and in his death and that God was pleased with his faithfulness. It just encourages me as we read through the book of Acts. We have many opportunities to see the work that those early believers did and how God provided for their needs. We also get to see the human side of so many of them. They faced struggles. They had doubts like we do. Their lives didn’t always go easy, and yet in all those things we can see God’s faithfulness, His provision. We can see that the work was His, and we can see how He was using those who were willing, one day at a time, to take the responsibilities that God gave them, to take God’s grace at the same time, and step forward in faith. Again, whether that was preaching the Word or whether that was meeting the needs that were there in their community and time, just like they are in our community and time. We would get the impression from this chapter that perhaps Stephen, as he met the needs in the community, also had a gift to speak the Word. Perhaps there were others of those brethren of whose names we don’t read again that maybe felt like they didn’t. It really doesn’t matter. What mattered is that they were willing to serve, that they were willing to do what God asked them to do, that they were willing to take faith in the responsibilities that they had and be faithful. Again, here we get to read about Stephen and the words that he spoke, some of the things that God inspired him. If we would read into the next chapter, he speaks as he was accused, and we see his love in the pattern of our Lord and Savior for those that were accusing him. He was also able to say don’t lay this sin to their charge (Acts 7:60). We can see that as so many of these things that Jesus taught were lived out, the power of God’s Spirit was there to give them words, to help them in what He called them to do, and to bless. Perhaps it’s good for us. Sometimes we would like to see the results of our efforts right away, but perhaps sometimes we’re going to have to just trust like we read here because it’s really God’s work, because it’s His Spirit that’s sustaining us and inspiring us and leading us. That’s where we want the credit to go. Perhaps we’re only going to know the summary sometimes. We’re not going to see the blessing of the results of our individual actions. Perhaps we’re only going to get to see the summary that the Word of God increased and the number of the disciples multiplied, maybe that’s in our children and neighbors listening to what we have to say and responding. As we think about that, perhaps that’s good for us. We have this problem of pride that often wants to come in our lives, and we want to take the credit. But, we’re reminded here as we get to see this account of the lives of those in the early church that God was working. We can see that — “…Stephen, full of faith and power…” (v.8) That’s where the strength to do these things came from, isn’t it? We have this blessing as we read through the book of Acts to see the power of God’s work in the lives of believers, whether that’s Peter, a man that of his own strength couldn’t acknowledge who Jesus was and then after he was converted could stand before counsel and thousands and preach, or a man like Paul that God had to turn around. Yet we can see how God was able to use him powerfully. Here we read of Stephen and the names of these others that were called to work in the church and the blessing that came as they were obedient and the power that God gave in their lives to be faithful, to serve Him. We can be reminded as we think in our time, what’s God asking you to do? What’s He asking me to do? First of all, have we yielded our lives to Him so that He can use us? Then are we willing where He’s asked us to serve? We can see that where there were those that were willing, in whatever the call was, that His Gospel was advanced, the needs of mankind were met. God’s hands on earth were evident, and God knew it. God was there to sustain and to strengthen. As we think again of the end of Stephen’s life, the end of the very brief account of Stephen in the Word, God had a home ready and was there to welcome a faithful servant home. That’s what He wants for each one of us. So in the work that He’s given us to do, let’s be willing to do it that we can have a good end like Stephen. Then we can also be, in whatever way He’s asking us to, helpful that others also could find that blessing in their life. Remembering — Continued from pg. 70 known as New Baptist, a literal translation of “Neutaufer.” In the Swiss vernacular, they were known for many years as “Noy Doyfer.” Results of God’s Calling It is worthy to note the calling of God that the early members at Rittman, Ohio, heard when hearing the preaching of Elder Isaac Gehring – that is, the call to repentance, and a changed life. Although steeped in their Mennonite faith, they had the grace, under difficult circumstances, to follow the Spirit’s leading. Their courage, and their devotion, led to more and more souls embracing the truth to the extent that more than 100 years later a large assembly of believers exist in our Rittman and Smithville congregations. The conversion of even one soul can subsequently magnify into a host as the years unfold. -By Perry Klopfenstein God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Psalm 67:1 February 2016 SILVER LINING 69 Learning from our history Remembering Our Spiritual Heritage In last month’s issue attention was focused on aspects of early evangelism of our church in northern portions of Ohio which resulted in the formation of a congregation near Rittman, Ohio. Extracts were taken from a history book entitled Crosswinds: From Switzerland to Crown Hill by author James O. Lehman of Harrisonburg, Pennsylvania in 1975. Instances were cited regarding the early members who gravitated from the Mennonite church into our newly-formed congregation. In this issue, attention will be focused, in part, on the reaction of Mennonite leaders to this development. Other Early Members On page 29 of Crosswinds reference is made of Catherine Beery joining the Apostolic Christian Church. Tradition says that other Mennonite ministers as far away as Canada came and tried to dissuade her from the stand she took. A lady named Naomi Beery married Frank Caillet, a Roman Catholic, who came from France. He worked for Mennonites and eventually joined them. Later, he transferred membership to the Apostolic Christian Church. Lehman writes, “Other Chippewa People who joined the Apostolic Church in the early days were Joshua Steiner and his parents, Peter and Mary Hilty Steiner. Peter was another brother of Chippewa’s bishop, John Steiner. Peter’s son, Dave, became an early minister in the Rittman Apostolic Christian Church. Two other early adherents to the new church were the brothers David Hilty (1854-1925) and Peter Hilty (1845-1014). From the Pleasant Hill Mennonite Church came Moses Blough and his wife who was a sister of Mrs. Daniel M. Steiner. Several from Medina County also joined the new group, among them was Mrs. John Kaufman and a number of her children. Very early the nucleus of early members at the Apostolic Church came from Chippewa. Rather unusual is the fact that so many were closely related 70 SILVER LINING February 2016 to Chippewa’s bishop, John Steiner. However, some joined after John passed away in 1871. Mennonite Reaction Certainly, those who came into the church from the Mennonite church created a joy, and from our perspective (today) it is of enormous interest, and also is inspiring to note that our spiritual values found reception from Mennonites, who felt they were lacking in their Christian walk. Yet, there was a reaction from Mennonite adherents. Lehman quotes Ben Douglas, the Wayne County historian of 1878, who commented on how the Chippewa members reacted to those coming into the Apostolic Christian Church. Douglas writes: “Another group, named the New Baptist Mennonites (he is referring to the Apostolic Christian Church) has been established. Of this neophyte organization, Rev. Christian Steiner thus said to the writer: “About twenty years ago some eighteen members dropped from the original church and joined with the New Baptists (our AC Church) and about two years ago built a church. They have a membership of 40 or 50. Daniel and David Steiner are the preachers. These people think they are the only people who are converted, and nobody is saved but them. They run the Christian machine themselves, own the engine, etc., and claim it is impossible to sin after conversion.” Lehman writes, “His dates are not very exact. Probably he means that within the last eighteen years ‘some eighteen members’ left Chippewa. Feelings must have run deeply to bring out these sharp statements. It should be noted that Apostolic people today do not hold the views stated in the last several lines, particularly the one about sinning after baptism.” Early Reference to the Church at Rittman Lehman makes comments concerning the name of the new church: “The Apostolic Church was sometimes — Please turn to pg. 69 The Light of Hope What Not to Do In Acts 16:30, the jailer asked Paul and Silas, “What must I do to be saved?” They answered, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved..” In Acts 3:19, Peter said, “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.” In John 14:15, the Lord Jesus Christ said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” We also have the commandments to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind, as well as to love our neighbor as ourselves. All these things we should do. The thought has come to me that maybe we should pay more attention to what we should not do, although what we should do is of extreme importance. It seems dangerous to me to think that it is all right to do anything our bodies feel like doing. In 1 John 2:15, the Apostle John writes, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.” We believe he is writing about the things in the world that harm us spiritually or harm our testimony for the Lord. It happens. I know from experience. We must be careful if we hope to be a good testimony for our wonderful Lord and Savior, the very Son of the Living God, who loved us and gave Himself for us. Can you imagine Him doing that for us? Yet He did. It is true, and He proved it by His resurrection, that He is divine, the Son of God. The Ten Commandments are in the Old Testament, but they pretty well apply today. In the Ten Commandments there are eight don’ts and only two dos. I don’t mean to judge whether people will be saved or not saved. I’m glad that’s up to God. Just how does God want us Christians to spend our time here on earth? The first Commandment is, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” I believe that this infers that we should always try to take the path that brings Christ, or God, the most glory. Let’s be careful that we don’t put other things ahead of serving God, and being the best possible example of what it means to be a child of God. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.” 1 Cor. 8:13. He thought it to be of the utmost importance that he not do anything that might cause someone else to stumble, or to claim that they are just as good as those church people, that they had seen them eat meat offered to idols, even though it was perfectly all right to do so. There are many things we shouldn’t do, according to the Bible. Nevertheless, the emphasis is sometimes put on God’s unconditional love. That word, unconditional, is not written in the Bible, although Christ did say that He came to save the sinners, not the righteous. However, in John chapter eight, He told the woman to go and sin no more. We are called unto holiness, although sometimes we fall short. In Romans 12:3, Paul writes, “not to think of ourselves more highly than we ought to think; but to think soberly.” Somehow or other, the devil gets us to think that we are better than somebody else. Nowhere is this taught in the Bible. Each of us is less than nothing without Christ. Never, but never, put yourself above others. That’s what the Pharisees did and Christ did not commend them. Don’t lust, don’t be vain, don’t neglect doing good, are all on my list to write about, but the end is here so I simply say, let’s be careful about what not to do. I love you. -by Willis Ehnle February 2016 SILVER LINING 71 THE SILVER LINING 1523 County Road 400N Congerville, IL 61729 ...and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Psalm 19:1