March, 2016 Newsletter - The Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure
March, 2016 Newsletter - The Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure
HAMILTON 2016 Start & End Town Saturday, June 18, & Saturday, June 25 Butler County Visitors Bureau 888-462-2282...513-860-4194 W elcome to Hamilton and the Butler County Fairgrounds. W e are pleased that GOBA has selected us to be the 2016 Host Start & End Town. Bicycle Shorts --Bill Gordon, GOBA Director As your new GOBA Director, I’m looking forward to enoying the 2016 journey with you. W e’re crafting an “Outta This W orld” Adventure that you’ll be sure to love. Lik e yo u r G O BA duffle, this Newsletter is jam -packed with town news, updates, trips and fun stuff to look forward to during that balm y week in June. Please also check for Rider New s Updates and The Way to GOBA, your guide to what to pack & what to expect. There is no extra fee for week-long parking at the Fairgrounds in Hamilton Loves A Parade For the 28th Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure, we invite you to blast off into the GOBA universe. On Saturday, June 18th, Ham ilton will host the annual GOBA bicycle parade. Local dignitaries will lead the parade of bicyclists on a 2 m ile route from the fairgrounds to the beautiful RiversEdge Am phitheatre in downtown Ham ilton. Once downtown, parade goers will enjoy the opening cerem onies and live entertainm ent. The them e of the parade is "GOBA 28, It’s Outta This W orld". Get in the spirit by wearing a costum e (include your helm et) and decorating your bike. Prizes will be given. Think of aliens, rocket ships and galaxies. Use your im agination, but rem em ber, it’s a fam ily show. º 6:00 pm: Parade line-up time º 6:30 pm: Parade blast-off time Opening cerem onies and entertainm ent will follow the parade, all at the sam e location. Look for m ore inform ation in the May newsletter, and we will see you soon! Ham ilton. A vehicle fee applies only when you want to be a Car Cam per & bring your vehicle along all week. Car Cam per Perm its are lim ited in num ber. Remember, too, if you want to com e to Ham ilton early, you m ay be able to cam p at the Fairgrounds for an extra fee ... your GO BA registration only covers cam ping starting June 18. On another note, your safety on the route is one of our greatest concern. If you are seriously injured or becom e sick while on the route, our experienced m edics or volunteer m edical staff m ay recom m end that you be transported to an em ergency facility for m ore advanced care. By com plying with our recom m endations Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure Phone (614) 273-0811 FAX (614) 459-8044 g Be a Bike Buddy: Share a Ride! Would you help a GOBA rider from another part of the country? Some riders will be flying in & will need a ride from an airport to the start in Hamilton. Post your ride offer or ride need on one of the social media sites. Or give us your name, address, phone, email: 614-273-0811, x 1 Ship Your Bike to Hamilton! Contact Frank or Joe at Fairfield Cyclery in nearby Fairfield. They c a n a c c e p t s h ip ped b ik e s , assem ble them , deliver to the Butler Co. Fairgrounds on Sat., June 18, and can disassem ble and handle return shipping on Sat., June 25. Please contact them well ahead of tim e for fees and services. They m ay need to receive your bike by Friday, June 10, due to the work expected for the GOBA weekend. Fairfield Cyclery, 513-829-7586 4860 Dixie Hw y., Fairfield 45014 http://w w w you will ensure your greatest safety and also that of your fellow riders. GOBA does a great job m aking sure your fam ily m em bers are contacted, your bike is taken care of and that you have a way to rejoin the ride if a p pro p riate or help m ake arrangem ents for you to get hom e. GOBA does this so that you can focus on staying safe and m aking the right decisions for your health. Please rem em ber, you will be responsible for paying for em ergency room visits and squad transport, so bring your insurance card and ID. If you have a m edical condition that em ergency workers should know about, please wear a m edical bracelet or other ID with that info. An event of 614-273-0811 The GOBA News, March, 2016, p. 2 old. Exotic anim als will also m ake a visit to the GOBA cam pground site. EATON Sunday, June 19 Preble County Convention & Visitor's Bureau W elcom e GOBA Travelers! Star Date: June 19, 2016 Location: Earth ' Preble County ' Eaton, Ohio 39.7475° N, 84.6339°W Population: 8,305 The city of Eaton in Preble County is thrilled to be the second town stop for GOBA riders this year. A rural farm ing com m unity, Preble County is host to fields of corn and soybeans, farm s, historical hom es and churches, and beautiful covered bridges. The county boasts 8 covered bridges, including Ohio’s oldest – the Roberts double-barreled bridge. GOBA riders will enjoy passing through som e of our bridges, including the stunning Hueston W oods Bridge. Preble County Historical Society Grounds are open to the public during th e w e e k e n d . N o r e s e r v a tio n necessary. Check the website: Downtown Eaton will restrict traffic at the m ain city block located on Main Street at the location of the Preble County Courthouse. Here, bands and vendors will welcom e you to the charm ing downtown. W e’re all working hard in Eaton to give GOBA an awesom e experience. W e can’t wait to m eet all of you, and open our town for your enjoym ent! Visit: for m ore am azing things to do in Preble County, and to read about our covered bridges! Riders will cam p at the Eaton Middle/High School grounds – a m odern facility with spacious grounds and located just a quarter m ile from historic Ft. St. Clair (1791-1796). The peaceful park provides a m ile long loop to walk or cycle, with historic buildings and cabins along the path. On cam pus, school booster clubs will offer a variety of refreshm ents and services. “The Bug Guy” will present his out of this world insect collection – a thrill for kids young and B g Eaton: Don't BUG ME Bug Show - with Scott Trochelm an Children at an early age are constantly curious about bugs. This program enables them to have a hands-on approach to learning about insects. All insects are encased in polyresin. Learn about their body parts, life cycle, defense m echanism s, and what the insects eat and what m ay eat them . Hear about how the spider's webbing is stronger than steel of the sam e diam eter and that ants are capable of m oving 10 tim es their own body weight. Children and adults will enjoy this "Bug Show". GOBA Riders Com e to Dinner! Preble County Historical Society is pleased to offer An Elegant Evening/Dinner from 6-8pm ! PCHS invites GOBA riders to join us at 6pm on Sunday, June 19. $60 per person or $115 per couple. Further inform ation about dinner will be provided later through an em ail. Lim ited to 56 people. R eservations and Advance P aym ent a re R equired. Non-refundable. Deadline: June 1, 2016. Each participant m ust b e G O B A re g is tra n t. A ll reservatio n s m u s t include paym ent in full. Children age 15 & under m ust be accom panied by an adult Preble County Historical Society 7693 Swartsel Rd, PO Box 207, Eaton, OH 45320 Call for info: 937-787-4256 Please m ail the form below to the address above. Reservation Form: Elegant Evening/Dinner Preble County Historical Society: Sun., June 19 Non-refundable. Deadline: June 1, 2016. Each participant m ust be GOBA registrant. All reservations m ust include paym ent in full. Children age 15 & under m ust be accom panied by an adult. PLEASE PRINT Primary Contact Name: Rider #: Email: Day Phone: Evening Phone: Elegant Evening / Dinner $60 per person, $115 per couple Number of attendees: Make payable to Preble County Historical Society Amount: $ Total of Check Enclosed $ 614-273-0811 O X F O R D Monday & Tuesday, June 20 & 21 Oxford Visitors Bureau 513-523-8687 W hile M iami Students are aw ay, GOBA riders w ill play. Oxford is excitedly preparing for its first G O BA appearance since 1998! Hom e to Miam i University, this little college town is Out of this World with lots of charm ing quirks and fun adventures to be had. Upon your arrival you have three exciting boarding options: sleep in one of our six local hotels, cam p outside enorm ous Millett Hall or even stay in a Miam i dorm . Once you’ve settled, you can m osey Uptown to enjoy the historic shopping district full of boutique shops, local coffee shops and pubs. On Monday night, sit back and relax and listen to the m usic in our Uptown Parks. Let your kids splash in the fountain and enjoy a yum m y ice cream cone. Keep an eye out for our Tall Bike Parade and get an up close dem onstration on these out of this world contraptions! The GOBA News, March, 2016, p. 3 RESIDENCE H A L L L O D G I N G IN OXFORD Any costs associated with the following options are at your own expense. A lim ited num ber of room s in university residence halls will be available exclusively for GOBA participants 2 nights of the week. Reservations are handled directly with the college, and not through GOBA. The buildings m ay not have elevators; if a first floor room is needed to accom m odate a disability, please request when m aking your reservation. For full d e s c rip tions, costs, an d re s e rva tio n d e ta ils. go to and click on the Lodging page. Oxford --- it’s out of this w orld --- and ready for GOBA. Residence Hall ! Monday night, June 20, and Tuesday night, June 21, 2016 Miam i residence hall options are less than 3/4 m ile from GOBA Cam p. ! Deadline for reservations is Sunday, June 12. Available room s are traditional dorm itory room s with m ale and fem ale com m unity bathroom s on each floor of the hall. Each bedroom is air-conditioned and contains two twin XL beds. Towels, fresh linens and a pillow are provided for two occupants p e r r o o m . C o m p lim e n ta r y two-way luggage van shuttle is a ls o in c lu d e d w it h r o o m reservation. Sm all overnight bags can be sent to your designated residence hall on the luggage van shuttle, then participant will bicycle to the residence hall. Com plim entary cam pus parking (separate from GOBAville Car Camper Permit Parking) in Millett W est Parking lot is available for com panions driving to the site. Check out all that we having going on or see a list of hotels at ! To reserve a residence hall: On Tuesday, enjoy your layover day and explore Miam i’s stunning cam pus --there’s a reason Mr. Robert Frost called Miam i “The m ost beautiful cam pus there ever was”. Take a self-guided tour of our arboretum and form al gardens or get off the beaten path and take a hike on one of our 17 m iles of trails. W ant to hang out inside? Take a swim or try your hand at wall clim bing at the Miam i University Rec Center. Visit the McGuffey Museum , hom e to the McGuffey reader or view the curated art exhibits at the Miam i Art Museum . On Friday nights in Oxford-we square dance! W e’ve m oved this fun com m unity event to Tuesday just for GOBA. Enjoy our restored ballroom at the Oxford Com m unity Art Center for a night of swing your partner, do si do and other old tim e fun. The Old Tim e Jericho Band will have you laughing and probably panting by the end this fun Oxford tradition. BROOKVILLE Wednesday, June 22 Brookville Area Chamber of Commerce 937-833-2375 W elcom e to Brookville, a proud and progressive com m unity. Brookville, first founded in 1832, is now hom e to approxim ately 5,800 residents. W e are a suburban com m unity, with the space of the country and am enities of a City, as well as a few special features you would expect in a m uch larger com m unity. Additional inform ation on Brookville and what our com m unity has to offer can be found on our website: . W e are excited and honored that GOBA has chosen to return to Brookville and we have lots of new adventures planned for this year’s visit that are sure to provide an “Out of this W orld” experience for all GOBA riders. Specific details on activities planned for your tim e in Brookville will be provided in future newsletters. GOBAville will be located at our spacious, beautiful Golden Gate Park. Various com m unity organizations will be providing a variety of food options and entertainm ent for GOBA riders of all ages. In addition, transportation will be provided to area restaurants and sites so you can see everything Brookville has to offer during your stay with us. Adjacent to Golden Gate Park is the W olf Creek Bike Trail where you can walk or ride to our downtown business district on Market Street. Sites along the way include the B ro o k v ille H is to r ic a l S o c ie ty’s Brookville Depot, Spitler House, cont’d on p. 4 The GOBA News, published 3 tim es/year (March, May, June) by Columbus Outdoor Pursuits 1525 Bethel Rd., Ste. 100 Colum bus, OH 43220 C O P is a nonprofit, nonpolitical organization exclusively for charitable and educational purposes and is dedicated to providing outdoor education and recreation. 614-273-0811 The GOBA News, March, 2016, P. 4 BROOKVILLE, cont’d from p. 3 which was placed on the National Register of Historical Places, and the Brookville Historical Society Museum . The W olf Creek Bike Trail is 16 m iles long. The northwestern segm ent of the W olf Creek Trail follows an abandoned railroad route. This portion is relatively flat for m ost of its length, and it passes alongside Sycam ore State Park. Here, you'll find a variety of activities found in m ost Ohio state parks: hiking trails, ponds, prairies and plenty of picnic areas. The park is notable for its preservation of prairies and open fields filled w ith native g ras s es and wildflowers. If you are interested in accom m odations outside of GOBAville, below are som e additional options: Floor Sleeping, will be provided at the Brookville Board of Education building located at 75 June Place. No advance reservations; first com e, first serve for a reasonable fee. F o r c o m m e r c ia l lo d g in g , v is it d and search “Brookville”. Another possibility are cabins at Brookville KOA. Shuttle to KOA m ay be arranged (for a fee), if a large requirem ent exists. If you are interested in m aking reservations or have additional questions please contact these businesses directly. If you have any questions, please contact us at erich.haupt@ or landis1946@ gm . W e look forward to seeing you this sum m er. MIAMISBURG Thursday & Friday, June 23 & 24 City of Miamisburg W elcom e to Miam isburg-the one and only Miam isburg in the world! There are m any unique attributes about the com m unity of Miam isburg. Two of them are 1-it literally is the only Miam isburg in the world, and 2-Miam isburg is called the Star City. Star City m ight not sound unique; however the alm ost 200 year old com m unity at one tim e boasted 5 points (like a star) of transportation: Road, River, Railroad, Canal, and Trolley. W e are thrilled to have GOBA visit, and we are doing everything to m ake it a great experience! Read on to see what’s planned so far. Also, find GOBA updates by searching “GOBA” on ExploreMiam . ! Points of Interest: 1. Sycam ore Trails Aquatic Center (Hangar 13): Enjoy a great facility from zero entry depth to a clim bing wall to a sand play area to a 174 foot tube slide. 2. Downtown (Area 51): The historic downtown boasts several unique retailers. Shop for your next pair of Chaco's or a backpack or even a tent at Great Miam i Outfitters, or swing by The Bike W ay Bike Shop for one on one conversations with the owner. You can find unique children's item s at Luna Blue's Boutique or som ething for yourself at Urban Loft Boutique. Of course there are plenty of great eating establishm ents from ribs to pizza to cupcakes and cookies. Don’t m iss the ham burgers or the Brewery District for the root beer and butter beer (think Harry Potter!). 3. Riverfront Park (Area 51): This park is located downtown next to the river and bike trail and will be the entertainm ent "hub." M ake sure to check the online schedule for ongoing band tim es and events. 4. Mound Museum and Tours: Speaking of "It's Outta this W orld", did you know Miam isburg is hom e to one of the form er Departm ent of Energy sites that was used to research, develop, and produce nuclear weapons com ponents? The Lab also produced nuclear power sources for deep space and lunar m issions. There will be opportunities to visit the Museum as well as sign up for a special, private tour of som e of the top secret sites. Stay tuned for sign up details. 5. Adena Mound: The Mound DOE facility derived its nam e from the actual Adena Indian Mound which sits adjacent to the Mound facility. The Miam isburg Mound is one of the two largest conical m ounds in eastern North Am erica. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the m ound is 65 feet tall and 800 feet in circum ference and contains 54,000 cubic yards of earth. 6. Great Miam i River: Great Miam i Outfitters is offering the experience of seeing the com m unity from the river's view; perhaps the view of the original Adena Native Am erican settlers. Enjoy kayaking a leisurely 5.5 m ile paddle float down the Great Miam i River. This trip usually takes approxim ately 2-2½ hours and will be taking off at 10:00 am Friday, June 24th. If you are paying attention, you m ight even see our two bald eagle friends. Visit the website listed above for sign up details (room for 30 paddlers). The deadline to reserve a spot is M onday, June 13th, fee is $35 per person, all equipm ent is provided, shuttle service provided, m ust be 16 years or older, and lim ited tandem kayaks are available. Stay tuned for details of a patio feast following the float. 7. Great Miam i River Bike Trail: Miam isburg is fortunate to sit on the Largest Paved Trail Network in the country. Access to the trail is directly from downtown. ! Housing: 1. Indoor Sleeping (Rosw ell): Indoor sleeping will be available at G O B A ville in the school gym nasium for a sm all fee. Space is on a first com e basis. 2. Hom e Stay: W e are pleased to offer a hom e stay service for a lim ited num ber of guests. Our Housing Chairs M ike and Susan Cox will be your hom e stat liaisons susan.cox@ or 937-554-2385. 3. Other Lodging: Please visit the GOBA section on E x p l o r e M i a m is b u r g . c o m for convenient bed and breakfasts & hotels. ! M erchandise: If you see som ething you love in one of our retail shops, we want you to be able to get it hom e! The Miam isburg Merchants Association will be working out details to provide a shuttle service of goods purchased from Miam isburg back to your End town Ham ilton. Our retailers will also work with you on shipping arrangem ents if preferred. 614-273-0811 The GOBA News, March, 2016, p. 5 GOBA-2016 Towel Service Brought to you by Columbus O utdoor Pursuits. A fresh towel every day in GOBAville. ! $20 in Advance until June 10, online pre-paid orders only ! $25 at GOBA Inform ation Booth starting June 18, cash only No refunds. Fees include Ohio Sales Tax. ! Reserve & pay (until 6/10/16) at h ttp ://w w w .outdoor-p u rsu its.o rg / event-2156463 All proceeds are used to further the mission of Columbus Outdoor Pursuits: education in outdoor activities. GPS downloadable rider maps A few days before GOBA starts in June, the rider m ap GPS waypoints will be available to all registrants for download in Garm in (.GPX) form at and .KML form at for use in Google Maps or Google Earth. W e hope to have the Garm in files in a short form for older GPS units and a longer form for newer GPS units or other m apping program s. The June Newsletter and a June em ail to all registered households will contain instructions. Due to unforeseen detours during GOBA-week, you should check daily for routing changes. V O L U N T E E R OPPORTUNITIES Calling All Hams... Sag drivers: Recruiting for volunteers who want hard work and lots of fun. W e especially need am ateur radio operators. Apply to G eorge Shoem aker, KC8BVC, SAG Coordinator, 740-606-6666 or geoshoe@ Bike m obile ham s and am ateur operators stationed along the course each day are always needed. If you are interested in helping in this capacity, contact Jeff Slattery, N8SUZ via e-mail at n8suz@ Interested ham s are invited to join our GOBAham s Yahoo Group at GOBAhams/ P o s itio n s (1 ) & (2) - con ta c t 614-273-0811, ext. 1 or gobainfo@ (1) In Colum bus, load trucks on 6/17 & 6/25; packet stuffing, 6/7 or 6/8. Click on the signup link in the upper right corner. You will need a Yahoo ID to join. The list is m oderated, so no spam perm itted. The latest info on ham radio ops will be sent to m em bers of the group. You can also get m any of your questions about operating bike m obile answered through the group. General inform ation on GOBA h am ra d io o p e ra tio n s a n d procedures, as well as the frequency list, m ay be found at http://w w For those who m ay want to get licensed at GOBA, we will offer license testing the first Saturday in Ham ilton. Details on testing will be in the June newsletter and on the gobaham website. (2) M edical Volunteers: physicians & nurses for m edical team . Let us know your interest & we'll get you details. Registration & Info Booth on tour: Shifts available on the first Sat., or all week; m any options for tim es & days. For details: gobainfo@ GOBA Safety Cycle team. Help run the Safety Show in Ham ilton or Eaton, Sat. & Sun., 6/18 & 19. For details: Jody Dzuranin, Safety Cycle, GOBA M ission Our mission is to organize a yearly one-week bicycle vacation, in order to inspire independence and nurture personal growth, to learn about Ohio, its people, geography and history, to provide intergenerational recreation, to enhance the image of bicycling in Ohio and to raise funds for bicycle-related projects in Ohio. "Get Ready for GOBA ... and for riding for transportation and pleasure." BICYCLE TRAFFIC SKILLS COURSES For those who are riding on GOBA these courses can help you learn the craft and sport of cycling in a short span, so that you can have m ore fun and m ore confidence during GOBA week. Various courses are available for adults and children accom panied by an adult. TOPICS COVERED Bike handling skills Helm et fit Rules of the road for cyclists Group riding skills Practice cycling in traffic Minor bike m aintenance For classes in your area, contact: , Cincinnati: , Cleveland: , Columbus: , Dayton: , Toledo: Or check out: Tony Blizniak, 513-279-2452,, Frank Henson,,, Bike Skills & Street Skills K.C. Stallings, 513-600-6403,,, Smart Cycling Lou Powers, 216-254-2148,,, Safe Road Riding Jim Sheehan, 216-830-2667,, Randy Dull, David Jeffords (Gahanna), 614-476-9093, Patricia Kovacs (Gahanna), 614-476-9093, Chuck Smith (Vandalia), Jacqueline Campbell,, 614-273-0811 The GOBA News, March, 2016, P. 6 OTT OPTIONAL BUS TRIPS GOBA-2016 Trip 1: Tuesday, June 21, from Oxford Deadline: May 15, 2016 Trip 2: Friday, June 24, from Miamisburg Read descriptions below and reserve by using the form on the next page. All prices are "per person". EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: if signed up & paid before May 1, 2016, only by check or m oney order. See Reservation Form . OR pay by credit card (full price) by calling OTT at 513-923-9112. Deadline to sign up for trips: May 15, 2016 IMPORTANT: for all Optional Trips Itinerary subject to change. Trip arrangem ents, paym ents, reservations and questions are handled by Ohio Travel Treasures (OTT), LLC. Reservations are lim ited in num ber and m ust be accom panied by full paym ent. Trips are first com e-first served and for GOBA registrants only. IF you have not received your GOBA rider num ber by May 1 or May 15, OTT will accept your reservation, but OTT will need your rider num ber in order to send you final details and adm ission ticket. Once paym ent is m ade, there are no refunds, unless a Trip 1 Tuesday from GOBAville, Miami University Cruising on a Summer Afternoon ' 8:30 am - BOARD MOTORCOACH. ' Enjoy a m orning driving tour of the Queen City. Have you seen Cincy lately? Ride through Over the Rhine and learn why it is called that. Downtown Cincinnati has been transform ed, but still houses the Goddess of W ater located in the center of town. Smale Riverfront Park is a com pelling recreational, entertainm ent and leisure resource for th e e n tire G r e a te r C in c in n a ti com m unity, with fountains, walkways, gardens, event lawns, playgrounds and restaurants. Also see The Roebling M urals at the Covington W aterfront which is a series of 18 panels depicting the history of Covington, KY from 800 BC through Tall Stacks in 2008, painted on the Covington flood wall and visible from the Roebling Bridge. ' Board Queen City Riverboats for a 3-h o u r lu n ch cru ise w ith entertainm ent. Experience the days of river boating as you sit back and relax on a 3 hour scenic cruise up and down the beautiful O H IO RIVER… begin with a full hot lunch b u ffet and on b o a rd LIV E ENTERTAINMENT. During the cruise there will be unlim ited soft drinks, and tim e to enjoy the wonder of natural beauty and history on this unique m ode of transportation. Cruise offers clim ate controlled areas as well as a canopy open air upper deck for viewing and pictures. Courtesy of the glaciers and sweeping replacem ent can be m ade. Confirm ation with details will be provided by OTT approx. 3 weeks prior to GOBA. All trips depart from & return to GOBA cam p. OTT reserves the right to cancel tour with full refund to guests if there are not enough guests to run trip. Com plete the form , send with paym ent by check, and self-addressed stam ped (one first-class stam p) envelope to: OHIO TRAVEL TREASURES LLC. 5270 DAY ROAD, CINCINNATI, OHIO 45252 Ph. 513-923-9112 FAX: 513-923-3108 w w w cut of the Ohio River this part of Ohio is steep and hilly m aking for attractive overlooks where the river and scenic towns com bine for a picturesque panoram a fram ed by paddlewheelers and other sorts of river traffic and pleasure boats. Captain’s com m entary will be toward the end of the cruise. TOUR IS LIMITED to the FIRST 54 guests. ' 3:30 PM - ETA in GOBA Cam p ' P ric e in c lu d e s : R o u n d trip m o torcoach tra n s p o rta tio n ; T o u r am bassador & gratuity; Driver gratuity; City tour, lunch buffet, unlim ited soft drink s , three hour c ru ise, live entertainm ent throughout your cruise, captain’s com m entary. ' Price per person: $112.00 Adult or Child. EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT = $102.00 Trip 2 Friday from G OBAville, Miamisburg Middle School Kings Island & Soak City ' 8:45 AM- BOARD MOTORCOACH Guests should bring: Sun screen, hats, seasonal outdoor clothing. W ear shoes that can get wet. Guests can bring snacks (suggest plastic bags), Bathing suits/towels for Soak City – there are lockers for rent. Tem ps in the m id 80’s. Tour runs rain or shine unless thunderstorm s. Bottled water provided on coach. ' Kings Island Park opens at 10:00 am – Ticket is good for BOTH Kings Island as well as Soak City (Soak City opens at 11:00 am ). Year after year, the best thrills the world has to offer are at Kings Island. Speed junkies can get their fix on Banshee the longest inverted roller coaster in the world. Challenge The Beast - the longest wooden roller coaster in the world - and Diamondback. There's also The Bat, Drop Tower, Delirium , Flight of Fear, Invertigo, The Racer and Vortex. There are rides for everyone from the daring to the m eek. If speed and adventure aren't for you, the Grand Carousel, peaceful Railroad trip, Dodgem , Boo Blasters on Boo Hill, Scram bler, Monster, W hite W ater Canyon and Zephyr will be perfect. There's also Adventure Express and Backlot Stunt Coaster. NEW to Soak City W aterpark for the 2016 season is the addition of Tropical Plunge, a com plex of six different water slide experiences towering nearly seven stories. 3 of the slides on the 65-foot tall com plex start with clim bing inside an Aqua-Launch cham ber where you wait anxiously for the floor to drop out from underneath your feet, sending you into a high-speed, alm ost vertical free fall through a series of flat loops and S-curves in a translucent flum e. Tropical Plunge also features a slide that twists and spirals through an enclosed chute across 449 feet of slide before release out into a pool of water and dueling 337-foot long tube slides that zip you through a series of drops and turns. ' 5:30 pm - ETA in GOBA Cam p ' Price includes: Adm ission to Kings Island/Soak City; Round trip m otorcoach transportation & driver gratuity; Tour am bassador & gratuity. ' Price per person: $105.00 Adult or Child EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT = 95.00 614-273-0811 Reservation Form: Ohio Travel Treasures v GOBA 2016: Optional Bus Trips Trip 1: Tuesday, June 21, from Oxford Trip 2: Friday, June 24, from Miamisburg These tickets are non-refundable, unless a replacement can be made. accompanied by payment in full and received on or before May 15, 2016. ' Each trip participant must be a GOBA registrant. All reservations must be Please print. ' CHILDREN MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT ON ALL TRIPS P R IM A R Y C O N T A C T R ID ER # EM AIL N AM E AD D R ESS C ITY D AY PHO N E STATE ( ) C ELL PHO N E ( ZIP ) C heck T rip N um ber(s) that apply: N A M E S O F A L L A T T E N D IN G , IN C L . PR IM A R Y C O N T A C T : T ue F ri 1 2 G O B A R ider # See note at top of previous page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. per person, by credit card or after 5/1/16 - Cincy Tour/Cruise (Tue.) Trip 2 - Kings Island/Soak City (Fri.) Trip 1 B q E arly B ird by 5/1/16 Early Bird Discount only if paying by check/money order. $112.00 $102.00 X No. of attendees: = $ $105.00 $95.00 X No. of attendees: = $ TOTAL ENCLOSED: $ º MAIL THIS FORM W ITH CHECK AND SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED (1 FIRST-CLASS STAMP) ENVELOPE TO: OHIO TRAVEL TREASURES, 5270 DAY ROAD, CINCINNATI, OH 45252 OR pay by credit card (full price) by calling OTT at 513-923-9112. REMINDER: Golden GOBA dinner... Yes, we will have one in June 2016 Hooray! The Golden GOBA Dinner is for riders on their 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th or 28th GOBA tour this June. Eligible riders will get a letter by the end of May with all the details. There's More to Come »º Check for Updates on w w w w w w Help us provide this dinner, so that we can keep it free for our GOBA April 15 Postm ark deadline for Raffle for Donate to the GOBA Golden GOBA Dinner. Please May 15 veterans. c o n ta c t th e G O B A offic e a t gobainfo@ or 614-2730811 if you’d like to donate. You can rem ain anonym ous or get recognition ... your choice. And watch the GOBA May Newsletter for updates. Additional Support for GOBA-2016 is gratefully acknowledged from: Rider #28 D e a d lin e to re s e rve O T T optional bus trips; see pp. 6-7 May 12 May Newsletter m ailing May 18 Deadline for Registration or Cancellation June 3 June Newsletter m ailing (with m ap to start) June 17 GOBA office closed all day June 20 GOBA cam p/registration opens at 12 noon; Bike Parade in evening June 21 GOBA 28 (start pedaling!) Aug. 18 August Newsletter on Nov. 21 GOBA-2017 Route Dec. 6 Announcem ent Full color, 2017 Calendar to be m ailed one per household GOBA participants are responsible for their own equipm ent, including m edical devices. GOBA is not able to provide electrical plug-ins and advises participants to look into batterypowered devices. Another option is to take advantage of town's hom e stays or dorm s or indoor cam ping in order to have an electrical source. GOBA Safety Pledge Safety is im portant on GOBA. Please review the Safety Pledge that was in your confirm ation packet. All riders sign the pledge at check-in, in order to receive their rider packet. In addition, everyone, especially new riders and parents with kids under 14, are invited to the Safety Show (20 m inutes), running continuously on Saturday afternoon, June 18. The June Newsletter has schedule details. GOBA 2016: The GOBA News-March Colum bus Outdoor Pursuits 1525 Bethel Rd., Ste. 100 Colum bus, OH 43220 The GOBA News, March, 2016, P. 8 2016 Links to Ohio Laws Safety Alert! We need you to help ramp up our safety. On all parts of the route, KEEP TO THE RIGHT! Pass only with extreme caution. If you must get off your bike, get totally off the pavement. All the GOBA organizers want the same thing you do -- a safe and happy week on your bike. Since we work closely with local law enforcement, officers will be along our route and will be watching us. At no time do we or they condone illegal behaviors. To help you brush up on safe practices and Ohio laws of the road, you can review the online info below. Let's remember to practice safety and courtesy on the road, so that we impart a shining example of all that's good about bicycling. Safety and's a two-way street. 1. Cycling Smarter Guide, Ohio Dept. of Transportation’s online booklet. Go to the Forms & Links page of ordpress. Click on "ODOT-Cycling Sm arter Guide". 2. Digest of Ohio Bicycle Traffic Law s, com piled by m em bers of Ohio Bicycle Federation, containing excerpts from Ohio traffic laws and what they m ean for cyclists. http://w w Click Education; then click Safety 614-273-0811 Hotels and other Lodging GOBA is first and forem ost a cam ping tour. However, if you want to stay in a hotel or B&B, check directly with the m otels or Visitor Bureaus: see "Lodging" on . Make your own arrangem ents, including transport at your expense. Hotels are not norm ally on the bus shuttle in each overnight. M otel/luggage package offered by Ohio Travel Treasures: early bird discount until 3/26/16. Contact them at ph. 513-923-9112 or Gym Floor Sleeping Space for 2016: Floor sleeping m ay be very lim ited, since stringent fire regulations lim it the facilties that can offer this. Availability is listed with each town's description in this newsletter and in the May issue. All space is first-com e, firstserved. The fee you pay for the space goes 100% to local non-profit groups. Other local lodging options, such as hom e stay program s, etc.): See p. 3 for dorm rooms at M iami University in Oxford. If other options are available, they will be in the G O B A M a y n e w s le tte r w ith u p d a te s o n /gobatour. Although GOBA encourages the towns to offer these options, it is up to the towns to determ ine if they can. For last-m inute additions, be sure to check at the Local Inform ation Booth as you arrive in each town.
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