August, 2016 Newsletter - The Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure
August, 2016 Newsletter - The Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure
Bicycle Shorts In Memoriam Bill Gordon, GOBA Director He was gone too soon, but the im pression he left will be lasting. Our Director Bill Gordon passed away unexpectedly on Saturday, June 11, 2016. He was doing what he loved, and that was riding his bike. That love of bicycling was translated into his great enthusiasm for the Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure. W e w e r e p r iv ile g e d to h a v e benefitted from his caring, his com passion and his action ideas. GOBA-28 was the culm ination of his hard work for a year... m inus one sad week. W hat m ade it possible for us to go on and run the event was the k n o w le d g e th a t B ill w a s passionate about leading bicycle tours. W e knew he would have wanted GO BA to go on with all the joy and cam araderie that is the norm . And so we did. We miss you, Bill. And we, the entire GOBA fam ily of staff, town com m ittees, volunteers and riders, extend our deepest sym pathies to your fam ily and friends. The Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure celebrated the them e, "GOBA 28-It's O utta This W orld!", with aliens, visiting planets, and plenty of spacecraft. On Saturday, June 18, the bicycle parade in Ham ilton featured the them e for c os tum es and festivities. "O ne Mississippi", a popular local cover band, serenaded us at Rivers Edge Park. Then, on Father's Day we cycled off to enjoy overnights in Eaton, Oxford (2 nights), Brookville, and Miam isburg (2 nights), before our hilly return to Ham ilton. Other great m em ories of the 28th GOBA: the jum bo Alien cookies at Miam i University; the cam p evacuation in Golden Gate Park (m iddle of the night windstorm , of course); the big-screen TV set up in Eaton just so we could watch the allim portant Cleveland Cavaliers; the downtown square dance and RAAM riders in Oxford; the m agical drum circle; the dress-up photo ops in Brookville; the Miam isburg Mound and adjacent cold-war era historical buildings, not to m ention "Area 51"; the "Bug Show" in Eaton; the optional ride to Carillon Park and the Air Force Museum ; the riverboat cruise on the Ohio; the contests: for Rider #s 28 and 2016; "Counting Steeples" on the route; the ever-popular Song Contest; and the hard-working am ateur radio operators and other volunteers everywhere we went. As far as the terrain, it was som ewhat hilly, alternating with gently rolling and flat. Nearly all roads featured excellent surfaces and the bike paths were outstanding. Som e of the worst of the storm s m agically went around us, but we did have som e interm ittent rain. GOBA by the num bers: W e had 1,578 registrants. 953 of our riders were m ale; 1,149 were from Ohio; 123 were COP m em bers; 40 states were represented as well as Canada (Manitoba, Ontario); 299 were from m ultiple generations riding together; 117 riders were age 15 or under; 23 have ridden all 28 tours; 1239 (78%) registered online. First-tim e riders num bered 382 (com pared to 519 last year and 520 the year before). On the W ednesday optional century day, 85 riders rode the full 100-m ile loop in spite of the iffy forecast. In our 28th year, we salute everyone who helped GOBA becom e a reality. W hile we wished Bill were here to enjoy the fruit of his hard work, we know he was with us in spirit. And GOBA will roll on... GOBA 29th Annual Tour: June 17-24, 2017 Route Announcement = November 21, 2016 GOBA 2016 - Route Summary R oute Sat., 6/18 Sun., 6/19 Mon, 6/20 Tues., 6/21 Wed., 6/22 C am p Check-in / Bike Parade Butler Co. Frgds Hamilton to Eaton Eaton High School Eaton to Oxford Miami University Oxford: optional loop Miami University Oxford to Brookville + Golden Gate Park optional loop Thurs., 6/23 Brookville to Miamisburg Miamisburg Middle School Fri., 6/24 Miamisburg: optional loop Miamisburg Middle School Sat., 6/25 Miamisburg to Hamilton Butler Co. Frgds Maximum total Minimum total Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure Phone (614) 273-0811 /wordpress/ M iles parade: 1.7 48 51 optional: 48 50 optional: 50 53 optional: 43 49 394 251 614-273-0811 The GOBA News, August, 2016, P. 2 WHAT MAKES GOBA GO? ... Our deep appreciation goes to the people of southwestern Ohio who made GOBA possible for the 28th year. These are just a few of the hundreds who volunteered their time and talents on the tour. q Hamilton: Town Coordinators: Joshua Stephens & Dana Mcconnaughey, Butler County Visitors Bureau; Cathy Hangbers & Doug Turner, Butler County Fairgrounds; Butler County EMA Director Matt Haverkos; Adam Helm s, City of Ham ilton; Ham ilton Mayor Patrick Moeller; Butler County Sheriff's Office; H am ilton City Police; Fairfield Township Police & Fire; Ham ilton Fire & EMS; Butler County Engineer. Planning Chair; Miam i Township Police; Miam isburg Police; city of Miam isburg; Five Rivers MetroParks; M iam isburg Viking Cheerleaders; Miam isburg M iddle School PTO; Mound Elem entary PTA; BSA Troop 4 0 2 ; M ia m is b u r g L io n s C lu b ; Miam isburg Volleyball Team ; Minerva Lodge #98; Miam isburg G irl Scouts; Montgom ery County EMA Director Jeff Jordan; Miam i Valley Fire District; all the Montgom ery County agencies m entioned under Brook ville. q Eaton: Town Coordinators: Heidi Bortel & Misti Spillm an, Preble County Historical Society; Dr. Barbara Curry, Superintendent, Eaton Com m unity Schools; Preble County EMA Director Dave Anderson; Orlin Strunk, Eaton Schools; Sheriff Michael Sim pson and t h e P r e b le C o u n t y S h e r i f f ' s Departm ent; Eaton City Police; Eaton Fire & EMS; Athletic & Band Booster Club; Preble Trails; Preble County Engineer. q Oxford: Town Coordinators: Jessica Greene, Oxford Visitors Bureau, & Alicia Rizzo, Miam i University; Kathy Crowley, Miam i University; Miam i University Cam pus Police; Brad Clark, Miam i University; Oxford Police; City of Oxford; Oxford Fire & EMS; Boy Scout Troop 930; W om en Braves 5th grade Basketball; Jessica's children!; Entourage for Destination Im agination; all the Butler County agencies m entioned under Ham ilton. q Brookville: Town Coordinators: Erich Haupt & Christy Haupt; Sonja Keaton, City of Brookville; Shawn Landis, Brookville Park Board; Fire Chief Ron Fletcher & Brookville Fire Departm ent; Brookville City Schools; J o h n W illia m s o n ; C apt. G reg S tephens , M ontg o m e ry C ounty Sheriff's Office; Brookville police; Pink R ibbon G irls; Feed Brook ville; Brookville First UMC; Com m unity UMC; Blue Crew Soccer; Brookville K iw anis ; B ro o k v ille H S B and; Brookville W restling Team & football team ; Montgom ery County Engineer. q M iamisburg: Town Coordinators: Katie Frank, City of Miam isburg, & A m y A n s lin g e r , W r ig h t S ta te University; Scott Gilbert, Miam isburg City Schools; Mike Nolan, Em ergency Amateur Radio Communications: Butler County VHF Association; OH-KY-IN ARS in Ham ilton County; Montgom ery County Am ateur Radio Em ergency Service, Inc.; Darke County Am ateur Radio; Preble Am ateur Radio Association. Along the Route: ' Sunday: Seven Mile: Seven Mile Elem entary School, Barnyard Rebel 4H G roup. C am den: C am den Elem entary School, Preble Shawnee HS Boosters. Dixon Twp: Concord United Church of Christ, Parishioners. ' M onday: C a m p b e lls to w n : Cam pbellstown United Church of Christ, Parishioners. College Corner: Union Elem entary School, Union County HS W orld Travelers. Hueston W oods State Park: Pioneer Farm Museum , Oxford Museum Association. Roberts Bridge. Christm an Covered Bridge. Doty Hom estead, Oxford Township House, Pioneer Barn, Doty Settlem ent Cem etery. ' Tuesday: Morgan Twp: Morgan Twp Fire Dept. New Haven: Crosby United Methodist Church, Transform ed Youth & Fam ily Center. Passm ore Log Cabin, 1818. ' W ednesday: Preble Shawnee High School, Booster Club. W est Alexandria: Twin Valley High School, Band Boosters. Lewisburg: Lewisburg C o m m u n ity C e n te r, V illa g e o f Lewisburg. Lewisburg Historical Society, 1922 Caboose, Train Depot. Dixon Branch Covered Bridge. W arnke Covered Bridge. W olf Creek Trail. ' Thursday: Lewisburg: Lewisburg C o m m u n ity C e n te r, V illa g e o f Lewisburg. New Lebanon: Dixie High School, High School Students, Faculty, Parents. Farm ersville: ValleyView Jr. High, Student Council, Peer Mediators, NHS Students. Trails End Equestrian Center. ' Friday: Dayton: Carillon Park, RiverScape MetroPark, Eastwood MetroPark on Mad River Trail, National Museum of the U.S. Air Force. ' S a t u rd a y : G erm anto w n : W eber/Kercher Com m unity Park. Gratis: Gratis Fire Departm ent. Seven Mile: Seven Mile Elem entary School, Barnyard Rebel 4-H Club. 614-273-0811 GOBA PhotoDisk - $30 You, too, can have m ore than 7,000 im ages captured by our very professional volunteer photographers on GOBA 2016. They are on a high-capacity m ultidisk set (DVD), for you to view, m ake slide shows, print, download, or whatever your heart fancies. DVDs will be m ailed to you in the late fall. Mail order form with a $30 check to GOBA Photo, 1525 Bethel Rd., Ste. 100, Colum bus, OH 43220 º Check must be in U.S. dollars & drawn on U.S. bank. The GOBA News, August, 2016, P. 3 Order Form - 2016 GOBA PhotoDisk - $30 To order the GOBA PhotoDisk: Mail this order form with a $30 check º Check must be in U.S. dollars & drawn on U.S. bank. Send to: GOBA 2016 Photo, 1525 Bethel Rd., Ste. 100, Columbus, OH 43220 Please Print Name Rider # Address City Day Ph. ( State Zip ) Email É Contest Winners Congrats to W inners and thanks to all --- you cam e out, m ade it fun & tried your best! Costum e Contest - Bike Parade (June 18 in Ham ilton) It's Outta This World VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR 2017 W e will have opportunities for helping with the safety program , driving as an offic ial s ag, volunteering as part of the m edical team , working with the inform ation b o o th, and s etting up th e cam pgrounds, and m any other opportunities that arise during the year. Interes ted? C all 614-273-0811, ext. 1, or em ail gobainfo@, and we will let you know details as soon as they are available. 1st - GOBA Registration for 2017: # 1097 Greg & # 1098 Sam uel Brandes, Mansfield, OH: Life-Size ET + Elliot 2nd - # 1099 Karen Andersen, W est Milton, OH; # 875 Diane Stoll, Tipp City, OH; # 876 Morgan McCoy, W est Salem , OH: Dr. W ho Group 3 rd : # 1 1 9 6 B re n t D e vitt, Beavercreek, OH: UFO Bike & Alien Song Contest (June 24 in Miam isburg) 1st: # 896 Katy & # 894 J.D. Spinner, Cuyahoga Falls, OH. Lyrics by # 895 Margie Spinner, Cuyahoga Falls, OH. Song: Mr. Spaceman "GOBA Style" 2nd: # 770 Virginia Collins, Flem m ing Island, FL; # 771 Nancy Pryately, Asheville, NC; # 1297 Bev Guthrie, Asheville, NC; # 595 Chris Pryately, Alexandria, VA. Song: G-O-B-A [YM-C-A] 3rd: # 1155 Scott & # 1156 Ashley M iller, Galloway, OH. Song: I'll Beat This Hill "Counting Steeples" Contest: r W inning Entry: # 458 Marilyn Moor, W estfield, IN. Correct num ber of steeples on the route = 16; guessed 17 Special Rider Num bers: # 2016 M a tth e w M ic e tic h , W orthington, OH. # 28 Michael W allk, Chicago, IL. Thanks to all who m ade donations in order to enter the raffle for #28. Donations go directly to the Bicycle Developm ent Fund to benefit Ohio bicycle-related projects. GOBA M ission Our m ission is to organize a yearly o n e - w e e k b ic yc le vacation, in order to inspire independence and nurture personal growth, to learn about Ohio, its people, geography and history, to provide inter-generational recreation, to enhance the im age of bicycling in Ohio and to raise funds for bicycle-related projects in Ohio. # 2016 M atthew M icetich # 28 M ichael W allk 614-273-0811 The GOBA News, August, 2016, P. 4 WHERE IN THE WORLD IS GOBA? º Pix on W e want to feature on our Facebook page a pic of you or som eone you know wearing a GOBA Tshirt or GOBA jersey som ewhere in the world (when you're not on GOBA). Tshirt or jersey can be from any year of GOBA and we m ust be able to see clearly that it is a GOBA shirt or jersey. To get an idea, see the great photos posted in August on /gobatour. To be included, em ail your photo by Septem ber 9 to goba@ Requirements: (1) jpg only (2) m axim um file size: 1M (3) deadline: Septem ber 9, 2016 (4) Include your nam e, city, state (tell us if you'd like us to include or leave out when we post the pic), location of pic. Then, starting W ed, September 14, we'll post at least the first 15 (tasteful) pics that we receive, along with their location in the world. W atch every week, m ostly on W ednesdays, until Novem ber 2. So, look through your im ages and show your GOBA colors. Please only one pic per person. Questions? Please don't post the questions on Facebook, em ail them to gobainfo@ . thanks! There's More to Come ) 2017 Calendar (with 2016 photos) - one per household - to be m ailed by Decem ber, as part of your 2016 registration. ) Novem ber 21 - 2017 Route Announcement on ) Novem ber 30 - Post Card M ailin g w ith 2017 route announcem ent. Post card will contain link to Registration on . Register online with credit card or print off the pdf and m ail with a check. ) Register early for 2017 (by Decem ber 31) and enjoy discounts! 2017 Route Details & Registration: Monday, November 21, 2016 LOST & FOUND Believe it or not, we are still sitting on a pile of unclaim ed lost item s from GOBA-28. W e do not have any towels or water bottles (for sanitary reasons). However, we do have a num ber of item s for which the owner could not be identified. In order to claim an item , 614-273-0811, ext. 1, or gobainfo @ g by September 15, and we will m ake shipping arrangem ents (you will be responsible for shipping charges). After Septem ber 16, the item s m ay be donated to a worthy cause. Additional support for GOBA 2016 is gratefully acknowledged from these generous companies: g Nationwide Children's Hospital Sports Medicine g Bob Evans Restaurants of Oxford/Team 2013; and Hamilton/Teams 156 & 495 g Subway Restaurants The GOBA News, published 4 times/year (March, May, June, August) by Columbus Outdoor Pursuits, 1525 Bethel Rd., Ste. 100, Columbus, OH 43220 C O P is a nonpro fit, nonpolitical organization exclusively for charitable and educational purposes and is dedicated to providing ou td oor education and recreation. G O B A-2 8 IMAGES . .. Calendar - free! Your 2016 tour m em ories and anecdotes will be captured in a full-color 2017 Calendar with 250+ photos by our official GOBA photographers. As part of your registration fee, each household will autom atically receive one copy via bulk m ail in Decem ber. Calendar photos will also be posted online. See in Decem ber. Photos on DVD - $30! Order form is on p. 3.
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