May, 2016 Newsletter - The Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure
May, 2016 Newsletter - The Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure
... Bill Gordon, GOBA Director (4) Remember, you are responsible for your own equipment, including medical devices. GOBA is not able to provide electrical plugins and we advise you to look into batterypowered devices. Or... take advantage of the towns' home stays or other indoor options in order to have an electrical source. GOBA-28: Pedal along with your fellow travelers for 50 miles per day of the best of the earthly scenery, tempting food treats and entertainment, and the warmest welcome in the universe. Zoom in early for all the fun in Hamilton. (5) As of this writing, the Ohio Travel Treasures motel/shuttle package is still available; call 513-923-9112. The OTT Tue. & Fri. bus tours are still open. Don't wait! See March Newsletter for forms, or go to: Bicycle Shorts (1) Get fit for GOBA-28... no excuses, now that the weather is breaking. For training tips & packing list: Prepare for this year's GOBA by launching yourself up and down some hills and dales! Make your mission to practice riding several days in a row. (6) Showers: you can shower in camp in our shower trucks (for free) with warm water and long lines....or in the facilities with shorter lines and cooler water. (2) Reminder: if you have any specific dietary needs, please come prepared to carry your special food with you. While we do our best to prepare the food stop organizers, sometimes your individual needs may not be met. (8) If you registered as a "Car Camper", mail the Car Camper confirmation form ASAP and no later than May 26. Can't find the form? Go to: Your pass & special maps will be in your packet in Hamilton. While we try to find convenient camping locations, you may be required to park across the street from the main GOBA camp or to camp away from your vehicle. (3) Bring a lock and always lock your bike. Write down the bike model and serial number and keep it in your wallet. (7) Know Your Rider Number: You need it for check-in in Hamilton. It was in your confirmation letter. Enjoy discounts on the tour with your GOBA wristband. (9) Cancellations/Refunds: Deadline is May 18, 2016, postmark date, by certified mail only. Refund fee is $49. No refunds after deadline. (10) Reminder: hotels are not included in the town's shuttle route. You need to make your own arrangements for transportation back and forth to the hotels. (11) Mail your Medical Profile form back to GOBA ASAP and no later than May 26. Be sure to first tear off & complete the "Permission to Treat" card; carry it with you on tour. Can't find yours? Go to: (12) If you go to a medical facility for medical care during GOBA, you may need to tell them specifically to release basic information about you to GOBA. That way, we'll be able to call and find out when we can arrange transportation and other assistance for you. Our volunteers and staff are educated in the need to protect your privacy. (13) Feedback! Yes, we want to hear from you. Get your hard-copy feedback form from volunteers in Hamilton on the last day, near the luggage piles or at the Info Station. Or go to More on Hamilton... PARADE STEPS OFF IN HAMILTON This year’s parade, to be held on June 18, 2016, will take you on a 1-m ile excursion through downtown Ham ilton. Parade line-up is at 6:00 pm and leaves the fairgrounds at 6:30 pm on June 18. The parade ends at the Rivers Edge Am phitheater where the opening cerem ony will be held. At about 7:00pm live entertainm ent will begin with a band playing- One Mississippi- a popular local cover band. In the event of rain, the event will be m oved back to the Butler County Fairgrounds and to various local area restaurants. A bike parade isn’t a bike parade at GOBA without a Costum e Contest! This year’s theme -- “GOBA 28 - It’s Outta @ See article on p. 2 @ See June Newsletter Special 28th GOBA this W orld!” -- should encourage you to be very creative. Judges will m ingle with contestants before the parade begins, in addition to viewing along the route. So be sure to get to the line-up early. ... see p. 8! The Rivers Edge Concert series will be providing m eals and drinks for sale to interested riders and there are plenty of local area restaurants willing to serve hungry out-of-town guests. L L (homepage) L email blasts: set your spam Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure Phone (614) 273-0811 FAX (614) 459-8044 Watch for U P D A T E S filter to accept email from An event of 614-273-0811 The GOBA News, May, 2016, p. 2 H A M I L T O N 2016 Start & End Town Saturday, June 18 & Saturday, June 25 or The bicycle parade to beautiful, historic, downtown Hamilton lines up at 6:00 pm , starts at 6:30 pm, and the opening ceremonies kick off at 7:00 pm. The Ham ilton area continues to gear up for GOBA 28 “It’s Outta This W orld!”. The G O BA com m ittee is in the process of finalizing plans for an exciting kick-off to this year’s adventure. The Butler County Fairgrounds is where you’ll call hom e. From there it’s only a short bike or shuttle ride to all kinds of activities for all ages. So, once you get settled, enjoy som e entertainm ent at the fairgrounds and m ap out your course for the rest of the day. W hat to See & Do on the Shuttle Route? You’ll find there’s a lot to do in and around Ham ilton. Shuttles start running to attractions, shopping, and dining around town at noon to give you am ple tim e for exploring our beautiful city. One shuttle will be dedicated to going to downtown Ham ilton. Explore the Heritage Hall Museum and/or the Ham ilton County W elcom e/Visitors Center. The m useum highlights the City of Ham ilton as well as the history of Butler County through photographs, illustrations, and other m aterials. Another stop will take folks out to Pyram id Hill Sculpture Park & Museum . Pyram id Hill is one of just 10 sculpture parks in the US and the only one of its kind in Ohio. Displaying m ore than 50 pieces of m onum ental art, the park subsists of 265 acres, featuring hiking trails, an arboretum , indoor pavilion, wall garden, lakes, picnic areas, am phitheater, and activities for adults and children. Another shuttle is planned for the incredible international m arket of Jungle Jim ’s. Jungle Jim ’s is a food lover’s paradise with six acres of food all under one roof. Jungle Jim ’s is an international m a r k e t, a s p e c ta c le , a n d a n entertainm ent experience all rolled into one stop. Bicycle riders can explore downtown Ham ilton and take off further down High Street on the east side of the river or cross over the river and take off down Main Street and pop into Andy’s Restaurant where one can chow down on their fam ous cheeseburgers. A short couple blocks walk or ride from the Ham ilton W elcom e Center is the Fitton Center for Creative Arts to the south or the Rivers Edge am phitheater to the north, where our opening cerem onies will be held. The Fitton Center for Creative Arts is known as the “m ecca for the arts” with activities for art lovers of all ages. W ould you rather venture out on your own? Be sure to stop by the Local Inform ation booth or head downtown into Ham ilton where you can stop by the Ham ilton W elcom e Center and get local m aps, shuttle schedules, newspapers, and local Visitor Guides. Plenty of spots on the shuttle routes are well worth a side trip. Our volunteers will be glad to answer your questions or give you suggestions. Check the June Newsletter for updates. LODGING (other than cam ping) Hotels: In addition to doing a hotel search in Note: Options for gym floor the Internet, we highly recom m end you contact sleeping, and home stay each of the local visitors bureaus for the latest programs: GOBA encourages on lodging availability, including hotels and towns to offer these options, but B&Bs. See Lodging page on . som e local or state laws prohibit them . Or, in som e towns, these Be sure to ask them the distance to GO BA options are organized after the cam p. W e make no claims about the quality last newsletter deadline, so be of these establishments. Most room s are sure to check at the Local gone by early spring, even earlier in towns with Inform ation Booth as you arrive very lim ited beds. W e suggest you ask for a in each town for last-m inute confirm ation & reconfirm these reservations additions. See also grid on p. 7. before the tour. HAMILTON DIRECTIONS The June Newsletter will contain driving directions to Ham ilton and the Butler Co. Fairgrounds, because it will be im portant for you to use the correct gate when entering the fairgrounds to avoid traffic tie-up. Please do not use an online m apping program to find your way into the fairgrounds. The June Newsletter will include the GPS coordinates for the two entry gates, depending on which applies to you: (1) U se the W EEK -LO N G PARKING gate if you are leaving your car behind for the week. (2) Use the CAR only if you have Cam per perm it. after 10 am on towed. CAM PER gate, paid for a Car Cars left here Sunday will be Bolstered by easy access to Interstate 75, Ham ilton has positioned itself as a center of com m erce, entertainm ent, and culture. One of Ham ilton’s finest natural features is the calm ing beauty of the Great Miam i River that flows through the heart of the city. Ham ilton is also defined by its strong dedication to the past and its preservation of historic districts such as the Germ an Village, Dayton-Lane, and Rossville. Visitors m ay tour these districts on self-guided walking tours to view the beautiful m ansions and hom es of the past. The GOBA News, published 3 times/year (March, May, June) by Columbus Outdoor Pursuits 1525 Bethel Rd., Ste. 100 Columbus, OH 43220 C O P is a n o n p rofit, nonpolitical organization exclusively for charitable and educational purposes and is dedicated to providing outdoor education and recreation. 614-273-0811 The GOBA News, May, 2016, P. 3 Massage Therapy on GOBA?!?! ep! Whether its improving your muscle output, working out those aches and pains from a good day's ride, or preventing them. There's a reason world class athletes always receive massage therapy as a part of their regular care. It makes a difference! Less aches and pains! Better sleep! More energy the next morning! How is that possible you ask? Well, every time you contract a muscle, fuel is burned. As you know, when something burns, it leaves behind residue or waste products (acids in this case). Your blood carries the garbage to the dump, but if it can't accommodate the extra load, the waste gets trapped. This is what creates your discomfort. Massage helps your body flush out the trapped waste, and aids your circulation in carrying it away for disposal. Getting the old blood out leaves more room for the new oxygenated blood, so you start the next day with more fuel and more flexibility (ie. injury prevention). This is a wonderful and affordable opportunity for highly trained work. There's about 150 years worth of experience gathered together under this one tent for your use. All are licensed by the State of Ohio Medical Board, and come from all over the state. Give it a try! We're there for you!! We only charge $15 per 12 minute session. We do recommend multiple sessions to allow time for maximum effectiveness, and accept credit cards. Look for our ever present big blue and white tent in every town but Hamilton. Got questions? Email Evonne at Salute to our Golden GOBAs! Thursday, Miamisburg Y I If you will be riding on your 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, or 28th GOBA tour this year, we are celebrating your 3,000 + miles with us as a "Golden GOBA". We are providing a special supper only for "Golden GOBAs" on Thursday in Miamisburg. Invitations will be emailed/mailed by the end of May with the details and RSVP's will be requested, so that we can have plenty of yummy food ready for you. If you do not receive an invitation by June 13 and you fall in the "Golden GOBA" category, please contact us at or 614-273-0811, ext. 1, so that we can include you in the fun. Bicycle Shops If you need a bicycle for GOBA, or need a bicycle tune up or equipment, we recommend one of these shops who are planning to help GOBA riders during the tour this year. They are well prepared to answer your questions and take care of your biking needs. @ BAER W HEELS Colum bus, OH 614-267-7178 @ CENTURY CYCLES shops in Medina, Peninsula, Rocky River & Solon 440-356-5705 @ BREAKAW AY CYCLING Delaware, OH 740-363-3232 GOBA Shirts & Jerseys If you register after April 30 and ordered t-shirts and jerseys, but do not receive yours in the mail, pick them up during GOBA. @ Stop at the GOBA merchandise booth -- under the yellow canopy in camp at the beginning of the week. GOBA Hams Bike mobile hams and amateur operators stationed along the course each day are always needed. If you are interested in helping in this capacity, contact Jeff Slattery, N8SUZ, via e-mail at You can join the GOBAhams Yahoo discussion group by going to For those of you interested in using GPS receivers on GOBA, our communications team is working on a set of GPS waypoint files for the route. They will be made available for downloading from the website the Wednesday before GOBA begins. You may also download a simple software program called EasyGPS for downloading and uploading waypoint files from the Internet and your GPS. Please also check the Info Board in camp daily for updates, as the route is subject to change, due to circumstances beyond our control. For more details, see the March Newsletter, p. 5, and June issue. For license testing on June 18 and other info, see There's More to Come Check for Updates on See p. 7 for Reservation deadlines. May 18 Deadline for Registration or Cancellation June 3 June Newsletter m ailing (with directions to Ham ilton) June 16 at 5 pm : GOBA office closes until June 27 June 18 12 noon: GOBA cam p/registration opens; no cam ping prior to June 18; Bike Parade & Opening Cerem onies in evening June 19 GOBA 28 (start pedaling!) Aug. 18 August Newsletter on Nov. 21 GOBA-2017 Route Announcem ent Dec. 6 2017 GOBA Calendar m ailing (with photos from 2016) 614-273-0811 The GOBA News, May, 2016, p. 4 the local coffee shop, Kofenya, or at our newly constructed Lane Public Library. Maybe you need to stretch out a little? Consider joining a session at Root Yoga, but heads up, pre-registration is required at E A T O N Sunday, June 19 Preble County Convention & Visitor's Bureau Downtown Eaton will celebrate Father's Day and the welcome invasion of the GOBA riders with a downtown street fair featuring homemade sweets and goodies from locally owned ice cream and treat shops, as well as barbecue, other food vendors, coffee shops and more. Local music provided the popular upbeat Worley Brothers Band will also be featured. Shuttle service will be provided to the downtown area. Children and adults alike will love our family fun area which will be located at the Preble County Arts Center located across from the campground area/Eaton Middle and High School campus. Here, have fun with pottery -create a piece to take home to remember your fabulous stay in Eaton! Enjoy a taste of the farm with the opportunity to feed goats and other animals at the petting zoo, and maybe even get a chance to see a lemur, camel, hawks, and more! A creepy yet awesome, informational bug show will thrill anyone who wants to see examples of amazing insect creatures that are "Outta this World!" Campground residents will be impressed with the support and energy of our Booster clubs, who will provide all of the services and refreshments you need during your stay at the camp site. Keep an eye out for the Preble Trails group (we'll be wearing bright green shirts!) who will be at the camp site and downtown, serving as your "go to" folks when you have questions or want to know the inside scoop on where to go and what to do in Preble County! The Preble County Visitor's Bureau will also be on hand to provide all the info you need --- with special publications on one of the highlights of Preble County --- our covered bridges! As a special addition, the Visitor's Bureau will offer hayrides for a small fee to tour the historical Ft. St. Clair Park and the double barreled Roberts Bridge. Both sites are within 0.5 to a mile of the campground. Stay tuned -- we'll be adding a special web page. The url will be announced on We are beyond thrilled to host you during your GOBA trip!! Welcome! In Eaton: Elegant Evening/Dinner ! Sunday, June 19 ! Reservation deadline: June 13, 2016 !Info and reservation form in March issue, p. 2. The Preble County Historical Society will feature a reservations only exclusive dinner Sunday night for GOBA riders, and transportation will be provided. Menu for June 19 Elegant Dinner: Spring Salad Roasted Chicken mashed potatoes and gravy green beans corn rolls Strawberry Shortcake O X F O R D Monday & Tuesday, June 20 & 21 Oxford Visitors Bureau 513-523-8687 Alien Invasion Predicted -City of Oxford Prepares Welcome The City of Oxford is actively preparing an Out of this World experience for an estimated 2,000 alien (ahem ...GOBA) visitors. As guests roll into town they can camp at Millett Hall, stay in a Miami University Residence Hall or book a room at one of the 6 hotels in town. Please note- there is no floor sleeping in Oxford. ! Residence Hall Booking ! List of Oxford Link: hotels: Once you’re settled in, you can take advantage of all of the outer world experiences in Oxford. Cool off in one of our 2 area pools: The Tri Community outdoor pool or the Olympic sized, aquatic center pool, at Miami University. Guests can also unwind with free Wi-Fi at At 2:00pm, join us in the park for a hands on experience with Rhythm Expedition. This community drum circle in the Uptown Park is led by Pete Carels of the Drum Circle Facilitators Guild and former GOBA rider. It’s truly out of this world and will help you find the voice of your inner drummer. Be sure to stick around the park because at 3:45 the World Percussion Group OGADETULISOMA will perform. It’s a great show! Post drum performance, enjoy a cocktail hour at one of our local pubs or get in touch with your alien-art side with a painting session at You’re Fired, paint your own pottery. Grab dinner in town at one of our 39 locally owned restaurants and then meet us back in the park at 7:00pm for a performance by Son Del Caribe -- Salsa, Merengue and more! On Tuesday morning, exit your space pod and enjoy breakfast Patterson’s Cafe, voted best brunch in Ohio by Ohio Magazine readers. Then visit the McGuffey Museum or take a guided history tour of Oxford. For lunch, consider grabbing a Bagel from the iconic Bagel and Deli and having a picnic at Dogwood Park. Need to relax? Consider getting a much needed massage at Luna Blu Salon 20% off all services for GOBA riders, but appointments are required. Call soon! Tuesday afternoon at 2:00pm, there will be another interactive drum circle in the park. Or you can try your hand at the climbing wall in the Miami University rec center. Tuesday evening, Miami University is providing a buffet dinner, you can get your tickets now: At 7:00pm, join us back Uptown for a community square dance. We’re closing down the road and taking over the streets. Judy Waldron of Jericho Old Time String band is an expert dance caller and it’s sure to be fun for people of all ages and experience levels. You won’t be “alienated” in Oxford -- you might just have an Out of this World good time! The GOBA News, May, 2016, P. 5 614-273-0811 BROOKVILLE Wednesday, June 22 Your visit to Brookville promises to be fulfilling and entertaining. We will have numerous food options available around town and at Golden Gate Park throughout the day, to include lunch, dinner, and breakfast the next morning. No one will be hungry for long with all the great homemade, local food fare available. As a special treat, we have a dining option which includes entertainment as well, and all proceeds go to Special Olympics. The Brookville Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons will be hosting a special dinner in the Historic Hay House which features a catered dinner and guest speaker Tom Helbig of Tomfoolery Outdoors. Tom is currently riding across America on the Southern Tier Bicycle Route from San Diego, CA to Key West, FL and will provide tales of this adventure across the country. This event is limited to the first 75 MIAMISBURG Thursday & Friday, June 23 & 24 City of Miamisburg Miamisburg is excited for GOBA to roll into town! Keep checking the GOBA link on for up to date information. Also check out the businesses and activities listed to help plan your visit. The shuttle route will guarantee out of this world experiences for all. Here are the main stops: q Base Camp Miamisburg Middle School (Roswell). ! Feel at home with local food, music, and special kids’ activities q Downtown (Area 51). ! Shop til you drop in the women’s and children’s boutiques, outfitters, and bike shop. Make sure to ask for GOBA shipping í The Exhibit Building is located on the corner of Hay Avenue and Wolf Creek Pike. The Exhibit Building features local Brookville items including military, agricultural, businesses, churches, organizations, and school items. bit.htm participants and the cost is $30/person with all proceeds going to Special Olympics. Pre-registration is encouraged and all those pre-registering will receive a Swag bag of goodies. For additional information and to pre-register: In addition, we are planning some great entertainment for your time in Brookville. Musical entertainment will include local band 4th Level and headliner Bauner Chafin. In addition, Bicycle Motorcross (BMX) will be hosting a competition on the grounds of Golden Gate Park during your stay. î The Brookville Railroad Depot and caboose is located at Hay and Cusick Avenues on the bike trail. The coming of the railroad in 1852 established the foundation for the growth of Brookville. ot.htm As a reminder, floor sleeping will be available at Brookville local schools (in the gyms) for a small fee. Transportation will be provided to the school and other highlighted areas around town. The Brookville Historical Society will have three of their buildings open, from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 22, for GOBA participants to visit. Donations will be accepted. ì The Samuel Spitler House at 14 Market Street is now a community museum. The Queen Anne architecture is the most important feature of the Spitler House. It is a unique three-story frame Queen Anne (High Victorian) style house erected by Spitler, a miller and plumber, in 1894. options back to your home! Pick up vintage candy, grab some homemade donuts, ice cream, cupcakes, the sweet tooth options are endless. ! Eat one of a kind pizza, hamburgers designed 100 years ago with a secret recipe, ribs, barbecue, and much more. Two local breweries offer food trucks, butter beer and authentic Mexican cuisine and root beer. ! Walk the streets and do a little “alien caricature” window shopping featuring the local store owners. ! Hit the local Historical Society for walking tour information on the great 1913 Flood. ! Hop on the “Largest Paved Trail Network” in the country. q Sycamore Trails Aquatic Center (Hangar 13). ! Special GOBA prices are adult admission $3.50 and Youth (17 years and younger)/Seniors are $3. If entering the facility after 5 p.m., an additional discount of $.50 off each admission. Open late on Thursday night until 10pm. ! “STAC” features 2 water slides, rock climbing wall, zero entry depth, sand volleyball courts, and sand water play area. q Riverfront Park-Downtown (Area 51). ! Thursday Night 5:00pm opener Miamisburg Community Band; 6:00-9pm features a local favorite band, “The Fries” performing on stage. Enjoy vendor booths, bouncy houses, and other kids’ activities. There is lots more planned…stay tuned. Brookville is looking forward to your visit and committed to make it an “Out of this World” experience for all riders. If you have any questions, please contact town coordinator, Erich Haupt, (937) 239-7040, ! Friday Night 5:00pm opening act; 6:00pm Song Contest kicks off the night followed by a bluegrass favorite, “Sawgrass” and more vendors and bouncy house fun. Additional Points of Interest Pre-Registration events include: and q Great Miami River Paddle Float. ! Friday, June 24, 10:00am shuttle departure -enjoy a leisurely 5.5 mile paddle down the Great Miami River hosted by Great Miami Outfitters, approximately 2 hours. ! $30 per person which includes all equipment; 30 people max; recommended age 16 years or older; all details listed on registration page. ! Register by June 13th at q Mound Museum Tour. ! Embark on a guided tour of the museum that tells the history of the Mound that specialized in top secret nuclear engineering involved with the Manhattan Project and the Cold War. ! Pre-register by June 13 to Lorrie Huber at tours are Friday, June 24th at 9am, 10:30am, 12pm, 1:30pm, 3pm-40 people max, $5 per person. See p. 6 for more Miamisburg fun and Pre-Registration Events º 614-273-0811 The GOBA News, May, 2016, p. 6 MIAMISBURG, cont'd from p. 5 q Mound T-Building Private Tour. ! Go underground and learn the secrets of the Mound and what the “T-Building” was used for years ago-maybe a nuclear shelter? Maybe to make nuclear weapons? ! Pre-register by June 13th to Lorrie Huber at tours are Friday, June 24th at 9am, 10:30am, 12pm, 1:30pm, 3pm-15 people max, $5 per person. q Adena Mound. ! Visit one of 2 of the largest conical mounds in the eastern US; hear from Dayton and Ohio History experts on the significance of the Mound and see if you can climb to the top! q Pipestone Golf Course: check out tee times at q Mound Golf Course: check out tee times at q Date Time: Club Impact (City youth center) will offer childcare age 8-14yr Thursday and Friday 11am-4pm for $5 suggested donation per child. Housing: ! Indoor Sleeping in Middle School gymnasium in camp: first come first serve for a suggested donation. ! Home Stays: Contact Susan Cox at or (937) 554-2385 For up to date information Song Contest The 28th Annual GOBA Song Contest will be held in Miamisburg Riverfront Park-Downtown (Area 51), Friday night, 6:00 pm. GOBA Route Policies, 2016 When you pick up your packet in Hamilton, please look for the list of Food Stops & Attractions to find hours and admissions for stops along the route. GOBA works with local non-profit groups to offer food stops, 3 per day, except for the optional days and Saturday. While we hope you do patronize the food stops (they're fund-raisers for the local groups), if they run out of food, be prepared to go to local groceries or restaurants. It's also a good idea to carry with you plenty of water and snacks for emergencies. All week, support services are available on the route from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm (4:00 pm on Tuesday & Friday and 2:00 pm on Saturday). Your riding should be completed by these times each day. Route services (sags, repair, emergency medical, local police, food stops, etc.) are available only during these times. You may start your riding by 6 am, if you wish, but not before, as it is still dark before then. If you are sagged more than twice during GOBA week, your third sag transport will be to your car, or you will be asked to make other arrangements for the remainder of the tour. visit + + Song Contest Encore Once again, we'll bring back the always popular GOBA song contest Friday night in Miamisburg, 6:00 p.m. -at the downtown entertainment, a short shuttle bus ride or walk from camp. As before, you and/or a group of riders is invited to pen an original GOBA song (using a familiar tune) and perform it for GOBA...up to 2 minutes including intro. The top winner will receive a free 2017 GOBA registration (groups will share one registration) and the recognition of a large audience that doesn't have any tomatoes in hand. By the way, food may not be a part of the contest! There will be a sign up form at the information booth; sign up by Tuesday, 6:30 pm, and be prepared to leave a copy of your lyrics at that time (so the taste police can review them). Remember, it's a family tour, so CLEAN and FUN. On Thursday after 3:00, pick up your lyrics at the Info Booth; you'll have a notice of acceptance or rejection. Due to time limitations, we can only consider one song per performer/group, and only the first 20 entries will be considered. The order of the songs will be posted on the Info Board Thursday evening. The GOBA route is marked with the letter "A": alternating yellow and white for "regular" ride days and orange for the optional loop days. Please also check the Info Board in camp daily for updates, as the route is subject to change, due to circumstances beyond our control. When you're on a bike path, please remember that these are public multi-use trails and all safety precautions still apply. Be alert for posts in the trail at road crossings. At intersections, do not call out "clear" to the riders behind you. Be extremely cautious at crossings of high traffic roads and railroad tracks. Be alert to changes in road surface which can affect your control of the bike, such as tar and chip surfaces, potholes, short gravel sections, and construction projects. This year's route includes some blind curves, rough spots, gravel and potholes. If conditions make it difficult to keep your bike under control, you may be advised to walk your bike. We do this to protect the all of the other cyclists as well as you. Remember that the GOBA route uses public roadways and you are sharing the space with motor vehicles. Ride single file in presence of traffic. SAFETY SHOW When you arrive in Hamilton, all riders of all ages will read and sign the Safety Pledge to receive the rider packet. In addition, we ask first-time GOBA participants and riders 15 and under with their parent or guardian to watch the safety video. The safety video is 12 1/2 minutes long and reviews the Ohio State Bicycle Road Rules and pointers for on the road. We take this time also to welcome you and give you other pertinent information. Children riding are given special gifts to help them understand the importance of for both families and new riders to acquaint them with GOBA. I look forward to meeting everyone on June 18. Safe Cycling, Jody Dzuranin, Safety Cycle Coordinator, @ Check us out on Facebook! Always ride to right of center. Some roads are very narrow and don't have a center line, so it's doubly important to ride on the right-hand side of the road. Get off the road surface when walking the bike. Let's remember to practice courtesy on the road as well, so that we impart a shining example of all that's good about bicycling. Safety and's a two-way street. Law enforcement officers will be watching that you stop at stop signs and red lights and obey all traffic laws. Don't be surprised if they cite you for ignoring traffic laws. This is for your safety as well as the safety of others around you. See March News, p. 8 for Ohio laws. In case of severe weather: During lightning, do not continue to ride; take shelter wherever you can find it. If you come upon a flooded road, wait until a local sheriff or ham volunteer can investigate, or until a detour can be designed; don't charge blindly into it. If the rain is heavy, take a break. Remember, cars won't see you easily in a heavy rain. Give other bikes adequate clearance. And just think...on June 25, you'll be a GOBA veteran! 614-273-0811 The GOBA News, May, 2016, P. 7 Activities with Advance Reservations (This is an overview...see details elsewhere in this issue or March issue.) ACTIVITY CONTACT Share a ride to HAMILTON ... or 614-273-0811, ext. 1 (March, p. 2) Pre-Tour Ship your bike to HAMILTON, by reservation 513-829-7586 (March, p. 1) only Motel Package by Ohio Travel Treasures 513-923-9112 All-Week COP Towel Services by June 10 (March issue, p. 5) Amateur Radio Operators or (March, p. 5 & this issue) HAMILTON: Floor sleeping none, due to fire regulations Sat., 18th Eaton: Floor sleeping in GOBAville first come, first served. (not described in newsletters) Sun. Eaton: Elegant Evening/Dinner Reserve by June 13. March, p. 2 & this issue, p. 4 Oxford: Floor Sleeping none, due to fire regulations Mon./Tue. Oxford: Miami University dorm rooms Reserve by June 12. March, p. 3. Oxford: Root Yoga Pre-registration, this issue, p. 4. Oxford: Miami University buffet dinner Tue. this issue, p. 4. 2 Optional Bus Trips by Ohio Travel Treasures Reserve by May 15. March pp. 6-7. 513-923-9112 Tue. & Fri. & click "OTT Trips" HURRY... don't be left out! Brookville: Indoor Floor Sleeping first come, first served. March, p. 4 & this issue, p. 5 Wed. Brookville: Masons' dinner at Hay House Limited space. This issue, p.5. Miamisburg: Floor sleeping in GOBAville first come, first served. March, p. 4 & this issue, p. 6 Thurs./ Fri. Miamisburg: Home stays Limited space. March, p. 4 & this issue, p. 6. or (937) 554-2385 Miamisburg: Great Miami River Paddle Float Register by June 13. March, p. 4 & this issue, p. 5. Fri. Miamisburg: Mound Museum Tour March, p. 4 & this issue, p. 5. Register by June 13. Contact: for Miamisburg: Mound T-Building Private Tour March, p. 4 & this issue, p. 6. reservations for both Church Services in Hamilton, 6/18 & 6/19 Plans are in the works for a non-denom inational church service to be offered in cam p on Sunday m orning in Ham ilton. Officiating will be Pastor Terry Unthank, Miracle Revival Church. For details, see the GOBA June Newsletter and check with local info at the Fairgrounds. Additional services at Ham ilton churches are (rem em ber, you need to leave by 9 am on Sunday): ! St. Julie Billiart Catholic Parish, 224 Dayton St., Ham ilton, OH 45011, 513-863-1040, 2 blocks north of Butler County Courthouse. Services on Saturday: 4:30pm m ass; and Sunday: 8:30am and 11:00am . ! First United M ethodist Church, 225 Ludlow St., Ham ilton, OH 45011, 513-896-5683, firstum c@ firstum c-ham .org. 2 services on Sunday m ornings: 9AMin fo rm a l p ra is e s e r v ic e a n d 10:45AM- m ore traditional style. GPS RIDER MAPS On Monday, June 15, the GPS GOBA rider m aps will be available for download. Links & tutorials will be on & gobaham Due to unforeseen detours during GO BAweek, you should check daily for routing changes. For updates, see the June Newsletter and on June 15. Emergency Message Line During GOBA-2016: You can leave this num ber with fam ily m em bers who, in case of em ergency, will be able to leave a m essage for you. Em ergency m essages only will be posted on the board at the Inform ation Booth. only from 12 noon on 6/18 until 12 noon on 6/25 614-273-0811 V O L U N T E E R OPPORTUNITIES Volunteers needed R egistration & for In fo B ooth. Are you helping friends, fam ily by driving their sag vehicle and are looking for som ething to do? W e have a great place to spend a little tim e. H elp out at info/registration booth. You will help support regular staff. W ork a couple of 2 hour shifts, you get som ething special. g o b ain fo @ g o b m Ohio Laws and Bicycling Get ready for GOBA by brushing up on the bicycle rules of the road. Here are som e im portant links to review before June: (1) See March News, p. 8 for Digest of Ohio Bicycle Traffic Laws. (2) John Allen's "Street Smarts" http://w w w eetsmarts/ GOBA 2016: The GOBA News-May Colum bus Outdoor Pursuits 1525 Bethel Rd., Ste. 100 Colum bus, OH 43220 The GOBA News, May, 2016, P. 8 THANK YOU to our long-time Supporter: 614-273-0811 See p. 7 for the quick reference grid to make reservations for a variety of fun stuff! Refunds on GOBA 28 Count the church steeples as you are riding on the GOBA route. See Forms & Links page of for articles by Dr. Tom Pommering, GOBA Medical CoDirector, on health topics for cyclists. Thanks to Nationwide Children's Hospital Sports Medicine. GOBA is a project of Columbus Outdoor Pursuits (COP) 614-442-7901 Count any Church Steeples that you can see from the official route (even those that rise behind other buildings). Count only on the mandatory ride days: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday (not the extra 50mile loop) and Thursday. Turn in your count by Friday @ 4:00 to the info tent. The "Winner" will be chosen out of all entries that match the number counted by the GOBA staff. The one winner will be announced at the Song contest on Friday in Miamisburg. Check the schedule for time. The steeples can be shorter or taller. But don't count square ones. On Monday, June 13, check for photos of sample steeples. As stated on the application, we will grant refunds (m inus a $49 processing fee) to any rider sending a request IN W RITING, by certified m ail, if it is postm arked by M ay 18, 2016. W e cannot accept phone or em ail cancellations. And after M ay 18, we cannot give refunds for any reason, as we m ust com m it these funds to the support of the tour. Your travel agent can advise you on trip cancellation insurance.
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