Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 6-7, 2016
410 Jefferson Street Lexington, KY 40508
Tel: 859-254-0030 Fax: 859-253-6740
Infant Baptism
If you’re interested in having your infant or child baptized, please contact the office at 254-0030
for parent preparation class information. Classes are held as needed.
Anointing of the Sick
The Sacrament of the Sick can be received periodically at the Sunday Liturgy and upon request.
For emergencies, please call Fr. Norman Fischer at 859-583-1044. Please notify the parish office
for visits or communion calls to the sick and shut-ins.
Parishioners planning to be married at St. Peter Claver should contact the parish office at least six
months in advance.
This is a process open to adults and children interested in joining the Catholic Faith.
If interested contact Dc. James at 254-0030 or Nita Clarke at, 859.317.3719
Parish Registration
Registration forms may be obtained by contacting the parish office or through the website at Active membership is determined by the following: 1) Completed
registration form, 2) Faithful attendance at Mass on Sunday and Holy Days, and
3) Support of the parish through time, talent and treasure.
CCD Sacramental Prep
Please contact Dc. James Weathers/Nita Clarke at 859.254.0030.
Parish Staff
Business Manager
Book keeper
Director of Religrios Ed. (DRE)
Scripture Study/Hospital Visits
Young Adults
Youth Special Events
Choir Director
Finance Council Chair
Formation Co-Chairs
Nullity Field Advocates
Christina Weathers
Jane Wilkins
Nita Clarke
Dc. Eddie Grider (859.312.7860/
Fr Norman, Nita Clarke, Katie Reynolds, Emileigh Ledgerwood, Sallena Washington
Nita Clarke, Martha Crumbie
James Leny Thomas
Landrea Miriti (Children’s Ministry)
Jerry Cheatham / Committee Members: Sarah Turley, David Young
& Christina Weathers Fundraising Finance Members: Taunya
Phillips, Cheryl Smith Ned Benson, Anne Brooks & Eric Eifert
Karen King-Jones/Kris Miller and Chris Weathers
Fr. Norman Fischer
Steve Cocanougher, Joseph Young, Chris Weathers, David Young, John Gerton
Fr. Norman Fischer (859.583.1044), Dc. James Weathers
Parish Council Members and Number of Years They Have Served
3rd Year Chair; Beth Ross, John Gerton, Michelle Yeasayer
2nd Year Co-Chair; Martha Crumbie, Secretary-Nita Clarke, John Phillips
1stYear Louann Cavenee-Ramos, Mike Petitjean, Priscilla Johnson
Youth Team Leaders
Ages 3-11: Landrea Miriti, Martha Crumbie & Karen King-Jones & Anne Brooks
Ages 12-18: Katie Reynolds, Martha Crumbie, Titus Jenkins, Katie Reynolds, Sallena Washington
Youth Choir: Landrea Miriti, Nita Clarke (Secretary)
St. Peter Claver Church Mission Statement
At St. Peter Claver we are a community of faith made up of parishioners who uphold the Catholic
Tradition. We believe in a community, which supports families and children, transcending racial,
economic, and geographic boundaries for the purpose of worship, religious education, outreach
and fellowship. St. Peter Claver promotes a worship environment that is visually and spiritually
Afrocentric. The Eucharist is the source of the energy that moves us to community service and
evangelization. This is done in concert with other Christian communities under the guidance of
the Holy Spirit.
Fifth Sunday
Ordinary Time
Parish Priest
Fr. Norman Fischer
Parish Life Director
James Weathers
Business Manager
Christina Weathers
(1st, 2nd & 3rd Saturday)
Holy days..........5:30pm
Korean Mass....5:00pm
(4th Saturday of the month)
Sunday Evening...5:00pm
(4th Sunday of the month)
Wednesday:4:30-5:15 pm
1st, 2nd, 3rd Saturday:3:45-4:15 pm
Other times available by appointment
After-hours emergency:
James Weathers: 223-3603
Fr. Norman: 859-583-1044
Bulletin Deadline
12:00 Noon Sunday
in writing
Office Hours
9:00 - 5:00
Tuesday - Friday
Diocesan Web Site
St. Peter Claver Web Site
Ministers for the Liturgy
Presider: Greeter:
Usher Captains:
February 13-14, 2016
Fr. Norman
David Young
Wayne Bond, Amy Smith, Charlene Young
Keren Mpovila, Isabel Rea, Ketia Mpovila
1st Marian Swope
2nd Maria Fischer-Boothe
Jerry Cheatham
Kim Riggle
(H) Fr. Norman, (H) Anne Harr
(C) Dcn. Eddie (C) Anne Brooks
(Cup) Beth Ross (Host) Karen Baumgartner
D’Jakarta & Elmer Ellis
Wayne Bond
Saturday, February 14
Usher: Dee Beckman Servers: TBD
Lectors: 1st Paul Anaya Response: John Gerton
2nd Paul Anaya Fr. Norman (Host)
Dcn. Eddie (Cup) Dee Beckman (Cup)
First Sunday of Lent
Sunday Hospitality Schedule
1st Week: Dianne Viert & Matthew
2nd Week: Ted Sauer, Matthew
3rd Week: Matthew Raymond,
Nita Clarke
4th Week: Matthew Raymond,
Diane Viert
Bakery Pick-up
01/24: Steve Cocanougher
01/31: Chris Weathers
02/07: Greg Gerton
02/14: Tom Weathers
02/21: John Gerton
Childrens’ Ministry
Landrea Miriti: 02/07; Nikki Sams: 02/14; Danielle Weaver: 02/21; Audrey Yates: 02/28
Special thanks to Mr. Chuck Powell for preparing the Sunday Morning coffee each week.
Youth News
† Registration forms must be completed for every child attending CCD classes
during the school year. All children attending Catholic or Public School are expected to attend CCD, especially children preparing for Sacraments (1st Eucharist/
Confirmation) and High School. Sign-ups are available throughout the year for new
members by contacting the church office at 254-0030.
† Class Schedule: CCD classes will be held the 1st/3rd Wednesday, September
through May, 6:15 - 7:30 pm. It is every parent’s responsibility to ensure their child
arrives on time for these weekly sessions.
RCIA: Contact Nita Clarke @ / 859.317.8706
or 859-317-3719 (cell)
Attention Youths!
† Each youth between the ages of 12-18 is encouraged to join the youth
ministry at SPC.
Children’s Ministry
† Ministry leader Landrea Miriti needs help on Sundays with the Children’s
Ministry. If you can help in this ministry call the church office at 254-0030
Catholic School Education
† The Sts. Peter and Paul Regional School has been restructured with the
following parishes: St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Peter Claver, Pax Christi, Holy Spirit
(Newman Center), and St. Luke (Nicholasville). Each parish will be responsible
for the day-to-day maintenance/upkeep of both campuses. The Bishop’s vision is
to have every Catholic involved in the education of each Catholic School Child.
SPC’s School Board Representative is Dr. Greg D’Angelo.
Upcoming Youth/YA Events
† Upcoming activities for this quarter: The second Wednesday of each month
will be designated as “Youth Wednesday”at St. Peter Claver. For additional details
about upcoming events contact: Martha Crumbie/Bridgette Francis &
Fr. Norman or call the church office at 254-0030.
Weekly Budget: $5,049
New Year’s Day
9@ $334.50
Jan 2-3, 2016
Sun 65 @ $2,976.25
Sat 11@ $752.00/
of 210 Families /
Jan 9-10, 2016
Sun 77 @ $3,696.07
Sat 15 @ $918.00
of 210 Families -$434.93
Jan 16-17, 2016
Sun 84@ $4,437.00
Sat 8@ $420.00
of 210 Families /
Jan 23-24, 2016
Sun 51@ $2,681.05
Sun Eve 6 @$313.00
of 210 Families /
Jan 30-31, 2016
Sun 84 @ $4,971.82
Sun Eve 9@ $498.00
Sat 6@ $185.00
of 210 Families /
Electronic Giving: $275.00
Projected- $25,245.00
Actual - $22,507.69
Upcoming Collections
Korean Mass 01/23/16: $50.00
Special Collection:
Opportunities for Life 01/17/16:
Thanks for your weekly donations!
2nd Wk-Freewill Mission Collection
for the Holy Family Sisters, an A/A
Convent, in New Orleans, LA.- Coord:
Mary Lynn Vickers & Coleen Trotter
Thanks for your generosity each week.
Please call the church office at
254-0030 or mail your donation to:
SPC 410 Jefferson Street
Lexington, KY 40508
Scripture Readings
February 13-14, 2016
DT 26:4-10
ROM 10:8-13
LK 4:1-13
Open each day with the Lord
February 8-13, 2016
1KGS 8:1-7, 9-13
1KGS 8:22-23,27-30
2COR 5:20—6:2
DT 30:15-20
IS 58:1-9
IS 58:9-14
MK 6:53-56
MK 7:1-13
MT 6:1-6, 16-18
LK 9:22-25
MT 9:14-15
LK 5:27-32
After Mass
Join us after mass in the church hall
for socializing, coffee and donuts.
Special thanks to all persons, groups, organizations
whose continuous time and talents help manage our
church flower gardens and grounds each year.
If you would like to lend your time and talents to
this ministry contact one of the following Garden
Ministry members: Norman Fischer Sr., or the
KOSPC grounds captains listed below.
Knights of St. Peter Claver
Team Captains
Feb 1-6
Feb 8-13
Feb 15-20
Feb 22-27
John & Greg Gerton
Chris Weathers
Tom Weathers
Steve Cocanougher
February 7 - 14
Sunday, Feb 7
8:30 am: (Rm 205)
8:30 am: (Rm 209)
10:00 am:
Monday, Feb 8
Regularly Scheduled Meetings
African Attire..................................................1st Sunday of each month
Bible Study......................................................Mondays – 6:00 – 7:00pm
Liturgy Committee...........................................................................TBD
Parish Council....................................................2nd Thursday – 5:45pm
Adult Choir................................................................Thursday - 7:00pm
Men’s Choir..................................................................Tuesday - 6:00pm
Youth Group/Choir.....................................................................Seasonal
Knights of Peter Claver.........................................1st Saturday - 3:00pm
Ladies of Peter Claver..........................................1st Saturday - 11:00am
RCIA Adults.............................................Every Sunday – 8:30 – 9:40am
RCIC Children................................1st & 3rd Wednesday – 6:00-7:30pm
CCD..............................................1st and 3rd Wednesday - 6:00-7:30pm
High School…….…….1st & 3rd Wednesday After Mass - 6:00-7:30pm
New website address is Take a moment to
check out the SPC website. Weekly bulletins are published on the site
as well as pictures documenting the progress of the new construction.
Men’s Group
(RCIA Penitential Rite)
Bible Study (Rm 205/207)
Tuesday, Feb 9
6:00 pm:
Men’s Choir Rehearsal
Wednesday, Feb 10
4:30-5:15 pm
5:00 pm
5:30 pm
After Mass
Thursday, Feb 11
5:45 pm
7:00 pm
Parish Council Mtg.
Adult Choir
Friday, Feb 12
11:00 am – 6:00 pm
5:30 pm
Parish Fish Fry
Stations of the Cross
Saturday, Feb 13
3:15-4:15 pm
4:30 pm
Sunday, Feb 14
8:30 am: (Rm 205)
Men’s Group
8:30 am: (Rm 209)
10:00 am:
After Mass:
for Catholic School Students & Parents
4:00 pm:
RCIA Rite of Election at CTK
Address Change
If you have moved or changed your phone number in the last six
months, please give this information to the parish office. It is
important that we keep our data current.
Building Fund Report
Liturgy Ministers Attire
Males: Suit or Shirt & Tie
Females: Pant Suit, Suit, Skirt & Blouse or Dress
Please no miniskirts, low back, or spaghetti strap dresses.
No Smoking Ban
All churches (St. Peter Claver) in the diocese have a “No
Smoking Ban”.
Please smoke only in the designated areas outside.
The first Sunday of each month we will recognize those persons
whose special day occurs during the month.
Eating & Drinking Policy
Your worship space is sacred and important to all of us.
Eating and drinking is not permissible inside of church.
Health Ministry of the Spirit, Mind and Body (Fall & Winter)
Coordinators: Ada Cocanougher
The first Sunday of each month after mass
Blood pressure consultation
Where? The Church Hall @ St. Peter Claver
The St. Peter Claver Health Ministry
Building Campaign Prayer: O Gracious God, today we gather as a parish
“United in the Spirit”. Thank you for your love and wisdom that provides
us with the strength to work together. You always provide us with all we
need. We know that our parish needs your support to thrive and grow.
We promise to use the gifts you give us to support our parish. We ask for
your guidance about our future building needs and trust that you will give
us the answers in your time. As we journey into the future, help us
continue to work together as a family built on your gifts of faith, hope
and love. This we ask through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Building Fund
Every member of our community of faith is being asked to
participate by completing their existing pledge or make a pledge or
contribution to the new building campaign “Building Together for Christ.”
Please review the informational brochure distributed last Sunday at Mass.
Parishioners are asked to:
• Reflect on how greatly God has blessed us as a parish
• Feel thankful for your blessings
• Prayerfully consider how your gift can reflect your gratitude to God and
Not everyone can make the same size gift, but everyone
can make the same size sacrifice.
We have raised over $2 million of the $3.1 needed for PHASE I. We could not have
come this far without the help of many inside and outside our parish. May we be
filled with the same Spirit as we work to fund the remainder of PHASE I and look
forward to building a new church in PHASE II.
UPDATE As of December 31, 2015:
Income from Pledge Payments, Donations, Fundraising & Investment
Expenses & Note Payments to date
Grand Total in Bank Acct
Traditional Bank Loan-PHASE I
($115,456.78 Paid/$2,358,029.03 Balance)
ON- LINE PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS MADE BY CREDIT CARD OR ACH FOR BUILDING FUND OR OFFERTORY: www. Go to our website above and choose the donate tab on the left and click the blue “Donate” button in the middle
of the screen. Follow the easy directions on the site. If you have any questions or need assistance in setting up your online giving,
please contact our Business Mgr., Christina Weathers @ 859 254-0030.
Keep the Sick, Homebound, and Military in Your Prayers.
McCall Manning Dempsey, George & Tarik Weathers, Cathy Scaife, Hugh Arduz, Anna Bell, Carole Blasko, Tiffany Brock, Garry & Fredrick Clay,
Jane Riddle, Jeffery Wakefield, Gloria Parker, Virginia Parker, Johnny Fogle, Donna Connell, Brooke Barrett, Monette Cockran, George Pickett,
Laura Vernon, Gerald Quillen, Ernest Richardson, Sarah Jones, Gale Lee, Jesse Jackson, Sullivan Young, Margaret Johnson, Eugene Thomas,
Ella Young, Bruce Yantis, Lynsey Combs , Joe Schmidt, Henry & Claudette Waiths, Charles Muzio, Ron Osteen, Bill Strickland, Betty Stoudt,
Paige Crumbie, Lucille Lang-Brooks, Brittany Brown, Laura Vernon, Pat Waggener, Warren Carter, Phyllis Young, & Keith Willoughby.
Deceased: Dorothy George, Carolyn Burnam, Charles Hawkins, Isabelle O’Neal, Lillian Gray, Carnella Clay, Carolyn Le Hall Tillage, Dorothy Stewart
ON THE WEBSITE! If you would like to refresh your knowledge of the Catholic Church or perhaps have some of your questions answered
but cannot attend the early Sunday morning RCIA classes, Nita Clarke is now posting her lessons each month on the website:
stpeterclavery morning RCIA classes,Nita Clarke is now posting her lessons each month on the website
MASS INTENTIONS: Mass intentions are $5 for each mass, contact the church office @ 254-0030
Memory of
Memory of
Memory of
Memory of
Memory of
Memory of
Memory of
Lorraine Giurgevich
James O’Danield
John Anthony Giurgevich
Fred Walker
Doris Naylor
Giovanni Anthony Giurgevich
Emelinda Bresciani Giurgevich
Mary Giurgevich
Juny O’Daniel
Mary Giurgevich
Karen & David Baumgartner
Karen & David Baumgartner
Mary Giurgevich
Mary Giurgevich
COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM! Register online at - St. Peter Claver’s NPO # is 10570
• Be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy and register your card with your organization after you sign up.
• If you do not yet have a Kroger Plus card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger.
• Click on Sign In/Register
• Most participants are new online customers, so they must click on SIGN UP TODAY in the ‘New Customer?’ box.
• Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, entering your email address and creating a password,
agreeing to the terms and conditions
• You will then get a message to check your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email.
• Click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step.
• Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number.Update or confirm your information.
Enter NPO number 10570 and click on confirm. To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side
of your information page.
• REMEMBER, purchases will not count for your group until after your member(s) register their card(s)
• Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get your Kroger Plus card number. Members must
swipe their registered Kroger Plus card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Kroger Plus card when shopping for each
purchase to count.
Enrollment at Sts. Peter & Paul School…Call now to schedule a tour of Sts. Peter & Paul.
We currently have a waiting list for 2016-17 school year for 6th and 8th grade. Several other grades
are filling fast. We offer a strong academic foundation through quality education, positive and challenging learning environment, and an
outstanding arts integrated curriculum. The Christ-centered atmosphere of SPPS is rich in the Catholic tradition and fosters a sense of service
to others. To schedule a tour, please contact Connie Carr at (859) 254-9257 x 308 or
Sts Peter & Paul School Open House: Are you interested in learning more about your Catholic School? SPPS is hosting open houses every
Thursdays from 9:15-10:30 AM for families interested in our Kindergarten – 8th grade programs. Families are invited and encouraged to
attend the school Mass at St. Paul Church at 8:15 AM then stop by the school for a tour. Private tours are also available throughout the week.
Please contact Connie Carr at 859-254-9257 to schedule your private tour.
FALSE ALARMS…Safety is everyone’s responsibility and we need your help in this area. We have spent over $1,000 of your money this year on false alarms. Make sure you enter and exit the correct doors and be vigilant as you arm and disarm the system. Thank you!
3rd ANNUAL CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERENCE, February 20, at the Cathedral of Christ the King. Presenters are Bishop John Stowe, Tom Peterson
(Catholic Come Home), Fr. Michael Duesterhaus (Naval officer and military chaplain), and Deacon Bill Wakefield (Diocese of Lexington.) Registration is
at 7:30 a.m., Mass at 8:00 a.m. and Conference begins at 9 a.m. The day concludes at 4:30 p.m. Box lunch included. Sacrament of Reconciliation will be
available. Cost is $20. Make checks payable to Pax Christi with CMSL on the Memo Line. Mail to Peter Clark, 3836 Hapgood Lane, Lexington, KY 45014
FREE MOVIES…Cathedral of Christ the King Saints Series presents free movies about saints at 6:30 p.m. in Hehman Hall on the following dates: (Catechist
Certification: earn 2 hours notional learning). St. Faustina - Friday, January 22; St. Maximillian Kolbe – Thursday, February 25; Mother Teresa – Thursday,
March 17; St. Peter – Friday, April 22.
PRAYING THE ROSARY AT ST. PETER CLAVER CHURCH – WEDNESDAYS at 5:10 pm before the 5:30 pm Mass. Let’s build a strong community
devoted to the rosary at St Peter Claver! Would you please take 20 minutes out of your week each week to come to church and pray the rosary with us?
We do this each Wednesday at 5:10 pm just before the 5:30 Mass. While you are here please stay for the Mass and bring God into you physically, through
CROSSROADS NEWSPAPER…The Lexington Diocese mails the CrossRoads newspaper to our parishioners and the church receives the bill. The Diocese
suggests each member donate $15 to cover the cost. Please consider making a donation to help our chuch cover this expense. Make sure to note on the memo
line of your check that it is for CROSSROADS, or use the envelope you received with your calendar in December.
“You Are My Witnesses”…Save The Date for the Interregional African American Catholic Evangelization Conference to be held June 9th-12th, 2016 at the
Galt House in Louisville. This event offers life giving, energizing and enriching workshops all focusing on African American outreach and evangelization.
Reserve this date and make plans to attend! More information to follow! If you have questions you may contact Christine Weathers at 859-254-0030 or
Calvary Cemetery Easter/Spring Flowers…Order February 1-March 4. Tulips/Hyacinths/Jonquils/Lily. Make your purchase now from Calvary Cemetery
for one or more of these potted flowers and Calvary will set them for you on or about Wednesday, March 23, at your loved one’s grave in anticipation of Easter
(March 27) and Spring (March 30). The cost for a white Lily, assorted colored Tulips or assorted color Hyacinths is $17.50 per 6” pot; the yellow Tete-a-Tete
(miniature) Daffodils and standard yellow Daffodils are $21.50 per 7.5” pot. Specific colors can be requested, but cannot be guaranteed. Please contact the
Calvary office at 874 West Main Street; or ((859)252-5415; or to purchase your Easter/Spring flowers today.
RACHEL’S VINEYARD…In this Jubilee Year of Mercy we are called to act like the friends of the paralyzed man who lowered their friend from the roof
so that he could be healed. If you know of someone who has had an abortion and yearns for an experience of God’s Divine Mercy, please tell them about
Rachel’s Vineyard, a confidential retreat for people affected by the trauma of abortion. The next weekend retreat in our diocese takes place March 18-20
at Cliffview Conference and Retreat Center. For details contact: Gwen at or (606) 874-9170 or visit the Catholic Charities website: www. for more information.
Calvary Cemetery Now Hiring…Calvary Cemetery is seeking applicants for a full-time groundsman position. Persons interested should their qualifications,
references, and salary requirement to 874 West Main Street, Lexington, KY 40508 or
Cafeteria Food Prep & Server in the Diocese of Lexington Catholic Schools (Lexington, Versailles, Georgetown)
Part-time, hourly. Responsible for the assisting in the production and service of food for the school lunch program. Cleaning all areas of the kitchen areas
to make sure they stay in compliance and following guidelines. Job Requirements: Must have food serve experience and able to lift 40lbs. Must have a high
school diploma or GED, become VIRTUS trained and agree to a background check. Have good people and communication skills with ability to take direction
from supervisor.Application Instructions: Contact Char Banta, Director of Food Service of Diocese of Lexington, at NO phone calls
accepted. Send completed Application for At Will Employment found on this website.
MEETING SCHEDULED! Parents & Students in Catholic Middle and High School, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, immediately after Mass… Fr. Norman and
Deacon James have scheduled this mandatory meeting for parents and students in Catholic middle and high school to discuss the Parish & Lexington Deanery
Verification Covenant. Please make plans to attend this very important meeting.
YEAR OF MERCY…With the beginning of the Year of Mercy December 8, the diocese has set up a Year of Mercy website, with the basics of the jubilee
and background, as well as links to resources, such as: the official Vatican website for the Year of Mercy; the Diocese of Lexington’s Year of Mercy “bucket
list”; diocesan Year of Mercy events and updates; the jubilee Holy Door Churches in the diocese; pilgrimage resources; catechesis on the Sacrament of
Reconciliation; and catechetical resources on the Year of Mercy; and a calendar of diocesan events. The webpage is accessible from the diocesan website’s
main page by clicking on the Diocese of Lexington’s own Year of Mercy logo.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS…St. Peter Claver will have Stations of the Cross each Friday at 5:30 p.m. during Lent. The Stations will be said on the second
floor of the Parish Life Center.
SPC FISH FRY!...St. Peter Claver will host a Fish Fry on Friday, February 12, 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!!
Please Come Tuesday, February 2, at 6:00 p.m. for an organizational meeting to plan the Parish Fish Fry! THANKS!!!!
KOPC FISH FRY!....The Knights of St. Peter Claver will host a Fish Fry on Friday, February 19, 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
ALL BUILDING USAGE MUST BE SCHEDULED through Deacon James. This is an insurance and safety issue! Call the church office at 859-254-0030
during normal business hours. After hours contact Deacon James at 859-433-6567. Thank you.
History Page
The Great Astronaut and Physician:
Dr. Bernard Harris MD
First African-American
to Walk in Space
Walking in the black vacuum, looking at the blue-white planet Earth more than two hundred miles below, would be a reverie for
many children around the world. This dream became a reality for Dr. Bernard A. Harris Jr. on February 9, 1995 during Black
History Month, when he glided out the gate of the space shuttle Discovery. This wonderful accomplishment made him the first
African-American to walk in space. Actually, he flew on the space shuttle twice in the nineties. Dr. Harris’ story is the epiphany of
the American dream, an amazing upward socio-economical mobility.
Dr. Bernard Anthony Harris, Jr. M.D., M.B.A., F.A.C.P was born on June 26, 1956 in Temple, Texas. He grew up on the Navajo
Nation during his formative years. Dr. Harris left the reserve later with his family and graduated from Sam Houston High School
in San Antonio, Texas, in 1974, where he was actively involved in science fairs, book clubs and other academic activities. He
obtained a B.S. degree in biology from University of Houston in 1978, and got his Doctorate of medicine (MD) degree from Texas
Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine in 1982. Dr. Harris did his residency in internal medicine at the Mayo
Clinic in 1985. He later received a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Houston Clear Lake. The
physician did a National Research Council Fellowship in Endocrinology at NASA’s Ames Research Center in 1987.
In addition, Dr. Bernard Harris trained as a flight surgeon at the Aerospace School of Medicine at Brooks Air Force Base in
San Antonio in 1988 and received a Master’s Degree in biomedical science (MMS) from The University of Texas Medical
Branch at Galveston in 1996. After completing his fellowship at NASA Ames, Dr. Harris enrolled in NASA’s Johnson Space
Center as a clinical scientist and flight surgeon, where he conducted clinical investigations of space adaptation and established
countermeasures for extended duration space flight.
As mentioned, Dr. Harris journeyed into space twice. On his second mission he was the Payload Commander on STS-63 (2
February 1995 – 11 February 1995), the first flight of the new joint Russian-American Space Program. Mission highlights
included the first rendezvous (but not docking) with the Russian space station Mir, and retrieval of the Spartan 204 satellite.
During the aforementioned flight, Dr. Harris became the first African-American to walk in space – noteworthily it was also on this
flight that Eileen Collins became the first female Shuttle pilot. On this mission, Dr. Harris flew 198 hours and 29 minutes in space,
completed 129 orbits, and traveled over 2.9 million miles in total.
Dr. Harris left NASA in April 1996 and has pursued research. He occupied the position of Vice President of SPACEHAB, Inc.,
an innovative space commercialization company, where he conducted the company’s space science business. He was also Vice
President of Business Development for Space Media, Inc., an Informatics company, where he created an international space
education program for students and developed an e-commerce initiative that is now part of the United Nations education program.
On a more personal level, Dr. Harris lives in Texas. He married Sandra Fay Lewis. They have an adult daughter. The physician
enjoys flying, sailing, skiing, running, scuba diving, art and music. His mother, Mrs. Gussie H. Burgess, and his stepfather, Mr. Joe
Roye Burgess, live in San Antonio, Texas. His father, Mr. Bernard A. Harris, Sr., resides in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
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223 Rosemont Garden
Lexington, Kentucky 40503
Eddie Grider, Owner
859-299-3710 or 859-489-2883
Phone: 859-275-1271
Kurt & Bridgett Francis, Owners
Congratulations to
t. Peter Claver Catholic Church,
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and continuedAttorney
Cell (859) 333-1931
Fax (859) 231-7588
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S I N CE 1905
463 E. Main St.
3421 Harrodsburg Rd.
501 W. 6TH ST.
SINCE 1905
Specialists in the Art of Travel
Member of Virtuoso
463 E. Main St. | 859.252.6767 LEXINGTON ACADEMY
21 Harrodsburg Rd. | 859.223.3140
535 S. Upper St.
1781 Sharkey Way
Specialists in the Art of Travel
(859) 254-9257
111 Woodland Avenue #110
Lexington, KY 40502
859-233-0000 or 800-627-7260
Temporary • Temp-to-Hire • Direct Placement • Seasonal
Broker Associate
The League Sport Training
DeLloyd Smith
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
859-588-4614 for info
Our name, Avant, is derived from the term avant-garde. When used to describe
literature, it means an innovative style that challenges traditional and established
forms. When it comes to travel, it describes our unique approach. Avant's travel
management services place a significant value on relationships - we take time to
get to know you. Our agents are experienced; their knowledge enhances our
understanding of your situation. The result is a process that makes your travel
Temporary • Temp-to-Hire • Direct Placement • Seasonal
planning easy, cost effective and time efficient.
3480 Yorkshire Medical Park
Lexington, Kentucky 40509
859-263-5140 |
Our name, Avant, is derived from the term avant-garde. When used to describe
literature, it means an innovative style that challenges traditional and established
forms. When it comes to travel, it describes our unique approach. Avant's travel
management services place a significant value on relationships - we take time to
get to know you. Our agents are experienced; their knowledge enhances our
Enrolling children
understanding of your situation. The result is a process that makes your travel
of Virtuoso
and time efficient.
weeks old - 8th grade planning easy, cost
111 Woodland Avenue #110
Lexington, KY 40502
859-233-0000 or 800-627-7260
Visit Our 2 Lexington Locations:
Dickson Ufomata, DDS, FFDRCS
1600 Leestown Road, Suite 138
Lexington, KY 40511
(Next to Kroger’s pharmacy)
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Individual, Relationship, LGBT, Adolescent,
Family, Grief/Loss Therapy