Second Edition - TechFactors, Inc


Second Edition - TechFactors, Inc
Second Edition
TechFactors, Inc., providing the Filipino students with premium English learning!
With the EnglishTek learning series, students will experience a holistic and fun approach to learning
English. The best practices in language education are integrated with examples from real life context,
helping students become globally competitive communicators in the English language.
Our vibrant materials and fascinating lessons also target and strengthen the most critical foundations
of oral and written communication. With EnglishTek, learning English has never been more fun and
ISBN 978-971-0550-90-6
9 789710 550906
K-12 Series
English Tek
Premium English Learning for Children
Second Edition
Grace M. Saqueton
Mario L. Mendez, Jr.
Series Coordinators
Alexander C. Maximo, M.A.
Frances Paula L. Ibañez, M.A.
TechFactors Inc.
Trademark of TechFactors Inc.
Philippine Copyright 2013 by TechFactors Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this courseware may be reproduced or copied in any form, in whole, or
in part, without written consent of the copyright owner.
Second edition, 2013
ISBN 978-971-0550-90-6
Published by TechFactors Inc.
Printed in the Philippines
Authors Grace M. Saqueton and Mario L. Mendez, Jr.
Series Coordinators Alexander C. Maximo, M.A. and Frances Paula L. Ibañez, M.A.
Creative Writer Ria de Vera
Content and Editorial Cristina G. Saulo, Ma. Regina B. Peñarroyo, and Eris Heidi L. Ramos
Creatives Jiyas P. Suministrado, Gilbert F. Lavides, Daryl E. Malabayabas, Samboy M. Dela Torre,
Regina M. Zapata, Keith A. Bacad, Darylle R. Cajucom, Julius Caesar G. Barredo, and Maria Pamela G. Viola
Systems Kim A. Benebese, Mark B. Abliter, Caselyn C. Dionisio, Allan Nicole C. Celestino, and Raymond P. Baguio
Exclusively distributed by TechFactors Inc.
101 V. Luna Road Extension
Sikatuna Village, Quezon City
1101 Philippines
Telephone number: (632) 929 8094
Email address:
The materials reprinted in this book, both literary materials and images, are obtained from open
domain sources. The copyrights of the literary materials have already expired, and thus are free from
copyright in their respective countries and in the Philippines.
Any lapse or oversight is unintentional and will be corrected in the next editions.
In today’s world, every graduate competes on a global scale. Thus, it is
important to equip learners with the proper skills to be competitive—one of
which is excellent communication skills in the English language.
The influence of English on the world can hardly be contested. It enables. It is
the language in which a great part of the world’s knowledge is stored and it is the
language in which business, trade, and diplomacy are conducted. A mastery of the
language provides access to information and opportunities.
The EnglishTek series is TechFactors’ innovation in English learning. As
a learning system, EnglishTek develops students’ communication skills by
incorporating current practices in language learning and technology.
We believe in providing a holistic approach to learning English by
simultaneously honing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills to make
students competent in both oral and written communication.
Learning is also made relevant by situating learners in context and by using
situations, examples, and texts that can be found in the real world. In line with
TechFactors’ mission, learning is also made fun and enjoyable through colorful
and vibrant lessons and activities.
We hope that, with this series, students become effective communicators in
English and simultaneously enjoy the learning process. By building these critical
foundations of communication, we hope to provide them with tools to compete
in higher education and in life.
TechFactors Inc.
Philippine Copyright 2013
Techfactors, Inc.
Grace M. Saqueton
Grace is a researcher and a teacher. She is an MA in English Studies candidate at the University of
the Philippines Diliman, where she is currently finishing her Master’s thesis entitled, “Identifying the
Lexical Features of Philippine English Through Students’ Writings.” She earned her bachelor’s degree
in English Studies in 2004, also from UP Diliman, where she graduated cum laude. She is currently
the English Learning Program Director of John Robert Powers. Prior to holding this post, she has
taught at Asia Pacific College (APC) and at Centre for International Education (CIE) in Cebu.
Mario L. Mendez, Jr.
Em is a Psychology graduate and an MFA Creative Writing student at De La Salle University. He
taught English at OB Montessori Center Inc. and at the Mapúa Institute of Technology. Em now
teaches Philippine and World Literature at the De La Salle - College of Saint Benilde. Em received
two national writing fellowships from the UST and IYAS in 2009 and 2012. In 2012, his play “Ang
Unang Regla ni John,” was staged at the Cultural Center of the Philippines as part of the Virgin
Labfest 8.
Alexander C. Maximo, M.A.
Alex holds a Master of Arts degree and a Bachelor of Arts degree, magna cum laude in English
Studies: Language, from the University of the Philippines Diliman. He teaches with the Department
of English and Comparative Literature of UP Diliman where he has handled English courses in
the undergraduate level. His research interests include critical discourse analysis, corpus linguistics,
organizational communication, and computer-mediated communication. With technology as another
passion, he is currently exploring the use of e-learning to develop language skills. He has co-authored
books on office productivity, multimedia, and business writing. He also currently serves as project
manager for TechFactors.
Frances Paula L. Ibañez, M.A.
Frances graduated from the University of the Philippines Diliman with a Bachelor of Arts degree
in Communication, major in Journalism. She also earned her Master’s degree in Education, major in
Language Education, from the same institution. She worked as a technical writer in several computer
firms for eight years, developing user guides and tutorials on different software. She has taught parttime in a preschool, where she handled the Nursery class, and in an English language center, where
she taught language teaching methodology. She heads the Content Group in TechFactors.
Philippine Copyright 2013
Techfactors, Inc.
Unit 1 Learning at Home and in School 1
Lesson 1: Remembering My Childhood
Lesson 2: Maintaining Friendships
Lesson 3: Improving My Study Habits
Lesson 4: Managing My Time Properly
Lesson 5: Handling Money Wisely
Lesson 6: Expressing Opinions
Lesson 7: Being a Good Leader
Lesson 8: Cooperating with Others in a Group
Lesson 9: Doing a Project with the Student Council 2
Unit 2 Exploring Towns and Cities Lesson 1: Engaging in Profitable Hobbies
Lesson 2: Helping in the Waste Management Program
Lesson 3: Recycling to Reduce Waste Lesson 4: Conserving Water
Lesson 5: Using Electricity Wisely
Lesson 6: Planting More Trees in the City
Lesson 7: Running for a Cause
Lesson 8: Being a Good Pedestrian
Lesson 9: Preparing for Emergencies
Philippine Copyright 2013
Techfactors, Inc.
Unit 3 Valuing My Country 142
Lesson 1: Rediscovering the Filipino Heritage
Lesson 2: Examining Superstitions
Lesson 3: Appreciating Filipino Scientists and Inventors
Lesson 4: Visiting World Famous Philippine Tourist Spots
Lesson 5: Knowing Ecotourism
Lesson 6: Taking Care of the Environment Lesson 7: Appreciating Philippine Export Products
Lesson 8: Knowing Global Filipinos
Lesson 9: Knowing Children’s Rights
Unit 4 Discovering the World 203
Lesson 1: Learning About World Geography Lesson 2: Becoming Aware of Global Warming Issues
Lesson 3: Going Green Lesson 4: Preventing Animal Extinction
Lesson 5: Knowing About the United Nations
Lesson 6: Developing Sportsmanship in the Olympics
Lesson 7: Practicing Dining Customs and Etiquettes in Different Countries
Lesson 8: Reading the Works of Literary Icons
Lesson 9: Listening to Different Music Genres
Works Cited
Philippine Copyright 2013
Techfactors, Inc.
Learning at Home and in School
My Childhood
My Time
My Study
Being a
Good Leader
with Others
in a Group
Doing a
Project with
the Student
Philippine Copyright 2013
Techfactors, Inc.
Lesson 01
Remembering My Childhood
Fun Facts
Lucy Maud Montgomery, born in Canada in 1874, was known as the creator of
the famous book character Anne Shirley. As a child, Montgomery was raised by strict
grandparents. Her lonely childhood led her to have many imaginary friends. This, she
said, inspired her to be creative.
Her writing career began as early as 1890, when she was 16. However, it was not
until 1908 when she earned wide success. This was when she published Anne of Green
Gables, a story about an orphan named Anne. Anne of Ingleside was one of the ten
books in the Anne of Green Gables series. Montgomery also worked as a teacher. She
died in 1940.
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Techfactors, Inc.
Reading Selection
Anne of Ingleside
by L.M. Montgomery
An Excerpt
“How white the moonlight is tonight!” said Anne Blythe
Lesson Outline
• Using the Dictionary
• Parts of a Book
• Expressions in Asking for
and Giving Information
to herself, as she went up the walk of the Wright garden
to Diana Wright’s front door, where little cherry blossom
petals were coming down on the salty, breeze-stirred air.
She paused for a moment to look about her on hills
and woods she had loved in olden days and still loved.
Dear Avonlea! Glen St. Mary was home to her now
and had been home for many years, but Avonlea had
something that Glen St. Mary could never have. Ghosts of
herself met her at every turn . . . the fields she had roamed
in welcomed her . . . unfading echoes of the old sweet
life were all about her . . . every spot she looked upon
Lesson Targets
• Use the dictionary
to find the exact
meaning of words.
• Identify different parts
had some lovely memory. There were haunted gardens
of a book and their
here, and there where all the roses of yesteryear bloomed.
Anne always loved to come home to Avonlea even when,
as now, the reason for her visit had been a sad one. She
and Gilbert had come for the funeral of his father and,
• Give accurate
personal information.
Anne had stayed for a week. Marilla and Mrs. Lynde could
not bear to have her go away too soon.
Her old porch room was always kept for her and
when Anne had gone to it the night of her arrival, she
found that Mrs. Lynde had put a big, homey bouquet of
spring flowers in it for her . . . a bouquet that, when Anne
buried her face in it, seemed to hold all the fragrance of
unforgotten years. The Anne-who-used-to-be was waiting
there for her. Deep, dear old gladness stirred in her heart.
The gable room was putting its arms around her, enclosing
her, enveloping her. She looked lovingly at her old bed
with the apple-leaf spread Mrs. Lynde had knitted and the
spotless pillows trimmed with deep lace Mrs. Lynde had
Remembering My Childhood
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Techfactors, Inc.
crocheted . . . at Marilla’s braided rugs on the floor . . . at the mirror that had reflected the face
of the little orphan with her unwritten child’s forehead, who had cried herself to sleep that first
night so long ago. Anne forgot that she was the joyful mother of five children. She was Anne of
Green Gables once more . . .
“Such a lovely day . . . made for us,” said Diana. “I’m afraid it’s a pet day, though . . . there’ll
be rain tomorrow.”
“Never mind. We’ll drink its beauty today, even if its sunshine is gone tomorrow. We’ll enjoy
each other’s friendship today even if we are to be parted tomorrow. Look at those long,
golden-green hills, those mist-blue valleys. They’re ours, Diana. It’s ours, today. I always feel
adventurous when a west wind blows, and we’re going to have a perfect ramble.”
They had. All the dear spots were revisited: Lover’s Lane, the Haunted Wood, Idlewild, Violet
Vale, the Birch Path, Crystal Lake. There were some changes. The little ring of birch saplings in
Idlewild where they had had a playhouse long ago had grown into big trees; the Big Path, long
untrodden, was matted with bracken; the Crystal Lake had entirely disappeared, leaving only a
damp mossy hollow. But Violet Vale was purple with violets and the seedling apple tree Gilbert
had once found far back in the woods was a huge tree peppered over with tiny, crimsontipped blossom-buds.
They walked bareheaded. Anne’s hair still gleamed like polished mahogany in the sunlight
and Diana’s was still glossy black. They exchanged gay and understanding, warm and friendly
glances. Sometimes they walked in silence. Anne always maintained that two people as
sympathetic as she and Diana could feel each other’s thoughts. Sometimes they peppered
their conversation with do-you-remembers. “Do you remember when we jumped on Aunt
Josephine?” “Do you remember our Story Club?” “Do you remember Mrs. Morgan’s visit when
we stained your nose red?” “Do you remember how we signaled to each other from our
windows with candles?” “Do you remember the fun we had at Miss Lavender’s wedding and
Charlotta’s blue bows?” “Do you remember the Improvement Society?” It almost seemed that
they could hear their old peals of laughter echoing down the years.
The A.V.I.S. was, it seemed, dead. It had petered
out soon after Anne’s marriage. “They just couldn’t
keep it up, Anne. The young people in Avonlea now
are not what they were in our day.”
“Don’t talk as if ‘our day’ were ended, Diana.
We’re only fifteen years old and kindred spirits.” “I
feel just that way, too,” Diana said, forgetting that
she had tipped the scale at one hundred and fifty
that morning. “I often feel that I’d love to be turned
into a bird a little while. It must be wonderful to fly.”
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Techfactors, Inc.
Reading Comprehension
Activity. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Where does Anne live at the beginning of the narrative?
2. What is her reason for coming back to Avonlea?
3. How does Anne feel whenever she visits Avonlea?
4. What do you think is Diana’s relationship to Anne? What made you think so?
5. What are some of the changes that Anne and Diana noticed in the places they used to visit?
6. Do you have an experience similar to Anne’s? Can you tell us about it? If not, how would you feel if you were to go back to the place where you had spent your childhood?
7. Why do you think Diana wants to be turned into a bird and be able to fly?
8. Do you have an unforgettable experience with your childhood friends? What is it? Share this experience with your classmates.
Remembering My Childhood
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Techfactors, Inc.
9. Who is Gilbert? Do you think he is an important character in the story? Why?
10.Rewrite the story in Diana’s perspective. What do you think Diana says and feels about
Anne’s visit. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
Word Box
Activity. Read the sentences and give the meanings of the italicized words based on your
understanding of the story. Afterwards, look the words up in the dictionary to see
whether the dictionary meanings match the meanings that you gave.
1. “I’m afraid it’s a pet day,
though there’ll be rain
2. Sometimes they peppered
their conversation with do-youremembers.
3. They exchanged gay and
understanding, warm and
friendly glances.
4. Anne always maintained that
two people as sympathetic as
she and Diana could feel each
other’s thoughts.
5. It had petered out soon after
Anne’s marriage.
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Techfactors, Inc.
Meaning from
Meaning from
Meaning from
Meaning from
6. “We’re only fifteen years old
and kindred spirits.”
7. She found that Mrs. Lynde had
put a big, homey bouquet of
spring flowers in it for her …
8. “I always feel adventurous
when a west wind blows, and
we’re going to have a perfect
10. The little ring of birch saplings
in Idlewild where they had
had a playhouse long ago
had grown into big trees …
10. The Big Path, long untrodden,
was matted with bracken …
All Ears
Activity. Listen as your teacher reads the description of the different parts of a book. Then, write
your answer on the blanks. Use the jumbled letters as your hint.
1. cage prove _____________________________
3. obstacle ten font
6. eaglet tip
Remembering My Childhood
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Techfactors, Inc.
8. bragboilhiyip
11. a boathouse truth
12. eachpiggy port
Sound Off
When giving personal information, make sure that you give accurate details and provide all
the information needed. The use of proper intonation is important when asking questions.
The rising intonation is used when asking questions that can be answered by yes or no.
Do you like music?
The falling intonation is used when asking WH-questions.
Where do you live?
Activity. Practice reading the following questions with the correct rising and falling intonation.
Group A
Group B
1. Are you new here?
1. What is your name?
2. Do you like music?
2. Where do you live?
3. Do you have many friends?
3. What’s your favorite TV program?
4. Do you have a Facebook account?
4. What is your email address?
5. Are you a member of a school club?
5. Who is your best friend?
Philippine Copyright 2013
Techfactors, Inc.
Second Edition
TechFactors, Inc., providing the Filipino students with premium English learning!
With the EnglishTek learning series, students will experience a holistic and fun approach to learning
English. The best practices in language education are integrated with examples from real life context,
helping students become globally competitive communicators in the English language.
Our vibrant materials and fascinating lessons also target and strengthen the most critical foundations
of oral and written communication. With EnglishTek, learning English has never been more fun and
ISBN 978-971-0550-84-5
9 789710 550845
K-12 Series
English Tek
Premium English Learning for Children
Second Edition
Grace M. Saqueton
Mario L. Mendez, Jr.
Series Coordinators
Alexander C. Maximo, M.A.
Frances Paula L. Ibañez, M.A.
TechFactors Inc.
Trademark of TechFactors Inc.
Philippine Copyright 2013 by TechFactors Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this courseware may be reproduced or copied in any form, in whole, or
in part, without written consent of the copyright owner.
Second edition, 2013
ISBN 978-971-0550-84-5
Published by TechFactors Inc.
Printed in the Philippines
Authors Grace M. Saqueton and Mario L. Mendez, Jr.
Series Coordinators Alexander C. Maximo, M.A. and Frances Paula L. Ibañez, M.A.
Creative Writer Ria de Vera
Content and Editorial Cristina G. Saulo, Ma. Regina B. Peñarroyo, and Eris Heidi L. Ramos
Creatives Jiyas P. Suministrado, Gilbert F. Lavides, Daryl E. Malabayabas, Samboy M. Dela Torre, Regina M. Zapata, Keith A. Bacad, Darylle R. Cajucom, Julius Caesar G. Barredo, and Maria Pamela G. Viola anna Angelica P. Ong
Systems Kim A. Benebese, Mark B. Abliter, Caselyn C. Dionisio, Allan Nicole C. Celestino, and Raymond P. Baguio
Exclusively distributed by TechFactors Inc.
101 V. Luna Road Extension
Sikatuna Village, Quezon City
1101 Philippines
Telephone number: (632) 929 8094
Email address:
The materials reprinted in this book, both literary materials and images, are obtained from open
domain sources. The copyrights of the literary materials have already expired, and thus are free from
copyright in their respective countries and in the Philippines.
Any lapse or oversight is unintentional and will be corrected in the next editions.
In today’s world, every graduate competes on a global scale. Thus, it is
important to equip learners with the proper skills to be competitive—one of
which is excellent communication skills in the English language.
The influence of English on the world can hardly be contested. It enables. It is
the language in which a great part of the world’s knowledge is stored and it is the
language in which business, trade, and diplomacy are conducted. A mastery of the
language provides access to information and opportunities.
The EnglishTek series is TechFactors’ innovation in English learning. As
a learning system, EnglishTek develops students’ communication skills by
incorporating current practices in language learning and technology.
We believe in providing a holistic approach to learning English by
simultaneously honing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills to make
students competent in both oral and written communication.
Learning is also made relevant by situating learners in context and by using
situations, examples, and texts that can be found in the real world. In line with
TechFactors’ mission, learning is also made fun and enjoyable through colorful
and vibrant lessons and activities.
We hope that, with this series, students become effective communicators in
English and simultaneously enjoy the learning process. By building these critical
foundations of communication, we hope to provide them with tools to compete
in higher education and in life.
TechFactors Inc.
Philippine Copyright 2013
Techfactors, Inc.
Grace M. Saqueton
Grace is a researcher and a teacher. She is an MA in English Studies candidate at the University of
the Philippines Diliman, where she is currently finishing her Master’s thesis entitled, “Identifying the
Lexical Features of Philippine English Through Students’ Writings.” She earned her bachelor’s degree
in English Studies in 2004, also from UP Diliman, where she graduated cum laude. She is currently
the English Learning Program Director of John Robert Powers. Prior to holding this post, she has
taught at Asia Pacific College (APC) and at Centre for International Education (CIE) in Cebu.
Mario L. Mendez, Jr.
Em is a Psychology graduate and an MFA Creative Writing student at De La Salle University. He
taught English at OB Montessori Center Inc. and at the Mapúa Institute of Technology. Em now
teaches Philippine and World Literature at the De La Salle - College of Saint Benilde. Em received
two national writing fellowships from the UST and IYAS in 2009 and 2012. In 2012, his play “Ang
Unang Regla ni John,” was staged at the Cultural Center of the Philippines as part of the Virgin
Labfest 8.
Alexander C. Maximo, M.A.
Alex holds a Master of Arts degree and a Bachelor of Arts degree, magna cum laude in English
Studies: Language, from the University of the Philippines Diliman. He teaches with the Department
of English and Comparative Literature of UP Diliman where he has handled English courses in
the undergraduate level. His research interests include critical discourse analysis, corpus linguistics,
organizational communication, and computer-mediated communication. With technology as another
passion, he is currently exploring the use of e-learning to develop language skills. He has co-authored
books on office productivity, multimedia, and business writing. He also currently serves as project
manager for TechFactors.
Frances Paula L. Ibañez, M.A.
Frances graduated from the University of the Philippines Diliman with a Bachelor of Arts degree
in Communication, major in Journalism. She also earned her Master’s degree in Education, major in
Language Education, from the same institution. She worked as a technical writer in several computer
firms for eight years, developing user guides and tutorials on different software. She has taught parttime in a preschool, where she handled the Nursery class, and in an English language center, where
she taught language teaching methodology. She heads the Content Group in TechFactors.
Philippine Copyright 2013
Techfactors, Inc.
Unit 1 Learning at Home and in School
Lesson 1: Remembering My Childhood
Lesson 2: Maintaining Friendships
Lesson 3: Improving My Study Habits
Lesson 4: Managing My Time Properly
Lesson 5: Handling Money Wisely
Lesson 6: Expressing Opinions
Lesson 7: Being a Good Leader
Lesson 8: Cooperating with Others in a Group
Lesson 9: Doing a Project with the Student Council 2
Unit 2 Exploring Towns and Cities 69
Lesson 1: Engaging in Profitable Hobbies
Lesson 2: Helping in the Waste Management Program
Lesson 3: Recycling to Reduce Waste Lesson 4: Conserving Water
Lesson 5: Using Electricity Wisely
Lesson 6: Planting More Trees in the City
Lesson 7: Running for a Cause
Lesson 8: Being a Good Pedestrian
Lesson 9: Preparing for Emergencies
Philippine Copyright 2013
Techfactors, Inc.
Unit 3 Valuing My Country Lesson 1: Rediscovering the Filipino Heritage
Lesson 2: Examining Superstitions
Lesson 3: Appreciating Filipino Scientists and Inventors
Lesson 4: Visiting World Famous Philippine Tourist Spots
Lesson 5: Knowing Ecotourism
Lesson 6: Taking Care of the Environment Lesson 7: Appreciating Philippine Export Products
Lesson 8: Knowing Global Filipinos
Lesson 9: Knowing Children’s Rights
Unit 4 Discovering the World Lesson 1: Learning About World Geography Lesson 2: Becoming Being Aware of Global Warming Issues
Lesson 3: Going Green Lesson 4: Preventing Animal Extinction
Lesson 5: Knowing About the United Nations
Lesson 6: Developing Sportsmanship in the Olympics
Lesson 7: Practicing Dining Customs and Etiquettes in Different Countries
Lesson 8: Reading the Works of Literary Icons
Lesson 9: Listening to Different Music Genres
Works Cited
Philippine Copyright 2013
Techfactors, Inc.
Learning at Home and in School
My Childhood
Managing My
Time Properly
Money Wisely
Improving My
Study Habits
Being a Good
with Others in
a Group
Doing a
Project with
the Student
Philippine Copyright 2013
Techfactors, Inc.
Lesson 01
Remembering My Childhood
Authentic Text: Comics
Philippine Copyright 2013
Techfactors, Inc.
Small Talk
When was this taken?
Lesson Outline
• Expressions in Asking
for and Giving
• Sentences and
• Run-on Sentences
Vivienne: We look so young in this picture. When was this
Macel: That was in Grade 2 when we had our field
Joanna: Look at your bangs! Why am I not in that picture?
Vivienne: You were too busy playing with other girls that
you weren’t able to join us.
Joanna: Of course not! I would never do such a thing to
both of you.
Macel: You can join us next time. I love having pictures
taken with you.
Lesson Targets
• Identify fragments and
• Correct run-on
• Complete fragments
by adding more
• Use complete
sentences in writing
and in speaking.
Remembering My Childhood
Philippine Copyright 2013
Techfactors, Inc.
Grammar Points
Sentences and
A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. Though completeness
differentiates a sentence from a phrase. A phrase is just a mere group of words that does not
express a complete thought. A sentence has a subject, a predicate, and a complete thought.
Here are some examples of sentences:
Children are happy when they play.
I used to play the piano.
Jan wanted to be a model when she was six years old.
I got a bike for my 7th birthday.
Sometimes, we commit the mistake of writing fragments instead of sentences. Fragments
are incomplete sentences. They do not express a complete thought or idea. They may lack a
subject, a predicate, or a dependent clause.
Here are some examples of fragments:
While I was sleeping.
Anna and Erika.
Passed the entrance exam at Philippine Science High School.
My favorite toy.
How do we correct fragments?
By adding another clause:
While I was sleeping, my dad arrived.
By adding a predicate:
Anna and Erika have moved from Quezon City to Cavite.
By adding a subject:
Sheila passed the entrance exam at Philippine Science High School.
Now, take a look at this sentence:
Laura used to be scared of mascots she would always cry when she saw one.
Is there any problem with the sentence? This sentence is an example of a run-on sentence.
A run-on sentence consists of two or more sentences joined together without the proper use of
punctuations or connecting words.
Philippine Copyright 2013
Techfactors, Inc.
There are different ways to correct a run-on sentence.
1. Split the long sentence into two short sentences. It is easier to read short sentences.
Laura used to be scared of mascots. She would always cry when she saw one.
2. Put a semicolon after the first sentence. Laura used to be scared of mascots; she would always cry when she saw one.
3. Use a comma and one of the following connecting words: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.
Laura used to be scared of mascots, and she would always cry when she saw one.
4. Use a semicolon and one of the following words: therefore, thus, however, consequently, furthermore, also, and nevertheless. Remember to put a comma after these words. Laura used to be scared of mascots; consequently, she would always cry when she saw one.
Below are some more examples of run-on sentences. How will you correct them? I used to spend summer vacations in the province my cousins and I always play.
Sarah remembered how much she enjoyed climbing the mango tree in their backyard she would go up there to escape afternoon naps.
Paul had a huge collection of action figures he still keeps them until now.
A. Read the following. Write F if the groups of words are fragments and, S if they are sentences.
Write your answer on the blank before each number. Then, add more information to the
fragments to turn them into complete sentences.
_____ 1. Karen felt so tired after running.
_____ 2. My best friends and I loved playing with rag dolls when we were kids.
_____ 3. Playing sepak with boys.
_____ 4. Lovely balloons at the party.
_____ 5. Pretty girls in their petticoats.
_____ 6. My mom told me that I was sickly when I was a child.
_____ 7. Grandfather’s birthday at the beach.
_____ 8. Lito and Lino have been best buddies since grade school.
Remembering My Childhood
Philippine Copyright 2013
Techfactors, Inc.
_____ 9. My Grade 1 teacher.
_____ 10. Bullied as a child.
_____ 11. My friends spent summer.
_____ 12. I love climbing the mango tree in Lolo’s backyard.
_____ 13. My pet poodle.
_____ 14. My family and I always celebrate Christmas in Pampanga. _____ 15. Living far away.
_____ 16. My 11th birthday.
_____ 17. My cousin Janel is also my best friend.
_____ 18. The playground in the village.
_____ 19. The swimming pool in the clubhouse.
_____ 20. I took swimming lessons when I was eight.
B. Below are run-on sentences. Rewrite each sentence to make it correct.
1. Our family went to Boracay last summer it was my first time to go there.
2. Lisa said she had a lonely childhood they had to move from one place to another.
3. My father died when I was three years old I can’t remember how he looks like.
4. My cousins and I always went to the beach I wish we could do that again.
5. As a child, I thought that black-rimmed glasses are cool now, I don’t want to wear them.
6. Lola always cooks champorado it is my favorite.
7. Mika and I are very close we have been friends since childhood.
8. I will never forget my teacher Elen she made me appreciate Filipino stories. _____________________________________________________________________________________
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Techfactors, Inc.
9. Mark’s favorite place is the lake he always goes fishing there with his father.
10. My classmate Kelly is very nice she always shares her baon with me.
11. Judy used to be a sickly child she is healthy now.
12. Lester took piano lessons as a child he is a popular pianist now.
13. My brothers and I used to play in the rain often we never got sick.
14. The girls played tennis the boys played chess.
15. I wanted to be a doctor when I was young now I want to be a pilot.
C. Rewrite the following fragments as complete sentences.
1. When recess ended.
2. My earliest childhood memory
3. When I was five years old
4. Playing outside our house
5. My playmates and I
6. My first pet was
7. When I was in Grade 2
Remembering My Childhood
Philippine Copyright 2013
Techfactors, Inc.
8. In kindergarten
9. When I was young I wanted to be
10. My old clothes and toys
Writing is an important skill for students like you. You will get better grades if you learn how to
accomplish writing tasks properly. Writing is a skill that can be learned. In the next lessons, you
will learn more about writing paragraphs, essays, letters, and reports. In the meantime, we will
focus on refining your sentences.
Activity. Recall an unforgettable childhood memory. Write ten sentences to describe the
experience. Make sure to avoid fragments and run-on sentences.
Philippine Copyright 2013
Techfactors, Inc.
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