ThePalananAgtas - Philippine Frontier Missions!


ThePalananAgtas - Philippine Frontier Missions!
April - June 2015
VOL. 23
NO. 2
News & Information from Philippine Frontier Missions
in this
As a supporting ministry, we uphold the global
mission and purpose of the Seventh-day
Adventist Church. We are dependent upon God
to move people to support this work.
In cooperation with the Southern Asia-Pacific
Division of Seventh-day Adventist, the work of
PFM is to establish indigenous SDA churches
among people groups in the Philippines and
Asia where the church does not presently exist
and where social, cultural or economic barriers
prevent neighboring SDA churches from
establishing the church.
Send missionaries among unreached
people groups with the view of establishing
active SDA congregations.
When a congregation is firmly established
among a people group, PFM will turn
over operational responsibility to the local
mission or conference.
Raise the level of mission awareness
among SDAs.
Provide an avenue for contributors to have
a sense of involvement in the mission work
they are supporting.
Open up opportunities for more SDAs to
engage in frontier mission service.
Bayani Agnazata - Chairman
Rowena Aquino - Corp. Secretary
Maila Dizon - Treasurer
Mary Rose Fabrero - Executive Director
Abner Dizon - PFM Evangelism & Church
Planting Institute, Advicer
Edwin Balila - Board Member
Cornelio Aba - Board Member
Cover Picture:
Agta Man
Editor: Maila T. Dizon
Layout Artist: Glynis Aquino
Philippine Frontier Missions, Inc. is a non-profit
religious organization established in 1993 by
Filipino SDA pastors and laymen, working in
cooperation with the Seventh-day Adventist
Church to plant the Church among unreached
people groups.
from the
In His Service,
Maila T. Dizon
MetroBank Dollar Account:
Philippine Frontier Missions,
MetroBank Paseo de Sta.Rosa,
Sta. Rosa, Laguna,
Make checks payable to Philippine Acct. No.: 643-2-64300574-8
Frontier Missions USA. Write
“PFM-Phils.” on the memo.
ChinaBank Peso Account:
Philippine Frontier Missions
Contact: Tim Holbrook
ChinaBank Paseo De Sta. Rosa,
Phone: 1-423-596-9202
Email: Acct. No. 385-000551-1
BPI Account:
Philippine Donations:
Philippine Frontier Missions
Sta.Rosa Highway, Laguna
MetroBank Peso Account
Acct. No.: 8983-0194-21
Philippine Frontier Missions
MetroBank Paseo de Sta.Rosa,
You may contact us on these Nos.:
Sta. Rosa, Laguna
0939-908-6496, 0905-775-9360,
Acct. No.: 643-3-64394723-5
P.O. Box 42, Eton, GA, 30724.
Pray Therefore...
What is the most tangible proof that God
works and is active on this earth? The answer
lies in the stories of every individual who has come
under the banner of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. No matter what generation, no matter what
country or continent, no matter what color of the skin and
what language, and no matter whether in the city or in far away
mountains and jungles – God is revealing Himself to each one and
establishing in their hearts His kingdom.
I have often wondered where the next miracle of God lies or
where His voice is next heard. I have waited many a times for wondrous
results in this ministry and sometimes come away empty. Until I look
closely at each individual near me and those who are in the field. I
then noticed how God is not really far and silent. He is near, and He
is working out His will to save mankind. Each story of change is the
miracle that really matters. You will read of those miracle stories in
the pages of this newsletter. May you be blessed!
Aura Ladan
“Dang, you have to do recruitment.”
That was the message I received from Sir
Abner when I was in my mission field in
Bakun, Benguet. Confident that my Great
Master is sending me to another adventure
with Him, I packed my things and travelled
back to the office.
My first destination was Mindanao.
I went first to South Philippine Adventist
College and then to Mountain View
College and to several churches in the
surrounding area. And then I went to
Central Philippine Adventist College
and Bacolod before leaving for Capiz and
Aklan. It was my first time to travel by
myself to faraway places. But God has
proved to me that we just have to trust Him
completely and He’ll provide everything.
And I mean everything. He provided me
with people who can help me, places to
stay, church appointments, good contacts.
Everything! God is just amazing! It was a
good two months that I spent travelling,
meeting people, scheduling appointments
and looking for workers for the Lord’s
I really praise the Lord because
He used me to deliver His message to
our brothers and sisters in far-away
places. Most of them had no idea
about Philippine Frontier Missions
or unreached people groups. I could
no longer count how many times I
was asked if PFM is 1000MM. But in
each instance I was always delighted
to let them know that it’s a different
ministry and explain to them what we
do. I knew the Holy Spirit was working
to reach their hearts. I remember the
looks on their faces as they listen to the
presentation. I am certain that God’s
Spirit has worked in each of the churches
and gatherings where I presented. Seeds
were planted and I praise the Lord!
More Workers
As the Lord’s messenger I was the first one to be blessed. As I deliver the same
message and appeal every Sabbath I was more convicted of the need for workers in
God’s most neglected field. And I, myself have been more sure of my calling. Imagine
only 2% of all missionaries going to unreached people groups (2.84 billion people or
41.6% of the world’s population) while 98% are going to places where the people
have already heard of the Gospel. And I said, “Yes, Lord. This is where I am needed.”
My prayer is that our youth who have heard of this message would have the same
A few young people have expressed an interest in becoming frontier missionaries.
They have felt that God is calling them. But the enemy is doing everything in his
power to stop them from going. And in most cases, it is their family members who
discourage them. I saw also how many of our youth are not mindful of their great
responsibility. Their God-given gifts, talents, strength and vigor are not channeled
in the right direction. These young people could have been good witnesses for the
In my own experience, I became an Adventist when I was in college. My godly
mother, who was an Adventist, was very happy and supportive when I decided to
become a missionary. I appeal to you, dear parents to let your children go when God
calls them. Remember that you don’t own them. Please do not become a hindrance
to the advancement of the Gospel.
trials in life if we
have Jesus
in our hearts. At this she fell silent. She seemed
Analine Torda & Julie Fernandez
to be pondering the things I’ve said. After a while, she asked us who we are
and where we live. We told her that we are volunteer teachers in Barangay
Palis. I also explained that we also help those who are sick and that we also
teach the Word of God. Upon hearing our reply, the old woman became sad.
“They’re very fortunate,” she said. “There are people like you who help them,”
she continued. “There are so many children who cannot go to school in the
place where I live. So many people get sick and many of them die without
being taken to a hospital. There are also no pastors to teach us the Word of
God.” And then she added, “I hope you will also come to us.”
Tears welled up in my eyes. I suddenly remembered the lyrics to that old
PFM song “Hear the people calling, come and help us here! Daily they are
dying and no one seems to care. Oh the field can wait no longer; it has waited
far too long. God’s field needs your hand right now…”
The harvest is truly plenty but the laborers are few. Our brothers and
sisters this is a challenge for us. Let us all wake up from our slumber and work
hand in hand for the salvation of
those who have never
heard of Jesus.
continuously pray and
cheerfully give their
for this ministry,
I pray that you
will continue to
blessings from our
Father in heaven as
you take part in this
great ministry.
finally came, all she had to do was cut
umbilical cord and wash the newborn
When Sabbath came, Sandy
gratefully shared her experience. She was
very thankful that God had answered her
prayers. We’re also blessed & thankful
to God that the converts here are now
learning to pray, to call to Him & put
their trust in Him. Psalm 34:4, “I sought
the Lord & He heard me & delivered me
from all my fears.”
She was very nervous and she did not know what to do. She estimated her
uncle to be back in 2-4 hours since the paltera lives very far.There are only few
people staying in the village.The rest are staying in their farms during summer.
Afraid to be alone with a woman in labor, Sandy tried hard to keep her
body from shaking from panic. She tried her best to look calm for the sake of
her auntie who couldn’t help scream and cry out in pain. Sandy comforted her.
All the while she prayed that somebody would pass by to help them.
God seemed to answer her prayers when Sandy saw another uncle pass
by. She called out to him for help but when he saw the situation he excused
himself. He said he couldn’t help them. After a long while, her
auntie’s legs started shaking. The baby is coming?
Sandy stopped massaging her auntie’s back and
Redly Serrano & Shella Lumawag
looked in front. And indeed it was! The baby’s
head was coming out. Sandy was wondering
how she would manage to deliver the baby.
Just in time she saw a mother and a child
passing by. She called out to them for
help. And indeed she was the help
sent from God for she knew how
Sandy’s aunt is about to give birth.
to help deliver babies. The baby was
Her uncle requested her to attend to his successfully delivered and both mother
wife while he calls for a “paltera” (local and child were fine. Praise the Lord!
midwife). Sandy was also 6 moths pregnant. When Sandy’s uncle and the paltera
Learning To Trust:
A Convert’s Experience
of our active VBS
students is Peter, a 10-year
old Aeta boy who looks
small for his age. He enjoys
learning songs and listening
to Bible stories. He’s also
fond of making VBS crafts.
But sometimes he’s unable to
attend our classes because his
father needed him to help in
making a living. At other times
he is tasked by his parents to
Melque, Mylene, & Jed Dulnuan
look for food.
In the middle of our VBS
we found out that leaders of
other denominations here are
asking the parents why they
are allowing their children to attend our classes. We thought many kids would stop
attending because of this but they continued on. And so day and night, we include
them in our prayers.
When graduation came, one of the parents who was present was Peter’s mother.
She seemed very happy to witness the program and when the time finally came for
parents to speak, she stood up and said, “I am thankful that Pastor Melque is here to
teach the children. Peter, my son used to be very lazy. He also used to bully his younger
siblings. But when he started attending this program, he started to change. He’s no
longer lazy and he is now good to his siblings.”
We praise the Lord! It’s a joyful thing to see lives change because of God’s Words.
Faith partners, thank you for your prayers
and financial support. Many are being
drawn closer to our Lord just
like Peter and his mother. Let
us continue to labor for the
Master until He comes. Your
support will help hasten the
coming of the Lord. We will
be in heaven together with
the souls who were saved
because of you. God bless!
Transforming Little Peter
A Call For Missionaries
We were on our way back to Cabatuan
from Palis. Riding on our bagon (a cart
pulled by a carabao) we saw an old woman
walking alone. We were heading on the
same direction so I offered her a ride. She
said she’s going to Barangay Nacolcol, an
hour and a half walk from Cabatuan. This
was the first time we saw her. She was very
cheerful. We talked about so many things
as we drove along. She even opened up to
us her personal life—her problems, her
pains and heartaches. My heart went out to
her as she told her story. I comforted her
with the Word of God. I assured her that
we can victoriously go through all kinds of
Glynis Aquino
Back to Bato!
I was hesitant to go back to Dumagat
project, ALONE. It’s quite a challenge
to be in a place you are not familiar and
comfortable with. Besides, I was not even
sure where I would stay since the old
missionary house is old and torn-down.
And so I prayed to God for a companion.
And He answered. He didn’t just give
me one or two or three. He gave me 35
companions! They were the AUP Theology
students who needed to conduct their
Cross-Culture training.
Once again, I endured the long
mountainous hike with my 35 companions.
Whew! God is teaching me to endure for the sake of the unreached. I was reminded
that most of us are in our comfort zone and enjoying the truth we receive while souls
are perishing.
I’ve got the chance to talk to some of our brothers and sisters there in Bato. I found
out that some of the church members have grown cold in their faith. But I praise the
Lord for the faithful ones who continue to strive to follow Him. God use these faithful
few to fight the evil influences that come into their village. Many of them were
strengthened as we gave them advice and comfort from the Word of God.
I also thank the Lord because even the non-Adventists still remember
our missionaries who have worked there. They told me that they are blessed
because PFM missionaries ministered to them and introduced to them the
Savior. The church members are half-wishing that the missionaries would
always stay with them but they know that many souls are still waiting. They
feel the burden for other tribes who are still in darkness. Their prayer is that
they, too, will be reached by the Gospel that they may also find hope amidst
continued on page 9..
while the church members
busy constructing
the church’s comfort room, she went to the 2nd floor
of a nearby house and took her seat by the window so
she could have a good view of the men working.
I was also there. And when Roselyn saw me,
she smiled at me. And then suddenly she lost her
balance and fell out the window.The next thing
I heard was her voice screaming and crying.
She was obviously hurt and shocked. But
to everyone’s surprise, she suffered no
broken bones, not even a scratch. It was
indeed a miracle of God’s protection.
Priscilla Panugao & Sheila Yosorez
The next day, her mother told me
what Roselyn said. “Mother, I am thanking
God today,” she said. “On Sabbath, I am
going to give my testimony. I want to thank
God because He saved me.” Her mother
was confused because she didn’t know of
“Good morning ma’am!” This is
Roselyn’s standard greeting every time the accident. So she asked her child, “Why? What
she sees me. She is the only child of our happened?” and Roselyn replied “Do you know mother
Church Elder here in Hingin 2. She’s only that I fell down from the window? It was really high, but look, I have no broken bones,
6 years old but she is our most active not even a scratch because I know that God had saved me.”
I was touched by Roselyn’s faith. She’s still very young yet she recognizes the
song leader in the church. She loves Bible
presence and protection of our Heavenly Father. And she wants to share it with others.
stories too!
God really loves the little children. Thank you faith partners for your support that
Roselyn is a very curious child and
she loves to watch her father work. One even little ones are being drawn to Christ!
Faith of a Child
Richard, Marilen, & Josh Mindoro
Blinders & BlindMen
Many people were attending from the
very first meeting up until the last night
of our crusade here in Pasil. More than
30 persons also attended the following
Sabbath. But Satan is very angry every
time we do activities like crusade, seminar,
baptism, and Bible studies. He’s using
other people so that the truth would not
be heard especially by the ones who want
to follow.
One such case is an old man whom
we thought was very interested since he
was always present during our
nightly meetings. I later
found out that he was just
there to discourage
the listeners. He was
also present on our
During our potluck,
my wife overheard him
talking with the other
attendees, “Don’t get
baptized. Don’t join
these Adventists. You
can no longer eat pork if
you join them,” he said.
Saddened and moved with pity for this poor soul, I immediately took the
courage to approach him. And so while he was still eating I said, “Why are you
doing that Manong (older brother)? Please don’t do that again. There’s nothing
wrong in listening to God’s Word.” He was just silent and didn’t say a word. He is one
of the elders here in Guina-ang and it is just sad because many people listened to him.
Another case is about a Catechist and her followers. People here are actually afraid
of them. They really try their best to keep the people from listening and accepting
Bible Studies from us. A young person who regularly attends our Midweek and Vesper
meetings told us, “We want to listen, my mother and I, but she is afraid of *Nona (the
They are like blind men leading the blind. The worst thing is, when others are
beginning to see the light, they turn on the blinders so that others may not see. Please
help us pray for the people here who are hungering for the truth. May they have the
courage to follow God rather than men. Pray also for the Catholic leaders here that God
will change their hearts and that they would be open to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
research and studies, Saturday is the Sabbath day not Sunday. Ann then told Alfred
that her eldest sister recently became a Seventh-day Adventist and keeping Saturday as
their day of worship. They both agreed that time that they will give it a try to attend
and join the following Saturday.
That Saturday, Alfred, determined to give it a try, was already in
front of our house, waiting for Ann. Ann, not serious about their agreement, was
still at home sleeping. Marijima, Ann’s sister, knew about their plan. She invited
Alfred inside the church when she noticed him standing outside. Marijima then
texted Ann and informed her that Alfred is already in the church. About an hour
later, Ann came.
It was the beginning. The two, since then attended Sabbath.
Alfred admitted that he is really searching for truth. And he had asked
several pastors of
different religions
Leo, Merriam, Gift, & Saint Gonzaga
for a Biblical proof
of Sunday worship
but their answers
did not satisfy
him. His questions
Alfred and Ann were previously
“glassmates”. They are always present in
that Saturday and he was
every barangay/town’s occasion, drinking
convinced with the Biblical
wine. They were both life of the party. It
and historical proofs. Eight
was during one of their drinking sessions
months later, the two were
that the Sabbath issue was brought out.
baptized. Glassmates now
Alfred told Ann that according to his
became churchmates.
Glassmates to Churchmates
Grace Lasota & Maricris Camacho
A Pound of Cure
One early morning while we were busy fixing things for the day’s work,
an old native man passed by in front of our house, seemed worried and was
looking for something. We greeted him “Mayat ay Agsapa”, he stopped and
responded with a smile. He asked us about his health. “I have cough for almost
three weeks now. I am having chest pains and I am alarmed with my condition.
I used many anti cough medicines but there is no improvement.” If you have
medicines, would you please give me? I’ll pay for it.” Looking at him, I started
my assessment. I hoped that I will be inspired with a correct treatment to give
him.We prayed and introduced to him nature’s healing herbs and water. After
the treatment, he thanked us for what we have done to him, I said ‘’ No, It’s
our God who is the Healer.”
As the sunset was approaching, the old man knocked on our door. He
had a bag of potatoes in his hands. As we let him in, we noticed his buoyant
spirit. “Your medicines were very effective!” They helped me a lot, I am so
excited and I can’t wait to visit you again!” I just smiled and whispered a
prayer. Then, we taught him how we prepared the medicine we gave him. We
offered him a prayer. “You are the angels sent from above!” he said.
The Lord has fullness of grace to bestow on every one who will receive
the heavenly gift. The Holy Spirit will bring the God entrusted capabilities
into Christ’ service.
Smart Padala:
Those who wants to send their donations directly to PFM,
you may now do so by using the Smart Padala in your nearby
store and then notify us on this no.: 0908-365-9153.
God is greater in power.
Satan tried another trick. It happened one Sabbath day. After our Divine
worship, I went inside my room and opened my locker. Little did I know
that a huge, poisonous snake was there
beside my locker, ready to strike.
The locals call it “agsawan” but
in tagalog it is known as
“ulupong.” Terrified at the
sight of this uninvited
guest, I shouted at the
top of my lungs and
quickly jumped
away. The church
Jun Rey Bahi-an & John Marcial
elder heard me
hurried inside my
room and found the
snake. It took a while
before they were finally
“And call upon me in the day of trouble,
able to kill the snake.
I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.”
I thought maybe Satan is angry because almost all the brethren attended that Sabbath.
Ps. 50:15
Whatever may be the reason, what matters is that God protected me. In Romans 8:31 it
I know that the enemy is doing his says, “If God is for us, who can be against us.” If we are on the side of God, we are safe.
very best to destroy me because I am God has assured us so many times in the Bible that He will never leave us nor forsake us
serving the Lord. I thank God because I in times of trouble and even in the point of death.
already recovered from the sickness that
Please continue to pray for us and for our ministry because missionaries’ lives are
Satan gave the last time. I nearly died but always at stake. Thank you brethren for your untiring support!
God’s Power is Greater
Goliath when Manong Tulingan, Manang Siga’s husband, came from their
payew (field) and joined us.
Manong Tulingan is a well known Espiritista leader in Mt. Province.
Thus, I was expecting that he’s knowledgeable about the Bible. But to my
surprise he asked, “sino ay
ipogaw di? Sino si Saul?
(Who’s that person?
Who’s Saul?)” I was
glad to be used by
God to introduce
Bible characters
and Bible stories
to him. I am
Louvelyn Tiburcio & Jessielyn Sacay
happy that Manong
Tulingan, admitted
that he lacks time
to read the Bible,
trusts me as God’s
servant to share His word.
One Monday afternoon, after
What made me happier
teaching Bible class at Balugan National that day was when I was about to
High School, I went to Manang Siga to give leave, He called me back and asked a favor. He requested us to teach his children – use
her Chronological Bible study (CBS) and stories from the Bible or any story that will help shape their young minds.
to grant her request to watch Bible movies
We are happy to share that we have finally won the confidence of some children
on my laptop. We were in the middle of their parents. This is a good start in introducing God into their lives. Let’s pray for the
watching an animated story of David and children that we are teaching and their parents as well. God bless!
One Step at a Time
After visiting the homes of
the learned
more about
brethren, we dropped by a house on the “That’s good to know,” I
road to have some rest. It was a tiring said. “Then it means that
walk going up the hill. There was a store. the church should make VBS
Sis. Mary Ann bought something. She a regular program every
introduced me to the store owner. The summer.”
store owner asked Sis. Mary Ann if there
“One more thing,” the
is another Vacation Bible School coming store owner told me. “I
that summer. She replied that they were am thankful that you drop
planning to. The store owner told how by. My elementary kid
her children enjoyed the stories and has an assignment in her
songs. She was waiting for another VBS Religion class. The teacher
Mary Rose Fabrero
to come. She chose the Adventist VBS asked them to write the Ten
because she observed that her children Commandments. I don’t
know where to find it in
the Bible.” I smiled and
wondered why the teacher
chose that. I asked for a
Bible and showed to her. “How will the teacher teach the Ten Commandments when
it shows about the ‘graven images and the seventh-day to be kept holy’?” I wondered.
I simply prayed that God will speak to her through His Word.
I asked her daughter to copy the verses. While she wrote, I simply explained
each commandment so that she could explain it to her class. I prayed that those
verses will speak also to them. We prayed for the store owner and her daughter
before we left.
Sowing Seeds Through
Children Ministry
Afraz & Anisha Muqtadir
Muslims believe that there are “jinns”
or spirits living with us.They say that these
are powerful spirits who live among us
and are also waiting for judgment. But for
them, these spirits are their friends who
can give them power. And they call people
with such power as “Balihan” or “Babaylan.”
One of our friends came to visit me
one day. She mentioned how much they
want their brother in Pangutaran, Jolo
to come home but his mother-in-law
wouldn’t let him. Many times he tried
to leave but he just can’t for different
reasons. So they asked their neighbor
to make a “hinanghinang,” a kind of
charm that makes
a person uneasy if
he doesn’t do what
you want him to
do. I asked who
makes the charm
and she told me
it’s Rose, one of
our students! She
also told me that
Rose has a jinn, a
child who
already passed away.
The child’s spirit came
back grown up already. She said that Rose can just ask the spirit if she wants
to know something. This jinn can predict, heal, charm, etc. I also found out
that most of the people here have Jinn. I discovered also that some of them
are using their jinns’ power on us whether for good or for evil. I have not seen
visible results against us but they did say that they used the powers of the jinns
to speed up our return from our vacations from the mainland.
We need your continuous prayer for us to be protected and overcome the power
of darkness.
from page 5...
life’s troubles. They earnestly hope, by the grace of God, to continue their outreach
program to the Dumagat tribes on the other side of the Angat Dam.
Please continue to pray for our brethren here in Bato that they may hold on to the
truth faithfully and be able to minister to the nearby tribes.
How about you? Are you not burdened by the thought of so many souls that have
not yet been reached by the Gospel? The field is ripe for harvesting yet we lack workers.
Whom shall the Lord send?
Ja nuary - March 2015
Johnny Lawag & Shem Ehurango
Kerker’s Struggle
with the Spirits
One of our goals is to add more Bible
students. I went around the village looking
for people who might be interested.While
searching, Toto, one of the natives there,
suggested that I go and visit his friends.
Following his advice, I went and found
them very receptive. They agreed to have
Bible study with us.
I went to their house again one day for
another Bible study.To my surprise, I found
Kerker, my Bible student, performing
a ritual for his fellow natives. I heard him muttering unintelligible words
while doing his ceremony. After he finished, I couldn’t help but ask him what
that was about. “I am an albularyo,” he said. I tried to hide my surprise. After
talking some more I asked him if he would like to continue our Bible study
that day but he declined and said we’ll just continue another day. I visited
them again a day after but we still did not get the chance to study because of a family
situation. I advised them to put their faith in God and I prayed for them before leaving.
Kerker then told me to come back again.
When I came back the next day I found Kerker in a different mood. He told me
not to come back anymore. I asked him why. He said he forgot his rituals ever since we
started teaching them.
I know that God is working in Kerker’s life. Every night I am praying for him. I am
planning to go back again and convince him to study the Word of God with me again.
Please pray for him not to resist the leadings the Holy Spirit.
Mary Rose Fabrero
A Blessing to Your Neighbor
I looked for Sis. Inday to accompany me in visiting the brethren
in Tungib. I found her busy working in her neighbor’s flower garden.
She was weeding and cleaning the neighbor’s front yard. I helped her
with it. She told me that her neighbor is a school teacher and has
no time to clean her garden. Then her neighbor asked for her help.
Though Sis. Inday has something to do in her farm, she cannot say no
to her friend. I swept the dried leaves while we were chatting. She
told me to just sit and not work but I insisted to help.
Her friend arrived and was surprised to see a new face cleaning
her yard. Sis. Inday introduced me. Her friend tried to stop me. I
explained that it was all right with me, and I just wanted to help Sis.
Inday while we chatted. She then asked us to stop for a while and
have some snack. We got to talk some more. Sis. Inday got back to
her work. I remained chatting with her neighbor. She asked about my
work, and I shared my experiences as a missionary. I shared who the
Seventh-day Adventists people are and what they believe.
She found out that I was also a teacher, and we got many things
to talk about school. She enjoyed our chat. She told me that she got
tonsillitis and asked me about charcoal. A friend advised her to use
charcoal. It was her first time to use it. I gave testimonies about the
use of charcoal, and she was convinced to use it. She was thankful that
day that I visited her house. I prayed for her before I left.
Agudil a, Michael
Ababa, Mila
Aguila, Alberto & Leah
Abacan, Eden & Ted
Aguila, Amando & Juliet
Abacan, Emy
Aguila, James
Abacan, Gary & Marie
Abacan, Gideon & Malou Aguilar, Felix
Aguilar, Gloria
Abacan, Lory
Aguilar, Merwin
Abacan, Louie Francis
Aguirre, Bayani
Abad, Benilda
Agustin, Keith Lynne
Abad, Rebecca
Agustin, Lolita Santos
Abaday, Alfredo
Alamag, Alveshann
Abalos, Eustaquia
Alamag, Jahzeel
Abandia, Maresther P.
Alamag, Jhun-Jhun
Abanes, Elsa
Abarracoso, Mr. & Mrs. Alamag, Johan
Alamag, Lala
Abarratigue, Anna
Alamag, Menard
Abas, Elsie
Alamani, Arnold & Lanie
Abay, Josue
Albano, Anicia
Abayon, Daryl
Albelar, Delfin
Abayon, Jiger
Alberto, Mr. & Mrs. Ramon
Abdulmajid, Elnora
Albores, Lita C.
Abellera, Lorna R.
Albores, Renor
Abellera, Mila
Albores, Rizza
Abellera, Renz
Alboroto, Chito & Family
Abeon, Jessie
Alburo, Elizabeth & Family
Abilado, Emy
Abing, Jun & Remedios Alcantara, Julna
Alcantara, Moises
Abing, Myrna
Alcantara, Rebecca
Abis, Rommel
Alcaraz, Nor-Ann
Abiva, Emmanuel
Alejaga, Danilo
Abiva, Nenosa
Alemania, Ameng & Edgardo
Aboboto, Riza
Alfanoso, Lhalaine
Abuan, Myrna
Alialy, Zhordy
Abuel, Raquel
Abulencia, Jessie & Ivy Alicante, Rod & Grace
Alijandro, Pedro
Acain, Susan
Alindogan, Reinita
Acebar, Violeta
Alinsunurin, Bhing
Aceberos, Edison
Allida, Valentina R.
Acejas, Rey & Magie
Almario, Amparo
Acierto, Grace
Almario, Marcelo Sr.
Aclan, Glo Ladaga
Almario, Nomer
Aclon, Jonalyn
Almocera, Lina
Acopio, Jovy
Alonso, Loida
Actao, Pagelin
Acuba, Kenneth Salathiel Alonzo, Aida
Adanza, Jeremias & Nievez Alpajando, Jimmy Gier
Alpanta, Armand
Adanza, Joseph Juvy
Alvarado, Jordan
Adanza, Leonila
Alvarez, Arianne
Adanza, Louie Roy
Alvarez, Ariel & Amy
Adanza, Roel & Yolly
Adanza, Samuel & Menchie Alvarez, Edna S.
Amada, Gary
Adonis, Nanet
Amado, Adela
Adriano, Eduviges S.
Africa, Josue & Dieben Amancio, Mary Jane
Amansec, Adelio
Agapay, Elmor
Amansec, Julie
Agbay, Marchial
Amansec, Nathaniel
Agbu, Paul Gregor
Ambago, Carmencita
Agbu, Theresa
Ambargo, John & Family
Agbuya, Myleen
Ambat, Belinda
Agir, Luz
Amer, Jo
Agno, Dominica
Amoguis, Aquiliano
Agojo, Myra
Amoguis, Judith
Agruda, Jefferson
Amoyen, Dominador
Agruda, Mark
Agruda, Peter & Anamarie Amoyen, Hilda
Amul, Leticia
Agruda, Tess
An, Susan
Agtang, Cris
Ananias, Manalo & Rosario
Agtang, Gemma
Ancores, Carmelito
Aguda, Cecilia
Andarino, Jun
Arradaza, Sarah Veronica Baluyot, David
Andasan, Andy & Family Arranquez, Wil y & JosephineBaluyot, Ricardo
Baluyot, Vittorio & Christina
Andasan, Myrna
Arrogante, Leomarie
Banaag, Boyet
Andaya, Abraham
Arrogante, Rose
Banaag, Jay
Andaya, Dr. Abner
Arroyo, Cobby Crisler
Andaya, Dr. Marie Delle Arroyo, Joel & Dra. Cora Banaag, Lilia
Banaag, Marden & Family
Andaya, Mely
Arroyo, Ladel D.
Banaag, Melissa
Andaya, Simplicio
Artuz, Elaine
Banaba West
Andrade, Alicia
Artuz, Liza
Andriano, Raffy & Emelyn Asi, Gerardo & Mary Ann Banes, Jimmy
Bangunan, Evelyn
Ang, Conchita P.
Asis, Baddette
Bano, Marylyn
Angcaya, Leslie
Asis, Flordiliza
Bano, Pastor
Aniag, Constantino H.
Asis, Leonor
Baquilo, Lita
Anil o, Arman N.
Asis, Norma
Barbacena, Imelda
Anil o, Richelle
Asis, Renato
Barbero, Carlito & Mercy
Anolin, Ann Galeon
Aso, Chrystler
Barbon, Emma
Antonio, Apolonio & Esther Aso, Leonora
Barcelo, Paula
Antonio, Mildred
Asog, Lea
Barcelon, Angelina
Antoy, Danny
Asuncion, LSJ
Apacible, Michal
Atencio, Christian Daniel Barcelon, Neneth
Baricanosa, Dinah
Apacible, Ruel
Atienza, Araceli
Baricanosa, Irene
Apacible, Shiela
Atienza, Cora
Apiog, Robiel Rey
Atienza, Sherwin & Celeste Baril, Fe
Barnedo, Edwin
Aplaon, Sammy
Atiesa, Digna
Barnedo, Nemy
Aquino, Bernabe & Loreta Avila, Efren L.
Barrientos, Edgar
Aquino, Bobbie & Debbie Avila, Ness
Barrientos, Ernesto
Aquino, Minda
Avila, Shirly
Barrientos, Jafeth
Arabelo, Wen & Ain
Avila, Tom & Jonilyn
Barrios, Dr. Romeo
Arabis, Analiza
Ayad, Daniel
Barroa, Aileen
Arago, Majel a
Ayad, Jennifer
Barzoza, Bernardo & Rose
Arago, Meraiah
Azupardo, Jo & Diolan
Barzoza, Michael & Family
Arago, Rey & Beth
Baballo, Norma A.
Arandia, Elizabeth & Family Babista, Jonathan & Mrs. Bas, Lydia
Basa, Fermin
Arandia, Emelita
Bacolado, Ella
Arandia, Jazel
Bacolado, Rachelle Juliet Base, Maureen A.
Bastistiana, Herminia M.
Arandia, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Bacolod, Leo
Bathan, Arvin
Arandia, Ronnie & Cora Bacosa, Engr. Mateo
Arao, Nolie
Bacquial, Robert & Gwene Bathan, Jess
Bathan, Neil Christian
Arbesu, Mercy
Baculao, Sonny
Bathan, Nohal
Arcayan, Jael
Bacusa, Esther & Vic
Bathan, Noli & Edna
Arce, Johan
Bael, Kiddyler
Bathan, Trisha Noreen
Arce, Leilanie
Baes, Milagros
Batle, Beth
Arceno, Jun & Family
Bagacina, Monday
Batocabe, Jun & Divine
Ardamil, Mr. & Mrs. Elias Bagano Family
Batralo, Lilia
Ardamil, Osias
Baguhin, Normie
Batuigas, Gloria M.
Ardiente, Bernadette
Bajan, Henry
Bauson, Manuel& Lalaine
Arenas, Carding
Bajandi, Phoebe
Bautista, Linda
Arenas, Emman
Bajao, Ruth G.
Bawar, Bellen
Arenas, Ricardo
Balale, Linda & Family
Arenas, Robert & Connie Balantac, Roxanne Mae Bawar, David
Baybay, Ester
Arguelles, Grace
Balasabas, Nelon
Baylon, Milky
Arguelles, Jonathan & Bhing Balbastro, Binigno
Baylosis, May
Arguelles, King
Balbastro, Nelson
Bayot, Carling & Fely
Arguelles, Narding & Minda Baldido, Sanceta
Bayot, Michael & Lanie
Arguelles, Narding & Minella Baldon, Emma
Bayot, Nehemiah & Pinky
Arguelles, Vernon
Baldos, Rose
Ariola, Marina
Baldovino, Dr. Oscar
Beatriz, Dr. Roel & Mavel
Ariola, Teofilo T.
Baliciado, Paula Luz
Bejir, Jodi Belina
Aris, Diony
Balila, Dr. Edwin
Belasa, Melgie
Arisga, Alan & Leah
Balina, Monica
Belasa, Melinda
Arisga, Ariston
Baliong, Alma
Beleno, Cristita
Armentado, Bernandino Balitar, Jaylord
Beleno, Mesusie
Arnisto, Tiso & Anna
Ballesteros, Edgar
Arojado, Josue & Marlene Balog, Ephraim & Family Belga, Richard
Beloy, Jonathan
Arquiza, Reynaldo III
Baloloy, Don & Jen
Beltran, Osang
Arquiza, Reynaldo Jr.
Baloloy, Eden
Arquiza, Reynaldo Sr.
Baloloy, Mr & Mrs. Domingo Beltran, Romy
Beltran, Rosamond
Arquiza, Zenaida
Baltejar, Adrian
Bendo, Enoch
Arradaza, Arlene
Baluyot, Butch & Enna
Bendo, Marlon & Flerida
Benedicto, Rey
Benitez, Elias
Bensorto, Lydia P.
Beraquet, Jerry S.
Beraquet, Priscil a
Beratio, Celia
Bergueles, Ruel
Berioso, Aden
Bermudez, Jean Kristel
Bermudez, Tarash & Ruby
Beroncal, Catherine Joice
Beroncal, Lydia
Beroncal, Rodolfo
Beroncal, Roger
Bianes, Joel V.
Bico, Teofila
Bicua, Levie
Bilasa, Hc & Family
Bilasa, Nheddie
Bil ialba, Rosemarie N.
Bil iones, Nimfa
Bitong, Natividad
Blancia, Levi & Eva
Boado, Loreto
Boado, Romeo & Thelma
Bobiles, Ike
Bocala, Mylene B.
Bolenos, Joy & Cherylene
Bondad, Bryant & Dhang
Bondad, Gloria
Bondad, Justine
Bongapat, Roel
Bonggat, Walter
Bonil a, Erlinda
Bonu-an, Azucena
Boquerin, Henry & Beth
Borlongan, Paula Cecilia D.
Bornea, Grace
Borong, Erlinda
Borromeo, Dr. Robert
Bradley, Luzviminda
Bravo, Feling
Bregente, Wil y & Nora
Brena, Donie
Brena, Noriel & Badeth
Bril antes, Olimphia
Briones, Godafreda
Briones, Merced
Bro. John
Brondo, Lorna
Bronuela, Lolita
Bronuela, Moises & Lilia
Broqueza, Edenh
Brosas, Laarni
Brosas, Salome
Brosoto, Antonia
Buaquina, Wenzel & Joy
Buenafe, Jose Valdez John
Buenaventura, Jeron Gabe
Bueno, Dick & Gigi
Buenviaje, Renato & Marie
Buganas, Rod
Bunagan, Rolly
Burce, Josue & Violy
Burgo, Miriam
Buta, Ruel B. & Family
Caagbay, David & Onor
Caagbay, John David
Carpentero, Lenie C.
Caagbay, Kiel Eyam
Caagbay, Kristine Mae Carpizo, Cresencia
Caagbay, Noly & Penie Carpizo, Eunice
Casamorin, Lucila
Cabalde, Jerry
Casanova, Charing
Cabalde, Tess
Casil, Lorie
Cabañas, Henen
Casil, Rolelan & Sheryl
Cabañez, Emerson &
Casilang, Gina, Yrsa &
Cabarles, Evelyn
Castellano, Virginia E.
Cabaron, Marilou
Castil ano, Herman
Cabintoy, Erwin
Castil ano, Ruby Joy
Cabintoy, Sergio
Castil o, Alma
Cabornay, Mary Glen
Castil o, Edgardo
Cabrera, Eden
Castil o, Joel
Cabrera, Mirasol
Castil o, Jojo & Rowena
Cabrera, Rodel
Castil o, Miguel & Delia
Cabungcal, Alice
Castil o, Mynard
Cabuquid Family
Castil o, Phoebe
Cabusas, Marvin &
Castil o, Sheryll Ann
Castil o, Vivencia
Cacho, Vil & Edith
Castro, Betty
Cadao, Josie Felda
Castro, Philamefor
Cadao, Marissa
Castro, Rebecca
Cadiz, Honivic
Cadiz, Mari Jane Dela Torre Castrodes, Genelita
Castulo, Celia
Cadiz, Melchor
Casuco, Elvira
Cadiz, Victoria
Casupang, Nina
Cadungog, Mr. & Mrs.
Catalino Ike & Milema
Cahigan, Mark
Catapang, Dennis & Family
Cajukom, Eder B.
Cataytay, Rod & Nita
Calago, Abezer
Catibog, E J
Calago, Dario P.
Catibog, Elmore
Calaguio, Joseph
Catibog, Elrey
Calera, Josie Felda A.
Catibog, Gladys April
Calibara, Donna
Catibog, Lendel
Calizo, Eden R.
Catiis, Enoni
Calizo, Edina
Catimbang, Noly
Calizo, Eric & Delicia
Cauilan, Elsa
Calupe, Paz
Cavida, Elmor & Belen
Camay, Eunice
Cedeno, Rowell
Campit, Gaudencio
Cello, Lilibeth
Campit, Marvin
Centino, Chantie
Cañales, Moises
Chavez, Alice
Candelaria, Teth
Chavez, Petra
Candilado, Raymore
Chavoso, Elma
Candona, Moises
Chiefe, Mark & family
Candor, Aida
Cho, Cathy
Candor, Elsa
Cangayda, Fritz & Jennifer Clamor, Janice
Clamor, Rolan
Canje, Noli
Clamor, Vergilio
Capalad, Urbano
Caparas, Edgar & Sylvia Clarete, Aissa
Capobres, Ptr. Rodil & Clarete, Loida
Claridad, Med & Melba
Sheila Joy
Clavera, Precy
Cara, Edwin
Claveria, Beltran & Family
Carandang, Angie
Clerigo, Janice
Carandihan, Jared
Clet, Baby May
Carasig, Carmen C.
Clet, Edgar & Tessie
Carayacay, Lyn
Climaco, Rose
Carayo, Magda
Cochongco, Ma. Luisa
Carbil edo, Esther
Cariaga, Ariston & Feliza Codoy, Linda
Colacion, Joshua & Bonnie
Carido, Loreto
Colas, Grace
Carino, Ruel
Combalicer, Dorie
Caritativo, Marie Joan
Combate, Sarah
Carmaran, Dolly
Comendador, Rey & Elvie
Carmaran, Dolores
Cometa, Jeremy & Emily
Caro, Henimia
Cometa, Mateo & Elma
Carpentero Karren
Flores, Neneta
Eleosida, Imelda
Imperio, Dr. Oseas
Geraldez, Emmanuel
Comilang, Charmie C. Dayego, Danny & Estela Devera, Ligaya
Faderagao, John Ramsis Flores, Ptr. Regie
Elises, Jayson
Imperio, Eleonor E.
Devisfruto, Amara
Geraldo, Loring
Comilang, Kish
Dayo, Dolores
Flores, Wil iam & Judith Geron, Porsing
Fadollone, Ephravil
Imperio, Marlo
Diangson, Rene & Lourdes Elizan, Lally
Comil or, Pascual
Dayo, Juanita
Flores, Zeny
Fadrequila, Ester
Eller, Jed & Gyla
Importante, Julio
Diaz, Carina
Gian, Ginalyn
Compuesto, Elna
Dayoc Family
Florita, Jeanette
Faigao, Jeriel
Eller,Ahira Jed
Isak, Merio
Diaz, Jezer
Gilbuena, Roger & Gita
Compuesto, Ely
Dayoc, Jimmy
Faigao, Mr. & Mrs. Eugenie Florita, Shieryl C.
Elmido, Herminia
Jael, Teresita
Diaz, Teddy & Michelle
Go, Inday R.
Concepcion, Betty
De Asis, Juanita
Flotado, Jean & Family Gob, Emelissa E.
Faigao, Reegene Mae
Embe, Berlinda
Jala, Chona
Diaz, Vheron
Concepcion, Cathy
De Castro, Lydia
Foja, Norbert & Family Gomez, Wil iam
Faina, Fe
Embudo, Lorna
Jala, Wilson
Dicang, Bonnie Jr
Concepcion, Gerry
De Castro, Marry Ann
Fontamil as, Emilio
Emmanuel, Joyce & Family Faina, Fely C.
Jamero, Eloisa S.
Gonez Family
Concepcion, Mae & Myra De Chavez, Pastor Nelson & Diesta, Mario
Fonte, Rene & Wilma Gonzales, Abner
Faina, Noel
Empalmado, Albie
Jariolne, Lasty Joy
Diesta, Pastor Baltazar
Concepcion, Mark Anthony Delba
Fonte, Ulysis & Rosanna Gonzales, Anthony T.
Fajardo, Noemi V.
Empas, Bobby Q.
Javellana, Josue
Digo, Salvador
Concepcion, Sun Brien M. De Chavez, Tita
Forbes, Liza
Fajil, Andy & Lyn
Javier, Edwin
Dijamco, Manuel & Nena Empay, Puriza
Gonzales, Henry
Coneda, Pauleen N.
De Gracia, Isaac
Fajilagot, Ernie & Sharon Formentera, Urbano & Bety Gonzales, Melody
Endaya, Miriam
Jeorge, Arianne
Conette, Gina
De Gracia, Jerry & Pearly Dimaculangan, John
Fortes, Rolando
Endriga, Perfecto & Loida Fajilagot, Kathleen Fae
Jimenez, Aurien May
Dimalanta, Ronald
Gonzales, Priscila
Consimino, Marlyn C.
De Gracia, Joash
Francisco Brother
Fajilagot, Nelda
Eneserio, Elizabeth &
Jimenez, Doven & Meann
Dimalanta, Ruel
Gonzales, Rain & Yshi
Contemplacion, Noel
De Gracia, Mark Paulo
Francisco, Jowell & Junell Gonzales, Remus & Jerusalita Jimenez, John Bryner G.
Fajilagot, Paul
Eriel e
Dimalibot, Danny & Rex
Contreras, Cely
De Gracia, Mishael
Franco, Gloria
Fajilan, Danny & Virgie
Engaño, Rosalie P.
Jimeno, Celly
Dimalibot, Wil y & Liz
Gonzales, Virgie
Cordero, Gerson & Fely De Guzman, Argel
Franco, Neal Ryan
Enriquez, Donard & Julie Fajut, Jane
Dinglasan, Rosie
Gorgonia, Shannen & Shannah Jimeno, Eden
Cordero, Joel & Virgie De Guzman, Elsa
Fronda, Arthur
Falcon, Amy
Entrada, Engr. Elpidio
Jimeno, Love
Dinoy, Elizabeth
Goyo, Mr. & Mrs. Rogelio
Cordero, Lando & Gie De Guzman, Fermin
Fuentes, Ptr. Robinson Gregorio Family
Falculan, Bil y & Sharon
Escalaña, Elisa
Jiongco, Grenne
Dinoy, Geo & Annalyn
Cordero, Lito & Jelly
De Guzman, Jicel
Falculan, Eva
Escalante Family
Joaquin, Marilyn
Cordero, Melbert & Pam De Guzman, Magdalene Dinoy, John Louie Bong
Fugen, Rico & Ma. Salome Gregorio, Vilma
Falcunaya, Beth
Escalera, Proceso
Jose, Marivic
Dinsag, Lemuel
Gregory, Rowena
Cordial, Nephtali S.
Furiscal, Santiago
De Guzman, Marlon
Escasa, Kiboy & Ivy Mae Falcunitin, Bhong & Jane Ga, Celeste
Jovero, Ezekiel
Diokno, Ella
Grey, Joe & Fe
Cordial, Nicanor T. Sr. De Guzman, Miriam
Falcunitin, Eden
Joya, Pilar
Gruyal, Ric
Cordovil a, Generosa B. De Guzman, Noel & lailanie Dionesio, Hermie & Jane Escober, Michael
Gabay Family
Juanerio, Carmelita
Gualiza, Vicenta
Corleto, Winnie
Gabaya Family
De Guzman, Rick & Zeny Dionesio, Nathaniel Thoy Escober, Rodolfo & Aida Falcunitin, Vic
Faldallan, Eunice
Escosa, Gem
Juanico, Edna
Dionicio, Cesar
Gubi, Cosme
Corpuz, Marissa
Gabia, Robert
De Guzman, Rodel
Julia, Jemelle & Dretzel
Dionicio, Fernando, P. Jr. Escosura, Ptr. Sam & Vicky Fallarcuna, Joy
Gudoy, Dhel
Cortez Family
Gabin, Irelyn
De Guzman, Rosie
Escuadra, Mark Angelo Falo, Welina
Julia, Mae Ann & Family
Dioquino, Geraldine
Gudoy, Lani
Cortez, Beth
Gabin, Ivelyn
De Jesus, Mr. & Mrs.
Falogme, Rosemarie
Escuadra, Teresa
Jumalon, Bernardo
Disepeda, Ellen
Guerrero, Imee Grace
Cortez, Ely & Family
Gabion, Bella
De Leon, Albina
Falucho, Hermie
Escueta, Babylyn
Jumalon, Bernardo & Beth
Divina, Rupert & Zeny
Credo, Dolores
Gabuco, Mr. & Mrs. Porcia Guia, Cecil e
De Leon, Chim
Fam, Len R.
Esguerra, Teofilo Jr.
Jungay, Sanny & Telit
Dizon, Abner & Maila
Guilalas, Apol
Crisanto, Alona
Gabutero, Shirley
De Leon, Jhun
Esmaya, Harry & Bing Fameronag, Hannah
Jungay, Ted Ian
Guil ermo, Jay & Family
Crisostomo, Larisza
Gadia, Anita
De Leon, Zierene & Zoila Dizon, Dave
Jungay, Vangie
Dizon, Emmanuel & Viviane Esmenda, Jess & Nova Famini, Wil ie
Gumarao, Mylene S.
Crispo, Mary Joy
Gado, Calito & Aileen
De Padua, Lilia
Famorcan, Beth
Esmil o, Rudy
Junio, Leonida M.
Dizon, Leonora
Gustilo, John & Rita
Crispo, Nery Jane
Galabit, Pastor Joe
De Ramos, Baby
Favia, Abigail
Esminda, Nova
Junio, Miriam Joy P.
Guzago, Darren
Crispo, Nora
Galan, Lita
De Torres, Arveen & Lorjelyn Dizon, Luzviminda
Federico, Myrna
Española, Christian
Junio, Priscil a
Dogwe, Dado & Luz
Habla, Deomira M.
Cristobal, Zenaida Oliber De Torres, Beth
Galaroza, Nigel
Felarca, Ruth
Española, Nimfa
Junio, Rowena & Rudy
Dolar, Danilo
Ham, Christine
Cruz , Bartolome B. Jr. De Torres, Esther
Galera, France
Felices, Neonem C.
Espina, David
Juntil a, Joey
Domecil o, Aida
Harrison, Sharon
Cruz, Aniano
Galicia, Aner & Elvie
De Torres, Fely
Feliciano, Redentor
Espina, Felicitas
Juntil a, Socorro
Domigpe, Renante
Hemoroz, Adonias Jr.
Cruz, Edna
Galiga, Diolito
De Torres, Jasmin
Espina, Roy & Cheril e Fenandez, Rose
Ke-e, Emelio Jr.
Domingo Family
Hemoroz, Dondon
Cruz, Imelda
Galiga, Jully
De Torres, Rolando Sr.
Fermin, Rodolfo R.
Espino, Norma Luis
Kirtley, James & Daryl
Cruz, Jerlyn
Galileo, Richard & Ritchel Hemoroz, Goldelyn
De Vera, Yuri & Crisanta Domingo, Regina
Fernandez, Jovelyn
Laborte, Sheryl
Domocmat, Wilfred & Eunice Espinosa, Glecy
Hemoroz, Neceh
Cruz, Josue S.
Gallardo, Eugenio
De Vil a, Fernando
Fernandez, Joy
Espiritu, Efren & Zeny
Domonsis, Sonny
Heredia, Juvy
Cruz, Ramcy
Gallego, Ruth
Decano, Glenda
Fernandez, Teresita
Espiritu, Mar & Cristy
Labrador, Elenita
Donasco, John
Hermano, Harvey
Cruz, Samuel & Barbie Decano, Nimrod & Emy
Gallermo, Benjamin
Labris, Ruth U.
Donasco, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Espiritu, Mario & Family Fernando, Genesis
Hermano, Herminia F.
Cudal, Ruth
Gallo, Arnel & Recel
Decano, Vernie & Vilma
Fernando, Sesinando
Esplana, Elizabeth B.
Labro, Malou
Donasco, Noel
Cuenco, Eden
Galloso, Jamila Jewel Hernandez, Bela
Dee, Mr. & Mrs. Danilo
Ferrer, Alex & Yolly
Espolon, Karen
Lacaran, Annabelle
Donasco, Princess
Cuento, Babie
Galvez, Conrada DC. Hernandez, Calvin Jr.
Del Mundo, Bamba
Estelendres, Geraldine Ferrer, Bon Ross
Donasco, Romart John
Hernandez, Cesar & Marife LAcaran, Edgar
Cueto, Janet
Galvez, Mirasol
Del Mundo, Benjamin
Ferrer, Fernan
Lacaran, Eunice
Hernandez, Cheenee
Cueto, Medel & Vigie
Gamala, Jeraldine
Del Pilar, Dianne Mempin Donato, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Estonilo, Frank
Ferrer, Lourdes
Estrada, Eleuteria
Lacorte, Benny & Vilma
Donato, Vice
Hernandez, Efren & Lina
Cuevas, Beulah
Gambe Family
Dela Cruz, Alex & Delia
Ferrer, Maricar & Perla
Lacorte, Norma
Dones, Geminiano & Zenaida Estrada, Joseph
Hernandez, Eliazar
Cuevas, Emman
Gamiao, Oscar
Dela Cruz, Ariel S.
Estrada, Kathleen Joyce Ferrera, April Celeste
Lacorte, Vilma
Dones, Noemi
Culapan, Connie
Ganal, Arlene & Wilma Hernandez, Milagros
Dela Cruz, Dr. Mary
Ferrolino, Gernalyn
Estrada, Miriam R.
Lacra,Louise Althea
Hernandez, Narcar
Cusi, Ric
Gandol, Dong
Dela Cruz, Francisco & Family Dorato, Rene & Viola
Ferry, Maria Nene & Rommel Gandol, Edna
Estrella, Lubra
Ladan, Aura
Doronil a, Dolores
Hernandez, Oliver & Ning
Custodio, Aida
Dela Cruz, Loreta
Fesalbon, Wilhelm F.
Estrellon, Etail a
Ladan, Noli
Dublais, Crestita
Hernandez, Precy
Cuyos, Nita
Ganoria, Analie
Dela Cruz, Roger
Fetalco, Yolly Eve
Etejo, Betty
Ladera Family
Dublais, Regalado
Da, Nehemias B.
Ganza, Norman & Lyn Hernandez, Rica
Dela Cruz, Rose
Fiedacan, Melody
Etzo, Louie
Ladera, Romulo
Duhaylungsod, Joel
Hernandez, Rosie
Daanoy, Lindon Joseph Dela Paz, Emerlinda
Ganza, Shirly
Fiedacan, Nora
Evangelista, Carla
Ladio, Mylene
Dulos, Bonnie
Hernandez, Warnet
Daanoy, Peter
Garcia, Aurora
Dela Peña, Edna
Fiedacan, Sherwin
Evangelista, Mariano
Lagan, Lloyd & Jean
Dumadag, Reymar
Hierco, Elsie
Dablo-Dablo, Conchita Dela Peña, Greg
Garcia, Lourdes
Evangelista, Rey & Adela Figueroa, Jenniffer T.
Lagarile, Nanelie
Hilao, Violeta
Dadis, Levi, Ester, Carlus & Dela Roca, Ramon & Family Dumalaog, Mark Ben
Garcia, Pablo
Filicio, Elizabeth
Evasco, Rose Ann
Lagrada, Lita
Hinampas, Julius B.
Garcia, Robina C.
Dela Roca, Sandro & Maricel Dumaop, Jun & Family
Filomeno, Jericho & Grace Garcia, Rodelio
Laguna, Erlinda
Dumaop, Lemuel & Lara Ewayan, Lita
Ho, Roces & Ellen
Dagaas, Alejandro
Dela Torre, Elvem
Filomeno, Val
Fababair, J. & Family
Laigue, Norma
Dumaop, Luningning
Hustaya, Eva
Dagaas, Virgie T.
Garcia, Zeny
Dela Torre, Khristine
Florece, Jervensense Salathiel Garcia, Zyra
Fabeliña, Nemie M.
Laila, Rommel & Rose
Dumaop, Zaldy & Liza
Iara, Fionah Ting
Dagos, Larry & Flor
Dela Vega, Jovita
Fabella, James & Nelda Flores, Avel Joey
Laiz, Lolita S.
Ibarra, Celeste
Dalay, Philip
Garibay, Kristianne
Dela Vega, Wilfredo & Maribel Duque, Leticia
Fabella, Jea Kassandra Flores, Dalisay
Landero, Jean
Durano, Diega
Ibarra, Ed & Chi
Dalusong, Merlyn
Deladia, Eddie & Miriam
Fabella, Jerameel G. Sr. Flores, Dexter & Alpha
Landig, Julie
Durano, Ruben III
Ico, Caraleigh, Creseleigh
Dano, Zenaida
Garing, Cely
Delafente, Iven
Flores, Donajean
Fabia, Elma
Lanquino, Dickson
Durante, Jotham Wade
Igot, Grace Arly
Dapog, Esther
Garing, Teddy
Delfino, Joy
Flores, Evelyn
Fabiala, Dan & Elvie
Laranjo, Romeo & Helen
Durante, Osy & Ruth
Ilag, Marlita & Family
Darang, Flaviana
Garte, Joseph
Delgado, Merlie
Fabila, Maricel & Arden Flores, Gerald & Jean
Largo, Vernie Gil
Dy, Deborah
Darantinao, Loida
Gaviola, Fred & Vilma Ilagan, Emalinda
Delos Angeles, Rogelio
Flores, Jhun
Fabila, Renz & Ara
Lastima, Dong & Ruthy
Ebuen, Ligaya
Ilustre, Brien
Datinguinoo, Pepito & Dory Delos Reyes, Beatriz
Gaza, Nilo & Family
Flores, Josephine
Fabito, Lia M.
Latagan, Gemma M.
Ecijan, Leoly
Ilustre, George & Jing
Datoy, Peter
Gelacio, Cristina
Delos Reyes, Gina
Flores, Lourdes
Fabon, Aga & Lea
Laurenciano, Merlin A.
Edquilang, Liezel
Imperial, Carmelita
David, Amor
Gelilang, Edwin
Delos Reyes, Sharon
Fabonan, Ma. Consuelo Flores, Marivic
Laviña, Ryan & Analie
Dayahan, Mel & Family Delos Santos, Ellen White Efondo, Nimfa
Gemoto, Bernie & Anna Imperial, Carmelito
Flores, Megumi
Fabrero, Suzette
Lavisto, Dra.Evelyn
Egar, Lemarjun R.
Imperial, Jed
Dayandayan, Cristita
Geniblazo, Mhitzi
Flores, Monalissa
Fabricante, Thess
Laygo, Evelyn
Eleda, Linda
Dayao, Dolly
Geniblazo, Mthu & Marie Imperial, Mark
Desierdo, Jasmine
Lazaro, Nenita
Leano, Eleazer
Leano, Lyn
Leeping, Alex & Irene
Leeping, Angelika & Carl
Legaspi, Priscila
Lems, Renato
Leonor, Roger
Lepaspino, Nestor
Libante, Ismael
Libaton, Ester
Licuanan, Marina
Licuanan, Mirian
Ligalig, Bhoy
Ligan, Mark & Normela
Ligaya, Heddecel
Lim, Amelou
Lim, Fiscal Alfredo
Linatoc, Don & Emily
Lingatong, Lyn
Liongson, Eleonor Sioson
Lirag, Rod
Liwag, Leonila
Liwanag, Allan
Liwanagan, Carlito
Llanora, Annie
Llanto, Dovey
Llona, Michelle
Lopez, Gerson
Loredo, Fely
Lorejas, LG
Lorenzo, Irma
Loriezo, Lowell S.
Loriezo, Samuel & Gebra
Lozano Family
Luana, Eric & Geraldine
Lubiano, Reynalyn
Lubis, Poppy
Lubra, Estrella
Lucenas, Antonio
Lucion, Shekina Safe
Ludovice, Marcelo
Lumalang, Oseas R.
Lumampao, Elmo & Family
Lumantao, Raquel
Luneta, Mayfourth
Lupac, Kyla
Lustina, Major & Mrs.
Maala, Prezel
Mabignay, Eliceo
Mabini, Carolina
Mabituin, Abby & Rj
Mabituin, Rj & Anny
Mabulay, Engr. Jonas &
Mabunga, Khing & Dhelz
Mabunga, Tellie
Macabales, Rodney
Macalalad, Cielo
Macanlolay, Lilia
Macapagal, Mr & Mrs.
Macaraeg, Abeth & Cesar
Macaraeg, Engr. Jess
& Jinny
Macaraeg, June & Ruby
Macaraeg, Mary Ann
Macaraeg, Tita R.
Macatangay, Gonyang
Macatangay, Jeff & Jude
Macatangay, Lito & Mavic
Macatbag, Corason
Macatubal, Mr. & Mrs.
Madriaga, Miriam T.
Maestre, Daryl & Amor
Magadia, Nonie
Magallanes, Jimvy R.
Magbujos, Lucila A.
Magcamit, Elisa
Magcamit, Romuel & Annie
Magdato, Helda
Magdato, Robert & Marylou
Magistrado, Norma
Maglahus, Manuel & Grace
Maglipas, Sunbeam Love
Magpolong, Joy
Magracia, Vic
Magsalin, Albert
Magsalin, Miguela
Magsino, Sol
Maisa, Aldrin & Criszel
Maisa, Mary Jane
Majaras, Romeo D.
Malay, Prophetesa
Malik, Omron
Manalansan, Rolly & Bing
Manalo, Ananias & Rosario
Manalo, Levy
Manalo, Pam
Manalo, Rudy & Family
Manares, Jose
Manato, Melinda
Mandapat, Ali & Michiel
Mandar, Chal
Mandar, Raquel R.
Manez, Francis James
Manez, James
Mangulabnan, Sofia
Mangune, Boy & Lorena
Manigbas, Emmalou
Manigbas, Nora
Maningas, Sharon C.
Manliclic, Nino
Manluctao, Dita
Mansalapus, Joy Ann
Manua, Randy & Jeanly
Mapute, Myla
Maquiñana, Josephine
Maramara, Jessie & Angie
Maranan, Amanda
Maranan, Dra Nannette
Maranan, Herson
Maranan, Ida
Maranan, Japhet
Maranan, Victoria
Maranan, Wilson & Raquel
Marasigan, Luz
Marasigan, Raquel
Marcos Family
Marcos, Floreto
Mariano, Rex & Necy
Mariano, Floredemar F.
Mariscotes, Luby B.
Marqueses, April G.
Marquez, Drs Abet & Es
Marquez, Jacob
Marquez, Rex
Marquinez, Rominda
Marsada, Arthur
Martino, Lourdes
Marudo, Veronica
Marzon, Basalisa S.
Mascarinas, Ching & Pams
Mateo, Federito & Rebecca
Mateo, Joey
Mateo, Raffy
Matias, Anita
Matias, Greg & Imee
Matias, Nenita
Mating, Marilou
Matium, Jacinta
Matriano Family
Maulian, Rodolfo & Family
Maximo, Gilbert
Mazo, Max
Medes Family
Medialdia, Mr. & Mrs. Pepito
Medil o, Jamine
Medil o, Lenie
Medina, Kit
Medrano, Joy N.
Melanio, Yelen Ivy
Melendrez, Cristofer & Amvi
Menchero, Christian
Mendiola, Fe B.
Mendoza Henia
Mendoza, Alicia
Mendoza, Badeth
Mendoza, Ching
Mendoza, Claudine
Mendoza, Edna
Mendoza, Ellen
Mendoza, Elton
Mendoza, Jeffrey & Laila
Mendoza, Julie
Mendoza, Julita
Mendoza, Lee
Mendoza, Letty
Mendoza, Mr. & Mrs.
Mendoza, Ruben
Mendoza, Salve
Mengote, Marylou
Meraña, Lyn
Mercado, Dr. Jocelyn
Mercado, Liwanag
Mercado, Rosie
Mercado, Zenaida
Mertz, Amparo
Metran, Cresencia
Mil an, Kristel Anne S.
Mindoro, Angelita
Mindoro, Wilmer & Mildy
Minia Family
Minioza, Janing
Miole, Mylene
Miraflor, Arcelie
Miral, Ed & Annabelle
Miranda, Carol
Miranda, Miriam
Miranda, Tony
Moñasque, Arnel & Kenny
Moncada, Marina
Monebit, Emeflor
Mongado, Margie
Mongaya, Alvin
Monis, Imelda
Monsales, Gina
Montalbo, Dora-Lourds
Montalbo, Jose
Montalbo, Marilou
Montapat, Micheal & Ali
Montemayor, Andre B.
Montes, Sammy
Montesenes, Lito & Ruth
Monton, Jigs Jr.
Mopaye, Albert & Marivic
Mopera, Momar & Arlene
Morada, Mr. & Mrs. Randy
Moralda, Nomrod
Moralde, Jun
Morales Family
Morales, Evangeline R.
Morales, Jamm
Morales, Menen
Morales, Ruben
Moralita, Ricardo
Morato, Grace
Morcil a, Conchita
Moreno, Adeth
Moreno, Eunice B.
Moreno, Manuel
Moreno, R-Jay
Moron, Rechelle
Morpi, Nelson & Lyn
Mortel, Rowena
Mostaza, Leonardo
Mostaza, Lolina
Mostrales, Nemuel
Mota, Karen
Moteseven, Charlie
Movida, Fidel
Movida, Jemuel
Mozo, Zeny
Mualla, Norbing & Isabel
Mulderam, Ma. Theresa
Muril o, Reynaldo
Musico, Glenn & Family
Mutya, Edna
Mutya, Rodolfo & Family
Mutya, Romulo
Mutya, Rowena
Nabong, Eric
Nacario, Hazel Refereal
Nagsuban, Vicky
Napenas, Julita
Napenas, Sylvia
Narbarte, Honey Kaye
Nario, Nazarino
Natividad, Bitong
Natividad, Eden & Jeddy
Nava, Ma. Cristina
Nava, Ronald
Navaja, Bobby & Family
Navarro, Jocelyn
Navia, Susan
Nene, Ligaya
Nene, Rhose
Nene, Ronie & Family
Nene, Teofista
Nepangue, Rima
Neri, Baberline
Neri, Tronito
Nero, Antonio
Nerves, Lina
Ngalamulume, John Dewey
Nicolas, Dearly
Nicolas, Jerry
Nicolas, Nehemias Jr
Nieves, Nick & Peny
Nilmeda, Jean
Nishinoya, Elvira
Nocum, Osias
Nolasco, John Erick P.
Nombrado, Nimfa
Nonano, Jocielyn
Novicio, Family
Novicio, Yeye
Nudalo, Gerson & Amy
Nuestro, Lolit
Nuestro, Sharry
Nuñes, Romie & Family
Nuñez, Leonilo
Nuñez, Marlope
Oabel, Enyang
Oabel, Felomena
Obejero, Estrelita S.
Obon, Regent & Leslie
Obon, Tony & Lolith
Ocadmia, Orbit
Ocado, Leopoldo
Ocampo, Dennis & She
Ocampo, Mody
Ocampo, Pr Jerry & Lita
Ocampo, Rodel & May
Ocdamia, Orbit
Ocfemia, Cyril & Family
Ochoa, Rodrigo
Odron, Mr & Mrs. Ricardo
Olalo, Crispin
Olarte, Mervyn Allan
Olay, Edith
Olazo, Hazel
Oling, Anie
Olivar, Vernie & Jael
Oliveros, Maricel
Olofernes, Aidyl Joy
Olofernes, Lydel Jane
Omalin, Marjulie
Omiping, Endalecia
Ondo, Sunshine
Ongpico, Christy
Opelario, Mr. & Mrs.
Operaña Raquel
Orbon, Myrtle
Ordamia, Orbit
Ordaniza, Abby Dianne
Ordaniza, Aida
Oreta, Muriel
Orgina, Carmen
Orlina, Elizabeth
Orlina, Raphy
Ormisa, Lito & Ann
Orong Orong, Doris
Ortaleza, Isabel
Ortinero, Sam
Pabatang, Beth
Pabeleds, Alhan
Pacalles, Alexander
Pacalles, Gina
Pacalles, Gretchen
Pacardo, Celso
Pacardo, Emy
Pacatang, Charlotte
Pacatang, Lito
Pacite, Haide
Padagdag, Joy
Padagdag, Nery Jane
Padagdag, Nora
Padil a, Carlos
Padil a, Joel & Laura
Padil a, Julie
Padil a, Ligaya
Padil a, Tomas
Paghunasan, Roel
Pagmanoja, Joel & Claire
Pagsiat, Guia
Pajarito, Dexter F.
Pajutang, Rita
Palacio, Joesa
Palacio, Mber
Palacol, Michelle
Pallatao, Mar & Joyce
Palma, Feling
Palomata, Esther
Palomata, Walter
Palomero, Oscar & Family
Pamati-an, Richard & Mel
Pamor, Nonelyn
Panabe, Nelly
Panaglima, Harlie, Daryle
& Adriel
Panaglima, Wil ie & Debbie
Panagsagon, Janelyn
Panergo, Norma
Panganiban, Connie
Panganiban, Feliciana
Panganiban, Gauden
Pulido, Rigina
& Ellen
Panganiban, Julieta
Panganiban, Leah Marie
Panganiban, Sotero &
Pangga, Ding & Nory Jane
Pangilinan, Ellen
Papa, Nestor & Nora
Papa, Santos
Par, Catalina
Paragoso, Jessie
Pascual, Edith
Pascual, Moby
Pasiculan, Clarisa
Patigdas, Mila P.
Patiño, Jun
Patosa, Ramon & Grace
Paulin, Rueben
Payod, Ruel
Pedarios, Ronnie
Pedernal, Melody
Pedernal, Renato
Pedreso, Bot
Pedreso, Jun
Pedreso, Miles
Pedrez, Grace
Pedrina, Naomi
Pedro, Merbeth Christine L.
Penaflor, Jenet
Peñamora, Diosdado &
Penke, Belen
Penson, Elsa
Penuela, Jean
Pepito, Oscar
Peralta, Adrian & Lea
Peralta, Francine & Frezy
Peralta, Lyssa, Ralph &
Perdido, Jonathan
Perdon, Joey
Perete, Basilisa
Perez, Bella
Perez, Consolacion
Perez, Melvin & Medy
Perez, Rey & Yolly
Perida, Belen
Perida, Pelmor
Peril, Zeny
Perlas, Susan
Petonio, Ariel
Pidlaon, Sarah
Pines, Analyn
Poblete, Ester
Podadas, Arianne & Nengie
Polancos, Jacqueline
Polando, Fely
Policarpio, Ed-Cel
Polintan, Sam & Mariz
Polomisara, Pricila
Ponce, Merlougen B.
Ponsaran, Ramona
Pontonia, Jose
Pornes, Eden
Portacion, Dra. Madeline
Portugal, Nelson & Carol
Posadas, Arianne & Nengie
Posadas, Jojie C.
Posim, Melchor
Prequencia, Felonila D.
Presas, Emmerson & Daisy
Profeta, Noemi
Prudente, Arturo
Ptr. Jeo & Weng Galabit
Pueblo, Reggie
Pullon, Amy
Pulvera, Joseph & Eden
Pumatong, Elsie
Punay, Salome
Punzalan, Araceli
Punzalan, Precy
Pureza, Wendel & Janelle
Purpura, Eddie & Nancy
Purpura, Norman & Family
Puso, Gina
Quezon, Lilia
Quezon, Nerie
Quezon, Wilfred
Quijada, Mercy
Quiñones, Loida
Quinto, Socorro
Quion, Jennifer
Quion, Ronald Sonny
Rabacal, Cynthia
Rabacal, Rex Reeve
Rabano, Roberto & Rose
Rabano, Roselle Ann
Rabaya, Cheril e Mae
Rabino, Vergel & Juanita
Racoma, Loreto & Family
Radones, Ma. Melba
Ragrag, Rodel
Ragui, Dr. Paoring & Puring
Ramento, Micah Ann
Ramirez, Dr. John & Virgie
Ramirez, Elma Jane
Ramirez, Emil & Alice
Ramirez, Leony
Ramirez, Patrick
Ramirez, Ptr. Jimmy
Ramos, Antonio S.
Ramos, Connie
Ramos, Edna
Ramos, Ely
Ramos, Engr. F.B . Sr.
Ramos, Engr. Jojo & Nanie
Ramos, Esther
Ramos, Gemen & Ruth
Ramos, Lloyd & Thess
Ramos, Mary Ann
Ramos, Ptr. Gerry & Eva
Ramos, Renato
Ramos, Rowena Imelda A.
Ranara, Mr. & Mrs.Wil iam Jr.
Rañola, Dr. Rudy & Family
Rañola, Nympha
Rasa, Catalino Ike & Milema
Rasay, Persing
Rastrollo, Jeflyn
Rastrollo, Liza
Rastrollo, Renzyl
Raymundo, Aurelia
Real, Danica
Real, Lorna
Realisan Family
Reataza, Shella Mae Grace
Recalde, Wilma
Recohermoso, Vegener
Recto, Nelma
Refugia, Rosa
Regalado, Anice & Yxel
Regencia, Nely
Regoso, Rey & Noricel
Rejuso, Titus
Relado, Linda
Relado, Lune & Mae
Relampagos, Juanito Jr.
Relampagos, Rona
Relano, Corazon
Rellama, Sheila
Rellis, Haydee
Rellis, Herson
Relloso, Dory
Relloso, Herson
Relloso, Salvadora
Relox Family
Renojo, Leah Santos
Reporma, Purificacion
Resari, Evelyn
Restrivera, Rachelle
Resuello, Lito
Resultay, Abner & Larnie
Resultay, Ariel
Revil a, Milarosa
Revil a, Princess
Revira, Rubeng
Rey, Levi
Reyes, Bojet & Baby
Reyes, Ermelito
Reyes, Gingging Q.
Reyes, Grace
Reyes, Ian & Chona
Reyes, Jerson Jerry
Reyes, Jose Rubenj R.
Reyes, Joy
Reyes, Leonor
Reyes, Liliosa E.
Reyes, Melita
Reyes, Mr. & Mrs. Emerlito
Reyes, Neneth
Reyes, Roy & Family
Reyes, Roydle
Reyes, Ruel & Clea
Reyes, Sharlene
Reyes, Wilma
Reyes, Windle
Ricalde, Ronald & Michil e
Ricalde, Ryan & Family
Rigon, Esther
Rinen, Betty
Rivera, Aurora
Rivera, Christopher &
Rivera, Erlinda
Rivera, Glenda
Rivera, Letty
Rivera, Roy & Edith
Rizado, Leonor
Robarios, Marilou
Robijn, Evelyn
Robledo, Mely
Robles, Aristotle
Robles, Floriana
Rodelas, Melody
Rodelas, Menard
Rodriguez, Sonny &
Vangie E.
Rodriguez, Jane
Rodriguez, Purificacion
Roldan, Veronica
Rolle, Niel & Wilma
Rom, Florence
Rom, Mhaye & Froilan
Romero, Fidel & Gina
Romero, Lydia
Romuroro, Cynthia
Ronda, Ariel & Cristy
Rondero, Conception
Rondina, Eddie & Marel
Ronil o, Emelita
Rosal, Felipa
Rosales, Nestor
Rosales, Nora
Rosas, Marvez
Rosas, Samson & Veronica
Rose, Seracarpio
Rowena Gonzales
Roxas, Emilyn
Roxas, Shan Mique
Ruasa, Josieta
Ruaza, Anabelle
Rubion, Julieto
Rubrico, Nemuel
Rugas, Maryli T.
Rulloda, Khey & Jenny
Sabado Family
Sabado, Jocelyn
Sabio, Raymond E.
Sabugo, Jerson
Sabukuhan, Lilia
Sacalamitao, Mr. & Mrs.
Sacay, Jesie Lyn
Sacdal, Ella
Saculo, Evelyn
Sadsad, Evelyn
Saguing, Philcar A.
Sagun, Levy
Sala, Norma
Salagantin, Arnie M.
Salagubang, Nezie
Salapan, Jun & Violy
Salapare, Adrian
Salapare, Albert & Delia
Salapare, Goring
Salapare, Mercy
Salarda, Eufemia
Salayog, Enriqueta
Sales, Manny
Sales, Romie Joezer
Saliba, Armie Dianne
Saliba, Esting
Salido, Iris
Saligao, Paola
Saligao, Roderick & Beth
Salindo, Marina
Salonga, Crispina
Salonga, Eljoy & Gain
Salsona, Olive
Salte, Cecilio
Salte, Helen Grace
Salte, Illuminada
Salvador, Felomina
Salvador, Randy & Girlie
Samonte, Esther
Sampan, Ma. Rizza S.
Samson, Ilma
Samuel, Given
Samuyan, Milagros
San Juan, Kenneth
San Juan, Policarpio
San Pedro, Neneth
San, Juan, Arsenia
Sanchez, Beth
Sanchez, Donnalyn
Sanchez, Eden
Sanchez, Jessie
Sanchez, Ramerto
Sanchez, Remy
Sancho, Analine
Sandoval, Sandy
Sanidad, Helen T.
Sansano, Ainee Grace
Santiago, Eliseo C.
Santos, Chonita
Santos, Dolor
Santos, Eden
Santos, Elma
Santos, Felipe
Santos, G.E
Santos, Gigi
Santos, Marilyn Malang
Sapitula, Maritess
Valenzuela, Amos
Elaine L.
Tacogue, Luzviminda A. Valenzuela, Nomer &
Saquilayan, Belen
Tafalla Family
Saquiton, Gherson
Tagacay, Engr. Darwin Valerio Estrella
Saquiton, Jerry Sr.
Valiente, Mary Grace
& Lorna
Saquiton, Leonor
Tagle, Arsenio & Lourdes Vallejo, Dionesio & Jane
Saquiton, Nora
Vallejo, Sharon
Tagnipez, Arnold D.
Saquiton, Orly
Vargas, Wilma
Tambalque, Vilma
Sarabusing, Marlyn
Varias, Danny
Sarco, Romeo & Justina Tamboong, Eliseo S.
Vehiga, Hernany
Tamonan, Vilma
Saria, Julie
Velarde, Ismael & Luz
Tan, Cecil e
Sarmiento, Melvin &
Tan, Charley & Gloria
Velarde, Ricky & Mercy
Tan, Danilo
Sarmiento, Carmen
Velasco, Emma
Tan, Divina
Sarmiento, Jemar
Velonza, Roy & Family
Tan, Luisito
Sarmiento, Sonny
Veloso, Benjie & Sharon
Tan, Norberto L.
Satin, Pilar
Veluz, Elvin
Tan, Rebecca
Saw, Gemma
Veluz, Ernie & Cora
Tan, Virgilia
Sayat, Rene
Veluz, Lilibeth
Tañalas, Lailanie C.
Saycon, Vernie
Vendero, Gloria
Tandoc, Elsie
Sayson, Elvy
Vendero, Joy
Tandoc, Levita
Sayson, Maricor
Vendero, Suzana R.
Tapaya, Flordeliza
Sebastian, Ed & Baby
Ventero, Eda B.
Tapeceria Family
Sederio, Chanda
Tapiculin, Zaldy & Jeanne Ventura, Joe
Selma, Nieva
Venturil o, Expectacion
Targa, Demmie Gil
Selma, Weng
Verano, Evangeline T.
Tarray, Allan & Family
Semacio, Alexander
Vergara, Hazel Mae
Tarray, Gerarda
Semacio, Nadja O.
Vergarra, Cherie
Tarray, Lolita C.
Serojales, Dario
Vibas, Reyhard Jolen
Tarroza, Ana
Serrano, Ely
Vicedo, Jaena
Tayaben, Precious
Serrano, Jerly
Vicedo, Joen & Family
Servallos, Gavino Jr. & Tayamora, Andy
Vidal, Maricris
Tejano, Judy
Vidal, Pablo & Amelia
Tenorio, Rodrigo
Shinagawa, Perla
Teodosio, Robert & Helen Vidal, Ronnie & Family
Shiraishi, Merlyn
Vila, Narciso
Terrobias, Ernesto
Sibay, Lito
Vilano, Rolando
Tijam, Myra
Silan, Mark Louie
Vilarde, Mr. & Mrs. Ismael
Tijam, Velma
Silangan, Jerona
Vil aflores, Edgar
Tingson, Engr. Noel &
Silva, Caroline
Vil afuerte, Ruel& Beth
Silvestre family
Vil alon, Nilo & Melca
Tizon, Wilma
Silvestre, Liza
Vil amagas, Richelle
Tolentino, Ludy
Sinsay, Edna
Vil amarzo, Alejlizh
Tolentino, Nestor
Sinuhin, Maricel
Vil amarzo, Itang
Torato, Norma
Sis. Dabandan
Vil amarzo, Liza
Tordecil a, Lydia
Sitjar, Lyndon B.
Vil amater, Agnes
Torio, Jessa
Solis, Melanie
Vil amater, Jon Erik
Torre, Jorem & Analyn
Soliven, Angelina
Vil amil, Diane
Torremoro, Winnie
Soliven, Melissa
Vil amil, Mar & Irene
Torres, Christine
Solon, Nimrod
Vil amin, Ramon & Merlyn
Torres, Eugene
Sonio, Samuel
Vil amor, Gloria
Soriano, Joey & Josephine Torres, Harry
Vil amor, Tany
Torres, Luz
Soriano, Nancy
Vil ancio, David
Trajano, Aida
Soriao, Editha
Vil ancio, Gabriel Dave
Trance, John
Sta. Cruz, Imma
Vil ancio, Naomy
Trebucias, Merlo &
Sta. Maria, Leomarie
Vil ancio, Regina
Sta. Maria, Nida
Vil ancio, Valerie Daeiv
Trinidad, Erlinda
Sta. Maria, Rosalinda
Vil anueva Teofila
Trivinio, Efren
Suasi, Amilia
Vil anueva, Hermogenes
Trivinio, Erwin
Subido, Demitria
Vil anueva, Jimlovell
Trivinio, Jed
Sullano, Hanipher &
Vil anueva, Joy
Tuazon, Jerry & MJ
Vil anueva, Lj
Sumagaysay, Atty. Silvino Tuazon, Johnny
Vil anueva, Nerilyn
Sumagaysay, Liezel Ann Tucaldo, Love Jhoie
Vil anueva, Rafael
Tugay, Miqueas
& Bart
Sumagpang, Jesemuel Tugonon, Ponce & Evelyn Vil aret, Lucy
Vil arosa, Raquel
Tumaneng, Mr. & Mrs.
& Cora
Vil artas, Belinda & Family
Tumarlas, Julio & Eva
Sumayan, Misel C.
Vil aruel, Delia
Tuyogon, Ruben
Tabelisma, Necy
Vil egas, Rhandy Lloyd
Umali, Ester
Tabianan, Abegail
Vil ena, Rey
Umali, Zaida
Tabianan, Abel
Virrey, Joe
Tabianan, Basil & Delia Umambong, Neftalie
Virrey, Jose & Terresa
Tabianan, Buddy & Jean Umapas, Danzel
Virrey, Julie Ann
Tabianan, Mirriam Luisa Umapas, Gerizim F.
Virtudazo, Steve
Umapay, Danny
Tabino, Joemi
Umpad, Ruben & Indayri Vitto, Pastor Alfredo &
Tabino, Juliandel
Valdestamon Family
Tabino, Lyra
Wahing, Agnes
Tablada, Danny & Tess Valdez, Jose
Wahing, Gleeza
Valencia, Ruben
Tabuada, Loreto
Valencia, Wil iam Conrad Wa-Mbaleka, Gemylin
Tabuldan, Honey
r, Anita F.
Damayan Bible Center
Yabut, Aurora
Dasma E Church
Yabut, Dino
Dasma G Church
Yalon, Cris
Dinahican Church
Yalong, Baby
Dinalupihan Church
Yalong, Jelomeh Ann
East Cainta Church
Yalong, Santiago N.
Exodus Church
Yanil a, Noly & Amie
Fernandez Church
Yanil a, Sherwin
Fort Bonifacio Church
Yap, Engr. Isaac
Fort Church
Yllano, Orlex
Francisco Homes Church
Yongzon, Vicky
Friso Church
Yosorez, Shiela Mae
Gagalangin Church
Zabala, Jerico
Gao Church
Zabat, Malou
GMA Church
Zafra, Edd & Elvie
Hil sview Church
Zamora, Pastor Oseas Hil top Church
Zandueta, Samuel
Ilasan Church
Zante, Liza
Imelda Church
Zaragosa, Helen
Imperial Church
Zarina & Nazar Placente Imus Proper Church
Zaulda, Beverly
Infanta Church
Zaulda, Cedora Liba
Ipag Mariveles Church
Zaulda, Joan
JOD Constructions
Zaulda, Lydia
Julugan Church
Zerrudo, Marina
Kapayapaan Church
Zulueta, Danna Mae R. Kaunlaran Center Church
Zuñiga, Linzky
LAA Church
Lemery Church
Lemery Church
Addas Church
Liliw Church
AIMS Faculty & Staff
Lipa Adventist Academy
Alaminos Church
Lipa Center Church
Alfonso Church
Lipa Mother Church
Angono Church
Liwayway Small Group
Aniban Church
Longos Church
Antipolo Central Church Lucban Church
Antipolo City Church
Lucena Church
Antipolo East Church
Luisiana Church
AUP Workers
Lumampong Church
Balanga Church
Lutucan Church
Balayan Church
Mabacong Church
Balaybay Church
Mabini Church
Baliwag Church
Magallanes Church
Banaba Church
Maligaya Church
Batangas Church
Malolos Church
Batangas City Church
Mambog Sda Church
Bauan Church
Mandaluyong Church
Bay Church
Manila Center Church
Bethel Church
Mapandan Church
Biga Church
Maragondon Church
Binakayan Church
Mil Den Academy
Biñan Church
Montalban Central Church
Binukawan Church
Mt. Sinai Church
Bocaue Church
Muntinlupa Church
Bornea, Grace
Muzon Church
Bucal Church
Naga City Church
Buenavista Church
Nagpayong Church
Buenlag Church
Naic Church
Buncag Church
Namboongan Church
Burgos Church
Nasugbu Church
Bustos Church
Navotas Church
C5 Church
NIV Church
CAA Church
NPUC Workers
Cabanatuan Church
Npuc Workers
Cabanatuan City Jail
Pacita Company
Cabilocaan Church
Padre Garcia Church
Cabuyao Church
Pag-Asa Church
Cainta Central Church
Pagulingin Church
Caloocan Center Church Paliparan Church
Candelaria Church
Pangarap Church
Carmona Church
Panghulo Bountiful Church
Cavite City Church
Panghulo Church
Chrysanthemum Church Paradise Church
Country Meadows Church Parañaque Center Church
Crame Church
Parañaque Church
Dagatan Church
Park Homes Church
Dagupan Church
Pas Cam Church
Centervil e SDA Church
Chatsworth SDA Church
Filipino American Int’l SDA
Hollydale Community
Homedale SDA Church
Kolo Kai Organic Farm
Alfred & Joyce Lindquist
Ann E. Troy
Antonio & Sarah Sumbil o
Belva Haines
Dan Wheeldon
Dharwin & Olive Yanil a
Donyl B. Cruz
Dr. Anthony & Cherylyn
Dr. Visitacion S Castro
Edna Rivera
Eileen Regoso
Elvin & Loure Veluz
Ernesto & Cora Veluz
Ester Vizcarra
Evangeline & Jorge
Gelfe Salas Napoles
J. C. Malaguit
Jane Wright
Janet Mejares
Jean & Stan Harwood
Jeff Allen
Jeff and Evelyn Green
Jodi Wright
John & Grace Carlos
Jose & Carel Esposo
Joy Stuivenga
Ken @ Hopewell Church
Kevin and Vicki Wiley
Lamberto & Edith Lacson
Larry & Naida Kozerski
Lisa Carlson
Lorinda Fattic
Marc Scalzi
Marilyn & Charles Dimick
Melinda Harwood
Melody Crawford
Mrs. Aurora Mendoza
Mrs. Bianita Balaba
Ms. Regina Antonio
Noni & Cora Fallaria
Noreen Harwood
Novie Ancheta
Oliver & Darlene Rey
Purificacion Acorda
Purita Cabanil a
Rebecca Cruz
Rhea Richohermoso
Adventist International
Rhea Wilday
Mission School
Asia-Pacific International Romulo B Tabo
Ronabee Siriban
Rosena Salva
Bangkok International
Ruth Sargent
Saturnino Rivero
Penang Church
Phuket International SDA Stan and Jean Harwood
Stanley Stiles
Sunny Tumangday
Tim Holbrook
International Church
Vincent Meza
Trinity Adventist
Vivian C Celemen
International Church
Vladimir & Marilyn Tuazon
Yanhee International
Windell & Racquel
American Enterprise
Investment Services I
Ashevil e North SDA
Pasay Central Church
Pasig Sda Church
Pasong Camachile Church
Patnubay Church
Phase 2 Bagong Silang
Pila Church
Port Junction Church
Project 04 Church
Provident Church
Pulong Sta. Cruz Church
Punta Church
Punta Tenement Church
QMC Church
Queensrow Church
Quesban Church
Quipot Church
Ramirez Church
Real Church
Rooftop Church
Rooftop Signal Church
Rosario Church
Sampaloc Church
San Antonio Church
San Bartolome Church
San Jose Church
San Juan Church
San Mariano Church
San Marino Church
San Miguel Church
San Pablo Church
San Pedro Church
Santiago Bukid Church
Sapang Palay Church
Signal Church
Signal Vil . Church
Southern Church
Sta Isabel Church
Sta. Barbara Church
Sta. Lucia Church
Sta. Monica Church
Taal Church
Tabang Church
Tagapo Church
Talumpok Church
Tanza Church
Tayabas Church
Tenement Church
Tiaong Church
Triple Junction Church
Tubuan Church
Uacon Church
Upper Bicutan Church
Victoria Church
Wawa Church
West Cainta Church
Zambales Church
Mary Rose Fabrero
An Empty Missionary House
The missionary house is empty. There is no missionary
staying in this project. A new schoolteacher with her family
temporarily stayed in the house. But after 2 months, they left.
A rumor spread that they saw ghosts or they felt presence of
spirits in the house. They were afraid.
Obanis believed that when a house is left empty, evil
spirits will stay in that house. To send the evil spirits away,
the owner will call an ‘imam’ (Muslim priest), to pray in the
house. Sometimes others use dried coconut leaves, light it
with fire, and enter every corner of the room as if to send the
evil spirits away with a smoke. Then the ‘imam’ will begin his
‘bang’ (prayer) facing the west.
Satan has spread fear in that island. He is using many ways to get the attention of the
people. Spiritual battle is very real in this Muslim island. People are afraid of the evil spirits’
power. The enemy of the soul has succeeded in presenting himself as someone to be feared.
The place needs missionaries who are committed to stay and who will lead the
community to win this spiritual battle by God’s grace. The missionary house needs to be
filled with peace from the Almighty God.
Mary Rose Fabrero
Still Keeping the Sabbath
“How are you, *Babu?” I asked over the phone.
“I am sad, ma’am.”
“Why, it doesn’t sound on the phone that you are sad
She laughed. “I feel sad because we are only two here
worshipping every Sabbath.Are there no missionaries coming
yet for us, ma’am?”
“No one has answered the call yet. When
there are no missionaries, maybe we should call
for two angels in heaven to help you there.” I
answered to cheer her up.
“I like that, ma’am.” She laughed.
“But they don’t eat rice.” I teased.
“Oh that would be a problem.” She replied.
“But we are doing good, ma’am. Still going
on with our faith, and going to the Ranggar
during the Sabbath.”
*Babu was thankful for the presence of her
grandchildren.They cheered her up everyday. Being
a grandmother of a four year old and a two year-old child
is not easy. She and *Bapa, together with their grandchildren
go to the Ranggar during the Sabbath. Her neighbors who used to
worship with them during the Sabbath moved to the next village
which is an hour hike.
Her nearest neighbor is ten minutes’ walk away. Since her
daughter got married, *Babu has no time to go around and see her
neighbors. Her daughter who used to accompany her moved to
another island with her husband. The two grandchildren who are
with them also use much of her time.
Now, she has new neighbors.There are five households nearby.
I told her that they need her to share about Jesus. She said that she
will do it.
Pray for this couple that their faith will remain steadfast.
Philippine Frontier Missions
Sta. Rosa-Tagaytay Road,
Silang, Cavite, Philippines
Address Correction
Financial Secret
Rowena Aquino
“One gives freely, yet grows all the richer;
another withholds what he should give, and
only suffers want.” Proverbs 11:24 (ESV)
I have been working at PFM for
almost ten years. From my first year in
the ministry I have been a part of the
Donor Ministry Department. Part of our
tasks is to promote the ministry to SDA
churches here and abroad. We also visit
our supporters. Doing this is not easy but
what motivates us is that we are inspired
how God bless those who are faithful and
generous in sharing their means to God’s
Last 2005, I met the “R” couple
in Dasmariñas. When we promoted
the ministry in their church, they have
cheerfully committed P100 monthly
for the ministry. I was inspired because
even though they are not rich that time,
they have the heart for God’s work.
Every time I visit them to collect their
donation, they regularly give despite
their many existing expenditures. They
work hard so that they can give their
monthly support. I also found out that
they are faithful tithe giver. When they
received extra blessings, they gave more
than what they have pledged. Year after
year, the husband got some big building
projects and other business opportunities
were opened to them. Year after year, as
their income increases, their monthly
donation increases too. Now, I can
say that they are already rich but they
remained as down to earth people. Their principle in life is that they are God’s
steward. They owe everything to God so they will share the blessings to others.
Because of this, our rich and generous God is blessing them more.
I also met a woman who has hypertension and other sickness due to old age.
She spends P500 for her monthly check up. Sometimes she spent more than that
when she needs to buy medicines. When PFM visited their church, she was moved
to support the ministry. Though her money is limited, by faith she decided to
pledge P200 monthly. During my visit in her house, we encouraged one another
by sharing our testimonies. One time, she was so excited to share her joy to me.
She said, “You know, before I’m spending P500 for my monthly check up. However,
few months after I decided to support PFM, my doctor told me that I don’t need
anymore to go to him because I am already well. God is great. I only give P200
to His work but He removed P500 from my monthly expenses so I gained P300.
Indeed, when you are faithful, God is more than faithful.” I went home that day
truly blessed with the testimony of this dear old lady.
To our faith-partners, thank you for your untiring support for PFM. You are
not just a blessing to God’s work but to us as well. You continue to encourage us
to sacrifice. Let us remember what Apostle Paul said in 2 Cor. 9:6, “The farmer who
plants a few seeds will have a very small harvest. But the farmer who plants because he has
received God’s blessings will receive a harvest of God’s blessings in return.” God bless us all.