Bulletin 2016-04


Bulletin 2016-04
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11804 S. Saginaw Street
Grand Blanc, MI 48439
Mission Statement
We are a caring catholic community who
are called together by Christ’s love.
We are committed to drawing all people
to God with the help of the Holy Spirit.
We will spread the good news of Jesus
Christ to our community and to the world
and ultimately share eternal happiness.
Active & Participating
Is a registered member of Holy Family
Parish who participates weekly in
Sunday Mass and contributes time,
talent and treasures through
Parish Stewardship Program
We acknowledge that all we are and all we
have comes from God and we give back to
God a planned portion of all we have
received as part of Sunday Eucharist,
where our personal sacrifice is joined to
Christ’s Sacrifice.
P a r i s h
D i r e c t o r y
Parish Office .................................... 694-4891
Religious Education .................... 694-9072
Hours…...………...…………………... M-T 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
W-Th-F 8 a.m. - noon and 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Fax .………………………………………………. 694-1583
Religious Education Classes (Pre-school - Adult)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word… during Sun. 10 am Mass
Grades K-6 Mon. 5 - 6:15 pm or Sun 11:30 am -12:45 pm
Grades 7-8…..Tues. 6:30 - 8:30 pm in St. Joseph Center
Grades 9-12…..Confirmation prep (once per month, Sundays)
Special Education ........................... Contact the RE office
Director, Janet Gravel ......................................... ext. 151
Secretary, Sheila Konieczny……………………. ext. 101
RCIA/Baptism Director, Maddie White.………….ext. 154
Email: info@holyfamilygrandblanc.org
Website: hfgb.org
Pastor, Msgr. Jerry Vincke
Parochial Vicar, Fr. Gary Koenigsknecht
Deacon, Dcn. Peter Lawrence
Seminarian, John Vinton
Music Director, Dr. B. Simon Lee
Liturgy Coordinator, Lorri O’Dea
Evangelization/Discipleship, Larry Blondin
Bookkeeper, Sue Satkowiak
Parish Secretary, Theresa Dyer
Bulletin Editor, Linda Doyle
Special Projects Coordinator, Nicole Urbanik
Youth Ministry ............................... 694-9072
Coordinator of H.S. Youth Ministry, Jennifer Giddings,
ext. 153, meets Wednesday (during the school year),
6 - 8 pm (with an optional half hour social time until 8:30)
in the St. Joseph Center.
Coordinator of M.S. Youth Ministry, Jan Gravel
Meets once a month - Friday, 6:30-9:00 pm
Mass Schedule
Weekend: Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 p.m.;
Sunday 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 p.m. & 5 p.m.
(5 p.m. changes to 6 p.m. on May 29th, 2016)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word - during 10 a.m. Mass
For children four years old - 2nd grade
Weekday: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.,
Sat. 8 a.m.
Holy Day: As announced in bulletin.
Reconciliation: Mon. - Fri. 5 - 5:30 p.m., Saturday
11 a.m. - 12:00 noon, Sunday 9:30 a.m. - 10 a.m. and
11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m., and by appt. with a Parish Priest.
Baptism: Please make arrangements in advance.
Marriage: Please make arrangements with Parish Priest at
least nine months in advance.
Prayers & Devotions
Rosary: 7:15 am MWTF / 4:45 pm Tue / 8:30 am Sat
Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday……. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion ….Tue. 6 p.m.
Fatima Prayer Cell …... Wednesday 4:40 p.m.
Ministry to the Ill & Bereaved
Linda Waggoner, Linda Blondin ........................ 694-4891
Social Outreach Ministry ......... 771-7279
Hours ................................................ M-F 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Deacon Jack Daunt (retired) / Brian Holyfield
Holy Family School ..................... 694-9072
School Day .......................................... 7:45 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Principal, Theresa Purcell
Assistant to Principal, Donna Delaney
Administrative Assistant, Lisa Harvey
Secretary, Orysia Novajovsky
School Receptionist, Shelley Corcoran
Event/Facility Coordinator..... 694-9013
Carrie Pilarski
Meeting and Event Facilities: Father Bush Parish Center,
St. Joseph Center, and all other venues
Pastoral Council
Chairperson, Joe Bonifazi
Vice Chairperson, Matthew Williams
At-Large Members: Norm Fox, Jayson Richert,
Tiffany Minder
Christian Service Commission
Facilitator, Michelle Furman
Evangelization Commission
Facilitator, Randy Petrides
Finance Commission
Facilitator, Jim Distelrath
Parish Life Commission
Facilitator, Connie Lesley
Worship Commission
Facilitator, Bill Harris
Youth Commission
Communications Commission
Facilitator, Melissa Jablonski
To contact any Facilitators, please call parish office
Bulletin Deadline: The deadline for each Sunday
is the previous Monday by noon. Watch the bulletin for
holiday early deadlines. Submit to:
Msgr. Jerry’s Journal
105: As I mentioned last weekend at some of the Masses, our
oldest living parishioner, Jean
Dunn, passed away at 105 years
old. She was Fr. Bush’s secretary
and the Church organist when our
parish started in 1946. We have to
figure out who the oldest living
parishioner is now.
AL: Pope Francis recently sent
out a post-synodal apostolic exhortation titled Amoris Laetitia (AL) meaning “The Joy of
Love.” Our Holy Father recommended reading it slowly;
I’ve just started reading it and I hope you get a chance to
read it too. I’ll share some thoughts in the coming weeks.
Faith Fest: On June 25 the Diocese of Lansing and the
St. Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt are putting on the
first annual Faith Fest. The event includes food and music, with the highlight being Matt Maher whose songs are
constantly played on Christian radio stations. Tickets are
$30 each. For more information please contact
Vocation Mass: Bishop Boyea is visiting our parish to
celebrate Mass with 7th graders from around the diocese
on Thursday, April 21, at 9:30 a.m. His topic will be our
vocation to follow Christ stemming from our baptism and
where that leads us.
Concert: Hope to see many of you at our “Year of Mercy” concert this Saturday, April 25. I know that Dr. Simon
Lee and the different choir members are really working
hard in preparation.
Christian persecution: Continue to read about our
brothers and sisters who are being persecuted in Iraq
and Syria. A priest named Father Bazi had his teeth
knocked out, his nose smashed and his back broken with
a hammer—simply because he was a Christian and a
Catholic priest. The number of Catholics in Iraq has dwindled from once a population of three million to 180,000.
Confirmation/First Communion Interviews: This week
I we are continuing the interviews with those preparing for
the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Thanks to all the teachers and catechists who have
done a great job in preparing them.
John Vinton: This past Thursday, April 14, some of our
staff met with Fr. VanDecker from Sacred Heart Major
Seminary to go over the year with our in-resident seminarian John Vinton. John hopes to attend Sacred Heart in
the fall and God willing, become a priest in 2020. Speak-
ing of seminarians, Alberto Nickerson will be joining us for
the year beginning in May.
CRHP: Please pray for our 27 men attending the CRHP
retreat this weekend. May God continue the grace he has
begun in them.
Have a blessed week! Please know of my prayers and
love for you.
Saint quote of the week:
“And he departed from our sight that we might return to
our heart, and there find Him. For He departed, and behold, He is here.”
Trip to Rome
It is good to be back at Holy Family! I had a wonderful trip
to Rome with some of my siblings as we went to visit our
brother Lee and I wanted to share a few graces from the
trip. The first grace was being able to make the trip with
my family. We had a blast exploring the city – we also got
lost at least once every day and have some fun stories
from trying to use the Italian rail system! A second grace
was being able to celebrate Mass at the various Churches we visited. A few highlights were celebrating Mass at
the tomb of St. Gregory the Great in St. Peter’s Basilica,
at the tomb of Blessed Bartolo Longo in Pompeii, and at
the altar containing the relics of the Eucharistic miracle in
Orvieto. It was an incredible privilege to celebrate Mass
at each of those places. A third grace was being able to
attend Mass with the Pope on Divine Mercy Sunday and
then going through the Holy Doors that afternoon. Jesus
was very generous! Please know that I kept you all in my
prayers as I visited the various Holy sites. Again, it is
good to be back!
God bless,
Sing of God’s Mercy
The Church of the Holy Family
Is presenting a free concert
with reception immediately following
Saturday, April 23rd
You are all invited to come at 7:00 p.m.
Featuring: Adult choir, Youth Chamber Choir,
Children’s Choir, and Handbell Choir
Stewardship & Worship
Receive God’s gifts gratefully - Cherish & tend to them responsibly - Share them in justice & love - Return them to God
First Holy Communion Masses
Saturday, April 30th, at 5:00 p.m. (21 students)
Sunday, May 1st, at 12:00 p.m. (19 students)
DSA Week #8
Thank you to everyone who has
shared the many blessings they have
448 pledges
received with their generous gift to our
Diocesan Services Appeal. Our gifts to
DSA will support adoption services,
counseling services, services for the
aging and the blind/sight impaired… programs for those
who are deaf/hard of hearing.. Programs for those who
are struggling in their marriage, as well as exciting programs like our Diocesan Youth Leadership Camp, training teens to serve as Disciples of Christ. These are a few
of the more than 100 ministries in our diocese that are
made possible by our contributions to DSA.
If you have not made a gift or pledge, we invite you to join
the faithful of our parish community who have taken an
active role in the mission of the Church.
Stewardship of Treasure
Saturday, May 7th, at 5:00 p.m. (13 students)
Sunday, May 8th, at 12:00 p.m. (16 students)
The homilies will be geared toward First Holy Communicants. Seating will be an issue with families attending so
you may wish to arrive early.
Please keep these children in your prayers.
Flower Time - Support Athletics
Holy Family Boosters are selling $10 coupons for you to
buy all types of flowers and vegetables at SUNRISE
GREENHOUSE (at Perry and Vassar Roads). Coupons must be used
from May 1 to June 15. Proceeds
used for school athletics. Contact
Cathy Lane 694-0524 or Leo Solano
(517) 862-2774 or the school office
694-9072. Checks may be made out to Holy Family
April 9th & 10th, 2016
Registered Families
Envelopes received this week
Online givers this week
Amount offered from envelopes
Amount offered from online giving
Amount offered from visitors
Total Weekly Offerings
Thank you for all who gave Easter flower memorials!
Additional memorial:
Ann Graham by Linda & Doug Graham
$ 28,999.97
$ 7,772.00
$ 1,111.40
$ 37,883.37
*5% Recipient: Catholic Medical Mission Board
Recipients of 5% tithing of weekend collections:
April 16/17: FISH of Grand Blanc helps families in need,
living in the Grand Blanc school district, by providing and
distributing food, clothing and/or other services on a temporary and emergency basis.
April 23/24: Christ the King Parish is part of the “Faith in
Flint Initiative.” They serve the people in Flint, providing
basic services.
Easter Flowers
“The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.”
ACTS 13:52
Because the disciples heard Our Lord’s call, they were
able to spread the Gospel message with strength and
vitality. We, too, can experience that same joy if we take
time to open our hearts, listen to God, ask for His direction and allow the Holy Spirit to guide our lives and our
Bereavement Support Group
Have you recently or in the past experienced the loss of a loved one
and would like to meet with others
who have similar losses, concerns,
and issues? Holy Family is planning
a small group four-part series,
Through a Lens Darkly: Grief, Loss
and C. S. Lewis, where participants
will encounter and identify with the
emotion felt after a significant loss.
For more information or to register, please call Linda
Waggoner at the parish office (810) 694-4891. We will
meet Monday evenings in the Fr. Bush small hall
on April 18th, May 2nd, and 9th, from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
HF Athletic Boosters Meeting
JUST A REMINDER – due to Spring Break/Schedule
Conflicts meeting date changed to April 19th!
When: Tuesday, April 19th
Where: Father Bush Parish Center - Small Hall
Time: 8 PM – 9 PM
Check out the latest news regarding Holy Family School
athletic activities! Come hungry - we will be serving
snacks and refreshments. Also, any Holy Family School
parent who attends the meeting will
receive a free ice cream school cafeteria voucher for their children!
Any questions? Please contact Holy
Family Athletic Boosters Membership
Chair, Scott Schuette (517) 256-9706
or scott.schuette@gm.com.
55 & Over Group
All our garage sales are special times when
we as 55 and Over seniors and helpers
come together and show our talents and
abilities to organize, coordinate, and to reminisce, laugh and give hugs when we are tired. Baked
goods and especially pies are needed for both days.
Please help as much as you can.
CRHP - Evening of Discipleship
Past Men CRHP Participants and team members: Please
join us if you are feeling the desire for renewal and would
like to be part of Team 18. The Evening of Discipleship
will be Thursday, April 21st, at 7:00 p.m. in the Fr. Bush
Small Hall. If you have any questions, please contact
Larry Blondin at the parish office (694-4891, ext. 254).
55 & Over Group Indoor Garage
Sale and Bake Sale
Friday, April 29th / 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 30th / 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Help! We need your donations. We’re looking for:
gently used clothing, clean items in good condition,
and baked goods (tax receipt upon request).
Drop off times:
Mon, Apr 25
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue, Apr 26
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Wed. Apr 27
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Thu, Apr 28
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Drop off location is the Fr. Bush Parish Center.
*pick up is also available
For pick up or other information, contact Barb (810) 6948209 (home) or (810) 241-2862 (cell).
Euchre Night at Holy Family
Holy Family Parish Life Commission is hosting Euchre
Night to benefit the Lansing Diocese
Seminarians on Friday, May 6th, in the
St. Joseph Center. Doors open at
6:30 p.m. with game play beginning at
7:00 p.m. Cost per person is $15 which
includes snacks, beverages, and eight
rounds of play. Come join in the fun and
support our seminarians.
Lunch this Tuesday, April 19th, is 11:00 a.m. to 2:00
Lost and Found
No lunch on Tuesday, April 26th (garage sale week).
A Pandora necklace was recently found in the church
parking lot. Please call (694-4891) or stop in to the church
office if you think it might be yours.
The online event of the year
FORMED presents ten weeks of
Divine Mercy in the Second Greatest Story Ever Told
Register at FORMED.org
(parishioners enter code 8T48MY).
Episode 1 - God’s School of Trust
(available through April 17)
Episode 2 - Behold, This Heart
(available through April 24)
(plus eight more episodes - new one each week)
This series will also be offered as a five-week course
study. Two episodes and discussions each week.
Mondays: April 18, May 2, 9, 16, 23 / 7 - 8:45 p.m.
Tuesdays: April 19 through May 17 / 9:15 - 11:00 a.m.
St. Joseph Hall, Holy Family Parish (210 Bush St.)
Information lblondin@holyfamilygrandblanc.org.
All are welcome - no cost.
Mission Makeover 2016 Edition
July 11 - 15, 2016
What is Mission Makeover?
It’s a summer program for middle school students, those
who just completed 6th, 7th, and 8th grade, as well as
high school students who are not able to travel with the
high school group, to be involved in mission work locally.
The week will provide students with the opportunity to
serve others both in our parish and the local community.
Some of our worksites include Catholic Charities, North
End Soup Kitchen, Holy Angels, Autism Center and here
at Holy Family. The week will also include tons of fun
with various evening activities and a fun day Friday at a
waterpark. Registration forms will be sent out in April. If
you have any questions, please call the Religious Ed
office at 694-9072, ext.101.
Mission Makeover Parent Information Meeting
Sunday, April 24th, at 11:30 a.m. in the Fr. Bush Parish
Center, small hall
Please join us for this informative meeting regarding the
upcoming Mission Makeover which is July 11-15, 2016.
Members of the Mission Team will be there to answer
any questions you may have and will also have registration forms available. If you have questions prior to the
meeting, please call the Religious Education office at
694-9072, ext.101.
Another successful support week has come and gone. We
served three families with six wonderful children.
Mealtimes were spirited and families were warm and talkative. The kids enjoyed a visit from Rob Toth and his therapy dog, Ben, as well as a donation of Dairy Queen treats
from parishioner Dawn Davis. Both put big smiles on their
little faces!
A big thank you to the following volunteers for donating
food, time and talent to the families during our support
week! You make our ministry a success! Pam Salem,
Megan Walker, Linda Tripp, Dale Tripp, Carol Puzycki,
Peggy Tuohy, Gina Hunsinger, Rick Perry, Kris Perry,
Genna Randazzo, Susan Hasselbach, Jim Distelrath,
Mike Fogg, Mary Fogg, Dawn Davis, and Rob Toth.
We will be serving Family Promise families again May 31,
June 2, and June 4th. We would love to have you join us!
We will need volunteers to provide fellowship, donate food,
and/or assist in serving a meal. We always welcome new
volunteers! To volunteer or for more information, please
contact Amy Deloney 771-7285 / amdel143@hotmail.com.
Our newest
John and Kari Svinarich and family
Kristi Thornton
Jessica Verhaeghe
Elizabeth McGinnis
Rolland and Linda McGinnis
Kevin and Maryann Wilcox
Amy Rariden and family
Clyde and Kristin Smith and family
Thomas and Cheryl Howard
Ronald Randall
Carmen Skidmore
Elaine Packard
John Kopec
Stacie Bright and family
Mass Intentions April 18 - 24
Monday, April 18
8:00 AM Mary Coughlin (Living) by Fr. Ken Coughlin
5:30 PM Raymond Blind by David and Sam Abu-Shakra
Tuesday, April 19
8:00 AM Mary Coughlin (Living) by Bernice Murphy
5:30 PM Dr. Charles & Margaret Claffey by KofC 6742
Wednesday, April 20
8:00 AM Mary Anna Satkowiak by Frank & Camille Doherty
5:30 PM Frank Fleck by Rosemary Zessin
Thursday, April 21
8:00 AM Cheryl DeMarco Mellor by Joan Urich-Moses
5:30 PM Louie Viselli by Lisa Lamb
Friday, April 22
8:00 AM Mary Anna Satkowiak by Mary Ann Moreau
5:30 PM Geoffrey Riek by Bob and Donna Turmell
Saturday, April 23
8:00 AM Dec. Mem. of Jobbagy Family by Richard Jobbagy
5:00 PM Frank Fleck by Bob and Donna Turmell
Sunday, April 24
8:00 AM Vince Balasko by Sharon Balasko Family
10:00 AM All Holy Family Parishioners
12:00 PM Robert Woolsey by Barbara Rachor
5:00 PM Denny O'Rourke by Nancy Repuyan
Holy Family Happenings
Sunday, April 17 - CRHP Retreat
9 AM - 2 PM Coffee & Donuts (FBPC)
11:30 AM - 2:30 PM HS Confirmation class (FBPC)
11:30 AM - 12:45 PM K-6th Grade Rel. Ed. classes (HFS)
7 - 8:30 PM RCIA (HFS)
Monday, April 18
4 - 5 PM HS Chamber Choir Rehearsal (HFS)
5 - 6:15 PM K-6th Grade Religious Ed. Classes (HFS)
6:30 - 8 PM Bereavement Group (FBPC)
6:30 - 8 PM Parish Bell Choir Rehearsal (HFS)
Tuesday, April 19
9 AM - 5 PM Eucharistic Adoration (CH)
9:15 - 10:45 AM Divine Mercy in the 2nd Greatest Story (SJC)
11 AM - 2 PM Senior Luncheon (FBPC)
6 - 6:15 PM Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion (CH)
6:30 - 8:30 PM 7th/8th Grade Religious Ed. class (SJC)
7 - 8:30 PM Baptism Prep (HFS)
8 - 9:30 PM Holy Family Athletic Boosters (FBPC)
Wednesday, April 20
9 AM - 12:30 PM St. Joseph Guild (FBPC)
4:40 PM Fatima Apostolate Prayer Group (CH)
5 - 7 PM Knights of Columbus Spaghetti dinner (FBPC)
6 - 8:30 PM High School Youth Group (SJC)
7 - 8:30 PM Pastoral Council meeting (FBPC)
Thursday, April 21
5:20 - 6:10 PM Parish Children’s Choir (HFS)
6:30 - 9 PM CRHP Night of Discipleship (FBPC)
6:30 - 8:30 PM DBSA Meeting (HFS)
7 - 9 PM Parish Adult Cantor & Choir Rehearsal (CH)
Friday, April 22
3:15 - 4 PM Help Put God Back in America (CH)
Saturday, April 23
9 - 10:30 AM Men’s Bible Study & Fellowship (HFS)
7 PM Sing of God’s Mercy concert (CH)
Liturgical Ministry April 23 - 24
Fifth Sunday of Easter
5:00 PM Liturgy for Saturday, April 23
Lectors: Mary Ann Hergenreder, Lou Lobsinger
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist:
Sandy Sprague
Reggie Boerger Kourtney Lobsinger
Kathy Swiantek
Dennis Bridges
Dawn Davis
Doug Zloto
Julie Czerniak
Cindy Edmonds
Servers: (names removed for web publication)
8:00 AM Liturgy for Sunday, April 24
Lectors: Rod Shick, Judy Puidokas
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist:
Joan Costigan
Paul Racine
Megan Vicari
Pat Costigan
Sandra Racine
J.J. Vicari
David Roberts II
Cesar Bernabe
Ica Bernabe
Servers: (names removed for web publication)
10:00 AM Liturgy for Sunday, April 24
Lectors: Matthew Williams, Gary Campbell
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist:
Terri Yochim
Matt Dillon
Patrick Kelly
Betty Ardahl
Patsy Dillon
Cathy Kelly
Colleen Argus
Jim Distelrath
Earl Hagen
Doug Benchley
Nancy Distelrath
Richard Cross
Paul Garson
Servers: (names removed for web publication)
12:00 PM Liturgy for Sunday, April 24
Lectors: Mark Dyer, Dr. Steve James
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist:
Scott Heron
Desiree Londrigan Bill Harris
Cynthia Leavy
Paul Londrigan
Jane Harris
Donald Leavy
Michelle McLane
Chris Harris
Connie Lesley
Sondra Rutkoski
Cheryl Gelisse
Kathy Savoie
Servers: (names removed for web publication)
5:00 PM Liturgy for Sunday, April 24
Lectors: Liam Konieczny, Lucinda Peterman
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist:
Sheila Konieczny Nancy Repuyan
Ilene Sheline
Kristin Koglin
Debbie Stiff
Matt Sheline
Martha Mansour Geraldine Szydlowski (Help needed)
Servers: (names removed for web publication)
Weekly Readings
April 17 - 24
Sunday: Acts 13:14, 43-52/Ps 100:1-3, 5/Rv 7:9, 14b-17/
Jn 10:27-30
Monday: Acts 11:1-18/Ps 42:2-3; 43:3-4/Jn 10:1-10
Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26/Ps 87:1-7/Jn 10:22-30
Wednesday: Acts 12:24--13:5a/Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8/Jn
Thursday: Acts 13:13-25/Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27/Jn
Friday: Acts 13:26-33/Ps 2:6-11/Jn 14:1-6
Saturday: Acts 13:44-52/Ps 98:1-4/Jn 14:7-14
Next Sunday: Acts 14:21-27/Ps 145:8-13/Rv 21:1-5a/Jn
13:31-33a, 34-35
April 17, 2016
High School Youth Ministry
Youth Group
All high school youth are invited to attend our weekly
Youth Group meeting on Wednesday, April 20th. We
meet in the St. Joseph Center from 6 – 8:00 p.m. with a
pizza dinner arriving at 5:30 p.m. This week we will be
discussing: Psalm 18:35 – You are Strong. Young people
will explore God and their faith as sources of strength by
focusing on Psalm 18: 35. We will be identifying ways to
resist temptation from the Bible and name three things we
will do to stay strong as disciples
Drop-In Center
The drop-in center is open this week on Monday, April
18th, from 2:30 – 5:00 p.m. and Wednesday, April 20th,
from 2:30 – 6:00 p.m. Come and work on your homework,
group projects, or just hang out with your friends. All high
school youth are welcome!
Spaghetti Dinner
Come join the Knights as they
sponsor their Spaghetti Dinner on
Wednesday, April 20th, from 5 7:00 p.m. in the Fr. Bush Parish
Center. Adults $7 / Child (11 and
under) $3.
Religious Education
First Communion Dinner
The First Communion Dinner will take place on Thursday, April 21st, at 6:00 p.m. in the Fr. Bush Parish Center. We are still in need of volunteers to help with this
dinner (a few hours during the day and a few hours in the
evening). If you would like to help, please call the Religious Education office at 810-694-9072, ext.101.
Vacation Bible School
June 20 - 24, 2016
Our theme this year is Deep Sea Discovery, where we
will dive deep into the Bible to discover that God is with
us wherever we go! We are in need of volunteers to lead
sessions, teach, and be an aide in the classrooms. This is
a great way to serve and have tons of fun! If you are interested in helping, please call the Religious Education office at 694-9072, ext.101. All materials will be provided
and a meeting will be held in late April to plan sessions.
This opportunity is also open to middle and high school
students - a great way to get service hours. Registration
forms for students will be sent out in April.
We are in need of teachers and station leaders for
this program. If you are in high school and would like
to lead a group of students or run one of the stations,
please call the Religious Ed. office at 694-9072,
Sunday Evening Mass Time Change
After reviewing our seasonal Sunday evening Mass times that were implemented in
September 2014, the Commission and Msgr.
Jerry have decided to make a change to a
permanent time. Effective Memorial Day
weekend, Sunday, May 29th, the Sunday
evening Mass time will be 6:00 p.m. and will remain the
same time year round.
Parvuli Dei
Evangelion Young Adult Ministry
Sunday, April 17th
Join us at the Zielinski's at 1:00 p.m. to watch the Symbolon Video Series. Reflection to follow. Email for directions.
Tuesday, April 19th
Join us at the Zielinski's at 7:00 p.m. to provide personal
testimony about what God does for us in our daily lives.
Email for directions.
Email evangelionmichigan@gmail.com or Jennifer Giddings at jgiddings@holyfamilygrandblanc.org for directions or for more information. Visit our website for future
meeting details at www.Evangelionmichigan.weebly.com
(names and picture removed for web publication)
In Latin Parvuli Dei means "Children of God." This program helps the Webelos Cub Scouts explore a wide range
of activities with his family to discover the presence of
God in their daily lives. As a special part of God's creation,
each boy learns what it means to be a member of God's
family and of his own family and how to care for one another. With the help of Msgr. Jerry and Fr. Gary, these
4th grade boys in Pack 18 at Holy Family received the
Parvuli Dei Award on Sunday, April 10th, during a special
ceremony at St. Mary Cathedral in Lansing.
A funeral Mass will be held at Holy Family on April 23 for Emma E. Brunette.
Emma, 82, died on Thursday, March 31,
2016. She was born December 31,
1933, in Imlay City to Russell and Alberta Mathie. She married Albert Lawrence
Brunette on February 27, 1954. Surviving are two daughters, Jan (Roger) Brunette-Hunyady,
and Ranee (John) Jackson, three grandchildren, a greatgranddaughter and a sister.
A funeral Mass was held at Holy Family on April 8 for
Deannie Glasco. Deannie, 44, died on Thursday, March
31, 2016. She was born on October 25, 1971. Surviving
are her husband Michael, son Mason, daughter Marisa,
as well as her mother, a sister and a brother. She was
preceded in death by her father.
A funeral Mass was held at Holy Family on April 12 for
Marjorie “Jean” Dunn. Jean, age 105, died on Saturday, April 9, 2016. She was born November 7, 1910, in
Keyser, Ontario, to Berton and Ethel Herrington. Surviving is a brother James. She was preceded in death by
her husband Homer L. Carlyon and later her husband
James “Alex” Dunn, as well as seven siblings.
A funeral Mass was held at Holy Family on April 13 for
Mary Smith. Mary, age 91, died on Saturday, April 9,
2016. She was born August 5, 1924, in Dallas, Texas.
Surviving are her husband “Smitty,” children Linda Smith
(Jim) Legeret, Michael (Trish Zito), Nancy Smith Yeckl,
Kerry (Guy) Pierce, and Kenneth (Sheri), and eight
grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, a brother and a daughter.
Lord, we remember in our prayers Emma E. Brunette,
Deannie Glasco, Marjorie “Jean” Dunn, and Mary Smith,
whom you have called to be with you. May the calming
peace of your love be with their families. Eternal rest
grant unto them, O Lord, and may the perpetual light
shine upon them. Amen.
Please Pray for the Ill and
their Caregivers
Please remember in prayer those listed in
the April 3 bulletin and those listed in the
Parish Book of Intercessions at the back of
the church.
a n d
m o r e
Please pray for the following Holy Family
parishioners who died on these dates:
April 17
Lloyd Turmell, Joseph Reske, Raymond Jacob Schreck
April 18
Lyle Hall, Teresa A. Cookingham, Kerwin D. Kundinger,
Evelyn Londrigan
April 19
Robert Fromholz, John Cavanaugh, Vivian Solomon, Ann
April 20
Grant Stewart, Olivia E. Ludwig, Ava Madison Fisher
April 21
William Dwyer
April 22
Ella Carriveau, Frances Benson
April 23
Leo Gibbons, Marycatherine McCarty, Daniel Skrovan
Banns of Marriage
Megan Benton and Grant Dunkel
April 23, 2016
Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis
for April
Universal: Small Farmers - That small farmers may receive a just reward for their precious labor.
Evangelization: African Christians - That Christians in
Africa may give witness to love and faith in Jesus Christ
amid political-religious conflicts.
were presented
in memory of Raymond Jacob Schreck
by Joan Schreck and family
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
RCIA: Easter Vigil and Mystagogy: Savoring the Mystery of God
The Easter Vigil - what a glorious night! This is the night
when we heard the saving love of our Creator God
through the Old Testament readings and the fulfillment of
His promises to us in the resurrection of His Son, Jesus
Christ, in the New Testament readings. This is the night
where our Easter Alleluia’s rang out and we renewed our
baptismal promises. This is the night where our Elect
were reborn into new life in Christ thru Baptism, where
they, along with the rest of our Candidates, professed
their faith in the Holy Trinity and in the teachings of Holy
Mother Church and received the outpouring of the gifts of
the Holy Spirit through Confirmation. This is the night
where they all received Jesus into their hearts for the first
time through Holy Communion. Truly, what a night!
A profound experience - almost too good to be true - yet
it is the truest reality. Anyone who has ever been in love
and is new to the overwhelming experience of it, needs
time to reflect on what has happened to them. During the
Easter Season, our newest members will enter into a period known as Mystagogy - a period of “savoring the mystery of God.” Over these next few weeks, they will reflect
on the Easter Sacraments and “look backward” to a specific moment(s) when they experienced God’s mysterious
presence. Through the grace of the Holy Spirit, this time
to“ look backward” will provide them with direction and
renewed commitment for moving forward in their faith
journey. Just like looking back at graduation, ordination or
wedding pictures can give us more hope and joy for the
future, reflecting on the experience of the “mysteries” - the
sacraments - can renew our commitment to live as sons
and daughters of God.
Mystagogy is not just something that happens in the RCIA
process. We are all called to enter into and savor the
mystery of God when we participate in the Liturgy and in
our daily lives. Our God who loves us so completely, so
unconditionally, so radically, is always revealing Himself
to us - He just asks that we be open to Him and He will do
the rest. “How have I encountered God this week?”, How
have I encountered Christ in the Liturgy this week?”
These are questions to ask the Holy Spirit in prayer and
trust that He will reveal the answers to you and the reality
that our God is closer to us than our own breath, than our
own heartbeat.
Easter blessings,
Maddie White,
RCIA/Baptism Coordinator
(picture removed for web publication)
to our
Coffee and Donuts or Pizza
DBSA Peer-led Support Group
Please remember to join us in the Father Bush
Parish Center after the 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m.,
and 12:00 p.m. Masses. We have coffee and
donuts after the Sunday morning Masses and pizza is
served after the 12:00 p.m. Mass. Come visit with your fellow parishioners!
(Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance)
Join a community of caring and supportive people who
can help you on your road to recovery. The support group
meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from
6:30-8:00 p.m. at the Holy Family School cafeteria. For
more information, call Angela at (810) 347-4706.
Saints for the Week (April 17 - 23)
April 21: St. Anselm
St. Anselm was born at Aosta in Piedmont in 1033. He
entered the Benedictine Order at the monastery of Bec in
France. While he quickly progressed in the spiritual life,
he taught theology to his fellow students. He went to England where he was appointed archbishop of Canterbury.
He fought vigorously for the freedom of the Church and
for this he was twice exiled. He is known for his writings
in philosophy and mystical theology. His definition of theology is “faith seeking understanding.” He died in 1109.
April 23: St. George
Legend states that St. George was born at Cappadocia
and instructed in the Christian religion by his mother. He
became a soldier in the Roman army and confronted Diocletian, the cruel persecutor of Christians. As a result,
George was handed over to the torturers, who tried every
means to put him to death; but he came through all the
tortures unscathed. Pretending to offer sacrifice to the
pagan idols, with all the people assembled, George
prayed and fire came down from heaven, killing all the
pagan priests and people. In the end, George was beheaded. The crusaders considered St. George to be their
patron. He was also named the patron of England in
1222. Until 1778 the feast of St. George was a holy day
of obligation for English Catholics. In iconography, St.
George is portrayed as the conqueror of the dragon.
Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians
presents Bunco for St. Luke’s N.E.W. Life Center
Saturday, April 23rd
at St. John Vianney Parish Hall
(2319 Bagley St., Flint)
Starts at 5:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:00 p.m. /
Game 7:00 p.m.
Tickets $25 each (group rates available)
For ticket information, contact Marti Donnelly
(810) 624-0757
Special Needs Mass
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Burton hosts a special
needs Mass the 4th Sunday of each month at 1:00 p.m.
This Mass has a homily and music that is tailored to those
with special needs. The Mass enables children and adults
with special needs to serve, to read, to usher and to participate in whatever else they feel comfortable doing. The
next Mass will be on April 24th at 1:00 p.m. at Holy Redeemer.
Diocese of Lansing Position Available
The Diocese of Lansing is accepting applications for a
Donor Relations and Database Specialist. To learn more
about the position and how to apply, please visit
Chicken Dinner
The Daughters of Isabella, Regina Coeli #1095, are having a “Grandma’s Old-Fashioned Chicken Dinner” on
Sunday, May 1st, from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. at the Knights Of
Columbus Hall (8428 Davison Rd., Davison). Adults $10 /
Children 4-12 $6. Tickets may be purchased at the door.
Diocese Position Available
The Diocese of Lansing is establishing a Catholic Foundation and is seeking qualified applicants to serve as the
Executive Director of the Catholic Foundation. To learn
more about the position and how to apply, please visit our
website at www.dioceseoflansing.org/employment.
Greater Flint Theology on Tap
Thursday, April 21st, at 6:30 p.m.
at 501 Bar & Grille
500 Saginaw St., Flint
Thank you to all who came out on St. Patrick's Day! Our
next meet up will take place at 501 Bar & Grille with special guest speaker Richard Budd from the Diocese of Lansing. This month's topic is "The Art of Intimacy." Single or
married, our culture is starving for emotional intimacy but how does it work? Discussion will start promptly at
6:30 p.m. Come early to mingle and order dinner from the
new menu!
We hope you can join us, and please share this exciting
new opportunity with other young adults you know in the
community. For more information, contact Jenna Stephens at 810.610.3644.
Scripture Verse
"My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow
me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish.
No one can take them out of my hand. My Father, who
has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one can
take them out of the Father's hand. The Father and I are
one." - Jn 10:27-30
Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.