Designing out fly-tipping , item 5. PDF 1 MB


Designing out fly-tipping , item 5. PDF 1 MB
Designing out fly-tipping through planters
1 – Aberfoyle Road, Streatham Vale
The residents of Abercairn Road and the surrounding area contacted us in June this year to complain
about fly-tipping in Streatham Vale. Enforcement signs and planters were suggested as possible
remedies to the fly-tipping blighting the area.
After attending a residents meeting it was decided that planters would be built in key fly-tipping hot
spots to try and design out the problem.
Working directly with the 12 residents we were able to design, build and plant 2 unique planters
incorporating the design of the streetscape in the most functional and intuitive way possible.
The residents were keen to work together and build the planters using basic raw materials.
2 – Halsmere Road, Brixton
After running a successful Community Freshview event on her street a dedicated resident from
Brixton applied for some funding through the Capital Clean Up campaign to help improve a
neglected walkway between two streets leading through an estate block.
The walkway was blighted by various forms of anti-social behaviour, but most prevalently fly-tipping
was a key concern for the local residents.
Utilising funds from the grant, assistance from the council and the hard work and support of local
residents, a great deal of work was put into improving the walkway and designing out a key flytipping hotspot.