New Earliest 10¢ Bisect
New Earliest 10¢ Bisect
Volume: 30 Number: 3 Year: 1978 Chronicle: 99 Article: New Earliest 10¢ Bisect Author(s): Creighton C. Hart Table Of Contents items marked with * cannot be viewed as an individual PDF document Click here to view the entire Volume: 30 No: 3 Chronicle: 99 Front Cover (1 page) Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Robert A Siegel Auctions Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Robson Lowe Ltd Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Jack E. Molesworth, Inc. Masthead (1 page) Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: John W. Kaufmann Inc. Table of Contents (1 page) Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Richard Wolffers Inc. Starting Page Front Cover Inside Front Cover 149 150 151 152 153 154 The Editor's Page Editorial (1 page) 155 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Joseph Rubinfine 155 Guest Privilege Freight Money Covers, the Private Sailing Packet and Steamship Letter Charges and Markings of the Late 1830's and Early 1840's (10 pages) Charles Hahn New York Postmaster's Provisionals Initialed "RHM" Used on Covers Addressed to New York City (6 pages) Philip T. Wall 156 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Leonard H. Hartmann 171 165 Prestamp and Stampless Period Handling the U.S. Military Mails During the War with Mexico: 1846 - 48 (4 pages) Dale R. Pulver 172 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Alan T. Atkins 175 1847 Period 1847 N.Y. Covers Via R.R., Ship and Steamboat (3 pages) Creighton C. Hart Final Report pm New York Postmarks (1 page) Creighton C. Hart New Earliest 10¢ Bisect (3 pages) Creighton C. Hart Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: George Alevizos Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: New England Stamp Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Jacques Schiff, Jr. Inc. 176 178 178 180 180 181 1851-61 Period Postal Fraud (1 page) David T. Beals III, Thomas J. Alexander Mails Suspended in Missouri (2 pages) Richard Krieger Charles M. Willard: Handstamp Manufacturer (3 pages) Thomas J. Alexander 182 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Andrew Levitt, Inc. Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Gary Hendershott 186 187 182 184 1861-1869 Period 1867 Grills - Experimentals, Sizes and Fakes (6 pages) C.W. Bert Christian Unpaid Letter to "Sec. Of War": an Interdepartmental Conflict (4 pages) Kenneth A. Whittle 188 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Edelman's Classified Advertisement (1 page) Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Henry M. Spelman III Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Henry M. Spelman III Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: McBride Stamp Auctions, Inc. 196 196 197 197 197 193 1869 Period Odds and Ends (4 pages) Michael Laurence 198 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Susan M. McDonald 201 Bank Note Period The Continental Printings (2 pages) Henry L. Hosmer 202 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Al Zimmerman 203 Foreign Mails An 1853 Retaliatory - Rated Cover from Belgium (3 pages) Barbara J. Wallace Postscript: Retaliatory - Rated Cover from France (1 page) Charles J. Starnes An Unusual Prussian Closed Mail Cover (3 pages) George E. Hargest Review: "North Atlantic Seaway, Volume I" (1 page) N. R. P. Bonsor French Convention Mail to Russia (1 page) Charles J. Starnes Hawaiian Steam Service Contract Sailings (6 pages) Kenneth D. Gilbart 204 206 206 208 209 210 The Cover Corner Answer to Problem Covers in Issue No. 98 (3 pages) Scott Gallagher 216 Foreign Mails Problem Covers for This Issue (2 pages) Scott Gallagher Review: "American Stampless Cover Catalog" (2 pages) Scott Gallagher Display Display Display Display Display Display Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 page) Advertiser: William A. Fox page) Advertiser: J.M. Classics Co. page) Advertiser: William O. Bilden page) Advertiser: Richard J Micchelli page) Advertiser: Richard B. Graham page) Advertiser: Harmers of New York Inc. Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Raymond H. Weill Co 218 219 219 219 220 220 220 Inside Back Cover Back Cover Figure 2. Thll coyer w llh 30 , In pOllage w.. mail ed from Ihe Pacific side of Panam a. The rale from Ihe Atlenl ic . ide was 20 ¢. The STEAM/SHIP in black wal sl ruck upon a"iyal al New York. The siampi had been pen .cancelled in Panam a. York, bein g used in place of th e regular townmark. Althou gh incorrectly used on inland domesti c mail , thi s rar e usage is value d by spe cialists. As is to be expected, ocean mail to Calif orni a via Pan ama did not become common until afte r th e discover y of gold and until th e 1851 issue had su pe rsede d th e 1847 stam ps. Th is first typ e of ocea n postmark was followed by othe r typ es illustrated and discussed in W estern Expr ess" by Dr. Scott Poll and. All typ es of ocean mail postmark s ap pe ar almost entirely on later issues. ,; . \\'. Scott Poll and . M.D .. " T he Nell' York O cean :\fail Postma rks Via I'an am a to Ca liforia a nd Orego n, " 11'''.11,·,." EX/JI'e .lS. J anu ary 1964. FINAL REPORT ON NEW YORK POSTMARKS Ezra Co le, who has a spe cial in terest in west ern N.Y. post offic es, reports a Gain es and an East Clarkson pos tmark on covers with 1847 stamps. Three Clarkson cov ers had been reported but thi s is th e only one from Ea st Clark son . Also, Col e has a lO¢ cover from Jam estown which is in addition to 5¢ covers known from there. Thi s survey ha s had con sid erable read er response evide ncing th e great inter est in postmarks from th e Empire State. In an ea rly issue th ere will be a complet e list of all New York postmarks reported in this survey . A NEW EARLIEST lO ¢ BISECT CREIGHTON C. HART . It is not often that an earliest use can b e reported of an IS47 cover. In the August 1969 Chronicle, Dave Baker , Susan McDon ald and I collaborate d in an ar ticle listing 98 ten cent bisect s. The earliest ge nu ine cover in th at list was a right ve rtical half from New York used May 14, 1848. W esley A. Cro zier has recently found one used ea rlie r (F igure 1) and 1 am pri vileged to illustrate it in the Chronicle for our members. Here in Cr ozier's wo rds is a description of th e cover and th e thrill he had upon findin g it : I was p leased to receive your lct re r and glad th at Da n : J a rr ett ca lled my fin d to yo ur a tten tio n. I ha ve bee n a wa re of the im port an ce of this d iscovery since a little research to ld m e th at th is is th e ea rliest kno wn lJ .S. h isect by a wid e ma rgin, I encl ose a ph ot ogr aph of the cove r. . . . Y OII will obs erve tha t th e d at e is Jan . 24. 1848. It is a vertica l bi sect , lef t sid e. hu ge margins to p a nd bottom a nd ni ce margin at left. Th e imp ression is ex tre mel y sha rp a nd the st a m p is fresh and clean. T he Philada Pa , m arking, in th e typ ica l Phil. dark blue of the pe riod . ties th e stam p to the cove r pe rfect ly a t numerou s poi n ts. T h is item was di scovered in th e bottom of a steamer trunk fil led wit h old lett ers 178 Chron icle 99 / Augus t 1978 / Vol. 30. No.3 and papers . T h ere wer e num erou s envelopes and fold ed le tters from whi ch 1847's had been cut or torn. Apparent ly th e b isect was p assed by as worthless, hein g cut in h a lf. T hank God ! When I di scover ed th e cover 1 was sq ua tt ing o n th e floor--I a lmost fell over bac kwards l I n this case, indeed, tru th was stra nge r tha n fict io n. Th e u lti m a te dream of ever y serio u s p h ila teli st come tru e l rT1tw~ ~Figu re 1. The earli est known use of an 1847 bisect . Postmarked from Philadelphil Jlnuary 24, 1848. This is the second b isect to be discovered sin ce 1972 . No 5¢ bise ct has yet been found. In addition to the Cro zier bisect , anothe r bisect was recently found and was sold in a Robert A. Siegel auction in 1972. Elizabeth C. Pope's ar ticle in th e November 1973 Chro nicle details the find that was made in an old house b eing ra zed in Massac husetts. Because of th ese two recen t "discover ies," , am reproducing a notice tha t appeare d in the N ew Yor k E vening Post January 5, 1850 (F igure 2). This news item was qu oted by Lester Brookm an in 1966 under th e heading "5 Cent 1847 Bisect?" The photograph illustrated here was supplied by the New York Public Library and is reproduced in th e C hronicle for the first time in the philatelic press. .t" :: ... b· 1(1 " Dd Qot 'o'b" l b l ltut ru ol i ~D' Mr , At< biaou "laI ply r. plied ' h' ttl, ~pl. (J( M lleoVrl wou ld .b o w _1M. lb' ,rop.r tUII' a m ... d , Ie ~ ~~dl;,~~~~ ~:8;O::::frl'::'~;\&~':r;l°~~~'';:f=:~~r:r u l be In. trv.eli ou . .' ' 0. " X: -_ .. . t - .. I. S T" !.,, :i 1lol'l ur Jlu . At t b. JlOl'l omu ill lb l' 01', ... bgnJred a r:r.d ~11 D••• p.. ~n. Dot oomio, fro m t b. offte.e of lb.' pape~. b k~ p, tb 'lZI• • n U b fl ::~:, rtjf( t 'd ~ ~.II" lb f p<H ~ i' i. ~ Dolp.ui io ",J ~ jlllt d.ter_u.-,4to ..,f 'I he ]' O.hDUl tt. " , I. -to . b u II of . Uow Lh, Df.' ~, p L lI t h ' t~IU P" dif ided jDto tt. b ... th '11.1 .,1"11. to Dud i l b' p. ' Ill, . l of po' \-- ." Ill ' of n.'''pen. H. lf , f 00' DC ' l4olZlpt dl- i:!l IP' h. "h' u.u. ~~ ;:~~'~O~I~~;.~:t:~~.;.~~.:~r~o::~ :'il~_:~ ~ ff • .o4e 0" qu , Let'. h1 thl _ , N.'.' of 4i.uioll , aI "I1I:i.,.. I If I' Dl to tbe of M.l , ". t. Ttl l. uru.,m•• ' . Ul j oh, La,t. t b' 111 of . • I rt . ' d, ..1 of " la1 M lb ~ potL-CICIH . tallo iA loU III ' '' 1 11l IDt of U WIP6P., p<:II!~p' P ~h. '0 TT.~ U·, ooat hbd ioDl v ... I lo-\U•• Ll bn.ty If I' ~~~~:~:~;I~~:o:~:o:j~~:;~~~:,~t~~~~::: t,. U", I:. " DU lIl ber of tb_ ~u ..,. " Q. U, p, .... b1 j l.: o lb'. ~i l' of Pl ria. ~ p~nd tbro lll b t b, ~, :4 , . ':"abl. l Oll. " .~ ~1, ~f ~1,. "\'.tl'III.~''-''" .~dl.,I! Figur e 2 . Not lc. in N.Y. newspaper, Jan. 5, 1850: "STAMPS FOR NEWSPAPERS-At tho POlt off ice in th is citr,' I hundred end fifty news· papers not com nil from the oHice of the paper which publIShed them , are daUr. reo tecl ed beca ule tho postage is not pa d in adv ance. The Postm aste r, w e lear n, h.. jUlt de · termined '0 allow the fi ve cent letter s'lmps, di vided in h.lves and quarters, to be used in peyment of the po stage of newspapers. Hllf of one of the.e stamps divided diagonally Ind pasted on the envelope, will be recei ved as equivalent to th e payment of two cents; a quorter, by th. sam. mode of div isio n, is equivalent to th e payment of one cont postege. This arra nge menl will obviate the necess ity of a gre et dOlI of del ay el the post off ico w Indows. In the paymenl of newsp"per postage," (Photograph by th. Now York Public Librery). Robert Morris , the New York Postm aster, was a career pu blic servant and is the man who is quoted. It can be assum ed th at b isects of both values were alwa ys recognized at the New York pos t ' office and probably at others too Ch ro ni cle 99 / Au gu st 1978 / Vol. 30, No. 3 179 because Morris is th e man whose advi ce oth er postm asters usually asked rather than th at of th e Postmaster Gen eral in Wa shington whos e job was a political plum. Can there still be oth er overlooked bisects including th e 5¢ valu e? Th e 5¢ stamp could hav e b een b isected to pay the 2¢ drop rate or the 12~¢ rate to Cuba as well as for newspap ers. Two stamped covers to Cub a and six drop letters are known but non e ar e b isect ed . I Th e E oen ing Post news item states that the divided stamps may be past ed on envelopes. En velopes were seldom used in 1850 even for fir st class cor respond enc e and prob abl y less for newspapers. The 5¢ bisects are mor e apt to be found on a wrapper such as was illustrated in David Bear s article "Bisects of the Three Cent 1851 Issue" in th e November 1972 Chronicle . Such a wrapper or envelope may be among old newspapers stored away long ago. If a 5¢ bisect turns up , be assur ed that it will b e scrutinized most carefully by 1847 specialists and expert committees b ecause the temp tation to fake such a cover is probably irr esistibl e. I. Creigh to n C. Hart, "T he 2¢ Drop Rate on 180/ 7 Cover s," Ch ron icle 75: 116-20. POSTAL HISTORY MATERIAL We specialize in cove rs of the world . We have a comp re he nsive stock of Confederate covers. In United State s, w e stock Trans-Atlantic, Registered, Speci a l Delivery and ot her speci al usages . We usually have a fe w Terrilorials and Wes ter ns, and we are strong in Hawaii. NEW ENGLAND STAMP Nlple. , Florida 33940 Tel. (8 13) 262-6226 643 Fifth Avenue South We buy better covers of United States Offices in China and 19th Century Trans-Pacific Mail Please phone or write: George AleVi!a-~-i-I~-ir-e-BI-V(-i • ISO S-u-ile- 3-0-7- - - - - - Sa nta Monic" .C , lifo rnic' 9 0 401 Tele pho ne IZ131 4 50 ·Z54 3 Chron icle 99 I Au gus t 1978 I Vol. 30, No .3
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