what`s inside - Williston State College Foundation


what`s inside - Williston State College Foundation
4........ WSC - Where the People Make the Difference
18....... WNBA Sparks Have Local Ties
12...... Faculty Spotlight
22....... Missing Alumni
WSC - Where the
People Make the
by Dr. Nadolny
6 ........ NATEF Certification
Teton Thunder
Spring 2011
8 ........ A Match Made at... UND-W
10 ...... It’s a Great Job Kayla Retzer
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
12 ..... Faculty Spotlight Lance Olson
14 ...... Construction
17 ...... Donate to the Vision
17 ...... 50th Anniversary
18 ..... WNBA Sparks Have Local Ties
20 ...... Alumni Spotlight Rusty Halvorson
22 ...... Missing Alumni
26 ..... A Note from the Board
by Jerry Zunich
American State Bank ..... 2
Select Ford ..... 16
Brady Martz ..... 27
WSC Foundation
P.O. Box 1286
501 18th St E • Williston, ND 58802
LPL Financial .....27
Voller, Lee, Suess &
Associates, CPAs ..... 27
Williston Herald .....27
Nemont .....28
A Note From the President
Dramatic changes are taking place in our
community. Sophia is a good reminder that
regardless of these changes, there are many safe
havens. From our homes, to our schools, to even
the hospital, Williston is, as our College motto aptly
states: “Where the People Make the Difference.”
From the perspective of the College, we also
are making changes. We do so with the hope of
protecting our small town spirit. We do so with the
intention of placing ourselves in a position where
we manage change and change does not manage
us. We do so to better serve our community;
a community, from the perspective of a ten year
old and a forty eight year old, that we are proud to
call home.
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
A Note From the President
My stepdaughter Sophia and I are patiently
waiting at Mercy Medical Center for her CAT Scan.
Now that we’ve been here almost two years and
are resigned to spend a few more moments before
her test, we start to reflect on our now almost twoyear experience in the Williston community.
Maybe because we are in the hospital, Sophia
looks around, and with bright eye enthusiasm, she
reflects on how quiet Williston is compared to our
former home in Washington State. “It’s also safer
here Dad. People spend time talking to you and
don’t just rush away.”
Truck traffic enters my mind and yet, I agree.
It is quieter and safer in Williston whether at the
hospital, at Sophia’s school, in our home or at
the college. Even with all of the changes taking
place, Williston is still, by contrast, a peaceful
Sophia really appreciates the small town
atmosphere. “People are nice to each other.”
Whether from a ten year old perspective or a forty
eight year old perspective, we both agree that
Williston, Sophia’s school and the College are easy
places to call home.
Dr. Nadolny
Williston State College
NATEF Certification
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
Williston State College is pleased to announce
that its Diesel Technology Program has achieved
certification by the National Institute for
Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) in the areas
of diesel engines, drive trains, brakes, suspension
and steering, electrical and electronic systems,
heating, ventilation and air conditioning, and
preventative maintenance inspection.
“There are not too many programs out there
that are certified,” said WSC Assistant Professor of
Diesel Technology Rick Lund. “We are now one of
the few programs in the nation, and the only one
in the state of North Dakota, that are certified.”
The WSC program was evaluated according to
strict standards set by the automotive industry.
They were evaluated by the National Automotive
Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) in all
areas from the program’s facilities to the number
of instructional hours provided.
The first step toward certification is to send an
application. “You self evaluate your program and
turn that in to the NATEF national office,” Lund
said. “Then, if they approve your program, you get
an on-site visit from four individuals and they look
at everything from your application that you say
you are doing.”
He said that they also visit with industry people in
the area where graduates from the WSC diesel tech
program are working to see how well trained they
were and how they are working for the company.
According to a letter sent to WSC President Dr.
Raymond Nadolny from the NATEF, the WSC
program met the strict industry standards required
NATEF Certification
for ASE Master Certification of the program. This is
the highest level of achievement recognized by the
ASE, according to Williams A. Kersten, president of
the NATEF.
The instructors, Rick Lund and Chris Egge, must
also be master certified technicians and must be
recertified every five years. “It’s an ongoing process
that we must keep up,” Lund said. He added that
the program, in order to keep its certification, will
be re-evaluated every five years as well.
Alumni Spotlight
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
their time on the Williston campus. Stacy
remembers it was during these years at school
where both she and Todd took many of their
general courses; including a dance class where
the two remained dance partners throughout
the entire course.
“In the end that’s what made UNDWilliston such a great place for the both of
us. It wasn’t just the basketball, but also
the opportunity to grow during those early
collegiate years and to find out what direction
we wanted our education to go in.”
Stacy also remembers that it was the
small campus that attracted her to UNDWilliston.
“Coming out of high school, the thought of
heading off to college was a bit overwhelming.
Williston proved to be the perfect transition
for me at the time.”
Eventually Stacy and Todd would leave
UND Williston, to finish both their degrees
and basketball careers at Dickinson State
University. Stacy went on to earn a double
major in Elementary Education and Physical
Education and Todd a degree in Medical
Stacy and Todd were married in August
of 1987. Shortly after their graduation from
Dickinson State. They would go on to live
in Williston and Grand Forks, with Stacy
teaching and Todd finishing his Master’s
degree in Chemical Engineering at UND.
Soon thereafter a job offer for Todd took
them to Corpus Christi, Texas. Finally, after
a short stint in Wichita, Kansas, the couple
moved back to Texas and the community
of Kingwood, a northern suburb of
Today, Todd is working
as the Director of Engineering for
INVISTA, one of the world’s largest
Alumni Spotlight
While growing up in Minot, playing
basketball was something that Stacy (Nelson)
Svihovec had always loved. So when UNDWilliston recruited her to play for their
already hugely successful program, you could
say it was a match made in heaven. “It was
enticing because I wanted to continue my
athletic career and yet wasn’t quite sure what
I wanted in a college.”
Stacy eventually decided on UND-Williston
and from 1982 to 1984 she joined the Teton’s
women’s basketball team, playing under
Teton Hall of Fame coach Penny Slagle.
“Basketball was a big part of my life during
my time at UND Williston. Myself and
eleven other teammates lived in a dormitory
on campus, with a housemother. There was
never a dull moment.”
The same could be said for the Lady
Tetons, who under coach Slagle, successfully
played their way to the national tournament
during Stacy’s time on the squad. Stacy also
remembers playing with former All-American
Julie Hendrickson.
“They were my family back then. It was
a great program and I had a wonderful time
playing with them.”
And while a big part of her life, basketball
wasn’t EVERYTHING for Stacy. As fate
would have it, she ended up meeting a young
man from Dickinson named Todd Svihovec,
who just so happened to play basketball for
UND-Williston’s men’s team.
“Yes, I met the love of my life at UNDWilliston,” recalls Stacy. “In fact, if I
remember correctly, my first official date with
Todd was decided appropriately enough over
a game of HORSE, with the loser having to
take the winner out for pizza.”
Stacy and Todd continued dating during
integrated producers of polymers and fibers. Meanwhile, Stacy
remains busy as a full-time mom to the couple’s three children,
Tevin, Tristen and Tannah. She says that both she and Todd
remain actively involved in their church as well as local athletic
Every couple of years Stacy says she tries to make a trip back to
Williston to catch up with coach Slagle and some of her former
teammates. When asked about how things have changed on
campus since her time in the early `80’s, Stacy replies with a
smile, “I just wish I could have played in a facility like they have
now!” She notes that many of the buildings have changed and
that technology has become even more prominent on campus,
leading to new updates and growth for future students.
Stacy says that she would definitely recommend Williston
State College for many of the same reasons that she and Todd
first decided to attend.
“It’s a great opportunity to get a start on your college career
in a welcoming community and a small town atmosphere. I
know that both Todd and I have worked to pass on the values
and lessons we’ve learned at places like UND Williston to
our children. We teach them to be a part of something, be it
athletics, music, drama or debate.”
Stacy will also remember UND Williston as the place
where she and Todd started their story together and
looks forward to the next exciting chapter that life
brings them.
Student Spotlight
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
people who want to make a difference,” Kayla
shared. “I was a 4.0 student but was terrified to
take math at a college level. But I soon learned
that at Williston State College if I needed help
I could get it. My only negative comment was
that there were not enough student activities
on campus. It led me to want to leave Williston
and go someplace else.” That someplace else was
Moorhead State University where she continued
to work on her Public Relations/Advertising
degree. Kayla graduated with a Bachelor of Science
degree in Mass Communications, and soon found
herself back on the campus where she started as
the Student Activities Coordinator for Williston
State. There were many challenges to overcome.
Limited on-campus housing meant that a majority
of students would have to come back to campus
to attend activities. There were a lot of part-time
students and the campus really did not have a
student gathering center like a student union.
But Kayla overcame a lot of those challenges by
developing a variety of activities on different days
and at different times. She is also not afraid to
think outside the box on some of these student
activities. An example, just in time for Valentines
Day she gave students a chance to choose one of
many animal “skins” to stuff. Add to that a Tetons
Working hard on campus is only part of the
challenge for Williston State College. “We’re a
smaller college, located in the Northwest corner
of the state, and it takes a lot more for us to get
noticed!” Kayla is also the advisor for student
government on campus and she has been involved
in telling the Williston State story to the legislature.
“I like to get the students involved in issues that
will affect them.” She also sees the importance of
getting the community involved with the activities
on campus. “We have a growing community, and
it’s nice to see the support the college receives from
the community.”
What would she like to see in the future?
“Number one would be a student union. We’d like
to offer a variety of activities every week. It would
be nice to have a paid student staff to assist with
the activities. Additional funds for marketing the
activities would be nice, and of course we’d like to
see the student population grow as a part of our
Kayla Retzer is probably the ideal choice for
Student Life Coordinator. She has experienced
Williston State College from every angle. First as
an incoming senior, next as a student, after that she
was on a larger campus, and now she has returned
to share what she has experienced and learned. Add
to that a great smile and an optimistic outlook and
you know why the sky is the limit for student life
at Williston State College.
Student Spotlight
A college campus is full of energy generated
from young adults who need to break away from
the every day routine of classes and homework.
Athletic events like basketball, volleyball and
baseball bring many students together, but only
offer a small percentage of what it takes to keep a
college campus vibrant. The person responsible for
organizing fun, creative events for Williston State
College students is Kayla Retzer, Student Life
Kayla was hired in July of 2009 and right now she
is ‘a staff of one.’ “I have several college students
who help me with the events, but for right now I
handle most of the organization and set up for the
events on campus.” Organization of events includes
the planning, public relations and advertising,
timeline for the event and the communication with
student government about each event. “After all,
the events are for the students and we use their
money. It’s important to keep them in the loop.”
The journey to her current position started in
2002 when Kayla graduated from Williston High
School and enrolled at Williston State College
that fall. It was an easy transition because she had
already taken several classes at WSC her senior
year in high school. “As far as a quality education,
Williston State is top notch. We have quality
t-shirt to fit the stuffed animal, and you have the
perfect toy to either share with a special friend or
keep as a memory of your Williston State College
days. It was so popular that she had students and
faculty asking for more than one skin to stuff.
More resources have been dedicated to student
life activities and the results have been better
attendance at each event. “We used to have 40
or 50 students attending events, but now we can
have up to 80 or 90. And when you take into
consideration that there are really only about 110
students who actually live on campus, that’s a
pretty good percentage. We hear all the time how
much the campus life has improved and how great
the events are. We also know it’s important to get
the students involved in the decisions. After all, it’s
their money and the activities are for them.”
But soon the number of students on campus
will change. In 2009, the legislature approved the
construction of a new, multi-floor residence hall
on campus. The excitement is building, as students
were able to help choose the colors and furniture
for the new hall. Plans for the exterior include a
commons area with outdoor wiring. “To have a
venue where we can host all of our students for
an event is going to be great,” according to Kayla,
“and a majority of them won’t have to come back to
campus to attend, they’ll be right here.” With the
addition of the residence hall Kayla believes more
students may decide to stay around for their second
year rather than dropping out or transferring to a
different school.
Faculty Spotlight
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
Lance Olson
Math and Science Chair
Williston State College
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
With the current housing shortage and increasing
rental rates, it will give our students the housing
they are currently having a hard time finding and
Along with the 9.8 million dollar residence hall,
Olson says a 5.2 million dollar expansion project
for their trades programs will be completed this
spring, and an addition to their science department
is currently awaiting legislative approval.
“It’s a crazy time here in Williston,” he says, “but
we’re trying to stay ahead of the wave of changes
that are happening. The school expansions will
really help us move forward with providing more
and more opportunities for our students. We’ve
also been very lucky to have Dr. Raymond Nadolny.
He has a wonderful vision for our school, and he’s
working very hard to put it all in place.”
As far as current enrollment goes, Williston State
College is holding its own. “A lot of high school
seniors see all the job opportunities that are out
there with the oil boom and many decide to go
straight to work instead of into college. I hope
they don’t close the door on college all together,”
Olson says. “With our expansion projects, online
and distance education programs, and the growth
of our on-campus opportunities, Williston State
College is able to offer more than ever before.”
Faculty Spotlight
Twenty years. A lot can happen in twenty years,
and Lance Olson can certainly attest to that. “I’m
from the Williston area,” he says. “I spent two
years at Williston State College. At the time it
was a small community college. It’s amazing the
growth we’re experiencing right now.”
After Olson’s two years at WSC, he transferred to
the University of North Dakota where he received
his degree in Geology. “My teachers at WSC really
helped point me in the right direction for my
education,” exclaims Olson. “However, I managed
to get my degree right when the oil boom busted
so I went back and got my teaching degree.”
After taking some time off to tour around
Australia and to teach in Hallock, Minnesota,
Olson returned to WSC to teach. “It’s amazing
the changes that have taken place since I’ve been
teaching at the college,” he says. “I’ve especially
seen changes in our online and distance education
options. The changes in technology have made
it possible for us to offer more programs to
our students. We want our online and distance
education to be strong, but we also want to keep
our on-campus presence strong, too.”
Williston State College is doing just that through
the building expansions that are taking place on
campus. “Our new 171 bed residence hall will be
completed in the fall of 2011,” says Olson. “It’s
going to be a wonderful addition to our campus.
“With our expansion projects, online and
distance education programs, and the growth of our
on-campus opportunities, Williston State College is able
to offer more than ever before.”
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
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Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
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Alumni Spotlight
Kathy Goodman
Carla Christofferson
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
Carla still maintains her ties to North Dakota.
“I still own the family farm where I grew up
near Tolna.” She has been named to the Alumni
Steering Panel at the UND Law School, so she
returns to her home state once or twice a year.
And the friends she met while at WSC? “I sill have
several friends from college including my closest
friend in college, Colleen Anderson.” Colleen
attended WSC, transferred to Jamestown College
and now lives in the silicon valley of California.
Other friends include a North Dakota native,
Becky (Henry) Braaten who works for Farm
Credit Services and lives in Westhope, and Jack
Michaels, Bismarck radio personality and the voice
of the Mary University Marauders basketball. It’s
amazing how you keep in touch.”
And Carla would suggest much the same path
for students like her today. “I have a nephew who
is attending Lake Region before he transfers. You
need the basics, and a smaller setting in smaller
classes is a good way to go. You feel comfortable
and accepted and it’s a whole lot easier to make
Carla and her husband Adam have an
18-month-old son who, according to Carla,
“already has an amazing jump shot, because he’s
been around basketball so much.”
We think that the quote from Carla’s bio
probably says it best. “As she enters her fifth season
as co-owner of the Sparks, she continues to lead the
organization in a direction that Los Angeles and
the WNBA have not seen before. Christofferson
has a wealth of understanding to improve the
experiences of Sparks’ fans and to strengthen the
Los Angeles community. Her enthusiasm for the
team, paired with her creative mind, has already
elevated the team to new heights.”
So next time you wonder who owns these
professional sports teams? Think of North Dakota’s
own Carla Christofferson, a small town basketball
player with Los Angeles style vision.
Alumni Spotlight
Sitting on the sidelines watching the Los
Angeles Sparks had gotten to be too much
for two friends. In order to take this WNBA
team to the next level they would have to
buy it, even if the team was not for sale!
The two friends are Carla Christofferson
and Kathy Goodman, and they are now
majority owners of the Sparks, and have
been for over four years.
Carla is from Tolna, North Dakota
where she played basketball and softball and
ran track. “Had there been volleyball back
when I went to school, I would have
played that too,” Carla shared in a
recent interview. She left the town
of Tolna and headed west to
Williston State College, then
UND-Williston, to start her
post secondary education
and to play basketball.
She had two sisters living
in Williston and their
husbands worked in the oil
fields. It was the mid 80’s,
and Williston was feeling the
effects of an oil boom. It was
convenient for Carla to stay with her
sisters during summer basketball camps
at WSC. It was also economical for her to live
with one of them when she attended college
at WSC for two years. “The transition to
Williston (WSC) was very easy. I graduated
from a class of 13, so I was used to smaller
classes.” Many of her friends would make
the jump to UND or NDSU and would
find themselves overwhelmed by larger
classes and the college life. Carla gives credit
to the excellent teachers at WSC for giving
her a great foundation on which to build
her college education, an education that
would end with a degree in law from Yale
University. “The teachers at WSC prepared
me extremely well for my next step. I never
felt that I couldn’t succeed at the next level.”
The campus life also fit Carla well as she
arrived on campus and immediately found
friends. “It’s the North Dakota way, we all
kind of came from smaller towns and we are quick
to meet people and make friends.”
After Yale University her next step was Los
Angeles, and as Carla explains she, like most other
law students, worked for a judge for a year. When
she was being interviewed, the judge inquired as to
where she was from. When she answered Tolna he
asked about the proximity of her town to Michigan,
ND. As it turns out, his mother was a Lamb from
Michigan. Immediately Carla began to use her
North Dakota heritage to her advantage and of
course, got the job. Her North Dakota ties would
benefit Carla once more, as Warren Christopher
was a partner in the law firm she joined. Mr.
Christopher spent his early years, until he was 13,
in Scranton, North Dakota.
Carla is currently the managing partner of the
O’Melveny & Myers Los Angeles office, where
she has spent the last 20 years as a trial lawyer,
specializing in energy, accounting, and contract
But it was her North Dakota entrepreneurial
spirit that allowed her to go out on a limb and
purchase the Sparks from the Los Angeles Lakers.
“I never planned to own a basketball team or any
sport franchise.” According to Carla, “we just
had an opportunity and convinced a banker to
give us the money. It really wasn’t whether the
team was successful or not, I have lived without
money in my life, and certainly could have done
that again. I am a practicing attorney so I knew
money would not be a problem. It was more of a
belief in the emergence of women’s sports.” Carla
likens the WNBA today to the NBA of 40 years
ago. “All it will take is something charismatic, say
an LA Lakers-Boston Celtics rivalry, or a player like
Michael Jordan and the WNBA will move to the
next level,” adds Carla. “We already have shown
some success. We went from averaging 4,000 in
attendance to over 10,000.” Her goal would be
to sell out the arena, 13,500, every night. But to
Carla an even more important trend is the sale
of team sponsorships. “In the past two years our
sponsorships have increased, even with a down
economy. Now that the economy is improving
we feel we are on the cusp of some great things.”
How is the WNBA different from the NBA? “We
are more of a family sport. The NBA is more of a
circus and acrobatics. John Wooden said that if you
really want to teach your kids to play basketball, to
learn how to play defense and play like a team, take
them to a WNBA game.” All in all Carla is pretty
satisfied with the increased success of the Sparks.
Alumni Spotlight
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
(no relation) where myself and two or three other
students traveled to a fairly prominent ranch in
eastern Montana to witness a calf sale. We hopped
in a suburban and away we went. I had been to
auction houses before, but never to an actual farm
auction with all the sights and sounds. It was a
great environment and a fun day.”
Halvorson also recalls some of the more
recreational classes he participated in during his
time on the Williston campus. “I enjoyed the
diversity of the classes they offered on campus.
Besides math and science, I was also involved in
archery, guitar, and even bowling for fun.”
During his years on campus Halvorson devoted
the majority of his time to his studies, however he
also had a part time job at 660 KEYZ Country,
where he worked as a weekend and evening radio
“I come from a family of radio announcers.
My father, (Lee Halvorson) has been a long time
radio broadcaster and play-by-play announcer, so I
just gravitated towards radio work.”
Halvorson would eventually go on and earn
his Associate of Science degree in Pre-Veterinary
Medicine. He then turned his sights to North
Dakota State University where he planned to finish
his studies. And finish he did; however, instead
of becoming a veterinarian, his attention turned to
his long-time love for radio. “In my heart, I knew
that I always wanted to be in radio.”
In 1996 Halvorson graduated with a Bachelor’s
Degree in General Agriculture from NDSU, adding
a minor degree in media communications as well.
Soon thereafter he applied for a job at the
American Ag Radio Network and was hired as
the Associate Farm Director under Ag Network
pioneer and Farm Director Lyle Romine. Fourteen years
later, Halvorson is now Farm Director himself and making
the most of his dream career.
“I absolutely enjoy what I do for a living. I love being
able to distribute the information that farmers and ranchers
need. It’s truly satisfying to be able to do that for people
and always gratifying to hear positive feedback from the
agricultural community. It’s humbling, very humbling.”
When asked if he would recommend Williston State College
Halvorson is quick to answer. “Yes, I would. Especially to
those students who are not 100% prepared to go to a fouryear school. I looked at my time in Williston as a transitional
period that not only helped prepare me academically, but also
helped me mature mentally as a young adult.”
Halvorson also cites the many friendships he made
during his time on Williston’s campus as an important part of
growing up.
“I had great friends, some from high school and other new
individuals from all over who I met during my time on campus. I am
happy today to still call them my friends and remain in contact with many
of them.”
Indeed, Halvorson successfully made the most of his time on
the Williston campus and would encourage other young
students to look at Williston State College when it
comes to their own education.
“Number one, you have an excellent
Combine that with lower
tuition and that can make for a
great start to any college career.
Set your game plan and go from
there. In my opinion Williston
State helped lay the groundwork
for me to become successful at
NDSU and beyond.”
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
For many students looking to enter college, a
certain amount of uncertainty and apprehension
seem to be the norm. With so many choices and
decisions about what school to choose and what
major to study, it’s no wonder that many students
feel overwhelmed about how college can help
prepare them for their futures. For Williston State
College alumni Rusty Halvorson, his journey from
college campus, to current Farm Director for
the American Ag Network, took him in different
directions. However, he credits the time he spent
on Williston’s campus as being instrumental in
shaping where he is today.
Like many students who grew up and attended
high school in Williston, Halvorson faced the
decision to either leave for one of the larger state
schools, or stay close to home with Williston State
College, then known as the University of North
Dakota Williston.
“I chose to attend UND Williston because it
not only made sense financially for me at the time,
but it also allowed me the opportunity to stay close
to my family and the fantastic hunting I had grown
up around.”
Halvorson attended UND Williston from
1992 until 1994, where he studied Pre-Veterinary
“I remember my classes back then were heavy
on both the math and science ends.” Halvorson
also recalls the help he received from his professors.
“They were a great group of people, always
willing to help and it made for a great learning
Also, when asked about what his favorite class
was, Halvorson went on to explain, “I remember
a livestock judging class with Roger Halvorson,
Alumni Spotlight
By John Gorman
Missing Alumni
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
Callie Barrett
Kim Barstad
Bridget Basta
Greg Batke
Dave Baudain
Kelly Bauer
Corey Baumann
Laurine Baxter
Justin Beahm
Chelsey Bean
Derek Bearce
Marilyn Beard
Tammy Becker
Corey Beggar
Alex Begger
Connie Beggs
Lana Bekkedahl
Chelsey Belgarde
Rae Belgarde
Jennie Bell
Tyler Bell
Michael Bellen
Lapaige Bendickson
Wilfred Benjamin
Jason Benson
Dawn Benth
Marlene Berg
Elaine Berger
Neil Berger
Tami Berger
Lyle Bergh
Ted Bergquist
Lorraine Bergstrom
Marlon Bernard
Steve Bernard
Kathy Bernston
Derek Berschiminksi
Dustin Bertsch
Daniel Berwick
Mandy Berwick
Kirsten Betker
Linda Beyer
Nichol Beyer
Vishwas Bhopale
Kathryn Bibelheimer
Matt Bieber
Robert Bierman
Nolan Billings
Nicholas Binstock
Erin Biondich
Matthew Birch
Faye Bird
Mary Birkeland
Lane Bjelkevig
Jann Bjerke
Eric Bjorge
Ryan Bjorgen
Brandy Black
Jennifer Black
Laverne Black
Stu Black
Kelly Blomberg
Paul Blomberg
Emily Bloom
Kristin Bloom
Pauline Blue
Ron Bock
Danielle Boehm
Kelsi Boehm
Bailey Bolinske
Mark Bolke
Iva Bolman
Joel Bolstad
Rachael Bolte
Sally Bombach
Patricia Bomback
Pamela Bombard
Len Boom
Don Bordynuik
James Borom
Debra Borrud
Chantell Borseth
Peter Borseth
Louis Bosek
Richard Bostylan
Heidy Bouchard
Sandra Boughton
LeRoy Bower
Kristi Bowman
Justin Bracken
Angela Brackey
Ranson Bradshaw
Carol Brandt
Jeremy Brandt
Marissa Branker
Alex Brannon
Debra Bratcher
Brandon Braun
Carissa Braun
Joan Braun
Jon Bredwick
Danny Brekke
Matthew Brekke
Pat Brendel
Taryn Brenna
Jennifer Bresciani
Tom Brevik
Jason Brew
Lindsey Brew
Trish Brewer
Marc Brisson
Marla Britton
Gerlinde Broadway
Richelle Brodersen
Shellie Brodersen
Colette Broe
Benjamin Broschat
Jenna Brostuen
Brittany Brown
Cody Brown
Kathleen Brown
Rosemarie Brown
Lori Brown
Barrett Browning
Jayne Brunelle
Beverly Bryant
James Buck
Lisa Buckley
Patrice Budiao
Brian Buen
Patricia Buhk
Tanya Bullhead
Darin Burau
Debra Burau
Vernida Burchett
Larry Burckhard
Steven Burgess
Larry Burkhard
Karley Burns
Nycole Burton
Brittany Busch
Cory Buttler
Susan Buxbaum
Melissa Cable
Mandy Cain
Anthony Campbell
Matt Campbell
Jamie Cancade
Luann Cantin
Angela Cardinal
Erin Carl
Derek Carlson
Megan Carlson
Sara Carns
Hattie Carrier
Travis Carrington
Susan Carscallen
Laurel Carson
Bryan Carter
Jason Carter
Wendell Carter
Clint Cartwright
Patty Cast
Carolyn Casterline
Timothy Castro
Ethan Cayko
Joseph Cecil
Kyle Ceynar
Cindy Chapin
Nolan Cherniwchan
Rachel Cherry
Katherine Chester
Eva Chittum
Brad Chrest
Andrea Christensen
Steve Christensen
Marcus Christenson
Teri Christian
Teresa Christianson
Donald Christopherson
Lynnette Christopherson
Michael Cinnamon
Beatrice Cipolla
Amy Clark
Carroll Clark
Jesse Clark
Kayla Clark
Chris Clave
Cyndy Cleary
Carmelita Clemens
Allyson Clemes
Dawn Close
Ashley Coffin
Erik Cole
Curt Collings
Darcy Collings
Annel Combs
Katie Conroy
Drew Conway
Brittney Cook
Brian Coonts
Jon Corpron
Olivia Costas
Dorothy Cote
Cale Cournoyer
Craig Cousins
Melodee Cowley
Anna Cox
Celeste Cox
Jahi Craig
Connie Cranna
Nichole Crooks
Laura Crow
Robin Culbertson
Shallun Culp
Jacqueline Cunningham
Carmen Dahl
Darrell Dahlberg
Connie Dahlin
Trevor Dahlman
Niall Dalton-Brown
Jacob Damm
Cedar Dancing Bull
Derek Daniels
Arron Datta
Brad Daum
Valerie Dauterman
Amie d’Autremont
Deon David
Bonnie Davidson
Donovan Davis
Sara Davis
Tracie Day
Thomas Debris
June Decker
Amanda Degenstein
Brian Degenstein
Denise Deibert
Andrew Deichert
Pam Deichert
Quinn Deide
Del Grande
Scott Delorme
Lauri Dennis
Laurel Desjarlis
Glenn Detienne
Latisha Deutsch
Sarah Dhuyvetter
Brent Diegel
Jody Diehl
Laurel Diekrager
Angie Dietz
Jerome Dietz
Jennifer Difonzo
Robert Digerness
Scott Dighans
Jen Dishon
Lori Dishon
Kelly Ditsworth
Robert Dobson
James Dodge
Michael Dolan
Victoria Dolezal
Aaron Donamaria
Alicia Donis
Sandy Donis
Terry Donovan
Janet Dore
Sheila Dore
Michael Dosch
Rachel Douts
Reta Dowling
Christine Downey
Afton Downing
Marlon Drakes
Lois Drangsholt
Eldon Dschaak
Jarrett Duchscher
Pat Duchscherer
Shane Duchsherer
Shawn Duffy
Susan Dufner
Ashlee Duhamel
Cynthia Dullum
Sarah Dumas
Kemba Duncan
Taffee Dundas
Kasie Dunn
Michael Duran
Ryan Durell
Keely Dutke
Rhonda Dvirnek
Jamie Dwyer
Patricia Easton
Kara Ebel
Jessica Eberts
Benjamin Eder
Alicia Edwards
Ronald Edwards
Trenity Edwards
Jeffrey Egemo
Jason Eggebretch
Caleb Eide
Gladys Eide
Kyle Eide
Orville Eide
Pamella Eide
Tawnya Eide
Judy Ekren
Erin Eldridge
Angie Eliason
Ronald Ell
Fern Ellestad
Margie Ellingsen
Charell Ellingson
Patricia Ellingson
Sara Ellis
Roy Emerson
Dennis Engebert
Alvin Engin
Katrina Engstrom
Steve Enno
Alissa Entzi
Amanda Enyart
Janet Erhardt
Ladonna Eric
Aaron Erickson
Joel Erickson
Mark Erickson
Pam Erickson
Wes Erickson
Keshia Erie
Corrine Erker
Lori Erstad
Jennifer Ertelt
Maria Erz
Allan Eslinger
Drew Espeseth
Angie Evans
Robert Evans
Alex Evanson
Jeffrey Evanson
Josh Evanson
Mickayla Evanson
Valerie Evanson
Valerie Evanson
Joel Evanson, Jr
Chris Evenson
Christopher Evenson
Tasha Everett
Cumi Everson
Carisa Ewanyshyn
John Fain
Dustin Falcon
Franceilia Falcon
Tashena Falcon
James Farrenkopf
Sarah Farrow
Cary Farstad
Tim Fassett
Catherine Faulkner
Sara Faulkner
Vicki Fay
Sara Feigitsch
Heidi Feiring
Linda Feiring
Roxie Felch
Kirsten Felchle-Root
Ronald Feldhouse
If you find your name on this list, please contact the WSC office.
Emily Feldman
Abigail Fettig
Antoine Fettig
Tara Field
Rachell Filipi
Ladonna Finnicum
Justin Fischer
Patricia Fischer
Tracy Fitzpatrick
Brittany Fixen
Tyler Fixen
Tim Fjeldahl
Casey Fladeland
Kayla Flakne
Andrew Flexhaug
Robyn Flexhaug
Bryce Floer
Kory Flory
Tesha Fluhrer
Jason Folvag
Margaret Folvag
Justin Forbes
Lance Forster
Darrell Forthun
Naomi Foss
Rachell Foss
Blair Foster
Jamie Foster
Josh Foust
Jeanette Fox
Justin Fox
Terry Fox
Travis Fox
Danielle Frafford
Jennifer France-Labar
Roger Frank
Kristen Fraser
Jason Frederick
Jeffery Frederick
Sara Frederick
Richard Fredericksen
Susan Fredrickson
Diana Freeman
Deborah Fretland
Deidre Fretland
Tammy Froelich
Farah Froseth
Rebecca Frost
Anton Fry
Todd Fuchs
Alexis Fugere
Stephanie Fugleberg
Erin Fuller
Jenny Fuller
Lauren Furlong
Greta Furuseth
Kelli Fuson
Tracy Gable
Daniel Gabrick
Teryl Gannaway
Kristen Garcia
Ramon Garza
Lorne Gasner
Janel George
Corwin Germann
Misti Germundson
Kristen Gerwien
Mark Gessele
Alysia Getchell
Valeri Getchell
Vicky Geyer
Jean Gibbins
Kaycee Giddens
Kay Gilbertson
Wade Gilbertson
Erin Gilchrest
Steve Gjerde
Patrick Gjorven
Geralyn Gjovig
Regina Glover
Clayton Gold
Brittany Golden
Melissa Gonzalez De Tor
Dave Goodale
Becki Gordon
Eleanor Gorseth
Janet Grad
Bob Graupe
Mitchell Grave
Andrea Green
Anthony Green
Lacie Green
Dawn Greenup
Scott Greenwood
Troy Gregory
Marian Grenz
Lyn Gress
Brittany Grindy
Karise Grummett
Craig Guenther
Joann Guerdett
Corey Guider
Greg Guidry
Kevin Guldborg
Ginger Gullickson
Tony Gundermann
Lindsay Gunderson
Casey Gunlikson
Marlene Guttromson
Loretta Guzman
Terri Gwin
Ryan Haagenson
Amber Haakenson
Andy Haaven
Josh Haber
Jennifer Haddix
Michele Hadley
Betty Hagen
Holli Hagen
Taylor Hagen
Dawna Hagerott
Dana Haggenson
Shane Halseth
Karla Halvorson
Anthony Hamling
Michelle Hammar
Dane Hancock
Jodee Hanks
Kelly Hanley
Jennifer Hansen
Kari Hansen
Kayla Hansen
Natalie Hansen
Warren Hansen
Aaron Hanson
Anne Hanson
Autumn Hanson
Barbara Hanson
Dorinda Hanson
Gerard Hanson
Jamie Hanson
Kim Hanson
Klayton Hanson
Kyle Hanson
Tyler Hanson
Amanda Hardy
Keely Hardy
Megan Hardy
Ray Hardy
Tiffany Hardy
Vanessa Hardy
Rudolph Harnisch
Julie Haro
Allison Harris
Ann Harshbarger
Amy Harstad
Virgil Harstad
Randi Hart
Christopher Hartsoch
Craig Harvey
Doreen Harvey
Timothy Hastner
Mary Hatter
Tabitha Haugen
Bonny Haugenoe
Michelle Haukaas
Debbie Hause
Kay Haustveit
Gerald Havelka
Amara Haverlock
Annette Hawbaker
Dale Hayden
Chris Haywood
Katy Hazel
Brian Heck
Nicole Hecker
Sarah Hecker
Dena Heen
Mark Heen
Jessica Heggen
Dorene Hegney
Mary Hegstad
Tracy Heidinger
Matthew Heier
Sarah Heinle
Courtney Heiser
Beth Helgeson
Candy Heller
Karen Heller
Quentin Heller
Ramona Heller
Shae Helling
Molly Helm
Lindsay Helseth
Valli Helstad
Amy Hendershot
Brad Henderson
Julie Henderson
Curtis Henke
Timothy Hennessy
Rebecca Henricksen
Ashley Henry
Wanda Hergranson
Kyle Hering
Sarah Heringer
Trista Herk
Louis Hermanson
Zachary Hermanson
Terry Herreid
Kathryn Herrell
Terry Herried
Sarah Herriot
Kristine Hersel
Kyle Hewitt
Sadie Hicks
David Highbe
Joel Hilkemann
Jamie Hilleren
Jill Hillerud
Sheri Hilyard
Benjamin Hinkle
Jared Hinkle
Ronald Hinsverk
Karen Hirsch
Lisa Hlibichuk
Kimberly Hodenfield
Matthew Hofer
Cheryl Hoff
Patricia Hoffelt
John Hoffman
Jana Hoffmann
Kim Hohbein
Branden Hoheisel
Loren Hoheisel
Loren Holden
Donald Holinaty
Cassandra Hollen
Teresa Hollingsworth
Ronica Holly
Carter Holt
Kimberlie Holt
Tammy Homung
Elizabeth Hoose
Pamela Hoover
Cody Horab
Michael Horab
Micki Horab
Kelly Horaska
Kristina Horob
Jodell Hough
Nancy Hought
Ann Houser
Michael Houser
Steven Houston
Lyle Hove
Shawn Hove
Kim Hovet
Cory Hovland
Duane Howard
Brenna Hudson
Adeline Hugelen
David Hughes
Charles Huovin
Cynthia Huravitch
Travis Hurley
Janet Hutchins
Brent Hysjulien
Tami Ingraham
Andrea Isaacson
Brian Isaacson
Ashley Iverson
Joanne Iverson
Ashley Ivey
Briana Iwen
Curtis Jackson
Brittany Jacobsen
Judy Jacobson
Terrille Jacobson
Pearl Jaman
Huey James
Nicolle James
Celeste Janke
Caitlin Jantz
Jameson Jantzen
Sharlene Jarland
Arthur Jaster
Aaron Jeffrey
Jovan Jegdic
Stipe Jelicic
Annette Jensen
Matt Jensen
Rhonda Jensen
Steven Jensen
Robin Jenson
Garrett Jepsen
Donelle Jiemitalo
Jennifer Johansen
Joshua Johansen
Amanda Johnson
Amy Johnson
Andrea Johnson
Andrew Johnson
Bradley Johnson
Cameron Johnson
Cody Johnson
Debbie Johnson
Elaine Johnson
Elizabeth Johnson
Gene Johnson
Gordon Johnson
Heather Johnson
Hugh Johnson
Jon Johnson
Keely Johnson
Kim Johnson
Michael Johnson
Michelle Johnson
Nanette Johnson
Randy Johnson
Ryan Johnson
Stacy Johnson
Troy Johnson
D’Wayne Johnston
Cathy Jones
Sarah Jones
Amie Jonsson
Clement Joppa
Tony Jordan
Ann Jorgensen
Elgene Jorgensen
Jeffrey Jorgensen
Jill Jorgensen
Christopher Jorgenson
Elroy Jorgenson
Jennifer Jorgenson
Zachary Jorstad
Patricia Judge
Wayne Just
Jonathan Juve
Logan Kachur
Kristina Kainz
Heather Kaldahl
Barbra Kalenze
Chelsea Kallberg
Yvonne Kanikkeberg
Kelly Kanning
Korey Kastner
Jeffrey Katchmar
Aida Kazagic
Courtney Keever
Sandy Keever
Troy Keffeler
Mary Keller
Dianna Kelley
Latricia Kelly
Shirley Kelly
Karen Kelsch
Carla Kemmis
Joe Kemp
Joshua Kessel
Ann Keyes
Mike Kidd
Shaunya Kien
Alissa Kingfisher
Leslie Kirschmann
Nicole Kitzman
Jesse Kizima
Mike Kjellerson
Farrah Kjensmo
Robert Kjornaa
Diane Kjorstad
Jean Kjorstad
Donelle Kjosen
Scott Klassen
Leslie Klatt
Dean Klein
Janelle Klein
Ryan Klein
Troy Klein
Travis Kleppen
Nathan Kleyer
Elizabeth Kline
Danelle Kluck
Jonathan Klym
Vivian Knodel
Tanya Knodle
April Knox
Katie Knox
Joel Knudsen
Lois Knudsen
Bruce Knutson
Carrissa Knutson
Danielle Koaut
Jill Koch
Robert Kochel
Amy Koepp
Kristi Koepp
Danielle Kohut
Debbie Kok
Michael Kolden
Ryan Kolle
Holly Kolling
Juanita Konickson
Richard Koon
Pat Koppinger
Leann Kostad
Kayla Krabseth
John Kraehenbuehl
Dave Kraft
Katie Kram
Mandy Kremer
Thomas Krmarzick
Ardean Krogen
Fern Krogen
Mikala Krogen
Jessica Kruse
Kristy Kulstad
Cassie Kummer
Joe Kurtz
Joel Kurtz
Ann Kuster
Travis Kuster
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
Jens Aafedt
Charles Aasen
Donald Aaseth
Shanna Abbott
Holly Abelseth
Liza Ackerson
Amber Adams
Lisa Adams
Sharon Adams
Bernabe Ahrens
Cherri Aiken
Jill Albertson
Ashley Alexander
Thomas Alexander
David Alfson
Linda Alfson
Denver Allard
Bryan Allen
William Allen
Megan Altizer
Jasmine Ames
Bob Amos
Sheila Amundson McPherson
April Anderson
Bruce Anderson
Dianne Anderson
Elizabeth Anderson
Kirby Anderson
Lacey Anderson
Melodee Anderson
Nicholas Anderson
Paige Anderson
Ryan Anderson
Julie Andring
Lori Anseth
Lynne Anseth
Jennie Anvik
Nicole Arcand
Sherri Archambeault
John Arman
Grace Arndt
Jed Arnold
Tierra Arnson
Janet Arnstad
Shelley Arnston
Mark Arntson
Kay Asleson
Thomas Ator
Sara Atwood
Jaden Austreim
Lori Axelson
Margery Axelson
Mary Axtman
Brittany Azure
Joe Bachmeier
Mike Bachmeier
Alesha Backes
Mariesa Backes
Jeff Backhaus
Daniel Bair
Christopher Baker
Jordan Baker
Lori Baker
Theresa Baker
Deanna Bakken
Andrew Banta
Christopher Banta
John Barbier
Aleah Barenthsen
Cynthia Barenthsen
Katherine Barnes
Don Barret
Andrew Barrett
Missing Alumni
If you, or someone you know is on our Missing Alumni List, please contact us
so we can keep you updated with everything that is happening around WSC.
office@wscfoundation.com • (701)-572-9275
Missing Alumni
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
Jeanie Lucy
Karie Ludlum
Kimberly Lueck
Cathy Lukenbach
Carolyn Lund
Dustin Lund
Kirby Lund
Mandie Lund
Jackie Lundby
Kassandra Lundby
Maddelaine Luthy
Renae Lutz
Malinda Lux
Marty Lynch
Arne Lynne
Kyle Lyseng
Rachel Macaulay
Tamara Macdonald
Dr. Mader-Dye
Tracee Madl
Misty Magandy
Marie Magnus
Jesse Magstadt
Barrett Mahaffey
Taite Mahlen
Tyler Mahlen
Kelli Maleckar
Heather Mangel
Gilbert Mann, Jr
Dextroy Manswell
Colleen Mantei
Stacie Marcotte
Darrell Markin
Mari Markuson
Jason Marmon
Mandy Marquart
Curtis Marschner
Steve Marshner
Terry Martens
Leah Martin
Kayjuana Mass
Vojtech Mastalka
Deborah Mathews
Michael Mattingley
Ashley Mayer
Melini Mayer
Monica Mayer
Jack McAnear
Laura Mcbride
Joseph Mccann
Mark McClintic
Bobbi Mcclure
Cary Mccombs
Kurtis Mccoy
Pearce McDonald
Stephanie Mcdowall
Jo Mcgee
Kristi Mcginnity
Jason McGrady
Bryan Mcintyre
Derek McKeil
Marieta Mckenzie
Annie Mckibben
Jaren Mclachlan
Jill Mclachlan
Karen McLaughlin
Thomas Mcllroy
Kasey Mcnary
Kyle Mcnary
Kelly Mcrae
Stephanie Meadows
Beatrice Means
Kathryn Meduna
Carly Meehan
Kathleen Meehan
Ryan Mehler
Marilyn Meidinger
Luwanna Meiers
Laura Melby
Weston Melby
Timothy Melland
Christopher Mellon
Chelsey Melton
Spencer Mendro
Travis Mentanko
Dwayne Mercer
Carol Meredith
Dori Messer
Peggy Messer
Ashley Mettler
Ken Meyer
Summer Meyer
Danaka Michalenko
CJ Micou
Cordale Micou
Joel Middaugh
Cass Miller
Clifton Miller
Dion Miller
Dorothy Miller
Kayla Miller
Mary Miller
Scott Miller
Shane Miller
Shannon Miller
Timothy Miller
Tina Miller
Jody Minette
Alecia Moberg
Eileen Moe
Corey Moen
Scott Moerike
Christopher Moffatt
Charity Mohl
Shane Molander
Janel Molgard
Conrad Moline
Hilary Monk
Jeff Monson
Robert Moor
Ashley Moore
Randell Moore
Travis Moore
Misty Moran
Shannon Moran
Pamela Morgan
Lori Moriarty
Deeann Morlock
Carlee Morrissette
Carolyn Morrow
Jow Mortenson
Lindsey Mortenson
Louanne Mosser
Shenea Mugg
Marin Mulic
Kelsey Muller
Colleen Murphy
Amanda Muscha
Donald Myers
Nancy Myhra
Lisa Nash
Jenna Natrasony
Piotr Nawrot
Mary Neft
Justin Neil
Gail Nelson
Janelle Nelson
Kami Nelson
Lalynda Nelson
Leta Nelson
Marissa Nelson
Mary Nelson
Pamela Nelson
Shawn Nelson
Tasheena Nelson
Terry Nelson
Zachary Nelson
Connie Nerby
Robert Ness
Chantel Neubauer
Derrick Neuenfeld
Arvella Newman
Kelly Newman
Orlando Newman
Sandra Newman
Valerie Newman
Carleen Nice
Jocelyn Nichols
Michelle Nickerson
Candice Nickoloff
Darin Nickoloff
Travis Nielsen
Suzette Nieraeth
Chad Nixey
Kalvin Njos
Joseph Noel
Cameron Norby
Chris Norquay
Kara Nunziato
Curt Nygaard
Stuart Nygard
Trevor Oakland
Josh Oas
Kristy Obergfell
Mary Obergfell
Shelly Obergfell
Carla Ochoa
Casey Odegard
Tessa Ohlsen
Ryan Oie
Melinda Okland
Melissa Olinger
Levi Olsen
Amanda Olson
Benjamin Olson
Bonnie Olson
Dennis Olson
Greg Olson
Holli Olson
Jay Olson
Jen Olson
Kerri Olson
Kim Olson
Laverne Olson
Abdimalik Omar
Casey Oneil
John Onken
Denise Onstad
Frank Onufray
Nancy Opland
Sara Opsal
Leann Oschner
Chantel Ostby
Sean Otis
Bernadette Ott
Adam Ottmar
Wally Ouse
Michelle Overbo
Tanner Overland
Tracy Owens
Taylor Oxendahl
Jayme Oyen
Lapaige Oyen
Nathaniel Packineau
Neil Packineau
Jeffrey Pahl
Joelene Palaniuk
Randy Palmer
Vanessa Palmer
Sasha Panasuk
Whitney Pandolfo
Michael Pantin
Jerome Papineau
Nancy Papp
Sharel Parks
Nicole Parrish
Fred Parry
Mary Parton
Gerald Patterson
Allan Pederson
Levi Pederson
Randy Pederson
Leonard Peltier
Aaron Pelton
Stephanie Perdue
Clarence Peter
Adam Peters
Kim Peters
Nicole Peters
Chris Petersen
Jason Petersen
Kellie Petersen
Leah Petersen
Susan Petersen
Derek Peterson
Diana Peterson
Dirk Peterson
Gary Peterson
Keri Peterson
Kristin Peterson
Matthew Peterson
Neil Peterson
Steve Peterson
Bryan Petre
Kallie Petrik
Tana Pfau
Rick Pflug
Carol Pharr
Lisa Pisek
Kathleen Pitts
Anita Plann
Sheena Pockett
Kim Poeckes
Jodeen Poland
Joann Poleschook
Dorvan Polson
Ruth Pontoriero
Tonya Poole
Voldemar Pornish
Jessica Port
Dorothy Pozarnsky
Kristi Prawdzik
Lori Preibe
Kevin Przybycien
Delores Pudwill
Ray Puhlman
Carinne Qualley
Warren Quick
Laurel Raaum
Delvin Rabbithead
Tammy Rachels
Leah Rambur
Kasey Ramsdell
Tiffany Ramsey Chance
Terry Rasmusan
Linda Rauser
Leda Ravdales
Alexis Read
Jeanne Rebsom
Steve Redding
Kristopher Redka
Richard Rehak
Anita Reich
Earl Reichelt
David Reidle
Nathan Reitan
Kayleen Remsburg
Erika Renner
Amy Ressler
Heidi Rettig
Pam Rettig
Jeri Rhodes
Ben Rice
Howard Rice
Alecia Richards
Jessica Richardson
Jed Rider
Connie Rieder
Roberta Rieder
Nikki Rieger
Robert Rinehart
Gary Riveland
Coleman Rivers
Lori Rivers
Michelle Rixen
Cynthia Roberts
Jacklin Roberts
Kyleen Rock
Dustin Rockney
Marissa Rodriguez
Jere Rogers
Randy Rogers
Sam Rogers
Matthew Rolfson
Nathan Rolfson
Ashlea Roll
Marcie Rolla
Denise Romo
Dianna Rooks
Kim Rooks
Harley Routledge
Lisa Rowland
James Ruffatto
Amelia Ruggles
Matthew Ruland
Phillip Ruland
William Ruland
Mary Russell
Paul Rust
Joseph Rustard
John Rutledge
Jason Rutten
Eddy Ryen
Marcia Safely
Dave Safty
Luke Sagaser
Jack Salveson
Brad Samuels
Leslie Sandvik
Melissa Sanford
Maybelle Saunders
Tristan Savedra
Stacy Schaan
Nancy Schafer
Patricia Schaff
Tyler Scharnatta
Marion Schatz
Julie Schell
Bryon Schenfisch
Brandon Schildberger
Derek Schmidt
Kelly Schmidt
Lorelei Schmidt
Rhonda Schmidt
Travis Schmidt
Whitney Schmidt
Justin Schmierer
Danielle Schmitt
Jake Schmitz
Jason Schmitz
Jeremy Schmitz
Lance Schoenwald
Trista Schoepp
Jesse Schoepper
Jason Schreiber
Jacinda Schroeder
Denise Schuette
Lana Schultz
Phaedra Schulz
Janette Schumacher
Kara Schumacher
Ronald Schumacher
Craig Schumake
Chelsea Schwartz
Chuck Schwede
Angie Scofield
Gordon Scott
Ryan Seabrook
Bridget Seaton
Dawn Sebastian
Molly Seder
Tyneal Seeman
Craig Seeve
Michael Selby
Clifford Seng
Ernest Senne
Seth Servais
Joanne Sexton
Cassandra Shafer
Geraldine Shafer
Keith Shaw
Jere Sheehan
Joy Shefstad
Michael Shepherd
Clarence Sherman
Justin Shipman
Pamela Shultz
Michael Sieben
Becky Sieg
Lacey Sieglock
Ryan Siever
Susan Silbergnal
Maria Silva
Nicole Silverstein
Keremius Simer
Chase Simmons
Amanda Simonsen
Matt Simonson
Chris Simpson
Rachael Simpson
Cynthia Singer
Jason Sinness
Loye Sinness
Steven Siverson
Terry Sivertson
Kiel Sjue
Linda Skaare
Jessica Skalicky
Charlotte Skarda
Diane Skean
Trevor Skjerpen
Lance Skor
Sharon Skov
Lacey Slagle
Stacey Slater
Rodney Slind
Candyce Smith
Gayla Smith
Heidi Smith
Jake Smith
Jess Smith
Quinton Smith
Robert Smith
Trichele Smith
Jr Smoker
Amber Snyder
Deborah Snyder
Jo Snyder
Lisa Snyder
Karen Sobolik
Matt Sokolowski
Chris Solar
Jon Solem
Lorilee Solheim
Mark Sommerfeld
Scott Sonnenberg
James Soper
Jim Soper
Breeann Sorenson
Candice Sorenson
Nevin Sorenson
Bonnie Spelhaug
William Spencer
Emily Spickler
Allison Spooner
Kevin Spooner
Corey Stahl
Connie Stair
Ii Stakelin
Nathan Stangeland
Tamara Stankovic
Bo Stanley
Chantry Stebleton
Kimberly Steffan
Laurie Stefonowicz
Jennifer Stein
Craig Steinbeisser
Melissa Steinberg
Peter Stenhjem
Leah Stensaker
Cavett Stepanek
Missy Stewart
Christine Stires
Vernon Stires, Jr
Tim Stockdill
Nicole Stokke
Allison Stone
Autumn Stone
Barbara Stone
Barbara Stoner
Brenda Stoner
Naomi Storbakken
Ardie Storseth
Kristen Stott
Germel Stout
Diane Stovnes
Kayla Strand
Leroy Stromme
Natalie Strube
Ray Strueby
Joe Stundahl
Nadine Sukut
Michael Sullivan
Rollie Sullivan
James Sully
Whitney Sundheim
Dennis Sunwall
Stephen Sveet
Tiffany Svihovec
David Swanson
Gerry Swenson
Mary Swenson
Michael Swenson
Vicki Swenson
Terry Synan
Blake Szeman
Dustin Taber
Tyler Taberna
Daryl Tagestad
Mattie Tales
Emilee Tande
Mrachek Tank
Charles Tanner
Melissa Tanner
Sandy Tarang
Breanna Tarvestad
Julie Taylor
Tim Taylor
Shelly Tetrault
Chirsty Theige
Jessica Theilen
Curtis Thiele
Kerrilee Thiele
Dorothy Thomas
Kayla Thomas
Leland Thomas
Ronald Thomas
Shelle Thomas
Bhane Thompson
Janet Thompson
Shane Thompson
Shilo Thompson
Shirley Thompson
Tasha Thompson
Walter Thompson
Jenny Thorson
William Tibault
Vivan Tietema
Linda Titus
Mike Tkachyk
Lori Tong
Chad Topp
Brent Torgerson
Scott Torgerson
Rodney Torgeson
Duane Trangsrud
Kenneth Traxel
Doug Treib
Jerald Trogstad
Robert Trones
Nickolas Trott
James Trovatten
Courtney Trust
Shawn Tschetter
Angela Tucker
Lacey Turcotte
Roxie Turcotte
Sara Turcotte
Wylie Turcotte
Jenille Turner
Sommeral Turner
Alexandria Twete
Tina Tykward
Marla Uhler
Matt Ukestad
Michele Vadner
Berkom Van
Vleet Van
Jason Van Liere
Glen Van Wagner
Stacy Vance
Chad Varner
Kelly Vasquez
Julie Vaughan
Jessica Veil
Paul Velo
Ryan Venable
Jan Vicha
Matthew Villamor
Chelsey Vinger
Megan Vinje
Christina Vogel
Christopher Volk
Elea Vournas
Eleni Vournas
Zach Waitman
Anthony Wakee
Jackie Waldal
Matthew Walden
Shiela Walhaug
Paulette Walker
Lenwayne Wallace
Eejai Walter
Rory Walter
Dawn Walters
Kristi Wambaugh
Randy Wangerin
Thorwald Wanner
Dana Ward
Trevor Ward
Jay Washek
Janice Wass
Debbie Waters
Tiffany Waters
Jeremy Watt
Justin Watterson
Robert Watterud
Lois Webb
Debra Wegleitner
Bruce Wegley
Gail Wegley
Dana Wehri
David Weishoff
Joellen Weishoff
Pamela Welker
Nathen Wellumson
Molly Welstad
Bruce Westgard
Michael Weyer
Bobbie Weyrauch
Brady Wheeler
Bruce Wheeler
David Wheeler
Donald Whick
Kristin White
Darryl Whitecloud
Sharon Whited
Deborah Whittier
Bobby Wick
George Wiegand
Lauren Wieler
Joel Wiggington
Karson Wigness
Debra Wilkes
Odessa Williams
Paul Williams
Shirley Williams
Charlotte Willis
Merlee Wilston
Eric Wilt
Nathan Wingerter
Kirk Winhofer
Debra Winter
Greg Wirtz
Stacey Witt
Brady Witteman
Joseph Wock
Brian Wold
Lindsay Wolfe
Darren Woodard
Shelly Woodard
Fredrick Woods
Jason Woolston
Marybeth Workin
Cheree Wyland
Leonardo Ybabez
Tom Yellow Wolf
Marla Yellowbird
Ericka Yockim
Amy Young
Rhett Young
Sandra Young
Sandy Youngbird
Stacie Yttredahl
Farida Yustanti
Amy Zander
Christine Zastoupil
Brad Ziegler
Keri Zieske
Jr. Zimmerman
Connie Zugg
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
Lynlee Labatte
Dustin Laber
Delane Lacher
Rebecca Lacina
Tasheena Lacounte
Darryl LaDue
Adam Lambert
Casey Landro
Brittany Lang
Becky Lange
Michael Langer
Henry Lannen
Dustan Lantz
Patrick Larachek
Ray LaRoque
Bryan Larsen
Jennifer Larsen
Lane Larsen
Peggy Larsen
David Larson
Malinda Larson
Mathew Larson
Tiffany Larson
Amber Larvick
Rodney Lassey
Hope Lawler
Christina Lawrence
Krystal Leach
Rose Leahy-Halwa
Nancy Lebsock
Amber Ledahl
Daniel Ledahl
Jason Ledahl
Mindy Ledene
Jackie Lee
Kari Lee
Sheneka Lee
Susan Lee
Suzi Lee
Axel Leer
Lonnie Legg
Chris Leinen
Kenton Leiss
Chris Leisy
Preston Lennox
Chris Leonard
Kayla Lester
Kc Letterman
Kimberly Lewis
Andrew Liebel
Bryan Lind
Michelle Lindlar
Shannon Lindsay
Jean Lindseth
Jesse Lingenfelter
Ryan Lintwed
Lacee Lobdell
Jenna Locken
Brenton Loehr
Dustin Logelin
Natalie Lokken
Daniel Long
Patricia Long
Mary Looman
Anna Lopez
Annette Lovdahl
Mike Lovdahl
Juanita Love
Samantha Lovegren
Brandon Loveridge
Fred Lowenberger
Jean Lucy
Missing Alumni
If you, or someone you know is on our Missing Alumni List, please contact us
so we can keep you updated with everything that is happening around WSC.
If you find your name on this list, please contact the WSC office.
office@wscfoundation.com • (701)-572-9275
A Note From the Board
Teton Thunder - Spring 2011
On behalf of the board of directors, I want to
thank outgoing directors, Ken Heen (immediate
past president), Donn Hoffelt, and Greg Everson
for their many years of dedicated service. It was a
pleasure to serve with them.
Now, as president-elect, I am very excited to
welcome incoming directors, Kim Hennessy,
Tammy Sogard, and Jon Ellefson. They will
contribute valuable skills and talents to the
I believe Williston State College has a bright
future in this growing community. Dr. Nadolny,
faculty, and staff of the college are working hard to
make Williston State the college of choice in this
region. The foundation wants to do everything it
can to reinforce that effort. With the continued
support of the alumni and community, great things
can happen at Williston State College.
We are forever grateful to donors and their
families - THANK YOU! The generous donors
of this region have always shown a strong desire
to provide quality, affordable education for
the students of Williston State College. As a
foundation, we have a duty to be good stewards.
We take our positions very seriously and do our
best to make the wishes and desires of the donors
come true.
In addition, the foundation aims to do a better job
of “Bringing Communities and College Together.”
We strive to make decisions that will help improve
Williston State College and ultimately improve the
quality of life for everyone in the region.
Your ideas can help us achieve this goal. We
would love to hear from you. Contact our executive
director, Terry Olson, at 701-572-9275.
Best regards,
Jerry Zunich, President
Williston State
College Foundation
WSC Foundation
501 18th St E
Williston, ND 58802