NEFERTARI BRITISH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL NEWSLETTER # 1 2014-15 STRIVING FOR EXCELLENCE Welcome to the 2014-15 Scholastic Year Dear All, On behalf of the staff we would like to welcome everyone back to school. We have a number of new families who have joined us this term and we wish to extend them a very warm welcome. We can assure you that as a team at NBIS, we will do everything we can to provide that safe, happy and nurturing environment to make sure your child's year at NBIS is positively memorable. “There is no “I” in team but there is in wIn” CHAIRPERSON Mrs. Nadia Hafez Vice Chairperson for Academic Affairs Mrs. Inas Imam PRESCHOOL Ms. Mona Adra Headmistress Ms. Omneya Soliman Preschool 1 Coordinator Ms. Nanees Mustapha Preschool 2 Coordinator Y 6 & KEY STAGE 3 Ms. Nessrine A. Ghany Headmistress Ms. Nora Sobhy Deputy Headmistress Ms. Amal Hossny Middle School Coordinator in charge of Y 6 & 7 Mr. Ahmed A. Halim Middle School Disciplinary Coordinator Ms. Shaymaa’ Saleh NBIS Admin. Assistant KEY STAGE 1 & 2 Ms. Ghada Adel Administrative Headmistress Ms. Sarah Short Academic Headmistress Ms. Sarah Mounir Y 1-3 Coordinator Ms. Engy Hammam Y 4-5 Coordinator IGCSE Ms. Hala Nasha’t Ms. Amani Dahroug Ms. Dina Saber Mr. Mohamed Mounir Mr. Emad Mahmoud Mr. Mohamed Gamal Headmistress Deputy Headmistress Deputy Headmistress Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator ADMINISTRATORS Mr. Samer Barakat Vice Chairperson for Administrative Affairs Ms. Randa Sherif Chairperson Office Manager Ms. Sherine Reda Admissions Manager Ms. Aline Najirian Public Relations Dr. Mohamed Ayad Transportation Manager Mr. Mohamed Adel Assistant Transportation Manager Dr. Mona School Physician Dr. Hala kamal Ms. Rasha El Gebaly Accountant Accountant NEFERTARI BRITISH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Page 3 We would like to welcome Mrs. Sarah Short the Academic Headmistress of the Primary School The IB Candidacy Letter We have started admitting students in Year 8 of the Pre-International Baccalaureate Programme. Please visit the School website for more information. Professional Development Student-Centered Learning Classes & As the world is rapidly changing, we have modified all our educational strategies to be learner-centered teaching strategies. This will make the teacher just a facilitator that focuses instructions on the need, preferences and interests of the students. This will give the students multiple opportunities to discover knowledge and practice skills in an environment designed to appeal to them. All staff members of the NBIS have attended training and presentation sessions to be practically ready for this change. NBIS became a Closed Exam Venue! Last year, NBIS became a closed exam venue for the Cambridge Exams. The Examination process was very well organized as we received a very distinguished commendation from the British Council. NEWSLETTER # 1 2014-15 Page 2 STRIVING FOR EXCELLENCE Department Heads Ms. Sarah Short Literacy & English Social Studies– Key Stage 1 & 2 Ms. Heba Mohammed Literacy– Y 6 & Key Stage 3 Ms. Manal A. Latif Numeracy– Y 1—7 Ms. Suzan Shama Numeracy– Y 8—9 Ms. Dina Ragae Science– Y 1—9 Ms. Marwa A. Hamid French Language - Y 2—9 Mr. Sameh Mustapha German Language - Y2—9 Ms. Mai El Awadi English Social Studies– Y 6—8 Ms. Sahar Rashad Arabic Language Key stage 1 & 2 Ms. Samah Amin Arabic Language Key Stage 3 Ms. Gihan Youssuf Bible Studies-Y 1—9 Mr. Mohamed Saleh Arabic Social Studies -Y 4—9 Mr. Mohamed Fahham Physical Education– Y 6—9 Mr. Mohamed Helmy Physical Education –Y 1-5 & NBIS Activity Manager Ms. Ayten Ahmed Art-Y 1—5 Mr. Khaled Diaa’ Music– Y 1—8 Ms. Mai Hamdi Art– Y 6—8 Ms. Heba Sorour Computer– Y 1—9 Class of 2014, NBIS—IGCSE, CONGRATULATIONS! The graduation ceremony of the 18th Class of NBIS was held on 29th August, 2014. We would like to congratulate all our graduates and wish them the best of luck. Page 5 NEFERTARI BRITISH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL NIS Trip to the UK 45 students of the NIS went on a ten-day dream trip to England this Summer with Beacon Educational Overseas Camps. The students stayed in the PGL Camp, Boreatton Park, Shrewsberry. The trip started with a visit to Manchester. The students had the surprise of their life when they met the Manchester United Football 1st team at the airport. The following day, the students had a wonderful visit to Liverpool. All 45 students were supervised by their teachers at all times, we therefore would like to thank Ms Suzan Shama (Math HOD , NBIS), Mr. Khaled Badr (Physics teacher, NBIS), Mr. Mohammed Helmy (Activity Manager , NBIS) and Ms. Nessrine A. Ghany (Middle School Headmistress, NBIS) for their hard work and dedication towards making education and learning in conjunction with sports, enjoyable and constructive in a different way outside the classroom. We are already planning next year’s trip with great anticipation and since we do have a limited space, we plan ahead to avoid any disappointment, therefore contact, Mr. Mohammed Halmy on for further details. Page 4 NEWSLETTER # 1 2014-15 Attendance The majority of our students have a very good attendance record, with some students managing to attain a full attendance record. Unfortunately there are a number of students in our school whose attendance was poor last year. Your child's regular attendance has to be a priority as this is crucial to their realising their full potential in their education (Refer to the Handbook– Attendance Policy - P. 15). Uniform School uniform must be fully worn on all school days. No track trousers or sweat pants are allowed (Refer to the Student Handbook– Dress Code– P. 20). Student-Parent Handbook It’s important for parents to understand the numerous elements of their student’s journey at NBIS. One of the key documents that outlines the student experience is the Student Handbook. This defines our community: who we are, what we are about, what we believe, how we live and journey together, and the expectations for those who have chosen to become members of the NBIS community. The Student Handbook is important for students to read and understand, so they can fully engage in all facets of being a student. When students become a member of the NBS community, the parents sign a “Mandatory Parental Acknowledgement Form” agreeing that their child should abide by the Life style Standards and Values, as well as the Community Policies outlined in the Student Handbook for as long as they are enrolled as a student. You must print the Acknowledgement form out at the end of the Student-Handbook, sign it and send it to school. We also believe it’s essential for parents to understand this information so it can further clarify and define the experience of their student. The Student Handbook is only available online and can be accessed by student and parents alike, at Mobile Phones Students are NOT allowed to bring their mobile phones to school under all circumstances. In case a student did not abide by this rule, the mobile phone will be confiscated till the end of the YEAR. IMPORTANT CONTACTS NIS Chairperson Office Ms. Randa Acar Tel Office Manage : 01026604040 Vice Chairperson for Educational Services Office Ms. Nouran Magdy Tel Preschool : 01028280827 E-mail Ms. Mona Adra Tel Secretary : 01020074064 E-mail : Key Stage 1 & 2 For Key Stage 1 Ghada Adel: Y 6 & Key Stage 3 E-Mail: Ms. Sarah Mounir Tel: 01011167454 Ms. Nessrine A. Ghany For Y 4 & 5 Tel Ms. Engy Hammam Tel:01011167450 : 01026603306 Email : Transportation Dr. Mohamed. Ayad IGCSE Tel Ms. Hala Nasha’t Tel Mr. Mohamed Adel :01026603302 Tel Email: : 01026603303 Health Services Student Affairs Dr. Mona El Sherbiny Ms. Sherine Reda Tel :01002126685 :01027802489 Tel :01028281182 Nefertari British International School in Egypt (NBIS) K.M. 22 Cairo-Ismailia Desert Road- Left Side, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt School Mobile : 0166682295 - 0166682296 Fax : 26578709 www.
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