NBIS NewsLetter#1
NBIS NewsLetter#1
Nefertari British International September, 2015 Newsletter#1 2015-2016 In NBIS, the key to success is TEAMWORK Welcome to the 2015-16 Scholastic Year Dear All, Welcome to 2015! We are delighted to have your child with us at Nefertari British International School and look forward to an exciting and dynamic year ahead. To those of you who have a child attending the school for the first time this year, a special word of welcome. Thank you for making Nefertari British International School your school of choice for your child. We are sure that your child will settle in quickly and will be happy here. At the beginning of the year, we would like to update you on the latest information from the school. NBIS leadership is capable of determining whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall of success. We make a life by what we give; this is why community service is Important. When students follow school rules it can lead to staying safe and focused. When students in school stay focused they will most likely get a better education. CHAIRPERSON Mrs. Nadia Hafez Vice Chairperson for Academic Affairs PRESCHOOL Ms. Mona Adra Ms. Omneya Soliman Ms. Nanees Mustapha Mrs. Inas Imam Headmistress Ps 1 Coordinator Ps 2 Coordinator KEY STAGE 1 & 2 Ms. Ghada Adel Headmistress Ms. Sarah Mounir Y 1-3 Coordinator Ms. Amal Hosny Y 4-5 Coordinator IGCSE Y 6 & KEY STAGE 3 Ms. Nessrine A. Ghany Ms. Nora Sobhy Mr. Ahmed A. Halim Headmistress Vice Headmistress Y 8 & 9 Coordinator Ms. Hala Nashaat Headmistress Ms. Mai El Bahar Deputy Ms. Ranine Ahmed IGCSE Coordina- ADMINISTRATORS Mr. Samer Barakat Vice Chairperson for Administrative Affairs Ms. Randa Sherif Chairperson Office Manager Ms. Sherine Reda Admissions Manager Dr. Mohamed Ayad Transportation Manager Ms. Aline Najirian Public Relations Dr. Mona School Physician Dr. Hala kamal Accountant Nefertari British International School Page 2 Department Heads Ms. Hayley Clements Ms. Jihan Schuppius Ms. Heba Mohammed Ms. Manal A. Latif Ms. Suzan Shama Ms. Asmaa’ Mubarak Ms. Marwa A. Hamid Mr. Rania Mahmoud Ms. Mai El Awadi Ms. Sahar Rashad Ms. Samah Amin Ms. Gihan Youssuf Mr. Hossam Hassan Mr. Mohamed Fahham Ms. Ayten Ahmed Ms. Mai Hamdi Mrs. Nahed Fouad Ms. Heba Sorour Ms. Dalia Negm Literacy & English Social Studies– Y 1 & 2 Literacy Y 3,4 & 5 Literacy– Y 6 & 7 Numeracy– Y 1—7 Numeracy– Y 8—9 Science– Y 1—9 French Language - Y 2—9 German Language - Y2—9 English Social Studies– Y 3—8 Arabic Language Key stage 1 & 2 Arabic Language Key Stage 3 Bible Studies-Y 1—9 Arabic Social Studies -Y 4—9 Physical Education– Y 1—9 Art-Y 1—5 Art– Y 6—8 Music– Y 1—8 Computer– Y 1—5 Computer Y 6-9 We would like to welcome A great start to the new year. We’ve had a few changes of staff , and we have welcomed new staff members into the fold. تممت وت م بممتممو و ممن ت م م و ممت م و مدارس نفرتاري و مؤسسؤ ؤ م ًعا لتطؤيرؤر الؤعؤيؤيا ؤ ؤا و الميمي ويمهيمنلمن والمحمدمن و م م ممهو صممي م مميض و ويممي م م م ول م او المميممن تم م وتمميممن و ممها و نممحممنتممن ء و مميممدممن و وتم م ممت م و ه سةوثنن يةضو In order to increases the measures of personal and social responsibility, communication and the sense of belonging, all Nefertarians will participate in and contribute to this national project. Parents who are interested, are most welcome to help! Welcome Mrs. Nahed Fouad Music HOD, Mrs. Asmaa’ Mubarak Science HOD, Mrs. Heyley Clements Literacy Y 1 & 2 HOD and Mrs. Dalia Negm Y 6-9 Computer HOD to our NBIS New Accreditation All Head of Departments & Headmistresses attended a workshop given by Mrs. Nadia Hafez about the importance of Time Management. All new members of Nefertari British & American International Schools attended a workshop, given by Mrs. Ghada Adel, as part of the professional development process. The NBIS is in the process of acquiring accreditation from the Council of International Schools (CIS). This accreditation will provide a quality international education experience to students and parents. The CIS community includes more than 660 schools and 475 colleges and universities representing 109 countries. Newsletter#1 2015-2016 Page 3 The graduation ceremony of the 19th Class of NBIS was held on Friday, 28th August, 2015. We would like to congratulate all our graduates and wish them the best of luck. School Day & Timetable NBIS day starts at 7:10 a.m. till 2:45 p.m. School gates will close at 7:15 sharp. Late students will be admitted to school through the main reception according to the late arrival policy stated in the Student-Handbook. NBIS timetable consists of 6 lessons and a break, each is 60 minutes. Breaktime Breaktime will be busy with students enjoying different activities. All students will be given the chance to engage themselves in a variety of activities. The majority of our students have a very good attendance record, with some students managing to attain a full attendance record. Unfortunately there are a number of students in our school whose attendance was poor last year. Your child's regular attendance has to be a priority as this is crucial to their realising their full potential in their education (Refer to the Handbook– Attendance Policy - P. 15) Back to the Homeroom Period (HRP)! HRPs allow students to interact with each other and the teacher without necessarily having an academic lesson. The Homeroom Teacher (HRT) serves as the point person for the learning team which is made up of the students, parents, teachers and administrative staff. The HRT will spend 60 minutes weekly (1st lesson of each Thursday) with her class to get to know each student in the homeroom, encourage students to feel important and be moral personals, discuss issues with relevance with students, develop a sense of community and celebrate successes, birthdays. EBSCO Y AR E-LIBR The school has bought subscription for ALL students in the middle school to an e-library called “EBSCOhost”. All students will be given the username and password by their Literacy teachers. This e-library is the most-used, premium online information resources for tens of thousands of institutions worldwide, representing millions of end-users. Nefertari British International School Page 4 Student-Parent Handbook It’s important for parents to understand the numerous elements of their student’s journey at NBIS. One of the key documents that outlines the student experience is the Student Handbook. This defines our community: who we are, what we are about, what we believe, how we live and journey together, and the expectations for those who have chosen to become members of the NBIS community. The Student Handbook is important for students to read and understand, so they can fully engage in all facets of being a student. When students become a member of the NBS community, the parents sign a “Mandatory Parental Acknowledgement Form” agreeing that their child should abide by the Life style Standards and Values, as well as the Community Policies outlined in the Student Handbook for as long as they are enrolled as a student. You must print the Acknowledgement form out at the end of the Student-Handbook, sign it and send it to school. The Student Handbook is only available online and can be accessed by student and parents alike, at http://www.niscl.com/NBIS/parents/hand-book-corner Cyber Safety Tips For NBIS Students Safe Research Online Students will need to use the internet to do research, but most of the search engines; like Yahoo and Google; do not always provide appropriate resources for elementary students. Below you will find a list of kid friendly search engines. Students can access these engines and it will only show age appropriate material. Please add these to your web browser bookmarks for easy access for your children. Kid Safe Search Engines http://www.sqiurrelnet.comlsearch/ajk_ kids.asp http://www.awesomelibrary.org/ http://www.boolify.org http://www.factmonster.com http://www.kidsclick.com http://www.iknowthat.com http://www.kidrex.org http://www.sweetsearch.org Be safe online NBISeans’ safety is important especially when they are surfing the internet. These tips will give some ideas to use while surfing the net. 1. Make a list of appropriate sites to visit. 2. Set a time limit for yourself to be online. 3. Homework should be completed first (even if you are using the net to do some HW). 4. Do not stay on social networks for a long time. 5. Make sure there is no response to rude or harassing emails. (keep a record in case of further investigation and inform your parents immediately) 6. Immediately exit any site that makes you feel uncomfortable or worried. 7. NEVER allow explicit photos of yourself to be taken in ANY circumstance. 8. Attachments in e-mails from strangers can contain Viruses and Worms. Newsletter#1 2015-2016 NIS Trip to Page 5 31 students of the NIS went on a nine-day dream trip to France this summer with Beacon Educational Overseas Camps. In Paris, The students stayed at the Château de Grande Romaine which is a fantastic location under an hour’s drive from the centre of Paris. The students visited Eiffel Tower where they had a romantic view of Paris from the 2nd floor. They also got a unique perspective on the heart of Paris and took a 1-hour cruise along the Seine River on the Bateaux Parisiens and listened to audio commentary and learnt all about the sights and history of the city on this must-do Paris cruise! For a whole day, the students had much, much fun in Euro Disney where the experience was unforgettable. The last day in Paris, the students had the chance to be in the Louvre Museum which is the icing on the cake of French culture then the students moved to visit The Sacré-Coeur Basilica which is one of Paris's major tourist draws. The day ended with a shopping spree in La Deffense. Then the four-hour trip to the other site, Château du Tertre at Mayenne, started. During their stay at Mayenne, the students went on an excursion to The Mont-Saint-Michel which counts among France’s most stunning sights with its breathtaking bay. For the rest of the stay, the students had the most wonderful time practicing different types of the available activities. All 31students were supervised by their teachers at all times, we therefore would like to thank Ms Suzan Shama (Math HOD , NBIS), Mr. Khaled Badr (Physics teacher, NBIS) and Ms. Nessrine A. Ghany (Middle School Headmistress, NBIS) for their hard work and dedication towards making education and learning in conjunction with sports, enjoyable and constructive in a different way outside the classroom. IMPORTANT CONTACTS NIS Chairperson Office Ms. Randa Acar Office Manage Tel : 01026604040 E-mail : nhafez@niscl.com Vice Chairperson for Educational Affairs Ms. Nouran Magdy Tel : 01028280827 E-mail :inas@niscl.com Preschool Ms. Mona Adra Tel : 01020074064 Secretary E-mail : monaa@niscl.com Key Stage 1 & 2 Y 6 & Key Stage 3 Ms. Nessrine A. Ghany 8-9 Tel : 01026603306 6-7 Tel : 01 028280826 Email : nisreena@niscl.com Ghada Adel: 1, 2 & 3 Tel: 01011167454 For Y 4 & 5 Tel:01011167450 Email: Ghadel@niscl.com Transportation IGCSE Dr. Mohamed. Ayad Tel :01002126685 Ms. Hala Nasha’t Tel :01026603302 Email: halanashaat@hotmail.com Health Services Dr. Mona El Sherbiny Tel Student Affairs :01028281182 Ms. Sherine Reda Tel :01027802489 Nefertari British International School in Egypt (NBIS) K.M. 22 Cairo-Ismailia Desert Road- Left Side, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt nbisinfo@niscl.co www. niscl.com https://www.facebook.com/pages/NBIS Activity.../243227409174907