1 1-17-14 English Newsletter


1 1-17-14 English Newsletter
January 17, 2014
Dear Prairieview Parents and Guardians,
Now that winter has officially arrived and the temperature and snow are falling, please
remember the 5 points. Our students have outside recess on most winter days. It is
important that they be dressed for the snow. In order to play on the field or playground
equipment on snowy days, children must have “5 points,” which are snow pants, boots,
gloves/mittens, a winter coat, and a hat. The blacktop provides a play area for children
who are not dressed for the snow. Thank you for your help.
Welcoming a new year provides a great time for reflection and thankfulness. One way we
show thankfulness for one another at Prairieview is by embracing our new FISH
Philosophy. The FISH Philosophy is comprised of four major ideas: Being There for one
another, Choosing A Great Attitude, finding ways to Play, and taking time to Make
Somebody’s Day. We take time each and every week to celebrate one another with a
FISH ticket.
*Making My Day
*Choosing A Great Attitude
*Being Playful
*Being Present
We as a staff would like to take this opportunity to celebrate all of the families at
Prairieview for participating in the FISH Philosophy even if you weren’t aware of it.
Thank you for Being Present in our school community, finding ways to Play by attending
all of our extra events, Choosing a Great Attitude and working as a team with our school
staff, and most importantly Making Our Day by sending your kids to Prairieview and
allowing us to make a difference in their lives.
If you would like to participate further in our building philosophy and acknowledge a
Prairieview staff member, we invite you to fill out a FISH ticket available in the front
office. Together we will continue to make Prairieview a great place for kids!
The Prairieview Staff
Viernes, 20 de
enero de 2012
Estimados Padres y/o encargados de Prairieview,
Ahora que oficialmente ha llegado el invierno y la temperatura y la nieve caen,
recuerde los 5 puntos de vestimenta. Nuestros alumnos tienen receso fuera casi todos los
días de invierno. Es importante que sean vestidos para la nieve. Para poder jugar en el
equipo de campo o infantil en días nieve, los niños deben tener "5 puntos", que son
pantalones de nieve, botas, guantes/mitones, un abrigo de invierno y un sombrero. El área
de brea proporciona un área de juegos para niños que no están vestidos para la nieve.
Gracias por su ayuda.
La bienvenida a un nuevo año ofrece un gran momento para la reflexión y la acción
de gracias. Una manera de mostrar agradecimiento por el otro en Prairieview es aceptar
nuestra filosofía de los nuevos peces (FISH). La filosofía de FISH se compone de cuatro
ideas principales: Estar Presente el Uno Para el otro, Elegir una Gran Actitud, Buscar
Maneras de Jugar, y Hacerle el Día a Alguien. Nos tomamos el tiempo cada semana
para celebrar el uno al otro con un billete de FISH.
*Hacerle el Dia a Alguien
*Elegir una Gran Actitud
*Buscar Maneras de Jugar
*Estar Presente el Uno Para el Otro
Nosotros, como personal quisiéramos
aprovechar esta oportunidad para celebrar
todas las familias en Prairieview por participar en la Filosofía de los peces (FISH), aunque
usted no lo supiera. Gracias por Estar Presente en nuestra comunidad escolar, Buscar
Maneras de Jugar por asistir a todos nuestros eventos adicionales, Eligiendo una Gran
Actitud y trabajo en equipo con nuestro personal de la escuela. Y lo más importante es
Hacernos el Día por enviar sus hijos a Prairieview y que nos permita hacer una diferencia
en sus vidas.
Si le gustaría participar en nuestra Filosofía de edificio y reconocer a uno de
nuestros maestros o empleados de Prairieview, le invitamos a llenar un boleto de “FISH”
disponible en la oficina. ¡Juntos seguiremos haciendo de Prairieview un gran lugar para
nuestros niños!
El Equipo de Prairieview
Volunteer Opportunities
PTO Board Members
! Our next Bookfair is coming up February 10!13.
We need LOTS of volunteers! Please contact
Michelle Bernstein at mommybear6707@yahoo.com
or 847!826!1386 for information. We will have a
sign up sheet listed on facebook soon!
! We provide dinner for our teachers on Thursday
night during conference week. February 13 we
will need volunteers to provide donations. Look for
the sign up sheet to be posted on our facebook
President: Tina Coleman- 847.740.3253 or
Planning for the Future:
! Discovery Day ! we are looking for 2 parents to shadow our
Discovery Day Chairpeople this year (May event). We need at least 2
parents to learn the ropes and help plan Discovery Day next year.
Contact Tina Coleman at tinaxcoleman@yahoo.com or 847!641!0473 for
Treasurer: Kristi James- 913.549.8690 or kristijames@ymail.com
! Fall Festival 2014! Volunteers are needed to help plan a Fall
Festival for NEXT YEAR (2014!2015)! We would like to start planning
Contact Tina Coleman at tinaxcoleman@yahoo.com or 847!641!0473 if
you are interested.
Fundraising Events
Spiritwear order forms went out January 6.
They are due back January 24. Checkout
Prarieview PTO on facebook to see the
designs. Contact Kelly Murphy with questions
at kellymurphy814@yahoo.com or 847-7528780.
Domino’s Family Dinner Nights are January 22
& 23. Look for flyers in backpacks. Take a
night off from cooking and support our school.
Vice President: Margaret Vergamini- 847.975.2715 or
Ways and Means: Kelly Murphy- 847.752.8780 or
Secretary: Kathy Stanislawski- 847.445.7836 or
Volunteer Coordinator: Michelle Bernstein- 847.826.1386 or
Social Events
Our Bingo Night and Teacher Raffle is
coming up February 21. Please contact
our volunteer coordinator, Michelle
Bernstein if you are interested in
helping with this event or chairing it
next year. This is a simple one to set
up, so if you have limited time this is a
great opportunity.
**Don't forget to friend us on
Facebook at Praireview PTO!
Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who pulled together to help
with The Holiday Shoppe. A special thanks to
Champions After School program for providing
volunteers at the last minute!
MARCH 13, 2014
(Registration from 6:00-6:25)
Engaging Presentations.....
-The Study of BUGS and Other Awesome Creepy Crawlies!
The science of entomology is alive (literally) and changing every day. Entomologists have
the opportunity to work on solutions to protect human health whether it is fighting the battle
against mosquitoes that transmit disease, protection of honey bee health or the crops that
feed the billions of humans across the world. Entomology is an exciting, relevant and
essential science. If you’ve never heard of it- now’s the time to learn!
-Fibonacci Fun!!
Did you know that flowers, trees, hurricanes, and pine cones can do math?!?! Come
learn about a simple sequence of numbers that show up all throughout nature, but more
importantly, find out why!
Sign up online OR fill out
Don't be afraid to get your feet wet, join us as we wade into the wonders of water in our world.
This session includes a kid-friendly presentation and hands-on experiment. Quench your thirst
for answers to questions like: What is one thing that all living things need? Or, How much
water is on Earth today compared to dinosaur times? Or even, what is full of holes but can still
hold water? What runs but never walks? Come find out at Water Wonders.
the registration on the
back of this page.
-All families with
children in grades K-4 are
welcome to attend with
an adult chaperone.
Magnets can do much more than just hold your artwork to the refrigerator. Come test your
strength against different magnets. Explore how electricity can make a magnet, and how a
magnet can make electricity. See a magnet float in the air, and act like a spring. Try to
guess the strange things the magnet will do next. You'll even learn how to make a working
motor using a battery, a magnet, and a piece of wire
Cool Chemical Changes
Chemistry is happening all around us! Come learn the difference between physical and
chemical changes in a hands-on, discovery based style where all children will be engaged in
Please contact Nicole McRee at
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issue, date
Registration Form
Family Last Name
-Please write the last name for the adult that will be attending with the children.
Family Email Address
-Please provide an email address. This is for Family Science Night communications only.
Grade and Name of Children Attending
-Please write in the student's full name (first and last) and also their current grade. If multiple children in
your family are attending, please list them all.
Example: Ashley Newman - 3rd Grade
Please return to the Prairieview School Office.
Thank you for your participation!!
Make Every Day Earth Day and Earn Money for D46 Schools!
Foundation46 has partnered with TerraCycle to run a district-wide recycling program that will bring in
funds for grants, enrichment scholarships, and educational projects! Please encourage your children to
recycle at school and send any used items from home to be recycled as well. Accepted recyclables
juice pouches: all aluminum and plastic drink pouches
lunch kits: all packaging from Oscar Mayer Lunchables and other similar products
Elmer's glue: empty sticks, bottles, and caps
writing utensils: anything except crayons and wooden pencils
GoGo squeeZ: empty GoGo squeeZ pouches
Recycling bins for each of these items can be found in school lunchrooms, outside the art room, and in
classrooms. With your help, we can make this program a great success. We thank you for your
2nd Annual Taste of
Foundation46's 2nd Annual
Taste of Enrichment Spring
event will be held on Saturday, May 3, 2014.
This year, the event includes an optional 9-hole
golf outing. Tickets may be purchased for the
golf-outing and wine tasting, either individually or
as a package. Mark your calendars so you don't
miss out on the fun! More details coming soon
at foundation46.org.
Regional Tournament Comes to
Frederick School
Mark your calendars! On Saturday, March
1st, Frederick School will be hosting the
Illinois Destination Imagination (DI) Far North
currently sponsoring three non-competitive
Rising Stars teams, four elementary school
teams, and two middle school teams, and all
teams have been hard at work learning the
skills. The competition is open to the public.
Please stop by Frederick School on March 1st
with your family to get a first-hand look at what
DI is!
FOUNDATION46 is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit educational foundation. Our mission is to enrich and enhance
the educational experience of every student in CCSD 46. Read our current newsletter HERE.
Contact us at: d46foundation@gmail.com
Visit our website: www.foundation46.org
Dough Raising Night!
Darlene Lopez
Domino’s Pizza General Manager
229 Barron Blvd. Grayslake, IL
Dear Parents,
Domino’s Pizza® is very excited to support the Prairieview School by helping raise money for the
school. We’ve developed a program that’s easy to participate in, that will provide you with a
wonderful meal and will help your local community. On your school’s Dough Raising Night, on
Wed. January 22nd & Thurs. January 23rd, we will donate 15% of your purchase back to Prairieview
Here’s how it works:
1. Call your friendly Domino’s Pizza® store on the designated day mentioned above to order your
meal. Or order online: www.dominos.com
2. Fill out the form below.
3. Provide the completed form to the driver or to the store when receiving your order. Know
more than one student? List the additional names on the back of the form.
That’s it! We take care of the rest!
Our goal is to help raise a large amount of money to assist your neighborhood school. Your
support and participation in this program will help to make that a success! We will see you on your
school’s Dough Raising Night!
2 Medium 2-Topping
Pizzas for
$ 99
2-pizza minimum
© 2010 Domino’s IP Holder LLC. Not valid with any other offer. Valid with coupon only at participating stores. Cash value 1/20c. Prices may vary. Tax may apply. Minimum purchase required. Delivery
charge may apply. Limited delivery areas.
2 Large 2 -Topping
Pizzas for $7.99ea
Any delivery charge is not a tip paid to your driver. Our drivers carry less than $20. You must ask for this limited time offer. Minimum purchase required for delivery. Prices, participation, delivery area and charges may vary. Returned checks, along
with the state's maximum allowable returned check fee, may be electronically presented to your bank. ©2010 Domino’s IP Holder LLC. Domino’s®, Domino’s Pizza® and the modular logo are registered trademarks of Domino’s IP Holder LLC. Domino’s Pizza® Dough Raising Night Purchase Form
*Please give this to the driver upon delivery or to the store at pick-up.*
Home Room Teacher:_____________________ Date:___________
Student’s Name:____________________ Amount of Order: $______
TO ORDER CALL: 847-223-3300
Thank you for supporting your local school!