SKG brochure - SKW Certificatie
SKG brochure - SKW Certificatie
The proof of quality and safety Certification Investigations & Tests Sector Quality Label Reach a higher level with SKG SKG is specialised in the expert and independent testing, certification and approval of products and services that are used in a building environment. To achieve this, we work intensively with our customers, providing personal and efficient service. Guarantee and improve the quality of your products, services and business processes with SKG. A sure way of inspiring confidence! Certification Investigations & Tests Sector Quality Label P 04 P 06 P 10 SKG is accredited Guarantee of quality Choosing SKG means choosing quality. There are many reasons why SKG has been the leading test institution for many years: ■ the authoritative test institution for the building industry for more than 35 years, established by the industry itself ■ consistent high level of testing and certification ■ guaranteed impartiality and objectivity ■ intensive, pro-active and long-term relationship with customers SKG assesses your designs, products, processes and systems. To guarantee its reliability, SKG is inspected in turn by the Dutch Accreditation Council and is recognised as a Notified Body. These accreditations endorse the independence, objectivity, knowledge, expertise and meticulousness of SKG. Well-known for its stars, big in the building trade The little SKG house with the star classification on your door and window hardware: this is probably what SKG brings to mind. But did you know that SKG is also a reputable institution for the award of ISO 9001 and VCA certificates and the testing and certification of products such as window frames and balustrades? Photo on front Thea van den Heuvel/DAPhs 2 General 3 Go for profit with an SKG certificate A certificate awarded by SKG gives your customers confidence that your process or product satisfies specific quality, performance and/ or safety requirements. But there are considerable benefits for your own organisation, too: costs incurred due to failure will drop substantially, timeconsuming inspection procedures will become superfluous and you will save unnecessary costs during building processes. This makes a certificate from SKG an investment that always pays. KOMO® attest-met-productcertificaat SKG’ uitgegeven: vervangt: geldig tot: 1 februari 2011 1 januari 2011 1 januari 2016 Certificaathouder: Kozijn BV Kozijnstraat 1234 / Postbus 1234 Postcode 1234 Kozijnstad T : +31 (0) 123 456 789 F : +31 (0) 123 456 789 E : I : Kozijn BV metalen brandwerende puien, ramen, deuren en luiken voor de toepassing in scheidingsconstructies Verklaring van SKG Benefits of certification ■ your customers know that you deliver a reliable high-quality product ■ this adds value to your product or process ■ failure costs drop considerably ■ time-consuming monitoring procedures become superfluous ■ you save costs during building processes Quality labels with value SKG KOMO label, SKG label, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, VCA, OHSAS 18001: all our quality labels offer you independently tested quality based on objective criteria. This generally accepted assurance greatly enhances the value of your product, process or system. Dit attest-met-productcertificaat is op basis van BRL 3241: 2009-03-18 afgegeven conform het SKG Reglement attestering, productcertificatie en procescertificatie: 2011. SKG verklaart dat: • het gerechtvaardigd vertrouwen bestaat, dat de door de producent vervaardigde puien, ramen, deuren en luiken bij voortduring voldoen aan de in dit attest-met-productcertificaat vastgelegde technische specificatie(s), mits deze voorzien zijn van het KOMO®-merk op een wijze als aangegeven in dit attest-met-productcertificaat; de Kozijn BV puien, ramen, deuren en luiken geschikt zijn voor het vervaardigen van bouwdelen die prestaties leveren als in dit attest-met-productcertificaat omschreven, mits: o de puien, ramen, deuren en luiken voldoen aan de in dit attest-met-productcertificaat vastgelegde technische specificatie(s) en de vervaardiging van de bouwdelen geschiedt overeenkomstig de in dit attest-met-productcertificaat vastgelegde verwerkingsmethoden; o voldaan wordt aan de in dit attest-met-productcertificaat omschreven toepassingsvoorwaarden. Certification • SKG verklaart dat: met inachtneming van het bovenstaande Kozijn BV puien, ramen, deuren en luiken in zijn toepassingen voldoen aan de eisen van het Bouwbesluit, zoals gespecificeerd op blad 2 van deze kwaliteitsverklaring. SKG verklaart dat: voor dit attest-met-productcertificaat geen controle plaatsvindt op de montage van de puien, ramen, deuren en luiken in de bouwwerken. Dit certificaat is een erkende kwaliteitsverklaring voor het Bouwbesluit overeenkomstig de Tripartiete overeenkomst (Staatscourant 132, 2006) en de woningwet. Het certificaat is opgenomen in het “Overzicht van erkende kwaliteitsverklaringen in de bouw” op de website van SBK: Voor SKG Ir. H.A.J. van Dartel Certificatiemanager Het certificaat is voorts opgenomen in het overzicht op de website van Stichting KOMO: De gebruikers van dit certificaat worden geadviseerd om bij SKG te informeren of dit document nog geldig is. Dit attest-met-productcertificaat bestaat uit 2 bladzijden Bouwbesluit Beoordeeld is: - kwaliteitssysteem - product - product in toepassing Periodieke controle Model SKG KOMO attestation with product certificate Our quality labels SKG KOMO label SKG label ISO 9001 ISO 14001 VCA OHSAS 18001 Sector-specific quality labels VKG VMRG ■ Which products can SKG award the CE quality label? ■ Which products can SKG award an attestation? ■ Can SKG certify my product? ■ Which processes can SKG certify? More information at or contact one of our experts via T 0317 421 720 or Certification 5 An independent, expert verdict As an expert and independent party, SKG can carry out investigations to provide support for product development, building site inspections and arbitration issues. Depending on your requirements, checks will be carried out for compliance with the relevant assessment guidelines or standards. This will result in a valuable report. Investigations & Tests The proof that your product is good You want to prove that your product satisfies the current standards. This can be done by means of one of the SKG tests. Testing can take place in SKG’s accredited test laboratory, but is also possible on location. If your product passes the test, a report will be issued. The result of the test can then be converted into an attestation or product certificate. This is a strong endorsement of quality, especially for your customers. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ What do you want your product tested for? A selection of the tests we carry out: ■ Burglar resistance ■ Fall safety and impact load ■ Wind resistance and watertightness ■ Strength and rigidity ■Durability ■ Break-out resistance ■ Fire resistance You will find more information about testing at Partner in product development If you call in SKG while your prototype is being tested, then you will know about any weak points at an early stage. This makes it possible for you to improve the product where necessary and therefore considerably increase its durability. Scan the QR code to view the testing facilities or visit Which tests can SKG carry out? Can SKG provide support during product development? I have doubts about a product that has been delivered. Can SKG help in arbitration cases? Does SKG also carry out building site inspections? Can I have tests carried out above the standard level? More information at or contact one of our experts via T + 31 317 421 720 or Drilling resistance of lock cylinders 6 Investigations & Tests Durability test for door/window hardware Salt spray testing for corrosion resistance of metals Technical lifetime of night bolt Investigations & Tests 7 Develop your tests with us Objective inspections Local governments, building firms and architects call in SKG regularly for building site inspections: independent examination of building products or structures during the building process. SKG also carries out inspections in arbitration cases, when there is disagreement in connection with complaints about building products such as facade elements, window and door hardware, glass or adhesives. SKG as advisor If SKG carries out a test or inspection for you, you will then have a strong verdict at your disposal. But what you subsequently do with that verdict is just as important. Investigations & Tests SKG offers a wide range of tests to which your product can be subjected. These range from burglar resistance to the effect of all sorts of weather and other conditions. Is the test you want not available yet? Then we will work with you to design a test that thoroughly assesses the quality of your product. Tests on location at your site To satisfy your testing requirements quickly and flexibly, we also carry out tests and inspections on location with our measuring vehicle and mobile test equipment. This not only saves you time and money, it also increases the learning effect within your organisation, because your personnel can see the result of their work with their own eyes. Mobile flexible test configuration on trailer. Determination of wind resistance and watertightness, strength and rigidity of facade elements Mobile test configuration 8 Investigations & Tests Falling ball test for burglar resistant glass Impact load and fall safety Mobile measuring vehicle at your location. Determination of wind resistance and watertightness, strength and rigidity of facade elements Blower test for measuring airtightness of spaces Operating force measurement on door handles Investigations & Tests 9 A sector quality label raises your profile Carrying a sector quality label shows that your customers can expect a guaranteed level of quality and expertise from you. This often means that you visibly deliver more quality than the law requires: an excellent way to stand out from your competitors! Development and monitoring Sector Quality Label As an industrial sector association, do you have plans to introduce a quality system with your members? Do you want the market to recognise this? Then develop your sector quality label with SKG. You will receive comprehensive advice on defining the requirements and rules relating to your quality label, plus objective monitoring of compliance with the provisions of this quality label. VKG The Vereniging Kunststof Gevelelementenindustrie is the industry sector association for companies that produce and sell plastic windows and doors. The members carry the VKG quality label, which means they comply with the stringent regulations and quality requirements. This compliance is regularly monitored by SKG. VMRG All members of the VMRG, the association for manufacturers of metal facade elements, carry the VMRG quality label to show that they deliver quality: they comply with all the statutory requirements and regulations for metal facade elements and also with the extra quality requirements imposed by the VMRG ■ What can an industrial sector quality label mean for me? ■ How can I develop an industrial sector quality label? ■ How can I monitor sector members for compliance with the requirements? More information at or contact one of our experts via T 0317 421 720 or Sector Quality Label 11 Ask SKG! How can we help you? If you want to improve your competitive position, quality is the key to success. SKG certifies and tests products and develops strong industrial sector quality labels. As a result, SKG has been synonymous for expert support in the field of quality for many years. Is it your goal to add value to your product or process? We will be happy to tell you how we can help with this. Certification Investigations & Tests Sector Quality Label SKG visiting address Nieuwe Kanaal 9F 6709 PA Wageningen SKG postal address Postbus 362 6700 AJ Wageningen T 0317 - 421 720 F 0317 - 421 677