Sponsor Packet - StarCross Youth Performing Arts


Sponsor Packet - StarCross Youth Performing Arts
2015-­‐2016 SEASON Sponsor Packet
Since its incep4on in 2009, StarCross Youth Performing Arts, Inc. has served the Lehigh and Northampton coun4es with volunteer-­‐based music and performance art instruc4on. StarCross has brought almost 100 members (aged 5 -­‐ 22) to local, state and regional compe44ons -­‐ where they could gain valuable experience as musicians, dancers, ar4sts and members of a larger community. Our goal for the 2015-­‐2016 teaching year is to add 50 more members, students that would otherwise be unable to afford musical or dance instruc4on. We are dedicated to keeping our organiza4on completely volunteer-­‐based so all the funds we raise will be used to purchase goods and services that support this goal and vision. This is the third youth-­‐oriented music organiza4on started by our Execu4ve Director and founder, Roger Exposito. He, along with our dedicated (and fully volunteer) staff, are passionate about teaching new genera4ons what it means to be part of a community that honors effort, team work and the love of music and dance. AWARDS
2015 TOB/TIA Chapter 2 Novice Indoor Guard Gold Medalists TOB/TIA Chapter 2 KIDETS Indoor Guard Silver Medalists TOB/TIA All Chapters KIDETS Indoor Guard Silver Medalists TOB/TIA Chapter 2 Indoor Percussion Gold Medalists TOB/TIA All Chapters Indoor Percussion Gold Medalists in Atlan4c Coast Championship (ACC) TOB/TIA Chapter 2 Indoor Percussion Gold Medalists TOB/TIA All Chapters Indoor Percussion Gold Medalists TOB/TIA Member Chapter 2 All Star Percussion Ensemble TOB/TIA Member All Chapter All Star Percussion Ensemble in ACC 2014 TOB/TIA Chapter 2 Intermediate Indoor Guard Gold Medalists TOB/TIA Chapter 2 KIDETS Indoor Guard Gold Medalists TOB/TIA All Chapters KIDETS Indoor Guard Silver Medalists in ACC TOB/TIA Chapter 2 Indoor Percussion Gold Medalists TOB/TIA All Chapters Indoor Percussion Gold Medalists in ACC TOB/TIA Member Chapter 2 All Star Percussion Ensemble TOB/TIA Member All Chapter All Star Percussion Ensemble in ACC 2013 TOB/TIA Chapter 2 Intermediate Class Indoor Guard Gold Medalists TOB/TIA TOB/TIA All Chapters Intermediate Class Silver Medalists in ACC CALVACADE Indoor Guard Championships Bronze Medalists TOB/TIA Chapter 2 KIDETS Indoor Guard Gold Medalists TOB/TIA All Chapters KIDETS Indoor Guard Gold Medalists in ACC TOB/TIA = Tournament of Bands; ACC = Atlan4c Coast Championship CALVACADE Indoor Guard Championships Gold Medalists TOB/TIA Chapter 2 Indoor Percussion Gold Medalists TOB/TIA All Chapter Championships Silver Medalists MAPS Indoor Percussion Gold Medalists WGI Regional Indoor Percussion Gold Medalists MAPS Percussion Individuals Compe44on First Place on Snare Drum and First Place on Marimba 2012 TOB/TIA Chapter 2 Novice Class Indoor Guard Gold Medalists TOB/TIA Chapter 2 Most Improved Guard Award TOB/TIA All Chapters Championships Gold Medalists in ACC TOB/TIA Chapter 2 KIDETS Indoor Guard Par4cipa4on Medalists TOB/TIA Chapter 2 Indoor Percussion Gold Medalists TOB/TIA Chapter 2 Indoor Percussion Most Improved Percussion Award TOB/TIA All Chapters Championships Silver Medalists in ACC TOB/TIA WGI Regional Indoor Percussion Silver Medalists TOB/TIA Chapter 2 KIDETS Indoor Percussion Par4cipa4on Medalists MAPS Percussion Championships Silver Medalists 2011 TOB/TIA Chapter 2 Novice Class Indoor Guard Gold Medalists TOB/TIA Chapter 2 Most Improved Guard Award TOB/TIA All Chapters Championships Finalists in Wildwood TOB/TIA Chapter 2 KIDETS Indoor Guard Par4cipa4on Medalists 2010 TOB/TIA Chapter 2 Novice Class Indoor Guard Silver Medalists OUR TEAM
(1)  ROGER EXPOSITO (Execu4ve Director) Ask him about the programs and booking public exhibi<ons! (2) AMANDA WACHTER (Fundraising Chair) Ask her about your complimentary <ckets to our fundraisers! (3) LAURIE BREISCH (Treasurer) Ask her about your 501(c)3 contribu<on leBer! (4) RUBIN CORNIER (Board V-­‐President) Ask him about our group’s volunteer efforts! (5) ROB STOCKLAS (Board President) Ask him about our 5-­‐year plan and how we plan on growing! (6) NADIA CORNIER (Communica4ons Chair) Ask her about our marke<ng materials and website! Come to an Open Board Mee4ng and meet the en4re team! 3
Our goals for the upcoming 2015-­‐2016 year season: •  Increase our inventory of instruments and obtain an equipment truck so we can service up to 50 new (addi4onal) members; •  Increase the number of volunteer hours served by crea4ng a music mentorship program with local colleges and re4red professionals; •  Offer new programs for all ages, focusing on popula4on groups that do not have ready access to music educa4on; •  Provide supplemental educa4onal resources to local school music programs at the middle school grade levels. KEY NUMBERS
6 172 4 14634 110 42 Years Since
Offered in 2015
Volunteer Hours
Logged Each
Competitions in
which our kids
Awards &
Medal Level
In addi4on to the members and member families we see every week, we are also out and about in the Lehigh Valley area throughout most of the year. We’ve broken down the basic demographics for the audience we interact with: EXPECTED AUDIENCE AUDIENCE GENDER We are Lehigh Valley! We par4cipate in regional community events, compete in local and regional compe44ons and our members live and prac4ce here! AUDIENCE PROFILE While our membership is almost evenly split 50/50 – our community is primarily adult women ages 32-­‐45. AUDIENCE AGES Parents & Members
32-45 Years Old
5-22 Years Old
50+ Years Old
Other non-profit groups
Membership Sponsorship •  Online logo placement and presence on our website •  Special Announcement to our social media and news group •  Two 4ckets to all events •  Business Name on our groups t-­‐
shirt (worn at every event) •  Sponsor packet including photo plaque and t-­‐shirt for your office! $ 1000.00 Unlimited Spots Available Event Sponsorship •  Benefits of Membership Sponsorship Plus… •  Name and logo on adver4sing and marke4ng materials for one event •  Special thank you by event MC when available •  One event independent social media promo4on •  One promo4onal item placed in registra4on bags (op4onal) •  Four addi4onal 4ckets to event. Program Sponsorship •  Benefits of Event Sponsorship Plus… •  Table for six at our end of the year banquet •  Announced at compe44ons as program sponsor (one per program) •  Name recogni4on in all press releases related to individual program •  Logo on Event banners, prominently displayed wherever the individual program performs or prac4ces. $ 5000.00 30 Sponsorship Spots Available $ 15000.00 7 Sponsorship Spots Available LOOKING FOR A DIFFERENT WAY TO GET INVOLVED? We are always looking for dona4ons (big or small!) for our scholarship and endowment funds. Call Nadia @ 347.422.6004 StarCross Sponsorship •  Benefits of Program Sponsorship Plus… •  Name and logo on all adver4sing and materials for all events •  An opportunity to speak at an event, parent mee4ng, end of year banquet, •  Logo in slideshows when available •  Inclusion on sponsor signage in high traffic areas •  Co-­‐Branded Truck Wrap with your company’s branding •  Full page ads in all event programs. $ 25000.00 1 Sponsorship Spot Available IN-KIND NEEDS
Give the gift of STUFF
The money we raise each year goes directly towards purchasing equipment, music, paying for space rentals and truck rentals. In lieu of a monetary dona4on, we gladly accept in-­‐kind dona4ons at the same sponsorship levels. One Year Lease on Practice Space
(Gym and Classroom Space, Storage room for equipment and truck, bus)
$15000 Instruments & Equipment
(horns, percussion, guard equipment)
Cost of Goods
Box Truck
Cost of Goods
Food for Events and Tours
Cost of Goods
Donation Items for Fundraising Events
Cost of Goods
Building Materials
Cost of Goods
Professional Services
Cost of Service
Cost of Service
(max 26’ for moving and storing equipment)
(Swag & Baskets)
(Lawyer to review contracts, accountants, grant writers, marketing specialist)
(for building props or equipment)
View our en4re In-­‐Kind List on our website: www.starcrossyouth.com/in-­‐kind VOLUNTEER NEEDS
We Need Your Skills
We are a completely volunteer-­‐run organiza>on, which means – your experience, background and skill set are extremely valuable to us! Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join our Friends & Family group to get involved, but here are a few highlights for you (or your employees): •  Become a board member •  Help us complete our non-­‐profit taxes •  Review contracts and lease agreements for us once a year •  Help us host an event or fundraiser •  Come to our shows and help us get the kids ready to compete •  Help us get the kids makeup and hair ready before shows •  Teach! We are always looking for great instructors and support staff •  Help us spread the word on social media about events and fundraisers •  Write a leoer to the paper •  Write a leoer to your local representa4ve – and let them know music educa4on is important to you •  Come and mentor a member •  Help us set up events and exhibi4ons in the community (invite us to come play for you!) Have a great idea how you can get involved? Email Rubin Cornier at rubin@starcrossyouth.com GET INVOLVED TODAY
All of our dona4ons are tax-­‐deduc4ble. Dona4ons over $100 will receive a contribu4on leoer in January. QUESTIONS? HOW TO GIVE Please contact: By Check: StarCross Youth Performing Arts Nadia Cornier C/O Execu4ve Director, Roger Exposito StarCross Youth Performing Arts 537 E Fairview St | Bethlehem PA 18018 by email: nadia.cornier@gmail.com Or by phone: 34.422.6004 Online: www.starcrossyouth.com/donate Accepts all major credit cards In Person: Join us at a board mee4ng www.starcrossyouth.com/events