July 12, 2015 - Christ the King Parish
July 12, 2015 - Christ the King Parish
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 C HRIST THE K ING P ARISH 1930 Barberry Drive ♦ Springfield, IL 62704 www.ctkparish.com ♦ 217•546•3527 July 12, 2015 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5ã« AÄÄç½ Gʽ¥ Oçã®Ä¦ On Monday, July 27th, we will hold the 5th Annual Christ the King School Golf Outing at Panther Creek Country Club. We look forward to a very successful outing with up to 144 golfers teeing off at 12:30pm. The entry fee per player is $100 or $400 per foursome. The CTK School Golf Outing is expected to be a great time and most importantly will raise funds to benefit current and future CTK students. Participants will be entered on a first come, first serve basis. Dinner is included with the golfers’ fees but as an added bonus, you can invite your spouse, friends, or business associates for the evening meal for a nominal fee. We have numerous sponsorship opportunities available as well for our non-golfers. Please call Ben Call at 341-9397 to register. WORLD YOUTH DAY, KRAKÓW, POLAND The 2016 World Youth Day pilgrimage will be here before you know it. The diocesan trip will include visits to the Czestochowa Marian Shrine as well as the Auschwitz concentration camp. Details are at www.dio.org/youthministry/wyd. Call Kyle Holtgrave at (217) 698-8500, ext. 154 for more information. MINI-FARMERS MARKET: Don’t forget that you can drop off any excess garden produce to the basket in the back of church for our Mini-Farmers Market Fundraiser. Come buy the produce and all proceeds will go to the Holy Family Food Pantry. Thank you to the St. Vincent de Paul Society for organizing this. So as you are planning your garden, plant a row for the hungry, and praise the Lord for his blessings! Parish Office: Phone: 217-546-3527 Fax: 217-793-6393 Email: church @ctkparish.com HOURS :Mon.- Fri. 7:30 am-4:00 pm Web page: www.ctkparish.com School Office: Phone: 217-546-2159 Fax: 217-546-0291 Web page: www.ctkcougars.com Hours: Mon.- Fri. 7:15 am-3:15 pm (during School Year) CHRIST THE KING PRAYERLINE If you have a special intention or someone for whom you would like prayers offered, please call Catherine Beedie at 787-1677, Ann Francis at 546-1800 or Frances Gathard at 546-4875. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS to lead the Rosary before each Mass on the weekends. If interested or for more information, please call Pat Curry at 546-6898 or Joanna Laabs at 546-9434. STEWARDSHIP July 12, 2015 Stewardship is about faithfulness; about love. Stewardship is about believing, that I am able to give and sacrifice and love because God has given me so much, has sacrificed for me so greatly, and loves me unconditionally. Budgeted Amount Each Weekend $22,894.00 July 4th & 5th Collection: $25,484.00 Vacation Bible School: $6,120 of our goal of $7,000 Children’s Collection: $19.30 Time: Took care of the neighbor’s pet. Talent: I sang July 2015 – June 2016 Budgeted Amount: July 2015 – June 2016 Collection Total: $1,242,500 $25,484 GOD BLESS YOUR GENEROSITY! July 4th & 5th Attendance: 4:30pm - 331; 8am - 224; 9:30am - 282; 11am - 330 = 1167 June Attendance 2014: 6485 June Attendance 2015: 4581 Rest in Peace Please remember in your Masses and prayers the repose of the soul of Tom Hamilton, husband of Bunny Hamilton, parishioner. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed Rest in Peace, Amen. Baptism: Please call the parish office to schedule a Baptism. Parents are required to attend the Baptismal Instructional Class. The next Baptismal Class will be held by Deacon Al on Tuesday, August 11th , at 7pm in the Parish Library. To sign-up or for more information, please call Bridget at the Parish Office at 217-546-3527. Marriage: Arrangements for weddings must be made at least ten (10) months in advance. Please call the parish office to make all necessary arrangements. RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is open to the unbaptized who are interested in joining the Catholic faith, those baptized Christians who are considering becoming Catholic, and baptized Catholics who are not fully initiated. Inquiry sessions for those interested in joining the Catholic faith are held periodically throughout the year. Please call the parish office for additional information. Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life Any young man contemplating a call to the Priesthood or any young person interested in the Religious Life is encouraged to call the pastor or the Office for Vocations at 698-8500 or www.dio.org Diocesan Child Abuse Reporting and Investigation To report allegations of sexual abuse of a minor by clergy, even if it is in the past, individuals are encouraged to call (217) 321-1155. Individuals may also contact the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-25-ABUSE, or contact your local police authority. The Nationwide post-abortion toll-free referral line is 888 -456-HOPE, and our local toll-free referral line is 877-722-4355. New Parishioners: Welcome! Please take a moment and cut out the Parish Information slip on the ad page in this bulletin and mail it or drop it in the collection basket. You may also go to www.ctkparish.com for registration information, or call the parish office. We look forward to meeting you! Communion Calls: On First Fridays and by personal arrangement. Please contact the parish office. ARCHBISHOP 15th Sunday in Ordinary TimeKURTZ ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGE RULING July 12, 2015 AND WHERE THE CHURCH GOES FROM HERE USCCB President calls on Catholics to speak kindly, but stand firm The recent decision by the Supreme Court to change the definition of marriage requires a response. I see the decision as a “tragic error” not because I want to demean any person but rather because of my concern for the common good and the good of all. Jesus, with great love, taught unambiguously that from the beginning marriage is the lifelong union of one man and one woman. The Church, seeking to witness to Christ in every age, welcomes all and treats every person with equal dignity. We agree with those who seek change in the definition of marriage in one thing: that every person has equal dignity. We disagree about the nature of marriage. In a free society, we citizens do not impose our convictions on others but seek to invite. The Court has declared that our civil laws will define marriage based on the consent and love of any two unrelated adults. However, we understand that marriage is a natural institution with a meaning that precedes both state and religion. From the beginning, the sexual complementarity of men and women is the basis of a unique communion that expresses something of the image and likeness of God who is a Triune communion of Persons. We further believe that Christ raised marriage between a baptized woman and man to be a sacrament, an efficacious sign of and participation in the very mystery of Christ and the Church. The sacrament builds upon the natural reality of marriage — it does not erase it — and sexual difference is essential to both. Indeed, without this reciprocal relationship between the sexes, as Pope Francis has taught, we cannot understand “what it means to be a man and woman.” The Church recognizes marriages and families as the foundation of the Church and society. The permanent, faithful, and fruitful bond of marriage is the normative and beautiful structure God designed for how individuals are brought together into relationships of life-giving love. Who we are is tied to who we are with others. This first comes through our families. It is through mothers and fathers and children that each person most powerfully “learns to receive love and to give love” as Pope Francis has taught. As with God’s other gifts, this design is for our good as individuals and as a society. The Church has recognized this beautiful calling as a means to grace and holiness and seeks to accompany couples, baptize their children and offer them the Eucharist and penance as sustaining gifts along the journey. We have perhaps not done enough to teach the beauty of marriage and the purpose and inherent design of family life, but the Church is here to accompany couples as they make the courageous choice to follow this life-giving vocation. We will pray with them and will advocate for them. It is a good time to recommit ourselves — all of us whether clergy or lay — to cherishing marriage and the children of each union as a joy, a place of love and a path to virtue and holiness. If you do not know the deep beauty of the Church’s teachings on marriage and family life, I urge you to make a little time to read and ask questions. Many of the great saints have spoken about the family as the domestic church, the dignity of every person, the sacrament of marriage as a path to holiness, the complete gift of self, the blessedness of fruitful marriage and other topics worthy of contemplation and pursuit. However, in light of the Supreme Court’s decision, we will face greater pressure now to mute our voices. As the dissenting justices recognized in their opinions, the freedom to run our ministries and participate in the public square while holding to the teachings of Jesus will likely be challenged. Laws and regulations will be altered to comply with the Court’s decision, and those new legal requirements could threaten the life and work of the Church as well as other religious institutions and individuals of faith. So I ask you to take the long view and remember that this is not the first — and unlikely to be the last — time the Church has been led by her beliefs to be counter-cultural. We must, in faithfulness and obedience, be firm, absolutely committed to what Christ has taught us; but let us also speak and act with love, attracting people to the beauty of God’s design while keeping our hearts close to Christ in prayer. Our witness is needed in public and in private and gospel life is often not easy. But as Pope Francis encourages us, “The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew.” Finally, how do we respond to the Supreme Court’s decision declaring marriage to be something we know it cannot be? First, be a good witness. Treat everyone with respect and dignity. Love everyone just as Christ has loved you. Be a joyful witness to the truths Christ has revealed and the Church has taught. Second, together, let us speak this truth with love. Sometimes preaching the truth means speaking of sin, our own and that of society. But our faith is rooted in reconciliation; Christ constantly invites us out of the darkness and into the light of His merciful love. As Pope Francis reminds us, we are all sinners and every sinner deserves compassion. So, we will not abandon marriage and families and we also will not give up on witnessing to the truth and inviting others to join us. Third, live as you believe. Continue to shape your life according to these truths, and urge others, by both your words and your example, to do the same. Continue to advocate for society to recognize that the permanent, fruitful, faithful union of one man and one woman makes a unique contribution to the common good, and so deserves — once again — unique protection and support in law. This will, in the short term, create more room for social tolerance of this venerable view of marriage, and in the long term, make the day come sooner when, inevitably, this tragic decision will come undone. ~Archbishop Kurtz, President of U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. June 29, 2015 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time THIS WEEK’S MINISTRIES July 13 —July 19 WEEKDAY SERVERS: July 12, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS July 13 — July 19, 2015 MONDAY & FRIDAY July 13 & July 17 ♦ 6:30AM MON., July 13 – Weekday NO M AS S M O ND A Y Friday ♦ 6:30AM 6:30am Anne Rupnik, Laura Lucas NO MASS TUES., July 14—St. Kateri Tekawitha TUESDAY - THURSDAY July 14 – July 16 ♦ 8:30AM 8:30am NO M AS SE S T UE S o r T HU R S Wednesday Mass ♦ 8:30AM NO MASS WED., July 15 – St. Bonaventure Ben Deaner, Grace Bracco 8:30am SATURDAY VIGIL JULY 18 ♦ 4:30PM Erin Bauman & Charles “Ted” Luker SERVERS: Ailen Mannion, Amy Fowler, Mikaila Salvo LECTORS: Marianne Mazzola (1st Reading) Steve Hazelrigg (2nd Reading) EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Dick Lyons, Augustine Nwajei, Kathy Ascher, Deacon Al Laabs, Dennis Lawler, TBA GREETERS: Doreen Boehme, Bob and Julie Beyer ROSARY LEADER: Penny Meyer MUSICIANS: Junior High Schola with Mark G THURS., July 16 – Weekday SUNDAY JULY 19 ♦ 8AM SAT., July 18 – Saturday Vigil SERVERS: Luke & Nolan Healey, Maya Fetter LECTORS: Cheryl Held (1st Reading) Carlajean Rebbe (2nd Reading) EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Karen Schmitt, Danielle Schmitt, Theresa Hansen, Walter Hilby, Sara Dobron GREETERS: Todd Anderson, Mary Kay and Steve Bochenek ROSARY LEADER: Freda Burg MUSICIANS: College and High School Teens with Cory SUNDAY JULY 19♦ 9:30AM SERVERS: Matthew Garst, Vincent Madonia, Anne Mosley LECTORS: Nancy Hood (1st Reading) Kathy Mosley (2nd Reading) EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Tom Buoy, Denise Edwards, Herb Dennis, Claudia Connelly, Matt Mosley, Deacon Al Laabs, Brenda Heaton GREETERS: Rose Marie Bosco, Donna Boyd ROSARY LEADER: Dr. Len Rybak MUSICIANS: Adult Choir with Linda & Bernie SUNDAY JULY 19♦ 11AM SERVERS: Weedor Jallah, Sergi Tarter, Joshua Rogers LECTORS: Jerry White (1st Rdng) Pat Griffith (2nd Rdng) EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Charlotte Boehler, Karen Giannone, Mary Walsh, Mary White, Carole Oldani, Deacon Al Laabs, TBA, TBA GREETERS: Carol Cummins, Barbara Butler ROSARY LEADER: Barb Sullivan MUSICIANS: Varney and Marion with Brian 8:30am NO MASS FRI., July 17 – Weekday 6:30am 7:05am 4:30pm Rose Marie Moore & Helen Campbell Morning Prayer Valerie Negri, John Guy, & Michael Upperman SUN., July 19 – 16TH SUN. IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00am 9:30am 11:00am For the People of the Parish Georgia Colliton & John D. Brewster Tom Dilello May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. CTK NEEDS A TRUCK Have a pick-up truck that you are looking to get rid of? Our maintenance crew is looking for a full-bed, automatic pick-up truck that is mechanically sound. Please contact the parish office at 546-3527 if you know of one. Thank you! GOT A GREEN THUMB? CTK SCHOOL is accepting applications for a part-time teaching aide position in the Preschool for the 2015-16 school year from 8am – 11am daily. Please apply promptly, open until filled! Questions, please contact Principal Pam Fahey @ 546-2159. Applications can be picked up at the school office. Resume with references required. SCHOOL EVENTS: USED UNIFORM SALE TODAY will be after the 4:30 Mass on Saturday, July 11th and after the 9:30 Mass on Sunday, July 12th. The sale will be in the St. Peter & St. Paul room in the Parish Center. Our Garden Club is in need of helpers. Please call 546-3527 or email Bridget at the Parish Office at church@ctkparish.com) if you have a little time and talent to give each week. The grounds around our campus are kept beautiful with the help of our volunteer based Garden Club. YOU Can Help Your Marriage – 25% of surveyed couples say they are “Happily Married”. For everyone else there is Retrouvaille. Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Does talking only make it worse? For information on the Retrouvaille Program, visit the website at www.HelpOurMarriage.com or call 1-800-470-2230. The next program begins the weekend of September 18-20, 2015. 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time SPRINGFIELD RIGHT TO LIFE needs volunteers for the Right to Life State Fair Booth from Thursday, August 13th through Sunday, August 23rd. The scheduling is for 3 hour shifts starting at 9 a.m. with the last shift ending at 9 p.m. Three volunteers are needed per shift. Over two thousand men, women and children of all ages visit the booth every year. Being a volunteer at the booth is an opportunity to be a witness for the unborn. It is a very positive experience and your presence does make a difference. Teens are welcome and encouraged to volunteer. For more information or to volunteer for a shift, call Terri Everett at the Springfield Right to Life office. FROM THE HOLY NAME SOCIETY All men of Christ the King Parish are considered members of the Holy Name Society. Through the donation of your annual dues and your support of our events, such as the Feast of Christ the King Parish Breakfast and the annual Chili Supper, the Holy Name provides financial support for parish, school, diocesan and worldwide missionary causes. Since 2001, the Holy Name has annually provided two scholarships for graduating CTK 8th graders to attend Sacred Heart-Griffin High School. We rely on your annual dues donation to assist us in continuing to support these efforts. You can still help out by putting your blue envelope or a check made out to the CTK Holy Name Society in the weekly collection. Thank you for your continued support of the CTK Holy Name Society. ST. JOSEPH’S IN CHATHAM—ICE CREAM SOCIAL TODAY, July 12th, all afternoon until 4:30pm. Come to the country to enjoy some delicious HOMEMADE ICE CREAM ... July 12, 2015 THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH MONDAY ♦ SCRIP ORDERS DUE—PARISH OFFICE BEFORE 9AM ♦ RCIA MEETING—6:30PM PARISH LIBRARY TUESDAY ♦ LEGION OF MARY—9:15AM PARISH Library WEDNESDAY ♦ NO MEETINGS THURSDAY ♦ NO MEETINGS FRIDAY ♦ WORD AMONG US—9AM PARISH Library ♦ Scrip Pick-Up—Parish Office WEEKEND ♦ Anointing of the Sick after the 11am Mass on Sunday. (see below) All are welcome! SAVE THE DATE: Our next Parish Service Day is Saturday, October 3, all afternoon. We will reach out to senior parishioners, needy neighbors, and local social service agencies. Watch for more details. PRAYER AND FASTING FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM - Your prayers and fasting for religious freedom don’t have to end on the last day of Fortnight for Freedom. Go to the following link to sign up to receive weekly emails or text messages on prayer and fasting for religious liberty: https://www.facebook.com/ CallToPrayer ANOINTING OF THE SICK: A Communal Celebration. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is both “a liturgical and a communal celebration.” In the family home, hospital, or church, members of the Body of CHRIST THE KING RCIA Christ gather for the sacramental rite led by a priest. The How do people get invited to consider becoming Catholic? The best invitation comes from you! Jesus said, “Go out into Penitential Rite followed by the Liturgy of the Word and sacramental anointing of the sick can inspire and comthe whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.” fort both those who are ill and their family and friends Mark 16:15) Is there someone you know who does not know who are gathered (CCC, nos. 1517-18). Many parishes Jesus as Savior, never been baptized, has no church community have communal celebrations at which many persons with whom to share, or was baptized Catholic but is not fully receive the sacrament. These sacramental celebrations aware of how to practice their own Catholic faith? Why not are a “source of strength amid pain and weakness, hope invite them to inquire about the Rite of Christian Initiation of amid despair” and a “joyful encounter” for the entire Adults (RCIA)? community (Christifideles Laici, no. 54). Connection to Who is welcome to RCIA? the Communion of Saints Anointing with sacred oil is a • Persons who have never been baptized. sign of blessing by the Holy Spirit of the one who is • Persons baptized in another Christian church who desire to sick. Oil of the Sick, which receives a different blessing become Catholic. from the Chrism oil used during Baptism, Confirmation, • Baptized Catholics who have never received First and Holy Orders, recalls the community’s sharing of the Communion or Confirmation. • The Rite is adapted for children as young as 7 years old who Holy Spirit and the sick person’s connection to the entire Body of Christ and Communion of Saints. wish to enter the Church. ...kids games, bingo, raffles, and more! Outside dining and air conditioned dining available. Bring the whole family! http://www.usccb.org/about/justice-peace-and-humandevelopment/upload/Anointing-of-the-Sick-handout.pdf Fr. Joe will be doing an Anointing of the Sick after the 11:00am Mass next weekend. If you know of anyone who might be interested in inquiring about our RCIA program, please contact Madonna Jones at 546-3527 x 5. Weekly sessions will begin in August, but we are ready to talk to interested persons now. TRUTH SUFFERS, BUT NEVER DIES. ~ St. Teresa of Avila 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 READINGS FOR THIS WEEK WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Monday: J n Tuesday: Wednesday: 1 Thursday: 5 : Friday: 2 6 Saturday: — Ex 1:8-14, 22; Ps 124:1b-8; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Ex 2:1-15a; Ps 69:3, 14, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 11:20-24 Ex 3:1-6, 9-12; Ps 103:1b-4, 6-7; Mt 11:25-27 Ex 3:13-20; Ps 105:1, 5, 8-9, 24-27; Mt 11:28-30 Ex 11:10 — 12:14; Ps 116:12-13, 15, 16bc, 17-18; Mt 12:1-8 Ex 12:37-42; Ps 136:1, 23-24, 10-15; Mt 12:14-21 NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS First Reading — I shall gather the remnant of my flock and bring them back to their meadow (Jeremiah 23:1-6). Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Psalm 23). Second Reading — You who were once far off have become near by the blood of Christ (Ephesians 2:13-18). Gospel — When Jesus saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, and he began to teach them many things (Mark 6:30-34). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Jesus sent out the Apostles two by two to preach. Our marriage sacrament is a sign to others – what sign are we showing? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is August 7 - 9. To register or for more information call 314-649-7317 or go online to www.stl-wwme.org. PRO-LIFE CORNER "Abortion did not undo the rape; it did not turn back the clock. Abortion eliminated my children, Sarah Elizabeth and Joseph Michael, and it robbed us of future children. It is over 40 years since my abortion, and I regret my abortion, and I will be silent no more." ~Angelina's testimony from the March for Life 2015 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Vono Medical Supplies 400 N. 1st ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made 217-522-2403 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months www.vono.com Licensed in the State of IL A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com Jesus A to Z Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS For further information, please call the Parish Office. A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 www.wlpmusic.com YAP FAMILY PRACTICE, LTD We are here for you! DENNIS YAP M.D. Board Certified Family Medicine 2979 Lindbergh Blvd., Springfield, IL 62704 P# (217) 679-2163 Fax (217) 679-2174 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. an Official Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch at 1-800-621-5197 171050 Christ the King Church (B) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Mon-Fri 9:30-5:00 Sat 10-2:00 Religious Books, Goods & Catholic Supplies Candles & Church Supplies 313 Monroe 217-744-3610 Springfield “See me for all Your family insurance needs.” Ed Blasius “Business Mailing Solutions Since 1982” 2025 W. ILES 546-6228 2308 E. North Grand Ave-Springfield 217.547.1300 Reliable In-Home Care 523-0330 Laura Carmody Franchise Owner 6 Convenient Locations ALLAN HAMILTON www.thinkbrahler.com 528-4400 A Family Serving The David M Groesch AuD 2534 Farragut Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62704 (217) 726-6101 “Gets you back where you belong” Community Since 1971! WHITE OAKS WEST ANIMAL HOSPITAL 2801 W. White Oaks Drive, Springfield Office 698-0280 Emerg. 698-0870 GREGORY B. HURST, D.V.M. ✂ Saint Joseph’s Home of Springfield A Tradition of Caring (217) 529-5596 www.saintjosephshome.org Southwest 726-6200 3901 Yukon Dr. (behind Green Toyota) Northeast 744-0500 1901 N Dirksen Parkway MORGAN INSURANCE 955 S. Durkin Dr. Ste. E CTK '78 Springfield, IL 62704 GHS '82 217-414-3399 Medicare Supplements and Advantage 3150 Chatham Rd. South of Wabash Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers 4481 Ash Grove, Ste. 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Alan Brinkoetter Building / Remodeling * Carpentry / * Kitchens & Baths 800-566-6150 • www.wlp.jspaluch.com/13182.htm * Siding, Windows & Doors Basement Finishing All Types of Remodeling 217-433-8426 CENTRAL ILLINOIS ALLERGY & RESPIRATORY SERVICES, Ltd. Allergy / Pulmonary Disease & Sleep Disorders Glennon H. Paul, M.D. David C. Crabtree, M.D. David N. Wright, M.D. Pradeep S. Kulkarni, M.D. Jerry S. Reedy, M.D. 543 W. Miller St., Springfield, IL 62702 217-522-5596 • General Contracting • Construction Management • Design-Build 217.522.2826 | www.osheabuilders.com Open 7 Days a Week Convenient Drive Thru Same Day Service - Mon-Sat. 1825 W. Jefferson 2701 W. White Oaks Dr. 4349 Conestoga next to Meijer 171050 Christ the King Church (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL UPDATE We are well underway with our plans for our 2015 VBS Totally Catholic Everest program, currently we have a total of 184 children enrolled for our July 20-24 program. While we still have room for our elementary aged children, our preschool program is full. The elementary program is for children entering kindergarten through 5th grade this fall. We are also blessed to have a full list of student and adult volunteers. Our next step is to ask for your prayers for a successful event and if possible a donation to help support our CTK parish program. Please feel free to use the envelopes located in the church pews. If you have any questions about our program, please email or call Theresa Maggiore at theresa.m01@gmail.com or 217-899-0548. This Week’s CD: CONTRACEPTION: CRACKING THE MYTHS In this new revised edition of Professor Janet Smith’s groundbreaking expose on the effects of the pill on modern society, she presents a God-centered view of sexuality that can bring married couples a joy that they could have never imagined. Backed by statistics and armed with decades of research, Prof. Smith shows the crippling effect of the contraceptive culture on our relationship with God, our romantic relationships and marriages, the culture at large and our physical and mental health. “A must have! It should be required listening material for those who are called to educate and lead in this millennium..” ~ Imee—Cypress, CA Ask the Priest… July 12, 2015 ...Will return soon after Fr. Joe gets back. Email your questions to church@ctkparish.com Children may ask questions too. Just have your parents email your question to this email above. LEGACY OF FAITH CAMPAIGN PLEDGE PAYMENT REMINDERS Our pledges continue to roll in! In your July collection envelopes, there is a new envelope designated for our campaign. Please use this as your payment reminder. If you prefer a more personal reminder, please contact the business office and we will be happy to accommodate you. Also, when paying by check, please write a separate check from your weekly contribution if possible. If you are using a bank payment program, please ask them to label those checks “Legacy of Faith” or “Campaign”. This will greatly help to keep your accounts accurate. Your attention to this is so appreciated! All checks may be made payable to Christ the King Parish. Thank you! Find this and other Lighthouse Catholic Media CD’s at the kiosk in the church vestibule. Take one home for $3.00. is coming to Springfield! WHAT IS ENDOW? (Educating on the Nature and Dignity Of Women ENDOW www.EndowGroups.org) is a women’s ministry that will be starting in our Diocese! On Saturday, August 29th, at the Chiara Center, ENDOW will host a mini-retreat for the women of our Diocese. Registration begins at 8:30am accompanied by a light breakfast. Cost is $35 a person. Scholarships are available. Men and women are welcome to come to the free event the night before (Friday, August 28th) on the topic of the New Evangelization hosted at Christ the King Parish Center in Springfield at 7pm. For more information on these and other ENDOW events in the area (including the mini-retreat that weekend in Bellville on Sunday, August 30) or to RSVP, contact Bernadine Smith at BSmith@dio.org or 217-321-1139 or to register online visit: https://store.endowonline.org/eileen-love-p2403.aspx AN ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT BREAKFAST BUFFET will be held TODAY Sunday, July 12 from 8am until noon at Knights of Columbus Council 364. The cost is $10 for adults, $5 for kids ages 6 - 12, and kids five and under are free. All proceeds will benefit YMCA Strong Kids Program. For questions, call 787-2360. We welcome into the faith community of Christ the King Parish, Owen Clark Vespa Son of Anthony and Katie Marie (Brown) Vespa, who was baptized Saturday, July 4, after the 4:30pm Mass by Deacon Al. May God richly bless him in his Catholic faith! CONGRATULATIONS!!!