Newsletter - Street Survivors of Maryland
Transcription ! APRIL 2013 P.O. BOX 19830 BALTIMORE, MD 21225 Club Members, Spring is finally here and I hope everyone is ready for the start of the cruising season. A few club members attended the all clubs breakfast on Kent Island and there are a lot of great shows coming ahead. Our opening lot night is just around the corner, I hope to see you all there! Rick, 443-829-5658 IN THIS ISSUE •CLUB NEWS PAGES 2-3 •ADVERTISERS PAGES 2 & 10 •PATRONS PAGE 4 •OUT & ABOUT PAGE 5 •TECH ARTICLE PAGE 6 •EVENTS & SHOWS MEETINGS 8PM WEDS. MARCH 27 APRIL 24 MAY 29 JUNE 26 JULY 31 AUGUST 28 SEPTEMBER 25 OCTOBER 30 DECEMBER 4 1 OFFICERS & BOARD MEMBERS Street Survivors of Maryland Membership Meeting February 27, 2013 PRESIDENT RICK WOOLRIDGE 443-829-5658 VICE PRESIDENT TOM PATTAN 443-838-0948 SERGEANT-AT-ARMS/ CHAPLAIN DICK SMITH 410-360-4094 TREASURER MARY COX 410-969-6070 MEMBERSHIP DINA MCKENNY 410-437-5968 PAST PRESIDENT FRED VOLLMERHAUSEN 410-789-6414 Discussed Items • • • • • • • The meeting was called to order @ 8pm with prayer and Pledge of Allegiance by Dick Smith Rick thanked Club Members for their hard work in 2012 Mary gave a treasury report to membership Club Donated $14,480 to various charities in 2012 Keep Liz Stonko, Ed Callahan, & Dick Smith’s wife in your prayers April 13th Brooklyn Park Parade need members to display their cars Mark Mayeski won 50/50 Chairman of the Board & Sunshine Girl Santa Callahan 410-255-9369 Executive Vice President Richard Anderson 410-355-6878 Secretary/Club Cruise Coordinator Russ Richards 410-336-1156 Road Captains Dick Cox 410-969-6070 Dave Williams 410-360-0906 Newsletter Editor Diane Pattan 410-636-5212 Rick Woolridge 443-829-5658 Publicity Chris Derkacz 410-761-1927 Webmaster Tim Shue 410-292-1890 50/50 Coordinators Bud Tormollan 410-636-1504 John McKenny 410-437-5968 2 Sending Get Well Wishes Mollie Boyd Liz Stonko Our prayers to Club Member Gary Grimm and Family. Gary’s Dad, Gillace passed away March 18, 2013. Our prayers to Trey Stamer & Family, whose Dad recently passed away. IT’S TIME TO RENEW YOUR 2013 DUES! WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Krista Wayland Birthday July 19th 1972 Chevy Station Wagon Jerry & Linda Neighoff Birthdays Feb. 2nd & Oct. 18th 1986 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 1989 Chevrolet Camaro IROC Z28 Gary Sockriter Birthday April 27th 1982 Ford Mustang GT PAY BY MARCH 30TH FOR $20.00 AFTER MARCH 30TH YOUR DUES ARE $25.00 PAY AT THE MEETING OR MAIL TO THE CLUB’S ADDRESS PO BOX 19830, BALTIMORE, MD 21225 DINA MCKENNY 410-437-5968 PLEASE NOTIFY DINA OF ANY TYPE OF CHANGES. If you have children or grandchildren ages 10 and older who would like to join our Junior Cruisers we would be glad to have them. Last year our Juniors sold snowballs at our Memorial Day Show which they plan to do this year, built an awesome miniature garage that they raffled off at our Christmas Show for Juvenile Diabetes and planned a NYC bus trip. We need ideas for this year. Stop by the trailer on Friday nights or call Janet Woolridge 410-247-4643 for info. RAFFLE BASKETS AND DOOR PRIZES WILL BE NEEDED FOR THE MEMORIAL DAY SHOW MAY 26 Enjoy Breakfast at the American Legion Post 195 every Sunday $7.00. Best deal in town! 3 May 10th 5-9pm Free gift & photo to the first 36 lovely ladies who drive their car in. Special awards and door prizes. DICK SMITH’S CHAPLAIN LETTER WILL RETURN IN THE MAY ISSUE. STREET SURVIVORS PATRON SUPPORTERS 2013 John & Dina McKenny Mary & Dick Cox Fred Vollmerhausen Chris & Donna Derkacz Joe & Brittni Derkacz Tom & Diane Pattan SUPPORT YOUR CLUB WITH A PATRON $10.00 SEE DIANE PATTAN CARS ARE NEEDED FOR THE BROOKLYN PARK OPENING DAY BASEBALL PARADE. THE STREET SURVIVORS HAVE ALWAYS SUPPORTED THIS EVENT. THE PARADE IS APRIL 13. CARS NEED TO MEET AT THE KFC IN BROOKLYN PARK, OUR OLD CRUISE LOT. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED PLEASE CALL TOM PATTAN 443-838-0948 4 ATLANTIC CITY BUS TRIP 2013. ANOTHER GREAT TIME. YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE! ALL CLUB’S BREAKFAST MEETING MOLLIE BOYD, MARY & DICK COX, JANET & RICK WOOLRIDGE, ANDREW JEFFRIES, TOM & DIANE PATTAN, RUSS RICHARDS & GARY GRIMM (NOT PICTURED) GARAGE TOUR OPEN HOUSE THURSDAY SCHEDULE 6PM Oops, cut off Rick! MAR. 28 Duane Crocetti, 2026 Kurtz Ave., Pasadena 410-255-5269 APR. 11 Mike Henderson, 1167 River Bay Rd., Annapolis 410-991-5600 APR. 18 Tom Heller, 3 Briars Knoll Way, Hanover 410-760-6277 APR. 25 Wayne Gerst, 622 Benefield Rd., Severna Park 410-987-0700 Visit for more info 5 How to Keep Classic Cars Road-‐Ready The collector cars of Jay Leno's garage aren't just to look at—Jay likes to take his out for a drive. Here's how he keeps old cars in road-‐worthy condi?on.Modern cars have to start and stop reliably, idle in traffic, and cruise at freeway speeds. I always want to keep my cars as original-‐looking as possible, but when I can improve a car for safety or func?onal reasons, I'll do it. Fortunately, I've discovered a number of products and technologies that solve many problems common to old cars and help make them much more reliable to drive. For example, overhea?ng can be a big issue. Most old cars have non pressurized cooling systems, and if the car runs too hot, the coolant boils and overflows. Today's pressurized systems might fail in a plume of steam, but they are more effec?ve at heat transfer, and they keep the coolant from boiling. In older cars, when the coolant boils over, the quick fix is to top off the radiator with water. But each ?me you do that you're dilu?ng the coolant, and in California, at least, you're pouring water into the radiator that contains minerals harmful to the vehicle. Many of my cars sit for a month or two between drives, so some?mes I'd find green corrosion all around the radiator pipes and drainage petcocks. Now I use a terrific product called Evans Waterless Coolant. Since there's no water in it, it can't corrode anything. It's also good for the life of the car. I've had it in my replica 1937 BugaW Type 57SC Atlan?c for 14 years, and the coolant is as clean as the day it went in. Even be[er, it doesn't boil up to 375 F, so your car won't overheat. And it's good to minus 40 F, so it also acts as an an?freeze. The only disadvantage? At $44 a gallon, it can cost several hundred dollars to fill a big radiator. But if you have a valuable an?que car, this product is worth every penny. Another great idea is called fric?onless, or induc?on, braking. With a Telma induc?on brake setup, there's no wear and tear on the conven?onal brake parts. It's essen?ally an electromagne?c retarder. A pair of ven?lated rotors is a[ached to the center of the drivesha_. (You may have to cut your drivesha_ in two and shorten it to accommodate the new rotor assembly.) Instead of calipers, like a conven?onal disc brake, you have a stator that's a[ached to the chassis but separated from the disc by an air gap. Electricity flows through the stator coils, crea?ng powerful electromagne?c fields with alternate polari?es. As the rotors pass through these fields, eddy currents are generated that retard the rotors, which in turn slow the drivesha_. Most of the heat that's produced by braking is dissipated through the rotor vanes. The air gap means there's no fric?on. I installed the system in my 1941 American LaFrance 600 Series firetruck, which is equipped with huge hydraulic drums aided by power assist. The original brakes are only fade-‐free up to about 40 mph. So I put a Gear Vendors overdrive unit in the truck, and it's now capable of going up to 75 mph on the freeway. With a Telma unit, I barely use the brakes. Approaching an intersec?on, for example, I just tap the pedal and the Telma unit slows me right down. When I get closer, I step fully on the brakes to reach a complete stop. I don't think I'll have to do a brake job on this truck for 10 years. There's a cure for an?que charging systems too. I have a 1937 Cord 812 Westchester sedan with a vacuum-‐-‐electric, four-‐speed Bendix semiautoma?c transmission. Opera?ng its shi_er required more electricity at low speeds than the car's 6-‐volt generator could supply. Even worse, when I pulled up to a light at night, the lights dimmed and the radio went oooohhhh. The generator was probably sufficient for the original lights, but I had installed 6-‐volt halogen bulbs that are much brighter and need more current to operate. To increase the charge at a stoplight, I had to quickly depress the clutch pedal and rev the engine. That ran the generator a li[le faster and brightened the lights a bit. In cases like this, a lot of people install a 6-‐volt alternator or even convert to a 12-‐volt system, but a Cord is a very special vintage car. I didn't want to change the appearance of the engine, so I installed a Gener-‐Nator, which converts an original 6-‐volt (or 12-‐volt) generator into a 50-‐ to 60-‐wa[ alternator. The generator s?ll looks the same, but internally it's all updated. The voltage regulator is built-‐in, and there's even a li[le fan to cool the device. Now when I drive the Cord at night and pull up to a stoplight, the lights stay bright. And when I crank it, the headlights don't dim. Shi_ing with old transmissions can also be an issue. Red Line Oil makes a product called MTL 70W80 GL-‐4, a manual transmission lubricant that acts like a liquid synchronizer. My 1972 Dodge Challenger was always difficult to get into gear, and the gears ground when I shi_ed. I added a quart of MTL, and it doesn't even feel like the same transmission. MTL provides the perfect coefficient of fric?on; it protects the gears and the synchronizers. Be[er shi_ing through chemistry? You bet. 6 CAR SHOWS & EVENTS 2013 Mar 29-30 Apr. 5 Apr. 20 Apr. 24-28 Apr. 28 May 4 May 4 May 4 May 5 May 10 May 15-19 May 18 May 26 June 7-9 June 14 June 15 June 16 June 29 July 7 July 14 July 20 Aug. 31 Sept. 14 Sept. 15 Sept. 15 Sept. 22 Oct. 5,6,12,13 Oct. 10-13 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 26 Nov. 2 Nov. 10 Dec. 1 Dec. 7-8 SMR Annual Parts Meet - New location Carol County Agricultural Ctr., Westminster, MD POC: Bob Clubb (301) 831-5144 Opening Cruise Night Street Survivors Centre of Glen Burnie 5:30pm Asphalt Angels Spring Car Show Glory Days Grill Bowie 9am-3pm $12.50 by 4-5-2013 Buddy 443-812-3184 Spring Carlisle Car & Bike Show Pasadena call Greg for info 410-255-3168 Car Show $12 & Swap Meet $15 Gerst Farm 8401 Veteran’s Hwy. Millersville Rick 443-829-5658 Bay Country V.C.C.A. Car & Truck Show The Church at Severn Run 10-3 Pre $10/$12 at show Ken 410-987-3115 Spring Fling Kent Island Cruisers Western Tire Kent Island 10-3 $10 Adams Chev. Believe in Tomorrow 9-3 $15 Ladies Cruise Night Street Survivors Ocean City Cruisin Nova Appreciation Show Hoopers Crab House Ocean City 12-4 All years Novas-No entry fee Russ 410-336-1156 Memorial Day Breakfast & Car Show Street Survivors American Legion Post 195 Tom 443-838-0948 Russ 410-336-1156 Lead Scene East Rod & custom Show Gettysburg, PA 1-757-587-0905 Food Drive Cruise Night $5.00 or food donation Street Survivors 5:30 Lost in the 50’s Salute to America Show Marley Station Mall Animal Rescue Car Show Ghost Ryderz Centre of Glen Burnie 8-1 Cool Cars & Ice Cream Crank Off St. David’s Lutheran Church Hanover, MD $10 Hanover Street Rods 1-717-637-7697 Bakery Express Car Show Halethorpe Street Survivors 8am-2pm Cruiser Appreciation Cruise Night Street Survivors 5:30 Independent Bible Church Show Martinsburg, WV 8-3 Free admission Free food & drink Bob 304-702-0646 (Rain 7/27) Wheels From The Past Green Turtle Edgewater 9-2 $10/$15 Lincoln Tech All Chevy Show 11-3 Lost in the 50’s Patriotic Show Marley Station Show Alzheimers Assoc. Car & Truck Show Frederick, MD Street Survivors Club Picnic Patapsco State Park 11am $3.00 per person park admission, car seat $0 Apple Harvest Festival & Car Show Biglersville, PA $10.00 REGISTER EARLY! 1-717-677-9413 Ocean City Cruisin Halloween Cruise Night Street Survivors Prizes & Parade Halloween Car Show Kent Island Cruisers Kent Is. Fire Dept. 10-3 $10 Lost in the 50’s Halloween Cruise Night Swap Meet/Flea Market Street Survivors Gerst Farm $15 Rick 443-829-5658 Veterans Appreciation Car Show Street Survivors Centre of Glen Burnie 9am Rick 443-829-5658 $12 Christmas Car Show, Breakfast & Auction Street Survivors 8am Post 195 Baltimore Highlands Rick 443-829-5658 East Coast Nationals Timonium Cow Palace EVERYBODY GOES TO GINO’S ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT CAUSE GINO’S IS THE PLACE TO GO! John Broussard has a new location for his Wednesday Cruise Night. It is now held at Gino’s on Ritchie Hwy. & 5th Ave. from 6-9 every week. Call John if you have any questions, 410-302-2900. Cool Cars, Good burgers & Chicken, Music, Door Prizes & New Friends SUGARLOAF MOUNTAIN REGION AACA rd ANNIU INDOOR/OUTDOOR ANTIQUE AUTO SWAP MEET MARCH 29 & 30, 2013 * NEW LOCATION * C A R R O L L C O U N T Y A G R I C U LTU R E C E N T E R 7 0 6 A G R I C U LTU R E C E N T E R D R I V E W E STMI N STE R , M D 21157 DOORS OPEN: 6:00am FRIDAY & SATURDAY OVER 300 V E NDO R SPACES FULLY H E ATE D BUILDING ALL-A M E R IC A N F OOD SERVED FOR SALE Ed Sloan (Club Member) 29 Ford Roadster for Sale 1-717-285-5011 P R E P A R E D BY S M R M E M B E R S A L L F O O D R I G HTS R E S E R V E D jt CONTACT: ROBERT CLUBB FAX EMAIL ADDITIONAL SPACE R E S E R V E D AS N E E D E D (3 0 1) 8 2 9-2 0 0 0 (3 0 1) 4 2 8-0 0 8 4 smra SEE R E V E R S E SIDE FOR REGISTRATION F O R M 7 8 Food available in Bakery Express k Everyone welcome. Open to all vehicles. $12.00 registration at the show. Dash Plaques, Participant Choice Awards, Music and 50/50 4711 Hollins Ferry Road Halethorpe, Maryland 21227 For more info please call Russ Richards 410-336-1156 Rick Woolridge 443-829-5658 IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND THE APPLE FESTIVAL THIS YEAR GET YOUR REGISTRATION WITH $10 IN EARLY. 1980 AND OLDER VEHICLES ONLY. IGNORE ANY DEADLINE YOU SEE. MAIL THIS TO National Apple Harvest Festival, Attn: Antique Auto Committee, P.O. Box 38, Biglerville, PA 17307 PHONE 717-677-9413 YOU MUST HAVE YOUR CAR PARKED BY 11AM 9 BUSINESS CARD ADS $25.00 PATRON ADS $10.00 All old ads expire 3-31-2013 To Renew your ads for 2013 give to Diane Pattan or mail to the Club’s PO Box. Enclose a Business Card. Make checks payable to Street Survivors of Maryland ALL ADS ON THIS PAGE EXPIRE 3-31-2012 Thanks for your support! THANK YOU 2012 PATRONS CHARLES EAKLE MARY & DICK COX JANET & RICK WOOLRIDGE FRED VOLLMERHAUSEN AMANDA & RUSS RICHARDS CHRIS & DONNA DERKACZ DIANE & TOM PATTAN DICK & SHARON SMITH JOE & BRITTNI DERKACZ LINDA & DAVE WILLIAMS JIM ANDERSON DINA & JOHN MCKENNY JAN STERLING BUD & PAT TORMOLLAN 10
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