2014-2015 SSSAA Handbook - Surrey Secondary Schools Athletics
2014-2015 SSSAA Handbook - Surrey Secondary Schools Athletics
SURREY SECONDARY SCHOOLS ’ ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION COACHES’ HANDBOOK 2014 - 2015 TABLE of CONTENTS Table of Contents ............................................................................................................. i Surrey Champions ........................................................................................................... ii DIRECTORY ................................................................................................ 1-8 SSSAA Executive / Past Presidents ................................................................. 2 Sports Coordinators ...................................................................................... 3-4 PE Dept. Heads, Sports Coordinators & Athletic Directors............................. 5 Member Schools .............................................................................................. 6 Contact Information & Numbers ..................................................................... 7 FVSSAA Sport Commissioners....................................................................... 8 SPORT COORDINATOR INFORMATION ........................................... 9-11 Sport Coordinator Responsibilities ........................................................... 10-11 Reporting Scores............................................................................................ 11 Running a Surrey Championship ................................................................... 11 CALENDAR OF EVENTS ....................................................................... 13-23 2014-2015 YEAR at a GLANCE CALENDAR ........................................... 24 RULES & REGULATIONS ..................................................................... 26-47 Code of Ethics for Athletes & Coaches ......................................................... 27 Out-of-Season Play ....................................................................................... 28 Out-of-Season Opportunities ......................................................................... 28 RULES & REGULATIONS OF THE SSSAA ................................. 29-47 Article I Leagues ............................................................................. 29-30 Article II Rules of Competition & Practice ...................................... 30-39 Article III Discipline .......................................................................... 39-46 Article IV Suspension ............................................................................. 46 Article V Jury of Appeal ........................................................................ 46 Article VI Association Fees .................................................................... 46 CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS .............................................................. 47-56 SSSAA June 2014 AGM MINUTES ........................................................ 57-59 DISTRICT & SSSAA FORMS ................................................................ 60-70 Volunteer Driver Registration ....................................................................... 61 Discipline Report ........................................................................................... 62 Sample Community Coach Letters ................................................................ 63 Community Coach Application Form ............................................................ 64 Consent for Disclosure .................................................................................. 65 Coordinators Report ...................................................................................... 66 Scholarship Information and Application Forms ...................................... 67-70 RECOGNITION AWARDS…………………………………………….71-73 i SURREY CH AM PI ON S Volleyball Grade 8 Girls Grade 8 Boys Grade 9 Girls Gr. 8 Girls Tier II Gr. 8 Boys Tier II Junior Girls Junior Boys Jr. Girls Tier II Jr. Boys Tier II Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball Pacific Academy Elgin Park No League Johnston Heights Johnston Heights Pacific Academy Pacific Academy Clayton Heights L.A. Matheson Grade 8 Girls Grade 8 Boys Junior Girls Junior Boys Senior Girls Senior Boys Cross Country Cross Country Cross Country Cross Country Cross Country Cross Country Grade 8 Girls Grade 8 Boys Gr. 8 Girls Tier II Gr. 8 Boys Tier II Grade 9 Girls Grade 9 Boys Junior Girls Junior Boys Jr. Girls Tier II Jr. Boys Tier II Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball All Levels Cricket Cross Country No League No League No League No League No League No League Basketball Sullivan Heights Semiahmoo Clayton Heights No League No League Tamanawis Lord Tweedsmuir Panorama Ridge Queen Elizabeth Frank Hurt Cricket Princess Margaret Wrestling Girls Boys Wrestling Wrestling Junior Girls Gr. 8 Boys Tier I Gr. 8 Boys Tier II Jr. Boys Tier I Jr. Boys Tier II Rugby Rugby Rugby Rugby Rugby Grade 8 Junior Badminton Badminton Grade 8 Junior Golf Senior Golf Golf Golf Golf Queen Elizabeth Guildford Park Rugby No League *Not Available *Not Available Early Marriott Clayton Heights Badminton *Not Available Semiahmoo Golf No League Earl Marriott Earl Marriott ii SURREY CH AM PI ON S Track & Field Grade 8 Girls Grade 8 Boys Grade 9 Girls Grade 9 Boys Grade 10 Girls Grade 10 Boys Senior Girls Senior Boys Track & Field Track & Field Track & Field Track & Field Track & Field Track & Field Track & Field Track & Field Semiahmoo Holy Cross Elgin Park Semiahmoo Semiahmoo Lord Tweedsmuir Lord Tweedsmuir White Rock Christian Academy iii Directory 2014 - 2015 - 4- SSSAA 2014-2015 EXECUTI V E Liaison Officer for: President Simon Mah 588-3418 Johnston Heights Kwantlen Park L.A. Matheson Queen Elizabeth L.A. Matheson #079 Vice-President Dean Maion Fraser Heights #141 582-9231 Guildford Park Fraser Heights Regent Christian Tamanawis Administrators’ Rep. Brian Tait 582-9231 Enver Creek Southridge White Rock Christian 595-8890 Panorama Ridge Princess Margaret Semiahmoo 543-8749 Lord Tweedsmuir North Surrey Pacific Academy Sullivan Heights Clayton Heights Elgin Park Frank Hurt Fraser Heights #141 Secretary-Treasurer Christi Miller Panorama Ridge #032 Member at Large Ryan Neufeld Sullivan Heights #164 Member at Large 538-6678 Tom Myring Elgin Park #156 Past President Mykola Misiak 531-8354 Earl Marriott #105 PE & Athletics Coordinator 595-6056 Glenn Young Fleetwood Park Holy Cross Surrey Christian Sec. Earl Marriott Gabrielle Roy Education Services #425 PAST PRESI D EN TS M y k ol a M i si ak M i k e Sw een ey Cr ai g Er b Ker r y Tay l or M u r r ay M cLeod Ron Di r k sen Gr eg Wor sl ey Tr acy Ti f en b ach Ran d y Pau l s 2 0 1 2 -1 3 2 0 1 0 -1 2 2 0 0 8 -1 0 2 0 0 6 -0 8 2 0 0 4 -0 6 2 0 0 2 -0 4 1 9 9 9 -0 2 1 9 9 8 -9 9 1 9 9 6 -9 8 M y l es Wi n ch Kev i n DeBoi ce Pau l Lan gt on M ar y an n e Wi n t h er Col l i n Yor k M o M acKen d r i ck Fr ed Col b u r n Ken Bar t on Way n e Sear l e - 2- 1 9 9 2 -9 6 1 9 9 0 -9 2 1 9 8 8 -9 0 1 9 8 6 -8 8 1 9 8 4 -8 6 1 9 8 2 -8 4 1 9 8 0 -8 2 1 9 7 8 -8 0 1 9 7 6 -7 8 SSSAA 2014-2015 SPORTS COORD I N ATORS LEAGUE Volleyball Grade 8 Girls’ (Playoffs) Host Grade 8 Boys’ (Playoffs) Host Gr. 8 Girls Tier II Gr.8 Boys Tier II Grade 9 Girls Junior Girls’ (Playoffs) Host Junior Boys’ (Playoffs) Host NAME SCHOOL PHONE FAX Ryan Neufeld Sullivan Heights 543-8749 543-9684 Sullivan Heights 543-8749 543-9684 Jeni Robinson Lord Tweedsmuir 574-7407 574-4759 Sean Engbers Surrey Christian 581-1033 581-1712 590-1311 590-9013 Fleetwood Park 597-2301 597-6481 Lord Tweedsmuir 574-7407 574-4759 North Surrey 581-4433 581-1150 TBA TBA Ryan Neufeld (TBC) TBA Tier II Jr Girls’ Host TBA Tier II Jr Boys’ Host Cross Country Basketball Grade 8 Girls’ (Playoffs) Host Grade 8 Boys’ (Playoffs) Host Tier II Grade 8 Girls’ (Playoffs) Host Tier II Grade 8 Boys’ (Playoffs) Grade 9 Girls’ (Playoffs) Host Grade 9 Boys’ (Playoffs) Host Junior Girls’ (Playoffs) Host Junior Boys’ (Playoffs) Host T-II Jr Girls’ (Playoffs) Host T-II Jr Boys’ (Playoffs) TBA TBA Cricket TBA TBA TBA TBA Sharon Staples TBA Mike Mitro Hamid Sorkhou (TBC) TBA TBA TBA - 3- SSSAA 2014-2015 LEAGUE NAME SCHOOL PHONE FAX Fraser Heights 582-9231 582-9268 Wrestling Senior Girls & Boys TBA Grade 8 Boys TBA Rugby Junior Girls TBA Tier 1 Jr Boys TBA Tier II Jr Boys TBA Badminton Grade 8 Junior TBA Glenn Slade Golf Grade 8 TBA Junior TBA Senior TBA Track and Field TBA - 4- SSSAA 2014-2015 PE D EPT H EAD S / ATH LETI C D I RECTORS M EM BER SCH OOLS SCHOOL PE DEPT HEAD ATHLETIC DIRECTORS Clayton Heights Chris MacIver Glen Sandve Earl Marriott Bryn Johnson Taylor Clift Elgin Park Tim Booker Tom Myring Enver Creek Phil Deeks Greg Reid Fleetwood Park Sharon Staples Craig Erb / Mike Sweeney Frank Hurt Allen De la Paz Steve Semren Fraser Heights Joan Stock Dean Maion/Tyler Shears Guildford Park Alexis Biggar Ken Strain Johnston Heights Kim Hill/Tracey Riddoch Mike Gilray Kwantlen Park Dona Wilkie Travis Mackenzie L.A. Matheson Simon Mah Simon Mah Lord Tweedsmuir Jeni Robinson Brien Gemmell / Mike Mitro North Surrey Donna Carroll Hamid Sorkhou Panorama Ridge Darrell Fast Derek Duke Princess Margaret Les Bezeredi / Ryan Sperling Jason Wilkinson Queen Elizabeth Danielle Calbick Tavis Bowie / Tanner Wellington Semiahmoo Lori Pajic Myles Winch Sullivan Heights Shawn Stroh Aaron Davis / Ryan Neufeld Tamanawis George Paille Par Bains Gabrielle-Roy Jean-Rock Roy Jean-Rock Roy Holy Cross High School Lance Hurtubise Khalsa School Harman Goraya Pacific Academy Scott Knapp Southridge School Kara Wickstrom James Porpaczy Surrey Christian Sec. Gary Chapman Sean Engbers White Rock Christian Terry Neufeld - 5- SSSAA 2014-2015 M EM BER SCH OOLS Courier No. School Postal Code Phone Fax Address 604-576-4138 604-576-4793 7003 - 188 Street V4N 3G6 175 Clayton Heights 105 Earl Marriott 604-531-8354 604-531-6174 15751 - 16 Ave V4A 1S1 156 Elgin Park 604-538-6678 604-538-6491 13484 - 24 Ave V4A 2G5 114 Enver Creek 604-543-8149 604-543-9762 14505 - 84 Ave V3S 8X2 157 Fleetwood Park 604-597-2301 604-597-6481 7940 - 156 Ave V3S 3R3 106 Frank Hurt 604-590-1311 604-590-9013 13940 – 77 Ave V3W 5Z4 141 Fraser Heights 604-582-9231 604-582-9268 16060 - 108 Ave V4N 1M1 047 Guildford Park 604-588-7601 604-588-7762 14577-106A Ave V3R 1T5 045 Johnston Heights 604-581-5500 604-583-9286 15355 - 98 Ave V3R 0R9 048 Kwantlen Park 604-588-6934 604-588-2139 10441-132 Street V3T 3V3 079 L.A. Matheson 604-588-3418 604-588-7245 9484 - 122 Street V3V 4M1 041 Lord Tweedsmuir 604-574-7407 604-574-4759 6151 - 180 Street V3S 4L5 028 North Surrey 604-581-4433 604-581-1150 15945 - 96 Ave V4N 2R8 032 Panorama Ridge 604-595-8890 604-595-8891 13220 - 64 Ave V3W 1X9 046 Princess Margaret 604-594-5458 604-594-4689 12870 - 72 Ave V3W 2M9 022 Queen Elizabeth 604-588-1258 604-584-5294 9457 - 136 Street V3V 5W4 023 Semiahmoo 604-536-2131 604-536-4970 1785 - 148 Street V4Z 4M6 164 Sullivan Heights 604-543-8749 604-543-9684 6248 - 144 Street V3X 1A1 150 Tamanawis 604-597-5234 604-597-4450 12600 - 66 Ave V3W 2A8 6887 132 Street V3W 4L9 Francophone Gabrielle-Roy 604-599-6688 604-599-6628 Independent Holy Cross 604-581-3023 604-583-4795 16193 - 88 Ave V3S 2T9 Pacific Academy 604-581-5353 604-581-0087 10238-168 Street V3R 4S9 Khalsa School 604-591-2248 604-591-3396 6933 - 124 Street V3W 3W6 Southridge School 604-535-5056 604-535-5241 2656 - 160 Street V3S 0B7 Surrey Christian Sec. 604-581-1033 604-581-1712 15353 - 92 Ave V3R 1C3 White Rock Christian 604-531-9186 604-531-1727 2265 - 152 Street V4A 4P1 - 6- SSSAA 2014-2015 CON TACT I N FORM ATI ON Organization Name Phone / Fax E-mail / Website BCSS : Christine Bradstock Executive Director Ph. 604-477-1488 Fax. 604-477-1484 S.D. #36 Ed Services : Glenn Young PE Helping Teacher Ph. 604-595-6056 Fax. 604-595-5326 young_g@surreyschools.ca S.D #36 : Ed Services Shannon Beaver PE Clerk Ph. 595-6032 FIELD HOTLINE: Surrey Parks & Recreation Ph. 604-590-7217 FVSSAA : Lynn Haywood Secretary Ph. 604-576-0346 (leave message) Fax. 604-576-4482 fvssaa1@gmail.com School District #36 (Surrey) C#425-4 Education Services P.E. Department 14033 – 92 Ave. Surrey, BC V3V 0B7 Ph. 595-6032 Fax. 604-595-5326 Fax. 604-595-5326 SCORE REPORT E-MAIL : taylor_k@surreyschools.ca SCORE REPORT SITE : http://www.sssaa.org SSSAA : http://www.sssaa.org - 7- Fraser V alley Sec. Schools’ Athletic Association SPORT COMMISSIONERS 2014-2015 Fraser Valley Secondary Schools’ Athletic Association E Mail address: fvssaa1@shaw.ca fvssaa1@gmail.com - 8- Sports Coordinator Information 2014-2015 - 9- Sport Coordinator Responsibilities Attend Fraser Valley Organizational meeting Call organizational meeting • Book meeting room (goodies/munchies for meeting would be a nice touch). • Develop agenda (include location, room, date, and time). • Develop coaches’ package to answer Frequently Asked Questions. • Email agenda to all member schools (have extra agendas for meeting). • Have copies of last year’s minutes (obtain from AD or previous coordinator. • Have a copy of last year’s AGM Report with Recommendations (obtain from Athletic Director or SSSAA President). • Keep minutes of this meeting and email to all member schools. • Sample Agenda items: 1. Welcome and intros. 2. New business and recommendations (allow for additions to the agenda). 3. Move to adopt agenda, need a seconder, and then vote to adopt. 4. Circulate previous year’s minutes-allow for any additions and deletions. 5. Move to accept last year’s minutes, need a seconder, and then vote to adopt. 6. Action items (may need to have motion to discuss, need seconder, allow for discussion, and then call question to vote, simple majority to pass (all schools get one vote per team). (No vote for the coordinator.) 7. Information items: Declaration of teams (via email or at meeting). Playoff draw, locations, and entry fees. Fraser Valley coordinators. Fraser Valley playoffs, location, dates, and number of berths. Announcements re tournaments, exhibition games, etc. Reporting scores via website www.sssaa.org or e-mail to taylor_k@surreyschools.ca Post on the website through the Executive Coordinator. 8. Move to adjourn, need a seconder, and then vote to adjourn. Create a schedule • Use declaration of teams to develop. • Look at last year’s schedule/format. • Single round-robin, double round-robin, divisions of play, etc. • For divisions geographically. • Stay in line with traditional days of play. DO NOT SCHEDULE ON STAFF MEETING MONDAYS! • Adjust to what happened in meetings. - 10 - • Post on internet. • Your discretion for schools that declare teams late. • Receive results and pass on to the Executive Coordinator to post on the website. Reporting Scores SSSAA Score Report Site: (VB, BB) taylor_k@surreyschools.ca Leave information in the following order: 1. Date of game (according to league schedule) 2. Level of play (e.g. Jr. Boys, Tier II Girls, etc.) 3. Zone (e.g. North, Central, etc.) 4. Schools involved 5. Score(s) and winner Running a Surrey Championship 1. Booking your playoff site location (your school, check with AD; if using field, book with PE Helping Teacher @ DEC). 2. Follow playoff format decided by Executive Coordinator. 3. Email draw directly to coaches involved (include time and location, which team is home and away, etc). The website can be used as well through the Executive Coordinator. 4. Budgets: Spend money first and then get reimbursed by SSSAA Treasurer (keep original receipts!) when you send in your report. Check SSSAA AGM minutes/annual report to confirm budget amount. Pay for officials. Charge schools later for games played. Use the budget to cover all expenses. 5. Award medal/T-Shirts (provided by the SSSAA). T-shirts awarded to championship teams in Volleyball, Basketball, Cricket, Rugby, and Ball Hockey. Medals awarded in Cross Country, Badminton, Golf, and Track & Field. 6. Filling out your final report. Use template to send report to SSSAA Treasurer & President by email. Send original receipts to the SSSAA Treasurer by mail or courier. 7. Send in your playoff results to the Fraser Valley Coordinator ASAP. - 11 - . - 12 - Calendar of Events 2014-2015 - 13 - - 14 - 15 16 - 17 - - 18 - - 19 - - 20 - - 21 - - 22 - - 23 - 2014-2015 SCHOOL CALENDAR - 24 - - 25 - Rules & Regulations 2014-2015 - 26 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 Code of Ethics for Athletes & Coaches Adapted from BC School Sports Handbook CODE FOR PLAYERS Players shall: 1. Treat opponents with respect; 2. Play hard, but within the rules; 3. Exercise self-control at all times; 4. Respect the decisions of officials without gesture or argument; 5. Win with humility, lose with dignity; 6. Show that it is a privilege to represent their school and community; 7. Recognize and applaud honestly and wholeheartedly the efforts of teammates or opponents regardless of colour, creed or race. CODE FOR COACHES Coaches shall: 1. Treat their own players and opponents with respect; 2. Inspire a love of the game and a desire to compete fairly; 3. Discipline those on the team who display unsportsmanlike behaviour; 4. Respect the judgment and interpretation of the officials; 5. In no way seek to recruit a student to attend any particular school; 6. Remember that the athletic area is a classroom, with moral and legislative obligations required of the coach at all times. During Provincial Championships, Commissioners shall form a disciplinary committee to deal with any gross violations of behaviour or conduct considered unacceptable by the committee. While discipline might include banning an athlete from further participation in a tournament, the coach of the player must still assume responsibility for the supervision of the athlete and deal with further disciplinary action in accordance with school or district regulations. - 27 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 Out-of-Season Play Consistent with the concept that interscholastic athletics are a part of the educational system, and consistent with the established goals of health, safety, sportsmanship and equality of competition, the following guidelines for out-ofseason regulations are set forth: 1. 2. 3. The basic responsibility of all administrators, teachers and coaches is to provide students, who are participating in interscholastic athletics, with a worthwhile, educational experience. All sports have a defined season and no sport shall operate to the detriment of any other sport. A student should have the opportunity to participate in as many interscholastic athletic experiences as reasonably possible, and anything that serves to prevent this opportunity is contrary to the philosophy of BC SCHOOL SPORTS and this association. Out-of-Season Opportunities for School Students If a school coach, athlete or combination group wishes to compete in a sport recognized by BC SCHOOL SPORTS outside the seasons-of-play as defined in the BCSS Handbook, the following steps must be taken and/or regulations followed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The individual or team desiring to compete must affiliate with the appropriate provincial sport organization. The individual or team must not use the school name, stationery, accounting system or wear the school uniform during competition. The individual, league or team is responsible for suitable and appropriate insurance coverage (medical, liability, etc.). The individual or team must book school facilities in accordance with school or district policy. These facility times must not be in conflict with in-season practices or league play. The Administrators of the school shall ensure that the out-of-season sport not operate to the detriment of any in-season sport. Recommendation: The parents of the individuals competing must receive notification from the school and acknowledge in writing that the competitive experience being provided is not part of the regular interscholastic athletic program of the school. - 28 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 Rules & Regulations of the SSSA A Any discrepancies in SSSAA Rules and Regulations will be superseded by BCSS Rules and Regulations. Article I – Leagues & Championships Organized sport carried out under the auspices of the association shall be organized by leagues. A league or any member of a team thereof shall only be entitled to participate in the activities of the association upon the adoption of the rules of competition practice hereinafter set out. SECTION I - LEAGUE EXECUTIVE COORDINATOR a) League Coordinator shall be elected by the SSSAA executive and announced at the Annual General Meeting.(Note: call for applicants will be made by the executive prior to the AGM should the existing League Coordinator vacate the position or the executive deem it necessary to look at other applicants. b) The Executive Coordinator will have the following responsibilities for both volleyball and basketball: i) Call, organize and chair league meetings ii) Circulate minutes for league meetings iii) Create league schedules which will be posted on the SSSAA website http://www.sssaa.org iv) Update the website with information for the coaches v) Respond to SSSAA league inquiries via email vi) Receive all league scores via email vii) Update all league scores on the website daily viii) Provide league stats and information for playoff coordinators ix) Post playoff information (schedule, scores, etc.) provided by playoff coordinators x) Attend SSSAA Executive meeting to provide input xi) Post schedules, scores, information, etc. (provided by league coordinators) for all other sanctioned sports. The Executive Coordinator will be selected by the SSSAA executive prior to the SSSAA AGM for the next year based on applications which must be received by May. The position pays $100 per member school and the term is for one year. (e.g. we have 28 member schools - $2,800.00) The applicant must have the following qualifications: i) be an educator in Surrey ii) have coordinated a SSSAA league or playoff in the past iii) be proficient with computers, website management, data entry and email - 29 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 SECTION II – LEAGUES Leagues may be organized in sports sanctioned by voting members at the Annual General Meeting. SECTION III - LEAGUE ORGANIZATIONAL MEETINGS Organization meeting for the various leagues shall be called as follows: FALL SPORTS: WINTER SPORTS: SPRING SPORTS: before the third week of the fall term before the last week of November before the first week of March These meetings shall be called by the League Executive Coordinator or by the President of the association. SECTION IV - VOTING AT LEAGUE MEETINGS The voting members at the organization meetings of the league, and at subsequent meetings of the league that season shall consist of one member from each of the member schools entering a team or teams in the league. SECTION V Host schools may not charge admission for any league or championship play. The teachers of member schools shall not be charged admission. SECTION VI All league and playoff games must be played under the rules of the recognized authority for that sport, unless exceptions have been incorporated in the Rules of the League. Article II - Rules Of Competition And Practice SECTION I - SCHOOL OBLIGATION TO PARTICIPATE Schools are not committed to play in all sports or enter all divisions of a particular Local Association League. Where the SSSAA does not offer a specific sport, the SSSAA Executive may, upon application of a member school, permit participation in a league not under the SSSAA jurisdiction. SECTION II - ORGANIZATION OF LEAGUES a) Local Association Leagues may be organized in more than one age division. b) A second team from a school may compete if agreed upon by a simple majority of schools present at the organizational meetings of that age division. c) Each recognized sport must have a League Coordinator in place at least one week before the start of exhibition play, or no league will be established. - 30 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 d) To qualify for league play, a sport must have at least four (4) schools and be sanctioned by the membership at the Annual General Meeting. Where there are less than four (4) schools wishing to participate in a sport, a request may be made to the executive of the SSSAA for sanctioning as an exhibition sport. e) If a sanctioned sport does not run for two (2) years, it loses its status as a sanctioned sport and must re-apply as per part d). f) Member schools wishing to compete in a specific sport must register with the League Coordinators. g) Only member schools may participate in SSSAA leagues and playoffs. SECTION III - ORGANIZATION OF PLAYOFFS a) Organization of SSSAA schedules and playoffs is under the jurisdiction of the SSSAA. b) Playoff teams must pay for the cost of certified officials during the playoffs on a pay-as-you-go basis. Playoff Coordinators or host schools shall not make a profit hosting a SSSAA playoff. SECTION IV - GAME RULES a) All association games must be played under the rules of the recognized authority for the sport, unless exceptions have been incorporated in the Rules of the League. b) Coaches must attend all games. No game is to be started unless a coach is in attendance. c) The coach is responsible for the conduct of his/her players while they are participating in a SSSAA competition or representing a Surrey school. d) Coaches are responsible for the behaviour of their players prior to and after practices and for the entire duration of team trips. Unsportsmanlike conduct, as well as the use of drugs and/or alcohol by students, shall be reported to both the association Executive and the school principal as soon as possible. e) If a coach is ejected from a game by an official, the game must be discontinued unless a different coach from the same school takes over the responsibilities of the ejected coach. Discontinued games shall be awarded to the team of the non-offending coach. SECTION V - SEASONAL LIMITS FOR EXHIBITION & LEAGUE PLAY a) The following shall be the limits for exhibition and league play by members of the SSSAA, as adopted by the BCSS. Start Exhibition/League Play Finish Fall September 2 November 29 Winter November 24 March 7 Spring March 2 June 6 - 31 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 b) In all cases, a student registered with a seasonal sport team which is still participating in SSSAA League schedule playoffs, in the FVSSAA playoffs or BC playoffs, shall not take part in exhibition games and practices of a sport of the following season, unless there is mutual consent between the two coaches of the sport concerned and it is within the published starting dates. If mutual consent between the two coaches is not reached, the school principal shall decide in the best interest of all concerned. SECTION VI - ELIGIBILITY * The following eligibility quick check and overview is taken from the BC School Sports website. For more detailed rules regarding eligibility, please refer to the BC School Sports Handbook. BC SCHOOL SPORTS 2014-2015 Eligibility QUICK CHECK Team and Player Registration: ALL Member School teams and Student-Athletes competing in BC School Sports (BCSS) approved sports MUST be registered on a team in accordance with the BCSS rules prior to competing in all competition. Student Eligibility: General Rule 1: Student-Athletes can only compete for the school at which they are registered. General Rule 2: There is a maximum age allowed for each level of competition. General Rule 3: Students-Athletes are athletically eligible for five years, from entry into Grade 8. General Rule 4: Student-Athletes cannot have graduated from secondary school. General Rule 5: Student-Athletes must be full-time. - 32 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 BC SCHOOL SPORTS 2014-2015 Eligibility Overviews BC School Sports is a registered Society, and is the governing body for extra-curricular inter-school sport in British Columbia. BCSS is a membership organization of approximately 425 Middle, Junior and Senior Secondary schools in British Columbia. Membership is voluntary, but through membership, schools are agreeing that StudentAthletes, coaches and other participants will comply with the policies and Rules and Regulations established by the organization. All Member School teams and Student-Athletes competing in BCSS approved sports MUST be registered on a team in accordance with the BCSS rules prior to competing in all Restricted competition. Official Rules: For a complete copy of the BCSS Eligibility Rules and Regulations, please go to the BCSS website at www.bcschoolsports.ca Team and Player Registration: All Member School teams and Student-Athletes (grade 8-12) competing in BCSS approved sports MUST be registered on-line with BCSS. Failure to properly register a team or an individual Student-Athlete will result in that team or Student-Athlete being ineligible for further competition (see rules for School Team Eligibility). A Student-Athlete’s full name as written on their birth certificate must be used when registering. Rationale for Competitive Rules: All BCSS eligibility rules are in place to ensure fair and equitable competition among Member Schools. This same rationale is the basis for many other BCSS competitive policies, such as having specific seasons of play, having multiple tiers based on school enrollment, and having a strong policy against recruiting Student-Athletes. Student-Athlete Eligibility: There are five basic eligibility rules for students participating in BCSS competition. All Member School teams and Student-Athletes competing in BCSS approved sports MUST be registered on a team in accordance with the BCSS rules prior to competing in all competition. General Rule 1: Student-Athletes can only compete for the school at which they are registered. Some exceptions do exist and must be approved by BCSS. These exceptions are due to the variety of school configurations in B.C. as well as the BCSS purpose -to encourage participation - especially in the more rural and remote communities where smaller schools have had a history of not being able to field teams. Other than the above, students cannot play for another school. The goal is and continues to be on maintaining a competitive balance. - 33 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 General Rule 2: There is a maximum age allowed for each level of competition. To encourage participation, proper athletic development, and equitable competition, many BCSS sports are organized in age-group competition. There is a maximum age allowed at each level of competition, as well as a limited number of years for which a Student-Athlete can be eligible for a particular level of age-group competition. See Section III D3. Grade 8 Competition: Student-Athletes must be under 15 years of age as of December 31, 2014 and be in their first year of eligibility. Grade 9 Competition: Student-Athletes must be under 16 years of age as of December 31, 2014 and be in no more than their 2nd year of eligibility. Junior Competition: Student-Athletes must be under 17 years of age as of December 31, 2014 and be in no more than their 3rd year of eligibility. Senior Competition: Student-Athletes must be under 19 years of age as of December 31, 2014 and be in no more than their fifth year of eligibility. General Rule 3: Student-Athletes are athletically eligible for five years, from entry into Grade 8. To encourage athletic opportunities throughout the normal five years of high school and in support of equitable competition, Student-Athletes are limited to athletic eligibility for a five year period, starting with initial entry to Grade 8. (See Section III D4.1) The eligibility calendar continues to run regardless of a Student-Athlete’s actual participation on a team. If a Student-Athlete doesn’t try out for a team, doesn’t make the team, withdraws from school, is asked to leave school, or the school doesn’t offer a particular sport during a time period, that school year or portion still counts toward the Student-Athlete’s five year period of eligibility. Job action in a School District or school does not extend eligibility dates. A Student-Athlete who has been out of BC on a BCSS approved Exchange Program and meets conditions in Section III D4.1.5 may have up to one year of eligibility restored. Member Schools are encouraged to file an eligibility appeal for Student-Athletes who have not completed their academic requirements in a five year period due to a serious accident or illness. The key to Section III D4.1.3 is that the Student-Athlete has been unable to academically progress during the specific period of time directly due to the severity of the medical condition. Medical documentation and school absentee records are required as part of the appeal. Information regarding a Student-Athlete’s involvement in a school or School District’s “hospital / homebound” program should also be submitted. General Rule 4: Student-Athletes cannot have graduated from secondary school. Student-Athletes cannot have completed BC Ministry of Education graduation requirements in the preceding school year, nor can they have accepted a Senior Secondary Certificate of Standing in the current school year and be athletically eligible. A StudentAthlete may complete graduation requirements during 2014-2015 - 34 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 , continue to take courses, and remain eligible as long as they don’t accept the Certificate of Standing and they stay at their home school. (Section III D2.4) General Rule 5: Student-Athletes must be full-time. It is required that Student-Athletes must be enrolled in the equivalent of a 75% course load during the 2014- 2015 school year to remain eligible. (See Section III D2.2) Transfers: A transfer of schools after the start of the first year of eligibility may limit athletic eligibility at the new school. All Student-Athletes who transfer schools after the first year of eligibility must have their Athletic Director determine the Student-Athletes eligibility based on BCSS Rules. For eligible Student-Athletes an online transfer must be completed and any documentation sent to and approved by the BCSS office before the Student-Athlete becomes eligible to compete. And for ineligible Student-Athletes, an eligibility application form must be completed and sent to the Eligibility Officer for processing. In support of the goal of equitable competition, Student-Athletes are eligible for the school at which they are registered on the first day of his/her 1st year of eligibility: this is a Student-Athlete’s “home school”. Any transfer to another school after that day may affect athletic eligibility at the new school for a 12 month period. (see Section III D9) A StudentAthlete who has transferred into a new school and participates on a team at the new school affects the competitive balance of the team and therefore the competitive balance of the league or regional competition. Student-Athletes already at the school may lose their opportunity to participate. The transfer restrictions do not assume or imply that any recruiting or “shopping around” has taken place. It is simply to protect the competitive balance inherent between schools’ existing student populations. All transfers must be approved by the BCSS office. Eligibility Application Process: (See Section III D11) BC School Sports has a two level application / appeal process available to Member Schools if the school believes that there are extraordinary circumstances regarding the eligibility status of a Student-Athlete. 1st level – an application to the Eligibility Officer 2nd level – an appeal to the Eligibility Appeal Committee– (comprised of 6 experienced volunteers from the BCSS membership,) are all well-versed in the BCSS Eligibility Rules and the intent and spirit of those rules The Eligibility Officer will accept applications from August 15 through until June 1 each year. The Eligibility Appeals Committee will meet 6 times in 2014-2015 Appeal meeting dates are: • September 20, 2014 Deadline for Submission September 10, 2014 • October 18, 2014 Deadline for Submission October 8, 2014 • November 29, 2014 Deadline for Submission November 19, 2014 • January 17, 2015 Deadline for Submission January 7, 2015 • March 7, 2015 Deadline for Submission February 25, 2015 • May 30, 2015 Deadline for Submission May 20, 2015 - 35 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 All new additional information MUST be submitted to the BCSS office at least 8 school days prior to the scheduled meetings. No late appeals will be accepted. At this time member schools may request an appointment to talk with the Eligibility Appeals committee as well. Over the years of province-wide Eligibility Rules, decisions made have established numerous but specific precedents. Appeals that appear to be similar on their surface, may in fact be very different in detail, and may result in different decisions being made by the committees. If an application is denied by the Eligibility Officer and there is either new information or there has been a technical error made by the Eligibility Officer, the Member School may submit a 2nd level appeal to the Eligibility Appeals Committee, who meet 6 times per year as noted above. Eligibility Appeals can only be filed by a Member School, and must include permission from the Student-Athlete or parent (guardian) for the release of the Student-Athlete’s personal records and academic information. Applications must be submitted on the 2014- 2015 Eligibility Application Form, and include all required documentation. There is a $50 administrative fee for each eligibility application. There is a $200 fee for an eligibility appeal application. The $200 will be returned if the appeal is accepted. Decisions made by the Eligibility Officer will be made within a week. SECTION VII - PLAYER REGISTRATION a) To be eligible for any competition (Gr.8, 9, Jr. Sr.) a list of team members with their birth dates shall be submitted to BC School Sports as per Section VI Eligibility. b) Additions and changes in team registration lists must be submitted with the required information to BCSS. c) Playing a player or players who are ineligible according to Article II, Section VI, results in forfeiture of game points to the other team. d) The information required on the registration list must be obtained from the permanent record cards on file in the school office by a coach or member of the office staff. Forms must be signed by the School Administrator. (e) The BCSS STARS Registration forms will be used as official rosters in the Surrey Championships in the sports of Volleyball and Basketball. Players not on the STARS registration will be ineligible to participate and any games played with ineligible players will be declared a forfeit. Players deemed ineligible will be declared eligible when the coach provides an updated STARS registration form with the player in question added. Teams deemed ineligible will be ineligible to participate until they have registered with BCSS. - 36 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 SECTION VIII - DEFAULTS, POSTPONEMENTS, FORFEITURES a) Default: Forty-eight (48) hours notice must be given to the scheduled opponent by any team intending to default a game. Full explanation of the details connected with the default must be sent to the League Coordinator who shall decide the penalty for a default. The coordinator shall be notified immediately if a default is anticipated. b) Postponements: Scheduled games may be postponed only for weather conditions or other reasons beyond the control of the school and with the specific consent of the other school involved. The League Coordinator must be notified within 48 hours. The game must be re-scheduled at the earliest convenience of both schools. c) Forfeit: If a school, for reasons beyond its control, cannot play a scheduled game, the League Coordinator may award the game to the other team involved. This shall be called a forfeit. d) Withdrawals: A school team withdrawing from a league, playoff, or championship competition may be placed on probation or may face possible suspension from further competition in that sport. The decision shall be made by the executive in consultation with the coordinator. The coach of a team or player withdrawing from playoff competition after qualifying shall notify the coordinator immediately so that the next eligible team or player can participate. e) For the purpose of this section, the Executive of the Local Association shall decide whether failure to play as scheduled shall be classed as "default", "postponement" or "double-forfeit", i.e. loss of points by both teams. SECTION IX - PROTESTS a) Protests must be made in accordance with the rules of the sport notwithstanding local association rules. b) The protest will not be considered unless it is in writing and received by the association President within two (2) school days of competition. c) The following people shall receive a copy: - Local Association President - Student Activities Coordinator/Athletic Director and/or Principal and coach of opposing school - Coordinator - Coach's own principal d) The Local Association Executive shall form a protest committee. The protest committee's decision shall be binding. - 37 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 SECTION X - COACH CONTROL a) For SSSAA league and exhibition play and the FV Association playoff competition, a coach must be in attendance. When a school fails to fulfill this requirement, it shall forfeit all rights to that game, even if the other school consents to play the game. b) Referees: For the SSSAA association competition, competent officiating must be provided. Coaches or sponsors are expected to maintain control of games officiated by students. Where students are needed to officiate games, they be partnered with a competent responsible adult. SECTION XI – VOLUNTEER COMMUNITY COACHES A community coach is defined as any individual who is not a school district employee who coaches a school team. This applies to a head coach(es) or assistant coach(es) of a school team either with or without a school district employee sponsor. a) Community coaches must be determined by the administration (in collaboration with the Athletic Director) to have the necessary ability to work with people, and the appropriate level of training required for the sport, and age level in question, especially in high risk sports such as gymnastics, rugby and wrestling. Community coaches must also undergo an annual criminal records check. b) Community coaches must complete the Community Coach Application Form and criminal records check each year and submit copies to both the Athletic Director and School Administrator. The form will enable School Representatives to start to determine the qualifications and suitability of the prospective community coach to supervise and coach students of school age and receive from the prospective community coach references and authorization to conduct a criminal records check faxed to the SSSAA Vice President. c) Where community coaches are in place, a “staff sponsor,” a teaching staff member or an administrative officer, will report to the principal on a regular basis about the program and schedules of the team. d) “Staff sponsors,” where a community coach is in place, are expected to be in the building during practices or should arrange for a designated staff contact for those times when the sponsor is not present. “Staff sponsors” must be present at and visible to the organizers of all games, tournaments and travel events of that team. In a secondary school, the administrative officer may choose to take responsibility for waiving this requirement with some community coaches at his/her discretion for games, tournaments and travel events not involving overnight travel. Parents should be advised of all travel and supervision arrangements. e) Student coaches and coaches under nineteen years of age must be under the direct supervision of a teacher sponsor at all times. - 38 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 f) Student teachers operate, as in all other aspects of their placement, under the supervision of their “sponsor teacher”. g) When a school’s community coach fails to have a staff sponsor and/or their documentation from the administration, the team shall forfeit all rights to that game, even if the other school consents to play the game as per Section X Coach Control. h) ALL community coaches must have documentation provided by the school that certifies them as a volunteer community coach. The volunteer community coach must have this documentation with them at all athletic events. (Sample Volunteer Community Coach Documentation contained in District and SSSAA Forms.) SECTION XII - SCHOOL RESPONSIBILITY a) During a game, the coach and/or sponsor is responsible for the conduct of spectators that are readily identifiable as students or supporters from his/her school. b) The proper conduct of the game demands the full cooperation of members of both teams including coaches and fans from the participating schools. c) Any cost incurred as a result of a team not fulfilling a commitment to a contest where there are costs incurred will result in that school being responsible for payment of said costs upon notification to the SSSAA executive within 5 school days of the contest. SECTION XIII - UNIFORM DRESS Any member school participating in Surrey school sports competition must have appropriate uniform dress. Appropriate uniform dress shall include: a) school identification top; b) gym shorts (no cut-offs); c) appropriate foot wear. Article III - Discipline SECTION I - PROCEDURE GOVERNING STUDENT ATHLETES' CONDUCT a) Anytime a student represents a member school, he/she is under the jurisdiction of the SSSAA i) All incidents involving fighting, gross misconduct or an ejection MUST be reported to the League Coordinator (Discipline Report contained in District and SSSAA Forms). This must take place within 72 hours of the incident. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action against the coach, team or school. b) The following discipline matters in Section I shall be under the jurisdiction of the SSSAA and the principals: i) incidents between competitors; ii) incidents between competitors and spectators; - 39 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 iii) incidents between competitors and game officials; iv) incidents between competitors and adults in position of authority; v) incidents involving improper conduct by players of the same association for league games in the vicinity of the place of the game, but not during the game. c) Improper conduct of players of different associations either during play, or in the vicinity of the place of the games, shall be dealt with jointly by the Executives of the associations involved. d) Improper conduct by players while traveling to and from games or while away overnight shall be dealt with by the Executive in conjunction with the administration of the school(s) involved. e) Disciplinary Action Penalties: i) Competitors ejected from competition for the following reasons are subject to a suggested minimum penalty of one league, exhibition, or playoff game suspension to a maximum penalty of suspension for the remainder of the competitor's current athletic season and one more complete athletic season: a. fighting f. swearing b. gross misconduct g. rough play c. use of alcohol or drugs h. disrespect to a coach or official d. violation of rules i. unsportsmanlike conduct not e. spitting listed above ii) Competitors ejected before, during, or after competition for the following reasons are subject to a suggested minimum penalty of suspension from competition and practices a maximum penalty of suspension from the remainder of the current athletic season and an additional calendar year (three athletic seasons). The matter will be dealt with in all possible haste but not longer than 14 days following the receipt of the Disciplinary Reports by the President of the SSSAA. f) The President will convene a jury of appeal within five working days upon receipt of the application. SECTION II - PROCEDURE FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION AGAINST PLAYER a) Reports of incidents of misconduct should be submitted on Disciplinary Report Form(s) by the coach of the offending player(s), the competitors, the opposing coach, and the referee(s) to the President of the SSSAA. b) Interim notification should be given to the coach, the Athletic Director and principal of the offending player(s) of suspension until such time as written reports are received from the referee(s), coach(es) and student(s) involved. (The Athletic Director or principal should notify the student of this fact.) A student may not participate in practice or competition until granted permission by the SSSAA Executive. c) The Disciplinary Committee: i) The SSSAA Executive will form the Disciplinary Committee. - 40 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 ii) The Committee shall meet at the call of the President and shall rule on disciplinary matters under its jurisdiction. iii) The President of the SSSAA shall have the authority, upon verbal communication with the other members of the Executive, to permit a competitor to participate in exhibition, league or playoff competition prior to a Disciplinary Hearing involving the competitor. d) A competitor that has been involved in a disciplinary incident but not disqualified from a game may participate in subsequent exhibition, league, or playoff games at the discretion of the SSSAA Executive. The SSSAA Executive should communicate with the principal to ensure consistency of disciplinary action. This provision is intended to be an interim measure pending a decision by the SSSAA Executive. e) Disciplinary Hearing: i) The Disciplinary Hearing shall be held as soon as possible after the required reports have been received by the President of the SSSAA. ii) The competitor in question may, if he/she wishes, attend the Disciplinary Hearing and may be accompanied by a parent, coach, and/or advisor. iii) The competitor in question or his/her representatives shall advise the SSSAA President of his/her intention to attend the Disciplinary Hearing. iv) The competitor in question shall be given an opportunity to present his/her explanation of the disciplinary incident. v) After the competitor in question or his/he representative(s) have appeared before the hearing, the Disciplinary Committee shall meet to consider its position. vi) The decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall be communicated to the competitor and the coach, in writing, as soon as possible. The coach should be first notified of the decision by telephone. f) Appeals: A member may appeal the decision of the Disciplinary Committee by submitting a letter requesting an appeal, with the signature of his/her Principal, to the President of the SSSAA. The President will convene a jury of appeal within five working days upon receipt of the application. SECTION III – PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE COACH’S CODE OF CONDUCT The role and conduct of a coach in a school sport setting is crucial and critical for the positive development of student-athletes. A strong Code of Conduct and decisive steps in dealing with violations supports the education-first and studentcentered philosophy of the organization. Unless specified otherwise, all the references in this policy refer to days that school is in session. Procedures for Dealing with Incidents That Occur During a Game, Practice or Athletic Contest: - 41 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 a) Filing a Complaint: i) The offending coach (“respondent”) must be notified in writing at least 24 hours (1 school day) prior to a formal complaint being filed with the applicable disciplinary body. Notification may be affected by delivery of a fax, e-mail or letter to the coach, c/o his/her school. ii) The complainant and the respondent may wish to pursue informal resolution prior to the formal complaint being filed with the local athletic association or sport commission, but this process will not preclude a formal complaint submission if the informal resolution attempt affects the 5 working days timeline. iii) A written complaint for the specific incident must be filed with the president of the applicable athletic association (league or athletic association play) or sport commission (zone play-offs and championships). The written complaint must be copied to the “respondent”, school athletic director, school administrator of the “respondent” and BC School Sports. Complaints should be filed using a BCSS code of conduct complaint form, available from athletic directors, the BCSS office, or the BCSS website. iv) The formal complaint filed under this policy must be filed within 5 school days after the situation or incident has occurred, unless the athletic association or sport commission receiving the complaint determines that the period should be extended. v) The complaint must cite the specific clause of the coach’s code of conduct alleged to have been violated, the date of the occurrence and the particulars of the alleged violation, including naming other parties involved (if applicable). vi) The complaint can be filed by any person who has information that leads him or her to believe that a violation has occurred. vii) Additional information in support of the complaint can be submitted as written evidence and be attached to the complaint. This additional information may take the form of letters from students or spectators, reports or letters from tournament or game/event officials, or confirming information from other coaches or school officials. If any of the evidence is submitted by a minor, the letter must be co-signed by the minor’s parent or guardian. All submitted information must be dated. b) Disciplinary Hearing: i) The hearing between the athletic association or sport commission disciplinary committee, the complainant and the “respondent” will take place within 15 school days of the formal written complaint being received. Contact your local Athletic Association President or the BC SCHOOL SPORTS office for a complete set of procedures for a Disciplinary Hearing for a complaint filed under this section. - 42 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 c) Discretionary Penalties: The athletic association or sport commission disciplinary committee will rule on the complaint, with the following options available to them. These are not written as progressive penalties, but should be applied with due care taken regarding the severity of the offence and the discipline history of the respondent. i) ii) iii) iv) no steps taken; complaint not upheld. the complaint upheld, but no action taken. a letter of reprimand to offending coach. a letter of reprimand to offending coach and instructions to take a coaching certification theory course within 12 months. v) a letter of reprimand and a probationary period for the offending coach of up to twelve (12) months. vi) penalty as in iv) and v) but with an additional probationary period for the member school of the offending coach. vii) the suspension of the offending coach from coaching restricted and unrestricted school competition in British Columbia (all sports and all levels) for a minimum period as decided by the athletic association or sport commission disciplinary committee, to a maximum permanent suspension from school sport coaching in BC. viii) any coach disciplined under vii) will receive an automatic minimum twelve (12) month suspension for a second instance of a violation of the coach’s code of conduct, within a three (3) year period from the first instance. d) The Ruling: The Ruling must be made within five (5) days of the Hearing, in writing, to the offending coach, cc: School Athletic Director, School Administrator, School District Superintendent, the Athletic Association President (if ruling made by the Sport Commission) and BCSS. BCSS will inform the BCTF and the College of Teachers if the offending coach is a member. e) Reminder: In the case of any probationary period or suspension that continues past the end of a school year, prior to the next school year, BCSS will send a reminder letter of the penalty an the terms of the penalty to the Coach, the School Athletic Director, the School Administrator, the School District Superintendent, the Athletic Association President and the applicable Sport Commission. f) Membership Notification: At the conclusion of the hearing and any appeal period, BCSS will publish the names and applicable time period for any coach who is on probation or under suspension for the remainder of a season of play or more, in the next issue of the BCSS report magazine. - 43 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 Procedures for Dealing with Incidents Involving Recruiting, Multiple Athletic Associations or General Misconduct: a) Filing a Complaint: i) The offending coach (respondent) must be notified in writing at least 5 school days prior to a formal complaint being filed with BC SCHOOL SPORTS. Notification may be effected by delivery of a fax, e-mail or letter to the coach, c/o his/her school. ii) The complainant and the respondent may w ish to pursue informal resolution prior to the formal complaint being filed w ith BCSS, but this attempt w ill not preclude a formal complaint submission if the informal resolution attempt affects the 365 day time line noted in this regulation. iii) A written complaint for the specific situation or occurrence is filed with the president of BC School Sports. Copies of the written complaint must also be distributed to the respondent, the respondent’s school athletic director and school administrator, and to the president of the respondent’s local athletic association, at least 48 hours before the written complaint is filed with BCSS. Complaints should be filed using a BCSS code of conduct complaint form, available from athletic directors, the BCSS office, or the BCSS website. iv) The formal complaint submitted under this policy must be filed within a 12 month period after the situation or incident has occurred, (12 months consecutive time, not school in session) unless the hearing panel chairperson determines that the period should be extended. v) The complaint must cite a specific clause of the coach’s code of conduct alleged to have been violated, the date of the occurrence and the particulars of the alleged violation, including the naming of other parties involved (if applicable). vi) The complaint can be filed by any person who has information that leads him or her to believe that a violation has occurred. vii) Additional information in support of the complaint can be submitted as written evidence and be attached to the complaint. This additional information may take the form of letters from students or spectators, reports or letters from tournament or game/event officials, or confirming information from other coaches or school officials. If any of the evidence is submitted by a minor, the letter must be co-signed by the minor’s parent or guardian. All submitted information must be dated. b) Disciplinary Hearing: i) Four members of the BCSS management committee shall act as the hearing panel, and shall select the chairperson from the panel. If four members of the management committee are not available due to conflict of interest or time or location, the BCSS president will appoint other members from the BCSS board of directors to sit on the panel. - 44 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 ii) The hearing will take place within 30 school days of the complaint being received. The hearing may take place as a conference call if most expedient. Contact the BC SCHOOL SPORTS office for a complete set of procedures for a Disciplinary Hearing for a complaint filed under Procedures for Dealing with Incidents involving Recruiting, Multiple Athletic Associations or General Misconduct. c) Discretionary Penalties: The hearing panel will rule on the complaint, with the following options available to them. These are not written as progressive penalties, but should be applied with due care taken regarding the severity of the offence and the discipline history of the “respondent”: i) no steps taken; complaint not upheld. ii) the complaint upheld, but no action taken. iii) a letter of reprimand to offending coach. iv) a letter or reprimand to offending coach and instructions to take a coaching certification theory course within 12 months. v) a letter of reprimand and a probationary period for the offending coach of up to twelve (12 ) months. vi) penalty as in iv) and v) but with an additional probationary period for the member school of the offending coach. vii) the suspension of the offending coach from coaching restricted and unrestricted school competition in British Columbia (all sports and all levels) for a minimum period as decided by the athletic association disciplinary committee or the sport commission disciplinary committee, to a maximum permanent suspension from school sport coaching in BC. viii) any coach disciplined under vii) will receive an automatic minimum twelve (12) month suspension for a second instance of a violation of coach’s code of conduct, within a three (3) year period from the first instance. d) The Ruling: The Ruling must be made within five (5) days of the Hearing, in writing, to the offending coach, cc: School Athletic Director, School Administrator, School District Superintendent, the Athletic Association President (if ruling made by the Sport Commission) and BCSS. BCSS will inform the BCTF and the College of Teachers if the offending coach is a member. e) Reminder: In the case of any probationary period of suspension that continues past the end of a school year, prior to the next school year, BCSS will send a reminder letter to the Coach, the School Athletic Director, the School Administrator, the School District Superintendent and the Athletic Association President and the applicable Sport Commission (if a sportspecific penalty). f) Membership Notification: At the conclusion of the Hearing and any Appeal Period, BCSS will publish the names and applicable time period for any coach who is on probation or under suspension for the remainder of a Season of Play or more in the next issue of the BCSS Report magazine. - 45 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 Procedures for Dealing with a Coach Ejection from a Game/Meet/ Tournament/Event: a) For ALL game ejections, the offending coach is REQUIRED to submit, within 72 hours and in writing, an incident report to his/her Athletic Director, School Administrator and Athletic Association President. The School Athletic Director and/or School Administrator may choose to take disciplinary action. The offending coach should be notified in writing of any disciplinary action by the school, with copies to the School Athletic Director, School Administrator and the Athletic Association President. i) There is no BC School Sports appeal procedure regarding a school’s decision to reprimand the coach. b) If a complaint on the same incident is received from another source by the Athletic Association, Sport Commission or BC School Sports, then Procedures for Dealing with Violations of the Coach’s Code of Conduct…) must be initiated. Article IV – Suspension Upon proof of the violation of the Constitution or by-laws of the association, the Executive may suspend the offending team coach, sponsor, or school from participation in activities of the association or its leagues, or impose such lesser punishments as it shall decide. Such suspension shall stand until it is raised by the association Executive or by a general meeting of the association. Article V - Jury of Appeal The Jury of Appeal shall consist of: a) the Superintendent or his/her designate who will act as chairman; b) one SSSAA member as appointed by the SSSAA Executive, but who is not an Executive member; c) one Surrey Administrative Association delegate. The decision of the Jury of Appeal shall be considered final. The chairman will forward the decision in writing to the parties involved and the Executive within two weeks of the appeal being filed. Article VI - Association Fees The SSSAA will levy an annual fee: a) from the member schools of $375.00. b) from each parochial and private member school an additional $500.00 operating grant. c) from the member schools, an Executive Coordinator fee of $150. d) Payment Schedule as follows: (Deadline dates) - SSSAA Member Fee October 1 - Volleyball Fee December 1 - Basketball Fee March 1 - SSSAA Banquet Costs 1st Wednesday of June - 46 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 Constitution and Bylaws 2014 - 2015 - 47 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 SOCI ETY ACT CON STI TUTI ON 1. The name of the Society is the "Surrey Secondary Schools' Athletic Association". 2. The purposes of the Society are: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) To provide an opportunity for students enrolled in secondary schools to develop their athletic potential through participation in competitive sports within the secondary school systems in Surrey; To organize and coordinate interschool athletic competitions which will be open to competitors of all affiliate schools; To ensure that competitions are fair and equitable; To determine which interschool athletic competition for the Surrey championships will take place each year; To determine which teams and individuals will be eligible to compete for Surrey championships each year; To determine and recognize secondary school championships in Surrey; To determine which individuals and teams are qualified to represent Surrey in the Fraser Valley or other area championship competitions; To provide an ultimate authority within the secondary school athletic systems in Surrey to mediate disputes and protests; To foster high standards of courtesy and respect among athletes, coaches, spectators and competing teams and schools; To foster the development of high quality athletics, coaches, and officials. 3. The Society shall operate without purpose of gain or profit to its members and any profits or other accretions to the Society shall be used in promoting its objectives and this provision shall be unalterable. 4. On the winding up or dissolution of the Society, the assets of the Society shall not be distributed among the members, or any of them, unless such recipient member or members are charitable institutions in existence solely for charitable purposes. After all debts have been paid, or provision for their payment has been made, the assets remaining shall be paid, transferred and delivered to one or more charitable institutions in existence solely for charitable purposes, which shall be chosen by resolution of the members of the Society, or failing such resolution, by resolution of the Directors of the Society. This provision shall be unalterable. - 48 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 SOCI ETY ACT BY-LAWS Part 1 – Interpretation 1.1 In these By-laws unless the context otherwise requires: a) "Affiliate School" shall mean any secondary school which has applied for and to which membership in the Society has been granted and which has complied with the terms of membership; b) "Association" means the Surrey Secondary Schools Athletic Association, the Society herein; c) "Directors" means the Directors of the Society for the time being; d) "Executive Committee" means the Directors as so defined; e) "Society Act" means the Society Act of the Province of British Columbia from time to time in force and amendments to it; f) "Registered Address" of the member means his address as recorded in the register of members. 1.2 The definitions in the Society Act on the date these By-laws become effective apply to these by-laws. 1.3 Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa; and words importing the neuter include the masculine and the feminine gender and vice versa. Part 2 – Membership 2.1 There shall be three categories of membership in the association: a) Member schools, being i) Any public secondary school in School District No. 36, (Surrey), which has applied for membership and is willing to accept and abide by the obligations of membership as set down in the Constitution and by-laws of the association; ii) Any non-public secondary school within the boundaries of School District No. 36, (Surrey) which is willing to accept the obligations of membership, and has had its membership application approved by a two-thirds majority of the voting. b) Any teacher who is a teacher in a member school in good standing may qualify as a member teacher. c) Any student who is listed on a team registration list and meets the eligibility requirements of the association's rules and regulations may qualify as a "non-voting student member". 2.2 Every member shall uphold the Constitution and comply with these bylaws and the rules and regulations of the Society passed pursuant thereto. 2.3 a) There shall be an annual fee for member schools which shall be a sum fixed from time to time by resolution of the membership in general meeting and which shall be payable on or before the 1st of October of each year. - 49 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 b) Failure by a member school to pay the annual fee as prescribed by the said date shall render both that school and the school representatives there forth not in good standing. 2.4 a) A member school shall only cease to be a member upon: i) Cessation of the public or private secondary school, or; ii) Receipt of notice by the Directors from the principal of that member school that the school no longer intends to remain a member of the association. b) A school representative shall cease to be a member: i) At the year-end for the association, being June 30th in the year for which the representative was appointed; ii) In the event that representative is transferred from or terminates his employment with the school from which he has been appointed, or; iii) In the event the member school at which he is employed ceases to be a member of the association. c) A member student automatically ceases to be a member of the association if: i) he/she ceases to be student in a member school; ii) the team that had the student registered has completed its season play; iii) the school at which the student attends ceases to exist or ceases to be a member school; iv) the member school's administration has removed the student’s name from the team’s registration list; v) the Executive of the association, after a disciplinary hearing, remove the student’s name from the team registration list for disciplinary reasons. 2.5 a) The Executive Committee shall have the power, by a majority resolution of those present, to suspend any member school of the association where there is deemed to have been conducted by, or on behalf of that school, or by any school representative or participant from that school, conduct which is considered improper, unbecoming or likely to endanger the interest or the reputation of the association, or where there has been willful breach of the Constitution, by-laws or rules and regulations of the association. Such suspension may be on such terms and upon such conditions as the Executive Committee shall deem fit and shall remain in force until discontinued by the majority resolution of the Executive Directors or by a general meeting of the association. b) Notice of intention to suspend a member setting forth the reasons for such intended suspension and fixing a time and place for the meeting at which the resolution to suspend shall be heard by the Directors, shall be sent to such member not less than seven days prior to the Executive Committee's meeting. - 50 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 c) Notice shall be conclusively deemed to have been properly given if mailed by ordinary mail to the last known address of such member seven days prior to the date of such meeting, or by notification being given to its principal; and no suspension shall be deemed improper notwithstanding such notice has not in fact been received by such member. d) Suspension of a member school shall be considered the suspension also of those school representatives from such member school. Part 3 - Meetings of Members 3.1 General meetings of the Society shall be held at such time and place, in accordance with the Society Act, as the Executive Committee decides. 3.2 Every general meeting, other than an Annual General Meeting, is an Extraordinary General Meeting. 3.3 The President may, whenever she/he thinks fit, or within 21 days of the receipt by the Executive Committee of the written request from and on behalf of 10% of the affiliate schools, provided such a request be countersigned by the principal of such schools, convene an Extraordinary General Meeting. 3.4 a) Notice of a general meeting shall be given at least 14 days in advance of that meeting and shall specify the place, the day and the hour of the meeting, and in case of special business, the general nature of that business. b) Notice shall be deemed sufficiently given if sent by ordinary mail to the principal of each affiliate school. c) The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to, or the nonreceipt of a notice by any of the members entitled to receive notice, does not invalidate proceedings at that meeting. 3.5 The first Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held not more than 15 months after the date of incorporation and thereafter an Annual General Meeting shall be held at least once in the month of May or June of each calendar year and not more than 15 months after the holding of the last preceding general meeting. Part 4 - Proceedings at General Meetings 4.1 Special business is: a) all business at an Extraordinary General Meeting except the adoption of rules of order, and b) all business that is transacted at an Annual General Meeting, except, i) the adoption of rules of order, ii) the consideration of the financial statements, iii) the report of the Directors, iv) the report of the Auditor, if any, v) the election of Directors, vi) the appointment of the Auditor, if required, and - 51 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 vii) 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 such other business as, under these by-laws, ought to be transacted at an Annual General Meeting, or business which is brought under consideration by the report of the Directors issued with the notice convening the meeting. a) No business, other than the election of a Chairperson and the adjournment or termination of the meeting, shall be conducted at a general meeting at a time when a quorum is not present; b) If at any time during a general meeting there ceases to be a quorum present, business then in progress shall be suspended until there is a quorum present or until the meeting is adjourned or terminated; c) A quorum is 30% of those entitled to vote on behalf of affiliate schools, but not less than 10 or such greater number as the members may determine at a general meeting. If within 30 minutes from the time appointed for a general meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned for one week or such other time not exceeding two weeks as the Directors shall determine. Notice shall be sent to the affiliate schools that a quorum was not present at the general meeting, and that the meeting has been adjourned until the date fixed in such notice. On the date fixed by such notice, the quorum shall be those present who are entitled to vote on behalf of their affiliate schools providing there are a minimum of three such persons present. Subject to By-law 4.5, the President of the association, the VicePresident, or in the absence of both, one of the other Directors present shall preside as Chairperson of a general meeting. If at a general meeting: a) there is no President, Vice-President or other Director present within 15 minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting, or; b) the President and all the other Directors present are unwilling to act as Chairperson; the Members present shall choose one of their number to be Chairperson. a) A general meeting may be adjourned from time to time and from place to place, but no business shall be transacted at an adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place. b) Where a meeting is adjourned for 10 days or more, notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given as in the case of the original meeting. c) Except as provided in this By-law, it is not necessary to give notice of an adjournment of the business to be transacted at an adjourned general meeting. a) No resolution proposed at a meeting need be seconded and the Chairperson of a meeting may move or propose a resolution. - 52 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 4.8 4.9 b) In case of an equality of votes, the Chairperson shall not have a casting or second vote in addition to the vote which he may be entitled as a member and the proposed resolution shall not pass. a) Voting privileges shall be restricted to those members referred to herein as school representatives, to the Director of Instruction for Physical Education for the School District of Surrey, and to the Physical Education Helping Teacher responsible for liaison with secondary athletics, each of whom shall have one vote at any general meeting of the membership. b) School representatives, of which each member school in good standing shall be entitled to three votes and who shall include an administrator, being the principal or a vice-principal named by the principal, together with two other votes as appointed by the Student Activities Coordinator of the member school with whom they are employed. c) Voting is by show of hands. d) Voting by proxy is not permitted. Any teacher in a member school shall have the right to attend and speak at meetings of the association, but such persons shall not be entitled to vote at any meetings of the association unless he is an authorized school representative member as provided herein. Coaches who are not on staff with any such school shall be entitled to the same privileges as teachers. Part 5 - Directors and Officers 5.1 a) There shall be a Board of Directors, otherwise known herein as the Executive Committee, all of whose members shall be appointed school representatives of member schools and who shall be elected by secret ballot for a term of two (2) years at an Annual General Meeting. With the exception of Members at Large - these shall be for a term of 1 year. b) The Executive Committee shall consist of: i) the immediate Past President; ii) the President; iii) the Vice-President; iv) the Secretary-Treasurer; v) the Administrators' Representative; vi) the Member at Large (one-year term); vii) the Member at Large.(one-year term) 5.2 a) The Executive Committee of the association shall interpret the Constitution and By-laws and may, from time to time, make any provisional rules or regulations governing specific cases for occasions not provided for in these By-laws but which may be necessary for carrying out the objectives of the association. Such interpretations, rules or regulations shall be effective as if part of these By-laws, subject only to confirmation of approval by a - 53 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 majority of the voting membership present at the next general meeting of the association. b) No rule or regulation, made by the association in a general meeting invalidates a prior act of the Executive Committee that would have been valid if that rule had not been made. No Director shall be entitled to vote at a general meeting of the association except in his capacity as an appointed school representative as specified herein for the purposes of that meeting. a) In Part 5, Bylaw 5.1 (b)(i), the Past President shall automatically be the person who last served as President, the 1st Vice President shall automatically become President. b) The remaining members of the Executive Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the association and shall hold office from July 1st of the year of election to June 30th of the second year. a) Separate elections for positions on the Executive Committee shall be held for each office to be filled; b) An election may be by acclamation, otherwise it shall be by ballot; c) If no successor is nominated the person previously elected or appointed continues to hold office. a) The Executive Committee may at any time and from time to time appoint a member as a Director to fill a vacancy in the Executive Committee. The 1st Vice-President shall automatically become President; b) A member of the Executive Committee so appointed holds office only until the end of his predecessor's term, but is eligible for reelection at the appropriate Annual General Meeting. a) A Director shall cease to hold office in the event he resigns. b) The member schools, through their authorized voting representatives, may by special resolution remove a Director before the expiration of his term of office and may elect a successor to complete the term of office. a) Directors may be reimbursed for all expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred while engaged in the affairs of the association. Part 6 - Proceedings of the Executive Committee 6.1 a) The Executive Committee may meet together at such places as they think fit for the dispatch of business, adjourn and other-wise regulate their meetings and proceedings, as they see fit; b) The Executive Committee may from time to time fix the quorum necessary for the transaction of business and unless so fixed the quorum shall be a majority of the Executive Committee then in office; c) The President shall be Chairperson of all meetings of the Executive Committee; but if at any meeting the President is not present within 30 minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting, the Vice-President shall act as Chairperson, but if neither is present the - 54 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Executive Committee may choose one of their members to be Chairperson at the meeting; d) The Executive Committee may at any time, and the Secretary, on the request of the Executive Committee shall, convene a meeting of the Executive Committee. a) The Executive Committee may delegate any, but not all, of its powers to committees consisting of such of the Directors as they think fit; b) A committee so formed in the exercise of the powers so delegated shall conform to any rules that may from time to time be imposed on it by the Executive Committee, and shall report every act or thing done in exercise of those powers to the earliest meeting of the Executive Committee to be held next after it has been done. A committee shall elect a Chairperson of its meetings; but if no Chairperson is elected or if at any meeting the Chairperson is not present within 30 minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting, the Executive Committee present, who are members of the committee, shall choose one of their number to be Chairperson of the meeting. The members of a committee may meet and adjourn as they think proper. For a first meeting of the Executive Committee held immediately following the appointment or election of a Director or Directors at an Annual or other general meeting of members, or for a meeting of the Executive Committee at which a Director is appointed to fill a vacancy in the Executive Committee, it is not necessary to give notice of the meeting to the newly-elected or appointed Director or Directors for the meeting to be duly constituted, if a quorum of the Executive Committee is present. a) Questions arising at any meeting of the Directors and committee of Directors shall be decided by a majority of votes. b) In case of an equality of votes the Chairperson does not have a second or casting vote. No resolution proposed at a meeting of Directors and placed with the minutes of the Directors, need be seconded and the Chairperson of a meeting may move or propose a resolution. A resolution in writing, signed by all the Directors and placed with the minutes of the Directors is as valid and effective as if regularly passed at a meeting of Directors. - 55 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 Part 7 - Duties of the Executive Committee 7.1 The immediate Past President shall assist the President and VicePresidents in their duties and shall provide advice and counsel to the Executive Committee. 7.2 The President shall be the presiding officer of the association, shall be the Chairperson of the Executive Committee, and shall preside at all executive and extraordinary meetings of the association. He shall also be a member, ex officio, of all committees appointed by the Executive Committee or by the association, and of the executive of all leagues of the association. The President shall receive a $250.00 stipend to cover expenses. 7.3 The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence. 7.4 The Secretary-Treasurer shall: a) Keep the records of all the activities of the association and of the leagues of the association; b) Keep minutes of all the meetings of the Executive Committee and of the association; c) Conduct the correspondence of the association; d) Prepare an annual report on the activities of the association and present it at the Annual General Meeting; e) Prepare a budget for the ensuing year and present it at the Annual General Meeting; f) Have the custody of all monies of the association and deposit the same to the account of the association at a chartered bank; g) Record all receipts and disbursements of the association; h) Disburse monies only in accordance with the Director of the Executive Committee of the association; i) Perform such other duties as may be necessary for the purpose of complying with the Constitution and By-laws. 7.5 The Administrators Representative shall represent the point of view of the Administrators Association. 7.6 In the absence of the Secretary-Treasurer from a meeting, the Directors shall appoint another person to act as Secretary at that meeting. Part 8 – Borrowing 8.1 There shall be no power on the part of the association or the Executive Committee of the association to borrow monies. Part 9 - By-laws 9.1 On being admitted to membership an affiliate school is entitled to and the Association shall provide, without charge, a copy of the Constitution and By-laws and rules and regulations of the association currently in force. 9.2 These By-laws shall not be altered or added to except by Special Resolution. - 56 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 Annual General Meeting June 2014 - 57 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 40th SSSAA Annual General Meeting Sunrise Banquet & Conference Centre Sunset Room 5640 – 188th Street, Surrey, BC Friday, June 6, 2014 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. MINUTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Welcome Messages • Superintendent's Message • Norman O Barton Scholarship presented to Kyle McComb (Fraser Heights) • Big Kahuna Scholarship presented to Austin Thornton (Lord Tweedsmuir) • Glenn Young Scholarship presented to Keesha Khehra (North Surrey Secondary) • BC Summer Games Legacy Bursary presented to Lindsay Stuart (Elgin Park) & Byron Keturakis (Earl Marriott) • President's Message: see page 2 of report BCSS Report: • Voting was low (even though online was available); proxies likely to come back (quorum was lost in the afternoon) • Zone reorganization committee startup FVSSAA Report – Mike Sweeney • Kerry Taylor recognized for service to the organization Voting Procedures Adoption of Agenda MOVED (Taylor/Erb) that the agenda be adopted. PASSED Adoption of 2012 - 2013 AGM Minutes (Popowich/Sarkou) PASSED Treasurer's Report – MOVED (Miller/Shears) that the 2013-14 Income Statement be accepted as presented. PASSED MOVED (Miller/Robinson) that the Proposed Income Statement for 2014-15 be accepted as presented. PASSED Administrative Rep Report • Brian Tait thanks for all the time/participation up as well as success in FV’s and Provincials Coordinators' Reports • Executive Report – want to move towards developmental approach for grade 8’s; more discussion and organization will take place at sport meetings • Tiering has helped maintain competitiveness & increasing participation MOVED (Mitro/Popowich) to accept coordinators reports as presented - PASSED - 58 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Coordinators for 2014 - 2015 Old Business - none New Business i. Election of SSSAA Executive for 2014 -2015 Thanks to Mike Sweeney for all his time on the executive. Past-President: Mykola Misiak President: Simon Mah Vice-president: Dean Maion (ACCLAIMED) Member at Large: Tom Myring (ACCLAIMED) Member at Large: Ryan Neufeld (ACCLAIMED) ii. Cross Country Proposal: increase funding for aggregate school champions – will need to address as association moving to t-shirts instead of medals (TABLED) iii. Kabbadi Wrestling Proposal – wanted to initiate a league; organizers not present iv. New Sport Ball Hockey- First Year Report – growing; more participation v. Special Track Meet – Fraser Heights (Vairo/Stock) organized track meet and wanted to thank all for helping make it a success Other: i) Online Payment: 2 high schools using new system – issue with going through the district portal and kinks need to be worked out with IT department; functions well Adjournment (Popowich/DeBoice) - 59 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 This section contains form samples only. Copies are available, please contact PE Helping Teacher. District and SSSAA Forms 2014-15 - 60 - File # 11150-20 SSSAA 2014 - 2015 VOLUNTEER DRIVER REGISTRATION ____________________________ Secondary School Driver Name: ______________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Telephone: Home: ________________ Cell: ___________________ BC Drivers License #: _________________________________________________ Driver is Parent Vehicle Owner: Owner Address: Staff Driver, or: Student Other (describe) ______________ ________________________________________ as above, or: ______________________________________ Vehicle BC License Plate Number: _______________________________________ Vehicle Make: _____________________________Model Year: _______________ Maximum Number of Passengers, excluding driver: __________________________ DRIVER’S STATEMENT: I agree to: Keep the safety of students as the highest priority. • Follow instructions by the Educator-in-Charge of the field study. • Provide a safe, roadworthy vehicle licensed in British Columbia. • Operate the vehicle in a safe manner and as required by law. • Maintain a zero blood alcohol level while transporting students. • Verify the use of passenger restraint systems/seat belts by all occupants. • Provide a non-smoking environment while transporting students. • Refrain from using a cell telephone while driving. __________________________ Driver’s Signature ____________________ Date __________________ Staff Witness I AUTHORIZE MY SON/DAUGHTER _____________________________ , TO BE A STUDENT VOLUNTEER DRIVER: ________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________ Date PRINCIPAL OR DESIGNATE’S APPROVAL: __________________________ ____________________ __________________ Signature Position Date Form 11150.8 Approved: 2006-04-12; Reference Policy 10313, Regulation 10313.1 - 61 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 Surrey Secondary Schools Athletic Association DISCIPLINE REPORT Name: Schools involved: Sport: Division: Date of game: Score of game: A. Description of the incident: B. Disciplinary action taken: C. Other information relating to the incident: * All incidents involving fighting, gross misconduct or the use of drugs or alcohol MUST be reported to the President of the SSSAA within 72 hours. - 62 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 SAMPLE COMMUNITY COACH LETTERS 1. Without a staff sponsor: SURREY SECONDARY SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION To Whom It May Concern: This letter will confirm that <Coach’s Name> has been approved to act as a SSSAA Community Coach without a staff sponsor for athletics at the secondary level for the 2014-15 school year. He/She has been through an interview process and has completed a criminal records check. Sincerely, <Principal signs here> Principal, (Name of School) 2. With a staff sponsor: SURREY SECONDARY SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION To Whom It May Concern: This letter will confirm that <Coach’s Name> has been approved to act as a SSSAA Community Coach only with a staff sponsor for athletics at the secondary level for the 2014-15 school year. He/She has been through an interview process and has completed a criminal records check, but must be under the direct supervision of a staff sponsor. Sincerely, <Principal signs here> Principal, (Name of School) - 63 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 Surrey Secondary Schools Athletic Association COMMUNITY COACH APPLICATION FORM Name: Address: Telephone:(H) Age (please circle) (B) under 19 19 or older 1. NCCP Qualification: 2. Previous Coaching Experience: 3. References (include Name, Relationship and Telephone #): i) ii) I hereby certify that the information given is complete and correct and give permission that a Criminal Record Check may be conducted. Signature: Date: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For Administrators: I waive the requirement for this community coach to have a staff sponsor. Name: Signature: Date: - 64 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 - 65 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 - 66 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 Surrey Secondary School Athletic Association Annual Scholarships The Surrey Secondary Schools Athletic Association, SSSAA, is very proud to announce the establishment of three annual scholarships of fifteen hundred dollars for student-athletes. The Norman O. Barton Memorial Scholarship, open in competition to both boys and girls, will be awarded annually to the candidate who most fully displays the all round qualities exemplified by Surrey’s first Supervisor of Physical Education. The Selection Committee, in assessing the merits of nominees, is concerned with qualifications such as Mr. Barton possessed—high scholastic and literary attainments, physical vigor, moral force of character and ability to serve, work with, and lead others. Value: $1500 The Glenn Young Scholarship, open in competition to both boys and girls, will be awarded annually to the candidate who successfully combines academics, leadership and service to physical education and athletics in the school. Every year there are deserving students who do not quite fit the Norman O. Barton Memorial Scholarship, but who have contributed significantly to physical education and athletics in their schools. The Selection Committee, in assessing the merits of nominees, will base selection on the demonstration of leadership to physical education, athletics and clear financial need. Value: $1500 The Big Kahuna Athletic Leadership Scholarship, open in competition to both boys and girls, will be awarded annually to the candidate who demonstrates leadership and service to high school athletics in the school. Big Kahuna is a leader in team and institutional sporting goods including equipment, apparel, uniforms and footwear. The Selection Committee, in assessing the merits of nominees, will base selection on the extent and type of leadership and service provided to the school. Value $1500 - 67 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 THE NORMAN O. BARTON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The Norman O. Barton Memorial Scholarship, open in competition to both boys and girls, will be awarded annually to the candidate who most fully displays the all round qualities exemplified by Surrey's first Supervisor of Physical Education. The Selection Committee, in assessing the merits of nominees, is concerned with qualifications such as Mr. Barton possessed--high scholastic and literary attainments, physical vigor, moral force of character and ability to serve, work with, and lead others. 1. Selection Committee The Selection Committee will comprise the executive of the S.S.S.A.A. as well as a representative of Surrey's District staff. 2. Nominations The winner is selected only from candidates nominated by a Secondary School principal, who may nominate more than one candidate. 3. Eligibility To be eligible, a candidate must: a. have attended Grade 12 at a Surrey Secondary School during the year of application; b. be qualified to enter the first year of a program leading to a Bachelor's degree in the area of physical education or sports science; c. rank academically in the top quarter of students in his/her graduating class. 4. Basis of Selection The winner is selected on the basis of: a. leadership in and service to his/her school and/or the community; b. participation and achievement in student activities and athletics; c. academic achievement and promise; d. character and personal qualities. 5. Value of Scholarship The Scholarship has at present an annual value of $1,500.00. Each recipient will be eligible to apply for their award within two years following graduation. 6. Method of Nomination Each nomination must be submitted to the S.S.S.A.A. Executive not later than the May 11, 2015 deadline. The material submitted must include: a. a written biographical outline from the nominee giving details of his/her education, employment, academic and other distinctions, interests and activities, proposed course of study next year, and the character of the work at which he/she aims in his/her future career; b. a personal letter from the applicant elaborating on personal qualifications and justification for receipt of the scholarship; c. confidential letters of reference from two sources selected by the nominee. One of these should be from a member of the teaching staff; d. a record of marks from the nominee's school for his/her graduating year as well as the nominee's rank in the graduating class. 7. All scholarship money will be forwarded to the successful candidate after the S.S.S.A.A. Executive receives a receipt for tuition payment, no later than the following Spring semester after the award selection - 68 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 TH E GLEN N YOUN G SCH OLARSH I P The Glenn Young Scholarship, open in competition to both boys and girls, will be awarded annually to the candidate who successfully combines academics, leadership and service to physical education and athletics in the school. This scholarship was created for deserving students who do not quite fit the Norman O. Barton Memorial Scholarship, but who have contributed significantly to physical education and athletics in their schools. 1. Selection Committee The Selection Committee will comprise the executive of the S.S.S.A.A. as well as a representative of Surrey's District staff. 2. Nominations The winner is selected only from candidates nominated by a Secondary School principal, who may nominate more than one candidate. 3. Eligibility To be eligible, a candidate must: a. have attended Grade 12 at a Surrey Secondary School during the year of application; b. be qualified to enter the first year of a post-secondary program in the field of Education; c. maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. 4. Basis of Selection The winner is selected on the basis of demonstrating: a. extent and type of leadership and service to the school involving physical education; b. extent and type of leadership and service to the school involving athletics; c. clear financial need. (Annual family income is below $75,000) 5. Value of Scholarship The Scholarship has at present an annual value of $1,500.00. Each recipient will be eligible to apply for their award within two years following graduation. 6. Method of Nomination Each nomination must be submitted to the S.S.S.A.A. Executive not later than the May 11, 2015 deadline. The material submitted must include: a. a written biographical outline from the nominee giving details of his/her academic achievement, leadership and service provided, leadership qualities, proposed course of study next year, and the character of the work at which he/she aims in his/her future career; b. a personal letter from the applicant elaborating on personal qualifications and justification for receipt of the scholarship; c. confidential letters of reference from two teachers selected by the nominee; d. a record of marks from the nominee's school for his/her graduating year. 7. All scholarship money will be forwarded to the successful candidate after the S.S.S.A.A. Executive receives a receipt for tuition payment, no later than the following Spring semester after the award selection. - 69 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 TH E BI G KAH UN A ATH LETI C LEAD ERSH I P SCH OLARSH I P The Big Kahuna Athletic Leadership Scholarship, open in competition to both boys and girls, will be awarded annually to the candidate who demonstrates leadership (active role of decision making) and service (you follow through on something which is already in place) to athletics in the school. Big Kahuna is a leader in team and institutional sporting goods including equipment, apparel, uniforms and footwear. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Selection Committee The Selection Committee will comprise the executive of the S.S.S.A.A. as well as a representative of Surrey's District staff. Nominations The winner is selected only from candidates nominated by a Secondary School principal, who may nominate more than one candidate. Eligibility To be eligible, a candidate must: have attended Grade 12 at a Surrey Secondary School during the year of application; be qualified to enter a first year of a post-secondary program; maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Basis of Selection The winner is selected on the basis of demonstrating :extent and type of leadership to the school involving athletics; (Leadership-- active role of decision making, led by example, sportsmanship, work ethic, on time, extra work at practice, respected by their peers, doing extra, look up to by teammates, how did you lead people? Giving direction, organizing, planning, teaching,) extent and type of service to the school involving athletics. (Service—volunteering through one’s own initiative, work done that benefits another, something you did for others,) Value of Scholarship The Scholarship has at present an annual value of $1,500.00. Each recipient will be eligible to apply for their award within two years following graduation. Method of Nomination Each nomination must be submitted to the S.S.S.A.A. Executive not later than the May 11, 2015 deadline. The material submitted must include: a written biographical outline from the nominee giving details of his/her academic achievement, leadership and service provided, leadership qualities, proposed course of study next year, and the character of the work at which he/she aims in his/her future career; a personal letter from the applicant elaborating on personal qualifications and justification for receipt of the scholarship; confidential letters of reference from two teachers selected by the nominee; a record of marks from the nominee's school for his/her graduating year as well as the nominee's rank in the graduating class. All scholarship money will be forwarded to the successful candidate after the S.S.S.A.A. Executive receives a receipt for tuition payment, no later than the following Spring semester after the award selection. - 70 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 20 YEAR RECOGN I TI ON AWARDS 1989 I N AUGURAL Gary Smith, First President 1989 Ken Barton Richard Bury Lawrie Chute Bill Cliff Fred Colburn Des Cory Dave Dunnison Steve Ericson Lorie Geary Russ Granbois Keith Hart Bill Hunter Fred John Tom Koretchuk Mo MacKendrick Richard Manery Reni Masi Andy Molnar Roger Pells Frank Routley Wayne Searle Maryanne Vandyke Vera Williamson Collin York 2013-2014 Brent Derbyshire Gale Leong PREVIOUS AWARD WINNERS 2012-2013 Darrell Fast, Tim Osw in, George Paille, Barb Piercy, Paulo Sarmento 2011-2012 Debbie Dillon, Joe M arrello, Bethaire Peckham, Jan Smith, Scot Svelander, Barry Wilcox 2010-2011 Glen Fatkin, M arc Filiatrault, M urray M cDonald 2009-2010 Colin Campbell, David Kaye, M ichael M cM artin, Dean N ociar, Grant Popow ich, M ichael Sapic. 2008-2009 Kathy Brow n, Glenn Slade 2007-2008 Valerie Beaupre 2006-2007 Kim Eagle 2005-2006 (N o A w ard Given) 2004-2005 Rob Bourne, Brian Cameron, Ray Dear, Ross Dunning, Bill H aw orth, Earl Kosty, Kerry Taylor - 71 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 20 YEAR RECOGN I TI ON AWARDS 2003-2004 Gord H ouchen, Brenda Lightfoot, Gary M cLaughlin 2002-2003 Bruce Filsinger, Paul Langton, Bernadette Weston 2001-2002 N ancy Champagne, Dave H all, Don H andy, Terry Lescisin, Dave N ebor, Dave Shields, Sharon Staples 2000-2001 H elmut A ntoni, Stan Gidora, Phil H all, Kathy M urdoch, Gord Wiebe, Rick Weidmann 1999-2000 John Dodson, Rob Turenne 1998-1999 M immo M arrello, Kevin M cGladery, Craig M iller 1996-1997 & 1997-1998 (N o A w ard Given) 1995-1996 Diane H ill, Barb Lajeunesse, Ed Richardson 1994-1995 Lynda Braun, Bill Cain, Derw yn Dunbar, Sharon Erickson, Dave Pue, Rick Weston 1993-1994 Jack Brow n, Carole Depedrina, Kevin DeBoice, Ellie H alcrow , Chris H amering, Phil Layne, M o M acKendrick, (Special) M yles Winch 1992-1993 Bob Barazzuol, Roy Devereaux, Bud H uzyk, Chuck M ullard, M arg Pallot, Dennis Quigley 1991-1992 M ark Boomhow er, Grant Carrier, M urray Jeakins, Paul Langton, N eil M cInnes 1990-1991 A ttila Csiszar, Rick H ill, Roger Oura, David Short, Verne Smythe, Jack Wilkie - 72 - SSSAA 2014 - 2015 M O M ACKEN D RI CK SERV I CE AWARD S Inaugural Award 1995 Mo MacKendrick 2 0 1 4 Award Kerry Taylor 2 0 1 3 Award Sharon St aples 2 0 1 2 Award Colin Campbell 2 0 1 1 Award Nancy Champagne 2 0 1 0 Award Sharon Cart er 2 0 0 9 Award Glenn Young 2 0 0 8 Award Dave Nebor 2 0 0 7 Award Rob Bourne 2 0 0 6 Award Dave Shields 2 0 0 5 Award Ross Dunning 2 0 0 4 Award Ron Dirksen 2 0 0 3 Award Laurae McNally 2 0 0 2 Award John Dodson 2 0 0 1 Award Terry Lescisin 2 0 0 0 Award Dennis Quigley 1 9 9 9 Award Chuck Mullard 1 9 9 8 Award Phil Layne 1 9 9 7 Award Lynn Haywood 1 9 9 6 Award Myles Winch GARY SM I TH M EM ORI AL PRESI D EN T’S M ERI T AWARD 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 Lynda Braun – Volleyball Coach Earl Kost y - Principal 2 0 0 9 -2 0 1 0 Rick Inrig – RCMP Classic Norm Massie – RCMP Classic Pet er Drescher – Deput y Superint endent Reni Masi - Trust ee - 73 -