P R O F E S S I O N A L T R A I N I N G Mastering the C U L I N A R Y A RT S PROFESSIONAL TRAINING 2016 “ Good cuisine is the basis of true happiness ” AUGUSTE ESCOFFIER INTRODUCTION A P I ON EER O F M ODE R N C U I SI N E , AU G U S T E E S CO F F IE R WA S T H E F IR S T E X E CUTIV E C H E F AT T H E R IT Z PA R IS . S i n c e 1988, t h e É co le R it z E s co f f i e r, b u i l t i n h i s h o n o r, h a s b e e n f a i t h f u l l y and passi on a t e l y pas s in g dow n t h e value s h e c h e r i s h e d : Skills, Creativity, Pursuit of Excellence. The sc h ool i s n ow a wo r ld- re n ow n e d i n s ti tu ti o n t h a t tra i n s t o m o r row ’ s g re a t Ch e f s and e a g e r c ook i n g buf f s alike in a f r ien d l y a tm o s p h e re . Fo r i ts re o p e n i n g , t h e s c h o o l i s u nve i l i n g a bran d n ew s pace devo t e d t o ex p l o r i n g eve r y a s p e c t o f Fre n c h c u i s i n e . TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S COOKING TRAINING Introduction to French cuisine – Level 1 page 8 Advanced training in French cuisine – Level 2 French haute cuisine – Level 3 page 10 page 12 PA S T RY T R A I N I N G Viennoiserie and Bread rollspage 13 Introduction to the art of French pastry – Level 1 page 14 Advanced training in French pastry-making – Level 2 page 16 French haute pastry-making – Level 3 page 18 COMPLETE TRAINING PROGRAM Gastronomy Master page 19 I N F O R M AT I O N Registrationpage 20 Daily school lifepage 20 5 TRAINING IN THE PUREST R I T Z PA R I S T R A D I T I O N T H E É C O L E R I T Z E S C O F F I E R I S A WO R L D - R E N OW N E D I N S T I T U T I O N O F F E R I N G D E G R E E P RO G R A M S I N B OT H E N G L I S H A N D F R E N C H F O R A N YO N E W H O W I S H E S TO L E A R N T H E BA S I C S , T R A I N F O R A C A R E E R O R TA K E M A S T E R C L A S S E S I N T H E C U L I N A RY A R T S . From beginner cooks to Haute Cuisine experts, the Chefs of the future come here to learn the invaluable skills of the trade. In addition to recipes and technique, students are taught to grasp the subtlety of ingredients and flavors and become ambassadors of an everevolving art. Our team of Chefs and experts, trained at the top restaurants in France and worldwide, passionately carry on and pass down their skills to professional trainees of all levels. By constantly adapting the training it provides, the Ecole Ritz Escoffier always seeks to achieve a sense of boldness and excellence. N E W K I TC H E N AT T H E E C O L E R I T Z E S C O F F I E R C O M F O R T A N D I N N OVAT I O N AT T H E I R B E S T. The school’s state-of-the-art equipment, developed by the Chefs and the Teaching Committee, is the perfect toolset for discovering the best techniques of cooking and pastry-making. The capacity of the school has increased. There are now two demonstration kitchens and one pastry lab to offer trainees optimal comfort and learning conditions. 6 7 COOKING TRAINING L EV E L 1 : I N T RO D U C T I O N TO F R E N C H C U I S I N E T H I S T R A I N I N G C O U R S E I N C LU D E S S E V E N S E S S I O N S D E D I C AT E D TO L E A R N I N G T H E BA S I C S O F F R E N C H C U I S I N E A N D I S D E S I G N E D F O R B E G I N N E R S W H E T H E R T H E Y B E E N T H U S I A S T S O R A S P I R I N G P RO F E S S I O N A L S . 7 sessions 1 session 1 session Duration 2 days 3 days 3.5 weeks Number of hours 14 hours 21 hours 122.5 hours Fee € 1100 € 1600 € 8300 (full program) A two-day optional session dedicated to “hygiene in the food service industry” is available at a rate of € 850 tax included. At the end of the seven sessions, a Diploma is given to trainees who pass the practical test. Training goals: Schedule: • learn the basic techniques of French cuisine: Detailed schedule of classes is available on request. basic knife cuts and cooking methods • discover products and the ways to prepare them • refine organizational skills • become familiarized with the cooking equipment This training program is taught by the Chefs of the Ecole Ritz Escoffier and the Ritz Paris. 8 Training schedule 2016 1. Basics, sauces and jus June 6 to 7 August 15 to 16 October 24 to 25 2. Meats and poultry June 8 to 10 August 17 to 19 October 26 to 28 3. Fish June 13 to 15 August 22 to 24 October 31 to November 2 4. Seafood and shellfish June 16 to 17 August 25 to 26 November 3 to 4 5. Vegetables June 20 to 22 August 29 to 31 November 7 to 9 6. Pasta and rice June 23 to 24 September 1 to 2 November 10 to 11 7. Introduction to traditional French cooking June 27 to 28 September 5 to 6 November 14 to 15 June 29 September 7 November 16 Final exam (1/2 day) 9 L E V E L 2 : A D VA N C E D T R A I N I N G I N F R E N C H C U I S I N E THIS TRAINING COURSE INCLUDES ELEVEN SESSIONS FOCUSED ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF COOKIN G TEC HNIQUES AND KN OWLEDGE. DESIGNED FOR INTERMEDIATE LEVEL TRAINEES: PEOPLE WHO HAVE COMPLETED THE “INTRODUCTION TO FRENCH CUISINE” TRAINING COURSE, PROFESSIONALS OF THE FOOD S E R V I C E I N D U S T R Y A N D P E O P L E W H O H AV E E A R N E D A N E Q U I VA L E N T D E G R E E . 1 session 1 session 11 sessions Duration 2 days 3 days 5 weeks and 1.5 day Number of hours 14 hours 21 hours 185.5 hours Fee € 1100 € 1600 € 12900 (full program) At the end of the eleven sessions, a Diploma is given to trainees who pass the practical test. Training goals: Training - Ritz Paris Kitchen: • learn more advanced cooking techniques • embrace international cuisine • learn more about vegetarian and healthy cuisines After attending the whole program and subject to the agreement and availability of the School, it is possible to complete the training within a 3 week long module in restaurant or banqueting production techniques, in the Ritz Paris kitchens, supervised by the chef instructors. This training course is taught by the Chefs of the Ecole Ritz Escoffier and the Ritz Paris. Schedule: Detailed schedule of classes is available on request. 10 Training schedule 2016 1. Vegetables June 30 to July 1 September 8 to 9 November 17 to 18 2. Meats and poultry July 4 to 6 September 12 to 14 November 21 to 23 3. Fish and shellfish July 7 to 8 September 15 to 16 November 24 to 25 4. Seasonality Variations around a product July 11 to 12 September 19 to 20 November 28 to 29 5. Traditional French cooking - Advanced July 13 to 15 September 21 to 23 November 30 to December 2 6. Ritz Escoffier Heritage 2016 Collection July 18 to 19 September 26 to 27 December 5 to 6 7. Amuse-bouches July 20 to 22 September 28 to 30 December 7 to 9 8. Snacking and street food deluxe July 25 to 26 October 3 to 4 * 9. International cuisine – French touch July 27 to 29 October 5 to 7 * 10. Vegetarian cuisine August 1 to 2 October 10 to 11 * 11. Healthy cuisine August 3 to 4 October 12 to 13 * August 5 October 14 * Final exam (1/2 day) 11 LEVEL 3: FRENCH HAUTE CUISINE S U P E R I O R L E V E L T R A I N I N G D E S I G N E D F O R P E O P L E W H O H AV E C O M P L E T E D T H E “ I N T RO D U C T I O N TO F R E N C H C U I S I N E ” A N D T H E “A DVA N C E D T R A I N I N G I N F R E N C H C U I S I N E ” O R P RO F E S S I O N A L S O F T H E F O O D S E RV I C E I N D U S T RY W H O H AV E E A R N E D A N E Q U I VA L E N T D E G R E E . P E R F E C T F O R E N H A N C I N G T H E E D U C AT I O N O F P RO F E S S I O N A L C H E F S . Duration 5 days Nombre of hours 35 hours Fee € 2900 “French Haute Cuisine” certificate granted at the end of training. Training goals: Training - Ritz Paris kitchen: • master the use of noble and exceptional ingredients • execute Haute Cuisine recipes After attending the whole program and subject to the agreement and availability of the School, It is possible to complete the training within 4 day long module in restaurant or banqueting production techniques, in the Ritz Paris kitchens, supervised by the chef instructors. This training course is taught by the Chefs of the Ecole Ritz Escoffier and the Ritz Paris. The Ritz Paris Experience: Schedule: This training course includes a lunch at L’Espadon, the Ritz Paris gastronomic restaurant. Detailed schedule of classes is available on request. Training schedule 2016 Session 1 August 8 to 12 Session 2 October 17 to 21 12 VIENNOISERIE AND BREAD ROLLS TRAINING TRAINING FOCUSED ON MASTERING THE KEY TECHNIQUES OF VIENNOISERIE A N D B R E A D RO L L S , A R E N OW N E D F R E N C H S K I L L . Duration 5 days Number of hours 35 hours Fee € 2200 “Viennoiserie and Bread Rolls” certificate granted at the end of training. Training goals: Schedule: • master the key secrets of Viennoiserie recipes (croissants, brioches, etc.) • discover the techniques of kneading, shaping and bread making process • master the fermentation • discover the key role of ingredients • discover and optimize the production of bread rolls Detailed schedule of classes is available on request. Training schedule 2016 Session 1 July 25 to 29 Session 2 October 10 to 14 Session 3 December 19 to 23 13 PA S T RY T R A I N I N G L EV E L 1: I N T RO D U C T I O N TO T H E A RT O F F R E N C H PA S T RY T R A I N I N G T H AT I N C LU D E S S E V E N S E S S I O N S , F O C U S E D O N BA S I C S O F F R E N C H PA S T RY- M A K I N G A N D D E S I G N E D F O R B E G I N N E R S : F U T U R E P RO F E S S I O N A L S O R ENTHUSIASTS. 1 session 7 sessions (full program) Duration 2.5 days 3.5 weeks Number of hours 17.5 hours 122.5 hours Fee € 1050 € 7000 At the end of the seven sessions, a Diploma is given to trainees who pass the practical test. Training goals: Schedule: • discover the raw materials and learn the basic techniques of French pastry-making • refine organizational skills: “mise en place” and production • learn the basic hygiene rules • learn how to simply present “bistronomique” desserts • understand the relationship with the product • become familiar with cooking utensils Detailed schedule of classes is available on request. This training course is taught by the chefs of the Ecole Ritz Escoffier and the Ritz Paris. 14 Training schedule 2016 1. Basics of French pastry August 15 to 17 October 24 to 26 2. Tea time August 17 to 19 October 26 au 28 3. Brasseries & bistrots desserts August 22 to 24 October 31 to November 2 4. Petits fours for parties & receptions August 24 to 26 November 2 to 4 5. Dessert tarts August 29 to 31 November 7 to 9 6. French regional desserts August 31 to September 2 November 9 to 11 September 5 to 7 November 14 to 16 September 7 November 16 7. Savory delights Final exam (1/2 day) 15 L E V E L 2 : A D VA N C E D T R A I N I N G I N F R E N C H P A S T R Y- M A K I N G TRAINING THAT INCLUDES SEVEN ADDITIONAL SESSIONS, FOCUSED ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF PASTRY-MAKING TECHNIQUES. DESIGNED FOR INTERMEDIATE LEVEL TRAINEES: PEOPLE WHO HAVE COMPLETED THE “INTRODUCTION TO THE ART OF FRENCH PASTRY” COURSE, PROFESSIONALS OF THE FOOD SERVICE INDUSTRY OR PEOPLE WHO HAVE EARNED AN EQUIVALENT DEGREE. 1 session 7 sessions (full program) Duration 2.5 days 3.5 weeks Number of hours 17.5 hours 122.5 hours Fee € 1050 € 7300 At the end of the seven sessions, a Diploma is given to trainees who pass the practical test. Training goals: Training - Ritz Paris Pastry: • review of the main basic principles of pastrymaking • discover how to work with chocolate and confectionary • learn how to create an assortment of “boutique” products • get acquainted with the making of ice creams and sorbets • learn the methodology of plating and presenting desserts • introduction to the modern techniques After attending the whole program and subject to the agreement and availability of the School, It is possible to complete the training within a 2 week long module in restaurant or banqueting production techniques, in the Ritz Paris kitchens, supervised by the chef instructors. Schedule: Detailed schedule of classes is available on request. This training course is taught by the chefs of the Ecole Ritz Escoffier and the Ritz Paris. 16 Training schedule 2016 1. Chocolate discovery : bonbons & decoration June 20 to 22 Septembre 7 to 9 November 16 to 18 2. Confectionery June 22 to 24 September 12 to 14 November 21 to 23 3. Great classics June 27 to June 29 September 14 to 16 November 23 to 25 June 29 to July 1 September 19 to 21 November 28 to 30 5. Ice creams, sorbets and frozen desserts July 4 to 6 September 21 to 23 November 30 to December 2 6. Plated desserts July 6 to 8 September 26 to 28 December 5 to 7 July 11 to 13 September 28 to 30 December 7 to 9 July 13 September 30 December 9 4. Chocolate desserts 7. Latest trends Final exam (1/2 day) 17 L E V E L 3 : F R E N C H H A U T E P A S T R Y- M A K I N G SUPERIOR LEVEL TRAINING DESIGNED FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE COMPLETED THE “INTRODUCTION TO THE ART OF FRENCH PASTRY” AND THE “ADVANCED TRAINING IN FRENCH PASTRY-MAKING” OR PROFESSIONALS OF THE FOOD SERVICE INDUSTRY WHO HAVE EARNED AN EQUIVALENT DEGREE. PERFECT FOR ENHANCING THE EDUCATION OF PROFESSIONAL PASTRY CHEFS. Duration 5 days Number of hours 35 hours Fee € 2900 “French haute pastry-making” certificate granted at the end of training. Training goals: techniques, in the Ritz Paris kitchens, supervised by the chef instructors. • create an assortment of “prestige” desserts • refine the methodology of plating : texture, temperature, color… • learn to value top-quality ingredients and seasonal products The Ritz Paris Experience: This training course includes a lunch at L’Espadon, the Ritz Paris gastronomic restaurant. Training - Ritz Paris Pastry: Schedule: After attending the whole program and subject to the agreement and availability of the School, It is possible to complete the training within 4 day long module in restaurant or banqueting production Detailed schedule of classes is available on request. Training schedule 2016 Session 1 July 18 to 22 Session 2 October 3 to 7 Session 3 December 12 to 16 18 COMPLETE TRAINING PROGRAM G A S T RO N O M Y M A S T E R DIPLOMA THAT REPRESENTS THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING AT OUR SCHOOL, COMBINING ALL OUR MAJOR TRAINING COURSES: INTRODUCTION TO FRENCH CUISINE – ADVANCED TRAINING IN FRENCH CUISINE – FRENCH HAUTE CUISINE – INTRODUCTION TO THE ART OF FRENCH PASTRY – ADVANCED TRAINING IN FRENCH PASTRY-MAKING – FRENCH HAUTE PASTRY-MAKING – VIENNOISERIE TRAINING AND BREAD ROLLS. Duration 19 weeks Number of hours 658 hours Fee € 32400 Students are continually evaluated as they achieve the diplomas and certificates of each level of training. Training goals: Internship in the Ritz Paris Kitchen and/or main Pastry: • assimilate techniques in order to respect and value food products, prepare and lay out dishes according to French traditional and modern savoir-faire • master techniques and learn the optimal use of equipment • develop creativity through the interpretation of existing recipes and the creation of new recipes • organize work and manage time • discover new trends Subject to the approval of the school’s management and to availability, trainees who have earned the French Gastronomy Master Degree may do a 2-month (40-day) internship in the Ritz Paris Kitchen, under the guidance of Chef Nicolas Sale. The Ritz Paris Experience : This training course includes two lunches at L’Espadon, our gastronomic restaurant and one night at the Ritz Paris. Students will receive a Ritz Escoffier Chef outfit embroidered with his or her name, along with a Diploma. Training schedule 2016 Session 1 June 6 Session 2 August 15 19 I N F O R M AT I O N R E G I S T R AT I O N Our entire training program is available on the Ecole Ritz Escoffier website. Trainees can register online or by submitting a registration form. All our rates are VAT included. or full price if registration is made less than 30 days prior to the beginning of course. The school will send a written confirmation in return. Our rates will be valid for the duration of the training session and are subject to change for subsequent sessions according to variations in the price of raw materials. The registration form should be filled in and signed, and sent to the school, along with a deposit of 50% of the total price of the training course(s), D A I LY S C H O O L L I F E The kitchen of the Ecole Ritz Escoffier follows the pace of the Ritz Paris Kitchen. Trainees can, therefore, get advice from the experts of each culinary discipline who form the hotel’s professional team. The school has two demonstration kitchens and one pastry kitchen. A €150 credit cart guarantee for the outfit loan will be asked for on registration. Any outfit kept by a trainee or not returned will be charged €150. Classes are given in French and/or English. Being fluent in at least one of these two languages is essential for the correct understanding of the classes. Technical sheets are handed over to trainees at the beginning of each session, in the language of their choice (French or English). Secure individual changing rooms are available to trainees. Trainees have the obligation to wear their own safety shoes. The school also makes available a selection of hotels, locations and publications to help you find rental accommodation in Paris. Professional tools and equipment required for the performance of the class are available to trainees. The school also provides trainees with a full chef outfit, cleaned daily by the Ritz Paris laundry service. 20 C O N TAC T École Ritz Escoffier – Ritz Paris 15 place Vendôme 75001 Paris T +33 1 43 16 30 50 Internet website & reservations: Entrance of the school : 38 rue Cambon 75001 Paris Métro : Concorde – Opéra – Madeleine RER : Auber