Blue GrassRoots Festival Moves to Norcross Jim Hurst to Perform at
Blue GrassRoots Festival Moves to Norcross Jim Hurst to Perform at
January, 2015 Volume 31 Number 1 Blue GrassRoots Festival Moves to Norcross You may have heard the rumors, but now it's official – the 2015 Blue Grassroots Festival will move to downtown Norcross, GA. As in past festivals, this year's event is scheduled for the last weekend of March (Saturday, March 28 and Sunday, March 29). Festival cofounders Jack Sartain and John Kelley are excited about the new venue and growth opportunities that Norcross provides. Festival goers can expect the same great events regarding music (bands and jams), contests, and traditional dance. Norcross's historic downtown district also provides lots of space and a perfect backdrop for event. As in the past, SEBA will have a significant role in the event. Other event partners such as CCD, AAFFM, ducilmers, and oldtime musicians will also participate. The event is designed in a “festival-within-a-festival” format which gives each group free reign to produce their piece of the event. Jack, John, Rebecca Lawson and other volunteers are working feverishly to work out additional details for the event. Please save the dates and watch the Breakdown and SEBA website for news as it unfolds. Jim Hurst to Perform at the Crimson Moon on January 11 Jim Hurst brings his “Good Old Solid Pickin' and HeartFelt Singin'” to Dahlonega this January with a show on Sunday, January 11. Jim's unique guitar style shows influences from an impressive lineup of artists including Tony Rice, Clarence White, and Jerry Reed. His past credits include work with Claire Lynch's Front Porch String Band, a duo act with Missy Raines, session gigs, and solo recordings. The show starts at 8pm and tickets are available at The Crimson Moon website: Streetside view of downtown Norcoss, GA. – Mike Wood – Mike Wood with assistance from John Kelley Page 2 January 2015 The SEBA BREAKDOWN S E B A B r e a k d o w n & P U B L I C AT I O N S Editor: Mike Wood Breakdown Contributors to this month's issue: Mary Brown John Kelley Mike Wood Rebecca Lawson 2014 SEBA Board of Directors Chairman of the Board Secretary Danette Kellner 678 445-7020 Treasurer/Finance Membership Committee Chair Don Simons 770 650-8975 Painter Dickson Lester 678 836-4391 President/CEO Chapters Chair Dan Daniel 770 900-7472 Education Committee Rebecca Lawson 678 592-4334 Publications Committee Mike Wood 678-492-0253 The SEBA Breakdown is a monthly production of:The Southeastern Bluegrass Association, Inc P.O. Box 20286, Atlanta, GA 30325. Copyright 2014, All rights reserved From the Editor’s Desk Happy New Year to all. I hope the holidays treated you well and left you in the mood for some hot bluegrass action for 2015. So far, things are looking good. Adams Bluegrass is kicking off the new year with a major, 3-day festival in Jekyll Island to get us started. Local venues such as the Red Light Cafe, Crimson Moon, and Everett's are also keeping up the tradition with a regular slate of shows and jams. In addition, we just received formal confirmation that the Blue GrassRoots Festival will happen once again this March – this time at a great new venue in Norcross. If you throw in all the SEBA jams and ongoing local events like the Greater Good Barbecue, it's looking like we're off to a great start with plenty of options for bluegrass pickin' and listenin' for the new year. I hope to see y'all at one or more of these events. - Mike Wood, Breakdown Editor Until next month keep posting those events at Let ters to the Editor Letters to the editors are always welcomed. We want your thoughts, ideas and comments. Your opinion counts and we are ready to listen. We are looking forward to hearing from you in future editions of The Breakdown. SEBA depends on Creative Printing for your printed copies of The SEBA Breakdown. Call or visit them Today for a quote! Address for all memberships, subscriptions and submissions to: SEBA's Po Box or email us at Deadline for all submissions is the 1st of each month. SEBA's Mission Statement The Southeastern Bluegrass Association (SEBA) is a nonprofit organization consisting of members, fans, bands, promoters, businesses, vendors, musicians, and friends of bluegrass music. Working together to reach a common goal: The preservation and promotion of Bluegrass Music, bringing it to the Community through performers, instructors, jam sessions, venues and events and providing information to all through our publications, the Award Winning SEBA Breakdown and the SEBA websites. Please copy & use the SEBA logo. Link us.. We s upport SEBA On you r w e b si t e i n you r em ai l or on you r F ac ebook p ag e you can help g et t he w ord ou t t hat S EB A is her e t o help e ver yo ne i n t he blu eg r as s m us i c c om mu ni t y. Page 3 January 2015 The SEBA BREAKDOWN Random Photos From the Annual Meeting Page 4 January 2015 The SEBA BREAKDOWN Another Civil War Song by Mary Calvert Brown The following article allocates equal time to the North, divisions made up of varied nationalities. featuring a song ironically entitled "Dixieland" by Steve While less successful in attracting foreign recruits to the Earle. rebel cause, the Confederate army enlisted thousands of The narrator Buster Kilrain, an Irish immigrant immigrants, with its own Irish Brigade and Polish mercenary in Joshua Chamberlain's 20th Maine Legion as well as several German and Mexican Regiment, was a composite character in the novel "The divisions. Killer Angels" by Michael Shaara, which was adapted At least 20 Union regiments were dominated by Irish into the movie "Gettysburg"; and in the prequel by immigrants, the most famous of which was Thomas F. Shaara's son Jeff, "Gods and Generals". Kilrain's lines in Meagher’s Irish Brigade of New York State, which was the book and movie were actually compiled from letters almost wiped out at the Battle of Fredericksburg in 1862 and documents written by several soldiers. by Col. Robert McMillan’s Georgia Brigade. McMillan It is likely that Shaara based the character Kilrain partly on the 20th Maine's Sergeant George Buck. One day when Buck was ill and stayed behind at camp, a quartermaster ordered him to chop wood. Buck refused and the officer struck him. Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain was then ordered to demote Buck to the rank of private. At Gettysburg Buck was critically wounded, and Chamberlain promoted him back to his previous rank of sergeant just before he died. was Irish himself, but had no qualms about shooting his fellow immigrants. According to the novel "Gods and Generals", Kilrain was born in 1812 in Belfast. He was originally a sergeant before being demoted to private for assaulting a superior while drunk. According to "The Killer Angels" and "Gettysburg", he died on the morning of July 3, 1863, after being wounded twice while helping to defend Little Round Top the day before. Kilrain describes himself as a Fenian making a hasty exit Reference Source : from Ireland one step ahead of execution by the British Steve Earle & Del McCoury Band -Dixieland for his revolutionary activities. Many such Irish revolutionaries were experts in guerrilla warfare, and easily found work as mercenaries for both the North and the South. Not necessarily interested in the idea of union, they fought over the issue of class struggle. Over 140,000 troops in the Union army hailed from Ireland. Originally a legendary group of heroic Irish warriors in the second and third centuries A.D., the Fenians' ultimate goal was the overthrow of British rule in Ireland, a nationalist ambition shaped by a seven century-long conflicted yet symbiotic relationship between the Irish and English peoples which is beyond the scope of the entire internet to describe satisfactorily. Foreign enlistment in the American Civil War was largely dominated by the Union's success in attracting international volunteers, although a significant number of immigrants served with the Confederacy. While the largest Union foreign contingents were Irish and German, other volunteers included Frenchmen, Hungarians, Scandinavians, Italians, Poles, Mexicans, and a few Asians. Communication difficulties, especially in Union regiments, created constant problems in Mary Calvert Brown and Mark Etheredge Page 5 January 2015 The SEBA BREAKDOWN “SEBA's Take Along Sharing & Information Page” We hope you find this feature helpful Thanks fo supporting SEBA S t a rt y o u r o w n S E BA c h a p t e r o r J a m S i t e C o n t a c t To view or post Festivals go to For all other events go to YOUR SEBA CHAPTERS, VICE PRESIDENTS, LOCATIONS, MEETINGS & TIMES F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n g o t o w w w. s e b a b l u e g r a s s . o r g New SEBA Americus, GA New New SEBA Rab Rabun (Clayton Clayton,GA) New VP Debra Sykes 229-874-1234 VP Dean English 706 782-9852 SEBA is proud to announce our newest chartered chapter: SEBA Americus, GA. Congratulations to our new VP Debra Sykes! Brickyard Plantation Golf Club & RV Park 1619 US Highway 280 Americus, GA 31709 1st Saturday 6 – 8pm 8pm Blueridge Music Store 629 Duggan Hill Rd. Clayton, GA 30525 1st Saturday 12pm - 3pm SEBA DAHLONEGA, GA New Loca tio on Locati New SEBA Stable (Ba (Ballplay/G llplay/Gadsden, AL) New SEBA Macon County, NC New VP Dan Nelson 256 490-4360 Click for Map 191 Thornton Lakes Road Ballplay, AL 35903 3rd Saturda Saturday 12pm till when wheneever.. VP Jay Baird 828-200-1932 Macon County Heritage Center 51 Cowee School Drive Cowee, NC 28734 Click for Map 3rd Saturday 12pm till 3:30pm VP John Stockard 706-867-8972 Click for Map United Community Bank, 206 Morrison Memorial Parkway . Dahlonega, GA 30533 3rd Sun 2 - 5p 5pm SEBA Colum lumbus bus, GA Click for Map Click for Map SEBA Midd Middle Geo Georgia Blu Bluegrass Macon Ga VP Sam Whaley 478-258-4818 VP Andy Gilbert 706-561-9675 Click for Map Lake Pines RV Park & Campground 6404 Garrett Road Columbus, Georgia 31820 Click for Map Click for Map Young America Music School (YAMS) 6361 Zebulon Rd, Macon, GA 31220 1st Monda Monday 6pm -9p -9pm The last Sunday of every month. SEBA JACK JACKSONVIL VILLE, LE, Fl VP Ronnie Davis 904-813-1761 Edgewood Heights Baptist Church 4011 Gilmore St. Jax., Fl. 32205 2nd Sat of each Month from 4 to 8 PM SEBA UNION CITY, CITY, GA SEBA WINDER, GA SEBA MARIETT ARIETTA GA VP Tommy Johnston 770-964 3473 Click for Map Shadnor First Baptist Church 6320 Westbrook Ave Union City ,Ga. 30291 3rd Sunday 3 - 6pm VP Scott & Lizabeth Weber 770-207-9223 Click for Map St. Anthony's Episcopal Church 174 St. Anthony's Dr Winder, GA 30680 1st Sunda Sunday 3pm -6p -6pm VP Dan Daniel 770 971-2154 SEBA CENTRAL (Atlan (Atlanta Met Metro) SEBA TAG (Ch (Chattan tanooga, TN) Walter Stark 404 315-6161 Click for Map Emory Presbyterian Church 1886 N. Decatur Rd Atlanta, GA 30307 2nd Sunday 3 - 6pm VP Carson Madewell 423-624-3063 SEBATAG@ s e b a b l u e g r a s s . o r g Click for Map Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 7407 Bonny Oaks Drive,Chattanooga, TN. 37421 3rd Sunday 2 -5pm Click for Map Woodstock Community Church 237 Rope Mill Road Woodstock, Georgia. 30188 3rd Sunday 1:30 – 4:30pm More chapters are in the works. Watch this space for details. GREAT NEW SEBA JAMSITE LOCATIONS AND MORE TO COME Get YOUR favorite jam site officially supported by SEBA Bill's Music Shop & Pickin' Parlor Australian Bakery New Lone Star Barbecue Pickers Paradise 48 South Park Sq NE Marietta, 2212 State Park Road Hwy 59 and Hwy 31 GA Santee, SC 29142 Stapleton, AL 36578 710 Meeting St West 30060 251-937-0511 Phone: 803-854-2000 Columbia, SC 678 797-6222 contact 29169 (803) 796-6477 pickersparadisemusicstore@gm Every Every 1st and 3rd Friday of each Friday Night 7:30 PM 3rd Thursday 7 - 10pm Tuesday Night 7 – 9 pm month P l e a s e c h e c k o r c a l l b e f o r e y o u g o. New Real 2 Reel Recording Studio 7815 Old Morrow Road Jonesboro, GA 770-472-4747 3rd Wed 6 to 9 pm Thanks for patronizing our supporters Page 6 January 2015 The SEBA BREAKDOWN Let's keep posting those events at Your Monthly guide to … Live & Pickin Call before you go! Featured Venues The Crimson Moon The Red Light Cafe 24 North Park St, Dahlonega, GA 706-864-3982 533 Amsterdam Ave, Atlanta, GA 404-874-7828 Jan 2, 3, 4 Shawn Mullins 8 pm $40 Adv/$45 Door* Jan 8 Writers In the Round Ftg: Brandon Reeves, Ronnie Dennis, Vanita Joines 7 pm $5 Gen. Adm. Jan 9 Ugly Cousin 8 pm $10 Adv/$12 Door* Jan 10 Echo Rowdy 8pm $10 Adv/$12 Door* Jan 11 Old Time Jam 2 to 5 pm FREE! Jan 11 Jim Hurst 8 PM $12 Adv/$15 Door* Jan 17 Roxie Watson 8 pm $16 Adv/$19 Door* Jan 18 Boomers Gone Wild 7 pm $7 Adv/$10 Door* Jan 23 Gina Gaily 8 pm $10 Adv/$12 Door* Jan 24 Hog Eyed Man & Dana Lynn/Kyle Sanna 8 pm $12 Adv/$15 Door* Jan 25 The Honeycutters, 8 pm $10 Adv/$13 Door Jan 29 Writers in the Round Ftg: Carly Gibson, BJ Wilbanks, & Spencer Durham 7 pm $5 Adv/$7 Door* Jan 8 The Po' Ramblin Boys & Gators in the Sawgrass 8pm $5 Adv/$8 Door Jan 15 Dismal Creek 8pm $5 Adv/$8 Door Jan 17 Kristina Murray with Sailing to Denver 8pm $8 Adv/$10 Door Jan 24 Cedar Hill and 3 Way Street 8pm $5 Adv/$7 Door * Door prices are generally effective 5pm on date of show – see venue website to confirm policies and pricing. Everett's Music Barn 4055 Stonecypher Road, Suwanee, GA 30024 706-945-5628 Bluegrass music every Saturday night. Jams begin at 7pm and band peformances start at 8PM. Donations suggested for some events – see venue website for details. Guest artists for January include: Jan 3 The Clinton Gregory Band Jan 17 Volume Five (CD Release Party) Weekly Events Tuesday Australian Bakery Tuesday Jam, Australian Bakery Cafe, Marietta, GA, 6pm 10pm,, Greg Beyer,, 678-797-6222 Wednesday Stone Mountain Jam, Stone MT Cafe-Bakery, Downtown Stone Mt, Stone Mountain, GA, 6pm - 8pm, Stone Mt Cafe-Bakery,, 678-805-8617 Thursday Bluegrass Thursdays - Weekly Jam, Red Light Cafe, Atlanta, GA, Jam starts at 6PM, band performance 911PM,, Ellen Mills,, 678-451-7820 Friday Open Stage & Bluegrass Jam, Bill's Music Shop & Pickin' Parlor, 7:30 PM, 710 Meeting St West, Columbia, SC,, (803) 796-6477, Saturday Weekly Jam Sessions, Everett's Music Barn, Suwanee, GA, 7pm-12am,, Diane Dunaway,, 770-945-5628 Sunday Bluegrass at The Greater Good BBQ, The Greater Good BBQ House, Tucker, GA, 6 - 7 pm with Jam after,, David Belcher,, 678-231-7820 Page 6a January 2015 The SEBA BREAKDOWN Let's keep posting those events at Your Monthly guide to … Live & Pickin Call before you go! Jan 3~Sat~Weekly Jam Sessions, Everett's Music Barn, Suwanee, GA, 7pm-12am,, Diane Dunaway,, 7709455628 Jan 4~Sun~Tucker Station String Band, The Greater Good BBQ, Tucker, GA, 6pm - 8pm,, Christy Hand, Jan 6~Tue~Australian Bakery Tuesday Jam, Australian Bakery Cafe, Marietta, GA, 6pm - 10pm,, Greg Beyer,, 678-797-6222 Jan 7~Wed~Stone Mountain Jam, Stone MT Cafe-Bakery, Downtown Stone Mt, Stone Mountain, GA, 6pm - 8pm, Stone Mt CafeBakery,, 678-805-8617 Jan 8~Thu~Bluegrass Thursdays - Weekly Jam, Red Light Cafe, Atlanta, GA, Jam starts at 6PM, band performance 9-11PM,, Ellen Mills,, 678-451-7820 Jan 9~Fri~Jim Hurst House Concert - Macon, GA, Joe's House North Macon, GA, Macon, GA, 7:30pm, , Joe Cullison,, 478-335-3895 Jan 9~Fri~Ugly Cousin, The Crimson Moon, Dahlonega, GA, 8pm10pm,, Laura Mae Pierce, Jan 10~Sat~Weekly Jam Sessions, Everett's Music Barn, Suwanee, GA, 7pm-12am,, Diane Dunaway,, 7709455628 Jan 11~Sun~Bluegrass at The Greater Good BBQ, The Greater Good BBQ House, Tucker, GA, 6 - 7 pm with Jam after,, David Belcher,, 678-231-7820 Jan 11~Sun~Jim Hurst, The Crimson Moon, Dahlonega, GA, 8pm10pm,, Laura Mae Pierce, Jan 11~Sun~OLD TIME JAM, THE CRIMSON MOON, DAHLONEGA, GA, 2 PM TO 5 PM,, Jan 11~Sun~SEBA Central Jam, Emory Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA, 3pm-6pm,, Walter Stark,, 404-315-6161 Jan 13~Tue~Australian Bakery Tuesday Jam, Australian Bakery Cafe, Marietta, GA, 6pm - 10pm,, Greg Beyer,, 678-797-6222 Jan 14~Wed~Stone Mountain Jam, Stone MT Cafe-Bakery, Downtown Stone Mt, Stone Mountain, GA, 6pm - 8pm, Stone Mt Cafe-Bakery,, 678-805-8617 Jan 15~Thu~Bluegrass Thursdays - Weekly Jam, Red Light Cafe, Atlanta, GA, Jam starts at 6PM, band performance 9-11PM,, Ellen Mills,, 678-451-7820 Jan 17~Sat~Ken Scoggins, Mt. Gilead Music Barn, Mt. Gilead, NC,, Ken Scoggins,, 803230-9523 Jan 17~Sat~Weekly Jam Sessions, Everett's Music Barn, Suwanee, GA, 7pm-12am,, Diane Dunaway,, 7709455628 (see page 6b for additional listings) Little Roy Lewis & Lizzy Long endorse joining SEBA SEBA Membership Request & Suggestion Form Ye s c I want to Join SEBA & get the Monthly issue of The Breakdown with Internet Access, Member Directory & FREE Want Ads. Fill in & mail form or on line at DATE _______________________ I'M A NEW MEMBER c MEMBER RENEWAL c DONATION ONLY c MEMBER UPDATE c Economy Electronic Memberships (E-memberships are for access to the SEBA Breakdown newsletter, in color on line. For Internet access only. FREE Want Ads & all other benefits apply ) E-MEMBER $15 c E- FAMILYMEMBER $20 c PROFESSIONAL E--MEMBERSHIP w/Web Page $25 BAND&ENTERTAINERS c MUSICINSTRUCTORS c BUSINESS c INDIVIDUAL c Regular SEBA Memberships (Receive one copy of the Black & White printed version of the SEBA Breakdown newsletter by US Mail & on line color version. FREE Want Ads & all other benefits apply) INDIVIDUAL SEBA MEMBERSHIP $20 c FAMILY MEMBERSHIP $25 c SEBA PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS w/ Web Page $35 BAND & ENTERTAINERS c MUSIC INSTRUCTORS c BUSINESS c INDIVIDUAL c NameYourNew “SEBAPro“ WebPage Pro Page Name_______________________________ ___________________________________________ Your Web Site Address ___________________________________________ YourName_____________________________________________ Address________________________________________________ City, State,Zip ___________________________________________ Email____ _________________________________________ ____ Phone#________________________________________________ To apply on line go to What is the closest SEBA chapter to you? _______________________________________ SEE this issue or our web site for current locations. I want a SEBA chapter near me. c Where ?_______________________________ Include me in The SEBA Member Directory c M a i l y o u r F o rm & P a y m e n t t o : SEBA P. O . B o x 2 0 2 8 6 Atlanta, GA 30325 Page 6b January 2015 The SEBA BREAKDOWN Let's keep posting those events at Your Monthly guide to … Live & Pickin Call before you go! Jan 18~Sun~Facing South, Greater Good BBQ Restaurant, Tucker, GA, 6 - 7 pm with Jam afterward,, Mike Soucie,, 770-934-1675 Jan 20~Tue~Australian Bakery Tuesday Jam, Australian Bakery Cafe, Marietta, GA, 6pm 10pm,, Greg Beyer,, 678-797-6222 Jan 21~Wed~Reel 2 Reel Jam, Reel 2 Reel Studio, Jonesboro, GA, 6 pm till 9 pm 3rd Wednesday Every Month,, Bill Turpin,, , GA, 6770-314-3889 Jan 21~Wed~Stone Mountain Jam, Stone MT Cafe-Bakery, Downtown Stone Mt, Stone Mountainpm - 8pm, Stone Mt Cafe-Bakery,, 678-805-8617 Jan 22~Thu~Bluegrass Thursdays - Weekly Jam, Red Light Cafe, Atlanta, GA, Jam starts at 6PM, band performance 911PM, , Ellen Mills,, 678-451-7820 Jan 23~Fri~Monroe Crossing in Macon, GA, Historic Douglass Theatre, Macon, GA, 7:30pm,, Box Office,, 478-742-2000 Jan 24~Sat~Hog Eyed Man with Dana Lynn & Kyle Skana, The Crimson Moon, Dahlonega, GA, 8pm10pm,, Laura Mae Pierce, Jan 24~Sat~Weekly Jam Sessions, Everett's Music Barn, Suwanee, GA, 7pm-12am,, Diane Dunaway,, 7709455628 Jan 25~Sun~Hicks With Picks, Greater Good BBQ Restaurant, Tucker, GA, 6 to 8 pm,, Jeff Dore, Jan 27~Tue~Australian Bakery Tuesday Jam, Australian Bakery Cafe, Marietta, GA, 6pm 10pm,, Greg Beyer,, 678-797-6222 Jan 28~Wed~Stone Mountain Jam, Stone MT Cafe-Bakery, Downtown Stone Mt, Stone Mountain, GA, 6pm - 8pm, Stone Mt Cafe-Bakery,, 678-805-8617 Jan 29~Thu~Bluegrass Thursdays - Weekly Jam, Red Light Cafe, Atlanta, GA, Jam starts at 6PM, band performance 911PM,, Ellen Mills,, 678-451-7820 Sweetwater Creek Bluegrass Band Live at Lena's Place in Atlanta on November, 2014 Page 7 January 2015 The SEBA BREAKDOWN Classified Ads FREE FOR ALL SEBA MEMBERS Ads in the lessons category will run for 6 months. All other categories will run for 3 months. CONTACT US INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE or TRADE Gene Ivey fiddle for sale: I'm selling a fiddle, handmade in 1985--the 11th fiddle made by Gene Ivey of Ider, Alabama (Sand Mountain.) Mister Ivey had fiddles shown in the Smithsonian, is in the Alabama Music Hall of Fame, was an artist shown on an Alabama PBS documentary, Coat of Many Colors. There are many references to him online. I bought this fiddle in 1999 from the Violin Shop in Nashville. It is one of about 200 fiddles Mister Ivey made in his lifetime. He made other stringed instruments too. Ivey died in March of 2014. To see pics go to: banner=pwa I'm asking $2000 firm, per the price suggested by man I bought it from, a professional musician and instrument maker. The instrument is a collectible by virtue of its maker's standing but it's meant to be played. If interested contact Peg Tilley, or call 251-895-9203 $400.00 Antonio Stradivarius Cox fiddle, made in West Germany, very old, good condition with bow and hard case, needs new strings $500.00 Call Anne 770-948-9427 Music Instruction Beginning to Intermediate Fiddle Class Wednesdays 630-800pm Inman Park. Explore bluegrass and newgrass fiddle styles in a small group setting. Call for details Bob Simon 404-5505058. Guitar, Bass, Banjo, Jamming lessons available, in my home, Stockbridge, GA area, call or text Arlene Veasey @770-377-7473. Mandolin Lessons in your home by Stephen Cagle. Cities are: Mtta, Kenn, Powder Springs, Dalls/Hiram, Acw, Emerson, Cartersville, Euharlee, Kingston, White, Adairsville, Rome. Please call/email me regarding pricing and your area if not listed. (cell) 678-429-1186 or email me at thanks, Stephen Cagle MULTIPLE INSTRUMENTS - Play music for fun at Gerry Hall's home studio. I teach Guitar, Banjo,Mandolin, Fiddle, Steel Guitar and coach vocals. Will work with bands on vocal arrangements and harmony singing. I recently received the Education Award from the Atlanta Country Music Hall of Fame. 770-422-0220. GUITAR LESSONS Available in Calhoun/Gordon Co. area from Marty Parmer. I'm now accepting new students for beginner through intermediate guitar lessons. I teach country, gospel, and bluegrass and include jamming, flatpicking, and backup instruction. Call Marty at 706-680-6630 BANJO LESSONS - available in East Atlanta area from Geoff Hohwald, author of the Banjo Primer For Sale: New one owner Martin HD-28SV, purchase thu and set up by Maple Street Guitars. Book and DVD. Beginners to advanced. Includes instruction on playing backup and jamming. Free No Scratches, excellent shape, played very little. $1800.00. Gold Tone OM 800+ octave lessons available at If you wish to take private or group lessons call 404 218Mandolin, new one owner, hard shell case, no scratches, played very little. $400.00. 1920's Regal 8580 or Tenor banjo, new geared tuners, tuned GDAE, good condition, no case, $350.00. Available to see and play, call 706 367 4710, Jefferson, GA. For sale: Denton Music Slide-o-caster's. They are unique to the cigar box guitar concept. It's a slide style guitar played in your lap. They are 3 or 4 string. They sound great & are loads of fun to play. Handcrafted in the USA, using a choice cigar box & choice hardwood necks with a combination of accents from the "resourceful" period that will bring enjoyment to all that listen & play. They are electric with a CB Gitty 4 post sigle coil inclosed pick up. The cigar-box guitar brings a wonderful blend of conversation & remembrance of the Good Ole' Days gone by. I pour a lot of heart into these pieces & will be happy to answer any questions or text/call: 404 428 2417 (Eric) Website: 1968 Fender JazzMaster Electric Bass Good condition Call Jamie 770 653-3649 Polish fiddle An antique hand-crafted and hand-detailed fiddle; good condition, no bow, no strings Misc Ads Lifelong Bluegrass Collection 250+ LPs, Ralph Stanley, Bill Monroe, Flatt & Scruggs, Jim & Jessee, The Osborne Brothers, Tony Rice, and many more. Jackets - Good condition, LPs Very Good condition. Interested call 770-420-7211. Guitarist Wanted: Calvary Baptist Church on Hwy 29 in Lilburn is looking for someone to play guitar weekly during our regular Sunday morning service. Other instruments would also be welcomed. Please contact the music director, Vicki, at for more information. SEBA LOWERS PRICES ON EVENT FLYERS GET MORE PEOPLE LOOKING AT YOUR EVENTS This month's Fliers Click Here to view ALL fliers Thousands visit our sites looking for events. SEBA is dedicated to getting the word out for you. Get your Festival Flyers Posted online for public viewing or inserted in the award-winning SEBA Breakdown! And get the online posting FREE.. • 1 “On-line Only” Electronic Online • Special 12 fliers “On-line Only” • 1 Paper flier insert and On-line $15.00 per flier $50.00 $50.00 per flier Electronic Online (1 year) Includes Electronic Online (you print you ship) • 3 Paper fliers inserts and On-line Includes Electronic Online $100.00 (you print you ship) Write us at JAN 1-3~New Year's Bluegrass Festival, ~Jekyll Island, GA~706-864-7203 FEB 19-21~Palatka Bluegrass Festival, ~Palatka, FL~706-864-7203 FEB 23-Mar 1~Roscoe Canady Memorial Bluegrass Festival, ~Waldo, FL~904-886-8378 MAR 25-29~Sertoma Youth Ranch Spring Bluegrass Festival,, FL~ 904-886-8378 MAR 28-29~Blue GrassRoots Festival~Historic Downtown Norcross, GA~Contact info TBA APR 6-12~Dixieland Spring Bluegrass Festival, ~Waldo, FL~904-886-8378 APR 18-19~Bear on the Square Mountain Festival, ~Dahlonega, GA~706-864-9007 APR 22-26~Hillside Bluegrass Reunion, ~Cochran, GA~904-886-8378 APR 30-May 2~The Little Roy & Lizzy Music Festival, ~Lincolnton, GA~706-864-7203 MAY 7-9~GREAT Southern Music Festival, ~Ochlocknee, GA~229 221 5467 JUN 4-6~Cherokee Bluegrass Festival, ~Cherokee, NC~706-864-7203 JUN 4-6~DINWIDDIE MUSIC FESTIVAL, ~North Dinwiddie, VA~804-862-3174 JUN 12-14~2015 Wakarusa Bluegrass Festival, ~Wakarusa, IN~574-825-1874 JUN 24-27~Music in the Mountains Bluegrass Festival, ~Summersville, WV~706-8647203 AUG 13-15~North Carolina State Bluegrass Festival, ~Marion, NC~706-864-7203 OCT 9-11~Tennessee Fall Homecoming, ~Norris, TN~865-494-7680 NOV 12-14~Fall Palatka Bluegrass Festival, ~Palatka, FL~706-864-7203 Page 8 Nov, 2014 The SEBA BREAKDOWN
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