Did you know the SEBA Breakdown is a great place to advertise?
Did you know the SEBA Breakdown is a great place to advertise?
June 2014 Volume 30 Number 6 Historic Cowee School to Feature Michael Cleveland and Flamekeeper on June 21 by Seamus Murphy The Macon County (NC) Heritage Center celebrates the great tradition of North Carolina bluegrass music with a series of concerts this summer. The events will all be held at the Historic Cowee School in Franklin, NC. A series of great bands are on tap this season including Frank Solivan and Dirty Kitchen, Buncombe Turnpike, and Town Mountain. This month, Michael Cleveland and Flamekeeper are the featured entertainers. All the band members have outstanding credentials, but fiddler Michael Cleveland is especially impressive. Michael is a nine-time winner of the IBMA's fiddle performer of the year award. In addition, he won an IBMA Instrumental Album of the Year Award with his first solo album. Additional information about the event and the band can be found on the SEBA website, the event site at www.CoweeSchool.org, www.CoweeSchool.org, and www.flamekeeperband.com/. All in all, it sounds like a great event – a must-see for locals and certainly worth a road trip for some of our more distant members. Did you know the SEBA Breakdown is a great place to advertise? We now offer Ad Packages that include your ads on the SEBA websites Contact us for details at info@SEBAbreakdown.org Don't Miss the Racoon Creek Music Festival in Dallas, GA on July 11 & 12. Go to http://raccooncreekmusic.com/ for more details. When does Your membership expire? Know where to look? Know who to ask? If you are getting the printed copy of the Breakdown It is located just below your Name and Address on the back of every issue we send you. If you are an E Member you should be getting a email reminder 60 & 30 days before your expiration date or you can write us at Membership@SEBAbluegrass.org Page 2 June 2014 The SEBA BREAKDOWN www.sebabluegrass.org S E B A B r e a k d o w n & P U B L I C AT I O N S Acting Editor: Mike Wood Email: Breakdown @sebabluegrass.org Contributors to this month's issue: Dickson Lester Where's your name? Seamus Murphy Mike Wood We're still looking for your name on our contributions list too! 2014 SEBA Board of Directors Chairman of the Board Secretary Danette Kellner 678 445-7020 Chairman@sebabluegrass.org Treasurer/Finance Membership Committee Chair Don Simons 770 650-8975 Membership@sebabluegrass.org Painter Dickson Lester 678 836-4391 Events@sebabluegrass.org President/CEO Chapters Chair Dan Daniel 770 900-7472 President@sebabluegrass.org Education Committee Rebecca Lawson 678 592-4334 Education@sebabluegrass.org Adver tising/ Events Joe Surowiec 404 610-3276 Advertising@sebabluegrass.org Publications Committee Chair From the Editor’s Desk This month's issue initiates a new era for our venerable newsletter. Long-time newsletter editor Charlie Robinson regretfully informed us recently that he is no longer available to continue managing The Breakdown. We will certainly miss Charlie and his many contributions to our organization. Today SEBA is rebuilding our newsletter staff and operations and we look forward to providing you with continued news and entertainment over the coming months and years. This month is a little lean on news, but we had an explosion of activity in Live & Pickin'. Thanks to a plethora of concerts and jam sessions, Live & Pickin' has expanded to a full page, so there's no excuse for not getting out this month and enjoying our great bluegrass community. Have a great month. Mike Wood, Acting Breakdown Editor Until next month keep posting those events at http://www.sebabluegrass.org/events/wpw/submit.php Let ters to the Editor Letters to the editors are always welcomed. We want your thoughts, ideas and comments. Your opinion counts and we are ready to listen. We are looking forward to hearing from you in future editions of The Breakdown. SEBA depends on Creative Printing for your printed copies of The SEBA Breakdown. Call or visit them Today for a quote! Mike Wood 678 492-0253 Publications@sebabluegrass.org The SEBA Breakdown is a monthly production of:The Southeastern Bluegrass Association, Inc P.O. Box 20286, Atlanta, GA 30325. Copyright 2013, All rights reserved Address for all memberships, subscriptions and submissions to: SEBA's Po Box or email us at Breakdown@sebabluegrass.org Deadline for all submissions is the 1st of each month. SEBA's Mission Statement The Southeastern Bluegrass Association (SEBA) is a nonprofit organization consisting of members, fans, bands, promoters, businesses, vendors, musicians, and friends of bluegrass music. Working together to reach a common goal: The preservation and promotion of Bluegrass Music, bringing it to the Community through performers, instructors, jam sessions, venues and events and providing information to all through our publications, the Award Winning SEBA Breakdown and the SEBA websites. Please copy & use the SEBA logo. Link us.. We s upport SEBA On you r w e b si t e i n you r em ai l or on you r F ac ebook p ag e you can help g et t he w ord ou t t hat S EB A is her e t o help e ver yo ne i n t he blu eg r as s m us i c c om mu ni t y. Page 3 June 2014 The SEBA BREAKDOWN Thi Attention jammers! Check out the latest SEBA jam site at Reel 2 Reel Recording Studio in Jonesboro: www.sebabluegrass.org Page 4 June 2014 The SEBA BREAKDOWN www.sebabluegrass.org SEBA Band Supports Veterans by Dickson Lester A SEBA band was proud to be asked to help raise funds for Veterans. The MARS HILL PORCH PICKERS (who also have 3 Veterans in their ranks) kicked off this year's Annual "BLUEGRASS AND BBQ" fundraiser for Veterans sponsored by Buford Ga. AMERICAN LEGION POST 127 Sat May 10th. Lots of folks came out even though it was raining and helped this worthy cause for Veterans. The Fundraiser went from 12 noon until 11 p.m. Our hats are off to the great efforts of the BUFFORD, GA. AMERICAN LEGION POST 127 for using BLUEGRASS as its headliner drawing card to help Veterans. Other nationally recognized BLUEGRASS bands who participated were: NU BLUE, GRASSBACKARDZ, and FANTANA SUNSET. Your Monthly guide to Festivals Call before you go! JUN 12-14~White Sands Music Festival, blugrssand@aol.com ~Pensacola, FL~(850) 932-3734 JUN 13-15~Wakarusa Bluegrass Festival, http://www.WakarusaBluegrassFestival.com ~Wakarusa, IN~574-825-1874 JUN 19-21~Charlotte Bluegrass Music Festival, http://charlottebluegrassfestival.com ~Charlotte, MI~269-832-5519 JUN 26-28~CIRCLE E RANCH Bluegrass Festival, http://www.circleeguestranch.com/ ~Belvidere, TN~931-247-1204 JUL 4-5~Smithville Fiddlers' Jamboree and Crafts Festival, http://smithvillejamboree.com/ ~Smithville, TN~615-5978500 JUL 11-12~Raccoon Creek Bluegrass Festival, http://raccooncreekmusic.com ~Dallas, GA~770-943-2721 JUL 26~Everett's Music Barn, mailto:lonepine9039@yahoo.com ~Suwanee, GA~770-945-5628 AUG 1-2~Dillard Bluegrass & Barbecue Festival, http://www.dillardbbq.org ~Dillard, GA~706-746-2690 AUG 14-16~Milan Bluegrass Festival, http://www.kccampgroundmilan.com/milan-bluegrass-festival/2014-festival/ ~Milan, MI~(734) 439-1076 SEP 13~Old Fashioned Picnic and Bluegrass Festival, http://www.gwinnetthistoriccourthouse.com ~Lawrenceville, GA~770-822-5450 SEP 18-20~Thousand Trails Bluegrass by the Bay, http://www.bluegrassbythebay.com ~Gloucester, VA~540-894-8444 OCT 4~Hanover Ruritan Bluegrass Festival, http://www.hanoverruritan.org/Fundraisers/hanoverbluegrass.htm ~Mechanicsville, VA~804 335-8935 NOV 21~sawnee Mountain Music, sawneemountain@bellsouth.net ~Cumming, GA~770-887-7635 Page 5 June 2014 The SEBA BREAKDOWN www.sebabluegrass.org “SEBA's Take Along Sharing & Information Page” We hope you find this feature helpful Thanks fo supporting SEBA S t a rt y o u r o w n S E BA c h a p t er o r J a m S i t e C o n t a c t ChaptersCommittee@sebabluegrass.org To view or post Festivals go to http://www.sebabluegrass.org/events/festivals.php For all other events go to http://www.sebabluegrass.org/events/wpw/index.php YOUR SEBA CHAPTERS, VICE PRESIDENTS, LOCATIONS, MEETINGS & TIMES F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n g o t o w w w. s e b a b l u e g r a s s . o r g New SEBA Stable (Ba (Ballplay/G llplay/Gadsden, AL) VP Dan Nelson 256 490-4360 SEBAStableJam@sebabluegrass.org Click for Map 191 Thornton Lakes Road Ballplay, AL 35903 SEBAStableJam@SEBAbluegrass.org 3rd Saturday 12pm till whenever.. New SEBA Rab Rabun (Clayton Clayton,GA) New VP Dean English 706 782-9852 SEBARabun@SEBAbluegrass.org Click for Map Please check or call befor before you go Blueridge Music Store 629 Duggan Hill Rd. Clayton, GA 30525 1st Saturday 12pm - 3pm SEBA CALHOUN, GA SEBA CENTRAL (Atlan (Atlanta Met Metro) VP Mark Cox 706 745-5888 SEBABlairsville@sebabluegrass.org Click for Map Blairsville's Historic Hole In The Wall Diner 12 Town Square Blairsville GA 3rd Friday 6 – 9 pm VP Howard Withrow 770-773-9431 SEBACalhoun@sebabluegrass.org Click for Map Oostanaula Community Center, 1595 Oostanaula Bend Rd. Calhoun, GA 30701 2nd Sunday 2 - 5pm Walter Stark 404 315-6161 SEBACentral@sebabluegrass.org Click for Map Emory Presbyterian Church 1886 N. Decatur Rd Atlanta, GA 30307 2nd Sunday 3 - 6pm SEBA Colum lumbus bus, GA SEBA DAHLONEGA, GA New Loca tio on Locati SEBA JACK JACKSONVIL VILLE, LE, Fl VP Andy Gilbert 706-561-9675 SEBAColumbus@SEBAbluegrass.org Click for Map Lake Pines RV Park & Campground 6404 Garrett Road Columbus, Georgia 31820 VP John Stockard 706-867-8972 SEBADahlonega@sebabluegrass.org Click for Map VP Ronnie Davis 904-813-1761 SEBAJacksonville@SEBAbluegrass.org United Community Bank, 206 Morrison Memorial Edgewood Heights Baptist Church 4011 Gilmore St. Jax., Fl. 32205 2nd Sat of each Month from 4 to 8 PM SEBA Blai lairsvill svillee,G A The last Sunday of every month. Parkway . Dahlonega, GA 30533 3rd Sun 2 - 5pm Click for Map SEBA UNION CITY, CITY, GA SEBA FOOTHILLS elton n\Ande rson SC FOOTHILLS, Pend Pendelto \Anderson SEBA MARIETT ARIETTA GA VP Tommy Johnston 770-964 3473 SEBAFayetteville@sebabluegrass.org Click for Map Shadnor First Baptist Church 6320 Westbrook Ave Union City ,Ga. 30291 3rd Sunday 3 - 6pm VP Don Acevedo 864 376-1482 SEBAFoothills@sebabluegrass.org Click for Map Breazeale's Grocery Bluegrass 5109 Liberty Hwy Pendleton, SC 29670 4th Saturday 6:30 - 11pm VP Dan Daniel 770 971-2154 SEBA Midd Middle Geo Georgia Blu Bluegrass Macon Ga SEBA TAG (Ch (Chattan tanooga, TN) SEBA WINDER, GA VP Sam Whaley 478-258-4818 VP Carson Madewell 423-624-3063 SEBATAG@ s e b a b l u e g r a s s . o r g Click for Map Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 7407 Bonny Oaks Drive,Chattanooga, TN. 37421 3rd Sunday 2 -5pm VP Scott & Lizabeth Weber 770-207-9223 SEBAWinder@sebabluegrass.org Click for Map St. Anthony's Episcopal Church 174 St. Anthony's Dr Winder, GA 30680 1st Sunday 3pm -6pm SEBAmiddlegeorgia@sebabluegrass.org Click for Map Young America Music School (YAMS) 6361 Zebulon Rd, Macon, GA 31220 1st Monday 6pm -9pm SEBAMarietta@sebabluegrass.org Click for Map Woodstock Community Church 237 Rope Mill Road Woodstock, Georgia. 30188 3rd Sunday 1:30 – 4:30pm GREAT NEW SEBA JAMSITE LOCATIONS AND MORE TO COME Get YOUR favorite jam site officially supported by SEBA Bill's Music Shop & Pickin' Parlor Australian Bakery 48 South Park Sq NE Marietta, GA 30060 710 Meeting St West Columbia, SC 678 797-6222 contact @australianbakery.com 29169 (803) 796-6477 Every Tuesday Night 7 – 9 pm info@billsmusicshop.com Every Friday Night 7:30 PM Please check or call before you go New Lone Star Barbecue New Pickers Paradise 2212 State Park Road Santee, SC 29142 Hwy 59 and Hwy 31 Stapleton, AL 36578 251-937-0511 pickersparadisemusicstore@gmail.com Phone: 803-854-2000 santeepat24@yahoo.com 1st and 3rd Friday of each month 3rd Thursday 7 - 10pm Thanks for patronizing our supporters Page 6 June 2014 The SEBA BREAKDOWN sebabluegrass.org Let's keep posting those events at www.sebabluegrass.org/events/wpw/submit.php Your Monthly guide to … Live & Pickin Call before you go! Jun 1~Sun~Tucker Station String Band, The Greater Good BBQ, Tucker, GA, 6pm - 8pm, http://www.tuckerstation.com, seamusmurphy@comcast.net Jun 4~Wed~Stone Mountain Jam, The Gazebo in Downtown Stone Mountain, Stone Mountain, GA, 6pm - 9pm, rlawson.seba@gmail.com Jun 6~Fri~First Friday Jam Cartersville, 10 West Main, Cartersville, GA, 6:30pm-9:30pm, Paul Rogers, progersls@yahoo.com, 770-316-0007 Jun 6~Fri~Tim Cadiere and Washboard Road Band, The Library Ballroom, Macon, GA, Doors open at 6:30pm,http://www.facebook.com/thelibraryballroom , Kaylee Pruitt, TheLibraryBallroom@gmail.com, 478-957-7728 Jun 7~Sat~Grass Backardz, Red Top Mountain State Park, Cartersville, GA, 8:00 - 9:30 pm, http://www.friendsofredtop.org/, Peggy Martin, martin.pb@comcast.net, 678-4782456 Jun 8~Sun~Country Classics, The Greater Good BBQ, Tucker, GA, 6pm 8pm, http://www.greatergoodbbq.com, Joe Surowiec, surowiec@bellsouth.net, 770-9214597 Jun 11~Wed~Stone Mountain Jam, The Gazebo in Downtown Stone Mountain, Stone Mountain, GA, 6pm - 9pm, rlawson.seba@gmail.com Jun 13~Fri~Bluegrass Jam at Steve's Live Music, Steve's Live Music, Sandy Springs, GA, 6:30-close,http://www.steveslivemusic.com , Jason Koornick, koornick@yahoo.com, 678-708-2321 Jun 13~Fri~The Snyders, The Juliette Opry - Juliette GA, Juliette, GA, Show at 7:30pm (Doors at 7:00),http://www.acousticproductions.com , Joe Cullison, apmacon@gmail.com, 478-335-3895 Jun 14~Sat~Carlo Aonzo, Steve's Lived Music, Sandy Springs, GA, 2pm 4pm, http://www.steveslivemusic.com, Bob Knysz, f5mando@gmail.com, 4046307287 Jun 14~Sat~Smokey's Farmland Band, Red Top Mountain State Park, Cartersville, GA, 8:00 - 9:30 pm,http://www.friendsofredtop.org/ , Peggy Martin, martin.pb@comcast.net, 678-478-2456 Jun 15~Sun~Facing South, Greater Good BBQ Restaurant, Tucker, GA, 6 - 7 pm with Jam afterward,http://www.sebabluegrass.org/members/detail.php?id=1664 , Mike Soucie, mike.soucie@comcast.net, 770-934-1675 Jun 18~Wed~Reel 2 Reel Jam, Reel 2 Reel Studio, Jonesboro, GA, 6 pm till 9 pm 3rd Wednesday Every Month, http://reel-life.net/, Bill Turpin, billturpin@gmail.com, 770-3143889 Jun 18~Wed~Stone Mountain Jam, The Gazebo in Downtown Stone Mountain, Stone Mountain, GA, 6pm - 9pm, rlawson.seba@gmail.com Jun 20~Fri~Ken Scoggins & Miller's Creek, Stringbean Memorial Bluegrass Festival, Gray Hawk,, KY, http://www.KenScoggins.Com, Ken Scoggins, mail@kenscoggins.com, 803-230-9523 Jun 21~Sat~Bullsboro, Red Top Mountain State Park, Cartersville, GA, 8:00 - 9:30 pm, http://www.friendsofredtop.org/, Peggy Martin, martin.pb@comcast.net, 678-4782456 Jun 21~Sat~Roxie Watson + Michelle Malone Banned, Red Clay Theatre, Duluth, GA, Performance at 8pm, Doors open at 7pm,http://www.eddieowenpresents.com , Eddie Owen, info@eddieowenpresents.com, (404) 478- 2791 Jun 22~Sun~Hicks With Picks, Greater Good BBQ Restaurant, Tucker, GA, 6 to 8 pm,http://www.sebabluegrass.org/members/detail.php?id=1664 , Jeff Dore, Hicks@RSPC.org Jun 25~Wed~Stone Mountain Jam, The Gazebo in Downtown Stone Mountain, Stone Mountain, GA, 6pm - 9pm, rlawson.seba@gmail.com Jun 28~Sat~Edgar Laudermilk & Jeff Autry, Red Top Mountain State Park, Cartersville, GA, 8:00 - 9:30 pm,http://www.friendsofredtop.org/ , Peggy Martin, martin.pb@comcast.net, 678-478-2456 Little Roy Lewis & Lizzy Long endorse joining SEBA SEBA Membership Request & Suggestion Form Ye s c I want to Join SEBA & get the Monthly issue of The Breakdown with Internet Access, Member Directory & FREE Want Ads. Fill in & mail form or on line at SEBAbluegrass.org DATE _______________________ I'M A NEW MEMBER c MEMBER RENEWAL c DONATION ONLY c MEMBER UPDATE c Economy Electronic Memberships (E-memberships are for access to the SEBA Breakdown newsletter, in color on line. For Internet access only. FREE Want Ads & all other benefits apply ) E-MEMBER $15 c E-FAMILYMEMBER $20 c PROFESSIONAL E--MEBERSHIP w/WebPage $25 BAND&ENTERTAINERS c MUSICINSTRUCTORS c BUSINESS c INDIVIDUAL c Regular SEBA Memberships (Receive one copy of the Black & White printed version of the SEBA Breakdown newsletter by US Mail & on line color version. FREE Want Ads & all other benefits apply) INDIVIDUAL SEBA MEMBERSHIP $20 c FAMILY MEMBERSHIP $25 c SEBA PROFESSIONAL w/ Web Page BAND & ENTERTAINERS c MUSIC INSTRUCTORS c MEBERSHIPS $35 BUSINESS c INDIVIDUAL c NameYourNew “SEBAPro“ Web Page Pro Page Name_______________________________ ___________________________________________ Your Web Site Address ___________________________________________ YourName_____________________________________________ Address________________________________________________ City,State,Zip ___________________________________________ Email____ ______________________________ _______________ Phone #________________________________________________ To apply on line go to www.SEBAbluegrass.org What is the closest SEBA chapter to you? _______________________________________ SEE this issue or our web site for current locations. I want a SEBA chapter near me. c Where ?_______________________________ Include me in The SEBA Member Directory c M a i l y o u r F o rm & P a y m e n t t o : SEBA P. O. B o x 2 0 2 8 6 A t l a n t a, G A 3 0 3 2 5 Page 7 June 2014 The SEBA BREAKDOWN SEBA Jams at JR’s sebabluegrass.org WRFG radio personality and musician J.R. Langwell held his annual Pickin’ Party last month in the Toco Hills area near Atlanta. The event drew a large crowd of SEBA members and their families. Musicians from several local bands, duets, and area jam sessions came together for a few hours of music and camaraderie. As expected, an active jam session ensued which brought an audience of passersby. Thanks, JR, for the party and for your continued support of our bluegrass community. Volunteers Needed! The Breakdown is always looking for: • Event Previews/Reviews • Articles • Photos Send your replies to: Breakdown@sebabluegrass.org. Classified Ads FREE FOR ALL SEBA MEMBERS Now online at http://sebapublications.org/Festival_Event_Fliers.html Ads in the lessons category will run for 6 months. All other categories will run for 3 months. Place your FREE ad Today! CONTACT US breakdown@sebabluegrass.org Gibson RB250 flattop banjo for sale, serial number 889746, I have $2300 in it and would like to sell it for that. It is a very nice banjo, and was set up by Buddy Looney of Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. I can also send pictures of it. Don McWhorter 478 731-3888 1948 Gibson tenor conversion banjo, 1948 RB 100 tenor banjo has been converted to a five string,it has the original 5 ply pot, with a custom McPeak tone ring. It has a beautiful "Bill Sulivan" neckwith the flying eagle inlay as well as the "Gibson" This banjo is immaculate the resonator is original without a scratch and looks as good as the day it was sold new. A steal at $ 3000.00 478258-4818. CANDOLINS - Genuine "Washtub John" Candolins. Perfect gift for the beginner to the musician who plays everything. Almost 2 octaves from ONE string. Easy to play. $25. Call 770-607-9027 Music Instruction "Meeting Your Bassic Needs - Need a bass player on short notice? I have over 40 years of experience playing bass and am well versed in many different styles of music. Whether your need is for an acoustic or electric bass, I can fill the bill and be up to speed in no time. Please call program. Requires a computer email capability and a desire to help others use SEBA to find or sell their bluegrass related items or services. Should be willing to Spencer Rohlfs at 678-458-8678 or email me at rohlfss@gmail.com." occasionally contact folks who place ads or those who wish to. For more Beginning to Intermediate Fiddle Class Wednesdays 630-800pm Inman Park. Explore information contact: breakdown@sebabluegrass.org bluegrass and newgrass fiddle styles in a small group setting. Call for details Bob Simon 404-5505058. Wanted Volunteer to help manage SEBA's new Community Classified Ads INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE or TRADE Guitar, Bass, Banjo, Jamming lessons available, in my home, Stockbridge, GA area, 1948 Martin D-28. Has had work/repairs mostly in 2006 by Dave Musselwhite. Very recent fret call or text Arlene Veasey @770-377-7473. job and new saddle. Jam up and solid with very easy action . Top is fairly rough but this guitar has Mandolin Lessons in your home by Stephen Cagle. Cities are: Mtta, Kenn, Powder Springs, such a nice vintage tone. Waverly Relics. $9,000 Firm. Terry 770-906-1662. (Franklin , NC.) Dalls/Hiram, Acw, Emerson, Cartersville, Euharlee, Kingston, White, Adairsville, Rome. Please 1979 Stelling Gospel Banjo (Serial 1319) - LOUD! Excellent Condition, Keith Tuners, Original call/email me regarding pricing and your area if not listed. (cell) 678-429-1186 or email me at Case - Appraised at $4500, asking $4200. Blueridge BR160 with K&K Pure Mini under bridge stephencagle1530@yahoo.com thanks, Stephen Cagle pickup – LOUD! – Excellent condition w/Case $550 Contact:David Boise MULTIPLE INSTRUMENTS - Play music for fun at Gerry Hall's home studio. I teach Guitar, doktafunk@hotmail.com 678-485-5002 Banjo,Mandolin, Fiddle, Steel Guitar and coach vocals. Will work with bands on vocal arrangements Hoab Banjo 13" pot, custom inlay, open back and case excellent cond.asking 500.00 Misc and harmony singing. I recently received the Education Award from the Atlanta Country Music Hall amps,Fender and acoustic~ Chuck~404-210-1340 of Fame. 770-422-0220. Stanley Mandolin for sale. Serial #16. Excellent. $5800 Call Jim at 404-261-8281 1968 Fender JazzMaster Electric Bass Good condition Call Jamie 770 653-3649 Polish fiddle An antique hand-crafted and hand-detailed fiddle; good condition, no bow, no strings. GUITAR LESSONS Available in Calhoun/Gordon Co. area from Marty Parmer. I'm now accepting new students for beginner through intermediate guitar lessons. I teach country, gospel, and bluegrass and include jamming, flatpicking, and backup instruction. Call Marty at 706-680-6630 BANJO LESSONS - available in East Atlanta area from Geoff Hohwald, author of the Banjo Primer Book and DVD. Beginners to advanced. Includes instruction on playing backup and jamming. $400.00 Antonio Stradivarius Cox fiddle, made in West Germany, very old, good condition Free lessons available at freebanjovideos.com. If you wish to take private or group lessons call 404 with bow and hard case, needs new strings $500.00 Call Anne 770-948-9427 218-8580 or geoff@cvls.com. O f f i c i a l Sup p l i e r f o r S E B A H a ts SEBA banners designed and produced by D &S E m b ro i de r i ng C re a t i o ns World of Banners Custom Embroidering you will Love! V isit us at Bluegrass Festivals or Contact us: D e b ra or S o n ny Love4bluegrass@yahoo.com 334-740-3366 2 3 6 L e e Ro a d 6 6 0 Au b u r n , A L 3 6 8 3 2 This month's Fliers Click Here to view ALL fliers a division of InoVision SEBA LOWERS PRICES ON EVENT FLYERS GET MORE PEOPLE LOOKING AT YOUR EVENTS Thousands visit our sites looking for events. SEBA is dedicated to getting the word out for you. Get your Festival Flyers Posted online for public viewing or inserted in the award-winning SEBA Breakdown! And get the online posting FREE.. • 1 “On-line Only” Electronic Online • Special 12 fliers “On-line Only” • 1 Paper flier insert and On-line $15.00 per flier $50.00 $50.00 per flier Electronic Online (1 year) Includes Electronic Online (you print you ship) • 3 Paper fliers inserts and On-line Includes Electronic Online $100.00 (you print you ship) Write us at breakdown@SEBAbluegrass.org Page 8 December 2009 The SEBA BREAKDOWN www.sebabluegrass.org
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