Eye Su.rgery Associates
Eye Su.rgery Associates
Eye Su.rgery Associates Dlplomates, Arnerlc*n Board of Ophthalmology 2?.l0HoltyrtoodBlvrl. . Hollywood,ftoridg33020. g5+g2*2?1+ ltotlywood " 95,r"t62-TSg0Ft.Laqderdale ' 305940-27+0Miami' Fax95#923-8379 Memmtal West Medicat itldg. . 603 lL Flamirrgo lld- . Sulte 250 . Fembroke Plnet, Florlda 33028 ' 954",1t1'2777 ' fax 954-{lll-1$56 .I)an Msino Pediatric Center . X9S0 S. Commerc{: Fath*'oy ' West$n, Florltla 3333! ' 95+.595-2749 w'.eyesurg€ryassela(es.yo urnrd.coft r DATE: Pediatric Ophthalmology Strabismus - New Patient Questionnaire Page 1: Background Information CHILD'S NAME: SEX: F/M SS# DOB: ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: STATE: FATHER'S NAME: DOB: FATHER'S CELL#: WRK#: MOTHER'S NAME: DOB: MOTHER'S CELL#: WRK#: SS#: HM#: SS#: HM#: Family Status: Family Physician (or Pediatrician) n Patient is living with parent Living with relative, guardian, or foster parent Address Parents Phone Other Physicians(s) who should receive a report (please give name, specialty, address, and phone): n Married n n Yes n ruo GRP # CHILD / FATHER / MOTHER GRP # CHILD / FATHER / MOTHER PARENT'S SIGNATURE: pHY$lstANs net[A$€ I hereby authutrs paymsnt dir€{tly1o irr$$rencs eompany olherwise payable lo dle, Separated nDivorced Name and ages of brothers and sisters: Were you referred to us by your family physician/pediatrician? lf "no", who referred you, or how did you hear of us? INSURANCE INFORMATION : PRIMARY PLAN 'NSURANCE INSURANCE ID # WHO lS THE POLICY HOLDER: SECO N D ARY'TVSURA N CE P LAN INSURANCE ID # WHO lS THE POLICY HOLDER: are ol benefils due tc me frorn my . i furth*r authodre ttre release ol any medical iniormation required by my insureece carsier{s}. A {opy of lhis autharization may be used iri lid{t of lh6 otiginal. I suthlrie€ eny holde,^ of ffsdicsl or ather hlonnaticn abfiBt rns to r€lea$e lo the Social Se*urily Adfiini$tratiofi and Hoalth Care Frnancial &dmi*blraliorr or its ir\teri*€diariss $. c*rrie* any infcrmatio$ ne*rle.d lor this cr R relaied ldedicare cla;m. I rsqussl o.9yfilefil of $sdical insuranen bsft€{ils either to myrelf cr {n the t}arly trho nsf,;eFts assignmsnt, Iurvi*rs{andtlr&tisrrlftuianciaayrs$psnsibtctoctrsrqe$n$tes-'.ercdt}ylhisauthsrizatian. PARENT'S SIGNATURE: Pediatric Ophthalmology Strabismus - New Patient Questionnaire Page 2: History Informatiort Name: Date: Please check either yes or no for each of the following questions: f*mity tlJsfory; Which af the patienfs relatives Yes No A J 3 3 n 3 have had any o{ the foltowing? Yes No *n J ll il fl n fl Blindness Amblyopia {"lazy eye"i Patching treatmefil $lrabisrnus {"crossed eYed") Eye muscle surgery Glasses before age $ Are both parents alive and in good health? Cataracts in childhood Glaucoma in childhood Other serious eye diseaso Complications from anesthssia Genetic disease {runs ln family} Other serious illnesses: *D i3n iln fffl n3 History af Eya Fr*blems: Has the patietlt had any af the following? Yes il0 cil UA Cl U ll f fl tr Eye Fxam Glasses Patching Recenf Sympfoms; No n n Crossed or wandering eyo n n Excessive squinting J il Double Vision Cl 13 Excessive ey* rubbing f3 l] Frequent tearing *r discharge 3 C Blurred vision D n Light Sensitivity Yes Aga Yes No Age No How long? Yes €ye injury fiye surgery Other eye prcblems How lang? f"lo n s o a u LJ t3 t fI D Frequent headaches Tired eyes when reading Weakness or nunrbness Clurnsiness or bumping into things_ Can'? make normal evs contact s n Change in periormance in school or work tl n Other $ymptoms not mentfon*d above: - Other Medicat Prcbfems (Medical J'lisfory and freview of $ysfernsJ; Yes n tr A tr C il n Yes No S * il ill il n A n il il J S il S f$o i] tr fl n O D n $kin rash Neur*lngic prablerns Mentalillness Sickle ceil disease Allergies to msdications {list:} Otfrer allergi*s Missing immunizations Adhritis Liat any previous surgery, hospital$zaticns, major iilnesses, or injuries {olher then eye problems); Fever or weight loss Fr*qu*nt 6ar infections Other ear, nose or throat problems Heart problems Lung disease Kidncy or urinary disease List any rnedications the patient is taking, including eye drops: Eirth llistary : Eirth weight:_ Yes No {i{ * il S . il 3 lb, ,_ sz. problem?} Yes No {if "yes," why?} what was the }es," tl [l Selivered more than 2 weeks earty or late Problems during pregnancy Problems during delivery or foreeps delivery J n Baby kept in hospitaldue to illnese [] F Delayed development Cesarean seclion Heviewed by: Dr.*
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