SLARP board thank you from WFPI
SLARP board thank you from WFPI
World Federation of Pediatric Imaging 1891 Preston White Drive Reston, VA 20191-439 – USA 27th May 2016 Dear José, Celia, Alexandra and all members of SLARP’s board, Now IPR is over we are taking a few minutes to take stock of what it meant for WFPI, and we think it was an extraordinary moment. WFPI was launched 5 years ago at IPR London, and our Council members and volunteers have often crossed paths since. We organize our onsite/online meetings “on the road”, as best we can! But in Chicago, we gathered in large numbers, under a specific umbrella and with shared working objectives. It was a special week for us and will make us stronger in many ways. We have thanked the meeting presidents for giving us this opportunity. But we also want to reach out to our governing organizations and thank them too for their past and current support. For SLARP, AOSPR and AfSPI, WFPI funding is a tricky issue. But it is nonetheless genuinely recognized – by all -‐ that SLARP has contributed to this international platform in so many other ways. Not least, leadership and active participation in much of our outreach work, and furthermore SLARP’s online presence in Latin America which places it at the top of WFPI’s charts in terms of take-‐up and support!!. SLARP produces wisdom, steering, dynamism and hands-‐on help and participation at all levels. The Latin American group is, quite simply, a vital part of WFPI, and a much-‐loved family member. On a more general note a few thoughts to share with you. You are aware of the time spent recently on honing WFPI’s mandate. Given our form and the nature, some of our work must remain organic and flexible (bolt-‐on outreach). Other facets of our output require more organization and structure (digital education). We aim to use all funds we receive wisely to this effect. Meanwhile we also believe that our organization as a whole must evolve. We must be what our members want us to be, and also what true international /global work demands. We are now looking to lift the organization to a different level, becoming THE pediatric imaging body with global "overview". By this we mean developing information of global pediatric radiologist`s presence, training and needs around the world. This will help define more clearly the needs and gaps regarding pediatric radiology and thus guide our educational and outreach efforts. It is an ambitious project and we will definitely need your help! We hope SLARP leaders can input their ideas into this project. With your regional diversity and experiences your voice is much needed! We will be in touch with you in this regard. Regional Societies Founding Societies __________________________________________________________ On behalf of the WFPI Council and volunteers, our thanks again to SLARP for its support to date, and we look forward to more years working together, crisscrossing the national and international frontiers as fluidly as today’s world demands. Best regards Gloria Soto Veronica Donoghue Maria Ines Boechat President, WFPI Past President, WFPI Founding President, WFPI Regional Societies Founding Societies_ ________
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